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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(3): 779-799, jul.-set. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039961


Resumen Partiendo de un enfoque cualitativo, pretendemos dar cuenta de las motivaciones de grupos científicos y sus dinámicas de cooperación internacional. Consideramos la participación de científicos latinoamericanos en consorcios europeos y analizamos el punto de vista de los líderes europeos. Dentro de la cooperación científica "Norte-Sur", planteamos tres niveles de análisis: a nivel institucional, comprender el interés de Europa en cooperar con Latinoamérica; en relación con las estrategias cognitivas, averiguar las motivaciones de líderes europeos para enrolar latinoamericanos en sus investigaciones; a nivel de las prácticas, conocer la organización del trabajo en el interior de esos consorcios. Hacia el final, proponemos una tipología de algunas configuraciones de cooperación científica de grupos latinoamericanos.

Abstract Using a qualitative approach, we explore the motivations of scientific groups and their dynamics in international cooperation. We consider the participation of Latin American scientists in European consortia and analyze the European hosts' point of view. Within the framework of "North-South" scientific cooperation, we propose three levels of analysis: on the institutional level, understanding Europe's interest in cooperating with Latin America; in terms of cognitive strategies, tracing what motivates European group leaders to include Latin Americans in their research projects; and in terms of practices, figuring out how work within these consortia is allotted. Towards the end, we propose a typology of some of the modalities of scientific cooperation by Latin American groups.

Humans , Science , Technical Cooperation , International Cooperation , Jupiter , Latin America
Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 13(1): 113-123, ene.-jun. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-891145


Abstract This study investigated some aspects of a cooperative network aimed at Latin American Psychology. The study was based on documental data available to the public. The network included 262 researchers from Latin America and 38 from other countries, since the network supports researchers from other continents interested in cooperation. The data investigated were the country of origin, educational level and the professional occupation, general interests in cooperation and modalities of cooperation sought. Altogether, members came from 23 countries, including 12 Latin American and 11 countries from other continents. The countries with the largest number of participants were Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru. Regarding educational level, were identified from undergraduates to PhDs. The majority (n = 199) had a doctorate or master degree and the majority (n = 203) served as professor/researcher at the college level. The general interests of cooperation were divided into four groups and health and mental health and Social Psychology were the most cited topics. The form of cooperation cited more frequently was participation in Latin American research group. The data are compared with the literature and possibilities for advancing cooperation are discussed.

Resumen Este estudio investigó algunos aspectos de una red cooperativa dirigida a la Psicología Latinoamericana. El estudio se basó en datos documentales disponibles para el público. La red incluyó 262 investigadores latinoamericanos y 38 de otros países, puesto que la red apoya investigadores de otros continentes interesados en cooperar. Los datos investigados fueron el país de origen, el nivel educativo, la ocupación profesional, los intereses generales en cooperar y las modalidades de cooperación buscadas. En total, los miembros procedían de 23 países, incluyendo 12 de Latinoamérica y 11 de otros continentes. Los países con el mayor número de participantes fueron Colombia, Brasil, Argentina, Chile y Perú. En términos del nivel educativo se identificaron miembros desde pregrado hasta PhD. La mayoría (n = 199) reportó tener nivel de doctorado o maestría y la mayoría (n = 203) son profesores o investigadores en el nivel universitarios. Los intereses generales de cooperación se dividieron en cuatro grupos, de los cuales los temas más citados fueron salud, salud mental y psicología social. La forma de cooperación más frecuentemente señalada fue la participación en grupos de investigación latinoamericanos. Los datos se compararon con la literatura y se discutieron las posibilidades para avanzar en la cooperación.

Suma psicol ; 23(2): 125-132, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-962712


This study investigated the motivation for establishing partnerships, how these partnerships are evaluated, and the difficulties encountered in the partnerships among Latin-Americanresearchersin behavioral sciences. A hundred Latin-American researchers who had published scientific work indexed in Psycinfo in which another author from the continent participated. The participants answer0ed a questionnaire on theabove-mentioned topics. The results indicated that the main reasons for establishing partnerships with other Latin-Americans were to seek broader and more significant results and increased productivity or the visibility and recognition of production. As regards the evaluation of the results of the partnership, most participants indicated that the partnership has resulted in an increase in publications and publications of higher scientific level and greater visibility. Several difficulties were recognized, whichin general, were access and communicationin order to maintain the partnership. The main difficulties in conduct in gresearch were related to the final writing of the paper, as an article, chapter or other, as well as data collection. In terms of work infrastructure, the main barriers were financial constraints and lack of time to devote to the partnership. It can be concluded that the main reasons to cooperate are qualitative and quantitative advances, and that the difficulties in the partnerships are secondary.

Este estudio investigó la motivación para el establecimiento de asociaciones para cooperación, cómo se evalúan estas asociaciones y las dificultades encontradas entre los investigadores latinoamericanos en ciencias de la conducta. Participaron un centenar de investigadores latinoamericanos que habían publicado trabajos científicos indexados en Psycinfo con otro autor del continente. Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario sobre los temas antes mencionados. Los Resultados indicaron que las principales razones para el establecimiento de asociaciones para cooperar con otros latinoamericanos fueron: buscar resultados más amplios y significativos y aumento de la productividad o de la visibilidad y el reconocimiento de la producción. En cuanto a la evaluación de los resultados de la asociación, la mayoría indicó que la asociación se ha traducido en aumento de las publicaciones, en publicaciones de mayor nivel científico y en una mayor visibilidad. Se reconocieron varias dificultades. En general, las principales dificultades fueron el acceso y la comunicación para mantener la asociación. Las principales dificultades para llevar a cabo la investigación se relacionan con la redacción final del documento, como un artículo, capítulo u otro, y la recopilación de datos. En cuanto a la infraestructura de trabajo, las principales barreras fueron las limitaciones financieras y la falta de tiempo para dedicar a la asociación. Se puede concluir que las principales razones para cooperar son los avances cualitativos y cuantitativos, y que las dificultades en las asociaciones son secundarias.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 28(supl.1): 57-65, 2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-765043


AbstractThe paper discusses aspects of internationalization policies pertaining to research and postgraduate training programs in Brazilian psychology. Indicators from eight areas of knowledge, used by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education) to assess the level of internationalization of the postgraduate programs, are presented to support the arguments. The authors contend that: a) internationalization is not a theme limited to the strict framework of science and technology, requiring knowledge of cultural, educational, economic and political aspects; b) different axioms and rules apply to different areas of knowledge; c) collaboration with researchers from different centers can be more beneficial than focusing only on publishing in foreign periodicals; d) coordination and collaboration between researchers does not require alignment of national research agenda to the standards of foreign research centers. Indeed, internationalization is recognized and is rapidly developing in academic institutions and support agencies. In this process, challenges are presented to postgraduate programs: a) to ensure that communication extrapolates the limit of the Portuguese language and is in the language appropriate to the context of the student/researcher; b) to reduce bureaucratic obstacles that hinder cooperation in Brazilian universities; c) to support arrangements and policies that facilitate joint funding proposals with other countries that benefit Brazilian science and technology. (AU)

ResumoO texto discute aspectos em políticas de internacionalização da pesquisa e da formação pós-graduada no atual contexto da Psicologia no Brasil. Indicadores de oito áreas de conhecimento para aferir o nível de internacionalização dos programas de pós-graduação, utilizados no processo avaliativo conduzido pela Capes, são apresentados para embasar esta análise. Os autores argumentam que: a) internacionalização não é tema limitado ao âmbito estrito da ciência e da tecnologia, exigindo considerar aspectos culturais, educacionais, econômicos e políticos; b) diferentes axiomas e regras são aplicáveis a diferentes áreas do conhecimento; c) colaboração com pesquisadores de diferentes centros pode ser mais eficiente do que privilegiar apenas submissão pontual de textos a periódicos estrangeiros; d) articulação e colaboração entre pesquisadores não obriga o alinhamento de agendas de pesquisa nacionais ao que é privilegiado em centros de pesquisa no exterior. Com efeito, a internacionalização é reconhecida e está em franco desenvolvimento nas instituições acadêmicas e nas agências de fomento. Em tal processo, desafios se apresentam aos Programas de Pós-Graduação: a) assegurar que a comunicação extrapole o limite da língua portuguesa e se componha com o idioma local pertinente ao cenário internacional com o qual o estudante / pesquisador irá se relacionar; b) reduzir entraves burocráticos que dificultam a cooperação nas universidades brasileiras; c) contribuir para que agências de fomento à pesquisa estabeleçam acordos que resultem em editais conjuntos com outros países, assegurando condições de acesso a concorrências viáveis e garantidores de benefícios à ciência e à tecnologia brasileiras. (AU)

Psychology/education , Residence Characteristics , Internationality , Education, Graduate , Bibliometrics , Psychology/history , Brazil