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Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(4)dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559854


Introducción: Los trastornos mentales comunes se refieren a una variedad de afecciones de salud mental no psicóticas, como la depresión, ansiedad y manifestaciones somáticas, que son reconocidas en la actualidad como un problema de salud pública debido a las repercusiones en la salud de las personas que lo padecen. Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de los trastornos mentales comunes en estudiantes de la carrera profesional de Enfermería de una universidad pública. Método: El enfoque de investigación fue cuantitativo, el diseño no experimental de tipo descriptivo-comparativo de corte transversal. La población estuvo conformada por 321 estudiantes y la muestra por 175 estudiantes, quienes respondieron al Self Reporting Questionnaire-SRQ 20, instrumento con adecuados niveles de validez y confiabilidad. Los datos se procesaron a través del software SPSS versión 25. Para el análisis se utilizó la estadística descriptiva y para determinar si los trastornos mentales comunes se asociaban a las variables sociodemográficas propuestas, se recurrió a la prueba no paramétrica ji cuadrado. Resultados: La prevalencia general de los trastornos mentales comunes fue del 39,4 por ciento. Asimismo, se determinó que la prevalencia se asociaba de manera significativa al sexo y al nivel de consumo de bebidas alcohólicas (p< 0,05). Conclusiones: Existe una prevalencia moderada de los trastornos mentales comunes en los estudiantes peruanos de Enfermería(AU)

Introduction: Common mental disorders refer to a variety of non-psychotic mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and somatic manifestations that are currently recognized as a public health problem due to the repercussions on the health of the people who suffer from them. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders among Nursing students at a public university in the Peruvian Amazon. Method: The research approach was quantitative, the design, non-experimental and the type, descriptive-comparative cross-sectional. The population consisted of 321 students and the sample by 175 students who responded to the Self Reporting Questionnaire-SRQ 20, an instrument with adequate levels of validity and reliability. The data was processed through the SPSS version 25 software. For the analysis, descriptive statistics were used and to determine if the common mental disorders were associated with the proposed sociodemographic variables, the non-parametric Chi-Square test was used. Results: The overall prevalence of common mental disorders was found to be 39.4 percent. Likewise, it was determined that the prevalence was significantly associated with gender and the level of consumption of alcoholic beverages (p< 0.05). Conclusions: There is a moderate prevalence of common mental disorders in Peruvian Nursing students(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Anxiety , Somatoform Disorders , Mental Disorders/epidemiology , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Nursing
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 172-189, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430594


Resumen A pesar de que la violencia de pareja íntima (VPI) presenta en la mujer una variedad de síntomas evidenciables, varios de los actores involucrados en el sistema de salud no cuentan con mecanismos de evaluación temprana, ni de reconocimiento de los tipos de secuelas psicológicas, entre los que se incluye una diversa sintomatología psicofisiológica. Con el objetivo de conocer las características de somatización, ansiedad y depresión en mujeres víctimas de VPI, como parte de una investigación macro de corte transversal no experimental de campo, se realizó el presente estudio cuantitativo correlacional a través de las variables del Inventario de Evaluación de la Personalidad (PAI). Los datos obtenidos se sometieron a análisis estadístico con métodos descriptivos e inferenciales. La muestra consta de 50 mujeres de la población de víctimas de VPI de la sierra ecuatoriana. Los resultados obtenidos son bastante contradictorios en cuanto al bajo porcentaje de mujeres con afectación típica relacionada con este tipo de violencia, en comparación con los datos presentados por otros autores sobre los niveles de somatización, ansiedad y depresión en ellas. A pesar de esto, se obtuvieron tres factores independientes presentes en esta muestra: trastorno ansioso-depresivo, con elementos de estrés postraumático; trastorno obsesivo compulsivo, con elementos de ansiedad, y quejas somáticas. Al momento de finalizar este estudio, se puede concluir que el PAI, sin su validación previa en esta población, no muestra una idoneidad suficiente para evaluar mujeres víctimas de VPI en el Ecuador. Se recomiendan nuevas investigaciones en otras muestras, en las que se utilicen diversos esquemas empíricos que incluyan varios instrumentos y medios cualitativos.

Abstract Various studies have noticed that women victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) also report having various types of health-related problems. However, health systems do not appear to have established procedures to recognize these problems (i. e., psychophysiological) in women. This study assessed somatic symptoms, anxiety, and depressive characteristics in women who have been victims of IPV. These symptoms were assessed using the scales of the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI). The sample consisted of 50 women victims of IPV from the Ecuadorian sierra. Group participants came from two different cities: the first group included 28 women victims of IPV from Riobamba. Their ages ranged from 15 to 58. These women were receiving psychological services from a not-for-profit organization in the city. The second group included 22 women with similar characteristics between the ages of 27-63. This group of women came from the southern regions of Quito, the capital city of Ecuador. Women in this group were receiving services from two different places offering help to women experiencing IPV. Sixteen percent of women reported having a medium level of "anxiety" (some level of stress), and 14 % reported having a high level of tension and stress. Thirty-four percent of women reported medium levels of "anxiety-related disorders". These women reported having specific fears, little confidence in themselves and negative perspectives of their future. Sixteen percent of the women reported high levels of anxiety. They reported imitations in daily life (i. e., specific fears and feelings of insecurity in social situations). Thirty percent of women reported having medium levels of "depression" (sensitivity, pessimism, and feeling unhappy part of the time). Eighteen percent of women reported having high levels of "depression" (notable unhappiness and dysphoria). Forty-four percent of women in this study reported having some type of physical problem. These findings suggest that women who are victims of IPV could benefit from receiving mental health services aimed at managing their tension, stress, specific fears, and symptoms of depression. They also suggest that women victims of IPV could benefit from receiving training to increase their social competency and medical assistance to address their somatic complaints. Findings in this study are somewhat divergent from the results observed in previous investigations. Previous studies identified that most women who experienced IPV report symptoms of depression and anxiety. However, in this study, only a relatively low percentage of women reported having these symptoms. The sole utilization of the PAI as a method of evaluation may not have been sufficient to identify these symptoms. These results suggest the importance of using qualitative methods (i. e., clinical interview) or more holistic methodologies (i. e., clinical interview and tests) to better assess mental health symptoms in this group of women. It is also possible that the PAI might not be the most adequate tool to assess these symptoms in this population. The results of this investigation do reveal the importance of evaluating other mental health symptoms in women victims of IPV: post-traumatic stress, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Future studies should focus on assessing these symptoms using other assessment methodologies (e. g. instruments designed to assess post-traumatic stress and obsessive-compulsive disorder). The efficiency of health systems evaluations and interventions depends on the methodologies used to assess problems. The sole use of one instrument such as the PAI may not provide sufficient information about symptoms experienced by women experiencing IPV. Health systems should use batteries of instruments in conjunction with the clinical interviewing processes to readily assess symptoms. However, such an alternative may not be entirely feasible taking into account that such methodology requires more time and likely financial support to acquire tests.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969304


Objective@# To observe the clinical effects of auricular point therapy on burning mouth syndrome (BMS) and its effect on the psychological state of patients and plasma β-endorphin. @*Methods @# A total of 105 patients diagnosed with BMS were randomly divided into an auricular acupoint application group (50 cases) and a drug treatment group (55 cases). The treatment course lasted one month. The patients in the auricular acupoint application group selected 3 points on their tongue, heart and Shenmen through traditional Chinese medical dialectics used for patients with BMS. Wangbuliu seeds were applied, two ears were pressed alternately and one ear was applied each time. The patient was instructed to press the treatment site three times a day, 1-2 min each time, until the auricle skin became reddish and hot. The patients in the drug treatment group took vitamin E 100 mg+oryzanol 10 mg+vitamin B2 10 mg orally three times a day. Before and after treatment, the pain intensity and mental and psychological state of the patients were evaluated. The patient's plasma was detected before and after β-endorphin treatment. @* Results@#The pain sensation intensity of the two groups decreased after treatment (P<0.001). After treatment, the scores of somatization (t = 2.118, P = 0.037), fear (t = 2.084, P = 0.039) and diet and sleep (t = 2.047, P = 0.043) in the auricular acupoint application group were significantly improved compared with the level before treatment. The level of β-endorphin in plasma was increased, and the difference was statistically significant (t = 2.247, P = 0.027) in the auricular acupoint application group after treatment. @*Conclusion@#Auricular point therapy is an effective method for patients with BMS, improving psychological state and promoting the synthesis of plasma β-endorphin may be one of its mechanisms.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 153-157, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987547


ObjectiveTo analyze the status of depression with somatization symptoms among college students during the pandemic of COVID-19, and to screen the influencing factors. MethodsFrom 12 to 19 March 2020, all the 2019 freshmen in Communication University of China, Nanjing completed a web-based survey, in which all the students were assessed by Psychological Questionnaires for Emergent Events of Public Health (PQEEPH), somatization subscale of Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90), Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) and self-designed general demographic questionnaire, then the collected data were processed by univariate and multivariate Logistic regression. ResultsA total of 3 406 valid questionnaires were collected, with an effective recovery rate of 93.0%. The detection rate of depression symptoms and depression with somatization symptoms were 55.7% (1 898/3 406) and 4.9% (93/1 898), respectively. Logistic regression analysis showed that single parent family (OR=2.977, P<0.01), score of neurasthia dimension in PQEEPH (OR=3.693, P<0.01), score of obsessive-anxiety dimension in PQEEPH (OR=6.794, P=0.001), depression of moderate degree (OR=1.788, P=0.065), and depression of severe degree (OR=4.462, P=0.003) were risk factors for depression with somatization symptoms of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. ConclusionDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, a certain proportion of college students suffer from depression with somatization symptoms, furthermore, obsessive-anxiety, neurasthenia, moderate-to-severe depression and single parent family are the risk factors of depression with somatization symptoms among college students.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209733


The psychosomatic term, report to the item of psychological origin of certain organic diseases, affective repercussions of the state of physical disease on the individual and studies of mind-body relationshipswith emphasis on the explanation of somatic pathology. The term can also be understood, as an ideology about health, falling ill and about health practices, is a field of research on these facts and, at the same time, practice. Thus, the objective of thiswork is to discuss, from a literature review, the psychosomatic manifestations that occur in the development phases in the context of the psychology area. The study is methodologically based on the literature review. For this work, the bibliographic search of articles indexed to the VHL Portal (Virtual Library in Saude) and in the Web of Science was carried out. The disease is often an escape from a conflict situation or appears due to the need for attention and affection, need to be cared for. The psychosomatic approach decreases treatment time, avoids unnecessary complementary tests and abbreviates the patient's suffering.

Salud trab. (Maracay) ; 27(2): 121-132, Dic. 2019. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1103160


A menudo, el acoso laboral ha sido observado como parte de un proceso de violencia al interior de las organizaciones que se internaliza en ellas hasta formar perpetradores y víctimas, pero desde la óptica del clima y la red formativa laboral el presente trabajo se propuso especificar un modelo con la finalidad de estudiar el fenómeno en comento en instituciones de salud pública de alta especialidad y dedicadas a la creación del conocimiento, ya que en éstas prevalecen asimetrías entre investigadores y asistentes, así como por su condición de género o área de especialización. De este modo, se llevó a cabo un estudio no experimental con una selección no probabilística de 218 empleados de una institución de salud pública en el centro de México. A partir de un modelo estructural fue posible apreciar que, ante las consecuencias somáticas del acoso laboral, la intervención de la organización fue determinante para su reducción, aunque el porcentaje de la varianza total explicada sugiere la inclusión de otros factores en el modelo, se recomienda una línea de investigación relativa a la formación de redes institucionales para la prevención o atención inmediata de la problemática(AU)

From an organizational climate and workplace training network perspective, this study proposes a model for the purpose of studying workplace harassment in highly specialized public health institutions dedicated to the generation of knowledge because, in these settings, there are asymmetries between researchers and their staff, as well as by gender and area of expertise. We conducted a non-experimental study in a convenience sample of 218 employees at a public health institution in central Mexico. Based on a structural model, we found that, in the presence of somatic consequences of workplace harassment, organizational interventions were decisive in reducing this form of workplace violence, although the percentage of the total variance explained by the model suggests there are other factors playing a role as well To prevent or immediately respond to workplace harassment, we recommend future research that examines the role of institutional networks in relation to this problem(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Workplace Violence/prevention & control , Occupational Stress , Public Health Services , Health Facilities , Cross-Sectional Studies , Gender Identity , Mexico , Models, Structural , Occupational Groups
Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 14(2): 1-15, abr.-jun. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012732


Objetivou-se verificar em mães de filhos adictos a possibilidade do adoecimento psicossomático quando expostas à vulnerabilidade do envolvimento das drogas. É um estudo qualitativo, de natureza descritiva e exploratória. Como instrumentalização, utilizou-se a Escala de Hamilton, Escala de Alexitimia de Toronto, Inventário de Estratégias de Coping de Folkman e Lazarus, e entrevista semiestruturada. Observou-se traços depressivos, alexítimicos e a presença de adoecimento psicossomático em virtude da exposição à vulnerabilidade envolvendo adicção, assim como os efeitos e consequências da dependência química que afetam diretamente à sociedade, à família, e, sobretudo às mães. Faz-se necessário atribuir importância aos serviços de saúde pública e a necessidade de uma rede de apoio articulada que propicie tratamento especializado para adicto e suporte de enfrentamento para a família.

The aim of this study was to verify the possibility of psychosomatic illness in mothers of addicted children when exposed to the vulnerability of drug involvement. Qualitative study, descriptive and exploratory in nature. The Hamilton Scale, Alexithymia Scale of Toronto, Folkman and Lazarus Coping Strategies Inventory, and semi-structured interview were used as instruments. Depressive, alexithymic traits and the presence of psychosomatic illness were observed due to the exposure to vulnerability involving addiction, as well as the effects and consequences of chemical dependence that directly affect society, the family, and especially the mothers. It is necessary to attach importance to public health services and the need for an articulated support network that provides specialized treatment for addicts and coping support for the family.

Se objetivó verificar en madres de hijos adictos la posibilidad del enfermo psicosomático cuando expuestas a la vulnerabilidad de la implicación de las drogas. Estudio cualitativo, de naturaleza descriptiva y exploratoria. Como instrumentalización se utilizó la Escala de Hamilton, Escala de Alexitimia de Toronto, Inventario de Estrategias de Coping de Folkman y Lazarus, y entrevista semiestructurada. Se observaron rastros depresivos, alexítimicos y la presencia de enfermedad psicosomática en virtud de la exposición a la vulnerabilidad envolviendo adicción, así como los efectos y consecuencias de la dependencia química que afectan directamente a la sociedad, a la familia, y sobre todo a las madres. Se hace necesario atribuir importancia a los servicios de salud pública y la necesidad de una red de apoyo articulada que propicie tratamiento especializado para adicto y soporte de enfrentamiento para la familia.

Illicit Drugs , Disease , Social Support , Somatoform Disorders , Substance-Related Disorders , Health Services
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-843358


Objective: To explore the role of psychological problems of somatization, anxiety, and depression in patients presenting chest pain who underwent coronary angiography (CAG). Methods: Altogether, 908 patients with chest pain referred to the cardiology inpatient department were enrolled in the present study. The enrolled patients underwent CAG and coronary angiographic results were classified into negative (<30% diameter stenosis in all vessels), mild to moderate coronary stenosis (≥30% and <75% diameter stenosis in all vessels) and severe coronary stenosis group (≥75% diameter stenosis in at least a single vessel). Patients also completed a battery of self-reported inventories before the CAG: the Self-Rating Somatic Symptom Scale (SSS), the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Results: Compared with severe coronary stenosis group, male patients in the mild to moderate coronary stenosis group (n=189) seemed to have higher rate of somatization (20.6% vs 18.5%, P=0.014), higher rate of depression (20.6% vs 10.6%, P=0.008), and higher rate of anxiety (13.4% vs 6.6%, P=0.028). Compared with severe coronary stenosis group, female patients in the mild to moderate coronary stenosis group seemed to have higher rate of somatization (57.6% vs 39.4%, P=0.008). Conclusion: The positive rate of somatization symptoms in patients with mild to moderate coronary stenosis was higher than that in patients with severe coronary stenosis. These findings suggest that psychological problems may contribute in part to the development of chest pain and other physical symptoms. It is also needed to evaluate the clinical and economic benefits of early psychological interventions, especially in mild to moderate coronary stenosis patients who are presenting chest pain.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 35(1): e00008418, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974627


The aim of this study is at examining the prevalence and impact factors of adolescent somatization tendencies (ST) across three eastern Chinese provinces. A multicenter school-based cross-sectional study was conducted in these provinces from 2015 to 2016. The sample included 11,153 middle-school students aged 13-18 years, who were randomly selected using a multi-phase stratified cluster sampling technique. We also designed a multicenter school-based case-control study to evaluate the potential environmental impact of ST factors on this population. The overall positive rate of ST among the eastern Chinese adolescents was 12.1%. Somatic symptoms score (SSS) and positive ST rate were higher in females than males. Additionally, the SSS and positive ST rate for the 18-year-old group were significantly higher than in other age groups. In comparison to those in urban areas, adolescents in rural areas had significantly higher SSS and positive ST rate. Multiple conditional regression analyses revealed that family medical history, anxiety and depression scores; superstitious beliefs; left-behind adolescents; teacher-student support; family conflict; and family independence and achievement orientation were significantly linked to ST in adolescents. The models also indicated family medical history was the strongest impact factor to adolescent ST, even though ST were prevalent in the three studied eastern Chinese provinces. Gender, age, and dwelling differences were very significant in the SSS and positive ST rate in adolescents. This study concludes that adolescent ST are influenced by multiple environments.

O objetivo deste estudo é examinar a prevalência e fatores de impacto de tendências de somatização (TS) em adolescentes em três províncias do leste da China. Um estudo transversal multicêntrico baseado em escolas foi realizado nessas províncias de 2015 a 2016. A amostra incluiu 11.153 estudantes entre 13 e 18 anos que foram selecionados aleatoriamente usando uma técnica de amostragem estratificada por clusters multi-fase. Também elaboramos um estudo caso-controle multicêntrico baseado em escolas para avaliar o impacto ambiental potencial de fatores de TS nessa população. A taxa positiva geral de TS entre adolescentes do leste chinês foi de 12,1%. O escore de sintomas somáticos (SSS) e taxa positiva de TS foram mais altos entre mulheres do que homens. Adicionalmente, o SSS e taxa positiva de TS para o grupo de 18 anos foram significativamente mais altos do que em outros grupos etários. Em comparação com os habitantes de áreas urbanas, adolescentes de áreas rurais tiveram SSS e taxa positiva de ST significativamente mais altos. Análises de regressão múltipla condicional revelaram que o histórico de saúde da família; scores de ansiedade e depressão; crenças supersticiosas; adolescentes deixados para trás; apoio de professores a estudantes; conflito familiar; e independência familiar e orientação para sucesso estavam significativamente relacionadas a TS em adolescentes. O modelo também indicou que o histórico de saúde da família era o fator de impacto mais forte para TS em adolescentes, ainda que TS sejam prevalentes nas três províncias do leste da China estudadas. Gênero, idade e diferenças residenciais foram muito significativos para o SSS e taxa positiva de TS entre adolescentes. Este estudo conclui que TS entre adolescentes são influenciadas por múltiplos ambientes.

El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la prevalencia y factores de impacto de las tendencias de somatización adolescentes (TS) en tres provincias orientales chinas. Se realizó un estudio trasversal multicéntrico, basado en escolares de estas provincias de 2015 a 2016. La muestra incluyó a 11.153 estudiantes de secundaria, con edades comprendidas entre los 13-18 años, que fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente, usando a técnicas de muestreo multifase estratificado por conglomerados. También se diseñó un estudio multicéntrico escolar de caso-control para evaluar el potencial impacto ambiental de factores TS en esta población. La tasa positiva general de TS entre adolescentes chinos orientales fue un 12,1%. El marcador de síntomas somáticos (SSS, por sus siglas en inglés) y tasa positiva de TS fueron más altos en mujeres que en hombres. Asimismo, las tasas SSS y TS positiva para el grupo de 18 años de edad fueron significativamente más altas que en otros grupos de edad. En comparación con quienes vivían en áreas urbanas, los adolescentes en áreas rurales contaban con tasas significativamente más altas de SSS y TS positivas. Los análisis de regresión múltiple condicional revelaron que el historial médico familiar, los marcadores de ansiedad y depresión; creencias supersticiosas; adolescentes a la zaga respecto al resto del grupo; el apoyo profesor-estudiante; conflictos familiares; e independencia familiar, así como la orientación de logros estuvieron vinculados a las TS en adolescentes. Los modelos también indicaron que el historial médico familiar fue el impacto más fuerte para las TS en adolescentes, a pesar de que las TS fueron prevalentes en las tres provincias chinas estudiadas. El género, edad, y las diferencias de vivienda fueron muy significativas en la tasas de SSS y TS positivas en adolescentes. Este estudio llega a la conclusión de que las TS adolescentes estaban influenciadas por múltiples entornos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Somatoform Disorders/epidemiology , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Environment , Anxiety/psychology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Rural Population/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Somatoform Disorders/psychology , Random Allocation , Case-Control Studies , China/epidemiology , Sex Factors , Family Health/statistics & numerical data , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Age Factors , Depression/psychology , Depression/epidemiology , Family Separation
Liberabit ; 24(1): 97-113, ene.-jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1009557


Los problemas de salud mental afectan el desarrollo biopsicosocial de las personas. Dichos problemas empeoran debido a que se acude tardíamente a los servicios de salud, evidenciando la necesidad de detecciones tempranas en población abierta. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la relación entre síntomas psicopatológicos y calidad de vida en mujeres y hombres. Participaron 465 personas, habitantes del Estado de México, quienes contestaron el SCL-90-R y el WHOQOL-BREF. En los resultados, las mujeres presentan mayores puntuaciones de síntomas psicopatológicos y menor calidad de vida con respecto a los hombres. Los problemas de salud mental afectan la calidad de vida por diferentes vías de influencia de acuerdo al sexo; en las mujeres destaca la depresión y la sintomatología global; y en los hombres, la somatización, la sintomatología global y la depresión. Se discute sobre la necesidad de prevención y detección precoz de los síntomas incipientes a través del trabajo comunitario.

Mental health problems, which affect biopsychosocial development of people, worsen because people take too long to come to health services. This situation shows the need for early detection of these problems in open populations. Considering this, the present research aimed to assess the relationship between psychopathological symptoms and quality of life in women and men. The study population consisted of 465 inhabitants of the State of Mexico, who answered the SCL-90-R and WHOQOLBREF questionnaires. Results: women have higher scores of psychopathological symptoms and lower quality of life than men. Mental health problems affect quality of life in different ways according to gender: in women, depression and global symptoms stand out; and in men, somatization, global symptoms and depression are the most common ones. This paper discusses the need for prevention and early detection of incipient symptoms of mental health problems through community work.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-712727


[Objective] To sum up Pro. FU Huazhou's clinical thought for making interventions in tumor-associated depression.[Method]By following the supervisor clinic,sorting out the related medical materials and tumor-associated depression's literature data.Summarize the supervisor's academic view and clinical thinking in the differentiation and treatment of tumor-associated depression.[Results] In professor FU Huazhou's opinion, tumor-associate d depression is the pathological depression or syndrome in the process of diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumor, which is closely related to tumor. Pro. FU's theory is based on the exploration of the etiology,emotion guidance of TCM,Chinese medicine treatment of somatization disorder.Through the guidance of emotion, improving the symptoms of somatization disorder, the life quality of tumor patients can be improved.[Conclusion] Pro. FU Huazhou makes interventions in the treatment of tumor-associated depression by using emotion guidance of TCM and putting forward the principle of"Treatment of tumor-associated depression, it is necessary to treat tumor, relieving the depressed liver as a supplement". The treatment of both mind and body shows curative effect,worth learning and promotion.

Summa psicol. UST ; 15(2): 106-112, 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095332


La presencia de síntomas somáticos en población clínica infantil ha sido analizada en estudios internacionales, pero son escasos los trabajos dirigidos a estudiar las características de los síntomas somáticos en niños españoles con sintomatología depresiva. El presente estudio examina la relación entre las quejas somáticas y los síntomas depresivos en una muestra de niños españoles, teniendo en cuenta su sexo y edad. Participaron 666 niños con edades entre 8 y 12 años que completaron el Inventario de Depresión Infantil y el Inventario de Somatización Infantil que examina 35 síntomas somáticos. Los resultados indican que los síntomas pseudoneurológicos, gastrointestinales y de dolor son más frecuentes en los niños con sintomatología depresiva, siendo el dolor de articulaciones, el dolor de cabeza y el cansancio los síntomas más prevalentes. Se concluye la importancia de atender adecuadamente a los síntomas somáticos puesto que con frecuencia pueden responder a un trastorno emocional más que a una enfermedad física.

The presence of somatic symptoms in children has been widely analyzed in international studies, but there is a lack of studies aimed at studying the characteristics of somatic symptoms in Spanish children with depressive symptoms. This study examines the relationship between somatic complaints and depressive symptoms in a sample of Spanish children, taking into account their age and sex. Participants were 666 children aged between 8 and 12 years who completed the Child Depression Inventory and the Children's Somatization Inventory that examine 35 somatic symptoms. The results indicate that pseudoneurological, pain and gastrointestinal symptoms are more common in children with depressive symptoms, being the joint pain, headache and fatigue the most prevalent symptoms. An adequately detection of somatic symptoms in children could be important due to these symptoms often may respond to an emotional disorder rather than a physical illness.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Psychophysiologic Disorders/psychology , Somatoform Disorders/psychology , Depression/psychology , Spain , Medically Unexplained Symptoms
Med. infant ; 24(2): 174-178, Junio 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-878900


El término somatización está muy extendido en el campo de la clínica psicológica y psiquiátrica. Desde el punto de vista nosográfico la somatización y la conversión se encuentran conceptualizadas en el Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de las Enfermedades mentales (DSM-IV-TR) dentro de los Trastornos Somatomorfos. Los trastornos Somatomorfos (TS) agrupan diversos cuadros con una característica en común: la presencia de síntomas somáticos vinculados a un malestar psíquico y deterioro significativo, presentándose frecuentemente en niños y adolescentes. Los síntomas se corresponden con dolencias simples hasta cuadros funcionales invalidantes no explicados por una condición médica general, consumo de sustancias, simulación u otra patología mental. La prevalencia de los TS en la adolescencia ha aumentado en las últimas décadas, representando un desafío clínico y terapéutico para el médico por su dificultad clínica y general desconocimiento (AU)

The term somatization is a broad concept in the field of clinical psychology and psychiatry. From the nosographic point of view, somatization and conversion are conceptualized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IVTR) within the somatoform disorders (SD) characterized by the presence of somatic symptoms associated with psychic pain and significant deterioration, often seen in children and adolescents. The symptoms range from simple discomfort to invalidating functional impairment unexplained by the general medical condition, substance abuse, and simulation or any other mental disorder. Prevalence of SD in adolescence has increased over the past decades, becoming a therapeutic and clinical challenge due to clinical difficulties and lack of unawareness of the disorde (AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Conversion Disorder , Patient Care Team , Psychology, Adolescent , Somatoform Disorders
Temas psicol. (Online) ; 25(1): 29-40, mar. 2017.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-991705


Este artigo é um estudo teórico da literatura psicanalítica sobre o tema da psicossomática que tem por objetivo revisar os modelos de abordagem desse fenômeno buscando a compreensão de suas diferenças e similitudes em termos de fundamentação teórica. Os resultados apontam para duas maneiras distintas de ver as doenças psicossomáticas, ligadas a duas tradições em psicanálise. Na vertente francesa, ligada mais ou menos diretamente à perspectiva lacaniana, cujas principais referências foram Jacques Alain-Miller e Pierre Marty, o fenômeno não constitui um deslocamento representacional, mas sim uma falha nos processos de simbolização. Em uma segunda vertente, que congrega a Escola Psicossomática de Chicago até autores franceses não lacanianos, cujas principais referências foram Joyce McDougall e Christophe Dejours, o fenômeno psicossomático é compreendido em uma linha divergente, relacionando a formação do sintoma a conflitos inconscientes que são simbolizados na doença, mas em uma forma de simbolização mais precária em relação ao modelo da histeria. Apesar das divergências, entende-se que há conciliação quanto aos princípios na direção do tratamento, que consiste em definir um sentido para o sintoma, não por meio do resgate de uma fantasia inconsciente como no modelo clássico da histeria, e sim construindo um sentido onde não havia encadeamento histórico-narrativo.

This article is a theoretical study of the psychoanalytic literature on the subject of psychosomatic that aims to review the approach models this phenomenon seeking to understand their differences and similarities in terms of theoretical basis. The results point to two different ways of looking at psychosomatic illnesses. In the French side, linked more or less directly to the Lacan perspective, the main references were Jacques-Alain Miller and Pierre Marty, the phenomenon is not a representational shift, but a failure in symbolization processes. In a second aspect, which brings together from the Psychosomatic School of Chicago to French authors not Lacanian, the main references were Joyce McDougall and Christophe Dejours, the psychosomatic phenomenon is understood in a divergent line, relating the formation of the symptom the unconscious conflicts. They are symbolized in the disease, but in a more precarious form of symbolization from the model of hysteria. Despite the differences, it is understood that no compromise on the principles towards the treatment, which is to define a meaning for the symptom, not by the rescue of an unconscious fantasy as in the classic model of hysteria, but building a sense where there was no historical narrative thread.

Este artículo es un estudio teórico de la literatura psicoanalítica sobre el tema de psicosomática que tiene como objetivo revisar los modelos de aproximación a este fenómeno que tratan de comprender sus diferencias y similitudes. Los resultados apuntan a dos formas diferentes: En el lado francés, vinculado más o menos directamente a la perspectiva Lacaniana, las referencias principales fueron Jacques-Alain Miller y Pierre Marty, el fenómeno no es un cambio de representación, pero un fallo en los procesos de simbolización. En un segundo aspecto, que reúne en la Escuela Psicosomática de Chicago a los autores franceses no Lacanianos, las referencias principales fueron Joyce McDougall y Christophe Dejours, el fenómeno psicosomático se entiende en una línea divergente, relativa a la formación del síntoma los conflictos inconscientes Ellos están simbolizadas en la enfermedad, pero en una forma más precaria del modelo de la histeria. A pesar de las diferencias, se entiende que hay compromiso en los principios hacia el tratamiento, que consiste en definir un significado para el síntoma, no por el rescate de una fantasía inconsciente como en el modelo clásico de la histeria, pero la construcción de un sentido en que no había ningún hilo narrativo histórico.

Psychoanalysis , Somatoform Disorders
Rev. psiquiatr. clín. (São Paulo) ; 44(1): 6-9, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-845827


Abstract Background Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disease in which psychological factors play a central role in its onset, exacerbation and remission. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate personality traits and common psychiatric conditions in patients with SD. Methods Outpatients who were admitted to the Bozok School of Medicine Department of Dermatology complaining of SD and who volunteered for study were included. Symptom Checklist 90 – Revised (SCL-90-R) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire – Revised Short Form (EPQ-RSF) were administered before treatment to 50 patients who fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in the study. Results compiled from the 50 subjects were compared to a control group that was comprised of 50 healthy volunteers. Results Of the 50 patients that were included in the study, 25 were female and 25 were male. The Global Symptom Index (GSI; Z = -6.96, P < 0.001), Somatization (Z = -6.59, P < 0.001), Depression (Z = -7.11, P < 0.001), and Anxiety (Z = -6.64, P < 0.001) subscales of the SCL-90-R were evaluated. Statistically significantly higher scores were obtained from patients with SD in comparison with the control group on all of these subscales. In addition, the EPQ-RSF Neuroticism subscale was statistically significantly higher (Z = -4.99, P < 0.001) in patients with SD. Discussion Our results showed that common psychiatric conditions are considerably frequent in SD patients. More importantly, neurotic personality characteristics were much more frequent in these patients. These findings suggest SD to be a psychosomatic disorder that requires a multi-disciplinary approach.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183724


Introduction: The confusion around the diagnosis of ‘medically unexplained symptoms’ has lead to a paradigm shift in criteria for diagnosis of somatization disorder. Aims: 1. To compare the socio-demographic variables in patients of somatization disorder 2. To compare the levels of depressive and anxiety scores of patients of somatization disorder along with the severity of disorder. Material and Methods: Somatization patients visiting the psychiatry outdoor of TMMC & RC, were randomly selected and diagnosed as per DSM-IV TR. After obtaining informed consent and applying exclusion criteria, demographic and clinical details were obtained on a self designed Performa. The HAM-A scale and MADRS scale were applied to calculate anxiety and depression scores. Results: The prevalence of somatization disorder was 2.35% in men and 6.7% in women. Females were significantly higher in number. Headache was the chief complaint. The anxiety scores and MADRS scores were highest in patients complaining of chest pain. The HAM-A and MADRS scores increased significantly as number of complaints increased. Female patients and patients belonging to rural background had significantly higher number of complaints. Illiterate patients had a significantly higher duration of illness. Conclusion: Somatization disorder comprises unique group of patients with high co-morbidities and longer duration of illness. It is imperative to identify and clarify severity of this subgroup as treatment decisions need to be modified accordingly.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 1654-1656, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-511937


Objective To explore the psychological status of the patients with breast cancer and its influencing factors.Methods The psychological health status in 896 patients with breast cancer and 1 419 patients with benign breast diseases were surveyed and analyzed by adopting the Self-reporting Inventory(SCL-90).At the same time,SCL-90 was also used to analyze the differences of psychological health status among breast cancer patients with different occupations,degrees of education and family support attitudes.Results The each factor scores in breast cancer patients were higher than those in benign breast disease patients(P<0.05).The scores of obsessive symptoms and somatization factor in breast cancer patients were higher than those of other factors(P<0.05).In breast cancer patients,the proportion of workers and cadres with obsessive symptoms was higher than that of farmers.The family support attitude was good,and the proportion of obsessive symptoms was lower.The higher the education level,the lower the proportion of somatic symptoms.Conclusion Aiming at the existence of mental problems of higher somatization and obsessive symptoms,conducting the psychological counseling and intervention can improve the quality of life in the patients with breast cancer.

Psychiatry Investigation ; : 727-733, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-44352


OBJECTIVE: North Korean women defectors have suffered from anxiety, depression, and somatization after defection. Also they have had many menstrual problems like amenorrhea. This study was done to identify the correlations of anxiety, depression, and somatization to menstrual problems among North Korean woman defectors in South Korea. METHODS: The participants in this study were 126 women from 5 government resettlement centers throughout South Korea. Questionnaires which included State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Center for Epidemiological studies-Depression Scale (CED-S), and Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) were used to identify anxiety and somatization. Data were collected between June and September, 2012. RESULTS: The women reported the following problems; amenorrhea (9.5%), hypomenorrhea (13.6%), menorrhagia (19.8%), polymenorrhea (13.5%), oligomenorrhea (4.8%), changes in amount of menstrual discharge (4.0%), and changes in amount of blood clot (9.5%). Anxiety (r=0.20, p=0.002), depression (r=0.25, p=0.005), and Somatization (r=0.35, p<0.001) were correlated with number of menstrual problems. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that mental health services need to be taken into account in interventions for North Korean woman defectors to improve their reproductive health including addressing menstrual problems.

Female , Humans , Amenorrhea , Anxiety , Depression , Korea , Menorrhagia , Menstruation , Menstruation Disturbances , Mental Health Services , Oligomenorrhea , Reproductive Health
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 42(1): 13-19, 2017. Graf, Tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1016290


El contexto médico-legal en el que se desarrolla la medicina evaluadora, permitiendo el acceso a prestaciones económicas, obliga a considerar la validez en las consultas de valoración médica de incapacidad para tratar de evitar el fraude por simulación. Por otra parte, en el ámbito médico asistencial son habituales los casos biomédicamente inexplicables que se acompañan de elevados niveles subjetivos de sufrimiento, para los que se ha propuesto el término MUPS (medically unexplained physical symptoms). Objetivos: Profundizar en el fenómeno de la distorsión clínica en la valoración médica de incapacidad, basado en los dos primeros criterios de Simulación del DSM-IV-TR, referido al marco teórico del Análisis de Conducta en Medicina. Métodos: Encuesta en línea dirigid el colectivo de los inspectores médicos evaluadores del Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS) de España para conocer sus opiniones acerca de estos casos, presentes en su práctica diaria, su manejo de los mismos y su grado de concordancia con respecto a la bibliografía de referencia. Resultados: Incluyen a una proporción representativa de dichos inspectores médicos (15 por ciento), que aparecen como un colectivo variado, por su distinta formación profesional, experiencia previa y práctica diaria en las diferentes Unidades Médicas. Conclusiones: Consideran la distorsión clínica y sus cuadros anexos como situaciones frecuentes y relevantes en sus consultas, principalmente el fraude por simulación. Pese a ello, los inspectores médicos no parecen contar actualmente con referencias específicas suficientes ni con un discurso científico común estructurado para estos casos, que son abordados según criterios individuales más o menos ajustados al estado actual del conocimiento.(AU)

The forensic context in which disability assessment medicine is practiced in Spain, allowing access to workers' compensation benefits, requires consideration of the validity of disability assessment examinations. On the other hand, in clinical medicine biomedically unexplained cases ­for which the term medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS) was proposed­ are common, often accompanied by high levels of subjective suffering. Aim: To deepen in the phenomenon of clinical distortion in disability assessment examinations, based on the first two criteria of Malingering in DSM-IV-TR, referring to the theoretical framework of the Behavior Analysis in Medicine. Methods: Online survey addressed to the group of medical examiners of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) of Spain to know their opinions on these cases, present in their everyday practice, their management and the extent of agreement to the literature of reference. Results: Collected a representative proportion of medical examiners (15 percent), they appear as a miscellaneous group due to their different professional training, previous experience and everyday practice in their different Medical Units. Conclusions: medical examiners consider the clinical distortion and related cases as frequent and relevant situations in their practice, mainly malingering. Nonetheless, medical examiners do not seem to have sufficient specific references or a structured common scientific discourse for these cases, which are approached according to individual criteria more or less adjusted to the current state of knowledge. (AU)

Attitude of Health Personnel , Sick Leave , Somatoform Disorders , Applied Behavior Analysis , Fraud
Psicol. pesq ; 10(2): 93-101, dez. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-869278


Os sintomas somáticos sem explicação médica ou manifestações histéricas são freqüentes, estando associados a sofrimento mental em vários contextos. Atualmente são classificados na psiquiatria como transtornos somatoformes (TS). Estudos prévios apontam que as populações latino-americanas são propensas à somatização. No entanto, existem poucos estudos nacionais e locais sobre estes transtornos. Desse modo, este estudo objetivou verificar a ocorrência de TS em mulheres atendidas em um hospital psiquiátrico em São Luis Maranhão. Realizou-se um estudo seccional de base documental a partir dos dados coletados dos prontuários médicos das pacientes atendidas no período de Agosto de 2012 a Janeiro de 2013. Estimou-se a prevalência de TS com base em um total de 1.220 atendimentos, o que resultou em 62 casos de sintomatologia compatível com TS (5,08%), dos quais, apenas 5 receberam diagnóstico conclusivo de TS (8,06%). Os TS diagnosticados pelo CID 10 foram: quatro casos de transtorno dissociativo conversivo e um de neurovegetativo somatoforme. Os transtornos ocorreram mais frequentemente entre mulheres pardas com idade média de 34,3 anos. Os sinais e sintomas mais freqüentes foram insônia, dor de cabeça e inapetência. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de investigações mais minuciosas com os pacientes e auxílio de outros profissionais na composição de uma equipe multidisciplinar na investigação e fechamento do diagnóstico clínico. Levando-se em consideração as reformulações pelo qual o Código Internacional de Doenças versão 10 para as modificações na 11ª edição, estudos sobre os TS contribuirão de forma significativa para o processo de revisão dos sistemas diagnósticos de transtornos mentais e de comportamento.

Unexplained somatic medical symptoms or hysterical symptoms are common and frequently associated with mental distress in various contexts,representing, in general, a quarter to half of visits in primary and secondary care. They are currently classified in psychiatry as somatoform disorders (SD). Previous studies suggest that the Latin American populations are susceptible to somatization. However, there are few national and local studies on these disorders. Thus, this study aimed at verifying the occurrence of SD women attended in one psychiatric hospital in São Luís Maranhão. It was conducted a cross-sectional study of documentary basis of data collected from the medical records of patients treated during the period August 2012 to January 2013. It was estimated the prevalence of SD based on a total of 1,220 calls, which resulted in 62 cases of symptoms compatible with SD (5.08%), of which only 5 received conclusive diagnosis of SD (8.06%). The SD diagnosed by ICD 10 were: four cases of dissociative conversive disorder and a somatoform autonomic. Disorders occurred more frequently among brown women with a mean age of 34.3 years. The most common signs and symptoms were insomnia, headache and loss of appetite. The results indicate the need for more detailed investigations with patients and aid of other professionals in the composition of a multidisciplinary team in research and clinical diagnosis closure. Taking into account the reformulations by which the International Classification of Diseases version 10 for modifications in its 11th edition, the SD studies will contribute significantly to the process of revising the diagnostic systems for mental and behavioral disorders.

Humans , Female , Adult , Hospitals, Psychiatric , Psychoanalysis , Somatoform Disorders