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Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr;62(1)2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559691


Antecedentes: el intento de suicidio es el principal factor de riesgo de muerte por suicidio. La Organización Mundial de la Salud sugiere grupos de apoyo como intervención para esta población. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la eficacia de los grupos de apoyo de pares para sobrevivientes de intento de suicidio (SOSA). Método: Revisión sistemática (PROSPERO ID: CRD42022307581). Resultados: En total se identificaron 946 artículos potenciales, se revisaron 81 textos completos y se incluyó un artículo. El artículo informa sobre un estudio piloto abierto con evaluaciones pre y post intervención, sin grupo de control y con alto riesgo de sesgo. Esta es una intervención prometedora, porque los resultados mostraron una disminución de la ideación suicida (d=0,33), y del intento de suicidio (d=0,31). El pequeño número de investigaciones empíricas limita las generalizaciones. Conclusión: El nivel de certeza de la evidencia es bajo (baja certeza), por lo tanto, el grado de recomendación corresponde a evidencia insuficiente (I), para recomendar esta estrategia para las políticas públicas. En este artículo se analizan las razones de estos resultados y los posibles caminos para avanzar en este campo.

Background: Suicide attempt is the main risk factor for death by suicide. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests support groups as an intervention for this population. Objective: This study aimed to assess the efficacy of peer-support groups for survivors of suicide attempt (SOSA). Method: Systematic review (PROSPERO ID: CRD42022307581). Results: In total, 946 potential articles were identified, 81 full texts were reviewed, and one article was included. The article reported an open-label pilot study with pre- and post-intervention evaluations, without a control group, and with a high risk of bias. This is a promising intervention because the results showed decreased suicidal ideation (d=0.33) and suicide attempt (d=0.31). The small number of empirical investigations limit generalizations. Conclusion: The level of certainty of evidence is low (low certainty); therefore, the grade of recommendation corresponds to insufficient evidence (I) to recommend this strategy for public policies. The reasons for these results and possible paths to advance the field are discussed in this article.

Fractal rev. psicol ; 36: e10119, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1564546


Este artigo apresenta a experiência de um grupo com mulheres realizada num serviço de saúde mental localizado no sertão pernambucano. Através dos atendimentos psicológicos, percebeu-se o grande número de mulheres que relatavam histórico de violência familiar como antecedente do sofrimento mental. As violências relatadas são de diversos tipos, cometidas por vários atores, e tem como consequência os transtornos mentais que acometem essas mulheres, que por suas especificidades sociofamiliares, muitas vezes continuam no ciclo de violência. O grupo teve como objetivo discutir questões de gênero, violência, direitos humanos e saúde. Os encontros aconteceram uma vez por mês, durante o ano de 2015, com uma média de seis participantes por reunião. Como resultados, menciona-se o fortalecimento dos vínculos familiares e a ressignificação dos sintomas. Acredita-se ser importante ampliar as ações, realizando experiências com grupos específicos como o apresentado, posto que medicar o sofrimento psíquico não trará resultados eficazes na quebra do ciclo de violência.(AU)

This article presents the experience of a group with women performed in a mental health service located in the hinterland of Pernambuco. Through the anamneses and psychological consultations, the great number of women who reported a history of family violence as antecedent of the mental suffering was noticed. The reported violence is of several types and committed by divers actors. The consequence of this violence are the various types of mental disorders because due to their socio-family specificities, often continue in the cycle of violence. Some have a history of attempted suicide. The group aimed to discuss issues of gender, violence, human rights and health. The meetings took place once a month, during the year 2015, with an average of six participants per meeting. As a result, the strengthening of family ties and the redefinition of symptoms are mentioned. It is believed that it is important to expand actions, carrying out experiments with specific groups such as the one presented, since medicating psychic suffering will not bring effective results in breaking the cycle of violence.(AU)

Este artículo presenta la experiencia de un grupo de mujeres internadas en un servicio de salud mental ubicado en el interior de Pernambuco. A través de la atención psicológica, se percibió la gran cantidad de mujeres que relataron antecedentes de violencia familiar como antecedente de sufrimiento psíquico. Las violencias denunciadas son de diversa índole, cometidas por diversos actores, y dan como resultado los trastornos mentales que afectan a estas mujeres, quienes, por sus especificidades sociofamiliares, muchas veces continúan en el ciclo de la violencia. El grupo tuvo como objetivo discutir temas de género, violencia, derechos humanos y salud. Las reuniones se realizaron una vez al mes durante 2015, con un promedio de seis participantes por reunión. Como resultado, se menciona el fortalecimiento de los lazos familiares y la redefinición de los síntomas. Se cree que es importante ampliar las acciones, realizando experimentos con grupos específicos como el presentado, ya que medicar el sufrimiento psíquico no traerá resultados efectivos para romper el ciclo de la violencia.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(6): 2536-2551, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436627


A fibromialgia (FM) chama a atenção por ser uma síndrome que causa uma dor crônica ao indivíduo, além de não ter sua fisiopatologia definida e está presente em 2,5% da população brasileira . O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir sobre o papel e o apoio da psicoeducação junto as mulheres com fibromialgia. Trata-se de um relato de experiência de estágio Supervisionado em Saúde Mental/Projeto de extensão realizado no formato on-line, via plataforma Google Meet. O suporte foi construído através dos encontros semanais entre estagiárias de psicologia e profissionais de diferentes subáreas da saúde como reumatologia, educação física, fisioterapia e nutrição, bem como da cocriação ocorrida na troca de saberes e experiências entre as participantes e profissionais. Destacamos que os encontros configuraram-se com momentos informativos e também psicoterapêuticos embasados na Gestalt-terapia. Dentro desta área do conhecimento, foi possível promover para as participantes do grupo informações de grande relevância, que muitas não teriam condições de adquirir sem a mediação do grupo.

Fibromyalgia (FM) draws attention for being a syndrome that causes chronic pain to the individual, besides not having its pathophysiology defined and is present in 2.5% of the Brazilian population. The objective of this paper is to discuss the role and support of psychoeducation for women with fibromyalgia. This is an experience report of the Supervised Internship in Mental Health/Extension Project conducted online, via the Google Meet platform. The support was built through weekly meetings between trainees of psychology and professionals from different subareas of health as rheumatology, physical education, physiotherapy and nutrition, as well as the co-creation occurred in the exchange of knowledge and experiences between participants and professionals. We emphasize that the meetings consisted of informative and psychotherapeutic moments based on Gestalt-therapy. Within this area of knowledge, it was possible to provide the group participants with information of great relevance, which many of them would not have been able to acquire without the mediation of the group. KEYWORDS: Fibromyalgia; Support Group; Psychoeducation.

La fibromialgia (FM) llama la atención por ser un síndrome que causa dolor crónico al individuo, además de no tener su fisiopatología definida y está presente en el 2,5% de la población brasileña. El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir el papel y el apoyo de la psicoeducación con mujeres con fibromialgia. Se trata de un informe de experiencia de Prácticas Supervisadas en Salud Mental/Proyecto de Extensión realizado en línea, a través de la plataforma Google Meet. El apoyo se construyó a través de reuniones semanales entre estudiantes de psicología y profesionales de diferentes subáreas de la salud como reumatología, educación física, fisioterapia y nutrición, así como la co- creación se produjo en el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias entre los participantes y profesionales. Destacamos que los encuentros se configuraron con momentos informativos y también psicoterapéuticos basados en la terapia Gestalt. Dentro de esta área de conocimiento, fue posible promover a los participantes del grupo informaciones de gran relevancia, que muchos de ellos no habrían podido adquirir sin la mediación del grupo.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;44(4): 343-351, Apr. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387894


Abstract Objective To evaluate the emotional and clinical aspects observed in women with gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) followed-up in a reference center (RC) by a multidisciplinary team. Methods Retrospective cohort study of the clinical records of 186 women with GTD and of the emotional aspects (EA) observed in these women by a teamof psychologists and reported by the 389 support groups conducted from 2014 to 2018. Results The women were young (mean age: 31.2 years), 47% had no living child, 60% had planned the pregnancy, and 50% participated in two or more SG. Most women (n=137; 73.6%) reached spontaneous remission ofmolar gestation in a median time of 10 weeks and had a total follow-up time of seven months. In the group of 49 women (26.3%) who progressed to gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN), time to remission after chemotherapy was 18 weeks, and total follow-up time was 36 months. EA included different levels of anxiety and depression,more evident in 9.1% of the women; these symptoms tended to occur more frequently in women older than 40 years (p=0.067), less educated (p=0.054), and whose disease progressed to GTN (p=0.018), as well as in those who had to undergo multi-agent chemotherapy (p=0.028) or hysterectomy (p=0.001) adjuvant to clinical treatment. Conclusion This study found several EA in association with all types of GTD. It also highlights the importance of specialized care only found in a RC, essential to support the recovery of the mental health of these women.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar aspectos emocionais e clínicos observados em mulheres com doença trofoblástica gestacional (DTG) acompanhadas em um centro de referência (CR), por equipe multiprofissional. Método Estudo de coorte retrospectivo nos prontuários clínicos de 186 mulheres comDTG, e dos aspectos emocionais (AE) observados nessas mulheres pela equipe de psicólogas e registrados nos 389 grupos de apoio (GAs), ocorridos de 2014 a 2018. Resultados As pacientes eram jovens (idade média 31,2 anos), 47% sem filhos vivos, 60% tinham desejado ou planejado esta gravidez e 50% delas participaram de dois ou mais GAs. A maioria (n=137-73,6%) apresentou remissão espontânea da gestação molar com mediana de 10 semanas e um tempo total de seguimento de 7 meses. Quarenta e nove mulheres (26,3%) evoluíram para neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional (NTG); amediana para atingir a remissão após tratamento comquimioterapia foi de 19 semanas e o tempo total de seguimento foi de 36 meses. Os AE incluíram variados graus de ansiedade e depressão, mais evidentes em 9,1% das nossas pacientes; tais AE tenderam a ocorrer mais em mulheres com idade acima de 40 anos (p=0,067), com menor escolaridade (p=0,054), com evolução para NTG (p=0,018), e nas que necessitaram de tratamento quimioterápico com regime de múltiplos agentes (p=0,028), ou de histerectomia complementar ao tratamento clínico (p=0,001). Conclusão Este estudo mostrou presença de vários AE associados em todos os tipos de DTG. Destaca tambéma importância de umatendimento psicológico especializado, somente encontrado nos CR, que é essencial para ajudar na recuperação da saúde mental dessas mulheres.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Self-Help Groups , Mental Health , Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882163


@#PURPOSE: People living with diseases where symptoms are not visible to the naked eye, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), are frequently misunderstood by the public and consequently face numerous conflicts in their lives. The study aims to develop an explanatory framework towards the constructions of coping of adults with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). DESIGN: The study made use of the Straussian Grounded Theory Method. 15 adults with ages ranging from 21 to 50 years old, diagnosed by a licensed physician with rheumatoid arthritis for at least six months at the time of the study, with an active social media account, and are in the convalescence or remission phase participated in the study. The study setting was based on the participants' preferences within the National Capital Region, Central Luzon, and Calabarzon areas. This study has been reviewed and approved by UP Manila Research Ethics Board (UPMREB). METHODS: Purposive sampling and theoretical sampling were used in selecting the participants. Unstructured interviews and observation played central roles in the data collection. Consistent with the Straussian Grounded Theory method, the analysis was based on data immersion and iterative open, axial, and selective coding. FINDINGS: The constructions of coping in persons with Rheumatoid arthritis was presented through a “coding paradigm” of causal conditions (disconnect and invisible suffering), context (isolation and psychosocial burdens), intervening conditions (cultural values and family attitude, values, beliefs, and dynamics), strategies (joining online RA group and sticking with people who understand), and consequences (regaining control and helping others with the same condition) which were further explained in this paper. CONCLUSION: The study presents experiences of persons with RA and their constructions of coping, shedding light on the often misunderstood course of symptomatology and the struggles the afflicted persons go through. Despite having social media as the milieu by which these concepts emerge, this study's theoretical model may help health practitioners understand persons afflicted with diseases with imperceptible symptoms. Understanding their experiences in the context of the theoretical model presented could suggest information and support modalities for these groups of people.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987211


Background@#Tuberculosis (TB) Patient Support Groups (PSGs) are important in strengthening gender dimensions of TB response because gender-blind strategies aggravate the impact of gender inequalities in TB disease elimination. The study aimed to describe the patterns in issues and challenges faced by TB patients as women, men, or Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer/Intersex (LGBTQI); as well as the potentials and program support needs of TB PSGs using the sociological and demographical gender lenses. @*Objectives@#The objective of the study is twofold: to describe the issues, situations and challenges that are faced by the TB patients as women, men, or LGBTQI and; determine the challenges, potentials and program support needs of the TB PSGs using the gender lens. @*Methodology@#Through purposive and maximum variation sampling, a total of 35 respondents — 46% women, 31% men, 23% LGBTQI from Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and National Capital Region – participated in the study. They completed questionnaires with closed and open-ended questions, and were interviewed for validation. Quantitative data described proportions of variables stratified according to gender. Qualitative data were analyzed through Grounded Theory approach of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding towards themes, theories and logic diagrams. Central to the research design was Transformative Mixed Methods to incorporate social justice and community participation. @*Results and Conclusion@#Unique gender themes in mental health and human capital, as well as gender-targeted case finding framework, were revealed. Moreover, social constructs on gender roles and catastrophic costs associated with Tuberculosis were perceived as major impediments to TB treatment completion. Results of this study may be used for development of policies and models for TB services with focus on gender, human rights and patient-centeredness.

Tuberculosis , Patient-Centered Care , Gender Identity
Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 20(2): 201-209, dic. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391584


Com a hospitalização de um ente, o familiar vivencia situações de estresse, angústia, medo e preocupação, além de déficits em seu desempenho ocupacional, constituindo-se as intervenções grupais em uma importante ferramenta para a Terapia Ocupacional, bem como em um potente recurso de ensino no processo de formação dos graduandos em práticas nos contextos hospitalares. Nesta perspectiva, durante o período de maio à novembro de 2017 foi proposto como atividade extensionista vinculada a àrea de Terapia Ocupacional hospitalar o desenvolvimento de um grupo de apoio com cuidadores. Metodologicamente, para a descrição desta experiência foi realizada análise dos registros provenientes do grupo, sendo as informações trabalhadas por meio de estatística descritiva e análise temática. Como resultados, os encontros realizados permitiram possibilidades de trocas entre os participantes e promoção de fatores curativos, bem como estimularam os discentes no desenvolvimento de habilidades como a escuta qualificada, raciocínio clínico e planejamento interventivo. Deste modo, a abordagem grupal no âmbito hospitalar apresentou-se como uma ferramenta potente para a assistência e para o processo de ensino aprendizagem.

With the hospitalization of a relative, family experiences situations of stress, anxiety, fear and worry, as well as deficits in their occupational performance, in such a way that makes the group interventions an important aid for Occupational Therapy, and a powerful teaching resource in the process of training graduates in internship practices at hospital contexts. From this perspective, during the period from May to November 2017, the development of a support group for caregivers was proposed as an extension activity linked to the area of occupational therapy at the hospital. Methodologically, for the description of this experiment, the analysis of the records from the group was performed, and the information was worked through descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. As results, meetings granted the possibility of exchanges among the participants and the promotion of curative factors, as well as stimulated students to develop skills such as qualified listening, clinical reasoning and interventional planning. Thus, the group approach in the hospital setting was presented as a potent method for care and teaching-learning process.

Con la hospitalización de un ser querido, los familiares sufren situaciones de estrés, ansiedad, miedo y preocupación, además del déficit en su desempeño ocupacional, lo que hace que las intervenciones grupales sean una herramienta importante para la terapia ocupacional, así como un recurso poderoso para la enseñanza en el proceso de formación de los estudiantes que se encuentran en su práctica hospitalaria. En esta perspectiva, durante el período de mayo a noviembre de 2017, fue propuesto como actividad; la extensión vinculada al área de Terapia Ocupacional hospitalaria, y el desarrollo de un grupo de apoyo con cuidadores. Metodológicamente, a la descripción de este experimento se llevó a cabo el análisis de los registros del grupo y la información se trabajó a través de la estadística descriptiva y el análisis temático. Como resultados, los encuentros realizados permitieron posibilidades de intercambios entre los participantes y promoción de factores curativos, además de estimular a los estudiantes a desarrollar habilidades como la escucha calificada, el razonamiento clínico y la planificación intervencionista. Por lo tanto, el enfoque grupal en el entorno hospitalario se presentó como una herramienta potente para el proceso de atención y enseñanza-aprendizaje.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Self-Help Groups , Students , Occupational Therapy/education , Caregivers , Hospitals
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 25: e42427, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1135770


RESUMO. O suicídio pode ser compreendido como o desfecho decorrente de uma complexa interação de fatores e seu resultado gera intensos impactos na família e em toda sociedade. Considerando-se que para cada suicídio estima-se que cerca de 100 pessoas sejam afetadas, recebendo pouco ou nenhum suporte, e que o luto por suicídio tem especificidades que podem complicar o processo; a tarefa da intervenção após um suicídio se amplia como imprescindível. Este artigo descreve e fundamenta o processo de construção e manejo por iniciativa voluntária de profissionais da psicologia, de um grupo de apoio para sobreviventes/enlutados pelo suicídio na cidade de Maringá-PR, iniciado em setembro de 2016, com frequência mensal e gratuidade na participação. Os grupos de apoio representam recursos fundamentais de suporte emocional na posvenção, sendo considerados como espaço de escuta, reconhecimentos, legitimação e apoio a pessoas enlutadas ou intensamente impactadas pelo suicídio, assim, possibilitando a construção de sentidos para a perda e uma adaptação ao processo continuado de ressignificação.

RESUMEN. El suicidio puede ser comprendido como el desenlace indeseable resultante de una compleja interacción de factores y su resultado genera intensos impactos en la familia y toda sociedad. Considerando que para cada suicidio cerca de 100 personas son afectadas, aún así, éstas reciben poco o ningún soporte, y aún, que luto por suicidio tiene especificidades que pueden complicar el processo; la acción de la intervención después de un suicidio se amplía como imprescindible. Este artículo describe y fundamenta el proceso de construcción y manejo, por iniciativa voluntaria de profesionales de la Psicología, de un grupo de apoyo para sobrevivientes/enlutados del suicidio en la ciudad de Maringá-PR, Brasil, iniciado en septiembre de 2016 y mantenido con frecuencia mensual y gratuidad en la participación. Los grupos de apoyo representan recursos fundamentales de soporte emocional en la posvention, siendo considerados como espacio de escucha, reconocimiento, legimitación y apoyo a personas enlutadas o intensamente impactadas por el suicídio, así, posibilitando la construcción de sentidos para la pérdida y una adaptación al proceso continuado de resignificación.

ABSTRACT. Suicide can be understood as the undesirable outcome resulting from a complex interaction of factors, and its outcome generates intense impacts on the family and society as a whole. Considering that for each suicide about 100 people are affected, even so, these receive little or no support, and still, that mourning/grief for suicide has specificities that can complicate the process; the action of the intervention after a suicide is amplified as essential. This article describes and bases the process of construction and management, through a voluntary initiative of Psychology professionals, a support group for suicide survivors / bereaved in the city of Maringá, PR/Brazil, started in September 2016 and maintained monthly and free participation. The support groups represent fundamental resources of emotional support in the posvention, being considered space of listening, recognition, legitimation and support to people mourning/grief or intensely impacted by suicide, thus making it possible to construct meanings for loss and an adaptation to the ongoing process of re-signification.

Humans , Male , Female , Self-Help Groups , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Survivors/psychology , Psychology , Bereavement , Family/psychology , Self-Injurious Behavior/psychology , Death , Friends/psychology , User Embracement , Suicidal Ideation , Psychological Distress
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(1): 171-185, jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056526


Se presentan los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo comprender los efectos psicológicos generados tras la ruptura de los lazos con el grupo primario de apoyo debido al fenómeno de prisionalización, con el propósito de contribuir en la formulación de investigaciones que se interesen por la salud mental del interno en prisión desde una perspectiva de familia. La investigación fue cualitativa de tipo estudio de caso; contó con la participación de 5 internos del Complejo Carcelario y Penitenciario de Medellín - Pedregal (COPED), a quienes se les realizaron entrevistas en profundidad, que posteriormente fueron codificadas y categorizadas. El desarrollo de la investigación permitió diferenciar los efectos psicológicos generados por el estado de prisionalización, de los efectos psicológicos producto de la ruptura con el grupo primario de apoyo. Asimismo, permitió identificar las condiciones internas y externas que favorecen o impiden el sostenimiento de un contacto estable con el grupo familiar, mientras se está en estado de prisionalización. De esta manera, se concluye que la adaptación a la cultura carcelaria propicia un restablecimiento de los efectos psicológicos generados por el estado de prisionalización. Sin embargo, no acontece igual respecto a los efectos generados por la ruptura con el grupo primario de apoyo, máxime cuando las condiciones de internamiento dan lugar a que el penado tome la decisión de exacerbar la distancia con su grupo familiar. En ese sentido, los efectos psicológicos derivados de la ruptura con el grupo primario de apoyo tienden a complejizarse en relación con el tiempo de estancia en prisión.

The results of a research whose objective was to understand the psychological effects of breaking bonds with the primary support group because of prisonization are presented with the purpose of contributing in the formulation of researches related to the mental health of inmates in prison from a family perspective. For this purpose, the research aimed to deepen the most significant issues of a group of inmates (male and female) from the Complejo Penitenciario y Carcelario Medellín - Pedregal (COPED) related to family breakdown, being abandoned by the partner, insufficient or inexistent support networks outside the prison and the consequences or psychological reactions caused by them. It is important to mention that the participants in the research were identified by using chain sampling or network sampling. It is also important to note that being a qualitative research, indepth interviews were conducted and later coded and categorized, based on the categories of analysis, namely family background, prisonization and psychological effects. This process favors the transferability of results, based on the in-depth description of the phenomenon in its context (Martínez-Salgado, 2012). In consequence the research process enabled the identification of signs and symptoms that remained in the subjects of research beyond all adaptation processes, and it is because of this characteristic that such symptomatology may not be explained by the theories regarding the psychological effects as a consequence of internment, that is to say, prisonization itself, as they derive from a process of adaptation and assimilation of the culture in prison. In this regard, this research arguments the relevance of the involvement of the family group in the penitentiary processes, seeking to have a positive impact on the functioning of inmates in prison and also on their resocialization and later on their life in freedom. Therefore, it is necessary to acknowledge that the contact with the closest support group becomes an essential resource that, properly included in the support process for the inmate, leverages the development of prosocial competences, whilst reestablishing the self-image and preserving the family image create in persons deprived of liberty a commitment with resocialization, besides being the bridge that keeps them anchored to the outside world. This approach promotes the reformulation of the current understanding of the effects associated to the prisonization as immanent status of imprisonment; this idea is based on the fact that the particular conditions of inmates (Echeverri,2010) and the conditions of the institutional context of prison (Crespo, 2017), may not be assessed or intervened in isolation, while, as evidenced on the research herein, a person that is deprived of liberty experiences a series of physical and psychical impacts that are beyond the normalizing processes of adaptation, becoming problems that when transcending the prison premises, need to be understood as a public policy matter.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 21(3): 465-485, jul.-set. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-978659


Fundamentado na psicanálise e no conceito de suporte social, este trabalho busca explorar as repercussões psíquicas do adoecimento de mulheres com câncer de mama e o potencial de reintegração do Grupo de Suporte. Os resultados apontam para o fortalecimento das defesas psicossomáticas, através dos vínculos estabelecidos no Grupo, considerado um espaço promotor de holding, por propiciar suporte social, compartilhamento de sentimentos e melhor integração entre psíquico e somático, possibilitando a reinserção social e o enfrentamento da doença.

Anchored on psychoanalysis and on the concept of social support, this paper aims to explore the psychic repercussions of the illness of women with breast cancer and the reintegration potential by the Support Group. The results point to the strengthening of the women's psychosomatic defenses, by means of the ties created in the Group, regarded as a space that promotes holding, by providing social support, sharing of feelings and better psychological and somatic integration, making social reintegration and the confrontation of the disease possible.

Sur la base de la psychanalyse et du concept de soutien social, ce travail vise à explorer les répercussions psychologiques de la maladie des femmes atteintes du cancer du sein et de la réinsertion potentielle du Groupe de Soutien. Les résultats indiquent un renforcement des défenses psychosomatiques à travers des liens établis au sein du groupe, considéré comme un espace promoteur de maintien, pour apporter un soutien social, partage de sentiments et une meilleure intégration entre le psychique et le somatique, rendant ainsi possible la réinsertion sociale et la lutte contre la maladie.

Basado en el psicoanálisis y en el concepto de apoyo social, este trabajo pretende explorar las repercusiones psíquicas, entre las mujeres, repercusiones provenientes del diagnóstico de cáncer de mama, y el potencial de reintegración del Grupo de Apoyo. Los resultados apuntan al fortalecimiento de las defensas psicosomáticas de las mujeres, a través de los vínculos establecidos dentro del Grupo, que es considerado un espacio que promueve el sostén (holding) al proporcionar apoyo social, permitir compartir sentimientos y promover una mejor integración entre lo psíquico y lo somático, haciendo posible la reintegración social y el manejo de la enfermedad.

Basierend auf die Psychoanalyse und auf das Konzept der sozialen Unterstützung, zielt diese Arbeit darauf ab, die psychischen Auswirkungen der Erkrankung bei Frauen mit Brustkrebs und das Wiedereingliederungspotential einer Unterstützungsgruppe zu erforschen. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die psychosomatische Widerstandskraft der Frauen durch die in der Gruppe geknüpften Verhältnisse gestärkt wurde. Die Gruppe wird als Raum beschrieben, der das Holding fördert, da sie soziale Unterstützung leistet, es erlaubt Gefühle zu teilen, die Integration psychologischer und somatischer Aspekte fördert, die soziale Wiedereingliederung ermöglicht und den Patientinnen hilft, die Krankheit zu konfrontieren.

Health Sciences Journal ; : 25-28, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-961246


INTRODUCTION@#This study was conducted to determine the level of spirituality in relation to self-efficacy among relatives and watchers taking care of terminally-ill cancer patients admitted at the University of East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, Inc.@*METHODS@#The study utilized a descriptive correlational design with a purposive sampling method. Outcome measures included survey questionnaires, namely O'Brien's Level of Spirituality Questionnaire and Bandura's Self-Efficacy Questionnaire. Relatives and other watchers of patients classified as category 4 (terminally-ill) were included. Spearman-Rho was used in analyzing the data gathered.@*RESULTS@#The findings revealed a negative moderate relationship between self-efficacy and spiritual contentment. Additionally, very weak relationships were observed between self-efficacy and religious practices as well as self-efficacy and personal faith. @*CONCLUSION@#There is no significant relationship between the level of spirituality ans self-efficacy of the support group of terminally-ill patients. Analysis of data collected proved that a change in one variable does not have significant impact on the other.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627229


: The psychological impact of care giving responsibility for dementia patients is significant regardless of the cultural background. Most of the current advanced caregivers’ interventions, originating from developed western countries, do not necessarily apply to local settings. Hence, there is a need for an effective culturally competent psychological intervention for these caregivers. The aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the cultural-based support group for Malay caregivers of dementia patients in Kelantan towards their burden, anxiety and depression level, and quality of life. Methods: This was an experimental study, without control, investigating pre and post support group intervention effectiveness in reducing caregiver burden, anxiety and depression, and improving the quality of life. Sixteen caregivers completed the program, which involved seven fortnightly support group sessions with duration of 2 hours each, conducted over twelve weeks. Caregivers’ burden was assessed using Caregiver Strain Index (CSI) while their psychological well-being was objectively assessed using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). WHO Quality of Life questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) was used to measure the quality of life. The validated Malay versions of the questionnaires were used. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction in the level of caregiver burden (p = or < 0.001). Measurement of both scores of anxiety and depression comparing pre and post intervention also showed improvement, but statistically were not significant. Assessment of caregivers’ quality of life showed statistically significant improvement in the domains of social, psychological and physical (all with the p-value <0.05). Discussion: Our cultural-based support group is an effective intervention to improve burden, psychological well-being and quality of life among local caregivers of dementia patients. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 18 (1): January – June 2017: XX XX.

Vínculo (São Paulo, Online) ; 13(1): 33-45, jun. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-797859


Consciente de seu papel institucional, em consonância com a Política de Atenção à Saúde e Segurança do Servidor Público Federal (PASS), o setor responsável pela saúde e assistência ao servidor, da pró-reitoria de gestão de pessoas de uma universidade pública federal, procurou desenvolver ações de promoção de saúde. O objetivo foi instituir um Grupo de Trabalho de Promoção de Saúde, para elaboração de propostas que integrassem gestão e desenvolvimento saudável dos servidores de uma universidade pública federal. A metodologia foi a abordagem grupal, utilizando duas técnicas que se complementavam, os jogos psicodramáticos e rodas de conversas. Os resultados apontaram avanços na gestão participativa, evidenciando encontros e negociações das diversidades que cada servidor vivenciava em suas unidades acadêmicas e administrativas, oportunizando transformações no processo de trabalho.

Conscious of its institutional role, in consonance with the Health Care Policy and Federal Public Server Safety (PASS), the sector responsible for health and server assistance linked to a pro-rector of people management from a public federal university, sought to develop actions of health promotion. The aim was to set up a Work Group of Health Promotion, to elaborate proposals that integrate management and healthy development of federal public university servers. The methodology was the group approach, using two techniques that complemented each other, psychodramatic games and conversations circles. The results had pointed advances in participatory management, demonstrating meetings and negotiations of diversity that each server was experiencing in their academic and administrative units, providing opportunities for changes in the work process.

Consciente de su papel institucional, alineado con la Política de Cuidado de la Salud y Seguridad del Servidor Público Federal (PASS), el sector responsable por la salud e asistencia al servidor, vinculada a la prorrectoría de gestión de personas de una universidad pública federal, buscó desarrollar acciones de Promoción de la Salud. El objetivo fuera instituir un Grupo de Trabajo de Promoción de Salud, para elaboración de propuestas que integrasen gestión y desarrollo saludable de los servidores de una universidad pública federal. La metodología fue el abordaje grupal, utilizando dos técnicas que se complementaban, los juegos psicodramáticos y círculos de conversación. Los resultados muestran progresos en la gestión participativa, evidencian encuentros y negociaciones de las diversidades en las vivencias de cada servidor en sus unidades académicas e administrativas, con oportunidad de transformaciones en lo proceso de trabajo.

Humans , Male , Female , Self-Help Groups , Universities , Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic , Health Promotion
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 20(3)jul.-set. 2015.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-786922


O presente estudo tem como objetivo compreender a experiência dos pais de crianças com deficiência auditiva e usuárias de implante coclear ao participar de um grupo de apoio psicossocial do Programa de Implante Coclear do Centro de Pesquisas Audiológicas/Seção de Implante Coclear do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram entrevistados dez pais que participaram do grupo de apoio psicossocial e a análise das entrevistas baseou-se no método fenomenológico, permeada pela questão norteadora: como tem sido para você participar do grupo de apoio psicossocial? Emergiram, como resultado, seis categorias temáticas, sendo elas: troca de experiências, que se desdobrou em duas subcategorias: aprendizagem e esclarecimento de dúvidas; motivação; suporte emocional; sentimento de pertencimento; sentir com o outro;e processo de reflexão.Conclui-se que o grupo de apoio psicossocial constitui relevante estratégia de cuidado oferecida aos familiares de crianças com implante coclear. Espera-se, portanto, que esta pesquisa possa trazer contribuições à ciência e àprática profissional por possibilitar a compreensão da importância do grupo de apoio.

This study aims at understanding the experiences of parents of hearing-impaired children who use cochlear implants, members of a psychosocial support group of the Cochlear Implant Program at the Audiology Research Center/Cochlear Implant Section of the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies of the University of São Paulo. We interviewed ten parents who were participating in the psychosocial support group; the analysis of the interviews was based on the phenomenological method, with the following guiding question: how do you feel about participating in the psychosocial support group? As a result, six thematic categories emerged, namely: exchange of experiences, which unfolded into two subcategories: learning and clarification of doubts; and motivation, emotional support, sense of belonging, feeling with othersand reflection process.The conclusion is that the psychosocial support group is a relevant care strategy for family members of children with cochlear implants. It is therefore expected that this research can bring contributions to science and professional practice by enabling the comprehension of the importance of support groups.

Este estudio tiene como objetivo comprender la experiencia de los padres de niños con problemas de audición e utilizando implantes cocleares para unirse a un grupo de apoyo psicosocial que pertenece ao Programa de Implante Coclear del Centro de Investigación Audiológica/Sección de Implante Coclear del Hospital de Rehabilitación de AnomalíasCraneofaciales de la Universidad de São Paulo. Fueron entrevistados diez padres que participaron del grupo de apoyo psicosocial y el análisis de las entrevistas se basó en el método fenomenológico, permeada por la pregunta orientadora: ¿cómo ha sido para que usted participe en el grupo de apoyo psicosocial? Surgió como resultado, seis categorías temáticas, que son: el intercambio de experiencias, que se dividió en dos subcategorías: aprendizaje y aclaración de dudas; motivación; el apoyo emocional; sentimiento de pertenencia; sentir con el otro;y proceso de reflexión. Llegamos a la conclusión de que el grupo de apoyo psicosocial es estrategia de atención relevante ofrecido a las familias de niños con implantes cocleares. Por ello, esperamos que esta investigación puede traer contribuciones relevantes a la ciencia y la práctica profesional, permitiendo la comprensión de la importancia del grupo de apoyo.

Humans , Communication Aids for Disabled , Education of Hearing Disabled , Cochlear Implants , Social Support , Psychosocial Impact , Hearing Loss
Palliative Care Research ; : 915-919, 2015.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-377108


Introduction:Although psychosocial support for cancer patients, their family, and those who are bereaved is essential, it is still considered inadequate. Anyone can become a member of the “Gan Cafe” support group, such as those suffering from cancer, those who have survived cancer, family members of cancer patients and those who have lost people to cancer, can get psychosocial support and palliative care support from palliative care unit staff. Case:A 53-year-old male was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2001 and underwent surgery. In 2006 he underwent chemotherapy, as he suffered a relapse. In 2012, while undergoing treatment, he joined the “Gan Cafe” along with his family members. He was able to interact with other members of the group and with the staff of the palliative care unit as a cancer patient, while his wife and children could interact with them as cancer patients family members. Six months later, when being admitted to the palliative care unit, the patient and his family members felt secure as they had become well acquainted with the staff at the “Gan Cafe.” After he had passed away, the wife continued to participate in the “Gan Cafe” as a bereaved family member and the same staff provided her with grief support. Conclusion:Through participation in the “Gan Cafe”, the staff of the palliative care unit was able to provide continuous palliative care with a focus on psychosocial support from the pre-hospital stage to grief support after the patients passed away.

Pensando fam ; 18(1): 107-123, jun. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-728552


Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar reflexões sobre a contribuição de um grupo de suporte ao luto para o desdobramento do processo de enlutamento de pais³. O API-ES (Apoio a Perdas Irreparáveis) é um grupo de suporte social ao luto e reúne-se mensalmente sob a coordenação de uma psicóloga, congregando participantes enlutados por diversos tipos de perdas (de pais, irmãos, filhos e outros parentes, em geral) com causas variadas (aborto, doença, acidente automobilístico, suicídio, assassinato, entre outras).Foram observados relatos de pais e mães que perderam filhos, no período entre junho de 2007 e junho 2011. Articulando pressupostos de algumas Teorias do Luto e da Teoria Narrativa foram selecionados relatos que revelaram sentimentos e pensamentos relacionados às suas perdas, a si mesmos, ao suporte social e ao grupo, bem como ressonâncias decorrentes das experiências vivenciadas no percurso do luto de uma das autoras...

This article aims to present reflections on the input of a grief support group for the unfolding process of bereaved parents. The API-ES (Irreparable Losses Support Group) is a social support group for bereavement and meets monthly under the supervision of a psychologist, gathering participants bereaved by different kinds of losses (parents, siblings, children and other relatives in general) of several causes (abortion, disease, car accident, suicide, murder, among others). Reports of fathers and mothers who lost their children in the period between June 2007 and June 2011 were observed. Articulating assumptions of some Theories of Grief and Narrative Theory there were selected reports that revealed feelings and thoughts related to their own losses, to themselves, to social support and to the group as well as resonances arising from experiences in the path of mourning of one of the authors...

Humans , Male , Female , Grief , Psychology
Psicol. teor. prát ; 16(1): 69-78, abr. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-717670


A Lei da Convivência Familiar é a atual legislação sobre a adoção no país. Ela cria a obrigatoriedade da habilitação prévia para adotar e considera necessária a preparação psicossocial e jurídica do candidato a adotante. Este artigo busca refletir, a partir de uma experiência em grupo de apoio a candidatos à adoção, sobre a possibilidade de o grupo de apoio ser uma ferramenta de prevenção de conflitos com a criança a ser adotada. Para que possam acolher um filho, os pais precisam entender as filiações, as heranças e os desejos deste, e o grupo de apoio pode ser uma forma de sensibilização e preparação dos candidatos à adoção para temas que permeiam o processo de filiação.

The Law of Family Living is the current law on adoption in the country. It creates an obligation of previous qualification to adopt and considers necessary to prepare adoptive parents in psychosocial and legal ways. This paper reflects, from an experience of support group to prospective adoptive parents, about the possibility of support group works as a tool to conflict prevention between parents and the child to be adopted. We can conclude, that to welcome a child, parents need understand their own filiations, inheritances and desires and the support group can be a form of awareness and preparedness of the adoptive parents for themes that permeate the filiation process.

La Ley de la Coexistencia Familiar es la actual ley de adopción en el país. Ella establece la obligación de licencia previa para adoptar y considere necesaria la preparación psicosocial y legal del candidato adoptante. En este artículo se reflexiona, a partir de una experiencia de grupo de apoyo para los futuros padres adoptivos, sobre la posibilidad de un grupo de apoyo como una herramienta para la prevención de los conflictos con el niño para ser adoptado. Se puede concluir que para dar la bienvenida a un niño requiere que los padres entiendan sus filiaciones, herencias y deseos, y el grupo de apoyo puede ser una forma de conocimiento y preparación de los candidatos a la adopción para los temas que permean el proceso de filiación.

Vínculo (São Paulo, Online) ; 10(1): 1-8, maio 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-731015


O câncer e seus tratamentos muitas vezes afetam aspectos específicos do funcionamento sexual e da vida íntima dos pacientes. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar as repercussões dos tratamentos do câncer de mama na vida sexual e na intimidade de mulheres acometidas. Foram realizadas observações de encontros grupais com pacientes, distribuídas ao longo do contínuo de cuidados típicos do primeiro ano de enfrentamento do tratamento. O método clínico-qualitativo foi utilizado, de forma que se privilegiou o estabelecimento de relações de sentido entre os dados obtidos por meio da adoção de uma atitude de compreensão. Os efeitos do tratamento mais comumente discutidos nos grupos, em relação ao funcionamento sexual e à intimidade, foram: queda do cabelo, ganho ou perda de peso, fadiga crônica, náuseas, perda parcial ou total da mama e o sentimento de não ser mais uma mulher completa. Barreiras adicionais foram relatadas tais como: estigma social, ausência ou inconsistência do apoio familiar, necessidade de afastamento do trabalho. O funcionamento sexual e os aspectos da intimidade foram considerados importantes para a preservação da qualidade de vida. Ainda que a maioria dos efeitos do câncer tenha sido valorada negativamente, muitos participantes identificaram melhorias na vida íntima após a experiência da doença...

Cancer and its treatments often affect specific aspects of patients' sexual functioning and intimate life. This study aimed to analyze the impact of breast cancer treatments on sexuality and intimacy in breast cancer patients. Observations were made of group meetings with patients, distributed along the continuum of care typical of the first year of treatment coping. The clinical-qualitative method was used, so that it favored the establishment of relations of meaning between the data obtained by adopting an attitude of understanding. The treatment effects most commonly discussed in the groups in relation to sexual functioning and intimacy were: hair loss, weight gain or weight loss, chronic fatigue, nausea, partial or total loss of the breast and the feeling of no longer being a complete woman. Additional barriers have been reported, such as social stigma, lack or inconsistency of family support, need for absence from work. The sexual functioning and aspects of intimacy were considered important for the preservation of quality of life. While most cancer effects have been negatively valued, many participants identified improvements in intimate life after the experience of illness...

El cáncer y sus tratamientos a menudo afectan a los aspectos específicos del funcionamiento sexual y la vida íntima de los pacientes. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el impacto de los tratamientos de cáncer de mama en la vida sexual y la intimidad de las mujeres afectadas. Se realizaron observaciones de reuniones de grupo con pacientes, distribuidos a lo largo del continuum de cuidados típicos del primer año de tratamiento de afrontamiento. Se utilizó el método clínico-cualitativo, por lo que está a favor del establecimiento de relaciones de significado entre los datos obtenidos mediante la adopción de una actitud de comprensión. Los efectos del tratamiento más comúnmente discutidos en los grupos, en relación con el funcionamiento sexual y la intimidad, fueron: pérdida de cabello, aumento de peso o pérdida de peso, fatiga crónica, náuseas, pérdida parcial o total de la mama y de la sensación de ya no ser una mujer completo. Barreras adicionales se han reportado como el estigma social, la falta o inconsistencia de apoyo a la familia, la necesidad de ausencia del trabajo. Se consideraron importantes los aspectos de funcionamiento y la intimidad sexual para la preservación de la calidad de vida. Aunque la mayor parte del cáncer de efectos ha sido valorada negativamente, muchos participantes identificaron las mejoras en la vida íntima después de la experiencia de la enfermedad...

Humans , Female , Object Attachment , Self-Help Groups , Breast Neoplasms , Sexuality
Palliative Care Research ; : 254-263, 2013.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374799


The purpose of this study is to examine the psychological process and facilitating factors in the participants of a bereavement support group in palliative care settings. The subjects were 12 group members. The data was analyzed by the Modified Grounded Theory Approach. 7 categories, 20 sub-categories and 145 concepts were produced and the following psychological process was identified for the group members: “the difficulties in living after the bereavement,”“expressing their feelings toward the deceased,rdquo; “information exchange about their real life,rdquo; “reorganization of the narrative after the bereavement,rdquo; “objectifying their grief through their experience,rdquo; “positive changes after the bereavementrdquo;. This study indicated that “empowerment through group interaction” improved the psychological process of group members.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-905569


El número de jóvenes que pierden la vida a diario, aumenta globalmente. La pérdida de un hijo es uno de los eventos más difíciles en la vida de una madre. Después de conocer la noticia de la muerte de su hijo o hija, la madre comienza un proceso el cual puede desarrollarse según múltiples factores como un duelo normal o un duelo patológico. Entre los aspectos que posibilitan el desarrollo de un duelo normal se encuentran los grupos de ayuda mutua, los cuales pueden potenciar las características resilientes de sus integrantes. En la revisión bibliográfica realizada para el presente ensayo, se evidencian contradicciones en cuanto a la pertinencia o no de estos grupos. Sin embargo, la experiencia en el grupo "Padres y Madres con Hijos en el Cielo" de la Cuidad de Barquisimeto en el Estado Lara, Venezuela, ha resultado beneficiosa en el desarrollo del duelo normal, potenciando las características resilientes de sus integrantes. Resulta fundamental el desarrollo de la investigación acerca de los beneficios o no de estos grupos con el objetivo de optimizar las posibilidades de apoyo emocional.

The number of young people, who lose their lives on a daily basis, increases globally. The loss of a child is one of the most difficult moments in mother's life. After notice the news of the death of their child, the mother begins a process, which can be developed according to multiple factors such as a normal duel or a pathological mourning. Among the aspects that allow the development of a normal duel you can find mutual aid groups, which can improve the resilient characteristics of its members. In the review of the present essay, we identified contradictions that regard the relevance or not of these groups. However, the experience in the "Fathers and Mothers with Children in Heaven" group from the city of Barquisimeto in Lara State, Venezuela, has been beneficial in the development of a normal duel, by increasing the resilient characteristics of its members. It is essential the development of benefits or not of these groups in order to maximize the potential for emotional support.