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Aesthethika (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 19(1): 35-40, ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518437


Tomando como eje la noción de plus de gozar propuesta por Jacques Lacan en su seminario De un Otro al otro, el presente trabajo aborda diferentes modos en que la serie de ciencia ficción noruega Beforeigners pone en escena modalidades de la segregación en una sociedad en la que predominan ideales como la tolerancia y la inclusión

Taking as its axis the notion of surplus jouissance [plus-de-jouir], proposed by Jacques Lacan in his seminar from an Other to the other, this paper addresses different ways in which the Norwegian science fiction series Beforeigners stages modalities of segregation in a society in which values such as tolerance and inclusion predominate

Humans , Cultural Diversity , Psychoanalytic Interpretation , Residential Segregation , Motion Pictures
Acta bioeth ; 28(2): 239-247, oct. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1402930


Resumen: Objetivo. Analizar las percepciones y prácticas de los clínicos en relación con el manejo del embrión sometido a técnicas de fecundación in vitro. Metodología. Cualitativa (subjetivista y fenomenológico). Se realizaron 15 las entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicando un muestreo por saturación dirigidas a personal clínico que haya participado en procedimientos de fecundación in vitro. Los datos se analizaron con el programa Atlas Ti 8.0®. Resultado. Los clínicos consideran al embrión como un ser humano o futuro ser humano y, además, merecedor de respeto y consideración, proponiendo incluso mejoras en los procesos de manipulación y almacenaje. Conclusión. Los embriones no son considerados como entes susceptibles de recibir daño, desde argumentos no solo técnicos sino éticos. Desde la corriente principialista, se describe la necesidad de promover actitudes de responsabilidad y prudencia para evitar el dogmatismo (objetivismo moral) proponiendo una postura deliberativa.

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to analyze the perceptions and practices of clinicians in relation to the management of embryos subjected to in vitro fertilization techniques. Methodology is Qualitative (subjectivist and phenomenological). A total of 15 semi-structured interviews were conducted using saturation sampling for clinical personnel who have participated in vitro fertilization procedures. The data is analyzed with the Atlas Ti 8.0® program. Results: Clinicians consider the embryo as a Human being or future human being, in addition, deserving of respect and consideration even proposing improvements in the processes of handling and storage. Conclusion. Embryos are not considered as entities susceptible of damage from not only technical but ethical arguments. From the principialist current, the need to promote attitudes of responsibility and prudence to avoid dogmatism (moral objectivism) is described, proposing a deliberative position.

Resumo: Objetivo. Analisar as percepções e práticas dos médicos em relação ao manejo do embrião submetido a técnicas de fertilização in vitro. Metodologia. Qualitativo (subjetivo e fenomenológico). Foram realizadas 15 entrevistas semiestruturadas por amostragem de saturação para pessoal clínico que participou de procedimentos de fertilização in vitro. Os dados são analisados com o programa Atlas Ti 8.0®. Resultado. Os médicos consideram o embrião como um ser humano ou futuro, além de merecer respeito e consideração, propondo até melhorias nos processos de manuseio e armazenamento. Conclusão. Os embriões não são considerados como entidades suscetíveis a receber danos não apenas de argumentos técnicos, mas éticos. A partir da corrente principialista, descreve-se a necessidade de promover atitudes de responsabilidade e prudência para evitar o dogmatismo (objetivismo moral), propondo uma posição deliberativa.

Humans , Fertilization in Vitro/ethics , Health Personnel/psychology , Embryo, Mammalian , Embryo Transfer/ethics , Perception , Interviews as Topic , Qualitative Research , Respect
Agora (Rio J.) ; 24(2): 78-87, maio-ago. 2021. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1345117


RESUMO: O artigo refaz o percurso de Freud desde a exclusão de das Ding até o surgimento da dimensão da objetalidade por meio da constituição da realidade estruturada como fantasia. Com Lacan, coloca-se em evidência o objeto a como causa do desejo no Seminário da Angústia, no qual se discute a caducidade dos objetos que estabelecem bordas pelas quais a libido irá se deslocar em busca do objeto perdido. Enfim, aborda-se o colapso da objetalidade na vigência do discurso do capitalista. Em particular, é sublinhado o engodo desse discurso que faz supor acessível o objeto perdido na forma dos gadgets que a cada vez renovam a promessa de mais gozar.

Abstract: The article retraces Freud's path from the exclusion of das Ding to the emergence of the dimension of objectality through the constitution of reality structured as fantasy. In Lacan´s Seminary of Anguish, it is highlighted the concept of object taken as cause of desire, resulting from his discussion of the downfall of the objects that establish the borders through which the libido will move in search of the lost object. At the end, the collapse of objectality caused by the capitalist discourse is examined. In particular, the deception of this discourse is underlined, as it makes it seem as if the lost object is accessible in the form of gadgets that each time renew the promise of more enjoyment.

Psychoanalysis , Capitalism , Libido
Agora USB ; 20(1): 210-225, ene.-jun. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124127


Resumen El derecho comercial a través de la historia no ha dado cuenta de la economía solidaria, lo que ha provocado una serie de equívocos conceptuales que impiden observar que existen otras formas de interacción mercantil que no están mediadas por el intercambio monetario exclusivamente y sin que se haga referencia al trueque como única forma cooperativa, ya que ello desconoce otras formas de relaciones de cambio, tales como la donación, o la producción responsable de productos solo dirigidos al cubrimiento de necesidades básicas y no a la acumulación mercantil. En estas nuevas modalidades que podemos encontrar como el Blockchain, redes, plataformas, Apps, y otras cadenas logarítmicas que pueden ayudar a construir intercambios no capitalistas, que a su vez permitan repensar la forma de producir y consumir de las sociedades modernas.

Abstract Commercial law throughout history has not accounted for solidarity economy, which has led to a series of conceptual misunderstandings. These prevent us from observing that there are other forms of commercial interaction, which are not mediated by monetary exchange exclusively, and without being referred to barter as the only cooperative form since they do not recognize other forms of exchange relationships, such as donation, or responsible production of products. The latter are only aimed at the coverage of basic needs, and not to the commercial accumulation. In these new modalities, we can find Blockchain, networks, platforms, Apps, and other logarithmic chains, which can help build noncapitalist exchanges, which in turn, allow to reconsider the way of production and consumption of modern societies.

CienciaUAT ; 14(2): 104-116, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124387


Resumen La asignación de recursos públicos a la investigación agropecuaria es un factor de desarrollo para el sector agroalimentario del país, pero deben estar orientados eficientemente hacia la generación de productos tecnológicos que otorguen beneficios a la población. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el beneficio económico a nivel sistema de producción y sociedad, derivado de la inversión pública en investigación y desarrollo, del paquete tecnológico para la producción de frijol en zonas de temporal de la región norte centro de México. Para evaluar el impacto en los sistemas de producción, se aplicaron 42 encuestas a productores adoptantes del paquete tecnológico en municipios de Aguascalientes y San Luis Potosí; mientras que, para el impacto a nivel sociedad, se estimó el retorno económico que produjo la inversión pública utilizada en el proceso de generación y adopción de la tecnología en el periodo 2009a 2025. La medición se realizó a través del valor actual neto (VAN), la tasa interna de retorno (TIR) y la relación beneficio costo (R B/C). El costo de producción de los adoptantes fue mayor en 36.3 % comparado con la tecnología tradicional; en tanto que, el rendimiento aumentó en 102 % y el ingreso neto incrementó en 322.6 %. A nivel sociedad, la evaluación reveló un VAN de $ 10.9 millones, lo que representó 4.1 veces lo invertido en la generación de la tecnología. La R B/C fue de 5.1 y la TIR fue mayor a la tasa media real de rendimiento considerada (9.5 %). El desarrollo y transferencia del paquete tecnológico para la siembra de frijol representó una buena inversión de recursos públicos, beneficiando a la población y a los productores, porque incrementa la producción alimentaria y el ingreso neto del agricultor.

Abstract The allocation of public resources to agricultural research is a factor of development for the agri-food sector of the country and should be efficiently oriented towards the generation of technological products that provide benefits to the population. The aim of this work was to evaluate the economic benefit at a level of production system and society, derived from public investment in research and development of the technological package for dry bean crop production in rainfed areas in north central Mexico. To evaluate the impact on the production systems, 42 questionnaires were administered to users of the technological package in municipalities of Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosí. Likewise, in order to assess the impact at a society level, the economic return produced by the public investment used in the generation and adoption process of technology in the 2009 to 2025 period was estimated. The evaluation was performed through the net present value (NPV), the internal rate of return (IRR) and the cost benefit ratio (B/C R). The production cost for adopters was 36.3 % higher compared to traditional technology; however, the yield increased by 102 % and the net income increased by 3226 %. At a society level, the evaluation revealed an NPV of $ 10.9 million, which represented 4.1 times more than what was invested in the generation of technology; the B/C R was 5.1 and the IRR was higher than the real average rate of return considered (9.5 %). The development and transfer of the technological package for sowing beans represented a good investment of public resources, benefiting the population and producers, because it increases food production and farmers' net income.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-781765


Professor has explored the causes of the characteristics of TCM syndromes in modern disease spectrum and pointed out that the TCM syndromes are generally characterized by " is often insufficient, but is often surplus". Based on the clinical experience and the understanding of TCM classics and ancient literature on tumor, professor has proposed that TCM syndromes of patients with advanced tumor are also generally characterized by " is often insufficient, but is often surplus". The heat-sensitive moxibustion has the functions of warming and nourishing eliminating dampness, warming meridians and dispersing cold, activating blood circulation and clearing collaterals, therefore tumor patients with deficiency syndrome (-deficiency, deficiency), cold syndrome, dampness syndrome, phlegm syndrome and blood-stasis syndrome belonging to the indications of heat-sensitive moxibustion. The heat-sensitive moxibustion has unique advantages in treating spleen-stomach dysfunction after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, bone marrow suppression after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, cancerous deficiency, cancerous pain, pleural effusion, ascites, constipation, which has important clinical value in improving the quality of life and prolonging the life time for patients with advanced tumors.

Humans , Hot Temperature , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Moxibustion , Neoplasms , Therapeutics , Quality of Life
Ágora (Rio J. Online) ; 22(1): 123-133, jan.-abr. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-986222


RESUMO: Esse trabalho é motivado pela homologia estabelecida, por Lacan, entre a mais-valia e o mais-de-gozar. Buscamos evidenciar o embasamento dessa homologia e apontar seus efeitos nos fundamentos da subjetividade capitalista. Para tanto, combinamos a leitura do Seminário 16, de Lacan, a uma abordagem de O capital, de Marx. Nesse processo, analisamos as articulações significantes do valor, do dinheiro e do fetiche na conformação da ordem simbólica do discurso capitalista.

Abstract: This paper is an examination of the homology between surplus-value and surplus-jouissance, as set out by Lacan. We seek to demonstrate the basis of this homology and point out its effects on capitalist subjectivity. To this end, we combine a reading of Lacan's Seminar XVI with Marx's Capital. Throughout this process, we analyze how the articulation of signifiers, such as value, money and fetish, configures the symbolic order of capitalist discourse.

Capitalism , Fetishism, Psychiatric
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 32(1): 43-49, ene.-mar. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013914


Abstract Background: Cryopreservation preserves cellular viability under low temperatures, resulting in diminished intracellular enzymatic activity and reduced cellular metabolism that ultimately allows preserving genetic material for indefinite periods of time. Embryos submitted to cryopreservation suffer from considerable morphological and functional damage, resulting in reduced survival and development rates. Objective: To evaluate pregnancy and delivery rates of in vitro-produced (IVP) Nellore (Bos indicus) embryos after vitrification under field conditions. Methods: The IVP embryos at blastocyst (Bl) and expanded blastocyst (Bx) were transferred fresh (n= 137) or after vitrification (n= 127). Results: Pregnancy rates at 35 d for fresh embryos were lower in Bl (41.6) than in Bx (60.9) (p<0.05). After vitrification, pregnancy rates were similar at 35 d between Bl (38.0) and Bx (47.6) (p>0.05). Pregnancy loss at 60 d were similar (p>0.05) for both fresh (Bl: 3.1 and Bx: 4.8) and vitrified embryos (Bl: 1.9 and Bx: 4.7). Delivery rates were similar between groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: Both pregnancy and delivery rates of Bos indicus IVP embryos vitrified under field conditions are indistinguishable from fresh embryos.

Resumen Antecedentes: La criopreservación se caracteriza por el mantenimiento de la viabilidad celular a bajas temperaturas, resultando en reducido metabolismo y actividad enzimática intracelular, lo que permite la preservación del material genético por períodos de tiempo indefinidos. Los embriones sometidos a ésta técnica sufren daños morfológicos y funcionales considerables, dando como resultado una sobrevivencia y tasas de desarrollo reducidas. Objetivo: Evaluar la tasa de preñez a partir de embriones Nelore (Bos indicus) producidos in vitro (IVP) después de la vitrificación bajo condiciones de campo. Métodos: Embriones IVP en los estadios de blastocisto (Bl) y blastocisto expandido (Bx) se transfirieron en fresco (n= 137) o después de la vitrificación (n= 127). Resultados: La tasa de preñez a los 35 d fue menor para los embriones transferidos en fresco en fase Bl (41,6) en relación con los Bx (60,9) (p<0,05). Después de la vitrificación, las tasas de preñez a los 35 d fueron similares entre Bl (38,0) y Bx (47,6) (p>0,05). Las pérdidas de preñez a los 60 d fueron similares (p>0,05) tanto para embriones en fresco en Bl (3,1) y Bx (4,8) como para los vitrificados (Bl: 1,9 y Bx: 4,7). Las tasas de nacimiento fueron similares entre los grupos (p>0,05). Conclusión: Las tasas de preñez y nacimiento de embriones IVP vitrificados de Nelore (Bos indicus) bajo condiciones de campo son semejantes a las de embriones en fresco.

Resumo Antecedentes: A criopreservação é caracterizada pela manutenção da viabilidade celular em baixas temperaturas, resultando em atividade enzimática intracelular e metabolismo celular reduzido, que permite a preservação do material genético por períodos indefinidos de tempo. Embriões submetidos à criopreservação sofrem danos morfológicos e funcionais consideráveis, resultando em sobrevivência reduzida e menores taxas de desenvolvimento. Objetivo: Avaliar a taxa de prenhez a partir de embriões Nelore (Bos indicus) produzidos in vitro (IVP) após a vitrificação sob condições de campo. Métodos: Embriões IVP nos estádios de blastocisto (Bl) e blastocisto expandido (Bx) foram transferidos a fresco (n= 137) ou depois da vitrificação (n= 127). Resultados: A taxa de prenhez aos 35 d foi menor para os embriões transferidos a fresco na fase de Bl (41,6), em relação aos Bx (60,9) (p<0,05). Apos a vitrificação, as taxas de prenhez foram semelhantes aos 35 d entre Bl (38,0) e Bx (47,6) (p>0,05). As perdas de prenhez aos 60 d foram semelhantes (p>0,05) tanto para embriões a fresco nos estádios de Bl (3,1) e Bx (4,8), e vitrificados em Bl (1,9) e Bx (4,7). As taxas de nascimentos foram semelhantes entre os grupos (p>0,05). Conclusão: As taxas de prenhez e nascimentos dos embriões IVP vitrificados de Nelore (Bos indicus) sob condições de campo é semelhante àquela dos embriões a fresco.

Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 18(1): 135-145, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026610


O artigo, inicialmente, problematiza a ampla utilização nos estudos sobre pobreza desde uma perspectiva marxista da "Lei Geral da Acumulação Capitalista", apresentada por Marx no capítulo XXIII do Livro Primeiro de O Capital. Tais estudos parecem considerar que, nesse capítulo, o objetivo específico de Marx é discutir a questão da pobreza. Em seguida, o artigo sustenta que a rigor a Lei não consiste, como costuma ser lida, em uma "teoria da pauperização" desenvolvida por Marx. Com isso, revela, na sequência, que o seu objetivo é examinar a influência que o aumento do capital tem sobre a sorte da classe trabalhadora a partir da apresentação da lei tendencial característica da dinâmica do capitalismo. Destaca-se que na exposição realizada por Marx são colocadas em questão as condições vitais e de trabalho de forma ampla, não limitando a análise à preocupação com possíveis aumentos salariais ou melhoria da qualidade de vida como resultado de um maior acesso ao consumo no interior dessa forma de organização social.

The article initially discusses the wide use of the "General Law of Capitalist Accumulation" in studies on poverty from a Marxist perspective, presented by Marx in Chapter XXIII of Capital, vol. I. Such studies seem to consider that in this chapter the specific goal of Marx is to discuss the issue of poverty. Then, the article argues that the Law actually does not consist in a "theory of impoverishment" developed by Marx. In opposition to this rather usual interpretation, it sustains that, after the presentation of the tendency of the law characteristic of the dynamics of capitalism, Marx's goal in that chapter is to examine the influence that the increase of capital has on the fate of the working class. It should be emphasized that in the explanation put forward by Marx questions relative to life and working conditions are examines in broad terms, so that the analysis is not limited to the concern with possible wage increases or improvements in the quality of life as a result of greater access to consumption within this form of social organization.

Work , Poverty , Capitalism
Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 32(1): 189-197, jan.-mar. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-782090


RESUMO A referência a Marx forma uma constante no ensino de Lacan. Rastreando o conjunto de tais referências, vemos Marx surgir, desaparecer, para, logo em seguida, ressurgir no interior do pensamento lacaniano. Tal diálogo manifesta a persistência de um núcleo central. Nesse sentido, consideramos que o interesse de Lacan em formalizar a relação existente entre os conceitos de sujeito do significante, de Outro e de gozo constitui o núcleo de tal diálogo do começo ao fim. Nosso artigo tratará da recorrência desse núcleo temático, percorrendo sucessivamente três diferentes momentos desse diálogo na obra de Lacan.

ABSTRACT The reference to Marx forms a constant in Lacan's teachings. Tracing all these references we see Marx emerge, disappear, then reappear in Lacanian thought. Such dialogue expresses the persistence of a central core. In this sense, we consider that the interest of Lacan to formalize the relationship between the concepts of subject of the signifier, Other and enjoyment is the core of this dialogue from beginning to end. Our paper will address the recurrence of this thematic cluster, successively traversing three different moments of dialogue in Lacan's work.

Rev. bras. psicodrama ; 23(2): 75-81, dez. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-781309


Durante acolhimento de famílias doadoras de órgãos e tecidos, algumas questões relacionadas ao processo são relevantes. A concepção de morte, o luto, as expectativas ante a doação de órgãos, as fantasias e os anseios diante da dualidade da perda e a continuidade de outras vidas estavam presentes nas conversações. Diante do exposto, este artigo busca compreender as repercussões da morte e as interpretações da doação com um olhar psicodramático. Iniciou-se com este trabalho uma reflexão sobre a importância do acolhimento às famílias doadoras dos órgãos para que sua escolha não lhes cause ainda mais sofrimento, mas contribua para a construção de um outro olhar a respeito das perdas, das vidas e da doação.

During the welcoming of donor families of organs and tissues, some issues related to the process are relevant and were present in the conversations such as the overall conception of death, grief, expectations before organ donation, fantasies and desires regarding the duality of loss and the continuity of other lives. Given the above, this article aims to understand the consequences of death and the interpretations of donation from a psychodramatic perspective. The process began with a reflection on the importance of welcoming donor families in such way that their choice does not cause them more pain, but contributes to developing another perspective on loss, lives and donation.

Durante la acogida de las familias donantes de órganos y tejidos, relacionadas con el proceso son relevantes, como: la concepción global de la muerte, del dolor, de las expectativas antes de la donación de órganos, las fantasías y los deseos con respecto a la dualidad de la pérdida y la continuidad de otras vidas. Dado lo anterior, este artículo intenta comprender las consecuencias de la muerte y las interpretaciones de donación desde una perspectiva psicodramatica. El proceso comenzó con una reflexión sobre la importancia de acoger las familias donantes de manera tal que su elección no les cause más dolor, pero contribuya a desarrollar otra perspectiva en pierdas, vidas y donación.

Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 29(244/245): 133-137, maio-jun. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1481792


Desperdício, segundo o dicionário Aurélio, é a "ação de perder-se totalmente, ato ou efeito de desperdiçar, esbanjamento, desbaratamento, restos, refugos, sobras". Este estudo teve por objetivo observar e analisar o índice de desperdício de alimentos na forma de sobras limpas e restos, em um Restaurante Popular da região metropolitana de Belém-PA, bem como promover a discussão da relação entre a sustentabilidade, o acesso à alimentação e a produção de refeições em UPR's. A coleta dos dados foi realizada no período de outubro a dezembro de 2012, durante 10 dias de cada mês, totalizando 30 dias. Realizaram-se os cálculos para verificar o quantitativo de: sobras limpas (%); sobra por pessoa (kg); resto-ingesta (%) e resto-ingesta por pessoa (kg). Os resultados obtidos nesses cálculos foram considerados para a determinação do percentual de desperdício de alimentos na Unidade. Assim, os principais parâmetros de referência para sobras limpas e resto alimentar gerados em unidades produtoras de refeições apontaram para um grande desperdício de alimentos no restaurante.

Waste, according to the dictionary of the Portuguese language "Aurélio", is the "totally lost action, act or effect of wasting, wasting, rout, remnants, scraps, leftovers". This study aimed to observe and analyze the index of food waste in the form of leftovers and clean surplus, in a popular restaurant in Belém-Pará and also to promote the discussion about sustainability, access to food and production of meals at food service units. Data collection was conducted in the period October-December 2012, occurring within 10 days of each month, totaling 30 days. We carried out the calculations to verify the amount o]: clean leftovers (%); spare per person (kg), MOD-swallowing (%) and MOD-swallowing per person (kg). The results obtained from these calculations considered for the determination of the percentage of food waste in the unit. Thus, the main benchmarks for rest and food leftovers clean generated unit producing meals pointed to a huge waste of food in the restaurant.

Food Loss and Waste , Restaurants/standards , Garbage , Brazil , Sustainable Development Indicators
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175483


Nurse surplus, nurse shortage, nurse migration, unequal distribution, and multiple backgrounds of nurses are challenges being faced by Indonesian government and nurse leaders. ASEAN mutual recognition arrangement is expected to address these challenges by facilitating nurses‟ mobility, exchanging knowledge and best practice, and providing a scheme to develop nurse competency in Indonesia. However, there are some concerns need to consider related to the policy and the context of Indonesian nurses, and the objectives and requirements of MRA.

Psicol. rev ; 24(1): 15-44, 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-768391


“Mercedes Benz”, hit de Janis Joplin do início dos 70, traz a ironia da contra-cultura dos sixties ao consumismo e a competição da sociedade capitalista. Exatamente aquilo que o comercial “Impossible is nothing”, da Adidas, pode bem representar. Existe alguma articulação possível entre este slogan e as palavras de ordem “Sejamos realistas, exijamos o impossível”, das convulsões sociais do maio de 68? Partindo da teoria lacaniana dos discursos, este artigo aborda a impossibilidade e a barreira de gozo (impotência) no discurso capitalista e as suas implicações para o habitante da aletosfera. Retomam-se as formulações marxianas da forma mercadoria, do equivalente-geral e da forma dinheiro, para se analisar as transformações introduzidas a partir do momento histórico em que o mais-de-gozar se contabiliza. Considera-se a proposição da mais-valia como equivalente do mais-de-gozar, para se lançar alguma luz sobre a lógica e os fundamentos de gozo do cinismo contemporâneo, seja na versão do “Lobo de Wall Street”, dos doxósofos da universidade, ou ainda do passivo e resignado cidadão da sociedade capitalista. Lembra-se, porém, que a utopia permanece no horizonte...

‘Mercedes Benz”, Janis Joplin’s hit of the early 70’s, brings the counterculture’s irony of the sixties against to consumerism and the competition of capitalist society. Exactly what the commercial ®Impossible is nothing¼, Adidas, may well represent. Is there any possible link between this slogan and the slogan ®Be realistic, ask the impossible¼, the social upheavals of May 68? From the Lacanian theory of discourse, this article discusses the impossibility and the barrier against jouissance (impotence) in capitalist discourse and its implications for the inhabitant of the aletosfera. We return to the Marxian formulations of commodity form, universal equivalent and money form to analyze the changes introduced from the historical moment in which the surplus-jouissance (plus-de-jouir) is counted. It is considered the proposition of surplus-jouissance as the equivalent of surplus-value, to shed some light on the logic and enjoyment fundamentals of contemporary cynicism : whether that version of ®Wall Street Wolf¼, or that of doxósofos of the university, or that of the passive and resigned citizen of capitalist society. Remember, however, that utopia remains on the horizon...

Humans , Capitalism , Pleasure , Psychoanalysis
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175988


Indian economy in its path of development has done the leap frogging from agriculture to service sector bypassing industrial sector. But still there exists a serious structural flaw in Indian economy. The agriculture sector which contributes just 14.1 percent to GDP employs 52.85 percent, which is higher than employment generated by industry and service sector put together, which together contributes 85.9 percent to GDP. The surplus labour in agriculture can be absorbed by the establishment and revival of Khadi and village industries as it creates employment at low per capita investment. The important objectives of establishing Khadi and village industries in Ind ia are: 1) providing employment to the ruralities 2) producing saleable articles 3) creating self reliance amongst the poor and 4) Building up of social rural community spirit.The Khadi and Village industry has registered a significant increase in terms of production and sales even during globalization period. The KVI undoubtedly is facing a stiff competition in the globalization period, but it has shown the signs of withstanding it without consistency! The KVI industry produced Rs. 4519.31 crore worth products in 1997-98 which increased to Rs. 18018.29 crore worth products in 2012-13. It had reached the height of Rs. 21852.04 crore in 2011-12. The corresponding sales also increased from Rs. 5065.20 crore in 1997-98 to Rs. 21111.51 crore in 2012-13. The record sale of Rs. 26860.13 crore was reported in 2011-12. Khadi and Village industries provided 56.5 lakh persons employment in 1997-98 which has increased to 121.73 lakh person employment in 2012-13. But the Khadi and Village industries has a long way to go as it suffer from too much of reliance on budgetary sources, lack of adopting new market techniques, lack of product innovativeness, could not market the brand image utilizing t he India‟s national heritage, etc. Moreover it has the potential to solve the unemployment problem of rural India to a greater extent. If we ignore the khadi and village industry, it is at our own risk!

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 70-71, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-448308


To understand the current situation of public health service system by using diect network report,system report and questionaire surey, so as to provide reasomable suggestion for the existing problems.

Rev. bras. psicodrama ; 22(2): 25-35, 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-747877


O texto apresenta intervenções clínicas e socioeducacionais com crianças, a partir dos trabalhos de psicoterapia individual, grupal e de trabalhos institucionais. Conceitua e mostra como a Realidade Suplementar pode ser de grande valia no trabalho familiar com crianças pequenas, ao permitir a ressignificação das relações em status nascendi e a diminuição do sintoma. Pontua a importância da subjetividade do diretor no manejo de um grupo psicoterápico. Mostra intervenções socioeducacionais na Casa do Grupo de Apoio ao Adolescente e à Criança com Câncer (GRAACC) que visam ir aonde a demanda se encontra, atualizando um movimento instituinte. Por fim, pontua as especificidades das intervenções no trabalho com crianças nos focos psicoterápico e socioeducacional e sinaliza a importância da formação de psicodramatistas que trabalham com crianças.

This text presents clinical and psychosocial interventions with children, based on individual and group psychotherapy, as well as organizational practices. We describe how Surplus Reality can be of great value when working with young children and their families, enabling to bring new meanings to relationships in their status nascendi and to reduce symptoms. We emphasize the importance of the director's subjectivity when conducting a psychotherapy group. We describe the socio-educational interventions that were used at the Support House for Children and Adolescents with Cancer (GRAACC), which aim to go where the demand is, bringing a fresh approach to the work of institutions. Finally, we discuss the specificities of working with children psychotherapeutically and socio-educationally and the importance of training for psychodramatists working with children.

El texto presenta las intervenciones clínicas y socioeducativas con niños, partiendo de los trabajos de psicoterapia individual, grupal e institucionales. Dessarrolla el concepto y muestra cómo la Realidad Suplementar puede ser de gran valor para el trabajo familiar con niños pequenos, permitiendo así, el replanteamiento de las relaciones en status nascendi y la disminución del síntoma. Señala la importancia de la subjetividad del director en la condución de un grupo psicoterapéutico. Muestra intervenciones socioeducativas en la Casa de Atención a Niños y Adolescentes con Cáncer (GRAACC) destinada a caminar en la dirección de la demanda, actualizando un movimiento instituyente. Por fin, señala las especificidadesde de las intervenciones en el trabajo con los niños en los enfoques psicoterapéutico y socioeducativo y enfatiza la importancia de la formación de psicodramatistas que trabajan con niños.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-150500


The horseshoe kidney was originally regarded as a rare anatomical curiosity, but with the aid of retrograde pyelogram, intravenous urogram and renal arteriograms in this present age of diagnosis, the incidence of horseshoe kidney is estimated at 1 in 200-400 individuals or 1 in 700 autopsies and usually remains asymptomatic. The present report is concerned with a case of horseshoe kidney, which was observed during routine cadaveric dissection, for student education in anatomy dissection hall of Osmania medical college, in a male cadaver. The kidneys formed a U-shaped structure as a result of fusion at the inferior poles of the original kidneys by a parenchymatous isthmus. As a whole, the structure presented a typical horseshoe shape. The location of the kidney was lower than that of the normal kidney. The renal arterial system was almost normal except for a surplus artery into the isthmus that directly originated from the aorta, at the origin of inferior mesenteric artery. Venous drainage of both the kidneys and the isthmus was through two veins which opened independently into the inferior vena cava. The hila on both sides opened towards the ventral direction, and the ureters descended in front of the isthmus and entered the bladder normally. This report is being made because it affords material for a review of embryological and gross anatomy findings in a case of horseshoe kidney, which could help in a thorough urologic evaluation in diagnosed cases prior to any surgical intervention.

Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 12(1): 7-19, jan.-jun. 2013.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-742312


This paper addresses the contemporary problem of chronic employment from the perspective of the critique of political economy by Karl Marx. It seeks to understand the historical and categorical connections between chronic unemployment and movements to recompose relative surplus population in capitalism. The analysis was conducted through a bibliographical study of the main texts in which Marxpresents the genesis and development of the capitalist society. It also investigated the work of currentanalysts who have delved deeper into the reproduction of this sociality in the context of its structural crisis. The recomposition of relative surplus population is linked to the ways in which capital endeavors to resume accumulation, thereby deepening its structural contradictions as the crisis unfolds...

O artigo aborda a problemática contemporânea do desemprego crônico a partir da crítica da economia política de Karl Marx. Busca apreender os nexos históricos e categoriais entre o desemprego crônico e os movimentos de recomposição da superpopulação relativa no capitalismo. A análise foi realizada através de um estudo bibliográfico dos principais textos onde Marx apresenta o processo de gênese edesenvolvimento da sociedade capitalista. Recorreu também a analistas atuais que aprofundam ainvestigação sobre a reprodução dessa sociabilidade no contexto de sua crise estrutural. A recomposição dasuperpopulação relativa é vinculada às formas pelas quais o capital busca retomar a acumulação, aprofundando suas contradições estruturais no evolver da crise...

Humans , Male , Female , Capitalism , Unemployment , Economics
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-138564


A horseshoe kidney (HK) was discovered in an 84-year-old Thai male cadaver during routine dissection. Inferior poles of the kidneys fused to form a parenchymatous isthmus and constituted a HK. The HK located anterior to the abdominal aorta and the inferior vena cava at a level lower than the normal kidney. Both renal hila directed anteriorly and ureters which drained from each pelvis descended anterior to the isthmus to enter the urinary bladder. Eight renal arteries and five renal veins were observed. In this case the bulky isthmus, anatomical abnormalities, and a variable blood supply were found in association with the HK. It is important to be aware of this anomalous existence in clinical practice, especially during kidney surgeries, kidney transplants, or surgical and endovascular procedures on the aorta.