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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550978


Introducción: La pasada contingencia epidemiológica causada por el SARS-CoV-2, representó una grave situación sanitaria que impactó todas las esferas de la vida con consecuencias negativas, incluida la educación. Objetivo: Proponer un sistema de acciones diseñado para garantizar los resultados académicos del año terminal de la carrera de Medicina (curso 2020-2021) durante el rebrote de COVID-19 como propuesta metodológica ante contingencias epidemiológicas. Método: Se partió de los resultados de una Investigación-acción participativa como estudio cualitativo previo, utilizada como mecanismo para generar ideas y como método principal de recolección de datos, donde, mediante modalidades de muestreo intencional fueron seleccionados informantes clave entre estudiantes y docentes a los que le fueron aplicadas como técnicas la observación participante y la entrevista abierta activa previamente concebida. Los datos obtenidos en el trabajo de campo, fueron exhaustivamente analizados, codificados. La confección del informe final permitió el diseño de las acciones. Resultados: La puesta en marcha del sistema de acciones diseñado, amparada por los documentos normativos, permitió efectuar la descentralización del 6to. año de la carrera de Medicina hacia sus municipios de residencia, con garantías para el afianzamiento de conocimientos y habilidades, confirmado por los resultados obtenidos en los exámenes estatales. Conclusiones: Se propone la utilización, como herramienta metodológica, del sistema de acciones, el cual contribuyó de manera eficaz a sistematizar conocimientos y habilidades por los estudiantes durante el curso 2020-2021, demostrado por sus resultados académicos, lo cual avala su pertinencia en contingencias epidemiológicas.

Introduction: The past epidemiological contingency caused by SARS-CoV-2 represented a serious health situation that impacted all spheres of life with negative consequences, including education. Objective: Propose a system of actions designed to guarantee the academic results of the final year of the Medicine degree (2020-2021 academic year) during the outbreak of COVID-19 as a methodological proposal in the face of epidemiological contingencies. Method: We started from the results of a participatory action research as a previous qualitative study, used as a mechanism to generate ideas and as the main method of data collection, where, through intentional sampling modalities, key informants were selected among students and teachers to whom that participant observation and the previously conceived active open interview were applied as techniques. The data obtained in the field work were exhaustively analyzed and coded. The preparation of the final report allowed the design of the actions. Results: The implementation of the designed system of actions, supported by the regulatory documents, allowed the decentralization of the 6th. year of the Medicine degree towards their municipalities of residence, with guarantees for the strengthening of knowledge and skills, confirmed by the results obtained in the state exams. Conclusions: A system of actions is presented that effectively contributed to systematizing knowledge and skills by students during the 2020-2021 academic year, demonstrated by their academic results, which supports its relevance in epidemiological contingencies.

Introdução: A contingência epidemiológica passada causada pelo SARS-CoV-2 representou uma grave situação de saúde que impactou todas as esferas da vida com consequências negativas, incluindo a educação. Objetivo: Propor um sistema de ações destinadas a garantir os resultados acadêmicos do último ano do curso de Medicina (ano letivo 2020-2021) durante o surto de COVID-19 como proposta metodológica diante das contingências epidemiológicas. Método: Partimos dos resultados de uma pesquisa-ação participante como um estudo qualitativo prévio, utilizado como mecanismo de geração de ideias e como principal método de coleta de dados, onde, por meio de modalidades de amostragem intencional, foram selecionados informantes-chave entre alunos e professores para a quem foram aplicadas como técnicas a observação participante e a entrevista aberta ativa previamente concebida. Os dados obtidos no trabalho de campo foram exaustivamente analisados e codificados. A elaboração do relatório final permitiu o desenho das ações. Resultados: A implementação do sistema de ações desenhado, apoiado nos documentos normativos, permitiu a descentralização do 6º. ano do curso de Medicina para os seus municípios de residência, com garantias de fortalecimento de conhecimentos e competências, confirmadas pelos resultados obtidos nos exames estaduais. Conclusões: Apresenta-se um sistema de ações que contribuiu efetivamente para a sistematização de conhecimentos e competências dos estudantes durante o ano letivo 2020-2021, demonstrado pelos seus resultados académicos, o que sustenta a sua relevância em contingências epidemiológicas.

Educ. med. super ; 37(1): e3434, mar. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | Educa, LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440013


Introducción: Garantizar en el profesor universitario competencias que favorezcan la gestión del proceso docente en las asignaturas, disciplinas o carreras, es requisito indispensable para desarrollar una docencia de calidad. Objetivo: Diagnosticar competencias en los profesores para la gestión del proceso docente en la carrera de medicina de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín. Métodos: Se realizó estudio descriptivo, dirigido al diagnóstico de competencias en los docentes. Los escenarios fueron los hospitales provinciales, las áreas de la Atención Primaria de Salud del municipio Holguín y la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, en el período desde septiembre de 2021 hasta febrero de 2022. Se determinó el índice de posición y valor promedio de indicadores, componentes y dimensiones. Se aplicaron como métodos teóricos: el histórico lógico, el análisis y la síntesis e inducción deducción; y como empíricos: el cuestionario a profesores. Resultados: La dimensión actitudinal mostró valor promedio medio en la capacidad para identificar oportunidades de innovación. En la dimensión cognoscitiva los indicadores mostraron valores medios, excepto en el dominio de documentos, conocimiento de la didáctica y el desarrollo de actividades en equipo. En la dimensión procedimental los valores fueron medios en capacidad para planificar, organizar, orientar, conducir y evaluar el trabajo científico-metodológico, para dirigir la planificación docente, elaborar informes de actividades metodológicas, y la ejecución y el análisis de actividades del plan de trabajo metodológico. Conclusiones: Las dimensiones cognoscitiva y procedimental requieren atención para elevar la calidad de la docencia, lo que se expresa en dificultades percibidas por los docentes, referidas a las competencias preparación docente, métodos de dirección y trabajo metodológico(AU)

Introduction: To guarantee, for the university professor, competences that favor the management of the teaching process in subjects, disciplines or majors is an indispensable requirement to develop a quality teaching. Objective: To diagnose the professors' competences for the management of the teaching process in the medical major at Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín. Methods: A descriptive study was carried out in the period from September 2021 to February 2022, with the aim of diagnosing the professors' competences. The scenarios were the provincial hospitals, the areas of primary healthcare of Holguin Municipality, and the School of Medical Sciences. The position index and average value of indicators, components and dimensions were determined. The applied theoretical methods were the historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, and induction-deduction; while the applied empirical method was the questionnaire to professors. Results: The attitudinal dimension showed an average mean value in the capacity to identify innovation opportunities. In the cognitive dimension, the indicators showed average values, except in the mastery of documents, knowledge of didactics and the development of team activities. In the procedural dimension, the values were average in capacity to plan, organize, guide, conduct and evaluate the scientific-methodological work, as well as to direct the teaching planning, elaborate reports of methodological activities, and the execution and analysis of activities of the methodological work plan. Conclusions: The cognitive and procedural dimensions require attention to raise the quality of teaching, a fact expressed through difficulties perceived by professors, with respect to the competences of teaching preparation, management methods and methodological work(AU)

Humans , Professional Competence , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Rev. inf. cient ; 101(2)abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409527


RESUMEN Introducción: El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) es herramienta indispensable para el continuo proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a distancia. El tecnoestrés es la resultante de la incapacidad individual que tiene una persona para adaptarse con normalidad al uso de las nuevas tecnologías dentro de sus actividades laborales. Objetivo: Identificar los factores de estrés asociados al uso de las TIC en docentes de educación primaria y secundaria en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19 (noviembre de 2021 a enero de 2022), en Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Ecuador, donde se implementó el cierre completo de escuelas como medida sanitaria. Método: Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo de alcance correlacional y diseño transeccional, aplicado a 485 profesores de unidades educativas fiscales y particulares a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario de 20 preguntas que midieron factores, como: escepticismo al uso de las TIC, fatiga laboral, ansiedad e ineficacia. Los resultados del estudio fueron analizados estadísticamente a través de un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE), Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) y Modelado de Ecuaciones Estructurales (MEE); desarrollados en SPPS 20 y AMOS 24. Resultados: A través de los estimados arrojados en el AMOS Output, se obtuvo: escepticismo (β=0,327), fatiga laboral (β=0,238), ansiedad (β=0,394) e ineficacia (β=0,010). Conclusiones: Se pudo evidenciar que el escepticismo, la fatiga laboral y la ansiedad son factores influyentes en la presencia de tecnoestrés docente, mientras que la ineficacia no lo es; dichos aspectos servirán como base para la formulación de estrategias y medidas que permitan la integración efectiva y sostenible de las TIC en el ámbito educativo.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an indispensable tool for the continuous distance teaching-learning process. Technostress is the result of the individual inability of a person to adapt normally to the use of new technologies within their work activities. Objective: To identify the stress factors associated with the use of ICT in primary and secondary education teachers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (November 2021 and January 2022), in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Ecuador. There was implemented the complete closure of schools as a sanitary measure. Method: A study of quantitative approach of correlational scope and transactional design, applied to 485 teachers of fiscal and private educational units, to whom a questionnaire of 20 questions was applied, that measured different factors, such as: skepticism about the use of ICT, work fatigue, anxiety and inefficiency. The results of the study were statistically analyzed through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM); developed in SPPS 20 and AMOS 24. Results: Through the estimates thrown in the AMOS Output, we obtained: skepticism (β=0.327), work fatigue (β=0.238), anxiety (β=0.394) and inefficiency (β=0.010). Conclusions: it was possible to show that skepticism, work fatigue and anxiety are influential factors in the presence of teaching technostress, while inefficiency is not. These aspects will serve as a basis for the formulation of strategies and measures that allow the effective and sustainable integration of ICTs in the educational field.

RESUMO Introdução: A utilização das TIC é uma ferramenta indispensável para o processo contínuo de ensino-aprendizagem a distância. O technostress é o resultado da incapacidade individual que uma pessoa tem de se adaptar normalmente ao uso de novas tecnologias dentro de suas atividades laborais. Objetivo: Identificar os fatores de estresse associados ao uso das TIC em professores do ensino fundamental e médio no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19 (novembro de 2021 a janeiro de 2022), em Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Equador, onde o fechamento de escolas foi implementado como medida sanitária. Método: Estudo de abordagem quantitativa de abrangência correlacional e desenho transacional, aplicado a 485 professores de unidades educacionais públicas e privadas que receberam um questionário de 20 questões que mensurava fatores como: ceticismo quanto ao uso das TIC, cansaço no trabalho, ansiedade e ineficiência. Os resultados do estudo foram analisados estatisticamente por meio de Análise Fatorial Exploratória (AFE), Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC) e Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEV); desenvolvido no SPPS 20 e AMOS 24. Resultados: Através das estimativas lançadas no AMOS Output, obtivemos: ceticismo (β=0,327), fadiga no trabalho (β=0,238), ansiedade (β=0,394) e ineficiência (β=0,010). Conclusões: Foi possível evidenciar que o ceticismo, o cansaço no trabalho e a ansiedade são fatores influentes na presença do tecnoestresse docente, enquanto a ineficiência não o é; Esses aspectos servirão de base para a formulação de estratégias e medidas que permitam a integração efetiva e sustentável das TIC no campo educacional.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408534


Introducción: El crecimiento exponencial de la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento, apoyado por las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicaciones, favorecen los procesos de integración y contextualización que necesitan los Entornos virtuales de Enseñanza Aprendizaje, para intercambio y aprendizaje de conocimientos. Objetivo: Analizar el impacto de la integración del aprendizaje apoyado en los Entornos Virtuales de Enseñanza Aprendizaje, en el rendimiento docente de los estudiantes relacionados con la asignatura Competencias Informacionales y Entornos Colaborativos en Red. Material y Métodos: Se realizó estudio cuantitativo descriptivo- explicativo con carácter retrospectivo de los resultados docentes, desde el curso 2018-19 al 2020-21, a los estudiantes que cursaron la asignatura. Se aplicaron como métodos de análisis documental, histórico- lógico, modelación y observación. Se calcularon las medidas absolutas y relativas para variables cualitativas, así como el porcentaje. Resultados y Discusión: El 64,28 por ciento de los estudiantes alcanzaron cinco puntos como evaluación final de la asignatura. Expresaron conformidad ante las herramientas y los nuevos conocimientos. Conclusiones: El diseño de la asignatura ha garantizado la continuidad del proceso docente, contiene un volumen de información que se corresponde con el tiempo disponible y con las diferentes formas de organización de la enseñanza a distancia, cuenta con un sistema de conocimiento, habilidades y valores a los que contribuye el proceso. El programa de la asignatura debe ser objeto de perfeccionamiento a partir del trabajo pedagógico- metodológico de los profesores y la utilización de los entornos virtuales(AU)

Introduction: The exponential growth of the Information and Knowledge Society, supported by Information and Communication Technologies, favor the integration and contextualization processes that virtual Teaching-Learning Environments need for the exchange and learning of knowledge. Goal: To analyze the impact of the integration of learning supported by Virtual Teaching-Learning Environments in the teaching performance of students related to the subject Information Competences and Collaborative Network Environments Methods: A descriptive-explanatory study was carried out retrospectively of the teaching results, from the 2018-19 to 2020-21 academic years, to the students who took the subject. Documentary, historical-logical analysis, modeling and observation methods were applied. Absolute and relative measurements were calculated for qualitative variables, as well as the percentage. Results and Discussion: 64.28 percent of the students reached five points as the final evaluation of the subject. Students expressed agreement with the tools and new knowledge. Conclusions: The design of the subject guaranteed the continuity of the teaching process; it contains a volume of information that corresponds to the time available and to the different forms of organization of distance learning and has a system of knowledge, skills and values ​​that contributes to the process. The program of the subject must be the object of improvement based on the pedagogical-methodological work of the teachers and the use of virtual environments(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Teaching , Competency-Based Education/methods , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Information Technology , Information Literacy , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 4446-4454, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921520


Molecular biology is a biology course containing multiple core concepts and complex biological processes, which are organized in a strong logic. In order to help the medical students in college of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) understand the content of this professional foundation course, we integrated the mind mapping model into the three sessions of teaching this course. First, putting forward teaching questions through a "nine grids analysis" model before the class teaching; second, transforming class teaching through a "six thinking hats" model; third, reviewing teaching content through a "pyramid principle" model, which helps students develop closed-loop thinking skills. The students' understandings to the course content were enhanced by connecting, merging and diverging the relevant knowledge through thinking visualization. According to the questionnaire, 91% of the students believe that the application of mind mapping model is an effective teaching method, which improves the teaching efficiency and effect. Furthermore, 76% of the students deem this method helps them improve their thinking ability and they also try to apply this method to the study process of other courses. Therefore, the application of mind mapping model in teaching plays an important role in fostering students' high-order thinking skills and provides a new approach for college curriculum teaching.

Humans , Curriculum , Molecular Biology , Students , Thinking
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 22(3): e834,
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144542


La insuficiencia renal crónica es una enfermedad no trasmisible que se caracteriza por una disfunción renal que causa complicaciones y alteraciones metabólicas, las cuales disminuyen la capacidad funcional y la percepción de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de los pacientes. La atención de los pacientes con esta enfermedad demanda de cuidados integrales; entre los cuales los cuidados de enfermería ocupan un papel fundamental. El proceso de atención de enfermería es una herramienta necesaria para ofrecer el máximo nivel de calidad en los cuidados que recibe el paciente con enfermedad renal crónica en tratamiento de hemodiálisis. El objetivo de la presente investigación es exponer las particularidades del programa de atención de enfermería incluidas en el proceso de atención de enfermería de pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica sometidos a tratamiento de hemodiálisis(AU)

Chronic kidney failure is a non-communicable disease in which there is kidney dysfunction that generates a significant number of complications and metabolic disorders, these decrease the functional capacity and the perception of quality of life related to the health of patients. The care of patients with this disease demands comprehensive care; within which nursing care plays a fundamental role. The nursing care process is a necessary tool to offer the highest level of quality in the care received by patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis. The objective of the present investigation is to contribute the elements from the pedagogical teaching point of view that guarantee an adequate knowledge of the actions to be carry out during the nursing care of patients with chronic kidney disease(AU)

Humans , Quality of Life , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/nursing , Nursing Care/methods
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212051


Background: Globally there is a move to reorient the medical education to suit the needs of the developing nations. Medical Council of India has made it is mandatory that all faculty need to attend Basic course in Medical Education Technologies (MET) to improve teaching effectiveness. In spite of their efforts in this regard many of the faculty is still unaware of this initiative and those who have already attended the course are not effectively practicing it. This study aimed at assessing level of awareness and practice of medical education technologies among the teaching faculty.Methods: Data was collected from the faculty by personal interviews using a validated semi-structured questionnaire and analysed using SPSS.Results: 219 faculty members participated in the study working in 26 departments. Mean age of faculty was 40.98 (SD: 12.36). 57.1% of them were males and 42.9% were females. The level of awareness among study participants about learning process related medical education technologies ranged from 57% (for psychomotor domain) to 74% (for setting up of educational objectives). The awareness and practice of ‘teaching process’ and assessment process related medical education technologies remained low. No statistically significant association was obtained between awareness and practice of SLO, Microteaching, and MiniCEX.Conclusions: Majority of teachers remain untrained in the medical education technologies at the time of the study. Of the non-clinical compared to the clinical stream of teachers, greater proportion of teachers in non-clinical section have been trained. The awareness and practice of ‘medical education technologies’ remain low among the study participants.

Rev. medica electron ; 41(3): 775-782, mayo.-jun. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094086


RESUMEN Para la acreditación de las universidades es de suma importancia que estas respondan a las necesidades que tiene el mundo de recibir un profesional identificado con el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones, capaz de utilizarlas en favor de la docencia, la asistencia y la investigación. En esta era de nativos digitales resulta factible aprovechar el potencial tecnológico y llevar sus beneficios al ámbito educativo en función mejorar la calidad del proceso docente logrando convertir las tabletas y los móviles, herramientas que van a utilizar los alumnos de hoy para casi todas sus labores, en verdaderos utensilios del proceso docente educativo.

ABSTRACT For the accreditation of the universities it is primarily important that they respond to the necessities the world has of receiving a professional identified with the development of the information and communication technologies, able to use them for the sake of teaching, health care and research. In this new era of digital natives, it is necessary to take advantage of the technological potential and lead its benefits to the educational sphere as a way of improving the quality of the teaching process, converting tablets and smartphones used by current students for almost all their tasks, into real tools of the teaching learning process.

Humans , Social Change , Universities , Computer Literacy , Health Facility Accreditation , Information Technology/supply & distribution , Faculty, Medical/education , Social Media , Social Learning , Educational Personnel/education , Total Quality Management , Professional Training , Wireless Technology/organization & administration , Wireless Technology/supply & distribution , Culturally Appropriate Technology/organization & administration
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 21(1): e63, ene.-abr. 2019.
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1093807


El pase de visita docente constituye la herramienta más cercana a la realidad que tiene los estudiantes de medicina para integrar los conocimientos adquiridos en el aula frente a la situación real de un paciente hospitalizado o en otros servicios hospitalarios. Resulta el espacio más importante de la formación médica de pregrado en el área clínica y es considerado el espacio vital para la consolidación de conocimientos y la adquisición de la experticia en el reconocimiento de signos y síntomas, su interpretación clínica y la elaboración de un diagnóstico con la consecuente administración de un posible tratamiento médico(AU)

The teacher visit pass is the tool closest to the reality that medical students have to integrate the knowledge acquired in the classroom in front of the real situation of a hospitalized patient or in other hospital services. It is the most important space of undergraduate medical training in the clinical area and is considered the vital space for the consolidation of knowledge and the acquisition of expertise in the recognition of signs and symptoms, its clinical interpretation and the elaboration of a diagnosis with the consequent administration of a possible medical treatment(AU)

Humans , Young Adult , Students, Medical , Ancillary Services, Hospital , Knowledge , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/ethics , Teaching Rounds/methods , Hospitalization , Patient-Centered Care/methods , Continuity of Patient Care/standards
Journal of Medical Postgraduates ; (12): 91-93, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818126


In order to promote the development of medical and biological fields and help the students trained under the existing system to form a clear overall view on neuroscience research, the author summarizes a systematic chart teaching method in the teaching process of neuroscience which helps the students understand easily. On the basis of theory studying, the article induces and interprets the priorities and hotspots in domestic neuroscience research, which not only cultivates students' interest and enthusiasm in scientific research but also facilitates the training process. It tries to seek the improvement of the education quality from the teachers' perspective and contribution and effectively inspire students' spontaneous excavation in research direction which combines mentor's research field and their own interest, leading students to innovate good learning habits constantly.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 47(4): 0-0, oct.-dic. 2018. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1042907


Introducción: La tarjeta de habilidades para la evaluación de la educación en el trabajo, ha permanecido invariable durante los perfeccionamientos de los planes de estudio de la carrera de medicina. Objetivo: Caracterizar el sistema de evaluación para las actividades de educación en el trabajo en las asignaturas de la disciplina principal integradora de la carrera de medicina. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal, con enfoque mixto. La muestra estuvo constituida por 57 estudiantes del primer y segundo año de la carrera de Medicina, en el Policlínico Universitario "Dr. Mario Escalona Reguera", durante el curso académico 2016-2017, cinco profesores y 38 tutores. Se aplicaron cuestionarios semiestructurados a los estudiantes, profesores y tutores; y se evaluaron las tarjetas de habilidades portadas por los educandos durante ese período, mediante una guía. Los resultados obtenidos se llevaron a tablas de doble entrada y gráficos para su análisis, a los que se les aplicó el chi cuadrado. Resultados: Predominaron los tutores especialistas sin categoría docente; los categorizados poseían poca experiencia docente y priorizaron en la evaluación los acápites de las guardias médicas, disciplina, y no las habilidades profesionales. Los estudiantes valoraron el sistema de evaluación como bueno, contrario a los tutores quienes consideraron que las tarjetas no especifican las habilidades a alcanzar. Conclusiones: Se identificaron debilidades en el proceso de evaluación de la educación en el trabajo en el área estudiada, dadas por la existencia de escasos tutores categorizados, evaluación centrada en la calificación, poco sistemática y empírica. Se recomienda elaborar una guía para su estandarización(AU)

Introduction: The card for the evaluation of at work' education skills has remained unchanged during the processes of improvement of the curricula of the career of Medicine. Objective: to characterize the evaluation of education at work in the subjects of the main integrating discipline of medicine career. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional investigation was carried out, with a mixed approach. The sample was constituted by 57 students of the first and second year of the Medicine career in the University Polyclinic "Dr. Mario Escalona Reguera", during the 2016-2017 academic year, five professors and 38 tutors. Semi-structured questionnaires were applied to students, teachers and tutors; and the skill cards carried by the students during that period were evaluated through a guide. The results obtained were taken for their best analysis to double entry tables to which the chi square was applied. Results: Specialist tutors with no teaching category predominated; the categorized ones had little teaching experience and prioritized in the evaluation the sections of the medical guards, discipline, and not the professional skills. The students rated the evaluation system as good, contrary to the tutors who considered that the cards do not specify the skills in education at work. Conclusions: Weaknesses were identified in the evaluation process of education at work in the undergraduate program subjects in the studied area, characterized by the existence of few categorized tutors, assessment focused on qualification, unsystematic and empirical. It is recommended to prepare a guide for its standardization(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Students , Classification , Educational Measurement , Medicine , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 16(2): 669-684, jul.-dic. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978564


Resumen (descriptivo): La presente revisión del tema es de carácter descriptivo, con la cual buscamos discutir sobre la transposición didáctica de los saberes culturales mapuche que realizan los profesores y profesoras en contextos interculturales. Para llevar a cabo la revisión teórica, utilizamos las fuentes y bases de datos WOS, Thomson Reuters, SciELO, Scopus, Eric, Redalyc, Dianlet, Doaj y OEI, además de libros especializados en el tema. La revisión evidencia que los sujetos docentes requieren conocimientos pedagógicos para romper con la hegemonía de la enseñanza cultural occidental. Por lo tanto, es necesaria la utilización de procesos de transposición didáctica contextualizados, para movilizar la enseñanza de saberes científicos occidentales y saberes culturales mapuche. Esto, con el fin de favorecer la mejora continua de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la convivencia social de los individuos estudiantes mapuches y no mapuches en contextos interculturales.

Abstract (descriptive): The present review of the topic is of a descriptive nature, which seeks to discuss the didactic transposition of Mapuche cultural knowledge carried out by teachers in intercultural contexts. To carry out the theoretical review, the sources and databases used were WOS, Thomson Reuters, SciELO, Scopus, Eric, Redalyc, Dianlet, Doaj and OEI, in addition to specialized books on the subject. The review shows that teachers require pedagogical knowledge to break with the hegemony of Western cultural education. Therefore, it is necessary to use contextualized didactic transposition processes to mobilize the teaching of Western scientific knowledge and Mapuche cultural knowledge. This, in order to favor the continuous improvement of the teaching-learning processes and the social coexistence of Mapuche and non-Mapuche students in intercultural contexts.

Resumo (descritivo): A presente revisão do tema é de natureza descritiva, que busca discutir a transposição didática do conhecimento cultural mapuche realizado por professores em contextos interculturales. Para realizar a revisão teórica, as fontes e bases de dados foram utilizadas WOS, Thomson Reuters, SciELO, Scopus, Eric, Redalyc, Dianlet, Doaj e OEI, além de livros especializados sobre o assunto. A revisão mostra que os professores precisam de conhecimento pedagógico para romper com a hegemonia da educação cultural ocidental. Portanto, o uso de processos contextualizados de transposição didática é necessário para mobilizar o ensino do conhecimento científico ocidental e do conhecimento cultural mapuche. Isto, a fim de favorecer a melhoria contínua dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem e a coexistência social dos estudantes mapuche e não mapuches em contextos interculturais.

Indigenous Peoples
Educ. med. super ; 32(3): 208-218, jul.-set. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-989744


Introducción: El uso de la Literatura Universal, como medio de enseñanza, resulta novedoso, y ofrece a los estudiantes experiencias de aprendizaje, difícilmente alcanzables por lejanía en el tiempo o en el espacio. Objetivo: Mostrar las posibilidades de utilización de la literatura universal como medio de enseñanza en el proceso docente educativo de las asignaturas Filosofía y sociedad, Periodoncia y Literatura Universal - Estomatología. Métodos: Investigación pedagógica, descriptiva, realizada en la Facultad de Estomatología "Raúl González Sánchez", curso 2016/2017, con la participación 541 estudiantes y ocho docentes. Se revisaron 25 obras, para una muestra de 12, para identificar pasajes que se utilizaron en la docencia. Se aplicó el método analítico - sintético y revisión documental; la técnica del telegrama a los estudiantes para evaluar la significación de la literatura universal en su preparación como profesional. Los datos cuantitativos fueron procesados utilizando la estadística descriptiva y frecuencias relativas. Resultados: Se identificaron 13 obras de la literatura universal, fueron seleccionados los contenidos de las asignaturas que pertenecen a este estudio y sobre su base se construyeron las tareas docentes a resolver por los estudiantes. El 95,7por ciento de los estudiantes consideró valiosa el uso de la literatura universal en su proceso de formación. Conclusiones: La literatura universal es un medio de enseñanza del proceso docente educativo factible de utilizar a partir de la consideración por el docente de las posibilidades que ofrece su sistema de contenidos y en correspondencia con la forma de organización de la docencia en que será utilizada(AU)

Introduction: The use of universal literature as teaching aid is novel and offers students learning experiences hard to achieve by distance in time or space. Objective: To show the possibilities of using universal literature as teaching aid in the educational process of the subjects Philosophy and Society, Periodontics and Universal Literature-Odontology. Methods: Pedagogical, descriptive research carried out in Raúl González Sánchez Dental School in the academic year 2016-2017, with the participation of 541 students and eight teachers. We reviewed 25 works, for a sample of 12, in order to identify passages used in teaching. We used the analytical-synthetic method and document review, as well as the telegram technique on the students to assess the significance of universal literature in their preparation as professionals. The quantitative data were processed using descriptive statistics and relative frequencies. Results: We identified 13 works of universal literature, chose the contents of the subjects belonging to this study on this basis we made up the teaching tasks to be solved by the students. 95.7 percemt of the students considered the use of universal literature valuable for their training process. Conclusions: Universal literature is a teaching aid within the educational teaching process that can be used upon the teacher's considerations of the possibilities offered by its content system and in correspondence with the organizational form of teaching in which it will be used(AU)

Students, Dental , Teaching Materials , Faculty, Dental , Learning , Literature
Educ. med. super ; 32(2)abr.-jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1506144


La comunicación es uno de los procesos sociales más importantes que el ser humano efectúa diariamente, además de ser utilizada para diferentes propósitos, situaciones y formas, merece un estudio sistemático. En el caso de la Educación Superior, existe una gran problemática en la comunicación que se establece entre profesores y estudiantes universitarios. Esta situación se ha desarrollado a lo largo de los años manifestándose en quejas de ambas partes, lo cual resulta incomprensible, pues no debe existir una brecha en la forma en que se establece el proceso de intercambio de información en los centros educativos. La Universidad cubana presupone que la actividad docente, se convierta en un ejercicio comunicativo por excelencia, donde profesores y estudiantes establezcan relaciones empáticas a través de la comunicación(AU)

Communication is one of the most important behaviors that human beings perform daily, besides being used for different purposes, situations and forms, deserves a systematic study. In the case of Higher Education, there is a great problem in communication that is established between teachers and university students. This situation has developed over the years manifesting in complaints from both parties, which is inaudible, because there should be a gap in the way the process of information exchange in schools is established. The Cuban University presupposes that the teaching activity becomes a communicative exercise par excellence, where teachers and students establish empathic relationships through communication(AU)

Humans , Communication , Comprehension , Empathy , Faculty/education , Respect , Students
Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 123-127, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-664980


The clinical medical post-doctoral project is an elite post-graduation national project supported by Min-istry of Human Resources and Social Security and Health and Family Planning Commission .It is a new investiga-tion for elite medical education in new era.During the first academic year of launching this project in Peking Union Medical College Hospital ( PUMCH) , the department of internal medicine has continuously modified and developed the implementation of this project, including the setting of courses, teaching process, evaluation and feedback, basing on the feedback collecting from multiple dimensions during the process .These actions have boosted this project to be outstanding on the basis of the regular training program of residents , which has been es-tablished in the internal medicine department of PUMCH , and made it as an elite post-graduation medical educa-tion project.The process and experience of this project could provide reference for the implementation of similar projects in other teaching hospitals .

Educ. med. super ; 31(2): 0-0, abr.-jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-891174


Introducción: el pensamiento de Fidel ha sido guía estratégica para el desarrollo de la educación médica cubana. Su estudio permanente constituye premisa inexcusable para el logro de una formación de Recursos Humanos en Salud con calidad y pertinencia. Objetivo: analizar el pensamiento de Fidel como referente para el desarrollo de la educación médica y del capital humano en el Sistema Nacional de Salud cubano. Métodos: se realizó un estudio socio histórico del pensamiento de Fidel sobre el proceso docente educativo en el área de la educación médica por la vía del análisis de contenido de discursos e intervenciones de Fidel Castro Ruz realizadas entre 1959 y el 2006. Se utilizó un grupo nominal constituido por profesores expertos del comité académico de la Maestría en Educación Médica de la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. Los resultados se presentaron para su valoración en un pleno del Consejo de Rectores y Decanos de los Centros de Educación Médica Superior. Resultados: se presentan los pronunciamientos seleccionados en los 12 discursos e intervenciones de Fidel relacionados con el proceso docente educativo en la Educación Médica, así como las ideas básicas que conllevaban, a partir de las cuales se elaboró la idea integradora y se establecieron las acciones necesarias para garantizar su cumplimiento en la práctica educativa. Conclusiones: se verificó cómo el pensamiento de Fidel vinculado al desarrollo del proceso docente educativo en la educación médica superior, contribuyó al incremento de la calidad y la pertinencia de los procesos formativos en la Educación Médica Cubana(AU)

Introduction: The thinking of Fidel has been a strategic guide for the development of Cuban medical education. Its permanent study constitutes an inexcusable premise for the achievement of human resources training in health with quality and relevance. Objective: Analyze the thinking of Fidel as a reference for the development of medical education and human capital in the Cuban national health system. Methods: A socio-historical study of the thinking of Fidel about the educational teaching process in the area of medical education was carried out through the analysis of the content of speeches and remarks of Fidel Castro Ruz between 1959 and 2006. A nominal group was used, made up by expert professors of the Academic Committee of the Master in Medical Education of the National School of Public Health. The results were presented for evaluation at a plenary session of the Council of Rectors and Deans of the Centers of Higher Medical Education. Results: The statements chosen in the 12 speeches and interventions of Fidel related to the educative educational process in Medical Education were presented, as well as the basic ideas that they derived, from which the integrative idea was elaborated and the necessary actions to guarantee their fulfillment in the Educational practice were established. Conclusions: It was verified how Fidel's thinking was associated to the development of the educational process in higher medical education, contributed to the increase of the quality and relevance of the training processes in Cuban Medical Education(AU)

Humans , Male , Staff Development/trends , Creativity , Education, Medical , Famous Persons , Cuba
Edumecentro ; 9(1): 208-227, ene.-mar. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-828720


La evaluación es una categoría didáctica y un mecanismo de control de la calidad del proceso docente educativo sobre la cual aún se mantiene una conceptualización "tradicionalista" en cuanto a otorgar una calificación; por tal motivo, los autores del presente trabajo se trazaron como objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica acerca del tema, para contribuir al logro de un mejor aprendizaje por los educandos. Se identificaron los principales problemas que en la actualidad presenta el profesorado en lo referente a la evaluación y se hizo notar la necesidad de redimensionar este proceso para que se convierta en una pieza clave para el aprendizaje y la mejora de la enseñanza. Acorde a lo analizado es fundamental contextualizar la evaluación de manera que permita cumplir con las exigencias que requiere la educación médica contemporánea.

The assessment is a didactic category and a mechanism for quality control of the educational process on which still a "traditionalist" conceptualization remains as to give a rating; for this reason, the authors of this paper had the objective to perform a literature review on the subject, to help achieve better learning by students. The main problems that currently present teachers regarding assessment and noted the need to resize this process so that it becomes a key to learning and improving education were identified. According to the analysis it is critical to contextualize the evaluation so that can effectively meet the requirements of contemporary medical education.

Students , Teaching , Education, Medical , Educational Measurement , Faculty
Edumecentro ; 9(1): 228-248, ene.-mar. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-828721


La formación de especialistas en Medicina General Integral adquiere particular relevancia tanto para Cuba como para la colaboración médica cubana en el exterior. Este proceso plantea la necesidad de perfeccionar la comunicación en el contexto docente entre todos los participantes, en tanto se identifican dificultades en este aspecto para enfrentar los retos y exigencias de la medicina en la contemporaneidad. En el presente artículo se describen las características del proceso formativo de estos especialistas, se destaca el rol de todos los participantes en él y se exponen los principales fundamentos teóricos de la comunicación pedagógica.

The specialist's formation in Comprehensive General Medicine has a particular relevance either in Cuba or for the Cuban medical collaboration abroad. This process requires improving communication in the teaching context among all participants, to this respect; difficulties to face the challenge and demands of contemporary medicine are identified, in this scientific article the characteristics of the specialist formative process are described, the role of all participants is stood out and the main theoretical foundations of the pedagogical communication are stated.

Students , Teaching , Communication , Education, Medical , Faculty , Medicine
Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 1351-1354, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-609365


Objective To integrate research training into clinical teaching effectively, the essential steps are understanding the students` demand and mastery, factors hindering learning and how to learn effectively.MethodsStudents in 7th grade in Peking Union Medical College (PUMC), graduate students and residents under clinical training, trained doctors for advanced studies from primary hospitals were surveyed with questionnaire by collecting educational background, the demand of learning medical research methodology, factors hindering learning, specific issues need in medical research methodology, learning model and assessment approaches.Results Totally 69 people were surveyed.92.75% of the respondents said they had studied medical research methodology and related courses before.However, 51 people (73.91%) answer they cannot read literatures with critical thinking.52 people (75.37%) indicated that they had difficulty in conducting research.58 (84.06%) people said it is very necessary to study the medical research methodology.No learning opportunities and enough time were the main hinders forlearning relevant knowledge.The top three high-demanding issues are sample size calculation and statistical knowledge, study design, and how to use the statistical software.44 (63.77%) people suggest e-learning with case based learning.Conclusions Integrate medical research methodology teaching into clinical teaching is in high-demand for students.E-learning is suggested with case based learning.