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Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 90(1): 101361, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534082


Abstract Objectives Our study aimed to verify the evidence of auditory training employed in the audiological treatment of tinnitus in adults and older adults. Methods Scoping review based on a search for articles in journals available in MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase (Elsevier), LILACS (BVS), and Cochrane Library. Titles and abstracts of the retrieved articles were assessed by peers, following the eligibility criteria; they were afterward read in full text, and the references were hand searched in the results found. Studies' level of evidence was classified into very high (Level A+), high (Level A), moderate (Level B), limited (Level C), low (Level D), or very low (Level D−) based on the Critically Appraised Topics. Results 2160 records were identified in the searching stage and 15 studies were eligible for data extraction. Study design, sample characterization, auditory training tasks, sound stimuli, outcome measures, and results were extracted. Frequency discrimination training was the most frequent strategy, followed by auditory attentional skills training and multisensory training. Almost all studies with daily auditory training sessions reported significant benefits demonstrated in at least one outcome measure. Studies that used auditory discrimination training and attentional auditory skill stimulation to treat tinnitus obtained quality evidence levels ranging from limited to high (C‒A) and studies that applied multisensory training or attentional training combined with counseling and passive listening in tinnitus patients reached a high-quality evidence level (A). Conclusion Recent studies had higher levels of evidence and considered attentional factors and multisensory pathways in auditory training strategies.

Rev. CEFAC ; 26(1): e6323, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558993


ABSTRACT Purpose: to assess the influence of wearing a mask on auditory-visual speech recognition, in a favorable listening situation, in hearing devices users. Methods: a cross-sectional observational study comprising 52 hearing aid users, whose speech recognition was assessed with six video-recorded lists of sentences with and without masks. The mean test results in the various situations were compared using the Friedman test with Bonferroni post hoc, the significance level being set at 5%. Results: speech recognition assessment results differed between the situations with and without masks and between mask types, with a small effect size. The post hoc, with p-values adjusted with the Bonferroni method, showed a difference between transparent masks and others. The transparent one had a higher mean (77.8%) of auditory-visual sentence recognition between the various situations. There were statistically significant differences, as the transparent mask provided a better performance than the others. Conclusion: the auditory-visual recognition of the hearing-impaired people was better with the transparent mask.

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a influência do uso de máscara no reconhecimento auditivo-visual de fala, em situação de escuta favorável, em usuários de dispositivos eletrônicos auxiliares à audição (DEAA). Métodos: estudo observacional transversal. Participaram 52 usuários de dispositivos auxiliares à audição que realizaram avaliação do reconhecimento de fala com seis listas de frases apresentadas em vídeo com e sem máscaras. Para comparar as médias dos resultados do teste nas diferentes situações, foi aplicado o Teste de Friedman, com pos-hoc de Bonferroni e nível de significância 5%. Resultados: houve diferença dos resultados da avaliação de reconhecimento de fala entre as diferentes situações, com e sem máscara, assim como entre os tipos de máscara, com tamanho de efeito de pequeno. O post-hoc, com valor de p ajustado pelo método de Bonferroni, mostrou diferença entre a máscara transparente e as demais. A máscara transparente apresentou maior média (77,8%) do reconhecimento auditivo-visual nas sentenças utilizadas entre as situações. Foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes com desempenho superior da máscara transparente em relação aos outros tipos de máscaras. Conclusão: conclui-se que o reconhecimento auditivo-visual para os deficientes auditivos foi melhor com a máscara transparente.

Rev. CEFAC ; 26(3): e8823, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559000


ABSTRACT Purpose: to identify the profile of tinnitus research in Brazil and the main procedures adopted by professionals in the field in the national territory. Methods: an observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study, in which an active search was made on digital platforms to identify researchers in Brazil who have tinnitus as a study focus. After identifying the tinnitus study groups, an online Form was sent to the researchers comprising 21 questions, so as to know the works in development. The collected responses were extracted and tabulated intoMicrosoft Excel Professional Plus2019 through the absolute and relative frequency measurements of the final sample. Results: 117 researchers were identified, of these, 21 participated in the study, being (90.5%) females, specifically from public universities (81%) in the Southeast region of Brazil (47.7%). These professionals develop clinical research (76.1%), focusing on therapies and/or treatments (38.1%), and use sound therapy (52.38%) as the main technological resource of their studies. Conclusion: the research profile is clinical, with a main focus on therapies and/or treatments for tinnitus. As for the procedures, there is a predominant application of the Visual Analogue Scale- VAS and the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory- THI as evaluation protocols and sound therapy as the main technological resource of their studies.

RESUMO Objetivo: identificar o perfil das pesquisas sobre zumbido realizadas no Brasil e os principais procedimentos adotados pelos profissionais da área em território nacional. Métodos: estudo de caráter observacional, descritivo e transversal, em que foi feita uma busca ativa em plataformas digitais para identificar pesquisadores no Brasil que têm o zumbido como foco de estudo. Após a identificação dos grupos de estudo sobre zumbido, foi enviado aos pesquisadores um formulário online composto por 21 questões, com o intuito de conhecer os trabalhos em desenvolvimento. As respostas coletadas foram extraídas e tabuladas no Microsoft Excel professional plus 2019 por meio das medidas de frequência absoluta e relativa da amostra final. Resultados: foram identificados 117 pesquisadores, destes, 21 participaram do estudo, sendo (90,5%) do sexo feminino, especificamente de universidades públicas (81%) da região Sudeste do Brasil (47,7%). Esses profissionais desenvolvem pesquisas clínicas (76,1%), com foco em terapias e/ou tratamentos (38,1%) e utilizam a terapia sonora (52,38%) como recurso tecnológico principal de seus estudos. Conclusão: o perfil das pesquisas é do tipo clínico, com foco principal em terapias e/ou tratamentos para o zumbido. Quanto aos procedimentos, há o predomínio de aplicação da Escala Visual Analógica- EVA e do Tinnitus Handicap Inventory-THI como protocolos de avaliação e a terapia sonora como recurso tecnológico principal de seus estudos.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 518-527, Jul.-Sept. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514242


Abstract Introduction The P300 auditory evoked potential is a long-latency cortical potential evoked with auditory stimulation, which provides information on neural mechanisms underlying the central auditory processing. Objectives To identify and gather scientific evidence regarding the P300 in adult cochlear implant (CI) users. Data Synthesis A total of 87 articles, 20 of which were selected for this study, were identified and exported to the Rayyan search software. Those 20 articles did not propose a homogeneous methodology, which made comparison more difficult. Most articles (60%) in this review compare CI users with typical hearing people, showing prolonged P300 latency in CI users. Among the studies, 35% show that CI users present a smaller P300 amplitude. Another variable is the influence of the kind of stimulus used to elicit P300, which was prolonged in 30% of the studies that used pure tone stimuli, 10% of the studies that used pure tone and speech stimuli, and 60% of the studies that used speech stimuli. Conclusion This review has contributed with evidence that shows the importance of applying a controlled P300 protocol to diagnose and monitor CI users. Regardless of the stimuli used to elicit P300, we noticed a pattern in the increase in latency and decrease in amplitude in CI users. The user's experience with the CI speech processor over time and the speech test results seem to be related to the P300 latency and amplitude measurements.

Distúrb. comun ; 35(2): 60615, 02/08/2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444686


Objetivo: investigar as alterações fonoaudiológicas encontradas em casos de violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes, bem como analisar a evolução e o desfecho dos casos atendidos por fonoaudiólogos. Método: Estudo transversal, produzido por meio da aplicação de questionários com fonoaudiólogos clínicos que atendiam a crianças e adolescentes nos estados do Paraná e Santa Catarina. A exploração dos dados foi pautada na metodologia de Análise do Conteúdo (AC). Resultados: Dos 75 fonoaudiólogos pesquisados, 52% atenderam a crianças e/ou adolescentes suspeitos ou confirmados de sofrerem violência. Deste número, 59,5% dos profissionais continuaram acompanhado os casos e 40,5% descontinuaram o acompanhamento. Conclusão: As alterações na linguagem foi a queixa fonoaudiológica mais encontrada nas vítimas. Em muitos casos não foi possível obter informações sobre o desfecho da situação de violência, devido ao abandono do trabalho fonoaudiológico. Nas situações com desfechos favoráveis, este acontecimento ocorreu devido à remoção do agressor do contexto familiar, o acompanhamento de todos os envolvidos ou o encaminhamento da vítima para tratamentos interdisciplinares. Com relação ao desenrolar da queixa fonoaudiológica, os casos que tiveram evolução, foram os acompanhados de maneira interdisciplinar, principalmente com tratamento psicólogo dos envolvidos. Pode-se notar, também, que os profissionais que relacionaram a queixa fonoaudiológica com a situação de violência atuaram de forma mais humanizada, olhando o sujeito como um todo, permitindo o seu progresso terapêutico. (AU)

Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the speech-language disorders found in cases of domestic violence against children and adolescents and to analyze the evolution and outcome of cases assisted by Speech, Language Pathology and Audiology professionals. Methods: Cross-sectional study, produced through the application of questionnaires to clinical Speech, Language Pathology and Audiology professionals who assisted children and adolescents in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina. Data exploration was based on the Content Analysis methodology. Results: Of the 75 Speech, Language Pathology and Audiology professionals surveyed, 52% assisted children and/or adolescents suspected or confirmed to be victims of violence. Regarding this number, 59.5% of the professionals continued to monitor the cases, and 40.5% discontinued the follow-up. Conclusion: Language changes comprised the speech-language pathology complaint most found in the victims. In many cases, it was not possible to obtain information about the outcome of the situation of violence due to the abandonment of Speech, Language Pathology and Audiology work. In situations with favorable outcomes, this event occurred due to the removal of the aggressor from the family context, the monitoring of all those involved, or the referral of the victim to interdisciplinary treatments. Regarding the development of the speech-language pathology complaint, the cases that evolved were followed up in an interdisciplinary manner, mainly with psychological treatment for those involved. Professionals who related the speech-language pathology complaint to the situation of violence acted more humanely, looking at the subjects as a whole and allowing their therapeutic progress. (AU)

Propósito: investigar los trastornos del habla y el lenguaje encontrados en casos de violencia doméstica contra niños y adolescentes, así como analizar la evolución y el rechazo de dos casos tratados por logopedas. Método: Estudio transversal, producido a través de la aplicación de cuestionarios con logopedas clínicos que atendían a niños y adolescentes en los estados de Paraná y Santa Catarina. La exploración de datos se basó en la metodología de Análisis de Contenido (CA). Resultados: De los 75 fonoaudiólogos encuestados, el 52% asiste a niños y/o adolescentes sospechosos o confirmados de ser víctimas de violencia. De ese número, 59,5% de los profesionales continuaron con el acompañamiento de los casos y 40,5% interrumpieron el seguimiento. Conclusión: Los cambios en el lenguaje fueron la queja de patología del habla y lenguaje más frecuente en las víctimas. En muchos casos no fue posible obtener información sobre el desenlace de la situación de violencia, debido al abandono del trabajo logopédico. En situaciones con resultados favorables, este evento se produjo por la separación del agresor del contexto familiar, el seguimiento de todos los implicados o la derivación de la víctima a tratamientos interdisciplinarios. En cuanto a la evolución del cuadro patológico del habla-lenguaje, los casos que evolucionaron fueron seguidos de manera interdisciplinaria, principalmente con tratamiento psicológico para los involucrados. También se puede notar que los profesionales que relacionaron la denuncia de fonoaudiología con la situación de violencia actuaron de forma más humana, mirando al sujeto como un todo, permitiendo su progreso terapéutico.(AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Child Abuse , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Exposure to Violence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Family Relations/psychology , Dysphonia/etiology , Hearing Disorders/etiology
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 27(2): 278-285, April-June 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440218


Abstract Introduction Auditory processing refers to the efficiency and effectiveness with which the central auditory nervous system uses auditory information. Middle- and long-latency auditory evoked potentials are objective electrophysiological tests that can complement the diagnosis of alterations involving central auditory processing. Objectives To standardize latency and amplitude values for short-, middle-, and long-latency auditory evoked potentials in adults with normal hearing thresholds. Methods This is a cross-sectional study. Thirty-three adults with normal hearing thresholds, without hearing complaints, and with normal central auditory processing were evaluated. All underwent basic audiological evaluation, central auditory processing assessment, and short-, middle-, and long-latency auditory evoked potentials. Results Absolute latency and interpeak values for middle- and long-latency auditory evoked potentials were lower than internationally suggested. However, for the brainstem auditory evoked potential, the means were within the range considered as normal, as suggested in the equipment. Conclusions The present study provided measurements of normal latencies and amplitudes for short-, middle-, and long-latency auditory evoked potentials in adults.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 27(2): 218-225, April-June 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440230


Abstract Introduction Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have abnormalities in auditory perception and sensitivity. The mismatch negativity (MMN) component of the evoked potential demonstrates a brain detection response to an auditory change due to memory, and enables the identification of changes in the auditory system. Objectives To analyze MMN responses in children and adolescents with ASD and compare them with those of a control group. Methods Cross-sectional and comparative study. The sample was composed of 68 children and adolescents, divided into study group (SG), which contained those diagnosed with ASD, and the control group (CG), which contained those with typical development, normal hearing thresholds, and without hearing complaints. All participants were submitted to peripheral and central electrophysiological auditory evaluations. For the electrophysiological auditory evaluation and MMN recording, the electrodes were fixed in the following positions: Fz (active electrode), M1 and M2 (reference electrodes), and on the forehead (ground electrode). Auditory stimuli were presented in both ears simultaneously, with a frequency of 1,000 Hz for the frequent stimulus, and of 2,000 Hz for the rare stimulus, in an intensity of 80 dBNA. Results Latency and amplitude values were increased in the SG, with a statistically significant difference in comparison with the CG. In the MMN analysis, there was no statistically significant difference in the comparison between right and left ears and between genders. Conclusions Children and adolescents with ASD had higher latency and amplitude values in the MMN component than the individuals in the CG.

Rev. Bras. Neurol. (Online) ; 59(1): 5-10, jan.-mar. 2023. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426189


Objetivo: investigar a integridade da via auditiva por meio do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) em indivíduos com Doença de Parkinson (DP) por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura. Métodos: foram utilizadas as bases de dados Embase, Google acadêmico, Scielo, bem como o portal eletrônico completo da Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde, com os seguintes descritores: DP (Parkinson Disease ou Parkinsonian Disorders) e PEATE (Evoked Potentials, Auditory, Brain Stem ou Evoked Potentials, Auditory). Foram selecionados artigos nacionais e internacionais, sem limitação de ano ou idioma. Os estudos foram descritos e analisados qualitativamente e quantitativamente quanto à latência absoluta e à amplitude das ondas I, III e V, e quanto aos interpicos I-III, III-V e I-V. Resultados: após exclusão dos títulos repetidos, 420 artigos foram encontrados, sendo que 17 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Nos resultados do PEATE, estudos descreveram o aumento da latência de todas as ondas, principalmente das ondas III e V e, também, aumento dos interpicos I-V e III-V. Conclusão: indivíduos com DP apresentam neurodegeneração das vias auditivas centrais com diminuição na velocidade de transmissão neural do estímulo acústico.

Purpose: investigate the integrity of the auditory pathway through the Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential (BAEP) in individuals with Parkinson's Disease (PD) through an integrative literature review. Methods: Embase, Academic Google, Scielo databases were used, as well as the complete electronic portal of the Virtual Health Library, with the following descriptors: PD (Parkinson Disease or Parkinsonian Disorders) and BAEP (Evoked Potentials, Auditory, Brain Stem or Evoked Potentials, Auditory). National and international articles were selected, without limitation of year or language. The studies were described and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively regarding the absolute latency and amplitude of waves I, III and V, and regarding the interpeaks I-III, III-V and I-V. Results: After excluding repeated titles, 420 articles were found, however only 17 met the inclusion criteria. In the ABR results, studies described the increase in latency of all waves, especially waves III and V, and also an increase in interpeaks I-V and III-V. Conclusion: individuals with PD present neurodegeneration of the central auditory pathways with a decrease in the neural transmission speed of the acoustic stimulus.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 60-72, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988874


Introduction@#There is increasing interest in innovation development and management in the Philippines, especially in the last decade. In the advocacy for universal hearing health, the HeLe, “Hearing for Life’’ Research Program was implemented. HeLe developed novel telehealth technologies and field tested a proof-of-concept service delivery model to improve provision of newborn hearing screening and intervention services in the Philippines. @*Objective@#As the HeLe research period concludes, this appraisal was organized to document and assess the health information technology systems of the HeLe. @*Methods@#The evaluation follows the elements of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for evaluation of public health surveillance systems. It centers on the status of the eHealth-based components of the HeLe NHS interventions: HeLe NHS module in the Community Health Information Tracking System (CHITS) electronic medical records system, the Tele-Audiology module in National Telehealth System (NTS), and the HeLe NHS registry. The evaluation is based on interviews of key HeLe research staff and documentation review. @*Results@#The HeLe system has a stable, SQL-Server-based architecture. It is a secure, web-based system with clean separation of back-end database and front-end Web, using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Standardization of data via mapping ensures reliable, comparable measures. HeLe demonstrates that NHS data collected by the HeLe NHS device can be sent to, stored in, and extracted from the CHITS electronic medical record system and exchanged across platforms. Where actual patient and NHS data were available, this HeLe system is validated to be efficacious to capture and seamlessly exchange data across various eHealth platforms. These eHealth technologies are described to be at Technology Readiness Level 5, “technologies are validated in a relevant environment”. The HeLe program, however, needs to address completeness in documentation as a standard practice, if only to ensure better management of risks introduced by novel eHealth systems in patient care. The CDC public health surveillance checklist used for this assessment is useful in identifying gaps in research management for the HeLe inventors. It is recommended to be incorporated to be standard and implemented early in the next iteration of the HeLe research. @*Conclusions@#Overall, the HeLe technologies, in this initial stage of research, have achieved the purpose for which they were developed. As a novel technologybased NHS system, HeLe is a potentially powerful tool to assist in monitoring newborn hearing disease caseloads by community-based primary care clinics, NHS facilities, and hospitals that provide definitive medical services. As other health systems strengthening reforms take root in the Philippines, secure exchange of data electronically across the country would depend on sound technologies, including those used in hearing health. This paper can be instructive to the emerging research community in the eHealth and biomedical development space especially in resource-challenged settings. Likewise, lessons can reinforce institutional support from research agencies, clinicians, and state/county or subnational health departments for policy and resource mobilization to better manage those identified with congenital hearing loss.

Telemedicine , Electronic Health Records
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 360-366, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009367


The qualitative, quantitative, and localization analysis of hearing loss is one of the important contents of forensic clinical research and identification. Pure-tone audiometry is the "gold standard" for hearing loss assessment, but it is affected by the subjective cooperation of the assessed person. Due to the complexity of the auditory pathway and the diversity of hearing loss, the assessment of hearing loss requires the combination of various subjective and objective audiometric techniques, along with comprehensive evaluation based on the case situation, clinical symptoms, and other examinations to ensure the scientificity, accuracy and reliability of forensic hearing impairment assessment. Objective audiometry includes acoustic impedance, otoacoustic emission, and various auditory evoked potentials. The frequency-specific auditory brainstem response (ABR), 40 Hz auditory event related potential, and auditory steady-state response are commonly used for objective hearing threshold assessment. The combined application of acoustic impedance, otoacoustic emission and ABR can be used to locate hearing loss and determine whether it is located in the middle ear, cochlea, or posterior cochlea. This article reviews the application value of objective audiometry techniques in hearing threshold assessment and hearing loss localization, aiming to provide reference for forensic identification of hearing loss.

Humans , Reproducibility of Results , Auditory Threshold/physiology , Evoked Potentials, Auditory, Brain Stem/physiology , Hearing Loss/diagnosis , Audiometry, Pure-Tone/methods , Clinical Medicine
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023222


Objective:To investigate the teaching effect of flipped classroom combined with problem-based learning (PBL) in the teaching of the Diagnostic Audiology course.Methods:A total of 72 undergraduate students majoring in audiology and speech rehabilitation in the classes of 2019 and 2020 in Chongqing Medical University were enrolled as subjects, and three chapters of the Diagnostic Audiology course were selected for teaching reform. The 34 students in the class of 2019 were enrolled as control group and received lecture-based learning (LBL), and the 38 students in the class of 2020 were enrolled as experimental group and received flipped classroom combined with PBL. The teaching effect was evaluated by comparing the two groups in terms of classroom test scores, classroom participation scores, degree of satisfaction with teaching effect, and overall satisfaction with teaching. SPSS 23.0 software was used to perform the t-test, the chi-square test, and the Mann-Whitney U test. Results:The experimental group had a significantly higher classroom test score than the control group (25.95±1.21 vs. 23.21±1.55, P<0.001). In terms of classroom participation scores, the experimental group had significantly higher scores of participation in class discussion, cooperative and collaborative abilities, and questioning skills than the control group (all P<0.001). In terms of the degree of satisfaction with teaching, compared with the control group, the experimental group had significantly higher degrees of satisfaction in the dimensions such as interest in learning, mastery of theoretical knowledge, teamwork and collaboration abilities, self-learning ability, and self-presentation ( P=0.005, 0.009, 0.001, 0.016, and 0.005). In addition, the experimental group had a significantly higher degree of overall satisfaction with teaching than the control group ( P=0.006). Conclusion:Flipped classroom combined with PBL has a good teaching effect in the Diagnostic Audiology course and thus holds promise for further application.

Rev. CEFAC ; 25(1): e7122, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431263


ABSTRACT Purpose: to analyze the time trend of audiological procedures in the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS) between 2008 and 2019 in the geographical regions of Brazil. Methods: a time series ecological study with data on audiological procedures from the SUS Outpatient Information System. The study calculated annual indices of audiological procedures with joinpoint regression for the trend analysis. The progress in the provision of procedures between the initial and final years in the series and the distribution of identified records was calculated. Results: altogether, 38,500,404 records were found in the study period. The South (178.84/10,000 inhabitants) and North of Brazil (130.97/10,000 inhabitants), respectively, had the highest and lowest mean procedure indices. Both were the only regions with a trend towards a significant increase in procedures. In Brazil, they increased by 56.91%, with an emphasis on the increase in "otoacoustic evoked emissions in neonatal hearing screening" and a decrease in "visual reinforcement audiometry (air/bone conduction)." In the distribution, procedures concentrated on basic audiological assessments. Conclusion: audiological procedures have increased at SUS, but there are discrepancies between procedures and geographical regions of Brazil.

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a tendência temporal de procedimentos audiológicos no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), entre 2008 e 2019, nas regiões geográficas brasileiras. Métodos: estudo ecológico de série temporal, com dados de procedimentos audiológicos do Sistema de Informações Ambulatoriais do SUS. Foram calculadas taxas anuais de procedimentos audiológicos, utilizando-se a regressão Joinpoint para análise de tendência. Calculou-se a evolução da oferta destes procedimentos entre os anos inicial e final da série e a distribuição dos registros identificados. Resultados: foram localizados 38.500.404 registros no período investigado. Verificou-se que as regiões Sul (178,84/10.000 habitantes) e Norte (130,97/10.000 habitantes) apresentaram a maior e a menor taxa média de procedimentos, respectivamente. Ambas foram as únicas regiões que exibiram tendências de aumento significativo na realização dos procedimentos. No Brasil, a oferta dos procedimentos demonstrou uma evolução positiva de 56,91%, com destaque para crescimento de "emissões otoacústicas evocadas para triagem auditiva (teste da orelhinha)" e queda de "audiometria de reforço visual (via aérea/óssea)". Na distribuição, houve concentração de procedimentos da avaliação audiológica básica. Conclusão: a realização de procedimentos audiológicos no SUS revela aumento, mas evidencia discrepâncias nas regiões geográficas brasileiras e nos procedimentos executados.

CoDAS ; 35(3): e20210122, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447994


RESUMO Objetivo Construir um roteiro de avaliação para observação da audição e do processamento auditivo central em pré-escolares. Método Para elaboração do roteiro, primeiramente realizou-se uma busca nas bases de dados Scielo e biblioteca de uma universidade no estado de São Paulo, com as palavras chaves: "processamento auditivo central", "audição e linguagem", "distúrbios do processamento auditivo", "processamento auditivo em pré-escolares", "avaliação do vocabulário", selecionando então quatorze artigos e dois livros. Foram estruturadas perguntas relacionadas ao desenvolvimento auditivo e um roteiro de avaliação do processamento auditivo central. Resultados O roteiro constitui-se de oito partes, sendo identificação e anamnese, dados maternos e de gestação, queixas, desenvolvimento auditivo, desenvolvimento de linguagem, desenvolvimento motor, Teste auditivo comportamental para avaliação do processamento auditivo central e avaliação audiológica comportamental. Conclusão O roteiro é de extrema importância visto que não há na literatura instrumentos de triagem de processamento auditivo em pré-escolares que investigue, de forma minuciosa, todo o processo que permeia o desenvolvimento auditivo e de linguagem de crianças de 43 a 47 meses.

ABSTRACT Purpose To develop an assessment script to observe hearing and central auditory processing in preschool children. Methods To The script was prepared based on a search in the Scielo databases and in the library of a university in the state of São Paulo using the following keywords: "central auditory processing", "hearing and language", "auditory processing disorders", "auditory processing in preschool children", and "vocabulary assessment", resulting in the selection of fourteen articles and two books. Then, questions related to auditory development and a script for assessing central auditory processing were prepared. Results The script consists of eight parts, namely: Identification and Anamnesis, Information about Mother and Pregnancy, Complaints, Auditory Development, Language Development, Motor Development, Simplified Auditory Processing Evaluation and Behavioral Audiological Assessment. Conclusion The script is essential, given the lack of screening instruments in the literature for central auditory processing in preschool children that thoroughly investigate the entire process that permeates the auditory and language development of children aged 43 to 47 months.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(9): 4916-4943, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509518


Objective: The review describes the changes related to sleep-breathing disorders, com- munication and feeding processes in subjects with CF, through a scoping review. Meth- ods: A scoping review based on the PRISMA protocol was carried out in Pubmed, Lilacs and Scopus databases, to investigate the possibility of including SLP in the treatment of patients with CF. The inclusion criteria included studies that addressed communication and eating processes and disorders related to CF. Studies with a sample that presented other comorbidities that would justify the worsening of the condition, or secondary stud- ies, were excluded. There was no time or language delimitation. Results: The search found 1566 works, 27 Lilacs, 1009 Pubmed and 530 Scopus, by analysis of titles, abstract and reading in full. A total of 30 articles were selected for inclusion, 2 Lilacs, 22 Pubmed and 6 Scopus, all related to Speech-Language Pathology. Conclusion: It was observed that there is a poor sleep quality due to nocturnal desaturation, mild and moderate obstructive apnea. In studies related to hearing, individuals had sensorineural hearing loss. Speech-Language Pathology is of paramount importance in monitoring these sub- jects.

Objetivo: Descrever alterações relacionadas aos processos de distúrbios respiratórios do sono, comunicação e alimentação em sujeitos com FC, por meio de uma scoping review. Métodos: Foi realizada uma scoping review nas bases de dados Pubmed, Lilacs e Scopus, para investigar a possibilidade de incluir o fonoaudiólogo no tratamento de pacientes com FC, utilizando o checklist PRISMA. Os critérios de inclusão incluíram estudos que abor- dassem processos de comunicação e alimentação e distúrbios relacionados à FC. Foram excluídos estudos com amostra que apresentasse outras comorbidades que justificassem o agravamento do quadro, ou estudos secundários. Não houve delimitação de tempo ou idioma. Resultados: A busca encontrou 1566 trabalhos, sendo 27 Lilacs, 1009 Pubmed e 530 Scopus, por meio de análise de títulos, resumo e leitura na íntegra. Foram seleciona- dos para inclusão 30 artigos, sendo 2 Lilacs, 22 Pubmed e 6 Scopus, todos relacionados à Fonoaudiologia. Conclusão: Observou-se que há má qualidade do sono devido à dessa- turação noturna, apneia obstrutiva leve e moderada. Em estudos relacionados à audição, os indivíduos apresentaram perda auditiva neurossensorial. A Fonoaudiologia é de suma importância no acompanhamento desses sujeitos.

Objetivo: Describir las alteraciones relacionadas con los procesos de trastornos respira- torios del sueño, comunicación y alimentación en sujetos con FQ, a través de una revisión de alcance. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de alcance en las bases de datos Pubmed, Lilacs y Scopus, para investigar la posibilidad de incluir al logopeda en el tratamiento de pacientes con FQ, utilizando la lista de verificación PRISMA. Los criterios de inclusión incluyeron estudios que abordaran los procesos de comunicación y alimentación y los trastornos relacionados con la FQ. Se excluyeron los estudios con una muestra que pre- sentaba otras comorbilidades que justificasen el empeoramiento del cuadro, o estudios secundarios. No había delimitación de tiempo ni de idioma. Resultados: La búsqueda en- contró 1566 trabajos, de los cuales 27 fueron Lilacs, 1009 Pubmed y 530 Scopus, me- diante análisis de títulos, resúmenes y lectura completa. Se seleccionaron 30 artículos para inclusión, 2 Lilacs, 22 Pubmed y 6 Scopus, todos relacionados con Logopedia. Con- clusión: Se observó que existe mala calidad del sueño por desaturación nocturna, apnea obstructiva leve y moderada. En estudios relacionados con la audición, los individuos tenían pérdida auditiva neurosensorial. La logopedia es de suma importancia en el segui- miento de estos sujetos.

Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 25(7): 393-400, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531189


Introducción: La telepráctica es un modelo de prestación de servicios fonoaudiológicos y audiológicos en el cual se emplea la tecnología de las telecomunicaciones con fines de promoción y prevención, evaluación, intervención o consulta. Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, este tipo de servicios tuvo un crecimiento significativo para dar respuesta a las necesidades de salud de individuos y poblaciones. Objetivo: Describir el abordaje fonoaudiológico a través de la telepráctica en la intervención de las deficiencias de la comunicación. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos de PubMed y American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA); se emplearon ecuaciones de búsqueda en inglés. Se seleccionaron 28 artículos desde el año 2016, y se analizaron las categorías de telepráctica en audiología, telepráctica en voz y habla y telepráctica en lenguaje. Análisis de la información: El uso de la telepráctica ha sido fundamental para aumentar la accesibilidad a servicios fonoaudiológicos para individuos y poblaciones que se encuentran en zonas apartadas, así como en el abordaje de deficiencias específicas y en el seguimiento de procesos de rehabilitación empleando la tecnología como herramienta. La telepráctica ha permitido mejorar los procesos de formación de padres y cuidadores, que permiten la implementación de acciones terapéuticas en casa. Conclusión: La telepráctica ha demostrado tener resultados similares a los abordajes presenciales, lo que demuestra que, en el futuro, podría convertirse en una alternativa para la práctica fonoaudiológica y audiológica. Es necesario aumentar las investigaciones que respalden el uso de la telepráctica, así como para determinar los estándares mínimos para su implementación.

Introduction: Telepractice is a model for the provision of speech therapy and audiological services in which telecommunications technology is used for the purposes of promotion and prevention, evaluation, intervention and / or consultation, due to the pandemic this type of service had significant growth to respond to the health needs of individuals and populations. Objective: To describe the speech therapy approach through telepractice in the intervention of communication deficiencies. Method: A search was carried out in the databases of Pubmed and American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), search equations were used in English, 28 articles were selected since 2016 and the telepractic categories in audiology were analyzed. telepractic in voice and speech and telepractic in language. Information analysis: the use of telepractice has been fundamental to increase the accessibility to speech therapy services for individuals and populations that are in remote areas; as well as in addressing specific deficiencies and in monitoring rehabilitation processes using technology as a tool. Telepractice has made it possible to improve the training processes for parents and caregivers that allow the implementation of therapeutic actions at home. Conclusion: telepractice has shown to have similar results to face-to-face approaches, which shows that in the future it will become an alternative for speech therapy and audiological practice. There is a need to increase research to support the use of telepractic, as well as to determine the minimum standards for its implementation.

Telemedicine , Telecommunications , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Audiol., Commun. res ; 28: e2808, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527917


RESUMO Objetivo analisar as dificuldades e facilidades relatadas por fonoaudiólogos em casos de violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e/ou adolescentes. Métodos pesquisa transversal, realizada por meio da aplicação de questionários com fonoaudiólogos do Paraná e Santa Catarina. Foram incluídos profissionais que prestavam atendimentos clínicos voltados a crianças e adolescentes, sendo excluídos fonoaudiólogos que atendiam apenas adultos e idosos. Os dados foram explorados por meio da metodologia de Análise do Conteúdo. Resultados foram incluídos 75 fonoaudiólogos, sendo 70,7% do Paraná e 29,3% de Santa Catarina. Dos participantes, 52% atenderam crianças e/ou, adolescentes com casos suspeitos ou confirmados de violência. Na análise de conteúdo, os resultados foram alocados em um único eixo, subdividido em três subeixos temáticos: 1.1 profissionais que não relataram dificuldades ou facilidades, subeixo 1.2 as facilidades e subeixo 1.3 as dificuldades. Conclusão as facilidades do fonoaudiólogo no atendimento às vítimas de violência intrafamiliar infantil e juvenil estão relacionadas ao bom vínculo terapêutico com paciente e/ou familiares, ao adequado trabalho multidisciplinar/interdisciplinar e em rede. Já as dificuldades no atendimento fonoaudiológico voltado a crianças e adolescentes vítimas de violência são relativas ao diálogo com a família, aos órgãos de apoio, à frequência do paciente, à elaboração de estratégias terapêuticas e à falta de preparo profissional e psicológico do fonoaudiólogo.

ABSTRACT Purpose to analyze the difficulties and facilities reported by Speech and Language Pathology and Audiology in cases of domestic violence against children and/or adolescents. Methods cross-sectional research, carried out through the application of questionnaires with speech therapists from Paraná and Santa Catarina. Professionals from the clinical field who assisted children and adolescents were included, and speech therapists who only assisted adults and the elderly were excluded. The data were explored through the Content Analysis methodology. Results 75 Speech and Language Pathology and Audiology were included, 70.7% from Paraná and 29.3% from Santa Catarina. Of the participants, 52% assisted children and/or adolescents with suspected or confirmed cases of violence. In the content analysis, the results were allocated on a single axis subdivided into three thematic sub-axes: 1.1 professionals who did not report difficulties or facilities, sub-axis 1.2 the facilities and sub-axis 1.3 the difficulties. Conclusion The facilities of the Speech and Language Pathology and Audiology in caring for victims of child and youth intrafamily violence are related to a good therapeutic bond between the patient and/or family members and adequate multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary and network work. The difficulties in Speech and Language Pathology and Audiology care for children and adolescents victims of violence are related to the dialogue with the family, the support bodies, the frequency of the patient, the elaboration of therapeutic strategies, and the lack of professional and psychological preparation of the speech therapist.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Child Abuse , Child Welfare , Health Personnel , Domestic Violence , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Exposure to Violence
Audiol., Commun. res ; 28: e2730, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429893


RESUMO Objetivo comparar parâmetros do controle postural em professores da rede estadual de ensino com diferentes níveis de atividade física habitual. Métodos participaram 50 professores (48,1±9 anos) que foram avaliados em plataforma de força, na posição bipodal, olhos abertos, em superfícies rígida e instável. O Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (versão curta) foi utilizado para categorizar o nível de atividade física em baixo, moderado e alto. O nível de atividade física também foi dicotomizado em grupos de mais ativos (G1) e menos ativos (G2). O estudo realizou análise de subgrupos para gênero e faixa etária e aplicou a estatística não paramétrica. Resultados os dados demonstraram que o grupo G2, as mulheres menos ativas e os indivíduos menos ativos na faixa etária de 49 a 60 anos apresentaram piores resultados na velocidade na direção anteroposterior, na condição de superfície instável e na diferença das médias entre a superfície rígida e a instável. Conclusão o grupo menos ativo, as professoras menos ativas e os participantes menos ativos na faixa etária de 49 a 60 anos apresentaram piores resultados na velocidade na direção anteroposterior.

ABSTRACT Objective to compare parameters of postural control in teachers of state education network with different levels of habitual physical activity. Methods 50 teachers (48.1 ± 9 years) participated and were evaluated on a force platform, in a bipedal position, eyes open, on surfaces rigid and unstable. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (version abbreviated) was used to categorize the level of physical activity into low, moderate and high. The level of physical activity was also divided into groups of more active (G1) and less active (G2). The study carried out an analysis of subgroups by gender and age range and applied non-parametric statistics. Results the data showed that the G2 group, the less active women and the less active individuals in the age group of 49 to 60 years presented worse results in speed in the anteroposterior direction, in the condition of unstable surface and the difference in means between the rigid surface and the unstable. Conclusion the less active group, the less active teachers and less active participants in the 49-60 age group had worse results in velocity in the anteroposterior direction.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Exercise/physiology , Postural Balance/physiology , School Teachers , Posturology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Occupational Health , Life Style
Edumecentro ; 152023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520838


Introducción: las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, las redes, dispositivos y servicios facilitan el acceso a servicios de salud en menor tiempo, costo y mayor ubicuidad. Objetivo: actualizar conceptos esenciales sobre el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación para la formación preprofesional y práctica asistencial en la logofonoaudiología. Métodos: se realizó una investigación documental en bases de datos: Redalyc, Dialnet, SciELO, Doaj, Latindex, Scopus, Redib, Google Scholar, el sitio web de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, fueron seleccionados 25 documentos del período 2019-2022. Se utilizaron los ordenadores lógicos boleanos: AND, OR, como estrategias de búsqueda para combinar los términos TIC, logofonoaudiología, logopedia y conceptos afines a las ciencias de la salud. Desarrollo: tras la epidemia del COVID-19 se dinamizó el uso de redes, dispositivos y servicios tecnológicos en las actividades de logopedia, foniatría y audiología. Utilizar la telesalud en la formación de la Licenciatura de Logofonoaudiología facilita organizar los procesos de educación en salud y ofrecer estos servicios con el uso de tecnologías. Conclusiones: la telemedicina y la telesalud son dos de los conceptos que surgen con la aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en salud, herramientas facilitadoras del acceso a servicios de salud, promoción, diagnóstico, monitoreo y tratamiento de enfermedades. En la logopedia permite la atención individualizada, el trabajo autónomo, mayor retroalimentación entre los actores del proceso para la intervención, tratamiento y rehabilitación de modo sincrónico y asincrónico.

Introduction: Information and Communication Technologies, networks, devices, and services facilitate access to health services in less time, cost and greater ubiquity. Objective: to update essential concepts on the use of Information and Communication Technologies for pre-professional training and care practice in Logophonoaudiology. Methods: documentary research was carried out in databases: Redalyc, Dialnet, SciELO, Doaj, Latindex, Scopus, Redib, Google Scholar, the World Health Organization website, 25 documents from the period 2019-2022 were selected. Boolean logical computers: AND, OR, were used as search strategies to combine the terms ICT, Logophonoaudiology, Logopedia and concepts related to health sciences. Development: after the COVID-19 epidemic, the use of networks, devices, and technological services in Speech Therapy, Phoniatrics and Audiology activities was energized. Using telehealth in the training of the Logophonoaudiology Degree makes it easier to organize health education processes and offer these services with the use of technologies. Conclusions: telemedicine and telehealth are two of the concepts that arise with the application of Information and Communication Technologies in health, tools that facilitate access to health services, promotion, diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of diseases. In speech therapy, it allows individualized attention, autonomous work, greater feedback between the actors in the process for intervention, treatment, and rehabilitation in a synchronous and asynchronous way.

Rehabilitation , Speech Therapy , Medical Informatics , Audiology , Telemedicine , Education, Medical
Salud UNINORTE ; 38(3)Sep.-Dec. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536814


La audiología, como campo profesional reciente, ha estado profundamente arraigada al paradigma positivista y a las lógicas de la biomedicina que no permiten superar la visión asistencial, clínica, terapéutica e individualista de la salud. Esto ha dificultado intentar desplazamientos teóricos, epistemológicos y ético-políticos que permitan entender la salud auditiva desde perspectivas que se preocupen por trascender el individuo y su esencia biológica, así como entrar en los debates contemporáneos de la salud. Los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud, como corriente de pensamiento fundamentada en la epidemiología clásica, propone un marco interpretativo social que avanza al estudio de las desigualdades injustas y evitables, entre ellas las que se producen en el acceso y uso a los servicios de salud, los cuales operan de manera desigual en los sistemas sanitarios. Colombia no es la excepción, el asunto es que poco se estudian estas realidades en el sistema de salud desde la audiología, lo cual pone en evidencia las deudas en este campo que requiere de atención urgente de cara a lo que la misma organización propone frente a mejorar las condiciones de vida y luchar por la distribución desigual del dinero, los recursos y el poder.

Audiology, as a recent professional field, has been deeply rooted in the positivist paradigm and the logic of biomedicine that does not allow us to overcome the healthcare, clinical, therapeutic and individualistic vision of health. This has made it difficult to attempt theoretical, epistemological and ethical-political shifts that allow hearing health to be understood from perspectives that are concerned with transcending the individual and its biological essence, as well as entering contemporary health debates. The Social Determinants of Health as a current of thought based on classical epidemiology, proposes a social interpretive framework that advances the study of unfair and avoidable inequalities, including those that occur in access to and use of health services, which operate unequally in health systems. Colombia is no exception, the issue is that these realities are little studied in the health system from audiology, which highlights the debts in this field that requires urgent attention in the face of the recommendations of the Determinants Commission Social Health of the World Health Organization, confront, improve living conditions, and fight for the unequal distribution of money, resources and power. Joint efforts are needed to transform realities that pass through the health system every day.

Distúrb. comun ; 34(4): 55643, dez. 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425483


Introdução: Os termos 'e-audiologia', 'teleaudiologia', 'teleprática em audiologia' e variações, possuem uma característica em comum: avanços tecnológicos na audiologia. Objetivo: O estudo busca avaliar a evolução e desdobramentos da audiologia em modelo remoto no Brasil em comparação a outros países, assim como as vantagens e adversidades proporcionadas por este modelo. Método: Uma revisão integrativa foi realizada por meio de busca e análise de publicações disponíveis nas bases de dados Taylor & Francis Online, PubMed, Scielo, Thieme, ASHAWire e, entre novembro de 2020 e fevereiro de 2021, nos idiomas português brasileiro e inglês. Os termos de busca foram: e-audiologia, e-audiology, teleaudiologia, teleaudiology, telessaúde em audiologia, telehealth in audiology, teleprática em audiologia, telepractice in audiology. Foram considerados artigos publicados de forma gratuita abordando a audiologia em modelo remoto, sem limites ao ano de publicação. Resultados: Foram encontrados 987 artigos, mas apenas 79 foram selecionados para análise na presente revisão. O número de publicações apresentou um aumento nos últimos 5 anos e o Brasil, em comparação a outros países, mostrou bom nível de desenvolvimento em pesquisas na área da teleaudiologia. Conclusão: Não há dúvidas de que a teleaudiologia já possui um impacto significativo e positivo como modelo de atuação audiológica e, assim como em toda evolução, a e-audiologia vem oferecendo, ainda, maiores oportunidades para seus usuários. A insegurança e a incerteza vêm perdendo espaço para pesquisas e atualizações no campo ao redor do mundo, e, mesmo com algumas barreiras a serem enfrentadas, seu crescimento tem possibilitado acesso, autonomia, economia financeira e qualidade.

Introduction: The terms 'e-audiology', 'teleaudiology', 'telepractice in audiology' and variations, have one feature in common: technological advances in audiology. Objective: The study seeks to evaluate the evolution and developments of audiology in a remote model in Brazil compared to other countries, as well as the advantages and adversities provided by this model. Method: An integrative review was carried out by searching and analyzing publications available in the databases: Taylor & Francis Online, PubMed, Scielo, Thieme, ASHAWire and, between November 2020 and February 2021, in Brazilian Portuguese and English. The search words were: e-audiologia, e-audiology, teleaudiologia, teleaudiology, telessaúde em audiologia, telehealth in audiology, teleprática em audiologia, telepractice in audiology. Articles published free of charge addressing audiology in a remote model were considered without limits to the year of publication. Results: 987 articles were found, but only 79 were selected for analysis in this review. The number of publications has increased over the past 5 years and Brazil, compared to other countries, has shown a good level of development in research in the field of teleaudiology. Conclusion: There is no doubt that teleaudiology already has a significant and positive impact as a model of audiological performance and, as in all evolution, e-audiology has been offering even greater opportunities for its users. Insecurity and uncertainty have been losing ground for research and updates in the field around the world and even with some barriers to be faced, their growth has enabled access, autonomy, financial savings and quality.

Introduccíon: Los términos "e-audiología", "teleaudiología", "telepráctica en audiología" y variaciones tienen una característica en común: los avances tecnológicos en audiología. Objetivo: El estudio busca evaluar la evolución y desarrollos de la audiología en un modelo remoto en Brasil en comparación con otros países, así como las ventajas y adversidades que brinda este modelo. Método: Se realizó una revisión integradora mediante la búsqueda y análisis de publicaciones disponibles en las bases de datos Taylor & Francis Online, PubMed, Scielo, Thieme, ASHAWire y, entre noviembre de 2020 y febrero de 2021, en portugués brasileño e inglés. Los términos de búsqueda fueron: e-audiologia, e-audiology, teleaudiologia, teleaudiology, telessaúde em audiologia, telehealth in audiology, teleprática em audiologia, telepractice in audiology. Se consideraron los artículos publicados gratuitamente que abordan la audiología en un modelo remoto, sin límite de año de publicación. Resultado: Se encontraron 987 artículos, pero solo se seleccionaron 79 para el análisis en esta revisión. El número de publicaciones ha aumentado en los últimos 5 años y Brasil, en comparación con otros países, ha mostrado un buen nivel de desarrollo en la investigación en el campo de la teleaudiología. Conclusión: No cabe duda de que la teleaudiología ya tiene un impacto significativo y positivo como modelo de rendimiento audiológico y, como en toda evolución, la e-audiología viene ofreciendo aún mayores oportunidades para sus usuarios. La inseguridad y la incertidumbre han ido perdiendo terreno para las investigaciones y actualizaciones en el campo en todo el mundo, e incluso con algunas barreras que enfrentar, su crecimiento ha permitido el acceso, la autonomía, el ahorro financiero y la calidad.

Audiology , Telemedicine , Brazil