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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220855


Introduction: The period of adolescence involves a lot of emotional changes as it is a period of transition to adulthood demanding independence.Adolescents with depression are more likely to have anxiety, disruptive behavior disorder and substance abuse when compared to those who are not depressed. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of depression among school going adolescents and to assess the factors associated with depression among them. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among school going adolescents aged 13-16 years in the urban field practice area of a Medical College. Depression was assessed using Beck's depression inventory (BDI). Total 896 adolescents were included in this study. Single stage cluster sampling method was done in which schools were considered as clusters and students constituted the sampling units. Schools were selected by simple random sampling technique using lottery method. Results: In this study about 45.2% of the adolescents had depressive disorder, out of which mild depression was reported among 22.2% students, 12.4% moderately depressed and 10.6% severe depression. Factors like mother's education, lack of communication by father and mother with their children, lack of needs satisfied by the fathers of the adolescents (61.9%), father's role in adolescents' life (62%) and domestic violence in family (69.7%) were some of the important reasons for developing depression among adolescents. Adolescent whose parents were having conflict (69.2%) were found be depressed when compared to those adolescents whose parents had no conflicts this difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: The prevalence of depression was found to be 45.2%. Finding of the study emphasizes the need for creating awareness about the early identification of behavioral changes leading to depression among adolescents by the parents and teachers. It is also important to emphasize to the parents on how their relationship and behavior towards the family affects the mental wellbeing of the adolescents.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442096


La pandemia de COVID-19 se asocia con resultados mentales negativos en el período posparto temprano. Objetivo. Evaluar la salud mental posparto a largo plazo de las mujeres infectadas con COVID-19 durante el embarazo. Métodos. Estudio transversal en 101 gestantes que dieron a luz en un centro terciario durante la pandemia de COVID-19, entre el 31 de marzo de 2020 y el 30 de noviembre de 2021. Se clasificó a las gestantes en 2 grupos como COVID-19 positivo (grupo de estudio, n=52) y COVID-19 negativo (grupo control, n=49). Se recogieron datos sociodemográficos y obstétricos mediante un cuestionario en los períodos posparto temprano (≤6 meses) y tardío (6 a 18 meses). Se calculó la puntuación del Inventario de Depresión de Beck (IDB) y del Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck (IAB) mediante el análisis de los datos de las participantes. Resultados. La puntuación media del IDB y la tasa de depresión (puntuación del IDB >13) en las pacientes con COVID-19 positivo fueron mayores en el período posparto temprano que en el tardío. Según el análisis de regresión lineal multivariante, existió una correlación significativa entre la puntuación IDB de las pacientes con COVID-19 y el nivel educativo y la situación laboral. Según el mismo análisis, existió una correlación significativa entre la puntuación del IAB de los pacientes con COVID-19 y el apoyo del cónyuge, la relación marital y las enfermedades relacionadas con el nacimiento. Se encontró que las pacientes con COVID-19 positivo y COVID-19 negativo tenían puntuaciones IDB e IAB similares en los periodos postparto temprano (≤6 meses) y tardío (6-18 meses). Además, las tasas de ansiedad y depresión fueron similares en ambos grupos en los mismos períodos posparto. Conclusión. En nuestro estudio, la infección por COVID-19 en el embarazo no tuvo un impacto adicional significativo en la salud mental materna en el posparto a largo plazo.

The COVID-19 pandemic is associated with negative mental outcomes in the early postpartum period. Objective: To assess the long-term postpartum mental health of women infected with COVID-19 during pregnancy. Methods: Cross-sectional study in 101 pregnant women who gave birth in a tertiary center during the COVID-19 pandemic, between March 31, 2020, and November 30, 2021. The pregnant women were classified into 2 groups as COVID-19 positive (study group, n=52) and COVID-19 negative (control group, n=49). Sociodemographic and obstetric data were collected by questionnaire in the early (≤6 months) and late (6-18 months) postpartum periods. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) scores were calculated by analysis of the participants' data. Results: The mean BDI score and the rate of depression (BDI score >13) in COVID-19 positive patients were higher in the early postpartum period than in the late postpartum period. According to multivariate linear regression analysis, there was a significant correlation between the BDI score of COVID-19 patients and educational level and employment status. According to the same analysis, there was a significant correlation between the BAI score of COVID-19 patients and spousal support, marital relationship, and birthrelated diseases. We found that COVID-19 positive and COVID-19 negative patients had similar BDI and BAI scores in the early (≤6 months) and late (6-18 months) postpartum periods. In addition, rates of anxiety and depression were similar in both groups at the same postpartum periods. Conclusion: In our study, COVID-19 infection in pregnancy had no significant additional impact on long-term postpartum maternal mental health.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-843175


Objective • To explore the reliability and validity of self-rated Family Burden Scale (FBS) evaluating caregiver burden in families of the patients with anorexia nervosa (AN). Methods • The study included female AN patients (n=103) treated in the Eating Disorder Center of Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine from Jul. 2017 to Jul. 2019 and their caregivers (parents, n=148). General demographic information of the patients and their caregivers, the course of illness and body mass index (BMI) of patients, and the time each caregiver spent in caring for the patient per day were recorded. FBS, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and the MOS item short form health survey (SF-36) were self-rated by the caregivers. One-third of the caregivers were selected by random number method for FBS rating by specialists. The reliability of the scale was evaluated by calculating Cronbach's α coefficient, self-rating and other-rating consistency and the consistency between husband and wife (41 couples). The validity of the scale was evaluated by calculating the correlation of FBS score with the course of disease, patients' BMI, the time spent in caring per day, scores of BAI and BDI, and vitality, social function, role-emotion and mental health domain of SF-36. Results • The Cronbach's α coefficient of FBS was 0.921, the correlation coefficient between self-rating and other-rating by specialists was 0.705 (P=0.000), and the correlation coefficient of consistency score between couples was 0.547 (P=0.000). FBS score showed no correlation with the course of disease, %BMI and the time spent in caring per day. Scores of BAI and BDI, and vitality, social function, role-emotion and mental health domain of SF-36 showed low correlation with FBS score (all P<0.05). Conclusion • Self-rated FBS shows good reliability when used in families of AN patients. The validity is not as ideal, which suggests further revision of the scale.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194418


Background: Depression can be viewed as a modifiable independent risk factor for the development of T2DM and for progression of complications from either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The recognition and addressal of this association can have profound implications for prevention and treatment of these disorders. Objectives of this study the prevalence of depression among patients with diabetes mellitus type 2.Methods: A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect the sociodemographic profile and the details of the diabetes and its treatment and history of other chronic diseases. Beck depression inventory (BDS-II) was used for evaluation of depression and 8 item Morisky medication adherence scale (MMAS-8) was used for measurement of patient’s adherence to medication.Results: Majority of the potential cases of depression (33%) were in the age group of 51-60 years. 62% of the patients were male. Majority of the patients (40%) were in the age group of 51-60 years. 73.4% of the married patients were potential cases of depression. 78% of the patients were having family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Majority of the patients (72%) were overweight or obese (BMI> 25kg/m2).Conclusion: Duration of diabetes and duration of treatment was 5-10 years in majority of the patients and were significantly associated with prevalence of depression. Prevalence of depression was associated with sex, religion, and family history but was not statistically significant.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200192


Background: Depression is the most important neuropsychiatric complication in chronic kidney disease because it reduces quality of life and increases mortality. The beginning of dialysis treatment causes subtle changes in the life of CKD patients, mainly in the physical and social spheres. It affects the self-care of these patients which lead to poor adherence to dialysis. Hence, the present study was conducted to screen for depression.Methods: This was an observational study among 100 patients undergoing haemodialysis at HIMS, HASSAN. After taking informed consent, subjects were requested to complete Beck, depression Inventory, a 21-question multiple-choice self-report inventory for measuring the severity of depression. Descriptive statistics was applied to infer the findings.Results: The study population showed depression of mild (31%), borderline (10%), moderate (17%), severe (7%) and extreme (3%) grade and the remaining subjects did not show depressive symptoms (32%).Conclusions: Majority of patients undergoing hemodialysis were depressed. Major risk factors for depression were marital status of the patients, low literacy rate, gender and those started on dialysis recently.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; 68(2): 83-91, abr.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019993


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a depressão com instrumentos psicométricos válidos, confiáveis e breves é uma necessidade frequente de clínicos e outros profissionais de saúde mental. Este estudo apresenta evidências psicométricas do Inventário Beck de Depressão-II (BDI-II) e de sua versão desenvolvida especialmente para profissionais em Atenção Primária (BDI-PC). Métodos A amostra foi eleita de maneira não probabilística dos usuários do Facebook. O grupo foi composto por 692 participantes brasileiros, sendo 71,7% mulheres com idade média de 27,9 anos (DP = 11,6) e 28,3% homens com idade média de 30,1 anos (DP = 11,4). No geral, a idade média dos participantes foi de 28,5 anos (DP = 11,5). O modelo de Resposta Gradual de Samejima da Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI) foi implementado. Resultados Os resultados evidenciaram que o BDI-II (CFI = 0,99, RMSEA = 0,04) e o BDI-PC (CFI = 1,00, RMSEA = 0,01) são suficientemente unidimensionais e com indicadores adequados de fidedignidade, com coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,96 para o BDI-II e de 0,92 para o BDI-PC. Conclusões Este trabalho apresenta uma importante contribuição à área de avaliação psicológica/neuropsicológica e oferece à comunidade de pesquisadores e clínicos evidências originais que proporcionam o uso do BDI-PC.

ABSTRACT Objective The evaluation of depression with valid, reliable, and brief psychometric instruments is a common need for clinicians and other mental health professionals. The present study presents the psychometric evidence of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and its version developed especially for primary care professionals (BDI-PC). Methods The sample was chosen non-probabilistically from Facebook users. The group consisted of 692 Brazilian participants, of whom 71.7% were women with a mean age of 27.9 years (SD = 11.6) and 28.3% were men with a mean age of 30.1 years (SD = 11.4). In general, the mean age of participants was 28.5 years (SD = 11.5). The Samejima Gradual Response model of the Item Response Theory (IRT) was modeled. Results The results present that BDI-II (CFI = 0.99, RMSEA = 0.04) and BDI-PC (CFI = 1.00, RMSEA = 0.01) are sufficiently unidimensional, and both have adequate reliability, with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.96 for BDI-II and 0.92 for BDI-PC. Conclusions This work presents an important contribution to the psychological/neuropsychological evaluation area, and offers to the community of researchers and clinicians original evidence that provides the use of BDI-PC.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-805347


Objective@#To investigate needlestick injuries and depression among the female medical staff in a city district.@*Methods@#Using cross-sectional survey methods, female medical staff from selected sixteen hospitals voluntarily participated in questionnaire survey on APP of mobile phone. They Data were uploaded assessment platform, saved by Excel, and analysed by SPSS 22.0 statistical software.@*Results@#The lasted year, Incidence of needlestick injuries was 11.28%. Incidence of needlestick injuries was respectively 5.2%, 9.1% and 16.3% in Class-I hospital, Second-class Hospital and three levels of hospitals(χ2=28.900, P<0.01). And 6.3% Resting no more than 10 days of Incidence of needlestick injuries was 12.5%, others was 6.3%.Night shift no more than 5 days of Incidence of needlestick injuries was 8.5%, others was 15.1%. The rate of not less than 14 of BDI was respectively 18.6%, 29.1% and 32.7% in Class-I hospital, Second-class Hospital and three levels of hospitals (χ2=23.843, P<0.01). In recent one year, the rate of medical staff who have taken annual leave less than 10 days and higher than 10 days scoring over 14 in the Beck(Beck depression inventory, BDI) survey are respectively 29.1% and 17.8% (χ2=10.710, P<0.01). In recent one year, the rate of medical staff who worked in night shift less than 5 days and higher than 5 days each month scoring over 14 in the Beck survey are respectively 23.5% and 31.7%(χ2=8.886, P<0.01). In recent one year, the rate of medical staff who had needle injury and non-needle injury scoring over 14 in the Beck survey are respectively 35% and 25%(χ2=4.782, P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#The needle injury rate, high score rate in Beck survey among the medical staff increased when the level of the hospital they worked for increased. Medical staff should improve their method of rest.

Indian Heart J ; 2018 Nov; 70(6): 783-787
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-191668


Background Depression is a common condition in cardiac patients. We investigated the effect of cardiac rehabilitation on depressive symptoms as detected by Beck depression inventory II score (BDI) in patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods In this cohort, 95 patients met our criteria. Patients were then studied in two groups based on their participation in the rehabilitation program to rehabilitation (exposure) and the control (non-exposure) groups. The control group consisted of those who only participated in the introductory session and decided not to continue the program. Finally, demographic and clinical parameters as well as the BDI scores were compared between the study groups. Results Data of 35 patients who completed rehabilitation program was compared with 60 patients who did not. There was no significant difference between the study groups regarding the demographic and clinical variables, except for a higher frequency of family history for CAD in the control group (p < 0.001). The frequency of the patients with no or mild depression was significantly higher in the rehabilitation group than the controls (p = 0.02). There was also a significant increase in the BDI score of the control group and a significant decrease in the rehabilitation group (p < 0.001). After adjustment for confounders (family history and severity of CAD), not attending the rehabilitation program was a strong risk factor for depression (OR = 10.8, 95% CI: 1.3, 88.5; P = 0.027). Conclusion Overall, this study showed that not attending cardiac rehabilitation program following elective PCI was a risk factor for depression.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-714126


BACKGROUND: To further understand the relationship between anxiety and depression, this study examined the factor structure of the combined items from two validated measures for anxiety and depression. METHODS: The participants were 406 patients with mixed psychiatric diagnoses including anxiety and depressive disorders from a psychiatric outpatient unit at a university-affiliated medical center. Responses of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)-II, and Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) were analyzed. We conducted an exploratory factor analysis of 42 items from the BAI and BDI-II. Correlational analyses were performed between subscale scores of the SCL-90-R and factors derived from the factor analysis. Scores of individual items of the BAI and BDI-II were also compared between groups of anxiety disorder (n = 185) and depressive disorder (n = 123). RESULTS: Exploratory factor analysis revealed the following five factors explaining 56.2% of the total variance: somatic anxiety (factor 1), cognitive depression (factor 2), somatic depression (factor 3), subjective anxiety (factor 4), and autonomic anxiety (factor 5). The depression group had significantly higher scores for 12 items on the BDI while the anxiety group demonstrated higher scores for six items on the BAI. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that anxiety and depressive symptoms as measured by the BAI and BDI-II can be empirically differentiated and that particularly items of the cognitive domain in depression and those of physical domain in anxiety are noteworthy.

Humans , Anxiety Disorders , Anxiety , Depression , Depressive Disorder , Diagnosis , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Outpatients
Int. j. morphol ; 35(4): 1547-1552, Dec. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-893167


RESUMEN: El sobrepeso y la obesidad tienen una prevalencia que está aumentando mundialmente, principalmente en adolescentes; se relacionan con enfermedades crónicas graves y depresión, especialmente en mujeres. Se estudió a 180 mujeres adolescentes de Quito, Ecuador, muestreadas por clusters bietápico, a quienes se midió el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y se realizó el Inventario de Depresión de Beck I-A (IDB I-A), luego de obtener el asentimiento y consentimiento informado. Los datos fueron ingresados en Excel 2011 y procesados en SPSS v22, para determinar la asociación entre el IMC y depresión. La validación interna del IDB obtuvo un Alfa de Cronbach de 0,818; para la variable respuesta se utilizó la prueba de ANOVA de un factor, con un error alfa <0,05; se utilizó la prueba post-hoc de Games-Howell para diferenciar las medias; se obtuvieron datos descriptivos de posición y dispersión de las variables. Se encontró un 27,22 % de individuos con sobrepeso y obesidad y un 25,56 % con problemas depresivos, más frecuentes en mujeres de 19 años. Hubo diferencia entre las medias de depresión del grupo de peso normal vs sobrepeso y obesidad (p<0,05); la prueba post-hoc de Games-Howell diferenció peso normalsobrepeso (p<0,05). El riesgo relativo fue de 8,55. Estos resultados son similares, tanto en las variables de sobrepeso y obesidad, como en depresión, a los informados en otros estudios. Se observó una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables de estudio (sobrepesoobesidad y depresión), en mujeres adolescentes de la ciudad de Quito, Ecuador.

SUMMARY: Overweight and obesity are persistently increasing worldwide, mainly in adolescents. Both are related to serious chronic diseases and depression, especially in women. We studied 180 adolescent women from the city of Quito, Ecuador. After obtaining informed consent, the women were sampled by two-stage clusters, body mass index (BMI) was measured and Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI 1-A) was performed. The data were entered in Excel 2011 and processed in SPSS v22, to determine the association between BMI and depression. The internal validation of the BDI was calculated and Cronbach's alpha values of 0.818 were obtained. For the response variable, one-way ANOVA test was used, with an alpha error <0.05; the GamesHowell post-hoc test was used to differentiate the means; descriptive data of position and dispersion of the variables were obtained. We identified 27.22 % of the individuals with overweight and obesity, and 25.56 % with depression issues, being more frequent in 19year-old women. There was a difference between the means of depression of the normal weight group vs. overweight and obesity (p <0.05); the post-hoc test of Games-Howell differentiated normal weight-overweight (p <0.05). The relative risk was 8.55. These results are similar, both in overweight and obesity variables, and in depression, to those reported in other studies. A statistically significant association was observed between the study variables (overweight-obesity and depression), in adolescent women from the city of Quito, Ecuador.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Body Mass Index , Depression/epidemiology , Obesity/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Ecuador , Nutritional Status , Overweight/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-121505


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine the association between serum lipid profiles and depression according to gender difference. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study included 27,452 subjects(15044 men and 12408 women) who underwent health examination. The duration was from January 2013 to December 2013. We estimate the correlation between serum lipid profile and Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) scores. We compare the effect size using beta coefficient. RESULTS: In men, serum Triglyceride level was correlated positively with BDI scores(r=0.020, p<0.01). Serum LDL-C and HDL-C were negatively correlated with BDI scores(r=-0.015, p<0.01 ; r=-0.016, p<0.05). In women, Triglyceride level was also correlated positively with BDI scores(r=0.020, p<0.01), Serum HDL-C were negatively correlated with BDI scores(r=-0.019, p<0.01). There was no statistical significance between Serum LDL-C and Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) score. CONCLUSIONS: Both men and women had more depressive symptoms when they had low serum HDL-C level or high serum Triglyceride level. The depression symptoms were more severe when serum LDL-C level was low only in men.

Female , Humans , Male , Cholesterol , Cohort Studies , Depression , Retrospective Studies , Triglycerides
Gut and Liver ; : 426-433, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-17720


BACKGROUND/AIMS: The association between depression and chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection or pegylated interferon α and ribavirin therapy (PR therapy) has not been extensively studied in Korea. We aimed to clarify the prevalence of depression and its incidence during PR therapy in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients. METHODS: In this prospective, multicenter study, 114 CHC patients were screened for depression using two self-reported scales, the Beck Depression Inventory-I (BDI-I) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS). The incidence of depression during PR therapy was evaluated in 62 patients who underwent PR therapy during the study period. RESULTS: The prevalence of baseline depression was 17.5% according to the BDI-I score ≥10 criterion and 4.4% according to the HADS-D score ≥8 criterion in the 114 CHC patients, and it was significantly associated with an unmarried state. During PR therapy, depression developed in 34.6% according to the BDI-I scale and 29.5% according to the HADS-D, which negatively affected sustained virologic response (SVR). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of depression in Korean CHC patients appears to be low compared to that in Western patients; however, its incidence during PR therapy (approximately 30%) was similar to that of other populations, which led to a lower SVR rate. Active screening and multidisciplinary management of depression during PR therapy is warranted.

Humans , Anxiety , Depression , Hepacivirus , Hepatitis C, Chronic , Hepatitis, Chronic , Incidence , Interferons , Korea , Mass Screening , Prevalence , Prospective Studies , Republic of Korea , Ribavirin , Single Person , Weights and Measures
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-152981


OBJECTIVE: It was aimed to detect acylated ghrelin (AG), unacylated ghrelin (UG) and copeptin levels in patients with suicide attempts and to determine if these biomarkers are risk factors for suicide attempts. METHODS: Serum copeptin, AG and GU levels were screened in 128 patients who were admitted to emergency department with suicide attempts and 59 healthy controls. Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were applied simultaneously, and the data were compared statistically. RESULTS: AG, UG and copeptin levels were higher in the patient group compared with the healthy control group. BAI scores of patients were found to be positively correlated with BDI scores. While there was a significant difference (p=0.0064) between psychiatric and non-psychiatric patients with suicide attempts in terms of BAI scores, there were no differences in BDI scores and levels of biomarkers. We found significantly increased BDI and BAI scores and increased levels of AG, UG and copeptin in psychiatric and non-psychiatric patients compared with healthy individuals. The specificities yielded by receiver operating characteristic curve analysis in patients with suicide attempts were as follows: 91.53% for AG, 72.88% for UG and 94.92% for copeptin. CONCLUSION: Serum levels of AG, UG and copeptin increase with increasing anxiety and depression in patients with suicide attempts. Increased levels of AG, UG and copeptin could be considered a risk factor for suicide attempts.

Humans , Anxiety , Biomarkers , Depression , Emergency Service, Hospital , Ghrelin , Risk Factors , ROC Curve , Suicide
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175684


Background: Depression in adolescents often results in suicide, school drop-out, pregnancy, antisocial behavior, substance abuse, progressing in to adult depression functional disability and significant impairment. Depression in adolescents is an under recognized mental health problem. Methods: Cross-sectional study by using simple screening instrument Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) among school-going adolescents in urban Rohtak (Haryana). All the students of class 9th& 10th of 3 government schools were included. The data was collected on a predesigned, pre-tested, semi-structured, schedule by interview technique after obtaining informed consent from the concerned adolescents/principals of schools. Statistical analysis has been done with simple proportions and percentages using SPSS20. Results: A total of 374 adolescents participated in the study. More than half of study subjects were found to have scores corresponding to some degree of depression and nearly one in seven was suffering from moderate to severe depression. Conclusions: This study emphasizes the need for screening for depressive symptomatology and identifying adolescents who need further intervention.

Salud ment ; 38(4): 237-244, jul.-ago. 2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-766936


BACKGROUND: The number of Spanish-speaking individuals and immigrants in the United States has risen dramatically and is projected to continue to rise. The availability of appropriately translated and validated measurement instruments, such as the Beck Depression Inventory, is a priority for researchers and clinicians in the U.S. and Mexico, where the first edition of the BDI is still prominently used.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to pilot a Mexican adaptation of the BDI-II and report its initial psychometric characteristics.METHOD: Two samples were used: students from across Mexico and community adults from Mexico City. Descriptives and internal consistency, in addition to convergent, discriminant, and structural validity were considered.RESULTS: Results indicated that the translation was easily understood by most individuals. It had an adequate internal consistency, a three-factor structure (negative attitude, performance difficulties, and somatic elements) and the best fit.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Implications and future directions for use with Spanish speakers of Mexican origin are discussed.

ANTECEDENTES: El número de hispanohablantes en los Estados Unidos ha aumentado drásticamente y va a seguir aumentando. El desarrollo de instrumentos de medición, como el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (IDB) es una prioridad para los investigadores y clínicos en los Estados Unidos. Este es también una prioridad en México, donde la primera edición del IDB, debidamente traducida y validada, se utiliza todavía de manera prominente.OBJETIVO: El propósito de este estudio fue desarrollar una traducción mexicana del IDB-II e informar de sus características psicométricas.MÉTODO: Fueron utilizadas dos muestras: estudiantes de todo México y adultos de la comunidad del Distrito Federal. Las estadísticas incluyeron descriptivos, consistencia interna, validez convergente, validez discriminante y validez estructural.RESULTADOS: Los resultados indicaron que la mayoría de los individuos entendió fácilmente la traducción. Ésta tuvo una consistencia interna adecuada, una estructura de tres factores (actitud negativa, dificultades de rendimiento y elementos somáticos) y un mejor ajuste.DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIÓN: Se discuten las implicaciones para el uso con hispanohablantes de origen mexicano.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 18(1): 54-67, Jan-Mar/2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-736427


INTRODUÇÃO: Diversos estudos mostram o Funcionamento Diferencial do Item (DIF) em itens do Inventário de Depressão Beck (BDI), ao compararem homens e mulheres. A presença de um grande número de itens com DIF no BDI é uma severa ameaça à validade da medida da intensidade de sintomas depressivos obtida pela Teoria da Resposta ao Item (TRI) e às conclusões baseadas nos escores derivados dos itens com e sem DIF. OBJETIVO: Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar esses itens do BDI, ajustar o modelo de TRI para itens constrangedores (modelo 2), o qual acomoda itens com a presença de DIF, e comparar esses resultados com os do ajuste do modelo logístico de dois parâmetros tradicional da TRI (modelo 1). MÉTODOS: Os resultados obtidos com ambos os modelos foram comparados. RESULTADOS: Os itens que apresentaram DIF foram: tristeza, sentimento de fracasso, insatisfações, culpa, punição, choro, fatigabilidade e perda da libido. Os resultados do ajuste dos dois modelos são similares quanto à discriminação, gravidade (à exceção dos itens com DIF) e no cálculo de escores para os indivíduos. Apesar disso, o modelo 2 é vantajoso, pois mostra as diferenças em gravidade do sintoma depressivo para os grupos avaliados, trazendo, dessa forma, mais informação ao pesquisador sobre a população estudada. CONCLUSÃO: Esse modelo, que tem um alcance mais amplo em termos de população-alvo, pode ser uma ótima alternativa na identificação e acompanhamento de indivíduos com potencial depressivo. .

INTRODUCTION: There are several studies showing the presence of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) in some items of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), when comparing men and women. The presence of a large number of items with DIF in BDI is a severe threat to the validity of measurement of the intensity of depressive symptoms obtained by Item Response Theory (IRT) and to the conclusions based on the scores derived from the items with or without DIF. OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to identify these items from the BDI, adjust the IRT model for embarrassing items (model 2), which accommodates items with the presence of DIF, and compare these results with the fit of the traditional two-parameter logistic IRT model (model 1). METHODS: The results obtained with the both models were compared. RESULTS: Items with DIF were: sadness, feeling of failure, dissatisfaction, guilty, punishment, crying, fatigability and loss of libido. The results of the adjustment of the two models are similar in discrimination, gravity (except for items with DIF), and in the calculation of scores for individuals. Nevertheless, model 2 is beneficial because it shows the differences in gravity of depressive symptoms for groups evaluated, thus providing more information to the researcher on the study population. CONCLUSION: This model, which has a broader scope in terms of target population, may be a good alternative to the identification and follow-up of individuals with potential depression. .

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Depression , Depression/epidemiology , Models, Statistical
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-66169


Depression is related to various functional medical conditions. Its association with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is also expected. We evaluated whether depression and its severity are associated with LUTS when LUTS risk factors including prostate volume (PV) are taken into account in a large population of Korean men. Study subjects included 10,275 men who underwent routine health check-ups at the Healthcare System Gangnam Center of Seoul National University Hospital. Depression was assessed using Beck Depression Inventory-II and LUTS using international prostate symptom score. PV was measured using transrectal ultrasonography by a radiologist. Effect sizes of depression severity on total, storage, and voiding symptoms were assessed. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, mild, moderate and severe depression were associated with total (adjusted odds ratio: aOR = 2.99, 3.86 and 8.99; all P < 0.001), voiding (aOR = 3.04, 3.28 and 5.58; all P < 0.001) and storage symptoms (aOR = 2.43, 3.43 and 2.89; all P < 0.05) showing dose response relationships (all P trend < 0.001). In a subgroup analysis for participants with PV data (n = 1,925), mild and moderate-severe depression were also associated with LUTS (aOR = 3.29, 2.84; P < 0.001 and 0.018, respectively). In conclusion, depression and its severity are strongly associated with total, voiding, and storage symptoms independently of PV state.

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Age Distribution , Comorbidity , Depression/diagnosis , Incidence , Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms/diagnosis , Men's Health/statistics & numerical data , Organ Size , Prostate , Prostatic Hyperplasia/diagnosis , Republic of Korea/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Severity of Illness Index
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-44492


BACKGROUND: To investigate and analyze MRI findings in relation to visual analogue scale (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), psychological-factor, sleep-quality, and Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) scores among patients with central lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) for the purpose of elucidating a correlation. METHODS: From July 2013 to May 2014, 117 consecutive patients with central LSS were included in this study. All of the MRIs were evaluated by one of the authors, and the evaluated items were the dural sac cross-sectional area (DSCSA), the number of stenotic levels, and the presence and levels of spondylolisthesis. The ODI, VAS, 36-item SF-36, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaires were used to evaluate the participants. RESULTS: There are no correlations between the ODI, VAS, BDI, BAI, PSQI, and SF-36 scores and the minimum DSCSA; however, a significant correlation was found between the ODI scores and multilevel LSS. The BDI, BAI, and PSQI scores are higher for multilevel LSS compared with single-level LSS, but the difference of this mean value is not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: A significant correlation was shown between those patients with multilevel LSS and the ODI scores; however, significant correlations were not found between the MRI findings and the psychological factors pertaining to sleep and life qualities.

Humans , Anxiety , Depression , Health Surveys , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Psychology , Quality of Life , Spinal Stenosis , Spondylolisthesis
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 43(1): 2-6, ene.-mar. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-715331


Introducción: Se ha relacionado la depresión con la ocurrencia de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Parece incrementar el riesgo de muerte en enfermedad coronaria. La presencia de depresión tras un síndrome coronario agudo (SCA) y su relación con factores socioeconómicos no se ha estudiado en Colombia. Objetivo: Describir la frecuencia de depresión y sus factores asociados en pacientes hospitalizados por SCA. Métodos: Entre abril y mayo de 2008, se llevó a cabo un estudio de corte transversal en tres unidades de cuidado coronario en Santa Marta, Colombia. La presencia de síntomas depresivos se evaluó con el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI). Se consideró depresión si el BDI era ≥ 10. Se probó la relación entre la presencia de depresión y características demográficas, clínicas y paraclínicas. Resultados: Se encontró un BDI ≥ 10 (algún grado de depresión) en 21 (63,64%) pacientes; 9 de 10 (91,66%) pacientes sin ingresos fijos presentaron depresión, frente a 12 de 23 (57,14%) con ingresos fijos (p = 0,037). En 8 de 8 (100%) pacientes con inversión patológica de la onda T en el electrocardiograma, se evidenció depresión, frente a 13 de 25 (52%) sin cambios en la onda T (p = 0,014); 17 de 22 (77,27%) pacientes que tenían consumo previo de cigarrillos presentaron depresión, frente a 4 de 11 (36,36%) que nunca habían consumido cigarrillos (p = 0,021). Conclusiones: Los síntomas depresivos son altamente prevalentes entre los pacientes que sufren un SCA. El desempleo, la inversión patológica de la onda T y el consumo de cigarrillos parecen estar asociados con la presencia de síntomas depresivos tras un evento coronario agudo.

Background: Depression has been related to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, and also appears to increase the risk of death from coronary artery disease. The presence of depression after the occurrence of an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and its relationship with socioeconomic factors has not been studied in Colombia. Objective: To describe the frequency of depression and associated factors in patients hospitalized with an ACS. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out between April and May 2008 in three coronary care units in Santa Marta, Colombia. The presence of depression was evaluated with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Depression was considered to be present if BDI was equal or greater than 10. The relationship between the presence of depression and demographic, clinic and laboratory characteristics was analyzed. Results: A BDI score ≥10 (any degree of depression) was seen in 21 (63.64%) of the patients. In 9 out of 10 (91.66%) patients without stable income had depression in contrast to 12 out of 23 (57.14%) with stable income (P=.037). Depression was found in in 8 of the 8 (100%) patients with electrocardiographic pathological T wave inversion, in contrast to 13 out of the 25 (52%) without changes in T wave (P=.014). Depression was detected in 17 of 22 (77.27%) patients who smoked cigarettes versus 4 of 11 (36.36%) of patients who have never smoked (P=.021). Conclusions: Depressive symptoms are significantly present in patients suffering an acute coronary syndrome. Unemployment, pathological T wave inversion, and smoking seem to be associated with the presence of depressive symptoms after an acute coronary event.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Stress, Psychological , Cardiovascular Diseases , Depression , Acute Coronary Syndrome , Socioeconomic Factors , Colombia , Coronary Care Units , Coronary Disease
Clinics ; 68(9): 1274-1287, set. 2013. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-687761


To perform a systematic review of the utility of the Beck Depression Inventory for detecting depression in medical settings, this article focuses on the revised version of the scale (Beck Depression Inventory-II), which was reformulated according to the DSM-IV criteria for major depression. We examined relevant investigations with the Beck Depression Inventory-II for measuring depression in medical settings to provide guidelines for practicing clinicians. Considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria seventy articles were retained. Validation studies of the Beck Depression Inventory-II, in both primary care and hospital settings, were found for clinics of cardiology, neurology, obstetrics, brain injury, nephrology, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, oncology, and infectious disease. The Beck Depression Inventory-II showed high reliability and good correlation with measures of depression and anxiety. Its threshold for detecting depression varied according to the type of patients, suggesting the need for adjusted cut-off points. The somatic and cognitive-affective dimension described the latent structure of the instrument. The Beck Depression Inventory-II can be easily adapted in most clinical conditions for detecting major depression and recommending an appropriate intervention. Although this scale represents a sound path for detecting depression in patients with medical conditions, the clinician should seek evidence for how to interpret the score before using the Beck Depression Inventory-II to make clinical decisions.

Female , Humans , Male , Depressive Disorder/diagnosis , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards , Language , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Severity of Illness Index , Validation Studies as Topic