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Eng. sanit. ambient ; 25(4): 627-634, jul.-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133805


RESUMO A casca de coco verde é considerada um resíduo de complexa degradação, podendo ser também foco de proliferação de doenças. Com base nessa premissa e com a necessidade de se estudarem novas fontes renováveis de energia, a utilização de resíduos de casca de coco verde como fonte energética apresenta aspectos benéficos, desde que seja viável econômica e tecnicamente. Assim, este artigo visa avaliar o potencial energético da casca do coco verde por meio da produção de briquetes. Foram realizadas análises das características físico-químicas dos briquetes e da biomassa in natura. Como resultados, foram encontrados poder calorífico de 13,6 MJ/kg para biomassa in natura; já para os briquetes, com aglutinantes água e amido, os valores foram de 15,6 e 11,7 MJ/kg, respectivamente. O poder calorífico da biomassa in natura não resultou valores inferiores quando comparados com a literatura de referência, porém sua umidade e teor de cinzas se apresentaram bastante elevados. Para os briquetes produzidos, esses valores se reduzem e o poder calorífico é considerado alto e eficiente para fins de geração de calor. Dessa forma, verifica-se o potencial de utilização dos resíduos da casca como alternativa energética, além das vantagens socioeconômicas e ambientais.

ABSTRACT A green coconut shell is considered a residue of complex degradation, and can also be a focus of proliferation of diseases. Based on this premise, it is necessary to study new renewable sources of energy, the use of residues of green coconut shell as an energy source has beneficial aspects, since economically and technically viable. Thus, this article aims to evaluate the energy potential of the green coconut shell through the briquettes production. Analyzes of the physic-chemical characteristics of the briquettes and of the in natura biomass were carried out. As a result, a calorific value of 13.6 MJ/kg was found for in natura biomass, for the briquettes, with binder water and starch, presented calorific value of 15.6 and 11.7 MJ/kg, respectively. The calorific value in the in natura biomass did not result in much lower values compared to the reference literature; however, its humidity and ash content were quite high. For the briquettes produced, these values are reduced and the calorific value is considered high and efficient if it is treated for purposes of heat generation. Thus, the potential for using bark residues as an alternative energy is verified, in addition to the socioeconomic and environmental advantages.

Santa Tecla, La Libertad; ITCA Editores; ene. 2020. 46 p. 28 cm.ilus., tab., graf..
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1179073


Los plásticos se producen a partir del petróleo. Estos polímeros perduran en la naturaleza por largos períodos de tiempo y, por tanto, se acumulan, generando así grandes cantidades de residuos sólidos. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es producir, a escala de laboratorio, un bioplástico a partir de la fibra contenida en la cáscara de coco, que pueda servir de materia prima para la elaboración de productos biodegradables.

Plastics are produced from oil. These polymers persist in nature for long periods of time and, therefore, they are accumulated in large amounts of solid waste. The main objective of this research is to produce, on a laboratory scale, a bioplastic from the fiber contained in the coconut shell, which can serve as raw material for the production of biodegradable products.

Plastics , Polymers , Biopolymers/analysis , Research , Solid Waste , Cocos
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215605


Background: Distilled liquid smoke from coconut shell(Cocos nucifera L.) by pyrolysis process with final0 0temperature 400 C and then distilled in 120-150 C. Thecharacteristics of distilled liquid smoke are yellow3liquid, with acidity 2.39 and density 1.0643 g/cm . Themajor identified compounds arephenol (36.6%), 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol) (25.2%), furfural (17.8%),2-methoxy-5-methylphenol (5.2%) and 4-ethyl-2-methoxyphenol (EMP) (3.5%) with 28 other minorconstituents by GCMS. Aim and Objectives: Distilledliquid smoke was examined to investigate its potentialtherapeutic to oral ulcer healing and diabetic conditionon the rat. Furthermore, the clinical oral ulcer healingwas evaluated based on ulcer size and diabetic wasevaluated based on Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) andbody weight changes. Material and Methods: Diabeteswas induced by alloxan. Seventy-two hours afterinjection, the diabetic condition was confirmed withFBG of >200mg/dl, then the labial fornix anterior wasinjured to induce oral ulcer using round steel blade.Results: The clinical oral ulcer healing was improvedafter treatment with distillated liquid smoke comparedto benzydamine hydrochloride and aquadest sterile forthree days (p=0.005) and seven days (p=0.000).Treatment for seven days with distilled liquid smokeshowed significant improvement of the body masschanges compared to benzydamine hydrochloride(p=0.008) and aquadest sterile (p=0.002). There wasno improvement of FBG after treatment with distilledliquid smoke (p=0.152). Conclusion: Treatment withdistilled liquid smoke coconut shell can improved oralulcer healing and body weight changes, but not FBGchanges