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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558091


El presente estudio busca definir los parámetros de la cámara fotográfica y encuadre de la imagen para generar fotografías estandarizadas a modelos dentales de yeso que permitan realizar mediciones intermaxilares a través de fotogrametría, y que estas distancias sean tan confiables y válidas como el registro físico. Se realizó medición directa de los modelos con compás de Korkhaus y medición indirecta a través de fotogrametría digital, evaluando si existía diferencia estadística entre ambas mediciones. Como resultado, no se observaron diferencias significativas entre el protocolo digital con un objetivo 100 mm y magnificación 1:4 en comparación con las mediciones directas, por lo que se concluye que con los parámetros seleccionados se logra una adecuada precisión en la fotogrametría respecto a la medición directa.

This study aims to compare the different parameters of the photographic camera with the digital image framing to standardize dental model photography, in order to take intermaxillary measurements through photogrammetry, and so that these distances are as reliable and valid as the physical record. Direct measurement of the models was made with a Korkhaus compass, and indirect measurement through digital photogrammetry, evaluating whether there was a statistical difference between both measurements. As a result, no significant differences were observed between the digital protocol with a 100 mm objective and 1:4 magnification and the direct measurements. It is concluded that with the selected parameters, adequate precision is achieved in photogrammetry, when compared to the direct measurement.

Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research ; (53): 5846-5851, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022083


BACKGROUND:In clinical practice,the anterior superior iliac spine and posterior superior iliac spine are usually located by palpation,and the tilt of the pelvis is determined by visual observation method or photogrammetry.Among them,the visual observation method can only have qualitative conclusions,and its reliability is poor.The photogrammetry is not only more convenient and fast,but also can give more accurate quantitative data,which is one of the best clinical evaluation methods.However,there are no studies on the reliability of pelvic posture assessment using photogrammetry in China. OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the pelvic posture by visual observation method and photogrammetry,and to compare the reliability level of the two methods to guide clinical application. METHODS:Forty-five healthy subjects were selected and red marks were made at the bilateral anterior superior iliac spine and posterior superior iliac spine.Pelvic posture was photographed from the front,back(coronal plane),left,and right(sagittal plane).The left and right pelvic tilt angles(α,β angles)were selected from the front and back views,which represented the angle between the bilateral anterior superior iliac spine line or the bilateral posterior superior iliac spine line and the horizontal line.The anterior and posterior pelvic tilt angles(γ,θ angles)were selected from the side view,which represented the angle between the ipsilateral anterior superior iliac spine and posterior superior iliac spine line and the horizontal plane,indicating the sagittal plane pelvic tilt.Evaluation methods included visual observation method and photogrammetry.Two evaluators independently evaluated the pelvic α,β,γ,θ angles using the visual observation method first,and then recorded the pelvic α,β,γ,θ angles using the photogrammetry.After a one-month interval,the visual observation method and photogrammetry were performed again,and the pelvic α,β,γ,θ angles were recorded.The intraclass correlation coefficients were used to analyze the data obtained from the two evaluation methods and the before-and-after measurements:0.90-0.99 as an excellent correlation,0.80-0.89 as a good correlation,0.70-0.79 as a moderate correlation,and≤0.69 as a poor correlation.The standard error of measurement and the minimal detectable change with 95%confidence intervals were calculated to evaluate the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The interrater intraclass correlation coefficients of the visual observation method and photogrammetry were as follows:anterior view:0.682 and 0.718,posterior view:0.513 and 0.867,left view:0.739 and 0.960,and right view:0.756 and 0.971.The visual observation method showed poor correlation between the anterior and posterior views and moderate correlation between the left and right views,while the photogrammetry showed moderate correlation for the anterior view,good correlation for the posterior view,and excellent correlation for the left and right views.The standard error values of measurement were as follows:anterior view:3.266 and 1.625,posterior view:4.278 and 1.763,left view:5.935 and 1.787,and right view:5.723 and 1.698.The minimal detectable change values with 95%confidence intervals were as follows:anterior view:9.053 and 4.504,posterior view:11.858 and 4.887,left view:16.451 and 4.953,and right view:15.863 and 4.707.(2)The interrater intraclass correlation coefficients of the visual observation method and photogrammetry were as follows:anterior view:0.452 and 0.723,posterior view:0.483 and 0.904,left view:0.518 and 0.955,and right view:0.657 and 0.968.The visual observation method showed poor correlation in all four directions,while the photogrammetry showed moderate correlation for the anterior view and excellent correlation for the other three directions.The standard error values of measurement were as follows:anterior view:5.651 and 1.610,posterior view:4.237 and 1.523,left view:7.322 and 1.891,and right view:6.509 and 1.781.The minimal detectable change values with 95%confidence intervals were as follows:anterior view:15.664 and 4.463,posterior view:11.744 and 4.222,left view:20.296 and 5.242,and right view:18.042 and 4.937.(3)These results confirm that the sagittal and coronal plane photogrammetries have good intrarater and interrater reliability for evaluating pelvic posture,especially with the use of the photogrammetry,which has good data stability.This method is simple,fast,efficient,accurate,low-cost,and does not cause X-ray damage,and can qualitatively and quantitatively reflect the actual situation of the patient's pelvis,making it suitable for clinical use.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 89(5): 101289, Sept.-Oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520503


Abstract Objectives: To present and execute a protocol for the capture of 3D facial images using photogrammetry through the open access software Blender and its add-on OrtogOnBlender (OOB) and to evaluate the compatibility of the 3D meshes generated with Computed tomography (CT) of the sinuses. Methods: Individuals > 18 years old, candidates for Rhinoseptoplasty in a tertiary hospital, were submitted to a photographic session to perform the standardized protocol. In the session, divided into 3 phases, sequential photos were taken for processing the photogrammetry in the OOB and producing 3D meshes of the face. The photogrammetry reconstructions were compared with the reference mesh of the soft tissue surface of the Sinus CT scan to assess compatibility between them. Results: 21 patients were included, 67% female. 3 photogrammetry meshes and 1 CT reference mesh were generated, which demonstrated matching compatibility, as most of the mean distances between cloud points were <1.48mm. Phase 3 of the session with the highest number of photos (54.36 ± 15.05) generated the most satisfactory mesh with the best resolution. Conclusions: The proposed protocol is reproducible and feasible in clinical practice, generated satisfactory 3D meshes of the face, being a potential tool for surgical planning and comparison of results. For the implementation of photogrammetry for use in 3D anthropometry, it is necessary to validate this method. Level of evidence: 3. OCEBM Levels of Evidence Working Group.1 The Oxford 2011 Levels of Evidence. Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine.

Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(1): 37-39, abr. 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440273


El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la variación de la Posición Natural de Cabeza (PNC) entre personas con dentición mixta segunda fase y dentición permanente, mediante fotogrametría facial. Para esto se realizó un estudio comparativo observacional analítico. La muestra estuvo conformada por 80 voluntarios divididos en dos grupos de 40 participantes cada uno. Se utilizó fotografías faciales de perfil estandarizadas en PNC. Mediante el software Photoshop® se trazó el plano Intertrágico-Exocanto (t-ex) y se midió el ángulo formado respecto a la horizontal verdadera para determinar la inclinación de la PNC. El valor de este ángulo se obtuvo mediante el software UTHSCSA ImageTool 3.0®. Los datos fueron tabulados en una planilla Excel (Microsoft® Excel® 2016) y analizados estadísticamente en el programa Stata 14 S/E®. Se observaron diferencias estadísticas en la inclinación de la PNC entre los grupos, con valores promedio 26.17° y 33.44° para dentición mixta segunda fase y permanente respectivamente, con una diferencia promedio de 7.27°. Se concluyó que la PNC de personas con dentición permanente presenta una rotación antihoraria respecto a personas con dentición mixta segunda fase.

This research aimed at studying the variation of the Natural Head Position (NHP) between people with second transitional mixed dentition and permanent dentition, using facial photogrammetry. For this, an analytical observational comparative study was performed. The sample consisted of 80 volunteers divided into two groups of 40 participants each. Using standardized profile facial photographs in NHP and Photoshop® software, the intertragic-exocanthion plane (t- ex) was traced. The angle formed to the true horizontal was measured to determine the inclination of the NHP using the UTHSCSA ImageTool 3.0® software. The data were tabulated in an Excel Spreadsheet (Microsoft® Excel® 2016) and analyzed with Stata 14 S/E® software. Statistical differences in the inclination of the NHP between groups were observed, with average values ​​of 26.17° for second transitional mixed dentition and 33.44° for permanent dentition, with an average difference of 7.27°. It was concluded that the NHP of people with permanent dentition shows an anti-clockwise rotation in relation to people with second transitional mixed dentition.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Software , Photogrammetry , Head-Down Tilt , Dentition , Comparative Study
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(1): 7-9, abr. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440266


Objetivo: estudiar y comparar la inclinación de la cabeza entre niños con dentición primaria completa y dentición mixta primera fase. Materiales y métodos: el estudio incluyó a 80 voluntarios entre 4 y 9 años, a quienes se les tomó una fotografía facial de perfil derecho estandarizada, en Posición Natural de Cabeza. Éstas fueron analizadas mediante software de edición de imágenes para determinar la inclinación de la cabeza de cada voluntario. Para ello, se definió un plano (plano t-ex) formado por el punto Intertrágico (t) y Exocanto (ex) y se comparó respecto a la horizontal verdadera. Los datos obtenidos fueron tabulados, clasificados en dos grupos según el tipo de dentición y analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: el promedio de inclinación del plano t-ex fue de 22,7º en el grupo de niños con dentición primaria completa y de 25,8º en el grupo de niños con dentición mixta primera fase. La diferencia entre ambos grupos fue de 3,1º, con significancia estadística (p = 0,006). Conclusión: la inclinación de la cabeza de los niños con dentición mixta primera fase es mayor en sentido antihorario, respecto a la de los niños con dentición primaria completa.

Objective: to study and compare head tilt among children with complete primary dentition and first transitional period of the mixed dentition stage. Materials and methods: the study included 80 volunteers between 4 and 9 years of age, who were taken a standardized right profile facial photograph in a Natural Head Position. These photographs were analyzed using image editing software to determine the head tilt of each volunteer. For this, a plane (plane t-ex) formed by the Intertragic point (t) and Exocanth (ex) was defined and compared with respect to the true horizontal. The data obtained were tabulated, classified into two groups according to the type of dentition and statistically analyzed. Results: the average t-ex plane inclination was 22.7º in the group of children with complete primary dentition and 25.8º in the group of children with first transitional period of the mixed dentition stage. The difference between both groups was 3.1º, with statistical significance (p = 0.006). Conclusion: the head tilt of children with first transitional period of the mixed dentition stage is greater in an anti-clockwise direction, compared to that of children with complete primary dentition.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Head-Down Tilt , Dentition , Dentition, Mixed
São Paulo med. j ; 141(3): e2022257, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432434


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Rounded shoulder (RS) posture causes neck and shoulder pathologies. Mechanical correction taping (MCT) is often incorporated into postural corrective therapies; however, its effects on muscle stiffness are unclear. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the effect of MCT with different tape fabrics, along with exercise, on upper trapezius and pectoralis minor muscle stiffness and the posture of sedentary workers. DESIGN AND SETTING: A randomized controlled study was performed at Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Aydın, Turkey. METHODS: The study included 39 workers with RS posture. Two intervention groups (performance tape: PT and classic tape: CT) were taped twice a week and administered a home exercise program for 4 weeks. The control (C) group performed only home exercises. RS was measured using an acromion-testing table (AT), stiffness using shear wave elastography ultrasound, and shoulder angle (SA) using a smartphone application at baseline and 4 weeks. Time and group interactions were determined using 3 × 2 mixed analysis of variance. RESULTS: Intragroup analyses revealed a significant main effect of time on AT distance (η2 = 0.445) and SA (η2 = 0.325) in the PT and C groups (P < 0.05) and left upper trapezius stiffness (η2 = 0.287) in the CT and C groups (P < 0.05). In the post hoc analyses, no difference was noted between the groups from baseline to 4 weeks (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Scapular MCT added to postural exercises did not show any difference between the intervention groups and controls in terms of muscle stiffness and posture in sedentary workers.

Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1431044


Abstract Bitemark analysis is a challenging procedure in the field of criminal case investigation. The unique characteristics of dentition are used to find the best match between the existing patterned injury and the suspected perpetrator in bitemark identification. Bitemark analysis accuracy can be influenced by various factors, including biting pressure, tooth morphology, skin elasticity, dental cast duplication, timing, and image quality. This review article discusses the potential of a smartphone camera as an alternative method for 3D bitemark analysis. Bitemark evidence on human skin and food should be immediately recorded or duplicated to retrieve long-lasting proof, allowing for a sufficient examination period. Various studies utilizing two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) technologies have been developed to obtain an adequate bitemark analysis. 3D imaging technology provides accurate and precise analysis. However, the currently available method using an intraoral scanner (IOS) requires high-cost specialized equipment and a well-trained operator. The numerous advantages of monoscopic photogrammetry may lead to a novel method of 3D bitemark analysis in forensic odontology. Smartphone cameras and monoscopic photogrammetry methodology could lead to a novel method of 3D bitemark analysis with an efficient cost and readily available equipment.

Bites, Human/diagnostic imaging , Photogrammetry/instrumentation , Smartphone , Forensic Dentistry , Identity Recognition , Forensic Anthropology , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Odontometry
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 80(11): 1126-1133, Nov. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429860


Abstract Background Depression is an important nonmotor symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD) and has been associated with the motor symptoms in these individuals. Objectives To determine whether there are relationships between depressive symptoms and abnormalities in axial postural alignment and axial motor deficits, especially postural instability, and trunk rigidity in PD. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 65 individuals were evaluated using the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) for the analysis of depressive symptoms and underwent a postural assessment of head, trunk, and hip sagittal alignment through computerized photogrammetry. The MDS-UPDRS was used to assess clinical aspects of PD, the Trunk Mobility Scale was used to assess axial rigidity, and the MiniBESTest to assess balance. To determine the relationship between depressive symptoms and postural alignment, multiple linear regression analysis was performed. Results The participants with depressive symptoms had more severe motor deficits as well as greater trunk rigidity and worse postural instability (p < 0.05). When the postural angles were compared between men and women using Student's t-test, it was found that men had greater flexion angles of the head (p = 0.003) and trunk (p = 0.017). Using multiple linear regression analysis corrected for the age and sex of the participants, we verified that the anterior trunk inclination was significantly larger in the PD population with depressive symptoms (R2 = 0.453, β = 0.116, and p = 0.045). Conclusion PD individuals with depressive symptoms have more severe flexed trunk posture, mainly in older men. Additionally, more severe depressive symptoms are associated with worsening postural instability, trunk rigidity and motor deficits in this population.

Resumo Antecedentes A depressão é um sintoma não motor importante da doença de Parkinson (DP) e tem sido associada aos sintomas motores nesses indivíduos. Objetivos Determinar se existem relações entre sintomas depressivos e anormalidades no alinhamento postural axial e déficits motores axiais, especialmente instabilidade postural e rigidez de tronco na DP. Métodos Neste estudo transversal, 65 indivíduos foram avaliados pelo BDI-II para análise de sintomas depressivos e submetidos à avaliação postural do alinhamento sagital de cabeça, tronco e quadril por meio de fotogrametria computadorizada. A MDS-UPDRS avaliou os aspectos clínicos, TMS avaliou rigidez axial e o MiniBESTest equilíbrio. Para determinar a relação entre sintomas depressivos e alinhamento postural, realizou-se uma análise de regressão linear múltipla. Resultados Os participantes com sintomas depressivos apresentaram déficits motores mais graves, bem como maior rigidez de tronco e pior instabilidade postural (p < 0,05). Quando comparados os ângulos posturais entre homens e mulheres pelo teste t de Student, verificou-se que os homens apresentaram maiores graus de flexão da cabeça (p = 0,003) e do tronco (p = 0,017). Por meio da análise de regressão linear múltipla corrigida para a idade e sexo dos participantes, verificamos que a inclinação anterior do tronco foi significativamente maior nos indivíduos com DP com sintomas depressivos do que sem sintomas depressivos (R2 = 0,453, β = 0,116 e p = 0,045) Conclusão Indivíduos com DP com sintomas depressivos apresentam postura de tronco flexionado mais severa, principalmente em homens mais idosos. Além disso, os sintomas depressivos mais graves pioram significativamente a instabilidade postural, a rigidez do tronco e os déficits motores nessa população.

Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 15(2): 125-128, ago. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448440


El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar si existen diferencias en la inclinación de la Posición Natural de Cabeza (PNC) entre las clases esqueléticas, mediante fotogrametría. Para esto se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal. La muestra fue de 45 voluntarios de entre 18 y 50 años. Se determinó la clase esquelética mediante análisis de Steiner y Wits, en radiografías laterales de cráneo, utilizando el software BlueSkyPlan®. A cada participante se le tomó una fotografía de perfil en PNC. Posteriormente, en Photoshop®, se trazó un plano entre los puntos tragion y exocanto (plano t-ex) y la horizontal verdadera, para finalmente medir el ángulo formado en el programa UTHSCSA ImageTool3.0®, determinando así la inclinación de la cabeza. Luego de tabular los datos, se realizaron análisis estadísticos. Este estudio evidenció una diferencia de 6,68° en promedio en la inclinación de la PNC entre los pacientes clase II y I esquelética, con significación estadística, por lo que se concluye que los pacientes clase II esquelética tienen una PNC más inclinada en sentido horario respecto a los pacientes clase I, en la muestra analizada. Los pacientes clase III no mostraron diferencias.

The objective of this research is to evaluate the differences in the inclination of the Natural Head Position (NHP) between skeletal classes, using photogrammetry. For this, a cross-sectional analytical observational study was carried out. The sample consisted of 45 volunteers between 18 and 50 years old. The skeletal class was determined by Steiner and Wits analysis, in lateral skull radiographs, using the BlueSkyPlan® software. Each participant had a profile photograph taken at NHP. A plane was drawn between the tragion and exocanthion points and the true horizontal using Photoshop®, and the angle was measured using UTHSCSA ImageTool3.0® software, assessing the inclination of the head. After data tabulation, statistical analyses were performed. This study showed an average difference of 6.68° in the inclination of the NHP between skeletal class II and I patients, with statistical significance. It was concluded that skeletal class II patients have a more inclined NHP in a clockwise direction compared to class I patients, in the analyzed sample. Class III patients did not show differences.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Skeleton , Photogrammetry , Head , Observational Study
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 36(1)abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409053


Introducción: La evaluación anatómica músculo esquelética por imagen en la exploración clínica del pie diabético es la fotografía digital que evalúa la morfología superficial. Objetivos: Validar la obtención de las imágenes fotográficas del pie, calcular las mediciones longitudinales, angulares y el índice del arco plantar, de las imágenes fotográficas del pie por fotogrametría, y basados en estas, categorizar la normalidad de la forma en sujetos sanos. Métodos: Estudio exploratorio en 30 individuos sanos evaluados en la Unidad clínica de pie diabético en la ciudad de Trujillo, mediante un prototipo de cámaras alrededor de un podoscopio y un software de análisis de imágenes. La imagen fotográfica fue evaluada por mediciones longitudinales, angulares y el índice del arco plantar. Resultados: Los pacientes evaluados tenían una edad media de 25,06+/-11,95 años, y predominaron las mujeres. La longitud total del pie y anchura del metatarso en el lado derecho fue de 226,55 ± 36,49 mm y 98,99 ± 22,71 mm respectivamente; y en el lado izquierdo fue de 229,81 ± 42,25 mm y 104,49 ± 16,84 mm respectivamente. El ángulo intermetatarsal del 1-2 rayo, ángulo intermetatarsal del 4-5 rayo y ángulo del retropié para el lado derecho fueron 14 ± 4º, 11 ± 3º y 2 ± 2º respectivamente; para el lado izquierdo 14 ± 3º, 9 ± 3º y 2 ± 2º respectivamente, y el índice plantar del arco derecho e izquierdo fueron 0,23 ± 0,2 y 0,22 ± 0,1 respectivamente. La variabilidad solo se presentó en el antepie en el 20 percent de los casos. Conclusiones: La obtención de las imágenes fotográficas del pie fueron válidas, las mediciones fueron menores o similares a otros estudios. La variabilidad de la normalidad solo se presentó en el antepie(AU)

Introduction: The musculoskeletal anatomical evaluation by imaging in the clinical examination of the diabetic foot is digital photography that assesses the superficial morphology. Objectives: To validate the obtaining of photographic images of the foot, to calculate the longitudinal and angular measurements and the index of the plantar arch, from the photographic images of the foot by photogrammetry, and to categorize the normality of the shape in healthy subjects, based on these photographic images. Methods: This an exploratory study in 30 healthy individuals evaluated at the Diabetic Foot Clinical Unit in Trujillo city, using a prototype of cameras around a podoscope and image analysis software. The photographic image was evaluated by longitudinal and angular measurements and the plantar arch index. Results: The patients evaluated had a mean age of 25.06+/-11.95 years, and women predominated. Total foot length and metatarsal width on the right side were 226.55 ± 36.49 mm and 98.99 ± 22.71 mm, respectively; and on the left side it was 229.81 ± 42.25 mm and 104.49 ± 16.84 mm, respectively. The 1st-2nd ray intermetatarsal angle, 4th-5th ray intermetatarsal angle and hindfoot angle for the right side were 14 ± 4º, 11 ± 3º and 2 ± 2º respectively; for the left side 14 ± 3º, 9 ± 3º and 2 ± 2º respectively, and the plantar index of the right and left arch were 0.23 ± 0.2 and 0.22 ± 0.1 respectively. Variability only occurred in the forefoot in 20 percent of cases. Conclusions: Obtaining of the photographic images of the foot was valid, measurements were smaller or similar to other studies. The variability of normality only appeared in the forefoot(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Photogrammetry/methods , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Foot/anatomy & histology , Physical Examination/methods , Foot Deformities/etiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Diabetic Foot
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics ; (12): 26-33, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-932805


Objective:To investigate the importance of measuring and restoring distal radius tear drop angle in the treatment of distal radius middle column fracture with anterior collapse of lunate fossa joint.Methods:Thirty one cases of distal radius fractures in 29 patients was reported for 2 years from January 2018 to January 2020. Two patients with both distal radius fractures were included in this study. All cases in this group were treated by operation. Among the 29 patients, there were 20 males and 9 females. Their ages were 44.9±15.1 years (ranged from 20 to 78 years). Two patients with both distal radius fractures were included in this study, due to both teardrop angle (TDA) reduced. The time from injury to operation was 4-17 d, with an average of 6.9 d. Except for 2 cases of fracture with simple volar approach, the other cases were treated with combined volar and dorsal approach. All patients were treated with open reduction and internal fixation with plates and bone grafting. The teardrop angle was measured before and after operation, and the effect of surgical recovery of teardrop angle was compared. The wrist function was evaluated by Gartland-Werley scores.Results:The wounds of all patients healed in one stage without postoperative infection. The follow-up time of 29 patients were 15.1±5.2 months, ranged from 7 to 31 months. The healing time for all fractures was 10.3±2.9 weeks (from 8 to 16 weeks). No fracture nonunion or redisplacement. In 31 cases, the tear drop angle was 33.4°±5.83° (20°-45°) before operation, and 58.9°±9.89° (35°-70°) after operation. At the end of follow-up, Gartland-Werley scores was 4.7±4.6, ranged from 0 to 17. Among them, 10 cases were excellent, 16 were good, 5 cases were fair, and the excellent and good rate was 83.9%. The Gartland-Werley scores of the two subgroups with postoperative tear drop angle recovery ≥50° and <50° were compared, and the results were significantly different (the excellent and good rate for two subgroups were 96.2% and 20.0% respectively ( P=0.001). Conclusion:The distal radius fracture with significantly reduced tear drop angle should be actively treated. The measurement and recovery of tear drop angle is an important factor affecting the functional outcome of distal radius fracture with anterior edge collapse of lunate fossa joint, which should be highly concerned by clinical doctors. The recovery of teardrop angle mostly requires dorsal approach.

Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 27(3): e2220230, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1384688


ABSTRACT Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of 3D facial soft tissue virtual models produced by two photogrammetry softwares (AgiSoft Photoscan and 3DF Zephyr Free), when compared to those created by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: Ten patients were submitted to two sequences of photographs performed with a DSLR camera (with and without the aid of a ring flash) and CBCT scans. Each photo series for each patient was processed with the softwares, and at the end, five models of each patient were generated: 1) CBCT, 2) AAL (Agisoft Ambient Light), 3) AFL (Agisoft Flash Light), 4) ZAL (Zephyr Ambient Light), and 5) ZFL (Zephyr Flash Light). Color coded maps and root-mean-square (RMS) distances were used to compare the photogrammetry models to the CBCT ones. Results: One sample t-test showed significant differences between all methods versus CBCT. The worst results were seen in the ZAL group (discrepancies up to 5.17mm), while the best results were produced by AAL group (discrepancies up to 2.11mm). Conclusions: It can be concluded that this type of virtual facial models are reasonably accurate, although not perfect, and considering its lower biological and financial cost, they may play an important role in specific situations.

RESUMO Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a acurácia de modelos virtuais 3D de tecidos moles faciais produzidos por dois softwares de fotogrametria (AgiSoft Photoscan e 3DF Zephyr Free), em comparação aos gerados por tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC). Métodos: Dez pacientes foram submetidos a duas sequências de fotografias realizadas com câmera DSLR (com e sem auxílio de ring flash) e a TCFC. Cada série de fotografias de cada paciente foi processada com os softwares e, ao fim, foram gerados cinco modelos de cada paciente: 1) TCFC; 2) AAL (Agisoft Ambient Lighting); 3) AFL (Agisoft Flash Light); 4) ZAL (Zephyr Ambient Lighting); e 5) ZFL (Zephyr Flash Light). Mapas codificados por cores e distâncias quadráticas médias (RMS) foram usados para comparar os modelos de fotogrametria com os de TCFC. Resultados: O teste t para uma amostra mostrou diferenças significativas entre todos os métodos versus a TCFC. Os piores resultados foram observados no grupo ZAL (discrepâncias de até 5,17 mm), enquanto os melhores resultados foram produzidos pelo grupo AAL (discrepâncias de até 2,11 mm). Conclusões: Pode-se concluir que esse tipo de modelos faciais virtuais é razoavelmente preciso, embora não sejam perfeitos; e, considerando-se seu menor custo biológico e financeiro, podem desempenhar um papel importante em situações específicas.

Fisioter. Mov. (Online) ; 35: e35120, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384941


Abstract Introduction: Low back pain, the most prevalent musculoskeletal disorder, is common in individuals with postural changes and has a high incidence in university students. Trunk muscle instability and weakness can contribute to the presence of low back pain. However, no research has investigated the relationship between low back pain in conjunction with postural changes and the resistance of the trunk stabilizing muscles. Objective: To analyze the correlation between postural alterations and muscular resistance of the trunk of women with and without low back pain. Methods: Forty university women were recruited and divided into a group with low back pain (n = 20; 20.85 ± 1.69 years) and a group without low back pain (n = 20; 20.05 ± 2.54 years). On the first day, the postural assessment was carried out by photogrammetry with Kinovea software. On the second day, the resistance tests of the trunk flexor and extensor muscles, lateral and ventral plank, bridge, and lumbar traction were performed through the traction dynamometer. Pearson's correlation test was applied to verify the relationship between the analyzed variables, Student's T test was used for comparison between groups, and a significance level of p < 0.05 was adopted. Results: There was no correlation between the variables related to postural changes and muscle resistance tests (p > 0.05). There was a difference between the groups only for the bridge exercise test (p = 0.04) and vertical alignment of the head, left lateral view (p = 0.041), and right lateral view (p = 0.034). Conclusion: This study did not show a direct and significant relationship between postural changes in young university students with and without complaints of low back pain and resistance of the trunk-stabilizing muscles.

Resumo Introdução: A lombalgia, transtorno músculoesquelético mais prevalente, é comum em indivíduos com alterações posturais, que são de alta incidência em universitários. Instabilidade e fraqueza dos músculos do tronco podem contribuir para a presença da dor lombar. Não encontrou-se, contudo, pesquisas que tenham investigado a relação da dor lombar em conjunto com as alterações posturais e a resistência dos músculos estabilizadores do tronco. Objetivo: Analisar a correlação entre alterações posturais e resistência muscular do tronco de mulheres com e sem dor lombar. Métodos: Foram recrutadas 40 mulheres universitárias divididas em grupo com dor lombar (n = 20; 20,85 ± 1,69 anos) e grupo sem dor lombar (n = 20; 20,05 ± 2,54 anos). No primeiro dia, realizou-se a avaliação postural por fotogrametria com software Kinovea; no segundo dia, os testes de resistência dos músculos flexores e extensores de tronco, prancha lateral e ventral, ponte e tração lombar através do dinamômetro de tração. Aplicou-se o teste de correlação de Pearson para verificar a relação entre as variáveis analisadas, teste t de Student para comparação entre os grupos e adotou-se nível de significância de p < 0,05. Resultados: Não houve correlação entre as variáveis referentes às alterações posturais e testes de resistências musculares (p > 0,05); houve diferença entre os grupos apenas para o teste de exercício ponte (p = 0,04) e para o alinhamento vertical da cabeça vista lateral esquerda (p = 0,041) e vista lateral direita (p = 0,034). Conclusão: Este estudo não evidenciou relação direta e significativa entre as alterações posturais em jovens universitárias com e sem queixa de dor lombar com a resistência dos músculos estabilizadores do tronco.

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 40(4)dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408594


Introducción: La evaluación anatómica musculoesquelética por imagen en la exploración clínica del pie es la fotografía digital que evalúa la morfología superficial. Objetivos: Validar la obtención de las imágenes fotográficas del pie, calcular las mediciones longitudinales, angulares y el índice del arco plantar de las imágenes mencionadas usando un podoscopio y fotogrametría en sujetos sanos y categorizar la normalidad de las mediciones. Métodos: Este estudio fue exploratorio y se realizó utilizando un prototipo de cámaras alrededor de un podoscopio y un software de análisis de imágenes. La imagen fotográfica fue evaluada por mediciones longitudinales, angulares y el índice plantar. Resultados: Los 30 sujetos sanos evaluados tenían una edad media de 25,06 ± 11,95 años, predominaban las mujeres con un 53,3 por ciento. La longitud total del pie, anchura del metatarso y altura del empeine media para el lado derecho en 226,55 ± 36,49mm, 98,99 ± 22,71 mm, y 36,32 ± 4,07 mm respectivamente; y para el lado izquierdo en 229,81 ± 42,25 mm, 104,49 ± 16,84mm y 36,31 ± 3,32 mm, respectivamente. El ángulo intermetatarsal del 1-2 rayo, ángulo intermetatarsal del 4-5 rayo y ángulo del retropié para el lado derecho fueron 14 ± 4º, 11 ± 3º y 2 ± 2º respectivamente, para el lado Izquierdo 14 ± 3º, 9 ± 3º y 2 ± 2º respectivamente y el índice plantar del arco derecho e izquierdo fueron 0,23 ± 0,2 y 0,22 ± 0,1, respectivamente. La variabilidad solo se presentó en el antepié en 20 por ciento. Conclusiones: La obtención de las imágenes fotográficas del pie fueron válidas, las mediciones fueron menores o similares a otros estudios. La variabilidad de normalidad solo se presentó en antepié(AU)

Introduction: Musculoskeletal anatomical assessment by imaging in clinical examination of the foot is digital photography assessing surface morphology. Objectives: To validate the acquisition of photographic images of the foot, to calculate the longitudinal, angular and plantar arch index measurements of the above images using a podoscope and photogrammetry in healthy subjects and to categorize the normality of the measurements. Methods: This study was exploratory and was performed using a prototype camera around a podoscope and image analysis software. The photographic image was evaluated by longitudinal, angular and plantar index measurements. Results: The 30 healthy subjects evaluated had a mean age of 25.06 ± 11.95 years, females predominated with 53.3 percent. The mean total foot length, metatarsal width and instep height for the right side at 226 55 ± 36.49mm, 98.99 ± 22.71 mm, and 36.32 ± 4.07 mm respectively; and for the left side at 229.81 ± 42.25 mm, 104.49 ± 16.84mm and 36.31 ± 3.32mm respectively. The 1-2 ray intermetatarsal angle, 4-5 ray intermetatarsal angle and rearfoot angle for the right side were 14 ± 4º, 11 ± 3º and 2 ± 2º respectively; for the Left side 14 ± 3º, 9 ± 3º and 2 ± 2º respectively and the plantar index of the right and left arch were 0.23 ± 0.2 and 0.22 ± 0.1 respectively. Variability was only present in the forefoot at 20 percent. Conclusions: The photographic images of the foot were valid, the measurements were lower or similar to other studies. The variability of normality was only present in the forefoot(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Forefoot, Human , Photogrammetry , Foot , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 14(3): 229-232, dic. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385224


RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio observacional analítico es determinar el efecto de la Terapia Miofuncional en el perfil facial de voluntarios con maloclusión y disfunción orofacial, mediante fotogrametría. En una muestra de 15 pacientes, se midieron indirectamente mediante fotogrametría en el Software Blue Sky Plan® las siguientes variables cefalométricas: Ángulo Nasolabial, Prominencia Labial y Plano Estético. Se realizó toma de fotografías al comenzar la Terapia Miofuncional (primera sesión) y al finalizarla (décima sesión). Para comparar valores obtenidos en el mismo voluntario en cada variable cefalométrica entre principio y final de terapia, análisis estadísticos fueron realizados. Se determinó que no hay diferencia estadística en valores obtenidos en ninguna de las variables cefalométricas al comparar el inicio con el final de terapia. Por consiguiente, se concluyó que la Terapia Miofuncional no tiene un efecto significativo en estas variables de perfil facial en voluntarios con maloclusión y disfunción orofacial medidas mediante fotogrametría, pese a cambios funcionales percibidos por pacientes y evaluadores. Es fundamental poder realizar un diagnóstico riguroso y posterior derivación a Fonoaudiología, si corresponde, para lograr equilibrio funcional en los pacientes y reducir riesgo de progresión o reaparición de Anomalías Dentomaxilares.

ABSTRACT: This analytical observational study aimed to determine the effect of Myofunctional Therapy on the facial profile in volunteers with malocclusion and orofacial dysfunction, through photogrammetry. Fifteen patients were recruited, and the following cephalometric variables were measured indirectly through photogrammetry in the Blue Sky Plan Software (Blue Sky Bio®): Nasolabial Angle, Lip Prominence and Aesthetic Plane. Previous photographs were taken, at the beginning of Myofunctional Therapy (first session) and the end (tenth session). To compare the values of each variable in a volunteer between the beginning and end of therapy, statistical analyses were performed. There was no statistical difference in the values obtained in any of these variables when comparing the beginning and the end of myofunctional therapy. Therefore, it was concluded that myofunctional therapy does not have a statistically significant effect on these facial profile variables in volunteers with malocclusion and orofacial dysfunction measured by photogrammetry, despite the functional changes perceived by patients and evaluators. However, it is essential to perform a rigorous diagnosis and subsequent referral to speech therapy, if applicable, to achieve functional balance in the patients and reduce progression or recurrence risk of Dentomaxillary Abnormalities.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Photogrammetry , Myofunctional Therapy , Malocclusion
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 14(3): 218-221, dic. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385221


RESUMEN: Objetivo: el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la discrepancia del Plano de Frankfurt evaluado en fotogrametría y en cefalometría de radiografías laterales de cráneo respecto a la horizontal verdadera. Materiales y métodos: el estudio consideró a 34 voluntarios de la clínica del Postítulo de Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Dento Máxilo Facial de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Chile. Se utilizaron sus radiografías laterales de cráneo orientadas según el Plano de Frankfurt paralelo al piso y se les tomó una fotografía facial de perfil estandarizada en Posición Natural de Cabeza. Se trazó el Plano de Frankfurt y la Horizontal Verdadera en ambos exámenes y se midió el ángulo formado entre estos planos. Resultados: al comparar los ángulos mediante T-test, no hubo diferencia estadística. Conclusiones: mediante la aplicación de un protocolo sistematizado tanto para el registro fotográfico como para la obtención de la Posición Natural de Cabeza, se puede lograr que el Plano de Frankfurt sea prácticamente coincidente en radiografías laterales de cráneo y en fotografías clínicas, demostrando su uso hasta el día de hoy en la ortodoncia moderna.

ABSTRACT: Objective: the aim of this study was to determine the Frankfurt plane variation evaluated in photogrammetry and lateral skull x-ray cephalometry in relation to the true horizontal. Materials and methods: the study included 34 volunteers from the Universidad de Chile Dento-maxillofacial Orthodontics and Orthopedics Postgraduate Clinic. Their lateral skull radiographs, oriented according to the Frankfurt Plane parallel to the floor, were used and a standardized profile facial photograph was taken in Natural Head Position. The Frankfurt Plane and True Horizontal were drawn in both examinations and the angle formed between these planes was measured. Results: when comparing the angles through T-test, there was no statistical difference. Conclusions: through the application of a systematized protocol for both photographic record and natural head position obtained, the Frankfurt Plane can be practically coincident in lateral skull x-rays and clinical photographs, showing its usefulness up to the present days in modern orthodontics.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Skull , Photogrammetry , Cephalometry
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(supl.3): 5215-5222, Oct. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345724


Resumen Los trastornos del cuello-hombro relacionados con el trabajo son un importante problema de salud. El objetivo de este estudio es establecer el patrón de dolor y discapacidad cervical de trabajadores con pantallas de visualización de datos, así como determinar los factores que predominan en la aparición de un nuevo episodio de dolor de espalda. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo-correlacional, en una muestra de 88 trabajadores usuarios de ordenadores de la Consellería de Sanidade (Xunta de Galicia). Los trabajadores respondieron los cuestionarios: "Neck Disability Index", "Escala analógica visual", "12-item Short Form Health Survey" y se realizó un análisis postural. Para el análisis comparativo se realizaron las pruebas T Student y U de Mann-Whitney. Un análisis de regresión logística binaria se utilizó para la extracción de un modelo predictivo de episodio de dolor cervical. El 58% refirieron dolor cervical. No existieron diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres. Las variables que mejor predicen la aparición de un nuevo episodio de dolor son el nivel de discapacidad y la calidad de vida física. Los resultados indican que un trabajador con altos niveles de discapacidad cervical y bajos valores de calidad de vida física, tiene mayor probabilidad de sufrir un episodio de dolor.

Abstract Work-related neck/shoulder disorders are considered an important health issue. This study is aimed at establishing the pain and cervical disability patterns of workers with visual display terminals, as well as at determining the factors that mostly affect the onset of a new episode of back pain. A descriptive, correlational study was carried out on a sample of 88 workers who use visual display terminals, of the Ministry of Health (Xunta de Galicia). The workers completed the following questionnaires: "Neck Disability Index Scale," "Visual Analog Scale," "12-item Short Form Health Survey," and an individual postural analysis was conducted. For the comparative analysis, the Student's t-test, and the Mann-Whitney U test were performed. A binary logistic regression analysis was used to extract a predictive model of a cervical pain episode, and 58% reported cervical pain. There were no differences between men and women. The variables that best predict the onset of a new episode of pain are the level of disability, and the quality of physical life. Study results indicate that a worker who uses visual display terminals, with high levels of cervical disability and low values of physical quality of life, is more likely to suffer an episode of back pain.

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life , Data Visualization , Pain Measurement , Neck Pain , Disability Evaluation
Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 39: e2020034, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1143845


ABSTRACT Objective: To measure the intra- and inter-rater reliability of a biophotogrammetric assessment protocol for thoracoabdominal motion in preterm infants. Methods: This is an analytical cross-sectional study. Footage of 40 preterm infants was made in two views (lateral and anterior). The babies were placed in the supine position, with retroverted pelvis and semiflexed knees. Acrylic markers were positioned on surgical tape in eight predetermined anatomical points. We analyzed 4 variables in lateral view and 11 in anterior view (angular and linear) (ImageJ®), divided into two stages: 1. same frames - three blinded evaluators analyzed frames previously selected by the main researcher (inter-rater analysis 1), reviewing these same frames after 15 days (intra-rater analysis 1); 2. different frames - each evaluator selected the frames from the original video and repeated the protocol (inter-rater analysis 2), with a review after 15 days (intra-rater analysis 2). In stage 2, we tested the reliability of the entire process, from image selection to the analysis of variables. Data agreement and reproducibility were obtained by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: Agreement was high, particularly in angular variables (ICC 0.82 to 0.99). Linear variables ranged between very good and excellent in analysis 1 (same frames: ICC 0.64 to 0.99) and analysis 2 (different frames: ICC 0.44 to 0.89). Conclusions: The present study suggests that the proposed protocol for the thoracoabdominal motion analysis of preterm neonates has high reliability.

RESUMO Objetivo: Mensurar a confiabilidade intra e interexaminador de um protocolo de avaliação biofotogramétrica da mobilidade toracoabdominal de prematuros. Métodos: Estudo de caráter transversal e analítico. Incluíram-se filmagens de 40 prematuros em duas vistas (lateral e superior), realizadas em supino, pelve retrovertida e joelhos em semiflexão. Marcadores de acrílico foram posicionados sobre Micropores em oito pontos anatômicos predeterminados. Foram analisadas 4 variáveis na vista lateral e 11 na vista superior (angulares e lineares) (ImageJ®), divididas em duas etapas: (1-Frames iguais) análises de fotogramas previamente selecionados pela pesquisadora principal por três avaliadores cegos (análise interexaminador 1), com reanálise desses mesmos fotogramas após 15 dias (análise intraexaminador 1); (2-Frames diferentes) cada avaliador selecionou os fotogramas por meio do vídeo original e repetiu o protocolo (análise interexaminador 2), com reanálise após 15 dias (análise intraexaminador 2). Em (2), foi testada a confiabilidade de todo o processo de análise, desde a separação das imagens até a análise das variáveis. A concordância e reprodutibilidade dos dados foram obtidas pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI). Resultados: Houve concordância forte, com ênfase nas variáveis angulares (CCI [0,82 a 0,99]). As variáveis lineares apresentaram variação entre muito boa e excelente na análise 1 (frames iguais: CCI 0,64 a 0,99) e na análise 2 (frames diferentes: CCI entre 0,44 e 0,89). Conclusões: O presente estudo sugere forte confiabilidade do protocolo proposto para análise da movimentação toracoabdominal de neonatos prematuros.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Photogrammetry/methods , Neonatal Screening/instrumentation , Abdominal Muscles/physiopathology , Respiration , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Cross-Sectional Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Infant, Extremely Premature
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 35(3): 261-268, jul.-sep. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1128029


Introdução: As medidas precisas dos seios femininos são difíceis de obter devido à topografia, volume e projeções presentes. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo comparar medidas da região mamária obtidas por antropometria direta (fita métrica) e indireta (fotogrametria computadorizada). Métodos: Este é um estudo transversal. Foram avaliadas 40 mulheres, com idades entre 18 e 60 anos, índice de massa corporal <29,2 kg / m², que tinham 12 marcas anatômicas na região das mamas e braços. A união desses pontos formou 7 segmentos lineares e 1 ângulo para cada hemicorpo, e 1 segmento comum a ambos os hemicorpos. As fotografias obtidas de forma padronizada foram mensuradas por fotogrametria computadorizada com o software Image Tool®. Os mesmos segmentos também foram medidos por antropometria direta, com fita métrica. O teste de Shapiro-Wilk foi usado para avaliar se cada variável tinha uma distribuição normal. O teste de correlação de Pearson foi aplicado para avaliar a correlação entre os diferentes métodos: antropometria direta (medição com fita) e indireta (fotogrametria por Image Tool®). O nível de significância adotado para os testes estatísticos foi de 5% (p <0,05). Resultados: Diferenças significativas foram encontradas nas comparações entre a fita métrica e a fotogrametria computadorizada para todos os segmentos analisados (p> 0,05). Conclusão: Existe correlação entre as medidas dos seios da face obtidas pela antropometria direta (medição com fita métrica) e indireta (fotogrametria pelo software Image Tool®), principalmente nas medidas da papila.

Introduction: Accurate female breast measurements are difficult due to the topography, volume, and projections present there. Therefore, this study aimed to compare breast region measurements obtained by direct (tape measurement) and indirect (computer-based photogrammetry) anthropometry. Methods: This is a transversal study. Forty women were evaluated, aged 18-60 years, body mass index of <29.2kg/m² that had 12 anatomical marks on the breast region and arms. These points' union formed 7 linear segments and 1 angle for each hemibody, and 1 segment common to both hemibodies. The photographs obtained in a standardized way were measured using computer-based photogrammetry with Image ToolTM software. The same segments were also measured by direct anthropometry, using a tape measure. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess whether each variable was normally distributed. The Pearson correlation test was applied to evaluate the correlation between different methods: the direct (tape measurement) and indirect (photogrammetry by Image ToolTM) anthropometry. The significance level adopted for statistical tests was 5% (p<0,05). Results: Significant differences were found in the comparisons between the tape measurement and computer-based photogrammetry for all segments analyzed (p>0.05). Conclusion: There is a correlation between the breast measurements obtained by direct (tape measurement) and indirect (photogrammetry by Image ToolTM software) anthropometry, especially the papilla measures.

Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 27(3): 312-317, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154240


RESUMO A fotogrametria computadorizada tem se destacado como um recurso avaliativo não invasivo e de boa reprodutibilidade de resultados, contudo ainda carece de padronizações quanto aos parâmetros de sua aplicação. Este estudo comparou os resultados de análises fotogramétricas de amplitude articular obtidos a partir de imagens com diferentes inclinações da câmera fotográfica, em relação ao objeto (totalmente frontal ou 0°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20º, 25º e 30º). As imagens foram analisadas pela técnica da fotogrametria computadorizada e por seis examinadores que realizaram a quantificação de uma medida angular presente nas imagens. Os resultados demostraram que mesmo com uma variação de 5° de inclinação de câmera, observou-se a presença de resultados significativamente diferentes entre as avaliações, com a margem de erro aumentando, conforme se acentuou a inclinação da câmera.

RESUMEN La fotogrametría computarizada se ha destacado como un recurso evaluativo no invasivo y con buena reproducibilidad de resultados; sin embargo, aún carece de estándares en cuanto a los parámetros de su aplicación. Este estudio comparó los resultados de los análisis fotogramétricos del rango articular, obtenidos a partir de imágenes con distintas inclinaciones de la cámara fotográfica en relación al objeto (totalmente frontal o 0°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25° y 30°). Las imágenes fueron analizadas por la técnica de fotogrametría computarizada y por seis examinadores que realizaron la cuantificación de una medida angular presente en ellas. Los resultados mostraron que incluso con una variación de 5° de inclinación de la cámara se observó resultados significativamente distintos entre las evaluaciones, aumentando el margen de error, mientras se acentuaba la inclinación de la cámara.

ABSTRACT The computerized photogrammetry has been highlighted as a non-invasive resource for evaluation, with good reproducibility of results, but its application parameters are still lacking standardization. This study compared outcomes of range of motion obtained with photogrammetric assessments from images photographed in different camera inclinations in relation to the object (0°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, and 30°). The images were analyzed with computerized photogrammetry by six raters who assessed the joint range present in the images. The outcomes showed that even with 5° in camera inclination, there was significantly different results between assessments, and the margin of error increased as the camera inclination was intensifying.