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Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(3): e2022-0261, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449366


Abstract This research conducts a case study on Odebrecht, a heavy construction company, to answer the question of how an individual rationalizes crime in a corrupt organization? The study is based on the concepts of a corrupt organization, the continuum of destructiveness, moral disengagement, and rationalization. We analyze four books, artifacts on Odebrecht's culture and videos on 49 executives that collaborated in the Car Wash corruption probe. The results describe the paths employees undertake in the organization by acquiring its internal set of values, beliefs, and assumptions. These paths lead to the rationalization of corruption. This case study shows that the continuum of destructiveness starts when employees encounter unethical behavior in the organization and that their rationalization mechanism changes with time in the corrupt culture. At any point, executives can quit or blow the whistle; however, with time, it becomes more challenging to exercise either of the options. By applying and refining the continuum, this research provides an understanding of how moral disengagement and rationalization to help employees to progress in the continuum in a corrupt culture.

Resumen Esta investigación realiza un estudio de caso de la empresa de construcción pesada Odebrecht para responder a la pregunta: ¿Cómo un individuo racionaliza el crimen en una organización corrupta? Este estudio se basa en los conceptos de organización corrupta, continuo de destructividad, desvinculación moral y racionalización. Analizamos cuatro libros que son artefactos de la cultura Odebrecht y videos de 49 ejecutivos que colaboraron en la investigación "Lava Jato". Los resultados describen los caminos que toman los empleados dentro de la organización, adquiriendo sus sistemas de valores, creencias y suposiciones. Estos caminos conducen a la racionalización de la corrupción. Este estudio de caso muestra que el continuo de destructividad comienza cuando los empleados encuentran un comportamiento poco ético dentro de la organización y que los mecanismos de racionalización cambian con el tiempo dentro de la cultura corrupta. Los ejecutivos pueden renunciar o denunciar en cualquier momento, sin embargo, con el tiempo se vuelve difícil ejercer cualquiera de estas opciones. Al aplicar y refinar el continuo, esta investigación proporciona una idea de cómo la desconexión moral y la racionalización alientan a los empleados a ascender en el continuo.

Resumo Esta pesquisa conduz um estudo de caso de uma empresa de construção pesada Odebrecht para responder à questão: Como um indivíduo racionaliza o crime em uma organização corrupta? Este estudo é baseado nos conceitos de organização corrupta, contínuo da destrutividade, desengajamento moral e racionalização. Nós analisamos quatro livros que são artefatos da cultura da Odebrecht e vídeos de 49 executivos que colaboraram na investigação da Lava Jato. Os resultados descrevem os caminhos que os funcionários trilham dentro da organização, adquirindo seus sistemas de valores, crenças e pressupostos. Estes caminhos levam a racionalização da corrupção. Este estudo de caso mostra que o contínuo da destrutividade começa quando empregados encontram comportamentos antiéticos dentro da organização e que os mecanismos de racionalização se modificam com o tempo dentro da cultura corrupta. A qualquer momento executivos podem pedir demissão ou denunciar; no entanto, com o tempo se torna difícil exercer qualquer uma dessas opções. Ao aplicar e refinar o contínuo, esta pesquisa prove um entendimento sobre como desengajamento moral e racionalização incentivam funcionários a seguir adiante no contínuo.

Rationalization , Organizational Culture , Corruption
Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 142-147, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973431


ObjectiveTo explore the influencing factors of willingness to quit smoking in smokers, and to provide reference for further smoking cessation intervention. MethodsThrough purposive sampling, smokers were recruited from 4 residential communities and 3 companies in Shanghai for an online questionnaire survey. The survey included general demographic characteristics, willingness to quit smoking, smoking condition, tobacco addiction, awareness of influence of smoking, smoking abstinence self-efficacy, and smoking rationalization belief. T-test, χ2 test and multiple logistic regression were used to analyze the data. ResultsA total of 336 valid questionnaires were collected. The average age of the smokers was (37.1±10.2) years, and most of their education level was college or above (58.3%). The daily number of cigarette use was (11.46±7.22) and most of smokers were classified as low nicotine dependence (58.3%). Today 248 smokers planned to quit smoking in the next six months. Compared with smokers with low smoking abstinence self-efficacy, smokers with high self-efficacy were more likely to quit smoking (OR=2.406,95%CI: 1.357‒4.267); Smokers with low smoking rationalization belief were more likely to quit smoking than those with high rationalization belief (OR=2.112, 95%CI: 1.167‒3.821). ConclusionSmoking abstinence self-efficacy has a positive impact on willingness to quit smoking, while smoking rationalization belief has a negative impact on the willingness to quit smoking. Efforts to improve smoking abstinence self-efficacy and dispel smoking rationalization beliefs of smokers should be made to promote the intention to quit among smokers.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 10(2): 110-122, abr.-jun.2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253855


A triagem, ou priorização de doentes, iniciou-se como uma estratégia de sucesso para salvar o maior número possível de feridos. Ao longo da sua curta história, o sistema de triagem foi evoluindo, respondendo positivamente às necessidades clínicas dos doentes em diversas situações. Assumiu sempre uma inequívoca dimensão ética ao fundamentar-se no reconhecimento do igual valor de todas as vidas e ao estruturar-se sob a finalidade de salvar vidas. O escrutínio ético foca-se, pois, nos critérios de triagem: "primeiro a chegar, primeiro a cuidar" e "máxima severidade, máxima prioridade", "racionamento" e "racionalização" de recursos. A pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 desencadeou uma pressão ímpar nos recursos humanos e técnicos de saúde, o que conduziu a uma triagem de racionamento, baseada na idade cronológica como factor de exclusão, o que viola a dignidade humana e a justiça social. Simultaneamente apresenta-se como uma realidade equívoca, com uma argumentação débil, moldada por uma política de linguagem, e revelando uma lógica da acção abusiva dos direitos humanos, sendo, pois, eticamente inaceitável.

Triage, or patients' prioritizing, started as a successful strategy to save as many wounded as possible. Throughout its short history, the triage system has evolved, responding positively to the clinical needs of patients in different situations. It has always taken on an unequivocal ethical dimension, being based on the recognition of the equal value of all lives and structured with the purpose of saving lives. The ethical scrutiny therefore focuses on the triage criteria: "first-come, first-served" and "high severity, high-priority", "rationing" and "rationalization" of resources.The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic unleashed unparalleled pressure on human and technical health resources, which led to a rationing triage, based on chronological age as a factor of exclusion, which violates human dignity and social justice. At the same time, it presents itself as an equivocal reality, with a weak argument, shaped by a language policy, and revealing a logic of action abusive of human rights, being, therefore, ethically unacceptable.

La triaje, o la priorización de pacientes, comenzó como una estrategia exitosa para salvar a la mayor cantidad posible de personas heridas. A lo largo de su corta trayectoria, el sistema de triaje ha ido evolucionando, respondiendo positivamente a las necesidades clínicas de los pacientes en distintas situaciones. Siempre ha asumido una dimensión ética inequívoca cuando se basa en el reconocimiento de la igualdad de valor de todas las vidas y cuando se estructura con el propósito de salvar vidas. Por tanto, el escrutinio ético se centra en los criterios de selección: "primero en llegar, primero en cuidar" y "máxima severidad, máxima prioridad", "racionamiento" y "racionalización" de recursos.La pandemia del SARS-CoV-2 desató una presión sin precedentes sobre los recursos humanos y técnicos de salud, lo que llevó a un cribado de racionamiento, basado en la edad cronológica como factor de exclusión, lo cual atenta contra la dignidad humana y la justicia social. Al mismo tiempo, se presenta como una realidad equívoca, con un argumento débil, moldeado por una política lingüística, y que revela una lógica de la acción abusiva de los derechos humanos, siendo, por tanto, éticamente inaceptable.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 9(2): 164-181, abr.-jun.2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1102592


Objetivo: promover estudo de caso do processo 0004.630-73.2013.814.0133, com o intuito de analisar o uso de instrumento de tutela coletiva para finalidade exclusivamente individual no campo do serviço de atenção domiciliar. Metodologia: foi utilizado o estudo de caso para, com oenfoque baseado em direitos, fixarposicionamento sobre a utilização da ação civil pública enquanto instrumento da tutela coletiva, para respaldar exclusivamente um pedido individual. Resultado: o pedido formulado na ação,de tratamento domiciliarpara a paciente, embora previsto em políticas públicas, tem como condição a prévia inscrição de agentes dos quadros do serviço público em programa federal para recebimento de treinamento e repasse de verbas, o que não ocorreu concretamente, indicando que o locusideal para o enfrentamento da discussão seria o de âmbitocoletivo, a fim de estender o benefício a todos os munícipes.Conclusão: a utilização de ações essencialmente coletivas para atendimento de casos individuais, quando se constata a irregularidade ou deficiência de uma política pública, ainda se mostra uma tônica no fenômeno da judicialização da saúde, desvirtuando a essência dessas ações e inviabilizando a concretude da universalidade no acesso ao SUS.

Objective:to promote a case study of the process 0004.630-73.2013.814.0133, in order to analyze the use of a collective tutelage instrument for exclusively individual purposes in the field of home care service. Methodology:the case study was used to, through the rights-based approach, establish a position on the use of public civil action, as an instrument of collective protection, to exclusively support an individual request. Result:the request formulated in the action, home treatment for the patient, although provided for in public policies, is subject to the prior enrollment ofpublic service staff in a federal program to receive training and transfer funds, which did not occur concretely, indicating that the ideal locus for facing the discussion would be the collective one, in order to extend the benefit to all citizens. Conclusion:the use of essentially collective actions to deal with individual cases, when the irregularity or deficiency of a public policy is found, still shows a tonic in the phenomenon of the judicialization of health, distorting the essence of these actions and making the concreteness of universality unfeasible access to SUS.

Objetivo:promover un estudio de caso del proceso 0004.630-73.2013.814.0133, con el fin de analizar el uso de un instrumento de tutela colectiva para fines exclusivamente individuales en el campo del servicio de atención domiciliaria. Metodología:se utilizó el estudio de caso para, a través del enfoque basado en los derechos, establecer una posición sobre el uso de la acción civil pública, como instrumento de protección colectiva, para apoyar exclusivamente una solicitud individual. Resultado:la solicitud formulada en la acción, el tratamiento en el hogar para el paciente, aunque está previsto en las políticas públicas, está sujeta a la inscripción previa del personal del servicio público en un programa federal para recibir capacitación y transferir fondos, lo que no ocurrió concretamente, indicando que el lugar ideal para enfrentar la discusión sería el colectivo, con el fin de extender el benefícioa todos los ciudadanos. Conclusión:el uso de acciones esencialmente colectivas para tratar casos individuales, cuando se encuentra la irregularidad o deficiencia de una política pública, todavía muestra un tónico en el fenómeno de la judicialización de la salud, distorsionando la esencia de estas acciones y haciendo que la concreción de la universalidad sea inviable acceso al SUS.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(3): 481-492, maio-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012053


RESUMO Este artigo descreve e discute os métodos usados, as dificuldades encontradas e os resultados obtidos em um programa de racionalização do uso da água desenvolvido por um programa de pesquisa da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Na universidade, foi alcançada redução de até 49% no consumo per capita. No aeroporto e em um shopping center de Salvador foram identificados cenários de reduções ainda maiores. Pesquisa de opinião justifica a admissão de alternativas inovadoras de grande impacto. Em um conjunto de prédios do Governo do Estado da Bahia as reduções atingiram 55, 72 e 82% nos três prédios mais comprometidos com o projeto. Os resultados obtidos levaram o Governo do Estado a estender o projeto a todos os seus prédios administrativos e às escolas públicas estaduais.

ABSTRACT This article describes and discusses methods, results obtained and difficulties found in a water-use rationalization program developed by a research program at the Federal University of Bahia. At the University we obtained a reduction of up to 49% in per capita consumption. At the airport and in a shopping center in Salvador we identified other scenarios for further reductions. Opinion survey justifies the admission of innovating high-impact alternatives. In a set of buildings of the State Government of Bahia, reductions reached 55, 72 and 82% in the three buildings most committed to the project. The results led the State Government to extend the project to all its administrative buildings and public schools.

Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 8(1): 119-140, jan.-mar. 2019. Ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-996369


Objetivo: o levantamento e análise de trabalhos, sobre propostas de racionalização da judicialização da saúde no Brasil. Metodologia: foi feito levantamento bibliográfico na base de dados da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, usando descritores compatíveis com a pesquisa. Resultados: foram encontrados 99 trabalhos com a temática proposta, sendo que apenas 28 apresentavam propostas de racionalização da judicialização da saúde. Conclusão: ainda é baixa a produção intelectual brasileira para a racionalização da judicialização da saúde no Brasil. (AU)

Objetivo: el levantamiento y análisis de trabajos, sobre propuestas de racionalización de la judicialización de la salud en Brasil. Metodología: se realizó un levantamiento biblio-gráfico en la base de datos de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, usando descriptores compa-tibles con la investigación. Resultados: se encontraron 99 trabajos de con la temática propuesta, siendo que sólo 28 presentaban propuestas de racionalización de la judiciali-zación de la salud. Conclusión: aún es baja la producción intelectual brasileña para la racionalización de la judicialización de la salud en Brasil. (AU)

Objective: the collection and analysis of works on proposals for rationalization of health judicialization in Brazil. Methodology: a bibliographic survey was made in the Virtual Health Library database using descriptors compatible with the research. Results: 99 studi-es were found with the proposed theme, of which only 28 presented proposals for rationa-lization of health judicialization. Conclusion: the Brazilian intellectual production for the rationalization of health judicialization in Brazil is still low. (AU)

Humans , Health Expenditures , Judicial Decisions , Scientific Publication Indicators , Health's Judicialization
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 447-484, 2018.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-718803


Historians of science have noted that modern nation-states and capitalism necessitated the systematic creation and implementation of a wide array of knowledge and technologies to produce a more productive and robust population. Commonly labeled as biopolitical practices in Foucauldian sense, such endeavors have often been discussed in the realms of public hygiene, housing, birth control, and child mortality, among others. This article is an attempt to extend the scope of the discussion by exploring a relatively understudied domain of nutrition science as a critical case of social engineering and intervention, specifically during and after World War I in the case of Japan. Research and dissemination of knowledge on food and health in Japan, like other industrializing nation-states, centered on new public hygiene initiatives since the late nineteenth-century. However, in the aftermath of WWI, or more precisely, after the Rice Riots of 1918, a new trend began to dominate the discourse of nutrition and health. In the face of wartime inflation and the resultant nation-wide riots, physicians and social scientists alike began to view the food choice and budget issue as a solution to the middle class crisis. This new perception drew on the conceptual framework to understand food, metabolism, and cost in the language of quantifiable nutrition vis-à-vis monetary values. By analyzing how specific nutritional knowledge was translated into the tenets for public campaigns to reform everyday life, this paper ultimately sheds light on the institutionalization of a new area of research, nutrition (eiyō) in Japan.

Child , Budgets , Capitalism , Child Mortality , Contraception , Eating , Housing , Hygiene , Inflation, Economic , Institutionalization , Japan , Metabolism , Nutritional Sciences , Rationalization , Riots , World War I
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 23(3)jul.-set. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-868392


Resumo: Este artigo destaca a racionalização do espaço como elemento significativo da Educação Superior a partir do currículo de um curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física de uma instituição privada de ensino. Por transmitir significados, determinar e separar os locais nos quais os indivíduos circulam e convivem, nele se produzem discursos e práticas culturais que introduzem novas formas de regulação dos sujeitos, constituindo estratégias de subjetivação. Os dados produzidos por meio de observações sistemáticas foram analisados mediante a noção de governamentalidade, entendida por Michel Foucault como a arte de governo de si e dos outros. Os resultados indicam que são realizados investimentos estratégicos em práticas culturais específicas com a finalidade de regular e validar formas de viver afeitas a algumas características do neoliberalismo globalizado como consumismo, espetáculo e volatilidade. (AU)

Abstract: This article discusses rationalization of space as a meaningful element for higher education on the Physical Education curriculum of a private school. Since it conveys meaning and determines and separates the places where people live and circulate, discourses and cultural practices are produced in it that introduce new forms for regulating subjects, which constitute subjectivation strategies. Data produced by systematic observations were analyzed under the notion of governmentality, understood by Michel Foucault as the art of governing self and others. The results indicate that strategic investments are made in specific cultural practices in order to regulate and validate forms of living that are close to some features of globalized neoliberalism such as consumerism, spectacle and volatility.

Resumen: En este artículo se destaca la racionalización del espacio como elemento significativo de la Educación Superior a partir del currículo de un curso de licenciatura en Educación Física de una institución privada. Por transmitir significados, determinar y separar los locales donde circulan y conviven los individuos, en él se producen discursos y prácticas culturales que introducen nuevas formas de regulación de los sujetos, constituyendo estrategias de subjetivación. Los datos producidos a través de observaciones sistemáticas fueron analizados mediante la noción de gubernamentalidad, entendida por Michel Foucault como el arte de gobierno de sí y de los otros. Los resultados indican que se realizan inversiones estratégicas en prácticas culturales específicas con el fin de regular y validar formas de vida similares a algunas características del neoliberalismo globalizado, como consumismo, espectáculo y volatilidad.

Humans , Curriculum , Universities , Physical Education and Training , Rationalization
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 24(3): 435-442, set.-dez. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDS | ID: biblio-829702


Resumo A bioética surge, inicialmente, a partir do pensamento teológico, mantendo um consistente desenvolvimento em defesa de suas crenças frente aos desafios do progressismo social da expansão tecnocientífica e secularização cultural do Ocidente. Como produto desse processo surgiram normas sociais e legislações liberais em muitas nações ocidentais, incluindo aquelas com predomínio do catolicismo (França, Itália, Espanha). A secularidade reinante reconhece três processos culturais que limitam sua hegemonia: a) O diminuído espírito religioso goza de um renascimento à margem de instituições e rituais; b) A secularidade implica necessariamente pluralismo heterogêneos difíceis de harmonizar; c) A necessidade de convivência entre secularidade e religiosidade dá origem à ética pós-secular. A forte influência da Igreja Católica na América Latina opõe-se a aspirações sociais de maior autonomia e a uma bioética secularizada. A presente proposta sugere uma bioética pós-secular em busca de um instrumento de tolerância e convivência, distante do dogmatismo imutável.

Abstract Bioethics initially emerged from theological thinking, as part of the consistent development of the defense of the beliefs of the movement when faced with the challenges of the social progressivism of techno-scientific expansion and the cultural secularization of the West. As a result of this process, liberal social norms and legislation have emerged in many Western nations, including those that are predominantly Catholic (France, Italy, Spain). Three cultural processes, however, limit the hegemony of the prevailing secularity: a) A diminished religious spirit is enjoying a renaissance outside of institutions and rituals; b) Secularity necessarily implies heterogeneous pluralisms that are difficult to harmonize; c) The need for coexistence between secularity and religiosity has given rise to post-secular ethics. The strong influence of the Catholic Church in Latin America has opposed social aspirations of greater autonomy and a secularized form of bioethics. This paper proposes to explore a post-secular bioethics that seeks an instrument of tolerance and coexistence, far from immovable dogmatism.

Resumen Emerge inicialmente la bioética desde el pensamiento teológico, manteniendo un consistente desarrollo en defensa de sus creencias ante los desafíos del progresismo social de la expansión tecnocientífica y la secularización cultural de Occidente. Producto de este proceso surgieron normativas sociales y legislaciones liberales en muchas naciones occidentales, incluyendo aquellas con predominio del catolicismo (Francia, Italia, España). La secularidad reinante reconoce tres procesos culturales que limitan su hegemonía: a) El disminuido espíritu religioso goza de un renacimiento al margen de instituciones y rituales; b) La secularidad implica necesariamente pluralismos heterogéneos difíciles de armonizar; c) La necesidad de convivencia entre secularidad y religiosidad da origen a la ética post-secular. La fuerte influencia de la Iglesia Católica en Latinoamérica se opone a aspiraciones sociales de mayor autonomía y a una bioética secularizada. La presente propuesta sugiere una bioética post-secular en busca de un instrumento de tolerancia y convivencia, distante del dogmatismo inamovible.

Rationalization , Religion and Science , Bioethics , Technological Development , Secularism , Religion , Thinking
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 27(3): 689-699, set.-dez. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-759392


A autoajuda é o segmento literário caracterizado por responsabilizar os sujeitos individualmente pela resolução de seus conflitos e por se colocar como fonte de soluções para problemas psicológicos, existenciais, de relacionamento e qualquer outro vivenciado no cotidiano. Investigamos a ocorrência de conteúdos narrativos próprios da literatura de autoajuda na revista "Veja", a partir da análise das reportagens de capa publicadas entre junho de 2010 e junho de 2012. Constatamos que os principais temas retratados nessa forma literária aparecem, na "Veja", articulados à consolidação de uma visão específica de homem associada a valores como: individualismo, sucesso, eficácia e objetividade. Por fim, procuramos estabelecer uma análise crítica dos conteúdos veiculados e do papel da revista "Veja"utilizando categorias da Teoria Crítica, como razão instrumental e indústria cultural.

La autoayuda es el segmento literario caracterizado por responsabilizar a las personas individualmente a resolver sus conflictos y por ponerse como centro de soluciones a problemas psicológicos, existenciales, de relacionamiento o cualquiera vivido en la rutina diaria. Investigamos la ocurrencia de contenidos narrativos propios de la literatura de autoayuda en la revista "Veja", partiendo de la análisis de los reportajes de portada publicados entre junio de 2010 y junio de 2012. Comprobamos que los principales temas aportados en esa forma literaria se presentan, en "Veja", enlazados a la consolidación de una visión específica del hombre asociado a valores como: individualismo, éxito, eficacia y objetividad. Al final, buscamos establecer un análisis crítico de los contenidos conducidos y del papel de la revista "Veja" utilizando categorías de la Teoría Crítica, como razón instrumental e industria cultural.

Self-help is a literary segment wherein the subject is responsible for solving their own conflicts, placing itself as a source of solutions to psychological, existential, relationship and any other problems experienced in everyday life. We investigated the occurrence of narrative forms linked to self-help literature on "Veja" magazine from the analysis of cover stories published between June 2010 and June 2012. We noted that the main topics presented in self-help texts appear on "Veja" through consolidating a specific vision of man linked to values such as individualism, success, effectiveness and objectivity. Lastly, we seek to review the contents offered on "Veja" magazine and its role by using categories of Critical Theory such as instrumental reason and cultural industry.

Affect , Culture , Literature , Rationalization
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy ; (12): 2175-2179, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-462628


Objective To understand the diabetes drug application of 2012-2014 in Wujin People's Hospi-tal of Changzhou,and to provide reference for clinical medicine.Methods The information system in Wujin People's Hospital of Changzhou was used,anti diabetic drug use data were retrieved from 2012 to 2014 in our hospital.The sales volume of drugs,defined daily dose( DDD) ,drug DDDs,defined daily cost of DDDc and sorting ratio were ana-lyzed as index.Results Consumptions of antidiabetic drugs as insulin and its analogs in our hospital were between 400-500 million yuan,occupied about 70%of the proportion,and played a leading role.Alpha glucosidase inhibitors and metformin were the main component in the oral hypoglycemic drugs,accounted for 35% and 10% respectively;biguanides of DDDs value ordering three years in a row were in the first place,the DDDs of alpha glucosidase inhibi-tors value ordering three consecutive annual were averagely in the third and fourth.Conclusion The clinical medica-tion of anti diabetic drugs in Wujin People's Hospital of Changzhou is reasonable,safe and economic.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice ; (6): 176-178, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-790441


Objective To achieve outpatient prescriptions audit before payment and dispensing ,optimize the dispensing process ,improve the ratio of qualified prescriptions and promote rational use of drugs .Methods Based on the Hospital Informa‐tion System (HIS) of Peking University Cancer Hospital ,a new computer system was developed for pharmacists to achieve prescriptions audit before payment and dispensing .Results Outpatient prescriptions audit was guaranteed by the new computer system ,the dispensing process was optimized and the role of pharmacists in prescriptions audit was ensured .Conclusion The ratio of unqualified prescriptions was reduced effectively ,and the safety and rationality of prescriptions was improved .Pharma‐cists should improve their professional knowledge to make the prescription audit more professional ,accurate and efficient .

An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association ; : 249-253, 2014.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-375936


<b>Object</b> : Through understanding feelings of residents in the face of the large-scale rationalization of medical resources and their views about the new system of community medicine, we clarify how we should streamline community medicine along the opinion of residents living in local areas.<br><b>Methods</b> : We interviewed some residents in the face of the economic collapse in X city. Through the interviews, we qualitatively analyzed their feelings that they had concerning the large-scale rationalization of medical resources and their views about community medicine in the future.<br><b>Results</b> : We found three common themes with regard to how to streamline community medicine along the residents' opinions : the way of the rationalization of medical resources, the state of community medicine, and the attitude of the municipal government and medical institutions.<br><b>Conclusion</b> : To carry out streamlining community medicine, it is important for the municipal government and medical institutions to take account of residents' opinions more seriously in the process and the content of the rationalization of medical resources, and to understand the social background of the community and residents' feelings more deeply.

Psicol. educ ; (31): 45-52, ago. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-603541


O tema deste artigo é a realidade social e os desafios para a pesquisa em Educação e seu objetivo são as implicações que a cada vez maior tecnicização e racionalização das atividades educativas. A crescente inserção de uma prática social racionalizada, voltada para a eficiência e eficácia vem se institucionalizando, formando, informando e reformando toda a esfera social. O resultado disso são instituições escolares, desde o nível da educação infantil à universitária, normatizadas, reguladas, institucionalizadas que tornam mais difíceis as possibilidades de constituição de novas práticas educativas.

This article's theme is social reality and its challenges for research in Education and their objectives are the implications that technicization and rationalization that are more and more implied on educational activities. The over-growing insertion of a rationalized social practice is being institutionalized an has been forming, informing and refurbishing the entire social sphere. As a result of this process, we can perceive educational institution - from Kindergarten to Universities - now normatized, regulated and institutionalized that make even harder every possibility for building new educational practices.

El tema de este artículo es la realidad social y los desafíos para la investigación educativa y su objetivo son las implicaciones de la creciente tecnificación y racionalización de las actividades educativas. La inserción de una práctica social, focalizada en la eficiencia y en la eficacia se ha institucionalizado, formando, informando y reformulando la esfera social en su conjunto. El resultado son instituciones escolares, desde el nivel preescolar hasta la universidad, regladas, reglamentadas e institucionalizadas, lo que hace más difícil la posibilidad de formación de nuevas prácticas educativas.

Humans , Education , Social Problems
Rev. adm. pública ; 43(4): 897-918, jul.-ago. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-529729


Este artigo indica algumas implicações do pensamento weberiano sobre a compreensão do trabalho e da forma de administrá-lo. Com base nos conceitos weberianos de racionalidade e de racionalização, é feita uma apreciação do trabalho na história ocidental, com ênfase no momento da passagem do capitalismo tradicional para o contemporâneo. A tese central é a de que as teorias de Weber são um modo válido para compreender o trabalho desencantado da atualidade.

Humans , Rationalization , Work
Rev. odontol. UNESP ; 33(1): 25-32, jan.-mar. 2004. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-873492


Mediante aplicação de questionário, avaliou-se 110 cirurgiões-dentistas quanto ao uso de pessoal auxiliar na organização do atendimento clínico. Observou-se que 72,7% dos profissionais entrevistados trabalham com auxiliares e que 71,8% delas permanecem dentro da sala clínica. As atividades mais executadas pelo pessoal auxiliar são agendamento de pacientes(69,7%), preparo de bandejas 69,7%), sucção de campo operatório (61,6%) e manejo de fichas clínicas (59,8%). A responsabilidade pela dispensa do paciente e marcação de novo horário é do pessoal auxiliar em 54,5% dos casos analisados. Dos profissionais entrevistados, 83,6% trabalham com bandejas previamente organizadas e 89,7% fazem o planejamento do procedimento que será executado na próxima sessão, deixando-o registrado no livro horário, na ficha clínica ou em ambos. As auxiliares não ligam para os pacientes no início do expediente confirmando sua presença e relembrando o horário marcado em 49,1% dos casos. Mediante a metodologia aplicada, pôde-se concluir que deve haver melhoria na racionalização do trabalho por parte dos profissionais aproveitando melhor o pessoal auxiliar existente

The present study was aimed at to assessing 110 dentists with regards to the use of dental assistants in the clinical attendance organization, based questionnaire's aplication. It was observed that 72.7% of the dentists had been worked with dental assistants and that 71.8% of them remained inside the dental office while the dentist was working. The most performed activities by the dental assistants were scheduling the patients' return (69.7%), tray setup (69.7%), operating field suction (61.6%) and filling forms (59.8%). The dental assistant was responsible for the patient exemption and for the rescheduling of the patient in 54.5% of the analyzed cases. Among the interviewed professionals, 83.6% used trays previously prepared and 89.7% planned the dental procedures for the next consultation, recording them on the diary or on the treatment chart or in both of them. The dental assistant was not asked to call the patients before the working day for confirmation and reminding the scheduled consultation, in 49.1% of the interiewed dentists. Based on the employed methodology, it may be concluded that there a necessity for the improvement of the professionals' work rationalization, through a better utilization of the assistants

Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Ergonomics , Dental Auxiliaries , Dentists
Chinese Journal of Radiology ; (12)2001.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-559356


Objective To enhance the function of picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and the efficiency of medical imaging by adjusting dataflow. Methods About 9500 examinations consecutive data in July of 2003 were analysed and and followed. The dataflow was adjusted by adding digital radiology servers and temporal servers. Results The network bottleneck was resolved and the system load balanced, then the function of the system was enhanced. The secure running of the system was ensured in condition of urgency or increasing of patients and image data. Conclusion Adjustment of dataflow in PACS makes full use of all resources, reduces unnecessary time-wasting , further improves the working efficiency in our department.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6)1994.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-531318


Based on the construction and its rational theories of Habermas's living-world,this paper analyzes the characteristics of plague and adjusts them according to Chinese social framework and realistic conditions during plagues.The social rescuing system and its sociological rational evolution style are also analyzed based on the functional framework of government,social culture and individuals.Individual's life style and behaviors have both been adjusted due to high pressures of plagues and government's standardization and interferences to the plagues.But seen in the long run,rational evolution of individual's life style depends on the accumulation of time,civilization,and the recognition of medical ethics among general public.

Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine ; : 390-403, 1988.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-225565


The objectives of the study were to provide the basic informations needed in the development of balanced medical services throughout the nation. As the national health care system was expanding rapidly along with the economic growth, quantitative re-evaluation of the system is of great need. For that reason, characteristics of the admitted patients were analyzed for the case-mix and patients' flow within and through regions. Materials were 421,530 cases of inpatients, who were reported through Medical Insurance Corporation(KMIC) for insurance claim, during the period of March 1, 1985 through February 28, 1987. Korean Diagnosis Related Groups(K-DRGs) classification system was adopted for the study of case-mix and 189 cities and countries were classified into 5 district groups by factor analysis results of K-DRGs. The major findings of this study were as follows ; 1) Factor analysis of case-mix, employing K-DRG system, revealed 5 distinct functional district groups. Group A(18 district) was prominent for tertiary medical care. In group B(36 districts), rather simple procedures were prevalent. Group C(26 districts) was distinctive for the medical care of well organized internal medicine practices with qualified clinical laboratories. Group D(17 districts) was characterized by relatively high balanced medical care. Group E (92 districts) was with very low level of medical care. 2) Analysis of the case-flow through the districts showed 3 types of flow patterns ; inflow, outflow, and balanced types. Inflow type of case-flow was found in Group A, C and D while Group B and E showed outflow type. Inflow was most prominent in Group A and Group E was of typical outflow type. Group B was consistently the outflow type except for Major Diagnostic Category XX regardless of the disease treaders, but Group C and D were inflow or outflow types according to the disease tracers.

Humans , Classification , Delivery of Health Care , Diagnosis , Economic Development , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Inpatients , Insurance , Internal Medicine , Rationalization