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Distúrbios Comun. (Online) ; 36(1): 1-12, 17/06/2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560917


Introdução: A Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) é uma língua de natureza visuo-motora com um sistema linguístico e estrutura gramatical próprio e sua aquisição em tempo oportuno é importante para o desenvolvimento cognitivo e comunicativo da criança surda. As famílias ouvintes de crianças surdas devem se engajar no aprendizado dessa língua, uma vez que na ausência do conhecimento da Libras, podem apresentar dificuldades de comunicação e de relacionamento com seu filho surdo. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender o papel da Libras na comunicação de familiares ouvintes e seus filhos surdos atendidos em um centro de reabilitação. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de caráter qualitativo. Foi aplicado um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado com 10 questões abertas a pais ouvintes de crianças surdas que participam de atendimentos em um centro de reabilitação. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio do método análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Ao todo foram entrevistadas 10 mães de crianças surdas. As idades das mães variaram de 21 a 47 anos. Nove mães afirmaram usar a Libras em casa com seus filhos todos os dias e todas relataram usá-la em atividades cotidianas da criança. Todas as mães afirmaram que o uso da Libras trouxe benefícios para o relacionamento na díade mãe-filho. Conclusão: Os achados revelam um importante papel da Libras tanto na comunicação de familiares ouvintes e seus filhos surdos, como no cotidiano desses lares. (AU)

Introduction: The Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) is a visual-motor language with its linguistic system and grammatical structure and its timely acquisition is important for deaf children's cognitive and communicative development. Deaf children's hearing families should engage in learning this language, since not knowing Libras may lead to communication and relationship difficulties with their deaf children. Objective: This study aimed to understand the role of Libras in the communication between hearing family members and their deaf children treated at a rehabilitation center. Methods: This cross-sectional qualitative study applied a semi-structured interview with 10 open-ended questions to hearing parents of deaf children who receive care at a rehabilitation center. Data were analyzed with the content analysis method. Results: Altogether, 10 mothers of deaf children were interviewed. Their ages ranged from 21 to 47 years. Nine mothers said they used Libras at home with their children every day, and all reported using it in their child's daily activities. All mothers stated that the use of Libras brought benefits to the mother-child relationship. Conclusion: The findings highlight the important role of Libras in the daily lives and communication of hearing family members and their deaf children. (AU)

Introducción: La Lengua de Señas Brasileña (Libras) es una lengua visomotora con sistema lingüístico y estructura gramatical propios y su adquisición oportuna es importante para el desarrollo cognitivo y comunicativo del niño sordo. Las familias oyentes de niños sordos deben involucrarse en el aprendizaje de este idioma, ya que en ausencia del conocimiento de Libras, pueden tener dificultades en la comunicación y las relaciones con su hijo sordo. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender el papel de Libras en la comunicación de los familiares oyentes y sus hijos sordos atendidos en un centro de rehabilitación auditiva. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio transversal, cualitativo. Se aplicó un guión de entrevista semiestructurada con 10 preguntas abiertas a padres oyentes de niños sordos que participan en el cuidado en un centro de rehabilitación. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante el método de análisis de contenido. Resultados: En total, se entrevistaron 10 madres de niños sordos. Las edades de las madres oscilaron entre 21 y 47 años. Nueve madres dijeron que usan Libras en casa con sus hijos todos los días y todas informaron que lo usan en las actividades diarias de sus hijos. Todas las madres afirmaron que el uso de Libras trajo beneficios a la relación madre-hijo. Conclusión: Los hallazgos revelan un papel importante de Libra tanto en la comunicación de los miembros oyentes de la familia y sus hijos sordos, como en la vida diaria de estos hogares. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Sign Language , Deafness , Mother-Child Relations , Family , Qualitative Research , Hearing Loss , Nonverbal Communication
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 59-74, mayo 29, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566726


Introduction: Literature shows that individuals with disabilities, including hearing impairment, often suffer from untreated dental caries, poor oral hygiene, and compromised periodontal health, leading to adverse effects on oral health. Objetive: This study aims to analyze current evidence concerning dental care strategies for controlling, managing, and preventing biofilm accumulation in patients with hearing impairment. Materials and Methods: A systematic search was conducted in the databases Scopus, Web of Science, SciELO and PubMed between April and May 2022 to identify articles establishing a relationship between periodontal disease and hearing disability. Full-text articles published in English or Spanish between 2012 and 2022 were included. Results: Seventeen articles met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed. These included cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, clinical trials, case reports, and case-control studies. Most studies reported fair to poor oral health status among individuals. Nine different interventions or management approaches for treating periodontal disease in patients with hearing impairment were identified. Conclusions: The current global evidence on the association between periodontal disease and hearing impairment is very limited. Dentists may need to employ various strategies to address communication barriers, as outlined in this study.

Introducción: Según la literatura, las personas en situación de discapacidad presentan caries dentales no tratadas, higiene bucal y estado periodontal deficiente, lo cual puede resultar en efectos negativos para su salud bucal. Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia existente con relación a la atención odontológica enfocada en el control, manejo y prevención de acumulación de biofilm en pacientes con deficiencia auditiva. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó la búsqueda de artículos en las bases de datos y motor de búsqueda (Scopus, Web of Science, SciELO y PubMed) entre abril y mayo 2022, de acuerdo con la evidencia existente que relacione la enfermedad periodontal y la discapacidad auditiva en la atención odontológica. Se incluyeron artículos de texto completo en idioma inglés o español, con fecha de publicación entre 2012 a 2022. Resultado: Se seleccionó un total de 17 artículos para su análisis. Se encontró estudios transversales, estudios de cohorte, ensayos clínicos, reporte de caso y estudios de casos y controles. La salud oral fue catalogada en estado regular y deficiente en la mayoría de los estudios. Se encontró 9 tipos de intervenciones o manejos para el tratamiento de la enfermedad periodontal en pacientes con hipoacusia. Conclusión: La evidencia existente respecto a la enfermedad periodontal y la deficiencia auditiva es insuficiente a nivel global. Debido a lo anterior, el odontólogo puede abordar los obstáculos comunicativos de diferentes maneras de acuerdo a los métodos descritos en esta publicación.

Humans , Periodontal Diseases/etiology , Dental Caries/etiology , Hearing Loss/complications
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e12976, fev.2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534069


"Penumbra sign" is a characteristic finding in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of Brodie's abscess, a rare variant of subacute osteomyelitis. We aimed to discuss the imaging finding penumbra sign that will help in the diagnosis of osteomyelitis and may be useful to clinicians in differential diagnosis. A 26-year-old male patient presented to the emergency department with complaints of pain and limping in the right knee that did not go away. He had a history of arthroscopic debridement and percutaneous fixation surgery due to osteochondral fragment 3 years ago. There were no additional findings in the patient's vital parameters, physical examination, and medical history. X-ray imaging revealed two screws in the distal femur and a well-defined sclerotic rim surrounding a radiolucent lesion anterior to the screws. MRI revealed a lesion in the distal femoral metaphysis with low-density fluid and hyperintense granulation tissue surrounding it. After surgical abscess drainage and local debridement, bone cement was placed in the resulting cavity. Teicoplanin treatment was started. The patient was discharged and complete recovery was achieved in the second month. The diagnosis of osteomyelitis is often missed or confused with bone tumors in non-traumatic cases presenting with persistent bone pain. MRI imaging is frequently used in differential diagnosis, and detection of characteristic imaging signs such as the penumbra sign accelerates the diagnosis. In this context, emergency department clinicians, in particular, should be cautious and not forget that early treatment can be started by recognizing these signs.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021707


BACKGROUND:The appearance of the crescent sign in femoral head necrosis is a"turning point"in the progression of the disease,and repairing and stabilizing the bone-cartilage interface is particularly important in preventing further progression and collapse of the femoral head.Tissue engineering offers potential advantages in the simultaneous repair and integration of the bone-cartilage interface. OBJECTIVE:To review potentially suitable techniques addressing the subchondral separation in femoral head necrosis. METHODS:Relevant articles from January 1970 to April 2023 were searched in PubMed,Web of Science,and China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)using English search terms"femoral head necrosis,avascular necrosis of femoral head,osteonecrosis of femoral head"and Chinese search terms"femoral head necrosis,subchondral bone,cartilage,integration of cartilage and subchondral bone".A total of 114 articles were included for review and analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Structural defects,ischemic and hypoxic environment,inflammatory factors,and stress concentration may cause subchondral separation in osteonecrosis of the femoral head.Subchondral bone collapse and failure of hip-preserving surgery may be associated.Integration of tissue engineering scaffolds with the bone-cartilage interface is one potential approach for treating subchondral separation in osteonecrosis of the femoral head.(2)Current literature suggests that multiphase scaffolds,gradient scaffolds,and composite materials have shown improvements in promoting cell adhesion,proliferation,and deposition of bone and cartilage matrix.These advancements aid in the integration of scaffolds with the bone-cartilage interface and have implications for the treatment of subchondral separation in osteonecrosis of the femoral head.(3)Surface modifications of scaffolds can enhance interface integration efficiency,but they have their advantages and disadvantages.Scaffolds providing different environments can induce differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells and facilitate integration between different interfaces.(4)Future scaffolds for subchondral separation in osteonecrosis of the femoral head are expected to be composite materials with gradient and differentiated biomimetic structures.Surface modifications and stem cell loading can promote integration between the bone-cartilage interface and scaffolds for therapeutic purposes,but further experimental verification is still needed.Challenges include synchronizing scaffold degradation rate with repair progress and ensuring stability between different interfaces.

Journal of Medical Research ; (12): 51-55, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023625


Objective To explore the effect of head CT blend signs on short-term outcomes in patients with spontaneous supraten-torial intracerebral hemorrhage(ICH)after craniotomy.Methods A total of 435 patients with spontaneous supratentorial ICH who un-derwent craniotomy in the Department of Neurosurgery,Jinyang Hospital Affiliated to Guizhou Medical University from January 2019 to December 2022 were enrolled retrospectively.The patients were divided into the blend sign group(n=105)and control group(n=330)based on the CT features at admission.The general clinical data,imaging data,surgical data,complications and prognosis were collected and compared between the two groups.The outcome was assessed by the mRS(modified Rankin scale)at discharge.Multivariate Logistic regression model was used to analyze the independent correlation between CT blend sign and poor outcomes.Results During the follow-up period,there was no significant differences in the proportion of patients with poor outcomes between the two groups.The poor outcomes after craniotomy was independently correlated with age,smoking history,diabetes history and Glasgow coma scale(GCS)at admission,but not with blend signs.Conclusion Head CT blend signs on admission is not associated with the poor outcomes in patients with sponta-neous supratentorial ICH after craniotomy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028686


We retrospectively analyzed therapy efficacy and the adverse reactions of 10 patients suffering from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with intestinal involvement treated with rituximab (RTX). Patients were hospitalized in the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology of the First Medical Center of PLA General Hospital from January 2015 to January 2023. Among the 10 patients, two were men and eight were women. The age of the cohort was (41.9±8.8) years. The age at disease onset was (28.8±9.2) years. The total course of the SLE diagnosis was(109.6±59.9) months. The course of the diagnosis of SLE with intestinal involvement was (89.3±50.2) months. The time from the appearance of intestinal symptoms to the diagnosis of SLE with intestinal involvement was 1.5 (1.0,8.0) months. The time from the diagnosis of SLE with intestinal involvement to RTX use was 13.0 (1.0,46.3) months. Follow-up duration after application of RTX treatment was (55.3±28.4) months. There were five cases of abdominal pain, four cases of abdominal distension, nine cases of diarrhea, three cases of nervous-system involvement, nine cases of lupus nephritis, and seven cases of serositis. All 10 patients underwent computed tomography and radiology of the abdomen. Eight patients had intestinal-wall edema, seven suffered intestinal dilation, four had target signs, three suffered congestion of mesenteric blood vessels, eight had increased mesenteric-fat density, and six had false intestinal obstruction. All 10 patients showed a low level of complement C3 (250-750 mg/L). Nine cases showed a low level of complement C4 (10-90 mg/L). The SLE disease activity index 2000 (SLEDAI-2K) at baseline in 10 patients was 20.5 (17.8, 30.0). After receiving RTX (0.5 g: day 1, day 14, or 375 mg/m 2: day 1, day 14) induction treatment, the intestinal symptoms of 10 cases were relieved completely. Four patients had adverse reactions, of which three received a high-dose glucocorticoid combined with RTX treatment simultaneously. Adverse reactions manifested mainly as a reduced level of IgG and infection with herpes simplex virus in one case, reduced level of IgG and lung infection in one patient, lung infection in one case, and reduced IgG level in one patient. RTX may an efficacious treatment strategy for patients suffering from refractory SLE with intestinal involvement.

Medical Education ; : 132-138, 2024.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039981


The Faculty of Medicine at Tottori University has integrated sign language education into its curriculum since 2008, taking advantage of opportunities arising from curriculum revisions. Through the mandatory course titled “Basic Sign Language,” medical students acquire essential sign language expressions and develop an understanding of the challenges that people with hearing impairments face in society, as well as the necessary accommodations required. In the advanced elective course “Medical Sign Language,” students are taught sign language expressions that are vital for effective communication in medical settings. They also gain insights into the specific difficulties experienced by individuals with hearing impairments in healthcare environments and learn about the appropriate accommodations needed. Owing to these educational efforts, the medical school has produced a number of physicians trained in sign language, enhancing the accessibility and safety of medical services for the hearing impaired. The hope is that sign language education will be adopted by medical schools across the nation moving forward.

Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging ; (12): 162-165,167, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026368


Purpose To explore the diagnostic value of beak sign in fetal annular pancreas by analyzing the ultrasonographic features of fetal annular pancreas.Materials and Methods The ultrasound images and clinical data of 13 cases of fetal annular pancreas diagnosed by prenatal ultrasound in Shandong Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital from September 2019 to December 2021 and confirmed by surgery after birth were retrospectively analyzed.The degree of duodenal stenosis at the obstruction site was observed,especially whether the angle formed by the intestinal wall could identify the fetal annular pancreas,and the ultrasonic characteristics were summarized and analyzed.Results A total of 13 fetuses with annular pancreas showed double bubble sign,3 cases showed clamp sign,and 7 cases showed beak sign at the end of duodenal dilatation.All the 13 cases underwent surgical treatment after birth,including 2 cases with duodenal atresia and 1 case with atypical intestinal malrotation.All the children had good prognosis after operation.Conclusion By observing the dilated end of duodenum and the relationship with pancreatic head,prenatal ultrasound combined with beak sign and double bubble sign could improve the diagnostic accuracy of fetal annular pancreas,which has significant value in prenatal diagnosis of fetal annular pancreas.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 30: e0041, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559416


RESUMO: Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender os desafios e as possibilidades de tradução e contação em Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) das histórias presentes no livro O homem que Calculava, do escritor modernista brasileiro Malba Tahan. Tratase de uma investigação qualitativa que se debruçou sobre o processo de tradução audiovisual das histórias presentes no livro, as adaptações feitas em suas narrativas, os recursos de preparação para a produção e edição dos vídeos, a implementação de recursos gráficos e visuais e, por fim, sua divulgação como produto da pesquisa. As análises indicam o potencial didático que emerge na interação entre os envolvidos no processo de tradução das histórias: professores, intérpretes e discentes (surdo e ouvinte), possibilitando formas de expressão artísticas que exploram a visualidade inerente da língua de sinais aliada a recursos gráficos, tomando as narrativas como elemento central para o desenvolvimento criativo ancorado no ensino da Matemática por meio da leitura e da interpretação de histórias.

ABSTRACT: This research aimed to understand the challenges and possibilities of translation and storytelling in the Brazilian Sign Language (known by the acronym LIBRAS) of the stories present in the book O homem que calculava [The man who counted] by the Brazilian modernist writer Malba Tahan. This is a qualitative investigation that focused on the audiovisual translation process of the stories present in the book, on the adaptations made in its narratives, the preparation resources for the production and editing of the videos, the implementation of graphic and visual resources and, finally, its dissemination as a research product. The analyzes indicate the didactic potential that emerges in the interaction between those involved in the process of translating the stories: teachers, interpreters and students (deaf and hearing), enabling forms of artistic expression that explore the inherent visuality of sign language combined with graphic resources, taking the narratives as a central element for the creative development anchored in the teaching of Mathematics through the reading and interpretation of stories.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 30: e0051, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559425


RESUMEN: Los intérpretes en Lengua de Señas Chilena (ILSCh) constituyen un recurso para la inclusión, eliminando barreras de estudiantes sordos que manejan la modalidad visual-gestual para comunicarse. Chile tiene normativa que favorece la participación del ILSCh en distintos ámbitos, y este estudio se centró en los intérpretes en contexto escolar, considerando que existe un desconocimiento de los procesos, implementación, resultados, logros y situación laboral. Las interrogantes del estudio fueron: ¿cuál es el estado actual del ILSCh, las trayectorias formativas, el rol y los desafíos de su quehacer? El objetivo general fue describir la figura del ILSCh y los desafíos que enfrenta en su desempeño laboral en contexto escolar, situados en las regiones Metropolitana y Valparaíso, Chile. El enfoque fue cualitativo, interpretativo, diseño fenomenográfico, descriptivo y transeccional, la muestra intencionada por criterios de 24 intérpretes de nivel escolar. Las técnicas de recogida de información fueron: formulario de identificación, entrevista y grupo focal. Se analizaron las transcripciones con el software Atlas TI. Los resultados muestran la diversidad en la formación, centrada en el vocabulario de la lengua, con mínimas líneas del contexto educativo, desconocimiento del rol, solicitudes de tareas fuera de sus funciones y situaciones laborares sin regulación y diversidad de jefaturas.

ABSTRACT: The interpreters in Chilean Sign Language (ILSCh) constitute a resource for inclusion, eliminating the barriers of deaf students who use the visual-gestural modality to communicate. Chile has regulations that favor the participation of the ILSCh in different áreas, and this study focused on interpreters in the school context, considering that there is a lack of knowledge of the processes, implementation, results, achievements and employment situation. The questions of the study were: What is the current state of the ILSCh, its formative trajectories, its role and the challenges of its work? The general objective was to describe the figure of the ILSCh and the challenges it faces in its work performance in the school context, located in the Metropolitan and Valparaíso regions, Chile. The approach was qualitative, interpretative, phenomenographic, descriptive and transactional design, the sample intentional by criteria of 24 school level interpreters. The information collection techniques were: identification form, interview and focus group. The transcripts were analyzed with the Atlas TI software. The results show the diversity in the training, focused on the vocabulary of the language, with minimal lines of the educational context, lack of knowlegde of the role, requests for tasks outside their functions and work situations without regulation and diversity of leadership.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562146


El tema de estudio, denominado «El juego, mecanismo de construcción de competencias ciudadanas en el aula universitaria¼, permite realizar una reflexión sobre situaciones reales y tensiones sociales desde el ámbito universitario, en el aula de clase, con un dispositivo disponible en plataforma que cuenta un juego denominado: "Caminos". La mecánica permite escoger un personaje: "Pili o Nico"; seguidamente se lanzan los dados, y se inicia el recorrido, con preguntas en temas relacionados con las competencias ciudadanas, la cívica y la democracia, resolviendo situaciones o dilemas y escogiendo la opción correcta. En el dispositivo, se permite avanzar hasta llegar al meta, finalizando con un taller de reflexión. Además del juego se articulan materiales de apoyo que facilitan la labor docente. En este sentido, el objetivo general es el diseño de una estrategia lúdica-didáctica en un juego en línea para el desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas con estudiantes de carreras cuyo prerrequisito es la materia de Constitución Política. El método planteado es el paradigma positivista a través del método deductivo, con un enfoque mixto, de carácter proyectivo. La validación del instrumento se sometió a un universo de 77 sujetos de estudio, en un centro universitario en la ciudad de Bogotá ­ Colombia. El resultado, es el diseño del instrumento didáctico que articula materiales que facilitan la labor docente. La herramienta lúdica, comprende el lenguaje de señas con ánimo de ser inclusivo. Como conclusión, la contribución permite fortalecer las competencias ciudadanas, reflexionar desde el taller, con casos reales favoreciendo el proceso de enseñanza ­ aprendizaje

The topic of study, called "The game, a mechanism for building citizen competencies in the university classroom", allows reflection on real situations and social tensions from the university environment, in the classroom, with a device available on a platform that There is a game called: "Roads".The game mechanics involve choosing a character, either "Pili or Nico"; subsequently, dice are rolled to start the journey, featuring questions on topics related to citizenship competencies, civics, and democracy, solving dilemmas and selecting the correct option. The device allows progression until reaching the goal, ending with a reflection workshop. In addition to the game, support materials are integrated to facilitate the teaching effort. Thus, the main objective is to design a playful-didactic strategy in an online game for the development of citizenship competencies among students of programs whose prerequisite is the Political Constitution course. The proposed method is the positivist paradigm through deductive reasoning, with a mixed, projective approach. The validation of the instrument involved a universe of 77 study subjects at a university center in Bogotá ­ Colombia. The result is the design of a didactic instrument that integrates materials to aid the teaching process. The playful tool includes sign language to be inclusive. In conclusion, this contribution strengthens citizenship competencies, encourages reflection through the workshop, with real cases benefiting the teaching-learning process.

Arq. bras. neurocir ; 43(2): 148-156, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571383


The Hoffmann-Tinel sign is well-known to professionals dealing with nerve lesions and is widely used as a provocative test. It was described by Paul Hoffman and Jules Tinel in the same year (1915), independently. In the present article, a biographical sketch of both authors is presented and the method for eliciting the sign and the sometimes controversial information of its results are discussed.

O sinal de Hoffmann-Tinel é bem conhecido pelos profissionais que lidam com lesões de nervos, sendo amplamente utilizado como um teste provocativo. Foi descrito por Paul Hoffmann e por Jules Tinel no mesmo ano (1915), de forma independente. No presente artigo, é apresentado um esboço biográfico de ambos autores e são discutidas a forma de obter o sinal e as informações, por vezes controversas, fornecidas por seus resultados.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(5): 42-49, sep.-oct. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535216


Resumen El vólvulo de sigmoides ocurre como resultado de una torsión del eje mesentérico colónico, cuenta con una etiología multifactorial y controvertida, de fisiopatología no clara aún. Presenta un cuadro clínico de inicio inespecífico y posteriores signos y síntomas de oclusión intestinal; su diagnóstico se establece mediante tomografía computarizada, con una sensibilidad y especificidad mayor al 90%. El manejo dependerá de la condición clínica del paciente. Caso clínico: Hombre de 29 años con antecedente de síndrome de Asperger. Refirió que desde 7 días previos a su ingreso presentó dolor tipo cólico difuso, asociado a distensión abdominal e intolerancia a la vía oral. Acudió a valoración hospitalaria donde se realizóa tomografía computarizada con niveles hidroaéreos, torsión de arteria mesentérica inferior de aspecto de torbellino. Se realizó laparotomía exploradora a través de la cual se encontró sigmoides dilatado y volvulado, con perforación en la unión rectosigmoidea; se realizó sigmoidectomía con colorectoanastomosis. Al quinto día presentó datos de respuesta inflamatoria con abdomen agudo, por lo que ingresó a laparotomía exploradora donde se encontró dehiscencia de anastomosis; se realizó procedimiento de Hartmann. El paciente presentó choque séptico y falleció a las 24 horas del postquirúrgico. Discusión: La presentación de vólvulo sigmoides generalmente se presenta en personas mayores de 70 años, pocos casos se describen en personas jóvenes y están relacionados con enfermedad de dismotilidad intestinal. El paciente no contaba con factores predisponentes, el diagnóstico se estableció con imágenes características de la enfermedad, como la imagen en torbellino, se decidió manejo quirúrgico con la realización de resección con colorectoanastomosis. Conclusión: La oclusión intestinal por vólvulo sigmoides es una patología infrecuente en jóvenes y de clínica inespecífica. Ante un paciente que presente datos de oclusión intestinal deberá ser abordado de manera apropiada, sobre todo en pacientes en quienes hayan debutado con una clínica insidiosa y persistente de dolor abdominal secundario a oclusión intestinal, sean jóvenes con o sin factores de riesgo.

Abstract Sigmoid volvulus occurs due to a torsion of the colonic mesenteric axis, it has a multifactorial and controversial etiology, and its pathophysiology is not yet clear. Presenting a clinical picture of non-specific onset and later signs and symptoms of intestinal occlusion, its diagnosis is established with computed tomography with a sensitivity and specificity greater than 90%. Management will depend on the clinical condition of the patient. Clinical case: A 29-year-old man with a history of Asperger syndrome. He referred 7 days prior to admission with diffuse cramping pain, associated with abdominal distension and oral intolerance. He went to the hospital for evaluation where a computed tomography was performed with air-fluid levels, torsion of the inferior mesenteric artery with a whirlwind appearance. Exploratory laparotomy was performed, finding a dilated and volvulated sigmoid with perforation at the rectosigmoid junction. A sigmoidectomy with colorectal anastomosis was performed. On the fifth day, he presented data of inflammatory response with acute abdomen, entering exploratory laparotomy finding anastomosis dehiscence, Hartmann procedure was performed. The patient presented septic shock, died 24 hours after surgery. Discussion: The presentation of sigmoid volvulus generally occurs in people older than 70 years, few cases are described in young people and are related to intestinal dysmotility disease, the patient did not have predisposing factors, the diagnosis is established with characteristic images of the disease such as whirlwind image, surgical management is decided by performing resection with colorectal anastomosis. Conclusion: Intestinal occlusion due to sigmoid volvulus is an infrequent pathology in young people and with non-specific symptoms. When faced with a patient presenting evidence of intestinal occlusion, this should be appropriately addressed, especially in patients who have debuted with insidious and persistent symptoms of abdominal pain secondary to intestinal occlusion, whether they are young with or without risk factors.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Aug; 71(8): 3095-3099
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225186


Capsulorhexis is an integral step of cataract surgery, and continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis is crucial during phacoemulsification to prevent intraoperative complications. However, sometimes during phacoemulsification in complicated and hard cataract cases, rhexis extension may occur, resulting in posterior capsular rent, nucleus drop, cortex drop, and aphakia. It may not always be possible to continue with phacoemulsification in all cases. In this perspective, the authors describe a novel flap motility sign (FMS) to predict the extent of anterior capsular tear during phacoemulsification. A total of 21,678 patients underwent phacoemulsification for three years, from July 2016 to June 2019. One hundred and twenty-one patients had an anterior capsular tear. There were 102 cases (84.3%) with pre-equatorial tears and 19 cases (15.70%) with postequatorial tears. All pre-equatorial flaps were everted and fluttering, and all postequatorial flaps were inverted and nonfluttering. Posterior capsule rupture (PCR) was observed in all 19 cases of postequatorial flaps (100%). No PCR was observed in patients with fluttering and everted flaps (0%). In-the-bag and scleral-fixated intraocular lens implantations succeeded in pre-equatorial and postequatorial tears, respectively. There was no case of a nucleus drop. This study validates FMS as a predictor for identifying the extent of anterior capsular tears, thereby determining the endpoint of safe phacoemulsification and the site for intraocular lens implantation. Pre-equatorial tears allow for the continuation of safe phacoemulsification and in-the-bag intraocular implantation. Postequatorial tears necessitate timely conversion to small-incision cataract surgery or extracapsular cataract extraction.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 117-131, ago. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448485


Resumen El estudio se cuestiona sobre un abordaje fructífero en el estudio de los efectos de la modalidad lingüística (de señas versus oral) en la organización de la memoria semántica. Para responder la pregunta de investigación, un aspecto central es definir criterios y procedimientos capaces de distinguir entre los factores transportados por la modalidad lingüística de los que le son propios. Entre los primeros, se encuentran la edad de exposición a la lengua natural y su distribución funcional, etaria o geográfica. Entre los aspectos propios de la modalidad se incluyen la iconicidad y el grado de concreción/abstracción de las piezas léxicas. Se sugiere centrarse en el uso de dicho gradiente para evocar dominios conceptuales. Si lo concreto/abstracto es un continuo, entonces hay que preguntarse qué forma de organización es predominante en el léxico mental de las poblaciones señantes u oyentes y qué factores modulan el perfil de esa organización.

Abstract The efforts to understand the relationship of the meaning of a lexical piece to the object to which it refers, the relationship between the lexical pieces and the concepts, and the understanding of the meanings shared between two speakers who use the same lexical pieces have all constituted major problems for the semantic memory models. According to contemporary literature, perceptual-motor, linguistic, and social information have different weights in the formation of concepts, whether concrete or abstract, stored in the aforementioned memory. Regardless of the models developed so far, it is interesting to note that semantic knowledge is represented by various ways of relating the concepts and the types of relationships between them. In this context, studies in sign languages and comparative studies between spoken and sign languages are scarce. Thus, little is known about the effect of linguistic modality on the semantic networks. After all, the theory on semantic networks and norms for the production of features has been grounded on theories of language and its processing adjusted to spoken languages. As the incorporation of the sign language and the Deaf population has shown in other psycholinguistic and linguistic topics, the importance of including these languages and populations, and comparatives with spoken languages, might increase the explanatory power of the theory to account for the universal and contextual aspects of language and its processing. In this effort, there is a latent risk: the linguistic modality can be only a vehicle for more well-known or studied cross-modal variables (e. g., age of acquisition, functional distribution of language, size of the available lexicon, etc.). If it is considered that languages are not stored together, but similar processes can occur in them, it is essential to find out what may be a singular feature of each modality (spoken versus sign) that might ground differentiated processes. Considering the high iconicity of the sign languages and the possibility of a high concreteness of the lexical pieces in the sign language as distinctive features -not collapsible into well-known variables such as the aforementioned-, this article suggests a careful approach to avoid the aforementioned risk in the study of the effects of the linguistic modality (sign versus oral) in the organization of semantic memory. Since perceptual-motor and social information are the main sources of iconicity, a balanced instrument is necessary in the evocation of perceptual-motor, social, and linguistic information. Repeated free word association tasks seem like an appropriate paradigm for a suggested approach. The reasons for this are that, by not censoring the types of response, then free association tasks allow capturing all kinds of concepts (concrete or abstract), all kinds of semantic relationships/organization (paradigmatic versus thematic) and all kinds of processes (comparison versus interaction). This type of task therefore makes it possible to collect meanings related to linguistic information and non-linguistic experience because affective and experiential information is accessible by doing the task in different repetitions. The approach and the tool are exemplified by an ongoing comparative study between Deaf signing and hearing populations. The partial findings of this study also serve to focus on the expected effects of the difference in iconicity and the level of concreteness/abstractness of the lexical pieces of each linguistic modality; namely, the differences between an abstract and a concrete conceptualization of the conceptual domains. Taxonomic and introspective labels might appear as indicative of paradigmatic relationships, of a taxonomic organization, and of underlying comparison processes. On the other hand, the situational and entity labels, indicative of syntagmatic relationships, of a thematic organization and of underlying interaction processes, might suggest a predominantly concrete organization.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221432


BACKGROUND Bronchiectasis and cavitation are key features of acute and chronic pulmonary infections. Cavitary lesions may carry unfavourable prognosis with regard to complete restoration of pulmonary function in few patients. OBJECTIVES To evaluate type and site of bronchiectasis, its relation with cavity formation on computed tomography and providing an insight to sorting out subjects suited for physiotherapy. A radiological sign-“Feeding bronchus sign” has been discussed with reference to bronchiectasis, its origin, natural course and a suggestion of guarded future management and rehabilitation. METHODS Total 150 chest CT scans with presence of cavity and bronchiectasis were retrospectively reviewed and followed up for type, site of bronchiectasis, signs of active infection, site of cavity and presence of “feeding bronchus sign”. Final diagnosis was confirmed by sputum sample, acid-fast bacillus test or culture or polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS Out of 150 cases, 70 (46%) had chronic and 80 (53%) had active infection. 33 (22%) had solitary and 117 (78%) had multiple cavities. 37 (34.6 %) patients had cylindrical, 11 (7.3 %) had varicose, 27 (18%) had cystic bronchiectasis, 23 (15.3%) had cylindrical and varicose, 19 (12.6%) had cylindrical and cystic and 33 (22%) had all three types. “Feeding bronchus sign” was observed in 102 (68%) patients. Radiological evidence of disease progression was seen in 21 patients, improvement in 19 and no change in 17 on follow-up CT. CONCLUSION Patients with positive “Feeding bronchus sign” are at risk for increased disease transmission and secondary opportunistic infections. Improvement and maintenance of quality of life is ultimate goal of management. Apart from antibiotics, pulmonary rehabilitation also plays an important role in cavitary lung disease

Rev. neuro-psiquiatr. (Impr.) ; 86(2): 148-153, abr.-jun. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560316


RESUMEN La ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2 (SCA2) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa hereditaria autosómica dominante, causada por una expansión anormal del trinucleótido CAG en el gen ATXN2. La SCA2 se presenta habitualmente en la edad adulta, con ataxia progresiva asociada a neuropatía periférica, alteración de movimientos oculares, parkinsonismo, entre otros síntomas. Exámenes auxiliares aplicables incluyen pruebas bioquímicas, neuroimágenes, como resonancia magnética cerebral, y estudio genético molecular. Describimos, por primera vez en la población peruana, el caso de una mujer de mediana edad con diagnóstico confirmado de SCA2, cuya resonancia magnética cerebral muestra el signo de la cruz (o hot cross bun sign).

ABSTRACT Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is an autosomal dominant inherited neurodegenerative disease, caused by an abnormal CAG trinucleotide expansion in the ATXN2 gene. SCA2 usually occurs in adulthood, with progressive ataxia associated with peripheral neuropathy, impaired eye movements, parkinsonism, and other symptoms. Auxiliary exams include biochemical tests, neuroimaging such as brain MRI, and a molecular genetic study. We describe, for the first time in the Peruvian population, the case of a middle-aged woman with a confirmed diagnosis of SCA2, whose brain MRI shows the "Hot Cross Bun Sign".

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221853


Pulmonary hydatid is not a rare disease. But raising a suspicion for its diagnosis is limited. There are limited approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of the same. We present here four cases of pulmonary hydatid, without liver involvement, with emphasis on how it was misdiagnosed and received multiple treatment and landed into complications. Most of our cases presented with cough, sputum and hemoptysis. For these nonspecific signs and symptoms, patient is generally treated on a different line of diagnosis. Two of the cases were already treated for abscess and fungal infection. One of the patients was on antitubercular treatment. One of our cases was secondarily infected with aspergilloma. One of the cases was referred to oncologist to start chemotherapy. Interestingly, to raise a suspicion, none of our cases had liver involvement. A detailed history revealed expectoration of white salty material in sputum, living with sheep and dog and expectorating grape-like vesicles in sputum. History helped us to put hydatid as one of our differentials. Echinococcal serology was positive in three cases. Only three cases had on-table appearance of hydatid cyst. All four cases underwent surgical management for complete cure. There is need for strong suspicion and a detailed history and proper set of investigations help in timely diagnosis and management of pulmonary hydatid disease.

Cogitare Enferm. (Online) ; 28: e84359, Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1514034


RESUMO Objetivo: identificar estudos na literatura científica sobre a comunicação dos profissionais de saúde entre pessoas com deficiência auditiva na prestação do cuidado. Método: revisão integrativa realizada em fevereiro/2021, em 14 bases de dados e busca manual, sem recorte temporal, nos idiomas português, inglês, espanhol, através dos descritores Pessoas com Deficiência Auditiva e Profissionais de Saúde e suas variações, sem delimitação de contexto. A análise dos resultados deu-se pela organização em grupos temáticos conforme sua frequência. Resultados: 16 estudos foram selecionados, destacando-se os resultados: uso da escrita e mímica como principais estratégias de comunicação; falta de qualificação dos profissionais para uma comunicação efetiva, sendo o uso de LIBRAS a forma menos utilizada; e, sentimento de insegurança, bloqueio, incapacidade que profissionais vivenciam na comunicação com pessoas com deficiência auditiva. Conclusão: é necessário investir na qualificação dos profissionais de saúde em LIBRAS tornando a comunicação mais eficaz, contribuindo para a melhoria da prática assistencial.

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify studies in the scientific literature on the communication between health professionals and hearing impaired people during care provision. Method: an integrative review carried out in February 2021 in 14 databases and with manual search, without time frame, in Portuguese, English, Spanish and through the Hearing Impaired People and Health Professionals descriptors and their variations, without context delimitation. The results were analyzed by organizing them into thematic groups according to their frequency. Results: a total of 16 studies were selected, with the following results standing out: use of writing and mimicry as main communication strategies; non-qualification of the professionals for effective communication, with the use of LIBRAS as the least used means; and feelings of insecurity, blockage and disability experienced by the professionals in communicating with hearing impaired people. Conclusion: it is necessary to invest in health professionals' qualification in LIBRAS, making communication more effective and contributing to improvements in the care practice.

RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar estudios en la literatura científica sobre la comunicación entre los profesionales de la salud y las personas con deficiencia auditiva en la prestación de cuidados. Método: revisión integradora realizada en febrero de 2021, en 14 bases de datos y búsqueda manual, sin recorte temporal, en portugués, inglés y español, a través de los descriptores Personas con discapacidad auditiva y Profesionales de la Salud y sus variantes, sin delimitación de contexto. El análisis de los resultados se realizó organizándolos en grupos temáticos en función de la frecuencia. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 16 estudios, se destacaron los resultados: uso de la escritura y la mímica como principales estrategias de comunicación; falta de cualificación de los profesionales para lograr una comunicación efectiva, el LIBRAS es la forma menos utilizada; y, sentimiento de inseguridad, bloqueo, incapacidad que experimentan los profesionales en la comunicación con personas con deficiencia auditiva. Conclusión: es necesario invertir en la capacitación de los profesionales de la salud en LIBRAS para que haya una comunicación más efectiva que contribuya a mejorar la práctica asistencial.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980704


@#Urticaria pigmentosa (UP) is the most common form of cutaneous mastocytosis in children. It can be diagnosed clinically, based on the appearance of numerous brownish macules and papules that are symmetrically distributed, mostly on the trunk and the extremities. Skin biopsy is helpful in establishing the diagnosis. Treatment options generally include antihistamines and/or topical corticosteroids. In most cases, pediatric UP tends to disappear spontaneously before puberty. We present the case of a 9-month-old male with a history of multiple brownish patches and plaques, which started when he was four months old. He was diagnosed with UP based on clinical and histopathologic findings, and was prescribed oral antihistamines and emollients for symptomatic treatment.

Mastocytosis, Cutaneous