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J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20210002, 2021. graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1340184


Scorpions possess two systems of weapons: the pincers (chelae) and the stinger (telson). These are placed on anatomically and developmentally well separated parts of the body, that is, the oral appendages and at the end of the body axis. The otherwise conserved body plan of scorpions varies most in the shape and relative dimensions of these two weapon systems, both across species and in some cases between the sexes. We review the literature on the ecological function of these two weapon systems in each of three contexts of usage: (i) predation, (ii) defense and (iii) sexual contests. In the latter context, we will also discuss their usage in mating. We first provide a comparative background for each of these contexts of usage by giving examples of other weapon systems from across the animal kingdom. Then, we discuss the pertinent aspects of the anatomy of the weapon systems, particularly those aspects relevant to their functioning in their ecological roles. The literature on the functioning and ecological role of both the chelae and the telson is discussed in detail, again organized by context of usage. Particular emphasis is given on the differences in morphology or usage between species or higher taxonomic groups, or between genders, as such cases are most insightful to understand the roles of each of the two distinct weapon systems of the scorpions and their evolutionary interactions. We aimed to synthesize the literature while minimizing conjecture, but also to point out gaps in the literature and potential future research opportunities.(AU)

Animals , Ecological Studies , Scorpion Stings
Rev. méd. Urug ; 36(4): 459-463, dic. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1144764


Resumen: Las llamadas armas no letales son parte del arsenal de las fuerzas de seguridad y están diseñadas para reprimir disturbios penitenciarios y protestas masivas en espacios públicos. La falsa idea de que la posibilidad de que causen lesiones graves y muerte es baja ha ayudado a extender su uso. Se presentan dos casos de muertes violentas causadas por impactos de los llamados proyectiles no letales utilizados por el personal policial encargado de la seguridad en los establecimientos de reclusión en nuestro país. Se cuestiona la seguridad de este tipo de armas y municiones en situaciones de estrés, en que no se puede garantizar una correcta utilización (distancia mínima y sector corporal de impacto). Se recomienda erradicar la denominación de "armas no letales" y sustituirla por otra más moderna y ajustada a la realidad como "armas menos letales".

Summary: The so-called non-lethal weapons are part of the weapon arsenal available to the police forces, and they were designed to control prison riots and massive protests in public spaces. The false idea they have low chances of causing severe lesions or death has contributed to their being more widely used. The study presents two cases of violent deaths caused by the impact of the so called non-lethal projectiles used by policemen in charge of security in the prisons of our country. Safety of this kind of weapons under stressful situations is questioned, since there is no guarantee for them to be used properly (minimum distance and impact body area). A recommendation is made to eradicate using the label "non-lethal weapons" and substitute it for a more modern and appropriate one, such as "less lethal weapons".

Resumo: As chamadas armas não letais fazem parte do arsenal das forças de segurança e têm como objetivo suprimir motins em prisões e protestos em massa em espaços públicos. O equívoco de que a possiblidade de causar de ferimentos graves e morte é baixa ajudou a espalhar seu uso. Há dois casos de mortes violentas causadas por impactos dos chamados projéteis não letais utilizados pelos policiais encarregados da segurança dos centros de detenção em nosso país. A segurança deste tipo de armas e munições é questionada em situações de estresse, em que não se pode garantir o uso correto (distância mínima e setor corporal de impacto). Recomenda-se erradicar o nome "armas não letais" e substituí-lo por um mais moderno e realista, como "armas menos letais".

Wounds, Gunshot , Weapons , Gun Violence
Rev. bras. neurol ; 56(1): 30-35, jan.-mar. 2020. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095940


Skilled movements certainly exist since the dawn of the humans, embedded in the actions of daily living, and also represented by tools and weapons making and use, as well as by artistic activities as drawing and engraving. A very long period of time elapsed until such actions were recognized as special, and the designation 'praxis' was attributed to such ability of produce refined movements. Another long time passed, and only recently disturbances of such actions caused by brain lesions were identified, leading to the concept of 'apraxia'. Studies on this subject progressed quickly, and in a few decades reached the state resembling to what is seen nowadays.

Movimentos hábeis certamente existem desde a aurora dos humanos, incluídos nas ações da vida diária e também representados na feitura e uso de ferramentas e de armas, assim como por atividades artísticas como desenhar e gravar. Decorreu um longo período de tempo até que tais ações fossem reconhecidas como especiais e a designação de 'praxia' foi atribuída para tais habilidades para produzir movimentos refinados. Outro tempo prolongado passou, e apenas recentemente desordens de tais ações causadas por lesões cerebrais fossem identificadas, levando ao conceito de 'apraxia'. Estudos sobre esse assunto progrediram rapidamente e em poucas décadas alcançaram o estado que se assemelha ao que é visto atualmente.

Humans , Apraxias/classification , Apraxias/history , Apraxia, Ideomotor/diagnosis , Paresis , Art , Motor Skills Disorders , Hemiplegia
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 49(1): e428, ene.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126680


Introducción: No existen estudios en Guantánamo que engloben las lesiones por arma blanca en pacientes atendidos en el hospital provincial. Objetivo: Caracterizar los pacientes mayores de 15 años con lesiones por arma blanca. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y se conformó una muestra aleatoria de 88 pacientes. Las variables utilizadas fueron: edad, sexo, procedencia, aliento etílico, localización anatómica, tipo de lesión, pronóstico médico legal, tipo de arma y estado al alta. Resultados: El mayor número de pacientes se encontró entre la edades de 25 a 35 años representados por 34 (38,6 por ciento) pacientes, con un predominio del sexo masculino 52 (59,1 por ciento). Existió predominio de las lesiones localizadas en la región torácica y craneana, lo cual representa un 25 por ciento y 23,9 por ciento respectivamente. Conclusiones: Se concluye que los pacientes con lesiones por arma blanca en el Hospital Provincial "Dr. Agostinho Neto" tienen entre 25 y 35 años, del sexo masculino, con ingesta etílica, que las lesiones están localizadas en tórax y cráneo, no graves y requieren tratamiento médico. Las armas más utilizadas fueron cortantes y todos los pacientes egresaron vivos(AU)

Introduction: There are no studies in Guantanamo that include the injuries by bladed weapons in patients treated in the provincial hospital. Objective: To characterize the patients older than 15 years with bladed weapons injuries. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted and a random sample of 88 patients was formed. The variables used were: age, sex, origin, ethyl breath, anatomical location, type of injury, legal medical prognosis, type of weapon and discharge status. Results: The highest number of patients was found between the ages of 25 and 35 represented by 34 (38.6 percent) patients, with a predominance of 52 male (59.1 percent). There was a predominance of lesions located in the thoracic and cranial region, which represents 25 percent and 23.9 percent respectively. Conclusions: It is concluded that the patients with injuries by bladed weapons in the Provincial Hospital "Dr. Agostinho Neto" had between 25 and 35 years, of the masculine sex, with alchohol intake, that the injuries are located in thorax and skull, not serious and they required medical treatment. The most commonly used weapons were of cutting edge and all patients discharged alive(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Wounds and Injuries , Weapons , Methods , Cross-Sectional Studies
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 38(spe): 50-59, out.- dez.2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-980004


Por avaliação psicológica compulsória, entende-se uma avaliação de caráter obrigatório, quando o indivíduo deve realizá-la por alguma exigência legal, em cumprimento a alguma exigência normativa. Dentre os exemplos mais comuns existentes no Brasil e que se aplicam a esta avaliação estão a realizada para obtenção ou renovação da Carteira Nacional de Habilitação para motoristas do Detran, a avaliação psicológica no contexto de concursos públicos, a avaliação para manuseio de arma de fogo, dentre outras. O objetivo do presente artigo é apresentar um panorama geral dessas avaliações e discutir, acima de tudo, as contribuições que o Satepsi realizou para a melhoria dessas práticas. Apresentou-se inicialmente um histórico das normativas construídas pelo Conselho Federal (CFP), nos últimos 15 anos e para cada uma dessas práticas, algumas das normas e ações realizadas pelo CFP para seu aprimoramento. Apesar de claras contribuições, entende-se que muitos investimentos no campo da pesquisa ainda precisam ser realizados para melhor subsidiar a atuação dos psicólogos e psicólogas de cada uma das áreas....(AU)

By compulsory psychological assessment it is understood an evaluation of a mandatory nature, when a person must perform it for some legal requirement, in compliance with some normative requirement. Among the most common examples that exist in Brazil and that apply to this evaluation are those performed to obtain or renew the National Drivers License for Detran, psychological assessment in the public context, evaluation to carry weapons, among others. The purpose of this article is to present an overview of these evaluations and to discuss, above all, the contributions that Satepsi has made to improve these practices. Initially, we present a history of the regulations built by the Federal Council in the last 15 years and for each of these practices, and some of the standards and actions carried out by the CFP for its improvement. Despite clear contributions, it is understood that many investments in the field of research still need to be performed to better subsidize the performance of psychologists in each of these fields....(AU)

Por evaluación psicológica obligatoria, se entiende una evaluación de carácter obligatorio, cuando el individuo debe realizarla por alguna exigencia legal, en cumplimiento a alguna exigencia normativa. Entre los ejemplos más comunes en Brasil y que se aplican a esta evaluación, se destacan, la realizada para la obtención o renovación de la Carnet Nacional de Habilitación para conductores del Detran, la evaluación psicológica en el contexto de concursos públicos, la evaluación para manejo de arma de fuego, entre otras. El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar un panorama general de esas evaluaciones y discutir, sobre todo, las contribuciones que el Satepsi realizó para la mejora de esas prácticas. Se presentó inicialmente un histórico de las normativas construidas por el Consejo Federal (CFP), en los últimos 15 años y para cada una de esas prácticas, algunas de las normas y acciones realizadas por el CFP para su perfeccionamiento. A pesar de claras contribuciones, se entiende que muchas inversiones en el campo de la investigación todavía necesitan ser realizadas para mejor subsidiar la actuación de los psicólogos y psicólogas de cada una de las áreas....(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology , Automobile Driver Examination , Weapons
Rev. crim ; 60(1): 33-44, ene.-abr. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-960286


Resumen El perito en balística de la Policía Nacional de Colombia, dentro de sus funciones, realiza el procedimiento de cotejo microscópico de vainillas y proyectiles disparados con armas de fuego, dentro del cual se encuentra el análisis de las características de clase, subclase e identidad a proyectiles cuya constitución no es la misma, como es el caso que se ha evidenciado, donde los cartuchos calibre 7.65 mm (para pistola) son utilizados en los revólveres calibre .32 largo; el objetivo del estudio es efectuar un análisis comparativo del micro-rayado de las estrías entre dichos proyectiles; se utilizó el método de observación científica, con enfoque cuantitativo de tipo comparativo, el cual permitió evidenciar que el nivel de uniprocedencias, al realizar cotejos entre estrías de proyectiles calibre 7.65 mm encamisado y .32 largo en plomo, es muy bajo; este resultado se logró documentar y consolidar en una tabla de datos, que al someterla al sistema estadístico obtuvo la cuantificación, disposición y análisis de las observaciones. Se llegó a la conclusión de que no es viable realizar cotejos microscópicos de proyectiles cuyas constituciones sean diferentes, como es el caso de las balas calibre 7.65 mm (encamisado) y .32 largo (plomo); de esta manera se orientan los procedimientos de los profesionales en balística.

Abstract The expert in ballistics of the National Police of Colombia, among its functions is in charge of performing performs the procedure of microscopic comparison of vanillas and projectiles shot with firearms, within which is the analysis of the class, subclass and identity features of projectiles with a constitution differing from each other like in the case having been demonstrated, where 7.65 mm caliber cartridges (for pistols) are used in .32 long caliber revolvers. The objective of the study is to carry out a comparative analysis between micro-scratching present in these projectiles; the scientific observation method was used with a quantitative approach allowing for demonstrating that the level of uni procedences or uni provenances at the time of making comparisons between out grooves of out comparing among to 7.65 mm jacketed he grooves said projectiles; the scientific observation was used, with a quantitative approach of a comparative type, which showed that the level of uni procedences or uni provenances at the time of carrying out en projectiles caliber 7.65 mm jacketed and .32 long lead, is very low; this result was documented and consolidated in a data table, which when subjected to the statistical system obtained the quantification, disposition and analysis of the observations. It was concluded that it is not feasible to perform microscopic comparisons of projectiles whose constitutions are different, as is the case with bullets caliber 7.65 mm (jacketed) and .32 long (lead); in this way the procedures of ballistics professionals are oriented.

Resumo O perito na balística da Policia Nacional da Colômbia, dentro das suas funções, faz o procedimento de comparação microscópica dos cartuchos e os projéteis disparados com armas de fogo, dentro da qual está a análise das características da classe, subclasse e da identidade aos projéteis cuja constituição não é a mesma, como é o caso que foi demonstrado, onde os cartuchos calibre 7.65 milímetros (para a pistola) são usados nos revólveres calibre .32 longo; o objetivo do estudo é realizar uma análise comparativa dos micro-aranhões das estrias entre estes projéteis; o método usado foi a observação científica, com aproximação quantitativa do tipo comparativo, que permitiu demonstrar que o nível das uni-procedências, quando fazer comparações entre estrias dos projéteis calibre 7.65 milímetros encamisado e .32 longo em chumbo, é muito baixo; este resultado logrou-se documentar e consolidar em uma tabela dos dados, que quando é submetida ao sistema estatístico obteve-se a quantificação, a disposição e a análise das observações. A conclusão foi que não é viável fazer comparações microscópicas dos projéteis cujas constituições são diferentes, como é o caso das balas calibre 7.65 milímetros (encamisado) e .32 longo (chumbo); assim os procedimentos dos profissionais na balística são orientados.

Forensic Ballistics , Research , Police , Weapons
Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 218-221, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-513769


In the future,anti-ship missiles(ASM) will be major weapons in the sea war.It is very important to handle the profile of the casualties aboard warships attacked by ASM for development of naval health service.The statistical result shows there is a greater chance of casualties but less chance of warships being sunken by ASM.Besides,medical staffs should pay more attention to the first aid for victims due to blast,burn,smoke inhalation and penetration while the danger of the sea water immersion should not be ignored.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-611152


With the strengthening of nuclear weapon development and the expanding of neutron application in economic area,the injury accidents of neutron radiation are happening from time to time.Neutron exposure,with high linear energy transfer,has high casualty rate,severe symptom and poor prognosis.In comparison with low-LET radiation damage,neutron irradiation induced injuries are more difficult to rescue.This review focused on the recent research progresses of radiation effects,intrinsic mechanisms and clinical prevention measures of neutron radiation,and to provide a theoretical clue for establishing an effective prevention protocol of neutron radiation damage.

Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 917-922, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-694281


According to the topics of general interest during the Eighth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention,including the implementation of the convention,dual use research,bioterrorism and bio-technology misuse,we can become informed of the current situation of international bio-safety.In line with the reality of China's current bio-safety strategy,corresponding recommendations are made arms control,regarding implementation of the convention,legal systems,and institutional mechanism.

Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 48(3): 295-300, Agosto 8, 2016. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-797453


Introduction: Injuries caused by high-energy war weapons are frequent in Colombia. This type of weaponry produces highly complex injuries to the musculoskeletal system that is challenging for health professionals. Objectives: To describe various combat related injuries in Colombia and treatment. Methodology: This is a series of cases from a retrospective cohort including Colombian civilians, police and army personnel wounded in combat areas between January 2012 and March 2013. Demographic variables, injury characteristics, treatment, length of hospital stay, morbidity and mortality were all analysed. Results: 219 patients were admitted, 92% males (n=202). Average age was 26 ± 12 years. Mechanisms of trauma included explosive devices (44%), gunshot wounds (36%) and anti-personnel mines (16%). Limb injuries were identified in 72% (n=159). There were 120 soft tissue lesions, 82 limb fractures of which 14 fractures occurred in the spine and pelvis. 34 patients sustained injuries caused by anti-personnel mines, 35% of whom required limb amputation. Overall 73% patients were treated at Intensive Care Units (ICU). Mortality rate was 2.7%. Conclusion: Orthopaedic injuries due to war weapons are complex, require a comprehensive approach, and one or multiple surgical interventions. In our series, mortality rate was low but the severity of the injuries produced permanent disabilities such as limb amputation.

Introducción: Las lesiones de alta energía causadas por armas de guerra son frecuentes en Colombia. Este tipo de armamento produce lesiones muy complejas en el sistema musculoesquelético que son un reto para los profesionales de salud. Objetivos: Describir las lesiones relacionadas con el conflicto armado en Colombia. Metodología: Se trata de una serie de casos a partir de una cohorte restrospectiva que incluye civiles, policías y militares heridos en combate entre Enero 2012 y Marzo 2013. Se analizaron variables demográficas, características de la lesión, tratamiento, tiempo de hospitalización, morbilidad y mortalidad. Resultados: Se admitieron 219 pacientes, 92% hombres (n=202). La edad promedio fue 26 ± 12 años. El mecanismo de trauma incluyó explosivos (44%), heridas por arma de fuego (36%) y minas anti-persona (36%). En 72% de los casos hubo compromiso de extremidades (n=159). Hubo 120 lesiones de tejidos blandos y 82 fracturas en extremidades. Además hubo 14 fracturas en columna y pelvis. 34 pacientes tuvieron lesiones por mina anti-persona, de los cuales 35% requirieron amputación. En general, 73% requirieron hospitalización en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y la mortalidad fue del 2.7%. Conclusión: Las lesiones ortopédicas por armas de guerra son complejas, requieren un abordaje multidisciplinario y una o más intervenciones quirúrgicas. En esta serie la mortalidad fue baja, pero la severidad de las lesiones produjo discapacidad permanente como es el caso de los amputados.

Humans , Therapeutics , Colombia , Armed Conflicts , Amputation, Surgical , Military Personnel , Orthopedics , Warfare , Bone and Bones , Fractures, Bone , Weapons
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-838759


Underwater weapons have been widely used and their applications have become a main characteristic of modern naval battles. It imposes a severe threat to the combatants above or below water surface. The injury mechanism and characteristics of underwater explosion are quite different from those of the land explosion, which has become a research focus of military medicine around the world. In this paper we systematically reviewed the literatures and the current status of biological effect of underwater explosion injury and discussed its future development, hoping to improve our understanding and promote further in-depth studies.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-845477


The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has held 5 OPCW biomedical sample analysis confidence building exercises since 2009, and organized the first official OPCW biomedical proficiency test in February 2016. The Laboratory of Toxicant Analysis, Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMSLTA) took part in all tests, received score A in each test and successfully became one of the first OPCW designated laboratories for the analysis of authentic biomedical samples. This paper introduces the background about the establishment of OPCW designated laboratories for the analysis of authentic biomedical samples, requirements of designation and experience summarized by AMMSLTA during designation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-503965


The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons(OPCW)has held 5 OPCW biomedical sample analysis confidence building exercises since 2009,and organized the first official OPCW biomedical proficiency test in February 2016. The Laboratory of Toxicant Analysis,Academy of Military Medical Sciences(AMMSLTA)took part in all tests,received score A in each test and successfully became one of the first OPCW designated laboratories for the analysis of authentic biomedical samples. This pa?per introduces the background about the establishment of OPCW designated laboratories for the analysis of authentic biomedical sam?ples,requirements of designation and experience summarized by AMMSLTA during designation.

Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 272-275, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486379


Vesicants are the main agents used to fill chemical weapons, and chemical weapons abandoned by the Japa-nese Army in China.The mustard-lewisite mixture, which was developed for cold weather or high-altitude use due to its lower freezing point, is a special and important agent.The toxicology, emergency treatment and clinical management of mustard-lewisite mixture poisoning are introduced in this paper.

Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 81-85, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-460198


Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) are the two important international conventions in the disarmament field ,aimed to eliminate chemical and biological weapons by prohibiting the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling and use of these weapons .Recently, research and development of sci-ence and technology continue to advance rapidly .A key feature is convergence of science disciplines .This has become a new force to speed up development of science and economy .In particular , the convergence of chemistry and biology , together with the rapid advances in life sciences , has been evident in its remarkable contribution to the developments of pharmaceutics, health care, green chemistry and environmental protection .On the other hand, the convergence of chemistry and biology also has significant implications for the implementation of CWC and BWC .In this article, we summarize the new trends in the convergence of chemistry and biology and its impact on the conventions .

Rev. crim ; 56(2)ago. 01, 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-736919


Se realiza una breve reseña introductoria a las tablas estadísticas que presentan los resultados operativos alcanzados por la Policía Nacional para el 2013, en el desarrollo de estrategias ajustadas a políticas gubernamentales e institucionales, que permitan un despliegue efectivo de acciones preventivas, disuasivas y de control orientadas a garantizar la seguridad y la convivencia de todos los colombianos.

This is a brief introductory review to the statistical charts showing the operational outcomes achieved by the National Police for 2013 in the development of strategies properly adjusted to government and institutional policies, allowing for an efficient display of preventive, dissuasive and controlactions oriented to guaranteeing the security and peaceful coexistence of all the Colombian people.

Uma resenha introdutória breve das tabelas estatísticas é feita e apresenta os resultados operativos alcançados pela Polícia Nacional em 2013, no desenvolvimento das estratégias ajustadas às políticas governamentais e institucionais, que permitem uma implementação eficaz de ações preventivas,dissuasivas e do controle orientados para garantir a segurança e a convivência de todos os colombianos.

Humans , Civil Police , Criminology/statistics & numerical data , Firearms/statistics & numerical data , Colombia , Security Measures , Theft
Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 266-269, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-447554


Chemical weapons(CW), as weapons of mass destruction on the battlefield , made their debut in the First World War of the last century .To achieve total prohibition on CW , the international community concluded the Chemical Weapons Convention(CWC)in 1993, and it came into force in 1997.So far, only seven countries have been outside the CWC.The offensive and defensive pattern of the world changed then , and the world began to enter the post-CW era.A chemical terrorist attack perspective is needed in consideration of chemical threats facing the world .This article summarizes the experience on specific chemical attacks , analyzes the possibility , sources, types and developments of a chemical terror-ist attack, and puts forward countermeasures for any possible chemical terrorist attack .

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-99035


The Laboratories engaging with microorganisms have some potential risks, depending on handling of pathogens. The safety management system to extend recognition of biosafety and biosecurity needs to be established and practiced in order to prevent hazard possibility and secure safety of researchers who deal with pathogen. As the importance and regulation of global biosafety and biosecurity tended to be intensified, various laws and institutions for the security of biosafety were established when the Act on implementation of Living Modified Organisms, an implantation act of Cartagena was enforced in Korea in 2008. In particular, the system of permission report for Living Modified Organism (LMO), Highly Dangerous Pathogens (HDPs) and Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), in order to prevent intended or non-intended leakage and occurrence of biohazard derived from pathogen and infectious substance and safely use them. The bioterrorism can be controlled and autonomous management of biosafety by agencies that handle pathogens can be also secured by practicing the various laws and institutions.

Biological Warfare Agents , Bioterrorism , Jurisprudence , Korea , Safety Management
Rev. crim ; 55(3): 151-156, sept.-dic. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-708203


El artículo contiene los resultados estadísticos de los logros operativos y de los servicios de la Policía Nacional en el año 2012, que sin dudas han posibilitado prevenir, disuadir, controlar e investigar conductas desviadas, como hechos delictivos y contravenciones, que han permitido lograr el mantenimiento de la convivencia y seguridad ciudadana a través de procedimientos y operaciones policiales en Colombia.

This article contains the statistical results of the National Police operative achievements and services in 2012, which have undoubtedly made it possible to prevent, dissuade, control and investigate deviated behavior such as criminal actions and violations as to ensure the maintenance of citizens’ coexistence and security through police procedures and operations in Colombia.

O artigo contem os resultados estatísticos dos sucessos operacionais e dos serviços da Polícia Nacionai em 2012, que sem dúvidas fizeram possível impedir, dissuadir, controlar e investigar condutas desviadas, como os fatos criminais e contravenções, que permitiram obter a manutenção da convivência e da segurança cidadã através dos procedimentos e operações policiais na Colômbia.

Administrative Police , Firearms/statistics & numerical data , Firearms/legislation & jurisprudence , Civil Police
Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 864-866, 2013.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-439976


In 2002, a research report about toxic warfare launched by the United States Air Force attracted the attentionof the U.S.military and civilian disaster emergency rescue organizations .By reviewing historical events related to the malicioususe of toxic industrial chemicals in the war , this report proposed the concept of Toxic Warfare , and discussed itsimpact on the United States military and homeland security .In this paper, the concept and history of toxic warfare and itsinfluence on American military and homeland security are reviewed , the threats of toxic warfare facing China and counter -measures against toxic warfare are analyzed.