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Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(4): 29-32, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553084


Francisco Javier Muñiz nació en Monte Grande en 1795 y se graduó de médico en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en 1822. Además de la medicina y la paleontología, Muñiz se desempeñó como cirujano de guerra en la guerra con el Brasil y en la guerra de la Triple Alianza. En 1871, encontrándose jubilado, se ofrece como voluntario en la lucha contra la epidemia de fiebre amarilla que asoló a la ciudad de Buenos Aires provocando 14.467 muertos. Muñiz falleció el 8 de abril de 1871 en cumplimiento del deber, contagiado de fiebre amarilla. Médico, periodista, paleontólogo, descubridor de la vacuna nativa contra la viruela y realizador de apuntes de lingüística, Francisco Javier Muñiz, representa uno de los grandes ejemplos para la sociedad argentina. (AU)

Francisco Javier Muñiz was born in Monte Grande in 1795 and graduated as a physician from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires in 1822. In addition to medicine and paleontology, Muñiz served as a military surgeon in the War with Brazil and in the War of the Triple Alliance. In 1871, when he was retired, he volunteered to fight the yellow fever epidemic that devastated the city of Buenos Aires, causing 14,467 deaths. Muñiz died in the line of duty on April 8, 1871, infected with yellow fever. Doctor, journalist, paleontologist, discoverer of the native vaccine against smallpox and linguistic note-taker, Francisco Javier Muñiz is one of the great examples for Argentinian society. (AU)

History, 19th Century , Yellow Fever/history , Armed Conflicts/history , Surgeons/history , Paleontology/history , Argentina , Physicians/history , Brazil , History of Medicine
Psicol. USP ; 342023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1525109


O discurso negacionista e a minimização dos efeitos nefastos da ditadura civil-militar por figuras do alto escalão do governo são exemplos emblemáticos da desmentida de histórias de sofrimento social. Este estudo teórico aborda os processos psicológicos de apagamento de memórias sociais traumáticas e seus efeitos na transmissão psíquica, da perspectiva da Psicanálise das Configurações Vinculares, à luz de Puget e Berenstein. Mobilizando os conceitos de memória social, desmentida, trauma e traumatismo social, argumentamos que a denegação de fatos traumáticos gera uma dupla violência: por um lado, produz lacunas na história e um não-trabalho vincular que favorece transmissões psíquicas transgeracionais e, por outro, atenta contra o pertencimento social e a constituição narcísica dos sujeitos. À vista disso, concluímos pela necessidade de criar um dispositivo de escuta dos traumatismos sociais na contramão da desmentida, garantindo o direito assegurado pela Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos do acesso do povo à própria história

Denialist discourses and the downplayed harmful effects of the civil-military dictatorship by high-ranking Brazilian government officials are emblematic examples of negationist attitudes towards narratives of social suffering. This theoretical study addresses the psychological processes of erasing traumatic social memories and their effects on psychic transmission based on psychoanalysis of linking configurations according to Puget and Berenstein. By mobilizing the concepts of social memory, denial, trauma and social trauma, we argue that negating traumatic facts generates a double violence: on the one hand, it produces gaps in history and a non-work linking that favors transgenerational psychic transmissions; on the other, it attacks the individuals' social belonging and narcissistic constitution. We thus conclude by pointing out the need to create a listening device for social trauma that opposes denial, ensuring the right guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of people's access to their own history

El discurso negacionista y la minimización de los efectos nocivos de la dictadura civil-militar por parte de altas figuras gubernamentales son ejemplos emblemáticos de la desmentida de las historias de sufrimiento social. Este estudio teórico aborda los procesos psicológicos de borrado de las memorias sociales traumáticas y sus efectos en la transmisión psíquica, desde la perspectiva del Psicoanálisis de las Configuraciones Vinculares, a la luz de Puget y Berenstein. Movilizando los conceptos de memoria social, desmentida, trauma y trauma social, argumentamos que la negación de los hechos traumáticos genera una doble violencia: por un lado, produce vacíos en la historia y un no-trabajo vinculante que favorece las transmisiones psíquicas transgeneracionales y, por otro lado, ataca la pertenencia social y la constitución narcisista de los sujetos. En vista de ello, concluimos con la necesidad de crear un dispositivo de escucha de los traumas sociales en la dirección opuesta a la negación, garantizando el derecho garantizado por la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos del acceso de los pueblos a su propia historia

Le discours négationniste et la minimisation des effets néfastes de la dictature civilo-militaire par des personnalités gouvernementales de haut rang sont des exemples emblématiques du déni des histoires de souffrance sociale. Cette étude théorique s'intéresse aux processus psychologiques d'effacement des souvenirs sociaux traumatisants et leurs effets sur la transmission psychique basée sur la perspective de la psychanalyse des liens proposée par Puget et Berenstein. En mobilisant les concepts de mémoire sociale, négationnisme, traumatisme et traumatisme social, nous soutenons que le déni des faits traumatiques engendre une double violence: d'une part, il produit des lacunes dans l'histoire et un non-travail contraignant qui favorise les transmissions psychiques transgénérationnelles ; d'autre part, il attaque l'appartenance sociale et la constitution narcissique des sujets. Nous concluons sur la nécessité de créer un dispositif d'écoute du traumatisme social opposé au négationnisme, en assurant le droit garanti par la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme d'accès des peuples à leur propre histoire

Politics , Psychoanalysis , Human Rights Abuses , Psychological Distress , Memory , Negativism , Armed Conflicts/history , Culture , Object Attachment
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 25(2): e20200207, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1133832


RESUMO Objetivo Analisar os rituais de consolidação da figura de Anna Nery como enfermeira brasileira, heroína da Guerra do Paraguai, durante a trasladação de seus restos mortais à cidade de Cachoeira (BA). Método Estudo histórico-social em fontes documentais impressas e fotográficas, pertencentes aos acervos do Centro de Documentação da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal da Bahia e da Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira da Biblioteca Nacional. Análise de informações impressas com base em Bardin, e na iconologia para as fontes imagéticas. Resultados Revelam-se dois aspectos fulcrais, a legitimação de uma enfermeira heroína pelo Estado e o processo trasladatório com suas interfaces e aspectos históricos, políticos, econômicos e sociais. Destaca-se a construção de um ícone feminino, cívico e herói atrelada à efervescência da discussão de gênero que contribui para forjar a identidade profissional no ensino de enfermagem. Conclusão e implicações para a prática o estudo permite compreender os determinantes e implicações dos fatos históricos na biografia de Anna Nery para a Enfermagem e Enfermeiras, revelando os rituais do traslado de seus restos mortais e suas influências na construção da imagem social da mulher e da mulher enfermeira.

RESUMEN Objetivo Analizar los rituales de consolidación de la figura de Anna Nery como enfermera brasileña, heroína de la Guerra del Paraguay, durante el traslado de sus restos a la ciudad de Cachoeira (BA). Método Estudio histórico-social en fuentes documentales impresas y fotográficas, pertenecientes a las colecciones del Centro de Documentación de la Escuela de Enfermería Anna Nery de la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro, la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Bahía y la Biblioteca Digital Brasileña de la Biblioteca Nacional. El análisis de la información impresa se basó en Bardin y en la iconología para las fuentes de imágenes. Resultados Se revelan dos aspectos clave, la legitimación de una enfermera heroína por parte del Estado y el proceso de transferencia con sus interfaces y aspectos históricos, políticos, económicos y sociales. Se destaca la construcción de un ícono femenino, cívico y heroico vinculado a la efervescencia de la discusión de género que contribuye a forjar la identidad profesional en la educación de la enfermería. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica El estudio permite comprender los determinantes e implicaciones de los hechos históricos en la biografía de Anna Nery para la Enfermería y Enfermeras, revelando los rituales del traslado de sus restos y sus influencias en la construcción de la imagen social de las mujeres y las enfermeras.

ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the rituals of consolidation of the character of Anna Nery as a Brazilian nurse, the heroine of the War of Paraguay, during the transfer of her remains to the city of Cachoeira (BA). Method Socio-historical study in printed and photographic documentary sources, belonging to the collections of the Anna Nery Nursing School Documentation Center of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Nursing School of the Federal University of Bahia and the Brazilian Digital Library of the National Library. Analysis of printed information was based on Bardin, and iconology for imagery sources. Results Two key aspects are revealed, the legitimacy of a heroin nurse by the State and the transfer process with its interfaces and historical, political, economic, and social aspects. It highlights the construction of a female, civic, and hero icon linked to the effervescence of the gender discussion that contributes to shaping professional identity in nursing education. Conclusion and implications for practice The study allows to understand the determinants and implications of historical facts in Anna Nery´s biography for Nursing and Nurses, revealing the rituals of the transfer of her remains and their influences in the construction of the social image of women and nurse women.

Humans , Female , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History of Nursing , Armed Conflicts/history , Funeral Rites/history , Nurses
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 27(2): 391-409, abr.-jun. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134063


Resumen El artículo explora el pensamiento médico en torno al impacto de la pandemia de influenza de 1918 en México. Se analizan las ideas científicas sobre la etiología de la gripe, las cuales se reflejaron en el tipo de remedios y recetas médicas que se publicaron en la prensa y en boletines de salud. Para adentrarse en este tema profundizamos en el contexto histórico internacional dominado por la guerra. En México, años de conflictos armados a consecuencia de la Revolución agravaron las condiciones de vida de la población: hambre, tifo, viruela y otros padecimientos infecciosos se presentaron antes y durante el brote de la pandemia. El trabajo se apoya en documentación de archivo, boletines de salud, prensa de la época y bibliografía actualizada.

Abstract This article explores medical thought on the impact of the influenza pandemic of 1918 in Mexico. It analyzes scientific ideas on the etiology of the flu, as reflected in the types of remedies and medical prescriptions published in the press and in health bulletins. It then goes deeper into the topic by examining the international historic context, dominated by the war. In Mexico, years of armed conflict unleashed by the Revolution exacerbated living conditions among the population: starvation, typhus, smallpox and other infectious diseases were present before and during the outbreak of the pandemic. This study is based on archival documentation, health bulletins, press sources from the period, and modern bibliography.

Humans , History, 20th Century , World War I , Influenza, Human/history , Pandemics/history , Influenza Pandemic, 1918-1919/history , Propaganda , Armed Conflicts/history , Influenza, Human/therapy , Influenza, Human/transmission , Influenza, Human/epidemiology , Influenza A Virus, H1N1 Subtype , Europe/epidemiology , Mexico/epidemiology
Rev. bras. neurol ; 55(4): 18-24, out.-dez. 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095498


Franco-Prussian War started 150 years ago, and it was a short but a tragic turning point to France as a whole, but also a challenging moment for medicine and some outstanding French neurologists. Besides, a new continental European power emerged, consolidating German as a united state. Two Parisian sieges at this time, from the Prussian and that related to the Communards, struggled the Parisian health status. In Medicine, the wounded and diseased health care disorganized logistics were carried out through the military, municipal and civil health services subdivided into mobile ambulances and fixed hospitals. The novel Cross Red ambulances took part. Moreover, anesthesia and antiseptic surgery were applied, but they were in their beginnings. The Faculty of Medicine of Paris physicians were charged with the subsidiary health care of the population, among them Jean-Martin Charcot. Some of them added to the patient care the meetings at the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Medicine. Many outstanding neurologists participated at this task force besides Charcot, such as Charles Lasègue, Edmé Felix Alfred Vulpian, Désiré-Magloire Bourneville, AlixJoffroy, Fulgence Raymond, Jules Joseph Déjerine and Henri Duret

A guerra franco-prussiana começou há 150 anos e foi um período curto, mas trágico, para a França como um todo, mas também um momento desafiador para a medicina e alguns neurologistas franceses de destaque. Além disso, uma nova potência da Europa continental emergiu, consolidando a Alemanha como um estado unido. Dois cercos parisienses naquela época, dos prussianos e o relacionado aos "communards", lutavam contra o estado de saúde parisiense. Em Medicina, a logística desorganizada dos serviços de saúde, de cuidados aos feridos e doentes, foi realizada através dos serviços de saúde militar, municipal e civil subdivididos em ambulâncias móveis e hospitais fixos. As novas ambulâncias da Cruz Vermelha participaram. Além disso, anestesia e cirurgia anti-séptica foram aplicadas, mas estavam no início. Os médicos da Faculdade de Medicina de Paris foram encarregados dos cuidados subsidiários de saúde da população, entre eles Jean-Martin Charcot. Alguns deles acrescentaram ao atendimento aos pacientes, as reuniões da Academia de Ciências e da Academia de Medicina. Muitos neurologistas de destaque participaram dessa força-tarefa além de Charcot, como Charles Lasègue, Edmé Felix Alfred Vulpian, Désiré-Magloire Bourneville, AlixJoffroy, Fulgence Raymond, Jules Joseph Déjerine e Henri Duret

Humans , Male , History, 19th Century , Warfare/history , Neurologists/history , Neurology/history , Armed Conflicts/history , Prussia , France , Military Medicine/history , Military Personnel
Salud colect ; 15: e2205, 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101888


RESUMEN El objetivo de este artículo es dar cuenta de las modalidades en que fue instituida la salud del veterano argentino de la guerra de Malvinas como un problema de intervención estatal entre 1984 y 2000. Para ello nos centramos en el concepto de problematización como un modo de análisis de las prácticas y el pensamiento político. El texto consta de tres apartados: en el primero se presentan las bases metodológicas para el análisis de las políticas públicas, mientras que el segundo y el tercero están destinados al análisis de una serie de leyes, proyectos de ley, decretos, informes, etc., producidos por diferentes esferas estatales en torno al veterano de guerra y su situación sanitaria. La hipótesis de lectura que proponemos es que el veterano o excombatiente de Malvinas fue problematizado como un segmento poblacional marginal, aunque la estabilización de un tratamiento específico tardó más de quince años en materializarse.

ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to account for the modalities in which Malvinas veterans' health was constituted as a problem requiring state intervention between 1984 and 2000. In order to do so, we have focused on the concept of problematization as a way to analyze practices and political thought. The text consists of three sections: the first one presents the methodological basis of the analysis of public policies, whereas the second and third ones intend to analyze a series of laws, bills, decrees, reports and other documents produced by different state spheres about war veterans and their health situation. The hypothesis that we propose is that the Malvinas veterans were problematized as a marginal segment of the population, although the stabilization of a specific treatment took more than fifteen years to materialize

Humans , History, 20th Century , Public Policy , State Government , Armed Conflicts/history , Veterans Health/legislation & jurisprudence , Veterans Health Services/legislation & jurisprudence , Argentina , Politics , Social Problems/legislation & jurisprudence , Falkland Islands
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 23(2): e20180290, 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-984382


Abstract Objectives: to analyze and describe the São Paulo Institute of Hygiene's performance, now the School of Public Health of the Universidade de São Paulo, in the training of emergency nurses during the Brazilian Civil War. Method: descriptive, historical-documentary study. Results: ministered from July 13 to August 31, 1932 to 383 students, in five classes, with an average of ten days of class. The discipline First Aid to the Wounded of Trenches is highlighted and was ministered by the nurse Iracema Niebler. At the end of the course, the students graduated and made up the List of Nurses of the Barracks Battalion of São Paulo. Conclusion and implications for the practice: the Institute of Hygiene's performance in the training of civilians in emergency/war nurses revealed the institutional political alignment with the revolutionary movement of 1932, as well as the historical rescue of one of the first initiatives to train hands-on nurses assist in emergency situations during the most emblematic brazilian Civil War of 1932.

Resumen Objetivos: analizar y describir la actuación del Instituto de Higiene de São Paulo, actual Facultad de Salud Pública de la USP, en la formación de enfermeros de emergencia durante la Guerra Civil de 1932. Método: estudio descriptivo, histórico-documental. Resultados: ministrado entre el 13 de julio al 31 de agosto 1932, para 383 alumnas, en cinco grupos, con media de diez días de clases. Se destaca la disciplina Primeros Auxilios a los Heridos de Trincheras, ministrada por la enfermera Iracema Niebler. Al final del curso, los alumnos eran diplomados y componían la Lista de Enfermeras del Cuartel del Batallón Paulista. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica: la actuación del Instituto de Higiene en la formación de civiles en enfermeros de emergencia/guerra reveló la alineación política institucional con el movimiento revolucionario de 1932, como también posibilitó el rescate histórico de una de las primeras iniciativas de capacitación de enfermeros prácticos para asistencia en situaciones de emergencia, durante la más emblemática Guerra Civil brasileña de 1932.

Resumo Objetivos: analisar e drescrever a atuação do Instituto de Higiene de São Paulo, atual Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP, na formação de enfermeiros de emergência durante a Guerra Civil brasileira de 1932. Método: estudo descritivo, histórico-documental. Resultados: ministrado entre 13 de julho a 31 de agosto de 1932, para 383 alunas, em cinco turmas, com média de dez dias de aula. Destaca-se a disciplina Primeiros Socorros aos Feridos de Trincheiras, ministrada pela enfermeira Iracema Niebler. Ao fim do curso, os alunos foram diplomados e compuseram a Lista de Enfermeiras do Quartel do Batalhão Paulista. Conclusão e implicações para a prática: a atuação do Instituto de Higiene na formação de civis em enfermeiros de emergência/guerra revelou o alinhamento político institucional com o movimento revolucionário de 1932, como também possibilitou o resgate histórico de uma das primeiras iniciativas de capacitação de enfermeiros práticos para assistência em situações de emergência, durante a mais emblemática Guerra Civil brasileira.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , History, 20th Century , Emergency Nursing/education , Armed Conflicts/history , Education, Nursing/history , Volunteers/education , Qualitative Research
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 25(3): 779-795, jul.-set. 2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-975425


Abstract While commercial links between Mexico and the United States through the port city of Veracruz brought significant economic and social advantages in the early nineteenth century, public health concerns around yellow fever produced fascination and fear among US audiences (in southern and eastern port cities) from times of peace until the US invasion and occupation of Mexico (1846-1848). This article addresses the complex linkages between commerce, conflict, and contamination in reference to the port city of Veracruz and the United States in Mexico's early decades of independence. More specifically, this article addresses the concern in early nineteenth-century US periodicals around yellow fever outbreaks and potential contamination, showing the constant presence of yellow fever in Veracruz in the US imaginary.

Resumo Enquanto os vínculos comerciais entre México e EUA por meio da cidade portuária de Veracruz trouxe vantagens econômicas e sociais significativas no início do século XIX, preocupações em torno da febre amarela produziram medo e fascínio entre o público estadunidense (em cidades portuárias do sul e do leste) desde os tempos de paz até a invasão e ocupação estadunidense do México (1846-1848). O artigo aborda os complexos vínculos entre comércio, conflito e contaminação relacionados à cidade portuária de Veracruz e aos EUA nas primeiras décadas da independência do México. Especificamente, trata a preocupação com surtos de febre amarela e a potencial contaminação encontrada em periódicos estadunidenses no início do século XIX, mostrando a presença constante da febre amarela em Veracruz no imaginário estadunidense.

Humans , History, 19th Century , Yellow Fever/history , Commerce/history , Armed Conflicts/history , United States , Yellow Fever/transmission , Imagination , Mexico
Univ. psychol ; 17(1): 90-103, ene.-mar. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-979476


Resumen El artículo presenta la revisión de estudios correspondiente a una de las fases del proyecto de investigación en el cual se enmarca, que buscó aproximarse al estado del arte del conocimiento producido en Colombia entre 2002 y 2012 sobre la identidad y subjetividad de niños y niñas en torno a la paz y la democracia, en contextos de conflicto armado. Se presenta la afectación de sus derechos en dichos contextos desde las áreas: existencia, desarrollo, participación y protección. Se aporta una lectura crítica a la mirada tradicional centrada en la vulneración de derechos y el posicionamiento de los niños y niñas como víctimas, invitando a identificar los potenciales individuales y colectivos con las que cuentan ellos, ellas y sus familias.

Abstract The article presents the review of studies corresponding to one of the phases of the research project in which it is framed, which sought to approximate the state of the art of knowledge produced in Colombia between 2002 and 2012 on the identity and subjectivity of children around to peace and democracy in contexts of armed conflict. Children and youth rights are affected in these contexts from the areas of existence, development, protection andparticipation. The study provides a critical reading of the traditional view focused on the violation of rights and the positioning of children as victims, inviting to identify the individual and collective potentials with which they and their families are provided.

Colombia , Armed Conflicts/history , Democracy , Human Rights
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 23(3): 829-846, jul.-set. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-792557


Resumen Este trabajo estudia el papel desempeñado por la Cruz Roja Española (fundada en 1864) en la introducción y difusión de tecnologías humanitarias y el desarrollo de la ciencia médica en España, sirviéndonos del estudio de caso relativo a la atención a soldados enfermos y heridos, repatriados de las guerras de Cuba, Filipinas y Marruecos, y del análisis del impacto que estas medidas tuvieron sobre las necesidades asistenciales y de salud pública de la población civil. El artículo muestra cómo esta organización articuló la provisión de asistencia médica para los soldados españoles, estableciendo una red de centros sanitarios especializados, destinados, posteriormente, también al cuidado de la población civil y a la atención de nuevos problemas de salud pública.

Abstract This article examines the role played by the Spanish Red Cross (founded in 1864) in the introduction and spread of humanitarian technologies and the development of medical science in Spain, using the case study of medical care for sick and wounded soldiers repatriated during the wars in Cuba, the Philippines and Morocco, and analyzing the impact these measures had on health care and public health among the civilian population. The article shows how this organization set up health care for Spanish soldiers, establishing a network of specialized medical centers that were later also used to provide medical care for civilians and to address new public health problems.

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Military Personnel/history , Red Cross/history , Armed Conflicts/history , Colonialism/history , Relief Work/history , Spain
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 23(3): 867-886, jul.-set. 2016. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-792558


Resumen Este trabajo estudia la función central que los Estados-nación continuaron teniendo en la Cruz Roja durante el periodo de entreguerras. A finales del siglo XIX, España lideró la creación de instituciones humanitarias de estilo europeo en Marruecos. Sin embargo, su secular inestabilidad como Estado, agravada por el desastre colonial de 1898, terminó con el proyecto regeneracionista de una Cruz Roja marroquí. Cuando en 1912 se estableció el protectorado español, la Cruz Roja Española quedó marginada por la competencia francesa, la internacionalización de Tánger y el rechazo local. Éste último culminó en la llamada Guerra del Rif de 1921-1927, mezcla de revuelta anticolonial y guerra internacional, que expuso de forma cruda las prolongadas necesidades del Estado español y su Cruz Roja.

Abstract This article studies the central role of nation-states in the Red Cross during the interwar period. In the late nineteenth century, Spain pioneered the creation of European-style humanitarian institutions in Morocco. However, its perennial instability as a state, aggravated by the colonial disaster of 1898, put an end to the regenerationist project of a Moroccan Red Cross. When the Spanish protectorate was established in 1912, the Spanish Red Cross was overshadowed by competition from its French counterpart, the internationalization of Tangiers and resistance from the local inhabitants. This culminated in the so-called Rif War of 1921-1927, a mixture of anticolonial revolt and international war that vividly exposed the ingrained deficiencies of the Spanish State and its Red Cross.

Humans , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Colonialism/history , Red Cross/history , Armed Conflicts/history , Morocco , Spain
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 23(3): 887-897, jul.-set. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-792561


Resumen En mayo de 1875, en medio de una sangrienta contienda civil en España conocida como Tercera Guerra Carlista, Nicasio Landa, oficial médico de Sanidad Militar redactó un informe demandando autorización a sus superiores para que Cruz Roja Española, de la que era inspector general, pudiera adoptar un nuevo sistema de suspensión elástica para camillas que había diseñado, desarrollado y probado. Destinado ante todo a carretas de labranza – el medio de transporte de heridos aún más frecuente entonces – se presentaba como un mecanismo económico y resistente para mejorar el confort de los trasladados, que podía también instalarse en carruajes de ambulancia, vagones de ferrocarril y buques-hospitales. Se publica una edición anotada del informe precedida de una presentación del mismo.

Abstract In May 1875, in the midst of a bloody civil conflict in Spain known as the Third Carlist War, Nicasio Landa, a medical officer with Military Health, wrote a report requesting authorization for the Spanish Red Cross, of which he was Inspector General, to adopt a new elastic suspension system for stretchers that he had designed, developed and tested. Intended above all for use in farm wagons – still the most widely-used method of transporting the wounded at the time – it was an inexpensive, sturdy mechanism that improved patient comfort and could also be installed in ambulance carriages, railway carriages and hospital ships. An annotated version of the report is included, preceded by a presentation of its contents.

Humans , History, 21st Century , Military Medicine/history , Stretchers/history , Transportation of Patients/history , Armed Conflicts/history , Inventions/history , Military Personnel/history , Wounds and Injuries/history
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 23(3): 847-865, jul.-set. 2016. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-792568


Resumen Los primeros años del movimiento internacional de Cruz Roja coincidieron con grandes cambios tecnológicos en la medicina de guerra. Las peculiaridades organizativas de la Asociación Internacional de Socorro a los Soldados Heridos en Campaña, impulsada por el Comité de Ginebra y los comités nacionales de Cruz Roja; la confluencia en diversos congresos profesionales y publicaciones de médicos de las diferentes sociedades nacionales de esta asociación; y la construcción de un conocimiento práctico compartido, puesto a prueba en la Guerra Franco-Prusiana (1870-1871), proporcionan claves para comprender las innovaciones tecnológicas introducidas por la Cruz Roja Española durante la tercera y última Guerra Carlista (1872-1876).

Abstract The early years of the international Red Cross movement coincided with great technological changes in war medicine. The organizational peculiarities of the International Association for Relief of Wounded Soldiers in Campaign, set up by the Geneva Committee, and by the Red-Cross’ national committees; the convergence in various professional conferences and publications of doctors from different national societies of this association; and the construction of a body of shared practical expertise tested during the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) provide keys for understanding the technological innovations introduced by the Spanish Red Cross during the third and last Carlist War (1872-1876).

Humans , History, 19th Century , Inventions/history , Military Medicine/history , Red Cross/history , Armed Conflicts/history , Communication , Science/history , Spain
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 42(3)jul.-set. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-791552


Se conoce la contribución de Cuba a las luchas de liberación y movimientos revolucionarios armados, sobre todo en África. Menos conocido es la participación de personal de salud en estas luchas. El objetivo de este ensayo es presentar algunas experiencias poco conocidas de esta colaboración. Se realizó una revisión de publicaciones acreditadas y testimonios obtenidos por el autor en entrevistas. Se reconoce, a través de relatos de episodios específicos, un alto valor a la cooperación que personal cubano de salud ha prestado a movimientos progresistas en sus luchas de liberación. La política de la Revolución cubana de solidaridad sin restricciones con las mejores cusas de los pueblos se demuestra con absoluta certeza(AU)

Cuba´s contribution to the liberation struggles and to the armed revolutionary movements, particularly in Africa, is well known. However, the involvement of the health professionals in these struggles is barely known. The objective of this paper was to show some less known experiences of this kind of cooperation. Credited publications and testimonies collected by the author in interviews were reviewed. Accounts of specific episodes which recognized the high value of the Cuban health professionals´cooperation with the progressive movements in their liberation struggles were given. The unrestricted solidarity policy of the Cuban Revolution with the best causes of peoples was shown with full certainty(AU)

Humans , Cooperative Behavior , Armed Conflicts/history , Medical Care , International Cooperation , Cuba , Africa
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 85-110, 2002.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-206061


Modern hospital in Korea was the space of competition and compromise among different forces such as the state power and social forces, imperialism and nationalism, and the traditional and the modern medicine. Hospital in the Japanese colonialism was the object of control for establishing the colonial medical system. Japanese colonialism controlled not only the public hospital but also the private hospital which had to possess more than 10 infectious beds in the isolation building by the Controlling Regulation of Private Hospital. In fact, the private hospital had to possess more than 20 beds for hospital management. As a result, its regulation prevented the independent development of the private hospital. But because the public hospital could not accommodate many graduates of medical school, most of them had to serve as a practitioner. Although some practitioners had more than 20 beds in their clinics, they were not officially included in the imperial medicine. By concentrating on the trend of the number of bed in the hospital, this paper differs from most previous studies of the system of hospital, which have argued that the system of hospital was converted the public-centered hospital system under the colonial medical system into the private-centered hospital system under the U. S. medical system after the Liberation in 1945. After Liberation, medical reformers discussed arranging the public and the private hospital. Lee Yong-seol, who was a Health-Welfare minister, disagreed the introduction of the system of state medicine. Worrying about the flooding of practitioners, he did not want to intervene the construction of hospital by state power. Because the private hospital run short of the medical leadership and the fundamental basis, the state still controlled the main disease in the public health and the prevention of epidemics. This means the state also played important part in the general medical examination and treatment. The outbreak of Korean War in 1950 reinforced the role of state. The leadership of the public hospital verified the trend of the quantity of bed. The number of bed in the private hospital exceeded that of the public hospital in 1966 for the first time. Furthermore, the number of bed in the public hospital doubled that of private hospital in the new general hospital of 1950s. This means the system of hospital after the Liberation was not converted the public-centered hospital system into the private-centered hospital system, but maintained the public-centered hospital system until 1960s.

Colonialism/history , English Abstract , Hospitals, Public/history , Hospitals, Voluntary/history , Japan , Korea , United States , Armed Conflicts/history
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 124-134, 2001.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-96487


The pillages of the Korean rural villages by force under the rule of Japanese imperialism resulted in the extreme impoverishment of the Korean agricultural communities. Especially this was accelerated due to starvation, ignorance and the poor sanitary conditions on the part of the Korean farmers. The research institute of agricultural community hygiene founded by a Korean doctor, Young Choon Lee was the beginning of the rural medical institute that contributed greatly to the disease prevention and health improvements of impoverished farmers.

Academies and Institutes/history , Agriculture/history , Colonialism/history , English Abstract , Japan , Korea , Poverty/history , Public Health/history , Rural Health/history , Armed Conflicts/history
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 112-123, 2000.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-186366
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 212-232, 2000.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-125213


After the liberation from Japanese colonial rule in August 1945, the United States of America established Military Government in Korea(USAMGIK) south the 38th parallel. The public health and medical policy of the USAMGIK was defined by the USA's general policy toward Korea, and followed national interests of USA after the end of the World War II. The basic objectives of the early occupational period were two; the protection of the occupation troops, the prevention of acute epidemic diseases and unrest in the populace. However, after the switch of occupation policy to the establishment of pro-American anti-Communist nation in Korea since June 1946, the basic objectives turned into 'the establishment of the influence of American medicine in Korean medical system.' During the occupation period, USAMGIK trained several pro-American right - wing doctors who formed the clique of policy makers in the independent government, and established many quasi - American public health and medical systems in Korea.

Colonialism/history , English Abstract , Government , Health Policy/history , Korea , Medicine , Military Medicine/history , Politics , Public Health/history , United States , Armed Conflicts/history
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 233-246, 2000.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-125212


Richard Wunsch war ein deutscher Arzt, der zur Zeit der Grundung des koreanischen Kaiserreichs nach Korea kam und bis 1905 als Kunigsarzt tatig war. Der Grund seiner Einreise nach Korea hatte einen geschichtlichen Hintergrund. Damals stand Korea unter dem groBen EinfluB von America und Japan Korea versuchte durch die Einbeziehung von RuBland und Deutschland die japanische Macht zuruckzuhalten und die Einreise von Wunsch trug dazu das japanische politische Ubergeschwicht abzunehmen. Da seine Einreise eher ein politischer Grund war, hat der Konig ihn als Konigsarzt nicht voll akzeptiert. So hat Wunsch nicht nur im Koniglichen Palast als Arzt gearbeitet, sondern auch im privaten Bereich arztlich tatig gewesen Zusatzlich hat er sich fur die Seuchenbekampfung eingesetzt Insbesondere im Jahr 1902, als Cholera ausbrach, hat er MaBnahmen gegen die ansteckende Krankheiten getroffen die viel konkreter waren als die von Korea. Obwohl Richard Wusch vertragsmaBig als Konigsarzt seine Aufgaben gut erfullen sollte, hat er auch personlich viele Patienten arztlich behandelt. So hat er zum Beispiel wahrend des Krieges zwischen RuBland und Japan viele verletzte Soldaten arztlich behandelt und seine operativen Techniken den anderen Arzten beigebracht. Wunsch interessierte sich auch fur die medizische Ausbildung. So versuchte er eine medizinische Schule zu grunden was leider aufgrund der schlechten finanziellen Lage nicht erf llt werden konnte. Da sein Besuch nach Korea mehr ein politischer Grund war, wurde seine Tatigkeit politisch uberwacht. Nachdem Japan im Krieg RuBland besiegte, ergrief auch die politische Macht in Korea. Nach dieser Macht bernehme lieB Japan nicht mehr zu daB Wunsch als Konigsarzt weiterhin tatig ist. So muBte Wusch 1905 Korea verlassen und starb 1911 in China.

Germany , Government , International Cooperation/history , Korea , Medicine , Physicians/history , Politics , Armed Conflicts/history
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 147-156, 1999.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-36176


Introduction of western surgery into Korea is closely related to the introduction of western medicine itself into Korea. In December 4th, 1884 Allen, who came to Korea as a Missionary Doctor of North Presbyterian Church of America, had a chance to treat a patient with severe stab wounds. The patient was a nephew of Queen Myungsung. The paitent, Min Young Ik was recovered completely. These happenings led to the establishment of 'Kwangheywon (renamed to Jejoongwon 2 weeks later)', the first westernized hospital in Korea. With the great financial aids from Severance family, Jejoongwon developed into Severance Hospital and Medical School in 1904, and greatly contributed to education of Surgery for Korean medical students. Meanwhile Korean Government established the Medical School and Hospital to train Korean Doctors in 1899. But the original intentions became to be impaired by occupation of Korea by Japan in 1910. As a colony, many Japanese Surgeons came to Korea as a professors of Kyungsung Medical College, and gave only few chances for Koreans to became a professor. On the contrary, several surgeons became professors in the private, missionary 'Severance Union Medical College'. After liberation from Japanese occupation in 1945, American medical system was introduced into Korea, and many surgeons had a chance to be trained in America. There were great advancements in the field of surgery, especially of neurosurgery, during a tragic Korean War. With the restoration of economy after 1960s, surgery in Korea continued to develop toward an independent and consolidated fields of medicine.

Colonialism/history , English Abstract , Japan , Korea , Religious Missions/history , General Surgery/history , United States , Armed Conflicts/history , Western World/history