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Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 68(1): 8-12, jul. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567630


Se presenta un caso clínico de quiste óseo traumá- tico simple de un paciente de sexo masculino de 16 años de edad, derivado para la exodoncia de pieza dentaria 4.8 retenida. En la radiografía panorámica se produjo un hallazgo de una imagen radiolúcida oval unilocular definida, de tamaño aproximado de 2cm x 4cm en el cuerpo mandi- bular del lado izquierdo interradicular, ubicada apical- mente en relación a las piezas dentarias en la 3.3 y 3.4. Se solicitó una tomografía computada de haz cónico para complemento del diagnóstico y, posteriormen- te, se realizó la toma de biopsia para ser analizada al servicio de anatomopatología. Se realizó un seguimiento clínico-radiográfico y a los 5 meses se observó una evolución favorable de la zona de la lesión (AU)

A clinical case of a simple traumatic bone cyst is presented in a 16-year-old male patient, referred for extraction of retained tooth 4.8. The panoramic radiograph revealed a defined unilocular oval radiolucent image, approximately 2cm x 4cm in size in the mandibular body of the interradicular left side, located apically in relation to the teeth in 3.3 and 3.4. A cone beam computed tomography was requested to complement the diagnosis and a biopsy was subsequently taken to be analyzed by the pathology service. A clinical-radiographic follow-up was carried out and at 5 months a favorable evolution of the lesion area could be observed (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Tooth, Impacted/surgery , Biopsy/methods , Age Factors , Diagnosis, Differential
Rev. bras. ortop ; 56(2): 263-267, Apr.-June 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251353


Abstract Simple bone cysts rarely occur in the scapula, and, to our knowledge, they have not been reported in the acromion. In the present report, we present the case of a 24-year-old female patient who was successfully treated by curettage and grafting using xenografting. No recurrence findings were observed during the follow-up six months postoperatively, the patient had recovered full range of motion, and she was able to perform all routine activities satisfactorily.

Resumo Cistos ósseos simples são raros na escápula, e, pelo que sabemos, não foram relatados no acrômio. Aqui, apresentamos uma paciente do sexo feminino, de 24 anos, submetida com sucesso ao tratamento composto por curetagem e xenoenxerto. Não foram observados achados de recidiva no acompanhamento pós-operatório de seis meses, quando a paciente apresentou amplitude total de movimento e foi capaz de realizar todas as atividades rotineiras de maneira satisfatória.

Humans , Female , Adult , Scapula/injuries , Acromion/injuries , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts/radiotherapy
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 38(1): 51-55, 15/03/2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362658


Introduction Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABCs) are pseudotumoral bone lesions of unknown etiology that are also hypervascularized, benign, and locally destructive. They are rare in the base of the skull. The present case report describes a case of aneurysmal bone cyst in the sella turcica. Case Report The present study was developed at the department of neurosurgery of the Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes of the Universidade Federal de Alagoas (HUPAA-AL, in the Portuguese acronym), Maceió, state of Alagoas, Brazil, and is accompanied by a review of the literature from the PubMed database. A 17-year-old female patient with bitemporal hemianopia and intense left hemicranial headache associated with symptoms from the cranial nerves contained in the cavernous sinus. Neuroimaging evidenced a large lesion in the suprasellar region with calcification foci, sellar erosion, and extension to the cavernous sinus. The patient was submitted to a partial lesion resection and the histopathological analysis showed an aneurysmal bone cyst. Conclusion A rare case of intracranial aneurysmal bone cyst, with the important differential diagnosis from pituitary adenoma.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Sella Turcica/abnormalities , Sella Turcica/injuries , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts, Aneurysmal/diagnostic imaging , Skull Base Neoplasms/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 24(4): 157-159, 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-907446


Se presenta un caso de gonalgia crónica debido a un ganglion intraarticular localizado entre ambos ligamentos cruzados. Se realizó la resección artroscópica. El diagnóstico fue confirmado por anatomía patológica.

We report a case of chronic atraumatic knee pain due to a ganglion cyst located between both cruciate ligaments. Arthroscopic resection was performed. The diagnosis was confirmed through histopatology study.

Adult , Arthroscopy/methods , Bone Cysts/surgery , Knee Joint/surgery , Pain
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 23(1): 10-14, mar. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: lil-786933


Introducción: El ganglión espinoglenoideo puede ser causa de la compresión extrínseca del nervio supraescapular produciendo dolor posterior en el hombro y déficit en la rotación externa sostenida. Varios estudios demuestran la prevalencia de la lesión del labrum asociado a esta patología, esta funciona como válvula, produciendo la salida de líquido sinovial hacia los tejidos secundario al aumento de presión intra articular. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar los resultados funcionales e imagenológicos de la descompresión artroscópica del quiste espinoglenoideo con reparación labral asociada. Materiales y Métodos: Entre 2005 y 2013 se evaluaron retrospectivamente 21 pacientes con síndrome de compresión del nervio supraescapular por la presencia de un ganglion espinoglenoideo. En 10 de ellos estaba involucrado el lado hábil. Presentaban dolor posterior con resonancia diagnóstica y ausencia de respuesta al tratamiento conservador. A la totalidad de estos pacientes se les realizó descompresión y reparación labral artroscópica por el mismo cirujano. Fueron estudiados con escalas funcionales (Rowe y Constant) y resonancia magnética pre y post operatoria analizando diámetro del quiste, recidiva e infiltración grasa (Goutallier). Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 39,19 años (19-60 años), todos masculinos. La resolución completa del quiste se evidenció en 20 pacientes. Con La escala de Rowe se obtuvo un resultado final promedio de 97,86 (pre 87,39; P=<0.001) y un Constant promedio de 89,95 (pre 66,24; P=<0.001). Ningún paciente tuvo recidiva, se observó en un paciente quiste residual con diámetro de 1,3 cm sin sintomatología (escalas pre y postoperatorias: Rowe 80/95, Constant 59/90). Conclusión: La descompresión artroscópica del ganglión espinoglenoideo asociado a reparación del labrum es un método efectivo para mejorar la sintomatología en pacientes que no responden al tratamiento conservador.

Introduction: The spinoglenoid cyst may cause extrinsic compression of the suprascapular nerve producing posterior shoulder pain and deficit in sustained external rotation. Several studies have shown the prevalence of labral injury associated with this disease, this functions as a valve, causing the output of synovial fluid into the tissues secondary to increased intra articular pressure. Our objective is to evaluate the functional and imaging results of arthroscopic spinoglenoid cyst decompression associated with labral repair. Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed 21 patients treated in our Hospital, from 2005 to 2013. All of them presented dorsal shoulder pain, a diagnostic resonance and lack of response to conservative treatment. All underwent arthroscopic labral repair with decompression by the same surgeon. We evaluated them by functional scales (Rowe and Constant) and magnetic resonance analyzing pre- and postoperative diameter of cyst, its recurrence and fatty infiltration of the infraspinatus muscle (Goutallier). Results: The average age was 39.19 years (19-60 years), all male. Complete resolution of the cyst was observed in 20 patients. Avarage posoperative Constant score was 89.95 (pre 66.24; P = <0.001); avarage Rowe scale posoperative score was 97.86 (P=<0.001 pre 87.39). No patient experienced recurrence and there was an asymptomatic patient with a 1.3 wide residual cyst diameter (final scales: Rowe 95 Constant 90). Conclusion: Arthroscopic spinoglenoid cyst decompression associated with labral repair is an effective method of improving symptoms in patients who do not respond to conservative treatment.

Adult , Shoulder Joint/surgery , Arthroscopy/methods , Decompression, Surgical , Shoulder Pain , Bone Cysts/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1254378


El quiste óseo simple es una patología pseudotumoral características de las dos primeras décadas de la vida, localizada principalmente en húmero o fémur. La localización metatarsiana es considerada rara. El peroné puede ser utilizado para reconstrucción de defectos óseos. Se realizó estudio observacional, descriptivo, en el Hospital Dr. Adolfo Pons de Maracaibo, Edo Zulia, Venezuela, donde presentamos paciente femenino de 12 años de edad, en quien se reconstruyó defecto óseo metatarsiano producto de resección de quiste simple, mediante injerto no vascularizado de peroné. Se obtuvo consolidación e integración total de injerto con resultado funcional excelente(AU)

Simple bone cyst is a pseudotumoral condition that when coming up, it usually occurs during the first two decades of life, mainly located in the humerus or femur. The metatarsal location is considered rare. The fibula can be used for bone defects reconstruction. An observational and descriptive study was conducted at Dr. Adolfo Pons Hospital, in which we present a 12 years old patient who underwent a second metatarsal bone defect reconstruction with a non-vascularized fibular graft after resection of a simple cyst. Graft consolidation and total integration were obtained with excellent functional outcome(AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Transplantation, Autologous , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Transplantation , Foot/surgery , Pathology , Femur , Fibula/surgery
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 22(1): 21-25, mar. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: lil-767470


Introducción: El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es presentar una serie de 35 pacientes con diagnóstico de quiste articular de rodilla sintomático tratados de forma quirúrgica. Se describe el algoritmo diagnóstico, los resultados y el índice de recidiva. Material y método: Se evaluaron en forma retrospectiva 35 pacientes con diagnóstico de quiste articular de rodilla los cuales fueron tratados en forma quirúrgica. Excluimos aquellos pacientes con diagnóstico de ligamento mucoide y quiste para-meniscal. Veinte hombres, 15 mujeres, con una edad promedio de 39 años. En todos ellos se realizó una biopsia escisión: 31 a través de una artroscopía y 4 resección a cielo abierto. La clínica variaba entre hidrartrosis, bloqueo articular y dolor inespecífico. En todos los casos se realizó el mismo algoritmo diagnostico mediante resonancia magnética (RM). Se realizó un seguimiento clínico para evaluar recidiva. Resultados: El diagnostico se confirmó a través de anatomía patológica en todos los casos, obteniendo 16 sinovitis vellonodular pigmentada focalizada, 5 quiste mucoide, 4 quiste sinovial, 1 quiste de tejido fibroso, 6 gangliones del LCA y 1 del LCP, 2 fibrosis postoperatorios de LCA y 2 quiste de Baker. Treinta y cuatro pacientes evolucionaron en forma favorable. Un paciente con quiste de Baker complicado evolucionó con una recidiva luego de 6 meses de la cirugía. Conclusión: La RM preoperatoria es de gran importancia, ya que los quistes se pueden localizar en zonas de difícil acceso o no exploradas en forma habitual. Es importante la sospecha de este tipo de patología ya que con un diagnóstico temprano y tratamiento quirúrgico se obtienen resultados satisfactorios. Nivel de Evidencia: IV. Tipo de Estudio: Serie de Casos. Retrospectivo.

Introduction: The objective of this study was to investigate a series of 35 patients diagnosed with symptomatic intraarticular knee cysts and describe the diagnostic techniques and surgical treatment. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study involving 35 patients diagnosed with intra-articular knee cysts who underwent surgical treatment. We excluded patients diagnosed with a mucoid ligament and para-meniscal cysts. Twenty of the patients were men, 15 women with an average age of 39 years old. All patients underwent an escitional biopsy: 31 using arthroscopy and 4 with an open resection. Among the clinical variations were hydarthrosis, joint lock and complaints of unspecific pain. All of the mentioned cases were diagnosed using MRI imaging and clinical follow up care in order to evaluate suspicion of relapse. Results: The diagnosis was confirmed through anatomic pathology in all cases, with 16 focalized pigmented villonodular synovitis, 5 mucoid cycts, 4 synovial cysts, 1 fibrosis cyst, 6 ACL ganglions, 1 PCL ganglion, 2 ACL post-operative fibrosis and 2 Bakers cycts. 34 patients showed favorable outcome and one patient with a Bakers Cyst presented complication with a relapse 6 months after the inicial surgery. Conclusion: The pre-operative MRI is of great importance, cycts can be found in areas that are difficult to access or located in areas that are rarely explored. It is important to suspect these types of pathologies due to the fact that an early diagnosis and surgical treatment lead to favorable results. Level of Evidence: IV. Study Design: Retrospective. Case series.

Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Knee Joint/surgery , Synovial Cyst/surgery , Synovial Cyst/diagnosis , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts/diagnosis , Synovitis, Pigmented Villonodular , Retrospective Studies , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Treatment Outcome
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-68300


BACKGROUND: The treatment of simple bone cysts (SBC) in children varies significantly among physicians. This study examined which procedure is better for the treatment of SBC, using a decision analysis based on current published evidence. METHODS: A decision tree focused on five treatment modalities of SBC (observation, steroid injection, autologous bone marrow injection, decompression, and curettage with bone graft) were created. Each treatment modality was further branched, according to the presence and severity of complications. The probabilities of all cases were obtained by literature review. A roll back tool was utilized to determine the most preferred treatment modality. One-way sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the threshold value of the treatment modalities. Two-way sensitivity analysis was utilized to examine the joint impact of changes in probabilities of two parameters. RESULTS: The decision model favored autologous bone marrow injection. The expected value of autologous bone marrow injection was 0.9445, while those of observation, steroid injection, decompression, and curettage and bone graft were 0.9318, 0.9400, 0.9395, and 0.9342, respectively. One-way sensitivity analysis showed that autologous bone marrow injection was better than that of decompression for the expected value when the rate of pathologic fracture, or positive symptoms of SBC after autologous bone marrow injection, was lower than 20.4%. CONCLUSIONS: In our study, autologous bone marrow injection was found to be the best choice of treatment of SBC. However, the results were sensitive to the rate of pathologic fracture after treatment of SBC. Physicians should consider the possibility of pathologic fracture when they determine a treatment method for SBC.

Humans , Analysis of Variance , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Marrow Transplantation/methods , Decision Trees , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Transplantation, Autologous
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 21(1): 23-25, 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-715041


El ganglión intraoseo es una patología poco frecuente. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo presentar un caso con extrusión intraarticular atípica, generando un síndrome friccional anterior de tobillo y presentar su tratamiento artroscópico.

Intraosseous ganglion cysts are a rare pathology. We present a case with non-typical anterior intraarticular extrusion leading to anterior ankle impingement and its arthroscopic treatment.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Ankle Joint , Arthroscopy/methods , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts/pathology , Pain , Treatment Outcome
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 20(3): 95-97, sept. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-743142


Se presentan cuatro pacientes con un ganglión pretibial como complicación post reconstrucción de ligamento cruzado anterior. En los cuatro pacientes se realizo la reconstrucción con injerto cuádruple de isquiotibiales sin fijación distal, preservando la inserción distal de los tendones. Se realizó resección del ganglión y los restos de suturas, se cureteó y rellenó con injerto óseo el túnel tibial. Tipo de Estudio: Reporte de casos. Nivel de evidencia: IV

We report 4 cases of pre-tibial cyst after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with no distal fixation, except for the native insertion of the tendons. Surgical resection of the cyst with removal of any residual nonabsorbable suture was done. Tibial tunnels were filled with bone grafts. Study Design: Case report. Evidence Level: IV

Humans , Adult , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/adverse effects , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts/etiology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 100(1): 13-16, mar. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-656573


Objetivo. Presentar un caso de un quiste óseo traumático localizado en el cóndilo mandibular. Caso clínico. Informamos de un caso de un quiste óseo traumático en el cóndilo mandibular de un paciente masculino de 24 años de edad que presentaba una lesión radiolúcida en la región que causaba expansión y perforación de ambas corticales óseas. Se realizó la exéresis de la lesión mediante un abordaje preauricular y otro submandiular. Conclusiones. Para su confirmación diagnóstica este peusodquiste, raramente encontrado en el cóndilo, requiere de la combinación de los datos de la anamnesis, de los hallazgos clínico-radiográficos y del estudio histopatológico de la pieza obtenida por la exploración quirúrgica.

Humans , Male , Adult , Mandibular Condyle/pathology , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts/diagnosis , Argentina , Bone Cysts/etiology , Radiography, Panoramic
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-210187


BACKGROUND: The goal of this study was to compare simple radiographic findings and clinical results according to residual ulnar variance following ulnar shortening for ulnar impaction syndrome. METHODS: Forty-five cases of ulnar impaction syndrome, which were treated with ulnar shortening from 2005 to 2008, were studied retrospectively. Group I included 13 cases with positive residual variance after ulnar shortening and group II included 32 cases with negative variance after shortening. The presence of a lunate cystic lesion both preoperatively and at final follow-up and assessments of wrist function based on the modified Mayo wrist score, the disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand (DASH) score, as well as the Chun and Palmer score were evaluated. RESULTS: A cystic lesion of the lunate was present in 4 cases preoperatively and the size decreased in 2 cases at final follow-up in group I, and in 10 and 5 cases, respectively, in group II. No statistical difference was observed between the groups. The modified Mayo wrist score, DASH score, as well as the Chun and Palmer score improved significantly in both groups. No significant differences were observed between the two groups in terms of the proportion of positive cystic lesions at final follow-up or the functional scores. CONCLUSIONS: After ulnar shortening, the degree of radiological change in the cystic lunate lesions and clinical improvement did not differ significantly between the groups with unintended residual positive and negative variance after shortening.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Health Status Indicators , Lunate Bone/surgery , Osteotomy/methods , Retrospective Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Ulna/diagnostic imaging
Acta odontol. venez ; 49(2)2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-678808


El quiste óseo simple, solitario ó traumático, se define como una cavidad intraósea vacía, revestida por una delgada membrana fibrovascular que carece de revestimiento epitelial. Es una lesión infrecuente, con una incidencia estimada en 1,2% de los quistes maxilares y en 2% de todos los que aparecen en el resto de huesos del organismo. Se desconoce su etiopatogenia, aunque la mayoría de autores señalan que se relaciona con un hecho traumático precedente. La localización más frecuente es la sínfisis y cuerpo mandibular. Usualmente se diagnostica como hallazgo accidental en exámenes radiográficos. El manejo terapéutico de este tipo de patología es básicamente quirúrgico. El propósito de este trabajo es reportar el caso de una paciente femenina de 18 años de edad, atendida en la Cátedra de Cirugía Bucal de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Los Andes, y que en examen radiográfico de rutina presentó una lesión pseudoquística mandibular de tipo quiste óseo simple, que fue tratada quirúrgicamente y sometida a controles postoperatorios clínicos y radiográficos periódicos, con resultados satisfactorios. El caso reseñado demuestra la importancia de realizar un continuo reporte y descripción de series de casos particulares, con la finalidad de registrar y obtener datos precisos para el reconocimiento y análisis exhaustivo de estas patologías

The simple, solitary or traumatic bone cyst is defined as an intraosseous empty cavity, lined by a thin fibrovascular membrane lacking of an epithelial lining. It is an uncommon lesion, with an incidence estimated in 1.2% of the maxillary cysts and in 2% of all those on the other bones. Its pathogenesis is unknown, although most authors note that is related to a previous traumatic event. The most common site is the mandibular symphysis and body. Is usually diagnosed as incidental findings on radiographic examinations. The therapeutic management of this disease is primarily surgical. The purpose of this paper is to report the case of a female patient of 18 years of age, served at the Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Los Andes, that had a routine radiographic examination and presented a pseudoquistic jaw injury like simple bone cyst, which was treated by surgery and regular clinical and radiographic postoperative controls, with satisfactory results. The reported case demonstrates the relevance of continuing series reports and description of cases, in order to register and obtain accurate data for the recognition and analysis of these pathologies

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Surgery, Oral , Mandible/surgery , Mandible/pathology , Mandible , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts , Dentistry
West Indian med. j ; 59(1): 55-58, Jan. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-672566


This study evaluated the pathology and therapeutic results of seven patients with intraosseous ganglia of the carpal bone. The mean age at the time of surgery was 27.6 years. The lesions were localized in the proximal carpal row in six patients and in the distal carpal row in only one. Surgical treatment was performed in all patients with good bone union. None had pain during activity or at rest and no recurrence had occurred. The intraosseous ganglia in four patients was of the idiopathic type, and in the other three patients was of the penetrating type. Although intraosseous ganglia of the carpal bone is reported as a rare disease, there were 159 cases in the literature. The pathology was intra- or extraosseous development, showing variation, but most cases were localized in the proximal carpal row.

Este estudio evaluó la patología y resultados terapéuticos de siete pacientes con ganglión intraóseo del hueso carpiano. La edad promedio en el momento de la cirugía fue 27.6 años. Las lesiones se localizaban en la fila proximal del carpo en seis pacientes y en la fila distal carpiana solamente en uno. El tratamiento quirúrgico se realizó en todos los pacientes con buena unión ósea. Ninguno tuvo dolor durante la actividad o el reposo, y no había tenido lugar recurrencia alguna. El ganglión intraóseo en cuatro pacientes fue de tipo idiopático, y en los otros tres pacientes fue de tipo penetrante. Aunque el ganglión intraóseo del hueso carpiano se informa como una enfermedad rara, se reportaban 159 casos en la literatura. La patología consistía en un desarrollo intra- o extraóseo, con variación, pero la mayoría de los casos se localizaban en la fila proximal carpiana.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bone Cysts/surgery , Carpal Bones/surgery , Bone Cysts/diagnosis , Bone Cysts/pathology , Carpal Bones/pathology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Treatment Outcome
Indian J Cancer ; 2009 Jul-Sept; 46(3): 234-236
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-144245


Benign tumors of the calcaneum are rare. Cystic lesions such as simple bone cysts and aneurysmal bone cysts are commonly seen. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate tumors of the calcaneum, which were seen over a 12-year period. Materials and Methods: We analyzed noninfectious, noninflammatory, benign lesions of the calcaneum seen in the Orthopedic Out Patient Department from 1991 to 2003. Twelve such tumors were encountered. There were 11 males and one female and their ages varied from 18 to 53 years with a median of 31. Data was collected from the histopathology reports, radiographs, and inpatient and outpatient records. One of the coauthors reviewed the histopathologic findings of all the tumors. Results: Twelve benign lesions were seen in 12 patients. In our series, cysts predominated, with three aneurysmal bone cysts and five simple bone cysts. The other benign tumors were: one fibrous dysplasia, one vascular hamartoma, one osteoblastoma, and one chondromyxoid fibroma. The bone cysts were treated by curettage, with or without bone grafting, except for one large aneurysmal bone cyst, which was treated by excision of the calcaneum. The postoperative function in this patient was good, with modified footwear. Conclusion: The calcaneum is an uncommon site for most bone tumors, and in our series, bone cysts were the most common benign lesions. Curettage and bone grafting or the use of bone substitutes can be effectively used in the treatment of symptomatic bone cysts of the calcaneum.

Adolescent , Adult , Bone Cysts/pathology , Bone Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts, Aneurysmal/pathology , Bone Cysts, Aneurysmal/diagnostic imaging , Bone Cysts, Aneurysmal/surgery , Bone Neoplasms/pathology , Bone Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Bone Neoplasms/surgery , Calcaneus/pathology , Calcaneus/diagnostic imaging , Calcaneus/surgery , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Longitudinal Studies , Male , Middle Aged , Osteoblastoma/pathology , Osteoblastoma/diagnostic imaging , Osteoblastoma/surgery , Prognosis , Young Adult
JBMS-Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society. 2009; 21 (3): 302-307
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-102426


To evaluate the bone healing and recurrence rate after percutaneous curettage of bone cysts in the upper extremities in children and young adolescents. Orthopaedic department at Jordan University Hospital -Amman. The study started from September 1998 to August 2007, treating 10 children [seven males and three females] with a mean age of 8.57 year [range 3 to 12.3 years].There were eight cysts in the humerus and two in the radius. The cases comprised 5 simple bone cysts [SBC] and 5 aneurysmal bone cysts [ABC] confirmed histopathologically. All cases were treated percutaneously under the guidance of image intensifier by the senior author under general anaesthesia. After a mean duration of follow-up of 2.84 years [range 15m- 4 years], complete healing of the bone cysts had occurred in all cases at the most recent radiograph. All patients returned to full activities and were asymptomatic. No early or late complications were encountered during the course of follow-up. The use of percutaneous curettage in the surgical treatment of benign bone cystic lesions in the upper extremities is an effective treatment to control local recurrences and enhance bony consolidation without using bone graft

Humans , Male , Female , Treatment Outcome , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts, Aneurysmal/therapy , Bone Cysts, Aneurysmal/surgery , Radiography, Interventional , Curettage
Rev. imagem ; 30(2): 71-77, abr.-jun. 2008. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-542287


O cisto ósseo aneurismático é uma lesão benigna bastante comum caracterizada por ser expansiva, radioluzente, multiloculada e excêntrica, podendo acometer qualquer osso. O presente artigo relata o caso de uma criança com dor e aumento do volume no quarto dedo da mão direita há três semanas, decorrente de um cisto ósseo aneurismático. Os autores destacam as características de imagens na radiografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética, com posteriorcorrelação cirúrgica.

Aneurysmal bone cyst is a common benign lesion characterized by its insuflative, radiolucent, excentric and multiloculated pattern. It also can occur in any kind of bone. The present article report case of a child with pain and swelling in the fourth right finger forthree weeks caused by an aneurysmal bone cyst. The authors highlightthe characteristics of images in radiography, computed tomographyand magnetic resonance imaging, with subsequent surgical correlation.

Humans , Male , Child , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts/pathology , Bone Cysts , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Finger Phalanges/surgery , Finger Phalanges/pathology , Finger Phalanges , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Diagnosis, Differential
Rev. Asoc. Argent. Ortop. Traumatol ; 73(1): 32-38, 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-496191


Introducción: Numerosos autores coinciden en que laobstrucción del retorno venoso sería el principal factoretiológico del quiste óseo simple (QOS). La descompresiónpermanente con clavos endomedulares favorecería lacuración de la lesión. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluaron 48 pacientes consecutivos tratados entre enero de 1988 y junio de 2000. El promedio de edad fue de 10,3 años. El seguimiento promedio fue de 9,8 años. Se utilizaron los criterios radiográficos de Capanna para la evaluación de los resultados. El objetivo fue evaluar la eficacia de la descompresión del QOS de los huesos largos con enclavado endomedular y comparar la respuesta al tratamiento según su ubicación. Resultados: Los quistes se localizaron en el húmero proximal(n = 24), la diáfisis humeral (n = 2), el fémur proximal(n = 19), la tibia distal (n = 2) y el peroné distal (n = 1). El 62,5 por ciento debutó con una fractura espontánea. El 89,5 por ciento de los pacientes tuvieron un resultado satisfactorio (26 curación total, 17 curación con radiolucidez residual) y 4 recidivas. El húmero presentó un mayor porcentaje de curación que el fémur (p = 0,1499) y una mayor tendencia a la restitución ad íntegrum. Conclusiones: El enclavado endomedular representó en este protocolo el tratamiento de elección para los quistes óseos simples de los huesos largos. Es un método mínimamente invasivo, permite una estabilización aceptable y, al descomprimir la lesión, posibilita que ésta se cure. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los resultadosen las diversas localizaciones.

Adolescent , Child , Bone Nails , Decompression, Surgical , Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary , Bone Cysts/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Femur/surgery , Fibula/surgery , Humerus/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Tibia/surgery
Rev. odonto ciênc ; 22(58): 377-381, out.-dez. 2007. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-487221


Traumatic bone cyst is an uncommon lesion that may be incidentally diagnosed in routine dental treatment. Clinical features may comprehend asymptomatic lesion, with no bone expansion, most commonly located on the posterior mandible area. The lesion affects most often patients on second decade of life. Radiographically traumatic bone cyst it is manifested as a well-defined radiolucent area with a festooned pattern around the apexes of the adjacent teeth. Routine radiographies play an important role in diagnosing this lesion. In most of the cases the diagnosis is confirmed by the finding of an empty cavity during surgical management. Simple exploration of the cyst may be the curative procedure for this lesion. The present study reports a clinic case in which traumatic bone cyst had been diagnosed during final documentation at the end of the orthodontic treatment.

O cisto ósseo traumático é uma condição incomum que pode ser diagnosticada ao acaso em tratamento odontológico de rotina. Os aspectos clínicos envolvem lesão assintomática, sem expansão óssea, mais comumente localizada na região posterior da mandíbula, afetando preferencialmente indivíduos na segunda década de vida. Radiograficamente, o cisto ósseo traumático apresenta uma área radiolúcida bem definida, com padrão festonado ao redor dos ápices dos dentes adjacentes. As radiografias de rotina cumprem papel importante na identificação da lesão. A confirmação do diagnóstico é geralmente confirmada no ato cirúrgico, quando uma cavidade vazia é encontrada. Este relato de caso envolve uma situação clínica em que o cisto ósseo traumático foi diagnosticado a partir da documentação radiográfica ao final de um tratamento ortodôntico.

Humans , Female , Child , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts/diagnosis , Bone Cysts