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Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e19484, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383994


Abstract Chronic type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its associated diseases are major concern among human population and also responsible for significant mortality rate. Hence, the present study aims to evaluate and correlate the invertase inhibition, antioxidant activity and control against DFU causing bacterial pathogens by Pandanus odoratissimus flowers. Two dimensional preparative thin layer chromatography (2D PTLC) was adopted to purify the phenolic acid component and LC-MS2 was done to predict the phenolic acid structures. Standard spectrophotometry methods were adopted to investigate the in vitro invertase inhibitory and antioxidant (CUPRAC and ABTS) activities. Agar well diffusion and broth dilution assays were used to record the antibacterial property against DFU causing pathogens isolated from clinical samples. Statistical analyses were used to validate the experiments. A new and novel diferuloyl glycerate related phenolic acid (m/z 442) purified from PTLC eluate has recorded satisfactory cupric ion reducing power (ED50= 441.4±2.5 µg), moderate ABTS radical scavenging activity (IC50= 450.3±10 µg; 32.5±1.5%), and a near moderate, in vitro, invertase mixed type inhibition (24.5±4.5%; Ki: 400 µg). Similarly, bacterial growth inhibitory kinetics has showed a significant inhibition against E. coli and S. aureus.

Humans , Male , Female , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Diabetic Foot/pathology , Pandanaceae/adverse effects , Flowers/classification , beta-Fructofuranosidase/isolation & purification , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/pathology , Spectrophotometry/methods , Chromatography, Thin Layer/instrumentation , Antioxidants/adverse effects
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20575, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420470


Abstract The composition and pharmacological properties of Lippia alba (Mill.) (L. alba) (Verbenaceae) flower and leaf essential oils (EO) were determined in this study. The major constituents in the flower EO were geranial (49.83%) and neral (32.75%), and in the leaf EO were geranial (38.06%), neral (31.02%), and limonene (18.03%). Flower EO inhibited thrombolysis induced by Bothrops moojeni (B. moojeni) and Lachesis muta muta (L. muta muta) venoms (0.05-1.2 µL mL-1). When tested against L. muta muta venom, the protective effect was smaller in both EO. The EOs prolonged the clotting time induced by L. muta muta venom and a procoagulant effect was observed on B. moojeni. In the comet assay, the flower EO presented anti-genotoxic action (damage frequency of only 11.6 - 34.9%) against the L. muta muta venom. The positive control (Doxorubicin) and the venom alone presented a damage frequency of 80.3% and 70.7%, respectively. The flower EO protected DNA from damage induced by L. muta muta venom. L. alba leaf and flower EOs presented anti-genotoxic action

Biological Products/analysis , Oils, Volatile/analysis , Lippia/adverse effects , Plant Leaves/classification , Comet Assay/instrumentation , Flowers/classification , Elapid Venoms/pharmacology , Enzyme Inhibitors/administration & dosage , Hemostasis
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e201209, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420457


Abstract The present study describes chemical composition, phytochemicals, antifungal activities, antioxidant assays and total phenolic content of essential oil and varied polarity solvent extract from flowers of Alpinia malaccensis (Burm.f.). Total 27 components were identified in essential oil by GC-MS with terpinen-4-ol (28.6%) and α- terpineol (12.8%) as the main constituent. The essential oil was found to have maximal levels of phenolic content (64.60 µg/mL) as compared to the other extracts. The antioxidant assay evaluated in extracts and essential oil by different methods revealed good-to-moderate antioxidant potential with different IC50 values viz. (188.02 -250.25 µg/mL) in Fe3+ reducing power, (153.15-201.59 µg/mL) in Fe2+ metal-chelating ability, (130.39-181.12 µg/mL) in DPPH, (88.29-187.32 µg/mL) in OH radical, (79.04-156.79 µg/mL), in NO radical and (138.72-233.00 µg/mL) in superoxide anion scavenging activities, respectively. The methanolic extract display remarkable fungicidal activity against the tested pathogens followed by dichloromethane extract, essential oil, hexane extract and petroleum ether extract respectively, with MIC values ranging from 31.25 to 500 µg/mL. Based on results, it can be inferred that the flower of A. malaccensis if explored further for its medicinal properties, might be a good source to develop a safe and sustainable natural food preservative

Oils, Volatile/analysis , Plant Extracts/analysis , Flowers/classification , Alpinia/adverse effects , Antifungal Agents/pharmacology , Antioxidants/pharmacology
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e18785, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364421


We were carried out to investigate the efficacy of Rape (Rapeseed, Brassica napus L.) flower on BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) in rats. We found that the extract from Rape flower prevented hyperplasia in testosterone-induced BPH model, the relevant animal model of human BPH. Extract reduced the weight of prostate and induced significantly cell apoptosis in prostate in BPH model. In addition, the extract controlled expression of TGF-ß1 in prostate gland and promoted urinary output in dose-dependence in BPH model. Our data provide that Rape flower may be useful for treatment of BPH

Animals , Male , Rats , Prostatic Hyperplasia/pathology , Efficacy , Brassica napus/anatomy & histology , Flowers/classification , Testosterone , Plant Extracts/analysis , Models, Animal
Rev. biol. trop ; 64(1): 341-352, ene.-mar. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-843282


ResumenPeristethium leptostachyum es una especie hemiparásita de la familia Loranthaceae, distribuida en Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Perú, Venezuela y Panamá. Previamente tratada como Struthanthus leptostachyus, la especie fuerecientemente fue reubicada en Peristethium junto con otras que previamente estaban en los géneros Cladocolea y Struthanthus. La decisión de reconocer a Peristethium como género es controversial y fue tomada con base en caracteres de la inflorescencia y de la flor; en tanto que la monofilia de los tres géneros nombrados es incierta. En esta investigación se estudió la morfoanatomía de flores e inflorescencias de Peristethium leptostachyum, detallando la estructura del androceo y gineceo, así como los procesos de microgametogénesis y megagametogénesis; adicionalmente se realizaron comparaciones con especies afines y precisiones en relación con las diagnosis previas. Se recolectaron flores en diversas fases de desarrollo en Santa María (Boyacá-Colombia), se prepararon y analizaron bajo microscopio secciones histológicas teñidas con astrabluefucsina, además de disecciones bajo estereomicroscopio. Los resultados mostraron que P. leptostachyum comparte caracteres inflorenciales con Cladocolea (inflorescencia determinada, flor terminal ebracteada), pero también con Struthanthus (pares de tríadas a lo largo del eje, brácteas caducas y flores actinomorfas). Las flores de P. Leptostachyum de Santa María son claramente hermafroditas, con androceos y gineceos totalmente desarrollados; lo cual contradice la descripción hecha por Kuijt que reporta una condición dioica para esta especie. El androceo resultó afín al de Struthanthus vulgaris, con tapetum glandular y microsporogénesis simultánea; en contraste, Cladocolea loniceroides presenta tapetum periplasmodial y microesporogénesis sucesiva. El gineceo de P. leptostachyum, al igual que en Cladocolea, Struthanthus y Phthirusa, es unilocular con mamelón y tejido arquesporial orientado hacia el estilo, el cual es sólido y con tejido amilífero. P. leptostachyum es afín a Cladocolea loniceroides y difiere de Struthanthus vulgaris por presentar varios sacos embrionarios y pelvis (hipostasa) no lignificada. La presencia de un canal estilar sólido se propone como sinapomorfía de la tribu Psittacanthinae. Dado que P. Leptostachyum comparte caracteres anatómicos florales tanto con Cladocolea como con Strutanthus, la relación entre estos tres géneros no queda resuelta, se requieren estudios filogenéticos para establecer esta relación y poner a prueba las hipótesis de monofilia de cada uno de ellos.

AbstractPeristethium leptostachyum is a hemiparasite species of the family Loranthaceae, distributed in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and Panama. Previously treated as Struthanthus leptostachyus, the species was recently transferred to Peristethium together with other species of Cladocolea and Struthanthus. The present research describes the inflorescence and floral morphoanatomy of Peristethium leptostachyum, detailing the structure of the androecium and gynoecium and the processes of microgametogenesis and megagametogenesis, thus allowing comparison with Struthanthus and Cladocolea. Flowering material was collected in February and August 2012, in Santa María, Boyacá, Colombia. Histological sections were prepared and stained with astrablue-fuchsin and floral dissections were performed under a stereomicroscope. Peristethium leptostachyum shares inflorescence characters with Cladocolea (determinate inflorescence, ebracteate terminal flower), but also with Struthanthus (pairs of triads along the axis, deciduous bracts and actinomorphic flowers). The flowers of P. leptostachyum from Santa María are clearly hermaphrodites with androecium and gynoecium fully developed. This observation contradicts the description by Kuijt who reported this species to be dioecious. The androecium was observed to be similar to that of Struthanthus vulgaris, with a glandular tapetum and simultaneous microsporogenesis; in contrast, Cladocolea loniceroides has a periplasmodial tapetum and successive microsporogenesis. The gynoecium of P. leptostachyum, like that of Cladocolea, Struthanthus and Phthirusa, has a unilocular ovary with a mamelon and arquesporial tissue isoriented towards the style, which in turn is solid and amyliferous. Peristethium leptostachyum is similar to Cladocolea loniceroides and differs from Strutanthus vulgaris in presenting multiple embryo sacs and an unlignified pelvis (hipostase). The presence of a solid stylar canal is proposed as a synapomorphy of the tribe Psittacanthinae. Given that P. leptostachyum shares characters with both Cladocolea and Struthanthus generic placement cannot be clearly determined on the basis of anatomical evidence. Phylogenetic studies that include representative species of all three genera are desirable to test hypotheses of monophyly. The sexual system observed here in P. leptostachyum is different from that reported by Kuijt and more studies are needed to identify the factors (geographic, ecological, etc.) that influence this variation. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (1): 341-352. Epub 2016 March 01.

Loranthaceae/anatomy & histology , Loranthaceae/classification , Flowers/anatomy & histology , Flowers/classification , Loranthaceae/physiology , Flowers/physiology , Inflorescence
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 18(2,supl.1): 621-627, 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-830062


RESUMO O estudo fenológico tem como finalidade determinar o ritmo sazonal dos eventos do ciclo de vida da planta, como floração e frutificação. Estes eventos são determinados por uma série de fatores, como: alternância de períodos chuvosos ou não chuvosos, intensidade da radiação solar, entre outros. A fitoquímica tem por objetivos conhecer os constituintes químicos de espécies vegetais ou avaliar sua presença. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a caracterização fenológica e a prospecção fitoquímica de folhas de jaborandi. A área de estudo para a avaliação do material vegetal foi o Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Jaborandi da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, situada no município de Belém-PA. Os acessos escolhidos foram: Merck, cultivado a pleno sol e à sombra; Japonês e Bonal 4, cultivados a pleno sol. Os registros foram realizados diariamente por um período de 28 meses correspondendo a agosto de 2010 a dezembro de 2012, de cinco plantas/acesso e organizados para demonstração mensal, através de fichas com a numeração respectiva das plantas, com registro de presença ou ausência das fenofases, floração e frutificação. A determinação do peso seco das amostras coletadas dos acessos foi realizada no Laboratório de Agroindústria da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, onde, após a triagem e remoção das impurezas, as folhas foram cortadas, pesadas, colocadas em bandejas de inox e secas em estufa com circulação mecânica (FANEM 320-SE), à temperatura de 45º C por 120 h. Em seguida, as amostras foram pesadas, trituradas e acondicionadas em sacos plásticos devidamente identificados e guardados sob refrigeração à temperatura de 10º C até o uso. Os extratos das plantas foram preparados utilizando-se 100 g de folhas secas de cada acesso, triturados e submetidos à extração hidroalcoólica (etanol 80%) em banho-maria sob refluxo, por aproximadamente 4 horas. Os extratos foram armazenados protegidos da luz na geladeira até o momento das análises. Foi analisada a presença das seguintes classes de substâncias químicas: ácidos orgânicos, açúcares redutores, polissacarídeos, proteínas e aminoácidos, taninos, catequinas, flavonoides, glicosídeos cardíacos, lactonas sesquiterpênicas, azulenos, carotenoides, esteroides e triterpenoides, depsídeos e depsidonas, derivados da cumarina, saponina espumídica, alcaloides, purinas, antraquinonas. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a espécie Pilocarpus microphyllus apresentou floração durante o ano todo e frutificação em onze meses, e a prospecção fitoquímica revelou a presença de 11 classes de constituintes químicos.

ABSTRACT Phenological studies aim to determine the seasonal rhythm of the plant life cycle events, as flowering and fruiting. These events are determined by different factors, such as: alternating periods of rainy or dryer seasons, solar radiation intensity, among others. Phytochemistry aims to identify the chemical constituents of plant species or to evaluate their presence. This study aimed the phenological characterization and the phytochemical prospection of jaborandi leaves. The chosen study area for the plant material assessment was the Active Germplasm Bank of Jaborandi in the Embrapa Eastern Amazon, located in the city of Belém, PA, Brazil. The chosen accessions were the following: Merck, grown in full sun and in shade; Japanese and Bonal 4, both grown in full sun. Records were taken on a daily basis for a period of 28 months (August of 2010 to December of 2012), from five plants/accession, and arranged for monthly demonstrations by record sheets containing the corresponding plant numeration and the presence or absence of flowering and fruiting phenophases. The dry weight of the samples collected from the accessions was measured at the Laboratory of Agribusiness of Embrapa Eastern Amazon, where, after the sorting and removal of impurities, the leaves were cut, weighed, placed in stainless steel trays, and dried in forced air circulation oven (FANEM 320 UP) at a 45°C for 120h. Then, the samples were weighed, crushed, and placed in plastic bags properly identified and stored under refrigeration at a temperature of 10ºC until the use. The plant extracts were prepared using 100g of dried leaves from each accession, crushed, and subjected to hydroalcoholic extraction (80% ethanol) with water bath heating under reflux for approximately 4 hours. The extracts were stored protected from light in a refrigerator until the analysis. We analyzed the presence of the following classes of chemical substances: organic acids, reducing sugars, polysaccharides, proteins and amino acids, tannins, catechins, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, sesquiterpene lactones, azulenes, carotenoids, steroids and triterpernoids, depsides and depsidones, coumarin derivatives, foam saponin, alkaloids, purines, anthraquinones. Our results showed that the flowering of Pilocarpus microphyllus occurred throughout the year and fruiting occurred in eleven months, and the phytochemical prospection revealed the presence of 11 classes of chemical constituents.

Jaborandi/analysis , Plant Leaves/classification , Flowers/classification , Fruit/classification
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(3): 1137-1146, jul.-sep. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-753679


Copernicia and Washingtonia are two genera of the Trachycarpeae for which no subtribal classification has been proposed, mainly because of the lack of resolution in phylogenetic studies. Morphology and anatomy of flowers whithin Coryphoideae have proven useful for taxa delimitation and supporting relationships among their members. A description of the morphological and anatomical structure of flowers of C. tectorum and W. filifera is presented in order to explore reproductive characters that may clarify their classification within the subfamily and to contribute with floral biology studies. Flowers of cultivated specimens of both taxa and developing fruits of C. tectorum were fixed in FAA, dissected for morphological analysis, and parafin-embedded flowers and fruits were serially sectioned for obtaining permanent slides, using conventional techniques and safranin-fast green staining. All procedures were carried out in the Laboratory of Morpho-Anatomy, Agronomy Faculty of the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Both species have hermaphroditic flowers. C. tectorum flowers have a thick and pubescent perianth, six stamens with filaments forming a tube fused to the corolla, with rounded projections and an acute apex where the anthers are inserted. W. filifera flowers have an irregularly dentate calyx, and a shortly acuminate corolla, six stamens united by their filaments to the corolla which at the same time are briefly fused to the gynoecium. Cells with druse crystals in the staminal tube are reported for C. tectorum. Only one of the carpels of the gynoecium of C. tectorum develops at fruit stage, and a layer of abundant raphide cells forming a crustaceous endocarp in mature fruits, was found. W. filifera presents the perianth mesophyll with few layers of thick walled cells and schlerenchymatic tissue, gynoecium with apically fused carpels in the ventral region of ovary, free at the base and the apex of the style, where the ventral sutures are opened. C. tectorum has a ventral hypodermis in the petals made of large and thick walled cells, gynoecium with apically fused carpels in the ovary, free and adpressed basally, style-stigma completely fused, and stylar transmission channel absent distally. Distinct stylar canals in C. tectorum, united distally in W. filifera confirm the close relationship between these species and subtribe Livistoninae. Also, some floral morpho-anatomical similarities (e.g. fleshy calyx base and a hypodermis with thickened cell walls in petals) were found between C. tectorum and Pritchardia, supporting the affinities between both genera. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (3): 1137-1146. Epub 2014 September 01.

Copernicia y Washingtonia son dos de los géneros de Trachycarpeae para los cuales no ha sido propuesta una clasificación subtribal debido a la carencia de resolución en los estudios filogenéticos. La morfología y anatomía floral dentro de Coryphoideae han sido útiles para la delimitación de taxones y apoyo de relaciones. En este trabajo se presenta una descripción de la estructura morfo-anatómica de las flores de C. tectorum y W. filifera, con la finalidad de explorar caracteres reproductivos que puedan aclarar su ubicación dentro de la subfamilia y contribuir con estudios de biología floral. Se fijaron flores de especimenes cultivados de ambos taxones y frutos en desarrollo de C. tectorum, se realizaron disecciones para las descripciones morfológicas y cortes anatómicos seriados para la obtención de láminas permanentes utilizando técnicas convencionales con parafina. Todos los procedimientos fueron llevados a cabo en el Laboratorio de Morfo-Anatomía, Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Ambas especies tienen flores hermafroditas. Las flores de C. tectorum tienen perianto engrosado y pubescente. Las flores de W. filifera presentan un cáliz irregularmente dentado y corola corto-acuminada. Se reportan células con drusas en el tubo estaminal de C. tectorum. Uno solo de los carpelos de C. tectorum se desarrolla en fruto y se encontró una capa de células con rafidios que podrían formar el endocarpo crustáceo en los frutos maduros. W. filifera presenta pocas capas de células de paredes engrosadas y tejido esclerenquimático en el mesofilo del perianto, gineceo con carpelos fusionados en el ápice del ovario (en su porción ventral), libres en la base y en el ápice del estilo, donde presenta suturas ventrales abiertas. Los pétalos de C. tectorum poseen una hipodermis ventral de células con paredes muy engrosadas, gineceo con carpelos fusionados en el ápice del ovario, libres y adpresos en su base, región estilar-estigmática fusionada y canal de transmisión estilar ausente distalmente. La presencia de canales estilares separados en C. tectorum, unidos distalmente en W. filifera confirman la relación cercana de estas especies con la subtribu Livistoninae. Igualmente, se encontraron algunas similitudes entre C. tectorum y Pritchardia (p.e. base carnosa del cáliz y epidermis ventral con células de paredes engrosadas en los pétalos), apoyando ciertas afinidades entre ambos géneros.

Arecaceae/anatomy & histology , Flowers/anatomy & histology , Arecaceae/classification , Flowers/classification , Venezuela
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(2): 743-756, Jun.-Aug. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-715468


Drimys granadensis is a widespread species in montane forests of South and Central America. In this research, the structure, ontogeny, phyllotaxis and vascularization of the flowers and inflorescences of this species was studied in a population from the Eastern hills of Sabana de Bogota, Colombia. The methods used applied both optical microscopy, with astra blue-fuchsin staining, and scanning electron microscopy, using critical point dryed and gold-paladium metallized samples. Besides, results were compared with those of Drimys winteri, a widely studied species distributed in Chile and Argentina. Additionally, we studied the detail of the floral anatomy to determine the bracteal or calicine identity of the caliptra. I confirmed the proliferative status of the monothelic inflorescence, discarding alternative explanations of the terminal flower identity. I found that uniflorescences have an acropetal development until the terminal meristem becomes the terminal flower, then this flower develops rapidly resulting in a determined uniflorescence. I found pseudosyphonosthelic vascularization in peduncles and pedicels. Besides, I discovered some evidence in the vascular and anatomical structures, to consider the caliptra as the fusion product of various structures and therefore of calicine origin. The caliptra showed a whorled phyllotaxis, but the petals, stamens and carpels presented a spiral condition; phyllotaxis change was explained by the long time lapse between the initiation of the calyx and the corolla. I found great similarities among the inflorescences of D. granadensis and D. winteri; they were different in the proliferation start time, and in the frequent presence of nomophylls in D. granadensis, in contrast to the presence of reduced bracts and bracteoles in D. winteri inflorescences.

Drimys granadensis es una especie de amplia distribución en los bosques montanos de Sur y Centro América. En esta investigación se estudiaron, mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido, la estructura, ontogenia, filotaxis y vascularización de sus flores e inflorescencias, y fueron comparadas con las de Drimys winteri, especie distribuida en Chile y Argentina. Adicionalmente, se buscó evidencia para determinar la identidad bracteal o calicina de la caliptra de sus flores. Se confirmó la condición monotélica proliferante de la inflorescencia, descartando explicaciones alternativas de identidad de la flor terminal. Las uniflorescencias presentan un desarrollo acrópeto, hasta que el meristemo terminal se transforma en flor terminal, entonces esta flor se desarrolla rápidamente dando lugar a una uniflorescencia determinada. La vascularización es pseudosifonostélica para pedúnculos y pedicelos. Se encontró evidencia en la vascularización y estructura anatómica para considerar la caliptra como el producto de fusión de varias estructuras y, por tanto, de origen calicino. La caliptra presentó una filotaxis verticilada, pero los pétalos, estambres y carpelos presentaron una filotaxis espiralada; el cambio se explicó por el tiempo prolongado entre la iniciación de cáliz y corola. Las inflorescencias de D. granadensis y D. winteri son muy similares; siendo diferente el tiempo de inicio de la proliferación y la frecuente presencia de nomófilos en las inflorescencias de D. granadensis, en contraste con la presencia de brácteas y bracteolas reducidas en D. winteri.

Drimys/classification , Flowers/classification , Inflorescence/classification , Plant Vascular Bundle/classification , Argentina , Chile , Drimys/anatomy & histology , Drimys/ultrastructure , Flowers/anatomy & histology , Flowers/ultrastructure , Inflorescence/anatomy & histology , Inflorescence/ultrastructure , Plant Vascular Bundle/anatomy & histology , Plant Vascular Bundle/ultrastructure
Braz. j. biol ; 74(3): 659-676, 8/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-723887


The hummingbird-visited plant community located on the open-habitat mountaintop of the Espinhaço Range was studied for two years (from August 2007 to July 2009) in Serra do Cipó National Park, Southeastern Brazil (19° 15′ S and 43° 31′ W). The floral characteristics and flowering period of the hummingbird-visited plants was monthly recorded along trails located in three vegetation types: (1) typical campos rupestres (TCR), (2) open fields (OPF), and (3) capões de mata (CAM). Hummingbird visitation was observed in 51 plant species, 22 ornithophilous and 29 non-ornithophilous species. The TCR showed the greatest number of species visited (N = 38), followed by the OPF (N = 18) and CAM (N = 17). Six species of hummingbirds were recorded visiting flowers: Augastes scutatus, Campylopterus largipennis, Colibri serrirostris, Chlorostilbon lucidus, Eupetomena macroura and Phaethornis pretrei. This study demonstrates that the species richness and the number of ornithophilous species visited by the hummingbirds at the study site are more similar to hummingbird-plant communities of the Atlantic Forest than to those of the Cerrado communities and other Brazilian highland open-habitat communities. The plant families most visited by hummingbirds were Bromeliaceae and Asteraceae. Although the Asteraceae family is rarely used as a food resource for hummingbirds in other high and lowland communities, in the study site this family is used mainly by the endemic hummingbird Augastes scutatus. We found a large overlap of flowering throughout the year among the species visited by the hummingbirds. Thus, the nectar availability supports these resident hummingbirds. The present study also showed that the studied hummingbird-plant community is composed of many species endemic to the campos rupestres of the Espinhaço Range, some of which are considered to be in danger of extinction, thus constituting a unique and threatened community. Thus, understanding hummingbird-plant pollination dynamics becomes fundamental to the conservation of the campos rupestres.

A comunidade de flores visitadas por beija-flores em habitats abertos de montanhas da Serra do Espinhaço, sudeste do Brasil foi estudada por dois anos (de agosto de 2007 a julho de 2009) no Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó (19° 15′ S e 43° 31′ W). As características florais e o período de floração das plantas visitadas foram registradas mensalmente ao longo de trilhas localizadas em três tipos vegetacionais: (1) campos rupestres típicos (TCR), (2) campos abertos (OPF), e (3) capões de mata (CAM). Foram observadas visitas de beija-flores a 51 espécies de plantas: 22 ornitófilas e 29 não-ornitófilas. O TCR apresentou o maior número de espécies visitadas (N = 38), seguido pelo OPF (N = 18) e CAM (N = 17). Seis espécies de beija-flores foram observadas visitando as flores: Augastes scutatus, Campylopterus largipennis, Colibri serrirostris, Chlorostilbon lucidus, Eupetomena macroura e Phaethornis pretrei. A riqueza de espécies e o número de espécies ornitófilas visitadas pelos beija-flores, neste estudo, foi mais similar à comunidades de plantas visitadas por beija-flores na Floresta Atlântica, que as comunidades do Cerrado, bem como de outras comunidades de ambientes abertos do Brasil. As famílias com maior número de plantas visitadas pelos beija-flores foram Bromeliaceae e Asteraceae. Apesar da família Asteraceae, raramente ser utilizada como fonte alimentar pelos beija-flores em outras comunidades, nas áreas amostradas neste estudo esta família foi utilizada, principalmente, pelo beija-flor endêmico A. scutatus. Nós registramos grande sobreposição de floração ao longo do ano entre as espécies visitadas pelos beija-flores. Portanto, a disponibilidade de néctar mantem os beija-flores residentes. Este estudo, demonstrou também, que a comunidade de plantas visitadas pelos beija-flores nesta área é composta por muitas espécies endêmicas dos campos rupestres da Serra do Espinhaço, algumas das quais consideradas em perigo de extinção, constituindo assim uma comunidade única e ameaçada. Portanto, o entendimento da dinâmica de polinização desta comunidade é fundamental para a conservação dos campos rupestres.

Animals , Birds/physiology , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Flowers/classification , Brazil , Birds/classification , Plant Nectar , Population Density , Seasons
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 16(3): 521-526, jul.-set. 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-722271


Devido à crescente seleção de microrganismos resistentes aos antimicrobianos atuais, tem-se valorizado a busca por alternativas naturais. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a atividade antibacteriana de extratos etanólico e de ciclohexano de flores de camomila, espécie vegetal de uso antigo pela medicina tradicional, frente às bactérias ATCC Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli e Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sorovar Typhimurium pelas técnicas de difusão em ágar e diluição em caldo. Foi observada inibição do crescimento de P. aeruginosa frente ao extrato etanólico bruto (1g/mL) na técnica de diluição em caldo, e confirmada pela técnica de difusão em ágar (halo de inibição de 10 mm de diâmetro). Para as demais bactérias testadas, os extratos e suas diluições não apresentaram efeito bacteriostático em nenhuma das técnicas. Pode-se concluir que o extrato etanólico bruto da camomila apresentou atividade antibacteriana frente à P. aeruginosa, porém não foi eficaz frente à S. aureus, E. coli e Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sorovar Typhimurium. Portanto, são necessários novos estudos com diferentes linhagens de microrganismos, com o intuito de corroborar e assegurar os resultados apresentados, para definir o potencial antimicrobiano do extrato da camomila.

Due to the growing selection of microorganisms resistant to antimicrobial, the search for natural alternatives has become popular. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of ethanolic and cyclohexane extracts of chamomile flowers, a plant species long used by traditional medicine, against ATCC bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium by agar diffusion and broth dilution techniques. Growth of P. aeruginosa was inhibited when crude ethanolic extract (1g/mL) was used broth dilution, and was confirmed by agar diffusion, (10 mm diameter inhibition zone). For the other bacteria tested, the extracts and their dilutions did not show any bacteriostatic effect in any of the techniques. It may be concluded that pure ethanolic extract of chamomile presents antibacterial action against P. aeruginosa, and none against S. aureus, E. coli e Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sorovar Typhimurium. However, other studies with different strains of microorganisms may be useful in order to corroborate and ensure these results, to define evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of chamomile extract.

Plant Extracts/analysis , Chamomile/classification , Cyclohexanes/metabolism , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/isolation & purification , Flowers/classification , Anti-Bacterial Agents/analysis
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 63(3): 197-208, sep. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-749961


La florifagia, que es el consumo de flores como alimento es una práctica que, aunque no es nueva no estaba muy difundida entre los consumidores hasta hace algunas décadas. Las flores comestibles contribuyen al mejoramiento de la estética de los alimentos además, aportan sustancias biológicamente activas como vitaminas A, C, riboflavina, niacina, minerales como calcio, fósforo, hierro y potasio beneficiando la salud de quien las consume. Esta revisión incluye algunos ejemplos de flores comestibles como las rosas, violetas y capuchinas entre otras, sus usos y aplicaciones como alimento, sus características organolépticas y valor nutrimental por las cuales pueden considerarse un alimento funcional. No todas las flores pueden consumirse como alimento hay otro grupo de flores que pueden resultar tóxicas e incluso su ingesta puede ser mortal. Un factor importante que afecta la calidad de las flores es la forma en la que se conservan la cual repercute en sus características sensoriales y nutrimentales. Finalmente aunque el consumo de flores como alimento es una práctica antigua hay poca reglamentación es necesario realizar mayor investigación sobre su análisis químico y nutrimental que promueva su inclusión en la dieta ya que pueden ser una fuente alimenticia con un alto valor nutrimental y funcional.

The floriphagia that is the consumption of flowers as a food, is an old practice not widespread among consumers until some decades ago. Edible flowers contribute to increasing the appearance of food. They can provide biologically active substances including vitamin A, C, riboflavins, niacin, minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, iron and potassium that are eventually beneficial to consumers’ health. This review includes some examples of edible flowers including roses, violets and nasturtium among others, uses and applications, sensorial characteristics and nutritional values that lead them to be considered as functional food. An important factor that affects the quality of edible flowers is the form in which they are preserved since it may affect their sensorial and nutritional characteristics. However, not all flowers can be eaten as food since there are some of them that can be toxic or even mortal. Finally, although the consumption of flowers is an ancient practice, there is little regulation in this regard. Of the review on edible flowers, it is concluded that there are still numerous aspects about them to evaluate such as nutritional and functional characteristics, conservation and regulation with the aim to extend its consumption.

Flowers , Nutritive Value , Plants, Edible , Flowers/chemistry , Flowers/classification , Plants, Edible/chemistry , Plants, Edible/classification
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(4): 1621-1630, Dec. 2012. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-662235


Hummingbird abundance varies with plant bloom phenology used for feeding. However, the information on hummingbird-flower interaction is limited for tropical mountain environments. We evaluated hummingbird abundance using mist nest and estimated monthly flowering phenology visited by hummingbirds in three different habitats (oak forest, cloud forest and bush) from January to August 2010 in Huitepec Ecological Reserve. We recorded four hummingbird species (Hylocharis leucotis, Lampornis amethystinus, Lamprolaima rhami and Eugenes fulgens), and their abundance varied among habitats (H3.8=14.8, p=0.001). Seven plant species were visited for hummingbirds and showed the highest number of flower species during dry season. Bush had the highest blossom. Fuchsia paniculata had the highest blossom period but only was visited by H. leucotis. Passiflora membranacea was the only species visited for all hummingbird species. The only positive association was E. fulgens abundance with P.a membranacea bloom (rS=0.93, p=0.02). Hummingbird abundance fluctuations in this study are determined for interactions with floral resources and their habitat distribution.

La abundancia de los colibríes puede variar por la fenología de floración de las plantas de las que se alimentan. Sin embargo, la información sobre la interacción colibrí-flor es limitada en ambientes tropicales de montaña. En este estudio se evaluó la abundancia de colibríes con redes de niebla y se registró la fenología de floración mensual de las flores visitadas por los colibríes en tres ambientes (bosque de encino, de neblina y matorral) en la Reserva Ecológica Huitepec, Chiapas, México de enero a agosto 2010. Cuatro especies de colibríes (Hylocharis leucotis, Lampornis amethystinus, Lamprolaima rhami y Eugenes fulgens) se registraron y sus abundancias variaron entre ambientes (H3.8=14.8, p=0.001). Siete especies de plantas fueron visitadas por los colibríes, y presentaron una mayor floración formando parches durante la temporada de secas. En el matorral se concentró el mayor número de especies de plantas con flores. Fuchsia paniculata presentó el mayor periodo de floración aunque solo fue visitada por H. leucotis. Passiflora membranacea fue la única especie visitada por las cuatro especies de colibríes. La única asociación positiva fue la abundancia de E. fulgens con la floración de P. membranacea (rS=0.93, p=0.02). Las fluctuaciones de las abundancias de colibríes en este estudio están en cierta forma determinadas por las interacciones del recurso floral y su distribución en el ambiente.

Animals , Birds/physiology , Ecosystem , Flowers/classification , Birds/classification , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Mexico , Population Density , Population Dynamics , Seasons
Braz. j. biol ; 71(3): 611-622, Aug. 2011. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-597168


The temporal and spatial resource use among hummingbirds was studied over 13 months in an urban forest remnant (Prosa State Park: PSP) in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Hummingbird visitation was recorded at three ornithophilous and eleven non-ornithophilous species. Flower density was roughly constant during the study period, with the density of non-ornithophilous flowers being higher than that of ornithophilous ones. Mean values of nectar volume and concentration were similar between ornithophilous and non-ornithophilous species. Eight hummingbird species were observed at PSP: Amazilia fimbriata, Anthracothorax nigricollis, Chlorostilbon lucidus, Eupetomena macroura, Hylocharis chrysura, Florisuga fusca, Thalurania furcata and an unidentified species. Hummingbird visit frequencies to ornithophilous and non-ornithophilous flowers were similar. However, some non-ornithophilous species received a higher number of visits, which seems to be related to their large number of open flowers per plant per day. The number of feedings bouts of hummingbirds increased with the total number of flowers observed per focal plant. All recorded species of hummingbirds visited non-ornithophilous flowers, predominantly melittophilous and generalised entomophilous flowers. Hummingbird species recorded at PSP may be viewed as generalists, visiting a large number of non-ornithophilous species. Despite being an urban forest, PSP is relatively rich in hummingbird species, suggesting that it provides important shelter and foraging sites for hummingbirds in such an environment.

O uso temporal e espacial de recursos por beija-flores foi estudado ao longo de 13 meses em um remanescente florestal urbano (Parque Estadual do Prosa: PSP) em Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. As visitas dos beija-flores foram registradas em três espécies ornitófilas e 11 não ornitófilas. A densidade de flores foi mais ou menos constante durante o período de estudo, com a densidade de flores não ornitófilas sendo maior que a de flores ornitófilas. Os valores médios de volume e concentração do néctar foram similares entre as espécies ornitófilas e não ornitófilas. Oito espécies de beija-flores foram observadas no PSP: Amazilia fimbriata, Anthracothorax nigricollis, Chlorostilbon lucidus, Eupetomena macroura, Hylocharis chrysura, Florisuga fusca, Thalurania furcata e uma espécie não identificada. A frequência de visitas dos beija-flores foi similar entre as espécies ornitófilas e não ornitófilas. Entretanto, algumas espécies não ornitófilas receberam um alto número de visitas, o que parece estar relacionado ao alto número de flores abertas por planta por dia. O número de turnos de visitas dos beija-flores aumentou com o número total de flores observadas por planta focal. Todas as espécies de beija-flores visitaram flores não ornitófilas, predominantemente flores de espécies melitófilas e entomófilas generalistas. Os beija-flores observados no PSP podem ser considerados generalistas, visitando um grande número de espécies não ornitófilas. Apesar de o PSP ser um fragmento florestal urbano, possui riqueza de espécies de beija-flores relativamente alta, sugerindo ser importante sítio de abrigo e forrageamento para os beija-flores neste ambiente.

Animals , Birds/physiology , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Flowers/classification , Brazil , Birds/classification , Population Density , Seasons
Braz. j. biol ; 71(2): 359-364, maio 2011. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-592570


Although crab spiders are common in flowering plants, their relations with plant species and its floral traits have been poorly known in the Neotropics. Observations regarding plant habits, floral visitors and also floral characteristics such as anthesis, odour, shape, colour and floral resources were recorded in flowering plant species of an area of "Cerrado" on a 2 km long trail. Misumenops argenteus and Misumenops pallens accounted for 62.86 percent of the spiders captured on 22 flowering plant species. The plants Senna rugosa (Fabaceae), Styrax ferrugineus (Styracaceae) and Banisteriopsis campestris (Malpighiaceae), hosted, each one, about 10 to 17 percent of the total spiders collected and these plants had diurnal anthesis, bee-attractive flower colours such as yellow (S. rugosa), white (S. ferrugineus), and pink (B. campestris), poricidal anthers as well as being visited by bees which evidenced bee-pollination syndrome. This study is the first survey regarding crab spiders and their associations with plant species of the "Cerrado".

Ainda que aranhas Thomisidae sejam comumente encontradas em flores, as associações desses aracnídeos a espécies de plantas e às suas características florais foram pouco registradas na região neotropical. Observações do hábito das plantas, visitantes florais, e também das características florais, tais como antese, odor, forma, cor e recursos da flor, foram assinaladas para espécies floridas de uma área de cerrado presentes em uma trilha de 2 km de extensão. Misumenops argenteus e Misumenops pallens representaram 62,86 por cento das aranhas habitantes de 22 espécies de plantas floridas. As plantas Senna rugosa (Fabaceae), Styrax ferrugineus (Styracaceae) e Banisteriopsis campestris (Malpighiaceae) abrigaram, individualmente, cerca de 10 a 17 por cento do total das aranhas e, nestas plantas, a antese diurna; flores de coloração atrativa a abelhas, como amarela (S. rugosa), branca (S. ferrugineus) e rosa (B. campestris) e as anteras poricidas, bem como a visita das flores por abelhas reforçou a evidência de síndrome de polinização para melitofilia. Este é o primeiro levantamento de espécies de aranhas Thomisidae associadas a plantas do cerrado brasileiro.

Animals , Female , Male , Ecosystem , Flowers/classification , Flowers/parasitology , Spiders/classification , Biodiversity , Brazil , Population Density , Spiders/physiology
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 60(4): 405-410, dic. 2010. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-659117


Honey is the most popular bee product used by man, with nutritional and medicinal purposes. Its great diversity is attributed to numerous factors (bee type, visited flora, environment, and management). The quality of honey is controlled with routine parameters (free acidity, diastase activity, reducing sugars, ash, water, hydroxymethyfurfural, and sucrose contents). Besides the biochemical quality control, a functional profile is also important for pharmacological applications. In this work, bioactive indicators such as the antioxidant activity, flavonoid and polyphenol contents were evaluated by spectrophotometry, and correlated to the content of six bioelements (Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Zn) measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy, tandem FI-FAAS, in 14 unifloral Czech honeys. The antioxidant activity was 43.13 ± 53.72 mmoles TEAC/100 g honey. The flavonoid content was 5.18 ± 4.19 mg QE/100 g, and the polyphenol content was 45.38 ± 27.20 mg GAE/100 g. Buckwheat honey showed the highest values for these indicators of bioactivity, the acacia honeys the lowest, and the rest of the honeys were comprised between both of them. Honey content of bioelements was 138.19 ± 55.57 ppm Ca (min 77.11 - max 261.65), 0.33 ± 0.41 ppm Cu (min 0.00 - max 1.37), 2.95 ± 1.10 ppm Fe (min 1.34 - max 5.36), 35.08 ± 29.59 ppm Mg (min 8.76 - 128.06), 4.93 ± 3.99 ppm Mn (min 0.34 - max 11.31), 1.07 ± 0.56 ppm Zn (min 0.49 - max 2.52). The antioxidant activity of honey was significantly correlated to its content of cupper, iron, magnesium, manganese and zinc, but was not correlated to calcium.

La miel de abejas es el producto apícola más popular utilizado por el hombre, con fines nutricionales y medicinales. Su gran diversidad se atribuye a numerosos factores (tipo de abeja, flora visitada, ambiente, y manejo). La calidad de la miel se controla con parámetros de rutina: acidez libre, actividad de la diastasa, azúcares reductores, cenizas, humedad, hidroximetilfurfural, sacarosa aparente. Junto con el control de calidad bioquímica, también es importante su perfil funcional para aplicaciones farmacológicas. En este trabajo se evaluaron indicadores de bioactividad como la actividad antioxidante, el contenido de flavonoides y de polifenoles por espectrofotometría, y se correlacionaron con el contenido de seis bioelementos (Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Zn) determinados por espectroscopía de absorción atómica, IF acoplada a EAA con llama, en 14 mieles uniflorales checas. La actividad antioxidante fue 43.13 ± 53.72 mmoles TEAC/100 g miel. El contenido de flavonoides fue 5.18 ± 4.19 mg EQ/100 g, y el de polifenoles fue 45.38 ± 27.20 mg EAG/100 g. La miel de trigo sarraceno mostró los mayores valores en estos indicadores de bioactividad, las mieles de acacia los más bajos, y en el resto de las mieles estuvieron comprendidos entre ambos. El contenido de bioelementos en la miel fue 138.19 ± 55.57 ppm Ca (min 77.11 - max 261.65), 0.33 ± 0.41 ppm Cu (min 0.00 - max 1.37), 2.95 ± 1.10 ppm Fe (min 1.34 - max 5.36), 35.08 ± 29.59 ppm Mg (min 8.76 - 128.06), 4.93 ± 3.99 ppm Mn (min 0.34 - max 11.31), 1.07 ± 0.56 ppm Zn (min 0.49 - max 2.52). La actividad antioxidante de la miel se correlacionó significativamente con su contenido de cobre, hierro, magnesio, manganeso y zinc, pero no se correlacionó con el contenido de calcio.

Animals , Antioxidants/analysis , Flavonoids/analysis , Flowers/classification , Honey/analysis , Metals, Alkaline Earth/analysis , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Polyphenols/analysis , Indicators and Reagents , Spectrophotometry, Atomic
Quito; s.n; 2010. 112 p. tab, ilus.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-880563


Este inventario florístico que se realizó en el sector de Buga Alto arrojó los siguientes resultados. Se registraron 45 familias siendo Asteraceae la más representativa con 15%, seguida de Scrophulariaceae con el 7%, luego está Solanaceae con 5%, y el resto de familias tiene porcentaje menor al 5%. En lo referente al hábitat de las especies se encontró que los arbustos son predominantes en este sector con 41.89%, las hierbas terrestres con 35.14%, las lianas con 6.76%. y las restantes tienen menos del 5%. Al analizar el uso de las plantas identificamos que las medicinales son las más frecuentes con 37.84%, luego están las forrajeras con 13.51%, seguidas de las ornamentales con 12.16%, industriales con 8.11% alimenticia un 6.76% en la construcción de cercas vivas un 5.41%, y combustible un 5.41% las restantes tienen porcentajes menores al 5%.

Ethnobotany , Flowers/classification , Indigenous Peoples , Ecuador
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 8(2)Apr.-June 2008. ilus, mapas
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-489042


Croton is the second bigger and more diverse genus in the family Euphorbiaceae, with about 1,200 species distributed in 40 sections, occurring in all tropical areas, most of them in Americas. In South America, Brazil is the country in which a larger number of taxa are found, ca. 356. According to recent classification, the genus belongs to the tribe Crotoneae, and despite the wide and morphological diversity, it would be a monophyletic taxon. However, a phylogenetic analysis using markers of ITS region from nuclear ribosomal DNA, and of trnL-F from plastidial DNA, showed that Croton, like traditionally circumscribed, is not a monophyletic taxon. A taxonomic revision of Croton section Lamprocroton (Müll. Arg.) Pax is presented here. It is a Neotropical group with most of its species occurring from Southeast and South Brazil to southern South America (Uruguay and Argentina). Morphologically, the members of Lamprocroton are characterized as monoecious or dioecious shrubs or subshrubs, with a lepidote indumentum at least in part of foliage, entire leaves with no glands. The staminate flowers have 9 to 16 stamens and the pistillate flowers may have equal or unequal sepals, reduced to absent petals, and styles once or twice bifid. Overall, are recognized 26 species in the group, three of them new to the science. Identification key, morphological descriptions, illustrations, phenological period, as well as data on geographic distribution and general comments of each species are presented. Four taxa were excluded from C. sect. Lamprocroton because they do not show the morphological features that are diagnostics of the section. Four species that are poorly known were not included in the taxonomic treatment.

O gênero Croton L. é o segundo maior e mais diverso da família Euphorbiaceae, possuindo cerca de 1.200 espécies, agrupadas em 40 seções, com distribuição pantropical, das quais a maioria ocorre nas Américas. Na América o Sul, o Brasil é o país que congrega o maior número de espécies, aproximadamente 356. De acordo com a mais recente classificação, o gênero pertence à tribo Crotoneae e, apesar do grande número de espécies e da grande diversidade morfológica, seria um táxon monofilético. Entretanto, uma análise filogenética recente, que utilizou dados moleculares das regiões ITS, do DNA nuclear ribossômico, e do fragmento trnL-F, do DNA plastidial, demonstrou que Croton, como tradicionalmente circunscrito, não é um táxon monofilético. Neste trabalho, é apresentada uma revisão taxonômica de Croton sect. Lamprocroton (Müll. Arg.) Pax. Trata-se de um grupo neotropical com a maioria das espécies ocorrendo nas regiões Sudeste e Sul do Brasil e sul da América do Sul. Seus representantes caracterizam-se por ser plantas arbustivas ou subarbustivas, monóicas ou dióicas, com indumento lepidoto presente em pelo menos parte da folhagem e folhas inteiras e sem glândulas. As flores estaminadas possuem androceu composto por 9 a 16 estames e as flores pistiladas apresentam sépalas iguais ou desiguais no tamanho, pétalas reduzidas ou ausentes e estiletes uma ou duas vezes bífidos. Neste trabalho são reconhecidas 26 espécies na seção sendo três novas para a ciência. Chave de identificação, descrições morfológicas, ilustrações, período fenológico, distribuição geográfica e comentários gerais de cada uma das espécies são apresentados. Quatro táxons foram excluídos de C. sect. Lamprocroton por não possuírem os caracteres morfológicos diagnósticos da seção. Quatro espécies não foram incluídas no tratamento taxonômico por falta de informação sobre as mesmas.

Croton/classification , Flowers/classification , Brazil , Croton/genetics , Flowers/genetics
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 8(1): 239-242, jan.-mar. 2008. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-488487


O número de pétalas é um dos caracteres taxonômicos utilizados na circunscrição dos subgêneros de Polygala. Até o momento, a corola das espécies do subgênero Hebeclada era descrita apresentando apenas três pétalas, uma inferior e central, denominada carena e duas laterais superiores aderidas à bainha estaminal. Dentre os 12 subgêneros de Polygala, a ocorrência de corola trímera era registrada apenas nos subgêneros Polygala e Hebeclada. O presente trabalho trata da ocorrência inédita de corola pentâmera em espécies de Polygala do subgênero Hebeclada, apresentando fotografias e comentários adicionais sobre estas pétalas reduzidas, não referidas para o subgênero até o momento.

The number of petals in the flowers is a taxonomic character used in the circumscription of the subgenera of Polygala. Until now, the corolla of the species of subgenus Hebeclada was described having tree petals, one inferior and central called carina and two lateral adnated to the staminal sheath. Among the 12 subgenera of Polygala, the occurrence of trimerous corolla was only known in subgenera Polygala and Hebeclada. This paper presents the discovery of pentamerous corolla in species of Polygala subgenus Hebeclada, presenting photos and additional comments about this reduced petals unknown for the subgenus until this moment.

Flowers/anatomy & histology , Polygalaceae/anatomy & histology , Flowers/classification , Polygalaceae/classification
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 7(3): 205-215, 2007. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-477689


A riqueza florística do estrato herbáceo-arbustivo de campo limpo úmido, uma vegetação campestre do bioma Cerrado, é pouco conhecida, embora as ervas e subarbustos sejam o maior componente na vegetação de Cerrado. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar a riqueza florística da camada herbáceo-subarbustiva de um campo limpo úmido, com aproximadamente 16 ha, localizado na Fazenda Água Limpa (FAL), Brasília, DF (15º 56' a 15º 59' S e 47º 55' a 47º 58' W), além de comparar a sua flora herbáceo-arbustiva com a de outras áreas do bioma Cerrado no Brasil central e sudeste. Material botânico fértil foi coletado quinzenalmente, de setembro de 1999 a fevereiro de 2001, ao longo de trilhas distribuídas de modo a percorrer a maior extensão da área possível. Foram registradas 197 espécies, distribuídas em 105 gêneros e 41 famílias, tendo sido provavelmente descoberta uma nova espécie de Syngonanthus (Eriocaulaceae). As oito famílias com o maior número de espécie foram Poaceae (39 espécies); Cyperaceae (24); Asteraceae (21); Polygalaceae (15); Eriocaulaceae (12); Xyridaceae e Melastomataceae (8) e Fabaceae (7). A similaridade florística, medida com índice de S›rensen, entre o campo limpo úmido estudado e as outras 12 áreas de Cerrado foram baixas variando de 3,3 por cento a 37,4 por cento. As baixas similaridades entre as áreas comparadas podem estar relacionadas com as diferenças de saturação hídrica do solo ou diferenças no tamanho das áreas de Cerrado remanescentes. A ordenação separou claramente as áreas úmidas das áreas secas e sugere que a distância geográfica entre as mesmas também pode ter influenciado a heterogeneidade florística no componente herbáceo-subarbustivo.

Little is known on the floristic richness of the herb-subshrub layer of the moist grassland, a grassy field vegetation within the Cerrado biome, although herbs and subshrubs are the major components of the Cerrado flora. The objective of this work was to characterize the floristic richness of the herb-subshrub layer of a moist grassland, in 16 ha in Fazenda Água Limpa (FAL), Brasília, DF (15º 56' to 15º 59' S and 47º 55' to 47º 58' W) and to compare with it with other Savana-like vegetations in central and southeastern Brazil. Vouchers were collected at quarterly intervals, from September 1999 to February 2001 along transects established in order to cover most of the study-area. A total of 197 species in 105 genera and 41 families was recorded. A species of Syngonanthus (Eriocaulaceae), probably new to science was found. The richest families were Poaceae (39 species); Cyperaceae (24); Asteraceae (21); Polygalaceae (15); Eriocaulaceae (12); Xyridaceae and Melastomataceae (8); and Fabaceae (7). Similarities between this moist grassland and 12 other sites, measured with the Sorensen index, were low, varying from 3.3 percent to 37.4 percent. The low similarities between the compared sites may be related to the differences in soil water saturation or differences in the size of the area covered by grasslands in each site. The ordination analysis readily distinguished dry from humid sites and suggested that geographic distance between the sites can also affect floristic heterogeneity in the herbaceous-subshrub component.

Trees/classification , Biodiversity , Botany/classification , Ecology/classification , Flowers/classification , Flowers/growth & development , Soil/analysis
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 7(3): 373-377, 2007. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-477707


Sinningia gigantifolia Chautems é uma espécie rupícola restrita à Serra da Mantiqueira e partes altas da Serra do Mar, que ocorre principalmente em formações florestais. O presente trabalho apresenta o primeiro registro desta espécie para o Estado de São Paulo, na Serra do Baú, em São Bento do Sapucaí. Uma descrição completa da espécie, uma análise da sua distribuição e uma alteração na chave de identificação do gênero Sinningia da Flora Fanerogâmica do Estado de São Paulo são fornecidas.

Sinningia gigantifolia Chautems is a rupicolous species restricted to the Serra da Mantiqueira and higher parts of the Serra do Mar in SE Brazil, ocurring mainly in forest formations. This note presents the first record of this species for São Paulo State, from the Serra do Baú, in São Bento do Sapucaí. A full species description, an analysis of its distribution and a revised key to the genus Sinningia for the Flora Fanerogâmica do Estado de São Paulo are provided.

Biodiversity , Botany/classification , Botany/statistics & numerical data , Flora/analysis , Flora/classification , Flowers/classification , Flowers/adverse effects