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Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1589-1601, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927803


Gas vesicles are a unique class of gas-filled protein nanostructures which are commonly found in cyanobacteria and Halobacterium. The gas vesicles may scatter sound waves and generate harmonic signals, which enabled them to have the potential to become a novel ultrasound contrast agent. However, the current hypertonic cracking method for isolating gas vesicles contains tedious operational procedures and is of low yield, thus not suitable for large-scale application. To overcome these technical challenges, we developed a rapid and efficient method for isolating gas vesicles from Microcystis. The new H2O2-based method increased the yield by three times and shortened the operation time from 24 hours to 7 hours. The H2O2 method is not only suitable for isolation of gas vesicles from laboratory-cultured Microcystis, but also suitable for colonial Microcystis covered with gelatinous sheath. The gas vesicles isolated by H2O2 method showed good performance in ultrasound contrast imaging. In conclusion, this new method shows great potential for large-scale application due to its high efficiency and wide adaptability, and provides technical support for developing gas vesicles into a biosynthetic ultrasonic contrast agent.

Contrast Media , Cyanobacteria , Hydrogen Peroxide , Microcystis , Proteins/chemistry
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 625-634, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878587


Microcystis aeruginosa, a type of algal bloom microalgae, is widely distributed in water, causing serious deteriorated effects on humans and the ecological environment. As a biocontrol microorganism, Bacillus subtilis can synthesize various bioactive substances through non-ribosomal peptide synthetase, to inhibit the growth of M. aeruginosa. Thus, it is imperative to investigate the non-ribosomal peptide (NRP) metabolites of B. subtilis fmb60. Three NRP metabolites from B. subtilis fmb60 including bacillibactin, surfactin and fengycin were extracted and identified by genome mining technology. The growth inhibition of M. aeruginosa was studied by adding various concentrations of NRP metabolites. The half-effect concentration value (EC50.4 d) of M. aeruginosa was 26.5 mg/L after incubation for 4 days. With the increasing concentration, the inhibitory effects of NRP metabolites of B. subtilis fmb60 on M. aeruginosa was enhanced significantly. Compared with the control group, with the addition of 50 mg/L NRP metabolites to the M. aeruginosa, the content of Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo and Yield parameter after cultured for 4 days were decreased by 2.8%, 1.7% and 2.0%, respectively. Those findings indicate that the NRP metabolites of B. subtilis fmb60 can significantly inhibit the photosynthesis and metabolism of M. aeruginosa, which provides a theoretical foundation for the development of biological algae inhibitor of B. subtilis.

Humans , Bacillus subtilis , Microcystis , Peptides , Photosynthesis
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e57734, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461021


Cyanobacterial blooms can cause severe ecological and health problems in drinking water reservoirs. To alleviate this problem, allelopathically active submerged macrophytes can be used to reduce cyanobacterial growth. Accordingly, this study aimed to evaluate the sensitivity of strains of the Microcystis aeruginosacomplex isolated from reservoirs with the presence and absence of submerged macrophytes to the allelochemicals of Ceratophyllum demersum.A coexistence experiment was carried out between the submerged macrophyte C. demersum and four Microcystisstrains, with two treatments for each strain, one in coexistence with the submerged macrophyte (7 g L-1) and control (in the absence of the macrophyte). Two strains of M. aeruginosa(BMIUFRPE-06 and BMIUFRPE-07) and two of M. panniformis(BMIUFRPE-08 and BMIUFRPE-09) were used, which were isolated from Cajueiro (with submerged macrophytes) and Tapacurá (without submerged macrophytes) reservoirs, respectively. The biomass of Microcystisstrains from the reservoir without macrophytes (BMIUFRPE-08 and BMIUFRPE-09) was significantly inhibited in 96% (T-test: p 0.05; growth rate -ANOVA: p > 0.05). These results suggest that strains isolated from environments with submerged macrophytes are less sensitive to allelochemicals of these plants,as these strains may be adapted to the coexistence with submerged macrophytes.

Allelopathy , Cyanobacteria , Macrophytes/analysis , Microcystis/isolation & purification
Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 7(2): 155-169, 2020. il 27 c
Article in Spanish | LILACS, DIGIUSAC, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1348112


Se realizó un estudio sobre la composición y abundancia del fitoplancton en el lago de Amatitlán, y el efecto de la calidad de agua sobre su biodiversidad. Para ello, se colectaron muestras de agua en cuatro puntos específicos del lago, en la superficie del agua y a profundidades de 5, 10 y 20 m, de manera mensual durante el 2017. Se midieron parámetros fisicoquímicos in situ como temperatura y pH. Igualmente, se identificaron y contabilizaron cianobacterias y microalgas. El índice de estado trófico (IETP) catalogó al lago como eutrófico e hipertrófico (IETP = 63.80-88.18). Se reportan 34 géneros de fitoplancton distribuidos en 30 familias, 17 órdenes y 10 clases. Los indicadores biológicos, tales como, floraciones algales de Microcystis (38.41%), baja diversidad de diatomeas (Nitzschia, Aulacoseira y Cyclotella), presencia de microalgas Nitzschia y Scenedesmusresistentes a procesos de eutrofización, y alta concentración de coliformes fecales, de hasta 24,000 NMP/100 ml, evidenciaron la baja calidad de agua que se presenta en el lago de Amatitlán. En época seca se encontró más diversidad de microalgas debido a la mayor incidencia de radiación solar, el poco recambio de agua y la acumulación de materia orgánica. Aunque esto varía con los cambios en la concentración de nitrógeno total (NT) y fosforo total (PT), que potencian la proliferación de cianobacterias tóxicas. La biodiversidad del lago fue baja debido al estado hipereutrófico en que se encuentra. Se recomienda poner en funcionamiento plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales para evitar que esta problemática continúe.

A study was carried out on the composition and abundance of phytoplankton in Amatitlán lake, and the effect of water quality on its biodiversity. For this, water samples were collected at four specific points in the lake, on the water surface and at depths of 5, 10 and 20 m, in a monthly way during 2017. Physicochemical parameters were measured in situ such as temperature and pH. Likewise, cyanobacteria and microalgae were identified and accounted. The trophic state index (IETP) cataloged the lake as eutrophic and hypertrophic (IETP = 63.80-88.18). 34 genera of phytoplankton distributed in 30 families, 17 orders and 10 classes are reported. Biological indicators, such as Microcystis algal blooms (38.41%), low diatom diversity (Nitzschia, Aulacoseira and Cyclotella), presence of Nitzschia and Scenedesmus microalgae resistant to eutrophication processes, and high concentration of fecal coliforms, up to 24,000 NMP/100 ml, evidenced the low quality of water that occurs in lake Amatitlán. In the dry season, more microalgae diversity was found due to the higher incidence of solar radiation, little water change and the accumulation of organic matter. Even though this varies with changes in the concentration of total nitrogen (NT) and total phosphorus (PT), which enhance the proliferation of toxic cyanobacteria. The lake's biodiversity was low due to its hypereutrophic state. We recommend to put this wastewater treatment plants into operation to prevent this problem to continue.

Phytoplankton/growth & development , Water Quality , Lakes/analysis , Phosphorus/analysis , Biodiversity , Microcystis/growth & development , Coliforms , Eutrophication , Microalgae , Wastewater/toxicity , Nitrogen/analysis
Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 7(1): 129-136, 2020. 27 cmilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121037


El impacto antrópico cercano al lago de Amatitlán ha generado niveles altos de eutrofización que conllevan cambios en la dinámica del ecosistema. Uno de ellos es la proliferación de cianobacterias del género Microcystis que pueden llegar a ser perjudiciales para la fauna y flora de lugar e incluso para los seres humanos. Se presenta el caso de cultivo de un consorcio de fitoplancton, tomado directamente del lago y llevado al laboratorio en condiciones controladas, para medir su consumo y aporte de nitrógeno y fósforo, además de los cambios en los factores fisicoquímicos y la biomasa. Se observó la presencia de diatomeas del genero Nitszchia y cianobacterias como Dolichospermum, con una marcada dominancia de Microcystis sp. Se analizó el porcentaje de cambio en la concentración de nutrientes. Los resultados indican que hubo un aumento en las concentraciones de amonio, nitrato y nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto, mientras que disminuyó el nitrógeno total, el fósforo total y los ortofosfatos. Esto indica que hay aporte de nitrógeno inorgánico, consumo de fósforo y nitrógeno orgánico. El fósforo parece ser el nutriente limitante, ya que, al consumirse en un 90 % la biomasa empieza a decrecer.

The anthropic impact near lake Amatitlán has generated high levels of eutrophication that lead to changes in ecosystem dynamics. One of them is the proliferation of cyanobacteria of the genus Microcystis that can be harmful to the fauna and flora of the place and even to humans. The case of cultivation of a phytoplankton consortium, taken directly from the lake and taken to the laboratory under controlled conditions, to measure its consumption and contribution of nitrogen and phosphorus, in addition to changes in physicochemical factors and biomass is presented. The presence of diatoms of the genus Nitszchia and cyanobacteria such as Dolichospermum was detected, with a marked dominance of Microcystis sp. The percentage change in nutrient concentration was analyzed. The results indicated that there was an increase in the amounts of dissolved inorganic ammonium, nitrate and nitrogen, while total nitrogen, total phosphorus and orthophosphates decreased. This indicates that there is contribution of inorganic nitrogen, consumption of phosphorus and organic nitrogen. Phosphorus seems to be the limiting nutrient, since, when consumed by 90 %, biomass begins to decrease.

Humans , Lakes/analysis , Cyanobacteria , Microcystis , Phosphorus/analysis , Phytoplankton , Eutrophication , Nitrogen/analysis
Rev. chil. nutr ; 44(4): 360-370, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-899842


RESUMEN Llayta es el nombre asignado a la biomasa seca de macrocolonias de una cianobacteria filamentosa, clasificada como Nostoc sp. Llayta crece en humedales andinos de Sudamérica y ha sido considerada como un ingrediente alimenticio desde tiempos precolombinos. Este estudio pretende contribuir a la definición de la calidad nutritiva de la Llayta, proporcionando información sobre su composición bioquímica e identificar aspectos críticos de interés toxicológico. Los resultados mostraron que el 60% del total de sus aminoácidos son indispensables, contenía un 2% de lípidos totales, 32% del total de ácidos grasos eran poliinsaturados, la vitamina E fue la más abundante (4,3 mg%), el contenido de polifenoles totales es 64 mg equivalentes de ácido gálico, su actividad antioxidante es 17,4 μmoles equivalentes de Trolox, la fibra total fue el 56% del peso seco y presentó un contenido promedio de arsénico total de 9,2 ± 5,4 ppm. Esta cianobacteria no es productora de microcistina, por lo que las colonias de la Llayta podrían considerarse inocua para el consumo humano.

ABSTRACT Llayta is the name assigned to the dry biomass of macrocolonies of a filamentous cyanobacterium classified as Nostoc sp. Llayta grows in the Andean wetlands of South America and has been considered a food ingredient since pre-Columbian times. This work is an effort to contribute to define the nutritional quality of Llayta providing information on its biochemical composition and to identify key toxicological aspects. The results indicated that 60% of its aminoacids were indispensable, total lipids were 2% of dry weight, polyunsaturated fatty acids were 32% of total fatty acids, vitamin E was the most abundant (4.3 mg%), total polyphenols were 64 mg (equivalent to galic acid), antioxidant activity was 17.4 μmoles (equivalent to Trolox), total fiber was 56% of dry weight and accumulated 9.2 ± 5.4 ppm of total arsenic. Since Nostoc sp. Llayta is a cyanobacterium strain that does not synthesize the cyanotoxin microcystin, the Llayta colonies can be considered innocuous for human consumption.

Humans , Arsenic , Microcystis , Nostoc , Microalgae , Nutritive Value , Cyanobacteria
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2017. 143p ilus, graf, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-876551


Apesar dos diversos estudos sobre a presença de cianobactérias e a correlação entre fatores ambientais que influenciam ou desencadeiam florações, é ainda incipiente a informação sobre o controle fisiológico e bioquímico da produção de metabólitos secundários, cianotoxinas e compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs) nestes organismos. Os COVs mais comumente encontrados em cianobactérias são a geosmina e o 2- metil-isoborneol, compostos que resistem ao tratamento convencional da água, causam mau cheiro e alteram seu gosto, além de bioacumular em peixes e moluscos. Estudos sobre possíveis sistemas de competição (alelopatia) entre linhagens de cianobactérias, ou entre elas e outros organismos, podem contribuir para elucidação do papel da produção de COVs por cianobactérias. Dessa forma, os objetivos deste projeto foram (i) prospectar a produção de COVs e seus efeitos na auto-regulação fisiológica em cianobactérias mantidas em laboratório; e (ii) desenvolver um método analítico, por microextração em fase sólida (SPME) e cromatografia em fase gasosa com detecção por espectrometria de massas (GC-MS), para a determinação destes compostos. Foram realizados ensaios para avaliar os perfis de produção dos COVs em duas linhagens de M. aeruginosa em diferentes fases de crescimento, sob diferentes intensidades luminosas (50, 150 e 250 ?µmol.fótons.m-2.s-1) e também ao longo do ritmo circadiano, avaliando a influência dos períodos claro e escuro. Para avaliar efeitos alelopáticos, exsudatos de uma linhagem de M. aeruginosa produtora de microcistinas foram testados em culturas de outra linhagem de M. aeruginosa não produtora de toxinas por meio de técnicas tradicionais de cultivo com monitoramento do crescimento. Na análise da produção de COVs, por GC-MS, observou-se que se destacam, majoritariamente, os compostos α-ciclocitral, ß-ciclocitral e ß-ionona, sendo o ß-ciclocitral o mais abundante, em todas as condições testadas, para as ambas as linhagens estudadas. A linhagem não toxigênica, no entanto, apresentou produção mais elevada de todos os compostos identificados. Dentre as intensidades luminosas testadas, a intensidade de 250 µmol.fótons.m-2s-1 foi a que apresentou a maior taxa de crescimento para a linhagem LTPNA 08 e relação negativa entre o aumento da irradiância e a produção de ß-ciclocitral. Foram identificadas, também, variações na produção dos compostos α-ciclocitral, ß-ciclocitral e ß-ionona nas linhagens ao longo do ritmo circadiano, sendo as maiores concentrações encontradas no período escuro. Observou-se morte celular e redução na produção de COVs 24 horas após adição de exsudatos pertencentes à linhagem de M. aeruginosa toxigênica em cultivos da linhagem não-toxigênica. Sendo assim, pode-se inferir que a produção dos COVs pode sofrer alterações qualitativas e quantitativas dependendo do estímulo ambiental presente, tanto por interações bióticas (com outros organismos e ritmo circadiano), quanto por fatores abióticos (intensidade luminosa)

There are several studies on the presence of cyanobacteria and the correlation between environmental factors that may influence or trigger blooms. However, information concerning the physiological and biochemical control of the production of secondary metabolites, toxins and volatile organic compounds (VOC) by cyanobacteria is poorly understood. Geosmin and 2-methyl-isoborneolare are commonly found VOC in cyanobacteria, they resist to conventional water treatment and can cause bad smell and taste in the final water. In addition, VOC can bioaccumulate in fish and shellfish. Studies on possible competition systems (allelopathy) either among strains of cyanobacteria or among them and other organisms such as green microalgae, may help to elucidate the role of VOC production by cyanobacteria. Thus, the main objectives of this study are: (i) prospect the production of VOCs and their effects on physiological self-regulation in cyanocrobacteria kept in the laboratory; and (ii) to develop an analytical method, by solid phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry detection (GC-MS), for the determination of these compounds. The assays were carried out to evaluate the production profiles of VOCs in two strains of M. aeruginosa at different growth stages under different light intensities (50, 150 and 250 µmol.fótons.m-2.s-1) and also along of the circadian rhythm, evaluating the influence of light and dark periods. To assess allelopathic effects, exudates from a microcystin-producing strain of M. aeruginosa were tested on cultures of another non-toxin producing M. aeruginosa strain by traditional growth monitoring culture techniques. In the analysis of VOC production by GC-MS, it was observed that α-cyclocyclal, ß-cyclocyclal and ß-ionone compounds were the most prominent, with ß-cyclocitral being the most abundant in all conditions tested, for both strains studied. The non-toxigenic lineage, however, showed higher production of all the identified compounds. Among the light intensities tested, the intensity of 250 µmol.fótons.m-2s-1 was the one with the highest growth rate and positive relation between the irradiance increase and the ß-cyclocitral production. Variations in the production of the α-cyclocyclal, ß-cyclocyclal and ß-ionone compounds were also identified in the lines along the circadian rhythm, being the highest concentrations found in the dark period. Cell death and reduction in VOC production were observed 24 hours after addition of exudates belonging to the toxigenic M. aeruginosa lineage in cultures of the non-toxigenic lineage. Thus, it can be inferred that the production of VOCs can undergo qualitative and quantitative changes depending on the environmental stimulus present, both by biotic interactions (with other organisms and circadian rhythm) and by abiotic factors (luminous intensity)

Cyanobacteria , Volatile Organic Compounds/analysis , Microcystis/growth & development , Solid Phase Microextraction/methods , Allelopathy , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/methods
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2017. 180 p. graf, tab, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-878490


A contaminação de corpos d'água por fármacos é um tema de extrema relevância, tendo em vista problemas como a escassez de água, florações de cianobactérias tóxicas e lançamentos clandestinos de efluentes domésticos. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a presença de cafeína (CAF), fluoxetina (FLX), levotiroxina (LVX) e bezafibrato (BZF) em mananciais do estado de São Paulo, bem como avaliar a toxicidade desses compostos à cianobactéria Microcystis aeruginosa LTPNA 08. Um método por LC-MS/MS foi desenvolvido e validado, de acordo com a RDC nº 166 da ANVISA, para a detecção de CAF, FLX, LVX e BZF em amostras ambientais. As represas Guarapiranga e Billings, bem como os rios Taiçupeba, Sorocaba, Baixo Cotia, Grande e Paraíba foram monitorados de abril a setembro de 2017. A toxicidade dos fármacos foi avaliada por meio do monitoramento do crescimento, produção de microcistinas e viabilidade celular da cianobactéria M. aeruginosa LTPNA 08. CAF foi detectada em todas as amostras analisadas, com concentrações que variaram de 6,6 ng.L-1 a 16,47 µg.L-1. No Rio Cotia foram verificadas as maiores concentrações de CAF, FLX e BZF (16,47 µg.L-1; 3,5 ng.L-1 e 322 ng.L-1, respectivamente). A LVX, cujos produtos de biotransformação não foram monitorados, não foi detectada em nenhuma amostra analisada. A concentração de 50 µg.L-1 de FLX inibiu o crescimento da cianobactéria em 82,3% (CE50: 31,4 µg.L-1). Em relação à produção de microcistinas totais, os fármacos inibiram a liberação da fração extracelular para a maior concentração testada ao longo do tempo de monitoramento, embora não tenham demonstrado efeito sobre a viabilidade celular. Sendo assim, considerando-se que fármacos estão presentes nos mananciais monitorados no estado de São Paulo e que a FLX pode causar efeito sobre a M. aeruginosa, os efeitos decorrentes da exposição a concentrações ambientais contínuas e cumulativas de fármacos em corpos d'água devem ser estudados. Além disso, uma vez que a ocorrência destas substâncias e outros contaminantes antropogênicos no ambiente aquático natural é uma questão emergente devido aos efeitos adversos potenciais que estes compostos representam para a vida aquática e os seres humanos, os tipos e níveis destes compostos, que têm um impacto maior na qualidade da água, deve ser constantemente monitorada. Práticas de gestão que investem em saneamento e na redução da descarga de efluentes não tratados, e um plano de proteção de recursos hídricos com o objetivo de garantir a segurança da água seriam medidas essenciais para reduzir o aporte de contaminantes nos corpos d'água do estado de São Paulo

Contamination of water bodies by drugs is a subject of extreme relevance considering related problems such as water scarcity, harmful cyanobacterial blooms and discharge of untreated domestic effluents. Therefore, the aim of this work was to determine the presence of caffeine (CAF), fluoxetine (FLX), levothyroxine (LVX) and bezafibrate (BZF) in springs in the State of São Paulo, and to evaluate the toxicity of these compounds in cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa LTPNA 08. A LC-MS/MS method was developed and validated according to RDC nº 166 of ANVISA to assess the concentration of CAF, FLX, LVX and BZF in environmental samples. Guarapiranga and Billings reservoirs, as well as the Taiçupeba, Sorocaba, Baixo Cotia, Grande and Paraíba rivers were monitored from April to September 2017.The drugs toxicity in M. aeruginosa LTPNA 08 was assessed by monitoring their effects on cyanobacterial growth, microcystins production and cell viabilityby flow cytometry. CAF was detected in all analyzed samples at concentrations ranging from 6.6 ng to 16.47 µg.L-1.Among studied sites, Cotia river showed the highest concentrations of CAF, FLX and BZF (16.47 µg.L-1, 3.5 ng.L-1 and 322 ng.L-1, respectively). LVX, which biotransformation products were not monitored, was not detected in any of the analyzed samples. Regarding the drugs toxicity, 50 µg.L-1 of FLX inhibited the cyanobacterial grow thin 82.3% (EC50 of 31.4 µg.L-1). Although no effect on cell viability was seen by flow cytometry, the highest concentrations of all compounds tested were able to inhibit the release of microcystins. Therefore, considering that some of the drugs monitored showed to be present in water sources in São Paulo State and that FLX affects cyanobacteria M. aeruginosa growth, the effects of continuous and cumulative exposure at environmental drug concentrations of in water bodies should be evaluated. Also, since the occurrence of these substances and other anthropogenic contaminants in the natural aquatic environment is an emerging issue due to the potential adverse effects these compounds pose to aquatic life and humans, thet ypes and levels of these compounds, which have a greater impact on water quality, should be constantly monitored. Management practices investing in sanitation and in reducing discharge of untreated effluents, as well as a plan for water resources protection with the goal of ensuring water security would be essential measures in reducing drugs loading into water bodies situated in São Paulo State

Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , /classification , Microcystis/growth & development , Spectrophotometry/methods , Thyroxine/toxicity , Bezafibrate/toxicity , Caffeine/toxicity , Fluoxetine/toxicity , Flow Cytometry/instrumentation
Braz. j. biol ; 76(2): 450-460, Apr.-June 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-781404


Abstract The aim of our study was to assess whether cyanotoxins (microcystins) can affect the composition of the zooplankton community, leading to domination of microzooplankton forms (protozoans and rotifers). Temporal variations in concentrations of microcystins and zooplankton biomass were analyzed in three eutrophic reservoirs in the semi-arid northeast region of Brazil. The concentration of microcystins in water proved to be correlated with the cyanobacterial biovolume, indicating the contributions from colonial forms such as Microcystis in the production of cyanotoxins. At the community level, the total biomass of zooplankton was not correlated with the concentration of microcystin (r2 = 0.00; P > 0.001), but in a population-level analysis, the biomass of rotifers and cladocerans showed a weak positive correlation. Cyclopoid copepods, which are considered to be relatively inefficient in ingesting cyanobacteria, were negatively correlated (r2 = – 0.01; P > 0.01) with the concentration of cyanotoxins. Surprisingly, the biomass of calanoid copepods was positively correlated with the microcystin concentration (r2 = 0.44; P > 0.001). The results indicate that allelopathic control mechanisms (negative effects of microcystin on zooplankton biomass) do not seem to substantially affect the composition of mesozooplankton, which showed a constant and high biomass compared to the microzooplankton (rotifers). These results may be important to better understand the trophic interactions between zooplankton and cyanobacteria and the potential effects of allelopathic compounds on zooplankton.

Resumo Com o objetivo de avaliar se as cianotoxinas (microcistinas) podem afetar a composição da comunidade zooplanctônica, levando à dominância de formas microzooplanctônicas (protozoários e rotiferos), as variações nas concentrações de microcistina e a biomassa do zooplâncton foram analisadas em três reservatórios eutróficos na região semi-árida do nordeste brasileiro. A concentração de microcistinas na água esteve correlacionada com o biovolume de cianobactérias, indicando a contribuição de formas coloniais como Microcystis na produção de cianotoxinas. A nível de comunidade, a biomassa total do zooplâncton não apresentou correlacão com a concentração de microcistina (r2 = 0.00; P > 0.001), mas em uma análise a nível de populações, a biomassa de rotíferos e cladóceros apresentou uma fraca correlação positiva. Copépodos Cyclopoida, os quais são considerados relativamente ineficientes na ingestão de cianobactérias, estiveram negativamente correlacionados com a concentração de microcistinas (r2 = - 0.01; P > 0.01). Surpreendentemente, a biomassa de copépodos Calanoida foi positivamente correlacionada com a concentração de cianotoxinas (r2 = 0.44; P > 0.001). Os resultados indicam que mecanismos de controle alelopáticos (efeitos negativos da microcistina sobre o zooplâncton) parecem não afetar substancialmente a composição do mesozooplâncton, que apresentou uma alta e constante biomassa, quando comparada à biomassa do microzooplâncton (rotíferos). Esses resultados podem ser importantes para um melhor entendimento das interações tróficas entre o zooplâncton e cianobactérias, e do efeito potencial de compostos alelopáticos sobre o zooplâncton.

Animals , Rotifera/physiology , Zooplankton/physiology , Cyanobacteria/physiology , Copepoda/physiology , Microcystins/analysis , Microcystins/metabolism , Bacterial Toxins/analysis , Bacterial Toxins/metabolism , Brazil , Statistics as Topic , Phosphoprotein Phosphatases/antagonists & inhibitors , Biomass , Microcystis/physiology , Enzyme Inhibitors/analysis , Enzyme Inhibitors/metabolism , Eutrophication/physiology
Rev. biol. trop ; 64(1): 203-211, ene.-mar. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-843271


AbstractCyanobacteria constitute the main toxin producers in inland water ecosystems and have extensive global distribution. The presence of hepatotoxins in aquatic environments is hazardous to human and animal health; even though the presence and identification of hepatotoxic microcystins in rivers and reservoirs of the world have been confirmed by several studies in the last few years. Herein, we studied the abundance and toxicity of Microcystis aeruginosa in the Argentine section of the Paraná River at the beginning of the Middle Paraná (Corrientes Hydrometer), near Corrientes city (27º28´ S - 58º51´ W) and approximately 220 km downstream of the Yacyretá dam (High Paraná). The Paraná River basin, with a drainage area of 3.1 x 106 km2 and 3 965 km in length, is the second largest catchment of South America, after that of the Amazon. The Paraná River is the main source of drinking water supply for the Northeastern Argentine region. Phytoplankton samples were collected and environmental variables were measured in a monthly basis (exceptionally fortnightly), from March 2004 to June 2008. Fifty-eight samples were analyzed for phytoplankton density and biomass. Five samples were used for toxicity testing; the latter were obtained during the cyanobacteria blooms from 2005 to 2008. Phytoplankton counts were performed with an inverted microscope, and biomass was expressed as biovolume. Bioassays with mice and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis were performed to evaluate the presence of cyanotoxins. Phytoplankton mainly consisted of Cryptophyta, Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta. Microcystis aeruginosa was identified during the warmer months each year (November to March). Density varied between 189 and 25 027 cells/mL (1-10 colonies/mL) and biomass from 0.34 to 44 mm3/L. Taking into account the number of cells, the highest abundance occurred in April 2004 (25 027 cells/mL), coinciding with the largest biovolume (44 mm3/L). All mice subjected to intraperitoneal injections with samples obtained during bloom episodes showed positive results for the presence of hepatotoxins. Three microcystins variants: LR, RR and [D-Leu1] Mcyst-LR were detected by analysis with semi-preparative high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector system (HPLC-PDA). This constitutes the first report of microcystins recorded during M. aeruginosa blooms in the Argentine stretch of the Paraná River at the beginning of the Middle Paraná (Corrientes Hydrometer), approximately 220 km downstream of the Yacyretá dam (High Paraná).

ResumenLas Cyanobacterias constituyen el principal productor de toxinas en ecosistemas acuáticos y tienen una amplia distribución mundial. La presencia e identificación de microcistinas hepatotóxicas en ríos y embalses de todo el mundo fue confirmada por diferentes estudios durante los últimos años. La presencia de hepatotoxinas en cuerpos de agua son riesgosas para la salud humana y animal. Se estudió la abundancia y toxicidad de Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Kütz. en el río Paraná (Argentina), cerca de la ciudad de Corrientes (27°28' S - 58°51' W), aproximadamente a 220 km aguas abajo de la represa Yacyretá. La cuenca del río Paraná, con un área de drenaje de 3.1 x 106 km2 y 3 965 km de longitud, es la segunda mayor cuenca de Sudamérica, después del Amazonas. El río Paraná es la principal fuente de abastecimiento de agua potable para el Nordeste de la República Argentina. Los muestreos se realizaron mensualmente (excepcionalmente fueron quincenales) con medición de variables ambientales, entre Marzo 2004 y Junio 2008. Se tomaron un total de 58 muestras para analizar la densidad y biomasa del fitoplancton; mientras que cinco muestras fueron utilizadas en ensayos de toxicidad, estas últimas fueron obtenidas durante floraciones de cianobacterias entre 2005 y 2008. Los recuentos de fitoplancton fueron realizados con un microscopio invertido y la biomasa fue expresada como biovolumen. Para determinar la presencia de cianotoxinas se utilizaron bioensayos con ratones y análisis con Cromatografia líquida de alta resolución (HPLC). El fitoplancton estuvo representado principalmente por Cryptophyta, Chlorophyta y Bacillariophyta. Cyanobacteria fue dominante durante los meses cálidos de cada año (Noviembre a Marzo), con alta densidad de Microcystis aeruginosa. La densidad de M. aeruginosa varió entre 189 y 25 027 cells/mL (1-10 colonies/mL) y la biomasa entre 0.34 y 44 mm3/L. Teniendo en cuenta el número de células, la mayor abundancia ocurrió en abril 2004 (25 027 cells/ mL), coincidiendo con el gran biovolumen (44 mm3/L). Todos los ratones inyectados intraperitonealmente presentaron síntomas correspondientes a hepatotoxicidad. Tres variantes de microcystinas: LR, RR y [D-Leu1] Mcyst-LR, fueron detectadas por análisis de cromatografía líquida de alta resolución con detector de diodos (HPLC-PDA). Este es el primer trabajo de microcistinas registradas durante las floraciones de M. aeruginosa en el tramo argentino del río Paraná en los inicios del Paraná Medio (Hidrómetro Corrientes), aproximadamente a 220 km aguas abajo de la represa de Yacyretá (Alto Paraná).

Bacterial Toxins/analysis , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Cyanobacteria , Rivers/microbiology , Rivers/chemistry , Microcystis , Argentina , Phytoplankton/growth & development
Braz. j. biol ; 75(2,supl): 45-49, May 2015. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-755029


The discharge of sewage and industrial effluents containing high concentrations of pollutants in water bodies increases eutrophication. Cyanobacteria, some of the organisms whose growth is promoted by high nutrient concentrations, are resistant and produce several types of toxins, known as cyanotoxins, highly harmful to human beings. Current water treatment systems for the public water supply are not efficient in degradation of toxins. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) have been tested for the removal of cyanotoxins, and the results have been positive. This study examines the application of photoelectrooxidation in the degradation of cyanotoxins (microcystins). The performance of the oxidative processes involved was evaluated separately: Photocatalysis, Electrolysis and Photoelectrooxidation. Results showed that the electrical current and UV radiation were directly associated with toxin degradation. The PEO system is efficient in removing cyanotoxins, and the reduction rate reached 99%. The final concentration of toxin was less than 1 µg/L of microcystin in the treated solution.


A descarga de esgotos e efluentes industriais contendo altas concentrações de poluentes nos corpos d'água aumenta a eutrofização. As cianobactérias, são organismos cujo crescimento é promovido por concentrações elevadas de nutrientes, são resistentes e produzem vários tipos de toxinas conhecidas, como cianotoxinas, altamente prejudiciais para os seres humanos. Os sistemas atuais de tratamento de água para o abastecimento público de água não são eficientes na degradação destas toxinas. Processos oxidativos avançados (POA) foram testados para a remoção de cianotoxinas, e os resultados têm sido positivos. Este estudo avalia o processo de fotoeletrooxidação (FEO) na degradação de cianotoxinas (microcistinas). Foi avaliado o desempenho dos processos envolvidos separadamente: fotocatalisis, eletrólise e fotoeletrooxidação. Os resultados mostram que a potencia da radiação UV e da corrente elétrica estão diretamente associados com a degradação de toxinas. O sistema de FEO é eficiente na remoção de cianotoxinas e a redução foi de 99%. A concentração final de toxina foi inferior a 1 g / L de microcistina na solução tratada.


Bacterial Toxins/chemistry , Drinking Water/chemistry , Microcystins/chemistry , Microcystis/chemistry , Water Purification/methods , Electrolysis , Oxidation-Reduction , Photolysis
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; abr. 2015. 207 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-836666


ianobactérias, conhecidas por sua habilidade de sintetizar metabólitos com ação tóxica, podem se tornar dominantes em águas com altas concentrações de nitrogênio e fósforo. Embora a toxicidade do glifosato, o herbicida mais usado no mundo, em alguns organismos aquáticos seja conhecida, poucos estudos abordam o efeito desse composto sobre a produção de metabólitos secundários por cianobactérias. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de diferentes concentrações de glifosato (produto técnico) sobre o crescimento e produção de cianotoxinas e microgininas pelas cepas brasileiras Microcystis aeruginosa LTPNA 08 e Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii CENA 302. Na presença de 15 mg/L de glifosato, o crescimento e a produção de toxinas pela M. aeruginosa foram reduzidos e de microgininas significativamente aumentada. Já a C. raciborskii, quando exposta à 20 mg/L de glifosato teve seu crescimento e síntese de clorofila-a, carotenoides e saxitoxinas aumentados. Concentrações superiores a 20 e 30 mg/L impediram o crescimento celular das cepas LTPNA 08 e CENA 302, respectivamente. A análise de ácidos graxos mostrou perfis bastante distintos entre as cepas. Na cepa LTPNA 08, enquanto que na presença de 10 mg/L de glifosato ocorreu diminuição do teor do ácido linoleico, o ácido estearidônico foi aumentado. Nenhuma das concentrações testadas promoveu alteração sobre o perfil de ácidos graxos da cepa CENA 302. A toxicidade de 5 produtos formulados a base de glifosato foi comparada ao produto técnico em ambas as linhagens-teste. Observou-se uma resistência distinta entre as cepas e toxicidade também variável entre as formulações comerciais. Sendo assim, diante da elevada resistência das cianobactérias M. aeruginosa e C. raciborskii ao glifosato, e considerando-se a elevada interferência antrópica através das práticas agrícolas, pode-se inferir que o uso excessivo e frequente desse herbicida é capaz de estimular o crescimento e dominância desses organismos, podendo modificar a estrutura e funcionalidade de ecossistemas aquáticos

Cyanobacteria, known for their ability to synthesize toxic metabolites, can become dominant in water bodies with high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus. Although the toxicity of glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world, in some aquatic organisms is well known, few studies address the effect of this compound on the production of secondary metabolites by cyanobacteria. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different concentrations the herbicide glyphosate (technical grade) on growth and production of cyanotoxins and microginins by Brazilian strains of Microcystis aeruginosa LTPNA 08 and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii CENA 302. In the presence of 15 mg/L of glyphosate, growth and toxin production by M. aeruginosa were reduced and microginins cell quota significantly increased. The C. raciborskii strain, when exposed to 20 mg/L of glyphosate, had the growth, and chlorophyll-a, carotenoids and saxitoxins production increased. Concentrations above 20 and 30 mg/L prevented cell growth of LTPNA 08 and CENA 302 strains, respectively. Fatty acid analysis showed distinct profiles among the strains. When exposed to 10 mg/L of glyphosate, a decrease in the linoleic acid and increase in stearidonic acid content were observed in M. aeruginosa LTPNA 08 strain. None of the tested concentrations of glyphosate promoted change on the fatty acid profile of CENA 302 strain. The toxicity of 5 glyphosate formulated products was compared to technical product to both strains. There was a distinct resistance among strains and also a variable toxicity among formulated products. Thus, given the high glyphosate resistance of M. aeruginosa and C. raciborskii cyanobacteria, and considering the high anthropogenic interference through agri cultural practices, it can be inferred that excessive and frequent use of this herbicide is able to stimulate growth and dominance of these organisms, which may modify the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems

Microcystis/classification , Growth , Herbicides/analysis , Toxicology , Cyanobacteria , Cylindrospermopsis/classification , Secondary Metabolism/physiology
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 21: 2-8, 31/03/2015. ilus, map, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484616


Background Toxic cyanobacterial blooms are recurrent in Patos Lagoon, in southern Brazil. Among cyanotoxins, [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR is the predominant variant whose natural cycle involves water and sediment compartments. This study aimed to identify and isolate from sediment a bacterial strain capable of growing on [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR. Sediment and water samples were collected at two distinct aquatic spots: close to the Oceanographic Museum (P1), in Rio Grande City, and on São Lourenço Beach (P2), in São Lourenço do Sul City, southern Brazil. Methods [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR was isolated and purified from batch cultures of Microcystis aeruginosastrain RST9501. Samples of water and sediment from Rio Grande and São Lourenço do Sul were collected. Bacteria from the samples were allowed to grow in flasks containing solely [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR. This strain named DMSX was isolated on agar MSM with 8 g L1 glucose and further purified on a cyanotoxin basis growth. Microcystin concentration was obtained by using the ELISA immunoassay for microcystins whereas bacterial count was performed by epifluorescence microscopy. The genus Pseudomonas was identified by DNA techniques. Results Although several bacterial strains were isolated from the samples, only one, DMXS, was capable of growing on [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR. The phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene from DMXS strain classified the organism as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. DMXS strain incubated with [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR lowered the amount of toxin from 1 g.L1 to 0.05 g.L1. Besides, an increase in the bacterial countfrom 71×105 bacteria.mL1 to 117×105 bacteria.mL1was observed along the incubation. Conclusions The use of bacteria isolated from sediment for technological applications to remove toxic compounds is viable. Studies have shown that sediment plays an important role as a source of bacteria capable of degrading cyanobacterial toxins. This is the first Brazilian report on a bacteriumof the genus Pseudomonasthat can degrade [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR, the most frequent microcystin variant in Brazilian freshwaters.

Biodegradation, Environmental , Microcystins , Microcystis/isolation & purification
Braz. j. biol ; 74(3,supl.1): S120-S124, 8/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-732285


Antimicrobials are among the most commonly used drugs and have become a class of contaminants with great environmental importance. Metronidazole is an antimicrobial used for the therapeutic management of several human diseases. The toxicity of antimicrobials on aquatic species may affect sensitive microorganisms and reduce metabolic processes. Cyanobacteria is a group of organisms that are of great ecological importance in aquatic environments. Studies indicate that cyanobacteria are very sensitive to some antimicrobials. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the effects of metronidazole contamination on phytoplankton. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of metronidazole on the growth of the cyanobacterium Microcystis protocystis and to evaluate the stability of this antimicrobial agent in the culture medium over a period of 96 hours. M. protocystis was resistant to growth inhibition by metronidazole. The EC50 of this antimicrobial for M. protocystis was 117.3 mg L–1. Under the growth inhibition test conditions, neither a significant change in the MNZ concentration nor the presence of drug metabolites or degradation products was observed. These results indicate low cellular uptake of the antimicrobial agent and its persistence in the culture medium.

Antimicrobianos estão entre os fármacos mais usados e tem se tornado uma classe emergente de contaminantes com grande importância ambiental. A toxicidade dos antimicrobianos sobre as espécies aquáticas podem afetar microrganismos sensíveis e reduzir seus processos metabólicos. O Metronidazol é um antimicrobiano usado para o manejo terapêutico de várias doenças humanas. Cyanobacteria é um grupo de organismos de grande importância ecológica no ambiente aquático. O estudo visou investigar os efeitos do metronidazol- MNZ sobre o crescimento da cianobactéria Microcystis protocystis e avaliar a persistência do antimicrobiano no meio de cultivo durante 96h. A M. protocystis mostrou-se resistente à inibição de crescimento pelo MNZ. A EC50% do MNZ para a espécie foi 117,3 mg L–1. Nas condições do teste de inibição de crescimento não foi observada variação significativa da concentração de MNZ nem a presença de metabólitos ou produtos de degradação do fármaco, indicando baixa captação celular do antimicrobiano e sua persistência no meio de cultivo.

Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Metronidazole/toxicity , Microcystis/drug effects , Water Pollutants, Chemical/toxicity , Microcystis/classification , Time Factors
Rev. bras. hematol. hemoter ; 36(3): 208-212, May-Jun/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-713688


OBJECTIVE: Nutritional deficiencies are very significant to the overall health of humans at all ages and for both genders, yet in infants, children and women of childbearing age these deficiencies can seriously affect growth and development. The present work is aimed to assess homocysteine and vitamin B12 status in females with iron deficiency anemia from the Gaza Strip. METHODS: Venous blood samples were randomly collected from 240 female university students (18-22 years old) and parameters of the complete blood count, serum ferritin, homocysteine and vitamin B12 were measured. Statistical analysis included the t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the IBM SPSS software (version 18). Statistical significance was set for p-values <0.05. RESULTS: The results revealed that 20.4% of the students have iron deficiency anemia. The mean serum vitamin B12 level in females with iron deficiency anemia (212.9 ± 62.8 pg/mL) was significantly lower than in normal controls (286.9 ± 57.1 pg/mL) and subjects with microcytic anemia and normal ferritin (256.7 ± 71.1 pg/mL). Significantly higher serum homocysteine levels were reported in the iron deficiency anemia group (27.0 ± 4.6 µmol/L) compared to normal controls (15.5 ± 2.9 µmol/L) and in subjects with microcytic anemia and normal ferritin (18.1 ± 2.7 µmol/L). Statistically significant negative correlations were reported for serum homocysteine with serum ferritin, vitamin B12, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels. CONCLUSION: Important associations were found between serum homocysteine and markers of iron deficiency. Monitoring homocysteine levels might be essential to understand the development of different clinical conditions including anemia. It seems necessary to conduct prospective trials to determine whether treating anemia ameliorates homocysteine levels. .

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency , Hyperhomocysteinemia , Microcystis
Rev. bras. hematol. hemoter ; 36(2): 132-138, Mar-Apr/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-710197


Background: iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of nutritional anemia; it has been recognized as an important health problem in Palestine. This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence and to identify possible risk factors of iron deficiency anemia among kindergarten children living in the marginalized areas of the Gaza Strip and to evaluate the effectiveness of supplementing oral iron formula in the anemic children. Methods: the study included 735 (384 male and 351 female) kindergarten children. Data was collected by questionnaire interviews, anthropometric measurements, and complete blood count analysis. All iron deficient anemic children were treated using an oral iron formula (50 mg ferrous carbonate + 100 mg vitamin C /5 mL) and the complete blood count was reassessed after three months. A univariate analysis and a multiple logistic regression model were constructed; crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR), and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated. Results: the overall prevalence of iron deficiency anemia was 33.5% with no significant differences between boys and girls. Significantly different prevalences of iron deficiency anemia were reported between different governorates of the Gaza Strip. Governorate, low education level of the parents and smoking are significant risk factors for children developing anemia. Significantly lower complete blood count parameters, except for WBC, were reported in anemic children. The oral iron treatment significantly improved hemoglobin concentrations, and normalized the iron deficiency marker. Conclusions: iron deficiency anemia is a serious health problem among children living in the marginalized areas of the Gaza Strip, which justifies the necessity for national intervention programs to improve the health status for the less fortunate development areas.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency , Microcystis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-302603


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>Attempting to isolate and cultivate the microcytin-RR-producing cyanobacteria from natural blooms as well as to further investigate some characteristics of their growth and metabolite toxicity.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Capillary-pipette method was used to isolate wild Microcystis strains collected from eutrophicated lakes. The isolated strains were cultured in BG11 media at (25 ± 1) °C, under 2 000 lx illumination of fluorescent light with a light-dark rhythm of 12-12 h. The growth curve was observed by measuring optical density of culture suspension, toxin-related genes and the metabolite toxins were identified separately by PCR and HPLC, and its acute toxicity was carried out by orally administered toxins to Kunming (KM) mice.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>One of five toxigenic strains from 198 collected samples was confirmed to be a MC-RR producing blue-green alga by existing two specific toxin-synthesized enzyme genes and showing specific chromatographic peak of the toxin compared with standard MC-RR through both PCR and HPLC methods. The toxic strain was classified as Microcystin aeruginosa by morphologic and phylogenetic tree analysis. The growth length of the strain lasted nearly 81 days with 55-60 days' exponential phase and the maximal concentration of 5.52 × 10⁷ cell/ml. The LD50 of the MC-RR to the KM mice ranged from 10.75 mg/kg to 13.45 mg/kg of body weight. As a result of the acute toxicity, the enzymatic indexes in serum such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were significantly higher than those in the control group. The levels of ALT, AST, ALP and LDH in the treated group at 45 min were (157.08 ± 20.38), (333.00 ± 68.53), (392.70 ± 89.59) and (1 071.13 ± 160.22) U/L respectively, and at 4 h were (514.68 ± 156.87), (593.15 ± 40.41), (618.55 ± 208.76) and (2 281.72 ± 866.67) U/L respectively, and meanwhile the values of ALT, AST, ALP and LDH in the control group were (40.30 ± 4.89), (142.70 ± 26.59), (56.90 ± 11.89) and (509.50 ± 94.75) U/L separately (t values at 45 min were -11.20, -5.77, -7.38, -6.60 respectively, and at 4 h were -6.04, -20.21, -5.35, -4.07 respectively, P values were all <0.01). The liver coefficient in the treated group at 45 min and 4 h were 6.855 ± 0.225 and 8.409 ± 0.276, significantly higher than that (5.784 ± 0.286) in the control group (t values were -3.96 and -12.22, P values were both <0.01). The histopathological changes of liver were hyperemia obviously.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Isolated from the bloom waters, a strain of Microcystis aeruginosa is obtained with characteristics of longer growth duration, positive microcystin synthetase genes, and dominant production of MC-RR. The LD50 of the extracted MC-RR administered by oral route to mice is (12.10 ± 1.35) mg/kg of body weight, and liver is the target organ of MC-RR. The existence and potential risk of MC-RR in China cannot be ignored.</p>

Animals , Mice , China , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Cyanobacteria , Hyperemia , Lakes , Liver , Microcystins , Microcystis , Phylogeny
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-320357


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To isolate and characterize indigenous algicidal bacteria and their algae-lysing compounds active against Microcystis aeruginosa, strains TH1, TH2, and FACHB 905.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>The bacteria were identified using the Biolog automated microbial identification system and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The algae-lysing compounds were isolated and purified by silica gel column chromatography and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Their structures were confirmed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Algae-lysing activity was observed using microscopy.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The algae-lysing bacterium LTH-2 isolated from Lake Taihu was identified as Serratia marcescens. Strain LTH-2 secreted a red pigment identified as prodigiosin (C20H25N3O), which showed strong lytic activity with algal strains M. aeruginosa TH1, TH2, and FACHB 905 in a concentration-dependent manner. The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of prodigiosin with the algal strains was 4.8 (± 0.4)× 10⁻² μg/mL, 8.9 (± 1.1)× 10⁻² μg/mL, and 1.7 (± 0.1)× 10⁻¹ μg/mL in 24 h, respectively.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The bacterium LTH-2 and its pigment had strong Microcystis-lysing activity probably related to damage of cell membranes. The bacterium LTH-2 and its red pigment are potentially useful for regulating blooms of harmful M. aeruginosa.</p>

Anti-Bacterial Agents , Pharmacology , Bacteria , Classification , Genetics , Metabolism , Lakes , Microcystis , Phylogeny
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 10(3): 613-622, Sept. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-653600


Microcystins are secondary metabolites produced by different species of cyanobacteria, such as Microcystis aeruginosa (MA). In this study, the biochemical and genetic effects of lyophilized MA were evaluated in the neotropical fish Prochilodus lineatus exposed to 1 or 2 mg L-1 lyophilized MA (treated group) or only water (control group) in static toxicity tests for 24 and 96 h. The gills and liver were used in the analysis of biotransformation enzymes and antioxidant defenses, blood and gill cells in genetic analysis and in brain and muscle it was determined the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The results showed the biotransformation pathway activation due to the increase in hepatic CYP1A and in branchial and hepatic glutathione S-transferase (GST). The antioxidant defense proved to be greatly affected by MA exposure leading to changes, both in gills and liver, in the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR) and in the content of tripeptide glutathione (GSH). Lipid peroxidation was not detected, but damage to DNA molecule was observed in blood cells. In conclusion, it can be state the lyophilized MA is able to promote changes in the biochemical and genetic parameters of P. lineatus.

As microcistinas são metabólitos secundários produzidos por diferentes espécies de cianobactérias, como a Microcystis aeruginosa (MA). Neste estudo, os efeitos bioquímicos e genéticos de liofilizado de MA foram avaliados para juvenis da espécie de peixe Neotropical Prochilodus lineatus expostos a 1 ou 2 mg L-1 de liofilizado de MA (grupo tratado) ou apenas à água (grupo controle), em testes de toxicidade estáticos, durante 24 e 96 h. As brânquias e o fígado foram usados para as análises das enzimas de biotransformação e defesas antioxidantes, células do sangue e das brânquias para análises genéticas e no cérebro e músculo foi determinada a atividade da acetilcolinesterase (AChE). Os resultados mostraram ativação da via de biotransformação devido ao aumento da atividade da CYP1A hepática e da atividade da glutationa S-transferase (GST) hepática e branquial. As defesas antioxidantes foram muito afetadas pela exposição a MA levando a alterações, tanto no fígado como nas brânquias, na atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD), da catalase (CAT), da glutationa peroxidase (GPx), glutationa redutase (GR) e no conteúdo do tripeptídeo glutationa (GSH). Apesar dessas alterações a peroxidação lipídica não foi detectada em nenhum dos tecidos, mas danos na molécula de DNA foram observados nas células do sangue. Em conclusão, pode-se afirmar que o liofilizado de MA é capaz de promover alterações em parâmetros bioquímicos e genéticos de P. lineatus.

Animals , Antioxidants/adverse effects , Biotransformation , Characiformes/genetics , Microcystis/enzymology , Acetylcholinesterase/analysis , Enzymes/analysis , Glutathione Transferase/analysis
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 83(4): 1327-1338, Dec. 2011. ilus, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-607428


This study investigated the dynamics of cyanobacteria in two deep, eutrophic reservoirs in a semi-arid region of Brazil during periods of stratification and destratification. Four collections were carried out at each reservoir at two depths at three-month intervals. The following abiotic variables were analyzed: water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, water transparency, total phosphorus, total dissolved phosphorus, orthophosphate and total nitrogen. Phytoplankton density was quantified for the determination of the biomass of cyanobacteria. The data were analyzed using CCA. Higher mean phytoplankton biomass values (29.8 mm³.L-1) occurred in the period of thermal stratification. A greater similarity in the phytoplankton communities also occurred in this period and was related to the development of cyanobacteria, mainly Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (>3.9 mm³.L-1). During the period of thermal destratification, this species co-dominated the environment with Planktothrix agardhii, Geitlerinema amphibium, Microcystis aeruginosa and Merismopedia tenuissima, as well as with diatoms and phytoflagellates. Environmental instability and competition among algae hindered the establishment of blooms more during the mixture period than during the stratification period. Thermal changes in the water column caused by climatologic events altered other physiochemical conditions of the water, leading to changes in the composition and biomass of the cyanobacterial community in tropical reservoirs.

Este estudo investigou a dinâmica das cianobactérias em dois reservatórios eutróficos e profundos localizados na região semi-árida do Brasil durante períodos de estratificação e desestratificação térmica. Quatro coletas foram feitas em cada reservatório em duas profundidades em intervalo de três meses. As variáveis abióticas analisadas foram: temperatura da água, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, turbidez, transparência da água, fósforo total, fósforo total dissolvido, ortofosfato e nitrogênio total. A densidade do fitoplâncton foi quantificada para a determinação da biomassa de cianobactérias. Os dados foram analisados usando ACC. Elevados valores médios de biomassa fitoplanctônica (29,8 mm³.L-1) ocorreram no período de estratificação. A maior similaridade das comunidades fitoplanctônicas também ocorreu neste período e foi relacionada ao desenvolvimento de cianobactérias, principalmente Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (>3,9 mm³ .L-1). Durante o período de desestratificação térmica, esta espécie co-dominou o ambiente com Planktothrix agardhii, Geitlerinema amphibium, Microcystis aeruginosa e Merismopedia tenuissima, bem como com diatomáceas e fitoflagelados. Instabilidade ambiental e competição entre as algas dificultaram o estabelecimento de blooms durante o período de mistura quando comparado com o período de estratificação. Modificações na condição térmica da coluna d'água, causadas por eventos climatológicos, alteraram as demais condições fisicoquímicas da água e ocasionaram mudanças na composição e biomassa da comunidade de cianobactérias em reservatórios tropicais.

Biomass , Cyanobacteria/classification , Fresh Water/chemistry , Phytoplankton/classification , Brazil , Cylindrospermopsis , Cyanobacteria/physiology , Environmental Monitoring , Eutrophication , Fresh Water/microbiology , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Microcystis , Nitrogen/analysis , Oxygen/analysis , Population Density , Phosphates/analysis , Phosphorus/analysis , Phytoplankton/physiology , Seasons , Temperature