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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030866


Purpose@#The field of speech-language pathology (SLP) is a young profession in the Philippines compared and relative to the other health sciences in the country. The emergence of this profession is marked by the milestones laid by the development of the first speech pathology education and training program at the University of the Philippines (UP); the establishment of its national professional organization, the Philippine Association of Speech Pathologists (PASP); and the enactment of RA 11249 or the Speech Language Pathology Act, which created the Professional Regulatory Board for Speech-Language Pathology (PRB-SLP) under the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). This article looks back at these early beginnings, focuses at the current status of the profession, and provides perspectives for its growth moving forward. Specifically, this article provides an overview of the education and training, professional organization, and local practice of Filipino SLPs. Some emerging issues about the local practice and research gaps are also discussed.@*Conclusions@#The SLP profession in the Philippines has come a long way in developing education and training programs, expanding its national professional organization, and obtaining regulation of the practice of this profession under the law. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure its growth and further its development as a health science. Among these, strengthening the body of research to respond to the evolving needs and distinct landscape of local practice could further the growth of SLP in the Philippines.

Speech-Language Pathology , Philippines
Distúrb. comun ; 35(3): 59386, 25/10/2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518142


Introdução: Este trabalho diferencia três abordagens teóricas que, comumente, sustentam a prática fonoaudiológica na área da linguagem. O foco é a relação entre oralidade e escrita e sua implicação nos procedimentos clínicos nos distúrbios ou dificuldades de leitura e escrita. Objetivo: apresentar e analisar a relação entre a oralidade e a escrita e discutir como a clínica fonoaudiológica conduz o tratamento ou o acompanhamento de crianças com distúrbios na linguagem escrita em diferentes perspectivas teóricas. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura. Foram selecionados dezesseis artigos que respondem às questões de pesquisa nas seguintes abordagens: Cognitivo-Linguística, Enunciativo-Discursiva e Clínica de Linguagem (Linguístico-Discursiva). Resultados: Nota-se diferentes interpretações clínicas para a prevenção, os critérios diagnósticos, nomenclatura e método de tratamento. Conclusão: As diferentes posições teóricas definem modelos de clínicas distintos, considerando como a oralidade pode afetar a escrita. (AU)

Introduction: This work differentiates three theoretical approaches about language that are used by Brazilian speech therapists. The focus is the relationship between orality and writing and its implication in clinical procedures in disorders or difficulties in reading and writing. Objective: to produce and analyze the relationship between orality and writing and to discuss how the speech therapy clinic conducts the treatment or follow-up of children with written language disorders in different theoretical perspectives. Method: This is an integrative literature review. Sixteen articles were selected that answer the research questions in the following approaches: Cognitive-Linguistic, Enunciative-Discursive and Language Clinic (Linguistic-Discursive). Results: There are different clinical interpretations for prevention, nomenclature, diagnosis, and treatment method. Conclusion: The different theoretical positions define different clinical models, considering how orality can affect writing. (AU)

Introducción: Este trabajo diferencia tres enfoques teóricos que comúnmente sustentan la práctica de la patología del habla y el lenguaje en el área del lenguaje. El enfoque es la relación entre la oralidad y la escritura y su implicación en los procedimientos clínicos en los trastornos o dificultades en la lectura y la escritura. Objetivo: presentar y analizar la relación entre la oralidad y la escritura y discutir cómo la clínica de logopedia realiza el tratamiento o seguimiento de niños con trastornos del lenguaje escrito en diferentes perspectivas teóricas. Método: Esta es una revisión integradora de la literatura. Se seleccionaron dieciséis artículos que responden a las preguntas de investigación en los siguientes enfoques: Cognitivo-Lingüístico, Enunciativo-Discursivo y Clínica del Lenguaje (Lingüístico-Discursivo). Resultados:Existen diferentes interpretaciones clínicas para la prevención, criterios diagnósticos, nomenclatura y método de tratamiento. Conclusión: Las diferentes posiciones teóricas definen diferentes modelos clínicos, considerando cómo la oralidad puede afectar la escritura. (AU)

Humans , Child , Child Language , Language Development , Speech-Language Pathology , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 22(1): 1-9, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444988


El confinamiento como medida sanitaria a causa del COVID-19 ha obligado la adopción de la modalidad virtual en los sistemas escolares del mundo. Los fonoaudiólogos/as que trabajan con niños/as preescolares que presentan alteraciones del lenguaje han debido modificar su metodología de trabajo usual para lograr los objetivos terapéuticos y educativos de los planes de intervención que aplican. En esta investigación se buscó describir la percepción que tienen los fonoaudiólogos/as acerca de la experiencia de realizar telerehabilitación a niños/as preescolares con trastorno del desarrollo del lenguaje en contexto de pandemia. Se diseñó un estudio cualitativo, con enfoque fenomenológico. A la muestra de 10 fonoaudiólogas, reclutadas por conveniencia, se les realizó entrevistas focalizadas semiestructuradas. El análisis fenomenológico de los datos obtenidos se realizó mediante la obtención de subcódigos, códigos y categorías, de forma manual. Del análisis surgen las siguientes categorías temáticas: valoración de la experiencia,efectividad de la intervención virtual, preparación de las sesiones y participación de los padres. Las vivencias expuestas en las entrevistas realizadas permiten señalar elementos críticos relacionados con el improvisado y repentino cambio de modalidad, la escasa formación y/o preparación de las terapeutas para implementar la telepráctica, la administración de recursos y la sensación de infectividad de la intervención. Si bien las intervenciones virtuales se han establecido como una alternativa a lo presencial, se concluye que esta fue poco aceptada entre las fonoaudiólogas entrevistadas, ya que se las considera demandantes y poco efectivas para niños/as tan pequeños/as. Se resalta que el compromiso de los padres, madres y/o cuidadores/as es fundamental para lograr un proceso exitoso.

Confinement, as a sanitary measure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has forced school systems around the world to adapt their lessons to the virtual modality. Speech-language therapists working with preschool children who present language disorders have had to modify their usual work methodology to achieve their therapeutic and educational goals. This research sought to describe the perception speech-language therapists had of their experience providing telerehabilitation to preschool children with developmental language disorder during the pandemic. The study design was qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The sample was made up of 10 female speech-language therapists, recruited through convenience sampling, who were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed phenomenologically, obtaining subcodes, codes, and categories manually. The following thematic categories emerged from the analysis: evaluation of the experience, effectiveness of the virtual intervention, session preparation, and parental participation. The experiences shared during the interviews allowed us to detect critical elements related to the improvised and sudden modality change, the lack of training and/or preparation of the therapists to implement telepractice, resource administration, and a perception of ineffectiveness regarding the intervention. Although virtual interventions have been established as an alternative to in-person intervention, it is concluded that it was not widely accepted among the speech-language therapists interviewed in this research, who deemed this modality demanding and ineffective for such young children. We emphasize the importance of parental and/or caregiver commitment to achieve success during the process of teletherapy.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Adult , Telerehabilitation , COVID-19 , Language Development Disorders/rehabilitation , Interviews as Topic , Speech-Language Pathology , Qualitative Research , Pandemics , Specific Language Disorder/rehabilitation
Estilos clín ; 28(3)2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1552219


Neste artigo, após apresentar uma reflexão crítica sobre os efeitos da terapia ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) - Análise Aplicada do Comportamento (verbal) no atendimento de uma criança com o diagnóstico de autismo, proponho indicar um outro entendimento de linguagem e, portanto, um outro modo de se posicionar diante da fala dessas crianças. Neste sentido, esse artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma crítica, a partir da Clínica de Linguagem, solo teórico desse trabalho, a metodologia ABA, método amplamente difundido no tratamento dessas crianças

En este artículo, tras presentar una reflexión crítica sobre los efectos de la terapia ABA (sigla en inglés) Análisis Conductual Aplicado (conducta verbal) en la atención a un niño diagnosticado de autismo, me propongo indicar otra forma de entender el lenguaje y, por tanto, otra forma de posicionarse ante el habla de estos niños. En este sentido, este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar una crítica, basada en la Clínica del Lenguaje, base teórica de este trabajo, a la metodología ABA, método ampliamente difundido en el tratamiento de estos niños

In this article, after presenting a critical reflection on the effects of ABA therapy -Applied Behavior Analysis (verbal behavior) in the care of a child diagnosed with autism, I propose to indicate another understanding of language and, therefore, another way to position oneself in front of the speech of these children. In this sense, this article aims to present a critique, based on the Language Clinic, the theoretical basis of this work, the ABA methodology, a widely disseminated method in the treatment of these children

Dans cet article, après avoir présenté une réflexion critique sur les effets de la thérapie ABA -Analyse Comportementale Appliquée (verbale) dans la prise en charge d'un enfant diagnostiqué autiste, je propose d'indiquer une autre compréhension du langage et, par conséquent, une autre façon de se positionner face à la parole de ces enfants. En ce sens, cet article vise à présenter une critique, basée sur la Clinique du Langage, base théorique de ce travail, la méthodologie ABA, une méthode largement diffusée dans le traitement de ces enfants

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Adult , Autistic Disorder/therapy , Speech-Language Pathology , Applied Behavior Analysis , Psychoanalysis
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987612


Background@#The use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) framework is advocated in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) clinical practice. As using the ICF leads to improved quality of life in relation to communication and swallowing compared to the medical model, SLP practitioners are encouraged to adopt the ICF framework in their practice. However, there is a lack of ICF-related literature in the Philippines that can serve as a guide for SLP practitioners. @*Objectives@#The study aimed to identify and describe available international literature and extract key ideas that can serve as a guide for SLP practitioners as they adopt ICF into their practice. @*Methodology@#The York Framework for scoping reviews was utilized. The review consisted of five stages: (1) identifying research questions, (2) identifying relevant literature, (3) identifying eligible literature, (4) data charting, and (5) summarizing and extracting themes. @*Results@#The majority of the articles collated were research studies from developed countries. The ICF was applied equally across all age groups and focused on activities and participation rather than health conditions. Thematic analysis showed that ICF was applied in assessment, intervention, and health care service delivery. @*Conclusion@#Gaps exist in using ICF-based tools in the SLP clinical practice and in the social understanding of the ICF. SLP practitioners are encouraged to learn and adapt the identified ICF-related themes in their practice as it facilitates a holistic understanding of their patient's functioning, disability, and evidence-based clinical decisions, thus, contributing to effective diagnostic and therapeutic processes.

Speech-Language Pathology , Health
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987620


@#This paper provides context and perspective on the development of research in occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech pathology in the Philippines, and the value of research in rehabilitation sciences in generating knowledge that could contribute to evidence-informed decisions that optimize health and wellbeing of individuals. A brief historical background of the evolution of rehabilitation research and practice is provided, both globally and within the Filipino context. Currently, a research-practice gap exists and there is a need to evaluate the efficacy of the traditional approaches still being used in contemporary practice. The local professional organizations representing these disciplines need to be more overt in supporting the use of evidence to guide treatment. This article discusses the challenges faced by researchers that hinder the advancement of scholarly work in the disciplines. Each of the professions must continue to advocate for evidence-based practice and encourage the growth of research in their respective fields.

Occupational Therapy , Physical Therapy Modalities , Speech-Language Pathology , Research
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 46(2): 5-10, Jul 01, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526540


Introducción: El desarrollo fonológico es un componente importante en el proceso de adquisición del habla, por eso es indispensable evaluar su desarrollo mediante el porcentaje de dominio de fonemas, diptongos y grupos consonánticos en niños prescolares para obtener información sobre la capacidad del niño para articular y pronunciar correctamente los sonidos del lenguaje, además sirve para monitorear el progreso del niño a lo largo del tiempo y adaptar las intervenciones y estrategias para su tratamiento.Objetivo: Establecer el porcentaje de dominio de fonemas, diptongos y grupos consonánticos en niños prescolares de la ciudad de Quito. Material y métodos: es un estudio de diseño epidemiológico descriptivo transversal, en el que participaron 867 niños de 3 a 6 años, a los cuales luego de verificar que cumplían con los criterios de selección, se les realizó, previo consentimiento de sus padres y de las autoridades escolares una historia clínica fonoaudiológica, evaluación auditiva, antropometría, evaluación de los órganos bucofonatorios, evaluación de praxias orofaciales y articulación y la Prueba de Exploración del Lenguaje Comprensivo y Expresivo, Revisada (ELCE-R). Las variables de estudio se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados: El porcentaje de dominio de los fonemas, diptongos y grupos consonánticos fue de 95.07%.Conclusión: Los niños que viven en Quito de 3 a 6 años poseen un alto nivel de desarrollo fonológico, con dominio de los fonemas, diptongos y grupos consonánticos por encima del porcentaje esperado para su edad cronológica, a pesar de que la prueba utilizada no está contextualizada a su realidad lingüística.

Introduction: Phonological development is an important component in the process of speech acquisition, that is why it is essential to evaluate its development through the percentage of phoneme, diphthong and consonant group mastery in preschool children to obtain informa-tion about the child's ability to articulate and correctly pronounce the sounds of language, it also serves to monitor the child's progress over time and adapt interventions and strategies for their treatment.Objective: To establish the percentage of mastery of phonemes, diphthongs and consonant groups in preschool children in the city of Quito. Material and methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive epidemiological design study, in which 867 children between 3 and 6 years of age participated. After verifying that they met the selection criteria, they underwent a phonoaudiological clinical history, auditory evalua-tion, anthropometry, evaluation of the orophonatory organs, evaluation of orofacial praxias and articulation, and the Comprehensive and Expressive Language Exploration Test, Revised (ELCE-R), with the consent of their parents and school authorities. The study variables were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The percentage of mastery of phonemes, diphthongs and consonant clusters was 95.07%.Conclusion: Children from 3 to 6 years of age living in Quito have a high level of phonologi-cal development, with mastery of phonemes, diphthongs and consonant clusters above the percentage expected for their chronological age, despite the fact that the test used is not contextualized to their linguistic reality.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Child Development , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Language Development , Language Development Disorders , Speech-Language Pathology , Ecuador , Speech Sound Disorder
CoDAS ; 33(3): e20200057, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249623


RESUMO Objetivo Apresentar uma proposta de reabilitação fonoaudiológica denominada Programa de Terapia para Manejo da Tosse Crônica (TMTC) para tratamento da tosse crônica refratária. Método O TMTC foi elaborado com base em duas etapas: análise de literatura e análise clínica. A etapa de análise de literatura foi realizada por meio dos procedimentos: busca eletrônica e manual por artigos e livros publicados até junho de 2019 que contemplassem participantes adultos com tosse crônica, e intervenção com terapia fonoaudiológica; seleção das fontes; análise dos artigos e livros incluídos; e, elaboração da versão inicial do programa de terapia. A versão inicial do programa de terapia resultante da etapa de análise de literatura foi submetida a etapa de análise clínica por meio dos procedimentos: análise de três juízes; revisão da proposta pelos autores; reanálise dos juízes; elaboração da versão final denominada Programa de Terapia para Manejo da Tosse Crônica (TMTC). Resultados O TMTC sintetiza o conhecimento científico e a experiência clínica atual sobre o manejo comportamental da tosse crônica refratária em um programa com três componentes principais, cada um com objetivos e estratégias específicos. O TMTC é composto por quatro sessões, com frequência semanal, e duração entre 30 e 45 minutos por sessão, executadas em fases hierárquicas, com objetivos e estratégias específicos por sessão. Conclusão O TMTC é um programa estruturado para oferecer uma reabilitação global da tosse. Faz-se necessário obter evidências científicas sobre sua efetividade para que ele possa ser utilizado na prática clínica.

ABSTRACT Purpose To present a proposal for speech-language pathology rehabilitation called the Therapy Program for Management of Chronic Cough (TMCC) for the treatment of refractory chronic cough. Methods TMCC was developed based on two stages: literature and clinical analysis. The literature analysis stage was carried out through the following procedures: electronic and manual search for articles and books published until June 2019 that included adult participants with chronic cough and intervention with speech-language pathology therapy; selection of sources; analysis of articles and books included; and, preparation of the initial version of the therapy program. The initial version of the therapy program resulting from literature analysis stage was submitted to clinical analysis stage through the following procedures: analysis by three judges; revision of the proposal by the authors; judges' re-analysis; elaboration of the final version called the Therapy Program for Management of Chronic Cough (TMCC). Results TMCC synthesizes scientific knowledge and current clinical experience on the behavioral management of refractory chronic cough into a program with three main components, each one with specific objectives and strategies. TMCC consists of four sessions, with weekly frequency and duration between 30-45 minutes per session, executed in hierarchical phases, with specific objectives and strategies per session. Conclusion TMCC is a program structured to offer global cough rehabilitation. To obtain scientific evidence about its effectiveness is necessary, so that it can be used in clinical practice.

Humans , Adult , Speech-Language Pathology , Cough/therapy , Speech Therapy , Chronic Disease
CoDAS ; 33(5): e20200111, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286125


RESUMO Objetivo Caracterizar o perfil dos profissionais de Fonoaudiologia atuantes nos serviços de saúde do território brasileiro e verificar se o tempo de profissão, formação especializada e o tempo de experiência em disfagia contribuem para a interpretação e aplicação mais adequada do Blue Dye Test (BDT). Método Por meio de mídias sociais e órgãos de classe, profissionais fonoaudiólogos de todo território nacional foram contactados por e-mail, com envio de um link para acessar um questionário online, contendo perguntas sobre o perfil profissional e a aplicação do BDT. As respostas foram categorizadas de forma dicotômica de acordo com as referências científicas mais robustas do BDT e foram comparadas estatisticamente de acordo com o tempo de profissão, formação especializada e o tempo de experiência. Resultados Participaram 145 fonoaudiólogos, com predomínio do sexo feminino (91,7%). A maioria atuante em hospitais, com 11 a 15 anos de profissão (27,6%) e de 1 a 5 anos na área de disfagia (32,4%). Profissionais com formação lato sensu (54,3%) e com mais de uma década de profissão (58,1%) apresentaram maior adequação na interpretação do resultado positivo do BDT. Conclusão O presente estudo reforça o importante papel da formação especializada em disfagia e das práticas de educação continuada em saúde, na determinação da atuação fonoaudiológica clínica de excelência, principalmente com pacientes traqueostomizados pós intubação e com risco de broncoaspiração.

ABSTRACT Purpose To characterize the professional profile of Speech Pathologists working in health services in Brazil and to verify if the time length of professional practice, specialized formation and experience in dysphagia contribute to the more adequate interpretation and application of the Blue Dye Test (BDT). Methods Through social medias and class entities, speech pathologists from all over Brazil were contacted by e-mail, that provided them a link from which they could access the online quiz, containing questions about the professional profile and the application of the BDT. The responses were categorized dichotomously according to the most robust scientific researches on the BDT and were compared statistically according to time length of professional practice, specialized formation and experience in dysphagia. Results 145 speech pathologists participated, 91.7% of them females. Most work in hospitals, have 11 to 15 years of profession (27.6%), and working from 1 to 5 years in the area of dysphagia (32.4%). Professionals with lato sensu training (54.3%) and with more than a decade of profession (58.1%) showed greater adequacy in interpreting the positive result of BDT. Conclusion The present study reinforces the important role of specialized training in dysphagia in addition to continuing health educational practices in determining the excellence of clinical speech therapy, especially with tracheostomized patients after intubation and at risk of bronchoaspiration.

Humans , Female , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Speech-Language Pathology , Speech , Brazil , Pathologists
Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 20: 1-22, 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400367


La insuficiencia velofaríngea (IVF) secundaria de fisura del paladar corresponde al cierre incompleto del mecanismo velofaríngeo durante el habla, debido a una falta de tejido en el paladar blando o las paredes de la faringe, lo cual genera una resonancia hipernasal y una emisión nasal de aire en los sonidos orales. Al respecto, en la literatura existen diversas propuestas para la evaluación perceptual de la IVF. Por esto, el objetivo del presente estudio es describir la evaluación perceptiva auditiva de la insuficiencia velofaríngea, mediante una revisión integradora de literatura. Para ello, en mayo de 2020 las bases de datos electrónicas PUBMED, LILACS, SciELO y Cochrane, fueron consultadas utilizando las palabras claves en inglés: "Velopharyngeal Sphincter", "Velopharyngeal Insufficiency", "Cleft Palate", "Speech Intelligibility", "Speech Production Measurement", "Speech Articulation Tests" y "Speech-Language Pathology" y sus respectivos equivalentes en portugués y español. Se seleccionaron artículos originales relacionados al tema, y se creó un protocolo específico para la extracción de los datos. En total se encontraron 2.385 artículos. De ellos, 2.354 fueron excluidos por el título, 13 por el resumen y 3 luego de la lectura del texto completo. Finalmente, a partir de la metodología desarrollada, en esta revisión fueron utilizados 33 artículos. A partir de la revisión realizada se concluye que los parámetros más utilizados en la evaluación son la hipernasalidad, la emisión nasal y la articulación compensatoria asociada a IVF. Estos parámetros son evaluados principalmente en oraciones, habla espontánea y palabras, por un fonoaudiólogo experto, en vivo y mediante grabaciones de audio.

Secondary Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) to cleft palate corresponds to the incomplete closure of the velopharyngeal mechanism during speech, due to lack of tissue in the soft palate or the walls of the pharynx, which generates a hypernasal resonance and nasal air emission in oral sounds. In this regard, there are various proposals in the literature for the perceptual evaluation of VPI. For this reason, the objective of the present study is to describe the auditory perceptual evaluation of velopharyngeal insufficiency, through an integrative literature review. To this end, in May 2020 the electronic databases PUBMED, LILACS, SciELO and Cochrane were consulted using the key words in English: "Velopharyngeal Sphincter", "Velopharyngeal Insufficiency", "Cleft Palate", "Speech Intelligibility", "Speech Production Measurement", "Speech Articulation Tests" and "Speech-Language Pathology", and their equivalent properties in Portuguese and Spanish. Original articles related to the topic were selected, and a specific protocol for data extraction was created. In total, 2,385 articles were found. Of these, 2,354 were excluded due to the title, 13 due to the abstract and 3 after reading the full text. Finally, based on the methodology developed, 33 articles were used in this review. From the review carried out, it is concluded that the parameters most used in the evaluation are hypernasality, nasal emission and the compensatory joint associated with IVF. These parameters are evaluated mainly in sentences, spontaneous speech and words, by an expert speech therapist, live and through audio recordings.

Humans , Auditory Perception , Speech Production Measurement/methods , Velopharyngeal Insufficiency/diagnosis , Speech Articulation Tests , Speech Intelligibility , Speech-Language Pathology , Cleft Palate , Velopharyngeal Sphincter
Rev. CEFAC ; 23(1): e9120, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155320


ABSTRACT Purpose: to conduct a literature review on the therapeutic effects of photobiomodulation applicable to speech-language-hearing therapy. Methods: the databases searched were the Cochrane Library, Virtual Health Library, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) via PubMed, and Web of Science/ISI.The selected articles were original ones whose abstracts were available and that evaluated the therapeutic effect of photobiomodulation in situations related to speech-language-hearing practice. Results: the sample comprised 23 articles, most of them being indexed in PubMed. The fields of health with the largest number of publications were Physical Therapy and Medicine. The sample size ranged from1 to 99 people, aged 15 to 77 years, and the most applied wavelength was the infrared one. Most of the studies had positive photobiomodulation application results - although in a few publications the effects of this treatment modality were assessed in a combination with rehabilitation exercises. Conclusion: photobiomodulation benefits different disorders treated by speech-language-hearing therapists, however, there is a broad methodological diversity, lacking specific protocols for the ideal dosimetry for each disorder.

RESUMO Objetivo: realizar revisão de literatura sobre efeitos terapêuticos da fotobiomodulação aplicáveis à Fonoaudiologia. Métodos: foram utilizadas as bases de dados Biblioteca Cochrane, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sistem online (Medline) via PuBmed e Web of Science/ISI. Foram selecionados artigos originais e com resumos disponíveis que avaliaram o efeito terapêutico da fotobiomodulação em situações relacionadas à prática fonoaudiológica. Resultados: a amostra consistiu em 23 artigos, a maioria indexada na PubMed. As áreas da Saúde com maior número de publicações foram Fisioterapia e Medicina. O tamanho das amostras variou de 1 a 99 indivíduos, faixas etárias entre 15 e 77 anos e o comprimento de onda mais aplicado foi o infravermelho. A maioria das pesquisas evidenciou resultados positivos da aplicação da fotobiomodulação, embora, em poucas publicações tenham sido avaliados os efeitos dessa modalidade de tratamento associados a exercícios de reabilitação. Conclusão: a fotobiomodulação traz benefícios em diferentes distúrbios tratados por fonoaudiólogos, no entanto, há grande diversidade metodológica e ausência de protocolos específicos da dosimetria ideal para cada distúrbio.

Humans , Speech-Language Pathology , Communication Disorders/therapy , Low-Level Light Therapy/methods , Correction of Hearing Impairment , Stomatognathic System , Speech-Language Pathology/classification
Rev. CEFAC ; 23(1): e8720, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155325


ABSTRACT Purpose: to discuss the speech-language-hearing pathologist's training to work in education, based on the report from speech-language-hearing students. Methods: a total of 29 students in the seventh semester of the Speech-Language-Hearing program at two higher education institutions participated in this study. The questionnaire used was developed specifically for this study. It comprised open- and closed-ended questions on the profile of the students and their training to work in educational settings. Data were also collected on the syllabi of the courses related to Educational Speech-Language-Hearing Pathology at both institutions. The data were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. Results: the results indicated that the summed course load of the education-related courses is low, and their syllabi do not cover important aspects for the speech-language-hearing training aimed at the work in education. Also, the students reported that most of the practical activities took place in kindergarten or elementary school, with objectives related to a medical-centered view. The students also pointed out the need for improvements in the speech-language-hearing training to work in education. Conclusion: the students reported that their training should involve a broader course load, as well as contents and experiences to help them to consciously, critically, and responsibly join the educational setting.

RESUMO Objetivo: discutir a formação do fonoaudiólogo para atuação educacional, a partir do que referem os estudantes de Fonoaudiologia. Métodos: participaram da pesquisa 29 discentes do 7º período do curso de Fonoaudiologia de duas Instituições de Ensino Superior. Utilizou-se um questionário elaborado especificamente para o estudo composto por questões abertas e fechadas a respeito do perfil dos estudantes e de sua formação para atuação em contexto educacional. Além disso, foram coletadas informações das ementas das disciplinas relacionadas a Fonoaudiologia Educacional nessas duas instituições. Os dados foram analisados de forma quanti-qualitativa. Resultados: os resultados indicaram que a soma das cargas horárias das disciplinas voltadas à educação pode ser considerada baixa e que as ementas de tais disciplinas não contemplam pontos importantes para a formação do fonoaudiólogo com vistas a atuação educacional. Além disto, os participantes referiram que a maioria das atividades práticas acontecem na educação infantil ou no ensino fundamental, com objetivos relacionados a uma visão médico-centrada. Os estudantes apontaram, ainda, a necessidade de melhorias na formação do fonoaudiólogo para atuação educacional. Conclusão: os estudantes referiram que sua formação necessita de ampliação de carga horária, conteúdos e vivências que permitam sua inserção em contexto educacional de forma consciente, crítica e responsável.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Teaching , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/education , Health Occupations/education , Surveys and Questionnaires , Speech-Language Pathology/education
Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 19: 1-10, nov. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1148403


A nivel internacional se propone un mínimo de un profesional fonoaudiólogo por cada diez camas críticas o más, dependiendo de la complejidad de cada institución. En Chile no existen lineamientos similares, no obstante, el Ministerio de Salud ha generado recomendaciones para el cálculo de la brecha profesional según número y complejidad de las camas hospitalarias. El objetivo de este estudio es estimar el número de fonoaudiólogos y horas de contratación teóricas requeridas para la atención de pacientes adultos hospitalizados en instituciones públicas de alta complejidad en Chile. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional, transversal. Se incluyeron todos los hospitales públicos de alta complejidad del país, excluyendo aquellos pediátricos y psiquiátricos. Como instrumentos se utilizaron el documento "Modelo de Gestión Red de Rehabilitación" del Ministerio de Salud, la base de datos actualizada del total de camas de la red hospitalaria y el software Microsoft Excel. El estudio fue aprobado por Comité Ético Científico del Hospital San Juan de Dios. En total 59 de 188 hospitales existentes en Chile fueron incluidos. De acuerdo con el análisis realizado basado en el número de camas en Chile, se requieren aproximadamente 269 fonoaudiólogos contratados 44 horas semanales para la atención de pacientes adultos en hospitales de alta complejidad. De ellos 104 se ubican en la Región Metropolitana; alrededor de 31 en la Región del BíoBío y cerca de 24 en la Región de Valparaíso. Se sugiere la revisión de las orientaciones ministeriales y la realización de un segundo estudio sobre la brecha profesional existente en Chile con los datos obtenidos.

International institutions have suggested one Speech and Language Therapist per ten critical beds, and possibly even more forhigh-complexity institutions. However, there are no similar recommendations in Chile, although the Ministry of Health has developed recommendations to calculate the number of professionals required according to the number and type of clinical bed. The aim of this study is to describe the number of Speech and Language Therapists along with the number of theorical working hours per week required for the attention of hospitalised adult patients in high-complexity hospitals in Chile, for which a descriptive, observational and transversal study was performed. High-complexity hospitals were included, excluding psychiatric and paediatric institutions. Microsoft Excel, the "Modelo de Gestión Red de Rehabilitación" guideline from the Ministry of Health, and the updated database of the clinical network beds were also used. This study was previously approved by a Research Ethics Committee from Hospital San Juan de Dios, and a total of 59 out of 188 hospitals were included. According to the analysis based on features of the clinical beds, 269 Speech and Language Therapists are required for 44 hours per week to attend adult patients in high-complexity hospitals across the country. Of the 269 professionals, 104 are needed in the Metropolitan region, approximately 31 in the Bío-Bío region and circa 24 in the Valparaíso region. According to these results, it is suggested the Ministry review its guidelines and undertake a further project in order to identify the current professional gap in Chile.

Humans , Speech-Language Pathology/statistics & numerical data , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/statistics & numerical data , Health Workforce/organization & administration , Hospital Planning , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Facilities , Health Workforce/statistics & numerical data , Health Planning Guidelines , Hospital Administration , Hospitals/statistics & numerical data
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 7(3): 1-5, sept. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178946


En el ámbito de la salud, se consideran normales los fenómenos frecuentes y esperados en una comunidad o cultura; sin embargo los actuales criterios para definir cuándo intervenir los sonidos del habla se alejan de esta norma al no considerar los aspectos psicosociales del usuario, aproximándose de este modo al modelo biomédico. Tras una revisión de la literatura relevante, se propone la necesidad de establecer nuevos criterios de evaluación e intervención de la articulación con un equipo multidisciplinario, formado por profesionales de la salud, la educación y las ciencias sociales, con perspectiva descriptiva, que se ajuste al modelo biopsicosocial.

In healthcare, phenomena which are frequent and expected in a given community or culture are considered normal. However, the criteria currently used to determine when speech sound interventions should be performed do not adhere to this standard, and do not take into account patients' psychosocial characteristics, but rather continue to follow the biomedical model. After a review of the relevant literature, we propose that new criteria for speech sound evaluation and intervention are needed. We argue that such criteria should be developed by a multidisciplinary group made up of experts in healthcare, education and the social sciences, using a descriptivist framework and adhering to the biopsychosocial model.

Humans , Speech-Language Pathology , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Social Identification
Distúrb. comun ; 32(3): 500-509, set. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397994


Introdução: A Atenção Especializada do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) oferece serviços em nível ambulatorial e hospitalar, tendo sua densidade tecnológica no nível intermediário. Quanto à organização dos serviços e caracterização das práticas existem diferentes modelos de atenção que podem subsidiar a atuação dos profissionais. Objetivo: Identificar em qual modelo de atenção à saúde se baseiam as práticas dos fonoaudiólogos de um serviço da Atenção Especializada da Rede SUS no Rio Grande do Norte. Método: Estudo de caso de abordagem qualitativa, onde foram entrevistados fonoaudiólogos atuantes no serviço através de questões sobre sua conduta na prática clínica e demais ambientes de trabalho. A entrevista foi gravada, transcrita e analisada por meio da Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: A partir dos dados obtidos, foram elaboradas três categorias de análise: a doença e a reabilitação como objeto e finalidade de trabalho do fonoaudiólogo, limitações dos recursos terapêuticos e estrutura física do espaço de trabalho e organização da Atenção Especializada no sistema de saúde estadual. Conclusão: Foram observados elementos da clínica ampliada e a prevalência do modelo médico-assistencial hospitalocêntrico com práticas voltadas, sobretudo, para os distúrbios fonoaudiológicos e na busca da reabilitação e cura do paciente.

Introduction: The Specialized Care in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) offers specialized services on an outpatient and at hospital level, with technological density at intermediate level. Regarding the organization of services and characterization of practices, there are different models of care that can support the performance of professionals. Purpose: Toidentify the health care model on which the speech-language pathology practices of a Specialized Care SUS service in the state of Rio Grande do Norte are based. Method: This is a case study with a qualitative approach that included interviews with speech-language pathologists working in this service through questions about their conduct in clinical practice and other work environments. The interview was recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the Content Analysis technique. Results: Three categories of analysis were developed based on the data obtained: disease and rehabilitation as the object and purpose of the work conducted by the speech-language pathologist; limitations of therapeutic resources and physical structure of the workspace; and organization of Specialized Care in the State health system. Conclusion: Elements of "expanded clinic" and prevalence of the "hospital-centered medical-assistance" mode were observed, with practices mainly focused on speech-language disorders and seeking rehabilitation and cure of the patient.

Introdución: La Atención Especializada del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) ofrece servicios especializados a nível ambulatorio y hospitalario, con su densidad tecnológica em el nivel intermedio. En la organización de los servicios y la caracterización de las prácticas, existen diferentes modelos de atención que pueden apoyar el desempeño de los profisionales. Objetivo: identificar qué modelo de atención de salud se basa en las práticas de los terapeutas del habla en um servicio de Atención Especializada del SUS en Rio Grande do Norte. Método: Estudio de caso de enfoque cualitativo, en el que los terapeutas del habla que trabajan en el servicio fueron entrevistados a través de preguntas sobre su conducta en la práctica clínica y otros entornos de trabajo. La entrevista fue grabada, transcrita y analizada según la técnica de análisis de contenido. Resultados: a partir de los datos obtenidos, se desarrollaron três categorias de análisis: enfermedad y rehabilitación como objeto y propósito del trabajo del terapeuta del habla, limitaciones de recursos terapéuticos y estructura física del espacio de trabajo y organización del Atención Especializada em el sistema de salud estatal. Conclusión: se observaron elementos de la clínica ampliada y la prevalencia del modelo de atención centrado en el hospital, con prácticas dirigidas principalmente a los transtornos del habla y lenguage y en la búsqueda de rehabilitación y cura del paciente.

Delivery of Health Care , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Healthcare Models , Language Disorders , Unified Health System , Health Systems , Speech-Language Pathology
Distúrb. comun ; 32(3): 523-528, set. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398030


Introdução: Atualmente, o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade é uma das condições de saúde mais frequentes na população infanto-juvenil, cujo impacto envolve alterações comportamentais e de convívio social, além de dificuldades fonológicas, metalinguísticas e de processamento auditivo. Objetivo: verificar a ocorrência de casos com diagnóstico ou suspeita de TDAH em um Ambulatório de Fonoaudiologia de um Hospital Universitário e a ocorrência de alterações de linguagem oral, escrita, processamento auditivo e consciência fonológica, nessa população. Métodos: estudo exploratório, realizado em um Ambulatório de Avaliação Fonoaudiológica de um Hospital Universitário. Resultados: No ano de 2016, 14 crianças foram encaminhadas ao ambulatório, com suspeita ou diagnóstico de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade. A maioria apresentou resultado inadequado nas avaliações simplificadas do processamento auditivo, consciência fonológica e leitura e escrita. Conclusão: O presente estudo evidenciou alterações nas tarefas de processamento auditivo, consciência fonológica e leitura e escrita. Ressalta-se a importância de novos estudos, com amostras mais robustas, visando elucidar melhor os impactos dessas alterações em pacientes com TDAH.

Introduction: Currently, Attention Deficit Disorder whit Hyperactivity is one of the most frequent health conditions in children and adolescents, whose impact involves behavioral and social changes, as well as phonological, metalinguistic and auditory processing difficulties. Objective: To verify the occurrence of cases with diagnosis or suspicion of ADHD in a Speech-Language Pathology Clinic of a University Hospital and the occurrence of oral language, writing, auditory processing and phonological awareness alterations in this population. Methods: exploratory study, performed in a Speech Therapy Outpatient Clinic of a University Hospital. Results: In 2016, 14 children were referred to the outpatient clinic with suspected or diagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Most of them presented inadequate results in simplified assessments of auditory processing, phonological awareness and reading and writing. Conclusion: The present study showed alterations in the auditory processing, phonological awareness and reading and writing tasks. We emphasize the importance of further studies with more robust samples, aiming to better elucidate the impacts of these changes in ADDH patients.

Introducción: El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad es actualmente una de las afecciones de salud más frecuentes en niños y adolescentes, y su impacto repercute en cambios de comportamiento e interacción social, además de dificultades de procesamiento fonológico, metalingüístico y auditivo. Objetivo: verificar la aparición de casos con diagnóstico o sospecha de TDAH en una clínica ambulatoria de fonoaudiología de un hospital universitario y la aparición de alteraciones en el lenguaje oral, la escritura, el procesamiento auditivo y la conciencia fonológica en esta población. Métodos: estudio exploratorio, realizado en una clínica ambulatoria fonoaudiológica de un hospital universitario. Resultados: en 2016, 14 niños fueron remitidos a la clínica con sospecha o diagnóstico de trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad. La mayoría de ellos con resultados inadecuados en evaluaciones simplificadas de procesamiento auditivo, conciencia fonológica y lectura y escritura. Conclusión: El presente estudio mostró alteración en tareas de procesamiento auditivo, conciencia fonológica y lectura y escritura. Se enfatiza la importancia de realizar más estudios con muestras más robustas, con el objetivo de dilucidar mejor los impactos de estas alteraciones en pacientes con TDAH.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Child Health , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Auditory Perception , Speech Disorders , Speech-Language Pathology , Language Disorders
Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 2(2): 4-13, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1393312


Aim: the purpose of this study was to translate and adapt the English version of the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI) into the Spanish language. Methods: the English version of the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI) was translated into Spanish by two bilingual speech-language pathologists, and then was back-translated into English. The Spanish VFI (o "Índice de Fatiga Vocal", IFV) was administrated to a pilot group of 10 individuals, which revealed some small typographical and grammati-cal adjustments to the index. The final updated version was then administrated to 34 subjects (21 with voice disorders, and 13 without voice disorders). Internal consistency and scale reliability were analyzed using Cronbach alpha coefficient. Results: a high Cronbach alpha coefficient for the three factors (0.87) was obtained. The results of the item role in reliability of the Spanish VFI demonstrated that all of them showed a positive role according to this criterion. The results of the ANOVA indicate a statistically significant difference between groups on the three scores of the Spanish translation of the VFI. In comparison to the healthy participants, those with voice disorders obtained statistically significant higher scores for the Spanish VFI subscales. Conclusion: the present study suggests that the Spanish translation of the Vocal Fatigue Index has a good internal consistency and high reliability on each of the three factors. The results suggest that the Spanish VFI can be used reliably to identify persons with vocal fatigue and has good clinical validity.

Objetivo: el propósito de este estudio fue traducir y adaptar la versión en inglés del Índice de Fatiga Vocal (VFI) al español. Métodos: la versión en Inglés del Índice de Fatiga Vocal (VFI) fue traducida al espa-ñol por dos fonoaudiólogos bilingües, y después traducida de vuelta al inglés. El VFI en español (o IFV) fue administrado a un grupo piloto de 10 sujetos, lo que reveló pequeños errores tipográficos y gramaticales, los cuales fueron corregidos. La versión final fue administrada a 34 sujetos (21 con desordenes de voz y 13 sin desordenes de voz). El análisis de datos incluyó evaluación de consistencia interna y fiabilidad usan-do el coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach. Resultados: se encontró un coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach alto para los tres fac-tores (0.87). Los resultados del rol de los elementos en la fiabilidad del IFV en espa-ñol sugieren que todos tienen roles positivos dentro de este criterio. Los resultados del análisis de ANOVA indican diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos en los tres componentes de la versión en español del VFI. En comparación con los participantes sanos, los participantes con problemas de voz tuvieron puntajes significativamente más altos en las subescalas del VFI en español. Conclusión: este estudio sugiere que la traducción al español del Índice de Fatiga Vocal tiene buena consistencia interna y alta fiabilidad en los tres factores. Los resul-tados sugieren que el IFV en español puede ser usado con fiabilidad para identificar personas con fatiga vocal con una buena validez clínica.

Voice Disorders/diagnosis , Speech-Language Pathology , Language Disorders/diagnosis , Speech , Voice , Phonetics , Fatigue/diagnosis , Specific Language Disorder/prevention & control , Language , Language Disorders/rehabilitation
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1396116


El manejo de la pandemia por COVID-19 ha generado grandes cambios sociales y mundiales. Uno de ellos, debido al distanciamiento social, ha sido la incorporación de la telepráctica de la terapia vocal en países que tenían poco o nulo conocimiento de ella. Este artículo tiene el propósito de reflexionar sobre la aplicación de la teleprác-tica de la terapia vocal, considerando los beneficios, barreras y oportunidades que surgen de ella. Además, se plantea que la aplicación de la telepráctica requiere de una política, de un marco legislativo y de aspectos éticos para asegurar una terapia vocal exitosa. ¿Es efectiva la telepráctica? ¿es posible aplicarla? ¿qué requiere su aplicación?

The management of the COVID-19 pandemic has generated huge changes socially and worldwide. One of these, due to social distancing, has been the incorporation of telepractice to voice therapy in countries where the knowledge of it was very little or there was none. The purpose of this article is to reflect about the usage of tele-practice in voice therapy by considering the benefits, barriers and opportunities that emerge from it. The paper also poses that the application of telepractice requires po-licies, a legislative framework and ethical aspects to ensure a successful voice therapy. Is the telepractice effective? Can it be implemented? What does its appliance require?

Speech Therapy , Voice Training , Voice Disorders , Teletherapy , Voice , Voice/physiology , Phonetics , Speech-Language Pathology , Telemedicine , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Physical Distancing , COVID-19
CoDAS ; 32(2): e20190121, 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089610


RESUMO Objetivo criar uma versão consenso de roteiro de observação fonoaudiológica da expressividade. Método o processo foi dividido em três etapas sendo a primeira levantamento e classificação das variáveis encontradas nos instrumentos apresentados na literatura; e nas etapas 2 e 3, na direção de trabalho coletivo, juízes especialistas (grupo focal I e II) criaram e adequaram, junto com a pesquisadora, a versão consenso do roteiro de avaliação da expressividade. Resultados a lista inicial apresentada aos juízes continha 48 variáveis presentes na literatura, sendo 11 relacionados a aspectos emocionais e de interpretação, 20 à expressividade oral, três a aspectos relacionados à expressividade verbal e, finalmente, 14 à expressividade não verbal. Na etapa 2, a versão inicial do roteiro do grupo focal I resultou num documento com 28 parâmetros distribuídos em três grupos temáticos de avaliação: aspectos gerais de comunicação, com três parâmetros; aspectos relacionados à expressividade oral, com 16; e aspectos relacionados à expressividade corporal, com nove parâmetros. Na etapa 3, a versão consenso, após a adequação do grupo focal II, também foi finalizada com 28 parâmetros, distribuídos em dois eixos temáticos. Conclusão a versão consenso do Roteiro Fonoaudiológico de Observação da Expressividade foi finalizada com 28 parâmetros, distribuídos em dois eixos temáticos sendo: de impacto inicial da comunicação, com seis parâmetros; e expressividade, com 22.

ABSTRACT Purpose To create a consensus version of a speech-language pathology (SLP) script to assess the expressiveness of voice professionals. Methods The process was divided into three stages: stage 1 included a survey of the literature and classification of the variables found in the instruments used; in steps 2 and 3, through teamwork, expert judges (focus groups I and II) created and adapted, along with the researcher, a consensus version of the expressiveness assessment script. Results The initial list presented to the judges contained 48 variables found in the literature: 11 related to emotional and interpretation aspects, 20 associated with oral expressiveness, three related to issues of verbal expressiveness, and 14 related to nonverbal expressiveness. In stage 2, the initial version of the script of the focus group I resulted in a document with 28 parameters, distributed in three thematic assessment groups: general aspects of communication, with three parameters; aspects related to oral expressiveness, with 16 parameters; aspects associated with body expressiveness, with nine parameters. In stage 3, after adequacy by focus group II, the consensus version also resulted in 28 parameters, distributed in two thematic groups. Conclusion The consensus version of the SLP expressiveness assessment script for voice professionals was finalized with 28 parameters, distributed in two thematic axes: initial impact of communication, with six parameters; expressiveness, with 22 parameters.

Humans , Voice Quality/physiology , Speech-Language Pathology/instrumentation , Voice/physiology , Prospective Studies , Speech-Language Pathology/methods , Consensus