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Rev. méd. Urug ; 40(2): e205, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1565721


Introducción: el programa de vacunación es una intervención de salud pública cuyo propósito es controlar o eliminar enfermedades inmunoprevenibles. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar la evolución del presupuesto en vacunas entre 2007 y 2022, y el impacto de potenciales mejoras en el calendario de vacunaciones de Paraguay. Método: se estimó la evolución del presupuesto en vacunas según los cambios entre 2007 y 2022, y el impacto de esquemas alternativos versus el actual, que incluyen la vacuna contra la influenza cuádruple, séxtuple en lactantes, el agregado de la vacuna contra papiloma en varones y meningococo ACYW en adolescentes. La perspectiva del análisis fue la del Ministerio de Salud Pública y el horizonte temporal de un año. Los resultados de las alternativas se expresan como impacto presupuestal versus el año 2022. Resultados: entre 2007 y 2022 la cantidad de biológicos del Programa Ampliado de Inmunizaciones pasó de 11 a 18 e incorporó indicaciones de algunas vacunas. Se estima que el presupuesto se incrementó de 3,8 a 29,9 millones de dólares entre los extremos de la serie. Las alternativas implicarían un incremento de 13%, 35%, 5% y 10%, individualmente. El incremento en conjunto alcanza el 62%. Conclusiones: el aumento del gasto en vacunas fue de ocho veces entre 2007 y 2022. Se estima el impacto presupuestal en diferentes escenarios que se interpretan como mejoras comparadas con el actual de 2022, siendo el incremento más exigente de un 35%. La evidencia generada puede colaborar en el proceso de toma de decisiones acerca de esta política pública en Paraguay.

Introduction: the vaccination program is a public health intervention aimed at controlling or eliminating vaccine-preventable diseases. The objective of the study was to estimate the evolution of the vaccine budget between 2007 and 2022 and the impact of potential improvements in Paraguay's vaccination schedule. Method: the evolution of the vaccine budget was estimated considering the changes introduced between 2007 and 2022 and the impact of alternative schedules versus the current one. These alternatives include the addition of the quadrivalent influenza vaccine, the hexavalent vaccine for infants, the inclusion of the HPV vaccine for boys, and the ACYW meningococcal ACYW vaccine for adolescents. The analysis was conducted from the perspective of the Ministry of Health, with a time horizon of one year. The results of the alternatives are expressed as budget impact compared to the year 2022. Results: between 2007 and 2022, the number of biological products in the EPI increased from 11 to 18, and additional indications for some vaccines were incorporated. The budget is estimated to have increased from 3.8 to 29.9 million USD over the series. The alternatives would result in individual increases of 13%, 35%, 5%, and 10%. The combined increase reaches 62%. Conclusions: the increase in vaccine expenditure was eightfold between 2007 and 2022. The budget impact was estimated in different scenarios, interpreted as improvements compared to the current 2022 scenario, with the most demanding increase being 35%. The generated evidence can assist in the decision-making process regarding this public policy in Paraguay.

Introdução: o programa de vacinação é uma intervenção de saúde pública cuja finalidade é controlar ou eliminar doenças imunopreveníveis. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a evolução do orçamento de vacinas entre 2007 e 2022 e o impacto de possíveis melhorias no cronograma de vacinação do Paraguai. Métodos: estimamos a evolução do orçamento de vacinas de acordo com as mudanças ocorridas entre 2007 e 2022 e o impacto de esquemas alternativos em relação ao atual, que incluem a vacina quádrupla contra a gripe, a sextupla em bebês, a adição da vacina contra o papilomavírus em homens e a vacina meningocócica ACYW em adolescentes. A perspectiva da análise foi a do Ministerio de Salud e o intervalo de tempo foi de um ano. Os resultados das alternativas são expressos como impacto orçamentário em relação a 2022. Resultados: Entre 2007 e 2022, o número de produtos biológicos do PAI aumentou de 11 para 18 e incorporou indicações para algumas vacinas. Estima-se que o orçamento tenha aumentado de US$ 3,8 milhões para US$ 29,9 milhões entre os extremos da série. As alternativas implicariam em um aumento de 13%, 35%, 5% e 10% individualmente. O aumento geral chega a 62%. Conclusões: o aumento nos gastos com vacinas foi de oito vezes entre 2007-2022. O impacto orçamentário é estimado em diferentes cenários que são interpretados como melhorias em comparação com o cenário de 2022, sendo que o aumento mais exigente é de 35%. As evidências geradas podem contribuir para o processo de tomada de decisão relacionado a essa política pública no Paraguai.

Vaccines/economics , Vaccination/economics , Health Evaluation/methods , Delivery of Health Care/economics , Analysis of the Budgetary Impact of Therapeutic Advances
Educ. med. super ; 36(3)jul.-set. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1440007


Introducción: La vacunación constituye el arma preventiva más efectiva para las enfermedades trasmisibles que conoce la humanidad. Hacer que las vacunas aplicadas sean realmente inmunizantes resulta la responsabilidad de los profesionales de la atención primaria. Del mismo modo, es importante que se acepte, sin recelo, la vacunación, sobre todo en la situación epidemiológica actual. Objetivo: Describir las implicaciones sociales, económicas y éticas relacionadas con la existencia de vacunas teóricamente no inmunizantes. Métodos: Se emplearon los resultados de un programa de intervención educativa en edades pediátricas en el Policlínico 13 de marzo. Se utilizó la prueba de rangos con signo de Wilcoxon, con índice de confianza del 95 por ciento. Resultados: Inicialmente, predominó el nivel inadecuado de conocimiento, que luego mejoró significativamente. Se recuperaron 48 niños no vacunados y 29 vacunaciones no inmunizados. Conclusiones: No existe correspondencia entre las coberturas vacunales y la inmunización. Están instauradas, como correctas, falsas contraindicaciones para la vacunación. La intervención educativa fue efectiva, y se hizo patente la pertinencia de programas de pregrado y posgrado que perfeccionen la formación de los profesionales y la calidad en el desempeño profesional(AU)

Introduction: Vaccination is the most effective preventive weapon for communicable diseases known to humanity. It is the responsibility of primary health care professionals to ensure that the administered vaccines are truly immunizing. Likewise, it is important that vaccination be accepted without hesitations, especially in the current epidemiological situation. Objective: To describe the social, economic and ethical implications related to the existence of theoretically nonimmunizing vaccines. Methods: The results of an educational intervention program in pediatric ages at 13 de Marzo Policlinic were used. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used, with a confidence index of 95 percent. Results: Initially, an inadequate level of knowledge predominated, which later improved significantly. Forty-eight unvaccinated children and 29 unimmunized children recovered. Conclusions: There is no correspondence between vaccination coverage and immunization. False contraindications for vaccination are established as correct. The educational intervention was effective, while the relevance became evident for undergraduate and postgraduate programs to improve the training of professionals and the quality of professional performance(AU)

Humans , Child , Immunization/economics , Immunization/ethics , Vaccination/economics , Vaccination/ethics , Education, Medical , Controlled Before-After Studies
Rev. chil. infectol ; 38(2): 224-231, abr. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388221


INTRODUCCIÓN: La Iniciativa Mundial de Erradicación de la Polio promueve la introducción de vacuna de polio inactivada (IPV) en sus programas, con la posterior retirada de Sabin (bOPV). OBJETIVO: Construir un modelo de económico que compare diferentes esquemas de vacunación para la prevención de polio y tosferina en el primer año de vida. Material y MÉTODOS: Análisis de cuatro escenarios de vacunación del esquema primario para Argentina, en base a los precios de las vacunas, costos del programa y reactogenicidad de vacuna celular o acelular para Bordetella pertussis: - Escenario 1 (caso base): dos dosis de IPV, una dosis de bOPV y tres dosis de vacuna pentavalente (DTwP-HB-Hib); - Escenario 2: tres dosis IPV y de pentavalente; - Escenario 3: tres dosis de hexavalente (DTaP-HepB-IPV-Hib); - Escenario 4: dos dosis de hexavalente más una dosis de pentavalente más IPV. RESULTADOS: El costo incremental en base al escenario 1 fue de USD 3.716.671; 19.696.668 y 14.383.341 para los escenarios 2, 3 y 4, respectivamente. Para la reactogenicidad, la diferencia fue de USD -14.178.240 comparado el caso base con el escenario 3. DISCUSIÓN: La inversión de incorporación de full IPV y costos asociados se modifica según tipo de vacuna y reactogenicidad asociada al componente B. pertussis.

BACKGROUND: Global Polio Eradication Initiative promotes the introduction of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) in its programs, with withdrawal of Sabin (bOPV). There is no an economic analysis of the investment related to the incorporation of IPV vaccines together with a whole cell Bordetella pertussis vaccine or combined with acellular hexavalent. AIM: An economic model that compares different vaccination schemes for the prevention of polio and pertussis in the first year of life was carried out. METHODS: Four vaccination scenarios for the primary scheme based on Argentina demographic and costs data were developed: - Scenario 1 (base case): two doses of IPV, one dose of bOPV and three doses of pentavalent (DTwP-HepB-Hib) vaccine; - Scenario 2: three doses of IPV plus three doses of pentavalent; - Scenario 3: three doses of hexavalent; - Scenario 4: two doses of hexavalent plus one dose of pentavalent plus IPV. RESULTS: The incremental cost based on scenario 1 was USD 3.716.671; 19.696.668 and 14.383.341 for scenarios 2, 3 and 4 respectively. In terms of reactogenicity savings was -14.178.240 compared base case with scenario 3. DISCUSSION: Full IPV introduction investment and costs associated were modified according to the type of vaccine and reactogenicity related with the B. pertussis component.

Humans , Infant , Child , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Whooping Cough/prevention & control , Argentina , Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated , Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine , Immunization Schedule , Vaccination/economics , Hepatitis B Vaccines , Vaccines, Combined , Haemophilus Vaccines , Costs and Cost Analysis
Salud pública Méx ; 62(3): 306-312, May.-Jun. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377317


Resume: Objetivo: Analizar la rectoría y los mecanismos de procuración de insumos en el contexto del Programa de Acción Específico de Prevención y Control de la Rabia Humana y la Semana Nacional de Vacunación Antirrábica canina y felina en México (SNVA-C). Material y métodos: La información se obtuvo mediante solicitudes al Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales. Resultados: De 2009 a 2017 se aplicaron 158.9 millones de dosis de vacuna antirrábica canina y felina (VAR-CF) por un monto de compra aproximado de 1 915 MDP. Se documentó una débil rectoría que permite prácticas monopólicas y compras fragmentadas y directas. Las adquisiciones se han fincado con precios que varían entre entidades federativas y son significativamente más altos que los precios internacionales. Conclusión: Después de 30 años de operación de la SNVA-C en México, persisten pagos excesivos para la VAR-CF, los cuales son indicativos de una falla importante del mercado, caracterizada por nula competencia, información asimétrica y estructuras de incentivos desalineadas que impiden obtener un precio competitivo.

Abstract: Objective: To analyze decision-making concerning stewardship and procurement mechanisms in the context of the Program for Prevention and Control of Human Rabies and the National Canine and Feline Vaccination Week in Mexico. Materials and methods: The information was obtained through requests to the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data. Results: From 2009 to 2017, 158.9 million doses of canine rabies vaccine (VAR-CF) were applied with an estimated budget of 1 915 million pesos. Our findings suggest weak stewardship and ineffective governance that allows monopolistic practices and fragmented and direct purchases. Prices for the same product vary discretionally between states and are significantly higher than those offered at international level. Conclusions: After 30 years of operation of the SNVA-C in Mexico, high prices of the VAR-CF persist, which are indicative of a significant market failure, characterized by zero competition, asymmetric information and misaligned incentive structures that precluded favorable price negotiation.

Animals , Cats , Dogs , Rabies/veterinary , Rabies Vaccines/administration & dosage , Cat Diseases/prevention & control , Vaccination/veterinary , Dog Diseases/prevention & control , Rabies/prevention & control , Rabies Vaccines/economics , Vaccination/economics , Vaccination/statistics & numerical data , Economic Competition , Mexico
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 28: e3278, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1101736


Objective: to compare the direct cost, from the perspective of the Unified Health System, of assessing the post-vaccination serological status with post-exposure management for hepatitis B among health care workers exposed to biological material. Method: cross-sectional study and cost-related, based on accident data recorded in the System of Information on Disease Notification between 2006 and 2016, where three post-exposure and one pre-exposure management scenarios were evaluated: A) accidents among vaccinated workers with positive and negative serological status tests for hepatitis B, exposed to known and unknown source-person; B) handling unvaccinated workers exposed to a known and unknown source-person; C) managing vaccinated workers and unknown serological status for hepatitis B and D) cost of the pre-exposure post-vaccination test. Accidents were assessed and the direct cost was calculated using the decision tree model. Results: scenarios where workers did not have protective titles after vaccination or were unaware of the serological status and were exposed to a positive or unknown source-person for hepatitis B. Conclusion: the direct cost of hepatitis B prophylaxis, including confirmation of serological status after vaccination would be more economical for the health system.

Objetivo: comparar o custo direto, sob a perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde, da avaliação do status sorológico pós-vacinação com o manejo pós-exposição para hepatite B entre trabalhadores da área da saúde expostos ao material biológico. Método: estudo transversal e de custo, realizado a partir dos dados de acidentes registrados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação entre 2006 e 2016, em que foram avaliados três cenários de manejo pós-exposição e um de pré-exposição: A) acidentes entre trabalhadores vacinados com status sorológico positivo e negativo para hepatite B, expostos à pessoa-fonte conhecida e desconhecida; B) manejo dos trabalhadores não vacinados expostos à pessoa-fonte conhecida e desconhecida; C) manejo dos trabalhadores vacinados e status sorológico desconhecido para hepatite B e D) custo do teste pós vacinação pré-exposição. Os acidentes foram avaliados e o custo direto foi calculado utilizando o modelo árvore de decisão. Resultados: apresentaram maior custo os cenários em que os trabalhadores não possuíam títulos protetores após a vacinação ou desconheciam o status sorológico e foram expostos à pessoa-fonte positivo ou desconhecida para hepatite B. Conclusão: o custo direto da profilaxia para hepatite B, incluindo a confirmação do status sorológico após vacinação seria mais econômico para o sistema de saúde.

Objetivo: comparar el costo directo, desde la perspectiva del Sistema Único de Salud, de la evaluación del status serológico post-vacunación con el manejo post-exposición para la hepatitis B entre los trabajadores de la salud expuestos a material biológico. Método: estudio transversal y de costos, basado en datos de accidentes registrados en el Sistema de Información de Enfermedades Notificables entre 2006 y 2016, en el que se evaluaron tres escenarios de gestión posteriores a la exposición y uno previo a la exposición: A) accidentes entre trabajadores vacunados con status serológico positivo y negativo para hepatitis B, expuestos a una fuente de origen conocida y desconocida; B) manejo de trabajadores no vacunados expuestos a una fuente conocida y desconocida; C) manejo de trabajadores vacunados y estado serológico desconocido para hepatitis B y D) costo de la prueba de pre-exposición post-vacunación. Se evaluaron los accidentes y se calculó el costo directo utilizando el modelo de árbol de decisión. Resultados: los escenarios en los que los trabajadores no tenían títulos de protección después de la vacunación o desconocían el status serológico y estaban expuestos a una persona fuente positiva o desconocida para la hepatitis B reflejaron un costo más alto. Conclusión: el costo directo de la profilaxis para la hepatitis B, incluida la confirmación del status serológico después de la vacunación sería más económico para el sistema de salud.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Hepatitis B virus/immunology , Occupational Exposure , Vaccination/economics , Health Care Costs , Health Personnel , Hepatitis B Vaccines , Costs and Cost Analysis , Hepatitis B Antibodies , Antibodies, Viral/blood
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 129-135, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738227


Meningococcal meningitis is an acute, severe respiratory infectious disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis. Immunization with meningococcal vaccine is the most effective measure to control and prevent transmission of meningococcal meningitis. Meningococcal vaccines in the Chinese market include meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine, meningococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine, and a combined vaccine containing meningococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine. This article reviews research progress on the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of meningococcal vaccines, particularly in the Chinese market, to support appropriate use of the various meningococcal vaccines for preventing meningococcal meningitis.

Humans , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Immunization/economics , Meningitis, Meningococcal/prevention & control , Meningococcal Vaccines/immunology , Vaccination/economics , Vaccines, Conjugate/immunology
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 22(1): 1-10, Jan.-feb. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951627


ABSTRACT Background: Influenza burden in Brazil is considerable with 4.2-6.4 million cases in 2008 and influenza-like-illness responsible for 16.9% of hospitalizations. Cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination may be assessed by different types of models, with limitations due to data availability, assumptions, and modelling approach. Objective: To understand the impact of model complexity, the cost-utility of quadrivalent versus trivalent influenza vaccines in Brazil was estimated using three distinct models: a 1-year decision tree population model with three age groups (FLOU); a more detailed 1-year population model with five age groups (FLORA); and a more complex lifetime multi-cohort Markov model with nine age groups (FLORENCE). Methods: Analysis 1 (impact of model structure) compared each model using the same data inputs (i.e., best available data for FLOU). Analysis 2 (impact of increasing granularity) compared each model populated with the best available data for that model. Results: Using the best data for each model, the discounted cost-utility ratio of quadrivalent versus trivalent influenza vaccine was R$20,428 with FLOU, R$22,768 with FLORA (versus R$20,428 in Analysis 1), and, R$19,257 with FLORENCE (versus R$22,490 in Analysis 1) using a lifetime horizon. Conceptual differences between FLORA and FLORENCE meant the same assumption regarding increased all-cause mortality in at-risk individuals had an opposite effect on the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio in Analysis 2 versus 1, and a proportionally higher number of vaccinated elderly in FLORENCE reduced this ratio in Analysis 2. Discussion: FLOU provided adequate cost-effectiveness estimates with data in broad age groups. FLORA increased insights (e.g., in healthy versus at-risk, paediatric, respiratory/non-respiratory complications). FLORENCE provided greater insights and precision (e.g., in elderly, costs and complications, lifetime cost-effectiveness). Conclusion: All three models predicted a cost per quality-adjusted life year gained for quadrivalent versus trivalent influenza vaccine in the range of R$19,257 (FLORENCE) to R$22,768 (FLORA) with the best available data in Brazil (Appendix A).

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Influenza Vaccines/economics , Vaccination/economics , Models, Economic , Influenza, Human/economics , Influenza, Human/prevention & control , Brazil , Reproducibility of Results , Decision Support Techniques , Age Factors , Vaccination/statistics & numerical data , Cost-Benefit Analysis/methods , Cost-Benefit Analysis/statistics & numerical data , Risk Assessment , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Hospitalization/economics
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 34(3): 365-376, jul.-sep. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-902937


RESUMEN Objetivos. Estimar el impacto de un esquema de pago por desempeño, denominado convenios de apoyo presupuestario, aplicado por el Gobierno a las tres regiones con mayores tasas de desnutrición crónica infantil (DCI) en 2008, Apurimac, Ayacucho y Huancavelica, sobre indicadores de cobertura de servicios de cuidado infantil (vacunación, controles de crecimiento y desarrollo infantil, suplemento de hierro) y del estado nutricional del niño (desnutrición, anemia, diarrea). Mediante estos convenios se transferían recursos a los presupuestos de dichas regiones condicionados al cumplimiento de compromisos de gestión y metas de cobertura con el objetivo de mejorar el estado nutricional infantil. Materiales y métodos. A partir de los datos de la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar de 2008 a 2014, se compara la evolución en los indicadores evaluados de una muestra de niños que residen en los ámbitos donde se suscribieron los convenios y una muestra de control, mientras los convenios estuvieron vigentes y en los años posteriores para reportar el estimador de diferencias en diferencias del impacto promedio de los convenios Resultados. se encuentran impactos positivos sobre el incremento de coberturas de vacunas del esquema básico y de la vacuna rotavirus y, a través de ellos, en la reducción de la ocurrencia de diarrea y desnutrición. Conclusiones. el esquema habría sido efectivo en activar la cadena mayor cobertura de vacunas y menor DCI, pero no parece mejorar la cobertura de otras prestaciones como las atenciones de crecimiento y desarrollo del niño y entrega de suplementos de hierro al niño y gestante.

ABSTRACT To estimate the impact of a payment scheme by performance, known as a budget support agreement, applied by the government in three regions in Peru with the highest rates of chronic malnutrition (CM) in children in 2008-Apurimac, Ayacucho, and Huancavelica-on indicators of health service coverage (immunization, childhood growth and development, and iron supplementation) and the nutritional status of children (malnutrition, anemia, and diarrhea). These agreements were used to transfer resources to the budgets of these regions with the condition of fulfilling management commitments and coverage goals with a view toward improving the nutritional status of children. Materials and methods. Based on data from the Demographic and Family Health Survey conducted from 2008 to 2014, evolution of the indicators in a sample of children residing in the areas where the support programs were signed was compared to that of a control sample in the period in which the agreements were in force and in the subsequent years to estimate differences in the impact of this support strategy. Results. There was a positive impact of the programs on the increase in vaccination coverage provided by the basic health system and rotavirus vaccination, which consequently reduced the rates of diarrhea and malnutrition. Conclusions. The scheme was effective in increasing the vaccination coverage and reducing CM but did not seem to improve the coverage of other benefits, including childhood growth and iron supplementation to children and mothers.

Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Public Assistance , Reimbursement, Incentive , Budgets , Child Nutrition Disorders/therapy , Child Health Services/economics , Nutritional Status , Health Impact Assessment , Peru/epidemiology , Time Factors , Child Nutrition Disorders/epidemiology , Chronic Disease , Prevalence , Vaccination/economics
Salud pública Méx ; 57(6): 504-513, nov.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-770751


Objetivo. Evaluar la costo-efectividad (CE) de la vacuna tetravalente contra el virus de papiloma humano (VPH) en Argentina, desde la perspectiva del sistema de salud. Material y métodos. Se utilizó un modelo dinámico de transmisión para estimar el impacto en la incidencia de cáncer de cuello uterino (Cacu), verrugas y otras lesiones, en los años de vida ajustados por calidad (AVAC) y en costos sanitarios. Resultados. La vacuna podría reducir en 60% el riesgo de muerte por Cacu y en 67% el de padecer verrugas genitales. Comparada con no vacunar, la estrategia de vacunación mostró un beneficio incremental promedio de 0.00234 AVAC por persona a un costo incremental de 2.36 dólares, con una CE de 1007.55 dólares por AVAC ganado. Los resultados demostraron ser robustos en el análisis de sensibilidad. Conclusiones. La inmunización resultaría costo-efectiva, con una CE inferior a un producto interno bruto per cápita (15 009 dólares) por AVAC ganado.

Objective. To assess the cost-effectiveness of the quadrivalent vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) in Argentina from the health system perspective. Materials and methods. A dynamic transmission model was used to estimate the impact of the vaccine on the incidence of cervical cancer, warts, and other HPV related diseases; in quality adjusted life years (QALYs); and in healthcare costs. Results. Vaccination could reduce the risk of cervical cancer by 60% and by 67% the risk of genital warts. Compared to a non-vaccine scenario, the immunization strategy showed an incremental benefit of 0.00234 QALY per person at an incremental cost of US$2.36, resulting in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of US$1007.55 per QALY gained. Sensitivity analysis proved the robustness of these results. Conclusions. Immunization with the quadrivalent vaccine was a cost-effective intervention in Argentina, and it was far below the threshold of one gross domestic product per capita (US$15 009) per QALY gained.

Humans , Female , Child , Condylomata Acuminata/prevention & control , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/prevention & control , Vaccination/economics , Papillomavirus Infections/prevention & control , Human Papillomavirus Recombinant Vaccine Quadrivalent, Types 6, 11, 16, 18/economics , Genital Neoplasms, Female/prevention & control , Argentina , Condylomata Acuminata/virology , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/virology , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Papillomavirus Infections/economics , Papillomavirus Infections/transmission , Gross Domestic Product , Genital Neoplasms, Female/virology , Models, Theoretical
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 74(3): 245-253, jun. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1165181


A group of interdisciplinary experts (cardiologists, clinicians, infectologists met with the purpose of analyzing the evidence revealed by the relationship between respiratory diseases caused by influenza, pneumococcal diseases and cardiovascular events, and the role played by immunization strategies applied in cardiovascular prevention. The present statement summarizes the conclusions reached by the expertise of the aforementioned professionals. Systematic revisions imply consistent evidence that influenza and pneumococcal infection lead to acute myocardial infarction and cardiovascular death. Studies published during the last 15 years suggest that vaccination against influenza and S. pneumoniae reduce the risk of acute coronary syndromes. With the current evidence, and considering cost-effectiveness, reducing operating expenses and safety profile of the vaccines, scientific societies, national and international government health agencies strongly recommend incorporating immunization programs in those patients with chronic cardiovascular disease.

Humans , Pneumococcal Infections/prevention & control , Vaccination/economics , Pneumococcal Vaccines/administration & dosage , Influenza, Human/prevention & control , Acute Coronary Syndrome/prevention & control , Myocardial Infarction/prevention & control , Argentina , Review Literature as Topic , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Immunization/economics , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Government Agencies
IJPM-International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2012; 3 (5): 332-340
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-144509


Haemophilus Influenzae type b [Hib] is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Although its burden is considerably preventable by vaccine, routine vaccination against Hib has not been defined in the National Immunization Program of Iran. This study was performed to assess the cost-benefit and cost utility of running an Hib vaccination program in Iran. Based on a previous systematic review and meta analysis for vaccine efficacy, we estimated the averted DALYs [Disability adjusted life years] and cost benefit of vaccination. Different acute invasive forms of Hib infection and the permanent sequels were considered for estimating the attributed DALYs. We used a societal perspective for economic evaluation and included both direct and indirect costs of alternative options about vaccination. An annual discount rate of 3% and standard age weighting were used for estimation. To assess the robustness of the results, a sensitivity analysis was performed. The incidence of Hib infection was estimated 43.0 per 100000, which can be reduced to 6.7 by vaccination. Total costs of vaccination were estimated at US$ 15,538,129. Routine vaccination of the 2008 birth cohort would prevent 4079 DALYs at a cost per averted DALY of US$ 4535. If we consider parents' loss of income and future productivity loss of children, it would save US$ 8,991,141, with a benefit cost ratio of 2.14 in the base case analysis. Sensitivity analysis showed a range of 0.78 to 3.14 for benefit to cost ratios. Considering costs per averted DALY, vaccination against Hib is a cost effective health intervention in Iran, and allocating resources for routine vaccination against Hib seems logical

Humans , Child , Child, Preschool , Vaccination/economics , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Health Care Costs , /epidemiology , Meningitis, Haemophilus/prevention & control
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 28(2): 92-99, Aug. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-561446


OBJETIVO: Evaluar la relación costo-efectividad del programa de vacunación universal con la vacuna antineumocócica conjugada heptavalente (VCN7) en niños menores de 5 años en Uruguay. MÉTODOS: Se desarrolló un modelo Markov simulando una cohorte de 48 000 niños nacidos en 2007 y su evolución hasta los 76 años de edad. El caso base usó un esquema de tres dosis con una duración estimada de protección de cinco años. La presunción de eficacia y efectividad de la vacuna se realizó acorde con estudios realizados en Estados Unidos con ajuste a la prevalencia-incidencia de serotipos en Uruguay. Los resultados se expresaron como costo incremental por año de vida ganado (AVG) y por año de vida [ganado] ajustado por calidad (AVAC). RESULTADOS: Para el caso base, el costo incremental fue de US$ 7 334,6 por AVG y US$ 4 655,8 por AVAC, previniéndose 8 muertes y 4 882 casos de otitis, 56 bacteriemias-sepsis, 429 neumonías y 7 meningitis. El modelo muestra sensibilidad a variaciones en eficacia, costo de la vacuna y tasa de mortalidad por neumonía. CONCLUSIONES: El programa de vacunación universal con VCN7 en Uruguay es altamente costo-efectivo y, en consecuencia, recomendable para otros países con carga de enfermedad neumocócica y cobertura de serotipos similares a Uruguay.

OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness ratio of the program for universal vaccination with heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) in children under 5 years of age in Uruguay. METHODS: A Markov model was developed that simulated a cohort of 48 000 children born in 2007 and their progress to age 76. The baseline case used a regimen of three doses with estimated protection for five years. The presumption of vaccine efficacy and effectiveness was based on studies conducted in the United States with adjustment for serotype prevalence-incidence in Uruguay. The results were expressed as the incremental cost per life year gained (LYG) and quality-adjusted life year (QALY) [gained]. RESULTS: For the baseline case, the incremental cost was US $7334.60 for each LYG and US $4655.80 for each QALY. Eight deaths and 4 882 cases of otitis, 56 cases of bacteremia-sepsis, 429 cases of pneumonia, and 7 cases of meningitis were prevented. The model shows sensitivity to variations in vaccine cost, efficacy, and pneumonia-related mortality. CONCLUSIONS: The universal vaccination program with PCV7 in Uruguay is highly cost-effective. Therefore, it is recommended for other countries with burden of pneumococcal disease and serotype coverage similar to those of Uruguay.

Humans , Pneumococcal Vaccines/economics , Vaccination/economics , Bacteremia/mortality , Bacteremia/prevention & control , Computer Simulation , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Empyema/mortality , Empyema/prevention & control , Health Expenditures , Incidence , Markov Chains , Models, Theoretical , Otitis Media/epidemiology , Otitis Media/prevention & control , Pneumococcal Infections/economics , Pneumococcal Infections/mortality , Pneumococcal Infections/prevention & control , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Sepsis/mortality , Sepsis/prevention & control , Uruguay , Vaccines, Conjugate/economics
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 13(4): 257-261, Aug. 2009. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-539759


This study evaluated the epidemiological behavior of the hepatitis A in Paraná state and compared the costs of the disease and the vaccination. This is an epidemiological descriptive study including a pharmacoeconomy analysis. We collected information in the national database reported cases (SINAN), in the mortality information system (SIM) and in the hospital information system (AIH) among 2000/2003 (Paraná State Public Health Department). We estimated the probability of one cohort of children to acquire hepatitis A during their lifetime and the costs with their treatment. We compared those costs with the cost of vaccinating the children. 14,682 hepatitis A cases were registered during the period studied, and 12,102 (82.4 percent) occurred in the 0-15 years-old age group. The annual incidence in the general population was 37.5/100,000. We observed 20 deaths caused by this disease; 7 of those occurred by liver failure. The estimated costs with the disease included the hospital costs, liver transplantation, liver failure treatment, and laboratory tests were high. The price of the vaccine is 10 USD/dose. Two doses are necessary to get the protection. The results showed a positive cost - benefit relation when we vaccinate children. We save 2.26 USD in treatment for each dollar invested in the vaccine. Paraná record high number of hepatitis A cases each year. We confirmed the positive cost - benefit relation when we vaccinate children against hepatitis A, reducing suffering, hospitalization, death and social costs. Vaccination against hepatitis A should be recommended in the routine of immunization program in Paraná state.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Hepatitis A Vaccines/economics , Hepatitis A/prevention & control , Vaccination/economics , Brazil/epidemiology , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Hepatitis A Vaccines/administration & dosage , Hepatitis A/economics , Hepatitis A/epidemiology , Incidence , Young Adult
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 24(2): 101-112, ago.2008. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-494706


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the economic impact of vaccination with the pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV7) in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. METHODS: A decision analytic model was constructed to compare pneumococcal vaccination of children 0-5 years old with no vaccination in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. Costs and health outcomes were analyzed from the societal perspective. Vaccine, demographic, epidemiologic, and cost data were incorporated into this economic analysis. RESULTS: At the rate of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine coverage and a vaccine price of US$ 53 per dose, PCV7 was projected to prevent 23 474 deaths per year in children under 5 years old in the three countries studied, thus averting 884 841 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) yearly. To vaccinate the entire birth cohort of the three countries, total vaccine costs would be US$ 613.9 million. At US$ 53 per dose, the cost per DALY averted from a societal perspective would range from US$ 664 (Brazil) to US$ 2 019 (Chile). At a cost of US$ 10 per dose, vaccine cost is lower than the overall cost of illness averted (US$ 125 050 497 versus US$ 153 965 333), making it cost effective and cost-saving. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate that the incorporation of PCV7 vaccine at US$ 53 per dose confers health benefits at extra costs. It is unclear whether vaccination at the current price is affordable to these countries.

OBJETIVOS: Evaluar el impacto económico de la aplicación de la vacuna antineumocócica conjugada heptavalente (PCV7) en Brasil, Chile y Uruguay. MÉTODOS: Se elaboró un modelo analítico de decisiones para comparar la vacunación antineumocócica de los niños de 0-5 años de edad con la no vacunación, en Brasil, Chile y Uruguay. Los costos y los desenlaces para la salud se analizaron desde el punto de vista de la sociedad. Al análisis económico se incorporaron los costos y los datos demográficos, epidemiológicos y de la vacuna. RESULTADOS: Con una cobertura como la de la vacuna contra la difteria, el tétanos y la tos ferina (DTP) y un precio de US$ 53,00 por dosis, la vacuna PCV7 podría evitar 23 474 muertes anuales en niños menores de 5 años en los tres países estudiados, con lo que se evitarían anualmente 884 841 años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD). Para vacunar toda la cohorte de recién nacidos de los tres países, el costo total de la vacuna sería de US$ 613,9 millones. A US$ 53,00 por dosis, el costo por AVAD evitado desde la perspectiva de la sociedad variaría entre US$ 664,00 (en Brasil) y US$ 2 019,00 (en Chile). A US$ 10,00 por dosis, el costo de la vacuna sería menor que el costo total de la enfermedad evitada (US$ 125 050 497 frente a US$ 153 965 333), lo que sería efectivo en función del costo y representaría un ahorro. CONCLUSIONES: Estos resultados demuestran que la incorporación de la vacuna PCV7 a US$ 53,00 por dosis ofrece beneficios con un costo adicional. No queda claro si estos países pueden costear la vacunación a los precios actuales.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Pneumococcal Infections/economics , Pneumococcal Infections/prevention & control , Pneumococcal Vaccines/economics , Vaccination/economics , Brazil , Chile , Costs and Cost Analysis , Decision Trees , Uruguay
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 78(supl.1): 74-84, oct. 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-482873


The support given to infant immunization programs wishes to improve life quality and strengthen the public image of the government and its health ministry. At an international level, Chile has always been an example on public immunization, so it is necessary to examine our PAI, in terms of valency number administered in the public system versus private resources. In this document, a proposal by stages is made, according to costs, availability and most relevant epidemiologic data for new schemes. First Stage: Hepatitis B in newborns, Haemophilus influenzae b 4° doses and Hepatitis A in toddlers. Second Stage: combined vaccines with acellular Pertussis and injectable Polio vaccine. Third Stage: Chickenpox 1 dose and Rotavirus vaccines. Fourth Stage: conjugated anti pneumococcal vaccines and Human Papiloma Virus vaccine. In conclusion, the important progress on immunizations and the huge amount of resources invested worldwide show us the tendency that should be followed by our Health Ministry.

El impulso a los programas de vacunación infantil apunta a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población y a fortalecer la imagen pública del Estado y sus ministerios de salud. A nivel internacional, Chile siempre ha sido referente en vacunación pública por lo cual parece necesario revisar nuestro PAI, específicamente en la vacunación del niño, en términos del número de valencias administradas en el sistema público, versus aquellas que puede recibir un menor cuya familia cuenta con más recursos económicos. En este documento se hace una propuesta por etapas, según costos, factibilidad y datos epidemiológicos más relevantes, para nuevas valencias o nuevos esquemas. Primera Etapa: Hepatitis B en el Recién Nacido, Haemophillus influenzae b cuarta dosis y Hepatitis A en el lactante. Segunda Etapa: Incorporación de Vacunas combinadas con Pertussis acelular e incorporación de vacuna con Polio Inyectable. El costo necesario para estas modificaciones sería comparable al gasto público per capita en vacunas en el niño en países vecinos. Tercera Etapa: Varicela en una dosis y vacunas anti Rotavirus. Cuarta Etapa: Vacunas anti neumocócicas conjugadas y vacunas anti Virus Papiloma Humano. En conclusión, el avance en vacunas experimentado a nivel mundial y el enérgico traspaso de recursos que los países desarrollados y otros en vías de desarrollo hacen a su población mediante la incorporación de nuevas vacunas en sus programas preventivos, nos indica la tendencia que debería seguir nuestro Ministerio de Salud.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child , Communicable Disease Control , Health Care Costs , Immunization Programs/economics , Vaccination/economics , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Chile/epidemiology , Communicable Diseases/economics , Immunization Schedule , Health Expenditures , Vaccines, Combined/economics , Vaccines/administration & dosage , Vaccines/economics
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 21(6): 345-356, jun. 2007. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-463151


OBJECTIVES: To investigate the cost-effectiveness of childhood vaccination against hepatitis A in the five geographic regions of Argentina, and to determine whether adding a second dose to the current one-dose schedule would provide health gains justifying its added cost. METHODS: A Markov model was used to consider four immunization options for the 2005 birth cohort: (1) no vaccination; (2) vaccination at 12 months of age, (3) vaccinations at 12 and 72 months of age; or (4) vaccinations at 12 and 18 months of age. Hepatitis A costs and consequences were predicted over 50 years. The cost-effectiveness of first and second vaccine doses was assessed through a range of vaccine prices and assumptions regarding the duration of vaccine protection. Costs and health gains (measured in quality-adjusted life years) were adjusted to present values using a 3 percent annual discount rate. RESULTS: The one-dose vaccination policy is predicted to reduce each birth cohort member's 50-year probability of overt hepatitis A from 7.2 percent to 4.1 percent. A second dose would reduce the probability to between 2.0 percent and 2.2 percent. Vaccination at 12 months of age, at 12 and 72 months, or at 12 and 18 months would reduce cases among personal contacts by 82 percent, 87 percent, and 92 percent, respectively. The first vaccine dose would meet accepted standards of cost-effectiveness in each region, and reduce costs in the Northeast, Central, and South regions. Adding a second dose at age 18 months would be cost-effective in each region, and further reduce costs in the Cuyo region. If the duration of protection with one dose is less than anticipated, the second dose would be more cost-effective. CONCLUSIONS: Greater health gains are derived from the first than second hepatitis A vaccine dose. However, this analysis supports the cost-effectiveness of providing both first and second doses to Argentina's children.

OBJETIVOS: Investigar la efectividad en función del costo de la vacunación infantil contra la hepatitis A en las cinco regiones de Argentina y determinar si la adición de una segunda dosis al esquema actual de una dosis aumentaría los beneficios a la salud y si estos justificarían el costo adicional. MÉTODOS: Se empleó el modelo de Markov para valorar cuatro opciones de vacunación para la cohorte nacida en el año 2005: 1) no vacunar; 2) vacunar a los 12 meses de edad; 3) vacunar a los 12 y a los 72 meses; y 4) vacunar a los 12 y a los 18 meses de edad. Se estimaron el costo y las consecuencias de la enfermedad a 50 años. La efectividad en función del costo de la primera y la segunda dosis de la vacuna se calculó a partir de varios precios de la vacuna e hipótesis acerca de la duración de la protección. Los costos y los beneficios para la salud (medidos en años de vida ajustados por la calidad de vida) se ajustaron por los valores actuales utilizando una tasa de descuento anual de 3 por ciento. RESULTADOS: Se estima que la política de vacunación con una dosis reduciría la probabilidad de cada miembro de la cohorte de padecer hepatitis A sintomática en 50 años de 7,2 por ciento a 4,1 por ciento. Una segunda dosis reduciría esa probabilidad a 2,0 por ciento-2,2 por ciento. La vacunación a los 12 meses de edad, a los 12 y a los 72 meses, o a los 12 y a los 18 meses reduciría el número de casos entre los contactos personales en 82 por ciento, 87 por ciento y 92 por ciento, respectivamente. La primera dosis de la vacuna satisfaría los estándares aceptados de efectividad en función del costo en todas las regiones del país y reduciría los costos en las regiones Nordeste, Central y Sur. La aplicación de una segunda dosis a los 18 meses resultaría efectiva en función del costo en todas las regiones y reduciría adicionalmente los costos en la región de Cuyo. Si la duración de la protección con una dosis fuera menor de la esperada, la segunda dosis tendría una mayor efectividad en función del costo. Conclusiones. La primera dosis de la vacuna contra la hepatitis A genera mayores beneficios a la salud que la segunda. Sin embargo, este análisis sustenta la efectividad en función del costo de aplicar ambas dosis a los niños en Argentina.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Hepatitis A Vaccines/administration & dosage , Hepatitis A/prevention & control , Age Factors , Argentina/epidemiology , Cohort Studies , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Hepatitis A Vaccines/economics , Hepatitis A/economics , Hepatitis A/epidemiology , Immunization Schedule , Immunization, Secondary , Incidence , Markov Chains , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Vaccination/economics
Rev. méd. Chile ; 134(6): 679-688, jun. 2006. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-434614


Background:Cost effectiveness studies are essential to assess the real value of interventions with preventive or therapeutic objectives. Aim: To assess the theoretical cost-effectiveness of a vaccine against rotavirus in Chilean children of less than five years of age. Material and methods: An economic model was developed based on information on disease incidence, health care costs associated with treatment and the effectiveness and costs of vaccination. Net disease and vaccination costs were estimated from the health system perspective and were compared with life years and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) gained using a 3% discount rate. Local administrative and accounting hospital data and vaccine efficacy data were used to estimate healthcare costs and cost-effectiveness of vaccination. Results: A rotavirus vaccination program would prevent 10 deaths due to rotavirus gastroenteritis, 6,245 related hospitalizations and 41,962 outpatient visits during the first five years of life, per vaccinated cohort. For every 1,000 children born, the healthcare service spends US$15,077 on treatment of gastroenteritis. From the healthcare perspective, vaccination would yield a cost-effectiveness ratio of US$11,261 per DALY when the price of the vaccine is US$24 per course. Conclusions: Rotavirus vaccine can effectively reduce the disease burden and healthcare costs of rotavirus gastroenteritis and can be a cost-effective investment compared to other options.

Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Rotavirus Infections/economics , Rotavirus Vaccines/economics , Vaccination/economics , Chile/epidemiology , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Gastroenteritis/mortality , Incidence , Live Birth/epidemiology , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Rotavirus Infections/mortality , Rotavirus Infections/prevention & control , Vaccination/statistics & numerical data