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Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-6, maio. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1570951


Objetivo: Analisar a adesão aos bundles de prevenção a infecções relacionadas a assistência à saúde. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com dados secundários a partir de registros em fichas de notificação e investigação, além de prontuários de pacientes. Foram analisados Bundles de prevenção para Pneumonia por Assistência Ventilatória, Cateter Venoso Central, Cateter Vesical de Demora e Higiene de Mãos. Estatísticas descritivas e de tendência central foram aplicadas a todas as variáveis. Resultados: A adesão ao Bundle de Pneumonia por Assistência Ventilatória mostrou índices médios de 56,6%. Em relação ao de Cateter Vesical de Demora sua adesão alcançou 100% na maioria dos meses estudados. Para o Bundle de Cateter Venoso Central houve prevalência de 97,1% de adesão. Já a adesão a higienização das mãos, apontou resultados superiores a 94,2%, chegando a 97,1%. Conclusão: A assistência aos pacientes deve ocorrer de forma sistemática e multidisciplinar pelos profissionais de saúde para que medidas corretas e eficazes sejam adotadas. (AU)

Objective: To analyze adherence to healthcare-related infection prevention bundles. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, performed with secondary data from records in notification and investigation forms, in addition to patient records. Bundles for prevention of Pneumonia by Ventilatory Assistance, Central Venous Catheter, Delayed Vesical Catheter and Hand Hygiene were analyzed. Descriptive and central tendency statistics were applied to all variables. Results: Adherence to the Pneumonia Bundle for Ventilatory Assistance showed average rates of 56.64%. In relation to the Demora Vesical Catheter, its adherence reached 100% in most months studied. For the Central Venous Catheter Bundle there was a prevalence of 97.06% adherence. Adherence to hand hygiene showed results above 94.23%, reaching 97.14%. Conclusion: Patient care must occur in a systematic and multidisciplinary way by health professionals so that correct and effective measures are adopted. (AU)

Objetivo: analizar la adherencia a los paquetes de prevención de infecciones relacionadas con la salud. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio transversal, realizado con datos secundarios de registros en formularios de notificación e investigación, además de histórias clínicas. Se analizaron los paquetes para la prevención de la neumonía por asistencia ventilatoria, catéter venoso central, catéter vesical retardado e higiene de manos. A todas las variables se les aplicó estadística descriptiva y de tendencia central. Resultados: La adherencia al paquete de neumonía para asistencia respiratoria mostró tasas promedio de 56,64%. En relación al Catéter Demora Vesical, su adherencia alcanzó el 100% en la mayoría de los meses estudiados. Para el paquete de catéter venoso central hubo una prevalencia de adherencia del 97,06%. La adherencia a la higiene de manos mostró resultados superiores al 94,23%, alcanzando el 97,14%. Conclusión: La atención al paciente debe darse de forma sistemática y multidisciplinar por parte de los profesionales sanitarios para que se adopten las medidas correctas y eficaces. (AU)

Hospital Care , Bacterial Infections , Intensive Care Units
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 31411, 2024 abr. 30. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553424


Introdução:A internação representa um impacto considerável na vida de qualquer pessoa, podendo tomar proporções ainda maiores quando se trata de uma criança. A impossibilidade de realizar sua rotina, como brincar e ir à escola, faz com que a internação infantil assuma um contexto marcante.Dito isso, nota-se que grande parte dessas internações é evitável, sendo denominadasde Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária. Dessa forma, o atendimento ambulatorial de qualidade poderia resolver a maioria das enfermidades infantis, evitando esse desfecho.Objetivo:Elaborar um perfil epidemiológico de internações por doenças infecciosas e bacterianas mais prevalentes em menores de 5 anos, de 2017 a 2021, no Brasil. Metodologia:A pesquisa em questão se trata de um estudo ecológico de série temporal,elaborado através de informações coletadas por vias secundárias.Os dados foram coletados na plataforma DataSUS e no Sistema de Informação Hospitalar. Posteriormente, os dados foram processados e armazenados no aplicativo Microsoft Excel®, onde foram tratados e selecionados de acordo com sua relevância para a pesquisa. Resultados:Constata-se que a faixa etária situadaabaixo do primeiro ano de vidaapresenta um grau de hospitalização superior ao dascrianças que vãodo primeiro ao quarto ano completo.Quanto àfrequência relativa, depreende-se que diarreia e gastroenterite de origem infecciosa presumível apresentaram o maior índice de prevalência em relação às demais patologias, com o maior número chegando a 23,8% no ano de 2017 e o menor situando-se na faixa de 13,22% em 2020. Conclusões: Apesar do avanço na Atenção Primária à Saúde e da cobertura pré-natal, a assistência ainda é deficitária, sendo necessários mais investimentos na área e o fomento de políticas públicas que abranjam essa população (AU).

Introduction: Hospitalization represents a considerable impact on the life of any person, and can even take on even greater proportions when it comes to a child. The impossibility of realizing their routine, such as playing and going to school, means that hospitalization during childhood takes ona remarkable context. That said, it is noted that mostofthese hospitalizations are avoidable,and are called Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions. Thus, quality ambulatory care could solve most childhood illnesses, avoiding this outcome.Objective:To elaborate an epidemiological profile of hospitalizations for the most prevalent infectious and bacterial diseases in children under 5 years of age,from 2017 to 2021,in Brazil. Methodology: The research in question is an ecological study of time series, elaborated through information collected through secondary data sources. Data were collected from the DataSUS platform and the Hospital Information System. Subsequently, data were processed and stored in Microsoft Excel® application, where they were managedand selected according to their relevance to the research. Results:It is observed that the age group below the first year of life presents a higher degree of hospitalization thanthat of children ranging from the first to the fourth year. As for the relative frequency, it can be seen that diarrhea and gastroenteritis of presumable infectious origin had the highest prevalence rate compared to other pathologies, with the highest number reaching 23.8% in 2017 and the lowest being in the range of 13.22% in 2020. Conclusions: Despite the advances in Primary Health Care and prenatal coverage, assistance is still deficient, requiring more investments in the area and the promotion of public policies that cover this population (AU).

Introducción: La hospitalización representa un impacto considerable en la vida de cualquier persona, quepuede adquirir proporciones aún mayores cuando se trata de un niño. La imposibilidadde realizar su rutina, como jugar e ir al colegio, hace que la hospitalización infantiltengaun contexto notable. Dicho esto, cabe señalar que una gran parte de estas hospitalizaciones son evitables, denominándose Hospitalizaciones por Condiciones Sensibles a la Atención Ambulatoria. Así pues, una atención ambulatoria de calidad podría resolver la mayoría de las enfermedades infantiles, evitando este desenlace. Objetivo: Elaborar un perfil epidemiológico de las hospitalizaciones por enfermedades infecciosas y bacterianas más prevalentes en niños menores de 5 años, de 2017 a 2021, en Brasil. Metodología: La investigación en cuestión es un estudio ecológico de series temporales, elaborado a partir de información recogida por vías secundarias. Los datos se recogieron de la plataforma DataSUS y del Sistema de Información Hospitalaria. Posteriormente, los datos se procesaron y almacenaron en la aplicación Microsoft Excel®, donde se trataron y seleccionaron en función de su relevancia para la investigación. Resultados: Se observa que el grupo de edad inferior al primer año de vida presenta un mayor grado de hospitalización que los niños del primero al cuarto año completo. En cuanto a la frecuencia relativa, se puede inferirque la diarreay lagastroenteritis presumible origen infeccioso tuvieron la tasa de prevalencia más alta en relación con las demáspatologías, siendola cifra más alto el 23,8% en 2017 y lamás bajael rango del 13,22% en el 2020. Conclusiones: A pesar de los avances en la Atención Primariade Salud y en la cobertura prenatal, la asistencia aún es deficiente, por lo que se requieren mayoresinversiones en el área y la promoción de políticas públicas que cubran a esta población (AU).

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Bacterial Infections/pathology , Health Profile , Child Health , Communicable Diseases/pathology , Primary Health Care , Respiratory Tract Diseases , Morbidity , Ecological Studies , Hospitalization
Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 31-37, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567545


Background and Objectives: bacterial resistance is an important public health problem worldwide and is related to the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials, limiting the available therapeutic options. The COVID-19 pandemic aggravated this scenario, since the lack of a standardized therapy led to a considerable increase in the prescription of these drugs. Therefore, we proposed to investigate the prevalence of bacterial infections and the profile of antimicrobial resistance in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 as well as to point out possible risk factors. Methods: a retrospective study based on the analysis of medical records of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 over the age of 18. Information such as age, gender, length of stay, hospitalization unit, bacterial species and resistance profile and previous use of antimicrobials by patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were collected and analyzed using Excel® 2016. Results: of the 268 patients with COVID-19, 162 had suspected bacterial infections, and 26 patients (9.7%) were confirmed from positive cultures. Furthermore, around 80% of these patients underwent empirical treatment with antimicrobials, the majority of whom were male and admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. A total of 32 bacterial isolates were recovered, of which 59.4% were resistant to at least one class of antimicrobials, with 21.8% being multidrug resistant. Conclusion: despite the low percentage found of patients with COVID-19 who had bacterial infections and of these 21.8% were by multidrug-resistant bacteria, the reinforcement in infection prevention policies and the adequate management in the release of antimicrobials is necessary to reduce the hospital dissemination rates of such bacteria.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivos: a resistência bacteriana é um importante problema de saúde pública mundial relacionado ao uso indiscriminado de antimicrobianos, limitando as opções terapêuticas disponíveis. A pandemia de COVID-19 agravou esse cenário, uma vez que a falta de uma terapia padronizada resultou no aumento considerável na prescrição desses fármacos. Diante disso, propôs-se investigar a prevalência de infecções bacterianas e o perfil de resistência aos antimicrobianos em pacientes diagnosticados com COVID-19, bem como apontar possíveis fatores de risco. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo baseado na análise de prontuários de pacientes internados com COVID-19 com idade superior a 18 anos. Informações como idade, gênero, tempo de internação, unidade de internação, espécie bacteriana e perfil de resistência e uso prévio de antimicrobianos pelos pacientes diagnosticados com COVID-19 foram coletadas e analisadas pelo software Excel® 2016. Resultados: dos 268 pacientes com COVID-19, 162 apresentaram suspeitas de infecções bacterianas, sendo 26 pacientes (9,7%) confirmados a partir de culturas positivas. Ainda, cerca de 80% desses pacientes realizaram tratamento empírico com antimicrobianos, sendo a maioria do sexo masculino e internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Foram recuperados um total de 32 isolados bacterianos, dos quais 59,4% apresentaram resistência a pelo menos uma classe de antimicrobianos, sendo 21,8% multidroga resistente. Conclusão: apesar do baixo percentual encontrado de pacientes com COVID-19 que apresentaram infecções bacterianas e, desses, 21,8% serem causados por bactérias multirresistentes, o reforço nas políticas de prevenção de infecções e o adequado gerenciamento na liberação de antimicrobianos se fazem necessários para a redução das taxas de disseminação hospitalar de tais bactérias.(AU)

Justificación y Objetivos: la resistencia bacteriana es un importante problema de salud pública en todo el mundo y está relacionada con el uso indiscriminado de antimicrobianos, lo que limita las opciones terapéuticas disponibles. La pandemia por COVID-19 agravó este escenario, ya que la falta de una terapia estandarizada llevó a un aumento considerable en la prescripción de estos fármacos. Por ello, nos propusimos investigar la prevalencia de infecciones bacterianas y el perfil de resistencia antimicrobiana en pacientes diagnosticados de COVID-19, así como señalar posibles factores de riesgo. Métodos: estudio retrospectivo basado en el análisis de historias clínicas de pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 mayores de 18 años. Información como edad, sexo, duración de la estadía, unidad de hospitalización, especies bacterianas y perfil de resistencia y uso previo de antimicrobianos por parte de pacientes diagnosticados con COVID-19 fueron recopiladas y analizadas mediante el software Excel® 2016. Resultados: de los 268 pacientes con COVID-19, 162 tenían sospecha de infección bacteriana, con 26 pacientes (9,7%) confirmada a partir de cultivos positivos. Además, alrededor del 80% de estos pacientes recibieron tratamiento empírico con antimicrobianos, la mayoría de los cuales eran hombres e ingresaron en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Se recuperaron un total de 32 aislados bacterianos, de los cuales el 59,4% eran resistentes a al menos una clase de antimicrobianos y el 21,8% eran resistentes a múltiples fármacos. Conclusión: a pesar del bajo porcentaje encontrado de pacientes con COVID-19 que presentaron infecciones bacterianas, y de éstas cerca del 21,8% fueron por bacterias multirresistentes, es necesario reforzar las políticas de prevención de infecciones y una gestión adecuada en la liberación de antimicrobianos para reducir las tasas de diseminación hospitalaria de dichas bacterias.(AU)

Humans , Bacterial Infections , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Cross Infection , COVID-19/complications , Inpatients
Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 25(2): 120-123, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1555552


COVID-19 pandemic changed the face of global health and brought about new issues in global health security and economy. The World Health Organization published guidelines for clinical management of COVID-19 four months after declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic. Scholarly reviews and studies from member states within WHO AFRO reveals significant deviation from the WHO published protocols on COVID-19. Assessment of national treatment protocols of 30 of 47 WHO AFRO member states showed widespread inappropriate use of antimicrobial agents for patients, which may worsen the global and concerning threat of antimicrobial resistance. There is need for adopting interventions that optimize antimicrobial use in the context of pre- and post-pandemic preparedness to ensure long-term effectiveness and sustainability for antimicrobials. Treatment guidelines are to be adopted or adapted depending on best clinical evidence available. Non-compliance with guidelines might lead to mismanagement of infectious diseases with attendant negative consequences including antimicrobial resistance and misdirection of critical resources and supplies amongst others.

La pandémie de COVID-19 a changé le visage de la santé mondiale et a soulevé de nouveaux problèmes en matière de sécurité sanitaire et d'économie mondiale. L'Organisation mondiale de la santé a publié des lignes directrices pour la gestion clinique du COVID-19 quatre mois après la déclaration du COVID-19 comme pandémie. Les revues scientifiques et les études des États membres de l'OMS AFRO révèlent un écart significatif par rapport aux protocoles publiés par l'OMS sur le COVID-19. L'évaluation des protocoles nationaux de traitement de 30 des 47 États membres de l'OMS AFRO a révélé une utilisation inappropriée et généralisée d'agents antimicrobiens chez les patients, ce qui pourrait aggraver la menace mondiale et préoccupante de résistance aux antimicrobiens. Il est nécessaire d'adopter des interventions qui optimisent l'utilisation des antimicrobiens dans le contexte de la préparation pré et post-pandémique afin de garantir l'efficacité et la durabilité à long terme des antimicrobiens. Les directives thérapeutiques doivent être adoptées ou adaptées en fonction des meilleures preuves cliniques disponibles. Le non-respect des directives pourrait conduire à une mauvaise gestion des maladies infectieuses avec des conséquences négatives qui en découlent, notamment la résistance aux antimicrobiens et une mauvaise orientation des ressources et fournitures essentielles, entre autres.

Therapeutics , Clinical Protocols , COVID-19 , Bacterial Infections , Guideline Adherence , Pandemics
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1560681


Las resistencias bacterianas a antimicrobianos representan uno de los principales problemas en la actualidad, encontrándose dentro de las principales causas de muerte en todo el mundo. Latinoamérica y Argentina, lejos de ser una excepción,presentan incidencias crecientes de infecciones por gérmenes resistentes. Cada día, se conocen mejor los mecanismos de resistencia que presentan los bacilos gram negativos y algunos cocos positivos. El problema no surge sólo por el sobreuso de antimicrobianos en la medicina clínica. Su sobreutilización para maximizar los beneficios productivos en la pesca, la ganadería y la agricultura contribuyen a esta situación. Desde la perspectiva de la atención primaria de la salud,consideramos fundamental conocer todos los aspectos que forman parte de esta problemática para intentar mitigar el daño que las resistencias bacterianas generan a nivel global. Argentina se transformó en el primer país de la región y del continente en contar con una ley para prevenir y controlar la resistencia a los Antimicrobianos. Consideramos de vital importancia que se fomenten más y mejores políticas sanitarias de orden público para enfrentar este creciente desafío. (AU)

Nowadays, bacterial resistance to antimicrobials is one of the main problems, being one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Latin America and Argentina, far from being an exception, have an increasing incidence of infections by resistant germs. Every day, the resistance mechanisms of gram-negative bacilli and some positive cocci are better known. The problem does not arise only because of the overuse of antimicrobials in clinical medicine. Its overuse to maximize productive benefits in fishing, livestock, and agriculture also contributes to this issue. From the perspective of primary health care,it is essential to know all the aspects of this problem to mitigate the damage that bacterial resistance generates at a global level. Argentina became the first country in the region and the continent to have a law to prevent and control antimicrobial resistance. We consider it vitally important that more and better public health policies are promoted to face this growing challenge. (AU)

Humans , Animals , Bacterial Infections/prevention & control , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Bacterial Infections/epidemiology , Hand Disinfection , Cross Infection/epidemiology , Drug Therapy/methods , Prescription Drug Misuse , Anti-Infective Agents/history
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 12(3): 375, dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1532384


En la actualidad Venezuela se encuentra en una crisis social y económica sin precedentes. La mortalidad materna(MM) es un indicador en salud importante, debido a que permite tener idea de la atención médica de un país; se mide a través de dos indicadores: Razón de Mortalidad Materna (RMM) y Tasa de Mortalidad Materna (TMM). Objetivo: Revisar y compararla evolución de ambos indicadores de MM desde la década de 1930 hasta la década 2000. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura y de informes técnicos de organismos gubernamentales y no gubernamentales para el análisis de la situación previa y reciente de esta situación en Venezuela. Los resultados señalan que existe una notable disminución de las cifras de MM como ha de esperarse con el mejoramiento de la tecnología desde la década de 1930 hasta el año 2000; posteriormente ocurre un retroceso de la sanidad pública con cifras comparables a la década de 1960. Concluimos que la MM ha sido desde tiempos pasados un problema constante en la salud pública; al pasar los años y gobiernos, se han implementado numerosas políticas públicas para mejorar esta situación, muchas de estas estrategias han sido fallidas debido a la falta de su continuidad y de su cumplimiento pleno.

Venezuela is currently in an unprecedented socialand economic crisis. Maternal mortality is an important health indicator because it provides an idea of a country's medical care. Maternal mortality is usually measured through two indicators: Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) and Maternal Mortality Rate. Objective: Review and compare the evolution of both healthindicators from the 1930s to 2016. Methods: A review of the literature and technical reports from governmental andnon-governmental organizations was carried out to analyze theprevious and recent situation. of this situation in Venezuela. Theresults indicate that there is a notable decrease in the figures ofmaternal mortality, as should be expected with the improvementof technology from the 1930s to the year 2000. Subsequently, there is a decline in public health with figures comparable to the1960s. We conclude that maternal mortality has been a constant problem in public health since ancient times. Over the years and governments, numerous public policies have been implementedto improve this situation. Many of these strategies have beenfailed due to lack of continuity and in the absence of its full compliance.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/mortality , Pregnancy Complications/prevention & control , Public Policy , Maternal Mortality , Maternal Death , Prenatal Care , Bacterial Infections/complications , Hospital Mortality , Delivery of Health Care
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;109(5): 182-192, 20230000.
Article in English | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1523555


Las biopsias en el campo de la ortopedia se utilizan para guiar las opciones de diagnóstico y tratamiento para el proceso de la enfermedad que puede estar ocurriendo. La preparación de la piel de estas biopsias sigue la preparación estándar para un procedimiento quirúrgico, con el objetivo de disminuir la cantidad de microbiota que podría conducir a la contaminación del tejido de la biopsia e incluso a una posible infección. El tejido obtenido de la biopsia a menudo se somete a un studio histopatológico y cultivo. La tasa de contaminación bacteriana informada es aproximadamente inferior al 4%. Esta revisión cuestiona si las muestras de las biopsias se contaminan con la microbiota que permanece en la piel y cómo puede afectar el manejo. Además, qué técnicas o pasos pueden disminuir la tasa de contaminación al realizar una biopsia. Nuestra revisión bibliográfica identificó pocos estudios sobre la contaminación bacteriana de las biopsias. Identificamos diferentes factores implicados en el conocimiento de la microbiota de la piel: técnicas y soluciones de preparación de la piel, variación de la microbiota típica que coloniza la piel según la región anatómica, retención preoperatoria versus administración profiláctica de antibióticos y uso de diferentes hojas de bisturí para la piel superficial y para tejidos profundos, entre otros. Aunque no pudimos identificar ningún dato que proporcionara respuestas a nuestra pregunta original y cuantificar cada factor individualmente, la mayoría de los estudios en diferentes campos ortopédicos proporcionaron hallazgos significativos hasta cierto punto. Describimos algunas recomendaciones prácticas basadas en el consenso y la efectividad teórica para disminuir la tasa de contaminación. Se necesitan más investigaciones en el campo de la ortopedia que impliquen la contaminación por microbiota de la piel de una biopsia

Biopsies in the field of orthopaedics are used to guide diagnostics and treatment options for the disease process that may be occurring such as a tumor or infection. Skin preparation of these biopsies follows the standard skin preparation for a surgical procedure, with the aim to decrease the amount of microbiota that could lead to contamination of the tissue biopsy and even possible infection. The tissue obtained from the biopsy often undergoes pathology and culture. The reported bacterial contamination rate is roughly below 4%. This review questions how samples from the biopsies are getting contaminated by microbiota that remains on the skin and how it affects infection management. In addition, which techniques or steps can decrease the rate of contamination when performing a biopsy. Our review identified little to no data on investigating bacterial contamination of biopsies. In doing this, the review identified different factors implicated in skin microbiota awareness: skin preparation techniques and solutions, variation of typical microbiota that colonize the skin based on the anatomical region, preoperative withholding versus administrating antibiotics prophylactically and using different scalpel blades for superficial and deep incisions, among others. Although we failed to identify any data that provided answers to our original question and quantify each factor individually, most studies in different orthopaedic fields provided significant findings to some extent. We outline some practical recommendations based on consensus and theoretical effectiveness in decreasing the contamination rate. Further research entailing skin microbiota contamination of a biopsy is needed in the field of orthopaedics.

Humans , Male , Female , Orthopedics , Bacterial Infections/prevention & control , Antisepsis/methods , Microbiota/immunology , Biopsy
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 40(4): 451-458, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560391


RESUMEN Objetivo. Determinar la utilidad diagnóstica de los tiempos de positividad de hemocultivos para distinguir verdaderas bacteriemias de contaminantes en el sistema automatizado «BACT/ALERT®¼. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal de tipo pruebas diagnósticas, a partir de una base de datos de muestras de hemocultivos procesadas entre enero del 2016 y agosto del 2021. Se incluyeron todas las muestras de hemocultivos de pacientes con sospecha de bacteriemia, las muestras de hemocultivos fueron ingresadas al sistema «BACT/ALERT®¼ para diferenciar verdaderas bacteriemias de contaminantes. Resultados. Se analizó un total de 33 951 frascos de hemocultivos y se obtuvieron 3875 frascos positivos. El 75,2% (n=2913) del total de hemocultivos positivos fueron verdaderas bacteriemias y 24,8% (n=962) fueron contaminantes. La mediana de tiempo de positividad en los hemocultivos con verdaderas bacteriemias fue significativamente menor (16,3 horas; RIC: 11,2 - 24,9) que la mediana de tiempo de positividad de hemocultivos con contaminantes (22,5 horas; RIC: 18,4 - 31,8; p<0,001). El tiempo de positividad demostró capacidad discriminante para diferenciar verdaderas bacteriemias de contaminantes, con un AUC-ROC de 0,73 (IC95%: 0,71 - 0,75), con 85% y 63% de sensibilidad y especificidad respectivamente para el diagnóstico de contaminantes cuando el tiempo de positividad supera las 16,5 horas. La administración de antibióticos previos a la toma retrasó el tiempo de positividad, en cambio, haber presentado fiebre antes de la toma de muestra acortó el tiempo de positividad. Conclusiones. Nuestros resultados muestran un buen desempeño de los tiempos de positividad de hemocultivos para diferenciar verdaderas bacteriemias de contaminantes utilizando el sistema «BACT/ALERT®¼ cuando el tiempo de positividad fue superior a 16,5 horas.

ABSTRACT Objective. To determine the diagnostic performance of blood culture positivity times for distinguishing true bacteremia from contaminants in the automated "BACT/ALERT®" system. Materials and methods. A cross-sectional, diagnostic test-type study was conducted from a database of blood culture samples processed between January 2016 and August 2021. All blood culture samples from patients with suspected bacteremia were included; blood culture samples were entered into the "BACT/ALERT®" system to differentiate true bacteremia from contaminants. Results. We obtained 33,951 blood cultures samples, of which 3875 were positive. Of the total number of positive blood cultures, 75.2% (n=2913) were true bacteremia and 24.8% (n=962) were contaminants. The median time to positivity in blood cultures with true bacteremia was significantly shorter (16.3 hours; IQR: 11.2 - 24.9) than the median time to positivity of blood cultures with contaminants (22.5 hours; IQR: 18.4 - 31.8; p<0.001). The positivity time showed the capacity to differentiate true bacteremia from contaminants, with an AUC-ROC of 0.73 (95%CI: 0.71 - 0.75), with 85% and 63% sensitivity and specificity respectively for the diagnosis of contaminants when the positivity time exceeds 16.5 hours. The use of antibiotics prior to sampling delayed the time to positivity, while having fever before sampling shortened the time to positivity. Conclusions. Our results show good diagnostic performance of blood culture positivity times to differentiate true bacteremia from contaminants using the "BACT/ALERT®" system when the positivity time was longer than 16.5 hours.

Bacterial Infections , Microbiological Techniques , Bacteremia , Blood Culture , Mycoses
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;40(5): 529-536, oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521861


INTRODUCCIÓN: Las infecciones bacterianas en trasplante hepático (TH) son una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar las complicaciones infecciosas bacterianas en el primer mes postrasplante. Pacientes y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo entre los años 2009-2020. RESULTADOS: 225 pacientes recibieron un TH. 80 (35,5%) desarrollaron al menos un episodio de infección bacteriana en el primer mes postrasplante hepático. Hubo 105 episodios de infección bacteriana con una incidencia de 46,6%. El foco más frecuente fue el abdominal (48,6%) y el microorganismo predominante fue Klebsiella spp. De los 104 aislamientos, el 57,6% presentaron un perfil MDR/XDR. Los pacientes que desarrollaron una complicación infecciosa presentaron menor sobrevida al alta hospitalaria en comparación con los que no la presentaron 87,5 versus 94,5% [OR 4,18 (IC 95%: 1,5-11,6)]. En el análisis multivariado la reintervención quirúrgica precoz [OR 4,286 (IC 95%: 1,911-9,61)], mostró un riesgo significativo de desarrollar una complicación infecciosa bacteriana en el primer mes postrasplante. CONCLUSIONES: Tres de cada 10 pacientes presentaron una infección bacteriana en el primer mes postrasplante con una alta incidencia de bacilos gramnegativos MDR/XDR. Los pacientes que desarrollaron una complicación infecciosa presentaron una menor sobrevida al alta. La reintervención quirúrgica precoz se identificó como un factor predisponente de infección temprana.

BACKGROUND: Bacterial infections are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in liver transplant recipients (LT). Aim: To characterize bacterial infectious complications in the first month an after a liver transplant. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of a cohort of liver transplant recipients who presented at least one bacterial infectious complication in the first month after transplant between 2009 and 2020. RESULTS: 225 patients were analyzed. 80 (35.5%) had a least one documented bacterial infection during the first month after transplant. 105 bacterial infections were documented, with an incidence of 46.6%. The most frequent origin was intra-abdominal (48.6%) and the predominant isolated microorganism was Klebsiella spp. Among 104 isolated microorganisms 57.6% showed MDR/XDR profile. Patients who developed a bacterial infectious complication had a shorter overall survival (OS) after discharge from hospital (87.5% vs 94.5%) [OR 4.18 (IC 95%: 1.5-11,6)]. When multivariate analysis of predisposing factors was performed early surgical reoperation was the only variable associated with an increased risk of developing a bacterial complication in the first month [OR 4.286 (IC 95%: 1.911-9.61)]. CONCLUSIONS: Three out of 10 patients developed a bacterial infectious complication during the first month after liver transplant with a high incidence of gram-negative bacillus MDR/XDR. Patients who presented infectious complications had a shorter OS after discharge, and early reoperation was identified as a predisposing factor of early infectious complications.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Bacterial Infections/mortality , Liver Transplantation/adverse effects , Prognosis , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Bacterial Infections/etiology , Bacterial Infections/microbiology , Uruguay/epidemiology , Multivariate Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(2)jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559829


Introducción: La infección bacteriana de inicio precoz es una afección del neonato que constituye una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad neonatal. Objetivo: Identificar en neonatos pretérminos la corioamnionitis histológica como factor de riesgo y su influencia en la infección neonatal, así como la construcción de una escala de gravedad en la histología de las estructuras placentarias. Método: Se realizó una investigación analítica de casos y controles cuya muestra estuvo constituida por 450 recién nacidos (casos) con infección bacteriana de inicio precoz y 900 recién nacidos (controles) que no presentaron dicha afección en las primeras 72 horas de vida. Resultado: La corioamnionitis histológica se diagnosticó en 96 recién nacidos para el 21,3 por ciento, con odd ratio (OR)= 26,84; intervalo de confianza (IC) 95 %: [13,40-53,75] con p= 0,000; en los controles solo 9 recién nacidos presentaron histología placentaria positiva (1,0 por ciento) de las 96 placentas con histología positiva; 20 pertenecieron al grupo A (ligero) (20,8 por ciento); 45 placentas al grupo B (moderado) (46,9 por ciento) y 31 al grupo C (grave) (32,3 por ciento); de las 9 placentas analizadas en los controles solo 7 pertenecieron al grupo de las ligeras que representan el 77,8 por ciento y en los casos un 20,8 por ciento. Conclusiones: La corioamnionitis histológica constituye un factor de riesgo importante y significativo, se construyó una escala de gravedad en las placentas con histología positivas, esta clasificación representa un aporte teórico, pues al aumentar la gravedad es más evidente la clínica de infección bacteriana en neonatos pretérminos(AU)

Introduction: Early onset bacterial infection is a neonate condition that is an important cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Objective: To identify histological chorioamnionitis as a risk factor and its influence on neonatal infection in preterm neonates, as well as the construction of a severity scale in the histology of placental structures. Method: An analytical investigation of cases and controls was carried out, whose sample consisted of 450 newborns (cases) with early bacterial infection of early onset and 900 newborns (controls) who did not present this condition in the first 72 hours of life. Result: Histological chorioamnionitis was diagnosed in 96 newborns for 21.3 percent, with odd ratio (OR) = 26.84; 95 percent confidence interval (CI): [13.40-53.75] with p= 0.000; In controls, only 9 infants had positive placental histology (1.0 percent) of the 96 placentas with positive histology; 20 belonged to group A (light) (20.8 percent); 45 placentas to group B (moderate) (46.9 percent) and 31 to group C (severe) (32.3 percent); Of the 9 placentas analyzed in the controls, only 7 belonged to the group of light placentas that represent 77.8 percent and in cases 20.8 percent. Conclusions: Histological chorioamnionitis is an important and significant risk factor, a severity scale was constructed in placentas with positive histology, this classification represents a theoretical contribution, since when increasing the severity the clinical bacterial infection in preterm neonates is more evident(AU)

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Bacterial Infections , Infant, Premature , Risk Factors , Chorioamnionitis/pathology , Case-Control Studies
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;40(3): 203-212., jun. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515120


RESUMEN: El aumento de la resistencia y la escasez de nuevos antibacterianos ha requerido la reintroducción de antiguos antimicrobianos entre ellos colistín. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar la utilización de colistín durante el año 2017 en un hospital universitario, mediante la descripción de los pacientes, los tratamientos, la microbiología asociada y efectos adversos. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Trabajo observacional retrospectivo. Se revisaron los datos de todos los pacientes que recibieron colistín intravenoso (IV) por al menos 48 horas, durante el año 2017. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 53 pacientes, equivalentes a 91 tratamientos. El foco respiratorio fue el principal (46,2%). El 68,1% de los tratamientos fue iniciado en la UCI. La mayoría de los pacientes tenía una hospitalización reciente (83,5%), y presentaban uso previo de antibacterianos (89%). Los dos patógenos mayoritariamente identificados fueron Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Klebsiella spp. El consumo promedio de colistín fue de 2,4 DDD/100 camas/día. El servicio que más consumió colistín fue la UCI, con 45,5 DDD/100 camas/día, usando generalmente la dosis de 3 MUI cada 8 horas IV y con una baja utilización de dosis de carga. CONCLUSIÓN: Colistín corresponde a un antimicrobiano de uso restringido a infecciones sospechadas o confirmadas por agentes bacterianos multi resistentes. En esta serie, su uso inicial fue principalmente empírico, en pacientes con factores de riesgo para resistencia antibacteriana; se usó en forma asociada a otros antimicrobianos, siendo el foco principal el respiratorio.

BACKGROUND: The increase in resistance and the shortage of new antibiotics has led to the reintroduction of old antimicrobials such as colistin. AIM: To evaluate the use of colistin during 2017 in a university hospital, through the characterization of patients and treatment, associated microbiology, response to treatment and adverse effects. METHODS: Retrospective observational design. The data of all patients who received colistin for at least 48 hours during the year 2017 were reviewed. RESULTS: 55 patients were included, equivalent to 144 treatments. The respiratory focus was the main one (57.9%). 64% of the treatments began in the ICU, while 7% in the ward. Most of the patients has a recent hospitalization (86.8%) and has previous use of antibiotics (90.4%). The two main pathogens identified were Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella spp. In 87.1% of the cases with microbiological justifications for the use of colistin, a favorable response was obtained. The average consumption of colistin was 2.4 DDD/100 beds/day. The department that consumed the most colistin was the ICU, with 45,5 DDD/100 beds/day, generally using a dose of 3 MIU every 8 hours IV and with low use of loading doses. CONCLUSION: Colistin corresponds to an antibiotic whose use is restricted to infections suspected or confirmed by multi-resistant bacterial agents. Its initial use in this serie was mainly empirical, in patients with risk factors for antibiotics resistance, it was used in association with other antimicrobials, being the respiratory the main infectious focus.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Colistin/administration & dosage , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/isolation & purification , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/drug effects , Bacterial Infections/drug therapy , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Colistin/adverse effects , Administration, Intravenous , Klebsiella/isolation & purification , Klebsiella/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/adverse effects
Cambios rev. méd ; 22(1): 905, 30 Junio 2023. tabs., grafs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451755


INTRODUCCIÓN. La paradoja de la obesidad propone que, en determinadas enfermedades, los enfermos con obesidad tienen menor mortalidad. OBJETIVO. Asociar el índice de masa corporal con la mortalidad a 30 días en adultos con choque séptico. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, analítico, retrospectivo, multicéntrico. Se analizaron 673 pacientes con choque séptico, ingresados en terapia intensiva de dos hospitales de la ciudad de la ciudad de Quito ­ Ecuador, durante enero 2017 - diciembre 2019. Criterios de inclusión: Mayores a 18 años, choque séptico, registro de peso, talla y condición vital al día 30. Criterios de exclusión: Orden de no reanimación, embarazadas, protocolo de donación de órganos, cuidados paliativos. Las variables se recolectaron a partir de las historias clínicas digitales y físicas de los centros participantes. Las estimaciones de riesgo calculadas se presentaron como OR (Odds Ratio) en el análisis bivariado y OR Adj (OR ajustado) para el análisis multivariado. Un valor de p <0.05 se consideró estadísticamente significativo. Todos los análisis estadísticos se realizaron usando el software estadístico R® (Versión 4.1.2). RESULTADOS. La edad promedio fue de 65 años, índice de masa corporal promedio 25,9 Kg/m2 (+4,9 Kg/m2). El 54,3% tuvo índice de masa corporal > 25 Kg/m2. La mortalidad general fue 49.2%. Sujetos con sobrepeso y obesidad tuvieron menor mortalidad, OR: 0,48 (IC 95%: 0.34, 0.68; p <0.0001) y OR 0.45 (IC 95 %: 0.28, 0.70; p =0.001) respectivamente, con similar tendencia en el análisis multivariado. Los sujetos con peso bajo tuvieron la mayor mortalidad (OR: 2.12. IC 95%: 0.91 - 5.54. p: 0.097). DISCUSIÓN. Los resultados obtenidos apoyan la teoría de paradoja de obesidad, sin embargo, no se realizó evaluación según los niveles de obesidad. CONCLUSIÓN. La mortalidad en choque séptico es menor en sujetos con sobrepeso y obesidad comparada con sujetos con peso normal o bajo peso.

The obesity paradox proposes that, in certain diseases, patients with obesity have lower mortality. OBJECTIVE. To associate body mass index with 30-day mortality in adults with septic shock. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Observational, analytical, retrospective, multicenter, retrospective study. We analyzed 673 patients with septic shock, admitted to intensive care in two hospitals in the city of Quito - Ecuador, during January 2017 - December 2019. Inclusion criteria: older than 18 years, septic shock, weight, height and vital condition at day 30. Exclusion criteria: Do not resuscitate order, pregnant women, organ donation protocol, palliative care. Variables were collected from the digital and physical medical records of the participating centers. Calculated risk estimates were presented as OR (Odds Ratio) in bivariate analysis and OR Adj (adjusted OR) for multivariate analysis. A p value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. All statistical analyses were performed using R® statistical software (Version 4.1.2). RESULTS. The mean age was 65 years, mean body mass index 25.9 kg/m2 (+4.9 kg/m2). Body mass index > 25 kg/m2 was 54.3%. Overall mortality was 49.2%. Overweight and obese subjects had lower mortality, OR: 0.48 (95% CI: 0.34, 0.68; p<0.0001) and OR 0.45 (95 % CI: 0.28, 0.70; p=0.001) respectively, with similar trend in multivariate analysis. Underweight subjects had the highest mortality (OR: 2.12. 95% CI: 0.91 - 5.54. p: 0.097). DISCUSSION. The results obtained support the obesity paradox theory, however, assessment according to obesity levels was not performed. CONCLUSIONS. Mortality in septic shock is lower in overweight and obese subjects compared to normal weight or underweight subjects.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Shock, Septic , Body Mass Index , Mortality , Critical Care , Focal Infection , Obesity , Bacterial Infections , Vasoconstrictor Agents , Tertiary Healthcare , APACHE , Ecuador , Overweight , Organ Dysfunction Scores , Protective Factors , Obesity Paradox , Intensive Care Units
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 21(1): 1-14, ene.-abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427751


Staphylococcus aureus y Staphylococcus epidermidis son los principales agentes etiológicos de las conjuntivitis bacterianas, que al tratarse con antibióticos de manera empírica, incrementan la resistencia antimicrobiana después de exposiciones repetidas. Se están buscando alternativas naturales para el tratamiento de infecciones bacterianas autolimitadas de la conjuntiva. Objetivo: determinar la actividad antimicrobiana de ocho extractos de las plantas frente a bacterias aisladas de pacientes con conjuntivitis bacterianas. Materiales y métodos: se tomaron muestras de 15 pacientes con conjuntivitis bacterianas. Se cultivaron en agar sangre y chocolate durante 24 h a 37 °C y se identificaron mediante el sistema automatizado vitek y pruebas de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana por el método de Kirby-Bauer. A cada aislamiento identificado con el género Staphylococcus se le evaluó su susceptibilidad frente a siete extractos: Ocimum basilicum, Sambucus nigra L., Delphinium elatum, Calendula officinalis, Bixa ore-llana (parte aérea y fruto independiente), Clinopodium brownei y Laurus nobilis, con un uso tradicional reportado para el tratamiento de infecciones oculares. Resultados: las bacterias aisladas con más frecuencia fueron S. epidermidis, S. hominis y S. aureus, las cuales presentaron resistencia antimicrobiana a oxacilina, tetraciclinas y eritromicina. Todos los aislamientos fueron inhibidos por los extractos de O. basilicum (cmi: >0.9 mg/mL) y L. nobilis (cmi: hasta 15 mg/mL). Conclusión: los extractos de C. officinalis y D. elatum tuvieron actividad antimicrobiana solo frente a los aislados con mayor sensibilidad antimi-crobiana. Los extractos etanólicos de O. basilicum y L. nobilis pueden ser una alternativa de tratamiento de las infecciones de la conjuntiva.

Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis are the primary etiological agents of bacterial conjunctivitis which are empirically treated with antibiotics. This results in an increase in antimicrobial resistance due to repeated exposure. Currently, natural treatment alternatives are being sought for self-limited bacterial infections of the conjunctiva. Objective: To determine the antimicrobial activity of eight extracts from Colombian plants against bacteria isolated from patients with bacterial conjunctivitis. Materials and methods: Samples were taken from 15 patients with bacterial conjunctivitis which were grown on blood and chocolate agar for 24 h at 37 °C. These samples were identified by the vitek automated system and antimicrobial susceptibility tests by the Kirby Bauer method. Each isolate identified with the genus Staphylococcus was evaluated for susceptibility to the following eight plant extracts of seven plant: Ocimum basilicum (basil), Sambucus nigra L. (elderberry), Delphinium elatum(belladonna), Calendula officinalis (marigold), Bixa orellana (annatto) (aerial part and independent fruit), Clinopodium brownei (pennyroyal), and Laurus nobilis (laurel), with traditional use previously reported for treating eye infections. Results: The most frequently isolated bacteria were S. epidermidis, S. hominis, and S. aureus, which exhibited antimicrobial resistance mainly to oxacillin, tetracyclines, and erythromycin. All isolates were inhibited by O. basilicum extracts (mic > 0.9 mg/mL) and L. nobilis (mic < 15 mg/mL). Conclusion: The extracts of C. officinalis y D. elatum showed antimicrobial activity only against isolates with higher antimicrobial sensitivity. Ethanolic extracts of O. basilicum y L. nobilis can be used as an alternative treatment for infections of the anterior segment of the eye.

Staphylococcus aureus e Staphylococcus epidermidis são os principais agentes etiológicos da conjuntivite bacteriana, estes são tratados empiricamente com antibióticos, causando aumento da resistência antimicrobiana após repetidas exposições aos mesmos. Atualmente, estão sendo estudadas alternativas naturais para o tratamento de infecções bacterianas autolimitadas da conjuntiva. Objetivo: determinar a atividade antimicrobiana de oito extratos de sete vegetais contra bactérias isoladas de pacientes com conjuntivite bacteriana. Materiais e métodos: foram retiradas amostras de 15 pacientes com conjuntivite bacteriana. As amostras foram cultivadas em ágar sangue e ágar chocolate por 24 horas a 37°C e os isolados foram identificados pelo sistema automatizado vitek, além de testes de susce-tibilidade antimicrobiana pelo método Kirby Bauer. Cada isolado identificado como sendo pertencente ao gênero Staphylococcus foi avaliado quanto à suscetibilidade a oito extratos vegetais: Ocimum basili-cum (manjericão), Sambucus nigra L. (sabugueiro), Delphinium elatum (belladona), Calendula officinalis(calêndula), Bixa orellana (urucum; parte aérea e fruto independente), Clinopodium brownei (poejo) e Laurus nobilis (louro), anteriormente relatados como uso tradicional para o tratamento de infecções ocu-lares. Resultados: as bactérias mais frequentemente isoladas foram S. epidermidis, S. hominis e S. aureus, que apresentaram resistência antimicrobiana principalmente à oxacilina, tetraciclinas e eritromicina. Todos os isolados foram inibidos por extratos de O. basilicum (cim: >0,9 mg/mL) e L. nobilis (cim: até 15 mg/mL). Conclusão: os extratos de C. officinalis e D. elatum apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana apenas contra os isolados com maior sensibilidade antimicrobiana. Os extratos etanólicos de O. basilicum e L. nobilis podem ser uma alternativa de tratamento para infecções conjuntivais.

Humans , Patients , Staphylococcus , Bacteria , Bacterial Infections , Plant Extracts , Eye Infections , Conjunctivitis, Bacterial , Conjunctivitis , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045991


The value of combined detection of neutrophil apolipoprotein (HNL), serum amyloid A (SAA), procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in the differential diagnosis of bacterial and viral infectious diseases. A retrospective study was conducted to collect the clinical data of infected patients and healthy people in the clinical department of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital from September to December in 2022. 100 patients with confirmed infection were divided into bacterial infection group (n=50) and virus infection group (n=50), and 50 healthy people were selected as control group (n=50). Fasting venous blood was collected at the initial stage of admission or on the day of physical examination. HNL was detected by double antibody sandwich method, SAA and CRP were detected by nephelometry, and PCT was detected by chemiluminescence method. The efficacy of infection markers in the differential diagnosis of bacterial infection and viral infection in infected patients was evaluated. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of HNL, SAA, PCT and CRP in bacterial and viral infectious diseases; Logistic regression was used to analyze the influence of each index on the diagnostic efficiency. The results showed that the levels of HNL (126.60±33.32) ng/ml, PCT (28.02±11.37) ng/ml and CRP (36.13±14.37) mg/L in bacterial infection group were significantly higher than those of HNL (47.72±15.94) ng/ml, PCT (1.27±0.40) ng/ml, CRP (18.77±10.66) mg/L in virus group and HNL (38.21±12.53) ng/ml, PCT (0.38±0.12) ng/ml and CRP (4.13±1.07) mg/L in control group. The level of HNL increased most significantly (F=89.228, P<0.05). The area under ROC curve (AUC) from large to small was HNL+SAA+PCT+CRP (0.976), HNL (0.907), PCT (0.885), CRP (0.856), SAA (0.790), SAA/CRP (0.733). The level of SAA/CRP in virus infection group (94.05±3.75) was significantly higher than that in bacteria group (17.70±3.69) and control group (3.89±1.50) (F=84.005, P<0.05). The area under ROC curve (AUC) from large to small was HNL+SAA+PCT+CRP (0.986), SAA/CRP (0.956), SAA (0.878), HNL (0.768), CRP (0.742), PCT (0.730). In conclusion, HNL has the best auxiliary diagnostic efficacy in bacterial infection, followed by PCT; SAA/CRP has the best auxiliary diagnostic efficacy in viral infection, followed by SAA; the combined detection of serum HNL, SAA, PCT and CRP may be helpful for the differential diagnosis of bacterial and viral infections.

Humans , C-Reactive Protein , Procalcitonin , Serum Amyloid A Protein , Retrospective Studies , Virus Diseases/diagnosis , Bacteria , Communicable Diseases , Bacterial Infections/diagnosis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046314


The value of combined detection of neutrophil apolipoprotein (HNL), serum amyloid A (SAA), procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in the differential diagnosis of bacterial and viral infectious diseases. A retrospective study was conducted to collect the clinical data of infected patients and healthy people in the clinical department of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital from September to December in 2022. 100 patients with confirmed infection were divided into bacterial infection group (n=50) and virus infection group (n=50), and 50 healthy people were selected as control group (n=50). Fasting venous blood was collected at the initial stage of admission or on the day of physical examination. HNL was detected by double antibody sandwich method, SAA and CRP were detected by nephelometry, and PCT was detected by chemiluminescence method. The efficacy of infection markers in the differential diagnosis of bacterial infection and viral infection in infected patients was evaluated. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of HNL, SAA, PCT and CRP in bacterial and viral infectious diseases; Logistic regression was used to analyze the influence of each index on the diagnostic efficiency. The results showed that the levels of HNL (126.60±33.32) ng/ml, PCT (28.02±11.37) ng/ml and CRP (36.13±14.37) mg/L in bacterial infection group were significantly higher than those of HNL (47.72±15.94) ng/ml, PCT (1.27±0.40) ng/ml, CRP (18.77±10.66) mg/L in virus group and HNL (38.21±12.53) ng/ml, PCT (0.38±0.12) ng/ml and CRP (4.13±1.07) mg/L in control group. The level of HNL increased most significantly (F=89.228, P<0.05). The area under ROC curve (AUC) from large to small was HNL+SAA+PCT+CRP (0.976), HNL (0.907), PCT (0.885), CRP (0.856), SAA (0.790), SAA/CRP (0.733). The level of SAA/CRP in virus infection group (94.05±3.75) was significantly higher than that in bacteria group (17.70±3.69) and control group (3.89±1.50) (F=84.005, P<0.05). The area under ROC curve (AUC) from large to small was HNL+SAA+PCT+CRP (0.986), SAA/CRP (0.956), SAA (0.878), HNL (0.768), CRP (0.742), PCT (0.730). In conclusion, HNL has the best auxiliary diagnostic efficacy in bacterial infection, followed by PCT; SAA/CRP has the best auxiliary diagnostic efficacy in viral infection, followed by SAA; the combined detection of serum HNL, SAA, PCT and CRP may be helpful for the differential diagnosis of bacterial and viral infections.

Humans , C-Reactive Protein , Procalcitonin , Serum Amyloid A Protein , Retrospective Studies , Virus Diseases/diagnosis , Bacteria , Communicable Diseases , Bacterial Infections/diagnosis
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 2867-2873, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007552


BACKGROUND@#Human neutrophil lipocalin (HNL) has been used extensively to differentiate acute bacterial infection from febrile diseases as a biomarker to reflect the activation of the neutrophil. The serum HNL levels in the adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) patients with and without infection, as well as the healthy controls (HCs), were analyzed statistically in this study to evaluate the value of HNL for the diagnosis of AOSD.@*METHODS@#A total of 129 AOSD patients were enrolled, from whom blood samples were drawn and the AOSD diagnosis was confirmed through the review of the medical records, where the systemic score, demographic characteristics, clinical manifestations, and laboratory parameters were also collected for the patients; in addition, a total of 40 HCs were recruited among the blood donors from the healthcare center with the relevant information collected. The HNL test was done for the blood samples with the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the analyses were done for the correlations of HNL with clinical manifestations and diagnostic effectiveness.@*RESULTS@#The serum HNL increased significantly in the patients with only AOSD as compared with that in the HCs (139.76 ± 8.99 ng/mL vs . 55.92 ± 6.12 ng/mL; P  < 0.001). The serum HNL level was correlated with the white blood cell (WBC) count ( r  = 0.335, P  < 0.001), neutrophil count ( r  = 0.334, P  < 0.001), erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( r  = 0.241, P  = 0.022), C-reactive protein ( r  = 0.442, P  < 0.0001), and systemic score ( r  = 0.343, P  < 0.0001) in the AOSD patients significantly. Patients with fever, leukocytosis ≥15,000/mm 3 , and myalgia in the HNL-positive group were observed relatively more than those in the HNL-negative group ( P  = 0.009, P  = 0.023, and P  = 0.007, respectively). HNL was a more sensitive indicator than ferritin and C-reactive protein (CRP) to differentiate the AOSD patients with bacterial infection from AOSD-only patients, and the Youden index was 0.6 for HNL and 0.29 for CRP.@*CONCLUSION@#Serum HNL can be used as a biomarker for the diagnosis of the AOSD, and HNL is also observed to be associated with the disease activity.

Adult , Humans , Still's Disease, Adult-Onset/diagnosis , C-Reactive Protein/metabolism , Neutrophils/metabolism , Clinical Relevance , Biomarkers , Bacterial Infections
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 1327-1330, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010948


Bacterial infectious diseases are a class of diseases with specific pathogens. Current studies have shown the important application and signal transduction mechanism of exosomes in bacterial infectious diseases, but the studies are still limited. Therefore, the relationship between exosomes and bacterial infectious diseases should be further explored to provide new diagnosis and treatment ideas for clinicians. This paper reviews the mechanism and prospect of exosomes in bacterial infectious diseases caused by different pathogens. It summarizes the biological characteristics of exosomes. The mechanisms of bacterial infectious diseases, the primary pathways through which exosomes regulate various pathogens, and the modification of exosomes for anti-infection.

Humans , Exosomes/metabolism , Signal Transduction , Bacterial Infections/metabolism , Communicable Diseases
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 404-408, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982602


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the ability of the step-by-step approach and the lab-score method in early identification of non-bacterial infection in febrile infants with less than 90 days old.@*METHODS@#A prospective study was conducted. The febrile infants with less than 90 days old hospitalized in the department of pediatrics of Xuzhou Central Hospital from August 2019 to November 2021 were enrolled. The basic data of the infants were recorded. The infants with high risk or low risk of bacterial infection was evaluated by the step-by-step approach and the lab-score method, respectively. The step-by-step approach was based on clinical manifestations, age, blood neutrophil absolute value or C-reactive protein (CRP), urine white blood cells, blood venous blood procalcitonin (PCT) or interleukin-6 (IL-6) to gradually assess the high risk or low risk of bacterial infection in infants with fever. The lab-score method was based on the levels of laboratory indicators such as blood PCT, CRP and urine white blood cells, which were assigned different scores to evaluate the high risk or low risk of bacterial infection in febrile infants according to the total score. Using clinical bacterial culture results as the "gold standard", the negative predictive value (NPV), positive predictive value (PPV), negative likelihood ratio, positive likelihood ratio, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the two methods were calculated. The consistency of the two evaluation methods was tested by Kappa.@*RESULTS@#A total of 246 patients were enrolled in the analysis, and ultimately confirmed by bacterial culture as non-bacterial infections in 173 cases (70.3%), bacterial infection in 72 cases (29.3%), and unclear in 1 case (0.4%). There were 105 cases with low risk evaluated by the step-by-step approach, and 98 cases (93.3%) were ultimately confirmed as non-bacterial infection; 181 cases with low risk evaluated by the lab-score method, and 140 cases (77.4%) were ultimately confirmed as non-bacterial infection. The consistency of the two evaluation methods was poor (Kappa value = 0.253, P < 0.001). The ability of the step-by-step approach in early identification of non-bacterial infection in febrile infants with less than 90 days old was superior to the lab-score method (NPV: 0.933 vs. 0.773, negative likelihood ratio: 5.835 vs. 1.421), but the sensitivity of the former was lower than that of the latter (0.566 vs. 0.809). The ability of the step-by-step approach in early identification of bacterial infection in febrile infants with less than 90 days old was similar to the lab-score method (PPV: 0.464 vs. 0.484, positive likelihood ratio: 0.481 vs. 0.443), but the specificity of the former was higher than that of the latter (0.903 vs. 0.431). The overall accuracy of the step-by-step approach and the lab-score method was similar (66.5% vs. 69.8%).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The ability of the step-by-step approach in early identification of non-bacterial infections in febrile infants with less than 90 days old is superior to the lab-score method.

Humans , Infant , Child , Prospective Studies , Bacterial Infections , C-Reactive Protein , Hospitals , Interleukin-6 , Procalcitonin
Rev. venez. cir ; 76(1): 40-46, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1552951


Objetivo: caracterizar los microorganismos involucrados en las infecciones intraabdominales, y fenotipificar sus perfiles de resistencia al uso de los antibióticos en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Los Andes, entre los años 2014 al 2017. Metodología: enfoque cuantitativo; tipo descriptivo, diseño no experimental de estudio de casos y transversal, a través de toma de muestras de secreciones abdominales en quirófano a las cuales se les realizó cultivo en medios de agar sangre y McConkey, tinción Gram, contaje de leucocitos, y prueba Kirby-Bauer de sensibilidad antimicrobiana. Muestra de 211 pacientes mayores de 16 años que acudieron a la institución con el diagnóstico de abdomen agudo quirúrgico infeccioso. Resultados: el abdomen agudo quirúrgico infeccioso por apendicitis aguda fue la infección intraabdominal más común, grupo etario que acudió con más frecuencia: <26 años. Agentes etiológicos más frecuentemente aislados: bacilos Gram negativos, especies más frecuentes: E. col i (57,3%), K. pneumon iae (10,9%) y P. a e rug i nosa (6,16%). De todos los microorganismos aislados 57,6% expresaron al menos un fenotipo de resistencia. Fenotipo más común: betalactamasa de espectro extendido y bomba de eflujo de quinolonas (18,8%). Microorganismos con mayores porcentajes de resistencia: Staphylococcus sp. y Enterococcus sp (~100%). Los mejores porcentajes de sensibilidad de la E. col i , K . p neumon ia e y P . a e rug i nosa fueron hacia al colistin, carbapenémicos y amikacina (100%). Conclusión: Los carbapenémicos y los aminoglucósidos seguirán siendo los fármacos de elección en las infecciones intraabdominales del Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Los Andes(AU)

Objective: to characterize the microorganisms involved in intraabdominal infections, and to phenotype their resistance profiles to the use of antibiotics in the General Surgery Service of the Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Los Andes, from 2014 to 2017. Methodology: quantitative approach; descriptive type, nonexperimental design of case study and transversal, through sampling of abdominal secretions in the operating room which were cultured in blood agar and McConkey media, Gram stain, leukocyte count, and Kirby-Bauer test for antimicrobial sensitivity. Sample of 211 patients older than 16 years who attended the institution with the diagnosis of acute surgical infectious abdomen. Results: acute surgical infectious abdomen due to acute appendicitis was the most common intra-abdominal infection, most frequent age group: <26 years. Most frequently isolated etiologic agents: Gram-negative bacilli, most frequent species: E. co l i (57.3%), K. p neumon ia e (10.9%) and P . a e rug i nosa (6.16%). Of all the isolated microorganisms, 57.6% expressed at least one resistance phenotype. Most common phenotype: extended-spectrum beta-lactamase and quinolone efflux pump (18.8%). Microorganisms with the highest percentages of resistance: Staphylococcus sp. and Enterococcus sp (~100%). The best percentages of sensitivity of E. col i , K . pneumoniae and P . a e rug i nosa were to colistin, carbapenemics and amikacin (100%). Conclusion: Carbapenemics and aminoglycosides will remain the drugs of choice in intra-abdominal infections at Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Los Andes(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Bacterial Infections , Drug Resistance, Bacterial
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 13: 422522, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1435323


Existen diversos diagnósticos clínicos diferenciales de lesiones infectocontagiosas peribucales en la infancia, siendo las más frecuentes: herpes labial, queilitis angular (queilocandidiasis) e impétigo, esta última es una infección bacteriana prevalente en población infantil, afectando la región labial y peribucal, cuyo diagnóstico está principalmente basado en los hallazgos clínicos y en el análisis minucioso de la anamnesis. Objetivo: Presentar dos casos clínicos de impétigo ampolloso en pacientes pediátricos, destacando sus características, comparándolas y contrastándolas con sus principales diagnósticos diferenciales. Reporte de casos. Se presentan dos casos de pacientes masculinos de 10 años (hermanos gemelos) con antecedentes de secuencia de Pierre Robin, los cuales acudieron a la clínica de Odontopediatría de la ENES, UNAM, unidad León, presentando múltiples lesiones ulcerativas, localizadas área peribucal, refiriendo dos semanas de evolución. Diagnóstico. Se estableció el diagnóstico clínico de: impétigo ampolloso, para ambos pacientes. Plan de tratamiento. Se indicaron medidas estrictas de higiene general y en las zonas afectadas, eliminando también cualquier objeto que actuara como fómite, evitando compartir productos de aseo personal, además, se indicó la aplicación de mupirocina en crema al 2%, llevándose a cabo el seguimiento a los 14 y 30 días hasta la curación completa. Conclusiones. El impétigo peribucal es frecuentemente confundido con otras infecciones presentes en esa localización con manifestaciones clínicas semejantes en algunos casos suele ser tratado erróneamente. Por lo que se destaca la importancia de realizar un adecuado interrogatorio, una exploración clínica concienzuda y realizar un análisis diferencial clínico en este tipo de lesiones.

Existem vários diagnósticos clínicos diferenciais de lesões periorais infecciosas na infância, sendo os mais frequentes: herpes labial, queilite angular (queilocandidíase) e impetigo, sendo este último uma infecção bacteriana prevalente em crianças, acometendo a região labial e perioral, cujo diagnóstico é principalmente baseado em achados clínicos e na análise cuidadosa da anamnese. Objetivo: Apresentar dois casos clínicos de impetigo bolhoso em pacientes pediátricos, destacando as características, comparando-os e contrastando-os com os principais diagnósticos diferenciais. Relato de caso. Apresentam-se dois casos de pacientes do sexo masculino (irmãos gêmeos) de 10 anos de idade com histórico de sequência de Pierre Robin, que compareceram à clínica de Odontopediatria da ENES, UNAM, unidade León, apresentando múltiplas lesões ulcerativas, localizadas na zona perioral, referindo duas semanas de evolução. Diagnóstico. Estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico clínico de: impetigo bolhoso para ambos os pacientes. Plano de tratamento. Foram indicadas medidas rigorosas de higiene geral e nas áreas afetadas, eliminando também qualquer objeto que atuasse como fômite, evitando o compartilhamento de produtos de higiene pessoal, além disso, foi indicada a aplicação de creme de mupirocina 2%, realizando o acompanhamento em 14 e 30 dias até a cura completa. Conclusões. Frequentemente, o impetigo perioral é confundido com outras infecções presentes nessa localização com manifestações clínicas semelhantes e, em alguns casos, geralmente é tratado erroneamente. Destaca-se, portanto, a importância de se realizar um interrogatório adequado, um exame clínico minucioso e uma análise clínica diferencial neste tipo de lesões

There are several differential clinical diagnoses of infectious perioral lesions in childhood, the most frequent being: herpes labialis, angular cheilitis (cheilocandidiasis) and impetigo, the latter being a bacterial infection prevalent in children, with rupture of the labial and perioral region, whose diagnosis is mainly based on clinical findings and careful analysis of the anamnesis. Objective: To present two clinical cases of bullous impetigo in pediatric patients, highlighting their characteristics, comparing, and contrasting them with their main differential diagnoses. Case report. We present two cases of 10-year-old male patients (twin brothers) with a history of Pierre Robin sequence, who attended the Pediatric Dentistry clinic of the ENES, UNAM, León unit, presenting multiple ulcerative lesions, located in the perioral area, referring two weeks of evolution. Diagnosis. The clinical diagnosis of: bullous impetigo is established for both patients. Treatment plan. Strict general hygiene measures were indicated and in the affected areas, also eliminating any object that acted as a fomite, preventing the sharing of personal hygiene products, in addition, the application of mupirocin cream at 2% was shown, carrying out the monitoring of the 14 and 30 days until complete healing. Conclusions. Perioral impetigo is frequently confused with other infections present in that location with similar clinical manifestations. In some cases, it is usually treated incorrectly. Therefore, the importance of carrying out an adequate interrogation, a thorough clinical examination and performing a clinical differential analysis in this type of injury is highlighted.

Humans , Male , Child , Cheilitis , Impetigo , Bacterial Infections