Esse trabalho tem como objetivo investigar se o período do dia influencia no desempenho dos indivíduos numa bateria de TAF. A amostra foi composta por dez indivíduos de ambos os sexos (24,10 ± 0,96 anos), que realizaram o TAF nos três períodos do dia: manhã, tarde e noite, em três dias não consecutivos no decorrer de uma semana. O TAF foi composto por cinco testes (teste de preensão manual, teste na barra fixa, teste de flexão abdominal, teste de impulsão horizontal e Shuttle-run) para homens e quatro testes para as mulheres, que não realizaram o teste de força na barra fixa. No primeiro dia da bateria de testes, eles foram submetidos a avaliação antropométrica e de composição corporal com bioimpedância. Em cada dia de avaliação, os participantes tiveram a temperatura corporal aferida antes de iniciar os testes e responderam à percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) após cada teste. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado a anova one-way com post-hoc de bonferroni para comparar as diferenças de performance ao longo dos três períodos do dia. Não foram encontradas diferença significativas (P>0,05) no desempenho entre os testes realizados, nem na PSE nas comparações entre os três períodos do dia. A temperatura corporal foi significativamente (P<0,01) menor no período da manhã (36,28 ± 0,08 ºC) quando comparada ao período da tarde (36,54 ± 0,69 ºC) e da noite (36,70 ± 0,10 ºC). Assim, é possível concluir que o período do dia não influência o desempenho de adultos jovens em uma bateria de TAF.
This work aims to investigate whether the time of day influences the performance of individuals in a TAF battery. The sample consisted of ten individuals of both genders (24.10±0.96 years), who performed the FAT in three periods of the day: morning, afternoon and night, on three non-consecutive days over the course of a week. The FAT consisted of five tests (handgrip test, fixed bar test, abdominal flexion test, horizontal impulsion test and Shuttle-run) for men and four tests for women, who did not perform the strength test on the bar. fixed. On the first day of the battery of tests, they underwent an anthropometric and body composition assessment with bioimpedance. On each evaluation day, the participants had their body temperature measured before starting the tests and answered the subjective perception of exertion (RPE) after each test. For the statistical analysis, one-way anova with Bonferroni post-hoc was used to compare performance differences over the three periods of the day. No significant differences (P>0.05) were found in the performance between the tests performed, nor in the PSE in the comparisons between the three periods of the day. Body temperature was significantly (P<0.01) lower in the morning (36.28±0.08 ºC) when compared to the afternoon (36.54±0.69 ºC) and night (36.70 ±0.10 ºC). Thus, it is possible to conclude that the time of day does not influence the performance of young adults in a TAF battery.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar si la hora del día influye en el rendimiento de los individuos en una batería de pruebas de aptitud física (BAF). La muestra estuvo conformada por diez individuos de ambos sexos (24,10±0,96 años), quienes realizaron el BAF en tres momentos del día: mañana, tarde y noche, en tres días no consecutivos en el transcurso de una semana. La BAF constaba de cinco pruebas (handgrip test, test de barra fija, test de flexión abdominal, test de impulsión horizontal y Shuttle-run) para hombres y cuatro pruebas para mujeres, que no realizaron la prueba de fuerza en barra fija. El primer día de la batería de pruebas se les realizó una valoración antropométrica y de composición corporal con bioimpedancia. En cada día de evaluación, a los participantes se les tomó la temperatura corporal antes de comenzar las pruebas y respondieron la percepción subjetiva de esfuerzo (PSE) después de cada prueba. Para el análisis estadístico, se utilizó Anova unidireccional con Bonferroni post-hoc para comparar las diferencias de rendimiento en los tres períodos del día. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (P>0,05) en el rendimiento entre las pruebas realizadas, ni en el PSE en las comparaciones entre los tres períodos del día. La temperatura corporal fue significativamente (P<0,01) más baja en la mañana (36,28 ± 0,08 ºC) en comparación con la tarde (36,54 ± 0,69 ºC) y la noche (36,70 ± 0,10 ºC). Por lo tanto, es posible concluir que la hora del día no influye en el rendimiento de los adultos jóvenes en una BAF.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Physical Fitness , Circadian Rhythm , Exercise Test , Athletic Performance , Students , Universities , Body Composition , Body Temperature , Anthropometry , Analysis of VarianceABSTRACT
La termografía por infrarrojo (TI) permite evaluar la temperatura corporal, medir los cambios en la disipación del calor corporal en superficie y relacionarlos con las características de composición corporal e índices antropométricos. Aumentar el número de registros de zonas corporales evaluadas con TI y establecer las relaciones de estas temperaturas (32 áreas corporales) con variables de composición corporal e índices antropométricos, como el índice de masa corporal (IMC), índice cintura cadera, índice cintura estatura, en hombres adultos divididos según su estado ponderal. Participaron 60 hombres, adultos sanos, divididos en 2 grupos: grupo 1 (n=30), con IMC ≤ 24,9, edad 23,2 ± 3,9 años, masa corporal 66,5 ± 6,5 kg, y talla 170,5 ± 7,4 cm; y, grupo 2 (n= 30), con IMC > 24,9, edad 29,4 ± 9,9 años, masa corporal 84,5 ± 11,9 kg, y talla 172,0 ± 7,18 cm. Se realizaron evaluaciones antropométricas y de TI. Sujetos con IMC ≤ 24,9 kg/ m2 presentaron valores mayores de temperatura superficial, en todas las zonas estudiadas, a diferencia de los sujetos con niveles de IMC > 24,9 kg/m2, donde la disipación del calor corporal fue menor. Existe una estrecha relación entre la temperatura superficial de la piel y el IMC, donde sujetos con un IMC normal mostraron una disipación de calor y valores de temperatura superficial mayores, en todas las zonas evaluadas, a diferencia de los sujetos con un IMC que se encontraba por encima del límite de normalidad.
SUMMARY: Infrared thermography (IT) makes it possible to assess body temperature, measure changes in body heat dissipation on the surface, and relate them to body composition characteristics and anthropometric indices. The objective of this study was to increase the number of records of body areas evaluated with IT and establish the relationships of these temperatures (32 body areas) with body composition variables and anthropometric indices, such as body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio, waist-height ratio, in adult men divided according to their weight status. A total of 60 healthy adult men participated, divided into 2 groups: group 1 (n=30), with a body mass index (BMI) ≤ 24.9, age 23.2 ± 3.9 years, body mass 66.5 ± 6.5 kg, and height 170.5 ± 7.4 cm; and, group 2 (n = 30), with BMI > 24.9, age 29.4 ± 9.9 years, body mass 84.5 ± 11.9 kg, and height 172.0 ± 7.18 cm. Anthropometric and IT assessments were performed. Subjects with BMI ≤ 24.9 kg/ m2 presented higher values of surface temperature in all areas studied, unlike subjects with BMI levels > 24.9 kg/m2, where body heat dissipation was lower. There is a close relationship between skin surface temperature and BMI, where subjects with a normal BMI showed higher heat dissipation and surface temperature values, in all evaluated areas, unlike subjects with a BMI that was above the normal limit.
Humans , Male , Adult , Young Adult , Body Composition , Body Temperature , Anthropometry , Skinfold Thickness , Thermography , Body Mass Index , Waist-Hip Ratio , Overweight , Waist-Height Ratio , ObesityABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#Emergence delirium (ED) is a kind of delirium that occured in the immediate post-anesthesia period. Lower body temperature on post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) admission was an independent risk factor of ED. The present study was designed to investigate the association between intraoperative body temperature and ED in elderly patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery.@*METHODS@#This study was a secondary analysis of a prospective observational study. Taking baseline body temperature as a reference, intraoperative absolute and relative temperature changes were calculated. The relative change was defined as the amplitude between intraoperative lowest/highest temperature and baseline reference. ED was assessed with the confusion assessment method for intensive care unit at 10 and 30 min after PACU admission and before PACU discharge.@*RESULTS@#A total of 874 patients were analyzed with a mean age of 71.8 ± 5.3 years. The incidence of ED was 38.4% (336/874). When taking 36.0°C, 35.5°C, and 35.0°C as thresholds, the incidences of absolute hypothermia were 76.7% (670/874), 38.4% (336/874), and 17.5% (153/874), respectively. In multivariable logistic regression analysis, absolute hypothermia (lowest value <35.5°C) and its cumulative duration were respectively associated with an increased risk of ED after adjusting for confounders including age, education, preoperative mild cognitive impairment, American Society of Anesthesiologists grade, duration of surgery, site of surgery, and pain intensity. Relative hypothermia (decrement >1.0°C from baseline) and its cumulative duration were also associated with an increased risk of ED, respectively. When taking the relative increment >0.5°C as a threshold, the incidence of relative hyperthermia was 21.7% (190/874) and it was associated with a decreased risk of ED after adjusting above confounders.@*CONCLUSIONS@#In the present study, we found that intraoperative hypothermia, defined as either absolute or relative hypothermia, was associated with an increased risk of ED in elderly patients after non-cardiac surgery. Relative hyperthermia, but not absolute hyperthermia, was associated with a decreased risk of ED.@*REGISTRATION@#Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (No. ChiCTR-OOC-17012734).
Humans , Aged , Body Temperature , Emergence Delirium , Hypothermia , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effects of two types of temperature rinses on body temperature, inflammatory cytokine levels, and bleeding volume in percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy.@*METHODS@#Eighty patients underwent percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy from January 2018 to December 2020 were selected and divided into experimental group (40 cases) and control group(40 cases). In experimental group, there were 19 males and 21 females, aged (38.8±9.8) years old;7patients on L4,5 and 33 patients on L5S1;Body msss index(BMI) was (27.8±7.2) kg·m-2. In contral group, there were 18 males and 22 females, aged (41.5±10.9) years old, 5 patients on L4,5 and 35 patients on L5S1;BMI was (26.4±6.2) kg·m-2. The patients in the control group were received normal saline rinse at room temperature, and the patients in the experimental group were received normal saline rinse heated to 37 ℃. Body temperature, chills, nausea, vomiting, and other adverse reactions were recorded. The levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) in two groups were recorded before and 2 hours after operation. Visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to evaluate the degree of lumbar pain in two groups before and 2 hours after surgery. Fibrinolytic-coagulation indexes with preoperative and 2 hours after surgery, including the D-dimer (DD), fibrinogen degradation products (FDP), activated partial thrombin time (APTT) and prothrombin time (PT) were recorder. Operation time and blood loss in two groups were recorded.@*RESULTS@#The body temperature of both groups showed a downward trend, while the body temperature of the control group was lower than that of the experimental group. The levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10 in two groups were increased 2 hours after surgery compared with those before surgery(P<0.05), while the levels in experimental group were lower than those in control group(P<0.05). Postoperative VAS in experimental group 2.19±1.13 was significantly lower than that in the control group 3.38±1.35(P<0.05). The levels of DD and FDP at 2 hours after surgery in both groups were higher than those before surgery (P<0.05), while the levels of DD and FDP in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in APTT and PT levels between two groups after operation (P>0.05). The blood loss in the experimental group of (45.2±14.1) ml was lower than that in the control group of (59.52±15.6) ml. The operation time of experimental group (46.7±13.8) min was less than that of control group (58.3±15.2) min(P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Body temperature rinse can reduce the incidence of adverse reactions, alleviate local inflammatory reactions, reduce intraoperative blood loss and shorten the operation time.
Female , Male , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Diskectomy, Percutaneous , Interleukin-10 , Body Temperature , Interleukin-6 , Saline Solution , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/surgery , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery , DiskectomyABSTRACT
Mild hypothermia, as a common means of intraoperative nerve protection, has been used in clinical practice. Compared with the traditional methods such as freezing helmet and nasopharyngeal cooling, hypothermic blood perfusion is considered to be a promising treatment for mild hypothermia, but it lacks experimental and theoretical verification of its cooling effect. In this study, the commercial finite element simulation software COMSOL combined the Pennes equation with the cerebrovascular network model to construct a new simplified human brain model, which was further used to simulate the cooling process of cerebral hypothermic blood perfusion. When the hypothermic blood perfusion was 33 ℃, the human brain could enter the mild hypothermic state within 4 minutes. By comparing with helmet cooling, the feasibility and efficiency of the blood perfusion scheme were verified. By comparing with the calculation results based on Pennes equation, the rationality of the model constructed in this study were verified. This model can non-intrusively predict the changes of brain temperature during surgery, and provide a reference for the setting of treatment parameters such as blood temperature, so as to provide personalized realization of safer and more effective mild hypothermia neuro protection.
Humans , Hypothermia, Induced/methods , Hypothermia , Hemoperfusion , Brain/physiology , Body TemperatureABSTRACT
Targeted temperature management (TTM) has been partially applied in patients with restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) after cardiac arrest (CA). In the 2020 American Heart Association (AHA) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) guidelines, TTM is used as advanced life support after ROSC for the treatment of patients with CPR. TTM has a protective effect on cardiac function after CA, but the specific mechanism of its protective effect on cardiac function remains unclear. In this paper, the basic experimental progress, clinical trial progress and development prospect of TTM on the protective mechanism of cardiac function after CA are reviewed.
Humans , United States , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/methods , Temperature , Heart Arrest/therapy , Hypothermia, Induced/methods , Body TemperatureABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo: desenvolver um protocolo de prevenção e tratamento da hipotermia perioperatória. Método: pesquisa do tipo desenvolvimento tecnológico em saúde, realizada em três etapas: i) revisão de diretrizes clínicas sobre fatores de risco para desenvolvimento de hipotermia perioperatória; ii) identificação da ocorrência de hipotermia perioperatória e dos fatores de risco associados ao seu desenvolvimento em um centro cirúrgico; e iii) elaboração do protocolo de prevenção de hipotermia perioperatória. Resultados: os fatores de risco identificados nas diretrizes foram categorizados em características clínicas (idade, Índice de Massa Corporal, comorbidades e temperatura corporal) e anestésico-cirúrgicas (tipo e duração da anestesia e da cirurgia e temperatura da sala cirúrgica). Na segunda etapa, 90 pacientes cirúrgicos foram avaliados. A ocorrência de hipotermia foi de 28,9% na admissão cirúrgica, 77,8% na admissão da Sala de Recuperação Pós-Anestésica e 45,6% na alta do centro cirúrgico. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre ocorrência de hipotermia e índice ASA (p = 0,049), idade (p = 0,037), comorbidades (p = 0,031) e hipotermia pré-operatória (p = 0,015). Conclusão: para elaboração do protocolo, foram considerados os fatores de risco descritos na literatura, os resultados de estudo local e o acesso às tecnologias disponíveis na instituição. As ações incluíram os seguintes aspectos: avaliação de fatores de risco e de situações desencadeantes; monitorização e registro da temperatura e outros parâmetros; aquecimento passivo para pacientes normotérmicos; aquecimento ativo para pacientes hipotérmicos; infusão de soluções endovenosas aquecidas; suporte de oxigênio para pacientes hipotérmicos.
RESUMEN Objetivo: de sarrollar un protocolo paralaprevención y el tratamiento de la hipotermia perioperatoria. Método: una investigación de desarrollo tecnológico sanitario, desarrollada en tres etapas: Revisión de las directrices clínicas sobre los factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de la hipotermia perioperatoria; Identificación de la ocurrencia de la hipotermia perioperatoria y de los factores de riesgo asociados a su desarrollo en un centro quirúrgico y Elaboración de un protocolo de pre vención de la hipotermia perioperatoria. Resultados: los factores de r iesgo identificados en las directrices se clasificaron en caracterí st icas clínica s (edad, Índice de Masa Corporal, comorbilidades, temperatura corporal) y anestésico-quirúrgicas (tipo y duración de la anestesia y la cirugía, temperatura del quirófano). En la segunda etapa, se evaluaron 90 pacientes quirúrgicos. La apar ición de hipotermia fue del 28,9% al ingreso quirúrgico, del 77,8% al ingreso en la Sala de Recuperación Postanestésica y del 45,6% al alta del quirófano. Se encontró una a sociación estadísticamente significativa entre la aparición de hipoter mia y el índice ASA (p = 0,049), la edad (p = 0,037), las comorbilidades (p = 0,031), la hipotermia preoperatoria (p = 0,015). Conclusión: para desarrollar el protocolo, se consideraron los factores de r iesgo descritos en el documento, los resultados de un estudio local y el acceso a las tecnologías disponibles en la institución. Las acciones incluían la evaluación de los factores de rie sgo y las situaciones desencadenantes, la monitorización y el registro de la temperatura y otros parámetros, el calentamiento pasivo para los pacientes normotérmicos, el calentamiento act ivo para los pacientes hipotérmicos, la infusión de soluciones intravenosas calentadas y el apoyo de oxígeno para los pacientes hipotérmicos.
ABSTRACT Objective: to develop a protocol for the prevention and treatment of perioperative hypothermia. Method: research of the technological development in health type, carried out in three stages: i) review of clinical g uidelines on risk factors for the development of perioperative hypothermia; ii) identification of the occur rence of perioperative hypothermia and the risk factors a ssociated with its development in a surgical center; and iii) development of a protocol for the prevention of perioperative hypothermia. Results: the risk factors identified in the guidelines were categorized into clinical characteristics (age, Body Mass Index, comorbidities and body temperature) and anesthetic-surgical characteristics (type and duration of anesthesia and surgery and operat ing room temperature). In the second stage, 90 surgical patients were evaluated. The occurrence of hypothermia was 28.9% at surgical admission, 77.8% at admission to the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit and 45.6% at discharge from the operating room. There was a statistically significant association bet ween the occurrence of hypothermia and ASA index (p = 0.049), age (p = 0.037), comorbidities (p = 0.031) and preoperative hy pothermia (p = 0.015). Conclusion: for the elaboration of the protocol, the risk factors described in the literat ure, the results of a local study and the access to the technologies available in the instit ution were considered. The actions included the following aspects: a ssessment of risk factors and triggering situations; monitoring and recording of temperature and other parameters; passive warming for normothermic patients; active warming for hypothermic patients; infusion of war med intravenou s solutions; oxygen support for hypothermic patients.
Humans , Clinical Protocols , Risk Factors , Hypothermia/prevention & control , Perioperative Nursing , Body TemperatureABSTRACT
Community-acquired pneumonia is recognized as one of the main infectious health problems worldwide. The objective was to determine the condition of predictors of death for a group of selected clinical conditions, and for laboratory variables frequently used in practice. Study with descriptive design, which included 967 patients with pneumonia hospitalized between 2016 and 2019, and whose information was obtained from clinical records. Statistical treatment included bivariate and multivariate analysis (logistic regression); it was used the ratio of crossed products (odds ratio) and its 95% confidence interval. Several manifestations were significantly more frequent in older adults: dyspnea (OR 1.5[1.07,2.1]), absence of productive cough (OR 1.7 [1.3, 2.4]), neuropsychological manifestations (OR 2 [1.4,2.8]), tachypnea (OR 1.5 [1.1,2.1]), arterial hypotension (OR 2.1 [1.2,3.6]), anemia (OR 1.6[1.2,2.2]), elevated creatinine (OR 1.6[1.2,2.3]) and hypoproteinemia (OR 3.3[1.9,5.7]); showed a significant association with death: absence of productive cough, neuropsychological manifestations, temperature below 36 degrees Celsius, blood pressure below 110/70 mmHg, respiratory rate above 20 per minute, hemoglobin below 100 g/L, erythrosedimentation greater than 20 mm/L, leukopenia less than 5 x 109/L and serum creatinine above 130 micromol/L. As conclusions certain clinical and laboratory conditions present in the patient at the time of hospital admission, of routine exploration in the comprehensive assessment of the patient, were predictors of death. Additionally, the existence of evident differences in the number of conditions with a predictive nature of death between the population with pneumonia under 60 years of age and the elderly, as well as in the frequency of these conditions in both subgroups, is verified.
La neumonía adquirida en la comunidad está reconocida como uno de los principales problemas de salud de tipo infeccioso al nivel mundial. La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el carácter de predictores de fallecimiento de un grupo de condiciones clínicas seleccionadas, y de variables de laboratorio de uso frecuente en la práctica. Se realizó un estudio con diseño descriptivo, que incluyó a 967 pacientes con neumonía hospitalizados entre 2016 y 2019, y cuya información se obtuvo de los expedientes clínicos. El tratamiento estadístico incluyó análisis bivariante y multivariado (regresión logística); como estadígrafo se utilizó la razón de productos cruzados (odds ratio) y su intervalo de confianza de 95%. Entre los resultados se destacan los siguientes: varias manifestaciones fueron significativamente más frecuentes en los adultos mayores: disnea (OR 1,5[1,07;2,1]), ausencia de tos productiva (OR 1,7[1,3;2,4]), manifestaciones neuropsicológicas (OR 2[1,4;2,8]), taquipnea (OR 1,5[1,1;2,1]), hipotensión arterial (OR 2,1[1,2;3,6]), anemia (OR 1,6[1,2;2,2]), creatinina elevada (OR 1,6[1,2;2,3]) e hipoproteinemia (OR 3,3[1,9;5,7]); mostraron asociación significativa con el fallecimiento: ausencia de tos productiva, manifestaciones neuropsicológicas, temperatura por debajo de 36 grados Celsius, tensión arterial inferior a 110/70 mmHg, frecuencia respiratoria por encima de 20 por minuto, hemoglobina inferior a 100 g/L, velocidad de sedimentación eritrocitaria superior a 20 mm/L, leucopenia inferior a 5 x 109/L y creatinina sérica por encima de 130 micromol/L. Se concluye que ciertas condiciones clínicas y de laboratorio presentes en el paciente al momento del ingreso hospitalario, de exploración habitual en la valoración integral del enfermo, constituyeron predictores de fallecimiento. Adicionalmente, se comprueba la existencia de evidentes diferencias en el número de condiciones con carácter predictor de muerte entre la población con neumonía menor de 60 años y los adultos mayores, así como en la frecuencia de estas condiciones en ambos subgrupos.
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Pneumonia/mortality , Community-Acquired Infections/mortality , Pneumonia/blood , Prognosis , Body Temperature , Multivariate Analysis , Regression Analysis , Age Factors , Community-Acquired Infections/blood , Dyspnea , Respiratory Rate , Arterial Pressure , Heart Rate , Hospitalization , AnemiaABSTRACT
Body temperature is an essential physiological parameter. Conducting non-contact, fast and accurate measurement of temperature is increasing important under the background of COVID-19. The study introduces an infrared temperature measurement system based on the thermopile infrared temperature sensor ZTP-135SR. Extracting original temperature date of sensor, post-amplification and filter processing have been performed to ensure accuracy of the system. In addition, the temperature data of environmental compensation which obtained by polynomial fitting is added to the system to further improve measurement accuracy.
Humans , Algorithms , Body Temperature , COVID-19 , Temperature , ThermometersABSTRACT
Body temperature is an important physiological parameter of the human body and is used in medicine to reflect the physiological state and health status of the human body. At present, the commonly used clinical thermometers on the market are mainly divided into contact and non-contact types. Most of them are used for rapid body temperature measurement, and it is not easy to monitor body temperature changes in real time. This article introduces a new wearable wireless body temperature monitoring system based on NTC, which senses through NTC. The temperature changes are amplified and filtered, zeroed, and calibrated, and then the temperature data is uploaded to the mobile phone APP via Bluetooth in real time to achieve real-time accurate measurement of body temperature.
Humans , Body Temperature , Cell Phone , Monitoring, Physiologic , Temperature , Wearable Electronic Devices , Wireless TechnologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To study the cooling reaction kinetic characteristics of the temperature difference between cadaver temperature and ambient temperature (hereinafter referred to as "cadaver temperature difference") according to the reaction kinetics method.@*METHODS@#Thirty rabbits were randomly divided into 5 groups with 6 rabbits in each group. The rabbits were injected with 10% potassium chloride solution intravenously. After death, the rabbits were placed at 5 ℃, 10 ℃, 15 ℃, 20 ℃ and 25 ℃ environment condition, respectively, and the rectal temperature was measured every minute for 20 hours. The measured cadaver temperature was subtracted from ambient temperature, and the cadaver temperature difference data was calculated using the reaction kinetics formula. The linear regression equation was fitted for analysis, and the experimental results were applied to the temperature difference data of human body after death for verification.@*RESULTS@#Under different environmental conditions, the linear coefficient determination of temperature difference -ln(C/C0) in rabbits was 0.99, showing a good linear relationship with time t. The application of human body temperature data after death was consistent with the results of animal experiments.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Under stable conditions, the temperature difference cooling process after death in rabbits is a first-order kinetic response. The method can also be used to study the temperature difference in human body after death.
Animals , Humans , Rabbits , Body Temperature , Temperature , Kinetics , CadaverABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the effect of room and body temperatures on cyclic fatigue resistance of three endodontic nickel-titanium rotary files: Hyflex EDM (HEDM) (Coltene/Whaledent, Switzerland), WaveOne Gold (WOG) (Dentsply Maillefer, Switzer), and EdgeOne Fire (EOF) (EdgeEndo, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) in a double- curved canal. Material and Methods: In this study, Sixty NiTi rotary files were used. These files were divided into three groups (n = 20 for each group). Group A: HEDM (size 25, taper 0.08), group B: WOG (size 25, taper 0.07), and group C: EOF (size 25, taper 0.07). Each group was subdivided into two subgroups (n=10 for each subgroup). One of the subgroup was subjected to cyclic fatigue test at room temperature (20±1°C), while the other subgroup was subjected to cyclic fatigue test at body temperature (37±1°C). These files were tested by using a custom-made artificial canal with a double curvature (coronal curve: 60° curvature with 5 mm radius; apical curve: 70° curvature with 2 mm radius). All instruments were rotated according to the manufacturer instructions until the fracture occurred by using electric endodontic motor (Wave One, Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland). The number of cycles to fracture (NCF) and the fractured fragment length (FL) were recorded for each endodontic file. The data were gathered and statistically analyzed using shapiro-wilk test and two-way ANOVA test. The statistical significance was set at 0.05. Results: The NCF of WOG and EOF were significantly lower at body temperature as compared to room temperature (p ≤ 0.05), whereas no difference was observed in NCF of HEDM at body and room temperatures (p>0.05). At 20±1°C, the results showed a non-significant difference between NCF of WOG and EOF (p>0.05), while the NCF of HEDM was significantly lower than the other groups (p ≤ 0.05). At 37±1°C, the results showed a non-significant difference in NCF among the tested endodontic files (p ≤ 0.05). There is non-significant difference in FL of each group at (20±1°C) and (37±1°C) (p>0.05). No statistical difference in FL among the tested files at room and body temperatures (p>0.05). Conclusion: The temperature has a significant effect on cyclic fatigue resistance of EOF and WOG, whereas no effect was observed on cyclic fatigue resistance of HEDM. WOG and EOF had a comparable NCF, while HEDM had a lower NCF than other groups at room temperature. At body temperature, all tested files have a comparable NCF. These results were attributed to the type of the alloy and heat treated that was used to manufacture these endodontic files. The cyclic fatigue test should be done at body temperature (AU)
Objetivo : Investigar o efeito das temperaturas ambiente e corpórea na resistência a fadiga cíclica em três instrumentos endodônticos rotatório de níquel-titânio: Hyflex EDM (HEDM)(coltene/Whaledent, Switzerland), WaveOne Gold (WOG) Dentsply Maillefer, Switzer), e EdgeOne Fire (EOF) (EdgeEndo, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) em canais com dupla curvatura. Material e Métodos : Neste estudo foram utilizadas sessenta limas endodônticas rotatórias. Esses grupos foram divididos em três grupos (n=20). Grupo A: HEDM (tamanho 25, conicidade 0.08), grupo B: WOG (tamanho 25, conicidade 0.07), e grupo C: EOF (tamanho 25, conicidade 0.07). Cada grupo foi subdivididos em dois subgrupos (n=10). Um dos subgrupos foi submetido ao teste de fadiga cíclica em temperatura ambiente (20±1°C), enquanto o outro subgrupo foi submetido a ao teste de fadiga cíclica em temperatura corpórea (37±1°C). Essas limas foram testadas em um canal artificial feito sob medida com duas curvaturas (curva coronal: curvatura de 60º e com 5 mm de raio; curva apical: curvatura de 70º com 2mm de raio); Todos os instrumentos foram rotacionados de acordo com a instrução do fabricante até que a fratura ocorresse utilizando um motor endodôntico elétrico (Wave One, Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland). O número de ciclos até a fratura (NCF) e a comprimento do fragmento fraturado (FL) foram registrados para cada lima endodôntica. Os dados foram coletados e analisados pelo teste shopiro-wilk e ANOVA two-way. A significância estatística foi 0.05. Resultados: O NCF do WOG e do WOF foi significantemente menor na temperatura corpórea em comparação à temperatura ambiente (p ≤ 0.05), enquanto não foi observada diferença entre NCF em HEDM em temperatura corpórea e temperatura ambiente (p>0.05). Em 20±1°C, os resultados mostraram diferença não significativa entre o NFC com WOG e EOF (p>0.05), enquanto o NCF com HEDM foi significante menor que os demais grupos (p ≤ 0.05). A 37±1°C, os resultados mostraram diferença não significativa em NCF entre as limas endodônticas testadas (p ≤ 0.05). Há diferença não significativa no FL de cada grupo (20±1°C) e (37±1°C) (p>0.05). Não houve diferença estatisticamente diferente no FL entre as limas testadas nas temperaturas ambiente e corporal (p>0,05). Conclusão: A temperatura tem efeito significativo na resistência a fadiga cíclica do EOF e WOG, enquanto não foi observado nenhum efeito na resistência a fadiga cíclica do HEDM. WOG e EOF tiveram um NCF comparável, enquanto HEDM teve um NCF menor do que os outros grupos em temperatura ambiente. À temperatura corporal, todas as limas testas apresentam semelhante NCF. Esses resultados foram atribuídos ao tipo de liga e ao tratamento térmico que foi utilizado na fabricação. O teste de fadiga cíclica deve ser feito à temperatura corporal (AU)
Body Temperature , Analysis of Variance , Dental Instruments , FatigueABSTRACT
Craniosynostosis is a congenital disorder whose surgical management includes extensive surgeries with high rates of bleeding and transfusión. Anesthetic management is a challege both due to the characteristcs of the patients and due to complications secondary to surgery. OBJECTIVE: To describe the anesthetic management and the behavior of its variables in patients undergoing craniosynostosis remodeling at the Hospital Clínico Regional Concepción (HCRC), Chile. CONCLUSIONES: Blood transfusión in these patients is frequent.
La craneosinostosis es un desorden congénito cuyo manejo quirúrgico comprende extensas cirugías con altas tasas de sangrado y transfusión. El manejo anestésico es un desafío tanto por las características propias de los pacientes como por las complicaciones secundarias a la cirugía. OBJETIVO: Describir el manejo anestésico y el comportamiento de sus variables en pacientes sometidos a remodelación de craneosinostosis en el Hospital Clínico Regional Concepción (HCRC), Chile. MÉTODO: Estudio observacional de cohorte retrospectivo en pacientes intervenidos entre el 1 de agosto de 2015 y el 1 de junio de 2019 en el HCRC. Los datos fueron extraídos de historias clínicas y registros anestésicos. RESULTADOS: El sangrado promedio fue de 18,4 ml/ kg. Se realizó transfusión de glóbulos rojos en el 75,7% de los pacientes con un promedio de 16 ml/kg. Se constata una mayor asociación de sangrado y transfusiones en cirugías de trigonocefalia, braquicefalia o craneosinostosis múltiple, también en pacientes que presentaron hipotermia y cirugías prolongadas. La técnica anestésica no presentó diferencias significativas en cuanto al sangrado. El uso de ácido tranexámico se asoció a menor tasa de transfusiones. CONCLUSIONES: La transfusión sanguínea en estos pacientes es frecuente.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Craniosynostoses/surgery , Anesthesia , Postoperative Complications , Tranexamic Acid/therapeutic use , Blood Transfusion , Body Temperature , Retrospective Studies , Blood Loss, SurgicalABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La enfermedad por el coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) causada por el coronavirus 2 del Síndrome respiratorio agudo grave ó SARS-CoV-2 fue inicialmente reportada en Wuhan, China en diciembre de 2019(1) WHO. El 30 de enero de 2020 la OMS determinó que la COVID-19 representaba una emergencia de salud pública de importancia internacional y posteriormente el 11 de marzo del 2020 fue declarada como pandemia. Con el objetivo de contener, suprimir o mitigar esta pandemia, los países han aplicado diversas medidas de salud pública, algunas más restrictivas que otras. Mediante Decreto Supremo No 008-2020-SA, se declara la emergencia sanitaria a nivel nacional por el plazo de noventa (90) días calendario y se dictaron medidas para la prevención y control para evitar la propagación del COVID-19, la misma fue prorrogado por los Decretos Supremos No 020-2020-SA, No 027-2020-SA, No 031-2020-SA, No 009-2021-SA y N° 025-2021-SA, con la finalidad de mitigar la transmisión del virus y proteger la salud de los trabajadores y del público en general (2). El presente documento está destinado a sistematizar la evidencia existente, respecto a la efectividad de las intervenciones no farmacológicas para la prevención y control de COVID-19. OBJETIVO; Sintetizar y presentar disposiciones sobre las recomendaciones actualizadas para el cuidado y disminución del riesgo de contagio por SARS-CoV-2, a partir de revisiones sistemáticas sobre la efectividad de las intervenciones no farmacológicas para la prevención y control de COVID-19. Se efectuó una búsqueda avanzada en la Plataforma Living Overview of the Evidence (L·OVE) de la Fundación Epistemonikos (3) con fecha 21 de octubre del 2021, a fin de identificar revisiones sistemáticas incluyendo revisiones rápidas para la pregunta PICO. Se eligió la plataforma L·OVE ya que ésta actualiza búsquedas de estudios en COVID-19 en alrededor de 39 bases de datos, incluyendo MEDLINE, EMBASE, Biblioteca Cochrane, servidores de distribución de manuscritos aún no publicados y registros de ensayos clínicos entre otras. Adicionalmente, se consultó la página web de la Organización Mundial de Salud (OMS) y de algunas páginas oficiales de las principales agencias gubernamentales de la región, sobre a la efectividad de las intervenciones no farmacológicas (uso de pediluvio, toma de temperatura y distanciamiento físico) para la prevención y control de COVID-19. RESULTADOS: Las intervenciones no farmacológicas comprenden medidas de protección personal, medidas medioambientales, medidas de distanciamiento físico y medidas relacionadas con el tránsito, la adopción de esas medidas se está aplicando como respuesta a la propagación de la COVID-19. Las consideraciones presentadas en esta nota técnica se refieren a las medidas como el distanciamiento social, toma de temperatura y el uso de pediluvios. CONCLUSIONES: El objetivo del informe fue sintetizar y presentar disposiciones sobre las recomendaciones actualizadas para el cuidado y disminución del riesgo de contagio por SARS-CoV-2, a partir de revisiones sobre la efectividad de las intervenciones no farmacológicas para la prevención y control de COVID-19, estas intervenciones son el distanciamiento físico, toma de temperatura y el uso de pediluvios. Al inicio de la pandemia del COVID-19, se recomendaron diversas medidas preventivas por el principio de precaución, con evidencia científica limitada acerca de la seguridad y en relación a los riesgos y la factibilidad asociados a su implementación. Una de las intervenciones es el distanciamiento físico, la reducción de la transmisión de SARS-CoV-2 se ha podido comprobar mediante simuladores sin mascarilla, con una reducción del 60% a 50 cm y del 70% a 1 metro, por lo que la exposición a aerosoles infectivos en espacios mal ventilados o mayor número de personas en aforos reducidos, aumenta la posibilidad de contagio. Es necesario implementar medidas para mantener un distanciamiento físico seguro entre las personas. En cuanto a la toma de temperatura, según un estudio analizado, tiene una sensibilidad muy baja, a pesar de que podría presentar una mejor especificidad, (es decir, es más probable que una temperatura alta refleje una infección que requeriría pruebas confirmatorias que un falso positivo), la utilidad del cribado con medición directa de temperatura puede ser limitada dada a la escasa sensibilidad (es decir, una temperatura normal no identifica muchas infecciones verdaderas) porque la historia natural de esta infección incluye una duración presintomática y muchas veces el curso es asintomático de la enfermedad. Cabe mencionar que este estudio fue al principio de la pandemia, actualmente la toma de temperatura como recomendaciones para el ingreso a iglesias, centros comerciales, colegios o lugares públicos no está dentro de las recomendaciones de la OMS. En cuanto al uso de pediluvios, no se encontró evidencia científica que ayude a la reducción de la posible diseminación del virus COVID-19, además no figura dentro de las recomendaciones de la OMS. La utilidad limitada de los enfoques actuales, es decir la poca o nula evidencia científica que sustente la toma de temperatura para el ingreso en colegios, instituciones públicas, restaurantes, centros comerciales, etc, y el uso de pediluvios para evitar la propagación del virus, nos lleva a la necesidad en un mayor énfasis de priorizar otras intervenciones como el uso de la mascarilla, mantener el distanciamiento físico y social, lavado de manos y utilizar equipos de protección personal.
Humans , Body Temperature , Hand Sanitizers/administration & dosage , Physical Distancing , COVID-19/prevention & control , Efficacy , Cost-Benefit AnalysisSubject(s)
Soccer/physiology , Body Temperature/physiology , Outflow Velocity Measurement , AthletesABSTRACT
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do exercício prévio específico sobre o desempenho em teste intermitente de alta intensidade em jogadoras de futsal e variáveis associadas. Para isso 13 jogadoras amadoras de futsal (24,1 anos; 63,6 kg; 1,61 m; IMC = 24,3 kg/m2 ; % de gordura = 27,9), de maneira cruzada, passaram por duas sessões experimentais separadas por sete dias. Em uma das sessões era realizado um exercício prévio (EP): três primeiros níveis do Yo Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (YYIR1) repetidos por três vezes. Na sessão controle (CON), as jogadoras permaneciam em repouso (5 min) e após, em ambas as sessões, era realizado o YYIR1 até a exaustão. Antes do início da sessão eram reportadas escalas de recuperação e dor muscular de início tardio, a frequência cardíaca (FC) foi monitorada por toda sessão e, ao término, a percepção de esforço (PSE) era registrada. As percepções de recuperação (p = 0,23) e de dor (p = 0,36) não diferiram entre as sessões EP vs. CON. A FC média durante o exercício prévio foi de 111,3 ± 7,7 bpm. A distância percorrida no YYIR1 não diferiu (p = 0,25) também entre EP (372,3 ± 103,8 m) vs. CON (341,5 ± 84,2 m), bem como a monitoração da FC (mínima, média e máxima). Entretanto, a PSE foi menor (p = 0,0008) na sessão EP (8,5 ± 0,7 UA) do que em CON (9,3 ± 0,6 UA). Assim, concluímos que o exercício prévio não influencia o desempenho intermitente de alta intensidade (YYIR1), nem as variáveis de FC. Porém, o exercício prévio gera menores níveis de percepção de esforço (intensidade interna) em comparação ao repouso antes do YYIR1. (AU)
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of specific prior exercise on performance in intermittent high intensity testing in futsal players and associated variables. For this, 13 amateur futsal players (24.1 years old; 63.6 kg; 1.61 m; BMI = 24.3 kg / m2; fat% = 27.9), in a crossed way, went through two experimental sessions separated by seven days. In one of the sessions, a previous exercise (PE) was performed: the first three levels of the Yo Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (YYIR1) repeated three times. In the control session (CON), the players remained at rest (5 min) and afterwards, in both sessions, YYIR1 was performed until exhaustion. Before the start of the session, recovery scales and late-onset muscle pain were reported, the heart rate (HR) was monitored throughout the session and, at the end, the perceived exertion (RPE) was recorded. The perceptions of recovery (p = 0.23) and pain (p = 0.36) did not differ between the PE vs CON. The average HR during the previous exercise was 111.3 ± 7.7 bpm. The distance covered in YYIR1 did not differ (p = 0.25) also between PE (372.3 ± 103.8 m) vs. CON (341.5 ± 84.2 m), as well as HR monitoring (minimum, average and maximum). However, the RPE was lower (p = 0.0008) in the PE session (8.5 ± 0.7 AU) than in CON (9.3 ± 0.6 AU). Thus, we conclude that the previous exercise does not influence the intermittent high intensity performance (YYIR1), nor the HR variables. However, previous exercise generates lower levels of perceived exertion (internal intensity) compared to resting before YYIR1. (AU)
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Physical Endurance , Soccer , Women , Exercise , Athletic Performance , Rest , Body Temperature , Women's Health , Athletes , Physical Conditioning, Human , Heart RateABSTRACT
This study aimed to determine the physiological and hematological parameters of sheep in Brazil. Therefore, 5,081 observations were used from previous experiments with animals from different Brazilian regions with the time of day, gender, breed, age, physiological characteristics, hematological and climatic variables. The animals were classified according to their stress level, and only data of non-stressed animals were used to calculate the reference values. Respiratory rate was the parameter that most differed from the normal range, with values ââabove the limits usually reported for the species, being higher in commercial wool sheep. For hematological variables, differences were observed between the present results and the previously reported values in the literature. A higher number of red blood cells (RBC), lower hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were observed in young animals. A higher number of RBC and MCHC were noted in sheep crossed with local breeds. Considering that physiological and hematological parameters are indicators of the animal's pathological or physiological state, for a correct interpretation of the results, the use of reference values based on animals with similar racial characteristics and subjected to similar environmental conditions is recommended.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar parâmetros fisiológicos e hematológicos de ovinos no Brasil. Portanto, foram utilizadas 5.081 observações de experimentos anteriores com animais de diversas regiões do Brasil, com diferentes horário, sexo, raça, idade, características fisiológicas, variáveis ââhematológicas e climáticas. Os animais foram classificados de acordo com o nível de estresse, e apenas os dados dos animais não estressados ââforam utilizados para o cálculo dos valores de referência. A frequência respiratória foi o parâmetro que mais diferiu em relação à normalidade, com valores acima dos limites usualmente relatados para a espécie, sendo maior em ovinos de lã comercial. Para as variáveis ââhematológicas, também foram verificadas diferenças entre os resultados observados e os valores previamente relatados na literatura. Maior número de hemácias, menor hemoglobina e concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (CHbCM) foram observados em animais jovens e maior número de hemácias e CHbCM em ovinos cruzados com raças locais. Considerando que os parâmetros fisiológicos e hematológicos são indicadores do estado patológico ou fisiológico do animal, para uma correta interpretação dos resultados recomenda-se a utilização de valores de referência baseados em animais com características raciais semelhantes e submetidos a condições ambientais também semelhantes.(AU)
Animals , Sheep/physiology , Sheep/blood , Reference Values , Tropical Climate , Body Temperature , Brazil , Respiratory Rate , Hematologic Tests/veterinaryABSTRACT
This study aims to determine the relationship between indicators of the motor activity, pH factor, rumen and rectal temperature within 10 days after calving and to analyze the possibility of using the studied parameters as prognostic signs for diagnosing sub-acute rumen acidosis (SARA). The measurements were taken using bolus with sensors designed to monitor cow health. The motor activity, pH factor and ruminal temperature of 10 cows were measured during 10 days at a measurement interval of every 60 seconds. Next, the researchers calculated the average values of the obtained readings, which were divided into 2 groups according to a measurement interval of every 12 hours. Rectal temperature was measured using a veterinary thermometer every 12 hours (at 8 a.m. and at 8 p.m.). As a result, 200 measurements were obtained. Descriptive sampling statistics were calculated using the SPSS Statistics program. An increase in motor activity reduces the pH level of the rumen environment. Lowering the pH factor of the rumen environment leads to an increase in ruminal temperature. There is a positive statistically significant correlation between ruminal and rectal temperature. The nosology of SARA can be predicted by measuring the motor activity and rectal temperature of dairy cows.(AU)
Este estudo visa determinar a relação entre indicadores de atividade motora, fator de pH, temperatura ruminal e retal em até 10 dias após o parto e analisar a possibilidade de utilizar os parâmetros estudados como sinais prognósticos para o diagnóstico de acidose ruminal subaguda (SARA). As medições foram feitas usando bolus com sensores projetados para monitorar a saúde das vacas. A atividade motora, o fator de pH e a temperatura ruminal de 10 vacas foram medidos durante 10 dias em intervalos de medição de 60 segundos. A seguir, os pesquisadores calcularam os valores médios das leituras obtidas, que foram divididos em 2 grupos de acordo com um intervalo de medição a cada 12 horas. A temperatura retal foi medida com um termômetro veterinário a cada 12 horas (às 8h e às 20h). Como resultado, foram obtidas 200 medições. As estatísticas de amostragem descritiva foram calculadas usando o programa SPSS Statistics. Um aumento na atividade motora reduz o nível de pH do ambiente ruminal. A redução do fator de pH do ambiente ruminal leva a um aumento da temperatura ruminal. Existe uma correlação positiva estatisticamente significativa entre a temperatura ruminal e retal. A nosologia com SARA pode ser prevista medindo a atividade motora e a temperatura retal de vacas leiteiras.(AU)
Animals , Female , Cattle , Rumen , Acidosis/diagnosis , Acidosis/veterinary , Body Temperature , Postpartum Period/physiology , PrognosisABSTRACT
Ten free-living adult coatis (two males and eight females) were chemically restrained with "ZAD-50", a concentrated formulation prepared with the dehydrated content of a Zoletil/50® vial diluted with 0.25mL of 1% atropine, 0.265mL of Dormiun-V®, and 2.2mL of distilled water, being exactly 3.0mL. The formula was administered to each animal previously captured and physically contained with a net. The loss of righting reflex (RR) occurred at 2.3±0.8 minutes post-injection (MPI), with anesthesia beginning at 4.4±2.7 MPI. Myorelaxant and analgesia were considered excellent at all moments of the evaluation. Conscious reactions were observed at 78.7±22.2 MPI, the return of the RR occurred at 101 ± 18 MPI, and normal ambulation was acquired at 137.0±31.0 MPI. The mean values ââof physiological parameters measured every 10 minutes between 10 and 50 MPI were 152.2 heartbeats per minute for heart rate, 66.4 respiratory movements per minute for respiratory rate, 39.2oC for rectal temperature, 86.2% for SpO2 and 14.6 mmHg for systolic blood pressure. In the same times, the EEG registered sinus rhythm. No adverse reactions were observed, and the assessed vital parameters remained compatible with the state of chemical restraint.(AU)
Dez quatis adultos de vida livre (dois machos e oito fêmeas) foram contidos empregando-se a formulação denominada "ZAD-50". A fórmula foi preparada a partir do conteúdo desidratado de um frasco de Zoletil/50® diluído em 0,25mL de atropina a 1%, 0,265mL de Dormiun-V® e 2,2mL de água destilada, obtendo-se volume final de 3,0mL. A associação foi administrada, por via intramuscular, a cada animal capturado e contido fisicamente com puçá, em dose calculada por meio de extrapolação alométrica interespecífica. A perda da reação postural de endireitamento (RPE) ocorreu aos 2,3±0,8 minutos pós-injeção (MPI), observando-se início da anestesia aos 4,4±2,7 MPI. Miorrelaxamento e analgesia foram considerados excelentes em todos os momentos da avaliação. Reações conscientes foram observadas aos 78,7±22,2 MPI, o retorno da RPE ocorreu aos 101±18 MPI, e os animais voltaram à ambulação normal aos 137,0±31,0 MPI. Os valores médios dos parâmetros fisiológicos mensurados a cada 10 minutos entre 10 e 50 MPI foram 152,2 batimentos por minuto para frequência cardíaca, 66,4 movimentos por minuto para frequência respiratória, 39,2oC para temperatura retal, 86,2% para saturação parcial de oxigênio e 14,6mmHg para pressão arterial sistólica. Nesses tempos, observou-se ritmo sinusal no eletrocardiograma, e não foram observadas reações adversas.(AU)
Animals , Body Temperature , Procyonidae/physiology , Respiratory Rate , Heart Rate , Anesthesia/veterinary , Tiletamine/analysis , Zolazepam/analysis , Anesthetics, Combined/analysis , Animals, Wild/physiologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Introduction Infrared thermography has been used in several areas, mainly in sports training, and specifically in soccer. Objectives The objectives of the study were to verify the acute effect of a displacement speed test on the skin temperature of elite female soccer players, to observe pre- and post-test thermal asymmetries, and to compare responses in the anterior and posterior regions of lower limbs. Methods Cross-sectional study that evaluated 17 soccer players of the 2018 Brazilian Championship. They were submitted to thermography before and 10 minutes after performing the displacement speed test. Thermographic images were collected using a FLIR® model 8 thermal imager and changes in skin temperature in the anterior and posterior regions of the lower limbs were analyzed, according to the areas of interest. Descriptive statistics were performed and mean and standard deviation of the temperatures of the areas of interest were analyzed. The normality of the data was verified, and then the Student's t test for normal paired and independent samples and the Mann-Whitney test for non-normal samples were conducted, with p <0.05 being adopted for significance level. Results It was possible to observe that after the test there was an increase in skin temperature in all the regions analyzed, both on the dominant and non-dominant sides (p <0.05). Regarding the analysis of the anterior region, it was possible to observe a higher temperature (p <0.05) in the region of the tibial muscles than in the region of the quadriceps muscles. Conclusion It is concluded that thermography helps to understand the thermal responses of lower limbs after applying the displacement speed test. The study shows that thermographic evaluation can guide the organization of the training session when motor tests have previously been applied, and in the detection of abnormal overloads, helping to prevent injuries. Level of evidence IV; Therapeutic studies - Investigation of treatment results.
RESUMO Introdução A termografia infravermelha tem sido empregada em diversas áreas, principalmente no treinamento esportivo e especificamente no futebol. Objetivos Os objetivos do estudo foram verificar o efeito agudo da aplicação de um teste de velocidade de deslocamento sobre a temperatura da pele de atletas de futebol feminino de elite, as assimetrias térmicas pré e pós-teste e comparar respostas nas regiões anterior e posterior de membros inferiores. Métodos Estudo de caráter transversal, que avaliou 17 jogadoras de futebol do Campeonato Brasileiro em 2018. Elas foram submetidas à termografia antes e 10 minutos depois da realização do teste de velocidade de deslocamento. Foram coletadas imagens termográficas por meio de um termovisor FLIR®, modelo E8, e analisadas as alterações da temperatura da pele, na região anterior e posterior dos membros inferiores, de acordo com as áreas de interesse. Foi realizada a estatística descritiva e para análise, foram usados média e desvio padrão da temperatura das áreas pretendidas. Verificou-se normalidade dos dados e, em seguida, o teste t de Student para amostras normais pareadas e independentes e o teste de Mann-Whitney, para amostras não normais, adotando-se p < 0,05 para nível de significância. Resultados Foi possível observar que depois do teste houve aumento da temperatura da pele em todas as regiões analisadas, tanto no lado dominante quanto no não dominante (p < 0,05). Com relação à análise da região anterior, foi possível observar maior temperatura (p < 0,05) na região dos músculos tibiais quando comparados com os músculos da região do quadríceps. Conclusão Conclui-se que a termografia auxilia o entendimento das respostas térmicas de membros inferiores depois da aplicação do teste de velocidade de deslocamento. O estudo demonstra que a avaliação termográfica pode orientar a organização da sessão de treinamento quando há aplicação prévia de testes motores e na detecção de sobrecargas anormais, auxiliando na prevenção de lesões. Nível de evidência IV; Estudos terapêuticos - Investigação dos resultados do tratamento.
RESUMEN Introducción La termografía infrarroja ha sido empleada en diversas áreas, principalmente en el entrenamiento deportivo y específicamente en el fútbol. Objetivos Los objetivos del estudio fueron verificar el efecto agudo de la aplicación de un test de velocidad de desplazamiento sobre la temperatura de la piel de atletas de fútbol femenino de élite, las asimetrías térmicas pre y post test y comparar respuestas en las regiones anterior y posterior de miembros inferiores. Métodos Estudio de carácter transversal, que evaluó a 17 jugadoras de fútbol del Campeonato Brasileño en 2018. Ellas fueron sometidas a termografía antes y 10 minutos después de la realización del test de velocidad de desplazamiento. Fueron colectadas imágenes termográficas por medio de un termovisor FLIR® - E8, modelo E8, y analizadas las alteraciones de la temperatura de la piel, en la región anterior y posterior de los miembros inferiores, de acuerdo con las áreas de interés. Fue realizada la estadística descriptiva y para el análisis, fueron usados promedio y desviación estándar de la temperatura de las áreas pretendidas. Se verificó normalidad de los datos y, a continuación, el test t de Student para muestras normales pareadas e independientes, y el test de Mann-Whitney, para muestras no normales, adoptándose p < 0,05 para nivel de significancia. Resultados Fue posible observar que después del test hubo aumento de la temperatura de la piel en todas las regiones analizadas, tanto en el lado dominante como en el no dominante (p <0,05). Con relación al análisis de la región anterior, fue posible observar mayor temperatura (p <0,05) en la región de los músculos tibiales cuando comparados con los músculos de la región del cuádriceps. Conclusión Se concluye que la termografía ayuda en el entendimiento de las respuestas térmicas de miembros inferiores, después de la aplicación del test de velocidad de desplazamiento. El estudio demuestra que la evaluación termográfica puede orientar la organización de la sesión de entrenamiento cuando hay aplicación previa de tests motores y en la detección de sobrecargas anormales, ayudando en la prevención de lesiones. Nivel de evidencia IV; Estudios terapéuticos - Investigación de los resultados del tratamiento.