Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de istmocele por ecografía e histeroscopia. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional y transversal, de tipo descriptivo mediante la aplicación de una matriz de registro a pacientes sintomáticas que acudieron a la consulta ginecológica del IAHULA en el periodo entre enerojunio 2019 a quienes se les realizo ecografía pélvica e histeroscopia. Resultados: Se obtuvo una muestra de 24 pacientes. La edad promedio fue 37 años. 91,7 % presento dolor pélvico, 54,2 % dispareunia, 50 % SUA y 4,2 % infertilidad. Del total de la muestra 18 pacientes reporto istmocele por ecografía y 20 por histeroscopia. Conclusión: Es importante que, ante síntomas como dolor pélvico, sangrado uterino anormal, infertilidad y dispareunia, se considere el istmocele como posible causa y diagnóstico diferencial, siendo esté un defecto fácil de diagnosticar y tratar. Este estudio demuestra muy buena correlación entre los resultados, reportando la ecografía una sensibilidad del 100 % y especificidad del 67 %. La incidencia de istmocele fue 75 % por ecografía y 83,3 % por histeroscopia(AU)
Objective: To determine the incidence of isthmocele by ultrasound and hysteroscopy. Methods: An observational and cross-sectional, descriptive study, was carried out by applying a registration matrix to symptomatic patients who attended the IAHULA gynecological consultation in the period between January-June 2019 to those who underwent pelvic ultrasound and hysteroscopy. Results: A sample of 24 patients was obtained. The average age was 37 years. 91.7 % had pelvic pain, 54.2 % dyspareunia, 50 % SUA and 4.2 % infertility. Of the total sample 18 patients reported isthmocele by ultrasound and 20 by hysteroscopy. Conclusion: It is important that before symptoms such as pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, infertility and dyspareunia, isthmocele is considered as a possible cause and differential diagnosis, being an easy defect to diagnose and treat. This study demonstrates a very good correlation between the results, with ultrasound reporting a sensitivity of 100 % and specificity of 67 %. The incidence of isthmocele was 75 % by ultrasound and 83.3 % by hysteroscopy(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Hysteroscopy , Cesarean Section , Risk Factors , Ultrasonography , Cicatrix/complications , Uterus , Labor, Obstetric , Labor Stage, First , IncidenceABSTRACT
O parto cesáreo (PC) é o procedimento cirúrgico mais comumente realizado nos Estados Unidos (mais de 1 milhão de cirurgias por ano) e um dos procedimentos mais realizados em todo o mundo.(1) Embora o PC seja um procedimento potencialmente salvador de vidas, quando corretamente indicado, sua frequência aumentou constantemente nas últimas décadas (atualmente 21,1% globalmente, variando de 5%, na África Subsaariana, a 42,8%, na América Latina e no Caribe). Além disso, estudos demonstram tendência continuada de aumento (projeção para 2030: 28,5% globalmente, variando de 7,1%, na África Subsaariana, a 63,4%, no leste da Ásia).(2) República Dominicana, Brasil, Chipre, Egito e Turquia são os líderes mundiais, com taxas de PC variando de 58,1% a 50,8%, respectivamente, o que aponta para uma tendência preocupante de medicalização do parto e indicação excessiva do PC.(2) Outros procedimentos cirúrgicos como dilatação, curetagem, miomectomia e histeroscopia cirúrgica são menos frequentes que o PC. Ainda assim, devido à tendência de maior idade materna, o número de gestantes previamente submetidas a esses procedimentos também tende a aumentar. Esses dados apontam para um número crescente de gestações em úteros manipulados cirurgicamente Gestantes com cicatrizes uterinas prévias correm risco de aumento da morbimortalidade. Complicações como placenta prévia, rotura uterina espontânea, deiscência uterina (com ou sem intrusão placentária), gestação em cicatriz de cesariana (GCC) e distúrbios do espectro do acretismo placentário (EAP) estão associadas a sangramento uterino potencialmente fatal, lesões extrauterinas e parto pré-termo
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Placenta Accreta/diagnostic imaging , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Uterus/injuries , Cicatrix/complications , Maternal Health , ObstetricsABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the safety and feasibility of gasless submental approach endoscopic removal of thyroglossal cyst. Methods: This work prospectively included the clinical data of 13 patients who underwent the gasless submental approach endoscopic removal of thyroglossal cyst at the Department of Otolaryngology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University from August 2021 to February 2022. The operative time, bleeding volumes, postoperative complications, subjective pain levels, satisfaction with incisional scars, neck and facial deformities, and recurrences were prospectively evaluated by visual analogue scale(VAS) score. Results: All of 13 patients were successfully treated using this new technique. The patients had a median age of 38 years, ranging from 24 to 59 years, comprising of 3 males and 10 females. The length of the submental incision was about 3 cm and the median of operation time was 135 minutes. Postoperative complications were minimal. The median volume of blood loss was 10 ml. Surgical site swelling existed in 1 case and dysphagia for more than 1 week occurred in 2 cases. Patients were discharged from the hospital with a median of 3 days after surgery. On a VAS of 0-10 scores, the pain had a median of 2 on the first day after surgery, and the satisfaction with incision scars and neck and facial deformities showed a median of 8 at 6 months after surgery. There were no recurrences during the follow-up period of 9-15 months. Conclusion: Gasless submental approach endoscopic removal of thyroglossal cyst may be a reliable new surgical method that is safe and has cosmetic advantages.
Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Cicatrix/complications , Thyroglossal Cyst/complications , Endoscopy/methods , Postoperative Complications , Pain/complicationsABSTRACT
Objective:To compare the perioperative efficacy and safety of postoperative oral glucocorticoid and glucocorticoid stent implantation in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps(CRSwNP) undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery(FESS). Methods:Sixty patients with bilateral CRSwNP with similar degree of lesions were selected and divided into three groups: conventional surgical treatment group(20 cases), glucocorticoid stent group(20 cases), and oral glucocorticoid group(20 cases). All three groups underwent routine FESS, patients in the sinus glucocorticoid stent group receiving sinus glucocorticoid stent placed in the ethmoid sinuses(one on each side) during surgery, and patients in the oral glucocorticoid group received postoperative oral methylprednisolone at a dose of 0.4 mg/kg per day for 7 days, followed by a tapering of 8 mg per week to 8 mg followed by maintenance therapy for 1 week, for a total of 3-4 weeks. Visual analog scale(VAS) scores were used to evaluate nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, olfaction, and facial pressure symptoms before surgery, as well as at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks after surgery. Nasal endoscopic Lund-Kennedy scores were recorded, and adverse reactions such as stent detachment, stent-related allergic reactions, sleep disorders, edema, gastrointestinal symptoms, rash/acne, behavioral/cognitive changes, weight gain, limb pain, and infection risk were documented. Results:The nasal congestion symptom scores at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks after surgery were significantly lower than those before operationin all three groups, and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). The sinus glucocorticoid stent group exhibited significantly lower nasal congestion symptom scores at 4 and 8 weeks after surgery compared to the conventional surgical treatment group. The rhinorrhea symptom scores at 2, 8, and 12 weeks after surgery were significantly lower than preoperative scores in all three groups. Additionally, the sinus glucocorticoid stent group had significantly lower rhinorrhea scores than the conventional surgical treatment group at 2 weeks postoperatively. Concerning olfaction, the sinus glucocorticoid stent group showed a significant reduction in scores at 12 weeks postoperatively, while the oral glucocorticoid group exhibited significant improvement starting from 8 weeks after surgery. There were no statistically significant differences in nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, facial pressure, and olfaction scores between the sinus glucocorticoid stent and oral glucocorticoid groups at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks postoperatively. Nasal endoscopy scores revealed lower polyp scores and edema at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks postoperatively for all three groups compared to preoperative scores. The conventional surgical treatment group exhibited a significant reduction in nasal secretion scores starting from 8 weeks after surgery, while both the sinus glucocorticoid stent and oral glucocorticoid groups showed significant reductions starting from 2 weeks postoperatively, with scores significantly lower than those of the conventional surgical treatment group at 2 weeks. Scab/scar scores in the conventional surgical treatment group significantly decreased from 8 weeks after surgery, while both the sinus glucocorticoid stent and oral glucocorticoid groups exhibited significant reductions starting from 4 weeks. No statistically significant differences were observed in endoscopy scores(including polyps, edema, nasal secretion, scars, and scabs) between the sinus glucocorticoid stent and oral glucocorticoid groups at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks postoperatively. Regarding adverse reactions, no postoperative complications related to sinus glucocorticoid stent were observed in the sinus glucocorticoid stent group. In the oral glucocorticoid group,1 patient experienced irritability, and 1 patient experienced weight gain. Conclusion:The glucocorticoid stent implantation has comparable effects to oral glucocorticoid in improving postoperative nasal symptoms, reducing nasal mucosal edema, scar formation, and nasal secretion in patients with CRSwNP undergoing FESS, with a better safety profile.
Humans , Nasal Polyps/complications , Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use , Cicatrix/complications , Sinusitis/complications , Postoperative Period , Endoscopy , Rhinorrhea , Edema/complications , Weight Gain , Chronic Disease , Rhinitis/complications , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Abstract A cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) is a scary and life-threatening complication of cesarean section (CS). Nevertheless, the incidence of CS is constantly growing. The CSP incidence is 0,15% of pregnancies after CS which represents 6,1% of all ectopic pregnancies in women with condition after CS. Therefore, it should be more present in the clinical daily routine. From mild nonspecific symptoms to hypovolemic shock, diagnosis and therapy must be performed quickly. With the progressive growth of the scar pregnancy, a uterine rupture involves the risk of severe bleeding, and an emergency hysterectomy could be necessary. Prolongation of pregnancy has been successful only in a few cases.We report 11 cases from our hospital in the past 10 years. In the discussion, treatment options of this complication with an increasing incidence, which is associated with serious morbidity and mortality, are presented based on the current literature. Treatment options include drug therapy, but also surgical or combined procedures with radiological intervention.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Pregnancy, Ectopic/diagnosis , Pregnancy, Ectopic/therapy , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Cicatrix/complications , Uterine Hemorrhage/etiology , Uterine Rupture/etiology , Abortifacient Agents, Nonsteroidal/therapeutic use , Methotrexate/therapeutic use , Risk Factors , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Dilatation and Curettage , HysterectomyABSTRACT
Introducción: el embarazo ectópico se produce cuando el embrión se implanta fuera de la cavidad uterina, y se ubica mayormente en las trompas de Falopio. Objetivo: presentar un caso clínico en el que la paciente desarrolló un embarazo ectópico en la cicatriz de una histerorrafia previa, fue diagnosticada cuando cursaba la sexta semana de gestación y se resistió ante la idea de perderlo irremediablemente, aunque su cuadro clínico es muy doloroso y se complica rápidamente. Presentación del caso: paciente de 27 años de edad, de color de piel negra, con antecedente de cesárea previa 9 meses atrás. Según reporte ecográfico se diagnostica embarazo de 8,6 semanas de gestación localizado en la zona de cicatriz de cesárea previa. Recibe tratamiento inicial con metotrexate y cloruro de potasio, para luego ser intervenida quirúrgicamente a través de legrado instrumental, se corrobora diagnóstico ecográfico y se logra extraer el embrión exitosamente. Conclusión: el manejo atendió a las características clínicas e individuales de la gestante y se respetó el principio de autonomía de la embarazada. La paciente pudo ser dada de alta con un estado de salud satisfactorio, conservó su capacidad de fecundidad(AU)
Introduction: Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the embryo is implanted outside the uterine cavity, mostly located in the fallopian tubes. Objective: To present a clinical case in which the patient developed an ectopic pregnancy over a previous cesarean section scar; the diagnosis was made when she was in the sixth week of her pregnancy and she could not withstand the idea of losing the baby, but the clinical picture worsened, she was very painful and became complicated quickly. Case report: Twenty-seven-year-old black patient with previous history of a cesarean section 9 months ago. According to ultrasound criteria, 8.6 weeks of pregnancy located in the area of a previous cesarean section scar is diagnosed. The patient receives initial treatment with methotrexate and potassium chloride to undergo a surgical procedure through instrumental intervention (curettage), confirming the diagnosis of the ultrasound and removing the embryo successfully. Conclusions: The management was based on the clinical and individual characteristics of the pregnant woman respecting the principle of autonomy. The patient was in good health at the moment of discharge, preserving her fertility capacity(AU)
Humans , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy, Ectopic/surgery , Pregnancy, Ectopic/diagnosis , Cicatrix/complications , Vacuum CurettageABSTRACT
Introdução: Em 1988, Baroudi et al. publicaram um trabalho descrevendo a utilização de pontos de adesão entre o retalho dermoadiposo e a bainha anterior do músculo reto do abdome, no intuito de diminuir a formação de seroma. O presente estudo propõe-se a demonstrar uma provável correlação entre os pontos de adesão de Baroudi com a força tensional do retalho, através da medida da distância da cicatriz abdominal inferior ao xifoide antes e após os pontos de Baroudi, no transoperatório de dermolipectomia. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo observacional. Foram selecionadas submetidas a lipoabdominoplastia no Serviço de Cirurgia Plástica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, no período de janeiro a abril de 2019. Aferiram-se as medidas transoperatórias da distância do apêndice xifoide esternal à cicatriz umbilical, e da primeira à cicatriz cirúrgica, pré e pós-realização dos pontos de adesão de Baroudi. A análise estatística foi realizada com o software Excel®. Resultados: Verificou-se a diminuição das distâncias apêndice xifoidecicatriz umbilical e apêndice xifoide-cicatriz após a realização da sutura de Baroudi (média de 1,5cm), pressupondo-se diminuição da tensão da cicatriz. Conclusão: As medidas aferidas no presente estudo mostraram uma diminuição da distância xifoide-cicatriz umbilical e xifoide-cicatriz abdominal inferior após a realização dos pontos de Baroudi, evidenciando uma menor tensão na cicatriz. Sugere-se estudos para avaliar como essas medidas se comportam a longo prazo e se realmente se correlacionam a uma cicatriz de melhor qualidade.
Introduction: In 1988, Baroudi et al. published a paper describing the use of adhesion points between the dermoadipose flap and the anterior rectus abdominis sheath to reduce seroma formation. This study aimed to demonstrate a probable correlation between the use of Baroudi adhesion points and reduction in flap tension force by measuring the distance from the lower abdominal scar to the xiphoid before and after using Baroudi points in dermolipectomy transoperatory. Methods: This was a prospective observational study that selected patients who underwent lipoabdominoplasty at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia Plastic Surgery Service of Porto Alegre from January to April 2019. The transoperatory measurements of distance from the sternal xiphoid appendix to the umbilical scar and from the pre-xiphoid to the postxiphoid scar before and after execution of Baroudi's adhesion points were compared. Statistical analysis was performed using Excel® software. Results: A reduction in the distances between the xiphoid-umbilical scar appendix and xiphoidscar appendix was verified after execution of Baroudi suture (mean 1.5 cm), indicating a decrease in scar tension. Conclusion: There was a decrease in the xiphoid-umbilical scar and xiphoid-lower abdominal scar distance after Baroudi stitches, indicating lower scar-tissue tension. Further studies should be conducted to evaluate these measurements in the long term and their correlation with a better-quality scar.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , History, 21st Century , Weights and Measures , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Prospective Studies , Cicatrix , Anatomic Landmarks , Abdominoplasty , Weights and Measures/standards , Cicatrix/surgery , Cicatrix/complications , Anatomic Landmarks/surgery , Anatomic Landmarks/injuries , Abdominoplasty/adverse effects , Abdominoplasty/methods , /methodsABSTRACT
Introdução: Queloides surgem de resposta excessiva à lesão da derme, resultando em proliferação de fibroblastos, produção exagerada de colágeno e comprometimento da pele sadia adjacente. O diagnóstico é clínico e muitos métodos conservadores e cirúrgicos já foram utilizados para tratamento. Porém, dados da eficácia desses tratamentos são limitados e não há consenso na literatura quanto a melhor técnica a ser empregada, permanecendo uma lacuna que necessita ser preenchida, a fim de que seus usos sejam indicados com maior confiabilidade, em um modelo de medicina baseada em evidências. Métodos: Revisão não sistemática da literatura sobre "queloides" nas bases de dados PubMed, Scielo, MEDLINE, UptoDate e livros-texto das áreas de Dermatologia e Cirurgia Dermatológica. Revisão de Literatura: Foram enumeradas e abordadas as principais informações sobre técnicas cirúrgicas e adjuvantes empregadas para essas lesões, que são: excisão, injeções intralesionais, crioterapia, laserterapia, revestimento com gel de silicone, radioterapia e pressoterapia. Torna-se relevante o levantamento dessas informações, tendo em vista que, além de poder causar dor, prurido e restrição de movimento, o principal motivo da procura de assistência médica para queloide é devido ao aspecto cosmético/estético, e as taxas de reincidência e falha terapêutica ainda são altas, sendo necessário conscientizar o paciente sobre o procedimento e seus efeitos. Conclusão: São muitos os tratamentos disponíveis para o queloide, sejam cirúrgicos ou não, todavia não há consenso sobre uma abordagem universalmente aceita. São necessários mais estudos, com a finalidade de definir a melhor conduta e atingir melhores resultados, visto a qualidade mediana das evidências apresentadas nos estudos.
Introduction: Keloids are characterized by an abnormal response to dermal trauma, resulting in fibroblast proliferation, excessive collagen production, and impairment of adjacent healthy tissue. The diagnosis is clinical, and many conservative and surgical methods can be used as treatments. However, data on the efficacy of these treatments are limited, and there is no consensus regarding the best treatment option. This gap needs to be filled by developing comprehensive evidence-based therapies. Methods: A non-systematic literature review of keloid scars was carried out using PubMed, Scielo, MEDLINE, UptoDate, and dermatology and dermatological surgery textbooks. Literature review: The search retrieved relevant information on surgical and adjuvant therapies used for keloids, including excision, intralesional injections, cryotherapy, laser therapy, silicone gel sheeting, radiation therapy, and pressure therapy. These data are crucial because, in addition to complaints of pain, itching, and restriction of movement, the main reason for seeking treatment for keloids is for cosmetic and aesthetic improvement, and the rates of recurrence and treatment failure are high, emphasizing the importance of creating awareness regarding the available procedures and their effectiveness. Conclusion: Many surgical and adjuvant therapies for keloids are available. Nonetheless, there is no consensus on a universally accepted treatment. Therefore, additional high-quality studies are needed to identify the most effective therapeutic approaches to achieve better results.
Humans , History, 21st Century , Recurrence , Surgery, Plastic , Therapeutics , Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 , Fibroblasts , Dermatologic Surgical Procedures , Keloid , Surgery, Plastic/adverse effects , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Therapeutics/methods , Wounds and Injuries , Wounds and Injuries/surgery , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Fibroblast Growth Factor 1/analysis , Fibroblast Growth Factor 1/adverse effects , Cicatrix , Cicatrix/complications , Dermatologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Keloid/surgeryABSTRACT
Introdução: As queimaduras constituem uma das lesões traumáticas mais graves e seu tratamento requer uma abordagem multidisciplinar, em que o papel do cirurgião plástico é fundamental. Restabelecer a função de proteção da pele, mas também recuperar a estética da área, queimada são objetivos desafiadores que o cirurgião plástico procura atingir. Relato de Caso: Paciente feminino de 27 anos submetida a mastopexia com inclusão de implantes, em que se aproveitou a pele retirada da mama para realizar um enxerto de espessura total em região mandibular e submentoniana para tratamento de cicatriz. A paciente teve uma integração completa do enxerto, sem evidenciar-se áreas de epidermólise. Os resultados estéticos foram excelentes, conseguindo a satisfação da paciente e melhoria das áreas discrômicas e hipertróficas cicatriciais. Conclusão: O enxerto autólogo a partir da pele da mama constitui uma boa alternativa para o tratamento de sequelas de queimaduras em face, possibilitando ótimos resultados estéticos.
Introduction: Burns are one of the most severe traumatic injuries and their treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach, where the role of the plastic surgeon is vital. The plastic surgeon is entrusted with the challenging goal of restoring the skin's protective function and simultaneously recovering the aesthetic aspect of the burnt area. Case report: A 27-year-old woman underwent a mastopexy with inclusion of implants, where the skin removed from the breast was used as a full-thickness graft in the mandibular and submental area for the treatment of a scar. The patient showed complete integration of the graft, and no areas of epidermolysis were observed. The aesthetic results were excellent, and the patient was completely satisfied; moreover, an improvement in the dyschromic and hypertrophic cicatricial areas was observed. Conclusion: An autologous graft using breast skin is a good alternative for the treatment of sequelae of burns on the face and provides excellent aesthetic results.
Humans , Female , Adult , Biological Dressings/adverse effects , Burns/surgery , Burns/physiopathology , Cicatrix/complications , Patient Satisfaction , Facial Injuries/surgery , Facial Injuries/complications , Cicatrix/surgeryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to share the results of patients who underwent anterior tarsal flap rotation combined with anterior lamellar reposition because of cicatricial upper eyelid entropion, and to determine the effectiveness and reliability of this surgical technique. Methods: Fifteen eyes of 11 patients (2 right eyes; 5 left eyes; and 4 bilateral eyes) on whom we performed anterior tarsal flap rotation surgery combined with anterior lamellar reposition because of cicatricial entropion were included in this study. The medical records of the patients were analyzed retrospectively, and the causes of cicatricial entropion as well as the preoperative and postoperative ophthalmic examination findings were recorded. Normal anatomical appearance and function of eyelid were considered to have been achieved. Results: The mean age was 59.81 ± 18 years. The mean follow-up period was 21.72 ± 14 months (range, 5-43 months). The causes of cicatricial entropion were postoperative cicatrices development due to multiple electrolyzes for trichiasis and/or distichiasis in 7 eyes, trachoma in 6 eyes, and trauma in 2 eyes. Irritation and watering were detected in all patients preoperatively, whereas corneal opacity and erosion were detected in 10 patients and epithelial erosion was detected in one patient. Full anatomical and functional success was achieved for all patients. Conclusion: Anterior tarsal flap rotation combined with anterior lamellar reposition in the repair of cicatricial entropion was found to be an effective and reliable alternative surgical procedure.
RESUMO Objetivo: Compartilhar os resultados dos pacientes submetidos à rotação de retalho tarsal anterior, combinados com a reposição lamelar anterior devido à entrópio cicatricial da pálpebra superior e determinar a eficácia e a confiabilidade desta técnica cirúrgica. Métodos: Foram incluídos neste estudo quinze olhos de 11 pacientes em quem realizamos cirurgia de rotação de retalho tarsal anterior combinada com reposição lamelar anterior devido ao entrópio cicatricial. Os registros médicos dos pacientes foram analisados retrospectivamente e as causas da entrópio cicatricial, bem como os achados do exame oftalmológico pré-operatório e pós-operatório foram registrados. A integridade anatômica e funcional da pálpebra foi considerada como sucesso cirúrgico. Resultados: A idade média foi de 59,81 ± 18 anos. O período médio de seguimento foi de 21,72 ± 14 meses (intervalo 5-43 meses). As causas da entrópio cicatricial foram o desenvolvimento de cicatrizes pós-operatórias devido a eletrólises múltiplas para triquíase e/ou distiquiase em 7 olhos, tracoma em 6 olhos e trauma em 2 olhos. Todos os pacientes foram tiveram irritação e lacrimejamento pré-operatório, enquanto que 10 pacientes apresentavam opacidade e erosão da córnea e 1 paciente apresentava apenas erosão epitelial. O sucesso total anatômico e funcional foi alcançado em todos os casos. Conclusão: A rotação do retalho tarsal anterior combinada com a reposição lamelar anterior no reparo da entrópio cicatricial é um procedimento cirúrgico alternativo efetivo e confiável.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Surgical Flaps , Cicatrix/surgery , Entropion/surgery , Eyelids/surgery , Trachoma/complications , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Cicatrix/complications , Treatment Outcome , Blepharoplasty/methods , Entropion/etiology , Medical IllustrationABSTRACT
The excessive pathological scars are subdivided into hypertrophic, keloid and contracted. They have a complex pathophysiology, not entirely known that only exists in humans. Although the frequency of presentation is not high, excessive pathological scars can affect several areas of human functioning, in the first level of functions and body structures and in the second level of activities of daily life and participation. The evaluation of patients must be complete, including the scar, and any other affected body system, together with psychological, functional and socioeconomic factors. In the treatment of excessive scars there are multiple options that must be combined for a better result. The non-surgical treatments of the most used scars are the pressotherapy, silicone plates, intralesional injections and laser. There are other rehabilitation treatments that although without solid evidence could have a role in patients. The referral to the rehabilitation service is recommended for patients with excessive pathological scars located in areas of folds or special areas and / or, which are accompanied by pain, alterations in the function of the body segment or limitations in activities of daily life, for comprehensive assessment and multidisciplinary management. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Cicatrix/classification , Cicatrix/physiopathology , Cicatrix/therapy , Cicatrix/complications , Cicatrix/diagnosisABSTRACT
Introdução: Nas abdominoplastias clássicas, um resultado indesejado após o tracionamento do retalho abdominal é a ocorrência de uma retração suprapúbica, no meio da cicatriz horizontal quando esta coincide com o ponto superior da antiga cicatriz umbilical. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 45 pacientes submetidas à dermolipectomia abdominal associada à lipoaspiração de todo o abdome e flancos, com decorticação de uma área suprapúbica cerca de 5 cm acima da marcação inicial da linha de incisão, com posterior fixação na borda inferior do retalho abdominal. Resultados: Não foram observadas depressões ou necroses na região suprapúbica. Conclusão: Observamos, nos casos operados, que a presença de um coxim dermogorduroso na porção central da linha de sutura nas abdominoplastias clássicas, associada à reconstituição completa dos planos cirúrgicos e fixação deste coxim no retalho abdominal superior, evita a ocorrência de depressões nesta região, evita ocorrência de necroses e melhora a qualidade da cicatriz por redução da tensão de tração sobre os tecidos.
Introduction: In classic abdominoplasty, an undesirable result after abdominal flap traction is the occurrence of a suprapubic retraction in the middle of the horizontal scar when it coincides with the superior point of the old umbilical scar. Methods: Forty-five patients underwent abdominal dermolipectomy associated with liposuction of the entire abdomen and flanks, with decortication of the suprapubic area approximately 5 cm above the initial marking of the incision line, with posterior fixation at the lower border of the abdominal flap. Results: No depressions or necroses were observed in the suprapubic region. Conclusion: We observed that the presence of a dermofat flap in the central portion of the suture line in the classic abdominoplasties associated with the complete reconstruction of the surgical planes and the fixation of this flap in the upper abdominal flap avoids the occurrence of depressions in this region, prevents occurrence of necrosis, and improves the quality of the scar by reducing the tensile stress on the tissues.
Humans , Female , History, 21st Century , Lipectomy , Tissue Adhesions , Prospective Studies , Cicatrix , Abdomen , Abdominoplasty , Necrosis , Lipectomy/adverse effects , Lipectomy/methods , Tissue Adhesions/complications , Tissue Adhesions/therapy , Cicatrix/surgery , Cicatrix/complications , Abdominoplasty/methods , Abdominoplasty/rehabilitation , Abdomen/surgery , Necrosis/surgery , Necrosis/complications , Necrosis/therapyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The development of a tubocutaneous fistula due to endometriosis in a post-cesarean section surgical scar is a rare complication that generates significant morbidity in the affected women. Surgery is the treatment of choice in these cases. Hormonal therapies may lead to an improvement in symptoms, but do not eradicate such lesions. In this report, we present a 34-year-old patient with a cutaneous fistula in the left iliac fossa with cyclic secretion. Anamnesis, a physical examination, and supplementary tests led us to suggest endometriosis as the main diagnosis, which was confirmed after surgical intervention.
RESUMO O desenvolvimento de fístula tubocutânea secundária à endometriose em cicatriz cirúrgica após cesariana é uma complicação rara, que gera importante morbidade às mulheres acometidas. A cirurgia é o tratamento de escolha nesses casos. Terapias hormonais podem conduzir a uma melhora dos sintomas, mas, de forma alguma, levam à erradicação de tais lesões. No presente relato, temos uma paciente de 34 anos de idade que apresentava uma fístula cutânea em fossa ilíaca esquerda com secreção cíclica. Anamnese, exame físico e exames complementares nos levaram a aventar como principal hipótese diagnóstica a endometriose, que foi confirmada após intervenção cirúrgica.
Humans , Female , Adult , Cutaneous Fistula/etiology , Endometriosis/complications , Fallopian Tube Diseases/etiology , Fistula/etiology , Genital Diseases, Female/complications , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Bodily Secretions , Cesarean Section , Cicatrix/complications , Cutaneous Fistula/diagnosis , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
Introdução: A orelha é uma estrutura da face que tem valor estético. As dimensões da orelha e aparência dos seus componentes anatômicos são modificados com a idade, doenças e práticas culturais que podem resultar em uma estética desagradável com o tempo. O lóbulo é um componente anatômico importante da orelha que é bastante influenciado esteticamente por estes fatores. Ele é composto por tecido adiposo e pele e pode sofrer mudanças na sua proporção e flacidez, as quais podem ser melhoradas, por meio procedimentos cirúrgicos, para ficarem esteticamente mais agradáveis, com o intuito de oferecer uma aparência mais proporcional ou jovem. Este trabalho descreve um caso de um paciente de 30 anos que considerou os lóbulos das suas orelhas desproporcionais ao resto da orelha e fez cirurgia para reduzi-los. Métodos: Foi realizado um procedimento cirúrgico simples, de recuperação rápida para reduzir o tamanho dos lóbulos do paciente por marcação e resseção de uma parte de cada lóbulo do paciente. Resultados: Os resultados se mostraram satisfatórios com lóbulos mais proporcionais ao resto das orelhas e melhora da estética do paciente. Conclusão: A técnica descrita neste trabalho para a redução de lóbulos auriculares hipertrofiados se mostrou eficaz.
Introduction: The ear is a structure of the face with important aesthetic value. The dimensions of the ear and the appearance of its anatomical components change with age, disease and cultural practices which can result in an aesthetically unpleasant form over time. The earlobe is an important anatomical part of the ear and is considerably influenced by the factors above. It is made of fatty tissue and skin and can undergo changes in its proportion and flaccidity, which may be improved by surgical procedures to make it more aesthetically pleasing, providing a more proportional or younger appearance. This article reports the case of a 30-yearold patient who considered his earlobes disproportionate in relation to the rest of his ears and underwent surgery to have them reduced. Methods: A simple and fast recovery surgical procedure was carried out delineating and resecting a part of each of the patient's earlobes. Results: The results proved to be satisfactory as the patient had more proportional earlobes in relation to the rest of his ears achieving aesthetic improvement. Conclusion: The technique described in this article to reduce hypertrophied earlobes proved to be efficient.
Humans , Male , Adult , Rhytidoplasty , Cicatrix , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Ear , Hypertrophy , Rhytidoplasty/adverse effects , Rhytidoplasty/methods , Cicatrix/surgery , Cicatrix/complications , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Ear/anatomy & histology , Ear/surgery , Ear/pathology , Hypertrophy/surgery , Hypertrophy/complicationsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Revisão narrativa de literatura e descrição de um caso de úlcera de Marjolin conduzido nas dependências do Hospital Escola Luiz Gioseffi Jannuzzi, enfatizando a conduta e evolução a partir da literatura e a adotada no caso abordado. Relato de Caso: Homem de 52 anos, com história de queimadura térmica em membro inferior direito há cerca de 25 anos, que evoluiu tardiamente com o aparecimento de lesão eritematosa, puntiforme e pruriginosa, tornando-se ulcerada e, posteriormente, úlcero-vegetante, com aumento progressivo e sem cicatrização, associada a dor e episódios de sangramento por traumas. Realizada biópsia incisional, o histopatológico confirmou tratar-se de carcinoma epidermoide bem diferenciado, desenvolvido em tecido cicatricial antigo. Foi realizada ressecção ampla da lesão, com enxertia local, sendo ainda necessária a realização de desbridamento no pós-operatório devido à necrose da enxertia. Conclusões: As lesões cicatriciais ou ulceradas crônicas que sofrem modificações no seu aspecto clínico evolutivo devem ser avaliadas como potencialmente carcinomatosas e as ulcerações com tendência à cronificação devem ser prontamente tratadas, com o emprego de enxerto, retalho ou até mesmo amputação se necessário. As áreas cicatriciais precisam sempre ser protegidas e deve-se sempre considerar o risco potencial de malignidade associada com úlceras venosas crônicas nos membros inferiores, realizando biópsias repetidas para descartar a possibilidade de transformação maligna. O paciente em questão necessitou de ressecção ampla da lesão, com enxertia local, a qual evoluiu com necrose no pós-operatório, sendo realizado desbridamento e curativos diários até que apresentasse recuperação e, posteriormente, cicatrização por segunda intenção.(AU)
Objective: A literature narrative review and description of a Marjolin ulcer case conducted at the Luiz Gioseffi Jannuzzi School Hospital, emphasizing the conduct and evolution from the literature and adopted in the case discussed. Case Report: 52 year old male, with a history of thermal burn in the lower right limb for about 25 years, who developed late with the onset of an erythematous, punctiform and pruritic lesion, becoming ulcerated and subsequently ulcer-creasing, progressive increase without healing, associated with pain and bleeding episodes due to trauma. An incisional biopsy was performed; the histopathological examination confirmed that it was a well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, developed in old scar tissue. A wide resection of the lesion with local graft was performed, and postoperative debridement was still necessary due to the infectious complication. Conclusions: Scarring injuries or ulcerated chronic suffering changes in its evolving clinical aspect should be evaluated as potentially carcinomatous and ulcerations with a tendency to chronicity should be promptly treated with the use of graft, flap or even amputation if required. Scarring areas should be protected and should always consider the potential risk of malignancy associated with chronic venous ulcers of the lower limbs, and repeated biopsies should be performed to rule out the possibility of malignant transformation. The patient in question required extensive resection of the lesion with local graft, which evolved with postoperative necrosis, and debridement and daily dressings were performed until recovery and later, it heals by second intention. (AU)
Objetivo: Revisión narrativa de la literatura e informe de cso clínico de úlcera de Marjolin atendida en el Hospital Escuela Luiz Gioseffi Jannuzzi, haciendo hincapié en la gestión y la evolución de la literatura y cuidados adoptados en el caso discutido. Caso clínico: Hombre de 52 años, con historia de quemadura térmica en la extremidad inferior derecha de unos 25 años, que se desarrolló más tarde con la aparición de lesiones eritematosas, putiforme y pririginosa, convirtiéndose en úlcera y posteriormente ulcerada-vegetante, aumentando de forma progresiva y sin dejar cicatrices asociadas con el dolor y episodios de sangramiento por trauma. Se realiza biopsia incisional histopatología confirmó que este es el carcinoma de células escamosas bien diferenciado desarrollado en el tejido de la cicatriz antigua. Se realizó una resección amplia con lesión sitio de injerto, siendo necesario para llevar a cabo el desbridamiento postoperatorio debido a necrosis. Conclusiones: Cicatrización de heridas crónicas o cambios sufridos ulceradas en su aspecto clínico evoluciona deben ser evaluados como potencialmente carcinomatosa y ulceraciones con tendencia a la cronicidad se debe tratar oportunamente con el uso de injerto, aleta o incluso la amputación si necesario. Áreas de cicatrización siempre deben ser protegidos. El paciente en cuestión requiere una resección extensa del sitio de la lesión con el injerto, que se desarrolló con necrosis después de la operación, que se ha llevado a cabo desbridamiento y curativos diarios para que la recuperación y más tarde, la cicatrización por segunda intención.(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Skin Neoplasms/etiology , Burns/complications , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/etiology , Cicatrix/complications , Leg Ulcer/etiology , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Disease Progression , Leg Ulcer/surgeryABSTRACT
Cicatrizes fibrosas periapicais podem ter aspecto radiográfico semelhante a lesões periapicais, levando ao plano de tratamento incorreto. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um confronto entre o diagnóstico radiográfico e histopatológico de dentes que foram tratados endodonticamente e apresentaramlesões periapicais detectadas radiograficamente após 18 meses do tratamento. Dez pacientes submetidos ao tratamento endodôntico adequado e apresentando imagem radiolúcia persistente 18 meses pós-tratamento, tiveram cirurgia paraendodôntica indicada. Durante a cirurgia, o tecido em volta do ápice foi removido e mergulhado em solução de formalina 10% para processamento histopatológico através de coloração de HE. O ápice removido na apicectomia foi mantido em glutaraldeído 2% e processado para análise por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Dentre os 10 casos sugestivos de lesão periapical, em apenas um caso foi confirmado diagnóstico de cisto, um caso de granuloma, e os outros oito casos confirmaram cicatriz fibrosa. Em nenhum dos casos foi detectada a presença de bactéria extrarradicular, somente infiltrado inflamatório e presença de células de defesa como linfócitos e neutrófilos, além de hemácias, tecido conjuntivo e colágeno. Pode-se concluir que a radiográfica convencional não constitui ponto conclusivo no diagnóstico de lesões periapicais.
Periapical fibrous scars may have similar radiographic appearance of periapical lesions that canresult in incorrect diagnosis. The aim of this study was a confrontation between the radiographic and histopathologic diagnosis of teeth that were endodontically treated and presented persistent periapical lesions detected radiographically after 18 months of treatment. Ten patients under going adequate endodontic treatment and presenting persistent radiolucent image at 18 months post-treatment, had surgery Para endodontic indicated. During surgery, the tissue around the apex was removed and immersedin 10% formalin solution for histological processing by HE staining. The apex oh the tooth was removed and immersed in 2% glutaral dehyde for scanning electron microscopy processing. Among the 10 radiographically suggestive cases of persistent periapical lesion, only 1 case was confirmed diagnosis of cyst, 1 case of granuloma, and the other 8 cases were fibrous scar. In neither case was observed the presence of bacteria, only inflammatory infiltrate and the presence of defense cells such as lymphocytes and neutrophils, red blood cells, connective tissue and collagen. It can be concluded that the conventional radiography is not conclusive point in the diagnosis of periapical lesions.
Humans , Male , Female , Cicatrix/classification , Cicatrix/complications , Cicatrix/diagnosis , Diagnosis , Radiography/methods , RadiographyABSTRACT
Summary Cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy is a rare type of ectopic pregnancy with high morbidity and mortality. Use of conservative conducts, including medical management with methotrexate, has avoided mutilating surgeries such as hysterectomy and spared the fertility of women. We report the case of a 30-year old patient with a cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy, with a live embryo, who was treated locally with transvaginal ultrasound-guided injection of methotrexate, complemented with various doses of systemic methotrexate.
Resumo A gravidez ectópica na cicatriz de cesárea é uma forma rara de gestação ectópica com elevada morbimortalidade. O emprego de condutas conservadoras, como o tratamento medicamentoso com metotrexato, tem evitado cirurgias mutiladoras, como a histerectomia, e preservado o futuro reprodutivo da mulher. Relatamos um caso de paciente de 30 anos, com gravidez ectópica em cicatriz de cesárea, com embrião vivo, tratada com injeção local de metotrexato guiada por ultrassonografia transvaginal, complementada com tratamento sistêmico com múltiplas doses de metotrexato.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy, Ectopic/drug therapy , Abortifacient Agents, Nonsteroidal/administration & dosage , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Methotrexate/administration & dosage , Cicatrix/complications , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/methods , Treatment Outcome , Ultrasonography, Interventional/methods , Chorionic Gonadotropin, beta Subunit, Human/administration & dosage , InjectionsABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: O aumento da sobrevida na fase aguda do paciente grande queimado faz também aumentar a prevalência das sequelas cicatriciais estético-funcionais. Ao pensarmos na relevância clínica da lipoenxertia subcicatricial, necessita-se da compreensão e avaliação microscópica das reais alterações após o procedimento. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados oito pacientes, vítimas de queimadura por álcool, com tempo médio após queimadura de 12 meses (10-14 meses), sendo submetidos à lipoenxertia subcicatricial associada à Rigottomy. Foram realizadas biópsias cutâneas no pré e pós-operatório tardio com 14 semanas. Avaliados os quesitos: 1 - Melhora estético funcional da cicatriz pela escala de Vancouver; 2 - Análise quantitativa e qualitativa do colágeno cicatricial; 3 -Análise imunohistoquímica da vascularização cicatricial com anti-fator de crescimento derivado do endotélio vascular (antiVEGE). RESULTADOS: Ao compararmos o período pré e pós-lipoenxertia, pôde-se avaliar que houve melhora estético-funcional significativa e, microscopicamente, redefinição entre os limites da derme papilar e reticular; redução quantitativa e reorganização do colágeno, além do decréscimo da vascularização tecidual pela análise imunohistoquímica. CONCLUSÃO: O princípio básico de todo processo cicatricial fisiológico é reestabelecer a homeostasia local, ou seja, as etapas exageradamente intensificadas levam a alterações clínicas catastróficas. Ao realizar a lipoenxertia subcicatricial associada à Rigotomia, foi verificada, neste estudo, a melhora qualitativa e quantitativa do tecido. Sendo assim, torna-se evidente o futuro promissor deste procedimento para a complementação terapêutica das patologias cicatriciais.
INTRODUCTION: The increase in survival of large burn patients during the acute phase has also increased the prevalence of esthetic-functional scarring sequelae. With regard to the clinical relevance of subcicatricial fat grafting, the actual changes after the procedure need to be understood and microscopically evaluated. METHODS: Eight patients with alcohol burns, with an average time after burn of 12 months (10-14 months), who underwent subcicatricial fat grafting associated with rigotomy were selected. Skin biopsies were performed in before and 14 weeks after operation. The following issues were assessed: 1) esthetic-functional improvement of the scar, by using the Vancouver scar scale; 2) quantitative and qualitative analyses of cicatricial collagen; 3) immunohistochemical analysis of scar vascularization with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) antibody. RESULTS: When comparing the pre- and post-fat grafting period, a significant esthetic-functional improvement and, microscopically, a redefinition of the boundaries of the papillary and reticular dermis were observed, as well as quantitative reduction and reorganization of collagen, in addition to the decrease of the vascularization of the tissue through immunohistochemical analysis. CONCLUSION: The basic principle of the whole physiological healing process is to reestablish local homeostasis, that is, excessively intensified steps that lead to severe clinical changes. When subcicatricial fat grafting associated with rigotomy was performed, qualitative and quantitative improvements of the tissue were verified in this study. Thus, it becomes evident that this procedure can complement the treatment of cicatricial pathologies.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , History, 21st Century , Wound Healing , Burns, Chemical , Cicatrix , Skin Transplantation , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Evaluation Study , Esthetics , Homeostasis , Wound Healing/physiology , Burns, Chemical/surgery , Burns, Chemical/complications , Cicatrix/surgery , Cicatrix/complications , Cicatrix/therapy , Skin Transplantation/adverse effects , Skin Transplantation/methods , Plastic Surgery Procedures/adverse effects , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Homeostasis/physiologyABSTRACT
Introdução: A abdominoplastia é um dos procedimentos mais comumente realizados por cirurgiões plásticos. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a evolução e a ocorrência de complicações em pacientes submetidos à abdominoplastia pela técnica de ressecção em bloco, e observar se existe alguma diferença na evolução com a utilização de dreno ou de pontos de adesão. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo de 34 pacientes do sexo feminino, submetidas à abdominoplastia. Foram divididas em dois grupos alternadamente; em um deles foi utilizado dreno de aspiração a vácuo e no outro não, mas estes últimos receberam pontos de adesão. Resultados: Do total operado, houve algum grau de alargamento da cicatriz em 14,7% dos casos. Quando avaliado separadamente por grupo, aqueles que foram drenados tiveram incidência maior (23,53%) em comparação com os que receberam pontos de adesão (5,88%). Ocorreu um caso de trombose de veias superficiais de membros inferiores, com boa evolução. Foram diagnosticados três casos de seroma, todos no grupo com dreno. Eles representaram 8,82% do total estudado e 17,64% dos casos deste grupo. O resultado estético foi considerado muito bom por 94,12% das pacientes estudadas. Conclusões: A técnica de ressecção em bloco se mostrou segura, de fácil execução, com bons resultados estéticos e índices de complicações semelhantes às outras técnicas descritas na literatura. Os pontos de adesão foram eficazes na prevenção de complicações neste estudo.
Introduction: Abdominoplasty is one of the most common procedures performed by plastic surgeons. The goal of this study is to evaluate the outcome and the occurrence of complications in patients undergoing abdominoplasty using the en bloc resection technique, and to look for differences in evolution when a drain is used or is replaced with adhesion stitches. Methods: A prospective study was conducted on 34 female patients undergoing abdominoplasty. These were alternately placed into 2 groups: in one group suction drains were used, and in the other these were replaced with adhesion stitches. Results: Among all the cases, there was some degree of scar widening in 14.7% of patients. When analyzed by group, those who received drains had a higher incidence (23.53%) comparing to those who received adhesion stitches (5.88%). One patient had superficial vein thrombosis of the lower limbs with a good outcome. Three cases of seroma were diagnosed, all of them in the group using drains. These represent 8.82% of the entire study and 17.64% of the specific group. The aesthetic result was considered good by 94.12% of all patients. Conclusions: The en bloc resection abdominoplasty technique proved to be safe, easy to perform, assured good aesthetical results and had similar complication rates when compared to other techniques. The adhesion stitches were effective for preventing complications in this study.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , History, 21st Century , Postoperative Complications , Drainage , Prospective Studies , Cicatrix , Abdominal Muscles , Seroma , Abdomen , Surgical Wound , Open Abdomen Techniques , Postoperative Complications/surgery , Drainage/methods , Cicatrix/surgery , Cicatrix/complications , Cicatrix/therapy , Abdominal Muscles/surgery , Seroma/surgery , Seroma/complications , Abdominoplasty/adverse effects , Abdominoplasty/methods , Surgical Wound/surgery , Surgical Wound/complications , Open Abdomen Techniques/methods , Abdomen/surgeryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the effect of age on the success of transcanalicular diode laser-assisted dacryocystorhinostomy (TCDCR). Methods: Seventy patients (70 eyes) who underwent transcanalicular diode laser-assisted dacryocystorhinostomy for the treatment of nasolacrimal duct obstruction as a primary surgery were included in this retrospective, nonrandomized study. The patients were divided into two groups according to age. Mean ages were 21.3 ± 3.3 in group 1 and 60.3 ± 7.3 in group 2. The records of the 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up examinations were evaluated, and the anatomical and functional outcomes were noted. Functional success was defined as the absence of epiphora as indicated by the patient. Anatomical success was determined as patency of the neo-ostium with irrigation. Results: At the 3-month follow-up, 67% cases in group 1 showed anatomical success and 52% showed functional success; in group 2, the rates were 100% and 92%, respectively. Functional and anatomical success rates were the same for both the 6- and 12-month visits; 46% in group 1 and 76% in group 2. The results in group 2 were significantly better at all three follow-up visits (p<0.05). Conclusions: This study clearly showed that the older patients experienced better transcanalicular diode laser-assisted dacryocystorhinostomy results than the younger patients. The diminished inflammatory response in the older population may be a possible contributing factor to these results. .
RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar o efeito da idade sobre o sucesso de dacriocistorrinostomia transcanalicular auxiliada por laser de diodo (TCDCR). Método: Setenta olhos de setenta pacientes submetidos dacriocistorrinostomia transcanalicular auxiliada por laser de diodo para o tratamento da obstrução nasolacrimal como cirurgia primária foram incluídos neste estudo retrospectivo, não randomizado. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos segundo a idade. As idades médias foram 21,3 ± 3,3 no grupo 1 e 60,3 ± 7,3 no grupo 2. Os registros do acompanhamento pós-operatório aos três, seis e 12 meses, foram avaliados, observando resultados anatômicos e funcionais. Sucesso funcional foi definido como a ausência de lacrimejamento, conforme informado pelo paciente. Sucesso anatômico foi determinado como a permeabilidade do novo óstio à irrigação. Resultados: Nos três meses de acompanhamento, 67% dos casos no grupo 1 apresentou sucesso anatômico, e 52% mostraram sucesso funcional. No grupo 2, as taxas foram de 100% e 92%, respectivamente. Taxas de sucesso funcionais e anatômicas foram as mesmas para ambos os seis e 12 meses de visitas: 46% no grupo 1 e 76% no grupo 2. Os resultados do grupo 2 foram significativamente melhores em todas as três visitas pós-operatorias (p<0,05). Conclusões: Este estudo mostra claramente que os pacientes mais idosos apresentam melhores resultados à dacriocistorrinostomia transcanalicular auxiliada por laser de diodo comparados aos mais jovens. A resposta inflamatória diminuída na população mais velha é um possível fator que contribuiu para estes resultados. .