Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Dilatation, Pathologic , Myocardial Infarction , Coronary VesselsABSTRACT
Arterial thrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms within an artery, frequently associated with ruptures of atherosclerotic plaques. This event is a major contributor to mortality and morbidity worldwide.1 In this text we will present the clinical case of a 57-year-old female patient treated at the Herminda Martin Clinical Hospital, who entered the facility in cardiorespiratory arrest triggered by extensive aortic arterial thrombosis along much of its course, associated with mesenteric ischemia with significant hemodynamic compromise, after the description of the corresponding emergency management, the radiological images that allowed guiding the diagnosis of the case are presented.
La trombosis arterial ocurre cuando se produce la formación de un coágulo de sangre dentro de una arteria, frecuentemente asociado a rupturas de placas ateroscleróticas. Este evento contribuye de manera importante a la mortalidad y la morbilidad en todo el mundo.1 En el presente texto presentaremos el caso clínico de una paciente femenina de 57 años atendida en el Hospital Clínico Herminda Martin, quien ingresa al establecimiento en paro cardiorrespiratorio desencadenado por una trombosis arterial aórtica extensa en gran parte de su trayecto, asociado a isquemia mesentérica con significativo compromiso hemodinámico, posterior a la descripción del manejo correspondiente de urgencias, se presentan las imágenes radiológicas que permitieron guiar el diagnóstico del caso.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Thrombosis/diagnosis , Thrombosis/etiology , Thrombosis/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Coronary Vessels , Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis , Heart ArrestABSTRACT
El avestruz (Struthio camelus) pertenece a un grupo de aves terrestres conocidas como ratites. La irrigación de su corazón presenta características muy similares a las de los mamíferos, con arterias distribuidas en la superficie cardíaca. La presencia de una sola arteria coronaria se considera una malformación congénita que podría provocar un déficit de perfusión coronaria y ser causa de sintomatología isquémica. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar las características morfológicas y anatómicas de las arterias coronarias en corazones de avestruz, con especial énfasis en la incidencia de malformaciones congénitas y su impacto clínico. Se analizaron 100 corazones de avestruz. Las aves tenían entre 12 a 15 meses de edad, con un peso promedio de 92 kg. Para una visualización precisa, se cateterizaron las arterias coronarias y se inyectó látex de neopreno 650 de Dupont, rojo para la arteria coronaria derecha y amarillo para la arteria coronaria izquierda. Los corazones se fijaron en formol al 10% durante 10 días. Se observaron dos casos en los que la arteria coronaria derecha se originaba como rama colateral de la arteria coronaria izquierda, uno discurría entre la aorta y la arteria pulmonar; el otro, anterior al tronco pulmonar, reemplazando a la arteria coronaria derecha. Las arterias coronarias tenían un diámetro de 3,2 mm y 2,5 mm, y se registró un trayecto de 90,4 mm y 123,4 mm, respectivamente, hasta llegar al margen derecho y la superficie diafragmática del corazón. Estas anomalías coronarias, aunque infrecuentes, pueden tener importantes implicaciones clínicas en avestruces debido a su alta velocidad al correr. La presencia de una arteria coronaria única puede aumentar el riesgo de compresión y, por ende, de isquemia. Estos hallazgos amplían el conocimiento sobre la anatomía coronaria del avestruz y subrayan la necesidad de más investigación para entender mejor sus implicaciones clínicas.
SUMMARY: The ostrich belongs to a group of terrestrial birds known as ratites. Their heart irrigation has characteristics very similar to those of mammals, with arteries distributed on the cardiac surface. The presence of a single coronary artery is considered a congenital malformation that could lead to a deficit in coronary perfusion and be a cause of ischemic symptomatology. We analyzed 100 ostrich hearts. Birds were aged between 12-15 months, with an average weight of 92 kg. For precise visualization, coronary arteries were catheterized and injected with Neoprene Latex 650 by Dupont, red for the right coronary artery, and yellow for the left coronary artery. They were fixed in 10 % formalin for 10 days. Two cases were observed where the right coronary artery originated as a collateral branch of the left coronary artery, one ran between the aorta and the pulmonary artery; the other anterior to the pulmonary trunk, replacing the coronary artery. Coronary arteries had a diameter of 3.2 mm and 2.5 mm; a 90.4 mm and 123.4 mm path was recorded reaching the right margin and diaphragmatic surface of the heart.
Animals , Coronary Vessels/anatomy & histology , Struthioniformes/anatomy & histology , Anatomic VariationABSTRACT
SUMMARY: In bovines, anatomical observations of the coronary vascular tree describe qualitative characteristics. The objective of this study was to morphometrically characterize the coronary veins and their tributaries in cattle. An arcuate application with 2.0 silk was performed around the ostium of the coronary sinus of 28 bovine hearts and a number 14 catheter was placed, through which semi- synthetic polyester resin and mineral blue color was perfused. In 22 hearts (78.6 %) the great cardiac vein was originated at the cardiac apex. The configuration of the arteriovenous trigone was mainly closed inferior and superior types (50 %). The caliber of the great cardiac vein at the level of the atrioventricular sulcus was 6.7 +/- 1.2 mm. The origin of the left marginal vein was observed in the lower third of the left cardiac margin (53.6 %), its distal caliber was 4.1 +/- 0.8 mm and its drainage was at the level of the great cardiac vein. The middle cardiac vein originated from the cardiac apex in 78.6 % of the samples, emptied mainly into the coronary sinus (82.1 %) and its distal caliber was 4.7 +/- 0.9 mm. Anastomoses occurred in 28.6 % of the hearts, being found in most cases between the middle cardiac vein and the great cardiac vein (50 %), which was significant compared to other anastomoses (p<0.001). The length of the coronary sinus was 42.2 +/- 5.1 mm, its distal caliber was 13.8 +/- 2 mm, and its shape was cylindrical. Myocardial bridges were found in 3 hearts (10.7 %) mainly in the lower third of the middle cardiac vein (66.6 %). Most of the main coronary veins drained into the coronary sinus, with some cases with atypical outlets and the presence of a high percentage of anastomosis that serves to improve cardiac venous drainage in case of venous compression or obstruction.
En bovinos, las observaciones anatómicas de árbol vascular coronario describen características cualitativas. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar morfométricamente las venas coronarias y sus tributarias en bovinos. Se realizó una aplicatura arciforme con seda 2.0 alrededor del ostium del seno coronario de 28 corazones de bovino y se colocó un catéter número 14, a través del cual se perfundió resina de poliéster semisintética y color azul mineral. La vena cardiaca magna se originó en 22 corazones (78,6 %) en el ápex cardiaco. La configuración del trígono arteriovenoso fue principalmente cerrado inferior y superior (50 %). El calibre de la vena cardiaca magna a nivel del surco atrioventricular fue 6,7 +/- 1,2 mm. El origen de la vena marginal izquierda se observó en el tercio inferior del margen izquierdo cardiaco (53,6 %), su calibre distal fue 4,1 +/- 0,8 mm y su desembocadura fue a nivel de la vena cardiaca magna. La vena cardiaca media se originó en el ápex cardiaco en el 78,6 % de las muestras, desembocó principalmente en el seno coronario (82.1 %) y su calibre distal fue 4,7 +/- 0,9 mm. Se presentó anastomosis en el 28,6 % de los corazones, encontrándose en la mayoría de los casos entre la vena cardiaca media y la vena cardiaca magna (50 %), lo cual fue significativo en comparación con otras anastomosis (p<0,001). La longitud del seno coronario fue 42,2 +/- 5,1 mm, su calibre distal fue 13,8 +/- 2 mm y su forma fue cilíndrica. Se encontró puentes miocárdicos en 3 corazones (10,7 %) y en el tercio inferior de la vena cardiaca media (66,6 %). La mayoría de las venas coronarias principales desembocan en el seno coronario, con algunos casos con desembocaduras atípicas y la presencia de un alto porcentaje de anastomosis que sirve para mejorar el drenaje venoso cardiaco en caso de compresión u obstrucción venosa.
Animals , Cattle , Cattle/anatomy & histology , Coronary Vessels/anatomy & histology , Veins , Cross-Sectional Studies , Coronary Sinus/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
La calcificación coronaria afecta negativamente los resultados de las intervenciones coronarias al impedir el cruce, lograr una buena aposición y expansión del stent; puede alterar el polímero y la cinética de liberación del fármaco. La subexpansión del stent se asocia a trombosis posterior del stent y/o necesidad de nueva revascularización de la lesión. Existen distintas técnicas para modificar el calcio de las arterias coronarias como los balones no complacientes (BNC), balones modificadores de placa y tecnologías de ateroablación como la aterectomia rotacional, orbital y láser. Todas con complicaciones y limitaciones. La litotripsia intracoronaria es una tecnología nueva, que mediante la emisión de ondas de choque acústicas es capaz de fracturar el calcio coronario profundo mejorando la distensibilidad de la arteria coronaria, lo que permite una adecuada expansión del stent. En esta oportunidad presentamos el caso de un stent subexpandido debido a una lesión muy calcificada de la arteria coronaria derecha (ACD) tratada con un catéter de Shockwave IVL (Shockwave Medical, Santa Clara, California).
Coronary calcification negatively affects the results of coronary interventions by preventing crossing, achieving good apposition and expansion of the stent; it may alter the polymer and the kinetics of drug release. Stent underexpansion is associated with subsequent stent thrombosis and/or the need for new revascularization of the lesion. There are different techniques to modify the calcium of the coronary arteries such as non-compliant balloons (NCB), plaque-modifying balloons and atheroablation technologies such as rotational, orbital and laser atherectomy. All with complications and limitations. Intracoronary lithotripsy is a new technology that, through the emission of acoustic shock waves, is capable of fracturing deep coronary calcium, improving compliance of the coronary artery, which allows adequate expansion of the stent. On this occasion, we present the case of an underexpanded stent due to a highly calcified lesion of the right coronary artery (RCA) treated with a Shockwave IVL catheter (Shockwave Medical, Santa Clara, California).
Humans , Male , Aged , Stents , High-Energy Shock Waves/therapeutic use , Coronary Vessels/surgery , Calcinosis , Atherectomy, Coronary/methods , Angioplasty, Balloon/methods , Coronary Vessels/pathologyABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Changes in the microcirculation of multiple tissues and organs have been implicated as a possible mechanism in physiological aging. In particular, vascular endothelial growth factor is a secretory protein responsible for regulating angiogenesis via altering endothelial proliferation, survival, migration, extracellular matrix degradation and cell permeability. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of vascular endothelial growth factor in the progression of morphological alterations caused by physiological aging in the heart and kidney and to examine its relation to changes in capillary density. We used two age groups of healthy Wistar rats - 6- and 12-month- old. The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor was examined through immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence and assessed semi-quantitatively. Changes in capillary density were evaluated statistically and correlated with the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor. We reported stronger immunoreactivity for vascular endothelial growth factor in the left compared to the right ventricle and also observed an increase in its expression in both ventricles in older animals. Contrasting results were reported for the renal cortex and medulla. Capillary density decreased statistically in all examined structures as aging progressed. The studied correlations were statistically significant in the two ventricles in 12-month-old animals and in the renal cortex of both age groups. Our results shed light on some changes in the microcirculation that take place as aging advances and likely contribute to impairment in the function of the examined organs.
Los cambios en la microcirculación de múltiples tejidos y órganos se han implicado como un posible mecanismo en el envejecimiento fisiológico. En particular, el factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular es una proteína secretora responsable de regular la angiogénesis mediante la alteración de la proliferación endotelial, la supervivencia, la migración, la degradación de la matriz extracelular y la permeabilidad celular. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el papel del factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular en la progresión de las alteraciones morfológicas causadas por el envejecimiento fisiológico en el corazón y riñón y examinar su relación con los cambios en la densidad capilar. Utilizamos dos grupos de ratas Wistar sanas: 6 y 12 meses de edad. La expresión del factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular se examinó mediante inmunohistoquímica e inmunofluorescencia y se evaluó semicuantitativamente. Los cambios en la densidad capilar se evaluaron estadísticamente y se correlacionaron con la expresión del factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular. Informamos una inmunorreactividad más fuerte para el factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular en el ventrículo izquierdo en comparación con el derecho y también observamos un aumento en su expresión en ambos ventrículos en animales mayores. Se informaron resultados contrastantes para la corteza renal y la médula. La densidad capilar disminuyó estadísticamente en todas las estructuras examinadas a medida que avanzaba el envejecimiento. Las correlaciones estudiadas fueron estadísticamente significativas en los dos ventrículos en animales de 12 meses y en la corteza renal de ambos grupos de edad. Nuestros resultados arrojan luz sobre algunos cambios en la microcirculación que tienen lugar a medida que avanza el envejecimiento y probablemente contribuyan a un deterioro en la función de los órganos examinados.
Animals , Rats , Aging , Coronary Vessels/anatomy & histology , Heart/anatomy & histology , Kidney/blood supply , Capillaries/anatomy & histology , Immunohistochemistry , Fluorescent Antibody Technique , Rats, Wistar , Coronary Vessels/physiology , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors/metabolism , Heart/physiology , Kidney/anatomy & histology , Kidney/physiology , MicrocirculationABSTRACT
Coronary artery fractional flow reserve (FFR) is a critical physiological indicator for assessment of impaired blood flow caused by coronary artery stenosis. The wire-based invasive measurement of blood flow pressure gradient across stenosis is the gold standard for clinical measurement of FFR. However, it has the risk of vascular injury and requires the use of vasodilators, increasing the time and overall cost of interventional examination. Coronary imaging is playing an important role in clinical diagnosis of stenotic lesions, evaluation of severity of lesions, and planning of therapies. In recent years, the computation of FFR based on the physiological information of blood flow obtained from routinely collected coronary image data has become a research focus in this field. This technique reduces the cost of physiological assessment of coronary lesions and the use of pressure wires. It is beneficial to strengthen the physiological guidance in interventional therapy. In order to better understand this emerging technique, this paper highlights its implementation principle and diagnostic performance, analyzes practical problems and current challenges in clinical applications, and discusses possible future development.
Humans , Coronary Vessels/diagnostic imaging , Fractional Flow Reserve, Myocardial , Heart , Constriction, Pathologic , Coronary Stenosis/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Kawasaki disease (KD) is a febrile disease mainly observed in children aged <5 years, with medium- and small-vessel vasculitis as the main lesion. Although KD has been reported for more than 50 years and great progress has been made in the etiology and pathology of KD in recent years, there is still a lack of specific indicators for the early diagnosis of KD, especially with more difficulties in the diagnosis of incomplete Kawasaki disease (IKD). At present, there are no clear diagnostic criteria for IKD, which leads to the failure of the timely identification and standardized treatment of IKD in clinical practice and even induce the development of coronary artery lesion. This article reviews the concept, epidemiological features, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up management of IKD, in order to deepen the understanding of IKD among clinical workers and help to improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment of KD in China.
Child , Humans , Infant , Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome/therapy , Coronary Vessels , ChinaABSTRACT
Objective: To evaluate the protective effect of jailed balloon technique on side branch (SB) ostium using three-dimensional optical coherence tomography(OCT). Methods: This is a retrospective study. Consecutive coronary disease patients with coronary artery bifurcation lesions who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and completed pre-and post-procedural OCT examinations at the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital from September 2019 to March 2022 were enrolled. Patients were divided into the jailed balloon technique group and the unprotected group according to the options applied for the SB. The SB ostium area difference was calculated from OCT images (SB ostium area difference=post-PCI SB ostium area-pre-PCI SB ostium area). The SB ostium area differences were compared between the two groups and compared further in the subgroup of true bifurcation lesions and non-true bifurcation lesions. In the jailed balloon group, the SB ostium area difference was compared between the active jailed balloon technique and the conventional jailed balloon technique, between the jailed balloon>2.0 mm diameter and the jailed balloon≤2.0 mm diameter, and between the higher balloon pressure (>4 atm, 1 atm=101.325 kPa) and the lower balloon pressure (≤4 atm). Multivariate linear regression analysis was used to explore the correlation between the technical parameters of the jailed balloon technique and the SB protection effect. Results: A total of 176 patients with 236 bifurcation lesions were enrolled, aged (60.7±9.3) years, and there were 128 male patients (72.7%). There were 67 patients in the jailed balloon technique group with 71 bifurcation lesions and 123 patients in the unprotected group with 165 bifurcation lesions. Fourteen patients had 2 to 3 lesions, which were treated in different ways, so they appeared in the unprotected group and the jailed balloon technique group at the same time. The area difference in SB ostium was greater in the jailed balloon group than in the unprotected group (0.07 (-0.43, 1.05)mm2 vs.-0.33 (-0.83, 0.26)mm2, P<0.001), and the results were consistent in the true bifurcation lesion subgroup (0.29 (-0.35, 0.96)mm2 vs.-0.26 (-0.64, 0.29)mm2, P=0.004), while the difference between the two groups in the non-true bifurcation lesion subgroup was not statistically significant (P=0.136). In the jailed balloon technique group, the SB ostium area difference was greater in patients treated with the active jailed balloon technique than in those treated with the conventional jailed balloon technique ((0.43±1.36)mm2 vs. (-0.22±0.52)mm2, P=0.013). The difference in SB ostium area was greater in those using>2.0 mm diameter jailed balloons than in those using≤2.0 mm diameter jailed balloons (0.25 (-0.51, 1.31) mm2 vs.-0.01 (-0.45, 0.63) mm2, P=0.020), while SB ostium area difference was similar between those endowed with higher balloon pressure (>4 atm) compared to those with lower balloon pressure (≤4 atm) (P=0.731). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between jailed balloon diameter and SB ostium area difference (r=0.344, P=0.019). Conclusions: The jailed balloon technique significantly protects SB ostium, especially in patients with true bifurcation lesions. The active jailed balloon technique and larger diameter balloons may provide more protection to the SB.
Humans , Male , Angioplasty, Balloon, Coronary/methods , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention , Tomography, Optical Coherence/methods , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Stents , Coronary Artery Disease/therapy , Coronary Vessels/pathology , Coronary AngiographyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To summarize the application experience and clinical effect of radial artery in total arterial coronary revascularization (TAR) in elderly patients.@*METHODS@#Retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of patients who underwent TAR at the University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Hospital from July 1, 2020 to May 30, 2022. Patients were divided into ≥ 65-year-old group and < 65-year-old group according to age. The radial artery blood flow, diameter, intimal integrity and Allen test were evaluated by ultrasound before operation. The distal ends of radial artery were collected for pathological examination during operation. Coronary artery CT angiography (CTA) was examined postoperatively and follow up. The safety and reliability of ultrasonic assessment of radial artery and application of radial artery in elderly patients with TAR were summarized and analyzed.@*RESULTS@#A total of 101 patients received TAR, including 35 cases aged ≥ 65 years old, 66 cases aged < 65 years old; 78 cases used bilateral radial arteries, and 23 cases used unilateral radial arteries. 4 cases of bilateral internal mammary arteries. All the proximal ends of the radial artery were anastomosed to the proximal end of the ascending aorta, 34 cases were performed of "Y" grafts, and 4 cases were sequential anastomoses. There was no in-hospital death and perioperative cardiovascular events. Perioperative cerebral infarction occurred in 3 patients. 1 patients was reoperated for bleeding. Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) assistance was used in 21 patients. Poor wound healing occurred in 2 cases and healed well after debridement. Follow-up of 2 to 20 months after discharge showed no internal mammary artery occlusion and 4 radial artery occlusions; no major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular event (MACCE) occurred, and the survival rate was 100%. There was no significant difference in the above perioperative complications and follow-up endpoints between the two age groups.@*CONCLUSIONS@#By adjusting the order of bypass anastomosis and optimizing the preoperative evaluation method, radial artery combined with internal mammary artery can obtain better outcome early in TAR, and can be safely and reliably applied to elderly patients.
Aged , Humans , Radial Artery/transplantation , Coronary Vessels , Coronary Artery Bypass/methods , Retrospective Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To systematically evaluate the value of the platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) in predicting coronary artery lesions (CAL) in Chinese children with Kawasaki Disease (KD).@*METHODS@#A comprehensive search was conducted in databases including PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Data, China Biomedical Literature Database, and China Science and Technology Journal Database from inception to December 2022. The quality of the included literature was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale, and a Meta analysis was performed using Stata 15.1.@*RESULTS@#A total of ten published reports, involving 3 664 Chinese children with KD, were included in this Meta analysis, of whom 1 328 developed CAL. The Meta analysis revealed a sensitivity of 0.78 (95%CI: 0.71-0.83), specificity of 0.71 (95%CI: 0.61-0.80), overall diagnostic odds ratio of 8.69 (95%CI: 5.02-15.06), and an area under the curve of the summary receiver operating characteristic of 0.82 (95%CI: 0.78-0.85) for PLR in predicting CAL in the children with KD. The sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve of summary receiver operating characteristic were lower for PLR alone compared to PLR in combination with other indicators. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated the stability of the Meta analysis results with no significant changes upon excluding individual studies. However, a significant publication bias was observed (P<0.001).@*CONCLUSIONS@#PLR demonstrates certain predictive value for CAL in Chinese children with KD.
Child , Humans , Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome/pathology , Coronary Vessels/pathology , Lymphocytes , Biomarkers , China , Coronary Artery Disease/pathologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To explore the role and potential mechanisms of chitinase-3-like protein 1 (CHI3L1) in coronary artery lesions in a mouse model of Kawasaki disease (KD)-like vasculitis.@*METHODS@#Four-week-old male SPF-grade C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into a control group and a model group, with 10 mice in each group. The model group mice were intraperitoneally injected with 0.5 mL of lactobacillus casei cell wall extract (LCWE) to establish a mouse model of KD-like vasculitis, while the control group mice were injected with an equal volume of normal saline. The general conditions of the mice were observed on the 3rd, 7th, and 14th day after injection. Changes in coronary artery tissue pathology were observed using hematoxylin-eosin staining. The level of CHI3L1 in mouse serum was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Immunofluorescence staining was used to detect the expression and localization of CHI3L1, von Willebrand factor (vWF), and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) in coronary artery tissue. Western blot analysis was used to detect the expression of CHI3L1, vWF, vascular endothelial cadherin (VE cadherin), Caspase-3, B cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2), Bcl-2 associated X protein (Bax), nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), and phosphorylated NF-κB (p-NF-κB) in coronary artery tissue.@*RESULTS@#The serum level of CHI3L1 in the model group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05). Compared to the control group, the expression of CHI3L1 in the coronary artery tissue was higher, while the expression of vWF was lower in the model group. The relative expression levels of CHI3L1, Bax, Caspase-3, NF-κB, and p-NF-κB were significantly higher in the model group than in the control group (P<0.05). The relative expression levels of vWF, VE cadherin, and Bcl-2 were lower in the model group than in the control group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#In the LCWE-induced mouse model of KD-like vasculitis, the expression levels of CHI3L1 in serum and coronary arteries increase, and it may play a role in coronary artery lesions through endothelial cell apoptosis mediated by inflammatory reactions.
Male , Animals , Mice , Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome/pathology , Coronary Vessels/pathology , NF-kappa B , Caspase 3/metabolism , bcl-2-Associated X Protein/metabolism , Chitinase-3-Like Protein 1 , von Willebrand Factor/metabolism , Mice, Inbred C57BL , CadherinsABSTRACT
Kawasaki disease (KD) is a systemic inflammatory vascular disorder that predominantly affects children and is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children. Although the etiology of this disease remains unclear, genome-wide association and genome-wide linkage studies have shown that some susceptible genes and chromosomal regions are associated with the development and progression of KD. With the advancement of high-throughput DNA sequencing techniques, more and more genomic information related to KD is being discovered. Understanding the genes involved in the pathogenesis of KD may provide novel insights into the diagnosis and treatment of KD. By analyzing related articles and summarizing related research advances, this article mainly discusses the T cell activation-enhancing genes that have been confirmed to be closely associated with the development and progression of KD and reveals their association with the pathogenesis of KD and coronary artery lesions.
Child , Humans , Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome/complications , Genome-Wide Association Study , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Polymorphism, Genetic , Coronary Vessels/pathology , Polymorphism, Single NucleotideABSTRACT
La presente publicación en versión extensa, describe las recomendaciones para el manejo infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación persistente del segmento ST (IMCEST) dentro de las primeras 12 horas de inicio de los síntomas, con el fin de contribuir a reducir la mortalidad, mejorar la calidad de vida, y reducir las complicaciones de los pacientes con esta condición, la población a la cual se aplicará la GPC:, o sea los pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación persistente del segmento ST (IMCEST) dentro de las primeras 12 horas de inicio de los síntoma. El infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación persistente del segmento ST (IMCEST) es una emergencia médica, producto de la oclusión de las arterias coronarias, que conllevan a la isquemia miocárdica transmural, y que de persistir lleva a una lesión miocárdica o necrosis. Se ha reportado una mortalidad de la enfermedad del 23 % antes de llegar al hospital, 13% durante el ingreso hospitalario, y de 10% posterior al alta. Lo cual, inclusive, puede aumentar en ausencia de tratamiento entre un 5 a 10% (2). En el caso de Perú, se ha reportado una por IMCEST de aproximadamente 9%, pero con una incidencia de insuficiencia cardíaca posinfarto fue de 28% y de choque cardiogénico de 12% (3). Esta alta tasa de mortalidad y morbilidad hace hincapié en la necesidad de garantizar una evaluación y manejo adecuado de la enfermedad. Por ello, el Seguro Social de Salud (EsSalud) priorizó la realización de la presente guía de práctica clínica (GPC) para establecer lineamientos basados en evidencia para gestionar de la mejor manera los procesos y procedimientos asistenciales de la presente condición
Patients , Shock, Cardiogenic , Wounds and Injuries , Myocardial Ischemia , Coronary Vessels , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction , Heart Failure , Myocardial InfarctionABSTRACT
La publicación en versión corta, describe las recomendaciones para el manejo infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación persistente del segmento ST (IMCEST) dentro de las primeras 12 horas de inicio de los síntomas, con el fin de contribuir a reducir la mortalidad, mejorar la calidad de vida, y reducir las complicaciones de los pacientes con esta condición.
Patients , Shock, Cardiogenic , Myocardial Ischemia , Coronary Vessels , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Absenteeism , ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction , Heart FailureABSTRACT
Los aneurismas de las arterias coronarias (AAC) son poco comunes, con una incidencia de 0.3-5.3%. Se definen como una dilatación 1.5 veces mayor al diámetro interno de la arteria normal adyacente. La arteria coronaria derecha es la más comúnmente afectada. Su fisiopatología es poco clara, pero se cree que una de sus principales causas es la aterosclerosis. Los AAC son generalmente asintomáticos o pueden estar asociados a isquemia miocárdica. Su tratamiento aún no está bien establecido, debido al desconocimiento general sobre su historia natural, e incluye desde un manejo conservador hasta el tratamiento quirúrgico. A continuación, se reporta el caso de un paciente con infarto agudo de miocardio y elevación del segmento ST, llevado a coronariografía que evidenció aneurisma de la coronaria derecha, que requirió trombectomía, angioplastia y manejo médico vitalicio ambulatorio.
Coronary artery aneurysms (CAA) are a rare entity with an incidence of 0.3-5.3%. They are dilations of 1.5 times larger than normal adjacent artery, with the right coronary artery as the most affected vessel. Its pathophysiology is unclear but atherosclerosis is believed to be the main cause. CAA are generally asymptomatic but can cause coronary ischemia. Its treatment is yet to be established due to general ignorance about its nature. It ranges from conservative management to surgery. In the following text, we report a case of a patient with acute myocardial infarction presenting ST-segment elevation, who showed a right coronary artery aneurysm in coronary angiography. The patient required thrombectomy, angioplasty and subsequent lifetime outpatient medical management.
Os aneurismas das artérias coronárias (AAC) são pouco comuns, com uma incidência de 0.3-5.3%. Se definem como uma dilatação 1.5 vezes maior ao diâmetro interno da artéria normal adjacente. A artéria coronária direita é a mais comumente afetada. Sua fisiopatologia é pouco clara, mas se crê que uma das suas principais causas é a aterosclerose. Os AAC são geralmente assintomáticos ou podem estar associados a isquemia miocárdica. Seu tratamento ainda não está bem estabelecido, devido ao desconhecimento geral sobre sua história natural, e inclui desde um manejo conservador até o tratamento cirúrgico. A continuação, se reporta o caso de um paciente com infarto agudo de miocárdio e elevação do segmento ST, levado a coronariografia que evidenciou aneurisma da coronária direita, que requereu trombectomia, angioplastia e manejo médico vitalício ambulatório.
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aneurysm , Coronary Angiography , Myocardial Ischemia , Angioplasty , Coronary Vessels , Myocardial InfarctionABSTRACT
Kawasaki disease (KD) is one of the common acquired heart diseases in children aged <5 years and is an acute systemic vasculitis. After nearly 60 years of research, intravenous immunoglobulin combined with oral aspirin has become the first-line treatment for the prevention of coronary artery lesion in acute KD; however, there are still controversies over the role and optimal dose of aspirin. The consensus was formulated based on the latest research findings of KD treatment in China and overseas and comprehensive discussion of pediatric experts in China and put forward recommendations on the dose, usage, and course of aspirin treatment in the first-line treatment of KD.
Child , Humans , Aspirin/therapeutic use , Consensus , Coronary Vessels/pathology , Immunoglobulins, Intravenous/therapeutic use , Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome/pathologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To summarize the clinical features of liver damage in children in the acute stage of Kawasaki disease (KD), and to investigate the clinical value of liver damage in predicting coronary artery lesion and no response to intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) in children with KD.@*METHODS@#The medical data were collected from 925 children who were diagnosed with KD for the first time in Beijing Children's Hospital from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017. According to the presence or absence of abnormal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level on admission, the children were divided into a liver damage group (n=284) and a non-liver damage group (n=641). A logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the clinical value of the indicators including liver damage in predicting coronary artery lesion and no response to IVIG in children with KD.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the non-liver damage group, the liver damage group had a significantly earlier admission time and significantly higher serum levels of inflammatory indicators (P<0.05). The liver damage group had a significantly higher incidence rate of coronary artery lesion on admission than the non-liver damage group (P=0.034). After initial IVIG therapy, the liver damage group had a significantly higher proportion of children with no response to IVIG than the non-liver damage group (P<0.001). In children with KD, coronary artery lesion was associated with the reduction in the hemoglobin level and the increases in platelet count, C-reactive protein, and ALT (P<0.05), and no response to IVIG was associated with limb changes, the reduction in the hemoglobin level, the increases in platelet count, C-reactive protein, and ALT, and coronary artery lesion (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Compared with those without liver damage, the children in the early stage of KD with liver damage tend to develop clinical symptoms early and have higher levels of inflammatory indicators, and they are more likely to have coronary artery lesion and show no response to IVIG treatment.
Child , Humans , C-Reactive Protein/analysis , Coronary Vessels/pathology , Hemoglobins/analysis , Immunoglobulins, Intravenous/therapeutic use , Liver Diseases , Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome/drug therapy , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
To explore the influence of bionic texture coronary stents on hemodynamics, a type of bioabsorbable polylactic acid coronary stents was designed, for which a finite element analysis method was used to carry out simulation analysis on blood flow field after the implantation of bionic texture stents with three different shapes (rectangle, triangle and trapezoid), thus revealing the influence of groove shape and size on hemodynamics, and identifying the optimal solution of bionic texture groove. The results showed that the influence of bionic texture grooves of different shapes and sizes on the lower wall shear stress region had a certain regularity. Specifically, the improvement effect of grooves above 0.06 mm on blood flow characteristics was poor, and the effect of grooves below 0.06 mm was good. Furthermore, the smaller the size is, the better the improvement effect is, and the 0.02 mm triangular groove had the best improvement effect. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that bionic texture stents have provided a new method for reducing in-stent restenosis.