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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(2): 36106, 29 ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570453


Introdução:Disfunções temporomandibularessão um termo coletivopara uma série de sinais e sintomas clínicos que envolvem os músculos mastigatórios, a articulação temporomandibular e estruturas associadas. O tratamento de pacientes deverá envolver uma equipe multidisciplinareparaquehajauma intervenção eficaz notratamento da disfunção é necessário que os profissionais envolvidos atuem emconjuntoetenhamplenoconhecimento das funções estomatognáticas.Objetivo:revisar aliteratura sobreas formas terapêuticas das disfunções temporomandibulares e sua eficácia.Metodologia:Trata-se de um estudosobre o panorama atual das terapêuticas utilizadas para o tratamento de disfunções temporomandibulares.Para compor o presente trabalho foi consultado o banco de dados da PubMed utilizando as palavras-chave "temporomandibular disorder" e "therapy" associados ao operador booleano AND. Os critérios de inclusão foram os artigos publicados, limitando-se ao período de 2020 a 2024 no idioma inglês. A busca computou um total de 545 artigos, dos quais foram excluídos os artigos que desviavam do tema proposto, artigos que abordavam técnicas com pouco embasamento científico e os artigos que não estavam disponíveis por completo.Resultados:os achados na literatura corroboram com a escolhaem primeiro plano de um tratamentoconservador, reversível e não invasivo. Dentre as opções destacam-se orientações de autocuidado, confecção de placa oclusal, terapias manuais, exercícios musculares, biofeedback e manejo farmacológico em casos de sintomas somáticos. A toxina botulínica tem sido sugerida para tratamento em casos de disfunções temporomandibularesmusculares, no entanto, com baixa evidência científicaquanto aos efeitos adversos. Técnicas cirúrgicas são indicadas em casos de não resolução com terapias conservadoras.Conclusões:Apesar dagrande diversidade nos protocolos,o tratamento conservador demonstra resolução do problema na maioria dos casos de disfunções temporomandibularese aquelestratamentos que combinam várias técnicasevidenciam melhores resultados do que tratamentos isolados (AU).

Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders are a collectiveterm for a range of clinical signs and symptoms involving the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint, and associated structures. Treating patients with disorder temporomandibularshould involve a multidisciplinary team, and for effective intervention in dysfunction treatment, it is necessary for the involved professionals to work together and have a comprehensive understanding of stomatognathic functions. Objective: review the literature on therapeutic modalities for temporomandibular disorders and their effectiveness. Methodology:This is a study on the current landscape of therapies used for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders. To compose this work, the PubMed database was consulted using the keywords "temporomandibular disorder" and "therapy" associated with the boolean operator AND. Inclusion criteria were articles published in English from 2020 to 2024. The search yielded a total of 545 articles, from which articles deviating from the proposed theme, articles discussing techniques with little scientific basis, and articles not fully available were excluded. Results:Literature findings support the prioritization of conservative, reversible, and non-invasive treatment. Among the options, self-care guidance, occlusal splint fabrication, manual therapies, muscle exercises, biofeedback, and pharmacological management for somatic symptoms stand out. Botulinum toxin has been suggested for treatment in cases of muscular disordertemporomandibular, however, with low scientific evidence regarding adverse effects. Surgical techniques are indicated in cases where conservative therapies fail to resolve the issue. Conclusions:Despite the diversity in protocols, conservative treatment demonstrates resolution of the problem in most cases of disorder temporomandibular,and treatments combining multiple techniques show better results than isolated treatments (AU).

Introducción:Las disfunciones temporomandibulares son un término colectivopara una serie de signos y síntomas clínicos que afectan a los músculos masticatorios, la articulación temporomandibular y estructuras asociadas. El tratamiento de pacientes con disfunciones temporomandibularesdebe involucrar a un equipo multidisciplinario para una intervención efectiva, requiriendo que los profesionales actúen conjuntamente y conozcan bien las funciones estomatognáticas. Objetivo:revisar la literatura sobre las terapias paradisfunciones temporomandibularesy su eficacia. Metodología:Estudio comparativo de las terapias actuales para disfunciones temporomandibulares, utilizando la base de datos PubMed con las palabrasclaves "temporomandibular disorder" y "therapy" y el operador booleano AND, limitado a 2020-2024 en inglés. La búsqueda obtuvo un total de 545 artículos de los cuales fueron excluidos los que no abordaban el tema propuesto. Resultados:Los hallazgos respaldan un tratamiento conservador, reversible y no invasivo, destacando el autocuidado, placas oclusales, terapias manuales, ejercicios, biofeedback y manejo farmacológico. La toxina botulínica se sugiere para disfunciones temporomandibulares musculares, pero con poca evidencia científica de sus efectos adversos. Las técnicas quirúrgicas se reservan para casos sin resolución.Conclusiones: A pesar de la diversidad de protocolos, el tratamiento conservador resolveula mayoría de los casos de disfunciones temporomandibulares, y los tratamientos combinados muestran mejores resultados que los aislados (AU).

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/therapy , Dental Occlusion , Pain Management , Conservative Treatment
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 70(1): 21-34, jul. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571524


Esta publicación es la última de una serie de tres, dirigida a la organización de la oclusión, en el marco de un enfoque sistémico. En las anteriores fueron desarrollados los temas referidos al espacio en los arcos dentarios restando analizar, entonces, aspectos de la erupción dentaria. Al respecto, se sintetizarán conceptos de la evolución deseable desde el origen de los folículos dentarios hasta su inclusión en el arco y contacto con el antagonista y se presentarán ejemplos de alteraciones ordenadas según el avance biológico de la dentición (AU)

This publication is the last in a series of three, aimed at the organization of occlusion, within the framework of a systemic approach. In the previous ones, the topics related to the space in the dental arches were developed, leaving to analyze, then, aspects of the dental eruption. In this regard, concepts of the desirable evolution from the origin of the dental follicles to their inclusion in the arch and contact with the antagonist will be synthesized, and examples of alterations ordered according to the biological progress of the dentition will be presented (AU)

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Adult , Tooth Eruption/physiology , Dental Occlusion , Malocclusion/etiology , Patient Care Planning , Tooth Abnormalities/physiopathology , Tooth Resorption/etiology , Diagnostic Imaging/methods , Radiography, Panoramic , Tooth Ankylosis , Dental Sac/growth & development
Ortodoncia ; 88(174): 16-23, ene.-jun. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567490


En la literatura es posible encontrar numerosos estudios que han demostrado una estrecha relación anatómica, funcional, neurológica y fisiológica entre la oclusión, la mandíbula y las regiones del cuello.1,2,3,4 Se ha observado una coactivación entre los músculos mandibulares y el complejo cuello-hombros durante los movimientos mandibulares y al masticar. Un enfoque corporal más integral ha permitido demostrar que existen conexiones neuronales entre los sistemas sensoriales-motores de las aferencias trigeminales que provienen de las estructuras orales (oclusión, músculos, articulación temporomandibular, posición de la mandíbula) de la cara y de los músculos oculomotores, con el cuello,5,6 el sistema vestibular y el apoyo plantar, teniendo injerencia en la alineación corporal, estabilidad y control postural del cuerpo.7,8,9,10 A su vez, el sistema vestibular contribuye a la regulación de la actividad de los músculos maseteros.11,12,13,14,15 Cualquier alteración en el sistema de control postural puede influir sobre el sistema estomatognático.16,17 Desde este enfoque global neurofisiológico se analizará en este artículo la relación entre la mordida cruzada unilateral posterior y la laterodesviación mandibular con el sistema de control postural. La comprensión de la relación entre las disfunciones orales con las asimetrías y la función del control postural permite a la Odontología tener una mirada global del ser humano, poder establecer abordajes terapéuticos integrales y trabajar en interdisciplina con otros profesionales de la salud, alcanzando una mayor estabilidad, ergonomía postural y mayor eficiencia de gasto energético.18,19

In the literature it is possible to find numerous studies that have demonstrated a close anatomical, functional, neurological and physiological relationship between occlusion, jaw and neck regions.1,2,3,4 Coactivation between the mandibular muscles and the neck-shoulder complex has been observed during mandibular movements and chewing. A more global body approach has allowed to demonstrate that there are neural connections between the sensory-motor systems of the trigeminal afference that come from the oral structures (occlusion, muscles, temporomandibular joint, jaw position), the face,the oculomotor muscles, the neck,5,6 the vestibular system, and plantar support, having an influence on body alignment, stability and postural control of the body.7,8,9,10 In turn, the vestibular system contributes to the regulation of the activity of the masseter muscles.11,12,13,14,15 Any alteration in the postural control system can influence the Stomatognathic System.16,17 From this global neurophysiological approach, the relationship between posterior unilateral crossbite and mandibular lateral deviation will be analyzed in this article in connection with the postural control System. Understanding the relationship between oral dysfunctions with asymmetries and the function of postural control allows Dentistry to have a global view of the human being, being able to establish integral therapeutic approaches ininterdisciplinary work with other health professionals, achieving better stability, postural ergonomics and greater energy expenditure efficiency.

Posture , Dental Occlusion , Postural Balance , Malocclusion , Facial Asymmetry
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 17(1): 48-52, abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558097


Objetivo: describir el impacto de la agenesia no sindrómica de incisivos laterales maxilares permanentes en la oclusión. Material y método: se realizó una búsqueda de la evidencia disponible de manera electrónica en las bases de datos PubMed, Cochrane Library, EBSCOhost, SciELO y Epistemonikos, con filtro de búsqueda de artículos publicados entre los años 2005 y 2022, y con disponibilidad de texto completo. Resultados: se seleccionaron 9 estudios publicados entre los años 2010 y 2021; 3 estudios genéticos, 4 estudios transversales y 2 revisiones sistemáticas. Conclusión: la agenesia no sindrómica de incisivos laterales maxilares permanentes se relaciona con alteraciones esqueléticas y dentales que inciden en la oclusión dental. Un diagnóstico temprano y un tratamiento oportuno, según las necesidades de cada paciente, son importantes por las repercusiones funcionales y estéticas que genera esta alteración.

Objective: to describe the impact of non-syndromic agenesis of permanent maxillary lateral incisors on occlusion. Material and method: a search of the electronically available evidence was carried out in the PubMed, Cochrane Library, EBSCOhost, SciELO and Epistemonikos databases, with a search filter for articles published between 2005 and 2022, and with full text availability. Results: 9 studies were selected, published between 2010 and 2021: 3 genetic studies, 4 cross-sectional studies and 2 systematic reviews. Conclusion: Non-syndromic agenesis of permanent maxillary lateral incisors is related to skeletal and dental abnormalities that affect dental occlusion. Because of the functional and aesthetic repercussions of this alteration, early diagnosis and timely treatment, according to the needs of each patient, are essential.

Humans , Dental Occlusion , Incisor , Maxilla , Anodontia
Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1020-1026, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514336


SUMMARY: Malocclusion is usually treated based on clinical decisions complemented with a cephalometric analysis, allowing the comparison of an individual with standard reference norms. Cephalometric standards have mostly been obtained from Caucasian population, but may not be appropriate for other ethnic groups, becoming a clinically relevant problem in multicultural and multiracial societies. The present study aimed to establish cephalometric norms for Chilean-Latino population, using a representative sample of class I individuals in permanent dentition. A sample of 72 cephalometric x-rays of class I growing individuals (47 women and 25 men) between 10 and 20 years of age with class I occlusion and harmonic profile was obtained from the records of the Universidad de los Andes taken between 2012 and 2019, including 1164 individuals. The radiographs were classified according to their cervical vertebral maturation status, and cephalometrically analyzed, obtaining vertical and sagittal parameters in soft and hard tissues, which were compared with Caucasian cephalometric norms. The statistical analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics (T-test, ANOVA and Bonferroni tests). Cephalometric norms were obtained for hard and soft tissues. Upon comparison with Caucasian norms, the subjects included in the sample present a tendency towards a convex profile, significant incisal proclination, dental protrusion, labial biprotrusion and an acute nasolabial angle. There are cephalometric differences between the Caucasian cephalometric norms and those observed Chilean Latino population, displaying differences at a hard and soft tissue level that should be taken into account for clinical decision making in Orthodontics.

La maloclusión generalmente se trata con base en decisiones clínicas complementadas con un análisis cefalométrico, lo que permite la comparación de un individuo con normas de referencia estándar. Los estándares cefalométricos se han obtenido en su mayoría de población caucásica, pero pueden no ser apropiados para otros grupos étnicos, convirtiéndose en un problema clínicamente relevante en sociedades multiculturales y multirraciales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer normas cefalométricas para población chileno-latina, utilizando una muestra representativa de individuos clase I en dentición permanente. Se obtuvo una muestra de 72 radiografías cefalométricas de individuos en crecimiento clase I (47 mujeres y 25 hombres) entre 10 y 20 años de edad con oclusión clase I y perfil armónico de los registros de la Universidad de los Andes tomados entre 2012 y 2019, incluidas 1164 personas. Las radiografías se clasificaron según su estado de maduración vertebral cervical, y se analizaron cefalométricamente, obteniendo parámetros verticales y sagitales en tejidos blandos y duros, que se compararon con normas cefalométricas caucásicas. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial (T-test, ANOVA y pruebas de Bonferroni). Se obtuvieron normas cefalométricas para tejidos duros y blandos. En comparación con las normas caucásicas, los sujetos incluidos en la muestra presentan una tendencia hacia un perfil convexo, proinclinación incisal significativa, protrusión dental, biprotrusión labial y un ángulo nasolabial agudo. Existen diferencias entre las normas cefalométricas caucásicas y las observadas en población latina chilena, mostrando diferencias a nivel de tejidos duros y blandos que se deben considerar para la toma de decisiones clínicas en Ortodoncia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Cephalometry/standards , Dentition, Permanent , Dental Occlusion , Radiography , Chile , Retrospective Studies
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 68(1): 42-53, jul. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568518


El objetivo de esta publicación es continuar con el tema desarrollado en la primera parte, donde se esbozaron aspectos generales de la organización de la oclusión, como introducción al estudio de la etiopa- togenia de las maloclusiones, con el factor dentario como aspecto central. Probablemente es el que com- parte mayor presencia en maloclusiones, donde el factor principal es de otro origen, es decir, esqueletal o neuromuscular. Se expondrá, a continuación, la condición del espacio en los arcos dentarios, sea por exceso o defecto de material dentario, sea por pérdida de perímetro del arco dentario, en cuanto al diagnóstico y a conductas preventivas. La parte III se centrará en alteraciones de erupción dentaria (AU)

The objective of this publication is to continue with the theme developed in the first part, where general aspects of the organization of the occlusion were outlined, as an introduction to the study of the etiopathogenesis of malocclusions, with the dental factor as a central aspect. It is probably the one that shares the greatest presence in malocclusions where the main factor is of another origin, that is, skeletal or neuromuscular. Next, the condition of the space in the dental arches will be exposed, whether due to excess or defect of dental material or loss of perimeter of the dental arch, in terms of diagnosis and preventive behaviors. Part III will focus on dental eruption disorders (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Dental Occlusion , Malocclusion/etiology , Patient Care Planning , Tooth, Deciduous/physiopathology , Tooth Socket/physiopathology , Dentition, Mixed , Malocclusion/classification , Maxillofacial Development/physiology , Odontometry/methods
Rev. ADM ; 80(1): 41-48, ene.-feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511785


La odontología basada en evidencias es una metodología que busca que las decisiones clínicas diarias que toman los profesionales en estomatología se encuentren fundamentadas en la evidencia científica, en ella se integran las experiencias clínicas, las necesidades, las preferencias del paciente y la evidencia clínicamente relevante más actual analizada por pares. Estos pilares son parte del proceso en la toma de decisiones para la atención al paciente. La odontología basada en evidencias surge de las exitosas experiencias obtenidas con el desarrollo e implementación de la medicina fundamentada en pruebas, al aplicar el método científico en la evaluación, planificación y toma de decisiones de las prestaciones sanitarias, sobre todo a través de los estudios controlados. En general, toda la práctica odontológica ha tenido grandes avances basados en evidencias, con hechos verídicos comprobados, pero los conceptos fundamentales de oclusión no han tenido una mejora cimentada en el conocimiento científico, prueba de ello es que se siguen ocupando teorías y conceptos de las filosofías de oclusión en la rehabilitación de muchos pacientes, seguimos creyendo en mitos y sofismas que no han podido ser demostrados. En esta revisión, demostramos los grandes avances en los conceptos de oclusión e invitamos a todos los odontólogos a romper los paradigmas de la oclusión antigua sin evidencias científicas y a utilizar las herramientas del método científico en la práctica clínica odontológica (AU)

Evidence-based dentistry is a strategy that seeks to ensure that the daily clinical decisions made by the dental professional are based on scientific evidence. It integrates the clinical experience of the dentist, the needs and preferences of the patient, and the most current relevant clinical evidence. All three are part of the decision-making process for patient care. Evidence-based dentistry arises from the successful experiences obtained with the development and implementation of evidence-based medicine, applying the scientific method in the evaluation, planning and decision-making of health benefits, especially through controlled studies. In general, all dental practice has had great advances based on evidence, with proven true facts, but the fundamental concepts of occlusion have not had an improvement based on scientific knowledge, proof of this is that theories and concepts continue to be used. of the philosophies of occlusion in patient rehabilitation, we follow myths and sophisms that have not been demonstrated, in this review, we demonstrate the great advances in the concepts of occlusion and we know all dentists to break the paradigms of the old occlusion without scientific evidence (AU)

Humans , Dental Occlusion , Evidence-Based Dentistry/trends , Centric Relation , Databases, Bibliographic , Incisor/anatomy & histology
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(60): 147-160, jan.-abr. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1411400


Introduction: The goal of this pilot study was to evaluate the differences between checking occlusion on implants crowns using 16 or 200 µm thickness of articulating occlusal paper, and to compare the stained occlusal area between the groups after bite forces of 200 and 250 N. Methods: It was included 10 casts of articulated-type IV gypsum, 10 NiCr crowns, articulating occlusal papers (16 µm and 200 µm thick), and a compression test machine. Compressive forces (200 and 250 were applied on models, to check the occlusal contact area of fixed and cemented crowns. The contact areas on the crowns were measured through images obtained by the scanning electron microscope. Statistical tests were performed considering the significant level of 5% (p≤0.05). Results: The stains found using 200 µm of articulating paper were higher than those with 16 µm, independent of the force applied. However, the stains obtained in lower teeth with different strengths (200 and 250N) marked with 16 µm articulating paper were not possible to score. The articulating paper variable had significant statistical results (p=0.002), while the variables force (p=0.443) and articulating paper-force interaction (p=0.607) were not significant. The mean area found in staining using the 200 µm and 16 µm papers was, respectively, 8.3380 mm2 and 3.4759 mm2. Conclusion: It was possible to confirm that 200 µm of articulating occlusal paper showed better and significant results to stain the occlusal area, permitting a more accurate adjustment independent of the force applied.

Bite Force , Dental Implants , Compressive Strength , Crowns , Dental Articulators , Dental Occlusion , Molar
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981127


OBJECTIVES@#The aim of this study was to compare the anterior and posterior occlusal plane characteristics of patients with different temporomandibular joint osseous statuses.@*METHODS@#A total of 306 patients with initial cone beam CT (CBCT) and cephalograms were included. They were divided into three groups on the basis of their temporomandibular joint osseous status: bilateral normal (BN) group, indeterminate for osteoarthrosis (I) group, and osteoarthrosis (OA) group. The anterior and posterior occlusal planes (AOP and POP) of the different groups were compared. Then, the regression equation was established after adjusting for confounding factors, and a correlation analysis between the occlusion planes and other parameters was performed.@*RESULTS@#SNA, SNB, FMA, SN-MP, Ar-Go, and S-Go were correlated with the occlusal planes. Relative to the BN and I groups, the FH-OP of the OA group increased by 1.67° on the average, FH-POP increased by 1.42° on the average, and FH-AOP increased by 2.05° on the average.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The occlusal planes were steeper in the patients with temporomandibular osteoarthrosis than in the patients without it, and the mandible rotated downward and backward. The height of the mandibular ramus, the mandibular body length, and the posterior face height were small. In clinical practice, attention should be given to the potential risk of temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis in such patients. In addition, SNB, FMA, SN-MP, Ar-Go, S-Go, and occlusal planes had moderate correlations.

Humans , Dental Occlusion , Cephalometry , Mandible , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/diagnostic imaging , Temporomandibular Joint/diagnostic imaging , Osteoarthritis/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Condyle
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982040


Occlusal plane (OP) is one of the essential factors affecting craniofacial morphology and function. The OP not only assists in diagnosing malocclusion but also serves as an important reference for making treatment plans. Patients with different types of malocclusions have different forms of OP. Compared with patients with standard skeletal facial type, the occlusal plane of patients with skeletal class Ⅱ and high angle is steeper, while that of patients with skeletal class Ⅲ and low angle is more even. In orthodontic treatment, adjusting and controlling the OP can promote the normal growth and development of the mandible in most patients with malocclusion during the early stage of growth, while causing favorable rotation of the mandible in some adults with mild-to-moderate malocclusion. For moderate-to-severe malocclusion, the OP rotation by orthodontic-orthognathic treatment can achieve better long-term stability. This article reviews the evolution of the definition of OP and its implications for diagnosing and the guiding treatment of malocclusion.

Adult , Humans , Dental Occlusion , Maxilla , Cephalometry , Malocclusion/therapy , Mandible
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 13: 234580, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1551951


La erupción dental ocurre cuando el diente se mueve desde su posición no funcional hasta la oclusión en la cavidad bucal. Este proceso depende de varios factores para que suceda sin alteraciones. La erupción ectópica de los primeros molares permanentes es común en la dentición mixta y requiere tratamiento inmediato por odontopediatría. Su principal causa es un maxilar hipoplásico, causando una reabsorción atípica más rápida de lo normal apresurando la exfoliación de molares primarios y llevando a una la perdida de espacio en al arco superior y el apiñamiento. Objetivo: presentar el tratamiento integral en odontopediatría para corregir la hipoplasia maxilar. Reporte de caso: Paciente asintomático de sexo femenino de 6 años asiste por primera vez a consulta odontológica en el 2019. Al examen clínico y en las ayudas diagnósticas se observa relación esquelética clase III por maxilar hipoplásico con discrepancia dentoalveolar moderada y erupción ectópica de los primeros molares superiores permanentes. Se inicia tratamiento de expansión maxilar con Hyrax y máscara facial. luego ocurre la pérdida prematura de 55 y 65, por lo que se mesializan los molares permanentes. En 2020 se instala péndulo óseo-soportado. Al año del seguimiento se observa corrección de la vía de erupción de los primeros molares permanentes. Conclusión: El tratamiento para la erupción ectópica de los primeros molares superiores permanentes debe planease de forma integral logrando objetivos en cada periodo de tratamiento para evitar complicaciones en el futuro.

A erupção dentária ocorre quando o dente se move de sua posição não funcional até a sua oclusão na cavidade bucal. Este processo depende de vários fatores para que ocorra sem alterações. A erupção ectópica dos primeiros molares permanentes é comum na dentição mista e requer tratamento imediato por um odontopediatra. A principal causa é um maxilar hipoplásico, causando uma reabsorção atípica mais rápida, acelerando a exfoliação dos molares decíduos, levando a uma perda de espaço no arco superior e ao apinhamento. Objetivo: Apresentar o tratamento integral em odontopediatria para correção da hipoplasia maxilar. Relato de caso: Paciente assintomático, sexo feminino, 6 anos, compareceu pela primeira vez a consulta odontológica em 2019. No exame clínico e nos exames diagnósticos se observou relação esquelética classe III por maxilar hipoplásico com discrepância dentoalveolar moderada, e erupção ectópica dos primeiros molares superiores permanentes. Iniciou-se o tratamento de expansão maxilar com Hyrax e máscara facial. Logo ocorreu a perda precoce do 55 e 65, devido os molares permanentes estarem mesializados. Em 2020 instalou-se o péndulo ósseo-suportado. No ano seguinte observou-se a correção da via de erupção dos primeiros molares permanentes. Conclusão: O tratamento para a erupção ectópica dos primeiros molares superiores permanentes deve-se planejar de forma integral visando atingir objetivos em cada período de tratamento para evitar complicações no futuro.

Dental eruption occurs when the tooth moves from the non-functional position to occlusion in the oral cavity. This process depends on several factors to avoid alterations. The ectopic eruption of the first permanent molars is usual in the mixed dentition and requires immediate treatment by pediatric dentistry. The main cause is a hypoplastic maxilla, causing atypical resorption, faster than normal, hastening the exfoliation of temporal molars and leading to loss space in the upper arch and crowding. Objective: Show an integral pediatric dentistry treatment to correct maxillary hypoplasia. Case report: A 6-year-old asymptomatic female patient with class III skeletal relationship, due to hypoplastic maxilla with moderate dentoalveolar discrepancy and ectopic eruption of the first permanent upper molars. She was attended by pediatric dentistry for first time in 2019 and maxillary expansion treatment began with Hyrax and facial mask. Then occur the premature loss of 55 and 65 tooth and the permanent molars moved mesially. In 2020, a bone-supported pendulum was installed. One year after following up, the correction of eruption of the first permanent molars was observed. Conclusion: The treatment for the ectopic eruption of the first permanent upper molars must be planned in an integral way, achieving objectives in each period to avoid complications in the future

Humans , Female , Child , Dental Occlusion
Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e226343, jan.-dez. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1393030


Aim: to evaluate the surgical effects of two rehabilitation protocols on dental arch occlusion of 5-year-old children with or without cleft lip and palate. Methods: this is a retrospective longitudinal study the sample comprised 45 digitized dental casts divided into followed groups: Group 1 (G1) ­ children who underwent to cheiloplasty (Millard technique) at 3 months and to one-stage palatoplasty (von Langenbeck technique) at 12 months; Group 2 (G2) ­ children who underwent to cheiloplasty (Millard technique) and two-stage palatoplasty (Hans Pichler technique for hard palate closure) at 3 months and at 12 months to soft palate closure (Sommerlad technique); and Group 3 (G3) ­ children without craniofacial anomalies. Linear measurements, area, and occlusion were evaluated by stereophotogrammetry software. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify normality. ANOVA followed by posthoc Tukey test and Kruskal-Wallis followed by posthoc Dunn tests were used to compared groups. Results: For the measures intercanine distance (C-C'), anterior length of dental arch (I-CC'), and total length of the dental arch (I­MM'), there were statistical differences between G1x G3 and G2xG3, the mean was smaller for G1 and G2. No statistically significant differences occurred in the intermolar distance and in the dental arch area among groups. The occlusion analysis revealed significant difference in the comparison of the three groups (p=0.0004). Conclusion: The surgical effects of two rehabilitation protocols affected the occlusion and the development of the anterior region of the maxilla of children with oral clefts when compared to children without oral clefts.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Surgery, Oral , Clinical Protocols , Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Dental Arch , Dental Occlusion
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(4): 1-10, jul. 21, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427082


Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) and various facial measurements in a sample of Sudanese adults. Material and Methods: A total of 113 dental students (33 males and 80 females) with a mean age of 21.7±1.26 years were enrolled in this study. Different facial measurements including (Eye-Mouth, Eye-Eye, Eye-Ear, and Ear Height) were compared with two different measurements of VDO: N-Gn (from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin), and Sn-Me (from the base of the nose to the bottom of the chin). Pearson's correlation coefficient test was utilized for the correlation between the measured parameters. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant for all analyses. Results: A significant positive correlation was shown between all measured facial distances and both measured VDO distances. Though, the strongest correlation was seen for the eye-mouth distance (r= 0.725, p<0.001), while the weakest was for ear height (r= 0.254, p= 0.007). A paired t-test revealed a significant longer N-Gn distance than Sn-Me distance. Also, it has been shown that there were no significant differences between right and left sides of the face. Conclusion: The distance measured from the outer canthus of the eye to the angle of the mouth can be used to predict Subnasale-Menton (Sn-Me) distance.

Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la correlación entre dimensión vertical oclusal (DVO) y varias medidas faciales en una muestra de adultos sudaneses. Material y Métodos: Un total de 113 estudiantes de odontología (33 hombres y 80 mujeres) con una edad media de 21,7 ± 1,26 años se inscribieron en este estudio. Se compararon diferentes medidas faciales que incluyen (ojo- boca, ojo-ojo, ojo-oído y altura de la oreja) con dos medidas diferentes de DVO: N-Gn (desde la punta de la nariz hasta la punta del mentón) y Sn -Yo (desde la base de la nariz hasta la parte inferior del mentón). Se utilizó la prueba del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson para la correlación entre los parámetros medidos. Un valor de p inferior a 0,05 se consideró significativo para todos los análisis. Resultados: Se mostró una correlación positiva significativa entre todas las distancias faciales medidas y ambas distancias DVO medidas. Sin embargo, la correlación más fuerte se observó para la distancia ojo-boca (r=0,725, p<0,001), mientras que la más débil fue para la altura de las orejas (r=0,254, p=0,007). Una prueba de t pareada reveló una distancia N-Gn significativamente más larga que la distancia subnasal-mentón. Además, se ha demostrado que no hubo diferencias significativas entre los lados derecho e izquierdo de la cara. Conclusión: La distancia medida desde el canto externo del ojo hasta el ángulo de la boca puede utilizarse para predecir la distancia subnasal-mentón.

Humans , Male , Female , Vertical Dimension , Face/anatomy & histology , Prosthodontics , Sudan/epidemiology , Anthropometry , Nose/anatomy & histology , Chin/anatomy & histology , Dental Occlusion , Eye/anatomy & histology , Maxillofacial Development , Mouth/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 584-594, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385683


RESUMEN: Se ha postulado que la posición postural mandibular (PPM) no presentaría la menor actividad electromiográfica (EMG) de los músculos masetero y temporal, y que esta menor actividad se encontraría en una apertura mayor. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la PPM en pacientes con diferentes relaciones oclusales y según tipo de método de posicionamiento, relacionándolo con la actividad EMG de los músculos Masetero y Temporal, además del registro de la actividad EMG en diferentes aperturas orales. Se analizó una muestra de 25 adultos de 18 a 28 años. Estos fueron clasificados según su sexo y clasificación de Angle. Se realizaron simultáneamente registros de EMG de superficie -masetero y porción anterior del temporal- y de EMA -posición de la mandíbula respecto al maxilar obteniendo distancia y ángulo- en diferentes posiciones mandibulares: PPM-considerando método sin comando y de deglución- y apertura gradual hasta alcanzar la máxima apertura. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo. La menor PPM obtenida fue de 1,0 ± 0,6 mm en mujeres Clase III y utilizando la técnica sin comando; el mayor fue de 2,5 ± 0,2 mm en mujeres Clase II y utilizando la técnica de deglución. La apertura angular presentó menor variabilidad que las distancias lineales. La actividad de los músculos Maseteros derecho e izquierdo presentaron valores similares entre sí, al igual que en los rangos de apertura hasta 30 mm en hombres y mujeres y en las diferentes relaciones oclusales. La actividad de los Temporales para hombres y mujeres y en las diferentes relaciones oclusales mostraron variaciones importantes entre derecha e izquierda y en los diferentes grados de apertura. La técnica presentada permitió el estudio de la dimensión vertical y aperturas orales a través de EMA y EMG.

SUMMARY: It has been postulated that the mandibular postural position (MPP) could not present the lower electromyographic activity (EMG) of the Masseter and Temporal muscles, and that the lower activity could be found in a larger opening. The objective of this study was to analyze the PPM in patients with different occlusal relationships and according to the positioning method, relating it to the EMG activity of the Masseter and Temporal muscles, in addition to recording the EMG activity in different oral openings. A sample of 25 adults aged 18 to 28 years was analyzed. Participants were classified according to their sex and Angle classification. Simultaneous recordings of surface EMG -Masseter and anterior portion of the Temporal- and EMA -position of the Mandible with respect to the Maxilla obtaining distance and angle- were performed in different mandibular positions: PPM-considering the method "without command" and "swallowing"- and gradual opening until the maximum opening is reached. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed. The lowest PPM obtained was 1.0 ± 0.6 mm in Class III women and using the "without command" method; the largest was 2.5 ± 0.2 mm in Class II women and using the "swallowing" method. The angular opening presented less variability than the linear distances. The activity of the right and left masseter muscles presented similar values, as well as in the opening ranges up to 30 mm in men and women and in the different occlusal relationships. The activity of the Temporals for men and women and in the different occlusal relationships showed important variations between right and left and in the different degrees of opening. The presented technique allowed the study of the vertical dimension and oral openings through EMA and EMG.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Vertical Dimension , Electromyography , Malocclusion , Mandible/anatomy & histology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Occlusion , Masticatory Muscles/physiology
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 43(1): 57-61, jan.-abr. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1361720


A agenesia dentaria é uma anomalia de desenvolvimento caracterizada pela determinação congênita de menor numero de dentes, podendo estar associada a síndromes genéticas ou ocorrer isoladamente. Embora seja considerada uma das anomalias mais frequentes quando envolve terceiros molares, segundo pré-molares e incisivos laterais, sua ocorrência em dentes estáveis, tais como o canino e o primeiro molar permanente é rara. Desta forma, este relato apresentará o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 8 anos idade, que iniciou tratamento de rotina na Clínica de Odontopediatria da UNIFENAS. Na anamnese não foi relatada pela responsável a ocorrência de alterações sistêmicas, nem queixa ou histórico odontológico relevante. No exame clínico odontológico, notou-se o não irrompimento do primeiro molar permanente superior direito (16). Diante dos exames de imagem, foi confirmada a agenesia do dente 16 e também do canino permanente superior direito (13). A agenesia, sobretudo de dentes estáveis e relevantes no arco dentário, pode comprometer o desenvolvimento adequado da oclusão, mastigação, fonação e estética. Desta maneira, é importante o diagnóstico precoce desta ocorrência com o objetivo de favorecer a elaboração de um adequado plano de tratamento e, minimizar as sequelas destas agenesias atípicas(AU)

Dental agenesis is a developmental anomaly characterized by the congenital determination of fewer teeth, may be associated with genetic syndromes or occur in an isolated form. Although it is considered one of the most frequent anomalies when it involves third molars, second lateral premolars and incisors, the occurrence in stable teeth, such as the permanent canine and the permanent first molar is rare. This report will present the case of an 8-year-old female patient who started routine treatment at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of UNIFENAS. In the anamnesis, the responsible person did not report the occurrence of systemic alterations, or a relevant dental complaint or history. On dental clinical examination, it was noticed the non-rupture of the permament maxillar right first molar (16). In view of the imaging tests, the agenesis of tooth 16 and also of the permanent maxillary right canine (13) was confirmed. Agenesis, especially of stable and relevant teeth in the dental arch, may compromise the proper development of occlusion, chewing, phonation and aesthetics. Thus, it is of paramount importance to early diagnosis of this occurrence in order to favor the development of an appropriate treatment plan in order to minimize the sequelae of these atypical agenesis(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Phonation , Cuspid , Anodontia , Molar , Dental Occlusion , Esthetics, Dental , Mastication , Anodontia/diagnosis , Anodontia/therapy
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 59(1)mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408374


Introducción: Los principios biomecánicos de cabeza y cuello cobran un interés especial en el campo de la ortodoncia y la ortopedia dentomaxilofacial. Cualquier anomalía debe ser analizada y tratada dentro del sistema cráneo-cérvico-mandibular con un enfoque integral. Objetivo: Describir la relación entre el patrón esquelético maxilomandibular sagital, la postura corporal y la posición cráneo-cervical en adolescentes. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, desarrollado entre marzo del 2018 a junio del 2019. La muestra estuvo conformada por 105 adolescentes del séptimo grado de la ESBU "Eduardo Anoceto Rega", de Santa Clara. Se determinó el patrón esquelético maxilomandibular de clase I, II y III midiendo la convexidad facial del cefalogramas de Ricketts; la posición cráneo-cervical de extensión, normoinclinación y flexión con el cefalograma de Rocabado; el tipo de postura con el método de Bricot. Se siguieron las normas éticas y fueron aplicados los estadígrafos chi cuadrado, F de Fisher y estadístico de Welch. Resultados: La postura D (espalda plana y plano escapular anterior) predominó en todas las clases esqueléticas 64,76 por ciento de los adolescentes, seguido de la postura C (plano escapular posterior). En la clase II, después de la postura D siguió la postura B (plano escapular y glúteo alineados con aumento de las curvas anteriores) con un 6,22 por ciento. Predominó la normoinclinación cráneo-cervical 46,67 por ciento y la flexión 42,86 por ciento. En la clase III predominó la flexión y el ángulo posteroinferior de Rocabado mayor respecto a las otras clases esqueléticas de 107º. Conclusiones: La posición del cráneo respecto a las estructuras cervicales, asociada a las características de cada clase esquelética, puede ser un indicador importante en el diagnóstico morfológico. A pesar de las muchas investigaciones en este campo, aún no se puede hablar de consenso en cuanto al grado de relación entre la postura craneocervical y las maloclusiones(AU)

Introduction: Head and neck biomechanical principles are particularly relevant in the fields of orthodontics and dentomaxillofacial orthopedics. Any anomaly should be analyzed and treated within the cranio-cervical-mandibular system applying a comprehensive approach. Objective: Describe the relationship between the sagittal maxillomandibular skeletal pattern, body posture and craniocervical position in adolescents. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from March 2018 to June 2019. The study sample was 105 adolescents attending seventh grade at Eduardo Anoceto Rega junior high school in Santa Clara. Determination was made of maxillomandibular skeletal patterns Classes I, II and III, measuring the facial convexity in Ricketts' cephalograms, craniocervical extension, normal inclination and flexion positions with Rocabado's cephalogram, and posture type with Bricot's method. Ethical standards were complied with. Use was made of the statistical tests chi-square, Fisher's F and Welch's. Results: Posture D (flat back and anterior scapular plane) prevailed in all skeletal classes: 64.76 percent of the adolescents, followed by posture C (posterior scapular plane). In Class II, posture D was followed by posture B (scapular and gluteal plane aligned with increased anterior curves): 6.22 percent. A predominance was observed of craniocervical normal inclination: 46.67 percent and flexion: 42.86 percent. In Class III, Rocabado's flexion and posteroinferior angle were more common than the remaining 107º skeletal classes. Conclusions: Cranial position with respect to cervical structures, according to the characteristics of each skeletal class, may be an important indicator in morphological diagnosis. Despite the large number of studies conducted in this field, consensus has not been achieved about the degree of relationship between craniocervical posture and malocclusions(AU)

Humans , Posture , Dental Occlusion , Malocclusion/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38072, Jan.-Dec. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397074


This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different bone attachment levels and occlusal loads on the stress distribution pattern of maxillary premolars with or without non-carious cervical lesion (NCCL), before and after restoration with composite resin by three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis. From the healthy model, NCCL models were produced and the cavity was restored with composite resin. Models with vertical and horizontal bone loss were also made. For each model, three types of occlusal loads were simulated (100 N): vertical load (VL), buccal load (BL), and palatal load (PL). After processing the models, the data were obtained in MPa for the criteria of Maximum Principal Stress (for all structures) and Minimum Principal Stress (for cortical and medullary bones). Stress values were collected for a node on the cervical buccal surface (Maximum Principal Stress) and the buccal crestal bone (Minimum Principal Stress). As a result, the different bone attachment levels did not affect stress distribution at the amelodentinal junction. The buccal load promoted a higher concentration of compressive stress on the buccal bone surface and the palatal load resulted in greater tensile stress in the buccal cervical third of the tooth. The concentration of tensile stress in the buccal cervical third was exacerbated by the presence of NCCL and it was similar to the healthy and restored models. It can be concluded that stress concentration at the bone level does not depend on the presence or absence of NCCL and the restoration procedure but it is related to the type of occlusal load. However, the presence of NCCL promoted a higher stress concentration in the cervical region, especially when combined with oblique occlusal loads.

Dental Occlusion , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Tooth Wear , Gingival Recession
HU Rev. (Online) ; 48: 1-6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1370799


Introduction: The opening of the contact point can happen after orthodontic closure of the site of dental extraction and opened interproximal contacts are considered potential factors for periodontal diseases. Objective: To evaluate the condition of the alveolar bone crest of the interdental site between canines and upper premolars with or without contact points in individuals submitted to orthodontics associated with the extraction of the first premolars. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional observational study selected upper canines and premolars of individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment without extractions (12 hemiarches ­ control group), or with extraction of the upper first premolars and whose canines and second premolars had interproximal contact (11 hemiarches ­ group 1) or diastema (15 hemiarches ­ group 2). The height and the presence of lamina dura in the interproximal bone crest of the distal surfaces of canines and mesial surfaces of premolars were evaluated. Results: Groups 1 and 2 demonstrated the higher and smallest prevailing of the presence of lamina dura, respectively. The control group presented the bone crest positioned more crownly in relation to the others groups. Experimental groups did not present significant differences to the height of bone crest. Conclusion: The orthodontic allocation of teeth to extraction sites was associated with the significant reduction of the height of the marginal bone crest, regardless of the presence or absence of contact point between the teeth. The lack of contact point resulted in a minor prevalence of the continuity of the lamina dura of the alveolar bone crest in these regions.

Introdução: A abertura do ponto de contato pode ocorrer após o fechamento ortodôntico do sítio de extração dentária e os contatos interproximais abertos são considerados fatores potenciais para as doenças periodontais. Objetivo: Avaliar a condição da crista óssea alveolar do espaço interdentário entre caninos e pré-molares superiores com ou sem pontos de contato em indivíduos submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico associado à exodontia dos primeiros pré-molares. Material e Métodos: Este estudo transversal observacional selecionou caninos e pré-molares superiores de indivíduos submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico sem extrações (12 hemiarcos ­ grupo controle), ou com exodontia dos primeiros pré-molares superiores e cujos caninos e segundos pré-molares tiveram contato interproximal (11 hemiarcos ­ grupo 1) ou diastemas (15 hemiarcos ­ grupo 2). Foram avaliadas a altura e a presença da lâmina dura na crista óssea interproximal das superfícies distais dos caninos e mesiais dos pré-molares. Resultados: Os grupos 1 e 2 demonstraram a maior e a menor prevalência da presença de lâmina dura, respectivamente. O grupo controle apresentou a crista óssea posicionada mais coronalmente em relação aos demais grupos. Entre os grupos experimentais, não houve diferença significativa para a altura da crista óssea. Conclusão: Neste estudo preliminar, a movimentação ortodôntica dos dentes para os locais de exodontia foi associada à redução significativa da altura da crista óssea marginal, independentemente da presença ou ausência de ponto de contato entre os dentes. A falta de ponto de contato resultou em menor prevalência de continuidade da lâmina dura da crista óssea alveolar nessas regiões.

Periodontics , Orthodontics , Periodontal Diseases , Surgery, Oral , Tooth Extraction , Bicuspid , Bone and Bones , Orthodontic Space Closure , Dental Occlusion
Int. j. morphol ; 40(2): 466-473, 2022. ilus, tab, mapas
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385627


SUMMARY: Descriptive observational cross-sectional study to determine the AOP of the second molars (55, 65, 75, 85) and the first permanent molars (16, 26, 36 and 46) in 459 study models corresponding to six ethnic groups in Colombia, Embera indigenous of Alto Baudó (Chocó), Caucasoid mestizos of Cali (Valle del Cauca), African descent of Cali (Valle del Cauca), Misak indigenous of Silvia (Cauca), Nasa indigenous of Morales (Cauca), and indigenous of Leticia (Amazonas). There were no significant differences of AOP among the six ethnic groups except when compared to the Amazon Indians with African descent of Cali, Embera indigenous and Nasa indigenous. There was no sexual dimorphism except tooth 65 for all ethnic groups. There was bilateral symmetry except between teeth 16 and 26. The distance matrix showed that Caucasoid mestizos of Cali were grouped with microdont populations, Amazon indigenous, Embera indigenous, Misak indigenous and Nasa indigenous, and African descendants of Cali were grouped with mesodont populations. The Embera and Amazon indigenous had the highest values of OAP associated with the relative isolation and less mestizaje. Overall, there was no sexual dimorphism or bilateral asymmetry. This study coincides with the different theories about reducing the size of the teeth as evolutionary characteristic of hominids.

RESUMEN: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal en el que se determinó el APO de los segundos molars deciduos (55, 65, 75, 85) y de los primeros molares permanentes (16, 26, 36, 46) en 459 modelos de estudio correspondientes a seis grupos étnicos de Colombia: Indígenas embera del Alto Baudó (Chocó), mestizos caucasoides de Cali (Valle del Cauca), afrodescendientes de Cali (Valle del Cauca), indígenas misak de Silvia (Cauca), indígenas nasa de Morales (Cauca) e indígenas de Leticia (Amazonas). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el APO de los seis grupos étnicos, excepto entre indígenas del Amazonas y de afrodescendientes de Cali, e indígenas embera e indígenas nasa. No se evidenció dimorfismo exual en ninguno de los seis grupos. Hubo simetría bilateral, excepto entre los dientes 16 y 26. La matriz de distancias demostró que los mestizos caucasoides de Cali se agrupan con poblaciones microdontes, indígenas del amazonas, indígenas embera, indígenas misak e indígenas nasa; mientras que los afrodescendientes de Cali se agrupan con poblaciones mesodentes. Los indígenas embera y del Amazonas presentaron altos valores del APO, asociado a su aislamiento relativo y bajo mestizaje. En términos generales, no hubo dimorfismo sexual ni asimetría bilateral. Los resultados de este estudio concuerdan con diferentes teorías sobre la reducción del tamaño dental como una característica evolutiva de los himínidos.

Humans , Male , Female , Dental Occlusion , Racial Groups , Molar/anatomy & histology , Ethnicity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sex Characteristics , Colombia , Forensic Dentistry
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 66(1): 8-16, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380002


Los contactos mediotrusivos son aquellos contactos oclusales que se encuentran entre las vertientes in- ternas de las cúspides linguales maxilares y las inter- nas de las cúspides bucales mandibulares del lado de no trabajo durante los movimientos de lateralidad. Estos contactos mediotrusivos podría desencadenar trastornos temporomandibulares, afectando la oclu- sión y la articulación temporomandibular. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las caracterís- ticas y la relación entre los contactos mediotrusivos con la articulación temporomandibular y la oclusión en pacientes que consultan al Servicio de Oclusión y ATM del Hospital Odontológico de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (AU)

Mediotrusive contacts are those occlusal contacts that are found between the internal slopes of the maxillary lingual cusps and the internal slopes of the mandibular buccal cusps on the non-working side during laterality movements. These mediotrusive contacts could trigger temporomandibular disorders affecting occlusion and temporomandibular joint. The objective of this study was to analyze the characteristics and relationship of mediotrusive contacts with occlusion and the temporomandibular joint, in patients who consult the Occlusion and TMJ Service of the Dental Hospital of the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of the Northeast (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Facial Pain , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders , Dental Occlusion , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Temporomandibular Joint/physiopathology , Prospective Studies , Dental Service, Hospital , Masticatory Muscles/physiopathology