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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(6): 868-877, Nov. 1, 2024. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1580096


Introducción. Se ha establecido en la literatura que una proporción de los pacientes que son llevados a cirugía antirreflujo presentan acortamiento del esófago. Si este no es reconocido, puede asociarse con falla anatómica de la cirugía y recurrencia sintomática. Se desconoce en nuestro medio la incidencia de esta condición. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, en pacientes con hernia hiatal y enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico sometidos a cirugía antirreflujo laparoscópica en una institución de alta complejidad durante un periodo de 3 años. Se describieron las características demográficas, clínicas, operatorias y postoperatorias. Se identificaron los casos de esófago corto y la técnica quirúrgica empleada para corregirlo. Resultados. Se realizaron 110 cirugías laparoscópicas antirreflujo, de las cuales 56 (50,9 %) fueron reparación de hernia hiatal más funduplicatura y 54 (49,1 %) reparación de hernia hiatal gigante más funduplicatura y/o gastrostomía descompresiva. Siete pacientes (6,3 %) presentaron esófago corto y requirieron alargamiento esofágico mediante gastroplastia tipo Collis. En la evaluación preoperatoria, 5 (71 %) reportaron síntomas de más de 4 años de duración, 5 (71 %) tenían disfagia, 6 (85,7 %) hernia hiatal gigante y 6 (85,7 %) algún grado de esofagitis. La estancia hospitalaria promedio fue 4,4 días. Se presentó una complicación mayor y ninguna mortalidad. Todos lograron adecuado control radiológico y sintomático postoperatorio. Conclusión. El esófago corto es una condición real, que se debe anticipar especialmente en pacientes con hernia hiatal gigante y enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico crónico. La esófago-gastroplastia de Collis por laparoscopia es una alternativa razonable de tratamiento.

Introduction. It has been established in the literature that a proportion of patients who undergo antireflux surgery present shorthening of the esophagus. If this is not recognized, it may be associated with anatomical failure of the surgery and symptomatic recurrence. The incidence of this condition is unknown in our environment. Methods. Retrospective, descriptive study in patients with hiatal hernia (HH) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) undergoing laparoscopic antireflux surgery in a high complexity institution over a three-year period. Demographic, clinical, operative, and postoperative characteristics were described. Cases of short esophagus and the surgical technique used to correct it were identified. Results. One hundred and ten laparoscopic antireflux procedures were performed, of which 56 (50.9%) were HH repair plus fundoplication and 54 (49.1%) were giant HH repair plus fundoplication and/or decompressive gastrostomy. Seven (6.3%) patients had a short esophagus and required esophageal lengthening by Collis-type gastroplasty. At preoperative evaluation, five (71%) reported sympotms lasting more than 4 years, five (71%) had dysphagia, six (85.7%) had giant HH, and six (85.7%) had some degree of esophagitis. The average hospital stay was 4.4 days. There was one major complication and no mortality. All achieved adequate postoperative radiological and symptomatic control. Conclusions. Short esophagus is a real condition, which should be anticipated especially in patients with giant HH and chronic GERD. Laparoscopic Collis esophagogastroplasty is a reasonable treatment alternative.

Humans , Gastroplasty , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Esophageal Diseases , Laparoscopy , Fundoplication , Hernia, Hiatal
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(6): 917-924, Nov. 1, 2024. fig, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1580117


Introduction. High-resolution manometry is certainly an incredible technological advance when compared to conventional manometry. Esophageal high-resolution manometry presently guides esophageal motility disorders classification and nomenclature. Despite a growing enthusiasm, development of new parameters, improved technology and description of new diseases, it is elusive if high resolution manometry is only a superb tool to diagnose the same previous diseases perhaps with different names or a real therapy-changer instrument. This review aims to search current evidence for high resolution manometry as a tool for therapeutic decision changes regarding esophageal diseases. Methods. A literature review was conducted on PubMed database restricting results to English language and studies in adults. Conclusions. Despite based on low levels of evidence, high-resolution manometry seems to help in the therapeutic decisions in these situations: (a) treatment can be tailored based on achalasia manometric types; (b) cardiomyotomy may be tailored in length in spastic disorders based on the manometric extension of the spastic waves; (c) a partial fundoplication may be more adequate in patients with elevated lower esophageal sphincter integrated relaxation pressure; and (d) surgical therapy is more efficient in patients with higher distal contractility integral and abnormal relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter.

Introducción. La manometría de alta resolución es, sin duda, un avance tecnológico increíble en comparación con la manometría convencional. La manometría esofágica de alta resolución actualmente guía la clasificación y nomenclatura de los trastornos de la motilidad esofágica. A pesar del creciente entusiasmo, el desarrollo de nuevos parámetros, la mejora de la tecnología y la descripción de nuevas enfermedades, es difícil, esclarecer si la manometría de alta resolución es solo una excelente herramienta para diagnosticar las mismas enfermedades previas, tal vez con diferentes nombres, o es un verdadero instrumento que cambia la terapia. El objetivo de esta revisión fue resumir la evidencia actual de la manometría de alta resolución como herramienta para cambiar las decisiones terapéuticas en las enfermedades esofágicas. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura en la base de datos de PubMed de artículos en inglés y estudios realizados en adultos. Conclusiones. A pesar de tener bajos niveles de evidencia, la manometría de alta resolución parece ayudar en las decisiones terapéuticas en estas situaciones: (a) el tratamiento puede adaptarse en función de los tipos manométricos de acalasia; b) La extensión de la miotomía se puede adaptar en los trastornos espásticos basándose en la extensión manométrica de las ondas espástica; (c) una funduplicatura parcial puede ser más adecuada en pacientes con presión de relajación integrada elevada en el esfínter esofágico inferior; y (d) la terapia quirúrgica es más eficiente en pacientes con mayor integral de contractilidad distal y relajación anormal del esfínter esofágico inferior.

Humans , Esophageal Motility Disorders , Esophageal Diseases , Manometry , Esophageal Achalasia , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Bariatric Surgery
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 55-63, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012453


Background@#Neonates and infants experience gastroesophageal reflux as manifested through vomiting, reflux, and coughing. The complaint from many caregivers begins around the 2nd or 3rd month of life and subside around the 6th month of infancy. The standard of care has not been established and treatment options are limited owing to the pharmacological interventions that are deemed safe and effective. Alginate-based formulations, a widely used product in adults such as Gaviscon™, have been explored as another option to treat gastroesophageal reflux.@*Objectives@#To determine the safety and efficacy of alginate-based formulations in reducing symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux in neonates and infants. @*Methods@#An electronic search was conducted for randomized control trials in MEDLINE via PubMed, Herdin Plus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, SCOPUS, and Clinical Trials Registry. The search terms were “gastroesophageal reflux,” “acid reflux,” “neonates,” “newborn,” “infants,” “baby,” “babies,”, and “alginate.” Two review authors independently assessed the available full text articles and a third author intervened to settle the discussion. @*Results@#Two studies were identified and included in this study. Due to the difference in the period of measurement of the trials, a meta-analysis was not pursued. However, a systematic review was still conducted. The two studies suggest a significant improvement of symptoms with alginate-based liquid formulations as intervention. No significant adverse events have been noted making this treatment option generally safe for use in infants. @*Conclusion@#There is insufficient evidence to conclude that alginate-based formulations ultimately help decrease gastroesophageal reflux in neonates and infants, but initial trials show promising results. There is also insufficient data to conclude the safety profile of this treatment option given the small sample.

Infant, Newborn , Infant , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Alginates
Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 35(2): 92-94, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568383


Diagnosing GERD is difficult, because reflux is a physiological phenomenon, there are various methods and variables and each of them has limitations such as day-to-day variability. The Lyon 2.0 consensus suggests that the ways to establish a conclusive diagnosis of GERD are the presence of an ASD greater than 6.0% or endoscopic esophagitis grades B-C-D of Los Angeles. The absence of significant esophagitis and a TEA of less than 4.0% allow GERD to be ruled out. ASDs between 4.0 and 6.0% are in an intermediate range, which does not allow GERD to be ruled out or diagnosed. In these contexts, the use of the total number of reflux events in a ph-impedanciometry study, the basal nocturnal mucosal impedance or the presence of a hiatal hernia can modify this intermediate probability and would allow therapeutic decisions to be made. Finally, Lyon 2.0 su - ggests that monitoring of more than 72 hours is recommended over monitoring of shorter duration, due to its greater sensitivity.

El diagnóstico de la ERGE es difícil, debido a que el reflujo es un fenómeno fisiológico, existen diversos métodos y variables y cada uno de ellos tiene limitantes como la variabilidad día a día. El consenso de Lyon 2.0 sugiere que las formas de establecer un diagnóstico concluyente de ERGE son la presencia de un TEA mayor de 6,0% o esofagitis endoscópica grados B-C-D de Los Angeles. La ausencia de esofagitis significativa y un TEA menor de 4,0% permiten descartar la ERGE. TEAs entre 4,0 y 6,0% están en un rango intermedio, que no permite des- cartar ni diagnosticar ERGE. En estos contextos, el uso del número total de eventos de reflujo en un estudio de ph-impedanciometria, la impedancia basal mucosa nocturna o la presencia de hernia hiatal pueden modificar esta probabilidad intermedia y permitirían tomar decisiones terapéuticas. Finalmente, Lyon 2.0 sugiere que monito- rizaciones de más de 72 h son recomendables por sobre monitorizaciones de menor duración, debido a su mayor sensibilidad.

Humans , Gastroesophageal Reflux/diagnosis , Esophageal pH Monitoring/trends , Gastroesophageal Reflux/etiology , Esophageal pH Monitoring/methods , Symptom Assessment
In. Rodríguez Temesio, Gustavo Orlando; Olivera Pertusso, Eduardo Andrés; Berriel, Edgardo; Bentancor De Paula, Marisel Lilian; Cantileno Desevo, Pablo Gustavo; Chinelli Ramos, Javier; Guarnieri, Damián; Lapi, Silvana; Hernández Negrin, Rodrigo; Laguzzi Rosas, María Cecilia. Actualizaciones en clínica quirúrgica. Montevideo, Oficina del Libro-FEFMUR, 2024. p.95-110, ilus.
Monography in Spanish | UY-BNMED, LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1553190
Acta cir. bras ; Acta Cir. Bras. (Online);39: e391824, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1556675


Purpose: Reflux esophagitis is a condition characterized by inflammation and irritation of the esophagus, resulting from the backflow of stomach acid and other gastric contents into the esophagus. Columbianadin is a coumarin derivative that exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In this study, we tried to scrutinize the protective effect of Columbianadin against acute reflux esophagitis in rats. Methods: RAW 264.7 cells were utilized to assess cell viability and measure the production of inflammatory parameters. The rats received anesthesia, and reflux esophagitis was induced via ligation of pylorus and fore stomach and corpus junction. Rats received the oral administration of Columbianadin (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) and omeprazole (20 mg/kg). The gastric secretion volume, acidity, and pH were measured. Additionally, the levels of oxidative stress parameters, cytokines, and inflammatory markers were determined. At the end of the study, mRNA expression was assessed. Results: Columbianadin remarkably suppressed the cell viability and production of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1ß, IL-6, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and prostaglandin (PGE2). Columbianadin treatment remarkably suppressed the secretion of gastric volume, total acidity and enhanced the pH level in the stomach. Columbianadin remarkably altered the level of hydrogen peroxidase, free iron, calcium, and plasma scavenging activity, sulfhydryl group; oxidative stress parameters like malonaldehyde, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase; inflammatory cytokines viz., TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1ß, IL-10, IL-17, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; inflammatory parameters including PGE2, iNOS, COX-2, and nuclear kappa B factor (NF-κB). Columbianadin remarkably (P < 0.001) suppressed the mRNA expression TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1ß and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. Conclusions: Columbianadin demonstrated a protective effect against acute reflux esophagitis via NF-κB pathway.

Animals , Rats , Esophagitis, Peptic , Gastroesophageal Reflux , NF-kappa B , Oxidative Stress , Inflammation
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559874


Introducción: La manometría esofágica es la prueba de referencia para el diagnóstico de los trastornos motores esofágicos; diagnostica elementos conocidos en la fisiopatología de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico, como la hipotonía del esfínter esofágico inferior y sus relajaciones transitorias. La manometría se utiliza para evaluar la función peristáltica en pacientes considerados para cirugía antirreflujo, particularmente si el diagnóstico es incierto. No debe emplearse para hacer o confirmar el diagnóstico de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico. Objetivo: Profundizar en los conocimientos relacionados con el patrón de motilidad de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico en la manometría de alta resolución. Desarrollo: La manometría esofágica de alta resolución permite caracterizar la actividad contráctil del esófago. Registra de manera simultánea la actividad de los esfínteres esofágicos superior e inferior; también la motilidad del cuerpo esofágico. Sus indicaciones, aunque precisas, resultan de interés en determinados pacientes con enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico, sobre todo en quienes se sospecha un trastorno de la motilidad. El patrón manométrico más aceptado para la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico describe un fallo de los siguientes factores: la presión del esfínter esofágico inferior, longitud, inestabilidad, la presencia de hernia hiatal y los trastornos de la peristalsis esofágica. Conclusiones: La manometría de alta resolución permite caracterizar el patrón de motilidad de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico. Los elementos primarios del reflujo son la hipotonía del esfínter esofágico inferior, sus relajaciones transitorias y la distorsión anatómica de la unión esofagogástrica(AU)

Introduction: Esophageal manometry is the reference test for the diagnosis of esophageal motor disorders; diagnoses known elements in the pathophysiology of gastroesophageal reflux disease, such as hypotony of the lower esophageal sphincter and its transient relaxations. Manometry is used to evaluate peristaltic function in patients considered for anti-reflux surgery, particularly if the diagnosis is uncertain. It should not be used to make or confirm the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Objective: To deepen the knowledge related to the motility pattern of gastroesophageal reflux disease in high-resolution manometry. Development: High-resolution esophageal manometry allows characterizing the contractile activity of the esophagus. Simultaneously records the activity of the upper and lower esophageal sphincters; also, the motility of the esophageal body. Its indications, although precise, are of interest in certain patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, especially in those who suspect a motility disorder. The most accepted manometric pattern for gastroesophageal reflux disease describes a failure of the following factors: lower esophageal sphincter pressure, length, instability, the presence of hiatal hernia, and disorders of esophageal peristalsis. Conclusions: High-resolution manometry allows us to characterize the motility pattern of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The primary elements of reflux are hypotonia of the lower esophageal sphincter, its transient relaxations, and anatomical distortion of the esophagogastric junction(AU)

Humans , Esophageal Motility Disorders/epidemiology , Gastroesophageal Reflux/diagnosis , Manometry/methods
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(2): 46-52, maio-ago. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1428069


O envelhecimento bucal precoce apresenta cada vez uma maior incidência nos consultórios odontológicos e sua degradação aos tecidos orais exige uma atenção por parte do cirurgiãodentista devido ao seu alto grau de complexidade. Esse envelhecimento precoce é causado principalmente por hábitos parafuncionais, dieta ou ambos. Suas consequências são desgastes patológicos dos tecidos dentários, extrusão passiva, perda de dimensão vertical e comprometimento estético e funcional. Por conta disso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar um relato de caso clínico em um paciente jovem e com queixa estética como consequência de hábitos parafuncionais, aonde foram realizados uma reabilitação oral envolvendo aumento da dimensão vertical de oclusão através de Table Tops sem desgastes dentários e restaurações estéticas, ambas com resina composta. Essa reabilitação devolveu a DVO da paciente, trazendo conforto, contatos estáveis, guias de desoclusão e satisfação estética e funcional por parte da paciente(AU)

Early oral aging has an increasing incidence in dental offices and its degradation to oral tissues requires attention from the dentist due to its high degree of complexity. This premature aging is mainly caused by parafunctional habits, diet, or both. Its consequences are pathological wear of dental tissues, passive extrusion, loss of vertical dimension and aesthetic and functional impairment. Because of this, the present study aims to carry out a clinical case report in a young patient with an aesthetic complaint as a result of parafunctional habits, where an oral rehabilitation was carried out involving an increase in the vertical dimension of occlusion through Table Tops without dental wear and aesthetic restorations, both with composite resin. This rehabilitation returned the patient's OVD, bringing comfort, stable contacts, disocclusion guides and aesthetic and functional satisfaction on the part of the patient(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Aging , Composite Resins , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Mouth , Sleep Wake Disorders , Stress, Physiological , Vertical Dimension , Bruxism , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Aging, Premature , Esthetics, Dental , Tooth Wear
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1426235


Tecnologia: Esomeprazol e lansoprazol. Indicação: Tratamento de doença do refluxo gastroesofágico em adultos. Pergunta: Esomeprazol e lansoprazol são mais eficazes e toleráveis que o omeprazol já incorporado ao SUS para o tratamento de Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico (DRGE) em adultos? Métodos: Uma revisão rápida de evidências, uma revisão de revisões sistemáticas, com levantamento bibliográfico realizado na base de dados PUBMED, utilizando estratégia estruturada de busca. A qualidade metodológica das revisões sistemáticas foi avaliada com AMSTAR-2 (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews). Resultados: Foram selecionadas três revisões sistemáticas com meta-análise, que atendiam aos critérios de inclusão. Conclusão: O esomeprazol era mais eficaz para cicatrização da lesão nos casos de esofagite erosiva, prevenção da mucosa do esôfago, maior controle de ácido no tratamento de curto prazo (4 e 8 semanas) de esomeprazol 40mg e tratamento de longo prazo (6 meses) de esomeprazol 20mg. A taxa de resposta no alívio dos sintomas, o esomeprazol 20mg e 40mg apresentou ser mais eficaz, especialmente, na azia e dor epigástrica. Quanto ao perfil de segurança, não houve diferença significativa entre as taxas de eventos adversos, todos medicamentos eram parecidos entre si

Technology: Esomeprazole and Lansoprazole. Indication: Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in adults. Question: Are Esomeprazole and Lansoprazole more effective and tolerable than omeprazole already incorporated into SUS for the treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in adults? Methods: A rapid review of evidence, an overview of systematic reviews, with bibliographic survey carried out in the PUBMED database, using a structured search strategy. The methodological quality of systematic reviews was assessed using AMSTAR-2 (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews). Results: Three systematic reviews with meta-analysis were selected, which met the inclusion criteria. Conclusion: Esomeprazole was more effective in achieving wound healing in cases of erosive esophagitis, prevention of esophageal mucosa, greater acid control in short-term treatment (4 and 8 weeks) of esomeprazole 40mg and long-term treatment (6 months) of esomeprazole 20mg. the response rate in symptom relief, esomeprazole 20mg and 40mg proved to be more effective, especially in heartburn and epigastric pain. As for the safety profile, there was no significant difference between the rates of adverse events, all drugs were similar to each other

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Omeprazole/therapeutic use , Gastroesophageal Reflux/drug therapy , Esomeprazole/therapeutic use , Lansoprazole/therapeutic use , Esophagitis/drug therapy , Comparative Effectiveness Research
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e230282, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1510253


Aim: Evaluate the roughness, microhardness and color change of different Bulk Fill resins when submitted to the condition of gastroesophageal reflux and bulimia. Methods: 60 specimens (n = 10) of Bulk-Fill composite resins were made: M1 ­ Filtek™; M2 ­ Tetric N-Ceram and M3 ­ OPUS, through a matrix 2x6 mm and light cured by the VALO light source. After polishing, initial analyzes (48 hours - T0) of surface roughness (Ra), microhardness (VHN) and color change (ΔE) were performed. To simulate the oral condition of severe gastroesophageal reflux and bulimia, the specimens were immersed in hydrochloric acid (S1) (pH 1.7) 4 minutes a day, for 7 days. Control group specimens were immersed in artificial saliva (S2). Subsequently to immersions, mechanical brushing was performed for 3 minutes, three times a day, simulating 7 days of brushing. And again, the analyzes of Ra, VHN and ΔE were performed (7 days - T1). Thus, hydrochloric acid immersion, mechanical brushing and Ra analysis were repeated at 14 days (T2) and 21 days (T3); and T2, T3 and T4 (3 years) for VHN and ΔE. Results: After Shapiro-Wilk statistical test, ANOVA and Tukey test with Bonferroni adjustment (p>0.05), M3 showed the lowest Ra at all times compared to the other resins, while the highest Ra was at T0. M1 and T1 showed higher VHN. And M2 and T4 showed higher ΔE. Conclusion: Bulk Fill resins can be indicated for patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux and Bulimia, nonetheless, Tetric N-Ceram resin showed the worst results

Color , Composite Resins , Hardness , Hydrochloric Acid , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Bulimia
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986804


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the most common digestive diseases with high incidence, complicated clinical symptoms, difficulties in standard treatment, and heavy medical burden. At present, some GERD-relevant clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have been issued by different countries and academic organizations, but some recommendations were inconsistent, which has caused some problems for the current clinical whole-course management of GERD. To summarize the relevant evidence among the CPGs on GERD and formulate the whole- course management strategies, we included GERD-relevant CPGs published or updated after 2010 by searching websites of guidelines, relevant professional societies, and electronic databases. We extracted the recommendations and summarized the evidence from the aspects of symptoms, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment, which was presented in the form of evidence mapping. We included 24 CPGs, including three in Chinese and 21 in English. The clinical practice management strategies of GERD were formulated based on the evidence from the aspects of clinical symptoms, diagnostic methods, medical treatment, anti-reflux surgery and endoscopic treatment, psychological treatment, and traditional Chinese medicine treatment.

Humans , Gastroesophageal Reflux/therapy
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986818


The electrophysiological activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the mechanical anti-reflux structure of the gastroesophageal junction are the basis of the anti-reflux function of the stomach. Proximal gastrectomy destroys the mechanical structure and normal electrophysiological channels of the anti-reflux. Therefore, the residual gastric function is disordered. Moreover, gastroesophageal reflux is one of the most serious complications. The emergence of various types of anti-reflux surgery through the mechanism of reconstructing mechanical anti-reflux barrier and establishing buffer zone, and the preservation of, the pacing area and vagus nerve of the stomach, the continuity of the jejunal bowel, the original gastroenteric electrophysiological activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and the physiological function of the pyloric sphincter, are all important measures for gastric conservative operations. There are many types of reconstructive approaches after proximal gastrectomy. The design based on the anti-reflux mechanism and the functional reconstruction of mechanical barrier, and the protection of gastrointestinal electrophysiological activities are important considerations for the selected of reconstructive approaches after proximal gastrectomy. In clinical practice, we should consider the principle of individualization and the safety of radical resection of tumor to select a rational reconstructive approaches after proximal gastrectomy.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Gastrectomy , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Esophagogastric Junction/surgery , Pylorus/pathology
Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao ; Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao;(6): 833-839, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008138


Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy characterized by simple operation and few postoperative complications have gradually become the two most commonly used surgical methods in clinical practice.A series of complications often occur after bariatric surgery,including gallstone disease,anemia,malnutrition,gastroesophageal reflux disease,kidney stones,and birth defects in offspring of women of childbearing age.There are controversies regarding the causes and countermeasures of these complications.This article mainly reviews the risk factors and countermeasures for the complications after bariatric surgery.

Humans , Female , Bariatric Surgery/methods , Gastric Bypass/methods , Gastroesophageal Reflux/surgery , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Risk Factors , Gastrectomy/methods , Laparoscopy/methods , Obesity, Morbid/surgery , Retrospective Studies
Chin. j. integr. med ; Chin. j. integr. med;(12): 838-846, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010272


OBJECTIVE@#To identify specific Chinese medicines (CMs) that may benefit patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and explore the action mechanism.@*METHODS@#Domestic and foreign literature on the treatment of GERD with CMs was searched and selected from China National Knowledge Infrastructure, China Science and Technology Journal Database, Wanfang Database, and PubMed from October 1, 2011 to October 1, 2021. Data from all eligible articles were extracted to establish the database of CMs for GERD. Apriori algorithm of data mining techniques was used to analyze the rules of herbs selection and core Chinese medicine formulas were identified. A system pharmacology approach was used to explore the action mechanism of these medicines.@*RESULTS@#A total of 278 prescriptions for GERD were analyzed, including 192 CMs. Results of Apriori algorithm indicated that Evodiae Fructus and Coptidis Rhizoma were the highest confidence combination. A total of 32 active ingredients and 66 targets were screened for the treatment of GERD. Enrichment analysis showed that the mechanisms of action mainly involved pathways in cancer, fluid shear stress and atherosclerosis, advanced glycation end product (AGE), the receptor for AGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications, bladder cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis.@*CONCLUSION@#Evodiae Fructus and Coptidis Rhizoma are the core drugs in the treatment of GERD and the potential mechanism of action of these medicines includes potential target and pathways.

Humans , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Network Pharmacology , Data Mining , Gastroesophageal Reflux/drug therapy
Psicol. USP ; 342023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1443306


O presente artigo problematiza aspectos afetivos inerentes à relação materno-filial que podem estar associados ao surgimento e estabelecimento de sintomas psicossomáticos de refluxo gastroesofágico no bebê de até 1 ano de idade. Para tanto, apresenta-se estudo de caso de uma díade mãe-bebê auxiliado por entrevista semiestruturada, aplicação das pranchas 1, 2 e 7MF do teste de apercepção temática e observação naturalista. Cada instrumento foi analisado qualitativamente e teve seus resultados integrados e articulados à teoria psicanalítica. Os principais resultados apontaram certa fragilidade egóica e necessidade de apoio social por parte da mãe, compatíveis com o período do puerpério. São discutidas possíveis maneiras de funcionamento do psiquismo materno, por exemplo, quando sobrecarregado com afetos ansiosos, há sobredeterminação de sintomas psicofuncionais no bebê, os quais, por sua vez, causam efeitos no modo como a mãe se posiciona no exercício da maternagem suficientemente boa, marcando um interjogo relacional

This article discusses affective aspects inherent to mother-child relations that may be associated with the onset and establishment of psychosomatic gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in infants up to 1 year old. A case study of a mother-child dyad was performed by conducting semi-structured interviews, applying the 1, 2 and 7MF cards of the Thematic Apperception Test and using naturalistic observation. Instruments were analyzed qualitatively and their results were integrated and linked to psychoanalytic theoretical framework. Results pointed to a certain egoic fragility and the need for social support for the mother compatible with the puerperium. It also discusses possible ways in which the maternal psyche functions. When overloaded with anxious affections, for example, it overdetermines psychofunctional symptoms in the baby which, in turn, affects how the mother positions herself in the exercise of good maternity, marking a relational interplay

Cet article traite des aspects affectifs inhérents aux relations mère-enfant qui peuvent être associés à l'émergence et à l'installation de symptômes psychosomatiques de reflux gastro-œsophagien chez les nourrissons jusqu'à l'âge d'un an. Une étude de cas d'une dyade mère-enfant a été réalisée en menant des entretiens semi-structurés, en appliquant les planches 1, 2 et 7MF du Test d'Aperception Thématique et en utilisant l'observation naturaliste. Les instruments ont été analysés qualitativement et leurs résultats ont été intégrés et reliés au cadre théorique psychanalytique. Les résultats ont mis en évidence une certaine fragilité égoïque et le besoin d'un soutien social pour la mère compatible avec la puerpéralité. L'étude aborde également les modes de fonctionnement possibles de la psyché maternelle. Lorsque celle-ci est surchargée d'affections anxieuses, elle surdétermine des symptômes psychofonctionnels chez le bébé qui, à leur tour, affectent la façon dont la mère se positionne dans l'exercice d'une maternité suffisamment bonne, marquant une interaction relationnelle

Este artículo discute aspectos afectivos inherentes a la relación madre-hijo que pueden estar asociados con la aparición y establecimiento de síntomas psicosomáticos del reflujo gastroesofágico en el bebé de hasta 1 año de edad. Para ello, se realiza un estudio de caso de una díada madre-hijo, con la aplicación de entrevistas semiestructuradas, con el uso de los tableros 1, 2 y 7MF del Test de Apercepción Temática y una observación naturalista. Los instrumentos se analizaron cualitativamente, y sus resultados se integraron y vincularon al marco teórico psicoanalítico. Los principales resultados apuntaban a una cierta fragilidad egoica y la necesidad de apoyo social de la madre, compatibles con el puerperio. Se discuten posibles formas de funcionamiento de la psique materna, por ejemplo, cuando se sobrecarga de afectos ansiosos, sobredeterminando síntomas psicofuncionales en el bebé que, a su vez, provocan efectos sobre cómo se siente la madre en el ejercicio de una maternaje suficiente buena, marcando una interacción relacional

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Adult , Psychosomatic Medicine , Gastroesophageal Reflux/psychology , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Social Support , Thematic Apperception Test
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e262262, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529218


As restrições impostas pela pandemia de covid-19 levaram os serviços de saúde a reorganizarem seu funcionamento, ajustando-se à modalidade remota. A transição repentina e sem o devido preparo técnico impôs desafios adicionais para usuários e profissionais. Para aprimorar as estratégias assistenciais, torna-se imprescindível dar voz aos usuários dos serviços, para que narrem suas experiências e possam manifestar suas facilidades e dificuldades com essa passagem. Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar como os principais cuidadores familiares de pessoas com transtornos alimentares vivenciaram a transição do grupo de apoio para o formato remoto e identificar vantagens e desvantagens percebidas nesse modelo. Estudo clínico-qualitativo, exploratório, realizado em um serviço de atendimento especializado de um hospital terciário. O cenário investigado foi o grupo de apoio psicológico aberto a familiares que, desde o início da pandemia de covid-19, passou a ser oferecido na modalidade online. Participaram do estudo cinco mães e três pais presentes em 13 sessões grupais consecutivas. Entrevistas individuais foram aplicadas com a Técnica do Incidente Crítico logo após o término de cada encontro grupal, totalizando 26 entrevistas audiogravadas, transcritas e submetidas à análise temática. A transição para o online foi vivenciada pelos participantes como um recurso válido para permitir que o grupo funcionasse em tempos de grave crise sanitária. Como vantagens, foram mencionadas: a continuidade do cuidado, maior acessibilidade e facilidade em relação à logística da participação. Como limitações do formato online, foram destacadas: nem todos os familiares contam com conexão de internet de qualidade e possível dificuldade para manusear a tecnologia digital. Apesar dos desafios impostos pela súbita mudança para a modalidade online, na perspectiva dos usuários do serviço os esforços de adaptação foram bem-sucedidos, possibilitando a continuidade do cuidado à saúde mental.(AU)

The constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic led health services to reorganize their operation, adjusting to the online modality. The sudden and unprepared technical transition has imposed additional challenges for both users and professionals. To improve care strategies, it is essential to give voice to services users, so that they can narrate their experiences and express their facilities and difficulties with this transition. This study aims to investigate how main family caregivers of people with eating disorders experienced the transition of the support group to the remote modality and to identify perceived advantages and disadvantages in this model. This is a clinical-qualitative, exploratory study carried out in a specialized care service of a tertiary hospital. The investigated setting was the psychological support group open to family members, which since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic has been offered online. Five mothers and three fathers who attended 13 consecutive group sessions participated in the study. Individual interviews were carried out with the Critical Incident Technique shortly after the end of each group meeting with all members, totaling 26 audio-recorded interviews. Data were subjected to thematic analysis. Transition was experienced as a valid resource to maintain the group active in times of a severe health crisis. As advantages of the remote modality were mentioned: continuity of care, greater accessibility, and ease in relation to the logistics of participation. As limitations of the online format were highlighted: not everyone has a good-quality connection to the internet, and difficulty in handling the digital technology. Despite the challenges imposed by the sudden shift to the online modality, from the service users' perspective the adaptation efforts were successful, enabling continuity of mental health care.(AU)

Las limitaciones que impuso la pandemia de la COVID-19 llevaron a los servicios sanitarios a reorganizar su funcionamiento adaptándose a la modalidad remota. El súbito cambio y sin la preparación técnica adecuada implicó retos adicionales a los usuarios y profesionales. Para mejorar las estrategias de atención es fundamental dar voz a los usuarios de los servicios, para que puedan narrar sus experiencias y expresar sus facilidades y dificultades con esta transición. Este estudio pretende investigar cómo han vivido los cuidadores de personas con trastornos alimentarios la transición del grupo de apoyo presencial al formato remoto e identificar las ventajas y desventajas percibidas en este modelo. Se trata de un estudio clínicocualitativo, exploratorio. El escenario investigado fue el grupo de apoyo psicológico abierto a los familiares en la modalidad en línea. Cinco madres y tres padres participaron en 13 sesiones de grupo consecutivas. Se realizaron entrevistas individuales con la técnica de incidentes críticos inmediatamente después de cada reunión del grupo, con un total de 26 entrevistas grabadas en audio, transcritas y sometidas a análisis temático. La transición a la red fue experimentada como un recurso válido para permitir que el grupo funcione en tiempos de crisis sanitaria grave. Las ventajas de la modalidad remota fueron conexión segura en tiempos de confinamiento físico, continuidad, mayor accesibilidad y facilidad en relación con la logística de la participación. Las limitaciones del formato en línea fueron la falta de una conexión de calidad a Internet y la posible dificultad de manejo de la tecnología digital. A pesar de las dificultades impuestas por el cambio repentino a la modalidad en línea, desde la perspectiva de los usuarios del servicio los esfuerzos de adaptación fueron un éxito, lo que permitió seguir con la atención de salud mental.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Parents , Self-Help Groups , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Caregivers , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Patient Care Team , Patients , Psychology , Psychopathology , Quality of Life , Rejection, Psychology , Respiratory Tract Infections , Self-Assessment , Self Concept , Social Isolation , Social Support , Stress, Physiological , Stress, Psychological , Therapeutics , Thinness , Vomiting , Women , Behavior Therapy , Body Image , Body Weight , Food and Nutrition Education , Adaptation, Psychological , Career Mobility , Biological Factors , Anorexia , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Bulimia , Anorexia Nervosa , Crowding , Efficacy , Adolescent , Employment, Supported , Suicide, Assisted , Interview , Compulsive Behavior , Privacy , Feeding and Eating Disorders of Childhood , Counseling , Cultural Characteristics , Death , Depression , Diagnosis , Diet , Diuretics , Educational Status , Environment and Public Health , Renal Insufficiency , Bulimia Nervosa , Laxatives , Family Conflict , Fear , Feeding Behavior , Ideal Body Weight , Binge-Eating Disorder , Pandemics , Social Networking , Patient Care Bundles , Nutritionists , Clinical Study , Perfectionism , Psychosocial Support Systems , Food Addiction , Systematic Review , Sadness , Information Technology Management , Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Psychological Distress , Weight Prejudice , Teleworking , Physical Distancing , Psychotherapists , Orthorexia Nervosa , Social Structure , Sociodemographic Factors , Family Support , Guilt , Health Facility Moving , Learning , Mass Media , Mental Disorders , Neurotic Disorders , Obesity
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981119


Dental erosion is characterized by progressively destroyed teeth, which has no relation to bacteria but to chemicals. Some internal factors, such as gastroesophageal reflux induced by bulimia, anorexia, gastrointestinal diseases, or drugs, and external factors, such as diet, drugs, and occupational acid exposure, are considered promotive factors for this disease. This article presents a patient suffering from severe dental erosion in the whole dentition, especially in the maxillary teeth, due to gastroesophageal reflux induced by glucocorticoid therapy for optic neuritis. This article discusses the mechanism between optic neuritis glucocorticoid therapy and dental erosion.

Humans , Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use , Tooth Erosion/therapy , Gastroesophageal Reflux/complications
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418763


El término BRUE describe un evento en un lactante menor, repentino, breve, ya resuelto y sólo aplica cuando no existe una explicación para este episodio. Es escasa la literatura nacional e internacional sobre el estudio etiológico en BRUE. Objetivos: Caracterizar lactantes con episodio de BRUE y hacer un análisis etiológico. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo lactantes hospitalizados por BRUE. Resultados: Se encontraron 50 lactantes con BRUE, la mayoría de ellos presentó un solo evento y ninguno requirió reanimación cardiopulmonar. Las características principales de los eventos fueron apnea, cianosis y tono disminuido. Las etiologías encontradas, más habituales, fueron reflujo gastro-esofágico, infección respiratoria, mala técnica alimentaria y crisis epilépticas. La evaluación clínica fue el principal elemento diagnóstico. Discusión: Nuestro análisis etiológico concuerda con la literatura nacional e internacional. La anamnesis y examen físico son la principal herramienta diagnóstica. Es fundamental contar con guías, adaptadas a la realidad nacional y local, que dirijan el estudio de lactantes con BRUE.

BRUE is an event occurring in an infant when the observer reports a sudden, brief, and now-resolved episode. BRUE is a diagnosis of exclusion and is used only when there is no explanation for the event after conducting an appropriate history and physical examination. There is little literature on the etiological study in BRUE. Objectives: To characterize infants with a BRUE episode and to carry out an etiological analysis. Methods: A retrospective study including infants who have experienced a BRUE between the years 2017 to 2020. Results: 50 infants with BRUE, most of them presented a single event and none required cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The main characteristics of the events were apnea, cyanosis and decreased tone. The most common etiologies found were gastroesophageal reflux, respiratory infection, poor feeding technique, and seizures. History and physical examination are the fundamental diagnostic tools. Discussion: Our etiological analysis agrees with the national and international literature. The clinical evaluation was the main diagnostic tool. It is essential to create local guidelines for the evaluation investigation and management of infants with BRUE.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Brief, Resolved, Unexplained Event/etiology , Apnea/complications , Gastroesophageal Reflux/complications , Retrospective Studies , Epilepsy/complications
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(1): 81-87, feb. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388922


Resumen Durante las últimas 2 décadas se han desarrollado una serie de nuevos tratamientos endoscópicos para el tratamiento de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE) como alternativas al tratamiento médico o funduplicatura quirúrgica. Estos dispositivos incluyen aplicación de tratamiento por radiofrecuencia (Stretta), plicatura endoscópica (EndoCinch, Plicator, Esophyx, MUSE) e inyección o implantación de biomateriales (Enteryx, Gatekeeper, Plexiglas, Duragel). Su objetivo es el alivio de los síntomas creando una barrera anatómica antirreflujo. En esta revisión del tema consideramos artículos indexados en Pubmed, Medline y Scielo en los últimos 10 años revisando un total de 55 trabajos. Evaluamos críticamente los resultados reportados, faltan datos a largo plazo superiores a 10 años. Estos procedimientos reducen el uso de inhibidores de la bomba de protones en cerca del 50%. Evaluaciones subjetivas reportan mejoría de la calidad de vida y satisfacción del paciente. Sin embargo, la evaluación objetiva con endoscopia, manometría, radiología y pHmetría son escasos y si los hay, no muestran cambios significativos. No existe evidencia convincente para adoptar estos métodos como tratamiento definitivo y, por lo tanto, la fundoplicatura por vía laparoscópica sigue siendo el estándar de oro para el tratamiento de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico.

During the last 2 decades, new endoscopic treatments have been developed for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) as alternatives to medical treatment or surgical fundoplication. These devices include application of radiofrequency treatment (Stretta), endoscopic plication (EndoCinch, Plicator, Esophyx, MUSE) and injection or implantation of biomaterials (Enteryx, Gatekeeper, Plexiglas, Duragel). Its objective is the relief of symptoms by creating an anatomical anti-reflux barrier. In this review, we consider articles indexed in Pubmed, Medline and Scielo in the last 10 years, reviewing a total of 55 papers, we analyse critically the reported results, although long-term data greater than 5 or 7 years are lacking. These procedures reduce the use of proton pump inhibitors by about 50%. Subjective evaluations report improvement in quality of life and patient satisfaction. However, objective evaluation with endoscopy, manometry, radiology and pHmetry are scarce and if there are, they do not show significant changes. There is no convincing evidence to adopt these methods as definitive treatment. Therefore, laparoscopic fundoplication is the gold standard for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Humans , Gastroesophageal Reflux/diagnosis , Gastroesophageal Reflux/therapy , Fundoplication , Endoscopy , Endoscopic Mucosal Resection , Radiofrequency Therapy
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-7, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468448


Several studies emphasize the use of owl pellets in small mammal inventories in natural areas harboring high richness of rare species, but few Brazilian Atlantic forest localities have been surveyed by this method. The present study documents the species composition and abundance of small mammals in the diet of Tyto furcata in an urban area of the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, remarking on a new record of the dwarf mouse opossum genus Cryptonanus in the Atlantic forest. We analyzed 265 pellets regurgitated by a pair of T. furcata from November 2016 to September 2017 found in a nesting box. Analysis of the samples enabled finding a total of 596 individuals of four small mammal species. Mus musculus was predominant among the prey items (98.3%), while the native rodents Necromys lasiurus (1.3%) and Holochilus brasiliensis (0,17%) were much rarer. A single specimen of Cryptonanus sp. was identified among the diet items based on distinctive dental characters. The identification of this genus in the present study represents the second record in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and the sixth in the Atlantic Forest biome, suggesting that this marsupial occupies a wider ecological and biogeographic range. The present study underscores the relevance of owl pellets for small mammal surveys, even in urban and highly disturbed areas.

Vários estudos enfatizam o uso de pelotas de coruja em inventários de pequenos mamíferos em áreas naturais com elevada riqueza de espécies raras, mas poucas localidades da Mata Atlântica brasileira têm sido inventariadas por esse método. O presente estudo documenta a composição de espécies e abundância de pequenos mamíferos na dieta de Tyto furcata em uma área urbana do município de Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, discutindo a relevância de um novo registro de um raro marsupial do gênero Cryptonanus na Mata Atlântica. Foram analisadas 265 pelotas regurgitadas por um casal de T. furcata entre novembro de 2016 e setembro de 2017, encontradas abaixo de uma caixa de nidificação. A análise das amostras permitiu encontrar o total de 596 indivíduos de quatro espécies pequenas de mamíferos. O roedor exótico Mus musculus foi predominante entre os itens alimentares (98,3%), enquanto os roedores nativos Necromys lasiurus (1,3%) e Holochilus brasiliensis (0,17%) foram bem mais raros. Um único espécime de Cryptonanus sp. foi identificado entre os itens com base em caracteres dentários. A identificação desse gênero no presente estudo representa o segundo registro no estado do Rio de Janeiro e o sexto no bioma Mata Atlântica, sugerindo que este marsupial ocupa uma ampla faixa ecológica e biogeográfica. O presente estudo destaca a relevância dos pellets de coruja para pesquisas com pequenos mamíferos, mesmo em áreas urbanas e altamente perturbadas.

Animals , Diet/veterinary , Strigiformes , Marsupialia , Gastroesophageal Reflux/veterinary , Mice