Bien que le rôle des facteurs cliniques/biologiques associés à la mortalité ait déjà été exploré chez les patients infectés par le VIH sous traitement antirétroviral, peu d'attention a été accordée jusqu'à présent au rôle potentiel de la vulnérabilité sociale. Il s'agit d'une étude de cohorte rétrospective de 2017 à 2022. Les données ont été collectées à partir des dossiers de 292 patients. Les analyses statistiques ont été réalisées à l'aide du logiciel R version 4.2.2. Le modèle de Cox a été utilisé pour identifier les facteurs sociodémographiques associés à la mortalité.La prévalence des décès était de 33 %. Le taux brut de mortalité était de 24,42 pour 100 personnes-années. La durée médiane de suivi était de 9 mois avec IQR:[4 ;26], le sex-ratio H/F était de 0,9. En analyse multivariée, les variables significativement associées à la mortalité étaient : ne pas aller à l'école (HR=3.2,IC95% =[2,4.5],p=3.5e-5), vivre dans une zone rurale(HR=2.94,IC95%=[2,4.5],p=3.5e-5), chômeur (HR=2.94,IC95%=[2,4.5], p=3.5e-5), la non-participation à des activités associatives (HR=2.94 , IC95%=[2,4.5],p=3.5e-5), la non-participation à la vie de la communauté (HR=2.94 , IC95% =[2,4.5],p=3.5e-5) et le fait d'être célibataire, divorcé ou veuf (HR=2.94 ,IC95% =[2,4.5], p=3.5e-5). La vulnérabilité sociodémographique reste un facteur prédictif majeur de la mortalité chez les patients traités aux ARV. Il existe un réel besoin d'interventions innovantes ciblant les individus présentant de multiples sources de vulnérabilité sociale, afin de s'assurer que les inégalités sociales ne continuent pas à entraîner une mortalité plus élevée.
Although the role of clinical/biological factors associated with mortality has already been explored in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy, little attention has so far been paid to the potential role of social and demographic vulnerability. This is a retrospective cohort study from 2017 to 2022. Data were collected from the records of 292 patients. Statistical analyses were performed using R software version 4.2.2. The Cox model was used to identify sociodemographic factors associated with mortality. The prevalence of death was 33%. The crude mortality rate was 24.42 per 100 person-years. Median follow-up was 9 months with IQR: [4 ;26], sex ratio M/F was 0.9. In multivariate analysis, variables significantly associated with mortality were: not going to school (HR=3.2 , IC95% =[2,4.5], p=3.5e-5), living in a rural area (HR=2.94,IC95% =[2,4.5], p=3.5e-5), unemployed (HR= 2.94 , IC95% =[2,4.5], p=3. 5e-5), non-participation in associative activities (HR=2.94 ,IC95% =[2,4.5], p=3.5e-5), non-participation in community life (HR= 2.94 , IC95% = [2,4.5],p=3.5e-5) and being single, divorced or widowed (HR=2.94 ,IC95%=[2,4.5], p=3.5e-5). Socio-demographic vulnerability remains a major predictor of mortality in patients treated with ARVs. There is a real need for innovative interventions targeting individuals with multiple sources of social vulnerability, to ensure that social inequalities do not continue to lead to higher mortality.
Therapeutics , HIV Infections , HIV SeropositivityABSTRACT
ABSTRACT We present an interesting case of a 62-year-old black female, presented to the ophthalmological hospital with a little "nevus" on the left eye previously visualized at the mirror, with one month of development. Physical examination with slit lamp (biomicroscopy) showed a group of painless veins, with vascular redness, and a mass nodular aspect in the mid temporal bulbar conjunctiva, of approximately 2mmx4mm.
RESUMO Apresentamos o interessante caso de uma mulher negra de 62 anos, que deu entrada no hospital oftalmológico com um pequeno nevo no olho esquerdo previamente visualizado ao espelho, com 1 mês de evolução. O exame físico com lâmpada de fenda (biomicroscopia) mostrou um grupo de veias indolor e vermelhidão vascular, com uma massa de aspecto nodular na conjuntiva bulbar temporal média, de aproximadamente 2mmx4mm.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sarcoma, Kaposi/diagnosis , Sarcoma, Kaposi/etiology , HIV Infections/complications , HIV Infections/diagnosis , Eye Neoplasms/diagnosis , Eye Neoplasms/etiology , Sarcoma, Kaposi/surgery , Treponemal Infections/diagnosis , Biopsy , HIV Infections/drug therapy , HIV Seropositivity , Eye Neoplasms/surgery , Slit Lamp MicroscopyABSTRACT
Introducción: La infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana representa un problema de salud pública en el mundo. La adherencia a la terapia antirretroviral es necesaria para alcanzar un estado de supresión viral máxima y disminuir la tasa de infecciones oportunistas. Sin embargo, diversos son los factores que pueden influir en la adherencia terapéutica. Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgo asociados a la mala adherencia a la terapia antirretroviral en pacientes con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana. Métodos: Se empleó un estudio con diseño observacional, analítico, de tipo casos y controles. El tamaño muestral fue de 276, a partir del cual 138 fueron casos y 138 controles. Los datos recolectados fueron analizados utilizando métodos de estadística descriptiva y estadística inferencial. Resultados: El análisis multivariado determinó una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la variable adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral y las variables depresión (odds ratio OR ajustado= 2,15), esquema de terapia antirretroviral alternativo (OR ajustado= 2,40), efectos secundarios (OR ajustado= 4,24) y cambio en la adherencia durante el estado de emergencia (OR ajustado= 5,67), independientemente de las otras variables intervinientes. Conclusiones: La depresión, el uso del esquema de terapia antirretroviral alternativo, la presencia de efectos secundarios a terapia antirretroviral y el cambio en la adherencia durante el estado de emergencia aumentan el riesgo de mala adherencia a la terapia antirretroviral(AU)
Introduction: Human immunodeficiency virus infection represents a public health public problem in the world. Adherence to antiretroviral therapy is necessary to achieve a state of maximum viral suppression and decrease the rate of opportunistic infections. However, there are several factors that can influence therapeutic adherence. Objective: To identify the risk factors associated with poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy in patients with the human immunodeficiency virus. Methods: A study with an observational, analytical, case-control type design was used. The sample size was 276, from which 138 were cases and 138 controls. The collected data was analyzed using methods of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Results: The multivariate analysis determined a statistically significant association between the variable adherence to antiretroviral treatment and the variables depression (adjusted Odds Ratio OR = 2.15), alternative antiretroviral therapy scheme (adjusted OR= 2.40), side effects (adjusted OR= 4.24), and change in adherence during the state of emergency (adjusted OR= 5.67) independently of the other intervening variables. Conclusions: Depression, the use of alternative antiretroviral therapy regimens, the presence of side effects to antiretroviral therapy, and the change in adherence during the state of emergency increase the risk of poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Risk Factors , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active/adverse effects , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Case-Control Studies , HIV/drug effects , HIV Seropositivity/therapy , Depression/diagnosis , Medication Adherence , Observational StudyABSTRACT
Background. The high HIV prevalence and incidence in South Africa makes it suitable for recruitment of participants for large-scale HIV preventive vaccine trials. However, fear of vaccine-induced seropositivity (VISP) may be a barrier for community acceptability of the trial, for volunteers to participate in HIV preventive vaccine trials and for uptake of an efficacious vaccine. Prior to 2015, when the first phase 1 safety HIV vaccine trial was undertaken at Setshaba Research Centre, Soshanguve, the local community stakeholders and healthcare workers were naive about HIV vaccine research and HIV preventive vaccines. Objective. To explore knowledge and perceptions regarding VISP among community stakeholders and healthcare workers in peri-urban Soshanguve, Tshwane.Methods. Using a quantitative-qualitative mixed-methods study design, surveys (n=50) and in-depth interviews (n=18) were conducted during July - August 2015. Participants included community stakeholders, community advisory board members and healthcare workers, who were >18 years old and had attended community educational workshops during September 2014 - May 2015. Audio recordings of interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded using content thematic analysis. Data were further analysed by sex, age and educational level.Results. Of a maximum score of 2 on knowledge on VISP, the 50 survey participants (mean age 33.78 years; 45 females) obtained an average of 0.88 (44%). Of 17 in-depth interviewees (one interview could not be transcribed; mean age 30.9 years; 12 females), 8 (47%) displayed some knowledge about VISP, of whom only 5 defined VISP correctly. Women were more knowledgeable about VISP than men; 5 of 12 women (42%) came close to defining VISP correctly, while none of the 5 men did so. The main fear of trial participation expressed by most participants (n=6) was testing HIV-positive as a result of the vaccine. While some participants believed that the community's perceptions of VISP would negatively affect HIV vaccine trial support and recruitment efforts, others noted that if trial participants understand the concept of VISP and are part of support groups, then they would have the information to combat negative attitudes within their community. Conclusion. Most participants had an inaccurate and incomplete understanding of VISP. Many feared testing HIV-positive at clinics; therefore, education on improving a basic understanding of how vaccines work and why VISP occurs is essential. In addition, assessing participant understanding of HIV testing, transmission and VISP is critical for recruitment of participants into HIV vaccine trials and may improve acceptability of an HIV preventive vaccine
Humans , Male , Female , HIV Infections , Prevalence , HIV Seropositivity , Delivery of Health Care , AIDS Vaccines , Immunization ProgramsABSTRACT
Introduction. L'efficacité du traitement antirétroviral dans la restauration immunitaire dépend fortement du stade de l'infection et du taux de lymphocyte TCD4 au moment de l'introduction du traitement. Nous avons évalué le taux de lymphocytes TCD4 à la découverte de la séropositivité au VIH pour caractériser le niveau d'infection de chaque patient. Matériel et méthodes. C'est une étude transversale et descriptive qui s'est déroulée dans le laboratoire de virologie de la faculté de médecine de Libreville. Nous avons analysé les données de la cohorte DERIRADO. Résultats. Nous avons inclus 133 patients. L'âge médian était de 45 ans (Q1-Q3 :ï37 ; 52ï). La médiane de LTCD4 était de 388 cellules/mm3 (Q1-Q3 : ï250 ; 556ï). Le diagnostic était avancé chez 112 (84%) patients. Conclusion. La découverte de la séropositivité au Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine est faite à un stade d'immunodépression avancé chez la majorité des patients. Ce constat relève la nécessité de mettre en route les politiques de sensibilisation pour cibler les populations clés et amener le plus grand nombre au dépistage de l'infection par le Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine si l'on veut diminuer la courbe de transmission.
Introduction. The effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy in immune restoration largely depends on the stage of infection and the TCD4 lymphocyte count at the time of treatment initiation. We evaluated the rate of TCD4 lymphocytes at the discovery of HIV seropositivity to characterize the level of infection of each patient. Methods. This was a cross sectional descriptive and analytic study whose setting was the laboratory of virology of the faculty of medicine of Libreville. Our data source was DERIRADO cohort. Results. We included 133 patients. The median age was 45 (Q1- Q3:37;52). The median LTCD4 was 388 cells/mm3 (Q1-Q3: 250; 556). The diagnosis was advanced in 112 (84%) patients. Conclusion. The diagnosis of seropositivity to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is made at a stage of immunosuppression in the majority of patients. This highlights the need to implement sensitization policies to target key populations and bring as many people as possible to screening in order to reduce the transmission curve
HIV Seropositivity , Treatment Outcome , CD4 Lymphocyte Count , Anti-Retroviral Agents , Lymphocytes , DiagnosisABSTRACT
Background: Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services has become an integral part of antenatal services. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission was introduced in all the regions of Ghana, but mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) continued to increase. Objectives: To explore and describe midwives' perceptions and attitudes towards PMTCT of HIV services. Method: Quantitative research approach and descriptive cross-sectional design were used. The population includes all midwives between the ages of 21 and 60 years who work in antenatal care (ANC) clinics in 11 district hospitals in the Central Region of Ghana where the study was conducted. Forty-eight midwives were interviewed using a census sample process. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 21. Correlation analysis was performed to find the relationships between the attitudes and the perceptions of the midwives on PMTCT of HIV services. Results: Seventy percent of midwives had positive perceptions of PMTCT of HIV services and 85% had positive attitudes towards the provision of PMTCT of HIV services. Midwives were screening all pregnant women who visited the ANCs and referring those who tested positive to other institutions where they can be monitored. Some of the concerns considered were views on retesting HIV-infected pregnant women throughout their pregnancy. There was a positive correlation between attitudes and perceptions of midwives on PMTCT of HIV services. Conclusion: Midwives had positive perceptions and positive attitudes towards the PMTCT of HIV services that they were providing to antenatal attendees. Also, as the attitudes of the midwives towards PMTCT of HIV services improved, their perceptions of PMTCT services also improved. Contribution: Decentralisation of PMTCT of HIV services to community-based health facilities is appropriate to enable sub-district health facilities to test for HIV and provide counselling services to pregnant women.
Perception , HIV Infections , HIV Seropositivity , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Health Facilities , Midwifery , Attitude , Pregnant WomenABSTRACT
Background HIV/AIDS remains a significant global public health challenge with youth bearing the brunt of the burden. One essential method for preventing and accessing AIDS care is through Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT). Regardless of this, youth population continues to have low utilization of VCT services. Objective To assess the uptake of HIV VCT services and associated factors among university students in Kigali. Methods A cross-sectional study among 374 students recruited using stratified sampling was conducted. A structured questionnaire was used to gather information. A multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to assess the independent factors associated with VCT uptake. Results The prevalence of VCT uptake was 59.9%. The logistic regression revealed that being Catholic (AOR = 11.99, 95%CI: 5.44-26.41) and Moslem (AOR = 37.34, 95%CI: 2.67-128.36) compared to Protestant, as well as availability of VCT services (AOR = 5.15, 95%CI: 3.11 - 8.541) favored the use VCT. On the other hand, being aged 20 to 24 years (AOR = 0.112, 95%CI: 0.04 - 0.29) had low likelihood of using VCT than those more than 24 years of age. Conclusion VCT uptake was significantly positively associated with religion and VCT services availability, and negatively associated with age 20-24 years in the campus. Therefore, targeted actions of disseminating information on benefits of VCT and enhancing accessibility of VCT services among students are necessary for the increased VCT uptake to be attained.
HIV Infections , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , HIV Seropositivity , Counseling , HIV TestingABSTRACT
Background: Substance abuse among Human Immune Deficiency Virus-positive patients causes depression, carelessness, and anxiety, which in common results in a decrease in adherence to antiretroviral treatment. The purpose of the study is to assess the prevalence of substance abuse and its association with adherence to ART drugs. Methods: The current study was conducted at three hospitals (Hiwot Fana Comprehensive University Hospital, Dillchora Hospital, and Jugal Hospital) located in East Ethiopia. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify the association of independent variables with the dependent variables. Results: In this study, 119 HIV-positive pregnant patients were included. While 74.8% of the patients were adherent to their medication, the remaining 25.2% were nonadherent. The major reasons for nonadherence to ART medications prescribed were getting better (73.3%) and finishing medication (16.7%). Moreover, 96 (80.7%) respondents abused alcohol while 36 (30.3%) and 75 (35.6%) abused opioids and cigarette smoking, respectively. Mothers who abused alcohol were 38.1 times more likely to be nonadherent to ART medications for PMTCT [AOR = 38.1% CI: 21.4756.54] compared to their counterparts. Additionally, mothers who abuse opioids were 19 times more likely to be nonadherent to ART treatment medication [AOR = 19, 95% CI: 2.46 19.46] than their counterparts. Furthermore, mothers who smoked cigarettes were 43.1 more likely to be nonadherent [AOR = 43.19, 95% CI: 8.42187.84] than nonsmokers. Unemployment was also found to be associated with nonadherence to ART medication to PMTCT of HIV [AOR = 5.4, 95% CI: 2.85.7]. Smoking of marijuana/cannabis/hashish was not significantly associated with nonadherence to ART [AOR = 0.22, 95% CI: 0.0840.355]. Conclusion: Abuse of alcohol, cigarette smoking, abuse of opioids, and joblessness were found to be significantly associated with nonadherence to ART medications prescribed to PMCT of HIV. Wheareas, smoking of marijuana/cannabis/hashish was not significantly associated with nonadherence to ART medications.
Humans , Female , HIV Infections , HIV Seropositivity , Pregnant Women , Anti-Retroviral Agents , Medication AdherenceABSTRACT
Background People living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) encounter a range of complex challenges that impact their physical, psychological, and social well-being. The combined effects of these challenges significantly impact their daily functioning. Despite the relatively high prevalence of HIV in Malawi, there is limited knowledge on how the challenges experienced by people living with HIV correlate with their societal participation and performance of activities. Objectives This study aimed to explore the lived experience of people living with HIV and how the challenges experienced impact societal participation and activity performance. Method: A qualitative exploratory study design was used. Fourteen participants were purposefully selected for the study, with an equal number of males and females. The data was gathered through semi-structured interviews and manually analyzed using thematic analysis. Results It was found that participants faced discrimination, stigma, depression, anxiety, and worries. The study participants associated their taking of antiretroviral therapy with physical impairments such as dizziness, leg pain, yellow eyes, and fatigue. The physical impairments hampered participants' ability to walk, work, conduct business, perform household chores, and care for children. Conclusion This study identified the difficulties that people living with HIV faced in their communities and how these challenges impact societal participation and performance in activities. There is a need for a holistic approach to managing these challenges and making referrals to specialized professionals.
Humans , Male , Female , HIV Infections , HIV Seropositivity , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Anti-Retroviral AgentsABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo compreender as perspectivas e desafios no cotidiano de pessoas após a descoberta do viver com VIH em Bissau, Guiné-Bissau, tendo em vista diferentes contextos de vulnerabilidade. Método estudo exploratório-descritivo, que utilizou entrevista semiestruturada com 16 pessoas vivendo com VIH, acompanhadas em um hospital de Bissau. Empregou-se técnica de análise de conteúdo temática. Os relatos dos participantes foram analisados a partir de duas categorias empíricas: A descoberta, os impactos e os desafios de viver com VIH; e Experiência com o antirretroviral: recomeço e perspectivas. Resultados sinalizaram que os desafios iniciam com a revelação do diagnóstico que, geralmente, desperta uma diversidade de sentimentos e comportamentos. O estigma e a discriminação estimulam a adoção do sigilo sobre o status sorológico, resultando na fragilidade de suporte emocional no enfrentamento à soropositividade. A terapia antirretroviral foi vislumbrada como esperança para o enfrentamento da doença. A vulnerabilidade social foi a dimensão que mais se destacou, e violações dos direitos humanos foram constatadas. Conclusão e implicações para a prática o estudo permite compreender as perspectivas, desafios e vulnerabilidades de pessoas que vivem com VIH. O viver com VIH merece atenção especial por parte dos profissionais de saúde que atuam no cuidado dessas pessoas, destacando-se como contribuição a relevância de um cuidado de saúde integral, em que a ética e a subjetividade estejam presentes.
RESUMEN Objetivo este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo comprender perspectivas y desafíos en la vida cotidiana de las personas que viven con VIH en Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, considerando diferentes contextos de vulnerabilidad. Método estudio exploratorio-descriptivo, que utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada con 16 personas que viven con el VIH, seguido en un hospital de Bissau. Se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido temático. Los informes de los participantes se analizaron a partir de dos categorías empíricas: El descubrimiento, los impactos y los desafíos de vivir con el VIH; y La experiencia antirretroviral: un nuevo comienzo y perspectivas. Resultados los resultados indicaron que los desafíos comienzan con la divulgación del diagnóstico, que generalmente suscita una diversidad de sentimientos y conductas. El estigma y la discriminación fomentan la adopción del secreto sobre el estado serológico, lo que resulta en un apoyo emocional débil para hacer frente a la seropositividad. La terapia antirretroviral es una esperanza para hacer frente a la enfermedad. La vulnerabilidad social fue la dimensión que más se destacó y se encontraron violaciones a sus derechos humanos. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica el estudio permite comprender las perspectivas, los desafíos y las vulnerabilidades de las personas que viven con el VIH. Vivir con VIH merece especial atención por parte de los profesionales de la salud que actúan en el cuidado de estas personas, destacando como aporte la relevancia de la atención integral en salud, en la que la ética y la subjetividad están presentes.
ABSTRACT Objective to understand perspectives and challenges in the daily lives of people after the discovery of living with HIV in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, considering different contexts of vulnerability. Method an exploratory-descriptive study conducted through semi-structured interviews with sixteen people living with HIV attending a hospital in the city of Bissau. We used the thematic content analysis technique. Participants' reports were analyzed following two empirical categories: Discovery, impacts and challenges of living with HIV; and Experience with antiretroviral therapy: new beginning and perspectives. Results the results indicate that the challenges start with the disclosure of diagnosis, which arouses a diversity of feelings and behaviors. Stigma and discrimination encourage the adoption of confidentiality about serological status, which increases the fragility of emotional support in coping with seropositivity. Antiretroviral therapy was seen as a hope for coping with the disease. Social vulnerability was the dimension that stood out the most, and human rights violations involving people living with HIV were verified. Conclusion and implications for practice the study makes it possible to understand the perspectives, challenges and vulnerabilities of people living with HIV. Living with HIV deserves special attention from health professionals who work in the care of these people, highlighting as a contribution the relevance of comprehensive health care, in which ethics and subjectivity are present.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Public Health , HIV Seropositivity/therapy , Anti-Retroviral Agents/therapeutic use , Health Vulnerability , Social Support , Adaptation, Psychological , HIV Infections/diagnosis , Qualitative Research , Medication Adherence , Social Stigma , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Guinea-BissauABSTRACT
Objetivo: evidenciar os desafios existentes durante o pré-natal em mulheres grávidas soropositivas para o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Adquirida durante um período pandêmico. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa exploratória de caráter descritivo, utilizando-se de levantamento de dados através de entrevistas em campo com 19 gestantes com Vírus da Imunodeficiência Adquirida de um serviço de assistência especializada, entre julho de 2021 e julho de 2022. Resultados: apontaram dificuldades para agendar consultas, realizar exames e acesso aos resultados, dificuldades para conseguir transporte devido a distância da unidade de infectologia e dificuldade para agendar consultas na unidade básica de saúde. Conclusão:o serviço de assistência especializada realizou a reorganização da assistência para diminuir os desafios presentes, que foram dificuldade de acesso a unidade, marcação e acesso a resultado de exames pré-natal.
Objectives: to highlight the existing challenges during prenatal care in pregnant women seropositive for the Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus during a pandemic period. Method: This is a descriptive exploratory quantitative research, using data collection through field interviews with 19 pregnant women with Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus from a specialized assistance service, between July 2021 and July 2022. Results: they pointed out difficulties in scheduling consultations, performing tests and accessing the results, difficulties in getting transportation due to the distance from the infectology unit and difficulty in scheduling consultations at the basic health unit. Conclusion: the specialized assistance service carried out the reorganization of assistance to reduce the present challenges, which were difficulty in accessing the unit, scheduling and access to prenatal exam results.
Objetivos:resaltar los desafíos existentes durante la atención prenatal en gestantes seropositivas para el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida en período de pandemia. Método: Se trata de una investigación cuantitativa exploratoria descriptiva, utilizando la recolección de datos a través de entrevistas de campo con 19 gestantes con Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida de un servicio de asistencia especializada, entre julio de 2021 y julio de 2022. Resultados:señalaron dificultades en la programación de consultas, realización de pruebas y acceso a los resultados, dificultades para conseguir transporte debido a la distancia de la unidad de infectología y dificultad para programar consultas en la unidad básica de salud. Conclusión: el servicio de asistencia especializada realizó la reorganización de la asistencia para reducir los desafíos presentes, que fueron la dificultad de acceso a la unidad, la programación y el acceso a los resultados del examen prenatal.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , HIV Seropositivity , Transit-Oriented DevelopmentABSTRACT
Objetivo: discorrer sobre as condições de vida das pessoas vivendo com HIV em um município do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Método: estudo do tipo transversal, descritivo, de natureza qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi através de entrevistas, sendo os achados submetidos à técnica de análise de conteúdo. A amostra foi composta por pessoas vivendo com HIV que eram abordados no momento que compareciam ao serviço de assistência especializada, sendo definida uma amostra de 20 participantes por técnica de saturação. Resultado: emergiram categorias com base nos temas abordados na entrevista relacionados à qualidade de vida (condição de alimentação, atividade física, lazer, religião e satisfação com a vida sexual) e à experiência de viver com HIV. Conclusão: as pessoas vivendo com HIV, em tratamento antirretroviral, podem usufruir de boas condições de vida tendo como principal fator impeditivo o medo de vivenciar situações de estigma e discriminação.
Objectives: investigate the implications for the life conditions of people living with HIV in a city of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Method: cross-sectional, descriptive, and qualitative study. Data collection was conducted through interviews, and the findings were subjected to the content analysis technique. The sample comprised people living with HIV that were approached at the time they attended the specialized assistance service, and a sample of 20 participants was defined by saturation technique. Result: categories emerged based on the topics addressed in the interview related to quality of life (food condition, physical activity, leisure, religion, and satisfaction with sexual life) and the experience of living with HIV. Conclusion: people living with HIV in antiretroviral treatment can enjoy good living and the preventing potential factor is the fear of experiencing situations of stigma and discrimination.
Objetivos: conocer las implicaciones para las condiciones de vida de las personas que viven con el VIH en un municipio del Estado de Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Método: estudio de tipo transversal, descriptivo, de naturaleza cualitativa. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas, y los hallazgos fueron sometidos a la técnica de análisis de contenido. La muestra se compuso por personas que viven con el VIH que fueron abordadas en el momento en que vinieron al servicio de asistencia especializada, y se definió una muestra de 20 participantes por la técnica de saturación. Resultado: emergieron categorías basadas en los temas abordados en la entrevista relacionados con la calidad de vida (condición alimentaria, actividad física, ocio, religión, y satisfacción con la vida sexual) y la experiencia de vivir con VIH. Conclusión: las personas que viven con el VIH en tratamiento antirretroviral pueden disfrutar de buenas condiciones de vida y salud, y el principal impedimento y el temor de experimentar situaciones de estigma y discriminación.
Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life/psychology , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , HIV Seropositivity , Health PolicyABSTRACT
Objetivo: conhecer os níveis de depressão e sintomas depressivos em angolanos com HIV. Método: estudo descritivo e misto, com estratégia exploratória sequencial, em período pré-pandêmico em um hospital público de Angola. Realizou-se entrevistas semiestruturadas, com aplicação do Inventário de Depressão de Beck. Para fins de análise, considerou o conceito de depressão a partir da classificação internacional de doenças. Resultados: prevaleceu depressão leve a moderada para ambos os sexos e estado civil. No G1, a maioria além da tristeza ou infelicidade não conseguem suportar a angústia, alguns verbalizam ter consciência de que os choros não os levará a ter vida anterior desta realidade. Agora se sentem irritados o tempo todo e não sentem mais prazer nas coisas como antes. No G2, expressaram ideias e sentimentos suicidas, estavam desanimados quanto ao futuro, percebem-se fracassados mais do que uma pessoa sem a doença, e adiam a tomada de decisão mais do que o costume. Conclusão: embora não tenha prevalecido formas severas (graves) de depressão, a ocorrência de sintomas negativos em variadas esferas da vida pode evoluir, especialmente no contexto angolano.
Objective:to know the levels of depression and depressive symptoms in Angolans with HIV. Method: descriptive and mixed study, with sequentialexploratory strategy, in the pre-pandemic period in a public hospital in Angola. Semi-structured interviews were carried out, with the application of the Beck Depression Inventory. For analysis purposes, it considered the concept of depression from the international classification of diseases. Results: mild to moderate depression prevailed for both sexes and marital status. In G1, the majority, in addition to sadness or unhappiness, cannot bear the anguish, some verbalize being aware that crying will not lead them to have a previous life in this reality. Now they feel irritable all the time and they don't enjoy things the way they used to. In G2, they expressed suicidal ideas and feelings, were discouraged about the future, perceived themselves as failures more than a person without the disease, and postponed decision-making more than usual. Conclusion: although severe forms of depression have not prevailed, the occurrence of negative symptoms in various spheres of life can evolve, especially in the angolan context.
Objetivo:conocer los niveles de depresión y síntomas depresivos en angoleños con VIH. Método:estudo descriptivo y misto, con estratégia exploratória secuencial, en el período pré-pandêmico en un hospital público de Angola. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, con la aplicación del Inventario de Depresión de Beck. Para efectos de análisis, se consideró el concepto de depresión de la clasificación internacional de enfermedades. Resultados:predominó la depresión leve a moderada para ambos sexos y estado civil. En G1, la mayoría, además de la tristeza o la infelicidad, no pueden soportar la angustia, algunos verbalizan siendo conscientes de que el llanto no los llevará a tener una vida anterior en esta realidad. Ahora se sienten irritables todo el tiempo y no disfrutan las cosas como antes. En G2 expresaron ideas y sentimientos suicidas, estaban desanimados sobre el futuro, se percibían como fracasados más que una persona sin la enfermedad y postergaban la toma de decisiones más de lo habitual. Conclusión:aunque no han prevalecido formas severas de depresión, la aparición de síntomas negativos en diversas esferas de la vida puede evolucionar, especialmente en el contexto angoleño.
Mental Health , HIV Seropositivity , Depression , Depressive Disorder , AngolaABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives: to estimate the proportion of seroconversion cases among infants exposed to HIV and verify the risk factors associated. Methods: this was a historical cohort study conducted in the State of Santa Catarina between 2007 and 2017. The data were obtained from the Notifable Diseases Information System (SINAN - Portuguese acronym) that records HIV-infected pregnant women and HIV-exposed infants. The public health service monitored the infants from birth to 18 months of age to determine whether HIV seroconversion occurred. Results: a total of 5,554 HIV-infected pregnant women were included in the study (mean age 26.7±6.5 years). They were predominantly white, with poor education level, and were diagnosed with HIV until the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. A total of 4,559 records of HIV-exposed infants were screened, of which 130 cases (2.9%) of seroconversion were confrmed. Non-use of antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy (OR=9.31, CI95%=5.97-14.52; p<0.001) and breastfeeding (OR=3.10, CI95%=1.34-7.20; p=0.008) were independent risk factors for seroconversion. Conclusions: these data demonstrate gaps in prenatal care, regarding adherence to treatment and monitoring of HIV-infected mothers, resulting in new cases of HIV among children, which could be avoided.
Resumo Objetivos: estimar a proporção de soroconversão da criança exposta ao HIV e verificar os fatores de risco associados, no período de 2007-2017 em Santa Catarina. Métodos: o delineamento utilizado foi de coorte histórica e os dados obtidos no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) que registra as gestantes infectadas e as crianças expostas ao HIV. As crianças foram acompanhadas pelo serviço de saúde desde o nascimento até o 18º mês de vida, para determinar a ocorrência de soroconversão pelo HIV. Resultados: foram identificadas 5.554 gestantes infectadas pelo HIV com média de idade de 26,7±6,5 anos, predomínio da raça branca, baixa escolaridade e que receberam o diagnóstico para o HIV até o 2º trimestre gestacional. Foram incluídas 4.559 fichas de crianças expostas ao HIV, das quais 130 casos (2,9%) de soroconversão foram confrmados. O não uso de antirretroviral durante a gestação (OR=9,31, IC95%=5,97-14,52; p<0,001) e aleitamento materno (OR=3,10, IC95%=1,34-7,20; p=0,008) foram fatores de risco independentes para a soroconversão. Conclusões: esses dados demonstram lacunas na assistência pré-natal, quanto a adesão ao tratamento e acompanhamento de mães infectadas pelo HIV, resultando em casos novos de HIV entre crianças, que poderiam ser evitados.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Risk Factors , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , HIV Seropositivity/epidemiology , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious , Pregnancy Trimester, Second , Prenatal Care , Brazil/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the distribution of HIV-1 genetic subtypes and pretreatment drug resistance (PDR) among men who have sex with men (MSM) from 19 cities of 6 provinces in China. Methods: From April to November 2019, 574 plasma samples of ART-naive HIV-1 infected MSM were collected from 19 cities in Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong provinces, total ribonucleic acid (RNA) was extracted and amplified the HIV-1 pol gene region by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) after reverse transcription. Then sequences were used to construct a phylogenetic tree to determine genetic subtypes and submitted to the Stanford drug resistance database for drug resistance analysis. Results: A total of 479 samples were successfully amplified by PCR. The HIV-1 genetic subtypes included CRF01_AE, CRF07_BC, B, CRF55_01B, CRF59_01B, CRF65_cpx, CRF103_01B, CRF67_01B, CRF68_01B and unrecognized subtype, which accounted for 43.4%, 36.3%, 6.3%, 5.9%, 0.8%, 0.8%, 0.4%, 0.4%, 0.2% and 5.5%, respectively. The distribution of genetic subtypes among provinces is statistically different (χ2=44.141, P<0.001). The overall PDR rate was 4.6% (22/479), the drug resistance rate of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, and protease inhibitors were 3.5% (17/479), 0.8% (4/479) and 0.2% (1/479), respectively. The PDR rate of recent infections was significantly higher than that of long-term infections (χ2=4.634, P=0.031). Conclusions: The HIV-1 genetic subtypes among MSM infected with HIV-1 from 19 cities of 6 provinces in China are diverse, and the distribution of subtypes is different among provinces. The overall PDR rate is low, while the PDR rate of recent infections was significantly higher than that of long-term infections, suggesting the surveillance of PDR in recent infections should be strengthened.
Female , Humans , Male , China/epidemiology , Cities , Drug Resistance , Drug Resistance, Viral/genetics , Genotype , HIV Infections/epidemiology , HIV Seropositivity/drug therapy , HIV-1/genetics , Homosexuality, Male , Phylogeny , Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Sexual and Gender MinoritiesABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the dynamic changes and influencing factors of HIV-1 DNA load in HIV-1 infected individuals under antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture, Yunnan province, and provide information support for the clinical use of HIV-1 DNA quantitative detection. Methods: The HIV infection cases in recent infection cohort from Dehong Center for Disease Control and Prevention during 2009-2018 were selected as study subjects. The dynamic curve of HIV-1 DNA load varrying with time was generated and logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the risk factors for HIV-1 load in the recent follow up after ART and statistical analysis was performed by using SPSS 17.0. Results: Among the 113 HIV infection cases detected from the recent infection cohort, the recent HIV infection rate were 49.6%(56/113) males, sexual transmission cases and drug injection transmission cases accounted for 53.1% (60/113), 80.5% (91/113) and 19.5% (22/113), respectively. The dynamic changes curve showed that HIV-1 DNA load was relatively high (>800 copies /106 PBMCs) before ART, and droped rapidly (<400 copies /106 PBMCs) after ART for 1 year. However, HIV-1 DNA load decreased insignificantly from the second year of ART, and remained to be 269 copies/106 PBMCs after ART for 6 years. Univariable logistic regression analysis indicated that OR (95%CI) of CD8, CD4/CD8 and HIV-1 DNA load were 1.00 (1.00-1.00), 0.30 (0.09-1.05) and 1.01 (1.00-1.01), respectively. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that OR value of HIV-1 DNA load base was 1.00 (1.00-1.01). Conclusions: HIV-1 DNA load decreased significantly in the first year of ART, then remained stable for years. HIV-1 DNA load base was the key factor associated with the decrease of HIV-1 DNA load, the lower the HIV-1 DNA load base, the lower HIV-1 DNA load. Therefore, earlier ART can contribute to the decrease of HIV-1 DNA load.
Humans , Male , China/epidemiology , DNA/therapeutic use , HIV Infections/drug therapy , HIV Seropositivity , HIV-1/genetics , Viral LoadABSTRACT
Background Approximately 37 million people were living with HIV by the end of 2015. This led to high morbidity and mortality among women of childbearing age, especially in SubSaharan Africa which was the epicentre of this global pandemic. Strengthening and implementing prevention of mother-to-child (PMTCT) services could reduce the incidence of vertical transmission and improve quality of life. We aimed to determine maternal and birth outcomes among HIV-positive pregnant mothers and HIV-exposed newborns in Nyahururu county referral hospital, Laikipia, Kenya. Main Outcomes Measures Reduce maternal morbidity and mortality and other birth-related complications. In addition, this will also reduce infant mortality and morbidity among HIV-exposed infants. Materials And Methods This was a hospital-based descriptive prospective study conducted at the PMTCT department at the Nyahururu County referral hospital. A sample of 180 HIV-positive pregnant women enrolled at the PMTCT consented to participate in the study. We monitored them until delivery and labour complications were addressed. Babies were scored against the APGAR scale, weighed and spot dried blood samples taken before breastfeeding; and started on prophylactic antiretroviral therapy. RESULTS Out of 180 participants, only 17 did not complete the study. Our findings indicate that 97.5 % of the mothers delivered in the hospital, had labour lasting less than 12 hours, 92.6% had a normal delivery and 94.9% had no complications during the labour period. About 2.5 % of the women had misoprostol administration. The majority of exposed babies had an average weight of between 2.51 - 3.00kg. No neonatal asphyxia was evident among exposed babies. Conclusions: The majority of the respondents delivered in the hospital; no neonatal asphyxia was evidenced and there was a significant correlation between APGAR scores and infant weight. There is a need for active follow-up and monitoring of HIV pregnant women and their unborn babies until delivery.
Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , HIV Infections , HIV Seropositivity , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Pregnancy Complications , Morbidity , Pregnant WomenABSTRACT
Introduction. L'objectif de notre étude était de décrire les pratiques alimentaires des nourrissons nés de mères infectées par le VIH ainsi que leur état nutritionnel. Méthodes. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale à visée descriptive et analytique sur une période de 2 mois (01 juin au 03 Août 2016) portant sur 101 nourrissons nés de mères séropositives âgés de 6 à 24 mois au moment de l'enquête. Des informations sur les pratiques alimentaires et l'état nutritionnel des nourrissons ont été recueillies. Résultats. L'âge moyen des nourrissons était de 14,5 mois et le sex ratio de 0,71. Plus de 3/4 des nourrissons étaient eutrophiques à la naissance (77,2%). Le budget alimentaire des ménages était compris entre 2000 f/CFA et 3000 f/CFA (45,54 %). L'allaitement maternel a été réalisé chez 73,3% des nourrissons. La prévalence de l'AME était de 65,4%. L'âge à l'arrêt de l'allaitement était de 6 mois chez plus de la moitié (52,7%) des nourrissons. la majorité des nourrissons (99,0%) avait une fréquence de repas adaptée à leur âge. L'âge d'introduction d'aliments de complément était inadapté chez un tiers des nourrissons (30,6%), l'âge d'introduction au repas familial était inapproprié chez 64,9 % des nourrissons et plus de la moitié des nourrissons (53,3%) avait une fréquence de repas lactés inadaptée. le score de diversifi cation alimentaire était ≥ 4 aliments chez 18,8% des cas. Les céréales et les tubercules ont été le plus souvent consommés par les nourrissons (97 %) contrairement aux fruits et légumes riches en vitamines A (20%) et aux Åufs (14%). Une émaciation a été relevée dans 9,9% des cas. Les pratiques alimentaires associés à la malnutrition étaient l'âge d'introduction d'aliments solides, semis liquides et mous inadapté p=0,001, l'âge d'introduction au repas familial inadapté p=0,015, la fréquence alimentaire minimale inadaptée p=0,001 et le minimum alimentaire acceptable insuffi sant p=0,012. La prévalence du VIH était de 5,9% Conclusion. Les nourrissons nés de mères séropositives sont vulnérables à la malnutrition. Les acteurs des services de PTME doivent insister dans leurs pratiques sur la prise en charge nutritionnelle de ces nourrissons.
Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , HIV Infections , Nutritional Status , HIV Seropositivity , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Feeding Behavior , InfantABSTRACT
Introduction. Le spectre des atteintes cardiovasculaires au cours de l'infection à VIH a été modifi é par la trithérapie antirétrovirale. L'objectif de ce travail était de décrire le profi l des manifestations cardiovasculaires chez les patients vivants avec le VIH en le comparant à celui de patients séronégatifs. Méthodes. Il s'est agi d'une étude cas-témoins des dossiers de patients respectivement séropositifs et séronégatifs hospitalisés pour une pathologie cardiovasculaire au service de cardiologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Libreville de janvier 2015 à décembre 2018. L'analyse statistique a été réalisée à l'aide du logiciel Statview 5.0. Lestests de Chi-2 de Pearson ou Exact de Ficher ont été utilisés pour la comparaison des proportions. Résultats. L'étude a porté sur sur l'analyse de 82 et 150 dossiers de patients respectivement séropositifs et séronégatifs. Un âge inférieur à 50 ans était retrouvé chez 70,7% des séropositifs et 43,3% des séronégatifs (p<0,01). Le taux de CD4 moyen des séropositifs était de 189±170/mm3 et 45,1% d'entre eux étaient sous trithérapie antiretrovirale.La cardiomyopathie dilatée était l'atteinte cardiaque la plus fréquente chez les séropositifs (42,7%) et chez les séronégatifs (52,7%) (p=0,14). La maladie thromboembolique veineuse était relevée chez 7(8,5%) séropositifs et 14 (8,8%) séronégatifs (p=0,93). Une péricardite était diagnostiquée chez 25,6% des séropositifs avec une étiologie tuberculeuse dans 85,7% des cas. Les pathologies vasculaires athéromateuses étaient plus fréquentes chez les séronégatifs (23,1%) comparés aux séropositifs (6,1%) (p<0,01). La mortalité des séropositifs était principalement due aux péricardites (71,4%). Conclusion. les manifestations cardiovasculaires liées à l'immunodépression persistent chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH à Libreville. Un dépistage précoce de ces atteintes permettrait de réduire la mortalité.
Introduction. The spectrum of cardiovascular damage during HIV infection has been modified by triple antiretroviral therapy. The objective of this study was to describe the profile of cardiovascular manifestations in patients living with HIV by comparing it to the one of seronegative patients. Methods. This was a case-control study which focused on the files of patients hospitalized for a cardiovascular pathology in the cardiology department of the Center Hospitalier Universitaire de Libreville from january 2015 to december. 2018. Results. In total, there was on the analysis of the files of 82 seropositive patients and 150 seronegative patients. The age found was less than 50 years old in 70.7% of seropositives and 43.3% of seronegatives (p <0.01). The mean CD4 count in seropositives was 189 ± 170 /mm3 and 45.1% of them were on triple antiretroviral therapy. Dilated cardiomyopathy was the most common cardiac disease in HIVpositive (42.7%) and HIV-negative (52.7%) (p = 0.14). Venous thromboembolic disease was noted in 7 (8.5%) seropositives and 14 (8.8%) seronegatives (p=0.93).Pericarditis was diagnosed in 25.6% of seropositives patients with a tuberculous etiology in 85.7% of cases. Atheromatous vascular pathologies were more frequent in seronegative (23.1%) compared to seropositive (6.1%) (p <0.01). Mortality among seropositive was mainly due to pericarditis (71.4%)
Humans , Male , Female , HIV Infections , HIV Seropositivity , HIV Seronegativity , Venous Thromboembolism , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Pericarditis , Mortality , CardiomyopathiesABSTRACT
Background. Better integration of HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention and treatment services is needed to accelerate progress towards the goal of zero new HIV infections. Objectives. To describe HIV positivity, antiretroviral therapy (ART) use, viral suppression and recency of HIV infection among symptomatic STI service attendees at two primary care clinics in South Africa. Methods. In a cross-sectional study, male and female STI service attendees presenting with symptoms consistent with STI syndromes were enrolled following informed consent. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was completed and appropriate genital and blood specimens were collected for STI testing and HIV biomarker measurements including recency of infection and antiretroviral (ARV) drug levels. Descriptive statistics were used to describe enrolled attendees, and to determine the proportion of attendees who were HIV-positive, recently infected, taking ART and virally suppressed. HIV-positive attendees with detectable ARVs were considered to be on ART, while those with viral loads (VLs) ≤200 copies/mL were considered virally suppressed. Results. Of 451 symptomatic attendees whose data were analysed, 93 (20.6%) were HIV-positive, with 15/93 (16.1%) being recently infected. Recent infection was independently associated with genital ulcer disease at presentation, especially ulcers with no detectable STI pathogens. Among the 78 (83.9%) with long-term infection, only 30 (38.5%) were on ART, with 23/30 (76.7%) virally suppressed. Conclusions. In a population at risk of HIV transmission, there was a high burden of recent infection and unsuppressed VLs. Incorporating pre-exposure prophylaxis, ART initiation and adherence support into STI services will be necessary for progress towards eliminating HIV transmission