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Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000151, Apr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579231


Objectives: To screen hospitalized older adults for sarcopenia and ascertain whether correlations exist between heart rate variability (HRV), peripheral muscle strength, functional ability, independence, and nutritional aspects in this population. Methods: Observational study of hospitalized adults aged > 60 years who were clinically stable and able to complete the study assessments. HRV, functionality, peripheral muscle strength, independence, level of physical activity, nutritional aspects, and risk of death were assessed. The Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney tests and Spearman correlations were used for statistical analysis; significance was accepted at p < 0.05. Results: The sample comprised 40 older adults, of whom only nine (22.50%) did not meet criteria for sarcopenia. HRV in participants with sarcopenia correlated positively with level of physical activity (rs 0.92, p = 0.001) and nutritional condition (rs 0.79, p = 0.001), and negatively with mortality (rs -0.59, p = 0.04) (rs 0.79, p = 0.001). In older adults without sarcopenia, HRV correlated positively with independence (rs 0.83, p = 0.001) and muscle strength (rs 0.67, p = 0.04). Conclusion: Most hospitalized older adults meet criteria for sarcopenia. In this population, better autonomic control of the heart is associated with greater independence, muscle strength, physical activity level, and better nutritional status, while worse HRV is associated with a higher risk of mortality. (AU)

Objetivos: Avaliar a sarcopenia e verificar correlações entre VFC, força muscular periférica, funcionalidade, independência e aspectos nutricionais em pessoas idosas hospitalizadas. Metodologia: Estudo observacional com população > 60 anos capaz de realizar as avaliações e estável clinicamente. Foi avaliada a VFC, a funcionalidade, a força muscular periférica, a independência, o nível de atividade física, os aspectos nutricionais e o risco de morte. Foram aplicados os testes de Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney e correlação de Spearman, sendo adotado um p < 0,05. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 40 pessoas idosas, das quais apenas nove (22,50%) não possuíam critérios de sarcopenia. A VFC em pessoas com sarcopenia apresentou correlação positiva entre o nível de atividade física (rs 0,92; p = 0,001) e a condição nutricional (rs 0,79; p = 0,001) e correlação negativa com a mortalidade (rs -0,59, p = 0,04) (rs 0,79, p = 0,001). Em idosos não diagnosticados com a doença, houve correlação positiva da VFC com a independência (rs 0,83; p = 0,001) e a força muscular (rs 0,67, p = 0,04). Conclusão: Pessoas idosas hospitalizadas, em sua maioria, apresentam sarcopenia. Melhor controle autonômico cardíaco está associado com maior independência, força muscular, nível de atividade física e condição nutricional, enquanto piores índices de VFC estão associados a maior risco de mortalidade. (AU)

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged , International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health , Sarcopenia , Muscle Strength , Nutritional Sciences , Heart Rate
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 18(1): 85-93, mar. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558177


The aim of this study was to evaluate the vital signs related with different dental treatments, and correlate with demographic data and participants' anxiety level. This is a prospective clinical study with 60 participants, divided into 3 groups of dental procedures: (1) restorative treatment, (2) extractions and biopsies, and (3) gingival treatment. A level of anxiety questionnaire before dental procedure proposed by Corah's Dental Anxiety Scale was collected. Respiratory rate, systolic and diastolic pressure, temperature and oxygenation were measured before, during and after the procedures. 31 (51.7 %) women and 29 (48.3 %) men were included, with mean age of 41.75 years old. Most participants (50 %) were classified as very little anxious. Diastolic pressure before the procedure was higher for slightly anxious patients when compar ed with very little anxious patients (p=0.028). Systolic pressure before, during and after the procedure was higher for participan ts above 40 years old (p=0,001). Heart rate (p=0,050) and temperature (p=0,041) was higher before the restorative treatment. Anxiety can promote changes in vital signs in the dental environment. Vital signs, sex, age and level of anxiety do influence the blood pressure at different clinical moments. Dental procedures have association with variations in temperature, heart and respiratory rate.

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los signos vitales relacionados con diferentes tratamientos dentales y correlacionarlos con datos demográficos y el nivel de ansiedad de los participantes. Este es un estudio clínico prospectivo con 60 participantes, divididos en 3 grupos de procedimientos dentales: (1) tratamiento restaurador, (2) extracciones y biopsias, y (3) tratamiento gingival. Se recogió un cuestionario de nivel de ansiedad antes del procedimiento odontológico propuesto por la Escala de Ansiedad Dental de Corah. Se midieron la frecuencia respiratoria, la presión sistólica y diastólica, la temperatura y la oxigenación antes, durante y después de los procedimientos. Se incluyeron 31 (51,7 %) mujeres y 29 (48,3 %) hombres, con edad media de 41,75 años. La mayoría de los participantes (50 %) fueron clasificados como muy poco ansiosos. La presión diastólica antes del procedimiento fue mayor en los pacientes ligeramente ansiosos en comparación con los pacientes muy poco ansiosos(p=0,028). La presión sistólica antes, durante y después del procedimiento fue mayor para los participantes mayores de 40 años (p=0,001). La frecuencia cardíaca (p=0,050) y la temperatura (p=0,041) fueron mayores antes del tratamiento restaurativo. La ansiedad puede promover cambios en los signos vitales en el entorno dental. Los signos vitales, el sexo, la edad y el nivel de ansiedad sí influyen en la presión arterial en los diferentes momentos clínicos. Los procedimientos dentales tienen asociación con variaciones de temperatura, frecuencia cardíaca y respiratoria.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Anxiety , Dental Care , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Critical Pathways , Age and Sex Distribution , Vital Signs , Heart Rate
HSJ ; 14: 1-7, Março 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571084


Objective: To analyze hemodynamic parameters, kidney and cognitive function, and physical performance of institutionalized older adults with high- and low-strength. Method: Cross-sectional study. Twenty-one older adults (11 women, 10 men) participated in this study. Blood samples were collected for analysis of biochemical parameters. Cognitive function was evaluated using the mini-mental state examination (MMSE), clock drawing test (CDT), and verbal fluency test, while physical performance was assessed using the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and, blood pressure, heart rate, and Framingham Risk Score were evaluated. Result: Based on the median value, participants were divided into low-strength (81.63 ± 3.03 years) and high-strength (82.10 ± 2.11 years). The high-strength group showed significantly lower systolic (138.8 ± 3.6 vs. 116.5 ± 3.1; p<0.05), diastolic (84.9 ± 2.14 vs. 72.9 ± 2.2; p<0.05), mean blood pressure (102.2 ± 2.4 vs. 87.4 ± 2.4; p<0.05), and cardiovascular risk (39.7 ± 4.6 vs. 26.0 ± 3.5; p<0.05) than the low-strength group. In addition, the high-strength group had better HDL-c levels (27.4 ± 1.7 vs. 35.6 ± 3.4; p<0.05), higher estimated glomerular filtration rate (51.5 ± 4.9 vs. 86.2 ± 5.5; p<0.05), and lower creatinine (0.94 ± 0.1 vs 0.57 ± 0.1; p<0.05) than the low-strength group. For cognitive data (MMSE and CDT p<0.05) and physical performance (semi-tandem, tandem and walking speed p<0.05), the high-strength group had better scores compared to the low-strength group. Conclusion: Institutionalized older adults with high-strength has better hemodynamic parameters, physical performance, kidney and cognitive function than those with low-strength levels

Objetivo: Analisar os parâmetros hemodinâmicos, a função física, cognitiva e renal de idosos institucionalizados com alta e baixa força. Método: Estudo transversal. Vinte e um idosos (11 mulheres, 10 homens) participaram do estudo. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue para análise de parâmetros bioquímicos. A função cognitiva foi avaliada por meio do miniexame do estado mental (MEEM), do teste de desenho do relógio (TDR) e do teste de fluência verbal, enquanto o desempenho físico foi avaliado por meio da Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) e foram aferidas a pressão arterial, a frequência cardíaca e o escore de risco de Framingham. Resultado: Com base no valor da mediana, os participantes foram divididos em baixa força (81,63 ± 3,03 anos) e alta força (82,10 ± 2,11 anos). O grupo de alta força apresentou pressão arterial sistólica (138,8 ± 3,6 vs. 116,5 ± 3,1; p<0,05), diastólica (84,9 ± 2,14 vs. 72,9 ± 2,2; p<0,05), média (102,2 ± 2,4 vs. 87,4 ± 2,4; p<0,05) e risco cardiovascular (39,7 ± 4,6 vs. 26,0 ± 3,5; p<0,05) significativamente menores do que o grupo de baixa força. Além disso, o grupo de alta força apresentou melhores níveis de HDL-c (27,4 ± 1,7 vs. 35,6 ± 3,4; p<0,05), maior taxa de filtração glomerular estimada (51,5 ± 4,9 vs. 86,2 ± 5,5; p<0,05) e menor creatinina (0,94 ± 0,1 vs. 0,57 ± 0,1; p<0,05) do que o grupo de baixa força. Em relação aos dados cognitivos (MEEM e TDR, p<0,05) e ao desempenho físico (semi-tandem, tandem e velocidade de caminhada, p<0,05), o grupo de alta força apresentou melhores escores em comparação com o grupo de baixa força. Conclusão: Os idosos institucionalizados com altos níveis de força têm melhores parâmetros hemodinâmicos, desempenho físico, função renal e cognitiva do que aqueles com baixos níveis de força.PALAVRAS-CHAVEAvaliação GeriátricaCardiovascularDesempenho CognitivoFunção RenalForça Muscular

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Cognition , Arterial Pressure , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Nursing Homes , Physics , Reference Standards , Women , Blood Pressure , Cumulative Trauma Disorders , Risk , Risk Factors , Creatinine , Muscle Strength , Walking Speed , Mental Status and Dementia Tests , Physical Functional Performance , Heart Rate , Hemodynamics , Kidney , Cholesterol, HDL , Men , Methods
Rev. cient. cienc. salud ; 6: 1-7, 30-01-2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1568579


Introducción. Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la principal causa de muerte a nivel mundial. Dentro de los múltiples factores de riesgo se encuentran el sedentarismo, la obesidad, la dislipidemia, hipertensión arterial, el tabaquismo, entre otros. Objetivo. Determinar la frecuencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en médicos residentes del Hospital Nacional de Itauguá. Materiales y método. Estudio observacional descriptivo transversal en el que se incluyeron médicos residentes del Hospital Nacional de Itauguá en el año 2024. Se midieron las variables sociodemográficas, las medidas antropométricas y los factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Resultados. Participaron en el estudio,113 residentes con edad promedio de 26,9 ± 2,2años, el 62,8% del sexo femenino, 92,9%de estado civil soltero, 36,3% del primer año dela residenciay24,8%de la especialidad de medicina interna. El factor de riesgo cardiovascular más frecuente fue el antecedente familiar de enfermedad cardiovascular(78,8%), seguido por la inactividad física (67,3%), el sobrepeso/obesidad (47,8%), el tabaquismo (23,0%), la dislipidemia (7,1%)y la hipertensión arterial (0,9%). Conclusión. Los médicos residentes presentan una alta prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular, especialmente antecedentes familiares e inactividad física. El sobrepeso y la obesidad también fueron frecuentes, sin embargo, la hipertensión arterial y la dislipidemia fueron menos frecuentes. Palabras clave: factores de riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca; frecuencia cardíaca; médicos

Introduction. Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide. Among the multiple risk factors, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, smoking, among others, are found. Objective. Determine the frequency of cardiovascular risk factors in resident doctors of the Hospital Nacional de Itauguá. Materials and method. Cross-sectional descriptive observational study. Resident doctors at the National Hospital of Itauguá in the year 2024 were included. Sociodemographic variables, anthropometric measurements and cardiovascular risk factors were measured through a questionnaire. Results. 113 residents participated in the study, with an average age of 26.9 ± 2.2years, 62.83% were women, the predominant marital status was single with 92.92%, 36.28% were in their first yearof residency,the most common specialty was internal medicine (24.77%). The most frequent cardiovascular risk was family history (78.76%), followed by physical inactivity (67.25%), overweight/obesity was reported in 47.78%, smoking in 23.01%, dyslipidemia in 7.07% and hypertension in 0.88%. Conclusion. Resident doctors have a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, especially family history and physical inactivity. Overweight and obesity were also common, however, high blood pressure and dyslipidemia were less frequent. Key words: heart disease risk factors; heart rate; physicians

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Heart Rate , Physicians , Heart Disease Risk Factors
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 27: e230238, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559527


Resumo Objetivo Esta Revisão de Escopo teve como objetivo descrever e mapear as medidas disponibilizadas pelos smartwatches como ferramenta para identificação da Síndrome de Fragilidade em idosos. Métodos Foram incluídos estudos publicados em qualquer idioma, sem restrição de data de publicação, que descrevessem o uso de medidas fornecidas por smartwatches na avaliação da Síndrome de Fragilidade e/ou seus critérios em idosos. Descritores em inglês para smartwatches, smartbands, Síndrome da Fragilidade e envelhecimento foram utilizados para desenvolver uma estratégia de busca abrangente, que foi então aplicada para pesquisar nas seguintes bases de dados: COCHRANE LIBRARY, EMBASE, SCOPUS, PUBMED/MEDLINE, LILACS, WEB OF SCIENCE e PEDRO. Resultados A busca inicial identificou um total de 156 artigos e foram identificados 2 artigos a partir da busca manual nas referências dos estudos elegíveis. Em seguida, foram incluídos 4 estudos que utilizaram medidas diárias de contagem de passos para síntese descritiva, e três dos quatro também utilizaram dados relacionados ao sono e FC para avaliar a fragilidade em idosos. Os resultados obtidos nesta revisão indicam que parâmetros derivados de smartwatches têm sido utilizados para identificar estágios de fragilidade em diferentes ambientes, sendo a maioria dos estudos associados a outras condições clínicas. Conclusão Os smartwatches são uma excelente ferramenta de monitoramento de fragilidade por meio de medições diárias de contagem de passos, dados de sono e frequência cardíaca. Os resultados obtidos com o uso desses dispositivos podem sugerir uma avaliação mais ampla dos idosos que enfrentam risco aumentado de desenvolver a Síndrome da Fragilidade.

Abstract Objective This scoping review aimed to describe and map the measures provided by smartwatches as a tool for identifying Frailty Syndrome in older adults. Methods Studies published in any language, without publication date restrictions, that described the use of measures provided by smartwatches in evaluating or identifying Frailty Syndrome and/or its criteria in older adults were included. English descriptors for smartwatches, smartbands, Frailty Syndrome and Older Adults were used to develop a comprehensive search strategy, which was then applied to search the following databases: COCHRANE LIBRARY, EMBASE, SCOPUS, PUBMED/MEDLINE, LILACS, WEB OF SCIENCE and PEDRO. Results The initial search identified a total of 156 articles and 2 articles were identified from the manual search in the references of eligible studies. Next, 4 studies that used daily step count measurements for descriptive synthesis were included, and three of the four also used sleep and heart rate data to assess frailty in older adults. The results obtained in this review indicate that parameters derived from smartwatches have been used to identify stages of frailty in different areas, with the majority of studies being associated with other clinical conditions. Conclusion Smartwatches are an excellent frailty monitoring tool through daily measurements of step count, sleep data and heart rate. The results obtained with the use of these devices may suggest a broader evaluation of older adults who face an increased risk of developing Frailty Syndrome.

Humans , Aged , Aged , Frailty , Wearable Electronic Devices , Aging , Sleep Duration , Heart Rate , Monitoring, Physiologic
Conexões (Campinas, Online) ; 22: e024004, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1573002


Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) de crianças e adolescentes de acordo com o estado nutricional (IMC) e o nível de aptidão física. Metodologia: O presente estudo teve um delineamento transversal, composto por 52 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos (48% meninas), com idade entre 10 e 17 anos. A massa corporal foi avaliada através de uma balança digital eletrônica, a circunferência da cintura por meio de uma fita inelástica e a estimativa do percentual de gordura (%G) por equação de dobras cutâneas através de um adipômetro. A maturação somática foi estimada através formula de Pico de velocidade de crescimento (PVC). A aptidão cardiorrespiratória (ACR) foi avaliada por meio do teste de esforço submáximo em esteira ergométrica e a VFC por meio de um cardiofrequencímetro, durante 10 minutos em condição de repouso. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatística significativa nos parâmetros da VFC entre o grupo obeso e eutroficos. Contudo, quando divididos de acordo com a ACR, verificou-se que os adolescentes obesos com menor ACR apresentaram menores valores de RMSSD (p<0,05)em comparação aos obesos com maiores níveis de ACR. Conclusão: Os baixos níveis de ACR podem levar a uma disfunção autonômica cardíaca em adolescentes independentemente da presença de obesidade.

Objective: The objective of this study was to verify the heart rate variability (HRV) of children and adolescents according to their nutritional status (BMI) and level of physical fitness. Methodology: The present study had a cross-sectional design, comprising 52 adolescents of both sexes (48% girls), aged between 10 and 17 years. Body mass was assessed using an electronic digital scale, waist circumference using an inelastic tape and the estimate of fat percentage (%F) using a skinfold equation using an adipometer. Somatic maturation was estimated using the Peak Growth Velocity (CVP) formula. Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) was assessed using a submaximal exercise test on an ergometric treadmill, and HRV using a heart rate monitor, during 10 minutes at rest. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in HRV parameters between the obese and eutrophic groups. However, when divided according to ACR, it was found that obese adolescents with lower ACR had lower values of RMSSD (p<0.05)compared to obese individuals with higher ACR levels. Conclusion: Low levels of ACR can lead to cardiac autonomic dysfunction in adolescents regardless of the presence of obesity.

Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estúdio fue verificar la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca (VFC) de niños y adolescentes según el estado nutricional (IMC) y el nivel de condición física. Metodología: El presente estúdio tuvo um diseño transversal, conformado por 52 adolescentes, de ambos sexos (48% niñas), com edades entre 10 y 17 años. La masa corporal se evaluó mediante una báscula digital electrónica, la circunferencia de la cintura mediante una cinta inelástica y el porcentaje de grasa estimado (%GC) mediante una ecuación de pliegues cutáneos mediante um adipómetro. La maduración somática se estimó utilizando la fórmula de Velocidad Máxima de Crecimiento (PVC). La aptitud cardiorrespiratoria (CRF) se evaluó mediante la prueba de ejercicio submáximo en cinta rodante y la VFC mediante un monitor de frecuencia cardíaca durante 10 minutos enreposo. Resultados: No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas em los parámetros de VFC entre los grupos obesos y eutróficos. Sin embargo, al dividir según ACR, se encontró que los adolescentes obesos con menor ACR tenían valores más bajos de RMSSD (p<0,05) em comparación com las personas obesas con niveles más altos de ACR. Conclusión: Los niveles bajos de ACR pueden provocar disfunción autonómica cardíaca en adolescentes independientemente de la presencia de obesidad.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Autonomic Nervous System , Cross-Sectional Studies , Minors , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Heart Rate , Obesity , Reference Standards , Skinfold Thickness , Body Mass Index , Physical Fitness , Adolescent , Methodology as a Subject , Exercise Test , Waist Circumference
Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1852-1862, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528792


SUMMARY: The primary aim was to gather available data published after the 2000s, on cardiovascular fitness in normal weight and obese children and adolescents. Based on the data, the secondary aims were to identify the most used outcomes and to determine the differences in cardiovascular fitness in the mentioned populations. Following PRISMA recommendations, multiple databases were searched: Google Scholar, PubMed, Cochrane Library, ProQuest, and Research Gate, with additional inclusion criteria: original study published in English, normal weight and obese children and adolescents as participant sample, studies that have assessed cardiovascular fitness parameters, and studies with participant's nutrition state. A total of 19 studies, with a total of 4,988 included participants (both obese and normal weight) were identified, with the most common participants have presented better results in terms of BMI, BF%, VO2max, VO2peak and METs, while the HR values are inconsistently presented. Despite deficiencies the study deficiency in the last two decades, there are differences in the mentioned populations. Further studies should focus on including the technology that reaches teens and families for overweight and obesity prevention and advancements in standard measurements for juvenile overweight and obesity, as well as for the creation, adaption, and validation of measuring instruments. As good framework for future directions, there is a need for more concise and unified measurements of cardiovascular fitness parameters in normally weight and obese children and adolescents.

El objetivo principal fue recopilar datos disponibles publicados después de la década del 2000 sobre la condición cardiovascular en niños y adolescentes con peso normal y obesos. En base a estos datos, los objetivos secundarios fueron identificar los resultados más utilizados y determinar las diferencias en la condición cardiovascular en las poblaciones mencionadas. Siguiendo las recomendaciones de PRISMA, se realizaron búsquedas en múltiples bases de datos: Google Scholar, PubMed, Cochrane Library, ProQuest y Research Gate, con criterios de inclusión adicionales: estudio original publicado en inglés, niños y adolescentes con peso normal y obesidad como muestra participante, estudios que hayan evaluado enfermedades cardiovasculares, parámetros de condición física y estudios con el estado nutricional de los participantes. Se identificaron un total de 19 estudios, con un total de 4.988 participantes incluidos (tanto obesos como con peso normal), siendo las variables más comunes: IMC, %BF, VO2máx, VO2pico, FC, PAD, PAS y MET. Generalmente, los participantes con peso normal han presentado mejores resultados en términos de IMC, %BF, VO2máx, VO2peak y MET, mientras que los valores de FC se presentan de manera inconsistente. Independientemente de la deficiencia de estudios en las últimas dos décadas, existen diferencias en las poblaciones mencionadas. Estudios futuros deberían centrarse en incluir tecnología que llegue a adolescentes y familias para la prevención del sobrepeso y la obesidad y avances en las mediciones estándar del sobrepeso y la obesidad juvenil, así como para la creación, adaptación y validación de instrumentos de medición. Como buen marco para direcciones futuras, se necesitan mediciones más concisas y unificadas de los parámetros de la condición cardiovascular en niños y adolescentes con peso normal y obesos.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Body Weight , Exercise , Heart Rate , Physical Endurance , Overweight
Pensar mov ; 21(2): e54959, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558640


Resumen Las ecuaciones de frecuencia cardiaca máxima (FCmax) se han utilizado por su fácil obtención y practicidad, en comparación con las pruebas de esfuerzo. Sin embargo, la ecuación más conocida "220 − edad" presenta baja fiabilidad y desviaciones de hasta 12 lat/min. Se han planteado nuevas fórmulas, pero estas no han sido correctamente validadas. El propósito de este estudio fue validar 7 ecuaciones de predicción utilizando una base de datos independiente. Se utiliza una base con datos de 634 sujetos (474 hombres y 160 mujeres) de 18-85 años, que fueron obtenidos como parte de un servicio de salud desarrollado en la Universidad de Michigan entre 1990-1992. Los sujetos realizaron una prueba de vO2max en banda sin fin, siguiendo un protocolo libre. Se utilizó la técnica de regresión lineal, en la que las ecuaciones adecuadas fueron aquellas que cumplieron con las dos hipótesis: pendiente = 1 y constante = 0. De acuerdo con los resultados, ninguna de las ecuaciones analizadas para toda la muestra aceptó ambas hipótesis. Al realizar el análisis de acuerdo con el sexo, seis de las ecuaciones cumplieron con las dos hipótesis para las mujeres, pero ninguna para los hombres; y, cuando se realizó de acuerdo con el grupo de edad, 4 de las ecuaciones cumplieron las hipótesis para el grupo de personas de 40 años o menos, pero no para el grupo de mayores de 40 años. La FCmax parece ser difícil de predecir por una única ecuación, por lo que se recomienda que, cuando se necesite una medida válida de esta variable, se recurra a una prueba directa.

Abstract Maximum heart rate equations (HRmax) have been used due to their easy availability and practicality, as compared to stress tests. However, the best-known equation, "220 - age", shows low reliability and deviations of up to 12 beats/min. New formulae have been proposed, but they have not been correctly validated. The purpose of this study was to validate 7 prediction equations by using and independent data base. A data base of 634 subjects (474 men and 160 women) from 18-85 years of age, obtained within a health service developed at the University of Michigan from 1990-1992, has been used. The subjects performed a vO2max test in a treadmill, following a free protocol. A linear regression technique was used in which the appropriate equations were those that met the two hypotheses: slope = 1 and constant = 0. According to the results, none of the equations analyzed for the full sample accepted both hypotheses. When doing the analysis by sex, six of the equations met the two hypotheses for the women, but none of them for the men; and when the analysis was done by age group, 4 of the equations met the hypotheses for the group 40 years old or younger, but not for those above 40. The HRmax seems to be difficult to predict through a single equation. Therefore, it is recommended that, when a valid measure for this variable is needed, a stress test be used.

Resumo As equações de predição da frequência cardíaca máxima (FCmax) têm sido utilizadas devido à sua facilidade de obtenção e praticidade, quando comparadas aos testes de esforço. No entanto, a equação mais conhecida "220 − idade" apresenta baixa confiabilidade e desvios de até 12 batimentos/min. Foram propostas novas fórmulas, entretanto não foram devidamente validadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi validar 7 equações de predição usando um banco de dados independente. Utiliza-se um banco de dados de 634 indivíduos (474 homens e 160 mulheres) com idades entre 18 e 85 anos, obtidos como parte de um serviço de saúde desenvolvido na Universidade de Michigan entre 1990-1992. Os sujeitos realizaram um teste de vO2máx em uma esteira, seguindo um protocolo livre. Utilizou-se a técnica de regressão linear, na qual as equações apropriadas foram aquelas que preencheram as duas hipóteses: inclinação = 1 e constante = 0. De acordo com os resultados, nenhuma das equações analisadas para toda a amostra aceitou ambas as hipóteses. Ao realizar a análise por sexo, seis das equações atenderam às duas hipóteses para as mulheres, mas nenhuma para os homens; e, quando realizadas de acordo com a faixa etária, 4 das equações atenderam às hipóteses para o grupo de pessoas com 40 anos ou menos, mas não para o grupo de pessoas com mais de 40 anos. A FCmax parece ser difícil de prever por uma única equação, por isso recomenda-se que, quando uma medida válida dessa variável for necessária, seja utilizado um teste direto.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Predictive Value of Tests , Heart Rate , Exercise Test
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(4): 451-456, dic. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528853


The purpose of this research was to compare the vital signs of ASA II patients undergoing dental implant surgery under intravenous anesthesia to those of ASA I patients. From a specialist course in Implant Dentistry, 41 medical records (22 ASA I and 19 ASA II patients) were analyzed. Age, gender, ASA classification, blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation were all measured. Pre-surgery, following the onset of local anesthetic, at the end of the initial implant insertion, and at the end of surgery were all used to collect vital signs. Student's t-test (p<0.05) was used to determine inter- and intra-group data associations. The crossing of operative moments pre-surgical and installation of the first implant in both systolic (p<=0.01) and diastolic (p<=0.03) pressure was statistically significant in ASA I patients. In contrast, there was only a statistical difference in the verification of peripheral oxygen saturation data at preoperative and local anesthesia times in ASA II patients (p<=0.04). When comparing the time of installation of the first implant (p<=0.03) and at the end of surgery (p<=0.02), with respect to systolic pressure, ASA II presented statistically higher, while variable oxygen saturation at the beginning of local anesthesia in ASA I was statistically higher (p<=0.04). It is proposed that intravenous sedation acts in a compensatory manner in patients with systemic disease, leading both groups' behavior to be similar.

El propósito de esta investigación fue comparar los signos vitales de pacientes ASA II sometidos a cirugía de implante dental bajo anestesia intravenosa con los de pacientes ASA I. Se analizaron 41 historias clínicas de un curso de especialista en Implantología (22 pacientes ASA I y 19 ASA II). Se midieron la edad, el sexo, la clasificación ASA, la presión arterial, la frecuencia cardíaca y la saturación de oxígeno. Se tomarn los signos vitales antes de la cirugía, después del inicio de la anestesia local, al final de la inserción inicial del implante y al final de la cirugía. Se utilizó la prueba t de Student (p<0,05) para determinar las asociaciones de datos entre e intragrupos. El cruce de los momentos operatorios prequirúrgicos y de instalación del primer implante tanto en la presión sistólica (p<=0,01) como en la diastólica (p<=0,03) fue estadísticamente significativo en los pacientes ASA I. En contraste, solo hubo diferencia estadística en la verificación de los datos de saturación periférica de oxígeno en el momento preoperatorio y de anes- tesia local en los pacientes ASA II (p<=0,04). Al comparar el tiempo de instalación del primer implante (p<=0,03) y al final de la cirugía (p<=0,02), con respecto a la presión sistólica, el ASA II se presentó estadísticamente mayor, mientras que la variable saturación de oxígeno al inicio de la anestesia local en El ASA I fue estadísticamente mayor (p<0,4). Se propone que la sedación intravenosa actúa de forma compensatoria en pacientes con enfermedad sistémica, lo que hace que el comportamiento de ambos grupos sea similar.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Surgery, Oral/methods , Dental Implants , Preanesthetic Medication/methods , Midazolam/administration & dosage , Midazolam/pharmacology , Anesthesia Recovery Period , Comorbidity , Retrospective Studies , Arterial Pressure/drug effects , Statistical Data , Heart Rate/drug effects , Anesthesia, Inhalation/methods
Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 31: e70565, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1451836


Objetivo: avaliar os efeitos de um programa de exercício resistido intradialítico sobre a qualidade do sono e a modulação autonômica cardíaca de pacientes em hemodiálise. Método: ensaio clínico não randomizado, realizado entre fevereiro de 2019 e outubro de 2020, com 52 indivíduos renais crônicos dialíticos, alocados em grupo intervenção (GI; n=32) e grupo controle (GC; n=20). O GI realizou 12 semanas de treinamento físico intradialítico, três vezes por semana. Foram mensurados índices de qualidade do sono e modulação autonômica cardíaca. Resultados: houve incremento nos índices desvio padrão dos intervalos batimento a batimento (SDNN) (ms) (p=0,0004), raiz quadrada da média do quadrado dos intervalos batimento a batimento adjacentes (RMSSD) (ms) (p<0,0001), desvio padrão 1 (SD1) (ms) (p=0,03) e razão desvio padrão 1/desvio padrão 2 (SD1/SD2) (p=0,0003). Não houve melhora da qualidade do sono. Conclusão: O exercício resistido intradialítico, é capaz de melhorar a modulação autonômica cardíaca em pacientes com doença renal crônica(AU)

Objective: to evaluate the effects of an intradialytic resistance exercise program on sleep quality and cardiac autonomic modulation in hemodialysis patients. Method: non-randomized clinical trial, carried out between February 2019 and October 2020, with 52 individuals with chronic renal failure on dialysis, divided into an intervention group (IG; n=32) and a control group (CG; n=20). The IG performed 12 weeks of intradialytic physical training, three times a week. Indices of sleep quality and cardiac autonomic modulation were measured. Results: there was an increase in the standard deviation indices of beat-to-beat intervals (SDNN) (ms) (p=0.0004), square root of the mean square of adjacent beat-to-beat intervals (RMSSD) (ms) (p<0. 0001), standard deviation 1 (SD1) (ms) (p=0.03) and standard deviation 1/standard deviation 2 (SD1/SD2) ratio (p=0.0003). There was no improvement in sleep quality. Conclusion: Intradialytic resistance exercise is able to improve cardiac autonomic modulation in patients with chronic kidney disease(AU)

Objetivo: evaluar los efectos de un programa de ejercicios de resistencia e intradialíticos sobre la calidad del sueño y la modulación autonómica cardíaca en pacientes en hemodiálisis. Método: ensayo clínico no aleatorizado, realizado entre febrero de 2019 y octubre de 2020, junto a 52 individuos en diálisis con insuficiencia renal crónica, divididos en grupo intervención (GI; n=32) y grupo control (GC; n=20). El GI realizó 12 semanas de entrenamiento físico intradialítico, tres veces por semana. Se midieron índices de calidad del sueño y modulación autonómica cardíaca. Resultados: hubo un aumento en los índices de desviación estándar de los intervalos entre latidos (SDNN) (ms) (p=0,0004), raíz cuadrada del cuadrado medio de los intervalos entre latidos adyacentes (RMSSD) (ms) (p<0,0001), desviación estándar 1 (DE1) (ms) (p=0,03) y relación desviación estándar 1/desviación estándar 2 (DE1/DE2) (p=0,0003). No hubo mejoría en la calidad del sueño. Conclusión: el ejercicio de resistencia intradialítico puede mejorar la modulación autonómica cardíaca en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Autonomic Nervous System , Renal Dialysis , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/therapy , Resistance Training/methods , Sleep Quality , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Heart Rate
Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao ; (6): 488-494, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986880


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the association between short-term exposure to indoor total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) and nocturnal heart rate variability (HRV) among young female adults.@*METHODS@#This panel study recruited 50 young females from one university in Beijing, China from December 2021 to April 2022. All the participants underwent two sequential visits. During each visit, real time indoor TVOC concentration was monitored using an indoor air quality detector. The real time levels of indoor temperature, relative humidity, noise, carbon dioxide and fine particulate matter were monitored using a temperature and humidity meter, a noise meter, a carbon dioxide meter and a particulate counter, respectively. HRV parameters were measured using a 12-lead Holter. Mixed-effects models were used to evaluate the association between the TVOC and HRV parameters and establish the exposure-response relationships, and two-pollutant models were applied to examine the robustness of the results.@*RESULTS@#The mean age of the 50 female subjects was (22.5±2.3) years, and the mean body mass index was (20.4±1.9) kg/m2. During this study, the median (interquartile range) of indoor TVOC concentrations was 0.069 (0.046) mg/m3, the median (interquartile range) of indoor temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide concentration, noise level and fine particulate matter concentration were 24.3 (2.7) ℃, 38.5% (15.0%), 0.1% (0.1%), 52.7 (5.8) dB(A) and 10.3 (21.5) μg/m3, respectively. Short-term exposure to indoor TVOC was associated with significant changes in time-domain and frequency-domain HRV parameters, and the exposure metric for most HRV parameters with the most significant changes was 1 h-moving average. Along with a 0.01 mg/m3 increment in 1 h-moving average concentration of indoor TVOC, this study observed decreases of 1.89% (95%CI: -2.28%, -1.50%) in standard deviation of all normal to normal intervals (SDNN), 1.92% (95%CI: -2.32%, -1.51%) in standard deviation of average normal to normal intervals (SDANN), 0.64% (95%CI: -1.13%, -0.14%) in percentage of adjacent NN intervals differing by more than 50 ms (pNN50), 3.52% (95%CI: -4.30%, -2.74%) in total power (TP), 5.01% (95%CI: -6.21%, -3.79%) in very low frequency (VLF) power, and 4.36% (95%CI: -5.16%, -3.55%) in low frequency (LF) power. The exposure-response curves showed that indoor TVOC was negatively correlated with SDNN, SDANN, TP, and VLF when the concentration exceeded 0.1 mg/m3. The two-pollutant models indicated that the results were generally robust after controlling indoor noise and fine particulate matter.@*CONCLUSION@#Short-term exposure to indoor TVOC was associated with significant negative changes in nocturnal HRV of young women. This study provides an important scientific basis for relevant prevention and control measures.

Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Air Pollutants/analysis , Heart Rate/physiology , Volatile Organic Compounds/analysis , Carbon Dioxide , Particulate Matter/adverse effects , Environmental Pollutants
Zhongguo zhenjiu ; (12): 1076-1080, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007445


Renying and Cunkou pulse diagnostic method is one of the important parts of the pulse diagnosis in Huangdi Neijing (Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor) and has been controversial since its proposal. This article takes WANG Shu-he's diagnostic operation as the evidence, and is in reference of the statement, "Cun region (the region ahead of Guan region of Cunkou) determines the human life, that on the left hand refers to Renying, while on the right hand is Qikou". The pulse conditions on the left and right hands represent yin and yang. If Renying pulse on the left is greater, the diseases are in yang meridians, while if Cunkou pulse on the right is bustling, the diseases are in yin meridians. By comparing the pulse condition and strength, as well as the pulse beating (rapid and urgent) between Guan region and region ahead of Guan on the same side, the conditions of three yang and three yin meridians are detected. In treatment, based on the records of Renying and Cunkou pulse diagnosis in Huangdi Neijing, the principles are proposed for reinforcing and reducing methods on hand and foot meridians of yin and yang. Five-shu points and yuan-source points are taken as the main acupoints in acupuncture treatment. During treatment, the changes in pulse conditions should be emphasized specifically and those at Renying and Cunkou regions are the criteria for judging qi arrival and qi regulation.

Humans , Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Foot , Hand , Heart Rate
Zhongguo zhenjiu ; (12): 1139-1147, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007457


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the effects on the heart rate variability (HRV) and the expression of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in the model rats of irritable bowel syndrome with predominant diarrhea (IBS-D) rats complicated with anxiety between moxibustion of "biaoben acupoint combination" and that of "conventional acupoint combination".@*METHODS@#Of 50 healthy SPF female SD rats, aged 3 months, 8 rats were selected randomly as a blank group, and the rest rats were prepared to be the model of IBS-D complicated with anxiety. Twenty-four rats after successfully modeled were randomized into a model group, a conventional acupoint combination group (convention group) and a biaoben acupoint combination group (biaoben group), 8 rats in each one. In the convention group, moxibustion was delivered at "Tianshu" (ST 25), "Zusanli"(ST 36) and "Shangjuxu"(ST 37); and in the biaoben group, moxibustion was applied to "Neiguan" (PC 6), "Zusanli" (ST 36), and "Guanyuan" (CV 4). One session of moxibustion took 20 min, once daily, for 14 days in total. Before and after intervention, the body mass and fecal moisture content were compared in the rats of each group; using abdominal wall withdrawal reflex, the visceral hypersensitivity was evaluated; with elevated plus maze (EPM) and light-dark box (LDB), the anxiety conditions were assessed. After intervention, HRV was compared among groups, the ultrastructure of intestinal mucosa was observed under the transmission electron microscope in the rats of each group, and ANP expression in the myocardial tissue was detected using Western blot method and immunofluorescence.@*RESULTS@#Before the intervention, compared with the blank group, the body mass and visceral pain threshold of rats were reduced in the model group, the convention group and the biaoben group (P<0.05), fecal moisture content and AWR scores (at the dilatation pressure of 40, 60 and 80 mm Hg, 1 mm Hg ≈ 0.133 kPa) were elevated (P<0.05); and time in the open arm, the open arm entry number and the total movement distance (EPM), the time spent in the light compartment, the number of dark to light transitions and the total transition distance (LDB) were decreased (P<0.05). After the intervention, compared with the blank group, in the model group, the body mass, visceral pain threshold, standard diviation of NN intervals (SDNN) and root mean square of successive RR interval differences (RMSSD) were dropped (P<0.05), fecal moisture content, AWR scores (the dilation pressures of 40, 60 and 80 mm Hg), LF/HF and ANP expression were increased (P<0.05), the time in open arm, the open arm entry number and the total movement distance (EPM), the time spent in the light compartment, the number of dark to light transitions and the total transition distance (LDB) were decreased (P<0.05). When compared with the model group, in the convention group and the biaoben group, the body mass, visceral pain threshold, SDNN and RMSSD were increased (P<0.05), fecal moisture content, AWR scores (the dilation pressures of 60 and 80 mm Hg), LF/HF and ANP expression were dropped (P<0.05), the time in open arm, the open arm entry number and the total movement distance (EPM), the time spent in the light compartment, the number of dark to light transitions and the total transition distance (LDB) were increased (P<0.05). In the biaoben group, compared with the convention group, the body mass, visceral pain threshold, SDNN and RMSSD were elevated (P<0.05), fecal moisture content, AWR score (the dilation pressure of 80 mm Hg), LF/HF and ANP expression were decreased (P<0.05), the time in open arm, the open arm entry number and the total movement distance (EPM), the time spent in the light compartment, the number of dark to light transitions and the total transition distance (LDB) were increased (P<0.05). The epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa showed a normal morphology in the blank group, the tight junction of the cells was disrupted and the junction was loose in the model group; the tight junction was imperfect in the convention group, but it was intact in the biaoben group.@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with the conventional acupoint combination, moxibustion of biaoben acupoint combination is more effective on the symptoms of IBS-D complicated with anxiety in the model rats. The effect mechanism may be related to attenuating anxiety-like negative emotions, positively regulating HRV, stabilizing IBS-D intestinal mucosal barrier and down-regulating the expression of ANP in myocardium.

Rats , Female , Animals , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/therapy , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Moxibustion/methods , Heart Rate , Atrial Natriuretic Factor , Acupuncture Points , Anxiety/therapy
Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao ; Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao;(6): 980-986, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008156


Visually induced motion sickness(VIMS)is the major barrier to be broken in the development of virtual reality(VR)technology,which seriously affects the progress in the VR industry.Therefore,the detection and evaluation of VIMS has become a hot research topic nowadays.We review the progress in physiological assessment of VIMS in VR based on several physiological indicators,including electroencephalogram(EEG),postural sway,eye movements,heart rate variability,and skin electrical signals,and summarize the available therapies,aiming to provide an outlook on the future research directions of VIMS.

Humans , Motion Sickness/diagnosis , Virtual Reality , Heart Rate
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 1577-1590, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010636


Respiration protocols have been developed to manipulate mental states, including their use for therapeutic purposes. In this systematic review, we discuss evidence that respiration may play a fundamental role in coordinating neural activity, behavior, and emotion. The main findings are: (1) respiration affects the neural activity of a wide variety of regions in the brain; (2) respiration modulates different frequency ranges in the brain's dynamics; (3) different respiration protocols (spontaneous, hyperventilation, slow or resonance respiration) yield different neural and mental effects; and (4) the effects of respiration on the brain are related to concurrent modulation of biochemical (oxygen delivery, pH) and physiological (cerebral blood flow, heart rate variability) variables. We conclude that respiration may be an integral rhythm of the brain's neural activity. This provides an intimate connection of respiration with neuro-mental features like emotion. A respiratory-neuro-mental connection holds the promise for a brain-based therapeutic usage of respiration in mental disorders.

Humans , Respiration , Brain , Hyperventilation , Heart Rate/physiology , Lung
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 1195-1199, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010925


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the predictive value of pulse infusion index (PPI) in the short-term prognosis of patients with sepsis-induced acute kidney injury (AKI).@*METHODS@#A retrospective cohort study was conducted. The clinical data of patients with sepsis-induced AKI admitted to intensive care unit (ICU) of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from July 2021 to December 2022 were enrolled. The basic information of the patients were collect, including age, gender, site of infection, underlying disease, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) at admission, as well as the use of mechanical ventilation and vasoactive drugs, and norepinephrine (NE) dosage. Laboratory indicators, sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score and PPI within 24 hours of admission were also recorded, and the patient's prognosis during ICU hospitalization was also recorded. The differences in clinical data between the patients of two groups with different prognosis were compared. Spearman correlation method was used to analyze the correlation between PPI and SOFA score. Binary multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to screen independent risk factors for death during ICU hospitalization in sepsis patients with AKI. Receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC curve) was plotted to evaluate the predictive value of PPI for the short-term prognosis of patients with sepsis-induced AKI.@*RESULTS@#A total of 102 patients with sepsis-induced AKI were enrolled, of which 70 patients in the survival group and 32 patients in the death group, with ICU mortality of 31.4. Compared with the survival group, SOFA score, HR, procalcitonin (PCT), serum creatinine (SCr), and NE dosage in the death group were significantly increased [SOFA score: 11.22±2.48 vs. 8.56±2.01, HR (bpm): 103.80±12.47 vs. 97.41±9.73, PCT (μg/L): 9.22 (5.24, 17.84) vs. 6.19 (3.86, 7.71), SCr (μmol/L): 163.2 (104.7, 307.9) vs. 125.5 (89.3, 221.0), Lac (mmol/L): 2.81 (1.95, 4.22) vs. 2.13 (1.74, 2.89), NE usage (μg×kg-1×min-1): 0.7 (0.4, 1.1) vs. 0.5 (0.2, 0.6), all P < 0.05], while PPI was significantly lower than that in survival group [0.83 (0.42, 1.55) vs. 1.70 (1.14, 2.20), P < 0.01]. Spearman correlation analysis showed that based on SOFA score, PPI was closely related to the severity of patients with sepsis-induced AKI (r = -0.328, P < 0.05). Binary multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that PPI [odds ratio (OR) = 0.590, 95% confidence interval (95%CI) was 0.361-0.966, P = 0.002], SOFA score (OR = 1.406, 95%CI was 1.280-1.545, P < 0.001), PCT (OR = 2.061, 95%CI was 1.267-3.350, P = 0.006) were independent risk factors of the short-term prognosis of patients with sepsis-induced AKI. ROC curve analysis showed that the area under the ROC curve (AUC) of PPI for death during ICU hospitalization in patients with sepsis-induced AKI was 0.779 (95%CI was 0.686-0.855, P < 0.001), which superior to PCT (AUC = 0.677, 95%CI was 0.577-0.766, P = 0.004), and similar to SOFA score (AUC = 0.794, 95%CI was 0.703-0.868, P < 0.001). When the cut-off value of PPI was 0.72, the sensitivity was 50.0%, and the specificity was 97.1%.@*CONCLUSIONS@#PPI has a good predictive value for the short-term prognosis of patients with sepsis-induced AKI during ICU hospitalization.

Humans , Heart Rate , Retrospective Studies , ROC Curve , Sepsis/complications , Prognosis , Procalcitonin , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Intensive Care Units
Sheng Li Xue Bao ; (6): 27-35, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970103


This study was designed to investigate the cardiovascular effects of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM) of anesthetized rats and its mechanism. Different doses of SO2 (2, 20, 200 pmol) or artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) were injected into the CVLM unilaterally or bilaterally, and the effects of SO2 on blood pressure and heart rate of rats were observed. In order to explore the possible mechanisms of SO2 in the CVLM, different signal pathway blockers were injected into the CVLM before the treatment with SO2 (20 pmol). The results showed that unilateral or bilateral microinjection of SO2 reduced blood pressure and heart rate in a dose-dependent manner (P < 0.01). Moreover, compared with unilateral injection of SO2 (2 pmol), bilateral injection of 2 pmol SO2 produced a greater reduction in blood pressure. Local pre-injection of the glutamate receptor blocker kynurenic acid (Kyn, 5 nmol) or soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) inhibitor 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ, 1 pmol) into the CVLM attenuated the inhibitory effects of SO2 on both blood pressure and heart rate. However, local pre-injection of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor NG-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 10 nmol) only attenuated the inhibitory effect of SO2 on heart rate but not blood pressure. In conclusion, SO2 in rat CVLM has cardiovascular inhibitory effects, and its mechanism is related to the glutamate receptor and NOS/cGMP signal pathways.

Animals , Rats , Heart Rate , Sulfur Dioxide , Blood Pressure , Cyclic GMP , Receptors, Glutamate
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971301


OBJECTIVE@#To use the low-cost anesthesia monitor for realizing anesthesia depth monitoring, effectively assist anesthesiologists in diagnosis and reduce the cost of anesthesia operation.@*METHODS@#Propose a monitoring method of anesthesia depth based on artificial intelligence. The monitoring method is designed based on convolutional neural network (CNN) and long and short-term memory (LSTM) network. The input data of the model include electrocardiogram (ECG) and pulse wave photoplethysmography (PPG) recorded in the anesthesia monitor, as well as heart rate variability (HRV) calculated from ECG, The output of the model is in three states of anesthesia induction, anesthesia maintenance and anesthesia awakening.@*RESULTS@#The accuracy of anesthesia depth monitoring model under transfer learning is 94.1%, which is better than all comparison methods.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The accuracy of this study meets the needs of perioperative anesthesia depth monitoring and the study reduces the operation cost.

Artificial Intelligence , Neural Networks, Computer , Heart Rate , Electrocardiography , Photoplethysmography/methods , Anesthesia
J. biomed. eng ; Sheng wu yi xue gong cheng xue za zhi;(6): 529-535, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981572


As one of the standard electrophysiological signals in the human body, the photoplethysmography contains detailed information about the blood microcirculation and has been commonly used in various medical scenarios, where the accurate detection of the pulse waveform and quantification of its morphological characteristics are essential steps. In this paper, a modular pulse wave preprocessing and analysis system is developed based on the principles of design patterns. The system designs each part of the preprocessing and analysis process as independent functional modules to be compatible and reusable. In addition, the detection process of the pulse waveform is improved, and a new waveform detection algorithm composed of screening-checking-deciding is proposed. It is verified that the algorithm has a practical design for each module, high accuracy of waveform recognition and high anti-interference capability. The modular pulse wave preprocessing and analysis software system developed in this paper can meet the individual preprocessing requirements for various pulse wave application studies under different platforms. The proposed novel algorithm with high accuracy also provides a new idea for the pulse wave analysis process.

Humans , Systems Analysis , Algorithms , Software , Heart Rate , Microcirculation
Chin. med. sci. j ; Chin. med. sci. j;(4): 1-10, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981596


Objective Dexmedetomidine is a highly selective alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist with sedative and analgesic properties but without respiratory depression effect and has been widely used in perioperative anesthesia. Here we performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the effect of dexmedetomidine on maintaining perioperative hemodynamic stability in elderly patients.Methods PubMed, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), and Wanfang Data were searched for randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) on the application of dexmedetomidine in maintaining perioperative hemodynamic stability in elderly patients from their inception to September, 2021. The standardized mean differences (SMD) with 95% confidence interval (CI) were employed to analyze the data. The random-effect model was used for the potential clinical inconsistency.Results A total of 12 RCTs with 833 elderly patients (dexmedetomidine group, 546 patients; control group, 287 patients) were included. There was no significant increase in perioperative heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in the dexmedetomidine group before and during the operation. In addition, the variations of hemodynamic indexes including HR, MAP, SBP (systolic blood pressure), and DBP were significantly lower in the dexmedetomidine group compared with the control group (HR: SMD = -0.87, 95% CI: -1.13 to -0.62; MAP: SMD = -1.12, 95% CI: -1.60 to -0.63; SBP: SMD = -1.27, 95% CI: -2.26 to -0.27; DBP: SMD = -0.96, 95% CI: -1.33 to -0.59). Subgroup analysis found that with the prolongation of 1.0 μg/kg dexmedetomidine infusion, the patient's heart rate declined in a time-dependent way.Conclusion Dexmedetomidine provides more stable hemodynamics during perioperative period in elderly patients. However, further well-conducted trials are required to assess the effective and safer doses of dexmedetomidine in elderly patients.

Humans , Aged , Dexmedetomidine/adverse effects , Hemodynamics , Hypnotics and Sedatives/pharmacology , Blood Pressure , Heart Rate