Perivascular epithelioid cell tumors constitute a family of mesenchymal tumors characterized by the concomitant expression of melanocytic and muscular markers. Gynecological perivascular epithelioid cell tumors are rare, encompassing about 25% of cases. Studies demonstrate an even rarer occurrence in the uterine cervix. In this article, we report a case of malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumors of the uterine cervix in a young patient, managed with total hysterectomy with unilateral salpingo- oophorectomy (due to suspected neoplasic involvement of the right ovary) and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy. Due to limited data, diagnosing these tumors is challenging. Given the uncertain biological behavior of this neoplasm, they should be considered potentially malignant and require long-term follow-up, despite the potential for late local recurrence and distant metastases. Surgical treatment involving complete resection of the lesion with clear margins remains the recommended option for this type of tumor until more consistent evidence can support adjuvant treatments.
Os tumores perivasculares de células epitelióides constituem uma família de tumores mesenquimais caracterizados pela expressão concomitante de marcadores melanocíticos e musculares. Tumores perivasculares de células epitelióides ginecológicos são raros, abrangendo cerca de 25% dos casos. Estudos demonstram uma ocorrência ainda mais rara no colo uterino. Neste artigo, relatamos um caso de tumor perivascular de células epitelióides maligno do colo uterino em paciente jovem, tratado com histerectomia total com salpingo-ooforectomia unilateral (por suspeita de envolvimento neoplásico do ovário direito) e linfadenectomia pélvica bilateral. Devido aos dados limitados, diagnosticar esses tumores é um desafio. Dado o comportamento biológico incerto desta neoplasia, devem ser consideradas potencialmente malignas e requerem seguimento a longo prazo, apesar do potencial de recorrência local tardia e metástases à distância. O tratamento cirúrgico envolvendo ressecção completa da lesão com margens claras continua sendo a opção recomendada para esse tipo de tumor até que evidências mais consistentes possam apoiar tratamentos adjuvantes.
Humans , Female , Adult , Ovary , Cervix Uteri , Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Neoplasms , Hysterectomy , Patients , Therapeutics , Diagnosis , Salpingo-oophorectomy , Lymph Node ExcisionABSTRACT
Introducción. La gastrectomía y disección ganglionar es el estándar de manejo para los pacientes con cáncer gástrico. Factores como la identificación de ganglios por el patólogo, pueden tener un impacto negativo en la estadificación y el tratamiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el recuento ganglionar de un espécimen quirúrgico después de una gastrectomía completa (grupo A) y de un espécimen con un fraccionamiento por grupos ganglionares (grupo B). Métodos. Estudio de una base de datos retrospectiva de pacientes sometidos a gastrectomía D2 en el Servicio de Cirugía gastrointestinal de la Liga Contra el Cáncer seccional Risaralda, Pereira, Colombia. Se comparó el recuento ganglionar en especímenes quirúrgicos con y sin división ganglionar por regiones anatómicas previo a su envío a patología. Resultados. De los 94 pacientes intervenidos, 65 pertenecían al grupo A y 29 pacientes al grupo B. El promedio de ganglios fue de 24,4±8,6 y 32,4±14,4 respectivamente (p=0,004). El porcentaje de pacientes con más de 15 y de 25 ganglios fue menor en el grupo A que en el grupo B (27 vs 57, p=0,432 y 19 vs 24, p=0,014). El promedio de pacientes con una relación ganglionar menor 0,2 fue mayor en el grupo B (72,4 % vs 55,4 %, p=0,119). Conclusiones. Los resultados de nuestro estudio mostraron que una división por grupos ganglionares previo a la valoración del espécimen por el servicio de patología incrementa el recuento ganglionar y permite establecer de manera certera el pronóstico de los pacientes, teniendo un impacto positivo en su estadificación, para evitar el sobretratamiento
Introduction. A gastrectomy and lymph node dissection is the standard of management for patients with gastric cancer. Factors such as the identification of nodes by the pathologist can have a negative impact on staging and treatment. The objective of this study was to compare the lymph node count of a surgical specimen after a complete gastrectomy (group A) and of a specimen with lymph node by groups (group B). Methods. Study of a retrospective database of patients undergoing D2 gastrectomy in the Risaralda section of the Liga Contra el Cancer Gastrointestinal surgical service, Pereira, Colombia. The lymph node count was compared in surgical specimens with and without lymph node division by anatomical regions, prior to sending them to pathology. Results. Of the 94 patients who underwent surgery, 65 were from group A and 29 patients were from group B. The average number of nodes was 24.4±8.6 and 32.4±14.4, respectively (p=0.004). The percentage of patients with more than 15 and 25 nodes was lower in group A than in group B (27 vs 57, p=0.432 and 19 vs 24, p=0.014). The average number of patients with a nodal ratio less than 0.2 was higher in group B (72.4% vs 55.4%, p=0.119). Conclusions. The results of our study showed that a division by lymph node groups prior to the evaluation of the specimen by the pathology service increases the lymph node count and allows the prognosis of patients to be accurately established, having a positive impact on their staging, to avoid overtreatment.
Humans , Stomach Neoplasms , Lymph Node Excision , Neoplasm Staging , Gastrectomy , Lymph Nodes , Lymphatic MetastasisABSTRACT
Background Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is the currently accepted standard of care for axillary staging in breast cancer (BRCa). The practice of SLNB in BRCa is limited in Ethiopia and the Eastern part of Africa. This study aimed to review a single institution's experience in Ethiopia on its practice regarding SLNB using only Methylene blue dye. Method A retrospective review was done on all patients diagnosed with invasive BRCa and who had undergone SLNB from October 1, 2020, to October 30, 2023. SLNB was performed using only Methylene blue dye with intradermal, sub-areolar, and peri-tumoral injections. SLNs were ultra-staged by multi-level sectioning; the remaining specimens were examined by conventional methods. The success rate and outcomes of the procedure were analyzed. Results Twenty female BRC a patients with clinically unremarkable axillae had Sentinel lymph node mapping (SLNM). Axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) was performed on all patients. The median age was 47.75 years ± 13.33. The procedure's success rate was 100%, identifying 1 to 6 SLNs and an average of 13.6 total LNs. Pathologic evaluation revealed metastases in 6 patients (30%). Three of these patients (50%) had metastasis only to SLNs. The other three patients (50%) also had metastasis to non-SLNs. There was no skip metastasis. Conclusion The use of blue dye alone in SLNB in our institution was successful. SLNB didn't eliminate the need for ALND due to the scarcity of frozen section technology and radiation therapy. Although the number of patients included would not enable us to make a statistically significant conclusion requiring collecting further data, our study showed that SLNB could accurately identify LN metastasis that might have been missed with a conventional examination of ALNs. This suggests that multiple sectioning of SLNs is extremely valuable in determining axillary metastasis, directly impacting subsequent management in resource-limited setups.
Humans , Male , Female , Radiotherapy , Technology , Breast Neoplasms , Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy , Standard of Care , Health Resources , Lymph Node Excision , Neoplasm Metastasis , Sentinel Lymph NodeABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos terapêuticos da Psicoterapia Breve Operacionalizada (PBO) na adaptação de mulheres diagnosticadas com câncer de mama e em tratamento oncológico. O câncer de mama mostra-se mobilizador de sofrimento psíquico para as mulheres tanto no diagnóstico quanto no tratamento, o que justifica identificar intervenções psicológicas adequadas para essa população. As participantes foram 17 mulheres com idade entre 30 e 65 anos. A Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada (EDAO) foi o instrumento utilizado para avaliação da adaptação em quatro setores: afetivo-relacional, produtividade, orgânico e sociocultural. Referida avaliação foi feita em três momentos: antes e após a intervenção breve, e no follow-up . A PBO foi a intervenção breve utilizada. Os resultados mostraram que o setor orgânico foi o mais comprometido, seguido do afetivo-relacional, com soluções pouquíssimo adequadas. Como foco da psicoterapia breve, a situação-problema mais recorrente se relacionava ao câncer de mama, que, na compreensão psicodinâmica, mostrou-se associada ao intenso desamparo egóico diante do adoecimento e tratamento oncológico. Na avaliação adaptativa final e follow-up , 82,4% das participantes apresentaram evolução de grupo adaptativo. Concluímos que, neste estudo, a intervenção com a PBO possibilitou efeitos terapêuticos na adaptação, reverberando na solução das situações-problema e na crise adaptativa por perda.(AU)
This study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effects of Operationalized Brief Psychotherapy (PBO) so women diagnosed with breast cancer could adapt to treatment. Breast cancer has mobilized psychological suffering for women during diagnosis and treatment, justifying the identification of the appropriate psychological interventions for this population. Participants included 17 women aged 30 to 65 years. Adaptative Operational Diagnostic Scale (EDAO) was used to evaluated adaptation in four sectors: affective-relational, productivity, organic, and sociocultural before and after a brief psychological intervention and follow-up. The PBO was used as the brief intervention. Results showed that the organic sector was the most compromised, followed by the affective-relational one, which showed very little adequate solutions. As a focus of brief psychotherapy, the most recurring problem-situation was related to breast cancer, which, in yjr psychodynamic understanding, was associated with the intense helplessness of the ego in the face of illness and treatment. In the final adaptative evaluation and follow-up, 82.4% of participants showed evolution in the adaptive group. This study concluded that the intervention with PBO enabled therapeutic effects in these participants' adaptation, reverberating in the solution of problem-situation and in the adaptive crisis by loss.(AU)
El propósito de este estudio fue investigar los efectos terapéuticos de la psicoterapia breve operacionalizada (PBO) en la adaptación de mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama y en tratamiento oncológico. El cáncer de mama moviliza sufrimiento psicológico para las mujeres tanto en el diagnóstico como en el tratamiento, lo que justifica identificar intervenciones psicológicas adecuadas para esta población. Participaron 17 mujeres de entre 30 y 65 años. El instrumento utilizado fue la Escala de Diagnóstico Adaptativo Operacionalizada (EDAO) para la evaluación adaptativa en cuatro sectores: afectivo-relacional, productividad, orgánico y sociocultural. La evaluación se realizó en tres momentos: antes, después de la intervención breve y en el seguimiento. La PBO fue la intervención breve utilizada. Los resultados mostraron que el sector orgánico fue el más comprometido, seguido por el afectivo-relacional con soluciones poquísimas adecuadas. Como foco de la psicoterapia breve, la situación-problema más recurrente estuvo relacionada con el cáncer de mama, que en la comprensión psicodinámica resultó estar asociada a un intenso desamparo ante la enfermedad y el tratamiento oncológico. En la evaluación adaptativa final y el seguimiento, el 82,4% de las participantes tuvieron evolución grupal adaptativa. Se concluye que la intervención con PBO permitió efectos terapéuticos en la adaptación de estos participantes, repercutiendo en la solución de situaciones-problema y en la crisis adaptativa por pérdida.(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Psychotherapy, Brief , Breast Neoplasms , Health , Diagnosis , Anxiety , Pain , Psychology , Recurrence , Rehabilitation , Shame , Solutions , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Therapeutics , Women , Bereavement , Adaptation, Psychological , Mastectomy, Radical , Homeopathic Cure , Disease , Follow-Up Studies , Aftercare , Life , Crisis Intervention , Death , Comprehension , Therapeutic Uses , Depression , Drug Therapy , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Efficiency , Fear , Return to Work , Physical Appearance, Body , Sadness , Psychological Distress , Psychological Well-Being , Lymph Node Excision , Medical OncologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Los tumores testiculares prepuberales representan menos del 1% de los tumores. Suelen ser tumores de células germinales (teratomas benignos y tumores del saco vitelino) y quistes epidermoides (benignos). La orquiectomía parcial se considera el manejo estándar, permitiendo preservación de la función testicular, con baja tasa de recurrencia. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar los tipos tumorales más frecuentes en la población de pacientes prepuberales con diagnóstico de masas testiculares. Método: Estudio observacional de tipo serie de casos de pacientes prepuberales con diagnóstico de masa testicular sometidos a orquiectomía radical, parcial o biopsia testicular, entre 2014 y 2020 en tres instituciones colombianas. Resultados: Se identificaron 21 pacientes; dos tenían antecedente de neoplasia linfoproliferativa. El tumor del saco vitelino se identificó como el tumor testicular más frecuente. Nueve fueron sometidos a orquiectomía parcial según los hallazgos de la biopsia por congelación. Tres pacientes recibieron quimioterapia adyuvante por el resultado histopatológico. La mediana de seguimiento fue de 26 meses. Un paciente requirió de linfadenectomía retroperitoneal y lobectomía por compromiso metastásico (actualmente libre de enfermedad); un paciente falleció por compromiso metastásico. Conclusiones: Identificamos el tumor del saco vitelino como el tumor testicular más frecuente. La biopsia por congelación constituye una herramienta confiable para el diagnóstico, que permite orientar el abordaje quirúrgico hacia un manejo conservador, pudiendo evitar la orquiectomía radical en pacientes prepuberales, preservando la estética, fertilidad y función hormonal a largo plazo.
Objective: Prepubertal testicular tumors represent less than 1% of tumors. These are usually germ cell tumors (benign teratomas and yolk sac tumors), and epidermoid cysts (benign). Partial orchiectomy is considered the standard management, allowing preservation of testicular function, with low recurrence rate. The aim of this study is to characterize the most frequent tumor types in the population of prepubertal patients diagnosed with testicular masses. Method: Observational case series study of prepubertal patients with diagnosis of testicular masses submitted to radical orchiectomy, partial or testicular biopsy, between 2014 and 2020 in three Colombian institutions. Results: Twenty-one patients were identified; two had a history of lymphoproliferative neoplasia. Yolk sac tumor was identified as the most frequent testicular tumor. Nine underwent partial orchiectomy based on freeze biopsy findings. Three patients received adjuvant chemotherapy based on histopathologic outcome. The median follow-up was 26 months. One patient required retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy and lobectomy for metastatic involvement (currently disease free); one patient died of metastatic involvement. Conclusions: We identified yolk sac tumor as the most frequent testicular tumor. Freezing biopsy is a reliable tool for diagnosis, which allows guiding the surgical approach towards a conservative management, avoiding radical orchiectomy in prepubertal patients, preserving aesthetics, fertility, and hormonal function in the long term
Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Testicular Neoplasms , Orchiectomy , Epidermal Cyst , Biopsy , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant , Endodermal Sinus Tumor , Neoplasms, Germ Cell and Embryonal , Germ Cells , Lymph Node ExcisionABSTRACT
The study "Oncological outcomes in non-seminomatous testicular tumors and residual mass after cisplatin-based chemotherapy" by Ocampo-Gómez et al., aims to describe the oncological outcomes of patients with clinical stages II and III non-seminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT) that developed residual masses (RMs) post-quimiotherapy and were treated with either retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) or observation1. Their findings highlight the superiority RPLND over observation, with higher rates of progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival, particularly in patients with stage II NSGCT
El estudio «Resultados oncológicos en tumores testiculares no seminomatosos y masa residual tras quimioterapia basada en cisplatino¼ de Ocampo-Gómez et al., tiene como objetivo describir los resultados oncológicos de pacientes con tumores de células germinales no seminomatosos (TCGNS) germinales no seminomatosos (NSGCT) que desarrollaron masas residuales (MRs) post-quimioterapia y que fueron tratados bien con disección de ganglios linfáticos retroperitoneales (DGLRP) u observación1. Sus resultados destacan la superioridad de la RPLND sobre la observación, con mayores tasas de supervivencia libre de progresión (SLP) y supervivencia global, especialmente en pacientes con NSGCT en estadio II.
Humans , Male , Testicular Neoplasms , Cisplatin , Drug Therapy , Progression-Free Survival , Germ Cells , Lymph Node ExcisionABSTRACT
Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas y patológicas de los pacientes con tumor germinal testicular tipo seminoma con masa residual posquimioterapia (post-QT) con marcadores tumorales negativos llevados a linfadenectomía retroperitoneal (LRP). Método: Se incluyeron pacientes con TGTS y masa residual post-QT entre el año 2007-2021 en nuestra institución. Los datos fueron obtenidos mediante la evaluación retrospectiva de nuestra base de datos electrónica. Resultados: Nueve pacientes cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Según la estadificación del TNM, seis pacientes eran pT1, mientras que tres (33,3%) eran N2 y N3. La mayoría de los pacientes, cinco en total, tenían un estadio clínico IIC y todos los pacientes se clasificaron como riesgo bueno según la clasificación del International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group (IGCCCG). Se observaron cinco pacientes, tres fueron intervenidos con LRP y solo uno recibió QT. Solo en dos pacientes llevados a LRP se logró una resección completa de la masa y se encontró tumor viable en el 66,6% de los pacientes llevados a cirugía. Conclusión: En nuestra experiencia la LRP es viable en este tipo de pacientes, logrando la resección completa en la mayoría de los casos. Cuando no se logra una resección completa es imprescindible ofrecer tratamientos adicionales
Objective: We aim to describe the clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with seminomatous germ cell tumour (SGCT) and residual masses following chemotherapy (CTX) with negative tumor markers taken to retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RLND). Method: We included patients with SGCT and had a residual mass after CTX between 2007 and 2021 in our institution. Data was obtained in a retrospective fashion from our electronic database. Results: A total of 9 patients match the inclusion criteria. Above 66% of patients were Pt1, most of them were N2 (33.3%) and N3 (33.3%), 55.5% had a IIC clinical stage and all the patients had good risk following the International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group (IGCCCG) classification. The majority of the patients were observed (55.5%), 33.3% were taken to RLND and one patient received CTX. Almost 66.6% of the patients taken to RLND had a complete resection of the mass and had viable tumor in 66.6% of the cases. Conclusions: In our retrospective study the RLND is a good option for these patients and allows a complete resection in most of the cases. When a complete resection is not possible is necessary to offer additional treatments
Humans , Male , Patients , Risk , Retrospective Studies , Seminoma , Neoplasms, Germ Cell and Embryonal , Lymph Node Excision , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Introducción: La escisión completa del mesocolon con linfadenectomía D3 (CME-D3) mejora los resultados de los pacientes operados por cáncer del colon. Reconocer adecuadamente la anatomía vascular es fundamental para evitar complicaciones. Objetivo: El objetivo primario fue determinar la prevalencia de las variaciones anatómicas de la arteria mesentérica superior (AMS) y sus ramas en relación a la vena mesentérica superior (VMS). El objetivo secundario fue evaluar la asociación entre las distintas variantes anatómicas y el sexo y la etnia de lo pacientes. Diseño: Estudio de corte transversal. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron 225 pacientes con cáncer del colon derecho diagnosticados entre enero 2017 y diciembre de 2020. Dos radiólogos independientes describieron la anatomía vascular observada en las tomografías computadas. Según la relación de las ramas de la AMS con la VMS, la población fue dividida en 2 grupos y subdividida en 6 (1a-c, 2a-c). Resultados: La arteria ileocólica fue constante, transcurriendo en el 58,7% de los casos por la cara posterior de la VMS. La arteria cólica derecha, presente en el 39,6% de los pacientes, cruzó la VMS por su cara anterior en el 95,5% de los casos. La variante de subgrupo más frecuente fue la 2a seguida por la 1a (36,4 y 24%, respectivamente). No se encontró asociación entre las variantes anatómicas y el sexo u origen étnico. Conclusión: Las variaciones anatómicas de la AMS y sus ramas son frecuentes y no presentan un patrón predominante. No hubo asociación entre las mismas y el sexo u origen étnico en nuestra cohorte. El reconocimiento preoperatorio de estas variantes mediante angiotomografía resulta útil para evitar lesiones vasculares durante la CME-D3. (AU)
Background: Complete mesocolic excision with D3 lymphadenectomy (CME-D3) improves the outcomes of patients operated on for colon cancer. Proper recognition of vascular anatomy is essential to avoid complications. Aim: Primary outcome was to determine the prevalence of anatomical variations of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and its branches in relation to the superior mesenteric vein (SMV). Secondary outcome was to evaluate the association between these anatomical variations and sex and ethnicity of the patients. Design: Cross-sectional study. Material and methods: Two hundred twenty-fivepatients with right colon cancer diagnosed between January 2017 and December 2020 were included. Two independent radiologists described the vascular anatomy of computed tomography scans. The population was divided into 2 groups and subdivided into 6 groups (1a-c, 2a-c), according to the relationship of the SMA and its branches with the SMV. Results: The ileocolic artery was constant, crossing the SMV posteriorly in 58.7% of the cases. The right colic artery, present in 39.6% of the patients, crossed the SMV on its anterior aspect in 95.5% of the cases. The most frequent subgroup variant was 2a followed by 1a (36.4 and 24%, respectively). No association was found between anatomical variants and gender or ethnic origin. Conclusions: The anatomical variations of the SMA and its branches are common, with no predominant pattern. There was no association between anatomical variations and gender or ethnic origin in our cohort. Preoperative evaluation of these variations by computed tomography angi-ography is useful to avoid vascular injuries during CME-D3. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Colon, Ascending/anatomy & histology , Colon, Ascending/blood supply , Lymph Node Excision , Mesocolon/surgery , Argentina , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mesenteric Artery, Superior/anatomy & histology , Sex Distribution , Colectomy/methods , Ethnic Distribution , Anatomic Variation , Mesenteric Veins/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Validar la técnica de ganglio centinela utilizando verde de indocianina en la estadificación del cáncer de endometrio. Método: Realizamos un estudio prospectivo entre enero y diciembre de 2021. Se incluyeron todas las pacientes portadoras de cáncer de endometrio clínicamente en etapa 1, de todos los grados de diferenciación e histologías. Todas las pacientes fueron sometidas a una estadificación laparoscópica. Se inició el procedimiento con identificación de ganglio centinela utilizando verde de indocianina. Posteriormente, se completó la cirugía de estadiaje estándar en todas las pacientes. Los ganglios centinelas fueron procesados con técnica de ultraestadiaje. Resultados: Se incluyeron 33 pacientes. El 81% presentaron histología endometrioide. El 100% fueron sometida además a una linfadenectomía pelviana estándar y el 20% a una linfadenectomía paraaórtica simultáneamente. Se detectó al menos un ganglio centinela en el 100% de los casos. La detección bilateral ocurrió en el 90,9%. La localización más frecuente fue la fosa obturatriz y la arteria hipogástrica. Obtuvimos una sensibilidad del 90% para detectar enfermedad ganglionar y un valor predictivo negativo del 95,8%. Conclusiones: La técnica de ganglio centinela utilizando verde de indocianina es replicable. Los resultados de nuestra serie nos permiten realizar procedimientos menos agresivos al estadificar el cáncer de endometrio.
Objective: To validate sentinel node mapping using indocyanine green in endometrial cancer staging. Method: A prospective study was conducted between January and December 2021. All patients with clinically stage 1 endometrial cancer, of all grades and histologies were included. All patients underwent laparoscopic staging. The procedure began with identification of the sentinel node using indocyanine green. Subsequently, standard staging surgery was completed in all patients. Sentinel nodes were processed using ultrastaging technique. Results: Thirty-three patients were enrolled. 81% of cases had endometrioid histology. All patients also underwent a standard pelvic lymphadenectomy and in 20% of cases a para-aortic lymphadenectomy. At least one sentinel node was detected in 100% of the cases. Bilateral detection occurred in 90.9%. The most frequent location was obturator fossa and hypogastric artery. Sensitivity to detect lymph node disease was 90% and negative predictive value 95.8%. Conclusions: Sentinel lymph node mapping using indocyanine green is a replicable technique. Our results allows us to perform less aggressive procedures in endometrial cancer staging.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Endometrial Neoplasms/diagnosis , Endometrial Neoplasms/pathology , Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy/methods , Predictive Value of Tests , Prospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Endometrial Neoplasms/surgery , Indocyanine Green , Lymph Node Excision , Neoplasm Staging/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: La biopsia selectiva del ganglio centinela (BSGC) en cáncer de mama es el método estándar para estadificación axilar en pacientes con axila clínicamente negativa. Estudios indican evitar linfadenectomía axilar en pacientes con BSGC negativas incluyendo aquellos que recibieron previamente quimioterapia neoadyuvante (QTN). El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar la eficacia de la BSGC en detectar ganglios centinela posterior QTN en un instituto oncológico de referencia en Ecuador. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico y retrospectivo, realizado en Hospital SOLCA Guayaquil, durante el período enero 2015 a diciembre 2020. Se evaluaron 81 pacientes con cáncer de mama con axila clínicamente negativa que recibieron QTN previo a cirugía. Las variables son biopsia de ganglio centinela, quimioterapia neoadyuvante, precisión diagnóstica y estadificación axilar. Se consideró el Odds Ratio del 95%, con una P<0.05. Resultados: De 81 pacientes operados, 52 pacientes recibieron BSGC con muestreo detectándose ganglio centinela en 92.3% de los casos. El porcentaje de falsos negativos es 21.7% posterior a QTN. Los 29 pacientes restantes recibieron linfadenectomía axilar. Conclusión: La BSGC es efectiva para detectar el ganglio centinela en pacientes con cáncer de mama y axila clínicamente negativa, incluso después de la quimioterapia neoadyuvante. Sin embargo, existe un riesgo significativo de falsos negativos después de la QTN, lo que puede llevar a la necesidad de realizar una linfadenectomía axilar adicional para una evaluación más precisa de la estadificación axilar.
Introduction: Selective sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) in breast cancer is the standard method for axillary staging in patients with clinically negative axilla. Studies indicate avoiding axillary lymphadenectomy in patients with negative SLNB, including those who previously received neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NQT). This study aims to determine the efficacy of SLNB in detecting sentinel lymph nodes after QTN in a reference cancer institute in Ecuador. Materials and Methods: An observational, analytical, and retrospective study was conducted at Hospital SOLCA Guayaquil from January 2015 to December 2020. Eighty-one clinically negative axillary breast cancer patients who received CTN before surgery were evaluated. The variables are sentinel node biopsy, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, diagnostic accuracy, and axillary staging. An odds ratio of 95% was considered, with P <0.05. Results: Of 81 operated patients, 52 received SLNB, with sampling detecting sentinel nodes in 92.3% of the cases. The percentage of false negatives is 21.7% after QTN. The remaining 29 patients received axillary lymphadenectomy. Conclusion: SLNB effectively detects the sentinel node in patients with clinically negative breast and axillary cancer, even after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. However, there is a significant risk of false negatives after CTN, which may lead to the need to perform additional axillary lymphadenectomy for a more accurate assessment of axillary staging.
Humans , Adult , Biopsy , Sentinel Lymph Node , Lymph Node Excision , General Surgery , Breast Neoplasms , Neoadjuvant Therapy , Observational StudyABSTRACT
Introducción: El muestreo y la linfadenectomía completa son técnicas de acceso al mediastino. Su evaluación permite definir la conducta en el enfermo con cáncer del pulmón. Objetivo: Determinar los resultados de supervivencia en los enfermos con lesiones resecables por cáncer de pulmón con linfadenectomía completa o linfadenectomía por muestreo. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal tipo serie de casos en 118 pacientes con lesiones resecables de cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas. El total de pacientes se subdividieron en dos grupos. A los 73 enfermos pertenecientes al grupo A se les realizó linfadenectomía por muestreo (1996-2010), mientras que a los 45 del grupo B se les realizó linfadenectomía completa (2011-2019). Se analizaron las complicaciones y la supervivencia a los cinco años. Resultados: Se resecaron mayor cantidad de ganglios por paciente y por regiones en la linfadenectomía completa, con una supervivencia de 50,6 por ciento, superior al 39,7por ciento obtenido en el grupo donde se realizó un muestreo. No se recogieron complicaciones inherentes a las técnicas quirúrgicas. Conclusiones: Los pacientes operados con resección y linfadenectomía completa tuvieron mayor sobrevida que los intervenidos mediante resección y linfadenectomía por muestreo(AU)
Introduction: Sampling or complete lymphadenectomy are techniques for accessing the mediastinum. Their assessment allows to define the approach in patients with lung cancer. Objective: To determine survival outcomes in ill patients with resectable lesions due to lung cancer after complete or sampling lymphadenectomies. Methods: A longitudinal case series study was performed in 118 patients with resectable lesions of nonsmall-cell lung cancer. All the patients were divided into two groups. The 73 ill patients from group A underwent sampling lymphadenectomy (1996-2010), while the 45 patients from group B underwent complete lymphadenectomy (2011-2019). Complications and five-year survival were analyzed. Results: A higher amount of nodes were resected per patient and per region in complete lymphadenectomy, with a survival of 50.6 por ciento, higher than the 39.7 por ciento corresponding to the sampling group. No complications inherent to the surgical techniques were collected. Conclusions: Patients operated on by resection and complete lymphadenectomy had higher survival figures than those operated on by resection and sampling lymphadenectomy(AU)
Humans , Lung Neoplasms/etiology , Lymph Node Excision/methodsABSTRACT
El cáncer de vulva representa 1 % de los cánceres en mujeres; el carcinoma neuroendocrino de vulva es extremadamente raro, con menos de 20 casos publicados. Su comportamiento es muy agresivo produciendo recurrencias locales tempranas, metástasis a ganglios linfáticos y a distancia. Se describe el caso de una paciente de 60 años de edad, quien consultó por lesión vulvar de 6 meses de evolución, con extensión a tercio inferior de uretra y vagina y plastrón ganglionar inguinal izquierda. La biopsia de vulva reportó neoplasia maligna de células redondas y el resultado de la inmunohistoquímica fue compatible con carcinoma neuroendocrino. Recibió quimioterapia y radioterapia concurrente, evidenciando respuesta completa en vulva y parcial en región inguinal, posteriormente se realizó linfadenectomía inguinofemoral bilateral. El carcinoma neuroendocrino de vulva debe ser considerado al momento de manejar patología vulvar maligna, el diagnóstico oportuno requiere histología e inmunohistoquímica para establecer un pronóstico y tratamiento adecuados(AU)
Vulvar cancer represents 1% of cancers in women; vulvar neuroendocrine carcinoma is extremely rare, with less than 20 published cases. Its behavior is very aggressive, producing early local recurrences, lymph node and distant metastases. The case of a 60-year-old patient who consulted for a vulvar lesion of 6 months of evolution, with extension to the lower third of the urethra and vagina and left inguinal nodal plastron is described. The vulvar biopsy reported malignant round cell neoplasm and the immunohistochemistry result was compatible with neuroendocrine carcinoma. She received concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy, evidencing a complete response in the vulva and a partial response in the inguinal region. Later, bilateral inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy was performed. Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the vulva should be considered when managing malignant vulvar pathology, timely diagnosis requires histology and immunohistochemistry to establish an adequate prognosis and treatment(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Radiotherapy , Vulva , Carcinoma, Neuroendocrine/diagnosis , Drug Therapy , Lymph Node Excision , Prognosis , Biopsy , Immunohistochemistry , Neoplasm MetastasisABSTRACT
Introducción: El melanoma del ano es una neoplasia maligna de baja incidencia, con un pronóstico poco favorable y clínica inespecífica. Su diagnóstico temprano es fundamental en la sobrevida del paciente. Se presenta un caso de melanoma del margen anal con metástasis inguinal unilateral. Se realizó biopsia excisional mediante resección local con margen de seguridad amplio y linfadenectomía inguinal diferida, sin tratamiento adyuvante. A los 18 meses de seguimiento no evidencia recidiva local y/o a distancia. (AU)
Anal melanoma is a malignant neoplasm of low incidence, with an unfavorable prognosis and non-specific symptoms. Its early diagnosis is essential for patient survival. A case of melanoma of the anal margin with unilateral inguinal metastasis is presented. Wide local resection and delayed inguinal lymphadenectomy, without adjuvant treatment, was performed At 18-month follow-up, there was no evidence of local and/or distant recurrence. (AU)
Humans , Male , Aged , Anus Neoplasms/surgery , Anus Neoplasms/diagnosis , Lymphatic Metastasis/pathology , Melanoma/surgery , Melanoma/diagnosis , Follow-Up Studies , Groin/surgery , Lymph Node Excision , Melanoma/pathologyABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the treatment and prognosis of patients with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 2018 stage Ⅲc cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Methods: A total of 488 patients at Zhejiang Cancer Hospital between May, 2013 to May, 2015 were enrolled. The clinical characteristics and prognosis were compared according to the treatment mode (surgery combined with postoperative chemoradiotherapy vs radical concurrent chemoradiotherapy). The median follow-up time was (96±12) months ( range time from 84 to 108 months). Results: (1) The data were divided into surgery combined with chemoradiotherapy group (surgery group) and concurrent chemoradiotherapy group (radiotherapy group), including 324 cases in the surgery group and 164 cases in the radiotherapy group. There were significant differences in Eastern Cooperation Oncology Group (ECOG) score, FIGO 2018 stage, large tumors (≥4 cm), total treatment time and total treatment cost between the two groups (all P<0.01). (2) Prognosis: ① for stage Ⅲc1 patients, there were 299 patients in the surgery group with 250 patients survived (83.6%). In the radiotherapy group, 74 patients survived (52.9%). The difference of survival rates between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.001). For stage Ⅲc2 patients, there were 25 patients in surgery group with 12 patients survived (48.0%). In the radiotherapy group, there were 24 cases, 8 cases survived, the survival rate was 33.3%. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.296). ② For patients with large tumors (≥4 cm) in the surgery group, there were 138 patients in the Ⅲc1 group with 112 patients survived (81.2%); in the radiotherapy group, there were 108 cases with 56 cases survived (51.9%). The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.001). Large tumors accounted for 46.2% (138/299) vs 77.1% (108/140) in the surgery group and radiotherapy group. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.001). Further stratified analysis, a total of 46 patients with large tumors of FIGO 2009 stage Ⅱb in the radiotherapy group were extracted, and the survival rate was 67.4%, there was no significant difference compared with the surgery group (81.2%; P=0.052). ③ Of 126 patients with common iliac lymph node, 83 patients survived, with a survival rate of 65.9% (83/126). In the surgery group, 48 patients survived and 17 died, with a survival rate of 73.8%. In the radiotherapy group, 35 patients survived and 26 died, with a survival rate of 57.4%. There were no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.051). (3) Side effects: the incidence of lymphocysts and intestinal obstruction in the surgery group were higher than those in the radiotherapy group, and the incidence of ureteral obstruction and acute and chronic radiation enteritis were lower than those in the radiotherapy group, and there were statistically significant differences (all P<0.01). Conclusions: For stage Ⅲc1 patients who meet the conditions for surgery, surgery combined with postoperative adjuvant chemoradiotherapy and radical chemoradiotherapy are acceptable treatment methods regardless of pelvic lymph node metastasis (excluding common iliac lymph node metastasis), even if the maximum diameter of the tumor is ≥4 cm. For patients with common iliac lymph node metastasis and stage Ⅲc2, there is no significant difference in the survival rate between the two treatment methods. Based on the duration of treatment and economic considerations, concurrent chemoradiotherapy is recommended for the patients.
Female , Humans , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/pathology , Neoplasm Staging , Lymphatic Metastasis , Lymph Node Excision , Retrospective Studies , Prognosis , Chemoradiotherapy/methods , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/pathologyABSTRACT
Objectives: To evaluate the positive rate of left posterior lymph nodes of the superior mesenteric artery (14cd-LN) in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic head carcinoma,to analyze the impact of 14cd-LN dissection on lymph node staging and tumor TNM staging. Methods: The clinical and pathological data of 103 consecutive patients with pancreatic cancer who underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy at Pancreatic Center,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from January to December 2022 were analyzed,retrospectively. There were 69 males and 34 females,with an age(M (IQR))of 63.0 (14.0) years (range:48.0 to 86.0 years). The χ2 test and Fisher's exact probability method was used for comparison of the count data between the groups,respectively. The rank sum test was used for comparison of the measurement data between groups. Univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analyzes were used for the analysis of risk factors. Results: All 103 patients underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy successfully using the left-sided uncinate process and the artery first approach. Pathological examination showed pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in all cases. The location of the tumors was the pancreatic head in 40 cases,pancreatic head-uncinate in 45 cases,and pancreatic head-neck in 18 cases. Of the 103 patients,38 cases had moderately differentiated tumor and 65 cases had poorly differentiated tumor. The diameter of the lesions was 3.2 (0.8) cm (range:1.7 to 6.5 cm),the number of lymph nodes harvested was 25 (10) (range:11 to 53),and the number of positive lymph nodes was 1 (3) (range:0 to 40). The lymph node stage was stage N0 in 35 cases (34.0%),stage N1 in 43 cases (41.7%),and stage N2 in 25 cases (24.3%). TNM staging was stage ⅠA in 5 cases (4.9%),stage ⅠB in 19 cases (18.4%),stage ⅡA in 2 cases (1.9%),stage ⅡB in 38 cases (36.9%),stage Ⅲ in 38 cases (36.9%),and stage Ⅳ in 1 case (1.0%). In 103 patients with pancreatic head cancer,the overall positivity rate for 14cd-LN was 31.1% (32/103),and the positive rates for 14c-LN and 14d-LN were 21.4% (22/103) and 18.4% (19/103),respectively. 14cd-LN dissection increased the number of lymph nodes (P<0.01) and positive lymph nodes (P<0.01). As a result of the 14cd-LN dissection,the lymph node stage was changed in 6 patients,including 5 patients changed from N0 to N1 and 1 patient changed from N1 to N2. Similarly,the TNM stage was changed in 5 patients,including 2 patients changed from stage ⅠB to ⅡB,2 patients changed from stage ⅡA to ⅡB,and 1 patient changed from stage ⅡB to Ⅲ. Tumors located in the pancreatic head-uncinate (OR=3.43,95%CI:1.08 to 10.93,P=0.037) and the positivity of 7,8,9,12 LN (OR=5.45,95%CI:1.45 to 20.44,P=0.012) were independent risk factors for 14c-LN metastasis; while tumors with diameter >3 cm (OR=3.93,95%CI:1.08 to 14.33,P=0.038) and the positivity of 7,8,9,12 LN (OR=11.09,95%CI:2.69 to 45.80,P=0.001) were independent risk factors for 14d-LN metastasis. Conclusion: Due to its high positive rate in pancreatic head cancer,dissection of 14cd-LN during pancreaticoduodenectomy should be recommended,which can increase the number of lymph nodes harvested,provide a more accurate lymph node staging and TNM staging.
Male , Female , Humans , Pancreaticoduodenectomy/methods , Retrospective Studies , Prognosis , Lymph Node Excision/methods , Lymph Nodes/pathology , Pancreatic Neoplasms/pathology , Neoplasm StagingABSTRACT
Esophageal cancer is a common malignant tumor in China. For resectable ones, surgery is still the primary treatment. At present, the extent of lymph node dissection remains controversial. Extended lymphadenectomy makes metastatic lymph nodes more likely to be resected, which contributed to pathological staging and postoperative treatment. However,it may also increase the risk of postoperative complications and affect prognosis. Therefore, it is controversial how to balance the optimal extent/number of dissected lymph nodes for radical resection with the lower risk of severe complications. In addition, whether the lymph node dissection strategy should be modified after neoadjuvant therapy needs to be investigated, especially for patients who have a complete response to neoadjuvant therapy. Herein, we summarize the clinical experience on the extent of lymph node dissection in China and worldwide, aiming to provide guidence for the extent of lymph node dissection in esophageal cancer.
Humans , Lymphatic Metastasis/pathology , Lymph Node Excision , Lymph Nodes/pathology , Prognosis , Esophageal Neoplasms/pathology , Neoplasm Staging , EsophagectomyABSTRACT
Due to the anatomical specificity of esophagus, esophagectomy can be carried out using different approaches, such as left transthoracic, right transthoracic and transhiatal approaches. Each surgical approach is associated with a different prognosis due to the complex anatomy. The left transthoracic approach is no longer the primary choice due to its limitations in providing adequate exposure, lymph node dissection, and resection. The right transthoracic approach is capable of achieving a larger number of dissected lymph nodes and is currently considered the preferred procedure for radical resection. Although the transhiatal approach is less invasive, it could be challenging to perform in a limited operating space and has not been widely adopted in clinical practice. Minimally invasive esophagectomy offers a wider range of surgical options for treating esophageal cancer. This paper reviews different approaches to esophagectomy.
Humans , Prognosis , Lymph Node Excision/methods , Lymph Nodes/pathology , Esophageal Neoplasms/pathology , Esophagectomy/methodsABSTRACT
Objective: We aimed to explore the feasibility of a single-port thoracoscopy- assisted five-step laparoscopic procedure via transabdominal diaphragmatic(TD) approach(abbreviated as five-step maneuver) for No.111 lymphadenectomy in patients with Siewert type II esophageal gastric junction adenocarcinoma (AEG). Methods: This was a descriptive case series study. The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) age 18-80 years; (2) diagnosis of Siewert type II AEG; (3) clinical tumor stage cT2-4aNanyM0; (4) meeting indications of the transthoracic single-port assisted laparoscopic five-step procedure incorporating lower mediastinal lymph node dissection via a TD approach; (5) Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) 0-1; and (6) American Society of Anesthesiologists classification I, II, or III. The exclusion criteria included previous esophageal or gastric surgery, other cancers within the previous 5 years, pregnancy or lactation, and serious medical conditions. We retrospectively collected and analyzed the clinical data of 17 patients (age [mean ± SD], [63.6±11.9] years; and 12 men) who met the inclusion criteria in the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine from January 2022 to September 2022. No.111 lymphadenectomy was performed using five-step maneuver as follows: superior to the diaphragm, starting caudad to the pericardium, along the direction of the cardio-phrenic angle and ending at the upper part of the cardio-phrenic angle, right to the right pleura and left to the fibrous pericardium , completely exposing the cardio-phrenic angle. The primary outcome includes the numbers of harvested and of positive No.111 lymph nodes. Results: Seventeen patients (3 proximal gastrectomy and 14 total gastrectomy) had undergone the five-step maneuver including lower mediastinal lymphadenectomy without conversion to laparotomy or thoracotomy and all had achieved R0 resection with no perioperative deaths. The total operative time was (268.2±32.9) minutes, and the lower mediastinal lymph node dissection time was (34.0±6.0) minutes. The median estimated blood loss was 50 (20-350) ml. A median of 7 (2-17) mediastinal lymph nodes and 2(0-6) No. 111 lymph nodes were harvested. No. 111 lymph node metastasis was identified in 1 patient. The time to first flatus occurred 3 (2-4) days postoperatively and thoracic drainage was used for 7 (4-15) days. The median postoperative hospital stay was 9 (6-16) days. One patient had a chylous fistula that resolved with conservative treatment. No serious complications occurred in any patient. Conclusion: The single-port thoracoscopy-assisted five-step laparoscopic procedure via a TD approach can facilitate No. 111 lymphadenectomy with few complications.
Male , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Diaphragm/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Feasibility Studies , Esophagogastric Junction/surgery , Lymph Node Excision/methods , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Laparoscopy/methods , Gastrectomy/methods , Esophageal Neoplasms/pathology , Adenocarcinoma/pathology , ThoracoscopyABSTRACT
The successful report of total mesorectal excision (TME)/complete mesocolic excision (CME) has encouraged people to apply this concept beyond colorectal surgery. However, the negative results of the JCOG1001 trial denied the effect of complete resection of the "mesogastrium" including the greater omentum on the oncological survival of gastric cancer patients. People even believe that the mesentery is unique in the intestine, because they have a vague understanding of the structure of the mesentery. The discovery of proximal segment of the dorsal mesogastrium (PSDM) proved that the greater omentum is not the mesogastrium, and further revised the structure (definition) of the mesentery and revealed its container characteristics, i.e. the mesentery is an envelope-like structure, which is formed by the primary fascia (and serosa) that enclose the tissue/organ/system and its feeding structures, leading to and suspended on the posterior wall of the body. Breakdown of this structure leads to the simultaneous reduction of surgical and oncological effects of surgery. People quickly realized the universality of this structure and causality which cannot be matched by the existing theories of organ anatomy and vascular anatomy, so a new theory and surgical map- membrane anatomy began to form, which led to radical surgery upgraded from histological en bloc resection to anatomic en bloc resection.
Humans , Fascia/anatomy & histology , Laparoscopy , Lymph Node Excision/methods , Mesentery/surgery , Mesocolon/surgery , Omentum , Serous Membrane , Clinical Trials as TopicABSTRACT
There is a consensus that selectively perform splenic lymph node dissection is necessary for high-risk patients with proximal gastric cancer to achieve radical treatment. However, there are still some outstanding issues that need to be solved during the practice of splenic lymph node dissection. These include poorly defined boundaries, technical difficulties, and blurred boundaries in No. 10 and No. 11 lymph nodes, etc. Membrane anatomy has achieved successful applications in the field of gastric and colorectal surgery in recent years. The study of membrane anatomy in the splenic hilum region is controversial due to the special location of the splenic hilum, which involves multiple organs and affiliated mesentery undergoing complex rotation, folding, and fusion during embryonic development. In this manuscript, we summarize the following points based on existing research and personal experience regarding membrane anatomy. 1. There is a membrane anatomical structure that can be used for lymph node dissection in the splenic hilum region. 2. The membrane structure in the splenic hilum region can be divided into two layers: the superficial layer is composed of the dorsal mesogastrium, and the deep layer is composed of Gerota fascia, the tail of the pancreas, and the mesentery of the transverse colon (from head to tail). 3. There is a loose space between the two layers that can be used for separation during surgery. The resection of the dorsal mesogastrium belongs to D2 dissection. The No. 10 lymph node in the deeper layer belongs to the duodenal mesentery, and the resection of the No.10 lymph node exceeds D2 dissection. The complete excision of the gastric dorsal mesentery is consistent with the D2+CME surgical mode proposed by Gong Jianping's group.