This paper reviews the research progress on live-cell super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, discusses the current research status and hotspots in this field, and summarizes the technological application of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy for live-cell imaging. To date, this field has gained progress in numerous aspects. Specifically, the structured illumination microscopy, stimulated emission depletion microscopy, and the recently introduced minimal photon fluxes microscopy are the current research hotspots. According to the current progress in this field, future development trend is likely to be largely driven by artificial intelligence as well as advances in fluorescent probes and relevant labelling methods.
Artificial Intelligence , Microscopy, Fluorescence , Fluorescent Dyes , TechnologyABSTRACT
By applying the in-silico method, resveratrol was docked on those proteins which are responsible for bone loss. The Molecular docking data between the resveratrol and Receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa-Β ligand [RANKL] receptors proved that resveratrol binds tightly to the receptors, showed the highest binding affinities of −6.9, −7.6, −7.1, −6.9, −6.7, and −7.1 kcal/mol. According to in-vitro data, Resveratrol reduced the osteoclasts after treating Marrow-Derived Macrophages [BMM] with Macrophage colony-stimulating factor [MCSF] 20ng / ml and RANKL 50ng / ml, with different concentrations of resveratrol (2.5, 10 μg / ml) For 7 days, the cells were treated with MCSF (20 ng / ml) and RANKL (40 ng / ml) together with concentrated trimethyl ether and resveratrol (2.5, 10 μg / ml) within 12 hours. Which, not affect cell survival. After fixing osteoclast cells with formaldehyde fixative on glass coverslip followed by incubation with 0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS for 5 min and after that stain with rhodamine phalloidin staining for actin and Hoechst for nuclei. Fluorescence microscopy was performed to see the distribution of filaments actin [F.actin]. Finally, resveratrol reduced the actin ring formation. Resveratrol is the best bioactive compound for drug preparation against bone loss.
Com a aplicação do método in-silico, o resveratrol foi ancorado nas proteínas responsáveis pela perda óssea. Os dados de docking molecular entre o resveratrol e o ligante do receptor ativador do fator nuclear kappa-Β [Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa-B Ligant (RANKL)] provaram que o resveratrol se liga fortemente aos receptores, mostraram as afinidades de ligação mais altas de −6,9, −7,6, −7,1, −6,9, - 6,7 e -7,1 kcal / mol. De acordo com dados in-vitro, o resveratrol reduziu os osteoclastos após o tratamento de macrófagos derivados da medula óssea [Bone Marrow derived Macrophage (BMM)] com fator estimulador de colônias de macrófagos [Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (MCSF)] 20ng / ml e RANKL 50ng / ml, com diferentes concentrações de resveratrol (2,5, 10 μg / ml). Durante sete dias, as células foram tratadas com MCSF (20 ng / ml) e RANKL (40 ng / ml) juntamente com éter trimetílico concentrado e resveratrol (2,5, 10 μg / ml) em 12 horas, processo que não afeta a sobrevivência celular. Após a fixação de células de osteoclastos com fixador de formaldeído em lamela de vidro seguido de incubação com 0,1% Triton X-100 em PBS por 5 min, foi realizado posteriormente o procedimento para corar com rodamina faloidina a actina e Hoechst os núcleos. A microscopia de fluorescência foi realizada para ver a distribuição dos filamentos de actina [F.actina]. Finalmente, o resveratrol reduziu a formação do anel de actina. O resveratrol é o melhor composto bioativo para o preparo de medicamentos contra a perda óssea.
Humans , Osteoporosis/drug therapy , Resveratrol/pharmacology , Microscopy, FluorescenceABSTRACT
Abstract Cervical cancer is a leading cause of death among women. The endocervical adenocarcinoma (ECA) represents an aggressive and metastatic type of cancer with no effective treatment options currently available. We evaluated the antitumoral and anti-migratory effects of hypericin (HYP) encapsulated on Pluronic F127 (F127/HYP) photodynamic therapy (PDT) against a human cell line derived from invasive cervical adenocarcinoma (HeLa) compared to a human epithelial cell line (HaCaT). The phototoxicity and cytotoxicity of F127/HYP were evaluated by the following assays: colorimetric assay, MTT, cellular morphological changes by microscopy and long-term cytotoxicity by clonogenic assay. In addition, we performed fluorescence microscopy to analyze cell uptake and subcellular distribution of F127/HYP, cell death pathway and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. The PDT mechanism was determined with sodium azide and D-mannitol and cell migration by wound-healing assay. The treatment with F127/HYP promoted a phototoxic result in the HeLa cells in a dose-dependent and selective form. Internalization of F127/HYP was observed mainly in the mitochondria, causing cell death by necrosis and ROS production especially by the type II PDT mechanism. Furthermore, F127/HYP reduced the long-term proliferation and migration capacity of HeLa cells. Overall, our results indicate a potentially application of F127/HYP micelles as a novel approach for PDT with HYP delivery to more specifically treat ECA.
Adenocarcinoma/pathology , Poloxamer/analogs & derivatives , Photochemotherapy/classification , HeLa Cells/classification , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/pathology , Sodium Azide/administration & dosage , Epithelial Cells/classification , Microscopy, Fluorescence/methods , Neoplasms/pathologyABSTRACT
Introduction Fluorescence guidance with 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) is a safe and reliable tool in total gross resection of intracranial tumors, especially malignant gliomas and cases of metastasis. In the present retrospective study, we have analyzed 5-ALA-induced fluorescence findings in different central nervous system (CNS) lesions to expand the indications of its use in differential diagnoses. Objectives To describe the indications and results of 5-ALA fluorescence in a series of 255 cases. Methods In 255 consecutive cases, we recorded age, gender, intraoperative 5-ALA fluorescence tumor response, and 5-ALA postresection status, as well the complications related to the method. Postresection was classified as '5-ALA free' or '5-ALA residual'. The diagnosis of histopathological tumor was established according to the current classification of the World Health Organization (WHO). Results There were 195 (76.4%) 5-ALA positive cases, 124 (63.5%) of whom underwent the '5-ALA free' resection. The findings in the positive cases were: 135 gliomas of all grades; 19 meningiomas; 4 hemangioblastomas; 1 solitary fibrous tumor; 27 metastases; 2 diffuse large B cell lymphomas; 2 cases of radionecrosis; 1 inflammatory disease; 2 cases of gliosis; 1 cysticercosis; and 1 immunoglobulin G4-related disease.
Brain Neoplasms/surgery , Surgery, Computer-Assisted/methods , Aminolevulinic Acid , Microscopy, Fluorescence/methods , Postoperative Care , Brain Neoplasms/pathology , Preoperative Care , Retrospective Studies , Neuronavigation/methods , Cerebrum/surgery , Cerebrum/pathology , Intraoperative Care , Latin America/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Vários estudos epidemiológicos estabelecem correlação positiva entre os níveis de ácido úrico sérico e o aumento do risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Fatores dietéticos e socioeconômicos, além da presença de comorbidades estão diretamente associados aos níveis séricos de ácido úrico. Países desenvolvidos apresentam maior incidência e prevalência da gota e alguns grupos étnicos são particularmente susceptíveis à hiperuricemia. Cristais de ácido úrico são descritos por iniciar e perpetuar resposta inflamatória, e sinalizar um padrão de resposta molecular associado ao dano (DAMP), permitindo a diferenciação de macrófagos para perfis pró-inflamatórios. Por outro lado, os efeitos do ácido úrico em sua forma solúvel ainda carecem de estudos. Macrófagos derivados de precursores monocíticos apresentam diferenciação específica e respondem a um conjunto de fatores extrínsecos, resultando em perfis distintos, um fenômeno conhecido como polarização. Assim, os macrófagos podem ser classicamente ativados para uma resposta Th1 (T helper 1) e polarizados a um perfil pró- inflamatório (M1, resposta Th1) ou a um perfil alternativo e oposto, um perfil de resolução da inflamação (M2, resposta Th2, T helper 2). Nesse sentindo, buscamos analisar os efeitos do ácido úrico solúvel sobre vias de modulação da polarização fenotípica de macrófagos e modificação redox. Utilizamos a linhagem monocítica humana THP-1, a qual foi diferenciada em macrófagossímile por acetato miristato de forbol (PMA; 5 ng.mL-1) por 48 h, seguidas da incubação com ácido úrico em meio ausente de tióis e soro fetal bovino por 8h ou 24h (0-1000 µM). A expressão de fatores de transcrição e marcadores de polarização foi realizada através de citometria de fluxo, western-blotting e por microscopia de fluorescência com alto conteúdo de imagens (HCI). Em concentrações fisiológicas, verificamos que o ácido úrico solúvel regulou positivamente a frequência de células para receptor manose CD206, um marcador clássico de perfil alternativo/M2 e regulou negativamente a expressão óxido nítrico sintase induzível (iNOS), um marcador M1, sugerindo inicialmente uma modulação para o perfil de polarização M2. Além disso, as proteínas redoxsensíveis, heme oxigenase-1 (HO-1) e tiorredoxina (Trx) tiveram sua expressão reduzida e aumentada, respectivamente, pelo tratamento com ácido úrico. Os fatores de transcrição Nrf2 e STAT3 tiveram regulação negativa após a exposição ao ácido úrico solúvel. Os resultados apresentados nesta tese sugerem uma função do urato no priming de macrófagos através da alteração da polarização destas células
Several epidemiological studies have established a positive correlation between high serum uric acid levels and increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. Developed countries have a higher incidence and prevalence of gout and some ethnic groups are particularly susceptible to hyperuricemia. Although hyperuricemia is a prevalent condition, it has still controversy biological consequences. Uric acid crystals are described as capable of initiating and perpetuating inflammatory responses, by activating the damage-associated molecular response pattern (DAMP) cascade, allowing macrophage differentiation to inflammatory profiles. In spite of that, biological response to soluble uric acid are not completely understood. Monocyte-derived macrophages respond to a set of extrinsic factors that result in different profiles and can be polarized to a proinflammatory (M1) or anti-inflammatory (M2) profile. In this thesis, we analyzed the effects of soluble uric acid on redox-modulated pathways and the phenotypic polarization of macrophages. We used human monocytic THP-1 cell line, differentiated into macrophage by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA; 5 ng.mL-1) for 48 h. After differentiation, cells were incubated with soluble uric acid in medium without thiols and fetal bovine serum for 8 h and 24 h (0-1000 µM). The expression of transcription factors and polarization markers were assessed by flow cytometry, western-blotting and fluorescence microscopy with high content imaging (HCI). At physiological concentrations, soluble uric acid positively regulated the frequency of cells for mannose receptor CD206, a classic marker of the anti-inflammatory M2 profile and negatively regulated the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, a proinflammatory M1 marker, suggesting that the soluble uric acid changes the polarization profile to M2 profile. In addition, the redox-sensitive proteins heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and thioredoxin (Trx) had their expression decreased and increased, respectively, after exposure to urate. STAT3 and Nrf2 transcription factors were downregulated upon soluble uric acid exposure. The results presented in this thesis suggest a role of uric acid in macrophage priming through the alteration of cell polarization
Uric Acid/analysis , THP-1 Cells/classification , THP-1 Cells/chemistry , Inflammation/classification , Macrophages/chemistry , Sulfhydryl Compounds/agonists , Cardiovascular Diseases , Epidemiologic Studies , Nitric Oxide Synthase Type II/antagonists & inhibitors , Flow Cytometry/methods , Microscopy, Fluorescence/methodsABSTRACT
A bactéria Gram-negativa Pseudomonas aeruginosa é um patógeno oportunista frequentemente associado a vítimas de queimaduras graves ou indivíduos com fibrose cística, sendo os isolados resistentes a carbepenêmicos dessa espécie considerados pela OMS como uma das maiores ameaças ao controle de infecções. O estabelecimento da infecção por esse patógeno é dependente de uma série de fatores de virulência, entre eles o pilus tipo IV (T4P), que possui papel importante na adesão a superfícies e motilidade do tipo twitching, essenciais para a colonização do hospedeiro. Uma das moléculas importantes na diferenciação entre as formas séssil e planctônica de P. aeruginosa é o segundo mensageiro bis-(3,5)-di-guanosina monofosfato cíclico (c-di-GMP), cuja síntese é feita enzimaticamente por diguanilato ciclases (DGCs). DgcP é uma DGC localizada nos polos da célula, que tem sua atividade de síntese de c-di-GMP aumentada na presença da proteína FimV, essencial para a montagem do T4P em P. aeruginosa. Neste trabalho, ensaios de microscopia de fluorescência, organização e expressão gênica foram realizados com o objetivo de aumentar a compreensão sobre o papel de DgcP em relação a sua expressão e aos fatores que regulam o T4P de P. aeruginosa. A proteína DgcP em fusão com mNeonGreen no C-terminal, expressa a partir do locus cromossômico, se localiza de maneira predominantemente bipolar tanto na linhagem selvagem quanto nos mutantes ΔpilA, ΔpilR e ΔchpA, evidenciando que seu padrão de localização não depende dos sistemas de regulação Pil-Chp e PilS-PilR. Ensaios de RT-PCRmostraram que dgcP se encontra em operon com PA14_72430 e dsbA1, indicando um papel celular conjunto entre esses genes, até o momento, desconhecido. Por fim, ensaios de qRT-PCR revelaram que os níveis de mRNA de dgcP são invariáveis nas linhagens WT, ΔpilA, ΔpilR, ΔchpA e ΔfimV, cultivadas em meio líquido ou meio sólido. Os resultados aqui mostrados, combinados com trabalhos prévios do nosso e de outros grupos, sugerem que DgcP é uma diguanilato ciclase responsável por geração constante de c-di-GMP nos polos da célula, possivelmente, atuando na sinalização local dependente do dinucleotídeo cíclico, cuja localização e atividade não são dependentes dos sistemas de regulação que atuam sobre o T4P
The Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen often associated with severe burn victims or individuals with cystic fibrosis, which carbapenem-resistant isolates were classified by th World Health Organization classified one of the greatest threats to infection control. The establishment of infection by this pathogen is dependent on a series of virulence factors, including the type IV pilus (T4P), which plays an important role in adhesion to surfaces and twitching motility, essential features for host colonization. Bis-(3',5')-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) is a second messenger that involved in processes of biofilm formation, motility, and virulence. The diguanylate cyclase DgcP synthetizes cdi-GMP and it is located at the cell poles, and its activity depends on the scaffold protein FimV, essential for T4P assembly in P. aeruginosa. By increasing c-di-GMP levels, DgcP decreases flagellum-dependent motility and increases biofilm formation. In this work, fluorescence microscopy, gene organization and expression assays were performed to understand the whether DgcP localization and expression are under the control of T4P regulatory proteins. Fluorescence microscopy analysis showed that DgcP localizes predominantly at both cell poles in ΔpilA, ΔpilR, and ΔchpA mutants, showing that its localization pattern does not depend on the Pil-Chp and PilS-PilR systems. Furthermore, RT-PCR assays showed that dgcP is found in an operon with PA14_72430 and dsbA1, indicating an unknown putative related cellular role for these genes. Finally, qRT-PCR assays indicated that DgcP expression is invariant in ΔpilA, ΔpilR, ΔchpA, and ΔfimV mutants, either in liquid or solid medium. The results shownhere, combined with previous work by ours and other groups, suggest that DgcP is a diguanylate cyclase responsible for constant generation of c-di-GMP at the cell poles, possibly acting in local signaling dependent on the cyclic dinucleotide, but that is not under the control of the known T4P regulatory systems
Operon , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/classification , Infection Control/instrumentation , World Health Organization , Burns , Gene Expression/genetics , Cells , Virulence Factors/adverse effects , Infections/complications , Microscopy, Fluorescence/methodsABSTRACT
Background/aim: Autophagic cell death and apoptosis of tumor cells has become one of the main objectives in cancer treatment, whereas tumor cell lines are mainly used in studies for providing important data for the evaluation of potential anti cancer substances. In this study, our objective was to evaluate morphological and biochemical changes including rate of apoptosis and Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) levels at different concentrations of Carnosic Acid (CA) on Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma HepG2 Cells.Materials and methods: Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma (7th passage HepG2 cells) Cell lines were cultured on 11 µM D263M schott glass coverslips placed in 12-well plates and were treated with DMSO, 1, 2.5, 5 and 10 µM concentrations of CA for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Morphological and biochemical data were recorded daily including apoptosis rates demonstrated by Caspase 3, Annexin V expressions under inverted light and Immunofluorescence microscopy, then data were analyzed for statistical significance. AFP, albumin and total protein levels were analyzed spectrophotometricaly for biochemical evaluation.Results: Our results showed that CA significantly inhibited HepG2 cell proliferation in a dose and time dependant manner and significantly caused the formation of autophagic vacuoles starting from 5µM and reaching significance at 10 µM concentrations. Significant decrease was observed in AFP when 48 and 72 hours expressions were examined, with the lowest level reached at 72 hours in the 10 µM CA group. Additionally, increase in albumin levels reached significance only in the 48 h group whereas non-significant increases were also observed in 24 h and 72 h groups.Conclusion: Our current study demonstrates significant increase in apoptosis rates by Carnosic Acid mainly at 10µM concentrations, supporting its anticancer effect on HepG2 cells. These findings are also supported by changes in biochemical analyses of Albumin and AFP levels at 10 µM concentrations.
Antecedentes / objetivos: La muerte celular autofágica y la apoptosis de células tumorales se ha convertido en uno de los principales objetivos en el tratamiento del cáncer, mientras que las líneas celulares tumorales se utilizan principalmente en estudios para proporcionar datos importantes para la evaluación de posibles sustancias anticancerígenas. En este estudio, nuestro objetivo fue evaluar los cambios morfológicos y bioquímicos, incluida la tasa de apoptosis y los niveles de alfa fetoproteína (AFP) a diferentes concentraciones de ácido carnósico (CA) en células de carcinoma hepatocelular humano HepG2.Materiales y métodos: Carcinoma hepatocelular humano (HepG2).Las líneas celulares se cultivaron en cubreobjetos de vidrio Schott D263M de 11 µM colocados en placas de 12 pocillos y se trataron con DMSO, concentraciones de CA 1, 2,5, 5 y 10 µM durante 24, 48 y 72 horas. Los datos morfológicos y bioquímicos se registraron diariamente, incluidas las tasas de apoptosis demostradas por Caspasa 3, las expresiones de Anexina V bajo luz invertida y microscopía de inmunofluorescencia, luego se analizaron los datos para determinar la significación estadística. Los niveles de AFP, albúmina y proteínas totales se analizaron espectrofotométricamente para evaluación bioquímica.Resultados: Nuestros resultados mostraron que CA inhibió significativamente la proliferación de células HepG2 de una manera dependiente de la dosis y el tiempo y causó significativamente la formación de vacuolas autofágicas comenzando desde 5 µM y alcanzando significancia a concentraciones de 10 µM. Se observó una disminución significativa en la AFP cuando se examinaron las expresiones de 48 y 72 horas, alcanzando el nivel más bajo a las 72 horas en el grupo de CA 10 µM. Además, el aumento en los niveles de albúmina alcanzó significación solo en el grupo de 48 h, mientras que también se observaron aumentos no significativos en los grupos de 24 hy 72 h.Conclusión: Nuestro estudio demuestra un aumento significativo en las tasas de apoptosis por el ácido carnósico principalmente a concentraciones de 10 µM, lo que respalda su efecto anticancerígeno en las células HepG2. Estos hallazgos también están respaldados por cambios en los análisis bioquímicos de los niveles de albúmina y AFP a concentraciones de 10 µM.
Humans , Carcinoma, Hepatocellular/drug therapy , Abietanes/administration & dosage , Hep G2 Cells/drug effects , Liver Neoplasms/drug therapy , Cell Survival , Cells, Cultured , Apoptosis/drug effects , Microscopy, FluorescenceABSTRACT
The oral cavity is an ecosystem that provides ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria, the Streptococcus genus is important for the formation of biofilms that lead to the development of dental caries, which affects the population worldwide. The world health organization encourages the use of plants thanks to its various therapeutic actions. Origanum vulgare L. (oregano), is an aromatic plant with medicinal and culinary properties. The objective of this study was to investigate the in vitro antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of the ethanolic extract of oregano, against the growth of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus ATCC. Leaves of the plant were obtained and the ethanolic extract was made by maceration. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated using the Kirby-Bauer method and compared with 2% chlorhexidine, subsequently the extract was incorporated into a hydrogel and its effect on biofilm formation was assessed by fluorescence microscopy and the main compounds were identified. present in the extratco. The study revealed that the extract presented antimicrobial effect against both strains and at 2% it showed high antimicrobial action compared to chlorhexidine at the same concentration, with average inhibition halos of 26.3 mm and 19 mm for each microorganism analyzed, (p < 0.05). Likewise, the hydrogel prepared with 2% extract significantly eliminated the preformed Streptococcus biofilm, at 24 hours of exposure, due to the presence of a variety of chemical groups, such as sterols, triterpenes, flavonoids, flavanones, flavanonol s, lactones. sesquiterpenic, tannins and coumarins. The oregano extract presented high antimicrobial action for both species, with a greater effect towards Streptococcus mutans and an interesting antibiofilm action; These results show the importance of exploring treatment alternatives of plant origin, to be considered as interesting complementary aids in dental therapy.
La cavidad oral es un ecosistema que proporciona condiciones ideales para el crecimiento de bacterias, el género Streptococcus es importante para la formación de biopelículas que conducen al desarrollo de caries dental, que afecta a la población a nivel mundial. La organización mundial de la salud, fomenta el uso de plantas gracias a sus diversas acciones terapéuticas. Origanum vulgare L. (orégano), es una planta aromática con propiedades medicinales y culinarias. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la actividad antimicrobiana y antibiofilm in vitro del extracto etanólico de oregano, contra el crecimiento de Streptococcus mutans y Streptococcus sobrinus ATCC. Se obtuvierón hojas de la planta y se realizó el extracto etanólico mediante maceración. La actividad antimicrobiana se evaluó mediante el método de Kirby-Bauer y se comparó con la clorhexidina al 2 %, posteriormente se incorporó el extracto en un hydrogel y se valoró su efecto sobre la formación del biofilm mediante microscopía de fluorescencia y se identificó los principales compuestos presentes en el extratco. El estudio reveló que el extracto presentó efecto antimicrobiano contra ambas cepas y al 2 % mostró alta acción antimicrobiana en comparación con la clorhexidina a la misma concentración, con halos de inhibición promedio de 26.3 mm y de 19 mm para cada microorganismo analizado, (p < 0.05). Así mismo, el hidrogel preparado con extracto al 2 %, eliminó significativamente la biopelícula preformada de Streptococcus, a las 24 horas de exposición, debido a la presencia de una variedad de grupos químicos, como esteroles, triterpenos, flavonoides, flavanonas, flavanonoles, lactonas sesquiterpénicas, taninos y cumarinas. El extracto de orégano presentó alta acción antimicrobiana para ambas especies, con mayor efecto hacia el Streptococcus mutans y una acción antibiofilm interesante; estos resultados muestran la importancia de explorar en alternativas de tratamiento de origen vegetal, para considerarse como auxiliares complementarios interesantes en la terapia dental.
Humans , Streptococcal Infections , Streptococcus mutans , Streptococcus sobrinus , Origanum/chemistry , Plant Extracts , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Chromatography , Biofilms/drug effects , Hydrogels , Dental Plaque/drug therapy , Dental Plaque/chemistry , Phytochemicals , Phytotherapy , Microscopy, Fluorescence , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistryABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Opsonization, is the molecular mechanism by which target molecules promote interactions with phagocyte cell surface receptors to remove unwanted cells by induced phagocytosis. We designed an in vitro system to demonstrate that this procedure could be driven to eliminate adipocytes, using peptides mimicking regions of the complement protein C3b to promote opsonization and enhance phagocytosis. Two cell lines were used: (1) THP-1 monocytes differentiated to macrophages, expressing the C3b opsonin receptor CR1 in charge of the removal of unwanted coated complexes; (2) 3T3-L1 fibroblasts differentiated to adipocytes, expressing AQP7, to evaluate the potential of peptides to stimulate opsonization. (3) A co-culture of the two cell lines to demonstrate that phagocytosis could be driven to cell withdrawal with high efficiency and specificity. RESULTS: An array of peptides were designed and chemically synthesized p3691 and p3931 joined bound to the CR1 receptor activating phagocytosis (p < 0.033) while p3727 joined the AQP7 protein (p < 0.001) suggesting that opsonization of adipocytes could occur. In the co-culture system p3980 and p3981 increased lipid uptake to 91.2% and 89.0%, respectively, as an indicator of potential adipocyte phagocytosis. CONCLUSIONS: This in vitro model could help understand the receptorligand interaction in the withdrawal of unwanted macromolecules in vivo. The adipocyte-phagocytosis discussed may help to control obesity, since peptides of C3b stimulated the CR1 receptor, promoting opsonisation and phagocytosis of lipidcontaining structures, and recognition of AQP7 in the differentiated adipocytes, favored the phagocytic activity of macrophages, robustly supported by the co-culture strategy.
Phagocytosis , Complement System Proteins , Adipocytes , In Vitro Techniques , Opsonin Proteins , Coculture Techniques , Foam Cells , Macrophages , Microscopy, FluorescenceABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate genotoxicity of zinc oxide, P. A. calcium hydroxide, mineral trioxide aggregate and an iodoform paste using comet assay on human lymphocytes. Material and Methods: Two positive controls were used: methyl-methanesulfonate for the P.A. calcium hydroxide and mineral trioxide aggregate; and doxorubicin for the iodoform paste and zinc oxide. There were also two negative controls: distilled water for the P.A. calcium hydroxide and mineral trioxide aggregate; and DMSO for the iodoform paste and zinc oxide. Comets were identified using fluorescence microscopy and 100 of them were counted on each of the three slides analyzed per drug test. A damage index was established, taking into consideration the score pattern that had previously been determined from the size and intensity of the comet tail. Analysis of variance, followed by Tukey's test, was used to compare the means of the DNA damage indices. Results: The DNA damage index observed for mineral trioxide aggregate (7.08 to 8.58) and P.A. calcium hydroxide (6.50 to 8.33), which were similar to negative control index. On the other hand, damage index for zinc oxide (104.7 to 218.50) and iodoform paste (115.7 to 210.7) were similar to positive control index. Conclusion: Iodoform paste and zinc oxide showed genotoxicity at all concentrations used.
Humans , Tooth, Deciduous , Zinc Oxide , Comet Assay , Genotoxicity , Mutagenicity Tests/instrumentation , Zinc Oxide , Brazil , Calcium Hydroxide , Analysis of Variance , Microscopy, FluorescenceABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the pulp tissue of rat molars after pulpotomies with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), BiodentineTM (BDT) and calcium hydroxide (CH) mixed with sterile saline solution (24 hours, 72 hours, 7 days and 15 days), through correlating MPO activity with active neutrophils and MMP8 activity with tissue remodeling. Material and Methods: Thirty-eight Wistar rats were randomly distributed into groups (control, I (MTA gray), II (BDT), and III (CH)) and subdivided according to the study period of 24 hours, 72 hours, 7 days or 15 days after pulpotomy. MMP8 activity was assessed through fluorescence technique, and MPO activity was determined using the MPO assay. Results: A gradual decrease of MPO and MM8 activity occurred in the group MTA over the experimental periods (p<0.05). Groups BDT and CH exhibited an increase in the activity at 7 and 15 days (p<0.05). Conclusion: MTA demonstrated a decrease in the values of MPO e MMP8. BDT and CH showed high neutrophilic and collagenase activity over the experimental periods.
Animals , Rats , Pulpotomy/methods , Biocompatible Materials , Peroxidase , Matrix Metalloproteinases , Dental Cements , Brazil , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Rats, Wistar , Dental Pulp , Microscopy, Fluorescence/methods , MolarABSTRACT
Abstract Tinea capitis comprising of tinea favosa and kerion is mostly seen in school-aged children. Some tinea capitis often presented with insignificant findings under the naked eyes are easily overlooked. The authors describe an unusual case of tinea capitis caused by Trichophyton violaceum. The patient was an 8-year-old girl, with a history of pruritus on the scalp for more than one year. A diagnosis of tinea capitis was confirmed by clinical examination aided by dermoscopy, calcium fluorescent microscopy and culture. Comma and corkscrew hairs are two specific dermoscopic patterns of tinea capitis. The patient was treated with systemic itraconazole, topical application with 1% naftifine 0.25% ketoconazole cream followed after daily hair wash with 2% ketoconazole shampoo for 8 weeks.
Humans , Female , Child , Tinea Capitis/diagnostic imaging , Calcium , Microscopy, Fluorescence/methods , Tinea Capitis/pathology , Trichophyton/isolation & purification , Reproducibility of Results , Dermoscopy/methodsABSTRACT
An alternative hyper-ovulator inducer to replace clomiphene citrate (CC) is needed as it is unsuitable for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and is associated with low pregnancy rates. Anastrozole is an effective hyper-ovulator inducer, but has not been well researched. In order to determine the effectiveness of anastrozole as a hyper-ovulator inducer and to an extent compare it with CC in similar situations, this study ascertained the effects of these drugs on the expression of the focal adhesion proteins, paxillin and FAK, which are uterine receptivity markers in the surface luminal uterine epithelial cells of day 1 and day 6 pregnant Wistar rats. The results show that paxillin is localized in focal adhesions at the base of the uterine epithelial cells at day 1 of pregnancy whereas at day 6, paxillin disassembles from the basal focal adhesions and localizes and increases its expression apically. FAK is faintly expressed at the basal aspect of the uterine epithelial cells while moderately expressed at the cell-to-cell contact at day 1 in all groups from where it disassembles and relocates apically and becomes more intensely expressed at day 6 of pregnancy in untreated and anastrozole treated rats. Although paxillin is localized apically at day 6, its expression is significantly down-regulated with CC treatment suggesting its interference with the implantation process. These findings seem to suggest that anastrozole could favor implantation.
Para reemplazar el citrato de clomifeno (CC) es necesario un inductor de hiperovulación alternativo, ya que no es adecuado para mujeres con síndrome de ovario poliquístico y está asociado con tasas bajas de embarazo. El anastrozol es un inductor eficaz del hiper-ovulador, pero no se ha investigado adecuadamente. Con el fin de determinar la efectividad del anastrozol como inductor del hiper-ovulador y, en cierta medida, compararlo con CC en situaciones similares, este estudio determinó los efectos de estos fármacos en la expresión de las proteínas de adhesión focal, paxillin y FAK, uterinas marcadores de receptividad en la superficie luminal de células uterinas epiteliales, del día 1 y día 6 en ratas Wistar preñadas. Los resultados muestran que la paxilina se localiza en adherencias focales en la base de las células epiteliales uterinas en el día 1 del embarazo, mientras que en el día 6, la paxilina se desmonta de las adherencias focales basales y localiza y aumenta su expresión apicalmente. FAK se expresa débilmente en el aspecto basal de las células epiteliales uterinas, mientras que se expresa moderadamente en el contacto de célula a célula en el día 1 en todos los grupos, donde se separa y se reubica apicalmente y se expresa con mayor intensidad el día 6 de la preñez, en pacientes no tratados y tratados. ratas tratadas con anastrozol. Aunque la paxillina se localiza apicalmente en el día 6, su expresión está significativamente disminuida con el tratamiento con CC, lo que sugiere su interferencia con el proceso de implantación. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el anastrozol podría favorecer el proceso de implantación.
Animals , Female , Rats , Uterus/drug effects , Anastrozole/pharmacology , Ovulation/drug effects , Rats, Wistar , Focal Adhesions/drug effects , Epithelium/drug effects , Focal Adhesion Protein-Tyrosine Kinases/drug effects , Paxillin/drug effects , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Microscopy, FluorescenceABSTRACT
BACKGROUND Viruses can modulate intracellular signalling pathways to complete their infectious cycle. Among these, the PI3K/Akt pathway allows prolonged survival of infected cells that favours viral replication. GSK3β, a protein kinase downstream of PI3K/Akt, gets inactivated upon activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway, and its association with viral infections has been recently established. In this study, the role of GSK3β during Dengue virus-2 (DENV-2) infection was investigated. METHODS GSK3β participation in the DENV-2 replication process was evaluated with pharmacological and genetic inhibition during early [0-12 h post-infection (hpi)], late (12-24 hpi), and 24 hpi in Huh7 and Vero cells. We assessed the viral and cellular processes by calculating the viral titre in the supernatants, In-Cell Western, western blotting and fluorescence microscopy. RESULTS Phosphorylation of GSK3β-Ser9 was observed at the early stages of infection; neither did treatment with small molecule inhibitors nor pre-treatment prior to viral infection of GSK3β reduce viral titres of the supernatant at these time points. However, a decrease in viral titres was observed in cells infected and treated with the inhibitors much later during viral infection. Consistently, the infected cells at this stage displayed plasma membrane damage. Nonetheless, these effects were not elicited with the use of genetic inhibitors of GSK3β. CONCLUSIONS The results suggest that GSK3β participates at the late stages of the DENV replication cycle, where viral activation may promote apoptosis and release of viral particles.
Animals , Virus Replication/physiology , Dengue Virus/enzymology , Glycogen Synthase Kinases/antagonists & inhibitors , Glycogen Synthase Kinases/physiology , Phosphorylation/physiology , Signal Transduction , Blotting, Western , Apoptosis/physiology , Aedes/cytology , Cell Line, Tumor , Microscopy, FluorescenceABSTRACT
La fiebre Q aguda es una zoonosis ubicua, que habitualmente se presenta con cuadros febriles autolimitados. En presencia de un cuadro séptico con manifestaciones de disfunción multiórgano, hepatitis colestásica, distres respiratorio o la insuficiencia renal como semiología dominante y cultivos negativos se piensa habitualmente en leptospirosis. La alta prevalencia de fiebre Q en el Servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Doctor Negrín, que ha requerido evaluación hospitalaria -unos 50 casos al año en un área de 400 000 habitantes-, motivó la realización de serología para fiebre Q y leptospirosis en presencia de cuadros sépticos con cultivos negativos. De manera que se han encontrado durante los seis últimos años, tres casos de fiebre Q simulando leptospirosis. La rápida respuesta a la asociación de esteroides y doxiciclina ha sido el común denominador de estos tres casos. El contexto global con la rápida respuesta al tratamiento expuesto es el motivo de esta presentación(AU)
Acute Q fever is a ubiquitous zoonosis which often presents with self-limited febrile episodes. In the presence of a septic episode with manifestations of multiple organ dysfunction, cholestatic hepatitis, respiratory distress or renal failure as the prevailing semiology, and negative culture results, leptospirosis is usually suspected. The high prevalence of Q fever cases requiring evaluation at the Internal Medicine Service of Doctor Negrín University Hospital in Gran Canaria -about 50 cases per year in an area of 400 000 inhabitants- led to the indication of serological tests for Q fever and leptospirosis in septic cases with negative culture results. In the last six years, three cases have been found of Q fever simulating leptospirosis. A rapid response to the association of steroids and doxycycline was the common feature of these three cases. The study was aimed at describing the global context of the rapid response to the treatment indicated(AU)
Male , Middle Aged , Q Fever/diagnosis , Q Fever/epidemiology , Liver/pathology , Microscopy, Fluorescence/methodsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer is one of the most prevalent pathologies. Its prognosis is linked to the early detection and treatment. Currently diagnosis is performed by histological analysis from polyp biopsies, followed by morphological classification. Kudo's pit pattern classification is frequently used for the differentiation of neoplastic colorectal lesions using hematoxylin-eosin stained samples. Few articles have reported this classification with image software processing, using exogenous markers over the samples. The processing of autofluorescence images is an alternative that could allow the characterization of the pits from the crypts of Lieberkühn, bypassing staining techniques. OBJECTIVE: Processing and analysis of widefield autofluorescence microscopy images obtained by fresh colon tissue samples from a murine model of colorectal cancer in order to quantify and characterize the pits morphology by measuring morphology parameters and shape descriptors. METHODS: Adult male BALB/cCmedc strain mice (n=27), ranging from 20 to 30 g, were randomly assigned to four and five groups of treated and control animals. Colon samples were collected at day zero and at fourth, eighth, sixteenth and twentieth weeks after treatmentwith azoxymethane. Two-dimensional (2D) segmentation, quantification and morphological characterization of pits by image processing applied using macro programming from FIJI. RESULTS: Type I is the pit morphology prevailing between 53 and 81% in control group weeks. III-L and III-S types were detected in reduced percentages. Between the 33 and 56% of type I was stated as the prevailing morphology for the 4th, 8th and 20th weeks of treated groups, followed by III-L type. For the 16th week, the 39% of the pits was characterized as III-L type, followed by type I. Further, pattern types as IV, III-S and II were also found mainly in that order for almost all of the treated weeks. CONCLUSION: These preliminaries outcomes could be considered an advance in two-dimensional pit characterization as the whole image processing, comparing to the conventional procedure, takes a few seconds to quantify and characterize non-pathological colon pits as well as to estimate early pathological stages of colorectal cancer.
RESUMO CONTEXTO: O câncer colorretal é uma das patologias mais prevalentes. Seu prognóstico é ligado à detenção e ao tratamento precoces. Atualmente o diagnóstico é realizado por análise histológica de biópsias de pólipo, seguida de classificação morfológica. A classificação de padrões de Kudo é frequentemente utilizada para a diferenciação de lesões colorretais neoplásicas usando amostras coradas por hematoxilina-eosina. Poucos artigos relatam esta classificação com utilização de processamento por software de imagem, utilizando marcadores exógenos sobre as amostras. O processamento de imagens de autofluorescência é uma alternativa que pode permitir a caracterização do padrão das criptas de Lieberkühn, contornando técnicas de coloração. OBJETIVO: Analisar, quantificar e caracterizar a morfologia do padrão das criptas medindo os parâmetros morfológicos e descritores de forma, através do processamento e análise de imagens de microscopia de autofluorescência de campo de Widefield obtidas em amostras de tecido de cólon fresco a partir de um modelo murino de câncer colorretal. MÉTODOS: Camundongos machos adultos BALB/cCmedc (n=27), variando de 20 a 30 g, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro e cinco grupos de animais tratados e de controle. As amostras de cólon foram coletadas no dia zero e na 4ª, 8ª, 16ª e 20ª semanas após o tratamento com azoxometano. Segmentação bidimensional (2D), quantificação e caracterização morfológica do padrão das criptas por processamento de imagem aplicados utilizando programação macro de FIJI. RESULTADOS: O tipo I é a morfologia da cripta prevalente entre 53% e 81% semanas do grupo controle. Os tipos III-L e III-S foram detectados em porcentagens reduzidas. A morfologia do tipo I entre os 33% e 56% foi constatada como a predominante para as 4ª, 8ª e 20ª semanas de grupos tratados, seguidos pelo tipo III-L. Para a 16ª semana, os 39% dos padrões das criptas foram caracterizados como tipo III-L, seguidos pelo tipo I. Além disso, os tipos de padrão como IV, III-S e II também foram encontrados principalmente nessa ordem para quase todas as semanas tratadas. CONCLUSÃO: Estes resultados preliminares podem ser considerados um avanço na caracterização bidimensional da cripta como um processamento integral da imagem, comparando-se ao procedimento convencional; demora-se alguns segundos a mais para quantificar e caracterizar pontos não-patológicos, bem como para estimar estágios patológicos precoces do câncer colorretal.
Animals , Male , Colorectal Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Colonic Polyps/diagnostic imaging , Microscopy, Fluorescence , Colorectal Neoplasms/pathology , Colonic Polyps/pathology , Disease Models, Animal , Mice, Inbred BALB CABSTRACT
Microsatellite instability (MSI) which resulted from the deficiency of DNA mismatch repair (MMR), is an important clinical significance in the related solid tumors, such as colorectal cancer and endometrial cancer. There are several methods to detect MSI status, including immunohistochemistry for MMR protein, multiplex fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for microsatellite site and MSI algorithm based on next generation sequencing (NGS). The consensus elaborates the definition and clinical significance of MSI as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the three detection methods. Through this expert consensus, we hope to promote the screening which based on MSI status in malignant tumors and improve the acknowledge of clinicians about various testing methods. Thereby, they could interpret the results more accurately and provide better clinical services to patients.
Female , Humans , Antineoplastic Agents , Therapeutic Uses , China , Colorectal Neoplasms , Genetics , Pathology , Consensus , DNA Mismatch Repair , DNA Sequence, Unstable , Delivery of Health Care , Reference Standards , Endometrial Neoplasms , Immunohistochemistry , Microsatellite Instability , Microsatellite Repeats , Microscopy, Fluorescence , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Practice Guidelines as TopicABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the composition of artificial cariogenic biofilms using a Streptococcus mutans biofilm model over a period of time. METHODS: We analyzed the dry weight, colony forming unit (CFU) number, extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) biovolume, and acid production rate of S. mutans biofilms formed on saliva-coated hydroxyapatite discs after 26 h, 50 h, 74 h, 98 h, 171 h, and 195 h. In addition, we performed a laser scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy to determine the bacterial volume, EPS biovolume, and biofilm thickness. We calculated the biofilm density using dry weight and EPS biovolume. RESULTS: Over a period of time, there was no change in the CFU number and acid production rate of S. mutans biofilms, but there was an increase in the dry weight and EPS biovolume of S. mutans biofilms. The bacterial volume, EPS biovolume, and biofilm thickness only increased in the 50-h-old biofilm; however, no change was observed in 50-195-h-old biofilms. In addition, an increase in the biofilm density was observed over time. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the acid production ability of cariogenic biofilms does not change, but the biofilm density increases over time. However, due to scientific information, further research needs to be conducted in the field of dentistry to get further insights on the progression of cariogenic biofilms over time.
Biofilms , Dentistry , Durapatite , Microscopy, Fluorescence , Stem Cells , Streptococcus mutansABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 2 anti-malarial drugs, chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), on inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation both in vivo and in vitro via Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation. METHODS: Protein and mRNA levels were determined by western blot analysis and real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in primary rat VSMCs treated with CQ and HCQ, respectively. Cell proliferation was measured by flow cytometry and cell counting. Mice carotid arteries were ligated and treated with CQ or HCQ every other day for 3 weeks. Pathological changes of carotid arteries were visualized by both microscopy and fluorescence microscopy. RESULTS: CQ and HCQ increase AMPK phosphorylation in VSMCs. Both CQ and HCQ decrease platelet-derived growth factor-induced VSMC proliferation and cell cycle progression in an AMPK-dependent manner. In addition, CQ and HCQ inhibit Smad3 phosphorylation and VSMC proliferation induced by transforming growth factor-β1. Moreover, CQ and HCQ diminished neointimal proliferation in a mouse model of carotid artery ligation-induced neointima formation. CONCLUSION: The results demonstrated that CQ and HCQ inhibit cell proliferation and cell cycle progression in VSMCs via the AMPK-dependent signaling pathway. Carotid artery ligation-induced intima thickness was reduced in mouse arteries treated with CQ or HCQ, suggesting a role for antimalarial drugs in treating atherosclerosis and restenosis.
Animals , Mice , Rats , Adenosine , AMP-Activated Protein Kinases , Antimalarials , Arteries , Atherosclerosis , Blotting, Western , Carotid Arteries , Cell Count , Cell Cycle , Cell Proliferation , Chloroquine , Flow Cytometry , Hydroxychloroquine , In Vitro Techniques , Microscopy , Microscopy, Fluorescence , Muscle, Smooth, Vascular , Neointima , Phosphorylation , Protein Kinases , RNA, MessengerABSTRACT
Two photon fluorescence microscopy and the numerous technical advances to it have served as valuable tools in biomedical research. The fluorophores (exogenous or endogenous) absorb light and emit lower energy photons than the absorption energy and the emission (fluorescence) signal is measured using a fluorescence decay graph. Additionally, high spatial resolution images can be acquired in two photon fluorescence lifetime imaging (2P-FLIM) with improved penetration depth which helps in detection of fluorescence signal in vivo. 2P-FLIM is a non-invasive imaging technique in order to visualize cellular metabolic, by tracking intrinsic fluorophores present in it, such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, flavin adenine dinucleotide and tryptophan etc. 2P-FLIM of these molecules enable the visualization of metabolic alterations, non-invasively. This comprehensive review discusses the numerous applications of 2P-FLIM towards cancer, neuro-degenerative, infectious diseases, and wound healing.