This research aimed to investigate various mosquitocidal activities of Chenopodium botrys whole- plant n-hexane extract against Culex quinquefasciatus. The extract showed remarkable larvicidal, pupicidal, adulticidal, oviposition deterrent and adult emergence inhibitory activities against Cx. quinquefasciatus. During the larvicidal and pupicidal activities, the 24-hour lethal concentration (LC50) of extract against 2nd instar larvae, 4th instar larvae and pupae were 324.6, 495.6 and 950.8 ppm, respectively. During the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) bottle bioassay for adulticidal activity, the median knockdown times (KDT50) at 1.25% concentration was 123.4 minutes. During the filter paper impregnation bioassay for adulticidal activity, the KDT50 value at 0.138 mg/cm2 concentration was 48.6 minutes. The extract was fractionated into 14 fractions through silica gel column chromatography which were then combined into six fractions on the basis of similar retention factor (Rf) value. These fractions were screened for adulticidal activity by applying CDC bottle bioassay. The fraction obtained through 60:40 to 50:50% n-hexanes-chloroform mobile phase with 0.5 Rf value showed 100% adulticidal activity at 0.2% concentration. During oviposition deterrent activity, the highest concentration (1000 ppm) showed 71.3 ± 4.4% effective repellence and 0.6 ± 0.1 oviposition activity index. During adult emergence inhibition activity, the median emergence inhibition (EI50) value was 312.3 ppm. From the outcome of the present investigation, it is concluded that the n-hexane extract of C. botrys whole- plant possesses strong larvicidal, pupicidal, adulticidal, oviposition deterrent and adult emergence inhibitory activities against Cx. quinquefasciatus.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar várias atividades mosquitocidas do extrato n-hexano de planta inteira de Chenopodium botrys contra Culex quinquefasciatus. O extrato mostrou atividades larvicida, pupicida, adulticida, dissuasora de oviposição e inibidora da emergência de adultos contra a Cx. quinquefasciatus. Durante as atividades larvicida e pupicida, a concentração letal de 24 horas (CL50) do extrato contra larvas de 2º estádio, larvas de 4º estádio e pupa foi de 324,6, 495,6 e 950,8 ppm, respectivamente. Durante o bioensaio com frasco do CDC (Centros para Controle e Prevenção de Doenças) para adulticida, o tempo médio de desativação (KDT50) na concentração de 1,25% foi de 123,4 minutos. Durante o bioensaio de impregnação com papel de filtro para a atividade adulticida do extrato, o valor KDT50 na concentração de 0,138 mg / cm2 foi de 48,6 minutos. O extrato foi fracionado em 14 frações através de cromatografia em coluna de gel de sílica que foram então combinadas em seis frações com base em um valor de fator de retenção (Rf) semelhante. Essas frações foram selecionadas quanto à atividade adulticida por meio da aplicação do bioensaio com garrafa do CDC. A fração obtida através da fase móvel de n-hexanos-clorofórmio 60:40% a 50:50% com valor de 0,5 Rf apresentou atividade adulticida de 100% na concentração de 0,2%. Durante a atividade de dissuasão da oviposição, a maior concentração de extrato (1000 ppm) apresentou repelência efetiva de 71,3 ± 4,4% e índice de atividade de oviposição de 0,6 ± 0,1. Durante a atividade de inibição da emergência de adultos, o valor médio de inibição da emergência (EI50) foi de 312,3 ppm. A partir do resultado da presente investigação, conclui-se que o extrato de n-hexano da planta inteira de C. botrys possui fortes atividades larvicida, pupicida, adulticida, dissuasora da oviposição e inibidora da emergência de adultos contra a Cx. quinquefasciatus.
Animals , Chenopodium/chemistry , Mosquito Control/methods , Culex/growth & developmentABSTRACT
El método de enseñanza-aprendizaje de aula invertida propicia actividades participativas, de esfuerzo y colaboración antes, durante y fuera del salón de clases. Por tal razón, que se propuso la aplicación del aula invertida en el desarrollo de competencias para el control domicilario de mosquitos de importancia para la salud pública en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chota, Camarja, Perú. El estudio fue experimental con una muestra de 72 estudiantes. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó la estrategia didáctica del Modelo Flipped Classroom en dos tiempos (pre y post test). Se usó el software SPSS para medianas y prueba de Wilcoxon considerando un alpha del 5%. Como resultado, en el post-test sobre los factores de riesgo identificados en el domicilio se evidenciaron cambios significativos, donde 72,22% identificaron los recipientes de almacenamiento de agua expuestos, 51,39% Frascos/botellas/envases con agua estancada, 45,83% piletas sin liempieza, 29,17% Llantas/desechos al aire libre con agua estancada, 26,39% Floreros con agua vieja, 20,83% analetas/grietas con agua estancada, 12,50% otros y 8,33% no identifico ningún factor, la comparación de la puntuación promedio en competencias para el control domicilario de mosquitos, antes y después de la aplicación del aula invertida en la Prueba de Wilcoxon mostró una z de -4,81 en la dimesión de identificar, -4,860 proponer y -4862 actuar, todos con p 0,000% (diferencia altamente significativa). El método de aula invertida a través de métodos prácticos interactivos contribuye de manera significativa al desarrollo de competencias para el control domicilario de mosquitos de importancia de salud pública(AU)
The flipped classroom teaching-learning method encourages participatory, effortful, and collaborative activities before, during, and outside the classroom. For this reason, the application of the flipped classroom was proposed in the development of skills for the home control of mosquitoes of importance for public health at the National Autonomous University of Chota, Camarja, Peru. The study was experimental with a sample of 72 students. For data collection, the didactic strategy of the Flipped Classroom Model was applied in two stages (pre and post test). The SPSS software was used for medians and the Wilcoxon test considering an alpha of 5%. As a result, in the post-test on the risk factors identified at home, significant changes were evidenced, where 72.22% identified exposed water storage containers, 51.39% Jars/bottles/containers with stagnant water, 45 83% pools without cleaning, 29.17% tires/outdoor debris with stagnant water, 26.39% vases with old water, 20.83% holes/cracks with stagnant water, 12.50% others and 8.33 % did not identify any factor, the comparison of the average score in skills for home control of mosquitoes, before and after the application of the flipped classroom in the Wilcoxon Test showed a z of -4.81 in the dimension of identifying, - 4,860 propose and -4,862 act, all with p 0.000% (highly significant difference). The flipped classroom method through interactive practical methods contributes significantly to the development of skills for home control of mosquitoes of public health importance(AU)
Humans , Students , Teaching/education , Universities , Mosquito Control/methods , Models, Educational , Mosquito Vectors , Peru , Teaching Materials , Education, Distance/methods , Dengue/prevention & controlABSTRACT
Resumen En países americanos, simultáneas a la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) se están dando epidemias ocasionadas por diferentes arbovirus (del dengue, chikunguña y virus del Zika). En México, varias de las estrategias para control del mosquito Aedes aegypti, transmisor de arbovirus, involucran la interacción del personal salubrista y los moradores. Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19 se han implementado medidas de distanciamiento social y resguardo domiciliario. Para respetar estas medidas y evitar riesgo de contagio por coronavirus 2 del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave (SARS-CoV-2), el Centro Nacional de Programas Preventivos y Control de Enfermedades (CENAPRECE) ha presentado la estrategia de control de vectores en el escenario de transmisión simultánea por dengue y COVID-19 en México. En este trabajo mencionamos las medidas habituales de manejo integral de mosquito y mencionamos las adaptaciones realizadas. De igual forma, discutimos la relevancia de la capacitación y la supervisión al personal médico, esto debido a la similitud entre la sintomatología entre ambas patologías.
Abstract Countries of Latin America are dealing with a simultaneous COVID-19 and vector borne disease (VBDs, Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya) outbreaks. In Mexico, certain activities to control Aedes aegypti mosquito (the main VBDs vector) comprise community participation through the interaction between householders and vector control personnel. Preventive measures against COVID-19 include social distancing and stay-at-home strategy, to obey these policies, and reduce the risk of infection, the National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control of Mexico (CENAPRECE) has adapted the vector control approaches in the country. In this paper we mention routine prevention and control activities to control mosquitoes and show the adapted measures. Because, a number of symptoms of the COVID-19 and dengue fever overlap with each other, we also discuss the relevance of accurate disease surveillance and medics training and supervision.
Humans , Animals , Arbovirus Infections/epidemiology , Mosquito Control/methods , Aedes/virology , Pandemics , Epidemiological Monitoring , COVID-19/epidemiology , Arbovirus Infections/prevention & control , Dengue/epidemiology , Information Dissemination , Chikungunya Fever/epidemiology , Zika Virus Infection/epidemiology , Physical Distancing , COVID-19/prevention & control , Health PromotionABSTRACT
Identificar evidências científicas sobre os efeitos do uso de ovitrampas e outras armadilhas para realizar monitoramento da população de campo de Aedes aegypti (A. aegypti). Foi realizada busca sistematizada nas seguintes bases de dados eletrônicas: PubMed, PubMed Central, (PMC), Embase, Biblioteca Cochrane e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). Além disso, buscas adicionais foram feitas nos seguintes repositórios de literatura cinzenta: Opengrey, Google Acadêmico, Arca Fiocruz e Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT). Títulos e resumos foram rastreados, e posteriormente, textos completos foram avaliados de acordo com critérios de elegibilidade pré-estabelecidos. Após o processo de busca e gerenciamento de referências, 2.123 títulos e resumos foram rastreados. Após esta etapa, 90 textos completos foram avaliados de acordo com os critérios de elegibilidade. Por fim, 46 estudos foram incluídos nesta revisão sistemática rápida, relatando informações sobre metodologias de monitoramento de Aedes aegypti e seus efeitos. Dentre os 46 estudos incluídos, 18 avaliaram ovitrampas versus outras tecnologias; 21 avaliaram ovitrampas isoladamente e 7 avaliaram outras tecnologias de monitoramento. As principais armadilhas comparadas com as ovitrampas foram a MosquiTRAP (n=8), seguidas por pesquisa larvária (n=2) e ovitrampas letal biodegradável (n=2). Os dados obtidos na literatura apontam que existem efeitos positivos de ovitrampas e demais armadilhas para captura de ovos, larvas e mosquitos de Aedes aegypti, entretanto, parâmetros para avaliação dos desfechos podem facilitar análises de desempenho das armadilhas no monitoramento de populações de Aedes aegypti.
Animals , Male , Female , Mosquito Control/methods , AedesABSTRACT
Abstract From its inception, in 1948, the World Health Organization made control of malaria a high priority. Early successes led many to believe that eradication was possible, although there were serious doubts concerning the continent of Africa. As evidence mounted that eradicating malaria was not a simple matter, the malaria eradication programme was downgraded to a unit in 1980. Revived interest in malaria followed the Roll Back Malaria Initiative adopted in 1998. This article presents an historical account of the globally changing ideas on control and elimination of the disease and argues that insufficient attention was paid to strengthening health services and specialized human resources.
Resumo Desde sua origem, em 1948, a Organização Mundial da Saúde priorizou o controle da malária. Os primeiros êxitos induziram à crença na viabilidade da erradicação, apesar de sérias dúvidas quanto ao continente africano. À medida que se somavam comprovações de que a erradicação da malária não seria simples, o projeto com essa finalidade foi rebaixado a uma unidade em 1980. O reavivamento do interesse na malária ocorreu após a iniciativa Roll Back Malaria, criada em 1998. Este artigo apresenta um panorama histórico das mudanças nas ideias, em âmbito global, ligadas ao controle e à eliminação da doença e defende a tese de que a atenção dada ao fortalecimento dos serviços de saúde e a recursos humanos especializados foi insuficiente.
Humans , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , World Health Organization/history , Communicable Disease Control/history , Mosquito Control/history , Malaria/history , Communicable Disease Control/methods , Mosquito Control/methods , Africa , Disease Eradication/history , Goals , Malaria/prevention & controlABSTRACT
Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la combinación de Metarhizium anisopliae y Gliocladium virens, ambos con Aqua Reslin Super, sobre oviposición, eclosión y emergencia de Aedes aegypti. Material y métodos: Se realizaron evaluaciones para determinar el efecto de los tratamientos impregnados en papel filtro y expuestos dentro de recipientes de plástico sobre la oviposición, eclosión y emergencia de Aedes aegypti. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que las combinaciones hongo e insecticida no afectaron el comportamiento de oviposición, pero sí la eclosión de los huevos y la emergencia del adulto. Conclusión: Con los resultados se puede concluir que la combinación de hongos + insecticida puede ser una buena opción para aplicarse en sitios de oviposición con miras al desarrollo de una ovitrampa letal.
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the effect of the combination of Metarhizium anisopliae and Gliocladium virens, both with Aqua Reslin Super, on the oviposition, hatching and emergence of Aedes aegypti. Materials and methods: Evaluations were carried out to determine the effect of treatments impregnated on filter paper and exposed within plastic containers on the oviposition, hatching and emergency of Aedes aegypti. Results: The results indicated that the fungus and insecticide combinations did not affect the oviposition behavior, but if the hatching of the eggs and the adult's emergency. Conclusion: With the results it can be concluded that the combination of fungi + insecticide can be a good option to be applied in oviposition sites with a view to the development of a lethal ovitrap.
Animals , Female , Oviposition , Piperonyl Butoxide , Pyrethrins , Aedes/anatomy & histology , Hypocrea , Metarhizium , Insecticides , Spores, Fungal/drug effects , Spores, Fungal/growth & development , Mosquito Control/methods , Hypocrea/drug effects , Hypocrea/growth & development , Metarhizium/drug effects , Metarhizium/growth & developmentABSTRACT
Abstract: Objective: To compare the efficacy of three modern larvicides with the organophosphate temephos for control of Aedes aegypti in water tanks in Chiapas. Materials and methods: Trials were performed to compare the efficacy of pyriproxyfen, novaluron, two formulations of spinosad (granules and tablets) and temephos in oviposition traps and domestic water tanks. Results: Pyriproxyfen and temephos provided 2-3 weeks of complete control of larvae in oviposition traps, whereas spinosad granules and novaluron provided 7-12 weeks of control. Treatment of water tanks resulted in a significant reduction in oviposition by Ae. aegypt in houses (p<0.001). Higher numbers of larvae were present in temephos and pyriproxyfen-treated water tanks compared to novaluron and spinosad tablet treatments during most of the study. Conclusion: Spinosad formulations and novaluron were effective larvicides in this region. The poor performance of temephos may be indicative of reduced susceptibility in Ae. aegypti populations in Chiapas.
Resumen: Objetivo: Comparar la eficacia de tres larvicidas modernos para el control de Aedes aegypti en tanques de agua doméstica en Chiapas. Material y métodos: Se comparó la eficacia de piriproxifeno, novalurón, dos formulaciones de spinosad (gránulos y tabletas) y temefos en ovitrampas y tanques domésticos de agua. Resultados: El piriproxifeno y el temefos proporcionaron de 2 a 3 semanas de control de larvas en ovitrampas, mientras que los gránulos de spinosad y novaluron proporcionaron de 7 a12 semanas. Los tanques de agua tratados produjeron una reducción significativa en la oviposición por Ae. aegypti en las casas (p<0.001). Se encontró gran cantidad de larvas en los tanques tratados con temefos y piriproxifeno en comparación con los tratados con novaluron y tabletas de spinosad durante la mayor parte del estudio. Conclusión: Las formulaciones de spinosad en tabletas y novaluron fueron larvicidas efectivos en esta región. El bajo desempeño de temefos puede indicar una susceptibilidad reducida en poblaciones de Ae. aegypti en Chiapas.
Animals , Female , Phenylurea Compounds , Pyridines , Temefos , Macrolides , Aedes , Insecticides , Oviposition , Water/parasitology , Mosquito Control/methods , Aedes/anatomy & histology , Drug Combinations , Housing , Larva , MexicoABSTRACT
Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de la mezcla de flupyradifurona 26.3 g/L y transflutrina 52.5 g/L aplicada como niebla térmica a mosquitos Aedes vectores de virus dengue, Zika y chikungunya. Material y métodos: Se colocaron grupos de 15 mosquitos de Ae. aegypti (susceptibles y resistentes a piretroides) dentro de jaulas, en sala, recámara y cocina. Posteriormente, se aplicó la mezcla de flupyradifurona y transflutrina dentro de las viviendas a una dosis de 2 y 4 mg/m3, respectivamente. Resultados: La mezcla de flupyradifurona y transflutrina causó mortalidades de 97 a 100% sobre las cepas de mosquitos Aedes y su efectividad fue la misma en los diferentes compartimentos de las viviendas. Conclusiones: La mezcla de flupyradifurona y transflutrina, aplicada en niebla térmica, es una herramienta prometedora para el control de poblaciones de mosquitos Aedes independientemente de su estado de resistencia a insecticidas.
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of thermal fogging of a mixture of flupyrafirudone (26.3 g/L) and transfluthrin (52.5 g/L) against dengue, Zika y chikungunya Aedes mosquito vectors. Materials and methods: Groups of 15 caged Ae. aegypti (susceptible and pyrethroid resistant) mosquitoes were placed in living room, kitchen and bedroom inside houses, after which a dose of 2 and 4 mg/m3 of flupyradifurone and transfluthrine, respectively, was applied as thermal fog. After one hour of exposure mosquitoes were transferred to the laboratory and mortality was recorded after 24 h. Results: The mixture killed 97 to 100% of mosquitoes from the strains and the efficacy was similar independently of their place within the premises. Conclusions: The mixture of flupyrafirudone and transfluthrin applied as thermal fog is a promising tool to control Aedes mosquito populations independently of the pyrethroid-insecticide resistance status.
Animals , Pyridines , 4-Butyrolactone/analogs & derivatives , Insecticide Resistance , Aedes , Cyclopropanes , Fluorobenzenes , Insecticides , Chikungunya virus , Mosquito Control/methods , Aedes/virology , Aerosols , Dengue Virus , Drug Combinations , Zika Virus , Mosquito Vectors , Housing , MexicoABSTRACT
Resumo A dengue ocorre no Timor-Leste desde 2005, porém não existe um programa de monitoramento e controle do "Aedes aegypti". O objetivo deste estudo foi de avaliar a armadilha ovitrampa iscada com atraente natural como uma possível ferramenta para monitorar o vetor das arboviroses: Dengue (DENV), Chikungunya (CHIKV) e Zika (ZIKV). O estudo foi realizado na cidade de Dili, capital do Timor-Leste, entre as semanas epidemiológicas 32 (02/08) a 48 (02/12) de 2016. Foram instaladas 70 armadilhas Ovitrampa, em residências de 15 sucos (ruas), de quatro Postos Administrativos (bairros) da cidade. Para as analises dos dados utilizou-se os indicadores entomológicos: Índice de Positividade de Ovitrampa (IPO), Índice de Densidade Vetorial (IDV) e Índice de Densidade de Ovos (IDO). Durante o experimento foram coletados 158.904 ovos de Aedes spp.. O IPO demonstrou que todas as áreas tiveram 98% a 100% de armadilhas contendo ovos de Aedes spp.. Os indicadores IDO e IPO apresentaram correlações positivas e significativa com a temperatura. A defasagem de duas e três semanas para precipitação indicou correlação positiva significativa para IDV e IDO. Portanto, a armadilha ovitrampa é uma ferramenta que pode integrar as ações de um programa de monitoramento e controle de Aedes spp. no Timor-Leste.
Humans , Animals , Female , Mosquito Control/methods , Aedes/virology , Mosquito Vectors/virology , Oviposition , Chikungunya virus/isolation & purification , Aedes/physiology , Dengue/prevention & control , Dengue/transmission , Dengue Virus/isolation & purification , Timor-Leste , Chikungunya Fever/prevention & control , Chikungunya Fever/transmission , Zika Virus/isolation & purification , Zika Virus Infection/prevention & control , Zika Virus Infection/transmissionABSTRACT
BACKGROUND Aedes aegypti is the sole vector of urban arboviruses in French Guiana. Overtime, the species has been responsible for the transmission of viruses during yellow fever, dengue, chikungunya and Zika outbreaks. Decades of vector control have produced resistant populations to deltamethrin, the sole molecule available to control adult mosquitoes in this French Territory. OBJECTIVES Our surveillance aimed to provide public health authorities with data on insecticide resistance in Ae. aegypti populations and other species of interest in French Guiana. Monitoring resistance to the insecticide used for vector control and to other molecule is a key component to develop an insecticide resistance management plan. METHODS In 2009, we started to monitor resistance phenotypes to deltamethrin and target-site mechanisms in Ae. aegypti populations across the territory using the WHO impregnated paper test and allelic discrimination assay. FINDINGS Eight years surveillance revealed well-installed resistance and the dramatic increase of alleles on the sodium voltage-gated gene, known to confer resistance to pyrethroids (PY). In addition, we observed that populations were resistant to malathion (organophosphorous, OP) and alpha-cypermethrin (PY). Some resistance was also detected to molecules from the carbamate family. Finally, those populations somehow recovered susceptibility against fenitrothion (OP). In addition, other species distributed in urban areas revealed to be also resistant to pyrethroids. CONCLUSION The resistance level can jeopardize the efficiency of chemical adult control in absence of other alternatives and conducts to strongly rely on larval control measures to reduce mosquito burden. Vector control strategies need to evolve to maintain or regain efficacy during epidemics.
Animals , Pyrethrins/pharmacology , Insecticide Resistance/drug effects , Insecticide Resistance/genetics , Aedes/drug effects , Mosquito Vectors/drug effects , Insecticides/pharmacology , Mosquito Control/methods , Aedes/genetics , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , Mosquito Vectors/virology , French Guiana , Insect Vectors/drug effects , Insect Vectors/geneticsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND Long lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) may be effective for vector control of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). Their efficacy, however, has not been sufficiently evaluated. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the large-scale efficacy of LLINs on Lutzomyia longiflocosa entomological parameters up to two years post-intervention in the sub-Andean region of Colombia. METHODS A matched-triplet cluster-randomised study of 21 rural settlements, matched by pre-intervention L. longiflocosa indoor density was used to compare three interventions: dip it yourself (DIY) lambda-cyhalothrin LLIN, deltamethrin LLIN, and untreated nets (control). Sand fly indoor density, feeding success, and parity were recorded using CDC light trap collections at 1, 6, 12, and 24 months post-intervention. FINDINGS Both LLINs reduced significantly (74-76%) the indoor density and the proportion of fully engorged sand flies up to two years post-intervention without differences between them. Residual lethal effects of both LLINs and the use of all nets remained high throughout the two-year evaluation period. CONCLUSIONS Both LLINs demonstrated high efficacy against L. longiflocosa indoors. Therefore, the deployment of these LLINs could have a significant impact on the reduction of CL transmission in the sub-Andean region. The DIY lambda-cyhalothrin kit may be used to convert untreated nets to LLINs increasing coverage.
Animals , Mosquito Control/methods , Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous/prevention & control , Insecticide-Treated Bednets , Insect Vectors/drug effects , Insecticides/administration & dosage , Anopheles/drug effects , Rural Population , Insecticide Resistance , Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous/parasitology , Colombia , Mosquito VectorsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND Aedes aegypti is the primary transmitter of several arbovirus with great impact in human health. Controlling vector mosquitoes is an essential and complex task. One promising control method is to use mosquitoes as a vehicle to disseminate tiny particles of juvenile-killing insecticides, such as pyriproxyfen (PPF), to breeding sites. OBJECTIVES We aimed to investigate the capacity of Ae. aegypti to disseminate two new formulations of PPF in two sites of Rio de Janeiro city for assessment of the efficacy of these products. METHODS Dissemination stations impregnated with powder and liquid new formulations of PPF were installed in two test sites. Ovitraps were used in the test sites and in a control site for monitoring the presence of Ae. aegypti throughout eggs collection. FINDINGS Entomological indices indicated that the new formulations of PPF were efficient in reducing eggs abundance. Liquid formulation performed better than powder formulation. Ready-to-use formulations of PPF can be quickly applied in the field and can be replaced after a few months. MAIN CONCLUSIONS New formulations of PPF associated with mosquito dissemination approach make a valuable vector control strategy, managing to cover places of difficult access for whatever reason. New formulations application requires less labour, being economically attractive.
Humans , Animals , Adolescent , Pyridines/pharmacology , Mosquito Control/methods , Aedes/drug effects , Insecticides/pharmacology , Larva/drug effects , Cities , Mosquito Vectors/growth & development , Mosquito Vectors/drug effects , Larva/growth & developmentSubject(s)
Animals , Mosquito Control/methods , Mosquito Vectors , Anopheles , Malaria/prevention & control , Malaria/transmissionABSTRACT
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Aedes aegypti is the main vector responsible for the transmission of numerous arboviruses. Adultrap® has been developed to catch these insects. METHODS: We tested the effectiveness of capturing adults with and without one of the components of Adultrap®. RESULTS: The mean number of insects caught by the original trap was 1.25 (standard deviation = 1.28), while the average obtained with the modified trap was 8.88 (standard deviation = 3.44). The medians were statistically different (p = 0.001) according to the Mann-Whitney test. CONCLUSIONS: The modification of Adultrap® increased the average catch of Ae. aegypti by up to seven times.
Animals , Mosquito Control/instrumentation , Aedes/classification , Equipment Design , Mosquito Vectors/classification , Mosquito Control/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: La identificación de las especies de mosquitos a nivel de cada municipio forma parte del Programa de Vigilancia y Control de Aedes aegypti y Aedes albopictus vigente en Cuba. Objetivo: Identificar las especies de mosquitos en sitios de crías artificiales y naturales y relacionarlo con el papel de la comunidad en el control de sus poblaciones en la provincia La Habana. Métodos: Se identificaron las muestras larvarias de mosquitos enviadas al laboratorio provincial de Entomología, colectadas en depósitos artificiales y en sitios naturales en los municipios de La Habana desde enero del 2000 hasta el 2016. Resultados: En el estudio se identificaron un total de 48 especies de mosquitos. Aedes aegypti, Gymnometopa mediovittata, Culex quinquefasciatus y Culex nigripalpus, estuvieron presentes en todos los municipios de La Habana. Los depósitos abandonados en los alrededores de las viviendas y terrenos baldíos como: latas, bebederos, chatarra metálica, neumáticos de autos usados, entre otros, relacionados con actividades humanas, aportaron la mayor riqueza de especies al ecosistema urbano, seguido por los huecos de árboles y sitios de cría naturales. Los depósitos artificiales de almacenamiento de agua con fines domésticos en las viviendas, tales como: tanques, cisternas, cubos, entre otros, fueron los de menor riqueza, pero fundamentales para la presencia de Ae. aegypti. Conclusiones: Disponer de datos actualizados sobre la distribución de las especies de mosquitos y sus sitios de cría en La Habana constituyen una información valiosa para fomentar la participación de la comunidad en la eliminación de estos en momentos de epidemias en que se involucren estos vectores(AU)
Introduction: Identification of the mosquito species present in each municipality is part of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus Surveillance and Control Program currently in place in Cuba. Objective: Identify the mosquito species in artificial and natural breeding sites and relate that information to the role played by the community in the control of their populations in the province of Havana. Methods: Identification was performed of mosquito larval samples submitted to the Provincial Entomology Laboratory and collected from artificial containers and natural breeding sites in Havana municipalities from January 2000 to 2016. Results: A total 48 mosquito species were identified in the study. Aedes aegypti, Gymnometopa mediovittata, Culex quinquefasciatus and Culex nigripalpus were found to be present in all Havana municipalities. Unused containers scattered around households and in uncultivated fields, such as cans, troughs, scrap metal and used car tires, among other items related to human activities, contribute the greatest species richness to the urban ecosystem, followed by tree holes and natural breeding sites. Artificial water storage containers in households, such as elevated and underground water tanks and buckets, among others, contributed lesser richness, but were fundamental for the presence of A. aegypti. Conclusions: Updated data about the distribution of mosquito species and their breeding sites in Havana is valuable information to foster community participation in their elimination in the event of epidemics involving these vectors(AU)
Humans , Mosquito Control/methods , Mosquito Control/ethics , Community Participation/methods , Public Health , CubaABSTRACT
Resumo O artigo analisa a chegada e identificação do mosquito africano Anopheles gambiae no Brasil em 1930 e as primeiras reações de cientistas e autoridades de saúde pública contra as epidemias de malária causadas por essa espécie. Apesar de ter sido reconhecido como perigoso vetor da malária, sua presença em território nacional foi negligenciada a partir de 1932, após ações emergenciais na capital do Rio Grande do Norte, favorecendo um alastramento silencioso que resultou em uma grande epidemia de malária em 1938. São abordadas questões científicas e políticas que contribuíram para que o combate ao mosquito fosse colocado em segundo plano nas articulações entre a Divisão Sanitária Internacional da Fundação Rockefeller e autoridades brasileiras até 1937.
Abstract The article analyzes the arrival and identification of the African mosquito Anopheles gambiae in Brazil in 1930, and the initial reactions of scientists and public health authorities against the epidemics of malaria caused by this species. Although this mosquito was recognized as a dangerous vector of malaria, its presence in Brazil was neglected after initial emergency actions in the city of Natal in 1932; this encouraged it to spread silently, resulting in a major malaria epidemic in 1938. This article examines scientific and political issues which caused the fight against mosquitoes to be pushed into the background until 1937 in cooperative efforts between the Rockefeller Foundation's International Health Division and the Brazilian authorities.
Humans , History, 20th Century , Mosquito Control/history , Epidemics/history , Mosquito Vectors , Malaria/history , Anopheles , Brazil/epidemiology , Mosquito Control/methods , Federal Government/history , Epidemics/prevention & control , Foundations/history , Malaria/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Resumo O Aedes aegypti é um importante agente transmissor de afecções na atualidade, sendo o responsável por enfermidades como Zika, Chikungunya e os quatro sorotipos do Dengue. Por ocasião da relevância desse mosquito para o corpo social atual, investigações em Ecossaúde se tornam prementes, já que essa abordagem visa articular diferentes campos teóricos para entender as conexões históricas entre a natureza, a sociedade e a saúde. Partindo de uma premissa etnográfica, este estudo considerou as condições de desigualdade e injustiça que tornam vulneráveis a saúde de mulheres em torno do dengue, analisando práticas e percepções destas acerca dos potencias criadouros existentes no espaço público. Para compor o estudo, utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada e a observação participante, com uso de diário de campo. A pesquisa contou com a participação de dez mulheres moradoras de um bairro periférico da cidade de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, tendo ocorrido no período de janeiro a agosto de 2014. Da Análise de Conteúdo emergiu a categoria "Iniquidade social, contexto e práticas no espaço público". A partir das narrativas, constatou-se que condições precárias de vida e evidente iniquidade social poderão influenciar em um contexto permeado por lixo, com grande potencial para a proliferação do mosquito causador da dengue.
Abstract Aedes aegypti is currently a critical disease agent and is responsible for viruses such as Zika, Chikungunya and Dengue's four serotypes. This mosquito's relevance to the current social body has come to the fore and triggered urgent EcoHealth investigations since this approach aims to articulate different theoretical fields to understand the historical linkages between nature, society and health. Based on an ethnographic premise, this study considered the unequal and unfair conditions that make women's health vulnerable to dengue, analyzing their practices and perceptions about the potential breeding grounds in the public space. A semi-structured interview and participant observation, as well as a field diary, were used to compose the study. The research included the participation of ten women living in the outskirts of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, from January to August 2014. The category "Social inequality, context and practices in the public space" emerged from the content analysis. The narratives revealed that unstable living conditions and evident social inequality might influence in a context permeated by waste, with great potential for dengue's mosquito proliferation.
Humans , Animals , Female , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Mosquito Control/methods , Dengue/prevention & control , Chikungunya Fever/prevention & control , Zika Virus Infection/prevention & control , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Interviews as Topic , Aedes/virology , Dengue/transmission , Chikungunya Fever/transmission , Zika Virus Infection/transmission , Mosquito Vectors/virology , Middle AgedABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether sites with large amount of potential breeding sites for immature forms of Aedes aegypti, called strategic points, influence in the active vector's dispersion into properties in their surroundings. METHODS: We selected four areas in the municipality of Campinas, three of them with strategic points classified as high, moderate, and low risk according to infestation and a control area, without strategic points. Between October 2015 and September 2016, we monthly installed oviposition traps and evaluated the infestation by Ae. aegypti in all properties of each selected area. To verify if there was vector dispersion from each strategic point, based on its location, we investigated the formation of clusters with excess of eggs or larvae or pupae containers, using the Gi spatial statistics. RESULTS: The amount of eggs collected in the ovitraps and the number of positive containers for Ae. aegypti did not show clusters of high values concerning its distance from the strategic point. Both presented random distribution not spatially associated with the positioning of strategic points in the area. CONCLUSIONS: Strategic points are not confirmed as responsible for the vector's dispersion for properties in their surroundings. We highlight the importance of reviewing the current strategy of the vector control program in Brazil, seeking a balance from the technical, operational, and economic point of view, without disregarding the role of strategic points as major producers of mosquitoes and their importance in the dissemination of arboviruses in periods of transmission.
RESUMO OBJETIVO: Avaliar se locais com grande quantidade de potenciais criadouros de formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti, denominados pontos estratégicos, influenciam a dispersão ativa do vetor aos imóveis no seu entorno. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas quatro áreas no município de Campinas, três delas com pontos estratégicos classificados como alto, médio e baixo risco segundo a infestação e uma área controle, sem ponto estratégico. Entre outubro de 2015 e setembro de 2016, instalaram-se mensalmente armadilhas de oviposição e avaliou-se a infestação por Ae. aegypti em todos os imóveis de cada área selecionada. Para verificar se houve dispersão do vetor a partir de cada ponto estratégico, com base em sua localização, investigou-se a formação de aglomerados com excesso de ovos ou de recipientes com larvas ou pupas, utilizando a estatística espacial Gi. RESULTADOS: o número de ovos coletados nas ovitrampas e o número de recipientes positivos para Ae. aegypti não apresentaram aglomerados de altos valores relativos à sua distância do ponto estratégico. Ambos apresentaram distribuição aleatória não associada espacialmente com o posicionamento dos pontos estratégicos na área. CONCLUSÕES: Pontos estratégicos não se confirmaram como responsáveis pela dispersão do vetor para os imóveis no seu entorno. Destaca-se a importância de rever a estratégia atual do programa de controle de vetores do Brasil, buscando um equilíbrio do ponto de vista técnico, operacional e econômico, sem desconsiderar o papel dos pontos estratégicos como grandes produtores de mosquitos e sua importância na disseminação de arboviroses em momentos de transmissão.
Animals , Female , Oviposition/physiology , Pupa/growth & development , Mosquito Control/methods , Aedes/growth & development , Dengue/prevention & control , Mosquito Vectors/growth & development , Urban Population , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring , Mosquito Control/statistics & numerical data , Risk Factors , Aedes/virology , Dengue/transmission , Spatial Analysis , Animal Distribution/physiology , Mosquito Vectors/virologyABSTRACT
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Areas at risk of transmission of arboviruses have been monitored using ovitraps. This study aimed to evaluate the spatial distribution of Aedes aegypti in vulnerable areas for the transmission of arboviruses and assess the influence of climatic conditions on the infestation of these culicids. METHODS: Ovitraps were installed in Agrestina, Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. RESULTS: Overall, 44,936 eggs were collected, and the indexes of infestation varied. Relative humidity was significantly associated with the infestations. CONCLUSIONS: Using ovitraps, entomologic indexes and analysis of climatic factors might be good strategies for monitoring vulnerable areas for the transmission of arboviruses.