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Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1247-1259, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970436


The aim of this study was to construct Chlorella mutants deficient in chlorophyll synthesis by atmospheric pressure room temperature plasma (ARTP) mutagenesis, and screen novel algal species with very low chlorophyll content which is suitable for protein production by fermentation. Firstly, the lethal rate curve of mixotrophic wild type cells was established by optimizing the mutagenesis treatment time. The mixotrophic cells in early exponential phase were treated by the condition of over 95% lethal rate, and 4 mutants with the visual change of colony color were isolated. Subsequently, the mutants were cultured in shaking flasks heterotrophically for evaluation of their protein production performance. P. ks 4 mutant showed the best performance in Basal medium containing 30 g/L glucose and 5 g/L NaNO3. The protein content and productivity reached 39.25% dry weight and 1.15 g/(L·d), with an amino acid score of 101.34. The chlorophyll a content decreased 98.78%, whereas chlorophyll b was not detected, and 0.62 mg/g of lutein content made the algal biomass appear golden yellow. This work provides a novel germplasm, the mutant P. ks 4 with high yield and high quality, for alternative protein production by microalgal fermentation.

Chlorella/metabolism , Chlorophyll A/metabolism , Plant Breeding , Mutagenesis , Chlorophyll/metabolism , Biomass , Microalgae
Article in Spanish | UY-BNMED, BNUY, LILACS | ID: biblio-1513564


El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el efecto del ácido clorogénico, uno de los compuestos polifenólicos con mayor concentración en la infusión de Ilex paraguariensis, sobre el daño celular y molecular inducido por el benzo(a)pireno. La infusión de Ilex paraguariensis ("mate") es bebida por la mayoría de los habitantes de Argentina, Paraguay, sur de Brasil y Uruguay. La levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae (cepas SC7K lys2-3; SX46A y SX46Arad14() se utilizó como modelo eucariota. Las células en crecimiento exponencial se expusieron a concentraciones crecientes de benzo(a)pireno y a tratamientos combinados con una concentración de 250 ng/mL de benzo(a)pireno y ácido clorogénico a una concentración igual a la encontrada en la infusión de yerba mate. Luego de los tratamientos se determinaron fracciones de sobrevida, frecuencia mutagénica y roturas de doble cadena de ADN así como la modulación en la expresión de la proteína Rad14 a través de un análisis de Western Blot. Se observó un aumento significativo en las fracciones de sobrevida así como una disminución en la frecuencia mutagénica después de la exposición combinada con benzo(a)pireno y ácido clorogénico en comparación con los tratamientos con benzo(a)pireno como único agente. En la cepa mutante deficiente en la proteína Rad14 se observó un aumento significativo en la sensibilidad a benzo(a)pireno en comparación con la cepa SC7K lys2-3. En los tratamientos combinados de benzo(a)pireno y ácido clorogénico se observó una importante disminución de la letalidad. Con respecto a la determinación de roturas de doble cadena de ADN no se observó fraccionamiento cromosómico a la concentración de benzo(a)pireno utilizada en los experimentos. Los análisis de Western Blot mostraron un aumento en la expresión de la proteína Rad14 en las muestras tratadas con benzo(a)pireno como único agente en comparación con la muestra control. Adicionalmente se observó una disminución en la expresión de la proteína cuando en los tratamientos se utilizaron benzo(a)pireno y ácido clorogénico combinados. Los resultados indican que el ácido clorogénico disminuye significativamente la actividad mutagénica producida por el benzo(a)pireno, la cual no se encuentra relacionada con un incremento en la remoción de las lesiones inducidas por el sistema de reparación por escisión de nucleótidos.

The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of chlorogenic acid, a polyphenolic compound found at high concentrations in Ilex paraguariensis infusions, on cellular and molecular damage induced by benzo(a)pyrene. Ilex paraguariensis infusions ("mate") are consumed by most of the population in Argentina, Paraguay, southern Brazil and Uruguay. Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast (SC7K lys2-3; SX46A and SX46Arad14( strains) were used as eukaryotic model organisms. Cells in an exponential growth phase were exposed to increasing concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene, as well as combined treatments of benzo(a)pyrene at a concentration of 250 ng/mL and chlorogenic acid at a concentration matching that which is commonly found in mate. Determinations of surviving fraction, mutagenic frequency and double strand DNA breaks induction were performed, along with the assessment of the modulation of the expression of protein Rad14 by Western Blot. A significant increase of surviving fractions and a decrease in mutagenic frequency were observed after exposure to benzo(a)pyrene plus chlorogenic acid, contrary to benzo(a)pyrene alone. A substantial increase in sensitivity to benzo(a)pyrene was observed for the Rad14 protein-deficient mutating strain when compared to the SC7K lys2-3 strain. An important decrease in lethality was observed when combined benzo(a)pyrene and chlorogenic acid treatments were applied. As for the determination of DSBs, no chromosomic fractionation was observed at the benzo(a)pyrene concentration tested in the experiments. Western Blot analysis showed an increase in the expression of protein Rad14 for samples treated with benzo(a)pyrene as a single agent when compared against the control sample. Additionally, the expression of this protein was observed to diminish when combined treatments with benzo(a)pyrene and chlorogenic acid were used. Results obtained indicate that chlorogenic acid significantly decreases the mutagenic activity of benzo(a)pyrene, which is not related to an increase in the removal of lesions induced by nucleotide excision repair system.

O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito do ácido clorogênico, um dos compostos polifenólicos com maior concentração na infusão de Ilex paraguariensis, sobre o dano celular e molecular induzido pelo benzopireno. A infusão de Ilex paraguariensis ("mate") é consumida pela maioria dos habitantes da Argentina, Paraguai, sul do Brasil e Uruguai. A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae (cepas SC7K lys2-3; SX46A e SX46Arad14() foi utilizada como modelo eucariótico. Células em crescimento exponencial foram expostas a concentrações crescentes de benzopireno e tratamentos combinados foram realizados com uma concentração de 250 ng/mL de benzo(a)pireno e ácido clorogênico, igual à encontrada na infusão de erva-mate. Após os tratamentos, foram determinadas as frações de sobrevivência, frequência mutagênica e quebras de fita dupla do DNA, bem como a modulação na expressão da proteína Rad14 por meio de análise de Western Blot. Um aumento significativo nas frações de sobrevivência, bem como uma diminuição na frequência mutagênica foram observados após a exposição combinada de benzo(a)pireno e ácido clorogênico em comparação com tratamentos de agente único de benzo(a)pireno. Um aumento significativo na sensibilidade ao benzo(a)pireno foi observado na cepa mutante deficiente em proteína Rad14 em comparação com a cepa SC7K lys2-3. Nos tratamentos combinados de benzo(a)pireno e ácido clorogênico, observou-se uma diminuição significativa na letalidade. Com relação à determinação das quebras de fita dupla de DNA, não foi observado fracionamento cromossômico na concentração de benzo(a)pireno utilizada nos experimentos. A partir da análise de Western Blot, observou-se um aumento na expressão da proteína Rad14 nas amostras tratadas com benzo(a)pireno como agente único em relação à amostra controle. Além disso, uma diminuição na expressão da proteína foi observada quando combinados de benzo(a)pireno e ácido clorogênico foram usados ​​nos tratamentos. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho indicam que o ácido clorogênico diminui significativamente a atividade mutagênica produzida pelo benzo(a)pireno, a qual não está relacionada a um aumento na remoção de lesões induzidas pelo sistema de reparo por excisão de nucleotídeos.

Benzo(a)pyrene/pharmacology , Chlorogenic Acid/pharmacology , Cell Death/drug effects , Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins/adverse effects , DNA Repair Enzymes/genetics , Benzo(a)pyrene/toxicity , Mutagenesis/drug effects , Cell Death/genetics , Antimutagenic Agents/pharmacology , Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins/genetics , DNA Breaks, Double-Stranded/drug effects , Mutation Rate
An. Facultad Med. (Univ. Repúb. Urug., En línea) ; 8(1): e203, jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1248717


El vino tinto variedad Vitis vinifera L. cv Tannat en los últimos años ha tomado relevancia por su alta concentración de polifenoles, esto le podría significar un rol protector sobre el genoma disminuyendo la formación de lesiones oxidativas. Los efectos a nivel celular de las radiaciones ionizantes en blancos como el ADN, componentes de cascadas de transducción de señales, resultan en lesiones letales, mutagénicas y recombinogénicas y en retardos en el ciclo celular. Se utilizó como modelo eucariota poblaciones de Saccharomyces cerevisiae en fase exponencial expuestas a radiación gamma (200 Gy) en presencia, o ausencia, de vino Tannat (10 % v/v) o de ácido tánico (60 µg/mL). Se estimaron las probabilidades de sobrevida y frecuencia mutagénica en distintas condiciones. Las muestras celulares expuestas a radiación ionizante presentaron una fracción de sobrevida de 0.21 ± 0.02 mientras que en las muestras irradiadas en presencia de vino Tannat o de ácido tánico la fracción de sobrevida fue de 0.33 ± 0.03 y 0.30 ± 0.03 respectivamente. Se observó en las poblaciones irradiadas un aumento significativo de la probabilidad de mutagénesis. En el caso de los tratamientos combinados se observó que la frecuencia mutagénica fue significativamente menor (gamma Tannat: 33%, gamma ácido tánico: 45% ). Estos resultados preliminares podrían indicar radioprotección moderada por parte de los compuestos estudiados, efecto que podría explicarse por las interacciones redox del ácido tánico y polifenoles contenidos en el vino con los radicales libres formados por las radiaciones ionizantes, además de la activación de vías de reparación genómica.

The red wine variety Vitis vinifera L. cv Tannat in recent years has gained relevance due to its high concentration of polyphenols, this could mean a protective role on the genome, reducing the formation of oxidative lesions. The effects at the cellular level of ionizing radiation on targets such as DNA, components of signal transduction cascades, result in lethal, mutagenic and recombinogenic lesions and delays in the cell cycle. Exponential phase populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to gamma radiation (200 Gy) in the presence or absence of Tannat wine (10% v / v) or tannic acid (60 µg / ml) were used as a eukaryotic model. The probabilities of survival and mutagenic frequency in different conditions were estimated. Cellular samples exposed to ionizing radiation presented a survival fraction of 0.21 ± 0.02, while in samples irradiated in the presence of Tannat wine or tannic acid, the survival fraction was 0.33 ± 0.03 and 0.30 ± 0.03 respectively. A significant increase in the probability of mutagenesis was observed in irradiated populations. In the case of the combined treatments, it was observed that the mutagenic frequency was significantly lower (Tannat gamma: 33%, Tannic acid gamma: 45%). These preliminary results could indicate moderate radioprotection by the compounds studied, an effect that could be explained by the redox interactions of tannic acid and polyphenols contained in wine with the free radicals formed by ionizing radiation, in addition to the activation of genomic repair pathways.

A variedade de vinho tinto Vitis vinifera L. cv Tannat nos últimos anos tem ganhado relevância devido à sua alta concentração de polifenóis, o que pode significar um papel protetor do genoma, reduzindo a formação de lesões oxidativas. Os efeitos no nível celular da radiação ionizante em alvos como o DNA, componentes de cascatas de transdução de sinal, resultam em lesões letais, mutagênicas e recombinogênicas e atrasos no ciclo celular. Populações de fase exponencial de Saccharomyces cerevisiae expostas à radiação gama (200 Gy) na presença ou ausência de vinho Tannat (10% v / v) ou ácido tânico (60 µg / ml) foram utilizadas como modelo eucariótico. Foram estimadas as probabilidades de sobrevivência e frequência mutagênica em diferentes condições. As amostras celulares expostas à radiação ionizante apresentaram uma fração de sobrevivência de 0,21 ± 0,02, enquanto nas amostras irradiadas na presença de vinho Tannat ou ácido tânico, a fração de sobrevivência foi de 0,33 ± 0,03 e 0,30 ± 0,03, respectivamente. Um aumento significativo na probabilidade de mutagênese foi observado nas populações irradiadas. No caso dos tratamentos combinados, observou-se que a frequência mutagênica foi significativamente menor (Tannat gama: 33%, ácido tânico gama: 45%). Esses resultados preliminares podem indicar radioproteção moderada pelos compostos estudados, efeito que pode ser explicado pelas interações redox do ácido tânico e polifenóis contidos no vinho com os radicais livres formados pela radiação ionizante, além da ativação de vias de reparo genômico.

Animals , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/drug effects , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/genetics , Tannins/pharmacology , Mutagenesis/drug effects , Polyphenols/pharmacology , Gamma Rays/adverse effects , Radiation-Protective Agents/pharmacology , Survival Rate , Drug Therapy, Combination , Mutation Rate
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;43: e54709, 2021. graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460978


Streptomyces 5.1 is a bacterium isolated from rice soils in the south of the Tolima department (Colombia). This microorganism is characterized by its antagonistic activity against rubber tree phytopathogens like Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the causal agent of leaf anthracnose. The antifungal activity of this Streptomyces isolate has been associated with secondary metabolites production. However, the identity of those metabolites is unknown because its purification and identification have not been possible through classic chemical studies. Therefore, aiming to contribute in the study of the secondary metabolites produced by 5.1 from a molecular approach, this research seeks to identify -preliminarily- the genomic fingerprint changes associated with the production of antifungal secondary metabolites produced by Streptomyces 5.1 through the evaluation of a mutant library of 5.1 obtained by random mutagenesis using controlled ultraviolet light exposure. The antifungal activity of obtained mutants was evaluated using Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (C1) fungus as a biosensor, isolated by the Biotechnology Institute of Universidad Nacional de Colombia. In this way, the library of mutants of 5.1, initially formed by 300 isolations, was classified into two phenotypic groups of interest: enhanced mutants (1 isolate) and null mutants (11 isolates) of secondary metabolites. The genomic changes in both groups were analyzed by obtaining the genomic profile of the isolates using Repetitive Extragenic Palindromic (Rep-PCR). The obtained profiles evidenced the presence of one additional band in the enhanced mutant, and the absence of a specific band in the non-producing mutants, both in comparison with the original strain. These bands are proposed for a future sequencing study which will define their role in the production process of metabolites with antifungal activity in Streptomyces 5.1.

Antifungal Agents/metabolism , Colletotrichum/metabolism , Phytochemicals/analysis , Mutagenesis , Streptomyces
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(4): 1390-1402, 01-06-2020. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147303


Thirty-seven different colonies were isolated from decomposing logs of textile industries. From among these, a thermotolerant, gram-positive, filamentous soil bacteria Streptomyces durhamensis vs15 was selected and screened for cellulase production. The strain showed clear zone formation on the CMC agar plate after Gram's iodine staining. Streptomyces durhamensis vs15 was further confirmed for cellulase production by estimating the reducing sugars through the dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method. The activity was enhanced by sequential mutagenesis using three mutagens of ultraviolet irradiation (UV), N methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG), and Ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). After mutagenesis, the cellulase activity of GC23 (mutant) was improved to 1.86-fold compared to the wild strain (vs15). Optimal conditions for the production of cellulase by the GC 23 strain were evaluated using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The effects of pH, temperature, duration of incubation, and substrate concentration on cellulase production were evaluated. Optimal conditions for the production of cellulase enzyme using Carboxymethyl cellulose as a substrate are 55 ºC of temperature, pH of 5.0, and incubation for 40 h. The cellulase activity of the mutant Streptomyces durhamensis GC23 was further optimized to 2-fold of the activity of the wild type by RSM and ANN

Trinta e sete colônias diferentes foram isoladas de toras em decomposição das indústrias têxteis. Dentre estes, uma bactéria do solo filamentosa termotolerante, Gram-positiva, Streptomyces durhamensis vs15, foi selecionada e rastreada quanto à produção de celulase. A cepa mostrou uma formação de zona clara na placa de ágar CMC após a coloração com iodo Gram. Streptomyces durhamensis vs15 foi ainda confirmado para a produção de celulase, estimando os açúcares redutores pelo método do ácido dinitrosalicílico (DNS). A atividade foi aprimorada por mutagênese sequencial usando três mutagênicos de irradiação ultravioleta (UV), N metil-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidina (NTG) e metanossulfonato de etil (EMS). Após a mutagênese, a atividade celulase do GC23 (mutante) foi melhorada para 1,86 vezes em comparação com a cepa selvagem (vs15). As condições ideais para a produção de celulase pela cepa GC 23 foram avaliadas usando a Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta (RSM) e a Rede Neural Artificial (RNA). Os efeitos do pH, temperatura, duração da incubação e concentração de substrato na produção de celulase foram avaliados. As condições ideais para a produção da enzima celulase usando Carboximetilcelulose como substrato são 55 ° C de temperatura, pH de 5,0 e incubação por 40 h. A atividade da celulase do mutante Streptomyces durhamensis GC23 foi ainda otimizada para 2 vezes a atividade do tipo selvagem por RSM e RNA.

Streptomyces , Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium , Mutagenesis , Neural Networks, Computer
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;41: 22-29, sept. 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087255


We highlight the importance of the mixed genetic approaches (classical and currents) to improve the social perception related to the GMOs acceptance. We pointed out that CRISPR/Cas9 events could carry DNA variability/rearrangements related to somaclonal variations or epigenetic changes that are independent from the editing per se. The transformation of single cells, followed by plant regeneration, is used to generate modified plants, transgenic or genome editing (CRISPR/Cas9). The incidence of undesirable somaclonal variations and/or epigenetic changes that might have occurred during in vitro multiplication and regeneration processes, must be carefully analyzed in replicates in field trials. One remarkable challenge is related to the time lapse that selects the modified elite genotypes, because these strategies may spend a variable amount of time before the results are commercialized, where in all the cases it should be take into account the genotype × environment interactions. Furthermore, this combination of techniques can create an encouraging bridge between the public opinion and the community of geneticists who are concerned with plant genetic improvement. In this context, either transgenesis or genomic editing strategies become complementary modern tools to facing the challenges of plant genetic improvement. Their applications will depend on case-by-case analysis, and when possible will necessary associate them to the schemes and bases of classic plant genetic improvement.

Plants, Genetically Modified , Gene Transfer Techniques , CRISPR-Cas Systems , Gene Editing , Transformation, Genetic , Mutagenesis , DNA Methylation , Genetic Enhancement , Epigenesis, Genetic
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 35(2): 570-585, mar./apr. 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048611


Pyrostegia venusta is usually found in the secondary growth of the Atlantic forests, and in the Brazilian Savanna. Flowers and leaves of this plant are used in folk remedies for treating a wide variety of healthy conditions, this way is important evaluate its safety and antioxidant potential for this applications. For this, was made a ethanolic extract from its flowers and analyzed with toxicological,genotoxicity and antioxidant tests, the toxicological analysis was made by reproductive toxicity in rats and clatogenicity/aneugenicity in human lymphocytes. The genotoxicity was studied by micronucleus test mice bone marrow. The antimutagenic test in root cells of Allium cepa, the antioxidant assays used was DPPH, FRAP, Lipid Perxidation and REM, beyond of that the extract was analyzed in HPLC showing the profile of its compounds. The toxicological analysis showed that P. venusta has no negative significant effect on reproductive and cellular level. The micronucleus test in mouse bone marrow, the extract protected cells from cyclophosphamide, mutagenic compound, in a similar way. The A. cepa test showed that the extract reduced chromosomal disorders formations. The antioxidant activity of extract was significant, except in REM test. The phytochemical analysis showed the presence of flavonoids compounds. P. venusta extract does not present reproductive toxicity and genotoxic effects. However, the extract of this species showed antigenotoxic and antioxidant potential, possibly due to the different flavonoid compounds present in its extract.

Pyrostegia venusta é geralmente encontrada no crescimento secundário das florestas atlânticas e na savana brasileira. Flores e folhas desta planta são utilizadas em remédios populares para tratar uma grande variedade de doenças, desta forma é importante avaliar a segurança e o potencial antioxidante para estas aplicações. Para tanto, o extrato etanólico das flores foi avaliado com testes toxicológicos, genotóxicos e antioxidants. A análise toxicológica foi realizada por meio da toxicidade reprodutiva em ratos e a clatogenicidade/aneugenicidade em linfócitos humanos, a genotoxicidade foi estudada por teste de micronúcleo em medula óssea de camundongo. A antimutagenicidade em células da raiz de Allium cepa. Os ensaios antioxidantes utilizados foram DPPH, FRAP, TARBS e MRE. O extrato foi analisado em HPLC. A análise toxicológica reprodutiva mostrou que P. venusta não tem efeito negativo sobre o nível reprodutivo e cellular. No teste do micronúcleo o extrato protegeu as células da ciclofosfamida, um composto mutagênico. O teste de A. cepa mostrou que o extrato reduziu as formações dos distúrbios cromossômicos. A atividade antioxidante do extrato foi significativa, exceto no teste REM. A análise fitoquímica mostrou a presença de compostos flavonoídicos. O extrato de P. venusta não apresenta toxicidade reprodutiva e efeitos genotóxicos. No entanto, o extrato desta espécie apresentou potencial antigenotóxico e antioxidante, possivelmente devido aos diferentes compostos flavonoídicos presentes em seu extrato.

Toxicology , Flavonoids , Mutagenesis , Phenolic Compounds , Oxidation , Medicine, Traditional , Mutagens
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008407


As a natural plant source of artemisinin,a first-line drug against malaria,Artemisia annua directly affects the extraction process of artemisinin and the source of artemisinin. At present,traditional breeding methods combined with tissue culture are often used to breed high-yield artemisinin-containing new varieties of A. annua. However,the breeding method has the disadvantages of low efficiency and continuous selection. In this study,heavy ion beam irradiation technology was used to observe the specific germplasm resources of A. annua,and the morphological characteristics,agronomic traits and artemisinin content were used as indicators to observe the selection materials and materials. The cultivated new varieties were compared with trials and regional trials. In addition,the new variety of A. annua was identified by SRAP molecular marker technology. The results showed that the new variety of A. annua, " Kehao No.1",had an average yield of 235. 0 kg of dry leaf per mu,which was more than 20% higher than that of the control. Especially,the average artemisinin content was 2. 0%,which was 45% higher than that of the control,and the " Kehao No.1" has high anti-white powder disease,high-yield and high-quality new varieties. Therefore,mutagenic breeding of heavy ion beam irradiation can significantly improve the yield and artemisinin content of the " Kehao No. 1" and it has a good promotion value.

Artemisia annua/genetics , Artemisinins/analysis , Heavy Ions , Mutagenesis , Phenotype , Plant Breeding , Plants, Medicinal/genetics
Experimental Neurobiology ; : 658-669, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785791


Anoctamin1 (ANO1) also known as TMEM16A is a transmembrane protein that functions as a Ca²⁺ activated chloride channel. Recently, the structure determination of a fungal Nectria haematococca TMEM16 (nhTMEM16) scramblase by X-ray crystallography and a mouse ANO1 by cryo-electron microscopy has provided the insight in molecular architecture underlying phospholipid scrambling and Ca²⁺ binding. Because the Ca²⁺ binding motif is embedded inside channel protein according to defined structure, it is still unclear how intracellular Ca²⁺ moves to its deep binding pocket effectively. Here we show that EF-hand like region containing multiple acidic amino acids at the N-terminus of ANO1 is a putative site regulating the activity of ANO1 by Ca²⁺ and voltage. The EF-hand like region of ANO1 is highly homologous to the canonical EF hand loop in calmodulin that contains acidic residues in key Ca²⁺-coordinating positions in the canonical EF hand. Indeed, deletion and Ala-substituted mutation of this region resulted in a significant reduction in the response to Ca²⁺ and changes in its key biophysical properties evoked by voltage pulses. Furthermore, only ANO1 and ANO2, and not the other TMEM16 isoforms, contain the EF-hand like region and are activated by Ca²⁺. Moreover, the molecular modeling analysis supports that EF-hand like region could play a key role during Ca²⁺ transfer. Therefore, these findings suggest that EF-hand like region in ANO1 coordinates with Ca²⁺ and modulate the activation by Ca²⁺ and voltage.

Animals , Mice , Amino Acids, Acidic , Calcium , Calmodulin , Chloride Channels , Cryoelectron Microscopy , Crystallography, X-Ray , EF Hand Motifs , Models, Molecular , Mutagenesis , Nectria , Protein Isoforms
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1335-1347, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771795


Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has many unique physiological functions such as promoting the development of brain and retina in infants. Therefore, it is widely applied to food, pharmacy, breeding and other industries. To obtain engineered strains of Aurantiochytrium limacinum SR21 suitable for industrial application with increased lipid and DHA production, we designed a simple, fast, accurate and high-throughput screening method based on Nile red staining of oil droplets. First, ultraviolet C (UVC) mutagenesis was used to generate a random mutant library of A. limacinum. Second, screening conditions were optimized including staining conditions of Nile red and the sorting criterion. Thereby, three putative high-lipid mutants (D03432, D05106 and D01521) were selected from the mutant library containing 3 648 mutated clones. The three mutants grew faster and produced higher amounts of lipids and DHA compared to wild type (WT). In 100 mL cultures, the lipid content of D03432 and D05106 mutants reached 64.74% and 63.13% of dry cell weight respectively, whereas the wild strain exhibited only 43.19%. DHA yield in these two mutants were even 2.26-fold and 2.37-fold higher than that of the wild strain. Experiment with 5 L fermentor further confirmed that D03432 and D05106 mutants had better performance than the wild strain on DHA yield (45.51% and 66.46% more than that of the wild strain, respectively), and demonstrated their high potential for industrial application. This work not only generated several high-DHA content mutants with high potential for industrial use, but also provided vital guidance for high-throughput screening of lipid hyper-accumulating mutants in other oil-producing microorganisms.

Bioreactors , Docosahexaenoic Acids , Mutagenesis , Staining and Labeling , Stramenopiles
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1317-1325, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771797


Pichia pastoris is one of the most convenient and widely used heterologous protein expression systems. To further improve its ability to express heterologous proteins, we developed a high-throughput P. pastoris screening method based on droplet microfluidic and demonstrated the method by screening and obtaining mutants with enhanced xylanase expression and secretion abilities. We used PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) amplification to obtain a fusion fragment of xylanase xyn5 gene and green fluorescent protein gfp gene, and cloned this fragment into pPIC9K, the expression vector of Pichia pastoris, to construct the plasmid pPIC9K-xyn5-gfp that recombined the DNA fragments of xylanase and green fluorescent protein. After this plasmid entered P. pastoris GS115 by electroporation, the P. pastoris SG strain that could express xylanase and green fluorescent protein was obtained. The above-said strains were then mutagenized by atmospheric room temperature plasma and subsequently encapsulated to form single-cell droplets. After 24-hour cultivation of the droplets, microfluidic screening was carried out to obtain the mutant strain with high xylanase expression for further construction and screening of the next mutagenesis library. After five rounds of droplet microfluidic screening, a highly productive strain P. pastoris SG-m5 was obtained. The activity of the expressed xylanase was 149.17 U/mg, 300% higher than that of those expressed by the original strain SG. This strain's ability to secrete heterologous protein was 160% higher than that of the original strain. With a screening throughput of 100 000 strains per hour, the high-throughput P. pastoris screening system based on single-cell droplet microfluidic developed by the present study screens a library with million strains in only 10 hours and consumes only 100 μL of fluorescent reagent, thus reducing the reagent cost by millions of times compared with the traditional microplate screening and more importantly, providing a novel method to obtain P. pastoris with high abilities to express and secret heterologous proteins by efficient and low-cost screening.

Microfluidics , Mutagenesis , Pichia , Plasmids , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Recombinant Proteins
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1277-1285, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771801


Leaf water potential of peanut subjected to drought stress is positively related to the oil content of peanut kernels. The aim of this study was to directly screen the high oil mutants of peanut and create the new peanut varieties using hydroxyproline as water potential regulator. In vitro mutagenesis was carried out with the embryonic leaflets of peanut variety Huayu 20 as explants and pingyangmycin as a mutagen added into the somatic embryo formation medium. The formed somatic embryos were successively transferred to somatic embryo germination and selection medium containing 6 mmol/L hydroxyproline (at -2.079 MPa water potential ) to induce regeneration and directionally screen high oil content mutants. After that, these plantlets were grafted and transplanted to the experimental field and 132 high oil mutants with oil content over 55% were obtained from the offspring of regenerated plants. Finally, among them, the oil contents of 27 lines were higher than 58% and of 2 lines were higher than 60%. A new peanut variety Yuhua 9 with high yield and oil content was bred from the regenerated plant progenies combining the pedigree breeding method. The yield was 14.0% higher than that of the control cultivar in the testing new peanut varieties of Liaoning province, and also it has passed the national registration of non-major crop varieties. Yuhua 9 with an oil content of 61.05%, which was 11.55 percentage points higher than that of the parent Huayu 20, was the peanut cultivar with the highest oil content in the world. The result showed that it was an effective way for directional breeding of high oil peanut varieties by means of the three-step technique including in vitro mutagenesis, directional screening by reducing water potential in medium and pedigree selection of regenerated plant progenies.

Arachis , Droughts , Germination , Mutagenesis , Plant Breeding
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;62: e19170813, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001426


Abstract Streptokinase (SK) is an enzyme that is used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The current study focused on the enhanced production of SK by inducing mutation in Streptococcus agalactiae EBL-20 and optimization of medium components and culture conditions for the maximum growth of mutant derived strain. S. agalactiae EBL-32 was selected as a potent mutant after exposure of S. agalactiae EBL-20 to EMS for 180 minutes. SK activity obtained from mutant derived strain was found to be 1.6 fold higher as compared to the activity achieved by wild strain. Nutritional requirements of the mutated strain were optimized by single factor analysis method suggesting glucose as the optimum carbon source; yeast extract and peptone as a suitable nitrogen sources and corn steep liquor (CSL) as an appropriate substrate for the maximum SK production. The culture conditions determined by response surface methodology (RSM) suggested that a temperature value of 37.5⁰C and pH 7 of the fermentation medium with 2.50 mL inoculum size for 36 hours of incubation was optimum for maximum yield of SK. Hence the optimization studies resulted into 1.92 fold increase in the yield of SK suggesting the new isolate suitable for commercial scale production of SK.

Streptococcus agalactiae , Streptokinase , Ethyl Methanesulfonate , Mutagenesis , Fermentation
Braz. j. microbiol ; Braz. j. microbiol;49(4): 865-871, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974297


ABSTRACT The ability of four Aspergillus strains for biosynthesis of kojic acid was evaluated among which Aspergillus terreus represented the highest level (2.21 g/L) of kojic acid production. Improvement kojic acid production ability of A. terreus by random mutagenesis using different exposure time to ultraviolet light (5-40 min) was then performed to obtain a suitable mutant of kojic acid production (designated as C5-10, 7.63 g/L). Thereafter, design of experiment protocol was employed to find medium components (glucose, yeast extract, KH2PO4 (NH4)2SO4, and pH) influences on kojic acid production by the C5-10 mutant. A 25-1 fractional factorial design augmented to central composite design showed that glucose, yeast extract, and KH2PO4 were the most considerable factors within the tested levels (p < 0.05). The optimum medium composition for the kojic acid production by the C5-10 mutant was found to be glucose, 98.4 g/L; yeast extract, 1.0 g/L; and KH2PO4, 10.3 mM which was theoretically able to produce 120.2 g/L of kojic acid based on the obtained response surface model for medium optimization. Using these medium compositions an experimental maximum Kojic acid production (109.0 ± 10 g/L) was acquired which verified the efficiency of the applied method.

Pyrones/metabolism , Aspergillus/radiation effects , Aspergillus/metabolism , Aspergillus/growth & development , Aspergillus/genetics , Ultraviolet Rays , Mutagenesis , Culture Media/metabolism , Fermentation , Glucose/metabolism
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;31: 10-16, Jan. 2018. graf, tab, ilust
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1022030


Background: Biodegradation is a reliable approach for efficiently eliminating persistent pollutants such as chlorpyrifos. Despite many bacteria or fungi isolated from contaminated environment and capable of degrading chlorpyrifos, limited enzymes responsible for its degradation have been identified, let alone the catalytic mechanism of the enzymes. Results: In present study, the gene cpd encoding a chlorpyrifos hydrolase was cloned by analysis of genomic sequence of Paracoccus sp. TRP. Phylogenetic analysis and BLAST indicated that CPD was a novel member of organophosphate hydrolases. The purified CPD enzyme, with conserved catalytic triad (Ser155-Asp251-His281) and motif Gly-Asp-Ser-Ala-Gly, was significantly inhibited by PMSF, a serine modifier. Molecular docking between CPD and chlorpyrifos showed that Ser155 was adjacent to chlorpyrifos, which indicated that Ser155 may be the active amino acid involved in chlorpyrifos degradation. This speculation was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis of Ser155Ala accounting for the decreased activity of CPD towards chlorpyrifos. According to the key role of Ser155 in chlorpyrifos degradation and molecular docking conformation, the nucleophilic catalytic mechanism for chlorpyrifos degradation by CPD was proposed. Conclusion: The novel enzyme CPD was capable of hydrolyze chlorpyrifos and Ser155 played key role during degradation of chlorpyrifos.

Paracoccus/enzymology , Chlorpyrifos/metabolism , Esterases/metabolism , Organophosphates/metabolism , Biodegradation, Environmental , Catalysis , Mutagenesis , Cloning, Molecular , Sequence Analysis , Esterases/isolation & purification , Esterases/genetics , Hydrolysis , Metals/metabolism
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;40: 40669-40669, 20180000. map, tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460827


Most changes in water bodies are result of human activities that have the potential to undermine the environmental integrity of aquatic ecosystems. Changes in genetic material can be evidenced by the frequency of nuclear abnormalities in fish blood cells, in response to genotoxic agents even at low concentrations. Thus, we aimed at comparing the frequencies of nuclear abnormalities of fish kept in acclimation, with fish collected in Timbó river (Santa Cruz do Timbó, Santa Catarina State), under low anthropogenic interference, and fish collected in Iguaçu river (União da Vitória, Paraná State), a polluted river. The highest frequency of changes in nuclear morphology of fish erythrocytes was found in the urbanized area around the Iguaçu river, while, the fish collected in areas with preserved riparian forest surrounding the Timbó river and acclimated fish showed no morphological changes. Our results suggest that genotoxic compounds in the Iguaçu river are acting as stressors to aquatic communities, especially fish. In addition, the absence of nuclear abnormalities in fish from the Timbó river suggests that rivers without significant environmental changes can serve as reference point for comparative studies of genetic modifications for the species studied.

A maioria das alterações dos corpos hídricos é resultante das atividades antrópicas que são prejudiciais à integridade ambiental dos ecossistemas aquáticos. Alterações no material genético podem ser evidenciadas pela frequência de anormalidades nucleares em peixes, em resposta a agentes genotóxicos, mesmo em baixas concentrações. Dessa forma, o estudo consistiu em comparar as frequências de anormalidades nucleares de peixes mantidos em aclimatação, com peixes coletados no rio Timbó (Santa Cruz do Timbó, Estado de Santa Catarina), local com pouca interferência antropogênica e, peixes coletados no rio Iguaçu (União da Vitória, Estado do Paraná), um rio poluído. As maiores frequências de alterações na morfologia nuclear dos eritrócitos dos peixes foram visualizadas na área urbanizada ao redor do rio Iguaçu, quando comparados com os peixes coletados em área com mata ciliar preservada, no rio Timbó, e os peixes aclimatados, que não apresentaram alterações morfológicas. Esses resultados sugerem que há compostos genotóxicos no trecho médio do rio Iguaçu que são estressores para os peixes. Além disso, a não observação de anormalidades nucleares no rio Timbó sugere que rios sem alterações ambientais podem servir como ponto de referência para estudos comparativos de modificações genéticas para a espécie estudada.

Animals , Freshwater Biology , Characiformes/abnormalities , Characiformes/genetics , Ecotoxicology , Mutagenesis
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010399


Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes (TILLING) is a reverse genetics strategy for the high-throughput screening of induced mutations. γ radiation, which often induces both insertion/deletion (Indel) and point mutations, has been widely used in mutation induction and crop breeding. The present study aimed to develop a simple, high-throughput TILLING system for screening γ ray-induced mutations using high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis. Pooled rice (Oryza sativa) samples mixed at a 1:7 ratio of Indel mutant to wild-type DNA could be distinguished from the wild-type controls by HRM analysis. Thus, an HRM-TILLING system that analyzes pooled samples of four M2 plants is recommended for screening γ ray-induced mutants in rice. For demonstration, a γ ray-mutagenized M2 rice population (n=4560) was screened for mutations in two genes, OsLCT1 and SPDT, using this HRM-TILLING system. Mutations including one single nucleotide substitution (G→A) and one single nucleotide insertion (A) were identified in OsLCT1, and one trinucleotide (TTC) deletion was identified in SPDT. These mutants can be used in rice breeding and genetic studies, and the findings are of importance for the application of γ ray mutagenesis to the breeding of rice and other seed crops.

Crops, Agricultural/radiation effects , Gamma Rays , Genetic Techniques , Genome, Plant , Homozygote , INDEL Mutation , Mutagenesis , Oryza/radiation effects , Plant Breeding , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Seeds , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Sequence Deletion
Rev. bras. pesqui. méd. biol ; Braz. j. med. biol. res;51(9): e7404, 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951760


DNA repair pathways, cell cycle checkpoints, and redox protection systems are essential factors for securing genomic stability. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of Ilex paraguariensis (Ip) infusion and one of its polyphenolic components rutin on cellular and molecular damage induced by ionizing radiation. Ip is a beverage drank by most inhabitants of Argentina, Paraguay, Southern Brazil, and Uruguay. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC7Klys 2-3) was used as the eukaryotic model. Exponentially growing cells were exposed to gamma rays (γ) in the presence or absence of Ip or rutin. The concentrations used simulated those found in the habitual infusion. Surviving fractions, mutation frequency, and DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) were determined after treatments. A significant increase in surviving fractions after gamma irradiation was observed following combined exposure to γ+R, or γ+Ip. Upon these concomitant treatments, mutation and DSB frequency decreased significantly. In the mutant strain deficient in MEC1, a significant increase in γ sensitivity and a low effect of rutin on γ-induced chromosomal fragmentation was observed. Results were interpreted in the framework of a model of interaction between radiation-induced free radicals, DNA repair pathways, and checkpoint controls, where the DNA damage that induced activation of MEC1 nodal point of the network could be modulated by Ip components including rutin. Furthermore, ionizing radiation-induced redox cascades can be interrupted by rutin potential and other protectors contained in Ip.

Rutin/pharmacology , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/drug effects , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/radiation effects , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Antimutagenic Agents/pharmacology , Ilex paraguariensis/chemistry , Radiation Protection/methods , Mass Spectrometry , DNA, Fungal/radiation effects , Cell Survival/drug effects , Cell Survival/radiation effects , Cells, Cultured , Reproducibility of Results , Chromatography, Liquid , Mutagenesis , DNA Repair , Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation , DNA Breaks, Double-Stranded , Mutation Rate , Gamma Rays
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;28: 7-13, July. 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015723


Background: Laccases are copper-containing enzymes which have been used as green biocatalysts for many industrial processes. Although bacterial laccases have high stabilities which facilitate their application under harsh conditions, their activities and production yields are usually very low. In this work, we attempt to use a combinatorial strategy, including site-directed mutagenesis, codon and cultivation optimization, for improving the productivity of a thermo-alkali stable bacterial laccase in Pichia pastoris. Results: A D500G mutant of Bacillus licheniformis LS04 laccase, which was constructed by site-directed mutagenesis, demonstrated 2.1-fold higher activity when expressed in P. pastoris. The D500G variant retained similar catalytic characteristics to the wild-type laccase, and could efficiently decolorize synthetic dyes at alkaline conditions. Various cultivation factors such as medium components, pH and temperature were investigated for their effects on laccase expression. After cultivation optimization, a laccase activity of 347 ± 7 U/L was finally achieved for D500G after 3 d of induction, which was about 9.3 times higher than that of wild-type enzyme. The protein yield under the optimized conditions was about 59 mg/L for D500G. Conclusions: The productivity of the thermo-alkali stable laccase from B. licheniformis expressed in P. pastoris was significantly improved through the combination of site-directed mutagenesis and optimization of the cultivation process. The mutant enzyme retains good stability under high temperature and alkaline conditions, and is a good candidate for industrial application in dye decolorization.

Pichia/metabolism , Laccase/biosynthesis , Laccase/genetics , Bacillus licheniformis/enzymology , Temperature , Yeasts , Enzyme Stability , Catalysis , Mutagenesis , Laccase/metabolism , Coloring Agents/metabolism , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;28: 41-46, July. 2017. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015839


Background: Streptomyces clavuligerus was the producer of clavulanic acid, claR, a pathway-specific transcriptional regulator in S. clavuligerus, positively regulates clavulanic acid biosynthesis. In this study, the promoter-less kanamycin resistance gene neo was fused with claR to obtain strain NEO from S. clavuligerus F613-1. The claR-neo fusion strain NEO was mutated using physical and chemical mutagens and then screened under high concentrations of kanamycin for high-yield producers of clavulanic acid. Results: The reporter gene neo was fused downstream of claR and used as an indicator for expression levels of claR in strain NEO. After three rounds of continuous treatment and screening, the high-yield clavulanic acid-producing strain M3-19 was obtained. In the shaking flask model, the clavulanic acid titer of M3-19 reached 4.33 g/L, which is an increase of 33% over the titer of 3.26 g/L for the starting strains S. clavuligerus F613-1 and NEO. Conclusions: Our results indicate that neo can be effectively used as a reporter for the expression of late-stage biosynthetic genes when screening for high-yield strains and that this approach has strong potential for improving Streptomyces strains of industrial value.

Streptomyces/genetics , Streptomyces/metabolism , Kanamycin , Clavulanic Acid/biosynthesis , Transcription Factors/genetics , Transcription, Genetic , Biological Assay , Recombinant Proteins , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Mutagenesis , Promoter Regions, Genetic , Genes, Reporter , Gene Fusion , Fermentation , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction