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Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552286


La evaluación de la perfusión miocárdica con SPECT combina una prueba de esfuerzo (ergometría o estrés farmacológico) junto a imágenes de perfusión con radioisótopos. Este estudio es útil para establecer el diagnóstico de enfermedad arterial coronaria, estratificar el riesgo de infarto y tomar decisiones terapéuticas. Un resultado normal aporta un alto valor predictivo negativo, es decir, una muy baja probabilidad de que el paciente presente eventos cardiovasculares. El hallazgo de signos de isquemia en la ergometría podría poner en jaque el valor predictivo negativo de una perfusión normal. En presencia de este resultado, el paso siguiente es evaluar los predictores de riesgo en la ergometría, el riesgo propio del paciente en función de los antecedentes clínicos y el puntaje cálcico coronario, cuando este se encuentra disponible. Ante la presencia concomitante de otros marcadores de riesgo se sugiere completar la evaluación con un estudio anatómico.El uso de nuevas tecnologías podría mejorar la precisión en la predicción de eventos. (AU)

Assessment of myocardial perfusion with SPECT combines a stress test (ergometry or pharmacological stress) with radioisotope perfusion imaging. This test is helpful to diagnose coronary artery disease, stratify the risk of heart attack, and make therapeutic decisions. A normal result provides a high negative predictive value; therefore, the probability of cardiovascular events is very low. Signs of ischemia on an ergometry could jeopardize the negative predictive value of normal perfusion. In this clinical setting, the next step is to evaluate the risk predictors in the stress test, the individual risk based on the clinical history, and the coronary calcium score when available. Given the simultaneous presence of other risk markers,completing the evaluation with an anatomical study is suggested. The use of new technologies could improve the accuracy of event prediction. (AU)

Humans , Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon , Ergometry , Myocardial Ischemia/diagnostic imaging , Risk Assessment/methods , Myocardial Perfusion Imaging , Myocardial Infarction/prevention & control , Prognosis , Survival , Coronary Artery Disease/diagnostic imaging , Sensitivity and Specificity , Exercise Test , Clinical Decision-Making
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 42(2): 102-106, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515091


La isquemia miocárdica es un fenómeno secundario a la perfusión insuficiente del músculo cardíaco que en algunos casos puede ocurrir de forma aguda llevando a la necrosis celular y constituyendo el infarto agudo al miocardio (IAM). A pesar de que el diagnóstico de IAM es principalmente clínico, en ciertos casos en que no se sospeche de forma activa por presentar síntomas no típicos de isquemia miocárdica, el diagnóstico puede sugerirse por la Tomografía Computarizada (TC), que puede mostrar hallazgos sugerentes de IAM. A continuación, se comunica una serie de 4 casos clínicos con diagnóstico imagenológico incidental de IAM.

Myocardial ischemia is secondary to myocardial under perfusion. It can develop acutely leading to cell necrosis and myocardial infarction (AMI), or have a chronic course. Though the diagnosis of AMI is mainly clinical, in certain cases the symptoms may be atypical and the diagnosis can be suggested by images such as Computed Tomography (CT). Herein we report a series of 4 clinical cases with diagnosis of AMI following incidental CT imaging. There was an abdominal pain in 3 patients and a cervical pain in the remaining one. CT scan showed a hypodense myocardial image. The final diagnosis was confirmed by the appropriate laboratory and angiographic methods.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Myocardial Ischemia/diagnostic imaging , Neck Pain/etiology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Incidental Findings
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 31(2): 51-56, 10-abr-2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1518760


Introducción: la cardiopatía isquémica fue la primera causa de muerte en México en el año 2020. Su prevalencia aumenta con la edad y es superior en los hombres que en las mujeres; se presenta mayormente en forma de infarto en edades entre 45 y 94 años. Objetivo: describir el caso de un paciente sometido a revascularización aorto-coronaria por cardiopatía isquémica con enfoque del proceso de atención de enfermería (PAE). Metodología: estudio de caso observacional y descriptivo con aplicación del PAE en el perioperatorio de un hombre de 50 años con cardiopatía isquémica crónica, enfermedad multivascular e hipertensión sistémica controlada de 6 años desde que inició, en un hospital público de tercer nivel en Mérida, Yucatán, México. Resultados: se demostró que si se aplica el PAE hay menor riesgo de shock hipovolémico ocasionado por sangrado activo y disminución de riesgo de infección del sitio de herida quirúrgica, evidenciado por el procedimiento quirúrgico extenso. Conclusiones: la metodología del PAE como método científico facilita innovaciones dentro de los cuidados enfermeros, además de las diferentes alternativas en las acciones a seguir para el tratamiento del paciente quirúrgico cardiovascular. También proporciona un método informativo para la atención de cuidados, desarrolla una autonomía para la enfermería y fomenta la consideración como profesional de salud.

Introduction: Ischemic heart disease was the leading cause of death in Mexico in 2020. Its prevalence increases with age and it is higher in men than in women; it is presented mostly as a heart attack between the ages of 45 and 94 years. Objective: To describe the case of a patient undergoing aorto-coronary revascularization for ischemic heart disease with a nursing care process (NCP) approach. Methodology: Observational and descriptive case study with application of NCP in the perioperative period of a 50-year-old man with chronic ischemic heart disease, multivessel disease and controlled systemic hypertension of 6 years since its onset, in a third level public hospital in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Results: It was demonstrated that by applying NCP there is a lower risk of hypovolemic shock caused by active bleeding and decreased risk of surgical wound site infection, evidenced by the extensive surgical procedure. Conclusions: The NCP methodology as a scientific method facilitates innovations within nursing care, in addition to the different alternatives in the actions to follow for the treatment of the cardiovascular surgical patient. It also provides an informative method for care, develops autonomy for nursing and promotes consideration as a health professional.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Myocardial Ischemia/etiology , Myocardial Infarction/etiology
rev.cuid. (Bucaramanga. 2010) ; 14(2): 1-9, 20230428.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1443193


Introducción: La construcción de conocimiento a partir del intercambio de saberes entre pacientes, familias y equipo de salud es una necesidad sentida que puede impactar en la educación en salud y la adherencia a los tratamientos. Objetivo: Desarrollar una estrategia de apropiación social que permita innovar en el cuidado de la salud de las personas con enfermedad isquémica cardiaca y sus familias mediante el uso de la herramienta MHealth. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio exploratorio que permitió el diseño de una estrategia de apropiación social de conocimiento para mejorar la salud cardiovascular de personas que sufren isquemia cardiaca. Participaron 31 personas entre pacientes, familiares, profesionales de la salud. Se desarrollaron dos talleres virtuales en el mes de junio y seguimientos telefónicos entre agosto y septiembre. Las experiencias y saberes de los participantes, permitió la construcción de la herramienta MHealth. Resultados: La reflexión crítica entre los actores facilitó la construcción y desarrollo de la herramienta tipo MHealth (página web/app) titulada "Cuidando tu corazón", que permite el acceso a información relacionada con el cuidado durante la isquemia cardiaca y articula información a partir del diálogo de saberes y la evidencia reportada en la literatura. Discusión: Las estrategias de apropiación social son una herramienta relevante para la generación de conocimiento en el área de la salud. Conclusiones: La estrategia implementada permitió reconocer la importancia de contar con herramientas para el cuidado de la salud cardiovascular elaboradas desde las necesidades, perspectivas y creencias de sus actores para mejorar la educación y el cuidado.

Introduction: The construction of knowledge from the exchange of knowledge between patients, families, and healthcare teams is a felt need that can impact health education and adherence to treatment. Objective: To develop a social appropriation strategy that enables innovation in the health care of people with ischemic heart disease and their families through the use of an MHealth tool. Materials and methods: Exploratory study that allowed the design of a strategy for the social appropriation of knowledge to improve the cardiovascular health of people suffering from myocardial ischemia. Thirty-one people participated, including patients, family members, and health professionals. Two virtual workshops were held in June, and follow-up phone calls were made between August and September. The participant's experiences and knowledge enabled the construction of the MHealth tool. Results: The critical reflection of the stakeholders facilitated the construction and development of the MHealth tool (webpage/app) named "Cuidando tu corazón" (Taking care of your heart). Discussion: Social appropriation strategies are a relevant tool for knowledge creation in health. Conclusions: The strategy implemented made it possible to recognize the importance of developing cardiovascular healthcare tools from stakeholders' needs, perspectives, and beliefs to improve education and care.

Introdução: A construção do conhecimento a partir da troca de conhecimentos entre pacientes, familiares e equipe de saúde é uma necessidade sentida que pode impactar na educação em saúde e na adesão aos tratamentos. Objetivo: Desenvolver uma estratégia de apropriação social que permita inovar na atenção à saúde de pessoas com doença isquêmica do coração e seus familiares por meio do uso da ferramenta MHealth. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo exploratório que permitiu desenhar uma estratégia de apropriação social do conhecimento para melhorar a saúde cardiovascular de pessoas com isquemia cardíaca. Participaram 31 pessoas, entre pacientes, familiares e profissionais de saúde. Foram realizadas dois seminários virtuais em junho e acompanhamentos por telefone entre agosto e setembro. As experiências e conhecimentos dos participantes permitiram a construção da ferramenta MHealth. Resultados: A reflexão crítica entre os atores facilitou a construção e desenvolvimento da ferramenta do tipo MHealth (página web/ aplicativo) intitulada "Cuidando do seu coração", que permite o acesso às informações relacionadas aos cuidados durante a isquemia cardíaca e articula as informações a partir do diálogo de conhecimento e as evidências relatadas na literatura. Discussão: As estratégias de apropriação social são uma ferramenta relevante para a geração de conhecimento na área da saúde. Conclusões: A estratégia implementada possibilitou reconhecer a importância de ter ferramentas para o cuidado à saúde cardiovascular elaboradas a partir das necessidades, perspectivas e crenças de seus atores para melhorar a educação e o cuidado.

Cardiovascular Diseases , Health Education , Myocardial Ischemia , Cardiovascular Nursing , eHealth Strategies
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980673


Background@#Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death around the world including the Philippines. Dyslipidemia and lifestyle have been considered as important modifiable risk factors. Experts in the Philippines have recommended that among individuals with dyslipidemia, lifestyle modification should be advised regardless of their present condition or risk profile. However, a key limitation of the most recent guidelines is the lack of studies on lifestyle interventions involving Filipinos.@*Objective@#This study aimed to provide preliminary evidence for the use of a lifestyle medicine intervention program in the management of dyslipidemia as risk factor for cardiovascular disease.@*Methods@#This study employed a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative research designs. The tools used were selfadministered questionnaires, collecting and examining documents. Measures to improve validity in qualitative studies have also been employed such as respondent validation and rival explanation. Triangulation with the findings from the other qualitative methodologies was also employed. Ethical approval was granted.@*Results@#The first part of the study has a total of 66 participants who underwent a lifestyle intervention program in a single clinic, comprising of 26 male and 40 female subjects were selected through convenient sampling method. Around 50% of the participants were 40-59 years old, 42.4% were 30-39 years old, and only 7.6% were 60-89 years old. The knowledge of the respondents had an overall mean of 7.73 (SD=1.16) which is interpreted as high knowledge. The attitude of the respondents had a mean of 3.58 (SD=0.50) which is interpreted as very positive. The respondents also had a good lifestyle practice with overall mean of 2.76 (SD=0.49). The second part of the study consisted of eight participants with 3 males and 5 females who were chosen through purposive sampling. All participants experienced reduction of their LDL-C and total cholesterol levels after the 12-week lifestyle intervention. Two participants had increased triglyceride levels. The select group also showed reduction in the blood glucose levels and body mass index.@*Conclusion@#This study revealed that participants had good knowledge and attitude regarding cardiovascular diseases and its risk factors. Yet, there is still a high number of those who do not efficiently practice healthy lifestyle and diet. Additional information should be extracted to establish the dietary intake of participants which contributed to the increase in triglyceride levels of some select participants.

Life Style , Myocardial Ischemia , Dyslipidemias
Chin. med. j ; Chin. med. j;(24): 1349-1357, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980848


BACKGROUND@#Dysfunction of the gap junction channel protein connexin 43 (Cx43) contributes to myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R)-induced ventricular arrhythmias. Cx43 can be regulated by small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) modification. Protein inhibitor of activated STAT Y (PIASy) is an E3 SUMO ligase for its target proteins. However, whether Cx43 is a target protein of PIASy and whether Cx43 SUMOylation plays a role in I/R-induced arrhythmias are largely unknown.@*METHODS@#Male Sprague-Dawley rats were infected with PIASy short hairpin ribonucleic acid (shRNA) using recombinant adeno-associated virus subtype 9 (rAAV9). Two weeks later, the rats were subjected to 45 min of left coronary artery occlusion followed by 2 h reperfusion. Electrocardiogram was recorded to assess arrhythmias. Rat ventricular tissues were collected for molecular biological measurements.@*RESULTS@#Following 45 min of ischemia, QRS duration and QTc intervals statistically significantly increased, but these values decreased after transfecting PIASy shRNA. PIASy downregulation ameliorated ventricular arrhythmias induced by myocardial I/R, as evidenced by the decreased incidence of ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation, and reduced arrythmia score. In addition, myocardial I/R statistically significantly induced PIASy expression and Cx43 SUMOylation, accompanied by reduced Cx43 phosphorylation and plakophilin 2 (PKP2) expression. Moreover, PIASy downregulation remarkably reduced Cx43 SUMOylation, accompanied by increased Cx43 phosphorylation and PKP2 expression after I/R.@*CONCLUSION@#PIASy downregulation inhibited Cx43 SUMOylation and increased PKP2 expression, thereby improving ventricular arrhythmias in ischemic/reperfused rats heart.

Rats , Male , Animals , Myocardial Reperfusion Injury/metabolism , Connexin 43/genetics , Sumoylation , Down-Regulation , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/drug therapy , Myocardial Ischemia/metabolism , RNA, Small Interfering/metabolism
Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi ; Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi;(12): 271-276, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986026


Objective: To analyze the burden of disease attributable to high temperature exposure in China and globally from 1990 to 2019, and to study the current burden of disease in relevant populations. Methods: In October 2021, based on data from the global burden of disease 2019 (GBD 2019) study, population attributable fraction (PAF), number of deaths, mortality, disability-adjusted life year (DALY) and DALY rate of Chinese and global populations with different ages and genders in 1990 and 2019 were extracted and analyzed. The rate of change was calculated, the mortality rate was normalized by the age structure of the world standard population, and the causes of disease burden caused by high temperature exposure of Chinese residents were analyzed. Results: In 2019, compared with 1990, the PAF of Chinese and global population decreased by 43.98% and 12.41% respectively, the number of deaths increased by 29.55% and 49.40% respectively, the crude mortality rate increased by 7.81% and 3.30% respectively, the DALY decreased by 48.12% and 14.41% respectively, and the DALY rate decreased by 56.82% and 40.82% respectively. The mortality rate of the ≥70 age group was higher than that of other groups. The disease burden indicators such as PAF, standardized mortality and DALY attributable to high temperature exposure in men were higher than those in women. In 2019, the main cause of DALY affected by high temperature exposure in Chinese population was ischemic heart disease (84400 person-years), and the main cause of death was ischemic heart disease (4900 cases). Conclusion: The burden of diseases attributable to high temperature exposure is still serious in China and the world at large. Targeted interventions should be formulated for men, the elderly and people with occupational exposure, and a sound surveillance system should be established to reduce the burden of diseases caused by high temperature exposure.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Temperature , Cost of Illness , China/epidemiology , Myocardial Ischemia
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003696


Background@#Ischemic Heart Disease is a chronic, progressive, and dynamic disease. It remains to be the number one cause of mortality globally and in the Philippines. Patients with IHD belong to the vulnerable group both before and during the COVID 19 pandemic. Currently, there have been changes in the healthcare system leading to decreased delivery of services such as outpatient care and development of medical care avoidance affecting patients’ clinical outcomes.@*Objectives@#This study aimed to determine if there are any changes in the health seeking behavior of these patients during the pandemic in a single tertiary hospital.@*Methods@#Descriptive and analytical cross-sectional design was used. Majority of the population were 60 years old and above, female, unemployed, non-smokers, diagnosed with IHD for 5 years, with hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus as co-morbidities.@*Results@#It was shown that majority did not have any change in the frequency of consultation with their cardiologists and majority preferred face-to-face consultation. For those who had decreased frequency of consultation, their reasons include fear of contracting COVID-19, lockdown and travel restrictions, limited number of patients catered at the clinic and lack of finances. Majority remained to be compliant with their maintenance medications and claimed to be willing to seek consult if they will experience severe symptom such as chest pain. For those who were not willing to go to the hospital despite having severe symptoms, the following were their reasons: fear of going out due to COVID 19, symptoms were tolerable and were not considered emergency and hospitals were in full capacity. Majority were not admitted in the hospital but those who were not admitted had less frequent consultation with their cardiologists. Despite the COVID threat, majority still agreed that constant follow-up with their cardiologist is of paramount importance.

Myocardial Ischemia , COVID-19
Chin. med. j ; Chin. med. j;(24): 2431-2441, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007591


BACKGROUND@#Understanding the changing profiles of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and modifiable risk factors is essential for CVD prevention and control. We aimed to report the comprehensive trends in CVD and risk factors in China from 1990 to 2019.@*METHODS@#Data on the incidence, death, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) of total CVD and its 11 subtypes for China were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The CVD burden attributable to 12 risk factors was also retrieved. A secondary analysis was conducted to summarize the leading causes of CVD burden and attributable risk factors.@*RESULTS@#From 1990 to 2019, the number of CVD incidence, death, and DALYs considerably increased by 132.8%, 89.1%, and 52.6%, respectively. Stroke, ischemic heart disease, and hypertensive heart disease accounted for over 95.0% of CVD deaths in 2019 and remained the top three causes during the past 30 years. Between 1990 and 2019, the age-standardized rate of stroke decreased significantly (percentage of decreased incidence: -9.3%; death: -39.8%; DALYs: -41.6%), while the rate of ischemic heart disease increased (percentage of increased incidence: 11.5%; death: 17.6%; DALYs: 2.2%). High systolic blood pressure, unhealthy diet, tobacco, and air pollution continued to be the major contributors to CVD deaths and DALYs (attributing to over 70% of the CVD burden), and the high body mass index (BMI)-associated CVD burden had the largest increase between 1990 and 2019.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The significant increases in the number of CVD incident cases, deaths, and DALYs suggest that the CVD burden is still a concern. Intensified strategies and policies are needed to maintain promising progress in stroke and to reduce the escalating burden of ischemic heart disease. The CVD burden attributable to risk factors has not yet made adequate achievements; even worse, high BMI has contributed to the increasing CVD burden.

Humans , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Global Burden of Disease , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Risk Factors , Myocardial Ischemia/epidemiology , Stroke/epidemiology
Chin. med. j ; Chin. med. j;(24): 2442-2450, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007675


BACKGROUND@#Atherosclerosis-related diseases represent significant health issues among adults globally. Despite their widespread impact, comprehensive data concerning the global and national burden and trends of these diseases remain sparse. Our objective is to examine the trends in the burden of atherosclerosis among adults from 1990 to 2019 at both global and national levels.@*METHODS@#We reported the average annual percentage changes (AAPCs) in prevalence, incidence, mortality, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) of atherosclerosis-related diseases (ischemic heart disease [IHD], ischemic stroke, and peripheral arterial disease [PAD]) at the global and national levels among individuals based on a trend analysis of the Global Burden of Diseases Study (GBD) 2019. We further analyzed these global trends as a function of age, gender, and the social development index. We also used joinpoint regression analysis to identify the year with the most substantial changes in global trends.@*RESULTS@#Globally, the AAPC of IHD incidence rose from 1990 to 2019 (0.20; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.12-0.28), with substantial surges in 1995, 2001, 2005, 2010, and 2017. Conversely, AAPC of IHD mortality rates exhibited a different trend until a rise in 2014. The AAPC of incidence rates of ischemic stroke and PAD also escalated during the same period, with respective 0.43 (95% CI, 0.39-0.48) and 0.13 (95% CI, 0.06-0.21). For ischemic stroke, both incidence and mortality soared in 2014, while PAD incidence declined in 1994 and 1998, then sharply climbed in 2016. Nationally, the Northern Mariana Islands experienced the steepest increase in IHD and PAD incidence and mortality between 1990 and 2019. China saw a significant rise in ischemic stroke incidence, whereas the highest mortality rate increase occurred in Timor-Leste. By sociodemographic index (SDI) quintile, low-middle-, middle-, and high-middle-SDI countries all showed upward trends in IHD, ischemic stroke, and PAD incidence. Simultaneously, IHD and ischemic stroke mortality rates, as well as DALYs, dropped in the low-, high-middle-, and high-SDI nations. However, PAD mortality rates and DALYs saw an uptick across all SDI quintiles. Regarding age demographics, a global decrease in the AAPC IHD incidence as noted in individuals above 55 years old, in contrast to an increase in the 20-55 age group during this period. AAPC of mortality rates for IHD, ischemic stroke, and PAD decreased across all ages. The AAPC showed an increase in IHD incidence in both genders. Conversely, IHD's DALYs saw a reduction in both males and females. Ischemic stroke patterns mirrored these trends, whereas all measures for PAD exhibited growth for both sexes.@*CONCLUSIONS@#From 1990 to 2019, there was an overall increasing trend in the global incidence of all three clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis. Between 1990 and 2019, both the mortality rate and DALYs for IHD and ischemic stroke declined across all age groups. Overall, the burden of atherosclerosis-related diseases has not significantly decreased and even shows signs of trending upward. These findings strongly suggest that despite some progress made, efforts to control atherosclerosis diseases globally need to be intensified.

Adult , Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Global Burden of Disease , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Atherosclerosis/epidemiology , Myocardial Ischemia/epidemiology , Incidence , Ischemic Stroke
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009929


The traditional Chinese medicine Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem., also known as Aralia mandshurica, has the effect of "tonifying Qi and calming the mind, strengthening the essence and tonifying the kidneys, and dispelling wind and invigorating blood circulation". It is used in the treatment of neurasthenia, Yang deficiency and Qi deficiency, kidney Qi deficiency, spleen Yang deficiency, water-dampness stagnation, thirst, and bruises. Aralia elata saponins are the main components for the pharmacological effects. From the perspective of modern pharmacological science, Aralia elata has a wide range of effects, including anti-myocardial ischaemia and alleviation of secondary myocardium ischemic reperfusion injury by regulating ionic homeostasis, anti-tumor activity by inhibiting proliferation, promoting apoptosis and enhancing immunity, hypoglycemia and lipid lowering effects by regulating glucose and lipid metabolism, and hepato-protective, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory/analgesic effects. The studies on pharmacological mechanisms of Aralia elata will be conducive to its development and application in the future. This article reviews the research progress of Aralia elata domestically and internationally in the last two decades and proposes new directions for further research.

Aralia , Yang Deficiency , Apoptosis , Saponins/pharmacology , Myocardial Ischemia
Chin. j. integr. med ; Chin. j. integr. med;(12): 1087-1098, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010312


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the potential molecular mechanism of tetrahydropalmatine (THP) on acute myocardial ischemia (AMI).@*METHODS@#First, the target genes of THP and AMI were collected from SymMap Database, Traditional Chinese Medicine Database and Analysis Platform, and Swiss Target Prediction, respectively. Then, the overlapping target genes between THP and AMI were evaluated for Grene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analysis and protein-protein interaction network analysis. The binding affinity between the protein and THP was assessed by molecular docking. Finally, the protective effects of THP on AMI model and oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) model of H9C2 cardiomyocyte were explored and the expression levels of target genes were detected by RT-qPCR in vivo and in vitro.@*RESULTS@#MMP9, PPARG, PTGS2, SLC6A4, ESR1, JAK2, GSK3B, NOS2 and AR were recognized as hub genes. The KEGG enrichment analysis results revealed that the potential target genes of THP were involved in the regulation of PPAR and hormone pathways. THP improved the cardiac function, as well as alleviated myocardial cell damage. Furthermore, THP significantly decreased the RNA expression levels of MMP9, PTGS2, SLC6A4, GSK3B and ESR1 (P<0.05, P<0.01) after AMI. In vitro, THP significantly increased H9C2 cardiomyocyte viability (P<0.05, P<0.01) and inhibited the RNA expression levels of PPARG, ESR1 and AR (P<0.05, P<0.01) in OGD model.@*CONCLUSIONS@#THP could improve cardiac function and alleviate myocardial injury in AMI. The underlying mechanism may be inhibition of inflammation, the improvement of energy metabolism and the regulation of hormones.

Humans , Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 , Network Pharmacology , Cyclooxygenase 2 , Molecular Docking Simulation , PPAR gamma , Myocardial Ischemia/genetics , Glucose , RNA , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Serotonin Plasma Membrane Transport Proteins
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics ; (12): 240-244, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970274


Objective: To analyze the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery (AAOCA) in children. Methods: There were 17 children diagnosed with AAOCA from January 2013 to January 2022 in Shanghai Children's Medical Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.Their clinical manifestations, laboratory and imaging data, treatment and prognosis were retrospectively analyzed. Results: These 17 children included 14 males and 3 females, with the age of (8.7±3.5) years. There were 4 anomalous left coronary artery (ALCA) and 13 anomalous right coronary artery (ARCA). Seven children presented with chest pain or chest pain after exercise, three patients presented with cardiac syncope, one complained chest tightness and weakness, and the other six patients had no specific symptoms. Cardiac syncope and chest tightness occurred in patients with ALCA. Fourteen children had the dangerous anatomical basis of myocardial ischemia caused by coronary artery compression or stenosis on imaging. Seven children had coronary artery repair, of whom two were ALCA and five were ARCA. One patient had received heart transplantation because of heart failure. The incidence of adverse cardiovascular events and poor prognosis in ALCA group was higher than that in ARCA group (4/4 vs. 0/13, P<0.05). They were followed up in the outpatient department regularly for 6 (6, 12) months; except for the one who lost visit, the rest of the patients had a good prognosis. Conclusions: Cardiogenic syncope or cardiac insufficiency usually occurs in ALCA, and adverse cardiovascular events and poor prognosis are more common in ALCA than in ARCA. Early surgical treatment should be considered for children with ALCA and ARCA accompanied by myocardial ischemia.

Female , Male , Humans , Child , Child, Preschool , Retrospective Studies , China , Coronary Artery Disease , Myocardial Ischemia , Heart Failure , Chest Pain , Syncope
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 1043-1053, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970576


This paper aimed to study the effect of Dalbergia cochinchinensis heartwood on plasma endogenous metabolites in rats with ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery, and to analyze the mechanism of D. cochinchinensis heartwood in improving acute myocardial ischemic injury. The stability and consistency of the components in the D. cochinchinensis heartwood were verified by the establishment of fingerprint, and 30 male SD rats were randomly divided into a sham group, a model group, and a D. cochinchinensis heartwood(6 g·kg~(-1)) group, with 10 rats in each group. The sham group only opened the chest without ligation, while the other groups established the model of ligation. Ten days after administration, the hearts were taken for hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining, and the content of heart injury indexes in the plasma creatine kinase isoenzyme(CK-MB) and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), energy metabolism-related index glucose(Glu) content, and vascular endothelial function index nitric oxide(NO) was determined. The endogenous metabolites were detected by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-time-of-flight-mass spectrometry(UPLC-Q-TOF-MS). The results showed that the D. cochinchinensis heartwood reduced the content of CK-MB and LDH in the plasma of rats to relieve myocardial injury, reduced the content of Glu in the plasma, improved myocardial energy metabolism, increased the content of NO, cured the vascular endothelial injury, and promoted vasodilation. D. cochinchinensis heartwood improved the increase of intercellular space, myocardial inflammatory cell infiltration, and myofilament rupture caused by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. The metabolomic study showed that the content of 26 metabolites in the plasma of rats in the model group increased significantly, while the content of 27 metabolites decreased significantly. Twenty metabolites were significantly adjusted after the administration of D. cochinchinensis heartwood. D. cochinchinensis heartwood can significantly adjust the metabolic abnormality in rats with ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery, and its mechanism may be related to the regulation of cardiac energy metabolism, NO production, and inflammation. The results provide a corresponding basis for further explaining the effect of D. cochinchinensis on the acute myocardial injury.

Male , Animals , Rats , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Dalbergia , Myocardial Ischemia , Metabolomics , Heart , Heart Injuries , Creatine Kinase, MB Form
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971206


BACKGROUND@#Previous cardiovascular risk prediction models in Japan have utilized prospective cohort studies with concise data. As the health information including health check-up records and administrative claims becomes digitalized and publicly available, application of large datasets based on such real-world data can achieve prediction accuracy and support social implementation of cardiovascular disease risk prediction models in preventive and clinical practice. In this study, classical regression and machine learning methods were explored to develop ischemic heart disease (IHD) and stroke prognostic models using real-world data.@*METHODS@#IQVIA Japan Claims Database was searched to include 691,160 individuals (predominantly corporate employees and their families working in secondary and tertiary industries) with at least one annual health check-up record during the identification period (April 2013-December 2018). The primary outcome of the study was the first recorded IHD or stroke event. Predictors were annual health check-up records at the index year-month, comprising demographic characteristics, laboratory tests, and questionnaire features. Four prediction models (Cox, Elnet-Cox, XGBoost, and Ensemble) were assessed in the present study to develop a cardiovascular disease risk prediction model for Japan.@*RESULTS@#The analysis cohort consisted of 572,971 invididuals. All prediction models showed similarly good performance. The Harrell's C-index was close to 0.9 for all IHD models, and above 0.7 for stroke models. In IHD models, age, sex, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, cholesterol, and systolic blood pressure had higher importance, while in stroke models systolic blood pressure and age had higher importance.@*CONCLUSION@#Our study analyzed classical regression and machine learning algorithms to develop cardiovascular disease risk prediction models for IHD and stroke in Japan that can be applied to practical use in a large population with predictive accuracy.

Humans , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Prognosis , Prospective Studies , Japan/epidemiology , Stroke/etiology , Myocardial Ischemia/epidemiology , Risk Assessment/methods
Zhonghua xinxueguanbing zazhi ; (12): 626-632, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984695


Objective: To evaluate the prognostic value of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) reserve assessed by gated SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging (SPECT G-MPI) for major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) in patients with coronary artery disease. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study. From January 2017 to December 2019, patients with coronary artery disease and confirmed myocardial ischemia by stress and rest SPECT G-MPI, and underwent coronary angiography within 3 months were enrolled. The sum stress score (SSS) and sum resting score (SRS) were analyzed by the standard 17-segment model, and the sum difference score (SDS, SDS=SSS-SRS) was calculated. The LVEF at stress and rest were analyzed by 4DM software. The LVEF reserve (ΔLVEF) was calculated (ΔLVEF=stress LVEF-rest LVEF). The primary endpoint was MACE, which was obtained by reviewing the medical record system or by telephone follow-up once every twelve months. Patients were divided into MACE-free and MACE groups. Spearman correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between ΔLVEF and all MPI parameters. Cox regression analysis was used to analyze the independent factors of MACE, and the optimal SDS cutoff value for predicting MACE was determined by receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC). Kaplan-Meier survival curves were plotted to compare the difference in the incidence of MACE between different SDS groups and different ΔLVEF groups. Results: A total of 164 patients with coronary artery disease [120 male; age (58.6±10.7) years] were included. The average follow-up time was (26.5±10.4) months, and a total of 30 MACE were recorded during follow-up. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that SDS (HR=1.069, 95%CI: 1.005-1.137, P=0.035) and ΔLVEF (HR=0.935, 95%CI: 0.878-0.995, P=0.034) were independent predictors of MACE. According to ROC curve analysis, the optimal cut-off to predict MACE was a SDS of 5.5 with an area under the curve of 0.63 (P=0.022). Survival analysis showed that the incidence of MACE was significantly higher in the SDS≥5.5 group than in the SDS<5.5 group (27.6% vs. 13.2%, P=0.019), but the incidence of MACE was significantly lower in the ΔLVEF≥0 group than in theΔLVEF<0 group (11.0% vs. 25.6%, P=0.022). Conclusions: LVEF reserve (ΔLVEF) assessed by SPECT G-MPI serves as an independent protective factor for MACE, while SDS is an independent risk predictor in patients with coronary artery disease. SPECT G-MPI is valuable for risk stratification by assessing myocardial ischemia and LVEF.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Coronary Artery Disease/diagnostic imaging , Stroke Volume , Myocardial Perfusion Imaging , Retrospective Studies , Ventricular Function, Left , Myocardial Ischemia
Zhonghua xinxueguanbing zazhi ; (12): 633-641, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984696


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the association between epicardial fat volume (EFV) and obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) with myocardial ischemia, and evaluate the incremental value of EFV on top of traditional risk factors and coronary artery calcium (CAC) in predicting obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia. Methods: This study was a retrospective cross-sectional study. Patients with suspected CAD who underwent coronary angiography (CAG) and single photon emission computerized tomography-myocardial perfusion imaging (SPECT-MPI) at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from March 2018 to November 2019 were consecutively enrolled. EFV and CAC were measured by non-contrast chest computed tomography (CT) scan. Obstructive CAD was defined as coronary artery stenosis≥50% in at least one of the major epicardial coronary arteries, and myocardial ischemia was defined as reversible perfusion defects in stress and rest MPI. Obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia was defined in patients with coronary stenosis severity≥50% and reversible perfusion defects in the corresponding areas of SPECT-MPI. Patients with myocardial ischemia bot without obstructive CAD were defined as none-obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia group. We collected and compared the general clinical data, CAC and EFV between the two groups. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the relationship between EFV and obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia. ROC curves were performed to determine whether addition of EFV improved predictive value beyond traditional risk factors and CAC for obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia. Results: Among the 164 patients with suspected CAD, 111 patients were males, and average age was (61.4±9.9) years old. 62 (37.8%) patients were included into the obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia group. 102 (62.2%) patients were included into the none-obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia group. EFV was significantly higher in obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia group than in none-obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia group ((135.63±33.29)cm3 and (105.18±31.16)cm3, P<0.01). Univariate regression analysis showed the risk of obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia increased by 1.96 times for each SD increase in EFV(OR 2.96; 95%CI, 1.89-4.62; P<0.01). After adjustment for traditional risk factors and CAC, EFV remained as an independent predictor for obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia (OR, 4.48, 95%CI, 2.17-9.23; P<0.01). Addition of EFV to CAC and traditional risk factors was related to larger AUC for predicting obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia (0.90 vs. 0.85, P=0.04, 95%CI: 0.85-0.95) and the global chi-square increased by 21.81 (P<0.05). Conclusions: EFV is an independent predictor for obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia. Addition of EFV to traditional risk factors and CAC has incremental value for predicting obstructive CAD with myocardial ischemia in this patient cohort.

Male , Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Female , Coronary Artery Disease/diagnostic imaging , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Myocardial Ischemia/diagnostic imaging , Coronary Stenosis , Calcium