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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030863


Background@#Response surface methodology (RSM) is a cost-effective multivariate technique employed in optimization of pharmaceutical formulations. Central composite experiment design is one of the common designs under RSM used for determining optimum nanoparticle formulation parameters.@*Objectives@#To optimize a formulation for meropenem-loaded chitosan alginate nanoparticles using central composite experimental design.@*Methodology@#Meropenem loaded chitosan-alginate nanoparticles were fabricated using aqueous sodium alginate solution and ionotropic gelation with calcium chloride and chitosan, using an optimized formulation derived from a central composite design. The fabricated Mer-CS/Alg NPs were characterized for their particle size, zeta potential, encapsulation efficiency, and loading capacity. The central composite design has been used to adequately assess the influence of two factors namely meropenem concentration and Alg/CS mass ratio on the responses based on a limited number of 13 triplicate formulation runs.@*Results@#This study successfully formulated meropenem-loaded chitosan/alginate nanoparticles. The optimal formulation of the Mer- CS/Alg NPs was 1.7 mg/mLcurcumin, and a Alg/CS mass ratio of 9.8:1. Based on the predicted values of the response variable, the optimal formulation would have a particle size of 490.64 nm, zeta potential of -28.59 mVand a loading capacity of 76.89%.@*Conclusion@#The central composite experimental design successfully optimized the nanoparticle formulation of meropenem and chitosan/alginate polymer solution. The optimum formulation produced nanoparticles with adequate size, high stability, and high drug load.

Meropenem , Nanoparticles , Research Design
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e257070, 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360228


Nanoparticles (NPs) are insoluble particles with a diameter of fewer than 100 nanometers. Two main methods have been utilized in orthodontic therapy to avoid microbial adherence or enamel demineralization. Certain NPs are included in orthodontic adhesives or acrylic resins (fluorohydroxyapatite, fluorapatite, hydroxyapatite, SiO2, TiO2, silver, nanofillers), and NPs (i.e., a thin layer of nitrogen-doped TiO2 on the bracket surfaces) are coated on the surfaces of orthodontic equipment. Although using NPs in orthodontics may open up modern facilities, prior research looked at antibacterial or physical characteristics for a limited period of time, ranging from one day to several weeks, and the limits of in vitro studies must be understood. The long-term effectiveness of nanotechnology-based orthodontic materials has not yet been conclusively confirmed and needs further study, as well as potential safety concerns (toxic effects) associated with NP size.

Nanopartículas (NPs) são partículas insolúveis com diâmetro inferior a 100 nanômetros. Dois métodos principais têm sido utilizados na terapia ortodôntica para evitar a aderência microbiana ou a desmineralização do esmalte: NPs são incluídas em adesivos ortodônticos ou resinas acrílicas (fluoro-hidroxiapatita, fluorapatita, hidroxiapatita, SiO2, TiO2, prata, nanopreenchimentos) e NPs são revestidas nas superfícies de equipamentos ortodônticos, ou seja, uma camada fina de TiO2 dopado com nitrogênio nas superfícies do braquete. Embora o uso de NPs em ortodontia possa tornar acessível modernos recursos, pesquisas anteriores analisaram as características antibacterianas ou físicas por um período limitado de tempo, variando de 24 horas a várias semanas, por isso devem ser compreendidos os limites dos estudos in vitro. A eficácia de longo prazo de materiais ortodônticos com base em nanotecnologia ainda não foi confirmada de forma conclusiva, o que exige mais estudos, bem como potenciais preocupações de segurança (efeitos tóxicos) associadas ao tamanho da NP.

Orthodontics , Demineralization , Dental Enamel , Nanoparticles , Anti-Infective Agents
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253555, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355900


Abstract The aim of the present study is to assess the effects of selenium nanoparticles on the growth, hematology and nutrients digestibility of Labeorohita fingerlings. Fingerlings were fed with seven isocaloric sunflower meal-based diet supplemented with different concentrations of nanoparticles naming T1 to T7 (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 mg/kg), with 5% wet body weight while chromic oxide was used as an indigestible marker. After experimentation for 90 days T3 treated group (1mg/kg -1Se-nano level) showed the best result in hematological parameters (WBC's 7.97 ×103mm-3, RBC's 2.98 ×106 mm-3 and Platelet count 67), nutrient digestibility (crude protein: 74%, ether extract: 76%, gross energy: 70%) and growth performance (weight gain 13.24 g, weight gain% 198, feed conversion ratio 1.5, survival rate 100%) as compared to the other treatment groups. Specific growth rates were found significantly higher in T5 than in other groups. The present study indicated positive effect of 1 mg/kg Se-nanoparticles on growth advancement, hematological parameters, and nutrients digestibility of L. rohita fingerlings.

Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar os efeitos das nanopartículas de selênio no crescimento, hematologia e digestibilidade dos nutrientes de alevinos de Labeo rohita. Os alevinos foram alimentados com sete dietas isocalóricas à base de farinha de girassol suplementada com diferentes concentrações de nanopartículas, nomeando T1 a T7 (0, 0,5, 1, 1,5, 2, 2,5 e 3 mg / kg), com 5% do peso corporal úmido enquanto o óxido crômico foi usado como um marcador indigesto. Após a experimentação por 90 dias, o grupo tratado com T3 (nível 1mg / kg -1Se-nano) mostrou o melhor resultado em parâmetros hematológicos (WBC's 7,97 × 103mm-3, RBC's 2,98 × 106mm-3 e contagem de plaquetas 67), digestibilidade dos nutrientes (proteína bruta: 74%, extrato de éter: 76%, energia bruta: 70%) e desempenho de crescimento (ganho de peso 13,24 g, ganho de peso % 198, taxa de conversão alimentar 1,5, taxa de sobrevivência 100%) em comparação com os outros grupos de tratamento. As taxas de crescimento específicas foram encontradas significativamente mais altas em T5 do que em outros grupos. O presente estudo indicou efeito positivo de 1 mg / kg de nanopartículas de Se no avanço do crescimento, parâmetros hematológicos e digestibilidade de nutrientes de alevinos de L. rohita.

Animals , Nanoparticles , Helianthus , Nutrients , Dietary Supplements , Diet , Animal Feed/analysis , Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e246204, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1579638


Aim: The study examined how different dry and lubricated polishing protocols impact the gloss, roughness, and material loss of nanoparticle resin composites, before and after simulated toothbrushing. Methods: One hundred cylindrical resin composite specimens were prepared and divided into an unpolished group and three test groups: Dimanto (DIM), Sof-Lex Pop-On (SOF), and Astrobrush (ASTRO). These groups underwent polishing dry, with water, or with or petroleum jelly. Surface parameters including gloss (Novo-Curve ­ Rhopoint TM, England), roughness, and material loss (MaxSurf XT 20, MahrGoettingen, Germany) were evaluated at four stages: baseline, polishing, simulated toothbrushing, and repolishing. Data were submitted to repeated measures ANOVA (P<0.05). Results: Lubrication did not affect the studied parameters after polishing with DIM. SOF showed improved performance without lubricants, whereas ASTRO achieved higher gloss and lower roughness when lubricated. In terms of surface material loss, DIM exhibited less material loss when used with petroleum jelly, SOF had reduced material loss when used with water, and ASTRO showed the most material loss when lubricated with petroleum jelly. Conclusion: The gloss, roughness, and surface material loss of the nanoparticle resin composite are influenced by the type of polisher used and the choice of lubricant. However, none of the differences observed surpassed the established thresholds for roughness or gloss perception, suggesting that these protocols are potentially viable for clinical application. Despite detectable differences among the polishing systems and lubricant combinations, all tested options are clinically acceptable. None of them exceeded the thresholds for biofilm accumulation or perceptible differences in surface gloss

Aging , Composite Resins , Dental Restoration Wear , Dental Polishing , Nanoparticles , Lubricants , Optical Phenomena
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 60: e22542, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533990


We developed poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL)-based nanoparticles containing D-α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol-1000 succinate (TPGS) or Poloxamer 407 as stabilizers to efficiently encapsulate genistein (GN). Two formulations, referred to as PNTPGS and PNPol, were prepared using nanoprecipitation. They were characterized by size and PDI distribution, zeta potential, nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), GN association (AE%), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). PNTPGS-GN exhibited a particle size of 141.2 nm, a PDI of 0.189, a zeta potential of -32.9 mV, and an AE% of 77.95%. PNPol-GN had a size of 146.3 nm, a better PDI than PNTPGS-GN (0.150), a less negative zeta potential (-21.0 mV), and an AE% of 68.73%. Thermal and spectrometric analyses indicated that no new compounds were formed, and there was no incompatibility detected in the formulations. Cellular studies revealed that Poloxamer 407 conferred less toxicity to PCL nanoparticles. However, the percentage of uptake decreased compared to the use of TPGS, which exhibited almost 80% cellular uptake. This study contributes to the investigation of stabilizers capable of conferring stability to PCL nanoparticles efficiently encapsulating GN. Thus, the PCL nanoparticle proposed here is an innovative nanomedicine for melanoma therapy and represents a strong candidate for specific pre-clinical and in vivo studie

Genistein/pharmacology , Nanoparticles/analysis , Melanoma/drug therapy , Particle Size , Spectrum Analysis/classification , Calorimetry, Differential Scanning/methods , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2024. 89 p tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563079


Dentro da área da nanotecnologia, o sistema drug delivery vem sendo amplamente utilizado, cujo objetivo é proporcionar uma maior eficácia dos ativos farmacêuticos, podendo envolver desde uma distribuição mais seletiva dentro do organismo até a taxa que as moléculas serão liberadas e/ou a atenuação dos efeitos adversos provocados. Para isso, os ativos são encapsulados em nanoestruturas, podendo estas serem de natureza sintética ou natural. Dentre os nanocarreadores promissores encontram-se os cubossomos, que são nanoestruturas complexas capazes de encapsular ativos tanto hidrofílicos quanto hidrofóbicos. O objetivo deste projeto foi estudar a encapsulação de fármacos antineoplásicos em sistemas drug delivery contra linhagens celulares, investigando também as alterações estruturais sofridas pelos cubossomos e os efeitos sinérgicos dos fármacos, sendo eles: a doxorrubicina, a cisplatina, a vemurafenibe e a curcumina. As metodologias empregadas para elucidar o efeito das combinações dos fármacos, a estruturação da nanopartícula e sua citotoxicidade foram: os estudos de viabilidade celular pós-exposição, espalhamento dinâmico de luz, potencial zeta, análise de rastreamento de nanopartículas, espalhamento de raios-x a baixos ângulos, criomicroscopia eletrônica de transmissão, eficiência de encapsulação e ensaio de liberação. Inicialmente os fármacos foram testados isoladamente e em duplas, sendo utilizadas cinco linhagens celulares, afim de se promover um delineamento aos ensaios futuros. A partir destes resultados, foi-se optado por manter duas linhagens celulares, a HeLa, como representante de tecidos tumorais, e a HaCat, modelo de tecido saudável, devido a menor resistência apresentada por elas. Em relação as combinações entre as drogas, pode-se observar que todas as duplas formadas apresentaram resultados sinérgicos na linhagem tumoral, sendo mantida para os testes seguintes a combinação curcumina e vemurafenibe. Os cubossomos foram sintetizados eficientemente, sendo produzidos na ausência de fármacos bem como contendo curcumina e vemurafenibe. As nanopartículas apresentaram uma variação de diâmetro entre 189 ± 3 nm e 224 ± 2 nm, sendo o PDI entre 0,08 e 0,25. A conformação do cubossomo foi confirmada através da criomicroscopia eletrônica de transmissão e pelo espalhamento de raios-x a baixos ângulos, onde foi determinada uma estruturação característica de Pn3m. Para a eficiência de encapsulação os valores variaram entre 79% de encapsulação para a curcumina e 72% para a vemurafenibe, quando utilizadas isoladamente. No caso da encapsulação em dupla, os valores se converteram para 63% e 53% para a curcumina e vemurafenibe, respectivamente. A liberação das drogas do interior da nanopartícula oscilou entre 1500, 480 e 420 minutos para os cubossomos de curcumina, vemurafenibe e curcumina + vemunafenibe, respectivamente. Os testes de citotoxicidade demonstraram que as concentrações de 0,01 e 0,03 mg/mL foram capazes de promover uma viabilidade acima de 70%, porém, utilizando estas proporções não foi possível observar resultados significativos. Por fim, o sistema se mostrou estável e homogêneo, sendo capaz de promover a encapsulação dos fármacos tanto singularmente quanto em dupla e, apesar da quantidade de fármacos não ter sido suficiente para ocasionar alterações ao sistema celular, a execução deste trabalho abre portas para que novos estudos sejam realizados, podendo-se testar diferentes ativos bem como alterando a composição da nanopartícula afim de se reduzir a citotoxicidade

Within the area of nanotechnology, the drug delivery system has been widely used, whose objective is to provide greater effectiveness of pharmaceutical active ingredients, which may range from a more selective distribution within the organism to the rate at which the molecules will be released and/or the attenuation of adverse effects caused. To achieve this, the active ingredients are encapsulated in nanostructures, which may be synthetic or natural in nature. Among the promising nanocarriers are cubosomes, which are complex nanostructures capable of encapsulating both hydrophilic and hydrophobic active ingredients. The objective of this project was to study the encapsulation of antineoplastic drugs in drug delivery systems against cell lines, also investigating the structural changes undergone by the cubosomes and the synergistic effects ofthe drugs, namely: doxorubicin, cisplatin, vemurafenib and curcumin. The methodologies used to elucidate the effect of drug combinations, the structuring of the nanoparticle and its cytotoxicity were: post-exposure cell viability studies, dynamic light scattering, zeta potential, nanoparticle tracking analysis, small angle x-rays scattering, transmission electron cryomicroscopy, encapsulation efficiency and release assay. Initially, the drugs were tested alone and in pairs, using five cell lines, in order to promote a design for future trials. Based on these results, it was decided to maintain two cell lines, HeLa, as a representative oftumor tissues, and HaCat, a model ofhealthy tissue, due to their lower resistance. Regarding the combinations between the drugs, it can be observed that all the pairs formed presented synergistic results in the tumor lineage, with the combination of curcumin and vemurafenib being maintained for the following tests. Cubosomes were efficiently synthesized, being produced in the absence of drugs as well as containing curcumin and vemurafenib. The nanoparticles varied in diameter between 189 ± 3 nm and 224 ± 2 nm, with the PDI being between 0.08 and 0.25. The conformation ofthe cubosome was confirmed through transmission electron cryomicroscopy and small angle x-rays scattering, where a characteristic structure of Pn3m was determined. For encapsulation efficiency, values varied between 79% encapsulation for curcumin and 72% for vemurafenib, when used alone. ln the case of double encapsulation, the values converted to 63% and 53% for curcumin and vemurafenib, respectively. The release of drugs from the interior of the nanoparticle ranged between 1500, 480 and 420 minutes for the curcumin, vemurafenib and cubosomes with curcumin + vemunafenib, respectively. Cytotoxicity tests demonstrated that concentrations of 0.01 and 0.03 mg/mL were capable of promoting viability above 70%, however, using these proportions it was not possible to observe significant results. Finally, the system proved to be stable and homogeneous, being able to promote the encapsulation of drugs both singly and in pairs and, although the quantity of drugs was not enough to cause changes to the cellular system, the execution of this work opens doors for new studies are carried out, with the possibility oftesting different active ingredients as well as changing the composition of the nanoparticle in order to reduce cytotoxicity

Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Drug Delivery Systems/classification , Antineoplastic Agents/analysis , Adaptation, Psychological/classification , Doxorubicin/adverse effects , Cisplatin/adverse effects , Cryoelectron Microscopy/methods , Curcumin/adverse effects , Nanoparticles/administration & dosage , Vemurafenib/agonists
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto, Online) ; 56(4)dez. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538188


Background: This study evaluated the effects of zein nanoparticles with resveratrol on neuroinflammation caused by Alzheimer's disease. Method: The sample consisted of 30 animals divided into control (C), positive control (CP), white nanoparticles (NB), resveratrol nanoparticles (NR) and resveratrol (R) groups. The animals received 10 mg/kg of resveratrol or nanoparticles according to the group, daily, for 15 days, oral administration. Afterward, they were submitted to immunohistochemical (IHC) analyses. Results: the IHC showed that there was no change in the morphological brain composition in the NR and C groups. Conversely, in the CP, NB, and R groups, changes in the deposition of Anti Tau were observed. The NR group showed a normal projection of taurine in the axon, which was not presented in the same way in the other groups. The CD68 marker showed no microglial activation in the R and C groups. Quantitative analyses of Anti Beta-Amyloid in the NR group showed a statistical difference com-pared to the CP, NB, and R groups, whereas the Anti Tau analysis showed a significant difference between the CP and NR groups. The CD68 marker showed a significant difference between the C and NR groups. The analysis of cy-tokines showed a significant difference in TNF-α between the C and CP groups, C and NB groups, CP and NR groups, and NB and NR groups. IL-6 and InF-δ showed no significant difference between all groups. IL-10 showed significant differences between the C and NR groups, C and R groups, and CP and NR groups. Conclusion: NR prevented the evolution of neuroinflammation(AU).

Introdução: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos das nanopartículas de zeína com resveratrol na neuroinflamação causada pela doença de Alzheimer. Método: A amostra consistiu em 30 animais divididos em grupos de controle (C), controle positivo (CP), nanopartículas brancas (NB), nanopartículas de resveratrol (NR) e resveratrol (R). Os animais receberam 10 mg/kg de resveratrol ou nanopartículas de acordo com o grupo, diariamente, por 15 dias, por via oral. Em seguida, foram submetidos a análises imuno-histoquímicas (IHC). Resultados: A IHC mostrou que não houve alteração na composição morfológica do cérebro nos grupos NR e C. Por outro lado, nos grupos CP, NB e R, foram observadas alterações na deposição de Anti Tau. O grupo NR mostrou uma projeção normal de taurina no axônio, que não se apresentou da mesma forma nos outros grupos. O marcador CD68 não mostrou ativação microglial nos grupos R e C. As análises quantitativas do antibeta-amiloide no grupo NR mostraram uma diferença estatística quando comparadas aos grupos CP, NB e R, enquanto a análise do antitau mostrou uma diferença significativa entre os grupos CP e NR. O marcador CD68 mostrou uma diferença significativa entre os grupos C e NR. A análise das citocinas mostrou uma diferença significativa no TNF-α entre os grupos C e CP, C e NB, CP e NR, e NB e NR. IL-6 e InF-δ não apresentaram diferença significativa entre todos os grupos. A IL-10 apresentou diferenças significativas entre os grupos C e NR, C e R, e CP e NR. Conclusão: A NR impediu a evolução da neuroinflamação (AU).

Animals , Nanoparticles , Alzheimer Disease , Resveratrol
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 22(6): 821-836, nov. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554240


The present study thus aimed at the development and physicochemical characterization of solid lipid nanoparticles loaded with crude extract of Piper corcovadensis roots (SLN - CEPc) and chitosan - coated solid lipid nanoparticles loaded with crude extract of P. corcovadensis roots (C - SLN - CEPc), as well as the determination of its antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, its cytotoxicity against the Vero cell line and evaluation in the hemolysis assay. Both formulat ions containing the encapsulated extract showed high encapsulation efficiency, formed by a monodispersed system with small and spherical particles, and there was no aggregation of particles. In the biological assays, SLN - CEPc and C - SLN - CEPc showed promisin g anti - M. tuberculosis activity with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 12.5 µg/mL, whereas the cytotoxic concentrations obtained at 50% (CC 50 ) in Vero cells were 60.0 and 70.0 µg/mL, respectively. Therefore, nanoencapsulation showed satisfactory results, justifying its usage in the development of new products.

El presente estudio apuntó al desarrollo y caracterización fisicoquímica de na nopartículas lípidas en estado sólido, cargadas con extracto crudo de raíz de Piper c orcovadensis (SLN - CEPc) y nanopartículas lípidas en estado sólido cubiertas con quitosano cargadas co n extracto crudo de raíz de P. corcovadensis (C - SLN - CEPc), así como la determinación de su actividad antimico bacterial contra Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, su citotoxicidad contra la línea celular Vero y su evaluación en ensayo de hemólisis. Ambas formulaciones que contenían el extracto encapsulado mostraron alta eficien cia de encapsulación, formado por un sistema monodispersado con pequeñas partículas esféricas, y no hubo agregación de partículas. En los ensayos biológicos, SLN - CEPc y C - SLN - CEPc mostraron un a prometedora actividad anti - M. tuberculosis con una mínima conc entración inhibitoria (MIC) de 12,5 µg/mL, mientras que las concentraciones citotóxicas obtenidas al 50% (CC 50 ) en células Vero estuvo en 60,0 y 70,0 µg/mL, respectivamente. Por lo tanto, la nanoencapsulación mostró resultados satisfactorios, justificando su uso en el desarrollo de nuevos productos.

Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Drug Delivery Systems , Piper/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/drug effects , Temperature , Drug Carriers , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Plant Roots , Chitosan , Nanoparticles , Lipids
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 68-74, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | HomeoIndex, LILACS | ID: biblio-1416727


La investigación fundamental en homeopatía ha avanzado considerablemente en los últimos 20 años: desde estudios exploratorios con animales y plantas hasta la caracterización de los efectos sistémicos de los medicamentos homeopáticos y estudios in vitro con sistemas celulares aislados para evaluar los cambios en los mecanismos de adaptación celular y señalización intracelular frente a tratamientos homeopáticos variables. El número de artículos publicados a lo largo del tiempo ha permitido realizar varias revisiones sistemáticas. Recientemente, la demostración de que los medicamentos homeopáticos podrían modificar las funciones celulares a través de mecanismos epigenéticos (metilación y desmetilación de ADN) preparó el camino para un campo de investigación completamente nuevo. En paralelo, el descubrimiento de las nanopartículas y propiedades físicas específicas de las diluciones homeopáticas ha arrojado luz hacia un campo antes poco conocido, dado que se consideraba que las diluciones homeopáticas no consistían más que de agua. Así las cosas, los retos para el futuro conciernen a la demostración, o no, de la interrelación entre ambos fenómenos.

Fundamental research in homeopathy has much advanced in the past 20 years. From exploratory studies with animals and plants to the characterization of the systemic effects of homeopathic medicines and in vitro studies with isolated cell systems to assess changes in the mechanisms of cell adaptation and intracellular signaling facing variable homeopathic treatments. The amount of articles published over time enabled several systematic reviews. Recently, demonstration that homeopathic medicines might modify cell functions through epigenetic mechanisms (DNA methylation and demethylation) paved the road for a fully new field of research. In parallel, the discovery of nanoparticles and specific physical properties of homeopathic dilutions brought light to a previously poorly known field, as it was believed that homeopathic dilutions consist in nothing but water. Thus being, challenges for the future concern the demonstration, or not, of the interrelationship between both phenomena.

Dynamization , Nanoparticles , Epigenomics
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009906


Messenger RNA (mRNA) has shown tremendous potential in disease prevention and therapy. The clinical application requires mRNA with enhanced stability and high translation efficiency, ensuring it not to be degraded by nucleases and targeting to specific tissues and cells. mRNA immunogenicity can be reduced by nucleotide modification, and translation efficiency can be enhanced by codon optimization. The 5´ capping structure and 3´ poly A increase mRNA stability, and the addition of 5' and 3' non-translational regions regulate mRNA translation initiation and protein production. Nanoparticle delivery system protects mRNA from degradation by ubiquitous nucleases, enhances mRNA concentration in circulation and assists it cytoplasmic entrance for the purpose of treatment and prevention. Here, we review the recent advances of mRNA technology, discuss the methods and principles to enhance mRNA stability and translation efficiency; summarize the requirements involved in designing mRNA delivery systems with the potential for industrial translation and biomedical application. Furthermore, we provide insights into future directions of mRNA therapeutics to meet the needs for personalized precision medicine.

RNA, Messenger/genetics , Cytoplasm , Nanoparticles , Precision Medicine
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009932


The pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is not fully elucidated. However, it has been considered that inflammatory macrophages may be involved in the imbalance of the intestinal mucosal immunity to regulate several signaling pathways, leading to IBD progression. The ratio of M1 to M2 subtypes of activated macrophages tends to increase in the inflamed intestinal section. There are challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of IBD, such as unsatisfactory specificity of imaging findings, low drug accumulation in the intestinal lesions, unstable therapeutic efficacy, and drug-related systemic toxicity. Recently developed nanoparticles may provide a new approach for the diagnosis and treatment of IBD. Nanoparticles targeted to macrophages can be used as contrast agents to improve the imaging quality or used as a drug delivery vector to increase the therapeutic efficiency of IBD. This article reviews the research progress on macrophage-targeting nanoparticles for the diagnosis and treatment of IBD to provide a reference for further research and clinical application.

Humans , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/therapy , Intestines , Macrophages/metabolism , Intestinal Mucosa/pathology , Nanoparticles
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1390-1402, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981145


Polymer nanoparticles generally refer to hydrophobic polymers-based nanoparticles, which have been extensively studied in the nanomedicine field due to their good biocompatibility, efficient long-circulation characteristics, and superior metabolic discharge patterns over other nanoparticles. Existing studies have proved that polymer nanoparticles possess unique advantages in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and have been transformed from basic researches to clinical applications, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis (AS). However, the inflammatory reaction induced by polymer nanoparticles would induce the formation of foam cells and autophagy of macrophages. In addition, the variations in the mechanical microenvironment of cardiovascular diseases may cause the enrichment of polymer nanoparticles. These could possibly promote the occurrence and development of AS. Herein, this review summarized the recent application of polymer nanoparticles in the diagnosis and treatment of AS, as well as the relationship between polymer nanoparticles and AS and the associated mechanism, with the aim to facilitate the development of novel nanodrugs for the treatment of AS.

Humans , Polymers/chemistry , Cardiovascular Diseases , Nanoparticles/chemistry , Drug Delivery Systems , Atherosclerosis/pathology
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 2419-2425, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981318


This study combined the herbal pair Platycodonis Radix-Curcumae Rhizoma(PR-CR) possessing an inhibitory effect on tumor cell proliferation and metastasis with the active component of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) silibinin-loaded nanoparticles(NPs) with a regulatory effect on tumor microenvironment based on the joint effect on tumor cells and tumor microenvironment to inhi-bit cell metastasis. The effects of PR-CR on the cellular uptake of NPs and in vitro inhibition against breast cancer proliferation and metastasis were investigated to provide an experimental basis for improving nanoparticle absorption and enhancing therapeutic effects. Silibinin-loaded lipid-polymer nanoparticles(LPNs) were prepared by the nanoprecipitation method and characterized by transmission electron microscopy. The NPs were spherical or quasi-spherical in shape with obvious core-shell structure. The mean particle size was 107.4 nm, Zeta potential was-27.53 mV. The cellular uptake assay was performed by in vitro Caco-2/E12 coculture cell model and confocal laser scanning microscopy(CLSM), and the results indicated that PR-CR could promote the uptake of NPs. Further, in situ intestinal absorption assay by the CLSM vertical scanning approach showed that PR-CR could promote the absorption of NPs in the enterocytes of mice. The inhibitory effect of NPs on the proliferation and migration of 4T1 cells was analyzed using 4T1 breast cancer cells and co-cultured 4T1/WML2 cells, respectively. The results of the CCK8 assay showed that PR-CR-containing NPs could enhance the inhibition against the proliferation of 4T1 breast cancer cells. The wound healing assay indicated that PR-CR-containing NPs enhanced the inhibition against the migration of 4T1 breast cancer cells. This study enriches the research on oral absorption of TCM NPs and also provides a new idea for utilizing the advantages of TCM to inhibit breast cancer metastasis.

Humans , Mice , Animals , Female , Silymarin/therapeutic use , Caco-2 Cells , Polymers/chemistry , Nanoparticles/chemistry , Cell Line, Tumor , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Tumor Microenvironment
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 2739-2748, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981377


Ulcerative colitis(UC) is a recurrent, intractable inflammatory bowel disease. Coptidis Rhizoma and Bovis Calculus, serving as heat-clearing and toxin-removing drugs, have long been used in the treatment of UC. Berberine(BBR) and ursodeoxycholic acid(UDCA), the main active components of Coptidis Rhizoma and Bovis Calculus, respectively, were employed to obtain UDCA-BBR supramolecular nanoparticles by stimulated co-decocting process for enhancing the therapeutic effect on UC. As revealed by the characterization of supramolecular nanoparticles by field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM) and dynamic light scattering(DLS), the supramolecular nanoparticles were tetrahedral nanoparticles with an average particle size of 180 nm. The molecular structure was described by ultraviolet spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, high-resolution mass spectrometry, and hydrogen-nuclear magnetic resonance(H-NMR) spectroscopy. The results showed that the formation of the supramolecular nano-particle was attributed to the mutual electrostatic attraction and hydrophobic interaction between BBR and UDCA. Additionally, supramolecular nanoparticles were also characterized by sustained release and pH sensitivity. The acute UC model was induced by dextran sulfate sodium(DSS) in mice. It was found that supramolecular nanoparticles could effectively improve body mass reduction and colon shortening in mice with UC(P<0.001) and decrease disease activity index(DAI)(P<0.01). There were statistically significant differences between the supramolecular nanoparticles group and the mechanical mixture group(P<0.001, P<0.05). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) was used to detect the serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) and interleukin-6(IL-6), and the results showed that supramolecular nanoparticles could reduce serum TNF-α and IL-6 levels(P<0.001) and exhibited an obvious difference with the mechanical mixture group(P<0.01, P<0.05). Flow cytometry indicated that supramolecular nanoparticles could reduce the recruitment of neutrophils in the lamina propria of the colon(P<0.05), which was significantly different from the mechanical mixture group(P<0.05). These findings suggested that as compared with the mechanical mixture, the supramolecular nanoparticles could effectively improve the symptoms of acute UC in mice. The study provides a new research idea for the poor absorption of small molecules and the unsatisfactory therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine and lays a foundation for the research on the nano-drug delivery system of traditional Chinese medicine.

Animals , Mice , Colitis, Ulcerative/drug therapy , Ursodeoxycholic Acid/adverse effects , Berberine/pharmacology , Interleukin-6 , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/pharmacology , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/pharmacology , Colon , Nanoparticles , Dextran Sulfate/adverse effects , Disease Models, Animal , Colitis/chemically induced
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 2949-2957, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981427


This study aims to improve the solubility and bioavailability of daidzein by preparing the β-cyclodextrin-daidzein/PEG_(20000)/Carbomer_(940) nanocrystals. Specifically, the nanocrystals were prepared with daidzein as a model drug, PEG_(20000), Carbomer_(940), and NaOH as a plasticizer, a gelling agent, and a crosslinking agent, respectively. A two-step method was employed to prepare the β-cyclodextrin-daidzein/PEG_(20000)/Carbomer_(940) nanocystals. First, the insoluble drug daidzein was embedded in β-cyclodextrin to form inclusion complexes, which were then encapsulated in the PEG_(20000)/Carbomer_(940) nanocrystals. The optimal mass fraction of NaOH was determined as 0.8% by the drug release rate, redispersability, SEM morphology, encapsulation rate, and drug loading. The inclusion status of daidzein nanocrystals was determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis(TGA), and X-ray diffraction(XRD) analysis to verify the feasibility of the preparation. The prepared nanocrystals showed the average Zeta potential of(-30.77±0.15)mV and(-37.47±0.64)mV and the particle sizes of(333.60±3.81)nm and(544.60±7.66)nm before and after daidzein loading, respectively. The irregular distribution of nanocrystals before and after daidzein loading was observed under SEM. The redispersability experiment showed high dispersion efficiency of the nanocrystals. The in vitro dissolution rate of nanocrystals in intestinal fluid was significantly faster than that of daidzein, and followed the first-order drug release kinetic model. XRD, FTIR, and TGA were employed to determine the polycrystalline properties, drug loading, and thermal stability of the nanocrystals before and after drug loading. The nanocrystals loaded with daidzein demonstrated obvious antibacterial effect. The nanocrystals had more significant inhibitory effects on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa than daidzein because of the improved solubility of daidzein. The prepared nanocrystals can significantly increase the dissolution rate and oral bioavailability of the insoluble drug daidzein.

Sodium Hydroxide , Acrylic Resins , Escherichia coli , Nanoparticles
J. biomed. eng ; Sheng wu yi xue gong cheng xue za zhi;(6): 378-383, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981553


Magnetic ferrite nanoparticles (MFNPs) have great application potential in biomedical fields such as magnetic resonance imaging, targeted drugs, magnetothermal therapy and gene delivery. MFNPs can migrate under the action of a magnetic field and target specific cells or tissues. However, to apply MFNPs to organisms, further modifications on the surface of MFNPs are required. In this paper, the common modification methods of MFNPs are reviewed, their applications in medical fields such as bioimaging, medical detection, and biotherapy are summarized, and the future application directions of MFNPs are further prospected.

Ferric Compounds , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Magnetics , Magnetite Nanoparticles/therapeutic use , Nanoparticles
J. biomed. eng ; Sheng wu yi xue gong cheng xue za zhi;(6): 384-391, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981554


Macrophages are important immune effector cells with significant plasticity and heterogeneity in the body immune system, and play an important role in normal physiological conditions and in the process of inflammation. It has been found that macrophage polarization involves a variety of cytokines and is a key link in immune regulation. Targeting macrophages by nanoparticles has a certain impact on the occurrence and development of a variety of diseases. Due to its characteristics, iron oxide nanoparticles have been used as the medium and carrier for cancer diagnosis and treatment, making full use of the special microenvironment of tumors to actively or passively aggregate drugs in tumor tissues, which has a good application prospect. However, the specific regulatory mechanism of reprogramming macrophages using iron oxide nanoparticles remains to be further explored. In this paper, the classification, polarization effect and metabolic mechanism of macrophages were firstly described. Secondly, the application of iron oxide nanoparticles and the induction of macrophage reprogramming were reviewed. Finally, the research prospect and difficulties and challenges of iron oxide nanoparticles were discussed to provide basic data and theoretical support for further research on the mechanism of the polarization effect of nanoparticles on macrophages.

Humans , Macrophages/metabolism , Cytokines , Inflammation , Neoplasms/metabolism , Nanoparticles , Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles , Tumor Microenvironment
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982043


The application of intraocular drug delivery is usually limited due to special anatomical and physiological barriers, and the elimination mechanisms in the eye. Organic nano-drug delivery carriers exhibit excellent adhesion, permeability, targeted modification and controlled release abilities to overcome the obstacles and improve the efficiency of drug delivery and bioavailability. Solid lipid nanoparticles can entrap the active components in the lipid structure to improve the stability of drugs and reduce the production cost. Liposomes can transport hydrophobic or hydrophilic molecules, including small molecules, proteins and nucleic acids. Compared with linear macromolecules, dendrimers have a regular structure and well-defined molecular mass and size, which can precisely control the molecular shape and functional groups. Degradable polymer materials endow nano-delivery systems a variety of size, potential, morphology and other characteristics, which enable controlled release of drugs and are easy to modify with a variety of ligands and functional molecules. Organic biomimetic nanocarriers are highly optimized through evolution of natural particles, showing better biocompatibility and lower toxicity. In this article, we summarize the advantages of organic nanocarriers in overcoming multiple barriers and improving the bioavailability of drugs, and highlight the latest research progresses on the application of organic nanocarriers for treatment of ocular diseases.

Drug Carriers , Delayed-Action Preparations , Drug Delivery Systems , Nanoparticles/chemistry
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982045


Nucleoside drugs play an essential role in treating major diseases such as tumor and viral infections, and have been widely applied in clinics. However, the effectiveness and application of nucleoside drugs are significantly limited by their intrinsic properties such as low bioavailability, lack of targeting ability, and inability to enter the cells. Nanocarriers can improve the physiological properties of nucleoside drugs by improving drug delivery efficiency and availability, maintaining drug efficacy and system stability, adjusting the binding ability of the carrier and drug molecules, as well as modifying specific molecules to achieve active targeting. Starting from the design strategy of nucleoside drug nanodelivery systems, the design and therapeutic effect of these nanomedicines are described in this review, and the future development directions of nucleoside/nucleotide-loaded nanomedicines are also discussed.

Nanomedicine , Nucleosides/chemistry , Nucleotides , Nanoparticles/chemistry , Drug Delivery Systems , Drug Carriers
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982049


Currently, the first-line drugs for invasive fungal infections (IFI), such as amphotericin B, fluconazole and itraconazole, have drawbacks including poor water solubility, low bioavailability, and severe side effects. Using drug delivery systems is a promising strategy to improve the efficacy and safety of traditional antifungal therapy. Synthetic and biomimetic carriers have greatly facilitated the development of targeted delivery systems for antifungal drugs. Synthetic carrier drug delivery systems, such as liposomes, nanoparticles, polymer micelles, and microspheres, can improve the physicochemical properties of antifungal drugs, prolong their circulation time, enhance targeting capabilities, and reduce toxic side effects. Cell membrane biomimetic drug delivery systems, such as macrophage or red blood cell membrane-coated drug delivery systems, retain the membrane structure of somatic cells and confer various biological functions and specific targeting abilities to the loaded antifungal drugs, exhibiting better biocompatibility and lower toxicity. This article reviews the development of antifungal drug delivery systems and their application in the treatment of IFI, and also discusses the prospects of novel biomimetic carriers in antifungal drug delivery.

Antifungal Agents/therapeutic use , Drug Delivery Systems , Amphotericin B/therapeutic use , Liposomes/chemistry , Nanoparticles , Drug Carriers