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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 382-389, mayo 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538151


The extraction of geraniol from palmarosa oil using hydrotropic solvents was investigated. Palmarosa oil possesses an appealing rose aroma and properties like anti - inflammatory, antifungal, and antioxidant due to the presence of geraniol. The extraction of geraniol from palmarosa oil by using distillation methods like steam dis tillation and fractional distillation was a laborious process. So hydrotropes were tried for extraction. The geraniol yield and purity depend on parameters like concentration of hydrotrope, solvent volume ratio, and time period. Using the Box Benkhem Desig n (BBD), the extraction process was optimized. One of the major advantages of using hydrotropic solvents is that they were classified as green solvents, and recovery of solvents is also possible. To reduce the extraction time probe sonication is carried ou t. Different hydrotropic solvents with probe sonication are done on palmarosa oil by altering various process parameters to study the separation, yield, and purity.

Se investigó la extracción de geraniol del aceite de palmarosa utilizando solventes hidrotrópicos. El aceite de palmarosa posee un atractivo aroma a rosa y propiedades antiinflamatorias, antifúngicas y antioxidantes debido a la pr esencia de geraniol. La extracción de geraniol del aceite de palmarosa mediante métodos de destilación como la destilación por vapor y la destilación fraccionada ha sido un proceso laborioso. Por lo tanto, se probaron los hidrotropos para la extracción. El rendimiento y la pureza del geraniol dependen de parámetros como la concentración del hidrotropo, la relación de volumen del solvente y el período de tiempo. Se optimizó el proceso de extracción usando el diseño Box Benkhem (BBD). Una de las principales v entajas de usar solventes hidrotrópicos es que se clasifican como solventes verdes y también es posible recuperar los solventes. Para reducir el tiempo de extracción, se lleva a cabo una sonda de ultrasonido. Se realizan diferentes solventes hidrotropos co n sonda de ultrasonido en el aceite de palmarosa alterando varios parámetros del proceso para estudiar la separación, el rendimiento y la pureza.

Plant Oils/chemistry , Cymbopogon/chemistry , Acyclic Monoterpenes/chemistry , Chromatography, Gas
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 22(3): 360-376, mayo 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555814


Vegetable extracts have become important raw materials for food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries because of their biological potential. The objective of this study was to assess the biological activity of vegetable oils (VOs) extracted from Annona muricata and A. cherimola. Antibacterial activity was determined by plaque microdilution. The assessment of hemolytic inhibition and morphological alterations was performed in erythrocyte cultures by spectrophotometry and microscopy, respectively. Neutrophils were used to analyze both cytotoxicity by the trypan blue exclusion method and the effect on gelatinase granule release (MMP9) via zymography. Whereas VOs showed a mild antibacterial activity (900 µL/mL) on five ATCC bacterial strains, they had no effect on multi-resistant bacteria. In addition, VOs inhibited hydrogen peroxide induced hemolysis and did not cause erythrocyte cell abnormalities. Cytotoxicity was not detected in neutrophils and VOs were able to stimulate MMP9 release. These results support their potential use by the food and cosmetic industries due to their antioxidant, non-cytotoxic, and slight antibacterial capacities.

Los extractos vegetales adquieren importancia en la industria alimentaria, farmacéutica y cosmética, por su potencial biológico. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar actividad biológica de los Aceites Vegetales (AV) de semillas de Annona muricata y A. cherimola. La actividad antibacteriana se determinó mediante microdilución en placa; en cultivo de eritrocitos se evaluó inhibición hemolítica por espectrofotometría y alteraciones morfológicas por recuento microscópico; en neutrófilos se evaluó citotoxicidad por método de exclusión con azul de tripán, y el efecto sobre liberación de gránulos de gelatinasa (MMP9) mediante zimografía. Los AV presentaron actividad antibacteriana leve (900 µL/mL) en cinco cepas ATCC, pero no en bacterias multirresistentes; inhibieron la hemolisis inducida por peróxido de hidrogeno; no generaron deformaciones eritrocitarias; no se evidenció citotoxicidad en neutrófilos y estimularon la liberación de MMP9. Los resultados podrían sustentar el uso potencial de estos AV en la industria alimenticia o cosmética, gracias a su capacidad antioxidante, no citotóxica y levemente antibacteriana.

Plant Oils/pharmacology , Annona/chemistry , Plants, Medicinal , Plant Oils/analysis , Plant Oils/chemistry
Demetra (Rio J.) ; 18: 73360, 2023. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532279


Introdução: A utilização das plantas medicinais como fonte de pr odutos terapêuticos acompanha a história da humanidade. A Platoniainsignis é uma espécie frutífera nativa da Amazônia oriental, popularmente conhecida como bacuri. O óleo extraído das sementes do bacuri proporciona uma composição química com alto teor de substâncias ativas com efeitos cicatrizantes, antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórios. Objetivo: Este estudo visa caracterizar os efeitos bioquímicos do óleo de bacuri como possível alternativa terapêutica preventiva. Método: Foram utilizados 15 camundongos Swiss adultos divididos em 3 grupos. O óleo de bacuri nas doses de 10 e 100 mg/Kg e o veículo (óleo de oliva ­ 10 ml/Kg) foram administrados via oral por 30 dias consecutivos. Após 24 horas da administração do composto natural e do veículo, procedeu-se a eutanásia dos animais; sangue coletado por punção cardíaca e o plasma utilizado para realizar as análises bioquímicas. Foram avaliados os parâmetros bioquímicos: glicose, colesterol total, colesterol LDL (LowDensityLipoprotein) e HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), triglicerídeos, transaminase glutâmica oxalacética (TGO), transaminase glutâmica pirúvica (TGP), gama glutamil transferase (GGT), ureia, creatinina e proteínas totais. Resultados: O pré-tratamento com o óleo de bacuri promoveu efeitos benéficos nos parâmetros bioquímicos analisados. Conclusões: Desta forma, o fruto pode ser utilizado como uma alternativa terapêutica na prevenção de doenças.

Introduction: The utilization of medicinal plants as a source of therapeutic products has been a part of human history. Platonia insignis is a fruit species native to the eastern Amazon, popularly known as bacuri. The oil extracted from bacuri seeds provides a chemical composition with a high content of active substances with healing, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. Objective: This study aims to characterize the biochemical effects of bacuri oil as a possible preventive therapeutic alternative. Method: 15 adult Swiss mice were used, divided into three groups. Bacuri oil at doses of 10 and 100 mg/kg and the vehicle (olive oil ­ 10 ml/kg) were administered orally for 30 consecutive days. After 24 hours of administration of the natural compound and vehicle, the animals were euthanized; blood collected by cardiac puncture and plasma used to perform biochemical analyses. The biochemical parameters were evaluated: glucose, total cholesterol, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol, triglycerides, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), urea , creatinine, and total proteins. Results: Pretreatment with bacuri oil promoted beneficial effects on the biochemical parameters analyzed. Conclusions: In this way, the fruit can be used as a therapeutic alternative in the prevention of diseases.

Male , Mice , Therapeutics , Biochemical Phenomena , Plant Oils/chemistry , Disease Prevention
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; Arch. latinoam. nutr;72(3): 196-204, sept. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1399277


Introduction: The use of vegetable proteins as ingredients in food systems is based on their functional properties. The water and oil holding capacity, foaming, and emulsifying capacity/stability, and antioxidant assay of the protein fractions - albumins, globulins 7S/11S, glutelins and prolamins - isolated from Leucaena seed were evaluated. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the functional properties and antioxidant capacity of the concentrate and protein fractions of ripe Leucaena spp. seeds. Materials and methods: Ripe Leucaena seeds were collected and evaluated in Oaxaca, Mexico (16°59'21''N 96°43'26''O) during the months of February-April 2021.The protein concentrate was isolated by isoelectric precipitation (pH=9, pH=4). The albumins, globulins, glutelins and prolamins were isolated based on their solubility properties in different extracting solutions. Results: Glutelins constituted the main protein fraction (75.88%). Prolamins were not found. The glutelins fractions showed the highest oil holding capacity (0.93±0.08 mL g-1). The albumins fraction had the highest water holding capacity (2.53±0.15 mL g-1), foaming capacity and foam stability (71.83±1.26 % and 70.00±0.00%, respectively) and antioxidant capacity (18.09±0.88%). The globulins exhibited the highest emulsifying capacity and emulsion stability (56.83±1.76% and 55.67±1.20%, respectively). Conclusions: The concentrate and protein fraction of Leucaena seeds showed different techno-functional and antioxidant properties of interest for the food industry, like those showed by other commercial vegetable proteins(AU)

Introducción: El uso de proteínas vegetales como ingredientes en sistemas alimentarios se basa en sus propiedades funcionales. Se evaluó la capacidad de retención de agua y aceite, la capacidad/estabilidad espumante y emulsionante y el ensayo antioxidante de las fracciones proteicas -albúminas, globulinas 7S/11S, glutelinas y prolaminas- aisladas de las semillas de Leucaena. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las propiedades funcionales y la capacidad antioxidante del concentrado y las fracciones proteicas de las semillas maduras de Leucaena spp. Materiales y métodos: Las semillas maduras de Leucaena fueron recolectadas y evaluadas en Oaxaca, México (16°59'21''N 96°43'26''O) durante los meses de febrero-abril del año 2021. Se usó harina de Leucaena desgrasada para la preparación de las fracciones proteicas. El concentrado proteico se aisló por precipitación isoeléctrica (pH=9, pH=4). Las albúminas, globulinas, glutelinas y prolaminas se aislaron en función de sus propiedades de solubilidad en diferentes soluciones de extracción. Resultados: Las glutelinas constituyeron la principal fracción proteica (75,88%). No se encontraron prolaminas. La fracción de glutelinas mostró la mayor capacidad de retención de aceite (0.93±0,08 mL g-1). La fracción de albúminas presentó la mayor capacidad de retención de agua (2,53±0,15 mL g-1), capacidad espumante y estabilidad de la espuma (71,83±1,26% y 70,00±0,00%, respectivamente) y capacidad antioxidante (18,09±0,88%). Las globulinas mostraron la mayor capacidad emulsionante y estabilidad de la emulsión (56,83±1,76 y 55,67±1,20%, respectivamente). Conclusiones: El concentrado y las fracciones proteicas de las semillas de Leucaena mostraron diferentes propiedades tecno-funcionales y antioxidantes de interés para la industria alimentaria, similares a los reportados por diversas proteínas vegetales comerciales(AU)

Plant Proteins, Dietary/chemistry , Fabaceae/chemistry , Antioxidants/chemistry , Seeds , Plant Oils/chemistry , Water/chemistry , Food Industry , Albumins/chemistry , Emulsions/chemistry , Globulins/chemistry , Glutens/chemistry
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 20(6): 649-659, nov. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369974


The objective was to evaluate the production and composition of lavender essential oil, simultaneously at open field and greenhouse, in spring-summer season, under different types of fertilization. Each cultivation system was considered an experiment (field and greenhouse), and in both, the experimental design used was randomized blocks, with five treatments, being fertilization with nutrient source -100% mineral (100%M), 100% organic (100%O), 100% organomineral (100%OM), 50% organomineral (50%OM), and without fertilization (control), and three repetitions. Better performance and productivity of Lavandula dentatais related to respectively 100% OM and 50% OM fertilization in the field and greenhouse. The essential oil content does not differ between cultivation systems and kind of fertilizers, and the majorities compounds were 1.8-cineol, fenchone and camphor.

El objetivo fue evaluar la producción y composición del aceite esencial de lavanda a campo abierto e invernadero simultáneamente, en la temporada primavera-verano, bajo diferentes tipos de fertilización. Cada sistema de cultivo fue considerado un experimento (campo e invernadero), y en ambos, el diseño experimental utilizado fue bloques al azar, con cinco tratamientos, siendo la fertilización con fuente de nutrientes 100% mineral (100% M), 100% orgánico (100% O), 100% organomineral (100% MO), 50% organomineral (50% MO), y sin fertilización (control), y tres repeticiones. Un mejor rendimiento y productividad de Lavandula dentata está relacionado con una fertilización de 100%OM y 50% OM en el campo y en invernadero, respectivamente. El contenido de aceite esencial no difiere entre sistemas de cultivo y tipo de fertilizante, y los compuestos mayoritarios fueron 1.8-cineol, fenchone y alcanfor.

Plant Oils/metabolism , Plant Oils/chemistry , Oils, Volatile/metabolism , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Lavandula/chemistry , Crop Production , Nutrients , Monoterpenes/analysis , Greenhouses , Fertilization
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(1): 141-154, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153057


The consumption of inadequately thermally treated fish is a public health risk due to the possible propagation of Anisakis larvae and their antigenic proteins, the causative agent of the zoonotic disease anisakidosis. The present study demonstrated the physiological and histopathological changes that accompanied an oral inoculation of crude extracts from fresh and thermally treated Anisakis Type II (L3) in Wistar albino rats. Nematode worms were isolated from the marine fish Dicentrarchus labrax. They were examined and taxonomically identified using light and scanning electron microscopy. The study was performed in 6 rat groups: a control group (I), a garlic oil (GO) inoculated group (II), a fresh L3 inoculated group (III), a thermally treated L3 inoculated group (IV), a fresh L3 + GO inoculated group (V), and a thermally treated L3 + GO inoculated group (VI). It was observed that rats inoculated with fresh and thermally treated L3 crude extracts showed abnormal oxidative stress markers associated with the destruction of normal architecture of spleen and thymus. GO produced a protective effect in rat groups inoculated with L3 extracts + GO administration via the amelioration of oxidative stress markers, which was confirmed by the marked normal structure of the organs' histology. Cooking of L3 infected fish induced severe physiological and histopathological alterations compared to uncooked infected fish. The administration of garlic before and after fish eating is recommended to avoid the dangerous effect of anisakids, even if they are cooked.(AU)

O consumo de peixes tratados termicamente de forma inadequada é um risco à saúde pública devido à possível propagação das larvas de Anisakis e suas proteínas antigênicas, o agente causador da doença zoonótica anisakidose. O presente estudo demonstrou as alterações fisiológicas e histopatológicas que acompanharam a inoculação oral de extratos brutos de Anisakis Tipo II (L3) frescos e termicamente tratados em ratos Wistar albinos. Vermes nematoides foram isolados do peixe marinho Dicentrarchus labrax e foram examinados e identificados taxonomicamente usando microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. O estudo foi realizado em 6 grupos de ratos: grupo controle (I), grupo inoculado com óleo de alho (GO) (II), grupo inoculado com L3 fresco (III), grupo inoculado com L3 tratado termicamente (IV), grupo inoculado com L3 + GO fresco (V), e grupo inoculado com L3 + GO tratado termicamente (VI). Observou-se que ratos inoculados com extrato bruto L3 fresco e tratado termicamente mostraram marcadores de estresse oxidativo anormais associados à destruição da estrutura normal do baço e do timo. GO produziu um efeito protetor em grupos de ratos inoculados com extrato L3 + administração de GO através da melhoria dos marcadores de estresse oxidativo, que foi confirmada pela marcante estrutura normal da histologia dos órgãos. O cozimento de peixes infectados com L3 induziu alterações fisiológicas e histopatológicas graves quando comparado com peixes infectados não cozidos. Recomenda-se a administração de alho antes e depois da ingestão do peixe para evitar o efeito perigoso dos anisakídeos, mesmo se cozidos.(AU)

Animals , Rats , Anisakis , Anisakiasis/therapy , Anisakiasis/veterinary , Fishes/parasitology , Garlic/chemistry , Plant Oils/chemistry , Rats, Wistar
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37001, Jan.-Dec. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358446


This study was carried out to evaluate by-product of the biodiesel industry as canola, safflower, forage turnip, and soybean crushed on the chemical composition, in situ degradability, and colonization time. Canola (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera), safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.), forage turnip (Raphanus stivus L. var. oleiferus Metzg), and soybean (Glycine max) grains went through the oil extraction process by means of a cold pressing, resulting in the oilseeds-crushed. The treatments identification included: CAN ­ Canola crushed; SAF ­ Safflower crushed; TUR ­ Forage turnip crushed; and SOY ­ Soybean crushed. The oilseed-crushed treatments were quantified about mineral (calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, phosphorus and potassium), chemical composition (dry matter, ash, organic matter, crude protein, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, total carbohydrates, non-fibrous carbohydrates, and total digestible nutrient contents), In situ degradability, and colonization time. Magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc showed the greater values for TUR treatment 3.46, 27.4, 39.8, respectively, when compared to the other oilseed-crushed treatments. The TUR treatment had the lowest organic matter, whereas had the greater (p≤0.05; TUR and SOY treatments) for the non-fibrous carbohydrates. Ether extract was not affected (p>0.05) with the different oilseed-crushed treatments. Neutral detergent fiber was affected (p≤0.05) for CAN and SAF treatments with the greater values, 344 and 500 g/kg of dry matter, respectively. Soluble and potentially degradable fractions for SAF treatment showed similar results. Whereas the constant rate of degradation, presented the lowest value when compared to the other treatments. Effective degradability of crude protein was greater for CAN 63.2% than SOY 65.9% treatment, which had the lowest value. Potential degradability of crude protein did not differ between treatments. Colonization time for dry matter and crude protein were similar between TUR and SOY treatments. In conclusion, oilseeds-crushed from the biodiesel production can be targeted/used, as feed with great protein and energetic potential in the ruminant's production, considering the need of correct formulation and ingredients knowledge.

Plant Oils/chemistry , Biofuels/analysis , Food Analysis
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;64: e21190253, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153292


HIGHLIGHTS Essential oils from populations of B. dracunculifolia were investigated. β-pinene and (E)-nerolidol were the main compounds in B. dracunculifolia populations. The difference in the chemical profile of the essential oils is quantitative only. There is a negative correlation between the antioxidant activity and spathulenol.

Abstract Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. is a Brazilian native plant, presenting wide chemical diversity and numerous pharmaceutical and industrial applications. This research assessed the yield, antioxidant activity and the chemical similarity of essential oils from 10 populations of B. dracunculifolia in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil. The extraction of the volatile compounds was carried out by hydrodistillation, the chemical composition was determined by GC/FID and GC/MS and the antioxidant activity by the DPPH method. The essential oil yield of wild B. dracunculifolia populations ranged from 0.14 to 0.87%. The oils were predominantly composed of oxygenated sesquiterpenes (34.16 - 51.01%), monoterpene hydrocarbons (18.02 - 46.17%) and sesquiterpenes hydrocarbons (9.60 - 17.70%). The major compounds found in all populations were β-pinene (7.65 - 29.8%) and (E)-nerolidol (9.11 - 21.68%). Essential oil solutions (20%) from different populations presented antioxidant capacity ranging from 27.78 to 91.67%. A negative correlation was found between the antioxidant activity and spathulenol (r = -0.696). Multivariate analyses separated the populations into three groups: (1) low concentrations of α-pinene (2.02 - 2.06%), (2) high concentrations of α-pinene (4.17 - 4.61%) and β-pinene (22.54 - 29.80%), and (3) intermediate concentrations of α-pinene (2.38 - 3.31%), β-pinene (12.77 - 19.03%) and spathulenol (6.02 - 9.06%).

Plant Oils/chemistry , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Baccharis/chemistry , Antioxidants/chemistry , Plants, Medicinal/chemistry , Plant Oils/isolation & purification , Brazil , Oils, Volatile/isolation & purification , Plant Extracts/isolation & purification
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(1): 57-66, feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092744


The potential use of babassu (Orbignya phalerata Mart.) in several activities is large. In view of these facts, this study aimed to determine the physicochemical composition of the babassu almond (OpAM) and evaluate the chemical, physical and physicochemical aspects of babassu coconut oil isolated by different methods of extraction. Babassu nut oil was removed by extraction with a hot solvent (Soxhlet) (OpS), hydraulic pressure (OpHP) and cold extraction (Blight and Dyer) (OpBD). Two artisanal samples from the states of Pará (OpP) and Maranhão (OPM) were also tested. OpAM presented 2% protein, 49.5% fat, 42.4% carbohydrates and water activity of 0.670. No statistical differences were found between the babassu coconut extraction techniques which presents saturated fatty acids as major oil fatty acids, especially lauric (41.6%), myristic (14.6%) and unsaturated oleic (15.7%). No samples tested positive in the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances test, and they also showed low levels of acidity. Babassu coconut oil showed good oxidative stability with a high induction period. The samples tended to green and yellow colors, and the babassu oil extracted by Soxhlet was less viscous than the others.

El uso potencial de babassu (Orbignya phalerata Mart.), en varias actividades es amplio. En vista de esto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la composición fisicoquímica de la almendra de babassu (OpAM) y evaluar los aspectos químicos, físicos y físicoquímicos del aceite de coco de babassu aislado mediante diferentes métodos de extracción. El aceite de coco de babasú se aisló mediante extracción con un disolvente caliente (Soxhlet) (OpS), mediante presión hidráulica (OpHP) y utilizando un disolvente frío (Blight and Dyer) (OpBD). También se analizaron dos muestras artesanales de los estados de Pará (OpP) y Maranhão (OPM). OpAM presentó 2% de proteína, 49,5% de grasa, 42,4% de carbohidratos y una actividad de agua de 0,670. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticas entre las técnicas de extracción de babassu de coco que presentan ácidos grasos saturados como los principales ácidos grasos oleosos, especialmente láurico (41,6%), mirístico (14,6%) y oleico insaturado (15,7%). Ninguna muestra resultó positiva en la prueba de sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico, y también mostraron niveles bajos de acidez. El aceite de coco Babassu mostró una buena estabilidad oxidativa con un alto período de inducción. Las muestras tendían a los colores verde y amarillo, y el aceite de babassu extraído por Soxhlet era menos viscoso que los otros.

Plant Oils/chemistry , Plant Extracts , Arecaceae/chemistry , Nutritive Value , Carbohydrates/analysis , Proteins/analysis , Fats/analysis
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 34: e001, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055529


Abstract This study analyzed the effect of prior application of copaiba oil (CO) emulsions as a dentin cleaning substance on microleakage and microtensile adhesive strength. Twenty-five premolars and sixty-four molars were used for microleakage and microtensile assays. For the microleakage assays, specimens with standard class V cavities were divided (n = 5), according to the tested CO emulsions: CO10%X, CO10%Y, and CO10%Z, as well as chlorhexidine 2% (CHX) and distilled water (DW), as positive and negative controls, respectively. Restorations were performed using the Adper Single Bond® and/or Clearfil SE Bond® systems. Cervical, occlusal, distal and mesial sections were assessed for tracer penetration degree at the composite/tooth interface. For the microtensile assay, healthy molars were divided into sixteen groups, in which artificial caries were induced in half of the groups. Dentin surfaces were treated with CO10%X and CO10%Y, CHX and DW. Microtensile bond strength was measured by fixing each sample to the plate of a universal testing machine operated at a speed of 0.5 mm/minute until failure. Dentin treated with CO10%X showed a lower infiltration rate than dentin treated with the other CO emulsions, CHX2% and DW. According to the microtensile assay, both healthy and affected dentin treated with CO10%X and Adper Single Bond® adhesive system presented higher adhesive strength. CO emulsion, used as a dentin biomodifier, interfered positively in microleakage and improved adhesive strength after acid etching in the Adper Single Bond® adhesive system, or before applying the Clearfil SE Bond® self-etching system.

Humans , Plant Oils/chemistry , Dental Bonding/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Dentin/drug effects , Fabaceae/chemistry , Surface Properties , Tensile Strength , Materials Testing , Chlorhexidine/chemistry , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Composite Resins/chemistry , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Dental Leakage , Dentin/chemistry , Emulsions/chemistry
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 34: e001, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089393


Abstract This study analyzed the effect of prior application of copaiba oil (CO) emulsions as a dentin cleaning substance on microleakage and microtensile adhesive strength. Twenty-five premolars and sixty-four molars were used for microleakage and microtensile assays. For the microleakage assays, specimens with standard class V cavities were divided (n = 5), according to the tested CO emulsions: CO10%X, CO10%Y, and CO10%Z, as well as chlorhexidine 2% (CHX) and distilled water (DW), as positive and negative controls, respectively. Restorations were performed using the Adper Single Bond® and/or Clearfil SE Bond® systems. Cervical, occlusal, distal and mesial sections were assessed for tracer penetration degree at the composite/tooth interface. For the microtensile assay, healthy molars were divided into sixteen groups, in which artificial caries were induced in half of the groups. Dentin surfaces were treated with CO10%X and CO10%Y, CHX and DW. Microtensile bond strength was measured by fixing each sample to the plate of a universal testing machine operated at a speed of 0.5 mm/minute until failure. Dentin treated with CO10%X showed a lower infiltration rate than dentin treated with the other CO emulsions, CHX2% and DW. According to the microtensile assay, both healthy and affected dentin treated with CO10%X and Adper Single Bond® adhesive system presented higher adhesive strength. CO emulsion, used as a dentin biomodifier, interfered positively in microleakage and improved adhesive strength after acid etching in the Adper Single Bond® adhesive system, or before applying the Clearfil SE Bond® self-etching system.

Humans , Plant Oils/chemistry , Dental Bonding/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Dentin/drug effects , Fabaceae/chemistry , Surface Properties , Tensile Strength , Materials Testing , Chlorhexidine/chemistry , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Composite Resins/chemistry , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Dental Leakage , Dentin/chemistry , Emulsions/chemistry
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;63: e20190351, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132165


Abstract Each year, the consumption of vegetable oils increases gradually. Some oils, such as chia, sesame, and quinoa, are consumed due to the nutritional properties and health promoters that have been recognized in their components. Based on this premise, the present study aimed to characterize chia (Salvia hispanica), sesame (Sesamum inducum), and quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) oils, in order to enable their applications in the development of new food products. Chia oil presented higher degradation, as it stood out with higher amounts of free fatty acids (4.46%) and peroxide value (18.35 meq/kg). It is an oil that is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (75.47%), and, consequently, with high refractive index (1,475) and iodine value (192.86 g/100 g). Quinoa oil stood out for its higher oxidative stability (17.55 h) and higher amount of phenolic compounds (190.84 mg/100 g). Sesame and quinoa oils showed no significant difference for carotenoids, but sesame oil had higher content of total tocopherols (656.50 mg/kg). Thus, the oils can be used in technological processes and/ or in the formulation of new food products, in order to their increase the nutritional value.

Plant Oils/chemistry , Sesame Oil/chemistry , Chenopodium quinoa/chemistry , Salvia/chemistry
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;63: e20190481, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132242


Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the biomass and essential oil production of nine populations of poejo (Cunila galioides) cultivated in five agroecological regions of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, under different edaphoclimatic conditions. The experiments were performed in field conditions in Erechim, Caxias do Sul, Pelotas, São Francisco de Paula, and Santa Vitoria do Palmar. The experimental design was completely randomized, with nine populations, eight plants per plot and four repetitions. The following were evaluated: biomass production and essential oil chemical composition and yield. The data underwent ANOVA, followed by Tukey's multiple range test. The adaptability and stability of the populations in the different environments were also evaluated by regression analysis. The results showed great differences between the populations and cultivation sites, with genotype vs. environment interaction. Most populations presented the best biomass production results at Erechim. Pelotas and Santa Vitória do Palmar were the worst locations for poejo production, mainly due to a water deficit occurred during the experiment. The Santa Lucia population presented broad stability and the greatest adaptability to the environments for biomass and essential oil production, but its average production was not satisfactory. The André da Rocha population presented the highest average production of essential oil, and was favored in favorable environments. Regarding essential oil chemical composition, the populations kept stable contents of the major compounds at all locations, with a few variations. In some populations, a higher concentration of sesquiterpenes was observed, which can be attributed to environmental stress.

Plant Oils/chemistry , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Biomass , Lamiaceae/genetics , Sesquiterpenes , Soil/chemistry , Tropical Climate , Regression Analysis , Analysis of Variance , Genotype
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;63: e20190478, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132255


Abstract The pulp oil of Caryocar brasiliense Camb., better known as pequi, is used in the typical cuisine of the Brazilian Cerrado region. It is also used in folk medicine to combat several types of disease of the respiratory system and skin. However, since its exploration is purely extractive, the exhaustion of this plant is already foreseen. Thus, in order to establish the sustainable use of pequi and contribute to its maintenance, this study aimed to develop a phytocosmetic with antioxidant and photoprotective properties using the oil of this fruit. Initially, the cytotoxicity of the oil was evaluated in order to establish the safety of its use and its fatty acid composition. Then, from the cream enriched with the oil, it was evaluated the antioxidant and photoprotector potentials, quantified the total phenolic content and examined the quality of the formulation. Pequi oil showed high percentages of palmitic (52.11%) and oleic (44.57%) fatty acids and absence of cytotoxicity. The analysis of the cream revealed 168.8 mg of total phenols in gallic acid equivalent per 100 g of oil. The evaluation of antioxidant activity showed an EC50 of 2.921 mg/mL and a capacity of inhibiting the lipoperoxidation process higher than 100%. The obtained sun protection factor was 11.40 at the concentration of 6.25 mg/mL. The quality tests revealed small disturbances in the cream stability that can be solved by further research and improvement of the formulation. The pequi oil can be converted into a phytocosmetic of great commercial value.

Humans , Sunscreening Agents/analysis , Plant Oils/chemistry , Cosmetics/chemistry , Ericales/chemistry , Toxicity Tests , Phytochemicals
Rev. chil. nutr ; 46(6): 783-791, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058142


ABSTRACT The need to obtain nutritious foods from new sources and lower waste in industry has created a high interest in studying different parts of plants or foods that today are considered waste, but could be considered by-products with high nutritional value with potential use in human diets. Pumpkin seeds are commonly considered as waste but they have a high content of fatty and amino acids, which when used as a by-product or ingredient can add value to food products. The aim of this work was to perform a wide review of the nutritional and functional properties of Cucurbita maxima seeds and their potential medicinal influence.

RESUMEN La necesidad de obtener alimentos nutritivos de nuevas fuentes y menores desperdicios en la industria ha generado un gran interés en el estudio de diferentes partes de plantas o alimentos que hoy en día se consideran desechos, pero que podrían considerarse subproductos con alto valor nutricional y uso potencial en alimentación humana. Las semillas de calabaza se consideran comúnmente como desechos, pero tienen un alto e importante contenido de ácidos grasos y aminoácidos, que cuando se utilizan como subproducto o ingrediente pueden aportar un alto valor agregado a los productos alimenticios. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una amplia revisión de las propiedades nutricionales y funcionales de las semillas de Cucurbita maxima y su potencial influencia medicinal asociada a ellas.

Seeds/chemistry , Cucurbita/chemistry , Functional Food , Plant Oils/chemistry , Fatty Acids, Unsaturated/analysis , Flour , Amino Acids/analysis , Minerals/analysis , Nutritive Value
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 32(3): e1451, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038028


ABSTRACT Background: Hypovolemic shock is a common disease in polytrauma patients and may develop ischemia in various organs, increasing morbidity and mortality. The bowel is usually most affected by this condition. Aim: To evaluate the effects of copaiba oil on the intestinal mucosa's injury of rats submitted to hypovolemic shock. Method: Fifteen rats were divided into three groups: sham - simulated surgery; ischemia - animals submitted to hypovolemic shock; and copaiba - animals submitted to hypovolemic shock previously treated with copaiba oil. Mean blood pressure, arterial blood gas after shock induction, degree of intestinal lesion and villus length were evaluated. Results: The sham presented the lowest values of lactate and PaCO2 and the highest values of mean arterial pressure, pH and bicarbonate in relation to the other groups. The degree of mesenteric lesion was zero in the sham group; 3.00±1.00 in the ischemia group; and 3.00±0.71 in the copaiba group. The villus length was 173.60±8.42 in the sham, 142.77±8.33 in the ischemia and 143.01±9.57 in the copaiba group. There was a significant difference between the sham and the other groups (p<0.05); however, there not significant difference between groups Ischemia and copaiba. Conclusion: Administration of copaiba oil did not reduce the intestinal mucosa lesion of rats after hypovolemic shock.

RESUMO Racional: O choque hipovolêmico é situação comum em pacientes politraumatizados, podendo acarretar isquemia de vários órgãos, aumentando a morbimortalidade. O intestino é geralmente um dos órgãos mais afetados por essa condição. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do óleo de copaíba na lesão da mucosa intestinal de ratos submetidos ao choque hipovolêmico. Métodos: Quinze ratos foram distribuídos em três grupos: Sham - operação simulada; isquemia - submissão ao choque hipovolêmico; e copaíba - submissão ao choque hipovolêmico previamente tratados com óleo de copaíba. A pressão arterial média, a gasometria arterial após a indução do choque, o grau da lesão intestinal e o tamanho das vilosidades foram avaliados. Resultados: O grupo sham apresentou os menores valores de lactato e PaCO2 e os maiores valores de pressão arterial média, pH e bicarbonato em relação aos demais grupos. O grau de lesão mesentérica foi de zero no sham; 3,0±1,00 no grupo isquemia; e 3,0±0,71 no da copaíba. O comprimento dos vilos foi de 173,60±8,42 no grupo sham, 142,77±8,33 no da isquemia e 143,01±9,57 no da copaíba. Houve diferença significante entre o grupo sham e os demais grupos (p<0.05); contudo, não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos submetidos ao choque hipovolêmico. Conclusão: A administração do óleo de copaíba não reduziu a lesão da mucosa intestinal de ratos submetidos ao choque hipovolêmico.

Animals , Male , Shock/drug therapy , Plant Oils/pharmacology , Intestinal Mucosa/drug effects , Fabaceae/chemistry , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Plant Oils/therapeutic use , Plant Oils/chemistry , Random Allocation , Rats, Wistar , Disease Models, Animal , Ileum/pathology , Intestinal Mucosa/pathology , Ischemia/drug therapy , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/chemistry
Rev. bras. pesqui. méd. biol ; Braz. j. med. biol. res;52(2): e8209, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-984033


Vegetable oils have been used for a plethora of health benefits by their incorporation in foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products, especially those intended for skin care. This study aimed to investigate the cutaneous benefits of a vegetable oil blend (VOB) formulation and its fatty acid composition. The anti-inflammatory activity was studied in macrophages of RAW 264.7 cells by investigating the release of nitric oxide (NO), superoxide anion generation (O2-), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and interleukin 6 (IL-6). ABTS cation radical scavenging capacity assay, ferric reducing antioxidant potential (FRAP), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and NO free radical scavenging assays were used to evaluate the antioxidant activity. VOB was tested for its ability to stimulate fibroblast proliferation and migration using the scratch assay, and antibacterial activity by the microdilution test. The fatty acid profile of a freshly prepared VOB formulation was determined by gas chromatography before and after accelerated stability testing. Chemical composition of VOB revealed the presence of oleic acid (C18:1n-9; 63.3%), linoleic acid (C18:2n-6; 4.7%), and linolenic acid (C18:3n-6; 5.1%) as major mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. No changes in the organoleptic characteristics and fatty acid composition were observed after the accelerated stability test. VOB 100 µg/mL reduced the healing time by increasing the total number of cells in the wounded area by 43.0±5.1% compared to the negative control group. VOB also suppressed the pro-inflammatory TNF-α and IL-6 cytokines, and NO and O2- production in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophage cells. In conclusion, the VOB formulation contributed to the improvement of current therapeutic strategies for cutaneous applications in skin care.

Animals , Rabbits , Wound Healing/drug effects , Plant Oils/pharmacology , Fatty Acids/pharmacology , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Plant Oils/chemistry , Cell Movement/drug effects , Cells, Cultured , Skin Care , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Fibroblasts/drug effects
Acta cir. bras ; Acta cir. bras;33(5): 431-438, May 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-949342


Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the effects of this thymol-rich oil in the proliferation of human adipose tissue-derived stem cells. Methods: Stem cells were isolated from human adipose tissue by liposuction. After the first passage, cells were cultivated in triplicate for three days in control medium and medium supplemented with three oil samples (1.0 μg/mL, 5.0 μg/mL, and 25.0 μg/mL). Cells were analyzed by the MTT assay at passage 1 (P1), and cell proliferation of control and 1 μg/mL groups was determined with a hemocytometer at P2 and P3. Results: Viability of the essential oil-treated cells was significantly higher than the control group at P1 (p = 0.0008). The treatment with the oil, at a concentration of 1 µg/mL, led to increases of 24.8% at P1 and 43.0% at P3 in the rate of cell proliferation compared with control cells. Conclusion: Supplementing culture medium with essential oil of Lippia origanoides increased cell proliferation, especially at later passages.

Humans , Adult , Thymol/pharmacology , Plant Oils/pharmacology , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Lippia/chemistry , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Stem Cells/drug effects , Plant Oils/chemistry , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Lipectomy , Adipose Tissue/cytology , Culture Media
Braz. j. microbiol ; Braz. j. microbiol;49(supl.1): 229-235, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974342


ABSTRACT Gallesia integrifolia (Phytolaccaceae) is native to Brazil and has a strong alliaceous odor. The objective of this study was to identify the chemical composition of G. integrifolia fruit essential oil and evaluate fungicidal activity against the main food-borne diseases and food spoilage fungi. The essential oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and identified by GC-MS. From 35 identified compounds, 68% belonged to the organosulfur class. The major compounds were dimethyl trisulfide (15.49%), 2,8-dithianonane (52.63%) and lenthionine (14.69%). The utilized fungi were Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus ochraceus, Aspergillus versicolor, Penicillium funiculosum, Penicillium ochrochloron, Penicillium verrucosum var. cyclopium, and Trichoderma viride. Minimal fungicidal concentration for the essential oil varied from 0.02 to 0.18 mg/mL and bifonazole and ketoconazole controls ranged from 0.20 to 3.50 mg/mL. The lower concentration of the essential oil was able to control P. ochrochloron, A. fumigatus, A. versicolor, A. ochraceus and T. viride. This study shows a high fungicidal activity of G. integrifolia fruit essential oil and can support future applications by reducing the use of synthetic fungicides.

Plant Oils/pharmacology , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Phytolaccaceae/chemistry , Fungicides, Industrial/pharmacology , Penicillium/growth & development , Penicillium/drug effects , Aspergillus/growth & development , Aspergillus/drug effects , Plant Oils/chemistry , Brazil , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Fruit/chemistry , Fungicides, Industrial/chemistry , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Braz. j. microbiol ; Braz. j. microbiol;48(4): 629-636, Oct.-Dec. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-889175


ABSTRACT Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are efficient, renewable and environment friendly polymeric esters. These polymers are synthesized by a variety of microbes under stress conditions. This study was carried out to check the suitability of waste frying oil in comparison to other oils for economical bioplastic production. Six bacterial strains were isolated and identified as Bacillus cereus (KF270349), Klebsiella pneumoniae (KF270350), Bacillus subtilis (KF270351), Brevibacterium halotolerance (KF270352), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (KF270353), and Stenotrophomonas rhizoposid (KF270354) by ribotyping. All strains were PHA producers so were selected for PHA synthesis using four different carbon sources, i.e., waste frying oil, canola oil, diesel and glucose. Extraction of PHA was carried out using sodium hypochlorite method and maximum amount was detected after 72 h in all cases. P. aeruginosa led to maximum PHA production after 72 h at 37 °C and 100 rpm using waste frying oil that was 53.2% PHA in comparison with glucose 37.8% and cooking oil 34.4%. B. cereus produced 40% PHA using glucose as carbon source which was high when compared against other strains. A significantly lesser amount of PHA was recorded with diesel as a carbon source for all strains. Sharp Infrared peaks around 1740-1750 cm-1 were present in Fourier Transform Infrared spectra that correspond to exact position for PHA. The use of waste oils and production of poly-3hydroxybutyrate-co-3hydroxyvalerate (3HB-co-3HV) by strains used in this study is a good aspect to consider for future prospects as this type of polymer has better properties as compared to PHBs.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa/metabolism , Bacillus cereus/metabolism , Polyhydroxyalkanoates/biosynthesis , Hydrocarbons/metabolism , Waste Products/analysis , Plant Oils/metabolism , Plant Oils/chemistry , Gasoline/analysis , Biotransformation