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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(6): e202202850, dic. 2023. tab, fig
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1517878


Introducción. La prueba de provocación oral (PPO) para el diagnóstico de alergia a las proteínas de la leche de la vaca (APLV) presenta riesgos y requiere de recursos. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar condiciones y pruebas complementarias para identificar una alta probabilidad de APLV. Población y métodos. Análisis secundario sobre estudio de pacientes atendidos en una unidad de alergia entre 2015 y 2018. Se determinaron las probabilidades prepruebas asociadas a los síntomas y sus combinaciones, y las probabilidades pospruebas luego de realizadas pruebas cutáneas y determinación de inmunoglobulina E (IgE) sérica. Resultados. Se evaluó la información de 239 pacientes. Se observaron probabilidades mayores al 95 % en pacientes con angioedema y combinación de urticaria y vómitos. Usando puntos de corte propuestos por Calvani et al., la combinación de vómitos con rinitis, sin angioedema, también superó el 95 %. Conclusión. Se ofrece una metodología para identificar pacientes en los que puede diagnosticarse APLV sin realización de PPO.

Introduction. The oral food challenge (OFC) for the diagnosis of cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) poses risks and requires resources. Our objective was to assess conditions and complementary tests used to identify a high probability of CMPA. Population and methods. Secondary analysis of a study of patients seen at a unit of allergy between 2015 and 2018. Pre-testing probabilities associated with symptoms and their combinations and post-testing probabilities after skin prick testing and serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels were determined. Results. The data from 239 patients were assessed. A probability greater than 95% was observed for angioedema and a combination of urticaria and vomiting. Based on the cut-off points proposed by Calvani et al., the combination of vomiting with rhinitis, without angioedema, also exceeded 95%. Conclusion. A methodology is provided to identify patients in whom CMPA may be diagnosed without an OFC.

Humans , Animals , Infant , Milk Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Milk Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , Angioedema/complications , Vomiting , Cattle , Skin Tests/methods , Milk Proteins/adverse effects
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(2): 231-234, 20230600. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509873


A lapa (Patella vulgata) é um molusco frequentemente encontrado em regiões costeiras com clima quente. A alergia alimentar à lapa é muito rara, com poucos casos descritos na literatura. Os autores descrevem um caso de anafilaxia à lapa, com evidência de reação de hipersensibilidade do tipo I, através de IgE específica positiva à lapa, tanto com métodos in vivo, como in vitro.

Limpet (Patella vulgata) is a mollusk mainly found in warm coastal regions. Limpet allergy is considered rare, and few cases can be found in the literature. We describe a clinical case of limpet anaphylaxis, including in vitro and in vivo evidence of IgE mechanism involvement.

Humans , Male , Adult , Shellfish Hypersensitivity , Skin Tests
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(1): 127-129, 20230300. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509648


Trinta a 60% das alergias alimentares em adolescentes e adultos são associadas à alergia ao pólen e estão incluídas na síndrome pólen-frutas (SPF). Esta síndrome é caracterizada por sintomas alérgicos provocados pela ingestão de frutas ou vegetais frescos em pacientes com rinite/rinoconjuntivite alérgica sazonal. Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de um adolescente que após sensibilização primária através de pólens de gramíneas e oliveira manifestou posteriormente, por reatividade cruzada, sintomas de alergia oral com a ingestão de frutas frescas. Após recurso ao método de diagnóstico Immuno-Solid-Phase Allergen Chip (ISAC) verificou-se que as profilinas foram as proteínas responsáveis pela reatividade cruzada.

In adolescents and adults, 30% to 60% of food allergies are associated with pollen allergy and are included in the pollen-food syndrome (PFS). This syndrome is characterized by allergic symptoms elicited by the ingestion of fresh fruits or vegetables in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis/rhinoconjunctivitis. The authors present the clinical case of an adolescent who, after primary sensitization to grass and olive tree pollens, subsequently manifested by cross-reactivity symptoms of oral allergy with the ingestion of fresh fruit. After diagnostic workup with the Immuno- Solid-phase Allergen Chip (ISAC) assay, profilins were identified as the proteins responsible for the cross-reactivity.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal , Skin Tests
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 333-340, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969895


There are many types in food allergy, and the most common is mediated by IgE. Currently, the diagnosis of food allergy mainly relied on skin prick test and serum specific IgE of allergen extract, which can not identify cross-sensitization. Component-resolved diagnosis (CRD) can identify the major allergen components and cross-components of food allergens, which plays an important role in dietary guidance, prognosis monitoring and diagnosis of special types of IgE-mediated food allergy. This article enumerates clinical characteristics of the IgE-mediated common food allergies, such as milk, egg and seafood allergy, and special type of food allergy, such as cat pork syndrome, oral allergy syndrome, α-gal syndrome and food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, summarizes the advances of CRD in these types of IgE-mediated food allergy, in order to provide an evidence for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of IgE-mediated food allergy.

Humans , Allergens , Immunoglobulin E , Food Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Skin Tests
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982753


Objective:To investigate the sensitization characteristics of ragweed pollen in patients with allergic rhinitis(AR) and(or) allergic asthma in Beijing area, and to provide basis for the prevention and treatment of ragweed pollen sensitized population. Methods:Patients with allergic rhinitis and/or asthma from January 2017 to December 2019 in the outpatient department of Allergy Department of Beijing Shijitan Hospital were retrospectively analyzed in this study. Skin prick test(SPT) was performed with ragweed pollen allergen reagents to compare different ages, genders and respiratory diseases allergen distribution, and to observe the sensitization characteristics of its population. All of the analyses were performed using SAS software version 9.4. Results:A total of 9 727 patients were enrolled in the end. The total positive rate of ragweed pollen SPT was 45.50%(4 426/9 727), the highest positive rate was 65.54% in 13-17 years old group; The positive rate of ragweed pollen SPT was 49.79% in allergic rhinitis combined with asthma patients, followed by 46.46% in allergic rhinitis patients, and the lowest rate was 19.42% in single allergic asthma patients. There were more females than males in both ragweed pollen sensitized and non-ragweed pollen sensitized groups(P<0.05), and the proportion was higher in 30-39 years old than in other age groups(P<0.05). Ragweed pollen sensitization was higher than non-ragweed pollen sensitization in the allergic rhinitis group(98.49% vs 94.76%, P<0.05). Ragweed pollen with other summer and autumn pollen allergens in patients with positive SPT, the top three were Chenopodium pollen, Humulus pollen and Artemisia grandis pollen, with positive rates of 90.42%, 89.63% and 85.40%, respectively. Ragweed combined with other pollen sensitization accounted for 99.57%(4 407/4 426). Allergic rhinitis was the main disease in patients sensitized with ragweed pollen alone or combined with other pollens, and there was no significant difference between the two groups(94.97% vs 98.50%, P>0.05). Conclusion:Ragweed pollen is highly sensitized in Beijing area, single ragweed pollen sensitization is rare, often combined with multiple pollen sensitization, and allergic rhinitis is the main disease.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Allergens , Pollen , Rhinitis, Allergic , Asthma/epidemiology , Skin Tests
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982762


Objective:To investigate the value of nasal provocation test(NPT) in evaluating the efficacy of allergen immunotherapy(AIT) in patients with dust mite induced allergic rhinitis(AR). Methods:A total of 83 patients with dust mite induced AR with/without asthma were included. Symptom score(SS), daily medication score(DMS), combined symptom and medication score(CSMS), rhinoconjunctivitis quality of life questionnaire(RQLQ), NPT and skin prick test(SPT) were assessed before and after 1 year AIT. Results:There were statistical differences in SS(P<0.000 1), DMS(P<0.000 1), CSMS(P<0.000 1), and RQLQ(P<0.000 1) after 1 year of AIT compared with pre-treatment. The effective rate of CSMS was 73.49%, and the effective rate of NPT was 42.17%. CSMS was consistent with NPT in efficacy assessment(Kappa=0.437, P<0.001); while in 54 patients with pre-treatment NPT concentrations other than the original concentration, CMSM and NPT showed better consistence(Kappa=0.895, P<0.001). Among the 48 patients with ineffective NPT assessment in the first year, 25 patients completed the second-year follow-up, and 12 patients(48.00%) showed effective in NPT. However, 10 out of 12 patients(83.33%) with NPT concentration other than original solution pre-treatment showed effective NPT at the second year. Conclusion:NPT can be used as one of the indicators for efficacy evaluation for dust mite induced AR patients, especially for patients with positive NPT induced at lower concentrations before treatment.

Animals , Humans , Pyroglyphidae , Allergens , Nasal Provocation Tests , Quality of Life , Rhinitis, Allergic/therapy , Desensitization, Immunologic , Skin Tests , Dust
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982786


Objective:To investigate the distribution of allergens in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) in Ningxia, and provide theoretical data for the prevention and treatment of AR in this region. Methods:A total of 1664 patients diagnosed with AR in the Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Department of Yinchuan First People's Hospital Outpatient Clinic from January 2018 to December 2021 were retrospectively collected. Use the allergen sIgE antibody detection kit (immunoblotting method) to detect inhalation and ingestion allergens in patients.Results: ①Among all AR patients, 1 158 cases were detected positive, resulting in the detection rate was 69.59%; ②The detection rate of inhalation allergen was 65.87%, and the detection rate of ingestion allergen was 19.83%; ③Mugwort was the most sensitive allergen, and 76.32% of the patients having a positive grade ≥3; ④Out of the patients, 294 cases (25.39%) were allergic to only one allergen, 244 cases (21.07%) were allergic to two allergens, and 620 cases (53.54%) were allergic to three or more allergens; ⑤During different seasons, the highest number of positive allergens detected was in the summer, with 968 cases (83.59%). Mugwort was the main allergen during this season (69.01%). After the COVID-19 epidemic, the total positive rate of sIgE tests in AR patients decreased compared to before, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.001); ⑥Mugwort, dog epithelium, mold combination, egg, peanut, soybean, Marine fish combination and fruit combination all showed statistically significant differences between different gender groups (P<0.05); ⑦Common ragweed, mugwort, dust mite combination, cockroach, egg, milk, Marine fish combination, shrimp, fruit combination and nut combination all showed statistically significant differences among different age groups (P<0.05); ⑧There were statistically significant differences in hay dust among different ethnic groups (P<0.05). Conclusion:Artemisia argyi is the main allergen in Ningxia, and the distribution characteristics of different allergens are influenced by treatment season, the COVID-19 epidemic, gender, age, ethnicity, and other factors, showing certain distribution patterns and rules.

Humans , Male , Female , Allergens , Artemisia , COVID-19 , Retrospective Studies , Rhinitis, Allergic , Skin Tests
Rev. chil. anest ; 52(6): 629-633, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579710


Anaphylaxis is a severe systemic hypersensitivity reaction with a sudden and unpredictable onset, it presents a clinical features that severely compromises the cutaneous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In pregnant women, diagnosis and treatment can be difficult due to the physiological changes of pregnancy and the risk of fetal well-being. The case of a pregnant woman in labor is reported, who presented anaphylaxis after the administration of dipyrone and epidural labor analgesia. A good response to treatment with adrenaline was evidenced, with adequate recovery after the event. The patient had no history of hypersensitivity to dipyrone or other drugs, in order to identify the causative agent, a basophil activation test to dipyrone was performed, which was negative, subsequently skin tests were performed: Prick Test and intradermal test with all suspected drugs giving both positive tests to dipyrone.

La anafilaxia es una grave reacción sistémica de hipersensibilidad de inicio súbito e impredecible, presenta un cuadro clínico que compromete gravemente los sistemas cutáneo, respiratorio y cardiovascular. En gestantes el diagnóstico y tratamiento pueden ser difíciles por los cambios fisiológicos del embarazo y el riesgo del bienestar fetal. Se reporta el caso de una gestante en trabajo de parto que presenta anafilaxia luego de la administración de dipirona y analgesia epidural de parto. Se evidenció buena respuesta al tratamiento con adrenalina, con adecuada recuperación luego del evento. La paciente no tenía antecedentes de hipersensibilidad a la dipirona u otros fármacos, para identificar el agente causal se realizó una prueba de activación de basófilos a la dipirona resultando negativa y posteriormente se realizaron pruebas cutáneas: Prick Test y prueba intradérmica con todos los fármacos sospechosos dando ambas pruebas positivas a dipirona.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications/chemically induced , Analgesia, Epidural/adverse effects , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/adverse effects , Dipyrone/adverse effects , Anaphylaxis/chemically induced , Pregnancy Complications/drug therapy , Labor, Obstetric , Skin Tests , Epinephrine/therapeutic use , Basophil Degranulation Test , Anaphylaxis/diagnosis , Anaphylaxis/drug therapy
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(4): 504-510, out.dez.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509538


Introdução: A urticária é determinada pela ativação de mastócitos que se apresenta por urticas, angioedema ou ambos. A urticária é classificada de acordo quanto a sua duração, em duas formas: aguda (UA < 6 semanas) e crônica (UC > 6 semanas). A UC compreende Urticária Crônica Espontânea (UCE) e Urticárias Crônicas Induzidas (UCInd). Entre as UCInd estão o dermografismo, urticária por pressão tardia (UPT), frio, calor, solar, aquagênica, colinérgica e urticária/angioedema vibratório. As UCInd podem ser diagnosticadas por meio da história clínica, exame físico e da reprodução das lesões através dos testes de provocação. Objetivo: Descrever o perfil dos testes de provocação positivos para UCInd realizados em um Centro de Referência e Excelência em Urticária (GA2LEN UCARE). Métodos: Foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, os resultados dos testes de provocação para UCInd, realizados de dezembro de 2017 a setembro de 2021, de 114 pacientes que apresentavam história sugestiva de uma ou mais UCInd. Resultados: Dos 114 pacientes avaliados, oitenta e oito (77%) eram do sexo feminino e 26 (23%) do masculino. Foram diagnosticados, através de testes de provocação positivos: 65 dermografismos (FricTest® e/ou dermografômetro); 23 UPT (23 diagnosticados com o uso do dermografômetro e 11 também confirmados através do teste de Warin); 11 urticárias ao frio (temperaturas iguais ou inferiores a 27 °C) e 3 urticárias ao calor (temperaturas iguais ou superiores a 38 °C), todos diagnosticados com o TempTest® versão 4.0; 4 urticárias colinérgicas, diagnosticados através do Teste Modificado para Urticária Colinérgica - HUCFF-UFRJ e 1 urticária vibratória. Nenhum paciente apresentou teste positivo para urticária solar ou aquagênica. Sete pacientes foram negativos. Conclusão: Os testes de provocação, através do estímulo direto e seguro com o desencadeante, permitem ao médico avaliador e ao paciente a compreensão e a confirmação do estímulo causador da enfermidade em questão e seus limiares.

Introduction: Urticaria is determined by mast cell activation that presents as wheals, angioedema, or both. Urticaria is classified according to its duration into two forms: acute (< 6 weeks) and chronic (> 6 weeks). Chronic urticaria includes chronic spontaneous urticaria and chronic inducible urticaria. Chronic inducible urticarias include dermographism, delayed pressure urticaria, cold, heat, solar, aquagenic, cholinergic, and vibratory urticaria/angioedema. Chronic inducible urticaria can be diagnosed through clinical history, physical examination, and the reproduction of lesions through provocation tests. Objective: To describe the profile of positive provocation tests for chronic inducible urticaria performed at an urticaria center of reference and excellence (GA2LEN UCARE). Methods: We retrospectively evaluated the results of provocation tests performed between December 2017 and September 2021 in 114 patients with a history suggestive of one or more types of chronic inducible urticaria. Results: The sample included 88 (77%) female and 26 (23%) male patients. The following were diagnosed through positive provocation tests: 65 cases of dermographism (FricTest® and/or dermographometer); 23 cases of delayed pressure urticaria (all diagnosed with a dermographometer and 11 confirmed with the Warin test); 11 cases of cold urticaria (temperatures ≤ 27°C) and 3 cases of heat urticaria (temperatures ≥ 38°C), all diagnosed with TempTest® 4.0; 4 cases of cholinergic urticaria, all diagnosed with the Modified Test for Cholinergic Urticaria-HUCFFUFRJ, and 1 case of vibratory urticaria. No patient tested positive for solar or aquagenic urticaria. Seven patients have been negative. Conclusion: Provocation tests, which use direct and safe stimuli as triggers, allow physicians and patients to confirm the disease's causative stimulus and its thresholds.

Humans , Skin Tests
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(4): 551-552, out.dez.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509548
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(4): 530-535, out.dez.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509562


A polinose é uma doença comum dos países de clima temperado, onde as estações do ano são bem definidas. Apresenta-se clinicamente como rinoconjuntivite e/ou asma sazonal ou perene com exacerbação na primavera. No Brasil, há relatos de casos de polinose por polens de gramíneas que são os principais causadores dessa patologia, principalmente na Região Sul, apesar do clima subtropical. A expansão da população e desmatamento com crescente urbanização de áreas florestais são alguns dos responsáveis pelo aumento de casos em vários locais do país. Neste relato de caso, descrevemos um caso de polinose por polens de gramínea em um paciente militar que morou em países da Europa e que atualmente reside em uma zona de mata nativa no Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Apesar de a polinose não ser uma doença encontrada no RJ, este diagnóstico não deve ser excluído em pacientes com conjuntivite/rinoconjuntivite sazonal, principalmente quando têm uma história pregressa de morar vários anos fora país.

Pollinosis is a common disease in temperate countries, which have well-defined seasons. It presents clinically as rhinoconjunctivitis and/or seasonal or perennial asthma that is exacerbated in spring. In Brazil, cases of pollinosis due to grass pollens have been reported, especially in the south, despite its subtropical climate. The expansion of the population and deforestation, including increasing urbanization of forest areas, are contributing to the rise in cases in various regions of the country. This case report describes a case of pollinosis due to grass pollens in a military patient who lived in Europe and currently resides in a region of native forest in Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area. Although pollinosis is not found in the state of Rio de Janeiro, this diagnosis should not be excluded in patients with seasonal conjunctivitis/ rhinoconjunctivitis, especially when they have lived outside the country for several years.

Humans , Male , Aged , Skin Tests , Immunoglobulin E
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(4): 536-540, out.dez.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509565


Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar pacientes com rinite alérgica persistente, sensibilizados a ácaros domésticos, associado à elevada sensibilização por pólen de gramíneas, sem sintomatologia estacional. Usou-se como método o diagnóstico molecular por componentes para selecionar os verdadeiramente alérgicos ao pólen de gramíneas. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo com análise de prontuários de pacientes em áreas de Caxias do Sul e municípios próximos no estado do RS, nos anos de 2016 e 2017, com as mesmas características climáticas. Foram selecionados 50 pacientes com alergia a ácaros, através de teste de punctura (pápula > 5 mm) associado ao pólen de gramíneas (pápula de > 7 mm) sem sintomatologia na primavera. Um total de 52% era do sexo feminino, a idade variou entre 4 e 56 anos, com uma média de 26,6 anos. Pesquisou-se a dosagem de IgE específica no soro para antígenos moleculares de pólen de gramíneas como estes: Phl p1, Phl p5, Cyn d1, em todos os pacientes. Houve 13 pacientes (26%) com diagnóstico, pelo menos, a um dos antígenos moleculares estudados. A amostra restringida apresentou 5 (10%) deles que possuíam Phl p5 > Phl p1, ou seja, eram verdadeiramente alérgicos à subfamília Poideae, enquanto 2 (4%) apresentaram Cyn d1 (subfamília Chloridoideae) > Phl p1. O estudo mostra que, em pacientes com rinite alérgica persistente, polissensibilizados a ácaros associados a pólen de gramíneas, sem sintomas estacionais característicos, os testes moleculares podem diagnosticar os verdadeiros alérgicos ao pólen.

This study aimed to evaluate patients with persistent allergic rhinitis who are sensitized to house mites and have high sensitization to grass pollen without seasonal symptoms. Molecular diagnosis was used to determine patients truly allergic to grass pollen. This retrospective study analyzed the medical records of patients from areas of Caxias do Sul and nearby municipalities (all with the same climatic characteristics) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil between 2016 and 2017. Fifty patients allergic to dust mites were selected through a prick test (papule > 5 mm) and grass pollen (papule > 7 mm), but were asymptomatic in the spring. A total of 52% were female, and their ages ranged from 4 to 56 (mean 26.6) years. Specific serum IgE levels for grass pollen antigens, such as Phl p1, Phl p5, and Cyn d1, were investigated in all patients. Thirteen patients (26%) were diagnosed with at least one studied molecular antigen. The restricted sample included 5 (10%) patients with Phl p5 > Phl p1, ie, truly allergic to the Pooideae subfamily, while 2 (4%) had Cyn d1 (Chloridoideae subfamily) > Phl p1. The results indicate that among patients with persistent allergic rhinitis polysensitized to mites and grass pollen but without characteristic seasonal symptoms, molecular tests can diagnose those who are truly allergic to pollen.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Skin Tests , Nasal Provocation Tests
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(2): 285-291, abr.jun.2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400223


Introduction: The home environment is one of the most favorable spaces for the development of mites because of its low light, humidity, and temperature. Thus, it contributes to the growing cases of allergies among atopic individuals. Objective: To investigate the faunal profile of house dust mites in the city of Rio de Janeiro and the allergenic potential in this region. Methods: Thirty dust samples were collected from homes in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and the species found were classified according to their morphology, family, and genus by classification key. For the collection region, the total protein level was assessed by the Lowry method and electrophoresis under denaturing conditions (SDSPAGE). Results: There was a predominance of Pyroglyphidae mites, accounting for 84.9% of samples; Tyrophagus putrescentiae accounted for 8%, Blomia tropicalis for 6%, Cheyletus malaccensis for 1%, and Acarus siro for 0.1%. The allergen protein content of the samples was the following: group 1 ­ 25 kDa (Der 1, Der p 1, and Blo t 1), group 2 ­ 15 kDa (Der f 2, Der 2, Tyr p 2, and Blo t 2), and group 3 ­ 29-30 kDa (Der f 3 and Blo t 3), which indicates that people in this region are susceptible to sensitization to these mites. Conclusion: Knowledge of the mite fauna in the region under study allows the guidance of health care professionals to perform skin tests for specific mites and conduct treatment according to the pool of mite extracts containing antigens, making immunotherapy more effective.

Introdução: O ambiente domiciliar é um dos espaços favoráveis para o desenvolvimento de ácaros, tendo em vista a baixa luminosidade, umidade e temperatura, o que contribui para os crescentes casos de alergias em indivíduos atópicos. Objetivo: Investigar o perfil faunístico dos ácaros na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e o potencial alergêncio para essa região. Métodos: Foram coletadas 30 amostras de poeira em residências na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, e as espécies encontradas foram classificadas quanto à morfologia, família e o gênero por chave de classificação. Para as regiões das coletas, a carga total de proteínas contendo os alérgenos foi determinada pelo método de Lowry e eletroforese em condições desnaturantes (SDS-PAGE). Resultados: Os resultados mostram a predominância de 84,9% de ácaros da família Pyroglyphidae; para os demais ácaros o percentual corresponde a 8% Tyrophagus putrescentiae, 6% Blomia tropicalis, 1% Cheyletus malaccensis, e 0,1% de Acarus siro. O conteúdo proteico alergêncio constituinte das amostras foram, grupo 1: 25 kDa (Der 1, Der p 1 e Blo t 1); grupo 2: 15 kDa (Der f 2, Der 2, Tyr p 2 e Blo t 2); e para o grupo 3: 29-30 kDa (Der f 3 e Blo t 3), o que indica uma região passível à sensibilização de indivíduos por estes ácaros. Conclusão: O conhecimento da acarofauna nas regiões em estudo permite orientar a comunidade médica quanto à realização de testes cutâneos, além da terapêutica a partir do pool de extratos de ácaros contendo os antígenos, a fim de tornar a imunoterapia mais eficaz.

Humans , Pyroglyphidae , Dust , Hypersensitivity , Mites , Therapeutics , Skin Tests , Allergens , Residence Characteristics , Diagnosis , Home Environment , Humidity , Immunotherapy
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(1): 4-48, jan.mar.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400091


A alergia ocular, também conhecida como conjuntivite alérgica (CA), é uma reação de hipersensibilidade mediada por imunoglobulina E (IgE) do olho desencadeada por aeroalérgenos, principalmente ácaros da poeira doméstica e pólen de gramíneas. Os sintomas geralmente consistem em prurido ocular ou periocular, lacrimejamento e olhos vermelhos que podem estar presentes durante todo o ano ou sazonalmente. A alergia ocular tem frequência elevada, é subdiagnosticada e pode ser debilitante para o paciente. É potencialmente danosa para a visão, nos casos em que ocasiona cicatrização corneana grave, e na maioria dos pacientes associa-se a outros quadros alérgicos, principalmente rinite, asma e dermatite atópica. É classificada em conjuntivite alérgica perene, conjuntivite alérgica sazonal, ceratoconjuntivite atópica e ceratoconjuntivite vernal. O diagnóstico procura evidenciar o agente etiológico e a confirmação se dá pela realização do teste de provocação conjuntival. O tratamento baseia-se em evitar o contato com os desencadeantes, lubrificação, anti-histamínicos tópicos, estabilizadores de mastócitos, imunossupressores e imunoterapia específica com o objetivo de obter o controle e prevenir as complicações da doença.

Ocular allergy, also known as allergic conjunctivitis, is an immunoglobulin E-mediated hypersensitivity reaction of the eye triggered by airborne allergens, primarily house dust mites and grass pollen. Symptoms usually consist of ocular or periocular itching, watery eyes, and red eyes that may be present year-round or seasonally. Ocular allergy has a high frequency, is underdiagnosed, and can be debilitating for the patient. It is potentially harmful to vision in cases of severe corneal scarring, and in most patients, it is associated with other allergic conditions, especially rhinitis, asthma, and atopic dermatitis. It is classified as perennial allergic conjunctivitis, seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, atopic keratoconjunctivitis, and vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Diagnosis seeks to identify the etiologic agent, and confirmation is given by conjunctival provocation testing. Treatment is based on avoiding contact with triggers, lubrication, topical antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers, immunosuppressants, and specific immunotherapy with the aim of achieving control and preventing disease complications.

Humans , Therapeutics , Conjunctivitis, Allergic , Diagnosis , Keratoconjunctivitis , Patients , Plants, Medicinal , Pruritus , Psychotherapy , Asthma , Signs and Symptoms , Societies, Medical , Vision, Ocular , Climate Change , Conjunctivitis, Allergic/complications , Conjunctivitis, Allergic/epidemiology , Complementary Therapies , Immunoglobulin E , Serologic Tests , Skin Tests , Allergens , Rhinitis , Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal , Probiotics , Acupuncture , Pyroglyphidae , Dermatitis, Atopic , Environmental Pollution , Allergy and Immunology , Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized , Omalizumab , Mast Cell Stabilizers , Histamine Antagonists , Hypersensitivity , Immunosuppressive Agents , Immunotherapy , Medicine, Ayurvedic , Mites
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(1): 122-126, jan.mar.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400120


A urticária aquagênica é uma forma rara de urticária crônica induzida (UCInd) desencadeada por um estímulo específico. A patogênese não é totalmente compreendida, mas os sintomas se iniciam minutos após a exposição cutânea à água, independentemente de sua temperatura, e as urticas têm o padrão foliculocêntricas. O diagnóstico é confirmado através do teste de provocação, e o tratamento de primeira linha são os anti-histamínicos de segunda geração. Neste artigo, relatamos um caso de urticária aquagênica e fazemos uma breve revisão da literatura sobre o tema.

Aquagenic urticaria is a rare form of chronic inducible urticaria (CIndU) triggered by a specific stimulus. Pathogenesis is not fully understood, but symptoms appear minutes after cutaneous exposure to water, regardless of temperature, and wheals have a folliculocentric pattern. The diagnosis of CIndU is confirmed by provocation testing using established protocols, and first-line treatment is second-generation antihistamines. In this article, we report a case of aquagenic urticaria and provide a brief review of the relevant literature.

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Water , Histamine H1 Antagonists, Non-Sedating , Chronic Urticaria , Signs and Symptoms , Therapeutics , Skin Tests , Diagnosis , Histamine Antagonists
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(1): 21-29, feb 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1353407


Introducción. La alergia a las proteínas de la leche de vaca es la alergia alimentaria más frecuente en los niños y para su diagnóstico se emplean historia clínica dirigida y prueba de provocación oral (PPO), el dosaje sérico de inmunoglobulina E específica (sIgE) y pruebas cutáneas de puntura (SPT, por su sigla en inglés). Sin embargo, su utilidad diagnóstica es difícil de establecer en la población local. El objetivo fue evaluar la utilidad de las pruebas para el diagnóstico de alergia a las proteínas de la leche de vaca (PLV) en la población estudiada. Población y métodos. Análisis retrospectivo de datos de pacientes atendidos en la Unidad de Alergia del Hospital Elizalde entre 2015 y 2018. Se evaluaron SPT y sIgE para leche, alfa-lactoalbúmina, beta-lactoglobulina y caseína, seguidos de PPO y se determinó la utilidad diagnóstica para cada prueba, y sus combinaciones. Resultados. Se evaluaron las pruebas de 239 pacientes. La PPO fue hospitalaria en el 54,8 % de los casos, por reexposición domiciliara en el 35,5 % y en el 9,6 % por incorporación de PLV a la madre. La mayor especificidad fue la de SPT con caseína (96,7 %; intervalo de confianza [IC95%]: 90,8-99,3) y la mayor sensibilidad, la de la combinación de SPT y sIgE con los 4 alérgenos (55,3 %; IC95%: 45,7-64,6). Conclusiones. El trabajo estableció la utilidad diagnóstica de las SPT y el sIgE en la población estudiada.

Introduction. Cow's milk protein allergy is the most common food allergy among children. It can be diagnosed based on a guided history taking and using an oral food challenge (OFC), serum specific immunoglobulin E levels (sIgE), and skin prick tests (SPT). However, it is difficult to establish their diagnostic performance in the local population. Our objective was to assess the usefulness of tests used to diagnose cow's milk protein (CMP) allergy in the studied population. Population and methods. Retrospective analysis of data from patients seen at the Unit of Allergy of a tertiary care pediatric hospital between 2015 and 2018. SPT and sIgE tests were done for milk, alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, and casein, followed by an OFC, and the diagnostic usefulness of each test, as well as their combination, was established. Results. The tests of 239 patients were assessed. OFC was performed at the hospital in 54.8 % of cases, via a rechallenge test at home in 35.5 %, and through CMP intake by the mother in 9.6 %. The highest specificity was observed with the casein SPT (96.7 %; 95 % confidence interval [CI]: 90.8-99.3) and the highest sensitivity, with the 4-allergen SPT and sIgE combination (55.3 %; 95 % CI: 45.7-64.6). Conclusions. The study established the diagnostic usefulness of SPT and sIgE in the studied population.

Humans , Animals , Infant , Milk Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Immunoglobulin E , Cattle , Skin Tests , Allergens , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics ; (12): 447-451, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935718


Objective: To analyze the clinical features of IgE-mediated cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) in children aged 0-5 years. Methods: This cross-sectional study collected the data on children diagnosed with CMPA in the Department of Allergy at the Children's Hospital of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics from October 2019 to November 2020 and improved peripheral blood routine,total IgE defection, milk specific IgE (sIgE) defection,SPT and milk component defection,diagnosis of severe anaphylaxis based on clinical manifestations. Rank-sum test and chi-square test are used for statistical analysis of clinical characteristics between groups. Results: A total of 106 children (67 boys and 39 girls) were enrolled with the age of 15 (8, 34) months, including 42 cases (≤ 1 year of age), 39 cases (>1-<3 years of age) and 25 cases(≥3 years of age), the onset age of 6 (5, 8) months. Among them, 95 cases (89.6%) were reacted after consuming milk or its products, 42 cases (39.6%) had reaction due to skin contact and 11 cases (10.4%) reacted after exclusive breastfeeding. The onset time of milk product consumption was 45 (1, 120) min, skin contact pathway was 10 (5, 30) min and symptoms in breastfeeding pathway was 121 (61, 180) min. There was statistical difference among the time of symptoms (χ2=77.01, P<0.001).The cutaneous reaction was most common (100 cases, 94.3%), followed by digestive (20 cases, 18.9%) and respiratory (16 cases, 15.1%), and the nervous symptoms (1 case, 0.9%) were uncommon and 24 cases (22.6%) had at least one episode of anaphylaxis. There were 87 cases (82.1%) also diagnosed with other food allergies, 94 cases (88.7%) with previous eczema, 57 cases (53.8%) with history of rhinitis, and 23 cases (21.7%) with history of wheezing. The total IgE level was 191.01 (64.71, 506.80) kU/L, and the cow's milk sIgE level was 3.03 (1.11, 15.24) kU/L. The maximum diameter of the wheal in SPT was 8.2 (4.0, 12.0) mm. Component resolved diagnosis showed that 77 cases (81.9%) were sensitized to at least one out of 4 main components, including casein, α lactalbumin, β lactoglobulin and bovine serum albumin.The possibility of anaphylaxis in children with milk sIgE grade Ⅳ-Ⅵ was higher than that in children with grade 0-Ⅲ (57.7% (15/26) vs. 12.5% (10/80), OR=9.545, 95%CI 3.435-26.523). Children with milk SPT ≥+++ had a higher probability of anaphylaxis than those with milk SPT ≤++ (34.4% (11/32) vs. 11.5% (3/26), OR=4.016, 95%CI 0.983-16.400). Anaphylaxis were more common in α lactalbumin positive children than in negative children (34.3% (13/38) vs. 14.2% (8/56), χ2=1.23,P=0.042). Conclusions: CMPA in children has early onset and diversified clinical manifestations, which are mainly cutaneous symptoms. Most children are sensitized to at least one allergen component. Serum sIgE level, SPT reaction and allergen components play important roles in the diagnosis and evaluation of CMPA, and higher milk sIgE level may predict a higher risk of anaphylaxis.

Animals , Cattle , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Allergens , Anaphylaxis/etiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Immunoglobulin E , Lactalbumin , Milk Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Skin Tests
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936236


Objective: To analyze the characteristics of allergen spectrum in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) in Xinjiang area in recent 13 years. Methods: The skin prick test (SPT) results of 5 019 AR patients from 2007 to 2019 were retrospectively summarized, and 14 allergens of different age, gender and race were analyzed. Results: The distribution of 14 allergens was significantly different in different years, the difference was significant (P<0.05). The top three positive rates of 14 allergens were quinoa 48.2% (2 398/4 970), plantain 33.3% (1 221/3 667), and Artemisia 33.1% (1 647/4 974). There was no significant difference in the positive rate of dog epithelium between different genders and ages (χ²=0.041, P>0.05; χ²=3.8, P>0.05), the difference of other allergen in positive rates was statistically significant (all P<0.05). The positive rates of Alternaria Alternata (χ²=7.3), Penicillium Sp. (χ²=0.3), Cat Epithelium (χ²=3.1), Dust Mite (χ²=1.4), Acaroid Mite (χ²=0.5) and Cockroach (χ²=2.9) had no significant difference among different races (all P>0.05). The positive rates of other eight allergens including Artemisia Vulgaris (χ²=64.9), Chenopodium (χ²=204.1), Artemisiifolia (χ²=72.4), Plantain (χ²=87.8), Phleum Pratense L(χ²=55.4), Robinia Pseudoacacia (χ²=67.8), Canis Familiari (χ²=70.8), Dog Epithelium (χ²=15.7) were significantly different among different races (all P<0.05). Conclusion: The distribution of allergens in Xinjiang area changes with time, the main allergens are mainly herbaceous, and the distribution of allergens in patients with AR is different in gender, age and race.

Animals , Dogs , Female , Humans , Male , Allergens , Artemisia , Pyroglyphidae , Retrospective Studies , Rhinitis, Allergic , Skin Tests
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936237


Objective: To investigate the sensitization characteristics of Juniperus chinensis pollen in patients with allergic rhinitis and/or allergic asthma in Beijing area, and to explore the characteristics of Juniper chinensis pollen sensitized population. Methods: Patients with suspected allergic rhinitis and/or asthma from January 2017 to December 2019 in the outpatient department of Allergy Department of Beijing Shijitan Hospital were selected in this study. Skin prick test (SPT) was performed with Juniper chinensis pollen allergen reagent to compare different age and disease allergen distribution, and to observe the sensitization characteristics of its population. All of the analyses were performed using SAS software version 9.4. Results: A total of 8 380 patients were enrolled in the end. The total positive rate of Juniper chinensis pollen SPT reached 49.92% (4 183/8 380). The positive rate of Juniper chinensis pollen SPT was highest in the 10-14 age group, reaching 60.99% (283/464). Compared with other age groups, there was a statistical difference (χ²=266.77, P<0.01). The SPT positive rate of patients aged less than 10 years increased with the increase of age, while the SPT positive rate of patients aged over 40 years decreased with the increase of age. Single Juniper chinensis pollen was less allergenic, accounting for about 25.05% (1 048/4 183), and the patients' age was (35.21±12.39) years. Regardless of single Juniper chinensis pollen or other pollen allergies, allergic rhinitis was the main disease. Among the patients with SPT positive Juniper chinensis pollen combined with other inhaled pollen allergens, willow pollen accounted for the first (74.99%). The positive rate of Juniper chinensis pollen was the highest in patients with single allergic rhinitis, accounting for 52.05% (3 797/7 295), and the rate in patients with single allergic asthma was the lowest, accounting for 17.49% (53/303), with statistically difference (χ²=138.99, P<0.01). Conclusions: Juniper chinensis pollen is highly sensitized in patients with allergic rhinitis and/or allergic asthma in Beijing . The positive rate of SPT is highest among 10-14 age group, most of which showed strong positive reaction, and allergic rhinitis is more common in Juniper chinensis pollen sensitization diseases.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Humans , Allergens , Asthma , Juniperus , Pollen , Rhinitis, Allergic , Skin Tests