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Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 647-662, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564610


SUMMARY: The study explores the relationship between chronic exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), sourced from wood smoke, and the histological structure and endocrine function of the uterus in nulliparous adult rats. It assesses potential structural changes in the uterus that could impact reproductive health, viewing PM2.5 exposure as a possible risk factor. A controlled experiment was conducted in a city known for high air pollution levels, exposing rats to filtered and unfiltered air conditions, thus mimicking human PM2.5 exposure. Histological findings indicated a significant increase in collagen density and uterine wall thickness in PM2.5 exposed subjects, suggesting a reproductive function risk. However, no significant differences were observed in progesterone and estradiol hormone levels, pointing to the complex relationship between PM2.5 exposure and its endocrine impact, and emphasizing the need for further studies for a deeper understanding. This work highlights the importance of thoroughly investigating the long-term effects of PM2.5 pollution on reproductive health, underlining the significance of considering environmental exposure as a critical factor in reproductive health research.

El estudio explora la relación entre la exposición crónica a partículas finas (PM2,5), procedentes del humo de leña, y la estructura histológica y la función endocrina del útero en ratas adultas nulíparas. Evalúa posibles cambios estructurales en el útero que podrían afectar la salud reproductiva, considerando la exposición a PM2,5 como un posible factor de riesgo. Se llevó a cabo un experimento controlado en una ciudad conocida por sus altos niveles de contaminación del aire, exponiendo ratas a condiciones de aire filtrado y sin filtrar, imitando así la exposición humana a PM2,5. Los hallazgos histológicos indicaron un aumento significativo en la densidad del colágeno y el grosor de la pared uterina en sujetos expuestos a PM2,5, lo que sugiere un riesgo para la función reproductiva. Sin embargo, no se observaron diferencias significativas en los niveles de las hormonas progesterona y estradiol, lo que apunta a la compleja relación entre la exposición a PM2,5 y su impacto endocrino, y enfatiza la necesidad de realizar más estudios para una comprensión más profunda. Este trabajo destaca la importancia de investigar a fondo los efectos a largo plazo de la contaminación por PM2,5 en la salud reproductiva, subrayando la importancia de considerar la exposición ambiental como un factor crítico en la investigación de la salud reproductiva.

Animals , Female , Rats , Smoke/adverse effects , Uterus/drug effects , Wood , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Air Pollutants/toxicity , Air Pollution , Particulate Matter/toxicity , Genitalia, Female/drug effects
Zhongguo zhenjiu ; (12): 1333-1337, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007491


A moxibustion device with the functions of auricular fumigation moxibustion and heat-sensitive moxibustion is designed. The smoke of the ignited moxa stick is used for the fumigation moxibustion at the external auditory canal, while the heat generated works on Dazhui (GV 14) for heat-sensitive moxibustion. The device consists of five parts, i.e. combustion chamber, smoke pipe, smoke processing chamber, power module and connector. It solves the limitations such as unpleasant experience in treatment, unfavorable temperature control, easy scalding and excessive manual dependence induced by usual fumigation moxibustion and during heat-sensitive moxibustion. This moxibustion device may improve the safety and convenience when delivering the treatment with fumigation moxibustion and heat-sensitive moxibustion, as well as the work efficiency of medical staff.

Humans , Moxibustion , Hot Temperature , Fumigation , Smoke , Temperature
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 60: e201873, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1436923


This study evaluated the protective efficacy of probiotics supplementation against cigarette smoke-induced lung emphysema, inflammation, and loss of cilia in mice. Probiotics are known to promote mucosal tolerance and mitigate respiratory injuries. Twenty-four adult mice were randomly divided into three groups: control (Ctr), cigarette smoke (CS), and cigarette smoke + probiotics (CS+P). Probiotics were given for 7 days before exposure to smoke in the CS+P group. Tissue samples of the trachea (goblet cell count and index, loss of cilia), lungs (airspace distention), and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were collected and processed. The results showed a significant increase in acidic and neutral goblet cells in the CS group compared to the Ctr and CS+P groups (P < 0.05). Overall, goblet cell number and index were lower in the CS+P group (41.71 ± 5.76, 0.67 ± 0.073) than CS group (56.28 ± 5.34, 1.31 ± 0.28). Inflammatory cells and loss of cilia significantly decreased in mice fed probiotics before exposure to cigarette smoke (P < 0.05). Lung emphysema was also significantly reduced in the CS+P group compared to the CS group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, dietary supplementation of probiotics reduced lung emphysema, inflammatory cells, goblet cell index, and loss of cilia under conditions of cigarette smoke exposure in mice.(AU)

O presente trabalho avaliou a eficácia da suplementação com probióticos contra a indução de enfisema, inflamação e perda de cílios por fumaça de cigarro em camundongos. Sabe-se que os probióticos promovem a tolerância da mucosa e mitigam as injúrias respiratórias. Vinte e quatro camundongos foram divididos, ao acaso, em três grupos: controle (CTR), fumaça de cigarro (CS) e fumaça de cigarro + probióticos (CS+P). Os probióticos foram fornecidos por sete dias antes da exposição à fumaça no grupo CS+P. Foram colhidas e processadas amostras de tecidos da traqueia (contagem de células caliciformes e index, perda de cílios), pulmões (distensão do espaço aéreo) e fluido de lavagem broncoalveolar. Os resultados obtidos revelaram um aumento significativo em células caliciformes acidificadas e neutralizadas no grupo CS quando comparado aos grupos Ctr e CS+P (P<0,05). Os números global e o índice de células caliciformes foram menores no grupo CS+P (41,71+ 5,76; 0,67+ 0,073) que no grupo CS (56,28+ 5,34 e 1,131+ 0,28). As células inflamatórias e a perda de cílios decresceram em camundongos alimentados com probióticos antes da exposição à fumaça de cigarro (P<0,05). O enfisema pulmonar também foi significativamente reduzido no grupo CS+P quando comparado ao grupo CS (P<0,05). A conclusão obtida foi que o fornecimento de dieta suplementada com probióticos reduziu o enfisema pulmonar, as células inflamatórias, o índice de células caliciformes e a perda de cílios nos camundongos expostos à fumaça de cigarro.(AU)

Animals , Mice , Respiratory Tract Diseases/veterinary , Probiotics/adverse effects , Mice/physiology , Smoke/adverse effects , Nicotiana
Rev. Baiana Enferm. (Online) ; 37: e47820, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1449457


Objetivo: identificar as percepções dos trabalhadores do centro cirúrgico quanto ao uso da máscara N95 como Equipamento de Proteção Individual em relação à fumaça cirúrgica. Método: pesquisa qualitativa mediante entrevistas áudio-gravadas, com nove trabalhadores do Centro Cirúrgico de um hospital no norte do Paraná, Brasil. Questionou-se: qual a percepção dos trabalhadores expostos à fumaça cirúrgica em relação ao uso das máscaras N95? Foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Resultados: o estudo revela a fragilidade do conhecimento dos profissionais sobre a utilização da máscara N95 e sobre os riscos que estão expostos durante sua jornada de trabalho, quando expostos à fumaça cirúrgica. Assim como o desconforto pelo uso da máscara. Conclusão: sugere-se capacitação aos profissionais da saúde expostos à fumaça cirúrgica, onde possa ser esclarecido sobre o uso de Equipamento de Proteção Individual de forma correta e sua importância na prevenção para o desenvolvimento de doenças ocupacionais.

Objetivo: identificar las percepciones de los trabajadores del centro quirúrgico en cuanto al uso de la máscara N95 como Equipo de Protección Individual en relación al humo quirúrgico. Método: investigación cualitativa mediante entrevistas audio-grabadas, con nueve trabajadores del Centro Quirúrgico de un hospital en el norte de Paraná, Brasil. Se preguntó: ¿cuál es la percepción de los trabajadores expuestos al humo quirúrgico con respecto al uso de las máscaras N95? Se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido. Resultados: el estudio revela la fragilidad del conocimiento de los profesionales sobre la utilización de la máscara N95 y sobre los riesgos que están expuestos durante su jornada de trabajo, cuando están expuestos al humo quirúrgico. Así como la incomodidad por el uso de la máscara. Conclusión: se sugiere capacitación a los profesionales de la salud expuestos a humo quirúrgico, donde pueda ser esclarecido sobre el uso de Equipo de Protección Individual de forma correcta y su importancia en la prevención para el desarrollo de enfermedades ocupacionales.

Objective: to identify the perceptions of surgical center workers regarding the use of the N95 mask as Personal Protection Equipment in relation to surgical smoke. Method: qualitative research through audio-recorded interviews with nine workers from the Surgical Center of a hospital in northern Paraná, Brazil. It was questioned: what is the perception of workers exposed to surgical smoke in relation to the use of N95 masks? The technique of content analysis was used. Results: the study reveals the fragility of professionals' knowledge about the use of the N95 mask and the risks they are exposed during their working day, when exposed to surgical smoke. As well as discomfort from wearing the mask. Conclusion: training for health professionals exposed to surgical smoke is suggested, where it can be clarified about the use of Personal Protective Equipment correctly and its importance in preventing the development of occupational diseases.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Perception , Occupational Health , N95 Respirators/trends , Smoke/prevention & control , Surgicenters/supply & distribution , Qualitative Research
Zhongguo zhenjiu ; (12): 800-806, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980798


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the effects of moxa smoke through olfactory pathway on learning and memory ability in rapid aging (SAMP8) mice, and to explore the action pathway of moxa smoke.@*METHODS@#Forty-eight six-month-old male SAMP8 mice were randomly divided into a model group, an olfactory dysfunction group, a moxa smoke group and an olfactory dysfunction + moxa smoke group, with 12 mice in each group. Twelve age-matched male SAMR1 mice were used as the blank group. The olfactory dysfunction model was induced in the olfactory dysfunction group and the olfactory dysfunction + moxa smoke group by intraperitoneal injection of 3-methylindole (3-MI) with 300 mg/kg, and the moxa smoke group and the olfactory dysfunction + moxa smoke group were intervened with moxa smoke at a concentration of 10-15 mg/m3 for 30 min per day, with a total of 6 interventions per week. After 6 weeks, the emotion and cognitive function of mice was tested by open field test and Morris water maze test, and the neuronal morphology in the CAI area of the hippocampus was observed by HE staining. The contents of neurotransmitters (glutamic acid [Glu], gamma-aminobutyric acid [GABA], dopamine [DA], and 5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) in hippocampal tissue of mice were detected by ELISA.@*RESULTS@#The mice in the blank group, the model group and the moxa smoke group could find the buried food pellets within 300 s, while the mice in the olfactory dysfunction group and the olfactory dysfunction + moxa smoke group took more than 300 s to find them. Compared with the blank group, the model group had increased vertical and horizontal movements (P<0.05) and reduced central area residence time (P<0.05) in the open field test, prolonged mean escape latency on days 1-4 (P<0.05), and decreased search time, swimming distance and swimming distance ratio in the target quadrant of the Morris water maze test, and decreased GABA, DA and 5-HT contents (P<0.05, P<0.01) and increased Glu content (P<0.05) in hippocampal tissue. Compared with the model group, the olfactory dysfunction group had increased vertical movements (P<0.05), reduced central area residence time (P<0.05), and increased DA content in hippocampal tissue (P<0.05); the olfactory dysfunction + moxa smoke group had shortened mean escape latency on days 3 and 4 of the Morris water maze test (P<0.05) and increased DA content in hippocampal tissue (P<0.05); the moxa smoke group had prolonged search time in the target quadrant (P<0.05) and increased swimming distance ratio, and increased DA and 5-HT contents in hippocampal tissue (P<0.05, P<0.01) and decreased Glu content in hippocampal tissue (P<0.05). Compared with the olfactory dysfunction group, the olfactory dysfunction + moxa smoke group showed a shortened mean escape latency on day 4 of the Morris water maze test (P<0.05). Compared with the moxa smoke group, the olfactory dysfunction + moxa smoke group had a decreased 5-HT content in the hippocampus (P<0.05). Compared with the blank group, the model group showed a reduced number of neurons in the CA1 area of the hippocampus with a disordered arrangement; the olfactory dysfunction group had similar neuronal morphology in the CA1 area of the hippocampus to the model group. Compared with the model group, the moxa smoke group had an increased number of neurons in the CA1 area of the hippocampus that were more densely packed. Compared with the moxa smoke group, the olfactory dysfunction + moxa smoke group had a reduced number of neurons in the CA1 area of the hippocampus, with the extent between that of the moxa smoke group and the olfactory dysfunction group.@*CONCLUSION@#The moxa smoke could regulate the contents of neurotransmitters Glu, DA and 5-HT in hippocampal tissue through olfactory pathway to improve the learning and memory ability of SAMP8 mice, and the olfactory is not the only effective pathway.

Male , Animals , Mice , Olfactory Pathways , Smoke/adverse effects , Serotonin , Aging , Dopamine , Olfaction Disorders/etiology
Acta toxicol. argent ; 30(3): 2-2, dic. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447114


Resumen Propósito: Para la evaluación metabólica de la fisiopatología pulmonar se utiliza principalmente el aliento exhalado, el cual ha tomado una gran relevancia como método de diagnóstico no invasivo, de bajo costo, rápido y seguro. El objetivo del presente estudio fue aplicar modelos metabolómicos para la identificación de la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC) en población vulnerable expuesta a la quema de biomasa en una comunidad indígena de México. Métodos: El estudio se conformó por 142 participantes, 44 pacientes con EPOC asociado a la quema de biomasa, 60 controles y 38 población indígena expuesta a la quema de biomasa (PIE). Las muestras de aliento exhalado se analizaron mediante una nariz electrónica (HERACLES II, Alpha MOS). Con los datos obtenidos se realizó un Análisis Canónico de Coordenadas principales (CAP), que fue utilizado para la predicción de EPOC de la PIE y se determinó la concentración de 1-hidroxipireno (1-OHP) en muestras de orina. Resultados: Se logró identificar un total 59 COVs en las muestras de aliento exhalado de los grupos de estudio, los cuales se utilizaron para establecer un modelo de discriminación entre la huella química del grupo de pacientes con EPOC y el grupo control. El modelo CAP indicó una separación entre las huellas químicas de los pacientes con EPOC y sujetos sanos, con una correcta predicción de 91,34%, con una sensibilidad y especificidad de 93,2 y 96,7% respectivamente. Se encontraron 10 participantes de la PIE con patrón obstructivo y una alta concentración de 1-OHP, determinando que existe una concentración del 1,31 ± 0,67gg/mol de creatinina. Esta concentración se encuentra más de 5 veces arriba de los valores de referencia establecidos en el 2001, que es de 0,24 gg/mol de creatinina. Al comparar los resultados de la huella química de la PIE se posicionó en el grupo de EPOC. Conclusión: Se logró obtener un diagnóstico oportuno en población vulnerable mediante el uso de la metabolómica y se demostró la exposición y los efectos pulmonares en población indígena de San Luis Potosí.

Abstract Purpose: to evaluate metabolic disorders of the pathophysiology of the lung, the exhaled breath is mainly used, this has become highly relevant as a non-invasive, low-cost, fast and safe diagnostic method. The objective of this study is to apply metabolomic models for the identification of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in a vulnerable population exposed to biomass burning in an indigenous community in Mexico. Methods: The study consisted of 142 participants, 44 patients with COPD associated with biomass burning, 60 controls and 38 indigenous population exposed to biomass burning (PIE). Exhaled breath samples were analyzed using an electronic nose (HERACLES II, Alpha MOS). With the data obtained, a Canonical Analy-sis of Principal Coordinates (CAP) was performed, which was used for the prediction of COPD of IEP and the concentration of 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) in urine samples was determined. Results: A total of 59 VOCs were identified in the exhaled breath samples of the study groups, which were used to establish a discrimination model between the chemical fingerprint of the COPD patient group and the control group. The CAP model indicated a separation between the chemical fingerprints of COPD patients and healthy subjects, with a correct prediction of 91,34%, with a sensitivity and specificity of 93,2 and 96,7%, respectively. 10 IEP participants with an obstructive pattern and a high concentration of 1-OHP were found, determining that there is a concentration of 1,31 ± 0,67gg/mol of creatinine. This concentration is more than 5 times above the reference values established in 2001, which is 0,24 -jg/mol of creatinine. When comparing the results of the Chemical fingerprint of the PIE, it was positioned in the COPD group. Conclusion: It was possible to obtain an opportune diagnosis in a vulnerable population using metabolomics and exposure and pulmonary effects were demonstrated in the indigenous population of San Luis Potosí.

Humans , Smoke/adverse effects , Breath Tests/methods , Air Pollution, Indoor/adverse effects , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/diagnosis , Health of Indigenous Peoples , Electronic Nose
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 21(2): 215-223, mar. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395235


Control of the Chagas disease vector, Triatoma infestans (Klug) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) with synthetic pesticides in Bolivia has become increasingly inefficient due to the development of resistance in the insects. In the Chaco region of Bolivia, guaraní populations have approached the problem by fumigating their houses with the smoke of native plants. Through interviews and field work with local guides, the main plant used by the guaraníes was collected and later identified as Capsicum baccatumL. var. baccatum (Solanaceae). In choice bioassays, filter papers exposed to the smoke of the plant repelled nymphs of T. infestans. Activity remained significant after storing the exposed filter papers for 9 days. Chemical analysis of smoke and literature data suggested that capsaicinoids present in the smoke were responsible for the repellent effect. The data presented provide a rationale for the use of C. baccatumvar. baccatumto control the Chagas vector bythe guaraní populations.

El control del vector de la enfermedad de Chagas, Triatoma infestans (Klug) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) con plaguicidas sintéticos en Bolivia se ha vuelto cada vez más ineficiente debido al desarrollo de resistencias en los insectos. En la región del Chaco de Bolivia, las poblaciones guaraníes han abordado el problema fumigando sus casas con el humo de las plantas nativas. A través de entrevistas y trabajo de campo con guías locales, se recogió la principal planta utilizada por los guaraníes y posteriormente se identificó como Capsicum baccatumL. var. baccatum (Solanaceae). En bioensayos selectos, los papeles de filtro expuestos al humo de la planta repelieron a las ninfas de T. infestans. La actividad siguió siendo significativa después de almacenar los papeles de filtro expuestos durante 9 días. El análisis químico del humo y los datos de la literatura sugieren que los capsaicinoides presentes en el humo eran responsables del efecto repelente. Los datos presentados proporcionan una justificación para el uso de C. baccatum var. baccatum para el control del vector Chagas por las poblaciones guaraníes.

Humans , Smoke/analysis , Triatoma , Capsicum/chemistry , Pest Control, Biological , Fumigation/methods , Indigenous Peoples , Biological Assay , Bolivia , Capsaicin/analysis , Interviews as Topic , Chagas Disease , Solanaceae/chemistry , Volatile Organic Compounds/analysis , Hemiptera , Insect Repellents/chemistry
Rev. SOBECC (Online) ; 27: 1-7, 01-01-2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1418214


Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência e a intensidade dos sinais e sintomas relacionados à exposição ocupacional à fumaça cirúrgica em trabalhadores da saúde e suas medidas de proteção. Método: Estudo transversal de caráter descritivo, desenvolvido com trabalhadores da área da saúde expostos à fumaça cirúrgica. A coleta foi realizada em setembro de 2021, em uma instituição de serviço terciário com característica oncológica e filantrópica e em um hospital universitário de alta complexidade. Resultados: A amostra foi de 155 participantes, a prevalência de sinais e sintomas: sistema respiratório de 55,45%, sistema ocular 43,22% e sistema nervoso 37,41%, com significância estatística para a intensidade de sinais e sintomas nos sistemas tegumentar (p=0,05) e nervoso (p=0,01). Conclusão: A maior taxa de prevalência dos sinais e sintomas foi nos sistemas respiratório, ocular, nervoso e tegumentar com significância estatística.

Objective: To identify the prevalence and intensity of signs and symptoms related to occupational exposure to surgical smoke in health workers and their protective measures. Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study, developed with healthcare workers exposed to surgical smoke. Collection was carried out in September 2021, in a tertiary service institution with oncological and philanthropic characteristics and in a highly complex university hospital. Results: The sample consisted of 155 participants; the prevalence of signs and symptoms was: respiratory system 55.45%, ocular system 43.22%, and nervous system 37.41%, with statistical significance for the intensity of signs and symptoms in the integumentary (p=0,05) and nervous (p=0,01) systems. Conclusions: The highest rate of prevalence of signs and symptoms was in the respiratory, ocular, nervous, and integumentary systems with statistical significance.

Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia e intensidad de lós signos y síntomas relacionados con la exposición ocupacional al humo quirúrgico em trabajadores de la salud y sus medidas de protección. Método: Estudio transversal descriptivo, desarrollado con trabajadores de la salud expuestos al humo quirúrgico. La colecta se realizó en septiembre de 2021, en una institución de tercer nivel com características oncológicas, filantrópicas y en un hospital universitario de alta complejidad. Resultados: La muestra estuvo conformada por 155 participantes, La prevalencia de signos y síntomas: Sistema respiratorio 55,45%, sistema ocular 43,22% y sistema nervioso 37,41%, con significación estadística para la intensidad de signos y síntomas en los sistemas tegumentarios (p=0,05) y nervioso (p=0,01). Conclusión: La mayor tasa de prevalencia de signos y síntomas fue en los sistemas respiratorio, ocular, nervioso y tegumentario con significancia estadística.

Humans , Security Measures , Smoke , Occupational Risks , Signs and Symptoms , Health Personnel , Nervous System
Braz. dent. sci ; 25(2): 1-8, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1369986


Objective: To evaluate color and surface gloss stability of bis-acryl resins and resin composites, submitted to artificial staining with cigarette smoke. Material and Methods: Specimens of each material were prepared (n=15). Two resin composites (GrandioSO [RCG], Filtek Supreme [RCZ]) and five bis-acryl resins (Luxatemp Star [BisLUX], Protemp4 [BisPRO], Structor3 [BisSTR], Visalys Temp [BisVIS] and Yprov [BisYPR]) were tested. Initial color was assessed using a spectrophotometer and surface gloss with a glossmeter. Samples were submitted to smoke exposure (10 cigarettes under 8 minutes per cycle). After 3 and 6 cycles, color and gloss were reassessed. Final readings were performed after brush prophylaxis. Data were analyzed using two-way repeated ANOVA and Tukey's test (p<0.05). Results: Differences and interaction of factors (p<0.01) were detected for both color and gloss readings. Resin composites were the least affected by aging, with gloss reduction after prophylaxis. Differences were detected among bis-acryl resins, with better results for BisLUX and BisPRO. BisPRO and BisSTR, showed reduction in gloss after 60 cigarettes, while BisYPR gloss decreased at all evaluated periods. Conclusion: Resin composites are less susceptible to changes after smoke exposure, while bis-acryl resins results are brand-dependent. Prophylaxis negatively influenced the surface gloss of most of the tested materials (AU)

Objetivo: Avaliar a estabilidade de cor e brilho superficial de resinas compostas e bisacrílicas, submetidos ao manchamento artificial por fumaça de cigarro. Material e Métodos: Foram preparados espécimes de cada material (n=15). Duas resinas compostas (GrandioSO [RCG], Filtek Supreme [RCZ]) e cinco resinas bisacrílicas (Luxatemp Star [BisLUX], Protemp4 [BisPRO], Structor3 [BisSTR], Visalys Temp [BisVIS] e Yprov [BisYPR]) foram testados. A cor inicial foi avaliada usando um espectrofotômetro e o brilho de superfície com um medidor de brilho. As amostras foram submetidas à exposição de fumaça de cigarro (10 cigarros com até 8 minutos por ciclo). Após 3 e 6 ciclos, a cor e o brilho foram reavaliados. As leituras finais foram realizadas após a profilaxia escova de robinson. Os dados foram analisados usando de medidas repetidas e teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Resultados: Foram detectadas diferenças e interação de fatores (p<0,01) tanto para leituras de cor quanto para leituras de brilho. As resinas compostas foram as menos afetados pelo envelhecimento, com redução do brilho após a profilaxia. Foram detectadas diferenças entre as resinas bisacrílicas, com melhores resultados para BisLUX e BisPRO. BisPRO e BisSTR, mostraram redução de brilho após 60 cigarros, enquanto que o brilho da BisYPR diminuiu em todos os períodos avaliados. Conclusão: As resinas compostas são as menos suscetíveis a mudanças após a exposição à fumaça, enquanto os resultados das resinas bisacrílicas são dependentes da marca. A profilaxia influenciou negativamente o brilho de superfície da maioria dos materiais testados.(AU)

Smoke , Color , Composite Resins , Dental Restoration, Temporary
Zhongguo zhenjiu ; (12): 443-446, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927404


The paper gives a consideration on the development of the national standard, Pure Moxa Stick. It is proposed that the principle and requirements for the development of product standard should be adhered to, while focusing on the applicability and safety of pure moxa stick. In terms of quality, the specific requirements should be developed on the ratio of moxa floss, wrapping paper and adhesives. Regarding the specifications, either the market demands or the resource waste prevention should be considered. In safety, the combustion temperature and moxa smoke control are the key issues.

Moxibustion , Smoke/analysis , Temperature
Acta toxicol. argent ; 29(3): 127-132, dic. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374205


Resumen Dentro de las formas alternativas de consumo de tabaco, se describe el uso de pipas de agua (también llamadas hookah, shisha o narguile) como implementos de uso. Esta forma de uso es una forma emergente en nuestro medio, con uso en estudiantes universitarios y secundarios. Debido a que utiliza carbón para quemar el tabaco, junto a largos períodos de uso, presenta riesgo de intoxicación por monóxido de carbono, especialmente si se utiliza en ambientes cerrados. En este artículo presentamos el caso de una paciente femenina de 19 años, quién fue traída al hospital con una intoxicación grave por monóxi do de carbono secundaria a uso de pipa de agua, requiriendo tratamiento con oxígeno en cámara hiperbárica. Realizamos una revisión de la bibliografía.

Abstract Amongst the alternative ways of tobacco use, water pipes (also called hookah, shisha or narghile) have been used as implements. This type of use is an emergent one in our environment, being used by high school and college students. Due to the use of charcoal as a way to burn the tobacco, and the long using times it presents, the users are at risk of being poisoned by carbon monoxide, especially if they smoke in enclosed spaces. In this paper, we present the case of a 19-year-old female patient, who was brought to the hospital with a severe case of carbon monoxide poisoning, requiring treatment with oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber. We make a review of the literature.

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning/complications , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning/diagnosis , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning/therapy , Smoking Water Pipes , Smoke/adverse effects , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning/prevention & control , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning/epidemiology
Rev. SOBECC (Online) ; 26(3): 189-196, 30-09-2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1343230


Objetivo: Analisar as evidências científicas disponíveis na literatura sobre os sinais e sintomas relacionados à exposição à fumaça cirúrgica em trabalhadores do bloco operatório. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura, com busca nas seguintes bases de dados: Medline, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Web Of Science e SCOPUS. Resultados: Foram 1.351 estudos pré-selecionados, sendo 4 por busca manual. Ao fim, obtiveram-se cinco artigos para análise. Os sinais e sintomas encontrados foram: tosse, ardência de faringe, espirros, rinite, lesão nasofaringe, sensação de corpo estranho na garganta, congestão nasal, inflamação das vias aéreas, lacrimejamento dos olhos, náuseas, vômitos, dor abdominal, fraqueza, cãibra, cefaleia, sonolência, tonturas, irritabilidade, desconforto (como mau cheiro na roupa). Conclusão: Observaram-se grandes avanços nas pesquisas propostas, estudos que embasam a intensidade dos sinais e sintomas e orientação dos riscos nocivos que proporcionem aos gestores conhecimento e fundamentação científica para futuras intervenções tanto contra a proteção ao trabalhador como para prevenção de risco no ambiente de trabalho.

Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence available in the literature on signs and symptoms related to surgical smoke exposure among surgical block workers. Method: This integrative literature review searched the following databases: MEDLINE, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, Web of Science, and Scopus. Results: A total of 1,351 studies were pre-selected, 4 of which were found by manual search. In the end, five articles were analyzed. The signs and symptoms identified were: cough, burning sensation in the pharynx, sneezing, rhinitis, nasopharyngeal lesion, foreign body sensation in the throat, nasal congestion, airway inflammation, lacrimation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, muscle cramp, headache, drowsiness, lightheadedness, irritability, discomfort (such as unpleasant smell in clothes). Conclusion: Great advances have been detected in the studies proposed. These investigations lay the foundation for the intensity of signs and symptoms and the orientation regarding harmful risks, providing managers with the knowledge and scientific basis for future interventions, both to protect the team and to prevent risks in the work environment.

Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia científica disponible en la literatura sobre signos y síntomas relacionados con la exposición al humo quirúrgico en trabajadores de quirófano. Método: Revisión integrativa de la literatura, buscando en las siguientes bases de datos: Medline, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Web Of Science y SCOPUS. Resultados: Hubo 1.351 estudios preseleccionados, cuatro por búsqueda manual. Al final, se obtuvieron cinco artículos para su análisis. Los signos y síntomas encontrados fueron: tos, ardor faríngeo, estornudos, rinitis, lesión nasofaríngea, sensación de cuerpo extraño en la garganta, congestión nasal, inflamación de las vías respiratorias, lagrimeo de los ojos, náuseas, vómitos, dolor abdominal, debilidad, calambres, dolor de cabeza, somnolencia, mareos, irritabilidad, malestar como mal olor en la ropa. Conclusión: Hubo grandes avances en la investigación propuesta, estudios que apoyan la intensidad de los signos y síntomas y orientaciones sobre riesgos nocivos que brinden a los gestores conocimiento y fundamento científico para futuras intervenciones, tanto contra la protección del trabajador como para la prevención de riesgos en el entorno laboral.

Humans , Occupational Health , Electrocoagulation , Electrosurgery , Operating Rooms , Smoke
Int. j. morphol ; 39(3): 773-779, jun. 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385414


SUMMARY: Exposure to air pollution and its pollutants has been associated with important effects on human health since the first years of life, thus it has been seen that exposure to tobacco smoke and wood smoke is directly related to cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, respiratory and cancers. However, exposure to air pollution during fetal development and its effects on brain structure and function during early childhood and adolescence have been little studied. In this review we have analyzed the literature on prenatal exposure to tobacco and wood smoke and its relationship with hypothalamic development and cognition in the first years of life.The molecular, morphological and physiological aspects of the relationship between pre- and postnatal exposure to tobacco and wood smoke with neural developmental, cognitive and behavioral problems during early childhood and adolescence have not yet been fully clarified. The information available in the scientific literature based on antecedents obtained from epidemiological studies has been negatively affected by confounding variables and great methodological challenges that make it impossible to affirm an exact causal relationship with certainty.

RESUMEN: La exposición a la contaminación del aire se ha asociado con importantes efectos en la salud humana desde los primeros años de vida. Estudios han demostrado con certeza que la exposición al humo de tabaco y humo de leña está directamente relacionada con enfermedades cardiovasculares, pulmonares, respiratorias y cánceres. Sin embargo, la exposición a la contaminación del aire durante el desarrollo fetal y sus efectos a posteriori sobre la estructura y función del cerebro durante la primera infancia y la adolescencia son aún desconocidos. En esta revisión analizamos la literatura sobre la exposición prenatal al tabaco y al humo de leña y su relación con el desarrollo hipotalámico y la cognición en los primeros años de vida. Los aspectos moleculares, morfológicos y fisiológicos de la asociación entre la exposición pre y postnatal al humo de tabaco o al humo de leña con problemas del desarrollo neurológico normal, cognitivos y de comportamiento durante la primera infancia y la adolescencia aún no se han aclarado completamente. La información disponible en la literatura científica basada en antecedentes obtenidos de estudios epidemiológicos ha sido afectada negativamente por variables de confusión y grandes desafíos metodológicos que hacen imposible afirmar una relación directa y causal exacta con certeza.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Adolescent , Tobacco Smoke Pollution/adverse effects , Cognition/drug effects , Inhalation Exposure/adverse effects , Particulate Matter/adverse effects , Hypothalamus/drug effects , Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects , Smoke , Wood
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);87(2): 193-199, mar.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249357


Resumo Introdução: As substâncias tóxicas presentes na fumaça do cigarro podem danificar as células ciliadas da cóclea. Esse efeito foi investigado pela mensuração das emissões otoacústicas. Objetivo: Investigar o impacto de estímulos nas emissões otoacústicas, comparar neonatos com e sem exposição à fumaça de cigarro durante a gestação. Método: Testes de emissões otoacústicas evocadas transientes, evocadas por estímulo tipo clique e emissões otoacústicas por produto de distorção, evocadas por dois tons, foram feitos em ambas as orelhas, com um aparelho Interacoustic TITAN. O estudo incluiu 105 neonatos divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de estudo, que compreendeu 47 neonatos expostos à fumaça durante a gravidez; e um grupo controle constituído por 58 neonatos que não foram expostos. Todos os participantes apresentaram triagem auditiva neonatal normal. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas nos níveis de resposta das emissões otoacústicas por produto de distorção entre os grupos. Nos testes de emissões otoacústicas evocadas transientes, foram observados menores níveis de resposta no grupo de estudo do que no grupo controle na análise de bandas de frequências da orelha direita, com diferenças estatisticamente significantes nos sinais e relação sinal-ruído (exceto a 1 kHz). Conclusão: O impacto da exposição ao fumo pôde ser analisado por meio das emissões otoacústicas evocadas transientes em neonatos. O efeito da exposição à fumaça durante a gravidez foi evidenciado por uma redução nos níveis das emissões otoacústicas evocadas transientes no grupo exposto. Esse mesmo efeito não foi observado para as análises feitas nos níveis das emissões otoacústicas por produto de distorção.

Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Smoke , Otoacoustic Emissions, Spontaneous , Neonatal Screening , Hearing Tests , Noise
Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 20: e55482, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1356116


RESUMO Objetivo: verificar os desconfortos apresentados por trabalhadores que necessitam utilizar a máscara N95 durante as suas atividades laborais. Método: pesquisa descritiva com delineamento transversal, desenvolvida no Centro Cirúrgico de um hospital de ensino localizado na região Sul do Brasil, no período de junho a agosto de 2019, durante o turno de trabalho diurno. Realizou-se o estudo com os profissionais de enfermagem que estavam expostos à fumaça cirúrgica no período de trabalho. Para a coleta dos dados, utilizou-se um instrumento com detalhamento sociodemográfico e ocupacional dos participantes e entregou-se uma máscara N95 aos profissionais para ser utilizada durante a cirurgia, a fim de verificar o tempo de uso da N95 e os motivos pelos quais os trabalhadores retiraram a máscara durante o ato anestésico-cirúrgico. Resultados: o maior número de trabalhadores (27,7%) utilizou a máscara até 3 horas durante o ato anestésico-cirúrgico, sendo que esse tempo foi relacionado com algumas queixas (p=0,037), tais como incômoda (27,8%), apertada (44,4%) eenjoo (5,6%). A retirada da máscara N95 (p=0,022) por esses profissionais antes do término da cirurgia foi relacionada a essas queixas. Conclusão: os trabalhadores apresentam queixas, como desconforto, máscara apertada e enjoo, sendo que estas estão relacionadas com o tempo de uso, o que precisa ser avaliado por gestores para a utilização da N95.

RESUMEN Objetivo: verificar las molestias presentadas por trabajadores que necesitan usar la mascarilla N95 durante sus actividades laborales. Método: investigación descriptiva con delineamiento transversal, desarrollada en el Centro Quirúrgico de un hospital de enseñanza ubicado en la región Sur de Brasil, en el período de junio a agosto de 2019, durante el turno de trabajo diurno. Se realizó el estudio con los profesionales de enfermería que estaban expuestos al humo quirúrgico en el período de trabajo. Para la recolección de los datos, se utilizó un instrumento con detalle sociodemográfico y ocupacional de los participantes y se entregó una mascarilla N95 a los profesionales para ser utilizada durante la cirugía, con el fin de verificar el tiempo de uso de la N95 y las razones por las que los trabajadores la quitaron durante el acto anestésico-quirúrgico. Resultados: el mayor número de trabajadores (27,7%) la utilizó hasta 3 horas durante el acto anestésico-quirúrgico, siendo que ese tiempo fue relacionado con algunas quejas (p=0,037), tales como: incómoda (27,8%), apretada (44,4%) y mareos (5,6%). El hecho de quitarse la mascarilla N95 (p=0,022), por estos profesionales, antes de la finalización de la cirugía se relacionó con estas quejas. Conclusión: los trabajadores presentan quejas, como incomodidad, mascarilla apretada y mareos, siendo que estas están relacionadas con el tiempo de uso, lo que necesita ser evaluado por gestores para la utilización de la N95.

ABSTRACT Objective: to check the discomfort presented by workers who need to use the N95 mask during their work activities. Method: descriptive and cross-sectional research, developed in the Surgical Center of a teaching hospital located in Southern Brazil, from June to August 2019, during the daytime work shift. The study was conducted with nursing professionals who were exposed to surgical smoke during their work period. In order to collect data, an instrument was used with sociodemographic and occupational details of the participants and a N95 mask was given to professionals to be used during surgery, in order to check the time of use of the N95 and the reasons why the workers removed the mask during the anesthetic-surgical procedure. Results: the largest number of workers (27.7%) used the mask for up to 3 hours during the anesthetic-surgical procedure, and this time was related to some complaints (p=0.037), such as discomfort (27.8%), tightness (44.4%) and nausea (5.6%). The removal of the N95 mask (p=0.022) by these professionals before the end of the surgery was related to these complaints. Conclusion: workers have complaints such as discomfort, tight mask and nausea, and these are related to the time of use, which needs to be assessed by managers for the use of N95.

Humans , Male , Female , Smoke , N95 Respirators , Masks , Nurses, Male , Respiratory Protective Devices , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Work , Health Personnel , Air Pollutants, Occupational , Personal Protective Equipment , Nausea , Nurse Practitioners
J. bras. pneumol ; J. bras. pneumol;47(5): e20210219, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346401


ABSTRACT This review study aimed to determine the relationship between exposure to smoke from biomass burning in the Amazon rain forest and its implications on human health in that region in Brazil. A nonsystematic review was carried out by searching PubMed, Google Scholar, SciELO, and EMBASE databases for articles published between 2005 and 2021, either in Portuguese or in English, using the search terms "biomass burning" OR "Amazon" OR "burned" AND "human health." The review showed that the negative health effects of exposure to smoke from biomass burning in the Amazon have been poorly studied in that region. There is an urgent need to identify effective public health interventions that can help improve the behavior of vulnerable populations exposed to smoke from biomass burning, reducing morbidity and mortality related to that exposure.

RESUMO Este estudo de revisão teve como objetivo determinar a relação entre a exposição à fumaça da queima de biomassa na Floresta Amazônica e suas implicações para a saúde humana nessa região do Brasil. Foi realizada uma revisão não sistemática por meio de buscas nas bases de dados PubMed, Google Scholar, SciELO e EMBASE de artigos publicados entre 2005 e 2021, em português ou inglês, utilizando os termos de busca "biomass burning" OU "Amazon" OU "burned" E "human health". A revisão mostrou que os efeitos negativos para a saúde resultantes da exposição à fumaça da queima de biomassa na Amazônia foram pouco estudados na região. Há uma necessidade urgente de identificar intervenções efetivas de saúde pública que possam ajudar a melhorar o comportamento das populações vulneráveis expostas à fumaça da queima de biomassa, reduzindo a morbimortalidade relacionada a essa exposição.

Humans , Smoke/adverse effects , Rainforest , Brazil , Biomass
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2021. 91 p. graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415365


Produtos liberados pela queima do cigarro convencional (CC) estão relacionados com a progressão clínica da artrite reumatoide (AR). Produtos fumígenos não combustíveis surgiram com a premissa de apresentarem menor toxicidade que o CC, dentre os quais está o tabaco aquecido (heat-not-burn tobacco; HNBT). Neste projeto investigamos os efeitos do HNBT sobre eventos envolvidos na AR, focando na sintomatologia, expressão de metalotioneínas (MTs), e na biologia de linfócitos T CD4+ primários e da linhagem Jurkat. Exposições in vivo ao ar, CC ou HNBT foram realizadas 2 vezes ao dia, 1 hora cada (12 CC ou 24 HNBT/hora), nos dias 14-21 da indução da artrite induzida por antígeno (AIA) em camundongos C57Bl/6. Foram realizadas análises dos parâmetros clínico da doenças, histopatologia e imunohistoquímica; quantificação de nicotina e cotinina séricas por cromatografia líquida acoplada a espectrometria de massas (MS). Os efeitos das exposições in vitro sobre linfócitos T foram mensurados por citometria de fluxo e ELISA. A concentração de metais emitidas pelo CC ou HNBT durante as exposições foram mensurados por MS com plasma acoplado. Camundongos expostos ao CC apresentaram intensa inflamação pulmonar, expressões acentuadas de MTs hepáticas e pulmonares e exacerbação dos parâmetros de AIA quando comparados ao grupo expostos ao HNBT. Animais expostos ao CC ou ao HNBT apresentaram redução na celularidade de órgãos linfoides. Somente a exposição in vitro ao CC causou estresse oxidativo e secreção de citocinas inflamatórias, ativação do receptor de hidrocarbonetos arila (AhR) e polarização de células Th17. Diferentemente, exposição ao CC ou ao HNBT provocaram redução da secreção de IL-2 e proliferação de células Jurkat. A exposição de células Jurkat à nicotina mimetizou os efeitos inibitórios da exposição ao HNBT sobre a secreção de IL-2 e proliferação de linfócitos T. O CC liberou maiores concentrações de metais nas câmaras de exposição. Associados, nossos resultados mostram que embora exposições ao HNBT não exacerbem parâmetros inflamatórios de AIA e nem em funções linfócitos T, ambos produtos prejudicam a celularidade de órgãos linfoides e a proliferação e secreção de IL-2 por linfócitos T

Products released by burning conventional cigarettes (CC) are related to the worsening of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Non-combustible smoking products appeared with the premise of presenting less toxicity than the CC, among which is the heated tobacco (heat-not-burn tobacco; HNBT). Here, we investigate the effects of HNBT on events involved in RA, focusing on symptoms, expression of metallothioneins (MTs), and on the biology of primary CD4+ T lymphocytes and the Jurkat T cell lineage. In vivo exposures to air, CC or HNBT were performed twice a day, 1 hour each (12 CC or 24 HNBT / hour), on days 14-21 of the induction of antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) in C57Bl / 6 mice. Analyzes of the clinical parameters of the AIA, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry were performed; quantification of nicotine and cotinine by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (MS). The in vitro effects of exposures on T lymphocytes were measured by flow cytometry and ELISA. The concentration of metals released by the CC or HNBT during the exposures was measured by MS with coupled plasma. Mice exposed to CC showed intense pulmonary inflammation, marked expressions of hepatic and pulmonary MTs, and exacerbation of AIA parameters when compared to the group exposed to HNBT. Animals exposed to CC or HNBT showed a reduction in the cellularity of lymphoid organs. Only in vitro exposure to CC caused oxidative stress and secretion of inflammatory cytokines, activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), and polarization of Th17 cells. However, exposure to CC or HNBT led to reduced secretion of IL-2 and proliferation of Jurkat cells. The exposure of Jurkat T cells to nicotine mimicked the inhibitory effects of exposure to HNBT on IL-2 secretion and T lymphocyte proliferation. The CC released higher concentrations of metals in the exposure chambers. In association, our results show that although exposures to HNBT do not exacerbate inflammatory parameters of AIA or T lymphocyte functions, both products impair lymphoid organ cell function and the proliferation and secretion of IL-2 by T lymphocytes

Animals , Male , Mice , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/pathology , Smoke/adverse effects , T-Lymphocytes/classification , Metallothionein/agonists , Nicotine/adverse effects , Association , Chromatography, Liquid/methods , Flow Cytometry/methods
Zhongguo zhenjiu ; (12): 781-786, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887482


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the effect of long-term moxa smoke exposure of different concentrations on olfactory function in rats, and provide experimental basis of safety study of moxa smoke produced by moxibustion.@*METHODS@#Forty SD rats were randomly divided into a normal control group, a low-concentration moxa smoke group, a moderate-concentration moxa smoke group and a high-concentration moxa smoke group, 10 rats in each one. The rats in the moxa smoke groups were put into three plexiglass moxibustion boxes with different moxa smoke concentrations, 4 hours per times, twice a day for 90 days. The general state of rats was evaluated before and during the experiment. After the intervention, the olfactory function was evaluated by two-bottle experiment (TBE); the morphology of nasal mucosa was observed by HE staining; the apoptosis of olfactory epithelial cells in nasal mucosa was detected by TUNEL method; the serum levels of interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were detected by ELISA method.@*RESULTS@#In the late stage of moxa smoke exposure (45-90 days into intervention), the behavioral activity of rats in the moderate-concentration moxa smoke group and the high-concentration moxa smoke group was weaker than that in the normal control group, and their response to stimulation was strong, and their mental state was worse. After intervention, the drinking rate of vinegar-water mixture in the moderate-concentration moxa smoke group and the high-concentration moxa smoke group was higher than that in the normal control group and the low-concentration moxa smoke group (@*CONCLUSION@#The long-term exposure to low, moderate and high concentrations of moxa smoke could cause pathological changes in nasal mucosa and increase the serum levels of IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α; the moderate and high concentrations of moxa smoke exposure could cause a series of damage to olfactory function and reduce olfactory sensitivity in rats.

Animals , Rats , Interleukin-1 , Interleukin-6 , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Smoke/adverse effects , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha