O estudo investigou a melhoria da técnica de Desinfecção Solar de água (SODIS) pela adição de Azul de Metileno (AM), visando acelerar a descontaminação microbiológica de água, especialmente em regiões com baixa incidência solar. A água contaminada por microrganismos é uma das principais causas de doenças em países em desenvolvimento, e a desinfecção solar tem se mostrado eficaz, porém limitada em condições climáticas desfavoráveis. A inclusão do AM, um corante fotossensível, acelera o processo, gerando oxigênio reativo ao ser exposto à luz solar, o que inativa os microrganismos. O estudo foi dividido em três partes: in silico, in vitro e in vivo. No estudo in silico, foram realizadas simulações para prever a toxicidade aguda e a mutagenicidade do AM nas formas oxidada (azul) e reduzida (leuco). Ambas as formas apresentaram baixa toxicidade, com a forma leuco sendo ainda menos tóxica. A mutagenicidade foi observada na forma oxidada em alguns testes, mas a forma leuco se mostrou segura. Nos experimentos in vitro, foram analisadas amostras de água de poço artesiano, contaminadas com patógenos. A análise metagenômica identificou a presença de microbiota intestinal humana e animal, além de patógenos causadores de doenças graves. Após a aplicação do método AM/SODIS, houve uma redução significativa no número de microrganismos, comprovando a eficácia do tratamento na descontaminação da água. No estudo in vivo, camundongos foram expostos ao consumo de água tratada com AM/SODIS por 13 semanas. Após a análise de fígados e rins dos animais, não foram observadas alterações histopatológicas ou sinais de citotoxicidade, genotoxicidade ou mutagenicidade. A análise da expressão de proteínas relacionadas à morte celular também não indicou estresse celular, autofagia ou apoptose, sugerindo que o uso do AM na concentração de 100 ng/ml é seguro para consumo humano. Os resultados do estudo indicam que a combinação do SODIS com o AM melhora a eficiência do processo de desinfecção de água, tornando-o uma opção viável para uso em regiões com pouca insolação ou em situações de emergência. A técnica é simples, de baixo custo e pode ser aplicada em áreas carentes, contribuindo para a redução de doenças causadas por água contaminada. Além disso, o estudo não encontrou evidências de toxicidade significativa nas formas de AM utilizadas, tornando o método seguro para o consumo humano. A pesquisa contribui para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de baixo custo para o tratamento de água, alinhando-se aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU, especialmente em relação ao acesso à água potável e saneamento. A aplicação da técnica em larga escala pode ajudar a mitigar os efeitos da falta de saneamento em comunidades vulneráveis, prevenindo doenças como diarreia, especialmente em crianças.(AU)
The study investigated the improvement of the Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS) technique through the addition of Methylene Blue (MB), aiming to accelerate the microbiological decontamination of water, especially in regions with low sunlight exposure. Microbiologically contaminated water is one of the leading causes of diseases in developing countries, and solar disinfection has proven effective but limited under unfavorable weather conditions. The inclusion of MB, a photosensitive dye, accelerates the process by generating reactive oxygen when exposed to sunlight, which inactivates microorganisms. The study was divided into three parts: in silico, in vitro, and in vivo. In the in silico study, simulations were conducted to predict the acute toxicity and mutagenicity of MB in its oxidized (blue) and reduced (leuco) forms. Both forms showed low toxicity, with the leuco form being even less toxic. Mutagenicity was observed in the oxidized form in some tests, but the leuco form was found to be safe. In the in vitro experiments, samples of artesian well water contaminated with pathogens were analyzed. Metagenomic analysis identified the presence of human and animal intestinal microbiota, as well as pathogens causing severe diseases. After applying the AM/SODIS method, there was a significant reduction in the number of microorganisms, demonstrating the efficacy of the treatment in water decontamination. In the in vivo study, mice were exposed to water treated with AM/SODIS for 13 weeks. After analyzing the liver and kidneys of the animals, no histopathological alterations or signs of cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, or mutagenicity were observed. The analysis of the expression of proteins related to cell death also indicated no cellular stress, autophagy, or apoptosis, suggesting that the use of MB at a concentration of 100 ng/ml is safe for human consumption. The study's results indicate that the combination of SODIS with MB improves the efficiency of the water disinfection process, making it a viable option for use in regions with low sunlight or emergency situations. The technique is simple, low-cost, and can be applied in underprivileged areas, helping to reduce waterborne diseases. Furthermore, the study found no significant toxicity in the MB forms used, making the method safe for human consumption. This research contributes to the development of low-cost technologies for water treatment, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly regarding access to clean water and sanitation. The large-scale application of the technique could help mitigate the effects of poor sanitation in vulnerable communities, preventing diseases like diarrhea, especially in children.(AU)
Animals , Mice , In Vitro Techniques , Computer Simulation , Toxicity Tests , Water Disinfection , Solar Radiation , Metagenomics , Water Security , Methylene Blue , Mice, HairlessABSTRACT
Objetivo Avaliar a atividade antifúngica dos extratos glicólicos de Arnica montana e Hamamelis virginiana contra cepas de Candida spp. A candidíase é uma infecção fúngica comum, portanto, a pesquisa de novos agentes antifúngicos tem sido um alvo interessante. Várias plantas apresentaram atividades biológicas e, portanto, podem ser fontes promissoras de produtos naturais com atividades an-tifúngicas. Métodos As atividades antifúngicas dos extratos glicólicos foram avaliadas por meio da determinação da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) de acordo com o protocolo M27-S3 do Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (2008). Resultados O ex-trato glicólico de A. montana apresentou a atividade antifúngica mais forte contra C. tropicalis, com concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) de 10% v/v e concentração fungicida mínima (MFC) de 80% v/v, seguido por C. krusei e C. glabrata, com valores de MIC e MFC de 20% v/v. Além disso, avaliamos a toxicidade dos dois extratos glicólicos no modelo Galleria mellonella usando as curvas de sobre-vivência de larvas tratadas com os extratos. Nossos resultados demonstraram que os extratos glicólicos de A. montana e H. virginiana não exibiram toxicidade contra larvas de G. mellonella e demonstraram atividade antifúngica contra espécies de Candida spp. Con-clusão Assim, ambos os extratos são candidatos promissores para o desenvolvimento de novos agentes antifúngicos.
Objective To evaluate the antifungal activity of Arnica montana and Hamamelis virginiana glycolic extracts against Candida strains. Methods The antifungal activities of glycolic extracts were investigated by determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) according to protocol M27-S3 of Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (2008). Results A. montana glycolic extract showed the strongest antifungal activity against C. tropicalis, with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 10% v/v and a minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) of 80% v/v, then C. krusei and C. glabrata, with MIC and MFC values of 20% v/v. H. virginiana glycolic extract ex-hibited stronger activity against C. albicans and C. tropicalis, with MIC and MFC values of 10% v/v, than against C. glabrata, C. krusei, and C. parapsilosis, with MIC and MFC values of 20% v/v. Moreover, we evaluated the toxicity of the two glycolic extracts in the Galleria mellonella model using the survival curves of larvae treated with the two extracts. Our results demonstrated that the glycolic extracts of A. montana and H. virginiana exhibited no toxicity against G. mellonella larvae and demonstrated antifungal activity against Candida spe-cies. Conclusion Thus, both extracts are promising candidates for the development of novel antifungal agents.
Humans , Candida , Arnica , Hamamelis , Plants, Medicinal , Candidiasis , Toxicity Tests , Antifungal AgentsABSTRACT
Resumo A crescente poluigao de ambientes marinhos e estuarinos por descarga de efluentes é um problema mundial. Os ensaios ecotoxicológicos vem sendo amplamente utilizados para monitorar os efeitos deste tipo de poluigao e, atualmente sao incorporados na legislagao ambiental de diversos países, nomeadamente no Brasil. Contudo, sao poucos os estudos realizados em áreas costeiras e a padronizagao de métodos com organismos nativos, representativos de ecossistemas locais, é insuficiente. Nitocra sp. tem sido eficientemente utilizado em ensaios ecotoxicológicos com sedimentos e águas intersticiais, sendo neces-sário avaliar a sua adequagao na análise de águas superficiais estuarinas. Amostras pontuais de agua do baixo estuário Jundiaí -Potengi (EJP) foram coletadas mensalmente durante 18 meses, em áreas com (CE) e sem (SE) recegao de efluentes tratados. Nitocra sp. e Mysidopsis juniae (espécie padronizada) foram os organismos teste utilizados nos ensaios ecotoxicológicos. Efeitos letais (taxa de mortalidade) e subletais (taxa de reprodugao) foram analisados considerando a caracterizagao microbiológica e físico-química das amostras testadas. Os teores de oxigenio dissolvido, salinidade, demanda bioquímica de oxigenio, nitrogenio amoniacal e amoniacal total, nitrogenio total, óleos e graxas, sólidos suspensos e sedimentáveis, potássio total e coliformes termotolerantes determinados nas amostras CE e SE, traduzem diferentes níveis de poluigao nos locais amostrados. As cartas-controle de Nitocra sp. e M. juniae indicaram boa reprodutibilidade laboratorial, e apesar dos organismos teste terem exibido diferentes perfis ecotoxicológicos, o aumento da taxa de mortalidade de ambos esteve associada a emissao de esgoto tratado. O uso de diferentes organismos teste favorece a representatividade dos ensaios ecotoxicológicos. Considerando o perfil de Nitocra sp. no monitoramento do EJP, o seu estabelecimento como organismo-teste padronizado necessita de mais estudos, incluindo a utilizagao de nauplii em bioensaios.
Abstract Increasing pollution of marine and estuarine environments from wastewater discharge is a worldwide problem. Eco-toxicological tests are widely used to monitor the effects of this type of pollution and are currently being incorporated into the environmental legislation of several countries, including Brazil. However, few studies have been conducted in coastal areas, and standardization of methods with native organisms representative of local ecosystems is insufficient. Nitocra sp. has been efficiently used in ecotoxicological tests with sediments and interstitial waters, and its suitability for estuarine surface water analysis needs to be assessed. Point samples from the lower Jundiaí-Potengi estuary (JPE) in areas with (CE) and without (SE) discharge of treated effluents were collected monthly for 18 months. Nitocra sp. and Mysidopsis juniae (standardized species) were the test organisms used in the ecotoxicological assays. The lethal (mortality rate) and sublethal (reproduction rate) effects were analyzed considering the microbiological and physicochemical characterization of the tested samples. Dissolved oxygen, salinity, biochemical oxygen demand, ammoniacal and total ammoniacal nitrogen, total nitrogen, oils and greases, suspended and settleable solids, total potas-sium and thermotolerant coliform bacteria determined in samples from CE and SE, reflect varying levels of pollution at the sampled sites. The control charts of Nitoera sp. and M. juniae indicated good reproducibility in the laboratory, and although the test organisms had different ecotoxicological profiles, the mortality rate of both organisms was related to the discharge of treated wastewater. The use of different test organisms increases the representativeness of the ecotoxicological tests. Given the profile of Nitoera sp. in JPE monitoring, further studies, including the use of nauplii in bioassays, are needed to establish it as standardized test organism.
Animals , Coastal Pollution , Sludge Disposal into Sea , Toxicity Tests/methods , Brazil , Water Monitoring , CopepodaABSTRACT
Resumo Os contaminantes emergentes (CE), sao substáncias químicas (fármacos, produtos de higiene pessoal, drogas ilícitas entre outros) que estao presentes no ambiente como consequéncia da atividade antrópica e a falta de adequagao dos processos convencionais de tratamento de água e esgoto que nao logram remové-los eficientemente. Na atualidade o uso disseminado e desmedido de fármacos no tratamento da pandemia de COVID 19 tem aumentado a preocupagao dos impactos decorrentes da contaminagao por fármacos em ambientes aquáticos, consequéncia da liberagao no ambiente de grandes quantidades destes compostos. Assim, estudos de ecotoxicidade aquática sao fundamentais para avaliar o efeito de substáncias químicas tóxicas nas análises de impactos ambientais, sobretudo quando utilizado organismos representativos da biota aquática local, garantindo assim, maior confiabilidade e representatividade dos resultados obtidos. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi validar a utili-dade do Dendrocephalus brasiliensis (Branchoneta) espécie autóctone do nordeste brasileiro como organismo teste para estudos de ecotoxicidade de fármacos utilizados no tratamento da COVID 19. Testes ecotoxicológicos utilizando D. brasiliensis foram realizados utilizando solugóes dos fármacos paracetamol, hidroxicloroquina, ivermectina e ibuprofeno, em concentragóes de 0,0025 até 600,0 mg/L seguindo os protocolos descritos pela Associagao Brasileira para Normas Técnicas (ABNT) para toxicidade aguda, protocolo padronizado para a realizagao do ensaio ecotoxicológicos utilizando como organismo teste a Daphnia magna, o qual foi empregada como referencia para comparar o padrao de resposta. Com os resultados obtidos foi realizado o cálculo da CL50-48h considerando como desfecho a morte dos organismos, ivermectina (< 0,0025 - < 0,0025), hidroxicloroquina (3,70 - 14,09), ibuprofeno (12,25 - 107,52), paracetamol (8,53 - 9,61), resultados CL50-48h mg/l D. magna e D. brasiliensis respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos mostraram um padrao diferenciado dependente da espécie e do fármaco analisado observando-se uma menor sensibilidade frente a exposigao da D. brasiliensis em comparagao a D. magna demonstrando a valia da D. brasiliensis como organismo teste. Pesquisas futuras dirigidas a analisar as potenciais interagóes destes fármacos em concentragóes ambientais reais sao necessárias para completar a validagao e ter uma aproximagao dos eventos acometidos em ambientes impactados por estes fármacos.
Abstract Emerging contaminants (EC) are chemical substances (pharmaceuticals, personal hygiene products, illicit drugs, among others) that are present in the environment because of human activity and the lack of adequacy of conventional water and sewage treatment processes that do not manage to remove them efficiently. Currently, the widespread and excessive use of drugs in the treatment of the COVID 19 pandemic has increased concern about the impacts resulting from contamination by drugs in aquatic environments, because of the release into the environment of large amounts of these compounds. Thus, aquatic ecotoxicity studies are essential to evaluate the effect of toxic chemical substances in the analysis of environmental impacts, especially when using representative organisms of the local aquatic biota, thus ensuring greater reliability and representativeness of the results obtained. In view of this, the objective of this work was to validate the usefulness of Dendrocephalus brasiliensis (Branchoneta), an autoch-thonous species from northeastern Brazil as a test organism for ecotoxicity studies of drugs used in the treatment of COVID 19. Ecotoxicological tests using D. brasiliensis were performed using drug solutions paracetamol, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and ibuprofen, in concentrations from 0.0025 to 600.0 mg/L following the protocols described by the Brazilian Association for Technical Norms (ABNT) for acute toxicity, standardized protocol for carrying out the ecotoxicological assay using as a test organism Daphnia magna, which was used as a reference to compare the response pattern. Based on the results obtained, the LC50-48h was calculated considering the death of organisms, ivermectin (< 0.0025 - < 0.0025), hydroxychloroquine (3.70 - 14.09), ibuprofen (12.25 - 107.52), paracetamol (8.53 - 9.61), results LC50-48h mg/l D. magna and D. brasiliensis respectively. The results obtained showed a differenti-ated pattern depending on the species and the analyzed drug, observing a lower sensitivity to exposure of D. brasiliensis compared to D. magna, demonstrating the value of D. brasiliensis as a test organism. Future research aimed at analyzing the potential interac-tions of these drugs at real environmental concentrations is necessary to complete the validation and to have an approximation of the events affected in environments impacted by these drugs.
Water Pollution, Chemical , Ibuprofen/toxicity , Toxicity Tests/methods , Acetaminophen/toxicity , AnostracaABSTRACT
Paciente de sexo masculino, 70 años, con leucemia mieloide crónica en tratamiento con dasatinib, desarrolla insuficiencia respiratoria asociada a toxicidad pulmonar por dicho fármaco.
70-year-old male patient with chronic myeloid leukemia receiving treatment with da satinib develops respiratory failure associated with pulmonary toxicity related to such drug.
Male , Toxicity Tests , Lung DiseasesABSTRACT
With the increase of global chemical production and the aggravation of population exposure and health risks, higher requirements are put forward for chemical toxicity testing and safety evaluation.'Toxicity testing in the 21st century: a vision and a strategy' has greatly promoted the reform of toxicity testing. Toxicity testing in the new era has made great progress by using new models, new methods and new strategies, combined with interdisciplinary and high-tech advantages. While improving the efficiency of chemical toxicity testing, it also realizes more comprehensive, multi-level and high-quality data acquisition and toxicity evaluation, which provides strong support for the exploration of toxicity mode, toxicity mechanism and toxicity pathway. Focusing on the current alternative new methods of toxicity testing, this issue invites many scholars to introduce and summarize high-content analysis, three-dimensional (3D) cell culture technology, Ex vivo test, single cell sequencing and zebrafish experimental methods, in order to promote the leapfrog development of chemical toxicity testing and evaluation in China.
Animals , China , Toxicity Tests , ZebrafishABSTRACT
The toxicity data of chemicals and drugs increases rapidly, while the animal experimental-based tests method could not meet the current demand of health risk assessment. The high-throughput screening techniques based on in vitro alternative models, integrating with computational methods and information technology to establish toxicity tests strategy promises to address this problem. High-content screening (HCS) technology uses automated microscopy and quantitative image platforms to perform multi-parameter and high-throughput phenotypic analysis via a visualization and quantification manner, and to quickly and effectively assess toxicity and prioritization of chemicals, which promotes the development of in vitro toxicity tests and computational toxicology. HCS technology has been included as an important tool for Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century (Tox21) and chemical risk prioritization. Its applications have been widely utilized in the research field of toxicity tests and chemical toxicity mechanisms. In this review, we describe the development of HCS technology, technical points, toxicological applications, and the future directions and challenges of HCS, so as to provide references for the toxicity testing technology and risk assessment methodology.
Animals , High-Throughput Screening Assays , Research Design , Risk Assessment , Toxicity TestsABSTRACT
In the process of xenobiotic toxicity prediction and risk assessment, in vitro cell culture models possess high practical application value. With the rapid development of biological technologies such as three-dimensional (3D) bio-printing, organoid culture and organ-on-a-chip systems, in vitro cell culture models have made great progress. Sharing the similarities in structure, function and the physiological environment with tissues or organs in vivo, hazard identification and dose-response analysis based on 3D cell culture models provide access to more accurate toxicity data as a theoretical basis for risk assessment and risk management of chemicals. This review summarizes the establishment of three typical 3D cell culture models, i.e., human cell line-based co-culture model, 3D-printed scaffold-based cell culture model and organoids, and their application in toxicity tests of xenobiotics.
Humans , Cell Culture Techniques , Cell Culture Techniques, Three Dimensional , Cell Line , Toxicity Tests , Xenobiotics/toxicityABSTRACT
The ex vivo biosensor assay is developed to assess the health effects and toxicological mechanism of environmental pollutants with internal environment homeostasis changes by integrating the in vivo exposure evaluation, in vitro outcomes analysis, and systematic environment component screening. This toxicology testing model combines the real-world exposure of people in the field and the study of molecular mechanism exploration in lab experiments to overcome the shortcomings of a single toxicology method. It provides a new technique and perspective for toxicity testing and risk assessment in mesoscale between macroscopic population study and microscopic mechanism exploration.
Humans , Biosensing Techniques , Environmental Pollutants/toxicity , Risk Assessment , Toxicity TestsABSTRACT
Objective: To evaluate the vascular toxicity of chemicals by a real-time observation approach using the transgenic zebrafish. Methods: The spatiotemporal vascular alterations of transgenic zebrafish after chemical exposure were assessed by laser confocal microscopy and high-content screening analysis, respectively. Results: The method using Laser Confocal Microscopy (LCM) is easier to operate and yields high-resolution images, while it is lower throughput and inefficient. In contrast, high-content analysis (HCA) analysis obtains high-quality data of vascular toxicity manifesting whole blood vasculature, whereas it requires delicate operation procedures and advanced experimental conditions. Conclusion: Two kinds of zebrafish imaging methods each have advantages and disadvantages. LCM is suitable for the evaluation of a small number of chemicals. HCA, a cutting-edge technology, has great potential for chemical safety assessment allowing high throughput vascular toxicity tests of a good number of chemicals at a time.
Animals , Animals, Genetically Modified , Cardiovascular System , Toxicity Tests , ZebrafishABSTRACT
Contexte et Objectif. Déterminer l'infl uence des toxicités hématologiques induites par la chimiothérapie sur l'adhésion à une chimiothérapie anticancéreuse chez des patients traités pour un cancer à l'hôpital universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso). Méthodes. Il s'est agi d'une étude rétrospective ayant analysé les dossiers médicaux des patients cancéreux suivis par le service de cancérologie du CHU-YO. Tous les adultes ayant reçu six séances d'une première ligne de chimiothérapie ont été inclus. Pour chaque patient, nous avons analysé toutes les numérations formule sanguines effectuées environ 16 à 18 jours après la cure de chimiothérapie précédente et 3 à 5 jours avant la suivante. Ont été considérés comme observants, les patients ayant respecté tous les intervalles inter-cures. Résultats. Vingt-six patients (27,6%) ont présenté au moins un épisode d'anémie, 46 patients (48,9%) ont au moins un épisode de neutropénie et 9 patients (9,6%) ont au moins un épisode de thrombopénie. Les neutropénies de grade 3 et 4 représentaient de 67,9% à 87% des cas de neutropénie. Aucun cas de thrombopénie de grade 3 ou 4 n'a été observé. Vingt-deux patients ont respecté tous les intervalles intercures. Après ajustement sur les autres toxicités hématologiques en analyse multivariée, la neutropénie était associée de manière signifi cative au non-respect de la chimiothérapie (OR: 0,43). Conclusion. L'amélioration de la disponibilité et de l'accessibilité des moyens de prévention et de traitement des toxicités hématologiques pourraient permettre une amélioration de l'observance de la chimiothérapie anticancéreuse.
Aim and Objective. This study aims to identify the infl uence of chemotherapy induced haematological toxicities on adherence to anti-cancer chemotherapy in patients treated for cancer at Yalgado Ouédraogo University Hospital (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso). Methods. This study was grounded on the analysis of the medical fi les of the patients, and the consultation and hospitalisation registers for the cancer patients who were monitored by the oncology department of CHU-YO. All adults having received six treatment sessions as fi rst-line chemotherapy were taken into account. For each patient, we analysed all the blood counts carried out approximately 16 to 18 days after the previous treatment session, and 3 to 5 days before the following one. Were considered adherent patients, the patients who complied with every intertreatment interval. Results. 26 patients (27.6%) presented with at least one episode of anaemia, 46 patients (48.9%) with at least one episode of neutropenia, and 9 patients (9.6%) with at least one episode of thrombocytopenia. Grade 3 and grade 4 neutropenia represented from 67.9% to 87% of neutropenia cases. No case of grade 3 and grade 4 thrombocytopenia was noticed. Twenty-two patients respected all the inter-treatment intervals. Adjusted on the other haematological toxicities as a multivariate analysis, neutropenia was significantly associated to non-adherence to chemotherapy (OR: 0.43). Conclusion. Improving availability and access to prevention and treatment for haematological toxicities could lead to improving adherence to anti-cancer chemotherapy
Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols , Toxicity Tests , HematologyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Objetivos. Determinar el efecto genotóxico de la tartrazina en linfocitos de sangre periférica de Mus musculus BALB/c. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio experimental, a través de cinco grupos, con cinco ratones en cada uno. Se les registró el peso durante 17 semanas y, en la semana 15 se les administró suero fisiológico (control negativo), dicromato de potasio 25 mg/kg de peso corporal (pc) (control positivo) y tartrazina a dosis de 0,75 mg/kg pc, 7,5 mg/kg pc y 75 mg/kg pc, durante siete días, a excepción del control positivo que fue en dosis única. Luego, cada 24 h se obtuvo una muestra de sangre periférica de la cola y se realizó el frotis, secado y coloración. Posteriormente, se realizó el conteo de 1000 linfocitos por muestra de cada ratón, en todos los tratamientos. Resultados. Los tres tratamientos con tartrazina no causaron diferencias significativas en el peso de ratones a la semana 15, pero sí produjeron diferencias significativas en la frecuencia de linfocitos micronucleados, siendo el tratamiento con tartrazina de 75 mg/kg pc el de mayor efecto genotóxico, induciendo un promedio de 1,63 ± 0,08 linfocitos micronucleados, comparado con el control positivo que generó un promedio de 1,42 ± 0,08 linfocitos micronucleados. Conclusiones. La tartrazina produjo un efecto genotóxico, incrementando el número de linfocitos micronucleados, a dosis de 0,75; 7,5 y 75 mg/kg pc y no afecta el peso corporal durante siete días de administración en M. musculus BALB/c.
ABSTRACT Objectives. To determine the genotoxic effect of tartrazine on peripheral blood lymphocytes of BALB/c Mus musculus. Materials and methods. An experimental study was carried out using five groups, with five mice in each group. Their weight was registered for 17 weeks, and at week 15 they were administered physiological saline solution (negative control), potassium dichromate at 25 mg/kg body weight (bw) (positive control) and tartrazine at doses of 0.75 mg/kg bw, 7.5 mg/kg bw and 75 mg/kg bw, for seven days, with the exception of the positive control which was a single dose. Then, every 24 hours, a peripheral blood sample was obtained from the tail, which was then smeared, dried and stained. Subsequently, 1000 lymphocytes were counted for each sample from each mouse, for all treatment groups. Results. The three tartrazine treatments did not cause significant differences in the weight of mice at week 15, but did produce significant differences in the frequency of micronucleated lymphocytes, with the 75 mg/kg bw tartrazine treatment having the greatest genotoxic effect, inducing an average of 1.63 ± 0.08 micronucleated lymphocytes, compared to the positive control which obtained an average of 1.42 ± 0.08 micronucleated lymphocytes. Conclusions. Tartrazine produced a genotoxic effect, increasing the number of micronucleated lymphocytes, at doses of 0.75; 7.5 and 75 mg/kg bw and did not affect body weight during seven days of administration to BALB/c M. musculus.
Animals , Mice , Tartrazine , Lymphocytes , Genotoxicity , Mice , Micronucleus Tests , Toxicity Tests , Micronuclei, Chromosome-Defective , Recommended Dietary Allowances , Food Additives , Mice, Inbred StrainsABSTRACT
This study determined phytochemical composition, antifungal activity and toxicity in vitro and in vivo of Syzygium cumini leaves extract (Sc). Thus, was characterized by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and submitted to determination of Minimum Inhibitory (MIC) and Fungicidal concentrations (MFC) on reference and clinical strains of Candida spp. and by growth kinetics assays. Toxicity was verified using in vitro assays of hemolysis, osmotic fragility, oxidant and antioxidant activity in human erythrocytes and by in vivo acute systemic toxicity in Galleria mellonella larvae. Fourteen different compounds were identified in Sc, which showed antifungal activity (MIC between 31.25-125µg/mL) with fungistatic effect on Candida. At antifungal concentrations, it demonstrated low cytotoxicity, antioxidant activity and neglible in vivotoxicity. Thus, Sc demonstrated a promising antifungal potential, with low toxicity, indicating that this extract can be a safe and effective alternative antifungal agent.
Este estudio determinó la composición fitoquímica, la actividad antifúngica y la toxicidad in vitro e in vivo del extracto de hojas de Syzygium cumini (Sc). Así, se caracterizó mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas y se sometió a determinación de Concentraciones Mínimas Inhibitorias (CMI) y Fungicidas (MFC) sobre cepas de referencia y clínicas de Candida spp. y mediante ensayos de cinética de crecimiento. La toxicidad se verificó mediante ensayos in vitro de hemólisis, fragilidad osmótica, actividad oxidante y antioxidante en eritrocitos humanos y por toxicidad sistémica aguda in vivo en larvas de Galleria mellonella. Se identificaron catorce compuestos diferentes en Sc, que mostraron actividad antifúngica (CMI entre 31.25-125 µg/mL) con efecto fungistático sobre Candida. En concentraciones antifúngicas, demostró baja citotoxicidad, actividad antioxidante y toxicidad in vivo insignificante. Por lo tanto, Sc demostró un potencial antifúngico prometedor, con baja toxicidad, lo que indica que este extracto puede ser un agente antifúngico alternativo seguro y eficaz.
Humans , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Syzygium/chemistry , Antifungal Agents/pharmacology , Antifungal Agents/chemistry , Candida/drug effects , Plant Extracts/toxicity , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Toxicity Tests , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Phenolic Compounds/analysis , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Antifungal Agents/toxicity , AntioxidantsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT@#Fruits have nutrients and health-promoting compounds and usually fruits are eaten fresh with minimally processed. To meet rising demand, the production and processing of horticultural crops of fruits have grown massively in response to the population and changing dietary habits. It is rarely known that some fruit wastes, including peel, actually have their own advantages to humans as well as industry. In fact, these fruit wastes, including fruit peel, should be handled and used to minimise the environmental impacts. The functional properties of the peel of banana, pomegranate, papaya, and citrus fruits such as lemon and orange can beneficially help in the production of new health products and in food industries. Antimicrobial compounds in fruit peel play an important role in inhibiting the microbial growth, specifically pathogenic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Bacillus aureus, Campylobacter, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus. The antimicrobial compounds present in the fruit peel are typically secondary metabolites consisting, in particular, of phenolic compounds, steroids and alkaloids, which give certain functional effects on human health. It has been reported that every fruit peel has its own antimicrobial compounds which are responsible for inhibiting microbial growth. These fruit peel, despite their beneficial effects, have also been shown to have toxicity effects on their consumption depending on the amount of doses used in the implementation. This review covers physiological properties, chemical properties, antimicrobial activity, and the toxicity analysis of the fruit peels from banana, pomegranate, papaya, and citrus fruits.
Anti-Infective Agents , Toxicity Tests , Fruit , CitrusABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To introduce the test methods of embryo toxicity applied to medical devices for human assisted reproductive technology (ARTMD), and provide the evaluation reference.@*METHODS@#The embryo toxicity test methods of ARTMD were summarized, and the key procedures and challenges in their safety evaluation were also discussed.@*RESULTS@#Establishing sensitive and stable test system is important to guarantee the safety and efficacy of ARTMD.@*CONCLUSIONS@#It remains development opportunities in improving sample preparation, extending test technology and expending evaluation method.
Humans , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted , Toxicity TestsABSTRACT
In order to provide a thorough summary and analysis over sperm toxicity evaluation of medical devices for human
Humans , Male , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted , Spermatozoa , Toxicity TestsABSTRACT
Introduction: Prosopis spp. pods have shown to be a potential source of protein and energy in livestock. However, prolonged ingestion of some of these species produces neurological symptoms in ruminants. Objective: In the present study, the alkaloid content and the in vitro neurotoxic activity of alkaloid enriched-extracts from P. flexuosa and P. nigra pods were determined in order to elucidate the mechanism of animal poisoning caused by these species. Methods: The main alkaloids present in both extracts were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC-HRMS). The cytotoxic activity of Prosopis alkaloid enriched-extracts in primary mixed glial cell culture was assessed by phase contrast microscopy and using neutral red, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity assays. Results: Juliprosine and juliprosopine were identified in P. flexuosa pods, while the absence of these alkaloids in P. nigra was confirmed. Both extracts (5-30 μg/mL) induced in a dose dependent manner, morphological alterations, such as swelling, enlargement and detachment from the culture surface. Consistent with this, decrease in cell viability and release of LDH 48 hours after exposure, revealed that P. flexuosa pods was significantly more cytotoxic than P. nigra. Conclusions: In P. flexuosa pods, juliprosine and juliprosopine alkaloids were identified for the first time. Moreover, the present study suggests that the cytotoxic effect displayed by both extracts is due to its alkaloid content. However, the presence of piperidine alkaloids in P. flexuosa could explain the greater cytotoxicity on glial cells with respect to P. nigra that was not shown to contain these alkaloids.
Introducción: Las vainas de diversas especies de Prosopis muestran ser una potencial fuente de proteínas y energía para el ganado. Sin embargo, la ingestión prolongada de algunas de estas especies produce síntomas neurológicos en los rumiantes. Objetivo: En el presente estudio se determinó el contenido de alcaloides y la actividad neurotóxica in vitro de los extractos enriquecidos con alcaloides obtenidos en las vainas de P. flexuosa y P. nigra, con el fin de dilucidar el mecanismo de la intoxicación animal causada por estas especies. Métodos: Los principales alcaloides presentes en ambos extractos se analizaron mediante cromatografía líquida de alto rendimiento-espectrometría de masas de alta resolución (HPLC-HRMS). La actividad citotóxica de los extractos enriquecidos con alcaloides de Prosopis se determinó en cultivos primarios de células gliales mixtas y se evaluó mediante microscopía de contraste de fase y utilizando ensayos de actividad de rojo neutro y de deshidrogenasa láctica (LDH). Resultados: Se identificaron la juliprosina y la juliprosopina en las vainas de P. flexuosa, mientras que se confirmó la ausencia de estos alcaloides piperidínicos en P. nigra. Ambos extractos (5-30 μg/mL) indujeron, de manera dependiente a la dosis, alteraciones morfológicas, como hinchazón, agrandamiento y desprendimiento de la superficie de cultivo. En consecuencia, la disminución de la viabilidad celular y la liberación de la LDH después de 48 horas de exposición, reveló que las vainas de P. flexuosa eran significativamente más citotóxicas que las de P. nigra. Conclusiones: El presente estudio muestra la presencia de los alcaloides juliprosina y juliprosopina en vainas de P. flexuosa y sugiere que el efecto citotóxico mostrado por ambos extractos se debe al contenido de alcaloides. Sin embargo, la presencia de estos alcaloides piperidínicos en P. flexuosa podría explicar la mayor citotoxicidad en las células gliales con respecto a P. nigra que no mostró que tuviera estos alcaloides.
Alkaloids/analysis , Fabaceae/microbiology , South America , Toxicity TestsSubject(s)
Animals , Female , Mice , Rats , Sheep Diseases/parasitology , Monoterpenes/pharmacology , Gastrointestinal Tract/parasitology , Nanocapsules/administration & dosage , Anthelmintics/pharmacology , Nematode Infections/veterinary , Parasite Egg Count , Sheep Diseases/drug therapy , Benzimidazoles/pharmacology , Drug Resistance/drug effects , Sheep/parasitology , Levamisole/pharmacology , Rats, Wistar/blood , Toxicity Tests , Parasitic Sensitivity Tests , Monoterpenes/toxicity , Monoterpenes/therapeutic use , Nanocapsules/toxicity , Nanocapsules/therapeutic use , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Haemonchiasis/drug therapy , Haemonchus/isolation & purification , Haemonchus/drug effects , Helminthiasis, Animal/drug therapy , Anthelmintics/toxicity , Anthelmintics/therapeutic use , Mice , Nematode Infections/drug therapyABSTRACT
O presente estudo utilizou embriões de Danio rerio expostos aos elutriatos dos sedimentos estuarinos do rio Capibaribe, dos períodos chuvoso e seco, e analisou os efeitos letais, teratogênicos, bem como a frequência cardíaca. Os testes de toxicidade com os embriões seguiram as diretrizes da OECD 236. Mediante os resultados obtidos, a frequência cardíaca e a teratogenicidade foram os efeitos mais observados nos animais quando submetidos às amostras. Entre os efeitos teratogênicos, o retardo geral no desenvolvimento dos embriões foi o mais frequente durante as análises. Tais efeitos tóxicos se modificaram entre os pontos e entre os períodos de coleta. Essa variação de toxicidade pode estar relacionada à diversidade de atividades realizadas no entorno desse estuário, a influência do regime de chuvas, marés e correntes, indicando que a análise dos efeitos subletais e da teratogenicidade em embriões de D. rerio constitui bom parâmetro para avaliações de toxicidade de amostras ambientais.(AU)
The present study used Danio rerio embryos exposed to the elutriates of the estuarine sediments of the Rio Capibaribe, from the rainy and dry periods, where the lethal effects, teratogenic and heart rate were analyzed. Embryotoxicity tests followed the guidelines of OECD 236. Based on the results obtained, heart rate and teratogenicity demonstrated higher sensitivity to the samples. Among the teratogenic effects, the general delay in embryo development was the most frequent effect during the analyzes. These toxic effects changed between the points and between the collection periods. This variation of toxicity may be related to the diversity of activities carried out around this estuary, the influence of rainfall, tides, and currents, indicating the analysis of sublethal effects and teratogenicity in the D. rerio embryos are useful parameters for toxic evaluation of environmental samples.(AU)
Animals , Zebrafish/embryology , Sediments/analysis , Embryonic Development , Heart Rate , Toxicity Tests , Estuaries , TeratogenesisABSTRACT
Coumarin is an important class of natural organic compounds, which widely exists in a variety of plants and microorganisms. Coumarins have many biological activities and wide clinical applications, such as anti-tumor, anti-HIV, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidation, anti-coagulation, but they have obvious toxic effects in rodents. It was found that the toxicity of coumarins in different animals and organs was significantly different, and high dose oral administration was more likely to produce toxic reactions. Based on the research and analysis of domestic and foreign literatures in recent 60 years, this paper mainly summarized the hepatotoxicity and pulmonary toxicity induced by coumarins, and probed into their possible mechanisms. It was found that the toxicity of coumarins had metabolic differences and species differences. The liver of rats and lungs of mice were more susceptible to coumarins. Toxic reactions occurred mainly in the second metabolic pathway of coumarin metabolism in vivo. In order to put forward safety considerations and evaluate the impact of coumarin on human body, it was found that coumarin is unlikely to produce hepatotoxicity at normal exposure level. It was also suggested that species differences due to different metabolic patterns in model animals should be carefully considered when assessing coumarin toxicity, in order to provide reference for clinical research and rational use of coumarins and improve the rational use of coumarins.