Objective: To evaluate the degree of perception among lay people of different age groups about black spaces between lower incisors. Methodology: digital changes were performed in a frontal photograph of a smiling 30 year-old patient, simulating different dimensions of black spaces. The images were printed on photographic paper and applied with a questionnaire in order to evaluate the attractiveness using as tool a visual analogue scale (VAS). The participants were divided into 6 groups, considering race (Caucasian and Negroid) and age (15-19 years, 35-44 years and 65-74 years old). The differences between the examiners were checked by the Mann-Whitney test and the significance level was 5% (α = 0.05) for all analyzes. Results: The photographs that did not have black spaces were better graded and the ones that had larger black spaces scored worse. The older age group and the Negroid race group graded better the photograph with the largest black spaces, compared to the younger age groups and the group of Caucasians. Conclusion: black spaces between lower incisors are esthetically unattractive and their perception decreases with aging, besides being less relevant to older and Negroid people.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Racial Groups/psychology , Esthetics, Dental/psychology , Incisor , Age Groups , Perception , Smiling/psychology , Ethnicity , Surveys and Questionnaires , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
Objetivos: El objetivo ha sido la medida de prevalencia e intensidad del dolor agudo en pacientes hospitalizados en el Servicio de Neurocirugía de un Hospital Terciario, utilizando una escala verbal numérica, la Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) para su evaluación. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, transversal y prospectivo para evaluar el dolor agudo. Se utiliza una EVA de 0 a 10, considerando 0 la ausencia de dolor, 1-2 (dolor leve), 3-5 (dolor moderado), 6-8 (dolor intenso) y 9-10 (dolor insoportable). Se incluyen todos los pacientes ingresados en planta durante noviembre de 2019 y se excluyen aquellos con limitaciones para entender o evaluar el dolor según EVA. Resultados: Del total de 120 pacientes ingresados en planta durante el periodo de estudio, son excluidos 40 por no cumplir los criterios de inclusión. Se analizan 80 pacientes que presentan elevada prevalencia de dolor (76,61%), con una puntuación media de 3,47 ± 0.78. De los que refieren dolor, en un 20% es leve, 40% moderado y 40% intenso. Por patologías los valores más elevados corresponden a post-intervención. Los protocolos analgésicos del Hospital se aplicaron en todos los casos y ningún paciente acudió a urgencias por dolor tras el alta hospitalaria. La principal limitación del estudio fue que no en todos los pacientes se recogió adecuadamente la puntuación EVA. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de dolor en una planta de neurocirugía es elevada (76,61%), con unas puntuaciones medias (3-4, dolor moderado) que requieren mejorar nuestras estrategias analgésicas y la medición del mismo. Las enfermedades malignas, de predominio intracraneal, se asociaron con mayor dolor(AU)
Objectives: The objective has been to measure the prevalence and intensity of acute pain in hospitalized patients in the Neurosurgery Service of a Tertiary Hospital, using a numerical verbal scale, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for its evaluation. Material and methods: An observational, cross-sectional and prospective study to evaluate acute pain. A VAS of 0 to 10 is used, considering 0 the absence of pain, 1-2 (mild pain), 3-5 (moderate pain), 6-8 (intense pain) and 9-10 (unbearable pain). All patients admitted to the ward during November 2019 are included and those with limitations to understand or evaluate pain according to VAS are excluded. Results: Of the total of 120 patients admitted to the ward during the study period, 40 were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Eighty patients with a high prevalence of pain (76.61%) were analyzed, with a mean score of 3.47 +/- 0.78. Of those who report pain, 20% is mild, 40% moderate and 40% intense. For pathologies, the highest values correspond to post-intervention. Hospital analgesic protocols were applied in all cases and no patient went to the emergency room due to pain after hospital discharge. The main limitation of the study was that the VAS score was not adequately collected in all patients. Conclusions: The prevalence of pain in a neurosurgery ward is high (76.61%), with mean scores (3-4, moderate pain) that require improving our analgesic strategies and its measurement. Malignant diseases, predominantly intracranial, were associated with greater pain(AU)
Pain , Acute Pain , Visual Analog Scale , Hospitals , NeurosurgeryABSTRACT
Objective@#To report an alternative combined gingivobuccal and endoscopic endonasal approach to treating ossifying fibroma of the left maxilla.@*Methods@#Design: Case Report. Setting: Tertiary Private University Hospital. Patient: A 19-year-old girl with a progressively enlarging left cheek mass for 3 years.@*Results@#Our patient underwent left medial maxillectomy via a combined gingivobuccal and endoscopic endonasal approach with complete resection and significant improvement of symptoms, with good functional outcome.@*Conclusion@#Large ossifying fibromas of the maxilla can be completely and successfully excised via a combined gingivobuccal and endoscopic endonasal approach.
Cementoma , Sino-Nasal Outcome Test , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a relação entre zumbido e aptidão cardiorrespiratória em pessoas após COVID-19. Métodos Estudo transversal com amostra de pessoas pós-COVID -19 que responderam à Escala Visual Analógica para zumbido e questionário padronizado contendo dados sobre internação e zumbido. Para avaliar a aptidão cardiorrespiratória, utilizou-se a avaliação clínica e o Teste de Bruce para mensurar o consumo de oxigênio diretamente (via analisador de gases, com utilização do consumo pico de oxigênio - VO2pico). Resultados Participaram 192 pessoas, com média de idade de 47,8 ± 12,6 anos. A prevalência de zumbido autorreferido foi de 27,1% (n = 52). Dos 52 pacientes com zumbido, 27 iniciaram com o sintoma durante ou após o diagnóstico de COVID-19. Houve diferença significativa para o VO2pico absoluto entre os grupos com e sem zumbido (p = 0,035), sendo que o grupo com zumbido apresentou os menores valores; o tamanho do efeito foi pequeno. Não houve correlação entre os escores da Escala Visual Analógica para o zumbido e os valores de VO2pico absoluto e relativo (p > 0,05). Conclusão Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as queixas de zumbido e o VO2pico nas pessoas após a COVID -19, sendo que o grupo com zumbido apresentou o VO2pico absoluto menor do que o grupo sem zumbido. Nos pacientes com zumbido, também foi encontrado VO2pico absoluto e relativo menor para as mulheres, além do VO2pico relativo menor para os hipertensos e obesos.
ABSTRACT Purpose To verify the relation between tinnitus and cardiorespiratory fitness among people after COVID-19. Methods Cross-sectional study with a sample of people post Covid-19 who responded to the Visual-Analog Scale for tinnitus and standardized questionnaire containing data on hospitalization and tinnitus. To evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness, it used the clinical assessment and Bruce test to measure oxygen consumption directly (via gas analyzer, using peak oxygen consumption - VO2peak). Results In total, 192 participants were assessed, with a mean age of 47.8 ± 12.6 years . The prevalence of self-reported tinnitus was 27.1% (n = 52). Of these 52 patients with tinnitus, 27 people started with the symptom during or after the diagnosis of COVID-19. There was a significant difference for the absolute VO2peak and the groups with and without tinnitus (p = 0.035): the tinnitus group showed the lowest values, the effect size was small. There was no correlation between the scores of the Visual-Analog Scale for tinnitus and the absolute and relative VO2peak (p > 0.05). Conclusion There was a statistically significant difference between tinnitus complaints and the VO2peak among people post COVID-19, with the tinnitus group having a lower absolute VO2peak than the non-tinnitus group. In tinnitus patients, we also found lower absolute and relative VO2peak for women, in addition to lower relative VO2peak for hypertensive and obese patients.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Tinnitus/diagnosis , Visual Analog Scale , Cardiorespiratory Fitness/physiology , Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To compare and evaluate the clinical efficacy of diode laser and cryosurgery for treating melanin pigmentation of gingiva. Material and Methods: A total of twenty-five subjects with physiological gingival pigmentation on the facial aspect of both maxillary and mandibular anterior arches (50 sites), both male and female, with an average age ranging from 18-35 years, participated in the study. The sites were randomly divided into Group I: depigmentation by Laser and Group II: depigmentation by Cryosurgery. The following parameters were assessed for the evaluation of treatment results: Melanin Oral Pigmentation Index (PI), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain evaluation and Healing index (HI). The data collected was statistically evaluated. Results: On intergroup comparison, there was no statistical difference in the score from baseline (p>0.05); however, a statistically significant difference was seen at the end of 1 year (p<0.05). Moreover, 57-60% of arches showed recurrence of pigmentation in the laser group whereas; only 12.7-17% recurrence was seen in the cryosurgery group at the end of the first year. Conclusion: Treatment of gingival hyperpigmentation with laser and cryosurgery shows a marked improvement of gingival pigmentation in both groups, but the cryosurgery depigmentation sites showed more sustainability.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Hyperpigmentation/surgery , Laser Therapy/methods , Gingival Diseases , Melanins , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
Este trabajo ha realizado una revisión narrativa de la literatura para analizar los instrumentos usados en la investigación clínica para los resultados centrados en el paciente en rehabilitación oral soportada por implantes. La búsqueda ha sido realizada en bases indexadoras de periódicos nacionales e internacionales, sin restricción temporal, en los idiomas portugués e inglés, utilizando las palabras-clave: implantes dentales, investigación clínica, resultados reportados por pacientes, cualidad de vida. Actualmente, los estudios clínicos deben incluir resultados obtenidos por relatos autorales de percepció n de los beneficios del tratamiento cuanto a los aspectos funcionales, sicológicos y sociales. La mayoría de los estudios utiliza instrumentos que añaden diferentes dimensiones de cualidad de vida, tales como GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index), DIDL (Dental Impacton Daily Living), OHIP (Oral Health Impact Profile), OHQoL-UK (W), OIDP (Oral Impactson Daily Performances). En general, los ítems de estos cuestionarios han sido formulados de manera negativa, con el enfoque en los problemas, siendo el OHIP-14 lo más utilizado por ser sencillo, validado para varios idiomas y consolidado para las diferentes situaciones clínicas. Otros instrumentos de sicología positiva, como los cuestionarios de Rosenberg y McCullough, han sugestionado evaluar la percepción de la autoestima y de la gratitud, con el enfoque en el bienestar y en la satisfacción del pacien te a largo plazo. Estudios cualitativos o con métodos mistos pueden fornecer también más comprensión de los resultados centrados en los pacientes en rehabilitación soportada por implantes. Con base en la literatura observada se concluye que el estudio de resultados centrados en los pacientes puede ser enriquecido con el uso de diversos métodos para capturar la percepción del paciente de los beneficios de la rehabilitación soportada por implantes. Se sugestiona el uso del OHIP-14, aunque, su uso presente limitaciones que en parte pueden ser reprimidas por la aplicación de los cuestionarios relacionados a la sicología positiva como lo de la gratitud y lo de la autoestima, los cuales presentan dominios positivos.
This study aimed to conduct a narrative review of the literatura to analyze the instruments used in clinical research for patient-reported outcomes measures in implant-supported oral rehabilitation. The search was conducted in index data bases of national and international journals without time restriction, in Portuguese and English, using the key words: dental implants, clinical research, patient-reported outcomes measures, quality of life. Currently, clinical studies should include results obtained through self- reporting of the perceived benefits of treatment in functional, psychological and social aspects. Most studies use instruments that add different dimensions of quality of life, such as GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index), DIDL (Dental Impacton Daily Living), OHIP (Oral Health Impact Profile), OHQoL-UK (W), OIDP (Oral impacts in daily presentations). In general, the itens in these questionnaires were formulated in a negative way, with a focuson problens, with OHIP-14 being the most used because it is simple, validated for several languages and consolidated for different clinical situations. Other positive psychology tools, such as the Rosenberg and McCullough questionnaires, have been suggested to assess the perception of self-esteen and gratitude, with a focus on long-term well-being and patient satisfaction. Qualitative or mixed method studies can also provide a better understanding of the results centered on patients undergoing rehabilitation with implants. Based on the observed literature, it is concluded that the study of patient-centered results can be enriched with the use of various methods to capture the patient's perception of the benefits of implant-supported rehabilitation. It is suggested the use of the OHIP-14, however, their use has limitations that can be partially met by the application of questionnaires related to positive psychology, as gratitude and self-esteen, which have positive fields.
Humans , Quality of Life , Oral Health , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/psychology , Activities of Daily Living , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Care/psychology , Visual Analog Scale , Psychology, PositiveABSTRACT
ntroducción: El control apropiado del dolor es un desafío crucial y necesario de abordar en el campo quirúrgico, al producir un gran impacto en la recuperación del paciente. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de una intervención de enfermería aplicada en el periodo perioperatorio para el control del dolor del paciente adulto en el posoperatorio inmediato. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, cuasi experimental, con grupo experimental y control de adultos intervenidos en el quirófano de una institución de salud en Bucaramanga - Colombia en el primer semestre de 2017, con un universo de 3240 pacientes y muestra calculada de 120. La intervención constó de tres fases, enmarcada en la teoría de síntomas desagradables. Para evaluar el dolor se utilizó la Escala Visual Análoga. Se realizó análisis descriptivo, bivariado y múltiple, se calcularon Betas con modelos de regresión lineal con los puntajes de la escala de dolor a los 10-20 y 30 minutos, 1- 1,5 y 2 horas. Resultados: Los grupos presentaron características similares, en el grupo experimental disminuyeron los puntajes en la escala de dolor a los 10 minutos en -0,98 (IC 95 por ciento: -2,0; 0,02), a la hora de -0,77(IC 95 por ciento: -1,60; 0,05), a las 1,5 horas de -0,71(IC 95 por ciento: -1,13; -0,12) y las 2 horas de -0,60(IC 95 por ciento: -1,09; -0,10). Conclusiones: La intervención de enfermería en perioperatorio, más allá de la administración de analgésicos, es fundamental para modificar las respuestas, como lo refiere la teoría de Swanson, se mejora o controlan los síntomas desagradables y sus efectos negativos, en este caso el dolor posoperatorio(AU)
Introduction: Appropriate pain control is a crucial and necessary challenge to address in the surgical field, since it would produce a great impact patient recovery. Objective: To assess the effect of a nursing intervention applied during the perioperative period for pain control in the adult patient in the immediate postoperative period. Methods: Quantitative and quasiexperimental study carried out with two groups, an experimental and a control group, of adults operated on in the surgical room of a health institution in Bucaramanga, Colombia, in the first semester of 2017. The universe consisted of 3240 patients, while the calculated sample was 120. The intervention consisted in three phases, framed within the theory of unpleasant symptoms. The visual analog scale was used to assess pain. Descriptive, bivariate and multiple analyses were performed. Betas were calculated with linear regression models and using the scores of the pain scale at ten to twenty and thirty minutes; as well as at one to one and half hours, and two hours. Results: The groups presented similar characteristics: in the experimental group, the scores of the pain scale decreased at ten minutes by 0.98 (95 percent CI: -2.0; 0.02); at one hour, by 0.77 (95 percent CI: -1.60; 0.05; at one and a half hours, by 0.71 (95 percent CI: -1.13; -0.12); and at two hours, by 0.60 (95 percent CI: -1.09; -0.10). Conclusions: The nursing intervention in the perioperative period, beyond the administration of analgesics, is fundamental to modify responses, as referred by Swanson's theory, unpleasant symptoms and their negative effects are improved or controlled; in this case, postoperative pain(AU)
Humans , Adult , Pain, Postoperative , Perioperative Nursing/methods , Standardized Nursing Terminology , Visual Analog Scale , Analgesics/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Introduction: Orthodontic movement can cause painful symptoms, especially in the early stages of treatment. Objective: This study aimed to compare the performance of chewing gum and ibuprofen in pain control during the initial period of orthodontic treatment. Material and method: A randomized blind clinical trial, with an allocation ratio of 1:1, was developed with patients aged ≥18 years old. The sample size was established considering a significance level of 5% and test power of 80%, resulting in a minimum of 30 volunteers per group (n=90). Participants were paired regarding sex, age, the severity of malocclusion, defined by the Dental Health Component (DHC) of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN), and crowding, determined by Little's irregularity index. The sample was randomly allocated to three groups: Group I (control) placebo; Group II chewing gum; and Group III Ibuprofen. Pain perception was evaluated by the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) in the first 24, 36, and 48 hours after activation of the orthodontic appliance. The data were analyzed by generalized linear models for repeated measures in time. Result: No statistically significant difference (p>0.05) was observed among the groups for the methods of pain therapy evaluated in 24, 36, and 48 hours post-activation. Conclusion: There was no difference among the method used for pain control during the orthodontic treatment.
Introdução: A movimentação ortodôntica pode causar sintomatologia dolorosa, principalmente nas fases iniciais do tratamento. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar o desempenho da goma de mascar e do ibuprofeno no controle da dor durante o período inicial do tratamento ortodôntico. Material e método: Foi desenvolvido um ensaio clínico randomizado cego, com razão de alocação de 1:1, com pacientes com idade ≥ 18 anos. O tamanho da amostra foi estabelecido considerando um nível de significância de 5% e poder do teste de 80%, resultando em um mínimo de 30 voluntários por grupo (n=90). Os participantes foram pareados quanto ao sexo, idade, gravidade da má oclusão, definida pelo Componente de Saúde Bucal (DHC) do Índice de Necessidade de Tratamento Ortodôntico (IOTN), e apinhamento, determinado pelo índice de irregularidade de Little. A amostra foi distribuída aleatoriamente em três grupos: Grupo I (controle) placebo; Goma de mascar Grupo II; e Grupo III Ibuprofeno. A percepção da dor foi avaliada pela Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) nas primeiras 24, 36 e 48 horas após a ativação do aparelho ortodôntico. Os dados foram analisados por modelos lineares generalizados para medidas repetidas no tempo. Resultado Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa (p>0.05) entre os grupos para os métodos de terapia da dor avaliados em 24, 36 e 48 horas pós-ativação. Conclusão: Não houve diferença entre o método utilizado para controle da dor durante o tratamento ortodôntico.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Pain , Tooth Movement Techniques , Chewing Gum , Ibuprofen , Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need , Visual Analog Scale , Orthodontic Appliances, Fixed , Mathematical Computing , AnalgesicsABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION@#Unmet psychosocial concerns are associated with emotional distress among cancer patients. This longitudinal study aimed to identify specific psychosocial concern profiles and trajectories of emotional distress, and examine their association among newly diagnosed adult cancer patients across the first year of diagnosis.@*METHODS@#Adult patients aged 21-64 years were screened to determine their eligibility for this study. Psychosocial concerns and psychological distress were measured using the Problem List and the Distress Thermometer, respectively (n = 221). Latent transition mixture analysis was used to determine specific psychosocial concern profiles and trajectories of emotional distress, and examine associations with adjustments made for demographic and medical variables.@*RESULTS@#Two classes of psychosocial concerns were identified: low (81%) and high (19%) concerns. Two trajectories of distress were identified: low stable (69%) and high stable (31%) trajectories. Patients in the high concerns class were significantly more likely to demonstrate the high stable trajectory of distress.@*CONCLUSION@#Our findings highlight the importance of concurrent assessment of multiple psychosocial concerns and screening of emotional distress throughout a cancer patient's treatment journey. Such assessments can effectively guide interventions to address individual concerns and alleviate emotional distress among newly diagnosed cancer patients.
Adult , Humans , Emotions , Longitudinal Studies , Neoplasms/psychology , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the level of pain experienced during infiltration anesthesia of the anterior maxilla following low-level laser therapy (LLLT) with 810-980 nm wavelengths. Material and Methods: In the current triple-blind clinical trial, 84 patients received a total of 168 infiltration anesthesia injections (1.8 mL of 2% lidocaine plus 1:100,000 epinephrine) in the anterior maxilla. Each patient received two injections into the buccal mucosa of the right and left central incisors with a two-week interval. One injection was performed after LLLT, while the other injection was administered conventionally without laser. The pain level was measured immediately after injection using a visual analog scale (VAS). Results: There was a significant difference in the pain level experienced with and without LLLT, such that the mean pain score following LLLT was significantly lower than that without LLLT (p<0.05). No significant difference was found in the pain level between laser and no laser groups in males, but the difference in this regard was significant in females (p<0.05) and female patients experienced a significantly lower level of pain following LLLT. Conclusion: The low-level laser therapy can be successfully used to decrease the level of pain experienced during infiltration anesthesia of the anterior maxilla (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Pain , Low-Level Light Therapy/instrumentation , Anesthesia, Local , Maxilla , Double-Blind Method , Statistics, Nonparametric , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the perceptions of smile esthetics associated with variations in the vertical plane of the maxillary incisors in the smile arc using eye-tracking software. Material and Methods: An image of a 59-year-old Caucasian male model was adapted and edited to make three changes in the vertical plane, simulating a convex, straight, and reverse smile arc. Four areas of interest were inserted at the right and left eyes, nose, and mouth. Forty laypeople raters between 18 and 45 years of age participated of the study. Eye-tribe hardware and Ogama software were used to perform eye-tracking. Attractiveness and age-perception questions were also incorporated into the study. ANOVA test and Pearson's correlation coefficient, at p < 0.05. Results: The most observed AOI in images with convex, straight, and reverse smiles, as assessed using heatmaps and point maps, was the mouth, followed by the right eye. A significant difference for the eye (p=0.02) was found when comparing convex and reverse smiles, whereas a significant difference for the mouth was observed between the straight and reverse smiles (p=0.03). Conclusion: Convex and straight smile arcs were associated with equal levels of attractiveness; the reverse smile was less attractive. No significant difference was noticed regarding age perception and the smile arcs. However, the reverse smile recorded a more complete fixation time.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Perception , Smiling , Photography, Dental/instrumentation , Esthetics, Dental , Eye-Tracking Technology/instrumentation , Analysis of Variance , Visual Analog Scale , IncisorABSTRACT
Objetivo: analisar a efetividade da mobilização visceral na melhora dos sintomas de dor lombar inespecífica. Método: participaram do estudo indivíduos de ambos os sexos, que apresentavam sintomas dor lombar. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada pela versão brasileira do Questionário de Qualidade de Vida - SF 36 e a intensidade da dor por uma escala visual analógica. Para todos participantes foi utilizado um protocolo de técnicas de mobilização visceral. Quanto à análise estatística, as variáveis foram avaliadas por meio do teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon e os valores de significância equivalentes a 5%. Resultados: participaram do estudo sete indivíduos, sendo quatro participantes com idade entre 40 a 50 anos (58%) e três entre 51 a 60 anos (42%) anos, sendo um do sexo masculino e seis do sexo feminino. Em ambos os aspectos avaliados, intensidade da dor e qualidade de vida, indicam diferenças entre as distribuições dos dados antes e após o tratamento pelas técnicas de mobilização visceral. Do mesmo modo, algumas variáveis estão dentro do nível de significância estabelecido, indicando que houve diferença entre as distribuições dos dados antes e após a aplicação do tratamento. Conclusão: constatou-se melhora significativa em relação aos sintomas de lombalgia na amostra estudada, na incapacidade específica e intensidade da dor, aspectos físicos, dor e estado geral de saúde. (AU)
Objective: to analyze the effectiveness of visceral mobilization in improving the symptoms of nonspecific low back pain. Method: individuals of both sexes, who had low back pain symptoms, participated in the study. Quality of life was assessed using the Brazilian version of the Quality of Life Questionnaire - SF 36 and pain intensity using a visual analog scale. For all participants, a protocol of visceral mobilization techniques was used. As for the statistical analysis, the variables were evaluated using the Wilcoxon non-parametric test and the significance values equivalent to 5%. Results: seven individuals participated in the study, four participants aged between 40 and 50 years old (58%) and three between 51 and 60 years old (42%) years old, one male and six female. In both aspects evaluated, pain intensity and quality of life, indicate differences between data distributions before and after treatment by visceral mobilization techniques. Likewise, some variables are within the level of significance established, indicating that there was a difference between the data distributions before and after the treatment application. Conclusion: there was a significant improvement in relation to low back pain symptoms in the sample studied, in specific disability and pain intensity, physical aspects, pain and general health status.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Orthopedics , Viscera , Physical Therapy Modalities , Low Back Pain , Manipulation, Osteopathic , Quality of Life , Therapeutics , Pain Measurement , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Analizar la efectividad de las miomectomías histeroscópicas en consulta realizadas con minirresector y conocer si hay factores relacionados con el grado de satisfacción de las pacientes. MÉTODO: Estudio observacional, transversal y prospectivo, de mujeres sometidas a miomectomía histeroscópica en consulta durante el año 2018. Las pacientes recibieron medicación para la preparación cervical, analgesia oral y anestesia paracervical. La miomectomía se realizó con un minirresector de 5.8 mm. Se registraron el tiempo y el dolor en una escala visual analógica (EVA) durante la entrada y la resección, así como la satisfacción de las pacientes a los 3 meses con el cuestionario validado CSQ-8. RESULTADOS: El estudio incluyó 59 pacientes. El tiempo medio de entrada fue menor de 1 minuto (47,93 segundos) y el de resección fue de 13,51 minutos. El dolor referido por las pacientes en la EVA durante la entrada y la resección puntuó en torno a 3 y 4, respectivamente. Se consiguió un 74.6% de resecciones completas de los miomas y la puntuación media de satisfacción de las pacientes fue de 27.17. La resección completa del mioma se asoció con una mayor satisfacción total de las pacientes. CONCLUSIONES: La miomectomía histeroscópica en consulta llevada a cabo con un minirresector de 5.8 mm con analgesia paracervical obtiene buenos resultados clínicos, con buena satisfacción de las pacientes. Esta última se relaciona con una resección completa del mioma, sin que influyan el tiempo necesario para su exéresis ni el dolor.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effectiveness of hysteroscopic myomectomy in office performed with mini-resectoscope, and to know if there is any variable related with patient satisfaction. METHOD: Observational and prospective transversal study, which included all women who underwent a hysteroscopic myomectomy in office in 2018. Patients received drugs for cervical preparation and pain management, as well as paracervical block. We used the 5.8 mm mini-resectoscope. We kept record of time and AVS pain during entrance and resection, as well as patient satisfaction 3 months after the procedure using the CSQ-8. RESULTS: The study included 59 patients. Mean entrance time was less than 1 minute (47.93 seconds), while mean resection time was 13.51 minutes. AVS pain during entrance and resection was around 3 and 4, respectively. We achieved 74.6% rate of complete resection. Mean patient satisfaction rate was 27.17 points. We found that a complete myoma resection is related to higher patient satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Hysteroscopic myomectomy in office performed with the 5.8 mm mini-resectoscope, using cervical block, achieves good clinical results and a good patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction is associated with a complete resection of the myoma, without any influence of pain experienced or time required.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Hysteroscopy/methods , Hysteroscopy/psychology , Patient Satisfaction , Uterine Myomectomy/methods , Uterine Myomectomy/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Multivariate Analysis , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis , Treatment Outcome , Hysteroscopes , Visual Analog Scale , Myoma/surgeryABSTRACT
Objetivo: avaliar clinicamente por meio de um ensaio clínico controlado, randomizado e triplo cego, 2 regimes farmacológicos de profilaxia antibiótica, em pacientes submetidos a instalação de implantes dentários de dois estágios, quanto a dor, infecção e perda de implantes. Materiais e métodos: Um total de 61 pacientes receberam 115 implantes dentários. A coleta dos dados foi realizada por um examinador calibrado e cego nos seguintes períodos de acompanhamento pós-operatório: T1 (7 dias), T2 (14 dias), T3 (30 dias) e T4 (120 dias). A randomização foi realizada por meio da função aleatório do Microsoft Excel® (2013), que dividiu os grupos de forma aleatória e os pacientes foram alocados de acordo com a lista gerada pelo programa. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram divididos em 3 grupos: grupo 1 (G1) formado por 21 pacientes que não utilizaram profilaxia antibiótica, o grupo 2 (G2) formado por 20 pacientes que fizeram uso da profilaxia antibiótica pré-operatória com amoxicilina 1 g por via oral 1 hora antes do procedimento e o grupo 3 (G3), com 20 pacientes que utilizaram profilaxia antibiótica pré-operatória com amoxicilina 1g via oral 1 hora antes do procedimento e manutenção do antibiótico, sendo 500 mg de amoxicilina por 05 dias a cada 08 horas. A variável dor foi analisada utilizando-se de uma escala visual analógica- EVA e do número de analgésicos ingeridos. A infecção foi considerada quando na presença de pus e fístula. Além disso, no tempo T4 foi realizado a reabertura do implante para avaliação do sucesso da osseointegração primária, considerando ausência de mobilidade e dor quando da troca do parafuso de cobertura pelos cicatrizadores. A dor (EVA e número de analgésicos) foi analisada por meio do teste Kruskall Wallis e o pós-teste (Post hoc de Dunn). A infecção foi analisada com o teste Exato de Fisher e a falha, descritivamente. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5%, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: A análise da dor pós-operatória evidenciou melhores resultados nos grupos que utilizaram antibiótico (G2 e G3) no acompanhamento T1 (7 dias), com os pacientes sentindo menos dor (Teste de Kruskall Wallis- p < 0,05). A avaliação entre os grupos G2 e G3 também evidenciou diferenças (Post hoc de Dunn- p < 0,05) com superioridade para G3. Nos demais períodos não houve diferenças significativas. A infecção esteve presente nos grupos G1 (2 casos) e G3 (2 casos), porém não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos (Teste Exato de Fisher- p > 0,05) com evolução para perda (falha) de dois implantes, um no grupo G1 e outro no grupo G3. Conclusões: Os resultados preliminares de estudo evidenciaram melhores resultados quanto a dor, nos pacientes que utilizaram antibiótico profilático, mas não conseguiu demonstrar superioridade quanto a infecção e perda do implante quando comparado ao grupo sem uso de antibióticos. Dessa forma, baseado nos resultados do presente estudo, considerando um número máximo de 4 implantes por procedimento, em pacientes saudáveis, sem procedimentos adicionais, o uso de antibióticos embora tenha melhorado a dor no pós-operatório imediato, não demonstrou benefício em relação a diminuição dos índices de infecção e falha dos implantes (AU).
Objective: conduct a randomized, triple-blind, controlled test to clinically assess 2 pharmacological treatments of antibiotic prophylaxis, in patients submitted to a two-stage dental implant procedure, in terms of pain, infection and implant failure. Materials and methods: A total of 61 patients received 115 dental implants. Data collection was conducted by a blind calibrated examiner during the following postoperative follow-up periods: T1 (7 days), T2 (14 days), T3 (30 days) and T4 (120 days). Randomization was performed using the random function of Microsoft Excel® (2013), which randomly divided patients according to the list generated by the program. The study subjects were divided into 3 groups: group 1 (G1) consisting of 21 patients who did not use an antibiotic prophylaxis, group 2 (G2), with 20 patients who used preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis (1 g of amoxicillin) applied orally 1 hour before the procedure and group 3 (G3), with 20 patients who used preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis (1g of amoxicillin) applied 1 hour before the procedure, maintaining the antibiotic, consisting of 500 mg of amoxicillin, for 5 days every 8 hours. Variable pain was analyzed using a visual analog scale (VAS) and the number of analgesics taken. Infection was considered by the presence of pus and fistula. The implant was reopened at time T4 to evaluate the success of primary osseointegration, considering the absence of mobility and pain while replacing the cover screw with a healing screw. Pain (VAS and number of analgesics) was analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's post hoc tests. Infection was analyzed with Fisher's Exact test and failure described. A 5% significance level was established, with a 95% confidence interval. Results: Analysis of postoperative pain showed better results in the groups that used antibiotics (G2 and G3) at follow-up T1 (7 days), with patients experiencing less pain (Kruskal Wallis, p < 0.05). Intergroup assessment also demonstrated differences (Dunn's post hoc, p < 0.05), being higher in G3, but there were no significant differences in the other periods. Infection was present in group 1 (2 cases) and G3 (2 cases), with no significant intergroup differences (Fisher's Exact test, p > 0.05), with a loss (failure) of two implants: one in G1 and the other in G3. Conclusions: The preliminary results of the study revealed better pain results in patients who used prophylactic antibiotics, but was not superior in relation to infection or implant failure when compared to the group that did not use antibiotics. Thus, based on the results of the present study, considering a maximum of 4 implants per procedure, in healthy patients with no additional procedures, although antibiotics improved pain in the immediate postoperative, they did not decrease infection indices or implant failure (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Surgery, Oral , Infection Control, Dental , Double-Blind Method , Statistics, Nonparametric , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
A dismenorreia primária é uma dor na região inferior do abdômen, antes ou durante a menstruação e independente de patologias pélvicas. Tratamentos fisioterapêuticos são alternativas para a melhora dos sintomas, dentre esses recursos, a estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (TENS). O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o efeito terapêutico e analgésico da TENS interativa e convencional na dor secundária à dismenorreia primária. A aplicação da TENS, em ambos os grupos, foi realizada no primeiro dia do período menstrual por 35 minutos. Na TENS interativa todas as voluntárias optaram pelos seguintes parâmetros: frequência de 250 Hz, duração de pulso de 25 µs e intensidade conforme nível sensorial, sendo essa ou a duração do pulso reajustado, a cada 5 minutos, conforme houvesse necessidade. Na TENS convencional foi utilizado os seguintes parâmetros: frequência de 100 Hz, duração de pulso de 50 µs e com a intensidade conforme grupo anterior. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do software GraphPadPrism®, versão 5.0, sendo empregado o teste t de Student e com nível de significância de p < 0,05. Obteve-se como resultado uma redução da dor entre as participantes de ambos os grupos logo após o tratamento. Porém não houve diferença na analgesia promovida pelos dois métodos de tratamento. (AU)
Primary dysmenorrhea (PD) is a lower region of the abdomen pain, before or during menstruation and independent of pathologies. Physical therapy treatments are alternatives to improve symptoms, among these resources, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). The aim of this study was to compare the therapeutic and analytical effect of interactive and conventional TENS in high school in PD. The application of TENS, in both groups, was performed on the first day of the menstrual period for 35 minutes. In the interactive TENS all the volunteers chose the following parameters: frequency of 250 Hz, pulse duration of 25 µs and intensity according to sensory level, whether this or the duration of the readjustment of the pulse, every 5 minutes, according to the need for use. In conventional TENS, the following parameters were used: frequency of 100 Hz, pulse duration of 50 µs and intensity according to the previous group. A statistical analysis was performed using the GraphPadPrism® software, version 5.0, being employed Student's test with a significance level of p < 0.05. The result is a reduction in pain among participants in both groups right after treatment. However, there was no difference in the analgesia promoted by the two treatment methods. (AU)
Humans , Female , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation , Dysmenorrhea , Physical Therapy Modalities , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
Introducción. La obstrucción nasal (ON) es el síntoma más molesto de la rinitis crónica (RC). Los estudios que correlacionaron métodos subjetivos y objetivos de ON realizados en niños y adultos produjeron resultados contradictorios. Objetivos. Analizar la correlación entre escalas subjetivas de ON con determinaciones de pico flujo inspiratorio nasal (PFIN) y comparar la valoración subjetiva de la ON y el PFIN en niños según su edad. Población y métodos. Participaron pacientes con RC. Se estimó la correlación entre la evaluación subjetiva de la ON mediante una escala visual análoga (ON-EVA, por su sigla en inglés) y la Escala de evaluación de los síntomas de obstrucción nasal (NOSE, por su sigla en inglés) y medición del flujo aéreo nasal pre- y posvasoconstrictor, mediante PFIN. Se analizaron las diferencias entre los grupos de 8 a 11 años y los de 12 a 15 años para la valoración subjetiva de la ON y PFIN. Resultados. Se incluyeron 79 pacientes entre 8 y 15 años. No se comprobó correlación entre ON-EVA y PFIN antes y después del vasoconstrictor (r = -0,19; p = 0,11 y r = -0,18; p = 0,15 respectivamente) ni entre NOSE y PFIN basal (r = -0,23; p = 0,07). Hubo diferencias en el PFIN entre niños de 8-11 años y 12 a 15 años (p = <0,0001), pero no se demostraron diferencias en la percepción subjetiva por ON-EVA (p = 0,7591). Conclusión. No se demostró correlación entre puntajes subjetivos de ON y PFIN en niños y adolescentes con RC. Los niños mayores perciben menos la ON que los de menor edad. Las escalas subjetivas de ON no reemplazan su medición con PFIN en pacientes con rinitis.
Introduction. Nasal obstruction (NO) is the most irritating symptom of chronic rhinitis (CR). The results of studies that correlated subjective and objective methods of NO in children and adults were contradictory. Objectives. To analyze the correlation between subjective NO scales and peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) measurements and compare the subjective NO assessment and PNIF in children by age. Population and methods. Participants were patients with CR. The correlation between the subjective NO assessment using a visual analog scale (NO-VAS) and the Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) and nasal airflow measurement pre- and post-vasoconstrictor administration using the PNIF was estimated. The differences in the subjective NO assessment and PNIF between children aged 8-11 years and 12-15 years were analyzed. Results. A total of 79 patients aged 8-15 years were included. No correlation was established between the NO-VAS and the PNIF before and after vasoconstrictor administration (r = -0.19; p = 0.11 and r = -0.18; p = 0.15 respectively) or between the NOSE and the baseline PNIF (r = -0.23; p = 0.07). Differences were observed in the PNIF between children aged 8-11 years and 12-15 years (p = < 0.0001), but there were no differences in the subjective perception assessed with the NO-VAS (p = 0.7591). Conclusion. No correlation was demonstrated between the subjective NO score and the PNIF in children and adolescents with CR. Older children have a lower perception of NO than younger ones. Subjective NO scales cannot replace the PNIF measurement in patients with rhinitis
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Nasal Obstruction/diagnosis , Nasal Obstruction/etiology , Respiratory Function Tests , Rhinitis/diagnosis , Prospective Studies , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
Introducción: La unión entre sintomatología depresiva y el dolor está evidenciada, por eso deben tratarse en conjunto. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la sintomatología depresiva y el dolor de espalda crónico en pacientes que inician rehabilitación. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, prospectivo y transversal. Participaron 118 pacientes con dolor de espalda crónico que iniciaron rehabilitación. El dolor se midió con la Escala Visual Analógica y la sintomatología depresiva con el Inventario de Depresión de Beck II. Resultados: Pacientes presentaron como promedio de dolor 6,69 ± 1,98; nivel de intensidad moderado 52,5 por ciento y localización lumbar 55,1 por ciento; el mayor tiempo de duración en el rango de 1 a 3 años 54,2 por ciento. La sintomatología depresiva tuvo puntaje promedio 19,13±10,62; se analizaron en dos grupos: sintomatología de nivel mínimo (0-13 puntos) y de riesgo (14-63 puntos), conformado por los niveles leve, moderado y severo con 66,9 por ciento. La relación entre la sintomatología depresiva y el dolor de espalda crónico fue significativa, a mayor nivel de dolor mayor presencia de sintomatología, en el nivel severo de dolor la sintomatología leve/moderado/severo fue de 80,9 por ciento (p = 0,03); para el sexo femenino 73,3 por ciento (p = 0,02); en estado civil el grupo separado/viudo 93,8 por ciento (p = 0,04) y sin instrucción 100 por ciento (p = 0,03). Conclusiones: La sintomatología depresiva está relacionada al dolor de espalda crónico, a mayor nivel de dolor mayor presencia de sintomatología depresiva. También está asociada al sexo femenino, a personas separadas o viudas y sin instrucción(AU)
Introduction: The association between depressive symptoms and pain is evidenced, so they must be treated together. Objective: To determine the relationship between depressive symptoms and chronic back pain in patients who start rehabilitation. Material and methods: An observational, prospective and cross-sectional study was conducted in 118 patients with chronic back pain who started rehabilitation. The pain was measured using the Visual Analog Scale and depressive symptoms were measured with the Beck Depression Inventory-II. Results: The patients presented an average pain of 6,69 ± 1,98, with moderate levels of intensity (52,5 percent) and lumbar location (55,1 percent); the longest time duration ranged from 1 to 3 years (54,2 percent). Depressive symptoms had an average score of 19,13 ± 10,62; they were analyzed in two groups: minimum level of symptoms (0-13 points) and risk (14-63 points) including mild, moderate and severe levels (66,9 percent). The relationship between depressive symptoms and chronic back pain was significant; that is, the higher the level of pain, the greater the presence of symptoms. In the case of severe level of pain, the mild/moderate/severe symptoms were 80,9 percent (p = 0,03); 73,3 percent for females (p = 0,02); concerning marital status, 93,8 percent were separated/widowed (p = 0,04) and 100 percent had no levels of education (p = 0,03). Conclusions: Depressive symptoms are related to chronic back pain; the higher the level of pain, the greater the presence of depressive symptoms. It is also associated with the female sex, separated or widowed persons and persons without any education(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Back Pain , Selection of the Waste Treatment Site , Cross-Sectional Studies , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
Resumo A Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), o Questionário de Incapacidade de Roland Morris (RMDQ) e Questionário de Qualidade de Vida SF-36, amplamente utilizados, tiveram seu conteúdo conectado à CIF por regras propostas em 2002 e 2005. Em 2016 foram refinadas e ainda não foram aplicadas. Aplicar as regras de conexão de conteúdo refinadas para os instrumentos EVA, RMDQ e SF-36. Dois profissionais de saúde identificaram os conceitos significativos e vincularam às categorias mais específicas da CIF, um terceiro arbitrou divergências. O grau de concordância foi dado pelo coeficiente kappa. Houve alto grau de concordância (Kappa=0,93 p<0,001). O conceito principal da EVA foi conectado à categoria b280, os 24 conceitos principais do RMDQ, à categoria b28013 e os 27 adicionais a outras categorias. O SF-36 teve 36 conceitos principais e 30 adicionais identificados, do total, 17 não foram definíveis pela CIF. Dos conceitos conectados dos 3 instrumentos 39 referem-se à Funções do Corpo, 57 à Atividades e Participação e 4 à Fatores Ambientais. O refinamento das regras propiciou mais clareza no processo de identificar, relacionar o conteúdo dos instrumentos à CIF e expor os resultado e aumentou o número de conceitos identificados e categorias contempladas pelos instrumentos.
Abstract The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ), Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) are broadly used and had their content linked to ICF by the linking rules of 2002 and 2005. In 2016 were refined and were not applied yet. To apply the refinements of ICF linking rules to VAS, RMDQ, and SF-36. Two health professionals identified the meaningful concepts and linked to the most precise ICF categories and a third triggered in divergences. The degree of agreement was calculated by kappa statistic. There was almost perfect agreement (Kappa=0.93 p<0,001). The main concept of VAS was linked to ICF category b280, the 24 main concepts of RMDQ linked to b28013, and 27 additional linked to other categories. The SF-36 had 36 main concepts and 30 additional concepts identified which 27 were definable by the ICF and 17 do not. From the total of ICF linked concepts, 39 refer to Body Functions, 57 to Activities and Participation and 4 to Environmental Factors. The refinements of linking rules propitiated more clarity in the process to identify, to link instruments content with ICF and to expose the results. Thus, increased the number of identified and linked concepts as well as the categories in the instruments.
Humans , Activities of Daily Living , Disability Evaluation , Pain Measurement , Surveys and Questionnaires , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: Odontogenic infection is a common condition in America; the aim of this research was to determine the profile of odontogenic maxillofacial infections and to identify the link between these and the pain felt by patients admitted to the emergency dental service of the Hernân Henriquez Aravena Hospital in Temuco, Chile. Methods: A cross-sectional, double-blind study analysed 49 individuals admitted for emergency dental care. Included were admissions associated with odontogenic infection identified by clinical examination, establishing a relation to pain through a survey. The diagnosis was made clinically using the fascial spaces involved in the infection, presence of self-medication prior to admission, need for surgical treatment and the patient 's systemic conditions. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, Chi-squared, ANOVA, considering a value of p < 0.05 as significant. Results: The average pain level measured by visual analogue scale (VAS) in emergency admission was 8.1. There was no association between the diagnosis (pulp infection, periodontal infection or pericoronitis) and the VAS (p = 0.078), but there was association between age and the diagnosis (p = 0.022), and the VAS was associated with pain compared to other types of pathologies or traumas (p = 0.011). Conclusion: Odontogenic infection is frequent and linked to age and high-pain values. New public policies should be adopted based on these results. New studies are needed to assess new variables associated with these pathologies.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Facial Pain/etiology , Focal Infection, Dental/diagnosis , Double-Blind Method , Cross-Sectional Studies , Visual Analog Scale , Focal Infection, Dental/complicationsABSTRACT
El objetivo del presente estudio fue presentar una revisión sistemática de la literatura relacionada con los estudios que aborden los métodos de evaluación de la masticación y sus características principales. Como estrategia de investigación se realizó en las bases de datos PubMed, Web Of Science, Medline, SciELO y Lilacs desde 2006 al 2020. Como criterios de selección se escogieron todos los estudios disponibles, sin restricción de idioma; de los últimos 14 años; cuyos participantes no presentaron alteraciones neurológicas ni psiquiátricas. Fueron analizados a partir de su relación con el objeto del presente estudio. Las palabras clave utilizadas en la búsqueda de los artículos fueron identificados en los Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud (DEDS) siendo las siguientes: "Evaluation", "Mastication", "Masticatory Muscles", "Masseter Muscle" y "Temporal Muscle". Utilizando también OR y AND como operadores lógicos. Se encontró 1311 estudios en las bases de datos investigadas, después de la revisión fueron eliminados 1278 y elegidos 33 artículos; y considerándose sólo 21 artículos según criterios de selección y objetivo. Todos los artículos revisados obtuvieron un alto grado de evidencia (nivel I) luego de realizar una evaluación crítica de la evidencia científica, determinando que todos los artículos evaluados fueron catalogados como estudios clínicos aleatorizados y con diseños experimentales. Siendo excluidos los estudios longitudinales, con individuos con patologías. Se concluye que el método que se utiliza mayormente es la evaluación clínica fonoaudiológica, mediante observación y palpación de musculatura orofacial, seguido de electromiografía de superficie, electrognatografía y la escala analógica visual para la saciedad. Las características observadas fueron, número de ciclos de masticación, velocidad de la masticación, porcentaje de actividad muscular eléctrica, fuerza muscular, tipo de masticación según el lado de preferencia de masticación, eficiencia masticatoria y tipología facial.
The objective of the present study was to present a systematic review of the literature related to studies that address chewing evaluation methods and their main characteristics. As a research strategy, it was carried out in the PubMed, Web Of Science, Medline, SciELO and Lilacs databases from 2006 to 2020. All available studies were chosen as selection criteria, without language restriction; of the last 14 years; whose participants did not present neurological or psychiatric alterations. They were analyzed based on their relationship with the object of the present study. The keywords used in the search for the articles were identified in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DEDS) being the following: "Evaluation", "Mastication", "Masticatory Muscles", "Masseter Muscle" and "Temporal Muscle". Also using OR and AND as logical operators. 1311 studies were found in the investigated databases, after the review 1278 were eliminated and 33 articles were chosen; and considering only 21 articles according to selection and objective criteria. All the articles reviewed obtained a high degree of evidence (level I) after making a critical evaluation of the scientific evidence, determining that all the articles evaluated were classified as randomized clinical studies with experimental designs. Longitudinal studies with individuals with pathologies being excluded. It is concluded that the method most used is the speech therapy clinical evaluation, by observation and palpation of the orofacial muscles, followed by surface electromyography, electrognatography and the visual analog scale for satiety. The observed characteristics were, number of chewing cycles, chewing speed, percentage of electrical muscle activity, muscle strength, chewing type according to chewing preference side, chewing efficiency and facial typology.