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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e52965, fev. 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460942


The present work aimed to evaluate the degradability of the chitosan polymer by soil microorganisms.This evaluation was accomplished using the Most Probable Number (MPN) method by plating in drops so that soil microorganisms capable of degrading the polymeric material could be quantified. Soil samples diluted in three specific culture media for each typeof microorganism were plated –bacteria, fungi and actinobacteria–and they were maintained at 28°C for seven days to determine the growth rate of fungi and actinobacteria, and for 48hoursfor the development of bacteria. Significant differences in the MPN of actinobacteriarelative to the other groups analyzed were observed. Thus, the method used was effective for determining the degradability of the chitosan biopolymer when observing the development of microorganisms subjected to the replacement of thecarbonsource by the addition of 2% w v-1of the chitosan biopolymer to the culture medium. The formation of clear regions around the microbial colonies was a strong indicator of biodegradation.

Análisis del Suelo , Biodegradación Ambiental , Quitosano/análisis , Quitosano/química
Rev. salud pública Parag ; 9(2): [P53-P57], Dic 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1047139


Introducción: Para la Teoría de Enfermería del Déficit de Autocuidado (TEDA), el enfermero trabaja con "sistemas de enfermería": parcialmente compensatorio, totalmente compensatorio y sistema de apoyo educativo. Para este último, los materiales informativos (educativos) impresos son importantes. De la legibilidad de ellos depende la eficacia de los programas del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social (MSP y BS) del Paraguay. Sin embargo, esta legibilidad no ha sido estudiada en el país. Objetivo: Analizar la legibilidad lingüística de materiales informativos impresos, divulgados por el MSP y BS, aplicando el Índice de Niebla de Gunning (ING). Materiales y métodos: De los materiales informativos impresos, publicados por el MSP y BS entre 2003 y 2018, se identificó un corpus de 49 materiales. De ellos, por muestreo aleatorio polietápico, fueron seleccionados 250 párrafos. Se calculó el ING de cada uno. La media de ING de dichos párrafos se comparó con un "patrón oro", elaborado para el español paraguayo estándar a partir de una muestra artículos de opinión de periódicos de circulación nacional. Resultados: La media de legibilidad lingüística calculada fue 20,50, valor de un nivel de dificultad "normal" en la escala del patrón oro elaborado con artículos periodísticos de opinión. Conclusión: Los párrafos estudiados, en promedio, tienen niveles de legibilidad comparables con los de artículos de opinión de periódicos de circulación nacional. Dado que la media de años de escolaridad de la población del país (8,4 años) es baja, la eficacia de los materiales informativos impresos, para fines de autocuidado, no está garantizada. Palabras clave: Autocuidado, Sistemas de enfermería, Materiales informativos impresos, Legibilidad lingüística.

Introduction: The Orem's Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory (SCDNT) states that nurses work with "nursing systems": Partly compensatory, Wholly compensatory and Supportive-educative. For the latter, printed health instructional resources are important. The efficacy of the programs of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (MPH & SW) of Paraguay depends on the readability of those informational aids. However, there are no studies about the readability of these health educational resources in the country. Objective: To analyze the readability of printed health educational resources published by the MPH & SW, applying the Gunning Fog Index (GFI). Methods: A corpus of 49 health informational resources, published by the MPH & SW between 2003 and 2018, was identified. From these, by random multi-stage sampling, 250 paragraphs were selected. The GFI of each one was calculated. The mean of GFI of these paragraphs was compared with a "gold standard", designed for the Paraguayan Spanish, based on a sample of opinion articles of national newspapers. Results: The mean of GFI calculated was 20.50, which can be read as a "normal" difficulty level on the gold standard scale developed with newspaper opinion articles. Conclusion: The paragraphs studied, on average, have comparable readability levels with opinion articles of national newspapers. Since the schooling year average of the country's population is low (8.4 years), the efficacy of the printed health educational resource for self-care purposes is not guaranteed. Keywords: Self-Care, Nursing Systems, Printed Health Educational Resources, Readability.

Recursos Audiovisuales , Autocuidado , Comprensión , Lingüística , Atención de Enfermería/métodos
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 30(2): 5158-5163, Jun. 2019. ilus, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1290883


El dedo (falange) pélvico es una alteración benigna resultante de una anomalía en el desarrollo óseo, donde se encuentra una estructura ósea con apariencia radiológica característica en los tejidos blandos, especialmente en relación con la articulación coxofemoral, aunque puede tener otras localizaciones. Se trata de una entidad benigna que usualmente es asintomática y se encuentra como hallazgo incidental. Conocer su origen y características imaginológicas es de gran importancia para poderla diferenciar de otras lesiones como osificaciones postraumáticas o lesiones por avulsión, que son frecuentes en esta misma localización. Se presentan seis casos con hallazgo incidental de dedo pélvico en diferentes modalidades diagnósticas

The pelvic digit is a benign entity resulting from an abnormality in bone development, where a bony structure with a characteristic radiological appearance is found in the soft tissues, especially in relation to the hip joint, although it may be found at other locations. It is usually asymptomatic and is found as an incidental finding. Knowing its origin and imaging characteristics is of great importance to differentiate it from other injuries such as post-traumatic ossification or avulsion injuries, which are frequent in this same location. Six cases, from the institution, with incidental finding of pelvic digit in different diagnostic modalities are presented.

Desarrollo Óseo , Huesos Pélvicos , Calcificación Fisiológica , Articulación de la Cadera
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390109


Introducción: durante el periodo de residencias médicas se atraviesa por una etapa de gran carga laboral y académica provocando muchas veces una reducción de las horas destinadas al descanso y el sueño. Objetivos: determinar la carga horaria laboral, hábitos de sueño, somnolencia diurna, uso de inductores del sueño y estimulantes de la vigilia de los médicos residentes de primer año del Hospital de Clínicas. Materiales y métodos: diseño observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo y transversal. Muestra probabilística del total de residentes del Hospital de Clínicas. Herramienta utilizada: cuestionarios aplicados a toda la población objetivo, en un período de 14 días. Resultados: muestra de 56 sujetos, 96,4% tienen jornadas laborales de más de 8 horas, de los cuales 44,4% se encuentran en el rango de 8 a 12 horas, 31,5% entre 12 a 15 horas y 24,1% más de 15 horas diarias. Durante las guardias todos realizan jornadas de más de 24 horas, incluso 46,4% completan entre 24 a 36 horas y 53,6% más de 36 horas laborales seguidas. Las horas de sueño entre 4 a 6 hs se halló en 71,4%, mientras que 14,3% duerme menos de 4 horas diarias y 14,3% completan entre 6 a 8 horas de descanso nocturno. El 82,1% presentan somnolencia diurna y 3,6% utilizan inductores de sueño. Conclusiones: revelamos una disminución alarmante de las horas destinadas al descanso y sueño de los residentes con respecto a lo recomendado.

Introduction: During medical residencies physicians are subjected to long work hours and academic burden frequently generating a reduction of the hours dedicated to rest and sleep. Objectives: To determine the working hours, sleep habits, day somnolence, use of sleep inducers and wakefulness-promoting agents of the first year resident physicians of the Hospital de Clínicas. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive observational design with probabilistic sampling of the total resident physicians of the Hospital de Clínicas. Used tool: questionnaire applied to the target population in a period of 14 days. Results: Sample of 56 subjects, 96.4% had more than 8 working hours, 44.4% of these were in the range of 8 to 12 hours, 31.5% between 12 to 15 hours and 24.1% more than 15 daily hours. During duties all of them have more than 24 hours, 46.4% even had between 24 to 36 hours and 53.6% more than 36 working hours. Sleep hours of 4 to 6 were found in 71.4% while 14.3% slept less than 4 daily hours and 14.3% completed between 6 to 8 hours of night rest; 82.1% presented day somnolence and 3.6% used sleep inducers. Conclusions: We revealed an alarming decrease of the hours dedicated to rest and sleep among resident physician in relation to the recommendations.

Ciênc. rural ; 44(7): 1297-1303, 07/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-718159


The mangaba (Hancornia speciosa) stands out and has a great potential for economic exploitation and researches have suggested relevant results regarding the nutritional and functional value of this food. Therefore, the objective of this study was to chemically and physicochemically characterize the mangaba fruit harvested in the Middle Araguaia region. It was evaluated the chemical composition, antioxidant activity, volatile compounds, preliminary photochemical studies of phenolic components and the cytotoxic potential of ethanolic extract fruits against Artemia salina. The mean pH, the total titratable acidity and the value for reducing sugars conclude that the mangaba possesses the characteristics appropriate for both fresh consumption and for processing. Between the mean values measured, the fruits presented high fiber content and a low caloric value. The analysis of the antioxidant potential revealed a significant activity and in the volatile compounds analysis, esters were the major class presents. The result of the phytochemical screening revealed that phenols, flavonoids and tannins were present in the ethanolic extract of mangaba and a significant activity in the cytotoxicity assay was observed.

A mangaba (Hancornia speciosa) destaca-se pelo ótimo potencial de exploração econômica e pesquisas têm sugerido resultados relevantes em relação ao valor nutricional e funcional deste alimento. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar química e físico-quimicamente os frutos de mangaba colhidos na região do Médio Araguaia. Foi avaliada a composição química, atividade antioxidante, compostos voláteis, estudo fitoquímico preliminar de compostos fenólicos e o potencial citotóxico de extratos etanólicos do frutos contra Artemia salina. O pH, a acidez total titulável e o valor de açúcares redutores concluem que a mangaba possui características apropriadas tanto para consumo in natura quanto para processamento. Entre os valores médios obtidos, os frutos apresentaram alto teor de fibra e um baixo valor calórico. A análise de potencial antioxidante revelou uma atividade significativa e, na análise de compostos voláteis, ésteres representaram a classe predominante. O resultado do ensaio fitoquímico revelou que fenois, flavonoides e taninos estavam presentes no extrato etanólico de mangaba e uma atividade significativa no ensaio citotóxico foi observada.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 21(1): 47-52, jan.-fev. 2011. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-580334


The chemical composition of the essential oil from the leaves of Pelargonium odoratissimum (L.) L'Hér., Geraniaceae, was determined and the antimicrobial activities against the Aspergillus flavus CML 1816, Aspergillus carbonarius CML1815 and Aspergillus parasiticus CMLA 817 fungi, as well the Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25 992 bacteria were evaluated. The essential oil was isolated by steam distillation using a modified Clevenger apparatus, and its constituents were identified and quantified by GC/MS and GC-FID analyses. In vitro bioanalytical testing was performed using a completely randomized design. The concentrations of essential oil employed ranged from 0.1 to 2 μL.mL-1 (in dimethyl sulfoxide) for the fungus species and from 1 to 500 μL.mL-1 for the bacteria. The diameters of the inhibition zones formed for bacteria and the mean diameters of mycelial growth in perpendicular directions for fungi were measured, followed by calculation of the percentage of inhibition. The essential oil from the leaves of P. odoratissimum furnished methyleugenol (96.80 percent), a phenylpropanoid. This essential oil inhibited the growth of fungi (100 percent inhibition) and exhibited a small effect on the bacteria at the concentrations tested.

Porto Alegre; Artmed; 5. ed; 2011. 1273 p.
Monografía en Portugués | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-940393
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 20(1): 41-44, Jan.-Mar. 2010. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-551260


The compositions of the essential oils from the leaves of three domestic varieties of the guava tree Psidium guajava L. (Paluma, Século XXI and Pedro Sato) and of one wild variety were compared. Essential oils were extracted by steam distillation, the components were identified by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry GC-MS, and the apparent concentrations were determined by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector. The results demonstrated that the three essential oils contained many common substances with a prevalence of 1,8-cineole, whereas the essential oil of the Paluma variety contained 1,8-cineole (42.68 percent) as the major constituent, as well as α-terpineol (38.68 percent). The principal components of the essential oil of the Século XXI variety were 1,8-cineole (18.83 percent), trans-caryophyllene (12.08 percent), and selin-11-en-4-αol (20.98 percent), while those of the Pedro Sato variety and of the wild plant were 1,8-cineole (17.68 percent) and (12.83 percent), caryophyllene oxide (9.34 percent) and (9.09 percent), and selin-11-en-4-α-ol (21.46 percent) and (22.19 percent), respectively.

Os óleos essenciais de folhas de goiabeira Psidium guajava L. de três diferentes cultivares (Paluma, Século XXI e Pedro Sato) e da planta silvestre foram analisados a fim de comparar os seus constituintes. O óleo essencial foi obtido por hidrodestilação em aparelho de Clevenger modificado. Para a caracterização e quantificação dos compostos presentes por CG-EM e CG respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram que os três óleos essenciais analisados apresentam inúmeras substâncias em comum com a predominância do 1,8-cineol. O óleo essencial da cultivar Paluma se difere dos demais devido a alta concentração de 1,8-cineol (42,68 por cento) e do α-terpineol (38,68 por cento). No óleo essencial da cultivar Século XXI observase a presença do 1,8 cineol (18,83 por cento), trans-carifileno (12,08 por cento) e o selin-11-en-4-α-ol (20,98 por cento) como majoritários, enquanto que a cultivar Pedro Sato e a planta silvestre apresentaram com o 1,8 cineol com (17,68 por cento) e (12,83 por cento), oxido de cariofileno (9,34 por cento) e (9,09 por cento) e o selin-11-en-4-α-ol com (21,46 por cento) e (22,19 por cento), respectivamente.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 49(6): 1019-1025, Nov. 2006. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-443153


The effects of the use of a protein concentrate as a fat substitute on the quality of cheese bread were investigated. Based on a 10 percent basic fat formulation, the substitution of 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent of the oil in the formula was tested. Physical characteristics were measured, and sensorial parameters were determined. The products with lower levels of fat substitute had higher levels of acceptability. With the increase in the degree of substitution, the cheese bread products were harder, had a thicker crust and presented a less pleasant appearance, less pronounced cheese flavor and a lower degree of acceptance. The use of a fat substitute resulted in a product with a significantly lower fat content and a caloric reduction greater than 25 percent.

O pão de queijo, produto típico do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, apresenta elevado valor calórico comparado com outros alimentos, cerca de 300 kcal/100g. Os efeitos da utilização de um concentrado protéico como um substituto de gordura na qualidade do pão de queijo foram investigados. A partir de uma formulação com 10 por cento de óleo foi testada a substituição de 10, 25, 50, 75 e 100 por cento do teor de óleo. As amostras foram avaliadas sensorialmente e suas propriedades físicas foram determinadas. Os pães de queijo com menor substituição da gordura apresentaram maior nível de aceitação. Com o aumento do nível de substituição, os pães de queijo apresentaram pior aparência, tornaram-se mais duros, com maior espessura da crosta, sabor de queijo menos pronunciado e com menor grau de aceitação. O uso do substituto de gordura acarretou um decréscimo substancial no teor lipídico e redução calórica superior a 25 por cento.

São Paulo; Sarvier; 4. ed; 2006. 1202 p.
Monografía en Portugués | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-940990
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 48(spe2): 37-43, Oct. 2005. graf, ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-448886


Infections and endotoxemia continue to be the principal causes of morbidity and mortality of patients with obstructions of the bile duct. The objective of the present work was the investigation of the phagocitary capacity of the mononuclear system in an experimental model of obstructive jaundice utilizing Tc-99m E.coli. The levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were significantly higher in jaundiced rats than in the control animals (p < 0.001). The liver of the jaundiced animals presented a significant reduction in Tc-99m E.coli uptake when compared to the controls (p < 0.001). The data also showed that there was a significant increase in the uptake of Tc-99m E.coli by the lungs of jaundiced rats (p < 0.01). The histological analyses of the liver of jaundiced rats showed an intense and diffuse proliferation of the bile ducts and an intensified polyploidy of the hepatocytes (mean volume = 843 µm³), but no significant alterations were observed in the lungs of either group. This dates could contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in cases of bacteremia, renal failure and pulmonary dysfunction observed in clinical analyses of obstructive jaundice.

Nos pacientes com obstrução do ducto biliar, as infecções e a endotoxemia continuam sendo uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a capacidade fagocitária do sistema mononuclear, em um modelo experimental de icterícia obstrutiva, utilizando Tc-99m E.coli. Os níveis de aspartato aminotransferase (AST), alanina aminotransferase (ALT) e fosfatase alcalina (PAL) nos ratos com ligadura do ducto biliar comum (CBD) encontram-se significativamente mais elevados do que nos ratos sham. (p < 0.001). O fígado dos animais ictéricos apresentou uma significativa redução na captação da Tc-99m E.coli quando comparado com o controle. Os dados mostraram também, que houve um aumento significativo na captação da Tc-99m E.coli pelo pulmão dos ratos ictéricos (p < 0.01). O exame histológico dos cortes de fígado dos animais ictéricos apresentou proliferação intensa e difusa dos ductos biliares e uma acentuada poliploidia dos hepatócitos (volume médio: 843 µm³), Não foram observadas alterações significativas nos pulmões de nenhum grupo.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 48(spe2): 45-49, Oct. 2005. graf, tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-448887


In obstructive jaundice, the passage of bacteria and endotoxins through the intestine wall to reach the systemic circulation is associated with septicemia, renal failure and pulmonary dysfunction. The aim of this work was to investigate bacterial translocation utilizing 99mTc-E.coli in an experimental model of obstructive jaundice. The levels of bilirubin in rats that were subjected to ligature of the bile duct were significantly increased when compared to control animals (p < 0.001). The biodistribution results did not show any translocation of 99mTc-E.coli to the mesenteric lymphatic nodules, liver, spleen or lungs of the rats that suffered ligature of the bile duct (p > 0.05). The evaluation of the intestinal permeability using "per os" administration of 99mTc-DTPA showed 1.61 ± 0.57 percent and 1.39 ± 0.72 percent of radioactivity in the urine of the control and jaundice animals, respectively. The histological analysis of the distal wall of the ileum showed that the covering epithelium and the crypt were morphologically preserved in both groups. The seven-day period after the ligature of the bile duct may not have been long enough to promote modifications in intestinal wall to occur so as to permit the passage of Tc-99m E.coli.

Na icterícia obstrutiva, a passagem de bactérias e endotoxinas através da parede intestinal alcançando a circulação sistêmica está associada com septicemia, falência renal e disfunção pulmonar. A proposta deste trabalho foi investigar a translocação bacteriana, empregando a Tc-99m E.coli, em um modelo experimental de icterícia obstrutiva. Os níveis de bilirrubina nos ratos que sofreram a ligadura do ducto biliar estavam significativamente aumentados quando comparados com os valores dos animais controles (p<0,001). Os resultados de biodistribuição não mostraram translocação da Tc-99m E.coli para os nódulos linfáticos mesentéricos, fígado, baço e pulmões dos ratos que sofreram ligadura do ducto biliar (p>0,05). A avaliação da permeabilidade intestinal usando a administração "per os" de 99mTc-DTPA mostrou um percentual de eliminação deste radiofármaco na urina de 1,61±0,57 e 1,39±0,72 para os animais controles e ictéricos, respectivamente. A análise histológica da parede distal do íleo mostrou que tanto o epitélio de revestimento quanto as criptas apresentaram morfologicamente conservados em ambos os grupos. O tempo transcorrido, 7 dias, após a ligadura do ducto biliar talvez não tenha sido longo o suficiente para promover modificações na parede intestinal de modo a permitir a passagem da 99mTc-E.coli.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 48(spe2): 89-96, Oct. 2005. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-448895


The aim of this work was to prepare a kit of 99mTc-ceftizoxime (99mTc-CFT), with stability and biological activity preserved, able to identify a septic focus (E. coli) in the experimental infection model in rats. The preparation of the CFT kit involved the use of lyophilized solutions containing the antibiotic ceftizoxime and the sodium dithionite reducing agent (6.0 mg/mL). After lyophilization, the kit was reconstituted with 1.0 mL of sodium 99mTc-pertechnetate solution (Na99mTcO4-) with an activity of 370 MBq. The solution was boiled for 10 min and filtered through a cellulose ester filter. The labeling efficiency was on the order of 92 percent, remaining stable for six hours and the kit remained stable for two months. The biological activity of the 99mTc-CFT was evaluated by diffusion in agar impregnated with E.coli and S. aureus. Seven Wistar rats, weighing from 200 to 250 g, were used for the development of the septic focus. After 24 hours from the induction of the infectious site (E.coli), the animals were anesthetized and 0.1 mL of 99mTc-CFT (37 MBq) was injected into the tail veins of the animals. The images were obtained with a gamma camera one, two and six hours after injection and the regions of interest (ROIs) were calculated. The diameters of the inhibition halos for 99mTc-CFT were 27.16 ± 0.23 and 27.17 ± 0.20 for S.aureus and E.coli, respectively, while those for the unlabeled CFT were 30.4 ± 0.33 and 29.43 ± 0.26, respectively. The results for the biodistribution of 99mTc-CFT in infected animals furnished a ratio of 1.97 ± 0.31, 2.10 ± 0.42 and 2.01 ± 0.42 for cpm-target/cpm-no target for the one, two and six-hour periods, respectively. The images showed a clear uptake of labeled antibiotic (99mTc-CFT) by the infectious site during the experiment. The results attest to the viability of producing a kit with 99m technetium-labeled ceftizoxime for the investigation of infectious processes.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi preparar um kit de Tc-99m Ceftizoxima (99mTc-CFT), com estabilidade e atividade biológica preservadas, capaz de identificar um foco séptico (E.coli) em um modelo experimental de infecção em ratos. A preparação do kit de CFT baseou-se em uma mistura de soluções contendo o antibiótico ceftizoxima (2,5mg/mL) e o agente redutor ditionito de sódio (6,0mg/mL) que foram submetidos a um processo de liofilização. Após a liofilização, o kit foi reconstituído with 1,0 mL de solução de pertecnetato de sódio (Na99mTcO4 -), contendo uma atividade de 370 MBq. Em seguida, a solução foi incubada, por 10 min, em banho fervente (1000C) e, posteriormente, foi resfriada em água corrente por 5 min. A eficiência de marcação foi da ordem de 92 por cento permanecendo estável por 6 horas e o kit permaneceu estável por 2 meses. A atividade biológica do 99mTc-CFT foi avaliada por difusão em ágar impregnado com E.coli e S. aureus. Foram utilizados 07 ratos Wistar, pesando entre 200 a 250 g, para o desenvolvimento do foco séptico. Após 24 horas da indução do foco infeccioso (E.coli), os animais foram anestesiados e 0,1 mL da 99mTc-CFT (37 MBq) foi injetado na veia da cauda dos animais. As imagens de 1, 2 e 6 horas após a injeção foram adquiridas em uma gama câmara e as regiões de interesse (ROIS) foram calculadas. Os valores obtidos dos diâmetros dos halos de inibição para 99mTc-CFT foram 27,16±0,23 e 27,17±0,20 para S. aureus e E.coli, respectivamente, sendo que para CFT não marcada foram 30,4±0,33 e 29,43±0,26, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos da biodistribuição da 99mTc-CFT nos animais com focos infecciosos mostraram uma relação alvo/não alvo de 1,97±0,31, 2,10±0,42 e 2,01±0,42 para os tempos de 1, 2 e 6 horas, respectivamente. As imagens obtidas mostraram nítida captação do antibiótico marcado (99mTc-CFT) pelo foco infeccioso ao longo do experimento. Os resultados obtidos neste...

New York; W. H. Freeman; 4th ed; 2005. 1119 p.
Monografía en Inglés | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-940918
New York; W. H. Freeman; 4th ed; 2005. 1119 p.
Monografía en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-760554