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Rev. int. sci. méd. (Abidj.) ; 5(2): 103-109, 2023. tables
Artículo en Francés | AIM | ID: biblio-1517010


Introduction. La bronchiolite aiguë du nourrisson est une infection virale des voies aériennes inférieures qui représente un problème majeur de santé publique. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire la prise en charge médicale du premier épisode de bronchiolite aiguë au CHU de Cocody. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective à visée descriptive qui a consisté à décrire la prise en charge médicale des nourrissons hospitalisés dans le CHU de Cocody du 1er Janvier 2020 au 31 Décembre 2022. Résultats : Sur la période d'étude, 125 nourrissons sont hospitalisés pour bronchiolite aiguë. La tranche d'âge de 4 à 6 mois était majoritaire (49,6%). L'âge moyen des patients est de 4,7 mois avec des extrêmes de 1 à 12 mois (écart-type=1,277 mois). Le sex-ratio était de 1,27. La numération formule anguine (NFS), la C Reactive Protein (CRP) et la radiographie thoracique standard ont été réalisées chez tous les patients. La désobstruction rhino-pharyngée (DRP) a été pratiquée dans 96,0% des cas. Une nébulisation avec du salbutamol a été appliquée à tous les patients. Cette nébulisation a été associée à une antibiothérapie (71,2 %), une corticothérapie (52 %) et à une kinésithérapie respiratoire (48 %). L'évolution a été favorable dans 96 % des cas, malgré une sous-utilisation de la ventilation non-invasive dans notre dans notre contexte. Conclusion : L'analyse de la prise en charge de la bronchiolite aiguë du nourrisson au CHU de Cocody, a revélé des écarts par rapport aux recommandations de la HAS française. Il serait judicieux d'établir un consensus national adapté à notre contexte de travail.

Acute bronchiolitis in infants is a viral infection of the lower airways that represents a major public health problem. The main objective was to describe the management of this condition in the Ivorian pediatric hospital context. Methods. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, with retrospective data collection. We have described the care of infants aged 1 month to 12 months, hospitalized for bronchiolitis in the Pediatrics department of the CHU of Cocody from January 01, 2020 to December 31, 2022. Results. We collected 125 files. The age group of 4 to 6 months was the majority (49.6%). The average age of the patients was 4.7 months (ecart-type=1,277 months) with extremes of 1 to 12 months. The sex ratio was 1.27. NFS, CRP and AP chest X-ray were performed in all patients. Nasopharyngeal clearance was performed in 96.0% of cases. The infants were all nebulized with salbutamol. Among them, 52% received a corticosteroid, 71.2% antibiotic therapy and in 48% of cases respiratory physiotherapy was performed. The evolution was favorable in 96% of cases. Conclusion : The analysis of the management of acute bronchiolitis in infants at the Cocody University Hospital reveals deviations from the recommendations of the French HAS. It would be wise to establish a national consensus adapted to our work context.

Bronquiolitis , Pacientes Internos
Mundo saúde (Impr.) ; 32(2): 183-188, abr.-jun. 2008. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-498658


O objetivo do presente trabalho foi comparar a eficácia da técnica de vibrocompressão e tapotagem associadas à drenagem postural e à técnica de aspiração traqueal em lactente hospitalizados por bronquiolite. Foram pesquisadas crianças abaixo de 2 anos de idade admitidas no hospital, na unidade de emergência, com diagnóstico de bronquiolite viral em respiração espontânea; 19 lactentes com diagnóstico clínico e radiológico de bronquiolite. Para tanto, foram realizadas intervenções da seguinte ordem: três grupos foramrandomizados: vibrocompressão + drenagem postural (VC+DP); tapotagem + drenagem postural (TAP+DP); e aspiração traqueal (ASP). Saturação de pulso de oxigênio (SpO2), freqüência cardíaca (FC), freqüência respiratória (f), boletim de Silverman – Anderson (BSA), que avalia o desconforto respiratório, foram avaliadas em três momentos: pré-tratamento (pré), pós-imediato (pós i) e 15 minutos após finalização do tratamento (pós 15); a quantidade de secreção aspirada foi avaliada apenas no pós i. Os resultados mostraram que houve redução significante no BSA e maior quantidade de secreção removida nos grupo VC+ DP e TAP + DP no pós 15 (p< 0.05). Houve redução da FC no pós 15 nos três grupos. Concluiu-se que VC e TAP, associadas à drenagem postural, mostraram-se eficientes na remoção de secreção e redução do desconforto respiratório em lactentes com bronquiolite.

The aim of the present work was to compare the effectiveness of the vibrocompression and tapotage technique associated with postural draining and the tracheal aspiration technique in nurslings hospitalized due to bronchiolitis. Children below 2 years of age admitted at the hospital and in the emergency unit were the research subjects, all with a diagnosis of viral bronquiolitis in spontaneous breathing in a total of 19 nurslings with clinical and radiological diagnosis of bronquiolitis. For this, the following interventions werecarried through: three groups were randomized: vibrocompression + postural draining (VC+DP); tapotage + postural draining (TAP+DP); and tracheal aspiration (ASP). Saturation of oxygen pulse (SpO2), cardiac frequency (FC), respiratory frequency (f), Silverman – Anderson Score (BSA), which evaluates the respiratory discomfort, were evaluated at three moments: pre-treatment (pre), post-immediate (post i) and 15 minutes after finishing the treatment (post 15); the amount of inhaled secretion was evaluated only in after i. Results show that a significant reduction in BSA and a greater amount of secretion was removed in VC+ DP and TAP + DP groups in post 15 (p < 0.05). There was reduction in FC in post 15 in the three groups. We conclude that VC and TAP, associated to postural draining, were efficient in the removal of secretion and the reduction of respiratory discomfort in nurslings with bronchiolitis.

Este trabajo intenciona comparar la eficacia de la vibrocompresión y la técnica de tapotaje asociada a la drenaje postural y la técnica de aspiración traqueal en bebés hospitalizados debido a la bronchiolite. Niños de menos de 2 años de edad admitidos en el hospital y en la unidad de emergencia fueran los sujetos de la investigación, todos con una diagnosis de bronchiolite viral en la respiración espontánea de un total de 19 bebés con la diagnosis clínica y radiológica de bronchiolite. Para esto, las intervenciones siguientes fueron realizadas: se seleccionaron al azar a tres grupos: vibrocompresión + drenaje postural (VC+DP); tapotaje + drenaje postural (TAP+DP); y aspiración traqueal (ASP). La pulsioximetría de saturación de oxígeno (SpO2), la frecuencia cardiaca (FC), la frecuencia respiratoria (f) e el escore de Silverman - Anderson (BSA), que mensura el malestar respiratorio, fueran evaluados en tres momentos: pretratamiento (pre), poste-inmediato (poste i) y 15 minutos después de acabar el tratamiento (poste 15); la cantidad de secreción inhalada fue evaluada solamente después de post i demuestra que una reducción significativa en BSA y una mayor cantidad de secreción fue quitada en grupos de VC + DP y TAP + DPen el poste 15 (p < 0.05). Hubo reducción en FC en el poste 15 en los tres grupos. Concluimos que VC y TAP, asociados al drenaje postural, fueran eficientes en la remoción de secreción y la reducción del malestar respiratorio en bebés con bronchiolite.

Bronquiolitis Viral , Modalidades de Fisioterapia