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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974328


Introduction@#Sanitation facility supply and service availability of Mongolia is essential due to the slow process of bacterial decomposition which is getting significant difficulties because of the cold and arid climate. Only 37 percent of Ulaanbaatar’s population is connected to the central sewerage system, and the majority of ger area residents, or 95 percent, use pit latrines in demand of sanitation facility. Numerous studies have shown that the main contaminant of the soil in ger area were pit latrines. It not only pollutes the environment but also affects human health. There is a lack of awareness about the transmission of infectious diseases and options of new sanitation facilities and poor knowledge and bad conditions to introduce new drainage systems. Most pit latrines in ger areas are of poor quality and do not meet relevant standards.@*Goal@#To determine the effect of ”Gipon” ionized disinfectant solution produced by Japanese technology for disinfecting pit latrines@*@#@*Material and Methods@#This study was conducted in December 2019 using a random sampling method. Five households in ger areas were selected and pit latrines were disinfected by ”Gipon” ionized disinfectant solution.@*Results@#The survey covered pit latrines of 5 households in the 21st khoroo of Bayanzurkh district. All owners allowed to participate in the survey. The pit latrines are located approximately 9.8 meters away from the households participated in survey. They have been utilized it for 7.6 years and used by an average of 6 people per day. For inner cover, 60.0 percent are lined with wood, and 40.0 percent are cleaned once a month. Before the use of the disinfectant solution, having taken the swab from door handles, floors and walls of the toilet and were detected Enterobacter spp, E.Coli, and Pseudomonas spp in all samples. </br> However, after one and 24 hours of spreading of the disinfectant solution, the amount of intestinal coliform bacteria and E. coli was reduced dramatically and in some places no bacterial were detected. 72% of the soil near the latrines in the study covered ger areas was contaminated with bacteria. In terms of E.Coli contamination in soil, 60% of them were contaminated in low degree and 32% were medium and 8% were high degree. Anaerobic microorganisms such as Cl.prefrings were accounted for 82% of the total sample, 19% moderate and 81% low contamination.@*Conclusion@#Intestinal coliform bacteria (Enterobacter spp, E.Coli, Pseudomonas spp) and pathogenic bacteria (Serratia spp, Staphylacoccus spp) were not detected and the number of fungi was sharply reduced after 1 and 24 hours using Hypon disinfectant. No intestinal pathogens (Salmonella spp, Citrobacter freundii) were found in the soil near the latrine. The amount of coli titers was reached to the acceptable limits. According to this study, the disinfection activity of “Gipon” solution was ranging from 105 to 104.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186144


Water quality of rural area of Patna was studied. The water samples from rural area of Patna were collected to assess the quality of potable water. A laboratory test was conducted for assessment of water quality. The physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters were studied. The results obtained were compared with WHO/ICMR standard. Results showed high TDS, hardness at some locations and coliform counts were high at some sampling sites. Conductivity increases with increase of hardness of water. The pH of drinking water samples were followed by the standards recommended by the ICMR or WHO. TDS of water samples showed wide range of variations. Hard water is responsible for cardiovascular diseases. Such quality of water can cause various diseases like diarrhoea, jaundice, typhoid, dysentery etc.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;20(4): 645-652, out.-dez. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-769719


RESUMO As bactérias coliformes, correntemente utilizadas como indicadores de contaminação fecal, não asseguram a inexistência de outros microrganismos patogênicos em águas, principalmente vírus entéricos. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade da utilização de colifagos como indicadores virais no efluente de estações de tratamento de esgotos (ETE), pois sua análise apresenta um método mais simplificado quando comparado aos procedimentos para identificação de vírus entéricos. O comportamento de colifagos nas diferentes estações climáticas durante o período de um ano foi verificado no efluente final da ETE, apresentando-se em maior quantidade nos períodos secos. Não foi verificada relação significativa entre colifagos e coliformes, bem como com as variáveis demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO5), turbidez e sólidos totais. Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa indicam a necessidade do monitoramento conjunto de vírus e bactérias, a fim de garantir adequada avaliação da qualidade do esgoto tratado.

ABSTRACT Coliform bacteria, currently used as fecal indicator, does not ensure the absence of other pathogenic microorganisms in water, mainly enteric viruses. The objective of this study was to evaluate the viability of using coliphages as viral indicators in the effluent from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) due to the fact that Coliphages determination involves a simplified methodology. The seasonal pattern of coliphages was measured in the final effluent of a domestic WWTP, which occurred in higher values, mainly during dry seasons periods. This behavior was similar with the described by the authors in relation to enteric viruses in water. Significant relationship was not found among coliphages and coliforms, as well as with the physical and chemical parameters analyzed. The need for joint monitoring of viruses and bacteria is emphasized, in order to ensure the proper quality of treated water.

NOVA publ. cient ; 11(20): 45-51, jul.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-729514


La eutrofización es un proceso natural en los ecosistemas acuáticos, se produce por el enriquecimiento del cuerpo de agua con nutrientes. Durante los últimos años el ser humano ha acelerado estos procesos de eutrofización modificando tanto la calidad de las aguas como la estructura de las comunidades biológicas, debido al aumento en la carga orgánica e inorgánica de los cuerpos de agua. La eutrofización reduce los usos potenciales de los recursos hídricos ya que induce a la mortalidad de especies animales, a la descomposición del agua y al crecimiento de microorganismos. Además, en muchas ocasiones los microorganismos se convierten en un riesgo para la salud humana, como es el caso de los agentes patógenos transmitidos por el agua, que constituyen un problema mundial. Para establecer la calidad microbiológica del agua, se evaluaron once puntos del Parque Natural Chicaque en época de lluvias (noviembre del 2010) y época seca (agosto del 2011). Se emplearon los indicadores coliformes totales, Escherichia coli y Enterococcus, la técnica utilizada fue la filtración por membrana, y la identificación de algunos microorganismos aislados se realizó con pruebas bioquímicas rápidas BD BBL Crystal. El aislamiento de coliformes totales, Escherichia coli y Enterococcus en el agua del Parque, indica la contaminación fecal de las aguas. La presencia de estos grupos de bacterias está relacionada con el impacto de las actividades del hombre y animales sobre los cuerpos de agua y el manejo de las aguas residuales.

Eutrophication is a natural process in aquatic ecosystems; it is produced by the enrichment of the water body with nutrients. In recent years, humans have accelerated the eutrophication process by changing both the water quality and the structure of biological communities due to increased load of organic and inorganic water bodies. Eutrophication reduces the potential uses of water resources and inducing mortality of animal species, the decomposition of water and the growth of microorganisms. In addition, microorganisms often become a risk to human health, such as pathogens transmitted by water, which is a worldwide problem. To establish the microbiological quality of water, eleven points of the Natural Park Chicaque were evaluated during the rainy season (November 2010) and the dry season (August 2011). The indicators used were total coliforms and Escherichia coli and Enterococcus, the technique used was the membrane filtration, and the identification of some isolated microorganisms was carried out with rapid biochemical tests BBL BD Crystal. The isolation of total coliforms and Escherichia coli and Enterococcus in the water of the Park indicates the fecal contamination of the waters. The presence of these groups of bacteria is related to the impact of the activities of man and animals on the bodies of water and wastewater management.

Humanos , Microbiología del Agua , Calidad del Agua , Ecosistema , Eutrofización
Rev. Inst. Nac. Hig ; 41(2): 46-51, dic. 2010. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: lil-631782


La contaminación bacteriana de alimentos que se consumen en la calle servidas por expendedores ambulantes constituye una alternativa alimentaria para los trabajadores y estudiantes, pero a la vez es fuente de enfermedades trasmitidas por alimentos a los consumidores, para el estudio de la acción de hornos microondas sobre la contaminación de alimentos se tomaron setenta y siete (77) muestras de alimentos de la ciudad de Trujillo-Venezuela, colectadas en expendios (21 perros calientes, 32 empanadas y 24 arepas), tomadas en condiciones de asepsia se trasladaron en cadena de frío hasta el laboratorio para su estudio. De cada muestra se separaron dos partes, una para irradiarla con microondas durante un minuto para luego someterla al estudio bacteriológico y otra control sin el citado tratamiento. Se confirmó contaminación fecal en el 60% de las muestras examinadas, la exposición a microondas durante un minuto redujo en un 85,4% las cargas de bacterias coliformes. Los resultados demuestran la destrucción de bacterias en un 90% de perros calientes, 40% en empanadas y 66,6% de arepas que resultaron positivas. La acción del microondas sobre los alimentos resultó ser una técnica efectiva para reducir las cargas de bacterias contaminantes.

Food that is served by mobile stall and consumed on the street is a nutritional alternative for workers and students but, sometimes, the bacterial contamination of this “fast food” can be a diseasis transmitted by food to consumer. In this study of the effect of microwave ovens on the contamination of food, seventy-seven examples of “fast food” were collected from mobile stalls (twenty-one hot-dogs, thirty-two empanadas and twenty-for arepas). The sample were taken in aseptic conditions and transferred to the laboratory in cold storage. Each sample was divided into two parts. One part was irradiated with microwaves for one minute and the subjected to a bacteriological analysis. The other was not subjected to the radiation treatment. Fecal contamination was confirmed in 60% of the samples examined; the one minute exposure to microwaves reduced the levels of bacterial coliforms by 85.4%. The results revealed the destruction of bacteria in 90% of the hot-dogs, in 40% of the empanadas and in 66.6% of de arepas that were diagno-sed as positive. The effect of microwaves proved to be an effective technique in reducing the levels of bacterial conta-minants in food-stuffs.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Contaminación de Alimentos/análisis , Contaminación de Alimentos/prevención & control , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos/complicaciones , Microondas/uso terapéutico , Salud Pública , Coliformes/clasificación
Rev. Soc. Venez. Microbiol ; 29(2): 98-102, dic. 2009. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-631659


En este trabajo se investigaron microorganismos indicadores de calidad sanitaria en queso artesanal tipo “telita” de Upata, municipio Piar, estado Bolívar. Se analizaron 60 muestras y se investigaron estafilococos coagulasa positivos (Staphylococcus aureus) según Norma Venezolana COVENIN 1292-89 como indicador de manipulación; bacterias coliformes según Norma Venezolana        COVENIN 1104-96 y presencia de Escherichia coli como indicador de contaminación fecal. Todos los crecimientos bacterianos correspondieron a estafilococos coagulasa negativos con recuentos de hasta 10(4) diluciones decimales. Coliformes totales mostraron recuentos de hasta ≤10(5) NMP/g y coliformes fecales en concentración ≤10(4) NMP/g. Escherichia coli estuvo presente en 43,3% de los quesos. Se concluyó que el queso artesanal tipo “telita” que se expende en los alrededores de Upata, estado Bolívar, evidencia fallas en la manipulación e higiene posterior a su elaboración; y por no cumplir con los criterios que establece el Reglamento Centroamericano de Criterios Microbiológicos de los Alimentos Procesados, se considera un producto que podría representar un alto riesgo microbiológico para el consumidor.

This study investigated microorganisms indicators of sanitary conditions in hand-made “telita” type cheese in Upata, Piar Municipality, Bolivar State. Sixty cheese samples were analyzed, and coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus) were investigated according to Venezuelan COVENIN Regulation 1292-89 as indicator of manipulation, coliform bacteria according to the Venezuelan COVENIN Regulation 1104-96 and presence of Escherichia coli as fecal contamination indicator. All bacteria growths corresponded to coagulase-negative staphylococci with counts up to 10(4) decimal dilutions. Total coliforms showed counts of up to ≤10(5) NMP/g, and fecal coliforms in concentrations of ≤10(4) NMP/g. Escherichia coli, appeared in 43.3% of samples. It was concluded that the hand-made “telita” type cheese that is sold in the surroundings of Upata, Bolivar State, shows evidences of faulty manipulation and hygienic conditions after its production , and that it does not fulfill the criteria established by the Central American Regulation of Microbiological Criteria For Processed Foods, and is considered as a product which could represent a high microbiological risk for consumers.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-536845


ve To explore the feasibility of the application of rapid method of LTSE in determination of coliform bacteria in water. Methods The 205 water samples were determined for coliform bacteria by rapid method of LTSE, and at the same time by routine method ruled by National Standard Regulation as control. Results The re-sults obtained from rapid LTSE accorded with those from routine method on the whole, and the detectable rates of these two methods showed a consistent rate of 96.6% . Conclusion Rapid method of LTSE could be applied to de-termination of coliform bacteria.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-680976


Objective: To compare with coliform bateria and Escherichia coli testing results in oral drugs. Methods: 24 species Chinese herb medicines and 35 kinds of Chinese traditional patent medicines in 68 batches were examined by using the method of coliform bacteria and escherichis coli test.Results: There were significant differences. Conclusion: The result showed that using the coliform bacterias as the hygienic indicative bacteria was significant.

Microbiology ; (12)1992.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-684022


Based on the counting results from nutrition agar in our study, and compared with another two kinds of coliform bacteria detective plates for dinner and drinking sets which were provided by two manufactures and inspected by China National Health Bureau , we accomplished the detectability test of the Huankai coliform bacteria plates. In our study, 3kinds of cell density were adopted: 10cells/mL, 50cells/mL and 100cells/mL . The results shew that the detectability of Huankai plates basically conformed with that of nutrition agar , and was no evident difference from that of another two kinds of plates. The conclusions were that Huankai plates can completely be used in the inspection and test for conform bacteria.