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Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 110(2): 1100831, may.-ago. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418460


Objetivo: El odontoma es una lesión hamartomatosa benigna formada por tejido dentario (cemento, esmalte, pul­ pa). Según su grado de diferenciación podrá ser clasificado en sus dos variantes: compuesto y complejo en una relación 2:1. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un odontoma mixto de gran tamaño de localización mandibular y su resolución quirúrgica. Caso clínico: Se describe el caso de un paciente mascu­ lino de 16 años de edad, portador de ortodoncia, que presenta un odontoma mixto de gran tamaño de localización mandibular y su resolución quirúrgica utilizando planificación 3D y confección de placa de titanio customizada (AU)

Aim: Odontoma is a benign hamartomatous lesion formed by dental tissue (cementum, enamel, pulp). According to its degree of differentiation, it can be classified in its two variants: compound and complex in a 2:1 ratio. The objective of this article is to present a large mixed odontoma of mandi­ bular location and its surgical resolution. Clinical case: A 16-year-old male patient with ortho­ dontics, who presents a large mixed odontoma with mandibu­ lar location and its surgical resolution using 3D planning and customized titanium plate fabrication (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Anomalías Dentarias/clasificación , Tumores Odontogénicos/clasificación , Odontoma/cirugía , Mandíbula/patología , Planificación de Atención al Paciente , Argentina , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Preprotésicos Orales/métodos , Imagenología Tridimensional/métodos , Servicio Odontológico Hospitalario , Dispositivos de Fijación Quirúrgicos , Maloclusión de Angle Clase III/terapia
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1348048


Les odontomes sont des tumeurs bénignes des maxillaires composées de dérivés de l'épithélium odontogène et de l'ectomésenchyme. Ils sont divisés en deux groupes: odontome composé et odontome complexe. L'odontome composé est constitué de nombreuses dents rudimentaires, de très petite taille, groupées dans un sac dont la paroi conjonctive est identique à celle du follicule dentaire normal. Il s'agit d'une jeune patiente qui s'est présentée à la consultation pour une tuméfaction maxillaire antérieure évoluant depuis 4 ans. La patiente a rapporté qu'elle a subi un traumatisme à l'enfance. L'évolution de la tuméfaction était asymptomatique. L'examen exobuccal était sans spécificité. L'examen endobuccal a montré la présence au niveau de la muqueuse vestibulaire du maxillaire antérieur, d'une tuméfaction dure à la palpation et indolore. La muqueuse de recouvrement était d'aspect normal. La TDM a montré des images radiopaques entourées d'un halo radioclaire au niveau du secteur maxillaire antérieur droit autour de la racine de la 11, avec une rupture de la corticale externe et sans envahissement des fosses nasales. Les données cliniques et radiologiques ont orienté vers un odontome composé. Une exérèse chirurgicale des odontomes a été réalisée. L'odontome fait partie des tumeurs odontogéniques benignes épithélio-mésenchymateuses mixtes. L'étiologie de l'odontome est inconnue. Il peut apparaître suite à un ancien traumatisme. Les odontomes composés sont asymptomatiques et découverts au cours d'un examen radiographique de routine. Le traitement consiste à l'extraction chirurgicale de l'odontome seule ou suivi d'un traitement orthodontique en cas d'inclusion d'une dent

Odontomas are benign jaw tumors composed of derivatives of odontogenic epithelium and ectomesenchyme. They are divided into two groups: compound odontoma and complex odontoma. A compound odontoma is made up of many rudimentary teeth, very small, grouped in a sac whose connective wall is identical to that of the normal tooth follicle. A young patient presented for the consultation for an anterior maxillary swelling that has progressed for 4 years. The patient reported that she suffered trauma as a child. The progression of the swelling was asymptomatic. The extra oral examination was unspecific. Intraoral examination showed the presence in the vestibular mucosa of the anterior maxilla, a swelling that was hard on palpation and painless. The covering mucosa was normal in appearance. CT showed radiopaque images surrounded by a radiolucent halo in the right anterior maxillary sector around the root of 11, with a rupture of the external cortex and without invasion of the nasal cavity. Clinical and radiological data have pointed to a compound odontoma. Surgical removal of the odontomas was performed. Odontoma is one of the benign mixed epithelial-mesenchymal odontogenic tumors. The etiology of odontoma is unknown. It can appear following an old trauma. Compound odontomas are asymptomatic and discovered during routine radiographic examination. Treatment consists of surgical extraction of the odontoma alone or followed by orthodontic treatment in the event of inclusion of a tooth.

Odontoma , Epitelio , Mandíbula , Maxilar
Odontol. vital ; (32)jun. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386416


Resumen Actualmente los odontomas son los tumores odontogénicos más frecuentes. Son considerados hamartomas, compuestos por células epiteliales odontogénicas y mesenquimatosas diferenciadas, y muestra tejidos dentales en su estructura. Se presenta una revisión de la literatura seguido por un reporte de caso de un odontoma compuesto en el maxilar inferior de un paciente de 13 años asociado a la inclusión del segundo molar inferior derecho (4.7). Se realizó la exéresis del tumor y la correspondiente biopsia para confirmar el diagnóstico.

Abstract At present time odontomas are the most common odontogenic tumors. They are hamartomas, composed of epithelial odontogenic and mesenchymal cells, presenting dental tissue in their structure. A literature review followed by a case report are presented. The case report presents a compound odontoma in the inferior maxillary of a 13-year-old patient, associated with the inclusion of the second right inferior molar (4.7). The exeresis followed by the biopsy of the tumor were performed to confirm the clinical diagnosis.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Anomalías Dentarias/cirugía , Odontoma/diagnóstico , Honduras
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 107(1): 19-24, ene.-mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-998717


La Organización Mundial de la Salud clasifica los odontomas como tumores odontogénicos benignos compuestos de epitelio odontogénico y ectomesénquima odontogénico con formación de tejido duro dental. Los odontomas, por definición, son lesiones habitualmente hamartomatosas que suelen encontrarse sobre dientes no erupcionados, compuestas de esmalte, dentina, pulpa y cemento en formas reconocibles de dientes (odontoma compuesto) o bien como una masa nudosa sólida (odontoma complejo). Algunos tumores constituyen una combinación de ambos tipos (es decir, no solo contienen estructuras múltiples de aspecto similar a un diente, sino también masas calcificadas de tejido dental dispuestas al azar). Estas lesiones se denominan odontomas complejos-compuestos. Otro tipo, el fibroodontoma ameloblástico, es un tumor infrecuente que contiene los componentes tisulares blandos del fibroma ameloblástico y los componentes de tejido duro del odontoma complejo (AU)

The World Health Organization classifies odontomas as a benign odontogenic tumor composed of odontogenic epithelium and odontogenic ectomesenchyma with dental hard tissue formation. Odontomas, by definition, are usually hamartomatous lesions, frequently found on unerupted teeth, composed of enamel, dentin, pulp and cement in recognizable forms of teeth (compound) or a solid knotty mass (complex). Some tumors constitute a combination of both types (i.e., they not only contain multiple structures similar in appearance to a tooth, but also calcified masses of dental tissue arranged at random). These lesions are called complex-compound odontomas. Another type, the ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, is an infrequent tumor that contains the soft tissue components of the ameloblastic fibroma and the hard tissue components of the complex odontoma (AU)

Humanos , Tumores Odontogénicos/clasificación , Odontoma/clasificación , Hamartoma , Extracción Dental , Diente Impactado , Diente no Erupcionado , Organización Mundial de la Salud
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 5(1): 16-21, mar. 2018. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281967


An odontoma is a mixed benign odontogenic tumor, being a hamartomatous neoplastic lesion of odontogenic epithelial and mesenchymal cells that form enamel, dentine and cement, which occurs in the second to third decade of life, and is commonly a radiographic finding. The aim of this paper is to describe the management of a compound odontoma with guided bone regeneration. A 20-year-old asymptomatic male patient with no relevant surgical medical history underwent surgery for the enucleation of a compound odontoma followed by guided bone regeneration of the defect, and histopathological study of the specimen. The evolution was favorable, without any sign of recurrence. It is important to carry out a previous surgical plan, taking into account the size of the defect resulting from its enucleation, assess the need for guided bone regeneration and use complementary diagnostic resources for a satisfactory recovery.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Joven , Regeneración Ósea , Neoplasias Maxilares/diagnóstico , Odontoma/diagnóstico , Radiografía Panorámica
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780550


@#Odontoma is one of the most common odontogenic tumors in the jaws, and it is widely considered as tooth hamartomas. This article reports a rare compound odontoma with 39 denticles which was checked and diagnosed radically by CBCT, and relevant literatures are reviewed.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-819302


@#Odontoma is one of the most common odontogenic tumors in the jaws, and it is widely considered as tooth hamartomas. This article reports a rare compound odontoma with 39 denticles which was checked and diagnosed radically by CBCT, and relevant literatures are reviewed.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 11(4): 425-430, dic. 2017. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-893284


RESUMEN: Los odontomas son los tumores odontogénicos benignos más prevalentes. Estos están conformados por tejido dentario, epitelio odontogénico y tejido mesenquimático. Se dividen en dos subtipos: odontomas compuestos, que presentan tejidos dentarios normales, pero con una alteración en su conformación y tamaño, y odontomas complejos, que presentan tejidos dentarios bien formados, pero rodeados de tejido desorganizado. Se presentan tres casos de pacientes sexo femenino, quienes acuden para evaluación y tratamiento debido al hallazgo radiográfico de odontoma compuesto. En el caso nº 1 se realizó la desinclusión del diente impactado, la exodoncia del diente remanente, la exéresis del odontoma compuesto, la instalación de un implante dental en el alveolo de la zona intervenida y, finalmente, el posicionamiento de injerto óseo. En el caso nº 2 se realizó la exodoncia del diente temporal remanente y la exéreis del odontoma compuesto. Ambos casos evolucionaron de manera favorable sin complicaciones post operatorias. En el caso nº 3 se realizó la fenestración del diente 18 y la exéreis del odontoma compuesto que retenía su erupción. Todos los casos evolucionaron de manera favorable sin complicaciones post operatorias. Dada la prevalencia de esta patología, es necesario un adecuado conocimiento sobre ella y sus características, para realizar un adecuado diagnóstico y tratamiento. Existen distintas medidas terapéuticas respecto a la rehabilitación de una zona edéntula como resultado de la exéresis de estos tumores. Esto depende principalmente de la edad del paciente. Al ser requeridas medidas rehabilitadoras, un punto importante a considerar es la posibilidad de realizar todos los procedimientos quirúrgicos en un solo tiempo operatorio.

ABSTRACT: Odontomas are the most common benign odontogenic tumors and are composed of dental tissue, odontogenic epithelium and mesenchymal tissue. They are divided into two subtypes: Compound odontomas, which present normal tooth tissue, but an alteration in their conformation and size, and complex odontomas, which present well-formed tooth tissue, but are surrounded by disorganized tissue. A bibliographic review was performed by one operator in Pubmed and Epistemonikos. After filtering by title and abstract, only one systematic review was selected. We present two clinical cases of compound odontoma in female patients at the Military Hospital in Santiago. Patients were referred for evaluation and treatment due to the radiographic finding of compound odontoma. In case # 1, the impacted tooth was disincluded, the remaining temporal tooth was extracted, and excision of the compound odontoma carried out; subsequently a bone graft implant was placed in the remaining socket. In case # 2, the remaining temporal tooth was extracted and compound odontoma excised. After that, natural eruption of the corresponding permanent tooth is expected. In case # 3, tooth 1.8 fenestration and excision of compound odontoma was performed. In this case also, natural eruption of the corresponding permanent tooth is expected. Given the prevalence of this pathology, adequate knowledge of compound odontomas and their characteristics is necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment. There are different therapeutic measures for the rehabilitation of an edentulous area following excision of compound odontoma. This depends mainly on the age of the patient. When rehabilitation measures are required, an important aspect to consider for the patient, is the possibility of a single surgical event, as was done in case # 1.

Humanos , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Hueso Paladar/patología , Anomalías Dentarias/patología , Odontoma/diagnóstico , Hamartoma/patología , Biopsia/métodos , Radiografía Panorámica , Odontoma/cirugía , Implantación Dental/métodos , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico/métodos , Osteotomía Sagital de Rama Mandibular/métodos , Márgenes de Escisión
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-625519


Odontomas are the most common odontogenic hamartomas worldwide. Depending on the level of organisation of the tissues inside, these can be differentiated into compound type or complex type. As these are asymptomatic and do not cause any changes in the bone, they are often diagnosed during the routine dental examination. Complex odontomas are commonly found to occur in posterior mandible while compound odontomas are found in the anterior maxilla. A nine-year-old female child reported for a routine dental check-up, when a missing left permanent mandibular lateral incisor [32] was noticed. Further investigations revealed compound odontoma and unerupted 32, which is an unusual location. Early detection of these tumours is essential to avoid lengthy corrective treatments.

Rev. odontol. mex ; 20(4): 272-276, oct.-dic. 2016. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-961581


Resumen: Los odontomas corresponden a los tumores odontogénicos más comunes (35-76%). Es un tumor benigno originado a partir de una alteración de células odontogénicas epiteliales y mesenquimatosas diferenciadas con capacidad de formar esmalte, dentina y cemento. Se clasifican en compuestos y complejos en una relación de 2:1, siendo la diferencia entre ambos la organización del tejido dentario. La etiología es desconocida pero se ha explorado la ocasión a infecciones, anomalías hereditarias, hiperactividad odontoblástica y traumatismos. El 75% de los casos se diagnostican antes de la segunda década de vida debido a un retraso en la erupción dental permanente, ya que son asintomáticos. El tratamiento es la enucleación tratando de conservar el diente permanente, siendo las recidivas poco frecuentes.

Abstract: Odontoma is the most commonly found odontogenic tumor (3576%). Odontoma is a benign tumor originating from an alteration of differentiated mesenchymal and epithelial odontogenic cells; it has the capacity of forming enamel, dentin and cement. They are classifi ed into compound and complex, in a 2:1 relationship, the difference between both being dental tissue organization. Etiology is still unknown but relation to infections, hereditary anomalies, odontoblastic hyperactivity and trauma has been explored. Since these tumors are asymptomatic, 75% of all cases are diagnosed before the second decade of life, due to a delay in eruption of permanent teeth. Treatment of choice for these tumors is enucleation, attempting to preserve the tooth; relapse is very uncommon.

Rev. ADM ; 73(4): 206-211, jul.-ago. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-835296


El odontoma compuesto es un tumor benigno odontogénico conformadopor varios dentículos o dientes rudimentarios los cuales se encuentran conformados de tejido dental organizado. Su etiología no está biendefi nida pero se atribuye a traumatismos durante la primera dentición, así como a procesos infl amatorios o infecciosos, anomalías hereditarias o alteraciones en el gen de control del desarrollo dentario. Su presencia se encuentra entre los tres tumores odontogénicos más frecuentes, en diferente orden según el autor que se consulte. Está relacionado por logeneral con una alteración en la erupción o malposición dental. Tiene predilección en hueso maxilar, frecuentemente asintomáticos, se caracterizan por un crecimiento lento, diagnosticándose de forma casualmediante exámenes radiográfi cos de rutina entre la segunda y terceradécada de la vida. En este estudio se presenta el caso de un pacientefemenino de 14 años de edad, con presencia de un odontoma compuestode 40 dentículos, en la región parasinfi siaria izquierda, tratado medianteenucleación, y colocación de injerto óseo.

The compound odontoma is a benign odontogenic tumor composed ofseveral denticles or rudimentary teeth made up of organized dentaltissue. Its etiology is not well defi ned but is attributed to trauma duringthe fi rst dentition, as well as to infl ammatory or infectious processes, inherited abnormalities, odontoblastic hyperactivity or alterations in the gene that controls tooth development. It is among the 3 mostcommon odontogenic tumors, though its ranking among these varies depending on the author consulted. It is usually associated with analteration in the eruption or malposition of teeth. It has a predilection for the maxillary bone, and is often slow-growing and asymptomatic. Odontomas are diagnosed incidentally during routine X-ray examinations of patients between the second and third decades of life. In this study, we present the case of a 14-year-old female patient with the presence of a compound odontoma comprised of 40 denticles inthe left parasymphyseal region, which is treated by enucleation andbone graft placement.

Humanos , Adolescente , Femenino , Manifestaciones Bucales , Odontoma/clasificación , Odontoma/epidemiología , Tumores Odontogénicos/clasificación , Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades/tendencias , Calcificaciones de la Pulpa Dental , México , Odontoma/cirugía , Odontoma/etiología , Odontoma , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico/métodos
Br J Med Med Res ; 2016; 11(1): 1-5
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181904


Aims: An Odontoma is usually found in the surrounding area of the unerupted permanent tooth bud and rarely adjacent to the primary central incisor. Histopathological examination of the Odontoma revealed presence of surface invagination similar to Dens invaginatus. Presentation of Case: A seven year-old healthy girl presented with an unerupted maxillary left primary central incisor along with swelling of labial gingiva in that region. No history of traumatic injury was recorded. Radiological examination revealed impacted primary maxillary left central incisor and three irregular masses of calcified tooth like tissues. Discussion: Odontomas are commonly occuring hamartomas associated with permanent dentition. Odontomas are rarely associated with Primary dentition. Multiple Odontomas leading to impaction of primary incisors is still rarer. This report presents a case of an impacted primary central incisor and unerupted permanent central incisor due to multiple odontomas, one of which was histologically diagnosed as multiple compound odontoma with Dens invaginatus. The Odontomas and impacted primary central were surgically removed to facilitate the eruption of permanent incisor. Conclusion: This report presents a unique and rare case of multiple Odontomas leading to impaction of primary tooth and unerupted permanent incisor. This report also proves Odontomas with deep surface invagination similar to Dens Invaginatus can be present.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-177260


Background & Objective: To document and discuss clinical features, evaluation for need of treatment of 30 radiographically and histopathologically proven cases of compound and complex odontomes of the jaw bones monitored and operated by single surgeon during 5 years. Methodology: A retrospective investigation of 30 cases of compound composite and complex composite odontomes was done. The study was performed using medical records, panoramic radiographs and pathological reports. Data gathered included age/gender, location, chief complaints, effect on dentition and treatment rendered. Results: 16 cases of compound odontoma detected in 1st & 2nd decades of life had 6 accidentally discovered on radiographs and 10 complaining of missing permanent teeth. 14 cases of complex odontoma discovered during 3rd -6th decades , 8 with complaint of the pain & paraesthesia of the affected region and 6 discovered accidentally on radiographs. None of the odontomes showed gender predilection. Considering the state of presentation, associated complaints and possible complications surgical treatment was done in symptomatic patients & asymptomatic patients were kept on follow up. Chi-square test performed was statistically insignificant (Chi Sq=0.089, df=1, p-Value >0.1). Conclusion: Odontoma, a benign odontogenic tumor usually has least propensity towards aggressiveness or malignant transformation. Treatment protocol of individual cases should be customized by considering the presenting complaints ,symptoms & natural progression of the concerned lesion. Considering the above factors, all cases of odontomes need not be surgically removed unless it grows to a potential large size causing gross facial deformities, pain & paraethesia of affected facial region or impaction of multiple permanent teeth.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-159314


Odontomas are developmental anomalies of the dental tissues and may interfere with the eruption of the associated tooth. Since, these lesions are asymptomatic, they are usually detected in routine radiographs only. Early diagnosis, prompt clinical decision making followed by a proper treatment at the right time, results in a favorable prognosis. The present report describes the surgical management of a case of compound odontoma in 11-year-old boy who presented with a complaint of missing tooth in maxillary anterior region. After the lesion was surgically removed under local anesthesia, histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of compound odontoma. The related literature is also reviewed in this article.

Niño , Humanos , Masculino , Maxilar , Odontoma/clasificación , Odontoma/diagnóstico , Odontoma/epidemiología , Odontoma/diagnóstico por imagen , Odontoma/cirugía , Erupción Dental
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-174526


Odontoma is a hamartoma of odontogenic origin which contains both epithelial and mesenchymal cells exhibiting complete differentiation with enamel and dentine laid down in abnormal position. It may result from the extraneous buds of odontogenic epithelial cells from the laminadura, enamel, dentin or cementum. The etiology of odontoma is unknown it may due to trauma, infection or genetic transmission. Treatment includes simple excision with no recurrence noted. The aim of this paper is to present a thorough review on the etiology, clinical presentation, histopathological features and treatment aspects of odontomas.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 7(2): 203-206, Aug. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-690504


Odontoameloblastoma is a rare neoplasm of odontogenic origin in which there is proliferation of tissue of the odontogenic apparatus in an unrestrained pattern including complete morphodifferentiation, apposition and even calcification. Till date, around 20 cases have fulfilled the histologic criteria of the current World Health Organization histologic classification of odontogenic tumors. Review of literature from 1944 to 2011 reveals only four reported cases in the anterior mandible. Here, we report a case of odontoameloblastoma in the anterior mandible in which plexiform ameloblastoma was associated with compound odontoma forming an unusual combination.

El odontoameloblastoma es una neoplasia rara, de origen odontogénico en el que existe proliferación tisular del aparato odontogénico en un patrón sin restricciones, incluyendo morfodiferenciación completa, aposición e incluso calcificación. Hasta la fecha, alrededor de 20 casos han cumplido todos los criterios histológicos de la actual clasificación de tumores odontogénicos de la OMS. La revisión de la literatura desde 1944 hasta el año 2011 revela sólo cuatro casos reportados en el sector mandibular anterior. Se presenta un caso de odontoameloblastoma en la region anterior mandibular donde un ameloblastoma plexiforme se asoció con un odontoma complejo formando una combinación inusual.

RSBO (Impr.) ; 9(2): 199-203, Apr.-Jun. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-748113


Introduction: Odontomas are the most common odontogenic tumors of the jaws which are benign, slow growing and nonaggressive. They are usually asymptomatic and are diagnosed on routine radiological examination. The eruptions of odontomas are uncommon and very few cases are reported in the literature. Objective:To report two rare cases of erupted compound odontomas. Case report:Two cases of erupted compound odontomas are reported in middle aged patients. Erupted miniature teeth-like structure were seen on clinical examination. The condition was diagnosed on the basis of conventional intraoral radiographs and histopathological examination. Both cases were treated by surgical excision under local anaesthesia without any complications. Conclusion: Odontomas are benign tumors with uncertain etiology. Odontomas erupting in the oral cavity is an infrequent situation. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice in all such cases followed by histopathological examination to confirm the clinical diagnosis.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631428


Odontomas are benign hamartomas which are often detected on routine radiographic examinations for other dental complaints. They are usually surgically removed but are rarely examined histopathologically. We report two cases with identical radiological features but different histopathological outcome, thus stressing the importance of histopathological examination of odontoma.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-36451


A cystic compound odontoma in the maxillary sinus occured in a 13-years-old boy, who had missing right upper third molar without having the hostory of extraction of the wisdom tooth. He complained nasal stuffimess, headache, and pain on the affected face, resembling any sign and symptoms of the maxillary sinus problems. The cysitc compound, sized 2 x 1.5 cm in diameter was pedunculated and attached on the posterior wall of the right maxillary sinus and above the antral floor. The location of the compound odontoma in the maxillary sinus was confirmed after panoramic, waters, spiral tomographic, CT examinations and surgical exploration. Irs location was on the medical, posterior, superior to the normal position of the maxillary third molar or the maxiilary dental arch. The cystic odontoma in the maxillary sinus made the patient have the sings and symptoms of mazillary sinustis. The cystic compound dodntoma might be originated from the dental lamina of the missing upper right thred molar. The "V principle" of the upper jaw growth and the pneumatization process fo the maxillary sinus could explain why the compound odontoma had peduncular shape and the location of odontoma was on the demial, superior to the normal position of the maxillary dental arch.

Humanos , Masculino , Arco Dental , Cefalea , Maxilares , Seno Maxilar , Sinusitis Maxilar , Diente Molar , Tercer Molar , Odontoma , Agua