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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 245-263, ago. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448493


Resumen El concepto de bienestar subjetivo se refiere a la forma global, positiva o negativa, en la que las personas evalúan sus vidas y experiencias. La búsqueda de factores que expliquen el bienestar subjetivo, actualmente uno de los temas de mayor interés en la psicología, condujo al concepto de satisfacciones de dominios, que se entienden como los juicios que las personas hacen al evaluar los mayores dominios de vida. Este estudio correlacional tuvo por objetivo establecer la relación de la satisfacción en los dominios económico, de pareja, familia, amigos, salud, vida universitaria y rendimiento académico, con los componentes cognitivo y emocional del bienestar subjetivo (satisfacción vital y felicidad, respectivamente), identificando cuáles de esos dominios lo predicen. La muestra, no probabilística, estuvo conformada por 344 estudiantes de una universidad pública colombiana (50.9 % mujeres y 49.1 % hombres) con edades entre 18 y 29 años (. = 20.89; DT = 2.52). Los resultados mostraron una fuerte relación de todos los dominios con el bienestar subjetivo. La satisfacción en los dominios económico, de pareja, familia, amigos y vida universitaria explicó la varianza de la satisfacción vital y la felicidad en forma diferenciada. Se concluye que: (a) el bienestar se afecta con la satisfacción de necesidades asociadas a los dominios cercanos e importantes para el individuo; (b) las satisfacciones de dominios impactan más el componente cognitivo del bienestar que el emocional; (c) el dominio económico satisface más necesidades cognitivas, la amistad suple necesidades emocionales, y la pareja, la familia y la vida universitaria satisfacen ambas.

Abstract The concept of subjective well-being refers to the overall positive or negative way in which people evaluate their lives and experiences. It is generally accepted that subjective well-being is made up of a cognitive component usually called satisfaction with life or life satisfaction and an emotional component usually referred to as happiness. The search for factors that explain subjective well-being is currently one of the most interesting topics in psychology and led to the concept of domain satisfactions, which are understood as the judgments that people make when evaluating the major domains of life. It refers to the perceived degree of satisfaction that we obtain from the way in which each of these main domains or areas of our lives are developed. This correlational study with predictive intent aimed at establishing the relationship of satisfaction in the economic, couple, family, friends, health, university life, and academic performance domains, with the cognitive and emotional components of subjective well-being (life satisfaction and happiness, respectively), identifying which of these domains predict well-being. The non-probabilistic sample, for convenience, was made up of 344 women and men (50.9 % and 49.1 % respectively) between 18 and 29 years of age (M = 20.89); SD = 2.52), students from an important Colombian public university based in the city of Palmira. The instruments, which include the Diener's life satisfaction and Lyubomirsky and Lepper's happiness scales, and simple items for each domain satisfaction studied (economic, couple, family, friends, health, university life, and academic performance) were answered in a format printed by 64 % of the participants and in virtual format by 36 %, according to their own choice. The results showed that all domain satisfactions were significantly related to both the cognitive and the emotional components of subjective well-being. The results also showed that except for satisfaction with health and academic performance, all other domain satisfactions predicted at least one of the components of subjective well-being. In general, domain satisfactions explained the variance of satisfaction and happiness much better than sociodemographic variables. Thus, it was confirmed that the psychological significance of events that occur in the main areas of people´s lives have much more relevance to well-being than situational factors such as sociodemographic ones. In a different sense, and order of impact, satisfaction with the economic domain, satisfaction with university life, and satisfaction with the couple emerged as the domains that had the greatest influence on life satisfaction, and satisfaction with friends and satisfaction with university life emerged as the strongest predictors of happiness. The results suggest that well-being is especially affected by the satisfaction of needs associated with the closest domains and more important to the individual. These would include the economic domain and relationships that involve affections, but also other domains that, for specific reasons, occupy a relevant place in the individual's internal hierarchy of importance, which may vary among cultures and even among people of the same culture. The above conclusion could explain, among other findings, the significant impact of satisfaction with university life on subjective well-being. The results also suggest that, in general, domain satisfactions have a greater impact on the cognitive component of well-being than on the emotional component, and that, in particular, domains such as economics fundamentally satisfy cognitive needs, friendship fundamentally satisfy emotional needs, and other domains such as couple, family and university life, satisfy both cognitive and emotional needs. This would demonstrate the importance of applying differentiated instruments to study the cognitive and emotional components of well-being.

Salud UNINORTE ; 39(1)abr. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536831


COVID-19 has changed educational opportunities for students around the world, and, in the process, affected their lifestyle, happiness, and engagement. The present research is part of a project from six universities in different countries across Latin America to examine the impact of COVID-19 on university students. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the impact of COVID-19 on lifestyle changes, orientations to happiness, and student engagement among a sample of college students in Mexico, El Salvador, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Peru, and the US. Methods: Participants were 1764 students from the six previously identified countries. Data were collected using the Student Health Behavior Inventory, the Orientations to Happiness Scale, and the University Student Engagement Inventory. Results: Student respondents were mostly female, with a median age of 22. Most reported no changes in academic performance and statistically significant changes in some lifestyle behaviors such as nutrition and physical activity. Conclusions: The global pandemic led to behavioral changes among college students in Latin America, and it affected their orientations to happiness and engagement. Institutions of higher learning are called to create opportunities for their students to reintegrate into an in-person learning environment to facilitate positive lifestyle changes for their students.

El COVID-19 ha cambiado las oportunidades educativas para los estudiantes de todo el mundo y en el proceso afectó su estilo de vida, felicidad y compromiso. La presente investigación es parte de un proyecto de seis universidades en diferentes países de América Latina para determinar el impacto de COVID-19 en estudiantes universitarios. Objetivos: El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar y comparar el impacto del COVID-19 en los cambios de estilo de vida, las orientaciones hacia la felicidad y el compromiso de los estudiantes entre una muestra de estudiantes universitarios en México, El Salvador, Colombia, República Dominicana, Perú y Estados Unidos. Métodos: Los participantes fueron 1764 estudiantes de los seis países previamente identificados. Los datos se recolectaron utilizando el Inventario de Conducta de Salud del Estudiante, la Escala de Orientaciones a la Felicidad y el Inventario de Participación de los Estudiantes Universitarios. Resultados. Los estudiantes encuestados eran en su mayoría mujeres con una edad promedio de 22 años. La mayoría informó que no hubo cambios en el rendimiento académico y cambios estadísticamente significativos en algunos comportamientos de estilo de vida, como la nutrición y la actividad física. Conclusiones: La pandemia global provocó cambios de comportamiento entre los estudiantes universitarios de América Latina y afectó sus orientaciones hacia la felicidad y su compromiso. Las instituciones de educación superior están llamadas a crear oportunidades para que sus estudiantes se reintegren en un entorno de aprendizaje en persona para facilitar cambios positivos en el estilo de vida de sus estudiantes.

Rev. enferm. UFSM ; 13: 43, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Español, Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1517439


Objetivo: analisar a associação entre felicidade no trabalho, interação familiar e variáveis sociodemográficas/profissionais em enfermeiros do contexto hospitalar. Métodos: estudo transversal com amostra de conveniência de 363 enfermeiros. Foram aplicados questionário para caracterização sociodemográfica/profissional, Shorted Happiness at Work Scale e Survey Work-Home Interaction Nijmegen. Na análise e tratamento de dados, recorreu-se à estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: observaram-se níveis moderados de felicidade no trabalho (4,44±1,15) e níveis moderados a baixos de interação familiar (1,02±0,31). Estado civil, atividades de lazer, local de trabalho, tempo de experiência profissional, categoria profissional, horário de trabalho e percepção de trabalho estressante associaram-se à felicidade no trabalho. Idade, sexo, filhos, dependentes, atividades de lazer, tempo de experiência profissional, horário de trabalho e percepção de trabalho estressante associaram-se à interação familiar. Conclusão: os enfermeiros apresentaram níveis moderados de felicidade no trabalho e moderados a baixos de interação familiar, associados a variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais específicas.

Objective: to analyze the association among happiness at work, family interaction and sociodemographic/professional variables in nurses in the hospital context. Methods: cross-sectional study with a convenience sample of 363 nurses. Questionnaires for sociodemographic/professional characterization, Shorted Happiness at Work Scale and Survey Work-Home Interaction Nijmegen were applied. In data analysis and processing, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Results: moderate levels of happiness at work (4.44±1.15) and moderate to low levels of family interaction (1.02±0.31) were observed. Marital status, leisure activities, place of work, length of professional experience, professional category, working hours and perception of stressful work were associated with happiness at work. Age, gender, children, dependents, leisure activities, length of professional experience, working hours and perception of stressful work were associated with family interaction. Conclusion: nurses showed moderate levels of happiness at work and moderate to low levels of family interaction, associated with specific sociodemographic and professional variables.

Objetivo: analizar la asociación entre felicidad en el trabajo, interacción familiar y variables sociodemográficas/profesionales en enfermeros en el contexto hospitalario. Métodos: estudio transversal con muestra por conveniencia de 363 enfermeros. Se aplicaron un cuestionario de caracterización sociodemográfica/profesional, el Shorted Happiness at Work Scale y el Survey Work-Home Interaction Nijmegen. En el análisis y procesamiento de los datos, se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: se observaron niveles moderados de felicidad en el trabajo (4,44±1,15) y niveles moderados a bajos de interacción familiar (1,02±0,31). El estado civil, las actividades de ocio, el lugar de trabajo, la duración de la experiencia profesional, la categoría profesional, la jornada laboral y la percepción de trabajo estresante se asociaron con la felicidad en el trabajo. La edad, el sexo, los hijos, las personas dependientes, las actividades de ocio, la duración de la experiencia profesional, la jornada laboral y la percepción del trabajo estresante se asociaron con la interacción familiar. Conclusión: los enfermeros mostraron niveles moderados de felicidad en el trabajo y niveles moderados a bajos de interacción familiar, asociados a variables sociodemográficas y profesionales específicas.

Humanos , Salud Laboral , Equilibrio entre Vida Personal y Laboral , Felicidad , Enfermeras y Enfermeros , Enfermeros
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 54: 94-103, ene.-dic. 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409664


Abstract Introduction/Objetive: Work orientation includes the individual's beliefs regarding the role of work in his/her life as a whole and what they are searching for in their careers. There are three types of orientation to work: job, career, and vocation. Work orientation has the distinction of examining how work connects with people's lives and is, therefore, an appropriate construct for evaluating the impact of work on human flourishing. The aims of this study are first to explore work orientation in twelve Ibero-American countries; and second, to investigate whether work orientation affects flourishing in the lives of adults in twelve Ibero-American countries. Method: A total of 3000 adults participated in this study. The University of Pennsylvania Work-Life Questionnaire was used to evaluate the type of relationship that employees reported having with their work, according to the distinctions between job, career, and calling. A 12-item version of the Multidimensional Flourishing Scale was used to measure three aspects of flourishing: social, psychological, and emotional well-being. Results: Most participants reported a high level of calling in their work orientation. In most countries, those with a calling orientation reported higher levels of social and psychological well-being than those with a job orientation. The results indicate a clear relationship between a calling orientation and social and psychological well-being. Conclusion: This research is the first to compare the relationship between work-orientation and flourishing in Ibero-America. The findings help us understand that work-orientation is not a secondary aspect of a person's life but has fundamental implications in the lives of workers.

Resumen Introducción/Objetivo: La orientación laboral incluye las creencias del individuo sobre el papel del trabajo en su vida como un todo y lo que está buscando en su carrera. La orientación laboral examina cómo el trabajo se conecta con la vida de las personas y es un constructo apropiado para evaluar el efecto del trabajo en el florecimiento humano. Se propone explorar la orientación laboral en 12 países iberoamericanos; e investigar si la orientación laboral afecta el florecimiento humano. Método: Tres mil adultos participaron en este estudio. Se utilizó el Work-Life Questionnaire para evaluar el tipo de relación que los empleados informan tener con su trabajo, de acuerdo con las distinciones entre trabajo, carrera y vocación. Se utilizó la Escala de Florecimiento Multidimensional para medir tres aspectos del florecimiento: bienestar social, psicológico y emocional. Resultados: La mayoría de los participantes informaron un alto nivel de orientación laboral como vocación. En la mayoría de los países, aquellos que trabajan por vocación informaron niveles más altos de bienestar social y psicológico que aquellos que trabajan solo por una motivación económica. Conclusiones: Esta investigación es la primera en comparar la relación entre la orientación al trabajo y el florecimiento humano en Iberoamérica. Los hallazgos nos ayudan a comprender que la orientación al trabajo no es un aspecto secundario de la vida de una persona, sino que tiene implicaciones fundamentales en los trabajadores.

Investig. desar ; 30(2)jul.-dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534727


La felicidad en el trabajo es un concepto determinante en la organización de hoy; entre otras cosas, por estar dirigido a los colaboradores, considerados su activo más importante. Al evidenciar la necesidad que hay de gestionar la felicidad en el trabajo desde la comunicación organizacional, se deciden abordar estas dos categorías a través de una investigación con enfoque cualitativo. El objetivo principal fue analizar el aporte de la comunicación organizacional al logro de la felicidad en el trabajo en Colombia a través del Método Delphi, que permitió la realización de dos rondas de preguntas a siete expertos de diferentes ciudades del país. En el análisis se muestra que hay un gran número de factores que pueden influir en la felicidad de los empleados, pero se logran describir los esenciales y, además, las prácticas de comunicación que aportan al logro de los mismos.

Happiness at work is a determining concept in today's organization, because, among other things, it is aimed at employees, who are considered the most important asset. By showing the need to manage happiness at work through organizational communication, it was decided to address these two categories through a qualitative research approach. The main objective was to analyze the contribution of organizational communication to the achievement of happiness at work in Colombia, through the Delphi Method, which allowed for the realization of two rounds of questions to seven experts from different cities in the country. The analysis shows that there are a large number of factors that can influence the happiness of employees, but it is possible to describe the essential ones, as well as the communication practices that contribute to their achievement.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 22(3): 1124-1142, set. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1428715


Investigou-se como a dor e a alegria podem influenciar a construção do ser palhaço(a) com o objetivo de compreender melhor a construção da sua subjetividade. Foram realizadas entrevistas com dez palhaços(as). Utilizou-se como método a análise de conteúdo e o software NVivo® para sistematizar as informações presentes nos discursos dos(as) participantes em doze categorias, agrupadas em dois eixos temáticos e analisadas a partir de sua pertinência na construção do entendimento de ser palhaço(a). Os resultados indicaram que a dor diante de perdas afetivas no processo de ser palhaço(a) passa pela transformação do trágico à comicidade, não para minimizá-la, mas para lidar com a finitude humana por meio da ética, poética e estética de afirmação da vida. A transgressão da palhaçaria permite superar dificuldades e transformá-las criativamente em riso. Conclui-se que o ser palhaço(a) torna-se a vitrine das condições humanas apresentadas por meio do cômico, do trágico, do ridículo, do perder, do político, do rústico e do ser-no-mundo.

It was investigated how pain and joy can influence the construction of being a clown in order to better understand the construction of their subjectivity. Interviews were conducted with ten clowns. Content analysis and the NVivo® software were used as a method to systematize the information present in the participants' speeches into twelve categories, grouped into two thematic axes and analyzed based on its pertinence in the construction of the understanding of being a clown. The results indicated that the pain in the face of affective losses in the process of being a clown goes through the transformation from the tragic to the comic, not to minimize it, but to deal with human finitude through ethics, poetics and life-affirming aesthetics. The transgression of clowning allows you to overcome difficulties and creatively transform them into laughter. It is concluded that being a clown becomes the showcase of human conditions presented through the comic, the tragic, the ridiculous, the losing, the political, the rustic and the being-in-the-world.

Se investigó cómo el dolor y la alegría pueden influir en la construcción del payaso, con el objetivo de comprender mejor la construcción de su subjetividad. Se realizaron entrevistas con diez payasos. El análisis de contenido y el software NVivo® se utilizaron como método para sistematizar la información presente en los discursos de los participantes, en doce categorías, agrupadas en dos ejes temáticos, y analizadas desde la pertinencia en la construcción de la comprensión del payaso. Los resultados indicaron que el dolor ante pérdidas afectivas en el proceso de ser payaso sufre una transformación de lo trágico a lo cómico, no para minimizar el dolor, sino para lidiar con la finitud humana a través de la ética, la poética y la estética afirmadora de la vida. La transgresión del clown te permite superar las dificultades y transformarlas creativamente en risa. Se concluye que ser payaso se convierte en el escaparate de las condiciones humanas que se presentan a través de lo cómico, lo trágico, lo ridículo, lo perdedor, lo político, lo rústico y el ser-en-el-mundo.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Dolor , Percepción , Ingenio y Humor como Asunto , Felicidad , Risa , Investigación Cualitativa
Psicol. Caribe ; 39(1): e203, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386968


Resumen. Este estudio analizó el efecto mediador del engagement en la relación entre la felicidad subjetiva y el conflicto familia trabajo (CFT) trabajo- familia (CTF). La muestra fue de 190 profesores de la ciudad de Los Ángeles, Chile. Se aplicaron tres escalas previamente validadas en el medio nacional referentes a felicidad subjetiva, conflicto trabajo familia, conflicto familia trabajo y engagement, posteriormente se realizaron modelos de regresión lineal y ecuaciones estructurales para probar las diferentes hipótesis. Los principales resultados evidencian que existe un efecto mediador parcial del engagement sobre la relación entre la felicidad subjetiva y el conflicto familia trabajo /conflicto trabajo-familia, evidenciando en los análisis de regresión que el elemento entusiasmo del engagement presenta un rol predictor en las distintas causas del conflicto.

Abstract. This study analyzed the mediating effect of engagement on the relationship between subjetive happiness and family-work conflict (CFT) and work-family (CTF). The sample was 190 teachers from the city of Los Angeles, Chile. Three scales previously validated in the national environment were applied, on subjetive happiness, work-family conflict, family work and engagement, then linear regression models and structural equations were made to test the different hypotheses. The main results show that there is a partial mediating effect of engagement on the relationship between subjetive happiness and the family-work-family conflict, showing in the regression analyses that the enthusiasm element of engagement presents a predictive role in the different causes of the conflict.

Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 34: e258310, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422448


Resumo: O artigo de Ed Diener "Bem-Estar Subjetivo", fundamental para a consolidação desse objeto na Psicologia Positiva, foi analisado criticamente em sua consistência interna e em sua influência para essa nova área. Cada bloco textual do artigo foi avaliado quanto a sua fragilidade segundo três categorias: consideração teórico-filosófica, definição do conceito e suas partes, referências bibliográficas. Como resultado, destacamos que Bem-Estar Subjetivo (BES) e Felicidade são fragilmente definidos no artigo, dando margem a ambíguas interpretações que se prolongam até o presente; importantes perguntas, como a diferença entre a melhor vida e a vida boa, são ignoradas; importantes referências bibliográficas são utilizadas inconsistentemente. Todavia, reconhece-se que as fragilidades identificadas no artigo são coerentes com o projeto da Psicologia Positiva: enfatizar aquilo que é mensurável ao custo do rigor. Recomenda-se que pesquisas sobre BES resgatem a história dos conceitos centrais a fim de reconhecer seus próprios limites e solucionar problemas éticos do campo.

Resumen: El artículo de Ed Diener "Bienestar Subjetivo", fundamental para la consolidación de este objeto en la Psicología Positiva, fue analizado críticamente en cuanto a su consistencia interna y su influencia en esta nueva área. Cada bloque textual del artículo fue evaluado por su fragilidad según tres categorías: consideración teórico-filosófica, definición del concepto y sus partes, referencias bibliográficas. Como resultado, destacamos que el Bienestar Subjetivo (BES) y la Felicidad están débilmente definidos en el artículo de Diener, dando lugar a interpretaciones ambiguas que continúan hasta el presente; se ignoran cuestiones importantes, como la diferencia entre la mejor vida y la buena vida; las referencias bibliográficas importantes se usan de manera inconsistente. Sin embargo, se reconoce que las debilidades identificadas en el artículo de Diener son consistentes con el proyecto de Psicología Positiva: enfatizar lo medible a costa del rigor. Se recomienda que la investigación sobre BES recupere la historia de los conceptos centrales para reconocer sus propios límites y resolver problemas éticos en el campo.

Abstract: Ed Diener's article "Subjective Well-Being", fundamental for the consolidation of this objetcin Positive Psychology, was critically analyzed in terms of its internal consistency and its influence on research in this new area. Each textual block of the article was evaluated for its fragility according to three categories: theoretical-philosophical consideration, concept's definition and its parts, bibliographic references. As a result, we emphasize that Subjective Well-Being (SWB) and Happiness are weakly defined in Diener's paper, giving rise to ambiguous interpretations; important questions, such as the difference between the best life and the good life, are ignored; important bibliographical references are used inconsistently or not presented during central argumentation. However, we recognize that the weaknesses identified in the article are consistent with the Positive Psychology project: to emphasize what is measurable at the cost of theoretical rigor. It is recommended that research on Subjective Well-Being recover the history of its central concepts in order to recognize their own limits and solve ethical problems in the field.

Satisfacción Personal , Psicología Positiva , Felicidad
Interdisciplinaria ; 38(2): 259-274, jun. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279220


Resumen Los trabajadores sociales tienen unas elevadas exigencias laborales como consecuencia, entre otros factores, de la excesiva burocratización de las organizaciones de servicios sociales. Ante esta realidad, durante su proceso formativo, los estudiantes de trabajo social deben desarrollar competencias emocionales para hacer frente a estas demandas profesionales que pueden afectar a su bienestar y rendimiento laboral. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y correlacional de corte transversal del que participaron 187 estudiantes del primer y segundo curso (n = 105 y n = 82, respectivamente) de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Málaga (España). El 89.30 % eran mujeres y la edad promedio fue de 20.38 años (DT = 3.35). Se desarrolló un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple para evaluar el papel predictor de la inteligencia emocional (atención emocional, claridad emocional y reparación de las emociones) sobre la felicidad subjetiva percibida en estudiantes de trabajo social. La claridad emocional y la reparación de las emociones fueron predictores significativos positivos de la felicidad subjetiva, mientras que la atención emocional fue un predictor significativo negativo. Los estudiantes y futuros trabajadores sociales tienen que entender y manejar sus estados emocionales, de tal manera que les permita tanto afrontar sus propias frustraciones como constituirse en referentes de los usuarios para imponerse a sus dificultades. Se corrobora la necesidad de fomentar la inteligencia emocional entre los estudiantes y futuros trabajadores sociales, ya que esto constituye un factor de protección que puede aumentar su bienestar y concretamente, su felicidad subjetiva. Las experiencias de afecto negativas que sufren los trabajadores sociales demandan planes de estudio en los que se fomente la inteligencia emocional.

Abstract As a result of the excessive bureaucratization of social service organizations, among other factors, social workers have many job responsibilities (López & Chaparro, 2006; Montagud, 2016). Social workers suffer negative experiences and a high psychosocial risk which affect their well-being and work performance (i. e., emotional fatigue, job dissatisfaction, mental overload, burnout, decrease in happiness, ethical conflicts) (Bunce, Lonsdale, King, Childs, & Bennie, 2019; Caravaca, Carrión, & Pastor, 2018; Grootegoed & Smith, 2018; Prada-Ospina, 2019; Sabater, De Armas, & Cabezas, 2019; Urien, Díez, & Osca, 2019; Vallellano & Rubio-Valdehita, 2018). Given this reality, it is very important that Social Work students develop, during their training process, emotional competencies to cope with such professional demands (Bedoya-Gallego, Buitrago-Duque, & Vanegas-Arbeláez, 2019; Stanley & Bhuvaneswari, 2016). The characteristics of the job require knowledge of the mechanisms that influence the welfare of Social Work students in order to incorporate specific training strategies into teaching plans that prepare them to face the high work demands that can affect their welfare and performance (Blakemore & Agllias, 2019; Borrego-Alés, Vázquez-Aguado, & Orgambídez-Ramos, 2020; Fernández-Berrocal & Extremera, 2009). Despite the considerable shortage of research about the implications of emotional intelligence in the field of Social Work, emotional competence has proven to be essential to explain the personal well-being of students and social intervention professionals, characterized by a high burden of work and high rates of psychological distress and burnout (Bae et al., 2020; Esteban, 2014; Mikulic, Crespi, & Radusky, 2015). A descriptive and correlational cross-sectional study was carried out. 187 students of first (n = 105) and second year (n = 82) of the University of Malaga´s Social Work Degree (Spain) participated. 89.30 % of them was women and the average age was 20.38 years (SD = 3.35). A multiple linear regression model evaluated the predictive role of emotional intelligence (attention, clarity and emotional repair) on the subjective happiness perceived in Social Work students. Emotional clarity and emotional repair were significant positive predictors of subjective happiness, while emotional attention was a significant negative predictor. Of the three independent variables, emotional repair was positioned as the strongest predictor of the perception of subjective happiness. This fact corroborates that emotional repair is especially important to predict the levels of subjective happiness and life satisfaction of university students (Cejudo, López-Delgado, & Rubio, 2016; Extremera, Salguero, & Fernández-Berrocal, 2011). High levels of emotional repair are essential for proper psychological functioning and mental health. In this sense, people tend to develop pleasant activities that distract them and therefore contribute to their happiness (Guerra-Bustamante, León-del-Barco, Yuste-Tosina, López-Ramos, & Mendo-Lázaro, 2019). Individuals who can clearly identify their emotions and believe that they can repair their negative moods minimize the impact of stressful events and generate more positive emotions (Extremera et al., 2011). In social workers, emotions can be understood both as a dynamic resource, whose research can protect professionals and users, and as patterns of organizational and professional relationships, in which emotional states are constituted as phenomena that can be managed and controlled during professional practice (O'Connor, 2020). The need to foster emotional intelligence among students and future social workers is confirmed. It constitutes a protective factor that can increase their well-being and, specifically, their subjective happiness. The negative experiences of affection that social workers suffer demand curricula that promote emotional intelligence. The students and future social workers have to understand and manage their emotional states. It allows them both to face their own frustrations and to become referents for the users when they overcome their difficulties.

Investig. desar. ; 29(1): 195-216, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1346394


RESUMEN El objetivo fue medir el bienestar subjetivo en beneficiarios de los Centros Impulso Social en el estado de Guanajuato, México. La investigación tiene enfoque cuantitativo y alcance descriptivo; el instrumento fue una encuesta de 76 reactivos aplicada a una muestra incidental de 419 beneficiarios en 54 Centros ubicados en 32 de 46 municipios del estado. En los resultados los beneficiarios perciben una satisfacción vital de 8.89 (escala 0-10); los dominios de satisfacción mejor valorados son vida familiar, vida afectiva y logros personales; el estado de ánimo se inclina hacia emociones positivas; el índice de felicidad es de 8.71 (escala 0-10). Se concluye que el Programa Social sí ha cumplido su objetivo, puesto que el bienestar subjetivo percibido por los beneficiarios es superior a la media estatal y nacional.

ABSTRACT The aim of this investigation is to measure the subjective well-being of the Centros de Impulso Social beneficiaries in the state of Guanajuato (Mexico). The research has a quantitative approach and a descriptive scope; the instrument used was a survey of 76 items applied to an incidental sample of 419 beneficiaries in 54 Centers located in 32 of 46 municipalities in the state. In the results, the beneficiaries of the Program perceive a vital satisfaction of 8.89 (scale 0-10); the best valued domains of satisfaction are family life, emotional life, and personal achievements; the mood leans towards positive emotions; and finally, the happiness index is 8.71 (scale 0-10). It is concluded that the Social Program has fulfilled its objective, since the subjective well-being perceived by the beneficiaries is higher than the state and national average.

Humanos , Satisfacción Personal , Autoimagen , Programas Sociales , Felicidad
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 37(2): e3660, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF, CUMED | ID: biblio-1347414


Introducción: La elección de especialidades en enfermería surge a partir de motivaciones, las que se evidencian en el bienestar subjetivo o felicidad que sienten las enfermeras desde el momento que se encuentra estudiando su especialidad. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre los motivos de elección de especialidades y el bienestar subjetivo en enfermeras de los programas de segunda especialización. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, correlacional y transversal, desarrollado en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú, en 2017. La población de estudio fue de 177 enfermeras ingresantes al Programa de Segunda Especialidad y la muestra se constituyó por 121 enfermeras, se calculó estadísticamente, con un muestreo estratificado. La técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta y el instrumento de medición un cuestionario de motivos de elección de especialidad y una escala para medir el bienestar subjetivo. Para la correlación de variables se empleó el coeficiente correlación de Spearman (p < 0.05, significancia estadística). Resultados: Los principales motivos que llevaron a las enfermeras elegir sus especialidades fueron: "Valor social de la especialidad elegida" (87,26 por ciento) y "Vocación e interés por la carrera" (66,53 por ciento). Respecto al bienestar subjetivo, 65,29 por ciento se consideraban felices, resaltando la dimensión realización personal (65,37 por ciento); además, hubo relación entre los motivos de elección de especialidad y el bienestar subjetivo en enfermeras (rho = 0,394; p < 0,05). Conclusiones: Las enfermeras del programa de segunda especialización tenían un bienestar subjetivo aceptable, incluidas en la categoría de felices, tal bienestar se relaciona con los motivos que los llevo elegir su especialidad, en este caso fueron más los motivos de orientación intrínseca(AU)

Introduction: Choosing any nursing specialties arises from motivations, which are evidenced according to the subjective well-being or happiness that nurses feel from the moment that they are studying their specialties. Objective: To identify the relationship between the reasons for choosing specialties and subjective well-being in nurses from second specialization programs. Methods: Descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study carried out in 2017 at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. The study population was 177 nurses starting the second specialty program and the sample consisted of 121 nurses. The sample size was calculated statistically by stratified sampling. The data collection technique was the survey, while the measurement instrument was a questionnaire of reasons for choosing any specialties and a scale to measure subjective well-being. For the correlation of variables, the Spearman correlation coefficient (p < 0.05, statistical significance) was used. Results: The main reasons that led the nurses to choose their specialties were the social value of the chosen specialty (87.26 percent) and the vocation and interest in the major (66.53 percent). Regarding subjective well-being, 65.29 percent considered themselves happy, highlighting the dimension personal fulfillment (65.37 percent). Furthermore, there was a relationship between the reasons for choosing any specialties and subjective well-being in nurses (rho= 0.394; p < 0.05). Conclusions: The nurses of the second specialization program had an acceptable subjective well-being, included in the category happy. Such well-being is related to the reasons that led them to choose their specialties, in which case there were more intrinsic orientation reasons(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Satisfacción Personal , Especialidades de Enfermería/educación , Motivación , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales
Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 35(130)jun. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR, PsiArg | ID: biblio-1383495


Resumen. Objetivo. El objetivo principal fue examinar la influencia de la felicidad, por medio de la evaluación cognitiva y las emociones positivas, en el afrontamiento del estrés en estudiantes universitarios. Método. Participaron 352 personas, 70.2% mujeres y 29.8% hombres, con un rango de edad entre 19 y 35 años. Se realizaron modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM, por sus siglas en inglés) para estimar la influencia de la felicidad en el proceso del estrés y el afrontamiento. Resultados. Los resultados mostraron correlaciones esperadas entre las variables y un buen ajuste de los modelos propuestos. La felicidad influye en la utilización de estrategias de afrontamiento adaptativas, a través de la evaluación cognitiva de desafío (β = .220; p < .001) y la experiencia de emociones positivas (β = .159; p = .001). Se concluye que la felicidad tiene un importante papel en el proceso del estrés y el afrontamiento.

Abstract. Objective. The main objective of this study was to examine the influence of happiness by cognitive appraisal and positive emotions on stress coping in university students. Method. 352 people participated in the study, 70.2% were women, with an age range of between 19 and 35 years. Structural Equation Models (SEM) were tested to estimate the influence of happiness in the stress process and coping. Results. The results showed expected correlations between the variables and a good fit of the proposed models. Happiness influences the use of adaptive coping strategies, through the cognitive appraisal of challenge (β = .220; p < .001) and the experience of positive emotions (β = .159; p = .001). In conclusion, happiness plays an important role in the stress and coping process.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Adaptación Psicológica , Optimismo/psicología , Felicidad , Perú , Estrés Fisiológico , Estudiantes/psicología
Ter. psicol ; 39(1): 39-61, abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390452


Resumen: La evaluación del bienestar subjetivo y psicológico ha alcanzado considerable evidencia científica, principalmente a través de diferentes pruebas de autoinforme. Sin poner en cuestión este tipo de medición, lo cierto es que estas mediciones presentan la desventaja de estar basadas en declaraciones subjetivas y manipulables conscientemente por parte del sujeto. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un diseño bajo el paradigma del Test de Asociación Implícita de Greenwald y Farnham (2000) para aplicarlo a la medición implícita del bienestar subjetivo y psicológico. Así, se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo con una muestra de 327 adultos (51,7% hombres; M = 38,69, DT = 11,98), que completaron un Test de Asociación Implícita para la medida objetiva del bienestar psicológico, y dos medidas autoinformadas para evaluar por un lado la felicidad y por otros posibles síntomas depresivos. Los resultados mostraron una buena fiabilidad del Test de Asociación Implícita, así como asociaciones débiles con las medidas de autoinforme. Una asociación implícita más fuerte con los afectos positivos que con los afectos negativos estuvo relacionada con una mayor felicidad subjetiva y menos síntomas depresivos. Estos resultados sugieren la posibilidad de completar la evaluación del bienestar usando medidas objetivas.

Abstract: The assessment of subjective and psychological well-being has reached considerable scientific evidence, mainly through different self-report tests. Without questioning this type of measurement, the fact is that these measurements have the disadvantage of being based on subjective statements that can be consciously manipulated by the subject. The aim of this work is to present a new instrument following the paradigm of the Implicit Association Test by Greenwald and Farnham (2000) in order to provide the implicit measurement of subjective and psychological well-being. Thus, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 327 adults (51.7% men; M = 38.69, SD = 11.98), who completed an Implicit Association Test for the objective measurement of psychological well-being, and two self-reported measures to assess happiness and depressive symptoms. The results showed good reliability of the Implicit Association Test, as well as weak associations with the self-report measures. A stronger implicit association with positive affects than with negative affects was related to higher subjective happiness and fewer depressive symptoms. These results suggest the possibility of completing the well-being assessment using objective measures.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Bienestar Psicológico
Rev. CES psicol ; 14(1): 2-15, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360746


Resumen La perspectiva temporal es una variable psicológica que se ha asociado con múltiples comportamientos, entre ellos la conducta sustentable (CS). Son escasos los estudios sobre la relación entre la orientación temporal denominada futuro trascendental y la CS. Objetivo: estimar las relaciones entre dos perspectivas temporales (orientación al futuro y orientación al futuro trascendental) y la conducta sustentable; y su asociación, con el autocuidado y la felicidad. Metodología: estudio correlacional, con un diseño no experimental, transeccional. Participaron 209 personas de una ciudad al noroeste de México, con una edad promedio de 30.33 años, quienes respondieron a un instrumento que constó de ocho escalas Likert que evaluaron perspectiva de futuro, perspectiva temporal de futuro trascendental, conducta proecológica, altruismo, frugalidad, equidad, comportamientos de autocuidado y felicidad subjetiva. Las interrelaciones entre las variables se estimaron mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Resultados: las orientaciones temporales al futuro y al futuro trascendental influyen en las conductas sustentables (conducta proecológica, altruismo, frugalidad, equidad), que, a su vez, impactan en la felicidad y el autocuidado de las personas. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos aportan información valiosa que ayuda a elucidar las características que posee un individuo que orienta su conducta a los ideales de la sostenibilidad.

Abstract Time perspective is a psychological variable that has been associated it with multiple behaviors, including sustainable behaviors. Research on transcendental future perspective is scarce, among the studies on temporal perspective and sustainable behavior, none were found on the relationship between transcendental future and SC. Objective: this research was aimed at assessing the relationship between two-time perspectives (future orientation, transcendent future orientation) and sustainable behavior, and its association with self-care and happiness. Method: a correlational study was developed, with a non-experimental, transactional design. Two hundred nine people from a northwestern city in Mexico participated, with an average age of 30.33 years, who responded to an instrument that consisted of eight Likert scales that evaluated future perspective, transcendental future temporal perspective, pro-ecological behavior, altruism, frugality, equity, self-care behaviors, and subjective happiness. Results: the results were processed within a structural equation model, where it is emphasized that temporal orientations to the future and to the transcendental future influence sustainable behaviors (pro-ecological behavior, altruism, frugality, equity), which, in turn, impact on the happiness and self-care of people. Conclusion: these findings provide valuable information that helps elucidate the characteristics of an individual who guides his behavior to sustainability ideals.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 37(12): e00164020, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350411


Abstract: This study aimed to identify possible conditions associated with the perception of happiness and satisfaction with life in a sample of the Brazilian population who use social networks. This was a cross-sectional study with participants recruited online in five regions of Brazil via Facebook and WhatsApp. Data were collected from October 2015 to October 2016. The instruments used were the Pemberton Happiness Index, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, and a questionnaire regarding sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and issues potentially associated with the feeling of happiness. In total, 2,151 participants were included. A total of five variables exerted the greatest influence on higher levels of happiness and satisfaction with life in the multiple linear regression model, in the multiple logistic regression analysis, and in the decision tree model. Being satisfied with financial circumstances, having a positive self-evaluation of health, having frequent family gatherings, engaging in physical activity ≥ 3 times a week, and having no previous psychological/psychiatric diagnosis are variables that "seem" to positively influence Brazilians' perception of happiness and satisfaction with life. We identified some predictors of happiness and satisfaction with life, which were mainly related to the social activities and personal satisfaction of the participating individuals. Encouraging people to seek strategies for increasing levels of happiness and life satisfaction based on modifiable variables, such as those found, can be helpful in this context.

Resumo: O estudo teve como objetivo identificar possíveis condições associadas com a percepção de felicidade e satisfação de vida em uma amostra de indivíduos da população geral brasileira que usam redes sociais. O estudo transversal recrutou participantes via redes sociais nas cinco macrorregiões brasileiras, através do Facebook e do WhatsApp. Os dados foram coletados entre outubro de 2015 e outubro de 2016. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Índice de Felicidade de Pemberton, Escala de Satisfação com a Vida e um questionário sobre características sociodemográficas e clínicas e questões potencialmente associadas com a sensação de felicidade. Foram incluídos 2.151 participantes. Cinco variáveis tiveram maior influência sob níveis mais altos de felicidade e de satisfação com a vida, de acordo com o modelo de regressão linear múltipla, análise de regressão logística multivariada e modelo de árvore de decisão. A satisfação com as circunstâncias financeiras, a autoavaliação da saúde positiva, reuniões familiares frequentes, atividade física ≥ 3 vezes por semana e ausência de diagnóstico psicológico ou psiquiátrico prévio são variáveis que "parecem" influenciar positivamente a percepção de felicidade e satisfação com a vida entre os brasileiros. Foram identificados alguns preditores de felicidade e satisfação com a vida, relacionados principalmente a atividades sociais e à satisfação pessoal. Uma medida útil nesse contexto é incentivar as pessoas a buscarem estratégias para elevar os níveis de felicidade e de satisfação com a vida baseadas nas variáveis modificáveis identificadas no estudo.

Resumen: El objetivo fue identificar posibles condiciones asociadas con la percepción de felicidad y satisfacción con la vida, en una muestra de individuos de la población general brasileña que utilizó redes sociales. Se trata de un estudio transversal, con participantes reclutados en línea en cinco regiones de Brasil, a través del Facebook y del WhatsApp. Los datos fueron recogidos entre octubre 2015 y octubre 2016. Los instrumentos usados fueron: el Índice de Felicidad de Pemberton, la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida, y un cuestionario respecto a las características sociodemográficas y clínicas, así como asuntos potencialmente asociados con el sentimiento de felicidad. Se incluyeron a un total de 2.151 participantes. Cinco variables ejercieron la influencia más significativa en los mayores niveles de felicidad y satisfacción con la vida en el modelo de regresión múltiple, en los análisis de regresión logística múltiple y en el modelo de árbol de decisión. Estar satisfecho con las circunstancias financieras, tener una autoevaluación positiva de salud, reunirse frecuentemente con la familia, implicarse en actividades físicas ≥ 3 veces a la semana, y no contar diagnósticos previos psicológicos/psiquiátricos son variables que "parecen" influenciar positivamente la percepción de felicidad y satisfacción con la vida de los brasileños. Se identificaron algunos predictores de felicidad y satisfacción con la vida, lo que estaba principalmente relacionado con actividades sociales y satisfacción personal de los participantes brasileños. Fomentar que la gente busque estrategias para incrementar los niveles de felicidad y satisfacción con la vida, basados en variables modificables como las encontradas, puede ser útil en este contexto.

Humanos , Satisfacción Personal , Felicidad , Brasil , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Red Social
Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 16(2): 233-244, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375288


Resumen Las investigaciones en torno al término felicidad han estado presentes en la literatura. Esto debido a que dar con las claves acerca de lo que hace felices a las personas es un máxima y no está sujeto a la moda. En diferentes investigaciones se ha encontrado que acciones de compartir, pasar el tiempo con otros, así como tener bienes y otras cosas materiales, contribuye a la felicidad. Así, en la presente investigación se analizó durante el tiempo libre de las personas, la influencia de ambas conductas sobre la felicidad. Un total de 108 personas conformaron la muestra del estudio y los resultados indican que estar con los demás, ser generosos, ayudar, compartir, y en definitiva, desarrollar conductas prosociales, contribuye a una mayor felicidad que realizar conductas dirigidas a obtener, mantener y contar con bienes u otras cosas materiales. Se concluye que las personas son más felices durante su tiempo libre cuando realizan conductas prosociales a diferencia del hecho de tener o poseer bienes. En este sentido, la felicidad experimentada podría ser más duradera ya que depende de la conducta, motivación y voluntad de las personas. Finalmente, el presente trabajo presenta limitaciones en el tamaño de la muestra y su diseño transversal. Futuras investigaciones han de incrementar el tamaño de la muestra, así como incorporar diseños longitudinales para analizar los cambios en el tiempo y la influencia de ambas conductas en otros contextos.

Abstract Research on happiness has been present in the literature, since finding the keys to what makes people happy is a maxim and does not go out of style. Different investigations suggest that sharing, spending time with others, and having material goods contribute to happiness. Thus, this investigation analyzed the influence of the prosocial and material behaviors on happiness during people's free time. A total sample of 108 people was under study. Results show that being with others, being generous, helping, sharing, and, in short, developing prosocial behaviors, bring greater happiness than performing actions aimed at obtaining, maintaining, and have material goods. In conclusion, people are happier during their free time when they carry out prosocial behaviors than by the mere fact of having or owning assets, and the happiness experienced could last more over time as it depends on conduct, motivation, and will. Finally, this work has some limitations such as the sample size and its cross-sectional design. Future research should increase the sample size, as well as incorporate longitudinal designs to analyze changes over time and the influence of both behaviors in other contexts.

Interdisciplinaria ; 37(2): 7-22, dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149361


Resumen El bullying es un fenómeno que está generando gran interés científico, aunque existe aún un gran vacío en cuanto a las investigaciones dirigidas a estudiar el bullying que tiene como causa la LGBT-fobia. Este estudio tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión sobre los estudios que analizan rasgos y características de personalidad en el colectivo LGBT y especialmente la conexión entre bullying LGBT-fóbico y estas variables personales. Con esta finalidad, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática y se han obtenido los siguientes resultados: (1) Las personas LGBT muestran mayores niveles de empatía y menores niveles de satisfacción con la vida, bienestar y felicidad; (2) la empatía correlaciona negativamente con la perpetración de bullying LGBT-fóbico, y (3) ser víctima de este fenómeno disminuye los niveles de autoestima. Algunos rasgos y características de la personalidad pueden ser relevantes para diseñar programas de prevención-intervención, por lo que sigue vigente la necesidad de continuar investigando en esta línea.

Abstract Bullying is a phenomenon that has been generating a great scientific interest during the last decade. However, there is still a large gap in research aimed at studying the bullying that is caused by the LGBT-phobia and the values of heterosexism. Nowadays, there are different anti-discrimination policies that promote tolerance and respect for sexual diversity. Nevertheless, people with non-normative orientation and sexual identity show greater vulnerability to suffer harassment and they have to face all kinds of challenges every day. Therefore, some authors have focused on conducting research with specific samples of LGBT people. To make us aware of the magnitude with which this phenomenon affects them, studies on the prevalence of bullying have shown a high use of homophobic insults regardless of orientation and sexual identity. In this sense, Mayock, Bryan, Carr & Kitching (2009) found that 40 % of the participants in their study had been victims of verbal attacks of a homophobic nature. In addition, recent reviews of epidemiological studies show that between 51 % and 80 % of LGBT people have suffered bullying due to their affective-sexual orientation and gender / sexual identity throughout their lives (Generelo, Garchitorena, Montero, & Hidalgo, 2012; Mayock et al., 2009; Martxueta & Etxeberria, 2014). In relation to cyberbullying, a recent systematic review yields data from 10.5 % to 71.3 % of victims of this type of phenomenon in the LGBT collective (Abreu & Kenny, 2017). There are studies that relate this phenomenon to mental health but there is less evidence about the relation between LGBT-phobic bullying, and personality characteristics and traits. In this line, it has been observed that LGBT-phobic bullying is related to anxiety, depression, traumatic stress, school absenteeism, suicidal ideation and suicide, drug use, criminal behavior, sexual risk behaviors, among other consequences (Birkett, Espelage & Koenig, 2009; Collier, 2014; Ferlatte et al., 2015; Gegenfurtner & Gebhardt, 2017; Martxueta, 2014; Mayock et al., 2009; Shields, Whitaker, Glassman, Franks & Howard, 2012; Tucker et al., 2016). Other researchers have observed that Emotional Intelligence (Garaigordobil & Oñederra, 2010) and empathy (Nolasco-Hernández, 2012) are related to lower levels of bullying perpetration and that, in addition, being a victim of bullying affects the satisfaction with life and self-esteem negatively (Estévez, Martínez-Ferrer & Musitu, 2006; Povedano, Hendry, Ramos & Varela, 2011). However, less research analyzes different personal variables and their relationship with LGBT-phobic bullying. Thus, the aim of this study is to carry out a review of the researches that analyze personality traits and characteristics in the LGBT community, and especially the connection between LGBT-phobic bullying and these variables. For this purpose, a systematic review has been carried out in the main databases of Psychology. The results of this review suggest that: (1) LGBT people show higher levels of empathy and lower levels of life satisfaction, psychological well-being and happiness; (2) empathy negatively correlates with the perpetration of LGBT-phobic bullying, and (3) being victim of this phenomenon is related with lower levels of self-esteem. This review has revealed that there is little evidence about this issue. The results indicate that LGBT people have a greater empathy that would positively affect both their own person and their environment. Nevertheless, the discrimination they suffer from day to day and the difficulty of finding their place in a heteronormative society negatively affect psychological well-being, happiness, satisfaction with life and self-esteem. It is essential to generate a scientific basis in order to carry out prevention and intervention programs. Finally, it is worth highlighting the lack of processing of these data in a meta-analysis as a limitation of this research. Therefore, further investigation in this line is suggested to reveal information that could be relevant in this area.

Interdisciplinaria ; 37(2): 117-128, dic. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149367


Abstract The present study aimed at determining the association between life satisfaction and subjective happiness while controlling for social desirability, and to explore whether overall satisfaction with life can be predicted by satisfaction with life dimensions while controlling for social desirability. The study had a quantitative, non-experimental cross-sectional design, with 279 participants from different universities of the Council of Rectors of Chile recruited through a non-probabilistic sampling method for convenience. The participants completed an online questionnaire that inquired about their global and dimensional satisfaction with life, subjective happiness, social desirability, and sociodemographic variables. The data was analysed using partial correlations and multiple regression analyses. Bivariate correlation results indicate weak and direct associations between social desirability and life satisfaction and subjective happiness, and a strong and direct association between the latter. According to the results of the partial correlation analysis, the association between life satisfaction and subjective happiness is maintained even when social convenience is controlled. The results of the multiple regression analyses indicate that although social desirability predicts life satisfaction by itself, when satisfaction with life dimensions is added to the model, social desirability loses its predictive power. In conclusion, although social desirability is associated with the two components, affective and cognitive, of subjective well-being, this association loses predictive power when other variables are considered in predictive models. Study limitations include a relatively low reliability score on the social desirability scale, possible bias due to the study's self-report design and sampling method used. The present study aimed at determining the association between life satisfaction and subjective happiness while controlling for social desirability, and to explore whether overall satisfaction with life can be predicted by satisfaction with life dimensions while controlling for social desirability. The study had a quantitative, non-experimental cross-sectional design, with 279 participants from different universities of the Council of Rectors of Chile recruited through a non-probabilistic sampling method for convenience. The participants completed an online questionnaire that inquired about their global and dimensional satisfaction with life, subjective happiness, social desirability, and sociodemographic variables. The data was analysed using partial correlations and multiple regression analyses. Bivariate correlation results indicate weak and direct associations between social desirability and life satisfaction and subjective happiness, and a strong and direct association between the latter. According to the results of the partial correlation analysis, the association between life satisfaction and subjective happiness is maintained even when social convenience is controlled. The results of the multiple regression analyses indicate that although social desirability predicts life satisfaction by itself, when satisfaction with life dimensions is added to the model, social desirability loses its predictive power. In conclusion, although social desirability is associated with the two components, affective and cognitive, of subjective well-being, this association loses predictive power when other variables are considered in predictive models. Study limitations include a relatively low reliability score on the social desirability scale, possible bias due to the study's self-report design and sampling method used.

resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Aval. psicol ; 19(2): 142-151, abr.-jun. 2020. il, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1100901


O Inventário Abrangente de Prosperidade (IAP) constitui um instrumento que acessa o bem-estar, concebendo o construto numa perspectiva hedônica. Este estudo avaliou as propriedades psicométricas do IAP em 501 adultos brasileiros. A metodologia de análise consistiu em combinação entre análise fatorial confirmatória e análise de redes, incluindo também análise da confiabilidade e validade convergente. Os resultados confirmam a estrutura de 18 fatores de primeira ordem e a de sete fatores de segunda ordem original. O artigo também apresenta uma terceira estrutura com quatro fatores de segunda ordem - χ²/gl = 1,75, CFI = 0,92, TLI = 0,91, RMSEA = 0,042. Foram detectadas diferenças para o ajuste, considerando o sexo dos participantes, em que o modelo obtido tem melhor ajuste para homens. O IAP apresenta validade convergente ao se correlacionar positivamente com felicidade e florescimento no trabalho. Portanto, a versão brasileira do IAP apresenta evidências iniciais de validade para uso em adultos no Brasil. AU

The Comprehensive Inventory of Thriving (CIT) is an instrument that accesses well-being, conceiving the construct from a hedonic perspective. This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the IAP in 501 Brazilian adults. The framework of analysis consisted of a combination of confirmatory factor analysis and network analysis, including reliability analysis and convergent validity. The results confirm the structure of 18 first order factors and seven second order factors from the original research. The present study also presents a third structure with four second order factors - χ²/gl=1.75, CFI=.92, TLI=.91, RMSEA=.042. Differences were detected for the fit considering the gender of the participants, where the model obtained presented a better fit for men. The CIT has convergent validity, correlating positively with happiness and flourishing at work. Therefore, the Brazilian version of the CIT presents initial evidence of validity for use with adults in Brazil. AU

El Inventario Integral de la Prosperidad (IIP) constituye un instrumento que accede al bienestar, concibiendo el constructo en una perspectiva hedónica. Este estudio evaluó las propiedades psicométricas del IIP en 501 adultos brasileños. La metodología de análisis consistió en combinación entre el análisis factorial confirmatorio y el análisis de redes, incluyendo también el análisis de la confiabilidad y validez convergente. Los resultados confirman la estructura de dieciocho factores de primer orden y la de siete factores de segundo orden original. El artículo también presenta una tercera estructura con cuatro factores de segundo orden - χ²/gl=1.75, CFI=.92, TLI=.91, RMSEA=.042. Se detectaron diferencias para el ajuste considerando el sexo de los participantes, donde el modelo obtenido tiene mejor ajuste para hombres. El IIP presenta validez convergente al correlacionarse positivamente con felicidad y desarrollo profesional. Por lo tanto, la versión brasileña del IIP presenta evidencias iniciales de validez para uso en adultos en Brasil. AU

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Satisfacción Personal , Felicidad , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Análisis Factorial , Distribución por Edad y Sexo , Metaanálisis en Red
Psychol. av. discip ; 14(1): 29-39, Jan.-June 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250605


Resumen El análisis de las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Felicidad Subjetiva ha reportado datos que indican problemas con el ítem 4, lo que ha conducido a algunos autores a plantear una supresión hipotética del mismo. Este ítem, formulado en términos negativos y comparativos de manera simultánea, aparece desde la versión original de la escala; sin embargo, las anomalías psicométricas informadas plantean la necesidad de analizar la pertinencia de una versión de tres ítems de la escala. En ese sentido, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo central comparar las propiedades psicométricas de dos versiones de la Escala de Felicidad Subjetiva (una de cuatro ítems y otra de tres ítems). Para el logro de este objetivo se llevó a cabo un estudio instrumental mediante el análisis de una base de datos configurada por 372 participantes, provenientes de cuatro estudios previos donde se aplicó dicha escala. Los resultados indican una superioridad de la versión de tres ítems de la escala al presentar un mayor nivel de confiabilidad y mejores valores en el Análisis Factorial Exploratorio y el Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio. Se recomienda el uso de la versión de tres ítems en población mexicana y analizar la pertinencia de aumentar la escala de valores de la posible respuesta.

Abstract The analysis of the psychometric properties of the Subjective Happiness Scale has reported data indicating problems with item 4, which has led some authors to propose a hypothetical suppression of it. This item, formulated in negative and comparative terms simultaneously, appears from the original version of the scale; however, the psychometric anomalies reported raise the need to analyze the relevance of a three-item version of the scale. In this sense, the present study has as a central objective to compare the psychometric properties of two versions of the Subjective Happiness Scale (one of four items and another of three items). To achieve this objective, an instrumental study was carried out by analyzing a database configured by 372 participants from four previous studies where this scale was applied. The results indicate a superiority of the three-item version of the scale by presenting a higher level of reliability and better values in the Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. It is recommended to use the three-item version in the Mexican population and analyze the relevance of increasing the scale of values of the possible response.

Psicometría/clasificación , Psicometría/instrumentación , Emociones/clasificación , Felicidad , Población , Psicometría/métodos , Análisis Factorial , Afecto