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Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985410


Although the fees for the implementation of antimicrobial stewardship (AS addition) were newly established in the 2018 revision of medical fees, more detailed activities and issues of pharmacists at facilities calculating AS addition have not been clarified so far. Therefore, to understand the current status of AS activities and problems, we conducted a questionnaire survey of facilities that calculate the additional fee for infection prevention measures 1 and investigated whether there are differences in AS activities between facilities where pharmacists are full-time employees and facilities where non-pharmacists are full-time employees. The results showed that the number of antimicrobial agents used by full-time pharmacists was larger than that by non-pharmacists. In addition, the frequency of AS was lower for non-full-time workers than for full-time workers, with most full-time workers performing AS every day, while non-full-time workers performing AS two to three days a week. In addition, non-full-time workers lacked human resources and work time, and did not have sufficient work materials. The survey revealed that AS activities’ current status and problems differ between full-time and non-full-time employees.

Interaçao psicol ; 26(2): 232-242, mai.-jul. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512490


No período de 2007 a 2018 houve um crescimento substancial da educação em tempo integral no Brasil, além do aumento das publicações acadêmicas e da presença crescente da temática no cenário político nacional. Neste panorama foi realizada uma revisão integrativa de literatura com o objetivo de investigar e analisar criticamente as principais ideias encontradas nas publicações periódicas brasileiras sobre a educação em tempo integral, estabelecendo um diálogo com autores selecionados do campo da psicologia do desenvolvimento. Verificou-se que a escola integral é, em geral, avaliada positivamente de acordo com os seguintes aspectos: proteção da criança para possibilitar que os pais possam trabalhar, promoção de melhor relacionamento entre professores e alunos, oportunidade de socialização para as crianças e o aprendizado de conteúdos extracurriculares. Entretanto, constatou-se que esta modalidade de educação pode exercer um efeito de cerceamento de tempo e espaço, fazendo com que a criança permaneça excessivamente institucionalizada, passando a maior parte do tempo envolvida em atividades programadas e supervisionadas, gerando estresse e prejudicando outras possibilidades de inserção social. Tais questões sugerem implicações importantes para o desenvolvimento e o bem-estar das crianças, abrindo um campo para pesquisas, reflexões e intervenções.

Full-time education has increased in Brazil during the 2007 ­ 2018 period, as well as the number of academic publications and the increasing incidence of the matter in national political discussions. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate and critically analyze the main ideas concerning full-time education in Brazilian academic publications, through an integrative literature review. The analysis focused on issues that concern the field of Developmental Psychology. It was found that the integral school is, in general, evaluated positively according to the following aspects: the protection of the child to enable parents to work; promotion of a better relationship between teachers and students; socialization opportunities for children and learning extracurricular content. However, it was noted that this type of education can exert a restriction of time and space, causing the child to remain excessively institutionalized, spending most of the time involved in programmed and supervised activities, generating stress and damaging other possibilities of social integration. Such issues have implications for children's development and well-being, thus opening a field for research, reflection and interventions.

Aesthethika (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 18(1, n. esp): 13-17, jun, 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510865


El presente escrito entrecruza la ficción con la vida cotidiana, en el encuentro con lo no tradicional de las configuraciones familiares y el trabajo de tiempo completo, con jornadas laborales extensas. Ambas situaciones se encuentran e influyen mutuamente en la vida cotidiana. La serie New Amsterdam es el punto disparador para analizar las diversas circunstancias por las que atraviesan estas personas y sus familias. Familias, en este caso, diversas, constituidas por fuera de la norma pero que se ven afectadas por los mismos dilemas que atraviesan quienes planifican este proyecto. La ficción nos permite ver algo de este sentir y vivir en privado por medio de los personajes. Se toma para el análisis, al psicólogo del hospital, Iggy con su familia homoparental, y Helen, médica oncóloga, decidiendo ser madre soltera por elección. Este escrito tiene por fin tratar de comprender y empatizar con quienes, por diversos motivos, se embarcan en el camino de formar familias diversas y enfrentarse al encuentro con sus propias verdades

This document blends fiction with daily life. It includes the encounter of the non-traditional areas of the family structure and the full-time work with extensive working hours. These two merge and influence each other in daily life. New Amsterdam tv show is the trigger point to analyze the various circumstances that people and their families go through. In this case, these families are diverse, constituted outside the norm, and affected by the same dilemmas that go through those who plan this project. Fiction allows us to see some of their feelings and live through the characters privately. The subjects of this analysis are the hospital psychologist, Iggy who has a homoparental family, and Helen, the oncologist who decides by her choose to be a single mother. The intention of this paper is to try to understand and empathize with those who, for various reasons, embark on the path of forming diverse families and facing the encounter with their own truths.

Humanos , Estructura Familiar , Horas de Trabajo , Padres Solteros , Relaciones Familiares , Obras de Ficción como Asunto
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991235


Objective:To understand the current situation of management ability and self-efficacy of medical undergraduates in Suzhou and their influence on the learning effect.Methods:General data questionnaire, present situation of college students' spare time management ability questionnaire and Chinese general self-efficacy scale were used to collect data from September 2018 to April 2019 in 5 colleges and 5 grades of medicine in a comprehensive university in Suzhou using cluster sampling method. A total of 450 full-time undergraduates completed the questionnaire. SPSS 22.0 was used for t-test, one-way ANOVA and Chi-square test. Multiple Logistics regression analysis was used to analyze the influence of extracurricular time management ability and self-efficacy on academic performance. Results:A total of 450 questionnaires were distributed, and 421 were recovered, with the effective recovery rate of 93.6%. The extracurricular time of full-time medical undergraduates was relatively low, and the management ability of extracurricular time was different in different grades, whether to be a student leader, professional interests, economic status and other aspects. Students of different grades had different levels of self-efficacy. Multivariate Logistics regression analysis was carried out with the dependent variables, with the model fitted χ2=220.488, P=0.002 and the determination coefficient = 0.660. The management ability and self-efficacy in spare time were independent influencing factors of academic performance. Conclusion:Schools should take specific measures to improve the learning effect and educational quality of medical students.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 28: e28061, 2022. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422166


O presente artigo se refere a uma pesquisa proveniente de uma dissertação de mestrado em que analisamos as práticas corporais desenvolvidas na educação integral em tempo integral de duas escolas públicas, numa perspectiva não salvacionista, tensionando suas contribuições e (des)compassos nas vidas dos estudantes. A expressão "formar pessoas melhores?" questiona a concepção reducionista e salvacionista por vezes encontrada em programas sociais que lançam mão das práticas corporais apresentando-as como solução aos estudantes das camadas populares. Compreendemos neste estudo que esta perspectiva é comutada pelo sentido de direito social e acesso a diferentes práticas corporais enquanto elementos da formação humana. A educação integral, contudo, apresenta também limites que por vezes as distanciam das suas perspectivas, como a naturalização das questões de gênero, a fragmentação curricular e as condições de trabalho distintas entre professores e oficineiros. (AU)

This article refers to research from a master's thesis in which we analyze the bodily practices developed in full-time education of two public schools, in a non-salvationist perspective, stressing their contributions and mismatches in the lives of students. The expression "to form better people?" questions the reductionist and salvationist conception sometimes found in social programs that use bodily practices, presenting them as a solution to students from the lower classes. We understand in this study that this perspective is changed by the sense of social right and access to different bodily practices as elements of human formation. Full-time education, however, also has limits that sometimes distance it from its perspectives, such as the naturalization of gender issues, curricular fragmentation and different working conditions between teachers and workshop workers. (AU)

Este artículo se refiere a una investigación realizada a partir de una disertación de maestría en la que analizamos las prácticas corporales desarrolladas en la educación a tiempo completo de dos escuelas públicas del estado de Rio Grande do Sul, desde una perspectiva no salvacionista, tensionando sus contribuciones y escollos en las vidas de los estudiantes. La expresión "formar personas mejores" cuestiona la concepción reduccionista y salvacionista que a veces se encuentra en programas sociales que utilizan las prácticas corporales presentándolas como solución para los estudiantes de las clases bajas. Entendemos, en este estudio, que esta perspectiva es conmutada por el sentido de derecho social y acceso a diferentes prácticas corporales como elementos de la formación humana. La educación integral, sin embargo, también presenta límites que a veces las alejan de sus perspectivas, como la naturalización de las cuestiones de género, la fragmentación curricular y las condiciones de trabajo distintas entre los profesores y los que participan en los talleres. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Ejercicio Físico , Atención Integral de Salud
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912566


Objective:To explore the current situation and effective strategies of clinical full-time scientific research team construction by introducing the experiences and lessons learned during the process of research hospital construction at Peking University Cancer Hospital.Methods:To sort out the clinical full-time scientific research personnel team in the hospital, analyze the status quo of the talent team and the achievements, identify and illustrate problems and solutions in the process of clinical full-time scientific research team construction in a research hospital.Results:The hospital clinical full-time scientific research team was developed and played its roles in clinical research to some extent. Administration should provide appropriate incentives and optimize the training strategies for scientific researchers.Conclusions:Full-time clinical research teams at hospitals can effectively improve the scientific research ability of clinical departments, more attention from the administration perspective should be paid to problems and appropriate strategies identified during the construction of such teams.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905824


Objective:To investigate academic publications of students of the full-time master of public health (professional degree, MPH) program and explore their research capacity. Methods:A total of 160 students of the full-time MPH program admitted from 2010 through 2014 were included in the study. Their academic publications were retrieved for analysis. Results:The average number of academic publications was 1.35. Moreover, 10.2% of the students had academic publications in Chinese journals, and 12.5% had publications in SCI-indexed English journals. Type of disciplines, province they were from, and economic status of their family were determined to be significantly associated with academic publications in SCI-indexed journals. Conclusion:Students of the full-time MPH program have research capacity; however, they have achieved relatively few academic publications of high quality. Establishment of a teaching and training program is warranted in both practice and research for students in full-time MPH programs in universities.

Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886156


Objective:This study aimed to clarify the actual functions and issues associated with the work of a full-time prosthetist and orthotist while treating patients and users at a rehabilitation hospital.Methods:Using a database that recorded the work performed by the full-time prosthetist and orthotist, the details of the work performed over the course of a year were classified into eight categories and tabulated by stage and item.Results:A total of 1,300 responses were collected for the one-year study period, of which participation in replacement of consumables and damage repair, adjustment of conformity, and brace clinic conferences accounted for 54.0%. Ankle-foot orthosis was the most common response (59.2%), and was more frequently associated with the living phase (76.3%) than the recovery phase (46.5%). The response numbers for all items per prescription in the recovery phase were as follows:prosthetic legs, 11.1 times;ankle-foot orthoses, 3.7 times;and knee ankle-foot orthoses, 2.2 times. Thus, the responses for knee ankle-foot orthoses were less frequent than those for the other two.Conclusion:The maintenance of ankle-foot orthoses in the living phase and prosthetic legs in the recovery phase was well supported by a full-time prosthetist and orthotist. On the other hand, users of knee ankle-foot orthoses may have received less support.

Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 28(4): 159-172, out.-dez. 2020. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1342830


O ensino em tempo integral vem sendo implantado gradativamente nas escolas públicas brasileiras nas últimas décadas, o que vem estimulando pesquisas sobre seus efeitos em diferentes aspectos educacionais. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o desempenho motor de crianças matriculadas em escolas públicas de tempo parcial e integral. Foram avaliadas 159 crianças, com idades entre 7 e 8 anos, sendo 84 (52,8%) do sexo masculino, das quais 77 (48,4%) estavam matriculadas no ensino em tempo parcial e 82 (51,6%) no ensino em tempo integral, todas no 3º ano do ensino fundamental de quatro escolas públicas municipais na cidade de Maringá-PR. O Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) foi utilizado como instrumento de medida para avaliar o desempenho motor das crianças. Para análise dos dados quantitativos foi utilizada estatística descritiva, o teste de normalidade Kolgomorov-Smirnov, e o Teste U de Mann Whitney para as comparações das variáveis de desempenho motor. Adotou-se nível de significância de p<0,05. Evidenciou-se que a maioria das crianças avaliadas demonstrou um nível de desenvolvimento motor abaixo da média referenciada para a idade. Não houve diferença significativa no desempenho motor quando comparadas crianças de escolas públicas de tempo parcial e integral, tampouco houve diferença entre os sexos. Desta forma, concluiu-se que o turno escolar extra e suas atividades complementares não exerceram influência capaz de favorecer o desenvolvimento motor das crianças matriculadas em escolas públicas de tempo integral. Ou ainda, indicando que o contexto escolar não é exclusivamente determinante para o desenvolvimento motor das crianças, haja vista que elas estão inseridas também em outros contextos extraescolar.(AU)

: Full-time education has been gradually implemented in Brazilian public schools in recent decades, which has been stimulating research on its effects in different educational aspects. The aim of this study was to compare the motor performance of children enrolled in part-time and full-time public schools. Were assessment 159 children, aged between 7 and 8 years, 84 (52.8%) males, of which 77 (48.4%) were enrolled in partial education and 82 (51.6%) in full-time education, all in the 3rd. year of the elementary school from four municipal public schools in the city of Maringá-PR. The Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) was used as a measurement instrument to assess the motor performance of chlidren. For the analysis of the quantitative data we used descriptive statistics, the Kolgomorov-Smirnov normality test, and the Mann-Whitney U test for the comparisons of motor performance variables. A significance level of p≤0.05 was adopted. It was evidenced that the majority of the children evaluated demonstrated a level of motor development below the age-referenced average. There was no significant difference in motor performance when compared to children from public schools of part-time and full time, nor was there a difference between the sexes. Thus, it was concluded that the extra school shift and its complementary activities did not exert an influence capable of favoring the motor development of children enrolled in full-time public schools. Or, indicating that the school context is not exclusively determinant for the motor development of the children, since they are also inserted in other contexts outof-school.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Desempeño Psicomotor , Niño , Educación Primaria y Secundaria , Crecimiento y Desarrollo , Rendimiento Académico , Análisis y Desempeño de Tareas , Enseñanza , Ejercicio Físico , Educación , Análisis de Datos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912543


Objective:To establish a set of comprehensive appraisal indicator system for the full-time scientific research personnel in Level-three general hospitals, improve the management of full-time scientific research personnel at hospital.Methods:Firstly, an initial indicator system was established by literature review and in-depth interviews with experts. Secondly, Delphi method was used to screen the indicators to confirm the indicator system. Finally, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to determine the weights of indicators at all levels, consistency tests were also conducted.Results:A set of comprehensive appraisal index system for full-time scientific research personnel in Level-three general hospitals was established, including four first-level indicators, which covered the comprehensive quality, scientific research capacity, scientific research performance and academic impact, as well as other 17 secondary indicators and 53 third-level indicators. Among these indicators, the scientific research performance has the largest weight value (0.5224), and according to the consistency test results, CR was less than 0.1. Besides, through the consistency test, the weight assignment is reasonable.Conclusions:The appraisal index system of full-time scientific research personnel in Level-three general hospitals is reliable. It can be used as a tool for evaluation of full-time scientific research personnel, which also provide reference for other hospitals to improve the management of full-time scientific research personnel.

Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum ; 30(1): 104-110, 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1101244


INTRODUCTION: Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) are characterized by low motor proficiency unrelated to neurological disorders or severe intellectual impairment, which results in difficulties to perform tasks of daily livingOBJECTIVE: This study investigated the prevalence of potential DCD in children with a mean age of 8.1 ± 0.35 years in part-time and full-time public schoolsMETHODS: The sample consisted of 159 children, both sexes, being 48.4% of partial time and 51.6% from full time school. Movement Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (MABC-2) was used to assess aiming and catching skills, manual dexterity, and static and dynamic balance. Children were classified into: typical motor development, risk for DCD or potential DCD. For data analysis we used the Kolgomorov- Smirnov test. For comparisons of variables, the Mann Whitney U Test and analysis of variance were used to identify which skills evidenced the best levels of motor proficiency among the childrenRESULTS: The results indicated that 2.5% of full-time school children were diagnosed with potential DCD and no occurrence among part-time school children, but with no statistically significant differences comparing skills according to daily school hoursCONCLUSION: The sum of the prevalence of children at risk and potential DCD (18.3%) reports a concern, indicating a need for early motor development assessments to establish interventions to reverse or minimize motor deficit

INTRODUÇÃO: Crianças com Desordem Coordenativa Desenvolvimental são caracterizadas pela baixa proficiência motora não relacionada a patologias neurológicas ou prejuízos intelectuais severos, a qual resulta em dificuldades na realização de tarefas de vida diáriaOBJETIVO: Este estudo investigou a prevalência de potencial Desordem Coordenativa Desenvolvimental em crianças com média de idade de 8,1 ± 0,35 anos de escolas públicas de tempo parcial e integralMÉTODO: A amostra foi composta por 159 crianças, de ambos os sexos, sendo 48,4% do ensino parcial 51,6% do ensino integral. Utilizou-se a Bateria de Avaliação do Movimento para Crianças-2 (MABC-2) para avaliar as habilidades de lançar e receber, destreza manual e equilíbrio estático e dinâmico. As crianças foram classificadas em: desenvolvimento motor típico, risco para Desordem Coordenativa Desenvolvimental ou potencial Desordem Coordenativa Desenvolvimental. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se o teste de Kolgomorov-Smirnov. Para comparações das variáveis utilizou-se o Teste U de Mann Whitney e análise de variância para identificar em quais habilidades as crianças apresentaram melhores níveis de proficiência motoraRESULTADOS: Os resultados indicaram que 2,5% das crianças de escolas de tempo integral foram diagnosticadas com potencial Desordem Coordenativa Desenvolvimental e nenhuma ocorrência foi verificada entre as crianças das escolas de tempo parcial, porém, sem diferenças estatisticamente significativas na comparação entre as habilidades de acordo com a jornada escolar diáriaCONCLUSÃO: A soma das prevalências de crianças com risco e potencial Desordem Coordenativa Desenvolvimental (18,3%) é preocupante, indicando a necessidade de avaliações do desenvolvimento motor das crianças desde cedo visando estabelecer intervenções para reverter ou minimizar os déficits motores

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 51(4): 33644, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178104


Trata-se de um estudo que investigou as relações entre as atividades extracurriculares, vinculadas ou não a programas de tempo integral, a satisfação de vida e o clima familiar de estudantes. Participaram da investigação 97 discentes de uma escola pública. Os participantes responderam ao Inventário do Clima Familiar para Crianças (ICF-C), a Escala Multidimensional de Satisfação de Vida para Crianças (EMSVC) e a uma Escala de Envolvimento em Atividades Extracurriculares (EEAE). Os resultados indicaram que os meninos se envolvem mais em atividades livres, enquanto as meninas realizam mais atividades acadêmicas/responsáveis e se vinculam mais com a escola. As ações ligadas ao programa de tempo integral garantem o direito à proteção social, bem como o acesso a atividades artísticas e recreativas, o que destaca a relevância do Estado investir em políticas públicas para a infância.

It is a study that investigated relationships between extracurricular activities, whether or not linked to full-time programs, life satisfaction and the family climate of the students. Ninety-seven students from a public school participated in the study. Participants responded to the Family Climate Inventory for Children (ICF-C), the Multidimensional Life Satisfaction Scale for Children (EMSVC), and a Scale for Involvement in Extracurricular Activities (EEAE). The results indicated that boys engage more in free activities, while girls perform more academic/responsible activities and become more involved with school. The actions linked to the full-time program guarantee the right to social protection, as well as access to artistic and recreational activities, which highlights the importance of the State investing in public policies for children.

Se trata de un estudio que investigó relaciones entre las actividades extracurriculares, vinculadas o no a programas de tiempo completo, la satisfacción de vida y el clima familiar de los estudiantes. Participaron en la investigación 97 alumnos de una escuela pública. Los participantes respondieron al Inventario del Clima Familiar para Niños (ICF-C), la Escala Multidimensional de Satisfacción de Vida para Niños (EMSVC) y una escala de Participación en Actividades Extra-curriculares (EEAE). Los resultados indicaron que los niños se involucran más en actividades libres, mientras que las niñas realizan más actividades académi-cas/responsables y se vinculan más con la escuela. Las acciones vinculadas al programa de tiempo completo garantizan el derecho a la protección social, así como el acceso a actividades artísticas y recreativas, lo que destaca la relevancia del Estado de invertir en políticas públicas para la infancia.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Satisfacción Personal , Instituciones Académicas , Estudiantes/psicología , Familia , Educación
Psicopedagogia ; 36(111): 305-316, set.-dez. 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056997


Este artigo relata os resultados de um estudo cujo objetivo foi identificar diferenças entre participantes e não participantes das atividades extracurriculares de um programa de tempo integral, vinculado a uma escola pública de Belo Horizonte (MG), no desempenho escolar. Participaram da pesquisa 99 estudantes, matriculados no 4º e 5º anos de escolarização, sendo 43 do sexo masculino e 56 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 9,99 anos (DP=0,61). Os resultados indicaram evidências da melhora no desempenho escolar dos participantes das atividades vinculadas aos programas públicos, sendo que o oferecimento de ações acadêmicas tem potencial para gerar impactos positivos. Além disso, esses tipos de ações garantem o direito à proteção social, bem como o acesso a atividades artísticas e recreativas dos seus participantes. Conclui-se que os estudantes de estratos sociais menos favorecidos podem melhorar o desempenho escolar ao participar de atividades extracurriculares estruturadas, complementando os processos proximais desenvolvidos na família que impulsionam a aprendizagem acadêmica.

This article reports the results of a study whose objective was to identify differences between participants and nonparticipants in the extracurricular activities of a full-time program, linked to a public school in Belo Horizonte (MG), in school performance. Ninety-nine students enrolled in the 4th and 5th years of schooling participated in the study, 43 males and 56 females, with a mean age of 9.99 years (SD=0.61). The results indicated evidence of improvement in the school performance of participants in activities related to public programs, and the offer of academic actions has the potential to offer positive impacts. In addition, these types of actions guarantee the right to social protection, as well as access to the artistic and recreational activities of its participants. It is concluded that students from disadvantaged social strata can improve school performance by participating in structured extracurricular activities, complementing the proximal processes developed in the family that drive academic learning.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-746314


Objective Taking the construction of full-time clinical scientific research team at Peking University Cancer Hospital as an example,explore the effective way to build a scientific research talent team in university affiliated hospitals.Methods To analyze the work of constructing a full-time clinical research team at Peking University Cancer Hospital,summarize the experiences,identify existed problems and make appropriate suggestions from following aspects:the significance of establishing the clinical full-time scientific research team,the formation process and the staged achievements.Results The full-time clinical scientific research team has begun to take shape.The hospital provides a complete career development plan and growth path.In recent years,the full-time clinical scientific research team has made significant progress in paper publication and fund application.Conclusions The establishment of full-time clinical scientific research team has effectively improved the scientific research ability of clinical departments,and has certain reference significance for the construction of talent team in university affiliated hospitals.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-802679


Objective@#To explore the effects of sequential mechanical ventilation on pulmonary function, blood gas analysis, quality of life and patientsundefined satisfaction with nursing care in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and respiratory failure (COPD) treated by sequential mechanical ventilation.@*Methods@#From March 2016 to March 2017, 90 COPD patients with respiratory failure treated by sequential mechanical ventilation were selected and divided into two groups according to the digital random method. 45 patients in the control group were treated with routine nursing. 45 patients in the observation group were treated with intensive care mode. The forced vital capacity (forced vital capacity, FVC), 1s forced expiratory volume (forced expiratory volume in one second, FEV1) was compared between the two groups before intervention (on admission) and after intervention (1 day before discharge). Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) and partial pressure of blood oxygen (PaO2) were different. The quality of life (QOL) was evaluated by using QOL-74 (Generic Quality of Life Inventory-74, GQOL-74 before and after intervention.@*Results@#There was no significant difference in FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, PaCO2, PaO2 between the two groups (P > 0.05). After nursing intervention, the FVC of the patients in the observation group was (2.75±0.62) L and FEV1 was (2.05±0.51) L, respectively. FEV1/FVC was (49.1±5.3)%, PaCO2 was (36.62±2.73) mmHg, PaO2 (94.72±4.57) mmHg, and control group was (2.38±0.74) L, (1.69±0.45) L, (62.6±4.4)%. (48.45±5.36) mmHg, (88.25±4.02) mmHg, t=2.571, t=3.551, t=13.147, t=13.193, t=7.130,group was superior to the control group (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in cognitive function, somatic function, social function and psychological status between the two groups before nursing (P > 0.05), but the scores of four dimensions in the control group were (66. 4 ±10.5) after nursing. (70.3±12.8), (72.2±13.6), (70.7±11.8), (72.8±9.7), (81.5±15.2), (78.4±12.9), (79.6 ±15.5), t=3.003)、t=3.780、t= 2.219、t= 3.065, P < 0.05. The success rate of rescue was 86.67%in the observation group, the mortality was 6.67%, the average hospitalization time was (12.8±4.2) days, the satisfaction degree for nursing was 94.87%, and the four items in the control group were 68.89% and 26.67%, respectively. (17.1±3.3) d, the satisfaction degree for nursing was 77.42%, P < 0.05. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05), and there was a significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.05), and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05), and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05).@*Conclusion@#COPD patients with respiratory failure can significantly improve the success rate of rescue, promote the recovery of pulmonary function, improve the quality of life, and enhance the recognition of medical services.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-701616


Objective To investigate the establishment and staffing status of healthcare-associated infection(HAI) management departments in secondary and tertiary medical institutions in Tianjin City. Methods Questionnaires were designed by staff in HAI Quality Control Center of Tianjin City,then distributed to all medical institutions to fill out,content of survey included establishment of HAI management departments,No.of HAI management staff,full-time and part-time HAI management personnel,education level,professional qualifications,age,length of en-gaging in HAI management,participation in training and exchange and so on.Results A total of 90 hospitals were surveyed,of 81 hospitals with>100 beds,61(75.31%)set up independent HAI management departments;staff-ing of 68(75.56%)hospitals were qualified;among 221 HAI management personnel,52.49% received undergradu-ate education,57.92% were nursing staff,41.63% were aged 40-50 years old,71.04% engaged in HAI manage-ment work for 1-10 years,131(59.28%)and 207(93.67%)personnel participated in national-level training or Tianjin municipal-level training on HAI in the last 3 years. Conclusion The establishment and staffing of HAI management departments in this city should be further standardized,composition of HAI management personnel needs to be further optimized,management teams should be young and stable,training and education should be reg-ular.

Psico USF ; 23(3): 567-578, 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-948286


Este estudo investigou as implicações do nível socioeconômico (NSE) na alfabetização, na inserção de crianças em atividades oferecidas por organizações não governamentais (ONGs) e os impactos dessas ações no desempenho escolar. A amostra da pesquisa foi composta por 560 estudantes do segundo ano de escolarização de oito escolas municipais de Belo Horizonte (MG), sendo que 301 eram do sexo masculino e 259 do sexo feminino. Os dados utilizados foram os resultados da Provinha Brasil e os NSEs das escolas. Os resultados indicaram que a taxa de alunos alfabetizados não ultrapassou 62,00% do total da amostra, a interferência do NSE no rendimento acadêmico e na vinculação dos estudantes com as ONGs. Conclui-se que o NSE impacta no desempenho escolar no início da alfabetização, na busca das famílias por locais para deixar suas crianças em segurança, como as ONGs, e as ações dessas instituições influenciaram indiretamente o processo de alfabetização. (AU)

This study investigated the implications of socioeconomic status (SES) on literacy, in the inclusion of children in activities offered by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the impact of these actions on school performance. The research sample consisted of 560 students attending the second year of elementary school in eight municipal schools in Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, including 301 male and 259 female participants. The data used were the results of Provinha Brasil and the SES of the schools. The results indicated that the rate of literacy in students did not exceed 62% of the total sample and the interference of SES in the academic performance and in the students' association with NGOs. It is concluded that SES impacts school performance at the beginning of literacy, on the search by families for places to leave their children safely, such as NGOs, and the actions of these institutions indirectly influenced the literacy process. (AU)

Este estudio investigó implicaciones del nivel socioeconómico (NSE) en la alfabetización, también en la inclusión de niños en actividades que ofrecen las organizaciones no gobernamentales (ONGs) y el impacto de esas acciones en el desempeño escolar. La muestra fue compuesta por 560 estudiantes de segundo año escolar de ocho escuelas públicas de Belo Horizonte (MG), siendo 301 de sexo masculino y 259 de sexo femenino. Los datos utilizados fueron los resultados de la Provinha Brasil y los NSEs de las escuelas. Los resultados indicaron que el índice de alumnos alfabetizados no superó el 62,00% del total de la muestra, la interferencia del NSE en el desempeño escolar y la vinculación de los estudiantes con las ONGs. Se concluye que el impacto del NSE en el desempeño escolar en la alfabetización temprana, la búsqueda de las familias por lugares para dejar a sus hijos seguros, tales como las ONG, y las acciones de esas instituciones, indirectamente influyeron en el processo de alfabetización. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Clase Social , Alfabetización/psicología , Rendimiento Académico/psicología , Actividades Recreativas/psicología , Estudiantes/psicología , Organizaciones , Educación Primaria y Secundaria
Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 29(51): 136-156, jul. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-847591


O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um levantamento sistemático das atividades complementares curriculares em contraturno escolar no macrocampo esporte e lazer desenvolvidas nas escolas públicas estaduais do Paraná. As informações cadastrais das escolas (N=372) dos dezenove municípios caracterizados como de grande porte disponíveis na plataforma DataEscolaBrasil (MEC), foram analisadas com base na estatística descritiva utilizando-se o software SPSS versão 20.0. Os resultados apontam que cinco projetos de atividades complementares concentram 40,5% das ações nos 9 macrocampos previstos. Dentre os projetos executados aproximadamente 1/3 estão vinculados ao macrocampo esporte e lazer (35,4%). Neste macrocampo 64,9% dos projetos estão concentrados em 5 modalidades, apontando uma tendência a padronização das ações e a prevalência do esporte em detrimento das demais atividades de lazer. Conclui-se que as atividades complementares curriculares em contraturno reforçam ações em prol da educação integral e o macrocampo analisado apresenta grande potencial na ampliação das oportunidades de aprendizagem dos alunos.

The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic survey of the curricular activities complement in extra-curricular shift in schools in field sports and leisure developed in public schools in Paraná state. The registration information of schools (N = 372) of the nineteen of large cities available in DataEscolaBrasil platform (MEC), were analyzed using descriptive statistics using SPSS software version 20.0. The results show that five complementary project activities concentrated 40.5% of the shares in 9 fields provided. Among the projects executed approximately 1/3 are linked to sports and leisure (35.4%). In this field 64.9% of projects are concentrated in 5 modes, indicating a tendency to standardize the actions and the prevalence of sport to the detriment of other leisure activities. It was concluded that curricular activities complement in extra-curricular shift reinforce actions in support of comprehensive education and area analysis has great potential in expanding learning opportunities for students.

El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar un estudio sistemático de las actividades curriculares complementadas con un horario extraclasse en el area del deporte y el ocio desarrollados en las escuelas públicas de Paraná (N = 372) de los diecinueve municipios caracterizados tan grande disponible en la plataforma DataEscolaBrasil (MEC), fueron analizados utilizando estadística descriptiva utilizando el programa SPSS versión 20.0. Los resultados muestran que cinco actividades complementarias del proyecto concentraron el 40,5% de las acciones en 9 areas previstas. Entre los proyectos ejecutados aproximadamente 1/3 están vinculados a area deporte y el ocio (35,4%). En este area 64,9% de los proyectos se concentran en 5 deportes, lo que indica una tendencia a estandarizar las acciones y la prevalencia del deporte, en detrimento de otras actividades de ocio. Se concluyó que las actividades curriculares con un horario extraclasse refuerzan las acciones en apoyo de la educación general y un análisis area tiene un gran potencial en la ampliación de las oportunidades de aprendizaje para los estudiantes.

Política Pública , Deportes/educación , Enseñanza/educación , Curriculum/normas , Educación/métodos , Actividades Recreativas
Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 63-67, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-619987


Objective To explore the psychological availability of the full-time candidates for master degree of nursing during the clinical work. Methods A phenomenological approach was adopted in this study. About 11 full-time candidates for master's degree of nursing took part in the semi-structured and in-depth interviews and the acquired data were analysed. Results About 4 themes promoting psychological availability were identified: strong research knowledge and skills, career development confidence, perception of attention from leaders and more satisfactory salary. The four themes hindering psychological availability were:clinical work tasks, lower level of expertise, lack of social support and lower perception of self benefit. Conclusions The full-time candidates for master's degree hold active perception and much expectation about their clinical work but meanwhile they feel passive and disappointed. Nursing administrators should develop distinguishing and definite clinical personnel training and continuing education programs for them, offer them an access to learning chances and emotional support in order to improve the psychological availability and stabilize the nursing team.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 3474-3478, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-611023


OBJECTIVE:To study the influencing factors of protocol deviation in drug clinical trial implementation,and pro-vide reference for improving the quality of drug clinical trial. METHODS:Quality verification was conducted for the drug clinical trial projects in the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University during 2010-2016,and protocol deviations in each year were retrospectively studied,classified and analyzed. Category,frequency,international and domestic pilot projects and the differences of protocol deviation after full-time research nurse participating in trail management were explored,and the measures were put forward. RESULTS:27 drug clinical trials were implemented in our hospital during 2010-2016,including 949 cases,176 cases with protocol deviation,accounting for 18.55%. Deviation protocol in drug clinical trial was decreased year by year for 7 years. The categories were mainly incompleteness of observation/records (30.11%),checking omission/broaden the window(28.41%),adverse drug events and improper combined medication (14.20%) and omission in drug management (11.93%). The proportion of protocol deviation with full-time research nurse participated was lower than the projects without full-time research nurse(11.11% vs. 28.67%,P<0.01),and proportion of deviation protocol in international multi-center project was lower than the domestic projects(6.60% vs. 28.84%,P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS:It is suggested to pointedly strengthen the weak links of drug clinical trial. For example,clinical trial institutions should establish the clinical trial data retention system,electronic data should be timely backed up in a different places,etc. Besides,clinical trial institutions should equip professional full-time research nurses as much as possible,learn the rigorous scientific experimental design,standard operational procedures and the authenticity of data pro-cessing from the international multi-center clinical trial projects to effectively reduce the incidence of deviation protocol and im-prove the quality of drug clinical trials.