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Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 17(2): 40-44, abr.-jun. 2017. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1281710


O termo mucocele é empregado clinicamente como um termo genérico, para se referir aos fenômenos de retenção e extravasamento de muco, sendo essa lesão um pseudocisto de etiologia traumática, decorrente do rompimento do ducto de uma glândula salivar menor. Clinicamente, esse tipo de lesão pode se apresentar como uma tumefação ou bolha, macia à palpação, de coloração azulada ou, mesmo, normocrômica, dependendo da sua profundidade nos tecidos, assintomática, de superfície lisa e de tamanho variado, sendo o lábio inferior a região mais acometida. Com relação ao seu tratamento, a enucleação é a técnica mais preconizada. Entretanto, algumas técnicas alternativas têm sido propostas na literatura para esse fim, como o uso do laser de dióxido de carbono, marsupialização e a técnica de Shira, sendo esta realizada com a injeção prévia de um hidrocoloide irreversível no interior da lesão, para evitar o extravasamento do conteúdo mucoso no momento da divulsão cirúrgica. O objetivo deste trabalho é mudar o caso clínico da paciente encaminhada à Clínica de Cirurgia Oral menor da Universidade Federal Fluminense, lhe apresentou, ao exame clínico, uma mucocele em lábio inferior do lado direito, com 14 dias de evolução e cerca de 2,0 cm em seu maior diâmetro, tendo sido realizado remoção completa da lesão por meio da técnica de Shira. A paciente evoluiu sem complicações e recidiva da lesão... (AU)

The mucocele term is used clinically as a generic term to refer to retention phenomenon and mucus extravasation, which is a pseudocyst injury of traumatic etiology, due to the rupture of the duct of a minor salivary gland. Clinically this type of injury may present as a swelling or blister, soft palpation, bluish or even normochromic coloring, depending on their depth in the tissues, asymptomatic smooth surface and varying size, with the lower lip the most affected region. Regarding treatment, enucleation is the recommended technique. However, some alternative techniques have been proposed in the literature for this purpose, such as using carbon dioxide laser, Marsupialization and Shira's technique, which is performed with the previous injection of an irreversible hydrocolloid inside the lesion to avoid extravasation the mucous content at the time of surgical divulsion. The aim of this paper is to present a case of C.R.F. patient, 18-year-old female was referred to minor oral surgery clinic of the Federal Fluminense University, with clinical examination mucoceles in lower right lip 14 days of evolution and about 2.0 cm in its largest diameter, where complete removal of the lesion was performed using the Shira's technique. The same progressed without complications and recurrence of injury... (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Glándulas Salivales/cirugía , Glándulas Salivales Menores , Cirugía Bucal , Mucocele , Recurrencia , Heridas y Lesiones , Mucosa Bucal/cirugía
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 74(2): 109-114, 2014. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-726160


Introducción: Los mucoceles son pseudotumores expansivos de las cavidades paranasales, cuyos síntomas están dados por su crecimiento expansivo. El tratamiento tradicional ha sido la extracción quirúrgica por vía externa, siendo desplazado en las últimas décadas por la resección endoscópica. Objetivo: Evaluar la experiencia en nuestro servicio sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los mucoceles. Material y método: Revisión retrospectiva de pacientes tratados por mucocele en el Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, entre 2002y 2013. Se describen características clínico-demográficas, métodos diagnósticos, tratamiento y aparición de recidivas. Resultados: Se analizaron 45pacientes con seguimiento promedio de 24,93 meses. El 51,11% correspondió al sexo masculino. La edad promedio fue 49,68 años. El 46,6% fueron mucoceles fronto-etmoidales (6 frontales, 6 etmoidales y 9 fronto-etmoidales), el resto en seno maxilar, con un periodo de latencia de 7,33 meses. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron oftalmológicos (55,5%) como proptosis y diplopía, mientras que el 51,1% de los pacientes tenía antecedentes de rinosinusitis crónica. El tratamiento fue mediante resección endoscópica en el 66,22%, por vía abierta 31,1% y manejo combinado en 6,66%. Hubo 8 casos recidivados, que representan el 17,7% de la serie. Discusión: Nuestra casuística resultó semejante a otras series publicadas. En los últimos años se ha preferido el abordaje endoscópico, sin embargo, el abordaje externo o combinado siguen siendo claves en el manejo de mucoceles extensos o para tratar recidivas. La aparición potencialmente tardía de recidivas requiere un tiempo de seguimiento largo para estos pacientes. Conclusiones: Los mucoceles representan un desafío diagnóstico y terapéutico y el manejo endoscópico parece una alternativa segura en el manejo de mucoceles que no comprometan órbita o tengan extensión craneal.

Introduction: Mucoceles are expansive pseudotumors of the paranasal sinuses and clinical presentations of symptoms are given by expansive growth. Traditional treatment has been open surgical extraction, being shifted in recent decades by endoscopic resection. Aim: To evaluate our experience in diagnosis and treatment of mucoceles. Material and methods: Retrospective chart review of patients treated for mucocele in the Department of Otolaryngology, between 2002 and 2013. Clinical and demographic characteristics, diagnostic methods, treatment and recurrence are described. Results: 45 patients with average follow-up of 24.93 months were analyzed. 51.11% were male. The mean age was 49.68years. 46.6% were fronto-ethmoidal mucoceles (6 in frontal sinus, 6 in ethmoidal sinus and 9 fronto-ethmoidal), the rest in the maxillary sinus, with a latency period of 7.33 months. Most frequent symptoms were ophtalmologic (55.5%) as proptosis and diplopia, while 51.1% of patients had a history of chronic rhinosinusitis. Treatment was by endoscopic resection in 66.22%, 31.1% by open surgery and 6.66% in combined approach. There were 8 recurrent cases, accounting for 17.7% of the series. Discussion: Our series was similar to other published earlier. In recent years, endoscopic approach is preferred, however, combined external approach or keys remain in handling large mucoceles or to treat recurrences. The late onset of recurrences potentially requires a long follow-up time for these patients. Conclusions: Mucoceles represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge and endoscopic management seems a safe alternative in the management of orbital involvement or cranial extension mucoceles.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Senos Paranasales/cirugía , Endoscopía/métodos , Mucocele/cirugía , Recurrencia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Estudios de Seguimiento , Mucocele/epidemiología
Arq. int. otorrinolaringol. (Impr.) ; 13(3)jul.-set. 2009. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-534663


Introdução: A mucocele é uma lesão benigna de crescimento lento, composta de material mucoso ou purulento, podendo ser múltiplas e causar erosão óssea. As mucoceles de seio esfenoide são raras, correspondendo a 1% dos casos; sendo mais frequentes nos seios frontal e etmoidal respectivamente. Objetivo: Relatar um caso de mucocele de seio esfenoidal que cursava com sintomas neurológicos e que foi submetida a tratamento cirúrgico através da endoscopia nasal. Relato do Caso: Paciente 80 anos, sexo feminino, com história de dor ocular, diplopia e diminuição progressiva da acuidade visual, evoluindo com amaurose bilateral dois meses depois. Na TC e RNM de crânio evidenciou massa expansiva de seio esfenoide, sugestivo de mucocele. Paciente foi submetida à cirurgia nasoendoscopica com abertura e ampliação do óstio do seio esfenoide. Comentários Finais: As patologias que acometem o seio esfenoidal apresentam grande importância em função das nobres estruturas que o circundam. A cirurgia endoscópica nasal é uma via de abordagem excelente para o tratamento das mucoceles.

Introduction: Mucoceles is a slow growth benign lesion, composed of mucous or purulent material, may be multiple and cause osseous erosion. The sphenoid sinus mucoceles are uncommon and correspond to 1% of the cases; they are more frequent in the frontal and ethmoidal sinuses respectively. Objective: To report one case of sphenoid sinus mucoceles that occurred with neurological symptoms and was submitted to surgical treatment through nasal endoscopy. Case Report: 80-year-old female patient with a record of ocular pain, diplopia and progressive decrease of the visual accuracy, which evolved with bilateral amaurosis two months after. In the cranium CT and MR we confirmed an expansive mass of sphenoid sinus, suggesting mucoceles. The patient was submitted to nasoendoscopic surgery with opening and widening of the ostium in the sphenoid sinus. Final Comments: The pathologies that affect the sphenoid sinus represent a great importance due to the noble structures that surrounds it. The nasal endoscopic surgery is an excellent approach for the treatment of mucoceles.

Humanos , Femenino , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Ceguera/etiología , Mucocele/diagnóstico , Seno Esfenoidal/patología
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-395498


Objective To evaluate the diagnosis and surgical management of appandiceal mucoceles.Method The clinical data of 50 patients with appendiceal mucoceles surgically treated from January 2004 to January 2008 were reviewed retrospectively. Result The correct preoperative diagnosis rate was 8%.Eight patients were complicated with pseudomyxoma peritonei.The canceration rate was 4%.All the 50 patients recovered uneventfully after the surgery.There was no complications,no recurrence during the follow-up period,including the 2 patients with canceration. Conclusion It was difficult to make correct diagnosis of appendiceal mucoceles preoperatively.The diagnosis should always be in mind if the B-type ultrasonography indicated a cystoadenoma.Abdominal CT coupled with necessary digestive image examinations may improve the correct diagnosis rate.Some patients may be complicated with pseudomyxoma peritonei.Occasionally this abdominal mass was also associated with malignancy.Surgery is the management of choice,and the prognosis is good.

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 28(3): 225-227, maio-jun. 2001. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-500381


A case of benign appendiceal mucocele treated by appendectomy tony is reported. Appendiceal mucocele is a rare lesion of the appendix, characterized by a gross enlargement of the appendix from luminal accumulation of mucoid substance. It is a rare condition, detected in only 0.1-0.4 percent of all appendicectomies, with a female predominance and an average age at the time of diagnosis over 50 years. The possibility of a pre-operative diagnosis is examined. Abdominal ultrasound and CT scan of the abdomen or colonoscopy may suggest the diagnosis. However the diagnosis is often incidental. The pathogenesis and the different surgical strategies are discussed.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-525507


Objective To investigate the diagnostic and treatment methods of appendiceal mucoceles and peritoneal pseudomyxoma. Methods Thirteen cases of appendiceal mucoceles were enrolled in this study. Six cases underwent appendectomy, two cases ileocecal resection, two cases right colectomy, and two cases appendectomy in emergency followed by right colectomy because their postoperative pathological diagnosis was appendiceal muco-cystadenocarcinoma. Ruptured appendiceal mucocele and peritoneal pseudomyxoma were found during operation in one case, then right colectomy was performed, ascites was removed and abdominal cavity was washed with normal saline and 5-Fu solution. Systemic chemotherapy was given to this patient after operation. Results Operation was successful in all the patients. Except one case not followed up, the other patients remained free of disease after operation. Conclusion Appendiceal mucoceles is uncommon. The patients should be suspected suffering from this disease when chief complaints are right lower abdominal pain and mass. B-type ultrasonography and other necessary digestive image examinations are economical and inexpensive diagnostic method of appendiceal mucoceles. It is necessary to explore the whole abdominal cavity carefully when this disease is suspected during operation.