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Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564640


Las fisuras labio-máxilo-palatinas (FLMP) son malformaciones congénitas que requieren de un manejo quirúrgico complejo para devolver un correcto funcionamiento del sistema estomatognático. Sin embargo, aún no existe un consenso sobre qué modalidad quirúrgica representa los mejores resultados y sus efectos a largo plazo en el desarrollo esqueletal y funcional de los individuos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir mediante la información científica disponible; el efecto de los diferentes protocolos quirúrgicos para el cierre de la FLMP sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo esqueletal de los pacientes. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en bases de datos Pubmed, Cochrane y Epistemonikos, contemplando estudios desde el año 2013 hasta la actualidad. Se obtuvieron un total de 999 estudios encontrados. Una vez aplicados los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se seleccionaron 13 estudios. El tratamiento quirúrgico de las FLMP consiste en procedimientos complejos que implican alteraciones en el desarrollo esqueletal de los individuos intervenidos a largo plazo. Las discrepancias en el desarrollo esqueletal de los pacientes empiezan a detectarse durante la dentición mixta. Es recomendable extender el seguimiento hasta la etapa de la pubertad y adultez, ya que podría demostrar diferencias significativas entre las diferentes cronologías quirúrgicas empleadas.

Cleft Lip and Palate (CLP) belong to a group of congenital anomalies that require complex surgical management, in order to restore the normal function of the stomatognathic system. However, there is no consensus that determines which surgical technique is better according to its outcomes and long- term effects on the skeletal and functional development of treated individuals. The objectives of this study are To describe, using the available scientific information, the effect of the different surgical protocols regarding CLP closure, on the skeletal and functional development patients undergoing surgery. A research of the available information was made in three different databases: PubMed, Cochrane and Epistemonikos. This research included articles released since the year 2013 onwards. A total of 999 studies were found. Once exclusion and inclusion criteria were applied, 13 studies were selected. Surgical treatment of CLP consists of complex procedures which imply long-term skeletal alterations in undergoing patients. These skeletal discrepancies are first detected during the mixed dentition phase. It is recommended to extend patient follow-up up until puberty and adulthood, as it might demonstrate significant differences among the different surgical approaches.

Medwave ; 24(3): e2780, 30-04-2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553782


INTRODUCCIÓN: La siguiente revisión bibliográfica se realizó con el propósito de reconocer las características clínicas y radiográficas que deben ser evaluadas para el diagnóstico de las reabsorciones radiculares externas incluyendo también sus tratamientos. METODOLOGÍA: Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda en las bases de datos MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane Library y Google Scholar bajo el término , incluyendo estudios experimentales y revisiones bibliográficas desde 2010 a 2022 en español e inglés, incluyendo finalmente 17 artículos. RESULTADOS: Los resultados obtenidos señalaron que cada tipo de reabsorción radicular externa presenta características clínicas específicas que las diferencian. Estas diferencias son: para la reabsorción externa inflamatoria la vitalidad pulpar negativa; para la reabsorción externa de reemplazo la ausencia de movilidad y percusión metálica; para la reabsorción externa cervical una coloración rosada de la corona; la reabsorción externa superficial no presenta ningún tipo de sintomatología clínica y la reabsorción de colapso apical transitorio presenta un cambio de coloración transitorio. CONCLUSIÓN: Las reabsorciones radiculares externas requieren un diagnóstico preciso y temprano. Se debe realizar un examen clínico con énfasis en sondaje, coloración, movilidad y pruebas de vitalidad.

INTRODUCTION: The following bibliographic review was carried out with the purpose of recognizing the clinical and radiographic characteristics that must be considered in the diagnosis of external root resorption, including treatments. METHODS: A bibliographic search was carried out in PubMed/Medline, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar databases under the term "external root resorption", from 2010 to 2022 in Spanish and English. Experimental studies and bibliographic reviews were selected, and finally 17 articles were included. RESULTS: The results obtained indicated that each type of resorption presents specific clinical characteristics that differentiate them, these are: for external inflammatory resorption a negative pulp vitality; for replacement external resorption the absence of mobility and metallic percussion; for cervical external resorption a pink coloration of the crown; superficial external resorption does not present any type of clinical symptoms and transient apical collapse presents a transient change in color. CONCLUSION: External root resorptions require accurate and early diagnosis. A clinical examination should be performed with emphasis on the following: probing, coloration, mobility, and vitality tests.

Humanos , Resorción Radicular/terapia , Resorción Radicular/diagnóstico por imagen
Rev. polis psique ; 13(2): 182-200, 2023-11-13.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1517846


Esse trabalho trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de revisão narrativa que busca apresentar e discutir as práticas da Psicologia na política de Assistência Social em situações de violência infantojuvenil, tendo como fonte de informações as publicações científicas da área. A pesquisa foi realizada em três bases de dados e contou com um montante final de 23 artigos que foram lidos e analisados. O tema mostra-se relevante pois, ainda nos dias de hoje, crianças e adolescentes aparecem como as maiores vítimas de violência no Brasil e a política de Assistência Social se apresenta como um importante espaço de intervenção visando o enfrentamento de tais situações. Por meio da análise dos artigos científicos, conclui-se que as práticas descritas nas produções ora se articulam com matrizes de pensamento individualizantes e hegemônicas da Psicologia, ora produzem discursos que buscam a construção de saberes pautados na perspectiva social, territorial e no pensamento crítico. (AU)

This paper presents qualitative research of narrative review, which seeks to present and discuss the interventions of Psychology in the Social Assistance policy in situations of child and youth violence, havingassourceofinformationthescientificpublications. The research was conducted in three databases and had a final amount of 23 articles that were read and analyzed.The theme is relevant, because even today children and adolescents appear as the biggest victims of violence in Brazil and the Social Assistance presents itself as an important space for confrontation in this situations. Through the analysis of scientific articles, it is concluded that these productions point practices that sometimes are articulate with individualizing and hegemonic thought matrices of Psychology and in another moment produce discourses that seek to build knowledge based on the social, territorial perspective and on critical thinking. (AU)

Este trabajo presenta una investigación cualitativa de revisión narrativa, que busca presentar y discutir las intervenciones de la Psicología en la política de Asistencia Social en situaciones de violencia infantil y juvenil, teniendo como fuente de información las publicaciones científicasdel area.La investigación se realizó en tres bases de datos y contó con un total de 23 artículos que fueron leídos y analizados. El tema se muestra relevante, ya que aún en la actualidad los niños y adolescentes aparecen como las principales víctimas de violencia en Brasil, y la política de Asistencia Social se presenta como un importante espacio de confrontacionfrente a estas situaciones. A través del análisis de artículos científicos, se concluye que estas producciones apuntan prácticas descritas a veces se articulan con matrices de pensamiento individualizantes y hegemónicas de la Psicología, mientras que otras veces producen discursos que buscan la construcción de saberes basados en la perspectiva social, territorial y en el pensamiento crítico. (AU)

Psicología/métodos , Política Pública , Servicio Social , Maltrato a los Niños , Investigación Cualitativa
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 48(2): 51-55, 28 jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451997


La infección por SARS-CoV-2 podría gatillar la ocurrencia de numerosas patologías, algunas de ellas de tipo endocrinológico. Se presenta una revisión narrativa sobre la asociación entre COVID-19 y tiroiditis subaguda, en la que se describen aspectos epidemiológicos, fisiopatológicos, manifestaciones clínicas y de laboratorio, tratamiento y pronóstico. La prevalencia de alguna disfunción tiroidea en pacientes COVID-19 fluctúa entre 13 y 64%, específicamente en relación con tiroiditis subaguda se describe un cambio en la prevalencia de 0,5% a 10% entre los años 2019 y 2020. La tiroiditis subaguda se produce por la unión del virus SARS-CoV-2 con la enzima convertidora de angiotensina 2 (ACE-2) ampliamente expresada en la glándula tiroides, generando manifestaciones clínicas tipo tirotoxicosis, aunque la presentación de la tiroiditis subaguda asociada a COVID-19 puede ser atípica. Los elementos centrales del tratamiento son similares a los empleados ante cualquier tiroiditis subaguda. Se concluye la necesidad de considerar esta entidad en el diagnóstico diferencial de pacientes actual o previamente infectados por SARS-CoV-2 que presenten síndrome febril, elevación de parámetros inflamatorios o taquicardia persistente, sin etiología precisada.

SARS-CoV-2 infection can trigger the occurrence of numerous pathologies, some of them endocrinological. The present narrative review works on the association between COVID-19 and subacute thyroiditis, which describes epidemiological and pathophysiological aspects, clinical and laboratory manifestations, treatment, and prognosis. The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in COVID-19 patients fluctuates between 13 and 64%, explicitly concerning subacute thyroiditis; it has been described as a change in prevalence from 0.5% to 10% between 2019 and 2020. The binding of the SARS-CoV-2 virus with the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor (ACE-2) widely expressed in the thyroid gland causes subacute thyroiditis, generating thyrotoxicosis-like clinical manifestations. However, the presentation of subacute thyroiditis associated with COVID-19 may be atypical. The central elements of the treatment are similar to those used in any subacute thyroiditis. We conclude that this entity must be considered in differential diagnoses of patients currently or previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 that present a febrile syndrome, elevated inflammatory parameters, or persistent tachycardia without a specified aetiology.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(2): 130-135, jun. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440350


El cuerpo adiposo de la boca (CAB) es un componente adiposo multilobulado bien delimitado, localizado de manera bilateral en la región facial íntimamente relacionado a estructuras nerviosas y vasculares. La remoción de CAB es un procedimiento ampliamente estudiado en el campo de la cirugía maxilofacial, utilizado principalmente para cubrir defectos. Su influencia en la estética facial ha iniciado una popularización de la remoción de la extensión bucal de CAB para obtener un rostro más estilizado, intervención difundida como poco invasiva y sin complicaciones. El objetivo de este estudio fue recopilar y evaluar estudios que reporten y evalúen complicaciones asociadas a la remoción por razones estéticas de CAB. Se revisó la evidencia en las bases de datos Medline vía PubMed, Epistemonikos, Scopus y Google Scholar, utilizando términos predefinidos, seleccionando estudios primarios de reportes de casos. Se incluyeron 7 artículos con un total de 10 pacientes; de estos, ocho pacientes se realizaron este procedimiento en Brasil, uno en Estados Unidos y uno en Chile. La distribución de la población fue de 3:7 entre hombres y mujeres con edad promedio de 35 años y un rango entre los 23 a los 49 años. En relación a las complicaciones reportadas, 100 % de los pacientes presentaron asimetría facial, un 80 % presentó edema facial, 30 % manifestaron sialocele, Trismus 20 %, 40 % presentó hematoma, 20 % compromiso del estado general, 20 % presentaron disfagia, en los casos de hipoestesia, parestesia, absceso, seroma, parálisis facial, odinofagia, fiebre se expresaron en 10 % de la población estudiada. En todos los estudios se describió una reintervención quirúrgica posterior a la remoción estética del cuerpo adiposo de bichat. La escasa literatura y la baja calidad de esta, no permite estimar el porcentaje real de posibles complicaciones, tampoco es posible determinar sus resultados a largo plazo ya que no existe en la evidencia un seguimiento apropiado para estos pacientes.

The buccal adipose body (BAB) is a well- defined multilobulated adipose component, located bilaterally in the facial region, closely related to nervous and vascular structures. BAB removal is a widely studied procedure in the field of maxillofacial surgery, used mainly to cover defects. Its influence on facial aesthetics has started to popularize the removal of the BAB buccal extension to obtain a more stylized face, an intervention widely known as minimally invasive and without complications. The objective of this study was to collect and evaluate studies that report and evaluate complications associated with the removal of BAB for cosmetic reasons. The evidence was reviewed in the Medline databases via PubMed, Epistemonikos, Scopus, and Google Scholar, using predefined terms, selecting primary studies from case reports. 7 articles with a total of 10 patients were included; Of these, eight patients underwent this procedure in Brazil, one in the United States, and one in Chile. The distribution of the population was 3:7 between men and women with an average age of 35 years and a range between 23 to 49 years. In relation to the reported complications, 100 % of the patients presented facial asymmetry, 80 % presented facial edema, 30 % manifested sialocele, trismus 20 %, 40 % presented hematoma, 20 % compromised general state, 20 % presented dysphagia, in the cases of hypoesthesia, paresthesia, abscess, seroma, facial paralysis, odynophagia, fever were expressed in 10 % of the studied population. All the studies described a surgical reintervention after cosmetic removal of the bichat adipose body. The scarce literature and its low quality do not allow estimating the real percentage of possible complications, nor is it possible to determine their long-term results since there is no evidence of appropriate follow-up for these patients.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Tejido Adiposo/cirugía , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Orales/efectos adversos , Mejilla/cirugía , Procedimientos de Cirugía Plástica/efectos adversos
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220208


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is here to stay. Nonpharmacological interventions such as hand hygiene, social distancing, and respiratory hygiene have remained the mainstay to curb the spread of the virus, and these are sustainable. To understand the information, education, and communication (IEC) efforts undertaken during previous pandemics and successful behavior change strategies that may be applicable to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted a narrative review of articles using PubMed search on September 11, 2022. The results highlighted that reinforced IEC is the need of the hour in efforts against COVID-19 pandemic. The communication strategy during a pandemic should be of three stages aligned to the objectives of building a basic understanding and knowledge in the target population: building an awareness of the threat; personal actions to minimize the impact; and reinforcing the need for appropriate actions to minimize disease transmission, in that order. An innovative strategy of displaying IEC on the daily essential products can result in a sustainable solution that might result in a “felt need” in the community to follow COVID-19 appropriate behavior. A broad base of stakeholders' engagement with civil bodies, nongovernmental organizations, private sectors with well-defined responsibilities and accountability would offer an enabling environment for these efforts in ultimately curbing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538197


Introduction: the first COVID-19 case in Brazil was confirmed on February 26, 2020. As of March 17, 2023, the Ministry of Health reported 699,634 deaths from COVID-19, with a case fatality rate of 1.9%. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil extends to socioeconomic and healthcare systems, reflecting significant regional disparities. Objective: To analyze mortality, incidence, and case fatality rates for COVID-19 in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina, in the southern region of Brazil. Methods: This is an ecological time-series study using official Brazilian secondary data for COVID-19 cases and deaths. Data were extracted from the dashboard of the State Health Department of Santa Catarina and Paraná. Temporal series were developed for trend analysis using the Prais-Winsten regression model. Statistical analyses were performed using STATA 14.0 software (College Station, TX, USA, 2013). Results: In the analysis of rates over the entire period, trends for mortality, case fatality, and incidence in the state of Santa Catarina are decreasing, decreasing, and stationary, respectively. In Paraná, rates over the entire period showed a stationary trend for mortality, decreasing for case fatality, and increasing for incidence. Conclusion: COVID-19 had a devastating effect on the states of Santa Catarina and Paraná. Both states experienced the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic, with higher case fatality and mortality rates observed in Paraná, while Santa Catarina had a higher incidence rate over the three years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 45: e20220045, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529723


RESUMO Este artigo analisou como as publicações sobre dupla carreira (DC) no Brasil abordaram esse tema conceitualmente e metodologicamente. Realizamos uma revisão narrativa dos estudos publicados entre 2018 e 2023, e os analisamos a partir dos tipos de abordagens metodológicas, os conceitos e o direcionamento dessas pesquisas brasileiras. Notamos que a DC é vista como objeto de conciliação de rotinas a partir das idiossincrasias de cada grupo de investigação, carecendo de aprofundamento sobre possíveis causas para má gestão das agendas do estudante-atleta. Sugerimos uma maior interação entre os grupos de pesquisa, buscando mínimos consensos entre os investigadores sobre a noção de DC tal como a adoção de métodos holísticos que auxiliem a captar a complexidade desse fenômeno social.

ABSTRACT We analyse the conceptual and methodological approaches taken by Brazilian research on the Dual Career (DC). We conducted a narrative review of published studies between 2018 and 2023; we analysed them based on the methodological approach, the concept used, and their basic premises that support research. We observe that DC is viewed as the form of combining routines by Brazilian researchers, conducting debate from their theoretical perspectives. Still, we note little engagement among these researchers to provide a combination approach to deep knowledge about DC and their issues with managing student-athletes schedules. So, we suggest more interaction among Brazilian research groups, seeking consensus to adopt holistic research methods that aid in understanding the DC complexity.

RESUMEN Ese artículo analizó cómo las recientes publicaciones se acercaron conceptual y metodológicamente a la Carrera Dual (CD) en Brasil. Revisamos los artículos desde 2018 a 2023, y los analizamos a través de sus metodologías, conceptos y premisas teóricas que los basaron los investigadores. Observamos que la CD fue acercada como la manera de compaginar rutinas y los investigadores conducían al debate desde sus perspectivas teóricas. También notamos poco involucro entre los investigadores, lo que puede limitar la interpretación a cerca de la CD y la manera de compaginar a las agendas de los estudiantes-deportistas. Por lo tanto, sugerimos una interacción entre los investigadores brasileños, buscando acuerdos para adoptar metodologías holísticas para comprender el fenómeno de la CD.

Saúde Soc ; 32(2): e210875pt, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450459


Resumo A presença de mecanismos de participação popular na saúde mental é fundamental para a democratização. Embora prevista por lei há algumas décadas enquanto diretriz do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), a implementação de tais mecanismos é um processo inacabado e complexo, cujos avanços têm sofrido um desmantelamento sistemático em virtude de políticas neoliberais. Este artigo faz uma breve análise histórica desse processo, tendo em vista a construção da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira e, em seguida, apresenta os resultados de uma revisão narrativa, baseada em artigos publicados nos últimos 10 anos acerca do tema da participação popular na saúde mental. São tratados, primeiramente, os sentidos comumente atribuídos ao termo "participação" e os tipos de espaços participativos existentes. Mais adiante, abordam-se algumas potencialidades da participação nesses espaços, como a produção de autonomia e o seu caráter formativo na vida política dos usuários, além de algumas dificuldades que se impõem ao seu funcionamento, como a burocratização dos serviços e os vestígios crescentes de um modelo asilar. Por fim, há a indicação de saídas possíveis para resolver esses problemas, como a promoção de mudanças culturais e a articulação entre movimentos e atores sociais, visando ao fortalecimento dos espaços de participação popular.

Abstract The presence of mechanisms for popular participation in mental health is fundamental for the democratization. Although it has been provided for by law as a guideline of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) for some decades, the implementation of such mechanisms is an unfinished and complex process, whose advances have been systematically dismantled due to neoliberal policies. This article provides a brief historical analysis of this process, considering the construction of the Brazilian psychiatric reform, and then presents the results of a narrative review, based on articles published in the last 10 years about popular participation in mental health. First, the common meanings of "participation" and the existing types of participatory spaces are discussed. Further on, some potentialities of participation in those spaces, such as producing autonomy and its formative character in the political life of users, in addition to some difficulties that are imposed on its functioning, such as the bureaucratization of services and the growing traces of an asylum model, are analyzed. Finally, possible ways out of these problems, such as promoting cultural changes and articulating movements and social actors, aiming at strengthening spaces for popular participation, are indicated.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Control Social Formal , Sistema Único de Salud , Salud Mental , Participación de la Comunidad
Salud ment ; Salud ment;45(4): 199-208, Jul.-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410093


Abstract Background The chronic aspect that begins to characterize long COVID appeals to the need for interventions proposed by institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to manage the disease, emphasizing behavioral change and self-care. Objective To perform a narrative review of the psychological literature that offers intervention strategies in alignment with the recommendations of the long COVID management guidelines proposed by WHO and NICE. Method MEDLINE, EBSCO, Google Scholar, SciELO, PsycINFO, PubMed, Cochrane, and CONRICYT databases were consulted, using Boolean operators and keywords for an exhaustive search. Results The contributions of the studies were categorized into five intervention strategies based on WHO and NICE recommendation guidelines: Psychoeducation, Self-care, Support networks, Relaxation, and Goal setting. These are given a brief introduction and their relevance to the management of long COVID symptomatology is described. Discussion and conclusion The persistent condition of COVID-19 symptoms makes it necessary to recognize that lifestyle changes must be made, primarily focused on health care and prevention of worsening disease sequelae. These lifestyle changes can be achieved through behavior modification, focusing on protective factors such as education, self-care, support networks, relaxation techniques and, setting appropriate goals.

Resumen Antecedentes El aspecto crónico que empieza a caracterizar al COVID persistente hace un llamado a la propuesta de intervenciones desde instituciones como la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y el National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) para lograr un manejo de la enfermedad, el cambio conductual y el autocuidado. Objetivo Elaborar una revisión narrativa sobre la literatura psicológica que ofrece estrategias de intervención acordes a las recomendaciones de las guías de manejo del COVID persistente propuestas por la OMS y el NICE. Método Se consultaron las bases de datos MEDLINE, EBSCO, Google Scholar, SciELO, PsycINFO, PubMed, Cochrane y CONRICYT. Se utilizaron operadores booleanos y palabras claves para una búsqueda exhaustiva. Resultados Las aportaciones de los estudios fueron categorizadas en cinco estrategias de intervención basadas en las guías de recomendación de la OMS y el NICE: Psicoeducación, Autocuidado, Redes de apoyo, Relajación y Establecimiento de metas. En ellas se realiza una breve introducción y se expone su relevancia para el manejo de la sintomatología del COVID persistente. Discusión y conclusión El padecimiento persistente de los síntomas del COVID-19 hace necesario reconocer que deben realizarse cambios en el estilo de vida, principalmente enfocados en el cuidado de la salud y la prevención del empeoramiento de las secuelas de la enfermedad. Estos cambios en el estilo de vida podrán lograrse mediante la modificación de la conducta, orientándola a factores protectores como la educación, el autocuidado, las redes de apoyo, las técnicas de relajación y el establecimiento de metas adecuadas.

São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo med. j;139(6): 662-674, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352296


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: This article systematically updates the literature on changes in visual functions during the phases of the normal menstrual cycle in women. OBJECTIVES: To update Guttridge's 1994 review of visual structures and functions associated with the menstrual cycle and broaden the search through psychophysical, neuroimaging and neurobehavioral measurements covering 1994-2020. DESIGN AND SETTING: Narrative review conducted in a neurosciences and behavior laboratory in Brazil. METHODS: The PubMed, Cochrane Clinical Answers and Google Scholar databases were searched. After screening and applying the eligibility criteria, 32 articles were examined. Through this analysis, the following information was extracted: (1) geographical distribution of the study; (2) sample size (according to age and phase of the menstrual cycle); (3) type of measurements according to psychophysical, neuroimaging and neurobehavioral instruments; (4) vision testing model; (5) visual subcategory evaluated; (6) categories of processed visual stimuli; and (7) main findings. RESULTS: The menstrual phases give rise to significant changes in visual functions, including in relation to orientation and spatial attention, visual campimetry and visual sensitivity. These relate specifically to the follicular and luteal phases. CONCLUSIONS: These findings theoretically expand the effects of menstrual cycles on visual functions found by Guttridge (1994). Despite some inconsistencies in the studies analyzed, it was found that visual processing during the follicular and luteal phases of the normal menstrual cycle of healthy women can explain physiological, cognitive, behavioral and social modulations.

Humanos , Femenino , Fase Folicular , Ciclo Menstrual , Brasil , Fase Luteínica
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 26: e46410, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1287637


RESUMO A associação entre mindfulness (MF) e Realidade Virtual (RV) é recente. O MF vem sendo utilizado na psicoterapia em razão dos efeitos terapêuticos observados. Entretanto, não são todos os pacientes que conseguem obter o benefício desse recurso, sendo a RV uma via para o trabalho com o MF por facilitar o sentido de presença. Este artigo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão narrativa da literatura sobre a utilização terapêutica da RV na prática de MF. Foram analisados 23 artigos completos, sendo os principais focos de pesquisa: o aprimoramento dos ecossistemas imersivos e dos recursos terapêuticos no contexto do MF em relação à experiência do usuário; o desenvolvimento de recursos tecnológicos econômicos; material de fácil manuseio para facilitar a experiência do usuário. Concluímos que a RV pode ser facilitadora como ferramenta no tratamento de pacientes cujo perfil se enquadra em terapia mediada por MF, embora sejam necessários estudos controlados que permitam compreender as especificidades da RV e as variáveis com valor terapêutico.

RESUMEN La asociación entre mindfulness (MF) y Realidad Virtual (VR) es reciente. MF se ha utilizado en psicoterapia debido a los efectos terapéuticos observados. Sin embargo, no todos los pacientes pueden obtener el beneficio de este recurso, siendo la RV una forma de trabajar con el MF porque facilita el sentido de presencia. Este artículo tuvo como objetivo realizar una revisión narrativa de la literatura sobre el uso terapéutico de la RV en la práctica de MF. Se analizaron 23 artículos completos, siendo los principales focos de investigación: la mejora de ecosistemas inmersivos y recursos terapéuticos en el contexto de MF en relación a la experiencia del usuario; el desarrollo de recursos tecnológicos económicos; material fácil de manejar para facilitar la experiencia del usuario. Concluimos que la RV puede ser un facilitador como herramienta en el tratamiento de pacientes cuyo perfil encaja en la terapia mediada por MF, aunque son necesarios estudios controlados para entender las especificidades de la RV y las variables con valor terapéutico.

ABSTRACT The association between mindfulness (MF) and Virtual Reality (VR) is recent. MF has been used in psychotherapy due to the therapeutic effects reported. However, not all patients are able to obtain the benefits of this resource, and VR becomes a way to work with MF as it facilitates the sense of presence. This paper presents a narrative review of the literature about therapeutic uses of VR in the practice of MF. A total of 23 complete papers were analyzed, being the main research focuses: the improvement of immersive ecosystems and therapeutic resources in the context of MF in relation to the user experience; the development of economic technological resources; easy to handle material to facilitate the user experience. We concluded that VR can be a facilitator as a tool in the treatment of patients who could benefit from MF-informed therapy, although controlled studies are needed to understand the specificities of VR and the variables with therapeutic value.

Psicoterapia , Atención Plena , Realidad Virtual , Ansiedad/psicología , Psicología Clínica/tendencias , Terapéutica/psicología , Técnicas Biosensibles/tendencias , Meditación/psicología , Depresión/psicología , Distrés Psicológico
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212496


Public health legislation plays an important role in the containment of any epidemic or pandemic. During a pandemic, it might be necessary to override the existing laws or (individual) human rights for the containment of the pandemic. The objective of the study is to review the legal framework pertaining to COVID-19 pandemic preparedness in India. This study has been done as an unsystematic narrative review where various legislations were assembled from electronic data base, websites from various legislative and Ministries and discussion with experts. Owing to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus Government of India announced nationwide lockdown on 24th March, 2020.  For proper implementation of lockdown measures various legislative laws belonging to different ministries is required. There are two pioneer acts namely The Epidemic disease act of 1897 and The Disaster management act of 2005. Under these two acts the government has laid down various rules and regulations that have to be followed during lockdown. This article describes the need for the law in a crisis like this and various legislations that have been implemented during lockdown.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960816


Background@#The COVID-19 pandemic has put an immense strain on health systems worldwide. Nurses at the front line are prone to experience several staffing issues facing ever-increasing stresses to the health care system by a pandemic situation. The staffing experiences of nurses in this context can have a significant impact on current nursing practice and existing policies.@*Objective@#To carry out a synthesis of the scientific evidence available on the staffing experiences of nurses during the SARS, MERS, and Ebola epidemics.@*Method@# A narrative review was conducted. A literature search was carried out in PubMed, Scopus, and CINAHL databases. All studies describing nurses' experiences were included regardless of methodology. Atotal of 16 articles was included in the review.@*Results@#Narrative synthesis revealed ten themes from the results of the articles: training, staffing ratios and models, shifting models, volunteer staffing, skill mix, planning staffing needs, hospital preparedness, communication, effects of workload, and structured workflow processes.@*Conclusions@#Nurses are pivotal to the healthcare response to infectious disease pandemics and epidemics. The results of this review should provide a basis for nurse managers and administrators on how they can actively engage in supporting the staffing concerns and issues of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 , Pandemias
Medwave ; 20(5)2020.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116901


INTRODUCCIÓN: La enfermedad por coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) es un problema mundial de salud pública debido a su morbimortalidad, especialmente en grupos de riesgo. El entorno odontológico tiene un alto riesgo de transmisión viral, por ello el objetivo de este estudio fue identificar recomendaciones para la atención odontológica durante esta pandemia. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una búsqueda de evidencia científica publicada desde 2002 hasta el 23 de marzo de 2020 en bases de datos electrónicas (MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane y Epistemonikos) y en las páginas electrónicas de la Asociación Dental Americana, de Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Oral Health, del Ministerio de Salud de Chile y de sociedades científicas. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron nueve artículos publicados, en los cuales se recomienda el uso irrestricto de elementos de protección personal, preferir técnicas radiográficas extraorales, uso de enjuagues bucales con peróxido de hidrógeno al 1% o povidona yodada al 0,2%, técnica a cuatro manos con aspiración constante y uso de suturas reabsorbibles. Además, existe consenso respecto a que durante los periodos de transmisión comunitaria se deben posponer los tratamientos odontológicos no urgentes. CONCLUSIONES: Debido al alto riesgo de infección cruzada que presentan los equipos odontológicos, deben implementarse recomendaciones basadas en la mejor evidencia disponible, con el fin de preservar la salud de los miembros del equipo y de la población a su cuidado.

INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 is a world public health problem due to its morbidity and mortality, especially in at-risk groups. The dental environment has a high risk of viral transmission; accordingly, this study aimed to identify recommendations based on the best available evidence for dental care during this pandemic. METHODS: We performed a search for scientific evidence published since 2002 to March 23th 2020 in electronic databases (MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane, and Epistemonikos) and the web pages of the American Dental Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Oral Health, the Ministry of Health in Chile and scientific societies. RESULTS: We included nine published studies. The recommendations were the following: unrestricted use of personal protection elements, use of extraoral radiographic techniques, use of mouth rinses with 1% hydrogen peroxide or 0.2% iodine povidone, a four-hand technique with ongoing aspiration and the use of absorbable sutures. Furthermore, there is a consensus that non-urgent treatments should be postponed during periods of community transmission. CONCLUSIONS: Dental practitioners are exposed to a high risk of cross-infection, meaning they must implement recommendations based on the best available evidence to preserve the health of team members and the population they are caring for.

Humanos , Atención Odontológica/normas , Transmisión de Enfermedad Infecciosa de Profesional a Paciente/prevención & control , Transmisión de Enfermedad Infecciosa de Paciente a Profesional/prevención & control , Pandemias/prevención & control , COVID-19/prevención & control , COVID-19/transmisión , Guías de Práctica Clínica como Asunto
Clin. biomed. res ; 38(2): 178-195, 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1025636


A não-adesão à farmacoterapia foi primeiramente identificada há mais de 2000 anos e continua a ser um desafio, gerando intenso debate nos dias de hoje. Percebe-se que houve um aumento nas pesquisas que procuram elucidar a extensão, as causas e as consequências da não-adesão à farmacoterapia. No entanto, para entender a extensão de adesão é necessário compreender o seu conceito. Para tanto, é necessário esclarecer a diferença dos diversos termos utilizados em pesquisas de adesão, tais como cumprimento, adesão, concordância e persistência. Com o objetivo de elucidar essas e muitas outras questões, conduziu-se um mapeamento da literatura existente sobre adesão à farmacoterapia. Esta revisão narrativa foi conduzida sem limitação temporal, por meio de buscas realizadas nas bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed e Scielo. Utilizaram-se os descritos em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS) (Medication Adherence e Adesão à Medicação; Patient Compliance e Cooperação do Paciente; Terminology e Terminologia); os termos MESH (drug therapy, medication adherence, medication therapy management, patient compliance, terminology); e outros termos gerais. Apesar de existir uma vasta literatura sobre o conceito de adesão à medicação, não há um consenso padrão estabelecido. Os termos compliance, adherence e concordance têm sido utilizados erroneamente como termos intercambiáveis de adesão à medicação. Alguns autores categorizam a não-adesão em intencional e não intencional; outros em repetida ou esporádica ou, ainda, em primária ou secundária. A adesão é um comportamento multifatorial complexo que é influenciado por diversos fatores, que muitas vezes são controversos e inconsistentes nas publicações. Apesar de existir um universo rico e promissor no campo de adesão à farmacoterapia, há muita complexidade e contradição. Muito do que se reporta à adesão é de certa forma fragmentado e controverso, o que dificulta a análise deste processo como um todo. (AU)

Non-adherence to medication was first noted over 2000 years ago and remains a challenge; the issue continues to generate intense debate. A surge in research in this area has helped to elucidate the extent, causes and consequences of patient non­adherence. However, how do we elucidate the extent of adherence without understanding its concept? What is the difference between the terms used in research in this field, such as compliance, adherence, concordance and persistence? A mapping of the existing literature on adherence to medication was conducted in order to answer this and other questions. This narrative review was conducted with no time limit, by searching MEDLINE/PubMed and Scielo databases. Health science descriptors (DeCS) were applied (Medication Adherence; Patient Compliance; Surveys and Questionnaires and Terminology); MESH terms (drug therapy, medication adherence, medication therapy management, patient compliance, terminology); and other terms. Although there is a vast literature on the concept of adherence to medication, no standard consensus is established. The terms compliance, adherence and concordance have been misused as interchangeable terms for adherence to medication. Some authors categorize non-adherence into intentional and unintentional; repeated or sporadic, and primary or secondary. Adherence is a complex multifactorial behavior influenced by several factors, which are often controversial and inconsistent in publications. Although there is a rich and promising universe in the field of medication adherence, there is a lot of complexity and contradiction as well. Everything that is related to adherence is somewhat fragmented and controversial, which makes it difficult to analyze its process as a whole. (AU)

Humanos , Cumplimiento de la Medicación/psicología , Cumplimiento de la Medicación/estadística & datos numéricos , Terminología como Asunto , Negativa del Paciente al Tratamiento/psicología , Negativa del Paciente al Tratamiento/estadística & datos numéricos , Cooperación del Paciente/psicología , Cooperación del Paciente/estadística & datos numéricos
Rev. CES psicol ; 10(1): 35-47, ene.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-896555


Resumo Este artigo tem o objectivo de realizar uma revisão não sistemática e narrativa da literatura de estudos que comparam a qualidade de vida de mulheres com cancro da mama submetidas à diferentes tipos de cirurgia. Ao analisar os estudos, verificou-se que estes abordavam diversos aspectos, agrupados em três dimensões: a) Metodologia adoptada, se referindo aos instrumentos utilizados, o intervalo de avaliação e o procedimento de recolha de dados; b) Variáveis sociodemográficas e psicoemocionais, que diz respeito à idade, escolaridade, estado civil, sexualidade e percepção da imagem corporal; e c) Variáveis clínicas, relacionado ao tipo de tratamento e ao estádio da doença. Os resultados levam-nos a reflectir sobre a importância de incluir a avaliação da qualidade de vida no processo de tratamento e no seguimento das doentes, independente do tipo de cirurgia a que as mulheres são submetidas.

Abstract This article aims to conduct a non-systematic and narrative review of the literature of studies comparing the quality of life in women with breast cancer undergoing different types of surgery. Analyzing the studies showed several aspects, grouped into three dimensions: a) Methodology adopted, referring to the instruments, the interval of evaluation, and the procedure of data collection; b) Sociodemographic and psychoemotional variables, related to age, educational level, marital status, sexuality and perception of body image; and c) Clinical variables, related to the type of treatment and the stage of the disease. Results leads us to reflect on the importance of including the assessment of quality of life in the treatment process and follow-up of patients, regardless of the type of surgery that women are submitted.

Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión no sistemática y narrativa de la literatura de estudios que comparan la calidad de vida de mujeres con cáncer de mama sometidas a diferentes tipos de cirugía. Mediante el análisis de los estudios, se encontró diversos aspectos, agrupados en tres dimensiones: a) Metodología utilizada, se refiere a los instrumentos, el intervalo de evaluación, así como el procedimiento de recolección de datos; b) Variables socio-demográficas y psico-emocionales, relativas a la edad, la educación, el estado civil, la sexualidad y la percepción de la imagen corporal; y c) Variables clínicas, relacionadas con el tipo de tratamiento y lo estadio de la enfermedad. Los resultados nos llevan a reflexionar sobre la importancia de incluir la evaluación de la calidad de vida en el proceso de tratamiento y el seguimiento de los pacientes, sin importar el tipo de cirugía al que las mujeres son sometidas.

Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 13(4): 313-319, July-Aug. 2011. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-599892


A grande quantidade de informações científicas produzidas e disponíveis nas diversas áreas, e também na Educação Física, traz a necessidade de sínteses dos conteúdos. Diferentes métodos de síntese/revisão são apresentados, podendo levar a diferentes respostas. Neste contexto objetivou-se verificar a política dos periódicos nacionais na área de Educação Física quanto a artigos de revisão, quantificar as revisões e classificá-las quanto à tipologia. Nesta pesquisa, do tipo bibliográfica, foram selecionados artigos de revisão e classificadas as revisões nos tipos sistemática e narrativa, a partir de critérios estabelecidos. Todos periódicos (13) apresentam possibilidade de publicação de artigos de revisão, mas não apresentam normas/métodos formulados especificamente para este tipo de artigo. Foi observada uma considerável produção de artigos de revisão (429), sendo 371 (86 por cento) revisões narrativas e 58 (14 por cento) sistemáticas. A priori, revisões narrativas são voltadas a produções de conhecimento por pesquisadores de prestígio cientifico e, o volume de produções deste tipo, por mais diversificada em temas que possa ter a Educação Física, não parece ser proporcional à quantidade reconhecida destes pesquisadores. Isto pode acarretar em menor qualidade da produção cientifica e rejeição a artigos desta natureza, como observado em periódicos de outras áreas. Devido ao critério em seu método, revisões sistemáticas parecem de maior valia em situações que pesquisadores não renomados desejem produzir artigos de revisão, evitando um desfecho precário. Esta forma apresenta maior rigor cientifico, com passos e normas para sua realização e, também, parece ser mais apreciada por editores de periódicos, sendo até classificados como artigos originais.

The large amount of scientific information that is produced and available in different areas, including physical education, requires the summary of contents. Different synthesis/review methods that lead to different answers are available. The objective of this study was to analyze the policy of national physical education journals on review articles, to quantify the reviews, and to classify them as systematic and narrative reviews based on established criteria. All journals (n=13) offer the possibility to publish review articles, but do not have specific standards/methods for this type of article. The production of review articles was high (n=429), with the publication of 371 (86 percent) narrative reviews and 58 (14 percent) systematic reviews. A priori, narrative reviews are used for the production of knowledge by internationally renowned scientific researchers. However, the volume of production of this type of review, as diverse as the issues in physical education are, does not seem to be proportional to the number of recognized researchers. This fact can lead to lower quality of the scientific production and rejection of these articles, as observed for journals in other areas. In view of the criteria and method employed, systematic reviews seem to be more valuable in situations in which no renowned researchers wants to produce review articles, avoiding a poor outcome. This type of review is characterized by more scientific rigor, whose production follows specific steps and standards, and also seems to be more appreciated by journal editors, with these reviews sometimes even being classified as original articles.

Gac. méd. Caracas ; 118(1): 37-40, mar. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-630607


El significado de una investigación, "el qué significa", es “el elemento del informe de investigación que tiene mayor probabilidad de influir sobre las opciones y las decisiones reales acerca de los tratamientos”. Es una de las preguntas clave que recomendaba el Prof. Bradford Hill, pionero de los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados. Hoy cuando el volumen de la información en temas de salud, con énfasis en intervenciones o tratamiento, es inconmensurable, cuando la calidad de lo publicado no siempre es directamente proporcional a la cantidad, el tiempo para leer lo publicado resulta ínfimo. Cuando más que "leer", lo fundamental es analizar cómo se hizo el estudio, es obligatoria la selección de las investigaciones que tengan la mayor fiabilidad posible, un mayor grado de certeza. En consecuencia, se impone decidir entre una revisión narrativa y una revisión sistemática, para responder con eficiencia la interrogante del Dr. Hill. La toma de decisiones en las gestiones clínica y pública deben estar basadas en la mejor evidencia posible, con el menor riesgo de sesgo para aproximarse a lo que Descartes expresó en su día como “una medicina basada en demostraciones infalibles”. El objetivo de esta comunicación es mostrar la comparación entre las revisiones sistemática y narrativa, con la finalidad de que el lector determine motus propio, la utilidad de sendos tipos de investigaciones secundarias, en el ámbito de la toma de decisiones en salud basadas, en la mejor evidencia. Con ese fin, sirva de ejemplo la indicación de la proteína C humana recombinante en los pacientes con sepsis

The conclusion of an investigation. "What does it mean?" is the most impotant element of any report of an investigation which is most likely to influence the actual choices and decisions about treatment. It was one of the key questions recommended by Professor Bradford Hill, the pioneer of randomized controlled trials. Today, the burden of information in health issues related to therapy is immeasurable. But, when the quality of what is published is not proportional to the quantity, and the time available for reading is short, the most important thing is to determinate how the research was conducted. This is very important in order to select the most valid research to make a better decision. According to this, one must choose between a narrative review or a systematic review in order to answer Dr. Braford Hill’s question. Public and clinical management decision making should be based on the best evidence possible with the lowest risk of bias. This is in the spirit of Descartes’ expression, “looking for infallible demonstrations based in medicine”. The aim of the paper is to show a comparison between a systematic review and a narrative review. Its goal is for the reader him- or herself to determine the usefulness of these types of secondary analyses, in order to make the best medical decision associated with the highest safety for the patient. Use of the human activated recombinant protein C in people with severe sepsis will be used as an example

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Proteína C/administración & dosificación , Proteínas Recombinantes/farmacología , Sepsis/patología , Sepsis/terapia , Sesgo , Narración , Salud Pública/educación
Repert. med. cir ; 19(3): 174-186, 2010. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-585620


Los esquemas para el tratamiento de leucemia linfoblástica aguda, muestran tasas de remisión completa entre 70 y 90%, pero con pobres resultados a largo plazo y supervivencia libre de enfermedad a cinco años de 30 a 40%. Ante los múltiples protocolos a nivel mundial, las diferentes respuestas clínicas, la controversia en las opciones terapéuticas y la dificultad de adaptar las estrategias de tratamiento en nuestro país, se justifica la realización de una guía para nuestra institución. Se realizó una búsqueda de literatura sobre el tratamiento de LLA en adultos. Se excluyeron los de LLA en pediatría y LLA de precursores T. Se encontraron 335 artículos y se seleccionaron 48 que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Objetivo: establecer estrategias terapéuticas en adultos con LLA basadas en la evidencia disponible y adaptándolas a los recursos institucionales. Materiales y métodos: la revisión ampliada se basó en la evaluación de estudios secundarios como guías de práctica clínica, metaanálisis, revisiones sistemáticas publicadas entre enero 2005 y febrero 2009, o bien se recurrió a ensayos clínicos. Las bases de datos analizadas incluyeron PubMed a través de Medline, Clinical Evidence, la colaboración Cochrane, así como treinta y cuatro entidades compiladoras. Conclusiones: 1) Para adultos con LLA las series más grandes concluyen que el tratamiento de inducción debe incluir corticoides, antracíclicos, vincristina y L asparaginasa, con profilaxis del sistema nervioso central. 2) Los adolescentes y adultos jóvenes deben recibir protocolos pediátricos pero no hay evidencia suficiente para aceptar uno estándar. 3) El imatinib está indicado para todos los pacientes con LLA Ph+ con dosis entre 400 y 800 mg/día desde la inducción hasta el final del tratamiento. El beneficio es mayor cuando se incorpora desde la inducción y se administra en forma concurrente, con la quimioterapia, más que de forma secuencial...

Treatment regimes for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) show complete remission rates of 70 and 90 percent but poor long-term results and 5-year disease-free survival rates of 30 to 40 percent. Designing treatment guidelines for our institution is justified by the existence of multiple protocols worldwide, various clinical responses, controversy on therapeutic options and difficulty to adapt treatment strategies in our country. We conducted a systematic literature search on adult ALL treatment. Childhood and progenitor T-cell ALL were excluded. We found 335 articles and selected 48 which met the inclusion criteria. Objective: to establish therapeutic strategies for adult ALL based on available evidence and adapting them to our institutional resources. Materials and Methods: the broaden review was based on the assessment of secondary trials such as clinical practice guides, meta-analyses and systematic reviews published between January 2005 and February 2009, or the review of clinical trials. The analyzed databases included PubMed, Medline, Clinical Evidence, Cochrane, as well as 34 compilation bases. Conclusions: 1) The largest series conclude that induction phase treatment for adult ALL must include corticosteroid, antracyclines, vincristine and Lasparaginase, including central nervous system prophylaxis. 2) Treatment of adolescents and young adults must be based on pediatric protocols but there is not enough evidence as to accept one standard protocol. 3) 400 and 800 mg/day imatinib is indicated for all Ph-positive ALL patients from the treatment induction phase up to treatment completion. Benefit is greater when it is given from the induction phase combined with chemotherapy than when administered sequentially. 4) Regimes consistent with high-intensity chemotherapy plus imatinib and consolidated with allogenic transplantation during the first complete remission have shown the best long-term results and constitute the standard therapy...

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras , Leucemia Linfoide/terapia , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras/tratamiento farmacológico , Trasplante , Revisión , Supervivencia , Enfermedades Hematológicas y Linfáticas/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedades Hematológicas y Linfáticas/terapia