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Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(7): 641-646, July 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505751


Abstract Background Due to their semiological similarities, psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNESs) can occasionally hardly be differentiated from epileptic seizures (ESs), and long-term video-electroencephalographic monitoring (VEM) is needed for the differential diagnosis. Objective To investigate the time of the first clinical event and its distribution on the days of VEM in ES and PNES patients. Methods In total, a consecutive series of 48 PNES and 51 ES patients matched for gender and age were retrospectively and consecutively evaluated. The time distribution of the seizures during the day was noted. Seizure latency was determined as the time in hours from the start of the video-electroencephalographic recording to the first clinical event. Results The seizure latency was significantly shorter in PNES patients compared to ES patients (p < 0.001). Seventy-two percent of PNES patients and 49.1% of ES patients had their first seizure in the 24 hours of video-EEG recording (p = 0.023). Recording longer than 48 hours was required for 12.5% of PNES patients and 37.3% of ES patients (p = 0.006). While ESs were almost evenly distributed throughout the day, most PNESs occurred during the evening hours (p = 0.011). Conclusion We observed that the PNESs appeared earlier than the ESs in the VEM and were concentrated during daylight hours. Although not strictly reliable, seizure latency can contribute to the differential diagnosis of ES and PNES.

Resumen Antecedentes Debido a sus similitudes semiológicas, las crisis no epilépticas psicógenas (CNEP) en ocasiones apenas se pueden diferenciar de las crisis epilépticas (CE), y se necesita una monitorización video-electroencefalográfica (EEG) prolongada para el diagnóstico diferencial. Objectivo Investigar el momento del primer evento clínico y su distribución en los días de monitorización video-EEG en pacientes con CE y CNEP. Métodos Se evaluó retrospectivamente a una serie consecutiva de 48 pacientes con CNEP y 51 con ES emparejados por sexo y edad. Se anotó la distribución temporal de las incautaciones durante el día. La latencia de las crisis se determinó como el tiempo en horas desde el inicio de la grabación del video-EEG hasta el primer evento clínico. Resultados La latencia de las crisis fue significativamente menor en los pacientes con CNEP en comparación con los pacientes con CE (p < 0,001). El 72% de los pacientes con CNEP y el 49,1% de los pacientes con CE tuvieron su primera crisis en las 24 horas de registro del video-EEG (p = 0,023). Se requirió un registro de más de 48 horas para el 12,5% de los pacientes con CNEP y el 37,3% de los pacientes con CE (p = 0,006). Mientras que las CE se distribuyeron casi uniformemente a lo largo del día, la mayoría de las CNEP ocurrieron durante las horas después del anochecer (p = 0,011). Conclusión Observamos que las CNEPs aparecieron antes que las CEs en la monitorización video-EEG, y se agruparon durante las horas del día. Aunque no es estrictamente confiable, la latencia de las crisis puede contribuir al diagnóstico diferencial de ES y CNEP.

Journal of Medical Research ; (12): 104-108, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023578


Objective To analyze the clinical and electroencephalogram(EEG)characteristics of nonepileptic seizures in low aged children younger than 6 years.Methods The case data of low-aged children younger than 6 years who were admitted to the Affiliated Children's Hospital of Capital Institute of Pediatrics from July 2019 to July 2021 with episodic symptoms as the main complaint and under-went video EEG monitoring were retrospectively analyzed.According to the patient's clinical symptoms and signs,combined with the video EEG monitoring results,the diagnosis was made by two neurologists.To summarize the clinical characteristics of nonepileptic seizures,and analyze the characteristics of video EEG.Results A total of 433 cases of nonepileptic seizures were recorded by video EEG,inclu-ding 398 cases(91.9%)of physiological nonepileptic seizures and 35 cases(8.1%)of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures.Interparoxys-mal epileptic discharges were detected in 24 cases(5.5%,24/433),and 15 cases(3.5%)in Rolandic region were the most common.The motor seizures were most common(392 cases,90.5%).There were 41 cases(9.5%)of non-motor seizures.Nonepileptic my-oclonic seizures were the most common in nonepileptic seizures.The number of men with physiological nonepileptic seizures was more than that of women,and the number of women with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures was more than that of men.There was significant differ-ence in gender composition between the groups(x2=12.513,P<0.001).The proportion of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures in the 1-3 years group was significantly higher than that in the 0-1 year group(x2=8.713,P=0.003),but there was no statistical difference compared with the 3-6 years group(x2=5.253,P=0.022).Conclusion The EEG of nonepileptic seizures in low-aged children younger than 6 years is mostly normal,the epileptic discharge rate is low in the interictal period,and there is no characteristic EEG change in the interseizure period,the interictal background EEG can be used as a diagnostic reference.The clinical characteristics of non-epileptic seizures in low-aged children younger than 6 years are complex and diverse,mainly physiological nonepileptic seizures,and nonepileptic myoclonic seizures are the most common.Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures are relatively common in children aged 1-3 years.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 80(11): 1112-1118, Nov. 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429861


Abstract Background Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) resemble epileptic seizures and are often misdiagnosed as epilepsy. Objective To investigate the frequency of PNES and to calculate the economic burden of the patients who admitted to video-electroencephalographicmonitoring (VEM) to obtain a diagnosis of epilepsy in order to apply for disability retirement. Methods The present retrospective study included 134 patients who required disability reports between 2013 and 2019 and had their definite diagnoses after VEM. Following VEM, the patients were divided into three groups: epilepsy, PNES, and epilepsy + PNES. Results In total, 22.4% (n = 30) of the patients were diagnosed with PNES, 21.6% (n = 29) with PNES and epilepsy, and 56% (n = 75), with epilepsy. The frequency of PNES among all patients was of 44% (n = 59). In patients with PNES alone, the annual cost of using anti-seizure medication was of 160.67 ± 94.04 dollars; for psychostimulant drugs, it was of 148.3 ± 72.48 dollars a year; and the mean direct cost for diagnostic procedures was of 582.9 ± 330.0 (range: 103.52-1601.3) dollars. Conclusions Although it is challenging to determine the qualitative and quantitative total cost in these patient groups, early diagnosis and sociopsychological support will reduce the additional financial burden on the health system and increase the quality of life of the patients.

Resumo Antecedentes As crises psicogênicas não epilépticas (CPNE) se assemelham a crises epilépticas, e muitas vezes são diagnosticadas erroneamente como epilepsia. Objetivo Investigar a frequência de CPNE e calcular o impacto econômico dos pacientes internados para serem submetidos a monitoramento videoencefalográfico (MVE) para obter um diagnóstico de epilepsia e requerer aposentadoria por invalidez. Métodos Este estudo retrospectivo incluiu 134 pacientes que solicitaram laudo médico de incapacidade entre 2013 e 2019, e obtiveram seus diagnósticos definitivos após serem submetidos a MEV. Os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos: epilepsia, CPNE, e epilepsia + CPNE. Resultados Após o MEV, 22,4% (n = 30) dos pacientes foram diagnosticados com CPNE, 21,6% (n = 29), com CPNE + epilepsia, e 56%, com epilepsia. A frequência de CPNE entre todos os pacientes foi de 44% (n = 59). Em pacientes somente com CPNE, o custo anual do uso de anticonvulsivantes foi de US$ 160,67 ± 94,04; para os psicoestimulantes, o custo anual foi de US$ 148,3 ± 72,48; e a média do custo direto de procedimentos diagnósticos foi de US$ 582,9 ± 330,0 (variação: 103,52-1601,3). Conclusões Embora seja um desafio determinar o custo total qualitativo e quantitativo nesses grupos de pacientes, o diagnóstico precoce e o apoio sociopsicológico reduzirão o impacto financeiro adicional ao sistema de saúde e aumentarão a qualidade de vida dos pacientes.

Rev. ecuat. neurol ; 27(1): 56-61, sep.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004010


Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar la utilidad del V-EEG en el diagnóstico diferencial de la epilepsia en un hospital pediátrico de nivel terciario durante el año 2015 Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo sobre 90 pacientes evaluados en esta unidad durante el año 2015. Se recogieron datos de variables relacionadas con la indicación y los resultados del V-EEG, los cuales fueron analizados usando medidas de estadística descriptiva. Resultados: El 53,3% de los pacientes fueron masculinos. El promedio de edad es de 7,7 años con una desviación estándar de 4,7 años. El tiempo que transcurre desde la primera crisis hasta que el paciente acude a realizarse el V-EEG presenta una media de 4,3 años. 72 pacientes (80%) presentaron crisis epilépticas, 12 pacientes (13,3%) presentaron trastornos paroxísticos no epilépticos, mientras 6 niños (6,7%) no presentaron crisis durante el monitoreo. En el 93,3% de los casos el estudio fue exitoso. Conclusiones: Se demuestra la utilidad del monitoreo V-EEG para el diagnóstico diferencial de epilepsia.

Summary Objective: The aim was to evaluate the V-EEG usefulness in the differential diagnosis of epilepsy in a Third Level Children's Hospital during 2015. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was performed over 90 patients in this unit during 2015. The data was obtained from variables related to indications and results of V-EEG, which were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: Fifty three percent of the patients were male. The mean age was 7.7 years (SD ± 4.7 years). The time measured between the first seizure and the V-EEG recording was 4,3 years. Seventy two patients (80%) had epileptic seizures, 12 patients (13,3%) had nonepileptic seizures, while six children (6.7%) had no seizures during the V-EEG monitoring. Ninety three percent of all recordings were successful. Conclusions: It was demonstrated the usefulness of V-EEG monitoring for the differential diagnosis of epilepsy.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 72(10): 793-802, 10/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-725329


Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) and psychogenic movement disorders (PMD) are commonly seen in Neurology practice and are categorized in the DSM-5 as functional neurological disorders/conversion disorders. This review encompasses historical and epidemiological data, clinical aspects, diagnostic criteria, treatment and prognosis of these rather challenging and often neglected patients. As a group they have puzzled generations of neurologists and psychiatrists and in some ways continue to do so, perhaps embodying and justifying the ultimate and necessary link between these specialties.

Crises não-epilépticas psicogênicas (CNEP) e distúrbios do movimento psicogênicos (DMP) são comuns na prática e na atualidade são melhor categorizados no DSM-V como distúrbios neurológicos funcionais/desordens de conversão. Esta revisão enfatiza os principais dados históricos, epidemiológicos, clínicos, critérios diagnósticos, tratamento e o prognóstico destes pacientes, frequentemente negligenciados e desafiadores, os quais, como um grupo, tem intrigado gerações de neurologistas e psiquiatras, caracterizando, de forma justificada o elo definitivo entre estas especialidades.

Humanos , Trastornos de Conversión/diagnóstico , Trastornos Psicofisiológicos/diagnóstico , Trastornos de Conversión/terapia , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Electroencefalografía , Pronóstico , Trastornos Psicofisiológicos/terapia
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 16(1): 23-25, 2010. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-548919


Continuous Vídeo-EEG monitoring remains the gold-standard tool to confirm or disregard the diagnosis of epilepsy in selected cases in which a differential diagnosis is required and not clearly established in the basis of outpatient procedures. However, it may be a tiresome and stressful experience for patients and it is certainly an expensive test. Thus, we wonder how far (considering both financial and emotional costs) should we pursue the goal of documenting all suspicious events. An illustrative case is presented.

Monitorização continua com Video-EEG permanece como método de eleição no diagnóstico de epilepsia, em casos selecionados onde o diagnóstico diferencial não pode ser perfeitamente definido com base em procedimentos ambulatoriais. Entretanto, a monitorização contínua pode constituir uma experiência cansativa e estressante para os pacientes, além de custo envolvido. Considerando estes custos (emocional e financeiro) é especulada a real necessidade da documentação de todos os eventos suspeitos. Um caso ilustrativo é apresentado.

Humanos , Convulsiones , Electroencefalografía , Epilepsia
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 13(4,supl.1): 7-9, Dec. 2007.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-484574


Pyschogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) are common and potentially harmful - both physically and emotionally - events. They are often under or misdiagnosed. Not only neurologists managing epilepsy, but also generalists and ER physicians should be aware of its existence, preventing unnecessary tests, as well as, iatrogenic interventions. The assistance provided to these patients is often inadequate, even at larger and busier epilepsy centers. That clearly impacts on the prognosis of this condition, which is fairly difficult to manage per se, yet with the best possible quality of care, including well trained multiprofessional teams.

Crises não-epilépticas psicogênicas (CNEP) são eventos comuns e potencialmente prejudiciais, tanto física quanto emocionalmente. São comumente subdiagnosticas ou mesmo diagnosticas erroneamente. Não apenas neurologistas envolvidos com o tratamento de epilepsia, mas também clínicos gerais e principalmente médicos em unidades de emergência deveriam estar cientes de sua existência, evitando exames desnecessários e possível iatrogênese. A assistência a estes pacientes é frequentemente inadequada, mesmo em grandes centros de atendimento a epilepsia, aspecto que impacta de forma definitiva no prognóstico destes pacientes. O manejo destes casos é habitualmente difícil, mesmo em ambientes com equipes multiprofissionais bem treinadas com este propósito.

Humanos , Convulsiones/diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Dual (Psiquiatría) , Epilepsia/diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Diferencial
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 13(4,supl.1): 10-14, Dec. 2007.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-484575


Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) are defined by episodes of abnormal movement, sensations, or cognitive experiences similar to epileptic seizures. These events, however, are not related to abnormal electrical brain discharges and are thought to be cause by a psychological process. Children appear to carry a lower risk for PNES compared to adults and yet this diagnosis maybe present in up to 10 percent of the pediatric patients. The main features of PNES in such age group is discussed.

Crises não-epilépticas psicogênicas (CNEP) são definidas como episódios de movimentos anormais, sensações ou experiências cognitivas similares a crises epilépticas. Estes eventos, contudo, não são relacionados a descargas elétricas cerebrais anormais e parecem estar associadas a processos de natureza psicológica. CNEP são menos freqüentes em crianças quando comparados a adultos, porém ainda assim este diagnóstico pode ser observado em 10 por cento da população de pacientes pediátricos. As principais características de CNEP nestes grupo etária são discutidas nesta revisão.

Humanos , Niño , Convulsiones/diagnóstico , Convulsiones/epidemiología , Epilepsia/diagnóstico , Factores de Riesgo , Diagnóstico Diferencial
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 13(4,supl.1): 15-23, Dec. 2007. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-484576


Crises não-epilépticas (CNE) são eventos que podem lembrar crises epilépticas, porém não acompanhados de suas características clínicas e eletrencefalográficas. Podem ser subdivididas em CNE psicogênicas (CNEP) e fisiológicas (CNEF). As CNEF podem ocorrem em 12-36 por cento dos pacientes com epilepsia. A distinção entre CNEF e epilepsia é importante pacientes erroneamente diagnosticados são freqüentemente investigados de forma excessiva, tratados desnecessariamente e restringidos em sua atuação. A história clinica constitui a ferramenta diagnóstica mais útil no diagnóstico. Lamentavelmente não há um conjunto confiável de sinais e sintomas com adequada sensibilidade e especificidade para formulação do diagnóstico inequívoco. A interpretação errada de padrões eletrencefalográficos benignos pode ser um dos erros cardinais no diagnóstico equivocado. O vídeo-EEG permanece como método de eleição para a apuração do diagnóstico diferencial.

Non-epileptic seizures (NES) are events resembling epileptic attacks, but lacking their characteristic clinical and electrographic features. They can be subdivided in psychogenic NES and physiologic non-epileptic seizures. Physiologic NES reportedly occur in 12-36 percent of patients with presumed epilepsy. The distinction between physiologic NES and epilepsy is important because patients misdiagnosed are often excessively investigated, inappropriately treated and have unnecessary restrictions. Additionally, once a diagnosis of epilepsy is given it is not easily removed. In differentiating between epilepsy and physiologic NES, the history is the most useful tool. Unfortunately, there is no particular constellation of clinical signs and symptoms with a good sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis. Improper interpretation of an EEG, mainly because of the overinterpretation of benign EEG patterns, is one of the cardinal errors inducing a misdiagnosis. EEG video-telemetry has as yet no reliable equivalent for the differential diagnosis.

Humanos , Convulsiones/diagnóstico , Electroencefalografía/métodos , Epilepsia/diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Diferencial
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 13(4,supl.1): 24-27, Dec. 2007. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-484577


Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) may be defined as paroxysmal changes in behavior that are similar to epileptic seizures but are not associated with quantifiable alterations in the electrical activity of the brain. At the Epilepsy Surgery Program (ESP) of the São Lucas Hospital at PUCRS (HSL-PUCRS), we studied 52 individuals (37 females and 15 males) with a diagnosis of PNES, associated (57 percent) or not (23 percent) with refractory epileptic seizures. We found emotional abuse (100 percent), physical abuse (80 percent), emotional neglect (80 percent), physical negligence (70 percent) and sexual abuse (30 percent), mood (40 percent) and anxiety disorders (50 percent), as the main psychological components in such population. Although the medical and psychosocial impact of PNES can be estimated as significant, the absence of specialized services for its treatment is striking. Multiple diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and the participation of a specialized multidisciplinary team – where neuropsychology functions as a link between the mental processes/psychopathologies and the brain – are required to ensure proper management of such cases.

Crises não-epilépticas psicogênicas podem ser definidas como episódios de alterações paroxísticas no comportamento, similares a crises epilépticas, porém não associadas a alterações quantificáveis da atividade elétrica cerebral. No Programa de Cirurgia de Epilepsia do Hospital São Lucas da PUCRS estudamos 52 indivíduos (37 mulheres e 15 homens) com o diagnóstico de CNEP, associadas (57 por cento) ou não (23 por cento) a epilepsia refratária. Aspectos psicológicos nesta população incluíram abuso emocional (100 por cento), abuso físico (80 por cento), negligência física (70 por cento), abuso sexual (30 por cento), desordens de humor (40 por cento) e ansiedade (50 por cento). O impacto médico e psicossocial deste diagnóstico é elevado, fazendo contraponto a carência de serviços especializados em seu tratamento. Múltiplos procedimentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos e a participação de um time multiprofissional – onde a neuropsicologia representa o elo natural entre a psicopatologia e o cérebro – são necessários para o melhor atendimento a estes pacientes.

Humanos , Convulsiones/psicología , Planes y Programas de Salud , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas , Trastornos de Ansiedad , Delitos Sexuales , Trastornos del Humor , Abuso Físico
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 13(4,supl.1): 28-31, Dec. 2007. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-484578


The diagnosis of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES), particularly in patients with epilepsy, poses a special challenge to the physician in care of these patients. Psychiatric disorders (PD) are more common among patients with epilepsy than in the general population, and this appears to be even more important in patients with PNES. Depression and other mood disorders, as well as anxiety disorders - particularly panic attacks - may make the management of these patients even more difficult in the clinical practice. Concomitant psychiatric conditions have been associated with a poor outcome in patients with PNES]. Psychiatric and psychological intervention has been shown to be associated with improved outcome in PNES in outcome studies, although data is conflicting in this matter. The intricacies and practical implications of such issues are discussed.

Diagnóstico de crises não-epilépticas psicogênicas (CNEP), particularmente em pacientes com epilepsia, é de modo geral desafiador para os profissionais associados ao cuidado com estes pacientes. As desordens psiquiátricas são mais freqüentes em pacientes com epilepsia quando comparadas à população em geral, sendo ainda mais significativas em pacientes portadores de CNEP. Depressão e desordens de humor, bem como transtorno de ansiedade - particularmente os ataques de pânico - podem imputar dificuldades significativas ao manejo destes pacientes. Comorbidades psiquiátricas têm sido associadas a prognóstico mais reservado em pacientes portadores de CNEP. Intervenções psiquiátricas e psicológicas potencialmente podem melhorar o prognóstico, mas os estudos disponíveis são conflitantes. Detalhes e implicações práticas relacionadas a este cenário são apresentadas e discutidas.

Humanos , Convulsiones/diagnóstico , Epilepsia/patología , Trastorno de Pánico , Diagnóstico Dual (Psiquiatría) , Trastornos del Humor , Depresión
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 13(4,supl.1): 32-35, Dec. 2007.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-484579


As crises não epilépticas psicogênicas (CNEP) ainda são pouco entendidas. Como não existem critérios clínicos positivos para as CNEP, não há consenso sobre sua definição, assim como não se tem clareza em relação à nosologia de base, à fisiopatologia e ao tratamento apropriado. As CNEP manifestam-se principalmente por sintomas conversivos e dissociativos, os quais estão ligados historicamente a uma doença considerada de origem traumática, a histeria. Recentemente, observou-se que pacientes com CNEP apresentam taxas elevadas de experiências traumáticas, em particular abuso na infância, e de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT). Estes achados sugerem que a CNEP pode ocorrer como expressão clínica de um padrão de TEPT cuja característica central é a predominância de fenômenos dissociativos e conversivos. Algumas evidências levantam a possibilidade de que este subtipo de TEPT dissociativo/conversivo seja resultante de maus cuidados parentais e disfunção familiar na infância, os quais estão associados a - e, portanto podem causar - sintomas somatoformes, incluindo as CNEP. Limitações metodológicas impedem a confirmação destas hipóteses, sendo necessários desenhos de pesquisa mais fortes, tais como prospectivos e de caso-controle.

Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) are still poorly understood. Because there are no positive clinical criteria for PNES, there is no consensus about its definition, nor clarity about the underlying nosology, pathophysiology, or the suitable treatment. PNES most commonly occur in the form of conversion and dissociative symptoms, which are historically linked to a trauma-related disease called hysteria. Recently, it has been observed that PNES patients show high rates of traumatic experiences, in particular childhood abuse, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This suggests that PNES may arise as a clinical expression of a PTSD pattern whose cardinal feature is the predominance of dissociative and conversion phenomena. Emerging evidence also raise the possibility that the dissociative/conversion subtype of PTSD may occur as a result of poor parental care and family dysfunction, which are associated with - and may therefore cause - somatoform symptoms, including PNES. Methodological limitations do not permit the confirmation of these hypotheses. Stronger research designs are needed, such as prospective and case-control studies.

Convulsiones/etiología , Trastornos Somatomorfos , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/patología , Abuso Sexual Infantil , Trastornos Disociativos
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 13(4,supl.1): 36-38, Dec. 2007.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-484580


The prevalence of epileptic seizures among patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures may range from five to fifty percent. Diagnosis of both conditions occurring in association may be difficult and requires both clinical skills and prolonged video-EEG monitoring. Occurrence of seemingly psychogenic events during video-EEG monitoring should be interpreted with caution, and the relative role of both psychogenic and epileptic seizures in day-to-day living should be carefully evaluated for each individual patient. Surgery is not contraindicated in this setting, however patients and family members should be educated about both conditions before surgical decision. Psychogenic seizures and other psychiatric co-morbidities should be properly assessed and treated before surgery. Diagnosis and management of postoperative events (epileptic or psychogenic) is challenging. This difficulty can be minimized by appropriate presurgical management, that includes diagnostic testing, neurologic and psychiatric treatment and patient and family counseling.

A prevalência de crises epilépticas entre pacientes com crises não-epilépticas psicogênicas varia entre cinco e 50 por cento. A diagnóstico desta comorbidade pode ser difícil, e requer experiência clínica, além de monitorização prolongada por vídeo-EEG. A ocorrência de eventos sugestivos de crises não-epilépticas durante a monitorização por vídeo-EEG deve ser interpretada com cautela. O papel relativo de cada uma das co-morbidades na vida diária do paciente deve ser avaliada caso a caso. Não há contra-indicação formal para a cirurgia, contudo pacientes e familiares devem ser esclarecidos acerca de ambos os diagnósticos e as crises psicogênicas e outras comorbidades psiquiátricas devem ser diagnosticadas e tratadas adequadamente antes da cirurgia. O diagnóstico e tratamento de eventos epilépticos ou psicogênicos que ocorram após a cirurgia é ainda mais difícil, porém esta dificuldade pode ser minimizada com uma avaliação pré-operatória cuidadosa, que inclui diagnóstico e tratamento neurológico e psiquiátrico precisos, além de aconselhamento a pacientes e familiares.

Humanos , Convulsiones , Electroencefalografía/métodos , Epilepsia/cirugía , Cuidados Preoperatorios
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 13(4,supl.1): 39-44, Dec. 2007. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-484581


Apesar dos avanços no diagnóstico das crises não epilépticas psicogênicas (CNEP), até o presente momento não há tratamentos que sejam padronizados e eficientes. O presente estudo examinou a freqüência de crises e as condições de trabalho e acadêmicas em um grupo de pacientes portadores de CNEP antes e depois de completarem um programa de oito semanas específico, desenvolvido no PROJEPSI (Projeto de Epilepsia e Psiquiatria) do Instituto de Psiquiatria do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, com os objetivos de redução da freqüência de crises e de danos associados ao diagnóstico de CNEP. Ao final do programa de tratamento, 15 pacientes (62,5 por cento) apresentavam-se em remissão e 19 (79,2 por cento) apresentaram melhora do desempenho profissional ou acadêmico. O presente estudo fornece evidências da eficácia do programa de atendimento dos pacientes portadores de CNEP proposto pelo PROJEPSI. O número significativo de pacientes que apresentam remissão e redução do número de crises após a comunicação terapêutica do diagnóstico, do tratamento das comorbidades psiquiátricas e da terapia para redução de danos e crises (TRDC) sugere que o conhecimento da doença por parte dos pacientes, familiares e amigos convidados é essencial ao tratamento.

In spite of the growing interest in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES), this diagnosis clearly lacks both standard protocols and efficient treatment. We analyzed seizure frequency, as well as, academic and working performances in a group of PNES patients, both prior and following a specific eight-week program developed at PROJEPSI (Epilepsy and Psychiatry Project) - Institute of Psychiatry, Hospital de Clinicas, School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo. The program targeted seizure reduction and decrease in losses associated to PNES. Fifteen patients (62.5 percent) entered prolonged remission and 19 (79.2 percent) improved academic and professional performances. Our study shows evidence supporting the efficacy of the NES protocol proposed by PROJEPSI. The number of patients presenting with either remission or significant decrease on their seizures following the diagnosis presentation, psychiatric comorbidity treatment and specific therapy aiming to damage and crisis suggests that the knowledge of this condition by patients, family members and friends is key to successful treatment.

Humanos , Convulsiones , Planes y Programas de Salud , Epilepsia/terapia , Brasil , Reducción del Daño
Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics ; (24)1986.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-639052


Objective To compare the sensitivity of sleep-deprivation electroencephalography(EEG)examination on children suffered with nonepileptic seizures in normal and suspected epileptic in children.Methods Thirty -eight children with nonepileptic seizures (male 13,female 25,age 4-12 years, mean 8.1 years) had induced a person to make a confession. One hundred and six normal children (male 57, female 49, age 3-12 years,mean 7.6 years) and 102 children(male 63,female 39,age 3-12 years,mean 7.3 years)suspected of epilepsy clinically but with normal standard EEG examination were selected at random as controls.Sleep-deprivation EEG was performed individually.Results The sleep deprivation EEG showed slow background electric activity in all 3 groups. In addition, the rates of EEG abnorma lity for nonepileptic seizures group were zero,no statistics were computed because F was a constant. Fifty-seven cases showed spindle/sharp-slow wave complex in suspected epileptic children.The rate of EEG abnormality was 55.9%.The rate of EEG abnormality for normal control group was 1.9 %.There were significant difference among 3 groups (?2=97.3 P