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Demetra (Rio J.) ; 19: 71469, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552727


Introdução: Favelas são regiões que não foram priorizadas pelas políticas públicas, e isso se reflete no ambiente alimentar e, consequentemente, na dificuldade de acesso aos alimentos, sobretudo aqueles produzidos de forma sustentável. Objetivo: Caracterizar o acesso físico às feiras de orgânicos municipais em favelas de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, identificando desertos e pântanos alimentares e realizando uma comparação com a disponibilidade, distância e tempo de deslocamento de estabelecimentos que ofertam alimentos convencionais nessas áreas. Métodos: Foi analisada a distribuição das feiras de orgânicos municipais, dos equipamentos públicos de segurança alimentar e nutricional e dos estabelecimentos que ofertam alimentos cadastrados na Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de Minas Gerais para o ano de 2019, nos 192 setores censitários localizados em favelas de Belo Horizonte. Para as análises closestfacility e distância de deslocamento, foi utilizado o buffer network de 500 metros. Também foi realizada a análise do tempo de deslocamento utilizando transporte público. Resultados: As feiras de orgânicos municipais estão em menor número e mais distantes dos centroides das favelas. E, além da maior distância para acessar as feiras caminhando, acessá-las por meio de transporte público leva, em geral, um tempo maior de deslocamento. Conclusões: São necessários programas e políticas públicas que incentivem a abertura de feiras de orgânicos e outros tipos de estabelecimentos que ofertam alimentos in natura e minimamente processados que adotem modelos de produção sustentáveis em áreas de favelas, a fim de reduzir as iniquidades de acesso aos alimentos saudáveis e sustentáveis nesse território.Introdução: Favelas são regiões que não foram priorizadas pelas políticas públicas, e isso se reflete no ambiente alimentar e, consequentemente, na dificuldade de acesso aos alimentos, sobretudo aqueles produzidos de forma sustentável. Objetivo: Caracterizar o acesso físico às feiras de orgânicos municipais em favelas de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, identificando desertos e pântanos alimentares e realizando uma comparação com a disponibilidade, distância e tempo de deslocamento de estabelecimentos que ofertam alimentos convencionais nessas áreas. Métodos: Foi analisada a distribuição das feiras de orgânicos municipais, dos equipamentos públicos de segurança alimentar e nutricional e dos estabelecimentos que ofertam alimentos cadastrados na Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de Minas Gerais para o ano de 2019, nos 192 setores censitários localizados em favelas de Belo Horizonte. Para as análises closestfacility e distância de deslocamento, foi utilizado o buffer network de 500 metros. Também foi realizada a análise do tempo de deslocamento utilizando transporte público. Resultados: As feiras de orgânicos municipais estão em menor número e mais distantes dos centroides das favelas. E, além da maior distância para acessar as feiras caminhando, acessá-las por meio de transporte público leva, em geral, um tempo maior de deslocamento. Conclusões: São necessários programas e políticas públicas que incentivem a abertura de feiras de orgânicos e outros tipos de estabelecimentos que ofertam alimentos in natura e minimamente processados que adotem modelos de produção sustentáveis em áreas de favelas, a fim de reduzir as iniquidades de acesso aos alimentos saudáveis e sustentáveis nesse território.

Introduction: Favelas are usually in regions forgotten by public policies, and it reflects on their residents' food environment, as well as on their tough time accessing food, mainly produced through sustainable ways. Objective: Featuring the physical access to municipal organic-food fairs in Belo Horizonte City, Minas Gerais State, based on identifying food deserts and swamps and comparing food availability to distance and displacement time from shops that sell conventional food in these places. Methods: The distribution of organic food municipal fairs, as well as of both food security and nutrition public equipment, and shops selling food that was registered at Minas Gerais State Treasure Secretariat in 2019, located in the 192 census sectors set in Belo Horizonte favelas. The closest facility and displacement distance analyses were based on the 500m buffer network. Displacement time linked to public transportation usage was also analyzed. Results: The number of organic food municipal fairs in favelas is smaller, and favelas are located farther from fairs' centroids. The distance to be crossed to get to fairs on foot in favelas is also longer, and getting to them by public transportation often demands longer displacements. Conclusions: Public programs and policies are needed to encourage new organic fairs and other establishment types capable of providing fresh and minimally processed food in favela areas based on sustainable production models. It must be done to reduce inequities in access to healthy and sustainable food in these territories.

Accesibilidad Arquitectónica , Áreas de Pobreza , Alimentos Orgánicos , Dieta Saludable , Abastecimiento de Alimentos , Acceso a Alimentos Saludables , Brasil
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218903


Immunology involves all the defence mechanisms occurring in the body after the invasion of any infectious agent and the ability to resist this infection. The micronutrients like essential proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins (A, B6, B12, C, D, E and folic acid), fatty acids, minerals (iron, selenium, zinc and copper) and certain phytochemicals are of prime importance towards healthy immune system. In addition to these nutritional components, intestinal microflora and certain bacteria (probiotic bacteria) also play an important role in the modulation of healthy immune system. There is an ongoing trend of usage of immunomodulators to combat various chronic diseases like viral diseases, cancers, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. This review focuses on various immunomodulators available in daily dietary meals, its positive and negative effects on immune system and its role in management of chronic illness as an adjunct to other modalities to achieve positive health benefits with minimal side effects.

Vigil. sanit. debate ; 10(2): 50-60, maio 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1371231


Introdução: O processamento de alimentos orgânicos por pequenos produtores contribui para um sistema alimentar economicamente, socialmente e ambientalmente sustentável. É importante conhecer o perfil e as potenciais dificuldades dos processadores de alimentos orgânicos, organizados sob a modalidade do Sistema Participativo de Garantia da qualidade orgânica, devido ao seu crescimento e relevância social, para direcionamento de ações e políticas públicas com consequente fortalecimento da agricultura de bases agroecológica. Objetivo: Descrever o perfil dos processadores de alimentos orgânicos do estado do Rio de Janeiro e identificar os principais desafios nas redes de produção e comercialização. Método: Estudo exploratório e descritivo com delineamento transversal realizado por pesquisa documental aos planos de manejos, manual de boas práticas, atas do Sistema Participativo de Garantia, certificados  emitidos pela Associação de Agricultores Biológicos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, assim como outros documentos de atualização de Organismos Participativos de Avaliação da Conformidade Orgânica em relação aos produtores credenciados. Resultados: Observou-se que 60% dos processadores orgânicos no estado do Rio de Janeiro são vinculados ao Sistema Participativo de Garantia da qualidade orgânica. A unidade de processamento mais utilizada é a anexa ao domicílio. A maioria são agricultores ou microempreendedores familiares que recebem ajuda da família no processo produtivo e a atividade mais desenvolvida é a fabricação de conservas, geleias, molhos e doces. Menos de 70% possuíam alvará de funcionamento e licença sanitária, 97% tinham plano de manejo orgânico; 79% possuíam manual de boas práticas e 78%, plano de rastreabilidade. Das principais dificuldades, destacam-se: aquisição de matéria-prima, adequação às normas sanitárias e logística de distribuição. Conclusões: O estudo desvelou a potencialidade do processamento de produtos orgânicos para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico regional e a necessidade de mais incentivos para viabilizar a inclusão produtiva de pequenos empreendimentos.

Introduction: Smallholder organic food processing contributes to an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable food system. It is important to know the profile and potential difficulties of organic food processors, organized under the modality of the Participatory Organic Quality Assurance System, due to its growth and social relevance for targeting actions and public policies with the consequent strengthening of agriculture with an agroecological basis. Objective: Describe the profile of organic food processors in Rio de Janeiro state and identify the main challenges in the production and commercialization schemes. Method: This is an exploratory and descriptive study with transversal design developed by documental research of different documents: handling plans, good practices manual, minutes of the Participatory Organic Quality Assurance System, certificates issued by the Association of Biological Farmers of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and other updated documents of the Participative Organism of Organic Conformity Assessment related to the accredited producers. Results: Sixty per cent of the organic processors in the Rio de Janeiro state were linked to the Participatory Organic Quality Assurance System. The processing unit mostly used is the one attached to their homes. Most of them are farmers or family micro-entrepreneurs that have assistance of family members in the production process and the main activity carried out is the production of canned foods, jams, sauces, and homemade desserts. Less than 70% of the producers had an operation permit and sanitary license, 97% had an Organic Handling Plan; 79% had a Good Practices Manual and 78% had a Traceability Plan. Among the main difficulties, there were: raw resource acquisition, sanitary rules adequacy and logistics in supplies. Conclusions: The study demonstrated the potentiality of organic products processing for the local social and economic development, and the need of greater inducements to make an inclusive production of small enterprises feasible.

Demetra (Rio J.) ; 15(1): 47995, jan.- mar.2020. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363695


Objetivo: Foram avaliadas as dificuldades no processo de compra /venda de produtos orgânicos da agricultura familiar para a alimentação escolar em 21 municípios do Sul do Brasil e identificadas as ações para superá-las. Métodos: Estudo quali-quantitativo realizado mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas com 111 informantes-chave envolvidos na alimentação escolar. Os entrevistados foram arguidos sobre as dificuldades da compra / venda de alimentos orgânicos para a alimentação escolar e sobre as ações que estão sendo desenvolvidas e/ou em planejamento para superação dessas problemáticas. Realizou-se análise descritiva das perguntas fechadas com base na distribuição da frequência e análise de conteúdo com codificação e categorização das questões abertas. Resultados: A maioria dos municípios (n=19) não comprava alimentos orgânicos provenientes da agricultura familiar. A pouca disponibilidade de mercado fornecedor e a baixa produção de alimentos orgânicos foram as dificuldades mais relatadas. Em contrapartida, os custos elevados dos produtos e a ausência de interesse da gestão pública na aquisição de alimentos orgânicos foram dificuldades pouco citadas. Os entrevistados apontaram que a compra/venda poderia aumentar com o fortalecimento dos processos de certificação participativa e se os envolvidos tivessem maiores informações sobre os benefícios e riscos dos modelos produtivos. Conclusões: Evidenciaram-se o fortalecimento da assistência técnica e extensão rural, desenvolvimento das regulamentações e incentivos para a certificação orgânica, apoio e investimento para a certificação participativa e orientações técnicas são estratégias necessárias para o incentivo da produção e consumo de alimentos orgânicos na alimentação humana. (AU)

Objective: To evaluate the difficulties in the process of buying/selling organic products from family farming for school meals in 21 municipalities in southern Brazil and to take actions to overcome them. Methods: This is a qualitative and quantitative study through semi-structured interviews with 111 key informants involved in school meals. The interviewees were asked about the difficulties of buying/selling organic food for school meals and about the actions developed and/or in planning to overcome these problems. Descriptive analysis of closed questions was performed based on frequency distribution and content analysis with coding and categorization of open questions. Results: Most municipalities (n = 19) did not buy organic food from family farming. The limited availability of the supplier market and the low production of organic foods were the most reported difficulties. On the other hand, the high costs of the products and the lack of interest by the public management in the acquisition of organic foods were difficulties little mentioned. Respondents highlighted that buying/selling could increase with the strengthening of participatory certification processes and if those involved had more information about the benefits and risks of productive models. Conclusions: The strengthening of technical assistance and rural extension, development of regulations and incentives for organic certification, support and investment for participatory certification, and technical guidelines were necessary strategies to encourage the production and consumption of organic human food. (AU)

Humanos , Política Pública , Alimentación Escolar , Comercialización de Productos , Agricultura Orgánica/economía , Alimentos Orgánicos/economía , Brasil , Abastecimiento de Alimentos
J. Health Sci. Inst ; 37(1): 60-65, jan-mar 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354160


Objetivos ­ Verificar o abastecimento de estabelecimentos comerciais e preços de alimentos orgânicos in natura. Para identificar se é possível a introdução desses alimentos na cultura alimentar dos brasileiros, visto que trazem benefícios para a saúde, pois não são utilizados em sua produção qualquer tipo de aditivos químicos. Portanto, é de suma importância estudá-los para verificar seus reais benefícios, como afetam a saúde das pessoas e seu modo de produção, como altera as condições ambientais (solo, clima, ecossistemas) e identificar seu custo-benefício. Métodos ­ Foram utilizados livro técnico e publicações de órgãos nacionais e artigos de ordem científica e visitas em 17 estabelecimentos comerciais, 9 em Caraguatatuba-SP e 8 em São José dos Campos-SP. Resultados ­ Foram encontrados 8 pontos de venda de alimentos orgânicos de 17 visitados: em 3 locais vendiam apenas ovos, e nos outros 5, verduras, legumes e frutas, e em 3, além destes eram vendidos também ovos. Conclusão ­ Depois de revisão de literatura de artigos científicos retirados da internet e livros e visita a supermercados, feiras livres e lojas de produtos naturais, identificou que a demanda por produtos tem crescido, e os supermercados são os principais responsáveis por essa evolução. Apesar do crescimento exponencial da comercialização de produtos orgânicos, os mesmos ainda não são competitivos com o grande mercado de alimentos produzidos de forma convencional, devido há diferentes características dos dois sistemas de plantio. Como os alimentos produzidos de forma convencional estão associados a causas de doenças, e que há constante preocupação com alimentação saudável, vem crescendo a demanda por alimentos orgânicos que transmitem pureza e saudabilidade

Objectives ­ To verify the supply of commercial establishments and prices of organic foods in natura. To identify if it is possible to introduce these foods into the food culture of Brazilians, since they bring health benefits, since they are not used in their production any kind of chemical additives. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to study them to verify their real benefits, how they affect people's health and how they are produced, how they change environmental conditions (soil, climate, ecosystems) and identify their cost-effectiveness. Methods ­ Technical books and publications of national organs and scientific articles were used and visits were made in 17 commercial establishments, 9 in Caraguatatuba-SP and 8 in São José dos Campos-SP. Results ­ 8 organic food outlets were found from 17 visited: in 3 places they sold only eggs, and in the other 5, vegetables, vegetables and fruits, and in 3, eggs were also sold. Conclusion ­ After reviewing the literature of scientific articles taken from the internet and books and visiting supermarkets, free markets and natural products stores, identified that the demand for products has grown, and supermarkets are mainly responsible for this evolution. Despite the exponential growth in the marketing of organic products, they are not yet competitive with the large market of conventionally produced foods, due to the different characteristics of the two systems of planting. As conventional foods are associated with disease causes and there is a constant concern for healthy eating, the demand for organic foods that convey purity and health is growing

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189607


The present report is based on data from the 2010 EFSA Report on pesticide residues in food, the Norwegian monitoring programmes 2007-2012 and data from peer reviewed literature and governmental agencies. It is a challenge to perform quantitative estimates and comparative studies of residue levels due to large variation in the measured levels, and the large number of different pesticides present in the samples. Thus, the focus is on the frequency of observed contaminations in relation to regulatory limits and to present examples to illustrate the variation in residue values and number of detected substances. Pesticide residues in conventional and organic products: Of the 12,168 samples (plant- and animal products) in the 2010 EU-coordinated programme, 1.6% exceeded the respective maximum residue level (MRL) values, and 47.7% had measurable residues above the limit of quantification (LOQ), but below or at the MRL. Of the 1168 samples analysed in Norway in 2012 (from both imported and domestic products), 1.9% exceeded MRL and 53% contained measurable pesticide residues. Direct comparison of these values is however not possible, since they contain different types of food samples, and are analysed for a different number of pesticides. When organic and conventional samples from fruit, vegetables and other plant products in the 2010 EU-coordinated programme were compared, 4.2% of the conventional and 1.0% of the organic samples exceeded the MRL values, while 43.2% of the conventional and 10.8% of the organic samples had measurable residues below or at the MRL value. Most of the pesticide residues detected in organic samples are not permitted for use in organic farming. Of the 624 organic samples analysed in Norway 2007 - 2012, 0.2% (one sample) had residues exceeding MRL, while measurable residues were detected in 1.8% of the samples (11 samples). Conventional products were often found to contain different pesticides while most organic samples were found to contain few or only one type of pesticide. Lack of data on pesticide residue levels of organic samples in the EU-coordinated programme, and few Norwegian samples do not allow for a quantitative comparison of pesticide residue levels in organic and conventional samples. Comparative estimation of pesticide residues faces a number of challenges and uncertainties. However, it seems unquestionable based on available data that organic plant products contain fewer and substantially lower amounts of pesticide residues than conventional products. Health risk associated with pesticide residues: The general level of pesticide residues in both conventional and organic food is low, and well below what is likely to result in adverse health effects. This conclusion is based on the comparison of estimated dietary exposure with toxicological reference values i.e. acceptable daily intake (ADI) for chronic effects, and acute reference dose (ARfD) for acute effects. The finding of pesticide residues that exceeds established regulatory limits in a minority of tested samples is not considered to represent a health risk. When dietary exposure that was estimated in six different food commodities in the 2010 EUcoordinated programme was compared with their relevant reference values, EFSA concluded that for 79 of 18243 conventionally grown fruit and vegetable samples, a short-term acute consumer health risk could not be excluded. The conclusion was based on the exceeding of ARfD. None of these 79 samples were organic. It is important to also consider that the exceeding of the acute reference value only occurred in 0.4% of the samples and that the scenario used for acute intake assessment is conservative, suggesting that the toxicological implications are limited. This is also reflected in the chronic exposure assessment, where none of the samples were found to exceed the toxicological reference value ADI. Dietary exposure assessments on the basis of Norwegian samples of apples, tomatoes, carrots, strawberries and lettuce did not show an exceeding of any toxicological reference value. Combined exposure and cumulative risk assessment of pesticide residues: No generally accepted methodology is at present established for cumulative risk assessment of combined exposure to pesticide residues. Available data suggest however that combined exposure is not likely to result in increased human health risk.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164471


Aims: Using national food consumption data this paper addresses issues whether buyers of organic food make healthier food choices and pursue a healthy lifestyle concerning smoking, physical exercise and body weight compared to non-buyers. Study Design: The German National Nutrition Survey II (NVS II) is a nationwide food consumption study providing additional information on social demographics, health, and lifestyle aspects as well as anthropometric measurements. Using data of several assessment tools, a comparison was conducted between buyers and non-buyers of organic food. Place and Duration of the Study: From November 2005 to November 2006, data collection took place in about 500 randomly chosen sample points across Germany. Methodology: 13,074 participants aged 18-80 years were divided into groups of buyers (44.9%) and non-buyers (55.1%) of organic food. According to their purchase frequency, the organic food buyers were further differentiated into intensive, occasional or infrequent purchase groups. A diet history method was applied to assess food consumption, trained staff measured BMI while questionnaires were used for social demographic description and healthy lifestyle factors. Results: Buyers of organic food consumed 17% more fruit and 23% more vegetables as well as less meat/sausages (25%) and soft drinks (58%) than non-buyers did (P< .001, resp.). These results are more pronounced for women and for intensive buyers. Additionally, buyers of organic food exhibit healthier lifestyle characteristics in respect to smoking behaviour, physical activity, and body weight compared to non-buyers. Conclusion: German buyers of organic food demonstrate health behaviours complying better with the recommendations for a healthy lifestyle compared with non-buyers. Independent of the discussion whether organically produced food exerts additional health effects, buyers of organic food make healthier food choices than non-buyers, thereby benefiting for their overall health.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 19(5): 1429-1436, maio 2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-710556


A alimentação orgânica possibilita a promoção da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN) e o desenvolvimento regional sustentável. Nesse contexto, o Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) busca atender aos requisitos da SAN, quando prioriza a aquisição deste tipo de alimento. O presente trabalho avaliou a inserção de alimentos orgânicos na alimentação escolar, nos municípios integrantes dos Territórios Rurais do Rio Grande do Sul, por meio de entrevistas realizadas com os gestores locais. Foram visitados 8 territórios, sendo que, dos seus 153 municípios, 102 compuseram a amostra deste estudo. Dentre esses, 20,58% afirmaram que adquirem produtos orgânicos provenientes da agricultura familiar. O Território Centro Sul foi o que apresentou maior percentual de compra, onde 40% dos municípios visitados adquiriam produtos orgânicos, seguido dos Territórios Centro Serra, com 33,3%, e Campanha, com 7,1%, este último apresentando o menor percentual entre os pesquisados. O estudo identificou a necessidade da atuação intersetorial para desenvolver a produção orgânica, assim como estimular o consumo destes alimentos no ambiente escolar, visando atender aos requisitos da SAN.

Organic food enables the promotion of Food and Nutritional Safety (FNS) and sustainable regional development. In this context, the National School Food Program (NSFD) seeks to comply with the requirements of FNS. This study evaluated the inclusion of organic food in school food in the municipalities of rural territories of the state of Rio Grande do Sul by means of interviews with local managers. Eight territories were visited, albeit of its 153 municipalities only 102 comprised the sample for this study. Of these, 20.58% said they buy organic produce from family farms. The Center South Territory revealed the highest percentage of purchase, in which 40% of the municipalities visited purchased organic produce, followed by the Center Mountain Territory with 33.3%, while the lowest percentage was 7.1% in the Countryside Territory. The study identified the need for intersectoral action to develop organic production, as well as stimulate the consumption of these foods in the school environment, in order to meet the requirements of FNS.

Humanos , Servicios Dietéticos , Alimentos Orgánicos , Instituciones Académicas , Agricultura , Brasil , Ciudades , Estudios Transversales , Familia , Población Rural
Rev. nutr ; 24(2): 263-273, mar.-abr. 2011. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-593981


OBJETIVO: O estudo objetivou analisar a introdução de alimentos orgânicos na produção de refeições em uma unidade escolar da Secretaria de Educação de Santa Catarina. MÉTODOS: O modelo de análise apresentou caráter exploratório, com base em um estudo de caso. Na coleta de dados, utilizaram-se a entrevista semiestruturada, a análise documental e a observação direta. RESULTADOS: Identificaram-se as possibilidades de aperfeiçoar a utilização de alimentos orgânicos, relacionadas com o planejamento de cardápios, com o sistema de compras, com o recebimento e o armazenamento dos alimentos. Constataram-se limites relacionados à inexistência de planejamento referente à compra e ao uso do alimento orgânico nos cardápios, ao fornecimento de alimentos orgânicos - tal como o despreparo de alguns fornecedores para atender as necessidades da escola -, e, principalmente, aos preços. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que há necessidade de revisão na gestão adotada pela escola, incluindo-se estudo comparativo de preços, de estabelecimento de parcerias com fornecedores e da atuação dos agentes envolvidos com a alimentação escolar para o fortalecimento do programa. Destaca-se, ainda, a necessidade de novos estudos sobre a gestão de produção de refeições em escolas e sobre a utilização de alimentos orgânicos.

OBJECTIVE: This study analyzed the possibility of introducing organic foods to the meals served in a public school from the state of Santa Catarina , Brazil. METHODS: This exploratory analysis was based on a case study. A semi-structured interview, document analysis and direct observation were used for data collection. RESULTS: The possibility of introducing organic foods to the school menu, purchase system and food receipt and storage was investigated. The limitations included the inexistence of a plan to buy and use organic foods in school meals, unreliable supply of organic foods, such as the inability of suppliers to meet the school's demands and, especially, prices. CONCLUSION: The management system used by the school needs to be reviewed, including making a comparative study of the prices, establishing partnerships with suppliers and having the employees involved with the school meals promote the program. New studies on the management of meal production in schools and the use of organic foods are also needed.

Humanos , Femenino , Alimentación Escolar/normas , Alimentos Orgánicos/normas , Producción de Alimentos , Servicios de Alimentación/normas
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-146065


This study investigated the correlations of five constructs - health concerns, healthy eating practices and attitudes, food choice motives, attitudes toward organic foods - in the formation of behavioral to the purchasing intentions of organic foods. An instrument encompassing health perception, attitudes, habits and personal traits was developed through the comprehensive reviews of the literature and the assured validity and internal reliability of the contents. The questionnaire was administered to the students of three universities at Daegu, Kyungpook province. A total of 288 questionnaires were collected for a response rate of 96.0%. The correlations of five constructs and purchasing intention were tested simultaneously using structural equation modeling. Healthy eating practices and attitudes toward organic foods were found to be the determinants which directly influence the intention to purchase organic foods. Health concerns didn't show direct relation to the purchasing intention of organic foods. The hypothesized path from the health concerns to the purchasing intentions was not supported. The results indicated that food choice motives and healthy eating attitudes should be managed to achieve higher behavioral intention to purchase organic foods.

Humanos , Ingestión de Alimentos , Alimentos Orgánicos , Intención , Encuestas y Cuestionarios