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Educ. med. super ; 36(1)mar. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1404522


Introducción: La COVID-19 provocó que el Ministerio de Educación Superior indicara la suspensión de las actividades docentes de forma presencial. Por esta razón, la maestría Investigación en Aterosclerosis tuvo que pasar a la virtualidad. Objetivo: Validar el diseño de encuestas para la evaluación de la satisfacción de los maestrantes y profesores con los cursos virtuales de la maestría Investigación en Aterosclerosis. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa que consistió en la revisión de la literatura publicada para analizar la teoría fundamentada en el diseño y la validación de encuesta. Se revisaron las publicaciones a partir de 2017 mediante el motor de búsqueda diseño y validación de instrumentos para evaluar la satisfacción con los cursos virtuales. También se hizo un análisis documental para analizar conceptos clave, ideas sobre los métodos utilizados para la elaboración de este tipo de instrumento; considerar problemáticas y retos de este diseño en otros estudios; y conocer las diferentes maneras de abordar el problema de investigación. Para el diseño de los instrumentos se llevó a cabo un estudio piloto con determinados estudiantes y profesores. Resultados: La encuesta para los estudiantes constó de 12 preguntas; y para los profesores, de 10, los cuales consideraron como satisfactoria su calidad. En el análisis de los resultados por los autores y la valoración global de ambas encuestas realizadas por el grupo de investigación surgieron dos recomendaciones para su perfeccionamiento, que se incluyeron para confeccionar la versión final de cada instrumento. Conclusiones: Ambas encuestas son fácilmente adaptables para utilizarse en otros cursos virtuales y en diferentes entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. Los dos instrumentos aportan datos generales, información sobre el profesor, contenido del curso, bibliografía y aseguramiento tecnológico(AU)

Introduction: COVID-19 caused the Ministry of Higher Education to indicate the interruption of face-to-face teaching activities. Subsequently, the master's degree in Atherosclerosis Research had to continue in the virtual modality. Objective: To validate survey design for assessing the satisfaction of master's degree students and professors with the virtual courses of the master's degree in Atherosclerosis Research. Methods: A qualitative research was conducted consisting of a review of the published literature to analyze the grounded theory in survey design and validation. Publications from 2017 were reviewed using the search, in which the following text chain was entered: design and validation of instruments to assess satisfaction with virtual courses. A documentary analysis was also conducted to analyze key concepts and ideas about the methods used for the development of this type of instrument, to consider problem situations and challenges of this design in other studies, as well as to learn about the different ways of approaching the research problem. For the design of the instruments, a pilot study was carried out with selected students and teachers. Results: The survey for the students consisted of twelve questions, while the professors had ten. The latter ones considered its quality as satisfactory. In the analysis of the results by authors and the overall assessment of both surveys carried out by the research group, two recommendations for improvement emerged, then included to make the final version of each instrument. Conclusions: Both surveys are easily adaptable for use in other virtual courses and in different virtual learning environments. Both instruments provide general data, information about the teacher, course content, bibliography and technological assurance(AU)

Humanos , Investigación/educación , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Conocimiento , Educación a Distancia , Cursos , Satisfacción Personal , Aterosclerosis
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 38: e0167, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341124


Segundo a Constituição Federal brasileira, o direito à educação significa a garantia do acesso à escola, onde a população deve permanecer durante o tempo legalmente determinado, a fim de adquirir os conhecimentos e habilidades necessários para a vida adulta plena. Este artigo tem como foco a análise da permanência dos estudantes na escola, condição essencial para a aprendizagem e representada por suas trajetórias educacionais. Dados longitudinais do Censo Escolar, de 2007 a 2015, foram utilizados para analisar as trajetórias educacionais classificadas em três tipos: regular; com poucas irregularidades; e com muitas irregularidades. Os resultados mostram que alguns grupos sociais são muito mais propensos a ter uma trajetória regular e outros a ter repetência ou a ficar fora da escola em alguns anos. Uma proporção alta de meninos de cor/raça preta tem trajetórias com muitas irregularidades. O artigo mostra que o Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (Ideb) - o indicador oficial para medir a qualidade da educação nos municípios - pode atingir um valor alto, mesmo que muitos estudantes tenham trajetórias irregulares. Isso evidenciou o efeito da seletividade embutido nesse indicador. Em conclusão, este trabalho sugere a incorporação das trajetórias educacionais no monitoramento da qualidade da educação nos municípios.

According to the Federal Brazilian Constitution, the right to education means that all children had access to a school, and remained there for the legally determined time and, acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for full adult life. This paper focuses on the analysis of students' permanence in school, an essential condition for learning represented here by their educational trajectories. The School Census longitudinal data, from 2007 to 2015 were used to analyze the student's educational trajectories classified into three types: regular; with few irregularities; and with many irregularities. The results show that some social groups are much more prone to having a regular trajectory, and others to having grade repetition or being out of school after few years. A large proportion of black boys have trajectories with many irregularities. In addition, this paper shows that the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB, acronym in Portuguese) - the official index for measuring the quality of education in the municipalities - can reach a high value even if many students have irregular trajectories. This evidenced the selectivity effect embedded in this indicator. This paper suggests the incorporation of educational trajectories into the indicator to monitor the quality of education in Brazilian municipalities.

De acuerdo con la Constitución Federal brasileña, el derecho a la educación significa la garantía de acceso a la escuela, donde los estudiantes deben permanecer por el tiempo legalmente determinado para adquirir los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios para la vida adulta plena. Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la permanencia de los estudiantes en la escuela, condición esencial para el aprendizaje, y representada por sus trayectorias educativas. Datos longitudinales de los censos escolares desde 2007 hasta 2015 se utilizaron para estudiar las trayectorias educativas del alumno, que se clasificaron en tres tipos: regular, con pocas irregularidades, con muchas irregularidades. Los resultados muestran que algunos grupos sociales son mucho más propensos a tener una trayectoria regular y otros a repetir el grado o quedar fuera de la escuela por algunos años. Una gran proporción de estudiantes negros tiene trayectorias con muchas irregularidades. Además, este trabajo muestra que el Índice de Desarrollo de la Educación Básica (IDEB) —índice oficial para medir la calidad de la educación en los municipios— puede alcanzar un valor alto a pesar de que muchos estudiantes tienen trayectorias irregulares. Esto evidenció el efecto de selectividad incorporado en este indicador. Este trabajo sugiere la incorporación de las trayectorias educativas en el indicador de seguimiento de la calidad de la educación en los municipios brasileños.

Humanos , Censos , Educación Primaria y Secundaria , Evaluación Educacional , Aprendizaje , Factores Socioeconómicos , Estudios de Cohortes , Educación , Derechos Humanos
Entramado ; 16(2): 142-167, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149273


RESUMEN Este estudio valoró cómo el Programa Todos a Aprender (PTA) optimizó la calidad educativa en instituciones públicas focalizadas, con estudiantes de grado Cuarto de Básica Primaria en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali durante 2014 y 2018. La metodología cuantitativa incluyó un test para valorar el currículo, una secuencia didáctica, dos instrumentos para evaluar las producciones narrativas escritas de 308 estudiantes en los componentes: semántico, sintáctico, gramatical, puntuación y seguimiento a la consigna, y un test sociodemográfico para describir a los participantes. El análisis de datos, apoyado por el software SPSS, reconoció la incidencia del PTA, dados los avances en la actualización y pertinencia del currículo, el mejoramiento de las competencias de producción narrativa escrita tras la planeación y aplicación de una secuencia didáctica en donde los estudiantes ejercieron el rol de escritores, y a pesar de la superioridad de los resultados del grupo control, se evidenció un nivel satisfactorio alcanzado por el grupo experimental, Se concluye que el PTA instala una cultura de la reescritura.

ABSTRACT The research evaluated how the All to Learn Program (PTA) optimized the educative quality in focus institutions with students from four grade of elementary school in the city of Santiago de Cali on 2014 and 2018. Quantitative methodology included an evaluative test for the curriculum, a didactic sequence, two tools to evaluate the narrative productions written by 308 students using the components: semantic, synthetic, grammar, punctuation and following to the segments, and a sociodemographic test to describe the participants. The data analysis, supported by SPSS software, recognized the impact from the PTA because of the improvements in the updates and suitability of the curriculum, the enhancement of the narrative production skills written after the planiation and application of a didactic sequence where the students performed the role of being a writer and despite the superiority of the results of the control group, it was demonstrated a rewarding level reached by the experimental group, In conclusion the PTA installs a culture of rewriting.

RESUMO Este estudo avaliou como o Programa Todos a Aprender (PTA) otimizou a qualidade educacional em instituições públicas direcionadas, com alunos da quarta série da Escola Primária na cidade de Santiago de Cali durante 2014 e 2018. A metodologia quantitativa incluiu um teste para avaliar a currículo, sequência didática, dois instrumentos para avaliar as produções narrativas escritas de 308 alunos nos componentes: semântico, sintático, gramatical, pontuação e acompanhamento do comando e teste sociodemográfico para descrever os participantes. A análise dos dados, apoiada no software SPSS, reconheceu a incidência do PTA, dados os avanços na atualização e relevância do currículo, o aprimoramento das habilidades de produção narrativa escrita após do planejamento e a aplicação de uma sequência didática na qual os alunos desempenharam o papel de escritores e, apesar da superioridade dos resultados do grupo controle, foi evidente um nível satisfatório alcançado pelo grupo experimental. Conclui-se que o PTA instala uma cultura de reescrita.

Cad. pesqui ; 50(177): 679-697, jul.-set. 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1132933


Resumo O artigo pretende problematizar o conceito de qualidade da educação vislumbrado no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), construído no lastro das lutas por direitos humanos infanto-adolescentes. Esse conceito se impõe como uma ampliação do espectro dos direitos da cidadania e dos direitos sociais dos educandos, de modo que o conteúdo do direito à educação não pode ser considerado ideologicamente neutro. O estudo qualitativo de tipo bibliográfico examina no acervo doutrinário e normativo os fundamentos da qualidade educacional como direito humano, tendo-a como horizonte de proteção integral das infâncias. Notamos que a qualidade preconizada como proteção integral não é um fato, nem um ato que depende com exclusividade do texto positivado. Ela depende, além dos fatores econômicos, de condições políticas, engajamento da família e da sociedade, nível de democracia e estruturas de Estado para assegurar sua efetividade.

Abstract The article intends to problematize the concept of quality of education envisioned in the Child and Adolescent Statute (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente), built on the ballast of the struggle for children and adolescents human rights. This concept imposes itself as a broadening of the spectrum of citizenship rights and social rights of learners, so that the content of the right to education cannot be considered ideologically neutral. The qualitative study of bibliographic type examines in the doctrinal and normative collection the foundations of the educational quality as human right, having it as horizon of Integral Protection of the childhoods. We note that the quality advocated as Integral Protection is not a fact, nor an act that depends exclusively on the positive text. It depends, in addition to economic factors, political factors, engagement of family and society, the level of democracy and state structures to ensure its effectiveness.

Resumen El artículo pretende problematizar el concepto de cualidad de la educación vislumbrado en el Estatuto del Niño y del Adolescente (ECA), construido en el lastre de las luchas por los derechos humanos de los niños y adolescentes. Ese concepto se impone como una ampliación del espectro de los derechos de la ciudadanía y de los derechos sociales de los educandos, de modo que el contenido del derecho a la educación no puede ser considerado ideológicamente neutro. El estudio cualitativo de tipo bibliográfico examina en el acervo doctrinario y normativo los fundamentos de la cualidad educacional como derecho humano, teniéndola como horizonte de protección integral de las infancias. Notamos que la cualidad preconizada como protección integral no es un hecho, ni un acto que depende con exclusividad del texto positivado. Ella depende, además de los factores económicos, de condiciones políticas, compromiso de la familia y de la sociedad, nivel de democracia y estructuras del Estado para asegurar su efectividad.

Résumé L'article vise à problématiser le concept de qualité de l'éducation tel qu'il est envisagé dans le Statut de l'enfant et de l'adolescent (ECA en portugais) qui fut créé dans le sillage des luttes pour les droits des enfants et des adolescents. Ce concept s´est imposé comme un élargissement de l'éventail des droits à la citoyenneté et des droits sociaux des élèves, afin que les contenus du droit à l'éducation ne puissent pas être considérés comme idéologiquement neutres. Il s'agit d'une étude qualitative bibliographique qui, dans le champ doctrinaire et normatif, examine les fondements de la qualité éducative en tant que droit humain, dans une perspective de protection intégrale des enfants. Nous avons pu observer que la qualité préconisée pour atteindre cette protection intégrale n'est ni un fait, ni un acte dépendant exclusivement du texte positivé. Pour assurer son efficacité, outre les facteurs économiques, elle dépend des conditions politiques, de l'engagement des familles et de la société, du niveau de démocratie et des structures étatiques.

Interdisciplinaria ; 37(1): 19-20, jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124920


Resumen Se muestran los resultados del diseño y validación de un Modelo de Gestión de Capital Intelectual (CI) para la calidad de IES, Colombia 2014-2016. Investigación aplicada, de carácter mixta. El abordaje cualitativo fue a partir de la confrontación de la teoría con las condiciones específicas del objeto abordado (sus características y necesidades) lo que permitió el diseño del modelo. El abordaje de los datos cuantitativos fue estadístico. Se diseñaron siete encuestas las cuales fueron validadas por expertos. Fue denominado Modelo Sistémico-Dinámico de Gestión del Capital Intelectual para la Calidad de Instituciones de Educación Superior (SIDIGCIES), su diseño estuvo fundamentado en tres teorías: la Teoría de las Organizaciones Inteligentes de Senge, la Teoría de las Capacidades Dinámicas en el Mundo Empresarial de Teece, Pisano y Shuen, y la Teoría de Creación del Conocimiento de Nonaka y Takeuchi. También se tuvieron en cuenta los lineamientos del Consejo Nacional de Acreditación (CNA) de Colombia tanto para programas como instituciones. Está estructurado por cuatro Subsistemas - Dinámicos: Talento Humano, Investigación e Innovación, Académico Administrativo y Reconocimiento Social. La validación del modelo en un programa de Medicina mostró la pertinencia de SIDIGCIES, con las exigencias establecidas a nivel nacional e internacional para la acreditación de programas y de instituciones. Se logró el diseño de 92 indicadores para la medición distribuidos en cada uno de los subsistemas y de siete instrumentos para cada uno de los actores del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje debidamente validados, contando de esta manera con herramientas fiables de medición de la gestión del capital intelectual.

Abstract The results of the design and validation of an Intellectual Capital (CI) management model for the quality of IES, Colombia 2014-2016 are shown. Applied research, mixed-nature. The qualitative approach was from the confrontation of the theory with the specific conditions of the object addressed (its characteristics and needs) which allowed the design of the model. The quantitative data approach was statistical. The population corresponds to the educational actors (teachers, students, administrative and management) of the medicine program, a total of 2139. The sampling was stratified and to determine the size of each of the stratum, took into account the population variances of the same and opted to use the criterion of Neyman's Affixation. For data analysis, they were presented in frequency distribution tables, with range and confidence interval measurements at 95 % (CI-95 %). Also, to observe the relationship between the variables (aspects) and the actors, a simple correspondence analysis was performed. All information was processed in the R-CRAN program. Seven surveys were designed which were validated by experts in higher education, who qualified coherence with the objectives of the study, the shape of the instrument and the clarity of the questions. The analysis of theories on intellectual capital allowed the design of the systemic-dynamic model of management of intellectual capital for the quality of institutions of higher education-SIDIGCIES, is based on three theories: Theory of dynamic capacities in the business world, of Teece, Pisano and Shuen; And, Theory of knowledge creation of Nonaka and Takeuchi. The guidelines of the National Accreditation Council (CNA) of Colombia were also taken into account for both programs and institutions. It is structured by four dynamic subsystems: human talent, research and innovation, academic administration and Social recognition. Its name is due to the way the management of intellectual capital in the IES must work, which requires an interconnected system, whose relationship is developed in a dynamic and non-static way when it is constantly moving, constantly improving and Adjustments, in constant internal interaction in each one of its elements and with the external medium. It is precisely the continuous interaction between the members of the Organization and other external agents in a careful way, which leads to the creation of new knowledge. Around the dynamic subsystems the elements that make possible the promotion and distribution of knowledge are undulating, they are: tacit knowledge, explicit knowledge, organizational knowledge and inter-organizational knowledge. In turn, the dynamic subsystems are influenced by four elements that directly affect their integral behavior and the achievement of the objectives of the IES. Without them, is not possible effective management of intellectual Capital; these are: Financial condition, national and international context, ethical-Legal aspects and physical infrastructure and material resources. The validation of the model in a medical program showed the relevance of SIDIGCIES, with the national and international requirements established for the accreditation of programs and institutions. We achieved the design of 92 indicators for measurement, distributed in each of the subsystems with this is possible a comprehensive analysis of their reality and not fractionally. Seven instruments were also designed for the actors of the teaching-learning process duly validated, counting in this way with reliable tools of measurement of the management of the CI SIDIGCIES, that allows the systematic and interdisciplinary study, oriented to identify the intellectual resources to share, employ, keep and protect them at the individual, organizational, social and global levels. It is a tool that will orient the proper management of the CI, will motivate the recognition of the value of the human talent for the production of the intangibles that there are produced, towards the recognition of the quality by the society and the State.

Cad. pesqui ; 50(175): 114-134, enero-mar. 2020. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1132907


Abstract The development of the concept of inclusive education was based on several sources and surrounded by other notions, such as failure, quality and effectiveness, which influence its interpretation and implementation. This article is a theoretical discussion that seeks to understand, from an educational perspective, how this confluence of ideas was formed. To that end, we establish a historical chronology of international policies, national Chilean policies, and research trends, which are understood as universal concerns, work hypotheses and objects of study, respectively. The discussion reveals the complexity of the concept when we contextualize it and when we clarify its logic in psycho-pedagogical terms and in terms of resource effectiveness, quality and inclusion.

Résumé Le concept d'éducation inclusive a été construit à partir de diverses sources et entouré de notions, telles que l'échec, la qualité et l'efficacité, qui influencent son interprétation et sa mise en œuvre. Cet article vise à comprendre par le biais d'une discussion theorique comment une telle confluence d'idées s'est produite d'un point de vue éducatif. À cette fin, a été réalisée une retrospective chronologique concernant l'histoire des politiques publiques internationales et des politiques nationales chiliennes, aussi bien que les tendances des recherches dans le domaine, vues comme préoccupations universelles, hypothèses de travail et objets d'étude. Cette discussion a dévoilé la complexité du concept son observation contextualisée, mais a aussi rendu plus transparentes les logiques psychopédagogiques, d'efficacité des ressources, de qualité et d'inclusion sur lesquelles il se base.

Resumo O conceito de educação inclusiva foi construído a partir de diversas fontes, cercado de outras noções como fracasso, qualidade e eficácia, que influem em sua interpretação e implementação. Este artigo de discussão teórica tenta compreender a partir de uma perspectiva educativa como foi construída essa confluência de ideias. Para tanto realiza-se uma cronologia de antecedentes de políticas internacionais e nacionais chilenas, bem como de tendências em pesquisas, entendendo-as como preocupações universais, hipóteses de trabalho e objetos de estudo, respectivamente. A discussão nos revela a complexidade do conceito ao observá-lo de maneira contextualizada e torna transparentes as lógicas psicopedagógicas, de eficácia dos recursos e de qualidade e inclusão nas quais se baseia.

Resumen El concepto de educación inclusiva se ha construido desde diversas fuentes rodeado de otras nociones como fracaso, calidad y eficacia que influyen en su interpretación e implementación. Este artículo de discusión teórica busca comprender desde una perspectiva educativa cómo se ha construido esta confluencia de ideas. Para esto se realiza una cronología de antecedentes de políticas internacionales y políticas nacionales chilenas, así como de tendencias en investigaciones, entendiéndolas como preocupaciones universales, hipótesis de trabajo y objetos de estudio, respectivamente. La discusión nos revela la complejidad del concepto al mirarlo de manera contextualizada y transparentar las lógicas psicopedagogistas, de eficacia de los recursos y de calidad e inclusión sobre las que se asienta.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 2641-2645, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-803564


Taking the example of development and reform for undergraduate major of Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences, this paper will introduce taking the spirit of national standards for education quality of nursing majors, establishing professional orientation, talents training targets and talents training plans corresponding to health strategies and focus on application characteristics. Building a curriculum system that combines skills and ethics as well as practicing teaching system, developing a teaching team with clinical specialist and veteran teachers, reform the reforming ideas and practices of teaching and evaluation methodology, then making some decent progress and these progress has some practical significance and reference value for similar schools in China to develop talents training mode reform.

Medical Education ; : 333-339, 2018.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750923


"Quality of education" has various definitions, and the definitions are classified mainly into five categories. Introducing the definition categories of "quality of education" , we analyze what aspects of the postgraduate clinical training system for physicians as an educational program have been reconsidered and redesigned. According to the analysis, we propose to introduce a programmatic assessment, which compose of several assessment methods, for evaluation at each stage of medical education from undergraduate to continuous professional development. Realizing such evaluation, we also propose to introduce a student/trainee assessment from a patient's perspective.

Univ. psychol ; 15(2): 25-38, abr.-jun. 2016. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-963140


La política pública chilena ha optado por materializar el cierre de escuelas rurales argumentando su baja calidad educativa. Esto ha traído una serie de consecuencias para la comunidad en la que se inserta la escuela. Una forma de revertir esta situación, es mejorando la calidad educativa, para lo cual se identificaron y caracterizaron perfiles de escuelas rurales de alto rendimiento académico según sus resultados en la prueba SIMCE 2011. Se utilizó un análisis multivariado, que incluyó análisis por componentes principales y el método de clasification and regression trees. Los resultados evidenciaron dos perfiles de escuelas rurales exitosas, cuyas principales características se relacionan con la disciplina y la percepción de autoeficacia del estudiante. Estos factores se presentan como importantes elementos a potenciar en los planes de mejoramiento educativo, como alternativa al cierre de escuelas.

The Chilean public policy has chosen to materialize the closure of rural schools arguing the low quality of its education. This decision has several consequences for the community in which the school is inserted. This situation can be address by improving the quality of education itself. For this purpose, in this study the profiles of rural schools with high academic performance were identified and characterized based on the results of the SIMCE 2011. A multivariate analysis was used including principal component analysis and the method of classification and regression trees. The results showed two profiles of successful rural schools, the main characteristics of them are related to the discipline and self-efficacy of the students. These factors are presented as milestones for the improvement programs for the education (promoted by the Ministry of Education throughout the country), as an alternative to the closure of the rural schools.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 109-113, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-464067


From the perspective of institute of medical higher education, a set of index system which include three first level indicators has been constructed, for medical academic postgraduate ed-ucation internal evaluation with the method of expert advice as well as in-depth interview, and then through Delphi consulting, the weight of every indicator has been calculated. The weight of three first level indicators are 0.28 (educational condition), 0.42 (educational process), 0.30 (educational results) respectively. Finally, how to carry out internal evaluation and how to apply the results effec-tively have been discussed.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 1370-1372, 2011.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-423372


Adult medical education has its own particularity.Its quality is affected by students' work units,families,schools,their own and other factors.Changing concepts,optimizing management,promoting personal quality education,setting up early warning mechanism,and doing full co-ordination are effective ways to improve the quality of adult medical education.

Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn ; 12(1/2): 176-196, jun. 2010. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-603757


Muitas são as questões que vêm sendo estudadas, quando nos referimos à educação básica brasileira. Independente da abordagem que embasa as discussões, um dos temas recorrentes é a qualidade do ensino, desigual entre as regiões do Brasil. A garantia de uma educação de qualidade só ocorrerá a partir do momento em que sejam adotadas políticas públicas que assegurem a igualdade de condições de acesso e permanência dos alunos na escola. À luz destas constatações, o objetivo deste artigo é fazer uma análise, fundamentada no behaviorismo radical, de algumas dimensões das políticas educacionais da atualidade contidas no Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação, que estejam ligadas à qualidade da educação e às formas de avaliação propostas para a sua medição. As dimensões elencadas para análise são: progressão continuada, avaliação, responsabilização e pagamento por desempenho. Percebemos que todas as problemáticas discutidas têm um ponto central: o poder de controle, fato que comprova a complexidade do tema em questão e a necessidade de compreender a educação, enquanto instituição.

When it comes to basic education in Brazil, many questions have already been studied. Regardless of the approach that underlies the discussions, one of the recurring themes is the quality of education, disproportionate across regions of Brazil. High quality education will only be possible from the moment that public policies are adopted that guarantee equality of access and the permanence of students at school. The aim of this paper is to analyze, based on radical behaviorism, some of the dimensions of today's educational policies included in the current Educational Development Plan, which are linked to the quality of education and the forms of assessment proposed for its measurement. The dimensions listed for analysis are: continuous progression, assessment, accountability and performance pay. It can be seen that all the issues discussed have a central theme: the power of control, a fact that proves the complexity of the subject matter and the need to understand education as an institution.

Conducta , Evaluación Educacional , Política Pública
Psicol. Caribe ; (24): 26-58, dic. 2009. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-635780


Se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre los procesos de aprendizaje y su incidencia en la deserción estudiantil en los estudiantes de Química y Farmacia de la Universidad de Cartagena en el período del 2003 al 2007. Con el objetivo de describir las características asociadas al aprendizaje que conlleva a la deserción estudiantil, se seleccionó una muestra equivalente a la totalidad de la población de estudiantes provenientes de los colegios oficiales de Cartagena en el primer semestre de 2007 (50), y se les aplicó el test smlq (pintrich), que contiene preguntas de carácter motivacional y relativas a las estrategias de aprendizaje. Se pudo concluir que el 2003 fue el año en que se presentó el índice de deserción más elevado (46%); el promedio general de deserción en el período comprendido entre 2003 y 2007 es de 19%, y se reporta el cambio de carrera o institución como la causa más frecuente de deserción (59%). Así mismo, se pudo observar que dentro de las escalas motivacionales, la categoría referida a expectativas fue la que obtuvo una mayor cantidad de resultados en el nivel alto, con un promedio de 60%. Y entre las estrategias de aprendizaje, las de tipo cognitivo puntuaron 34%.

The results of a study appear on the processes of learning and their incidence in the student desertion in the students of Chemistry and Pharmacy in the period from the 2003 to the 2007 With the objective to describe the characteristics associated to the learning that entails to the student desertion, a sample equivalent to the totality of the population of originating students of the official schools of Cartagena in the first semester of 2007 was selected (50), to which the test smlq was applied (pintrich), that contains questions of motivacional character and relative to the strategies of learning used by the students study object It was possible to be concluded that the 2003 were the year in which the elevated index of desertion appeared more (46%), being the general average of desertion in the period between 2003 and 2007 of 19%, reporting the change of race or institution as the most frequent cause of desertion (59%). Also, it was possible to be observed that within the motivacionales scales, the category referred to expectations was the one that obtained a greater amount of results in the high level, with an average of 60%. And between the Strategies of Learning, those of cognitivo type they scored 34%.

Univ. psychol ; 7(2): 441-445, mayo-ago. 2008.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-572041


Se describe el diseño, construcción y validación de un instrumento para evaluar las competencias docentes de los profesores de pregrado de la Universidad Católica de Colombia. El instrumento evalúa siete competencias básicas para el ejercicio de la función docente: planificación curricular, utilización adecuada de diseño metodológico y organización de actividades de enseñanza, competencia científica tecnológica, interacción adecuada con estudiantes, competencia para evaluar, competencia para realizar tutorías, autorreflexión sobre la práctica docente. Se construyeron así los indicadores de competencias del docente de la Universidad Católica de Colombia, prueba que fue validada por medio del juicio de 60 expertos. Con los resultados se diseñó el instrumento de evaluación de las competencias, que una vez ajustado fue aplicado a 20 docentes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Católica de Colombia.

We describe the design, construction and validation processes of a instrumentaimed to the evaluation of teaching skills of the Catholic University of Colombia’s undergraduate level teachers. The instrument evaluatesseven skills that are basic to the exercise of teaching: curriculum planning, appropriate usage of methodological designs and organization of teaching activities, scientific technological competence, appropriate interaction with students, evaluative competence, tutorial skills, and self-reflection on teaching practices. The indicators of teacher’s competence were thus constructed, and the test was validated by the opinion of 60 expert judges. The results of this process were used to design the final instrument, which once adjusted, was applied to 20 teachers of the Catholic University of Colombia.

Educación/organización & administración , Universidades
Univ. psychol ; 7(2): 425-439, mayo-ago. 2008.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-572052


Se presentan los resultados de un estudio con once programas de Psicología en Colombia para evaluar las relaciones entre la acreditación y ciertos índices tales como el número de estudiantes y profesores, tasas de deserción, resultados en los Exámenes de Estado y otros. La conclusión es que parece existir una relación entre la acreditación y aspectos tales como la formación de los docentes, el número de docentes de planta, la deserción estudiantil y la fortaleza de la investigación. Se presentan también elementos teóricos para la discusión sobre el tema de calidad de la educación y se sugieren nuevas direcciones de investigación.

The results of a study with eleven Psychology programs in Colombia arepresented, in order to assess the relationships between quality accreditation and certain indexes such as the number of professors and students, the rates of student desertion, the results in the State Examination and the like. It is concluded that a relationship seems to be present between accreditation and aspects such as the level of teachers’ education, the size of the faculty, student desertion and the strength of research. Theoretical elements are proposed in order to continue with the discussion of Educational Quality and new directions for research on the subject are suggested.

Universidades , Acreditación
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12)2003.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-686744


Bring up high quality medical talents with innovative consciousness and practical ability is the aim of high medical ed- ucation.Improving the innovative ability of teachers and quality of teaching with the perfect combination of science and humanities, so as to improve our understanding of the importance and necessity of innovation education,and carry out an overall quality edu- cation which chiefly works for the training of students' innovative consciousness and practical ability during practicing period.