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Rev. AMRIGS ; 55(1): 53-57, jan.-abr. 2011. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-835315


Introdução: Investigar a conduta dos balconistas de farmácia frente a um caso simulado de olho vermelho e comparar com os resultados de pesquisa similar ocorrida há 12 anos na mesma cidade, bem como avaliar a associação entre a localização do estabelecimento farmacêutico com indicação de consulta médica. Métodos: Através de estudo transversal, investigaram-se 146 farmácias em Pelotas, RS, por meio de um questionário padronizado e pré-codificado. O entrevistador chegava ao estabelecimento com a suposta queixa: “Ao acordar nesta manhã venho sentindo ardência ocular e lacrimejamento, além de perceber o olho vermelho, o que posso fazer?”. Caso a resposta do balconista fosse diversa da orientação da procura de atendimento médico, era feita a seguinte pergunta: “Você acha que devo procurar um médico?”. As associações foram estudadas através do teste qui-quadrado. Resultados: As principais condutas foram: 89 (60,9%) atendentes indicaram o uso de descongestionantes oculares, 17 (11,6%) o uso de lágrima artificial ou soro fisiológico, 12 (8,2%) o uso de colírio antisséptico, 9 (6,2%) o uso de antibióticos. Além disso, 10 (5,8%) atendentes indicaram a procura do médico. Em comparação com estudo similar realizado em 1997, houve significativo aumento na indicação de lágrimas artificiais e diminuição na indicação de descongestionantes e antibióticos. Ademais, o estudo atual demonstrou que uma maior proporção de indicações de procura médica associou-se a farmácias da área central da cidade. Conclusão: Sugerem-se iniciativas que contemplem a fiscalização mais rigorosa do comércio de medicamentos oftalmológicos, fomento à educação populacional e maior acesso aos cuidados básicos de saúde.

Introduction: To investigate the conduct of drugstore clerks in the face of a simulated case of red eyes, and to compare the results with those of a similar research performed 12 years ago in the same city, as well as to evaluate the association between the location of the drugstore and an indication of a medical visit. Methods: In a cross-sectional study we investigated 146 drugstores in South Brazil through a standardized pre-coded questionnaire. The interviewer reached the store and told the clerk: “When I woke up this morning my eyes were burning and tearing and red; what can I do about it?” If the clerk’s response was other than referral to medical care, we asked the following question:” Do you think I should see a doctor?” Associations were studied using the chi–square test. Results: The main suggested courses of action by the clerks were: 89 (60.9%) indicated the use of ocular decongestants, 17 (11.6%) the use of artificial tears or saline, 12 (8.2%) the use of a topical antiseptic, and 9 (6.2%) the use of antibiotics. In addition, 10 (5.8%) clerks advised seeking medical care. Compared with a similar research conducted in 1997, there was a significant increase in the indication of artificial tears and a decrease in the indication of decongestants and antibiotics. Moreover, the current study showed that a higher proportion of indications of seeking medical care was associated with drugstores in the downtown area. Conclusion: We suggest initiatives that provide for a stricter control of the trade of eye care drugs, promotion of population education, and increased access to basic health care.

Humanos , Automedicación , Soluciones Oftálmicas
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964018


Two thousand vegetable farmers of Benguet Province were interviewed on their use of pesticides and the effects they have experienced while handling the same Benguet produces 70 percent of the total vegetable needs of the country. The growing demand for high quality vegetables by the consumers have made the farmers become too dependent on the use of pesticides. They however, over use and abuse the use of the chemicals by cocktailing various brands or using banned chemicals like the "miracle powder" or cyanide. Thus, they are continuously exposed to the deleterous effects of the chemicals including their families, domestic animals and wild life. The environment is also polluted creating an ecological imbalance. The consumers have likewise suspected the safety of the vegetables they produce and if unchecked will lead to the death of the lucrative vegetable industry Itchy skin, dry lips, watery and itchy red eyes that lasts for days, abdominal pain, chest pain, muscle cramps, body malaise, inappetens, dizzines, epistaxis, irregular and discolored nails were some of the adverse effects the vegetables farmers have experienced while handling pesticides The vegetable farmers are largely non-compliant to the product specifications of the chemicals, dilution and disposal of used chemical containers Their indiscriminate use and handling of pesticides are to a great extent borne out of misinformation, sheer negligence and even low literacy An intensive educational campaign is needed to assist the vegetable farmers of Benguet.

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