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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018690


At the beginning of this century,breakthroughs and innovations in disruptive technologies represented by artificial intelligence have profoundly affected the development of human society and have become a central component in leading the new global military transformation.Saving the lives of the wounded and technological innovation are the driving force behind the development of military medicine.How to fight a battle and how to save people is the question that military medicine must answer.Joint all-area combat is a new military concept,representing the development direction of the future combat style,it has a strong strategic guiding significance for the future war and also puts forward higher requirements for the treatment of war injuries."Platinum ten minutes,gold one hour"is the fundamental law of the battlefield first-line time-saving treatment,the war injury treatment must serve in the joint all-area combat demand and service requirements.This paper discusses the issue of demand or war injury treatment capacity building under the joint all-area combat pasture for criticism and correction.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(2)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536292


Introducción: El desarrollo de la medicina se favorece activamente con el progreso de la sociedad imperante. Las iniciativas proporcionadas por las diferentes revoluciones industriales han sido significativas para el sector de la salud, es en la tercera revolución industrial, donde se ha logrado una integración activa del desarrollo tecnológico y científico con las ciencias de la salud. Objetivo: Identificar desde diversas aristas las tendencias tecnológicas actuales orientadas en el desarrollo científico para el sector de la salud en Cuba. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de las diferentes etapas por las que ha transitado el desarrollo médico tecnológico en los últimos cinco años en el mundo y en Cuba, la integración de las Ciencias de la Salud con las tecnologías con una visión histórica-lógica de sus procesos hasta la actualidad; se analizaron sus trayectorias, tendencias y propósitos en los conocimientos, técnicas e impactos más relevantes y principales metas. Conclusiones: En el proceso de informatización del sistema nacional de salud se observa un acelerado impacto del uso de las tecnologías telemáticas en la calidad de las prestaciones de los servicios médicos, lo que se traduce en calidad, efectividad, factibilidad en los servicios de salud y satisfacción social en la excelencia en los servicios médicos asistenciales actuales.

Introduction: The development of medicine is actively favored by the progress of the prevailing society. The initiatives provided by the different industrial revolutions have been significant for the health sector, it is the third industrial revolution, where an active integration of technological and scientific development with the health sciences has been achieved. Objective: To identify from various angles the current technological trends oriented towards scientific development for the health sector in Cuba. Methods: An observational, longitudinal, historical, analytical and synthetic study of the different stages through which technological medical development has passed in the last five years in the world and for Cuba, the integration of Health Sciences with technologies with a historical-logical vision of their processes up to the present; They analyzed their trajectories, trends and purposes in the most relevant knowledge, techniques and impacts and main goals. Conclusions: In the process of computerization of the national health system, an accelerated impact of the use of telematic technologies on the quality of medical services is observed, which translates into quality, effectiveness, feasibility in health services and social satisfaction in excellence in current medical care services.

Entramado ; 19(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534421


A B S T R A C T Purpose: This study aims to identify the requirements for the application of total quality in the university educational system in light of the information and technological revolution. Methods: The qualitative analytical descriptive approach was used, the limitations of which are restricted to higher education institutions. Results: The study concluded the need for a feasible and effective educational system, centered on the student through his interaction and active participation, in which computer technologies and information and communication technology represented in local networks and the global Internet play a promising role based on the concept and philosophy oftotal quality in education. Conclusions: It is concluded that the nature of modern business requires educational and academic institutions to prepare students with a different set of skills other than those adopted by the old education system. The shape of educational institutions will be very different from what it is now, and the shape of the classroom will differ so that there will be a computer for each student, and departments in faculties will be able to communicate with different libraries to get what they want from references, scientific materials or educational software, and the shape of the course will differ from the usual It is likely that it will be replaced by a floppy or optical disk, and there will be a new type of teacher and students.

Objetivo: Identificar os requisitos para a aplicação da qualidade total no sistema educacional universitário à luz da revolução tecnológica e da informação. Métodos: Foi utilizada a abordagem descritiva analítica qualitativa, cujas limitações se restringem às instituições de ensino superior Resultados: O estudo concluiu a necessidade de um sistema educacional viável e eficaz, centrado no estudante através de sua interação e participação ativa, no qual as tecnologias de informática e de informação e comunicação representadas em redes locais e na Internet global desempenham um papel promissor baseado no conceito e na filosofia da qualidade total na educação. Conclusões: Conclui-se que a natureza das empresas modernas exige que as instituições educacionais e acadêmicas preparem os estudantes com um conjunto de habilidades diferentes daquelas adotadas pelo antigo sistema educacional. A forma das instituições educacionais será muito diferente do que é agora, e a forma da sala de aula será diferente de modo que haverá um computador para cada aluno, e os departamentos das faculdades poderão se comunicar com diferentes bibliotecas para obter o que desejam das referências, materiais científicos ou software educacional, e a forma do curso será diferente do habitual.

Objetivo: Identificar os requisitos para a aplicação da qualidade total no sistema educacional universitário à luz da revolução tecnológica e da informação. Métodos: Foi utilizada a abordagem descritiva analítica qualitativa, cujas limitações se restringem às instituições de ensino superior. Resultados: O estudo concluiu a necessidade de um sistema educacional viável e eficaz, centrado no estudante através de sua interação e participação ativa, no qual as tecnologias de informática e de informação e comunicação representadas em redes locais e na Internet global desempenham um papel promissor baseado no conceito e na filosofia da qualidade total na educação. Conclusões: Conclui-se que a natureza das empresas modernas exige que as instituições educacionais e acadêmicas preparem os estudantes com um conjunto de habilidades diferentes daquelas adotadas pelo antigo sistema educacional. A forma das instituições educacionais será muito diferente do que é agora, e a forma da sala de aula será diferente de modo que haverá um computador para cada aluno, e os departamentos das faculdades poderão se comunicar com diferentes bibliotecas para obter o que desejam das referências, materiais científicos ou software educacional, e a forma do curso será diferente do habitual.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959049


Objective To master the changes of foodborne disease pathogen spectrum in Yichang during 2014-2020, and to understand the impact of the toilet revolution on the pathogen spectrum of foodborne diseases in Yichang. Methods The basic information on the cases of foodborne diseases in Yichang from 2014 to 2020 was collected. The fecal specimens were collected to detect pathogens, including Salmonella , Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Shigella, and diarrheogenic Escherichia coli and Norovirus. The distribution of foodborne pathogenic bacteria in food was obtained from the surveillance project report of food microorganisms and their pathogenic factors in Yichang. From 2017 to 2020, water samples from the Yangtze River were collected from May to October with frequent intestinal diseases to detect pathogenic bacteria of foodborne diseases. Results The monitoring results of foodborne diseases showed that the detection rate of norovirus increased to 6.12% year by year from 2015 to 2017, and plummeted to 0.43% in 2018, with a statistically significant difference (χ2=60.962,P2=106.47,P2=44.036 , P<0.05). Conclusion The toilet revolution can reduce the detection rate of pathogens of foodborne diseases in Yichang and reduce the detection rate of Salmonella in Yangtze River water, but it has little impact on the composition of foodborne disease pathogen spectrum.

Serv. soc. soc ; 146(3): e, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530490


Resumo: Este artigo aborda o debate sobre a "revolução burguesa" no Brasil nos fundadores da Teoria Marxista da Dependência. Para tanto, analisamos as reflexões sobre o tema desenvolvidas por Marini, Bambirra e Dos Santos em seus estudos originais das décadas de 1960 e 1970, e buscamos apresentar uma avaliação sobre os pontos de convergência e as controvérsias entre suas respectivas produções.

Abstract: This text addresses the debate about the "bourgeois revolution" in Brazil in the founders of the Marxist Theory of Dependence. To this end, we analysed the reflections on this theme developed by Marini, Bambirra and Dos Santos in their original texts from the 1960s and 1970s and sought to present an assessment of the points of convergence and controversy between their respective productions.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928238


Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a revolutionary human-computer interaction technology, which includes both BCI that can output instructions directly from the brain to external devices or machines without relying on the peripheral nerve and muscle system, and BCI that bypasses the peripheral nerve and muscle system and inputs electrical, magnetic, acoustic and optical stimuli or neural feedback directly to the brain from external devices or machines. With the development of BCI technology, it has potential application not only in medical field, but also in non-medical fields, such as education, military, finance, entertainment, smart home and so on. At present, there is little literature on the relevant application of BCI technology, the current situation of BCI industrialization at home and abroad and its commercial value. Therefore, this paper expounds and discusses the above contents, which are expected to provide valuable information for the public and organizations, BCI researchers, BCI industry translators and salespeople, and improve the cognitive level of BCI technology, further promote the application and industrial transformation of BCI technology and enhance the commercial value of BCI, so as to serve mankind better.

Humanos , Encéfalo/fisiología , Interfaces Cerebro-Computador , Electroencefalografía , Tecnología , Interfaz Usuario-Computador
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038600


@#Provision of safe, reliable, and affordable care while improving performance and efficiency remains a challenge in the healthcare sector. This study, therefore, reviews the previous researches on the effect of six sigma and industrial revolution 4.0 technologies (IR 4.0) on sustainability as there is still a paucity of literature on the implementation of the practices in the healthcare sector. Notably, the growing challenges within service organizations have motivated healthcare organizations to upgrade their conventional delivery system to a smart sophisticated system. Thus, this present study makes an attempt to model these practices as integrated with IR 4.0 technologies into achieving sustainability in the healthcare industry. In order to fill the void of this gap, this study intends to investigate the joint effects of six sigma and IR 4.0 technologies on sustainable performance of healthcare delivery services. The study confirms the future direction of the public health sector that is recently employing new technologies in its service systems. The data shall be collected from the top management employees, the health practitioners who are working and familiar with the services and operations of the organization and are familiar with the smart tools to expedite services for healthcare. This study extends the current literature on IR 4.0 technologies and six-sigma as enablers of economic, environmental and social sustainability. This study unfolds the significant contribution of operations management practices and how sustainable performance can be enhanced through performance variation and strategic implementation of modern technologies in the healthcare sector.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1425297


Este artigo resulta de um estudo sobre a concepção de V. I. Lenin acerca da conduta subjetiva do trabalhador, buscando identificar proximidades ou divergências com a concepção presente em F. W. Taylor. Em 1918, após o processo revolucionário de caráter socialista na Rússia, Lenin defendeu a aplicação do taylorismo como método de organização do trabalho nas indústrias soviéticas, defesa que tem sido criticada politicamente e por teóricos do campo da teoria social marxista. Constatamos que Lenin identifica positividades no taylorismo no que se refere à possibilidade de uma melhor organização do trabalho, visando à sua simplificação e ao aumento da sua produtividade. Contudo, concluímos que a sua concepção no tocante à conduta subjetiva do trabalhador não é a mesma de Taylor. O taylorismo pressupõe um sujeito indolente por natureza e somente passível de adaptação. De forma distinta, em Lenin, a consciência e a conduta do trabalhador são resultado das relações sociais de produção e, muito embora contraditórias, suscetíveis de transformação. Mais do que isso, é o proletariado, a partir de um aprendizado, quem deve dirigir o processo de trabalho e a sociedade

This study stems from research on V. I. Lenin's conception about workers' subjective conduct, seeking to identify proximities or divergencies with that of Taylor. In 1918, after the revolutionary socialist process in Russia, Lenin defended the application of Taylorism as a method to organize labor in Soviet industries. A defense which has been criticized politically and by Marxist social theory thinkers. We note that Lenin identifies positivities in Taylorism regarding the possibility of better organizing labor, aiming at simplifying it and increasing its productivity. However, we conclude that his conception regarding workers' subjective conduct differs from that of Taylor. Taylorism presupposes a subject who is indolent by nature and only capable of adaptation. In Lenin, workers' consciousness and behavior result from social relations of production which are, although contradictory, susceptible to transformation. More than that, it is the proletariat, through a learning process, who must direct the work process and society

Trabajo/historia , Conducta , Eficiencia Organizacional , Grupos Profesionales , Organizaciones , Teoría Social
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 21(1): 39058, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1283191


O objetivo desse artigo é tratar do significado do fenômeno do "duplo poder", algo presente desde as revoluções burguesas até as revoluções proletárias. Os sovietes (conselhos) de trabalhadores das Revoluções Russas de 1905 e 1917 ganham destaque no texto como exemplos da dualidade de poder. A questão que surge é se toda a revolução proletária deve necessariamente passar por um momento de duplo poder, ou, ao contrário, o choque entre dois Estados é algo que se tornou anacrônico. O texto contém observações de autores que participaram ativamente de revoluções, como Marx, Engels, Lênin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Rosa Luxemburgo e Gramsci, além de diversos comentadores. Com este texto pretende-se contribuir com o debate sobre a estratégia a ser assumida pelo proletariado mundial.

This article approaches the meaning of the phenomenon of double power which is observed since the bourgeois revolutions until the proletarian revolutions. The workers' soviets (councils) of the Russians Revolutions of 1905 and 1917 are highlighted as examples of the duality of power. The relevant issue here is whether the whole proletarian revolution must necessarily undergo a moment of double power or, otherwise, the clash between two States is something that has become anachronistic. The text contains observations from authors who actively took part of revolutions, such as Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoniev, Rosa Luxemburgo and Gramsci in addition to several commentators. This article intends to contribute to the debate on the strategy to be assumed by the worldwide proletariat.

Poder Psicológico , Comunismo , Grupos Profesionales , Política , Clase Social
Av. psicol. latinoam ; 39(2): 1-15, may.-ago. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1367017


Este artigo recupera alguns momentos importantes dos encontros e desencontros entre a psicanálise e a Revo-lução Russa. Não é casualidade o fato de a psicanálise ter um papel crucial nos primeiros anos da revolução, abrindo espaço para reflexões sobre o novo homem soviético. E é por essa via que Wilhelm Reich visita a urss, em 1929, afirmando que muitas das mudanças introduzidas pela revolução iam ao encontro de suas teorias. No entanto, pouco depois critica o retrocesso no campo da sexualidade, ocorrido a partir dos anos 1930, ao qual atribui importante papel na burocratização da revolução. Nesse sentido, Reich não difere muito de Freud que, em diversos momentos de seu percurso intelectual, faz menção à experiência soviética, mos-trando-se cético no que concerne à univocidade das visões de mundo e ao caráter ilusório das promessas de extinção do mal-estar. Se consideramos relevante retomar esse debate, é porque ele coloca, para a psica-nálise, a questão de sua possibilidade de escutar vozes historicamente proletarizadas e, para os revolucionários sociais, o problema de sustentar um discurso que não se deixe seduzir pela tentação totalizante

Este artículo recupera algunos momentos importantes de los encuentros y desajustes entre el psicoanálisis y la Revolución rusa. No es casualidad que el psicoanálisis haya jugado un papel crucial en los primeros años de la Revolución, haciendo espacio para la reflexión sobre el nuevo hombre soviético. De esta manera es que Wilhelm Reich visita la URSS en 1929, afirmando que muchos de los cambios introducidos por la Revolución estaban en línea con sus teorías. Sin embargo, poco después critica el retroceso en el campo de la sexualidad, que ocurrió desde la década de 1930, al que le atribuye un papel importante en la burocratización de la Revolución. En este sentido, Reich no difiere mucho de Freud, quien en varios puntos de su carrera intelectual hace referencia a la experiencia soviética y es escéptico sobre la univocidad de las cosmovisiones y el carácter ilusorio de las promesas de extinción del malestar. Si consideramos relevante reanudar este debate, es porque plantea para el psicoanálisis la cuestión de su posibilidad de escuchar voces históricamente proletarizadas y, para los revolucionarios sociales, el problema de mantener un discurso que no sea seducido por la tentación totalizante

This article recovers some important moments of the encounters and mismatches between psychoanalysis and the Russian Revolution. It is no coincidence that psychoanalysis played a crucial role in the revolution's early years, making room for reflecting on the new Soviet man. So much so that Wilhelm Reich stated, when he visited the ussr in 1929, that many of the changes introduced by the revolution met his theories. Shortly afterwards, however, he criticized the setback in the field of sexuality, which occurred in the 1930s, to which he attributed an important role in the bureau-cratization of the revolution. In this sense, Reich does not differ much from Freud, who, at various points in his intellectual career, referred to the Soviet experience and was skeptical of the world views' univocity and the illusory character of the promises of extinction of unease. We consider it relevant to resume this de-bate because it raises the question for psychoanalysis of its possibility to listen to historically proletarianized voices, and for social revolutionaries, the problem of sustaining a discourse that is not seduced by the totalizing temptation

Humanos , Psicoanálisis , Comunismo , Sexualidad , Cosmovisión
Psicol. pesq ; 15(2): 1-23, abr.-jun. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1287687


Este texto busca realizar uma avaliação teórica da possível funcionalidade de um modelo de trabalho comunitário em Psicologia para a construção de uma forma passiva de consenso dentro do conjunto de transformações ocorridas no Brasil durante os recentes governos do Partido dos Trabalhadores. Esse modelo é o do desenvolvimento comunitário, e o objeto da avaliação é a concepção de participação dele apreendida, abordada a partir das contribuições teóricas de Gramsci (1891-1937) sobre o Estado e sobre a noção de revolução passiva. Analisada a partir dessas chaves conceituais, tal concepção de participação parece não romper, em seus fundamentos, com a concepção de participação dos modelos aos quais o desenvolvimento comunitário se propõe como alternativa. E, em sua funcionalidade no conjunto de transformações operadas nos referidos governos, pode ter contribuído com a organização de formas de consenso passivo e, consequentemente, com a hegemonia de frações da classe burguesa no Brasil.

This article aims to make a theoretical evaluation of the possible functionality of a community work model in Psychology for the construction of a passive form of consensus within the set of transformations that occurred in Brazil during the recent governments of the Workers' Party. This model consists in the community development one, and the evaluation object is the conception of participation apprehended from it, approached from Gramsci's (1891-1937) theoretical contributions on the State and on the notion of passive revolution. Analyzed from these conceptual keys, this conception of participation does not seem to break, in its fundamentals, with the conception of participation of the models to which community development is proposed as an alternative. And, in its functionality in the set of transformations operated in the Worker's Party governments, it may have contributed to the organization of forms of passive consensus and, consequently, to the hegemony of fractions of the bourgeois class in Brazil.

Este texto busca realizar una evaluación teórica de la posible funcionalidad de un modelo de trabajo comunitario en Psicología para la construcción de una forma pasiva de consenso, dentro de las transformaciones realizadas en Brasil durante los gobiernos recientes del Partido de los Trabajadores. Este modelo es el del desarrollo comunitario y el objeto de la evaluación es la concepción de participación aprehendida de él, abordada a partir de las contribuciones teóricas de Gramsci (1891-1937) sobre el Estado y la noción de revolución pasiva. Analizada a partir de estas claves conceptuales, esta concepción de participación no parece romper con la concepción de participación de los modelos a los que se propone el desarrollo comunitario como alternativa. Y, en su funcionalidad en el conjunto de transformaciones operadas en los gobiernos antes mencionados, puede haber contribuido a la organización de formas de consenso pasivo y, en consecuencia, a la hegemonía de las fracciones de la clase burguesa en Brasil.

Serv. soc. soc ; (141): 224-243, maio-ago. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252232


Resumo: Este artigo se propõe a examinar, na oportunidade do centenário de nascimento (1920) e de 45 anos de publicação de A revolução burguesa no Brasil (1975), a originalidade da interpretação de Brasil esboçada por Florestan Fernandes, especialmente em categorias como "ordem social", essencial para compreender nosso passado e para esboçar novos grandes painéis interpretativos de processo e de história. Para entender essa complexa trama, é fundamental mergulhar no particularíssimo método de investigação e exposição do autor, bem como confrontá-lo com sua vivência e formação na época do Brasil pós-1930 até a conjuntura de publicação do livro.

Abstract: This article aims to examine, in the 25 years anniversary of the release of The bourgeois revolution in Brazil (1975) and the centenary of Florestan Fernandes (1920), the originality of his interpretation of Brazil, especially the definition of "social order", essential to understand our past and to outline new great interpretative panels of process and history. To comprehend this complex plot, it is crucial to immerse in the author's very particular method of investigation and exposure and also correlate with his experience living in 1930 until the release of the book.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204905


Crisis of Indian agriculture is very pertinent at this moment as green revolution is gradually losing its hope. Excessive, pointless exploitation of broods of green revolution has left bad footprints on country’s food security and environmental safety. With the motto to ensure food security by reviving Indian agriculture in environmentally safe way as well as to release farmers from debt cycle and suicides, zero budget natural farming (ZBNF) has come in the picture, which discards uses of all the chemical farming inputs and relies on natural way of farming i.e. rejuvenating soil and crop health through its own practices (Jivamrita, Bijamrita, mulching, soil aeration, intercropping, crop diversification, bunds, bio-pesticides etc.). ZBNF movement right now is the most popular agrarian movement which begun in 2002 in Karnataka and later successfully spread in many states (specially, of South India) of the nation through numbers of trainings, demonstrations and various promotional activities. Successful outcomes from farmers’ fields of south Indian states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka etc. are encouraging and grabbing attention of farmers, public and private organisations towards ZBNF in recent times. Yet, various controversies regarding its transparency, inadequate information, efficacy, practices, idealisms, even the term ‘zero budget’ etc. have agglutinated around ZBNF over the years since it debuted. Critics in fact have cited several references of drastic yield reductions with ZBNF practices in many places. Adequate scientific evaluation or monitoring of ZBNF’s successes or failures through multi-locational trials is now therefore the needful before allowing or restraining its run in Indian agriculture.

Caracas; Observatorio Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación; ago. 2020. 112-123 p. (Observador del Conocimiento. Revista Especializada en Gestión Social del Conocimiento, 5, 2).
Monografía en Español | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1118173


Este ensayo tiene por objeto exponer una serie de reflexiones sobre la situación de la Gran Caracas durante el período marzo-junio 2020, enmarcado en la Pandemia declarada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en fecha 11 de marzo de 2020. Estas reflexiones sobre la ciudad, entendida como un sistema complejo y auto-organizado, dan cuenta de una revolución urbana en nuestro territorio, desde comunidades organizadas que se contraponen a los modelos hegemónicos de urbanización planetaria, hasta una divergencia en los modelos de producción y abastecimiento local en el territorio. Aunque podía parecer que el SARS-COVID-19 es una amenaza para las iniciativas urbanas que se verían coartadas o limitadas por las medidas de confinamiento en la lucha contra el Virus, observamos experiencias de base y siempre comunitarias que resisten y se fortalecen en medio de las presentes dificultades. Nos interesamos en estas experiencias ya que aportan a la reflexión necesaria acerca de la transformación de nuestro entorno urbano. El estudio se realiza a partir de un pensamiento complejo, que trata de tejer las interacciones y aportes de un sujeto (la comunidad) que co-construye su realidad (la ciudad como sistema) revelando una vez más la potencia de un pueblo creador. Finalmente se plantean algunas consideraciones sobre estas iniciativas y sus posibilidades, enmarcadas en las profundas luchas por la reivindicación de los derechos al territorio, a la vida, a la cultura y a la ciudad, y que en palabras de Harvey (2013) atraviesan el camino de una revolución urbana(AU)

This essay aims to present several reflections on the situation of the "Gran Caracas" between March and June 2020, during the pandemic period declared by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. These considerations on the city, understood as a complex and self-organized system, tell of an urban revolution in our territory, from organized communities that oppose the hegemonic models of world urbanization, to a divergence in the production and local supply models on the territory. Although it may seem that SARS-COVID-19 is a threat to urban actions that would be inhibited by confining measures in order to control the virus, we observe bottom-up and always community- based experiences that resist and become stronger in the midst of the present challenges. We are interested in these experiences since they contribute to the necessary discussion about the transformation of our urban environment. This study is based on a complex thought, which tries to weave the interactions and contributions of a subject (the community) that co-creates its reality (the city as a system) revealing, once again, the potential of creative people. Finally, some considerations are raised about these proposals and their possibilities, framed in the deep struggles for the vindication of the rights to territory, to life, to culture and to the city, and that in David Harvey's words (2013, pág. 16) cross the path of an urban revolution (AU)

Humanos , Sistema Único de Salud , Infecciones por Coronavirus , Ciudad Saludable , Pandemias , Ciudades
Serv. soc. soc ; (138): 215-241, maio-ago. 2020. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139605


Resumo: Atuais mudanças econômicas, sociais e políticas geram impactos nos ambientes e nas condições psicossociais de trabalho. Neste texto, discute-se o trabalho de Assistentes Sociais (AS) atuantes na Previdência Social (PS), a partir da combinação de resultados obtidos por meio de projeto de pesquisa em andamento, cuja metodologia faz uso de escalas padronizadas, grupos focais e entrevistas realizadas entre 2014 e 2019. Apesar de não haver resultados negativos obtidos pelos instrumentos padronizados, as outras técnicas puderam revelar que o trabalho gera um tipo de sofrimento mudo, invisível e marcado pela angústia e frustração.

Abstract: The current economic, social, and political changes have impacts on the work environment and the psychosocial conditions of the workers. In this study, we discuss the professional work of Social Workers (SW) working in working in the Brazilian social security system, using a mixed-methods approach including the results obtained through standardized scales, focus groups, and interviews conducted between 2014 and 2019. Despite the results obtained by psychometric systems suggest a non-negative outcome, the other methods could reveal that work generates a kind of silent, invisibility and is marked by distress and/or suffer.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 49(2): e469, abr.-jun. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1139002


La revolución científico técnica desempeñó un papel fundamental en la introducción de nuevas tecnologías en las ciencias médicas y en específico en la gastroenterología. Dicho progreso en las tecnologías no debe dejar de lado la parte ética de la relación médico paciente y el principio de no hacer daño. A esta disyuntiva se enfrenta el gastroenterólogo cuando debe decidir, tratar a un paciente con una técnica endoscópica, que es menos invasiva, o remitirlo para el médico cirujano. Con el objetivo de determinar el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías endoscópicas en las ciencias después de la revolución científico técnica, así como establecer los factores que atentan contra las buenas prácticas de la cirugía endoscópica endoluminal y su repercusión en los pacientes en el panorama nacional; se realizó un análisis de los beneficios de los adelantos tecnológicos en la endoscopía terapéutica, la manometría esofágica y la cirugía de mínimo acceso en Cuba y su repercusión en las cualidades éticas que deben caracterizar al médico, contenidas en el juramento hipocrático. Se concluye que la cirugía endoscópica endoluminal ha creado una nueva dimensión en el tratamiento de las lesiones del tubo digestivo y en sus años de existencia se tiene la experiencia suficiente para afrontar los retos del futuro con profesionalidad y humanismo(AU)

The scientific-technical revolution played a fundamental role in the introduction of new technologies in medical sciences and specifically in Gastroenterology. Such progress in technologies should not leave aside the ethical part of the doctor-patient relationship and the principle of not doing harm. The gastroenterologist faces this dilemma when he must decide to treat a patient with an endoscopic technique, which is less invasive, or refer it to the surgeon. With the objective of determining the impact of new endoscopic technologies in the sciences after the scientific and technical revolution; as well as establishing the factors that undermine the good practices of endoluminal endoscopic surgery and its impact on patients in the national scenario. An analysis was made of the benefits of technological advances in therapeutic endoscopy, esophageal manometry and minimum access surgery in Cuba and its impact on the ethical qualities that should characterize the physician, making a critical analysis at the beginning of the oath Hippocratic. It is concluded that endoluminal endoscopic surgery has created a new dimension in the treatment of digestive tract injuries and in its years of existence has sufficient experience to face the challenges of the future with professionalism and humanism(AU)

Humanos , Tecnología , Tracto Gastrointestinal , Endoscopía , Gastroenterólogos , Gastroenterología
Physis (Rio J.) ; 30(2): e300230, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135678


Resumo O artigo sintetiza um estudo que visou demonstrar as bases legais e socioeconômicas do surgimento do direito universal à saúde na URSS. Utilizando pesquisa bibliográfica, são analisados três trabalhos que apresentam cenários sobre a criação e implantação do sistema de saúde soviético, escritos entre 1933 e 1937. Para a análise dos trabalhos, utilizou-se materialismo histórico dialético, baseado em Marx e Engels, utilizando as categorias de forças produtivas, relações de produção, revolução social e política, mercadorias e salários. Identificaram-se, na análise dos trabalhos, evidências materiais que apontam o surgimento do direito universal à saúde no contexto revolucionário, concluindo que a saúde livre e universal, como nova qualidade de serviço voltado ao atendimento das necessidades de reprodução social foi consequência da transição entre modos de produção, observada na revolução russa.

Abstract This article summarizes a study aimed at demonstrating the legal and socioeconomic basis of the emergence of the universal right to health in the USSR. Using a bibliographic research, three works are presented that show scenarios about the creation and implantation of the Soviet health system, written between 1933 and 1937. For the analysis, it was used dialectical historical materialism, based on Marx and Engels, using the categories of productive forces, relations of production, social and political revolution, commodities and wages. It was identified, in the analysis, material evidence that point to the emergence of the universal right to health in the revolutionary context, concluding that free and universal health, as a new quality of service aimed at meeting the needs of social reproduction, was a consequence of the transition between modes of production observed in the Russian revolution.

Política , Políticas, Planificación y Administración en Salud , Salud Pública/historia , Acceso Universal a los Servicios de Salud , Cobertura Universal de Salud , U.R.S.S. , Salud Pública/economía , Federación de Rusia , Sistemas Nacionales de Salud
Agora USB ; 19(2): 482-492, jul.-dic. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1054790


Resumen Entre 1959 y 1964 operaron grupos de guerrilleros colombianos que fueron estimulados por el triunfo de la Revolución cubana, estos serían antecesores de las guerrillas que luego de 1964 se consolidaron en el país; con ellos se inició una nueva etapa de la violencia en la que el protagonismo lo asumieron jóvenes estudiantes y profesionales que buscaban trasformar la estructura de la sociedad para superar la desigualdad social. Entre ellos destaca la figura de Tulio Bayer Jaramillo, cuya trayectoria vital ejemplifica la de los jóvenes de su generación que vieron la lucha armada como el mecanismo para hacer la revolución.

Abstract Between 1959 and 1964, groups of Colombian guerrilla people were operated, who were stimulated by the triumph of the Cuban Revolution. These would be the ancestors of the guerrilla groups that after 1964 were consolidated in the country. With them, a new stage of violence began in which young students and professionals, who sought to transform the structure of society, in order to overcome social inequality, assumed the protagonism. Among them, is the figure of Tulio Bayer Jaramillo, whose vital trajectory exemplifies that of the young people of his generation, who saw the armed struggle as the mechanism to make the revolution.

Aesthethika (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 15(2): 27-32, 2 oct. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416598


El presente texto se refiere a una experiencia de enseñanza y aprendizaje desarrollada en la Facultad de Psicología de la UNC. Se presenta una aproximación al pensamiento de Ignacio Martín Baró, poniendo como ejes su consideración acerca de la Psicología, la Universidad, el Pueblo y la Psicología de la liberación. Los textos de Ignacio Martín-Baró son especialmente propicios para favorecer el posicionamiento teórico de los estudiantes. Posicionado desde un enfoque social y partiendo de la Teología de la Liberación, el autor pone de manifiesto las distintas relaciones de dominación existentes en nuestra sociedad, la cual se desarrolla y se nutre de un sistema ideológico y económico de corte capitalista, en el cual los conceptos de "comunidad", "revolución", "reflexión crítica", entre otros, se pierden bajo otros conceptos predominantes en dicho sistema, tales como "dominación", "individualismo", etc

This text refers to a teaching and learning experience developed at the Faculty of Psychology of the UNC. An approach to the thinking of Ignacio Martín-Baró is presented, focusing on his psychology, the University, the People and the Psychology of liberation. Ignacio Martín-Baró's texts are especially conducive to favor the theoretical positioning of students. Positioned from a social approach and based on the Theology of Liberation, the author highlights the different relations of domination existing in our society, which develops and is nourished by an ideological and economic system of capitalist cut, in which the concepts of "community", "revolution", "critical reflection", among others, are lost under other predominant concepts in such a system, such as "domination", "individualism", etc.

Humanos , Pueblos Indígenas , Psicología Social , Enseñanza , Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 17(1): 89-101, ene.-jun. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014183


Resumen (descriptivo): Este artículo de reflexión aborda la actividad revolucionaria desarrollada por el movimiento estudiantil cubano de la Universidad de La Habana durante la lucha contra la dictadura de Fulgencio Batista entre los años de 1952 y 1959. A través del análisis de algunos documentos primarios se identifica el proceso de lucha entre los opositores conciliadores y los radicales ante la dictadura de Batista para obtener el apoyo del estudiantado cubano. Entre los radicales se ubicaron dos corrientes agrupadas en torno a Fidel Castro y José Antonio Echeverría; en la medida en que avanzó la lucha revolucionaria, la cor riente propiamente estudiantil de Echeverría disminuyó su autonomía y terminó subordinándose política y militarmente a la dirección revolucionaria del Movimiento 26 de Julio.

Summary (descriptive): This reflective article highlights the revolutionary activities carried out by the Cuban student movement at the University of Havana during the struggle against Fulgencio Batista's dictatorship between 1952 and 1959. Through the analysis of primary documents, the authors focus on the groups that were seeking to reconcile with the Batista dictatorship and radicals and their struggle to win the support of the Cuban student body. Among the radicals were two different factions linked to Fidel Castro and José Antonio Echeverría. As the revolutionary struggle increased, the group supporting Echeverría lost autonomy and ended up being politically and militarily incorporated into the revolutionary leadership of the July 26 Movement.

Resumo (descritivo): Este artigo de reflexão aborda a atividade revolucionária desenvolvida pelo movimento estudantil cubano da Universidade de Havana durante a luta contra a ditadura de Fulgencio Batista entre os anos de 1952 e 1959. Através da análise de alguns documentos primários, identificou-se o processo de luta entre os opositores conciliadores e os radicais frente a ditadura de Batista para obter o apoio do corpo discente cubano. Entre os radicais estavam duas correntes agrupadas em torno de Fidel Castro e José Antonio Echeverría; na medida em que a luta revolucionária avançou, o atual movimento estudantil de Echeverría diminuiu sua autonomia e acabou subordinando-se política e militarmente à liderança revolucionária do Movimento 26 de Julho.

Violencia , Historia , Estudiantes